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No Aspect Satvic Rajasic Tamasic

1 Vision Holistic, unifying Partial, divisive Narrow, blind

2 Actions-undertaking Plan out work and work out plan Incomplete planning No planning

3 Actions Joy in action Joy in results Joy in inaction or wrong actions

4 Action - Duties Duties done cheerfully Duties done with tension or as a burden Duties not done

5 Intellect Understands what to do Confused about what to do Does not understand or misunderstands

6 Patience and Will Under all circumstances Under particular circumstances Holds on to false notions or actions

7 Efforts In improving oneselft In changing others No efforts or wrong efforts

8 Happiness In subtle pursuits, cheerful, lasting joy In gross pursuits, exciting, momentary joy In low pursuits, Dull, base joy

9 Sleep Deep and sound Restless and interrupted Heavy

10 Powers of mind Discrimination Projection Veiling

11 Sense Organs Keen and sensitive Tired or strained Dull

12 Colours White Red Black

13 Desires Noble, Selfless For name, pleasure, power, Selfish For inaction, Harmful

14 Faith Firm and unswerving Ridden with doubts Blind

15 Food Wholesome Spicy and Junk Harmful or bad

16 Ideals Great Powerful and glamourous Criminical and vulgar

17 Charity Give without expectation and pride, generous Give without expectation and pride, miserly, with pain Give Indiscriminately, Insulting

18 Renunciation Give up bad qualities Give up objects or beings in and with pain Give up indiscrimately

19 Results hereafter Subtle field of experience Deity or human birth Gross field experience, Action oriented human birth Pain filled field of experience, Animal plant Birth, demon or low human birth

20 Talk Concepts Events People

21 Life Inspired and Inspiring Glamourous and fast, competitive and high pressured Ignoble and wasteful

22 Lifestyle Natural, simple living, high thinking Artificial and fast life, Superficial thinking Surviving, No thinking or Wrong thinking

23 Awareness Aware, care and dare Aware but does not care Unaware, does not care

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