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Name : _______________________________

Class : _______________________________
Date submitted : _______________________________

Exercise Biology Enzyme and Excretion

I. Multiple choice questions
1. Which group of compounds ensures that metabolic reactions take place effectively ?
a. carbohydrates
b. enzymes
c. fatty acids
d. hormones
2. What is a characteristic of all catalysts ?
a. they are broken down in the reaction
b. they are made of protein
c. they are not changed by the reaction
d. they do not change the rate of reaction
3. A human enzyme was used in an experiment. all factors were kept constant, apart
from temperature.
What happened to the rate of reaction when the temperature was reduced steadily
from 35 ⁰C to 5 ⁰C ?
a. it increased steadily
b. It increased and then decreased
c. It decreased steadily
d. It Remained the same
4. the table shows the conditions in four test-tubes containing equal amounts of starch
and salivary
in which test-tube is the starch broken down fastest ?

5. At which temperature do most enzymes from the human body become completely
denatured ?
a. 0 ⁰C
b. 27 ⁰C
c. 40 ⁰C
d. 65 ⁰C
6. Which graph represents the effect of pH on activity of a digestive enzyme ?
7. Which effect does a gradual decrease in pH from 13 to 1 have on the action of
amylase ?
a. slows it down only
b. slows it down then speeds it up
c. speeds it up only
d. speeds it up then slows it down
8. The diagram represents a chemical reaction.

Which diagram represents the enzyme for this reaction?

9. What is an example of excretion in mammals ?

a. the release of hormones from glands
b. the release of saliva into the mouth
c. the removal of undigested food through the anus
d. the removal of urea by the kidneys
10. Where is urea formed ?
a. kidneys
b. liver
c. muscles
d. small intestine
11. the diagram shows the human urinary system
What is the part labelled X ?
a. renal artery
b. renal vein
c. ureter
d. urethra
12. In which order does urea pass through structures in the body ?
a. kidney - Ureter - Liver - Urethra
b. kidney - Urethra - liver - ureter
c. liver - kidney - ureter - urethra
d. liver - urethra - kidney - ureter
13. Which food type, when eaten in excess, will cause a rise in the urea content of urine
a. carbohydrate
b. fat
c. mineral salts
d. protein
14. Which two substances are both reabsorbed in the kidneys ?
a. glucose and salts
b. glucose and starch
c. glycogen and salts
d. glycogen and starch
15. A healthy person eats a very high proteins diet
What effect will this have on their urine ?
a. it will contain amino acids
b. it will contain glucose
c. it will contain more urea
d. it will contain more water

II. Essay
1. a. define the term enzyme .
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
b. Three enzymes P, Q and R were extracted from different regions of the alimentary
canal of a mammal. The effect of pH on the activity of the enzymes was
investigated at 40 ⁰C. The results are shown in Fig. 3.2.
(i) Explain why the investigation was carried out at 40 ⁰C
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
(ii) Using information in Fig. 3.3, describe the effects of increasing pH on the rate of
activity of enzyme Q
…………………………………………………………………………………………. [3]

2. Complete Fig. 6.2 by writing in the boxes the names of the enzymes used to catalyse
the reactions shown. The first boc has been completed for you.

Fig. 6.2
3. enzymes are biological catalysts. Fig. 3.1 shows how the enzyme, sucrase, breaks
down a molecule of sucrose.
a. Describe how sucrase catalyzes the breakdown of sucrose. You should refer to
Fig. 3.1 in your answer.
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]
4. The lungs and kidneys are excretory organs of the human body.
a. (i) define the term excretion
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]
(ii) State an excretory product that is passed out through the lungs.
……………………………………………………………………………………………. [1]
(iii) Outline the role of the liver in excretion .
…………………………………………………………………………………………… [3]

b. Fig. 4.1. is a vertical section of the kidney


5. Fig. 2.1 is a diagram of kidney tubule and its blood supply

a. Define the term excretion

…………………………………………………………………………………………… [2]
b. Table 2.1 shows some processes that occur in a kidney
in Table 2.1 write the letter of the part shown in Fig. 2.1 where each process
occurs. you must put one letter in each box. you may use the same letter more
than once.
Table 2.1

Process Letter

filtration of blood

reabsorption of most of the solute from the filtrate

unfiltered blood returns to the renal vein

c. the concentration of solutes in the fluids at regions 1, 2, 3 and 4 were
determined. the results are shown in Table 2.2
Table 2.2

state the substance or substances in Table 2.2 which :

(i) has molecules which are too large to be filtered
(ii) has molecules which are small enough to be filtered but is completely
reabsorbed from the fluid in the kidney tubule

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