MRK - Fall 2021 - CS504 - 2 - BC190413262

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Bc190413262 assignment #02 cs504

Question No. 1: (3 marks)

You are required to identify inherited classes for the following “User” class of the “Doctor
Patient Portal” using the concept of inheritance in Object Oriented Programming.

Class Name Subclasses

User Inherited Classes
3. Admin

Question No. 2: (4 marks)

Keeping in view the Functional requirements for “Doctor Patient Portal”. Identify major
operations for “Patient” class.

1. Search()

2. View()
Patient class Operations
3. BookingAnAppointment()

4. cancellationOfAppointment()

Question No. 3: (1.5+1.5 = 3 marks)

Keeping in view the Functional requirements for “Doctor Patient Portal”. Identify major
operations for “Doctor” class.

1. checkUpcomingAppoinments()
Doctor class Operations
2. viewPatientHistory()
Question 4:
Given the class User, which is identified as a low cohesive class, you are required to
create a highly cohesive class(es) out of this class comprising of all essential elements:
class name, attributes, and operations.

String DoctotName;
String AdminName;
Int DoctorAge;
Int AdminAge;
String AdminGender;
String DoctorSpecialization;

Admin String DoctotName;
String AdminName; Int DoctorAge;
Int AdminAge; String DoctorSpecialization;
String AdminGender; viewPatientHistory();
addRecords(); viewScheduledAppointments();

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