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Foam Concrete Benefits and Applications

Foam concrete is a modern technological take on an ages old construction material. By
mechanical means the concrete is whipped into a foam filled with countless small bubbles of
air. By regulating the amount of air in the mixture, the weight and strength as well as other
characteristics can be modified to suit a wide array of applications. From exterior walls to
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lightweight ceilings, from fireproof safes to refrigerated storerooms, foam concrete is a well
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suited material for countless applications.

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to weight ratio. If more strength is needed, the amount of air in the mixture can be decreased.
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countertops, tiles which makes up some of the area, less concrete is needed to fill that area. This is a double
savings benefit because it decreases the expense of the materials used as well as the expenses
of transporting them to the construction site. It also means that it’s a more environmentally
friendly material than when using straight concrete. It hit’s the first part of, “reduce, reuse, recycle” as it’s definitely reducing the use of concrete.

Not only does the foam decrease the weight, but it also increases the insulating properties of the material. The insulation properties of the material
works both in regards to temperature and sound. This makes it an ideal material for the construction of interior and exterior walls, so long as they

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Foam Concrete Benefits and Applications | Cheap Patio Ideas

aren’t load bearing. It also means that foam concrete can be used as insulation even when other materials are used as structural members. A good
example of this is installing a layer of foam concrete on floors or roofs to help regulate temperatures.

Another area where foam concrete excels is in humidity regulation. The porous nature of the material means that excess humidity is wicked in, to be
released later when the relative humidity drops. Taken as a whole this means that buildings which strategically use foam concrete can provide optimal
interior climate in a much less energy intensive manner than by relying on air conditioning and humidity control.

There are some drawback to foam concrete though. For one, due to it’s decreased strength it isn’t suitable for use in load bearing supports. It can still
help create a stronger structure though by decreasing the amount of weight that is placed on those supports though. This could be thought of as the
material helping to carry it’s own weight. Another drawback is that special equipment is necessary to prepare and apply the foam concrete. This
means it’s not generally within the range of do-it-yourself projects.

Related posts:

1. About Concrete Molds

2. Retaining Wall Construction
3. The Benefits of a Driveway Sealer
4. The Benefits of Hemp Protein
5. What to Look For in Concrete Pumps For Sale

Tuesday, March 8th, 2011, 2:51 am | Uncategorized | RSS feed Comments and pings are currently closed.

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