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Government College of commerce and Management Sciences Abbottabad

Superintendent Sign:- D.Com Part-I Roll No:- _____________

___________________ First term Examination 2021 Candidate’s Sign:-

Paper:-English ___________________

Office Practice Procedures

Note: Section A is compulsory.It should be attempted on the question Paper and returned
after 20 minutes. Cutting, over writing and use of pencil is not allowed.
Time: 30 Minutes Marks 20
Q.No.1 (A) Choose the correct option and write in the space.
1. He even gnawed at the dried pieces of … ………
a. egg shell b. spotted shell c. eggs d.spotted egg shell
2. His father was ……….the feathers on his back. b. preening c. spreadingd. showing
3.The sight of …….maddened him.
a. mad b. dishearten c.maddened d. bored
4. „To trot‟ means ……....
a. to move b. a slow pace of running c. to walk d. to jump high
5. He saw a vast ………sea beneath him.
a. blue b. greenc. blue blackd. deep
6. The poem “ Good Timber”is written by ………….
a. Douglas Malloch b. William Blake c. Langston Hughesd. Gabriel Okra
7. Manly man is ………
a.stalwart b.strong c.humble d. a & b
8. Patriarch is the ……..of an order, class.
a. watchman b. founder c. guardd. teacher
9. Scrubby means………..
a. large b. inferior c. strong d. wood
10. Strife means………
a. struggle b. longest. c. work d. care.
11. The day MintaHawley grew up was crisp in early……..
a. blue day -Septemberb.golden day- November c. Golden day -September d. good-
12. She was to remember everything with………
a. clarity b. memory c. poignant clarity d. none
13. He wasn‟t ever sick except for the……..
a. tension c. insomnia c. headaches d.fever
14. Find correct spelling of………
a. squishingb. squashing c.skuashing d. squaching
15.Minta wants to take ………..with her to the beach.
a. Sallyb.Mary c. mother
16. He advised the youth to beware of the……….. columnist among ourselves.
a. third b. fifth c. last d. all
17.Menial means : ………
a.dirty and ugly b. domestic servant c. low category d. lower rank
18.Your main……… should be the fairness to …......
a. occupation, yourselfb. occupation , yourselvesc. aim, you d. aim, state
19. Quaid was delivering his speech in a……….
a. cabinet meeting b. assembly c. schoold. convocation
20. Freedom does not mean…….
a. goodness b. licensec. liberty d. choice
Government College of commerce and Management Sciences Abbottabad
Superintendent Sign:- D.Com Part-I Roll No:- _____________

___________________ First term Examination 2021 Candidate’s Sign:-

Paper:-English ___________________

Office Practice Procedures

Paper: English
Time: 1 Hours40 Minutes Total Marks: 80

Q .No.2 Attempt any SEVEN of the following questions. Part(i) and (ii) are
All questions carry equal marks.
i. Explain with reference to the context the following stanza.

The tree that never had to fight,

For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain,
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king,
But lived and died I scrubby thing.


Good timbers does not grow with ease,

The stronger wind, the stronger trees,
The further sky, the greater length,
The more the storm, the more the strength,
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good numbers grow.

ii. Make Paraphrase ofthe following stanza.

Where thickest lies the forest growth,

We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars,
Whose broken branches show the scars,
Of many winds and much of strife,
This is the common law of life.

iii. Why does the Quaid stress on youth to be continuously vigilant?

iv. What according to the Quaid is the prime responsibility of youth?
v. What advice does the Quaid give to the youth about the choice of career?
vi. Why don‟t his parents , his brothers and sister give him food?
vii. What could be the author‟s purpose behind writing the story „HisFirstFlight‟?
viii. What is the central idea of the poem „Good Timber‟?
ix. How is the theme of „FromMother…WithLove‟ a universal theme present in literature
across all cultures?
x. How did the vitamin pills become the symbol of responsibility?

Note:Attempt any four of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks. (40)
Q.3. Write summary of the lesson “Responsibilities Of Youth”.(10)
Write a dialogue between two friends about exams.
Q.4 Describe the character of “Minta Hawley” in your own words. (10)

Q.5 Write an application to the Principal of your college for fee remission.(10)
Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his success.
Q 6. A.Translate the following into Urdu. (05)
i. We have broken the shackles of slavery.
ii. Freedom does not mean license.
iii. It was like eating part of himself.
iv. Then monstrous terror seized him and his heart stood still.
v. Be sure you father takes his vitamin pills, won‟t you, Minta?

B.Translate the following into English.(05)

Q 7. A. Use appropriate collective nouns. (05)

i. A………….. locust attacked a ………. Of cattle.

ii. They welcomed the chief guest with a ……. Of flowers.
iii. He bought a ……….of knives.
iv. A………of fish is passing near the boat.
v. A………of ships is busy in war exercises.

B. Identify the nouns and tell their types. (05)

i. You need to buy a new car.

ii. She sold her old house.
iii. Kashif does not wastes his time.
iv.He showed kindness for the poor.
V. Our team played well.

Best Of Luck

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