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Week 26

“When they opened the jewelry box, they could not

believe what was in it.”

As I proceeded to take my first step, as this was the only way out, quivers of trepidation rippled over
my skin. An entourage had now besieged, and grasped me. So, I stumbled to drag my legs across the
rugged surface of the ground.
There he stood beside me, furrowing his eyebrows, and smirking. Sprawled on his lavish throne, his
legs crossed; and his emerald green eyes, constantly leering at me. I too, stared at his eyes.
The Dark Lord was covered in muck, top to bottom, and his long, disheveled, windswept hair,
seemed to flutter. For all that, the constant jostling and dragging, in the Forbidden Forest, had
splattered me with mud and I too, could be on the brink of being called filthy.
I shivered, as he approached me. My heart started beating rapidly, and I rubbed my clammy fists,
with the surface of my already damp pants. And as he lay his grubby hands upon me, I trembled with
fear. With every passing second, my agitation was aggravating, till I was unable to bear the piercing
touch of his hand rubbing against mine. And so, I suddenly snatched away.
“Where is the gem!?” he snarled.
The precious gem, was in the jewelry chest beside me. The thing that he did not know, was the
mystic power it contained. That it would obliterate, anyone or anything, if it was placed in the hands
of any mortal.
“It’s in the box right next to you.” I muttered.
“Bring it!”
And so, one of his entourages scrupulously placed it on the table beside him.
When they opened the jewelry box, they could not believe what was in it.
A large lime green gem, grasped their sight. Eyes gaped, and they stood jittery, because of the
radiance that it reflected. It was studded with little jewels, and were carved on the top and bottom of
the precious jewel, which excluded flashes of light in a spectrum.
Mesmerized by the sparkle of the gem, the Dark Lord, unwittingly descended his hands, and placed
his hands on the surface. Oblivious of the divine power that it contained, he stumbled first and fell
backward, arms splayed. He hit the floor with a mundane finality, his body feeble and shrunken.
Next to witness death, were his entourage, as they too contained the soul of their Lord. Everyone of
them, experiencing the same suffering as him.
Waiting to be rescued, I lay there for a while, sighing, and relishing the bliss, for now my nightmare
was over, and had been liberated from this callous hardship.

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