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1. Political power game:

An individual can have the ability to influence the every other individuals or group of
peoples regarding towards politics and ability to change their mindset on politics which is
called as organizational behaviour.

Many factors involved in organizational politics:

They are individual and organization. Through these two factors influencing other peoples
happened on organization.

2.SWOT Matrix of Nestle:


It is always meant for ability to innovate something year by year.

It is the largest company in the world.

It achieves lot which includes continuously in the list of fortune magazine.

Nestle kitkat, nestle maggi are the most well known products of this company.


The quality is comes down when compared to other brands.nestle sacrifices product quality.


They will concentrate more on introducing ecommerce websites. Means available on online



Lot of competition for this company in all over the world.

Production cost is higher in upcoming days.

3. Question 3:

Mintzberg :

The structure of an organisation can be defined simply as the sum total of the ways in which
it divides labour into distinct tasks and then achieves co-ordination between them.

Organisational structure differs based three factors –

Functional Structure :
Activities are grouped by common function from the top to the bottom of the

It encourages people to improve their skills in-depth. In-depth expertise is crucial to

achieving corporate goals.

Divisional Structure :
What is sometimes referred to as a product structure or strategic business units is
referred to as a divisional structure.

It works best in companies with a variety of products or services and enough workers to
staff various functional units.

Geographical Structure –

Every part of the country may have its own preferences and requirements. Thus division is
made according to different geographical locations.

Organizations can adjust to their local region's special demands. Employees are more
motivated by localised goals than by national ambitions

External and internal factors impacting organization structure –

The external environment consists of everything outside of organizations that can affect their
performance and outcomes.

i. Customers
ii. Competitors
iii. Regulatory framework of government

The internal environment consists of everything inside the organizations that primarily drive
the performance and outcome.

i. Skills of human resource

ii. Financial Capital
iii. Feedback Mechanism
iv. Operational Efficiency
Section C –

Question A:

Leadership can be defined as an ability of influencing a group for achieving a goal or an

overall vision. Leaders can emerge on their own or be appointed by a formal appointment.
For an organisation to function effectively and optimally, it must have strong leadership and

Military leaders and Organisational leaders have some common qualities as (most) Military
leaders possess Directive behaviour which refers to the degree to which a leader is
concerned about "getting the job done". It is task oriented because it places a strong
emphasis on the job. Whereas (most) Organisational leaders possess Supportive behaviour
which refers to how much a leader cares of his or her "people".

Organisational leaders works towards the achievement of organisational goals.

Leadership development must focus on one specific attribute that is “Leadership Mind-set”.

It can be explained as how leaders learn, think and act.

I. A leader should have a Growth mind-set, which is the belief that people's abilities,
talents, and intelligence can be changed.

II. A leader should have a Learning mind-set, when someone is motivated to improve their
skills and learn something new, they are said to have a learning mind-set.

III. Leaders should have a Deliberative mind-set because it will increase their receptivity to
various pieces of information, allowing them to behave optimally.

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