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CAR 66 The purpose of this assessment is to evaluate the student’s ability to demonstrate & simulate A320 Ethos/VMT

Task Ref Level maintenance task and familiarization of aircraft system.

3 ATA L2 Task Description: Removal of the Fuel Pumps on Airbus A320 (VMT)

All lab activities are assessed against, HCT Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) policy, good working practices & ethics, the use of computer
based training with overall interaction and participation is encourage.

Student Name Student ID

Students Signature Date

Course AVT 4553 – Aircraft fuel and passenger system Hours 2 hr.

Assessor Name Kamal Jaiswal Date

On Grade
Assessor Signature On student’s Journal Result

Level 2 Task #3 Description: Removal of the Fuel Pumps on Airbus A320 (VMT)

Student Teacher’s
TASK CONTENTS Signature Signature

A. Open VMT Virtual Cockpit and Virtual Aircraft on left and right monitor, also open Laptop A320 Maintenance Manual
and Ethos system overview as additional reference.

B. Aircraft Status: Tick one


Selected Engine: Tick one


ATA Numbering System/ Maintenance Manual: ___________________________________________________

C. Safety Precautions as required: (refer to Maintenance Manual or Cockpit icon select Learning)
D. Main Component/s Location and Zone: (refer to Virtual Aircraft) Student Teacher’s
Signature Signature
Main Component/s Name and Part Number: (refer to Virtual Aircraft or Maintenance Manual)
E. Warnings and Cautions as required: (refer to Maintenance Manual or Cockpit icon Learning)
F. Job Set-up as required: (refer to Maintenance Manual) Student Teacher’s
Signature Signature

G. Perform Virtual Cockpit Simulations (eg. Circuit Breakers, Switches, Computer Monitor, Instruments) as required:
(refer to L2 L3 sample Lab Manual)
Student Teacher’s
Task #4: A320 VMT – Operational Check of Loop/Squib Signature Signature
H. Task PROCEDURES: (refer to Maintenance Manual)

Removal Installation Operation / Test Servicing * Tick one box

Student’s Remarks:
Instructor’s Remarks:


No. Description Mark (Score from 1-10)
1 Row A to B completion 90 – 100 = Excellent
80 – 89.9 = Very Good
2 Row C completion 70 – 79.9 = Good
3 Row D completion 60 – 69.9 =
4 Row E completion Satisfactory
Below 60 = Fail
5 Row F completion
6 Row G completion
7 Row H completion
8 Use of VMT technical/software information
9 Problem solving initiative
10 Time management
The Student would be
Total/Grade /100 advised about the areas
in which he/she was
unsatisfactory enabling
student and teacher to
identify and rectify
problem areas.

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