The Treatment of Landslides - GOOD SOURCE For Landslides

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The treatment of landslides Proc.

Civ. Engrs
Geotech. Engng,
1997, 125, Apr.,
E. N. Bromhead, B S c , M S c , P h D , D I C , C E n g , M I C E , F G S
Paper 11037

j To most civil engineers, a paper on the is especially the case in southern Britain, where Written discussion
subject of ‘The treatment of landslides’ in the main, slopes are low-angled as a con- closes 16 June 1997
would conjure up a catalogue of stabilization sequence of their geology and geological history
systems. However, the size and scope of (thus causing the onset of movement to be Manuscript received
slope instability problems lead to a variety of slow), but are composed of weak rocks highly 19 October 1995; revised
responses, by no means all of which can be susceptible to mass movements under present manuscript accepted
seen as stabilization. In some cases, the climatic conditions (so that instability is com- 28 May 1996
problem is too large to be addressed monplace). Slow-onset mass movements com-
economically, if at all, by engineering works; monly damage the infrastructure, engineering
in others, it is better avoided rather than works under construction, residential areas, etc.,
met head on. In this paper, the broad from which vulnerable people have withdrawn.
spectrum of responses to slope instability However, even a slow-onset mass movement may
phenomena is discussed, and the resulting cause collapse of dwellings with the burial of
approaches are put into a simple, logical, occupants, or the unexpected disruption of roads
philosophical framework. Where stabiliza- or bridges leading to transport accidents, posing
tion is necessary, there are a variety of some risk to life. Humans are most at risk from
means by which it can be done. A brief fast-onset mass movements, for example rock-
overview of the range of stabilization options falls in steep slopes, quick-clay landslides which
is given, with an emphasis on identifying occur in recent marine sediments, volcanic
those stabilization options which give rise to mudslides, and flow-slides in loose natural or
an ongoing maintenance commitment in artificial accumulations.
contrast to those that provide a once and for 2. In addition to the infrastructure and
all solution. A comprehensive review is not human population of the unstable area, there
intended. The paper is illustrated with are a wide variety of human activities which are
reference to a number of case examples considered valuable. Should these activities be
drawn from the literature, both in the UK terminated or suspended, it would constitute a
and abroad. further loss to add to the losses of more
tangible assets. Some losses may not easily be
Introduction costed purely in financial terms, for example in
There are a number of potentially damaging the fields of leisure and conservation. The
natural phenomena which are termed ‘geo- broad spectrum of assets and facilities which
hazards’ and slope instability is one of these. are potentially subject to loss constitutes the
Engineers often speak loosely of landslides, ‘elements at risk’ from slope instability.
when the mechanics of movement may not be 3. The community faced with any identified
principally sliding, but may be any one of the and quantified geohazard such as a landslide
manifestations of slope instability. Geohazards has a range of strategies for dealing with it. The
may operate over a range of time-scales, and strategies are
several aspects of their time-scales are impor-
( a) avoidance
tant. For instance, the rate of onset may affect
( b) correction
the way people are able to respond, and whether
( c) desensitization
or not early warning systems are of use. Land-
( d) acceptance
slides normally give a range of warnings, in-
cluding ground cracking and deformation, and 4. The avoidance strategy involves the re-
possibly noises. The geohazard may be of location of elements at risk to a less hazardous
variable duration. Large landslides in mountain- location. This strategy may be politically difficult
ous areas tend to move quickly, and then come to implement if the perceived risks are small, or
to rest, but some landslides may continue to where the hazardous area had significant
move for decades. Finally, there may be a period attractions for the community, such as scenery,
of variable length in which the geohazard is proximity to a harbour, or agricultural fertility.
inactive following which movements recur. This In a densely populated and economically devel-
is a return period. Landslides with return periods oped country such as Britain, it is also
of a year or less may well be thought of as potentially a very expensive operation, both to Edward Nicholas
continuous. Slope instability tends to be less life- abandon a favoured location, and to acquire and B r o m h e a d , P r o f e ss o r
threatening than economically damaging be- develop a new one. of Geotec hnic al
cause there is usually clear development of 5. Correction as a strategy for dealing with a E n g i n ee r i n g ,
premonitory signs, and people can escape. This geohazard is the treatment of the underlying K i n gs to n U n i v ers ity

source of danger. Most engineers would recog- elements at risk and their value, and V(i ) is the
nize it as appropriate in some situations (e.g. vulnerability, or expected proportion of loss from
stabilizing a landslide) but impossible or inap- such a hazard. The avoidance strategy may be
propriate in others (the source of earthquakes, seen as reducing N(i ) , the correction strategy as
for instance). Of course, where the underlying reducing P(i ), and the desensitization strategy as
problem cannot be addressed, and here, the reducing V(i ). The remaining acceptance ap-
earthquake example is a good one, it may be proach considers TE as acceptable, or unavoid-
more practical to reduce the susceptibility of the able.
elements at risk to damage or loss by appro-
priate construction technologies or patterns of Identification and quantification of
use. Building to codes which cater for seismic landslide hazard
effects (encompassing design and construction) 9. This is an area which cannot be covered
is a perfect example of item ( c) in the list exhaustively in a short review, such as this
above—the desensitization strategy. paper. The principles, however, are clear. In the
6. Finally, a community may need to accept initial stages, an assessment of the surface
the risks from a given geohazard. This accep- morphology of the area must be made. This is
tance might be rational acceptance, in which done by topographic and geomorphological
case the risks are perfectly understood, but are mapping, using whatever techniques are most
offset against the benefits that the community appropriate to the scale of the area. This may
obtains in the particular locality, or it might be range from remote sensing to laborious ground
pover ty-led acceptance. It is not always the case, verification on foot. Excellent examples of field
for instance, that a community with a valuable mapping of landslide area geomorphology are
set of elements at risk can contemplate the given by Geomorphological Services Ltd or the
necessary further expenditure to protect them earlier mapping of the same area by Chandler
fully. An acceptance strategy is made more and Hutchinson.
palatable by the availability of insurance or 10. Terminology for use in landslide recon-
governmental aid in the case of disaster. Risk- naissance has recently been codified in a
sharing across a threatened community is useful multilingual publication. This should bring some
where the geohazard poses threats at a low order to an area in which a number of con-
level, for example in helping individuals worst flicting schemes have operated in the past, e.g.
7 8
hit by landslide activity by rehousing at low cost those of Sharpe, Varnes and Skempton and
or reimbursing them for their losses. Care must Hutchinson.
be taken that the use of compensation schemes 11. Landslide hazard assessment of existing
does not encourage high-risk activity, thus landslide areas, in which the most probable
justifying high-expenditure protection at some patterns and mechanisms of future movements
time in the future. are the recurrence of past patterns and
7. All four of these strategies have been mechanisms, is often seen as requiring the
adopted in the treatment of landslide hazards. recognition of those patterns. Areas of different
This paper describes a number of examples of hazard intensity are mapped according to past
each strategy, and discusses the issues arising activity. Examples of this include the study cited
4 5 10
from each choice. However, it is essential to above, an alternate view of the same area or
stress that an informed debate about the correct of another area. Details of the hazard can of
strategy to adopt can only be made when the course be better understood following sub-sur-
particular geohazard has been fully identified face investigations in which the mechanics of
and is properly quantified. In the landslide the landslides are discovered, but in the cases
context, it follows that both surface and sub- cited, this does not appear to have been seen as
surface investigations are required and must be necessary, merely desirable. Locating slip sur-
made before an informed decision can be taken faces is an essential part of any such sub-
on the correct strategy to adopt. The final surface study of slides in clays.
choice on what to do is often a political one as 12. The surface hazard mapping approach is
well an an economic one, but the politics should useful as a short-term expedient, but does not
follow on from the understanding, not control address the problem in an evolving system
the process of investigation. where there might be a radical change of
8. The total exposure (TE) in financial terms behaviour, either by processes which change
for a community threatened by a set of the magnitude, frequency, rate and/or distribu-
geohazards may be expressed as tion of movements within existing mechanisms,
n or by the development of new mechanisms.
TE P (i ) N (i ) V (i ) New mechanisms typically develop as a result of
i 1 the failure of additional masses of previously
where n is the number of geohazards (e.g. types unslipped ground. Similarly, where there is a
and severities of landslides), P(i ) is the prob- gradual evolution of the system, the mapping
ability of occurrence within the specified time needs to be continuously revised. The full
period of the i th hazard, N(i ) is the number of picture can only be gained (and then with

considerable difficulty) following detailed sub- strategy may rule it out of contention. This is
surface investigation, testing and analysis, and particularly the case where no disaster has yet
careful observation over an appropriate period happened! To provide convincing data on the
of time. degree of hazard, it may well be necessary to
undertake extensive surface and sub-surface
Avoidance strategies investigations—an investment that is abandoned
13. A full and proper use of the avoidance along with the site. Some forms of construction,
strategy, in the sense of choosing ab initio a for example, passing a landslide area in tunnel,
location free of hazard, or less subject to it, is will avoid the problem (Fig. 2), although some
not often available. More frequently, it has to be tunnels in a landslide area will simply meet the
relocation, when the particular location initially problem head-on. Viaducts can avoid landslides
selected is shown by experience to be unsui- by bridging over them. An interesting variant of
table. Examples abound of inappropriate initial this approach may be seen at the Lago di Fig. 2. The upper
choice of location. One classic example was the Guardialiera, in southern Italy, where the sketch shows bridging
location of the town of Frank, Alberta, de- unstable side slopes of a reservoir are avoided over, and tunnelling
stroyed in a landslide from Turtle Mountain in by the road which runs for most of the length under the landslide. In
1903. Inappropriate choice of location was also of the reservoir on a viaduct. Tunnelling to the lower sketch, the
a principal cause of problems with the Seven- bypass a landslide may be used to reduce bridge has a pier in the
oaks Bypass road scheme. Related problems subsidiary hazard, for example to drain a slide area, which must
arise from inappropriate choice of location for landslide-dammed lake. be designed to resist
earthworks, particularly those associated with forces as the slide
mine waste disposal, such as the disastrous Desensitization moves. Tunnelling in a
Aberfan coal mine waste tip failure. Many 16. The vulnerability of a particular landslide is not
other examples exist in the literature. development to landslide activity must depend recommended. Moving
14. Perhaps the best example of a town both on the nature of the development itself, off the landslide is
being completely relocated in a less hazardous and on the nature of the landslide hazard. recommended
location comes from the town of Valdez, in
Alaska, shown in Fig. 1 (after van Rose ). In its
original location, on an outwash delta, the town
was ideally located to service the end of the
Trans-Alaska oil pipeline at Jackson Point.
During the earthquake of 1964, the seaward Overbridge

edge of the delta was involved in submarine

landsliding, causing extensive damage and loss
of life in the town. As part of the reconstruction,
the town was located to a site where buildings
could be founded on bedrock or on gravel
terraces at Mineral Creek, significantly less
susceptible to coastal landsliding whether or not
this was provoked by earthquakes.
15. When the choice of location is free from Tunnelling to
avoid landslide
constraint, the avoidance strategy is highly cost-
effective, and the location with least hazard can
The UK side channel tunnel portal is
often be found on the basis of a preliminary driven through landslides in this manner
geomorphological mapping. However, where a
location has already been exploited for develop-
Overbridge with piers
ment, the costs of implementing an avoidance located on slip area may
require special foundations

town site
Outwash delta Oil terminal

Relocated site for town

Bedrock Tunnelling in the body

of the landslide has its
own set of hazards
Locating a route outside the landslide
Fig. 1 The relocation strategy in practice: the area may mean constructing a viaduct
town of Valdez, moved from an unstable site to one (Lago Guardialiera)
on bedrock (after van Rose )

17. A structure in a landslide area may be

designed as an isolated, stable ‘island’, anchored Abutment Link span Main bridge spans—truss structure

to stable subsoil or bedrock, and capable of

resisting the forces installed as landslides move Roller bearing
past. All the piers of a bridge, for example, may
be similarly designed. There is a growing Vector direction of movement
parallel to slip surface
literature on this approach, much of it originat-
18 19
ing from outside the UK. Slip surface River
18. Further examples of the approach
include the provision of roller bearings at a In this area, foundation would
In this area, foundation would
bridge abutment to permit the abutment to settle as well as move laterally
only move laterally (where slip Fixed pier foundation located in
surface is sub-horizontal) river bed unaffected by slide
move without damaging the bridge super-
structure (Thomson and Hayley describe
one case where the rollers were added as a
repair measure). For this procedure to be
Acceptance strategies Fig. 3. Thomson and
satisfactor y, the movements must be in a 20
Hayley describe a
predictable direction, and at a predictable or at Controlling the movement of slide masses
roller abutment to a
least manageable rate. The bearing is better 22. A selection of landslide countermeasures
bridge which
able to accommodate regular small used to control the movement of debris slide
movements than episodic large ones. Facilities masses without attempting to stabilize them is
23 24 landslide movements.
for jacking to restore levels may also be shown by Baldwin et al. and Hungr et al.
This sketch, which is
required. Fig. 3 shows this scheme diagram- They may be classified as containment or
not to scale, shows how
matically. deflection systems. The check dam is a classic
the slide movements
19. In the UK, planning guidance is issued containment system. It is widely used in the
are catered for. The
by the Department of the Environment. Plan- Alps, and throughout Italy, both to control run-
21 movement vector
ning Policy Guidance Note 14, which has off erosion, in which case the dam is usually
direction must be
recently been supplemented, counsels against solid, or to trap rockslide debris, in which case
development in unstable ground. In general, this it is permeable. Variants of the check dam have
is wise advice. However, it is possible to been used in Hong Kong to trap boulders
redevelop existing sites by taking special mea- released from slopes by deep soil erosion. They
sures to accommodate landslide movement. may be made from concrete, piling, gabions and
These measures include building the structure geogrid-reinforced earth or rockfill.
as a rigid box, supported in such a way as to 23. Catch fences and trap ditches used in
enable it to be re-levelled after ground move- rock slopes also constitute containment sys-
ment. In addition, it is highly desirable that tems. Periodic maintenance is necessary, since
other measures are taken which ensure that at the usefulness of any barrier is reduced when
worst the development is neutral in respect of the storage capacity of the system is full, and
slope stability, for example, by controlling water impact damage must be repaired. Small-area
discharges. hazardous locations which need to be crossed
20. The author has some experience of this can be bridged, allowing, in this instance,
approach, although nothing has been built. One landslides to pass harmlessly beneath, or the
hurdle which has to be passed is the planning route can be protected by a reinforced concrete
stage, and since PPG 14 does not recognize the shed to allow the safe passage of landslide
use of accommodation structures as a suitable debris above. Deflection systems such as the
solution to landslide problems, the instability of shed are also widely used in mountainous areas
the ground may be cited as a factor in refusal to of the world where not only is it inappropriate
allow a building to be constructed. Paradoxi- to try to stabilize the slope, but the volumes of
cally, in a case in the author’s experience, the moving material would too rapidly saturate a
Inspector appeared content that the owner containment system. One such shed is shown in
refurbished and reoccupied his damaged pro- Fig. 4. Where the shed is to deflect a debris
perty, regardless of the enhanced risk relative slide, the roof is left smooth, but where it is
to his proposal, since this did not contravene susceptible to impact, it must be protected from
the Note. impact loading by a bed of gravel, or old tyres
21. A variety of means are used to protect as illustrated.
against the secondary effects of landsliding. For 24. A novel deflection system is in use at
example, the lowering of a reservoir, to improve Lamosano in the Italian Dolomites east of
the resistance to overtopping by landslide- Belluno. A large mudslide has developed. It is
generated waves in the event of landslides from deflected past Funes by an earth-fill and
the valley sides is sometimes undertaken, concrete-block dam, although Funes is largely
although in such cases, it may well be neces- situated on a ridge above the general elevation
sary to control the reservoir lowering lest the of the mudslide, and is therefore at lesser risk
very incidents one seeks to resist are provoked unless the landslide develops to overtop the
by rapid drawdown. ridge or to breach it. The path of the landslide

takes it through the town of Lamosano, where a

concrete-lined channel has been built, complete
with a water injection system, so that the
encroaching toe of the landslide may be
additionally mobilized, and caused to pass
harmlessly through the town (Fig. 5). Perhaps
fortunately, the landslide came to rest before
the system was tested. Water injection is turned
on in advance of the strict necessity when
hazardous conditions, for example heavy rain-
fall, are experienced.
25. Early warning systems reassure the
public in threatened locations. At Lamosano, a
system has been installed with rod sensors
suspended above the landslide, and out of reach
of vandals. A rapid increase in landslide activity
would reach and deflect these rods to the
critical 208 from the vertical for long enough to
sound an alarm. The system is supplemented by
suspended sounding devices to check on the
corresponding levels of landslide debris.
26. A slightly artificial example of early
warning was the system installed for the slide are the slope height, its mean angle, its Fig. 4. A reinforced
Selborne controlled slope failure experiment shape and its internal make-up. Most geotech- concrete shed to catch and
where lights and alarms would come on if nical engineers will have an intuitive under- deflect rockfalls. Impact on
computer-logged instrumentation passed standing of these factors, especially after a the roof is lessened by old
thresholds of rate and magnitude of movement period spent analysing slope stability. However, tyres or a layer of gravel.
to alert researchers on the site, or if the site there are cases which seem counter-intuitive, Example from a mountain
was unmanned, would automatically telephone for example the case where, under special highway in Taiwan
them at home. circumstances, flattening a slope may lead to its
27. Warning noises such as the familiar sign failure. Hutchinson describes the underlying
warning of falling debris are sometimes used on principles for such a case, where there is a pre-
their own, to put the onus of self-protection on existing failure surface and the slope regrading
bona fide users of the site. Opinions vary as to is, in effect, toe unloading. An example of this is
whether or not this constitutes abdication of the given by Allison et al. Other instances could
engineer’s responsibility. It is, however, an be envisaged, for example, by flattening the
essential element of response in relatively
remote areas, where people are only at risk
during short and infrequent visits, or indeed in
the short term while other options are under
consideration (Fig. 6).

Correction of the underlying unstable

28. This strategy is the engineer’s favourite
recourse. Reviews of available methods are
17 28
presented, for example, by Hutchinson and
by Bromhead. The methods of slope stabili-
zation fall naturally into three categories
( a) alteration of the slope geometry, either its
profile by cut and/or fill, or its internal
details, for example by digging out and
replacing the landslip mass
( b) improvement of the soil or rock strength
properties, most often by decreasing pore
water pressures
( c) providing force systems to counteract the
tendency to slide.
Fig. 5. The Tessina mudslide for tunately stopped shor t of the town of
Lamosano, but in case it is reactivated, a concrete-lined channel, complete
Slope geometr y with water injection, has been provided to speed it on its way, and prevent it
29. The factors within the general area of bursting out of the stream channel into the town. An account of the slide and
slope geometry which affect the tendency to its early warning systems is given by Angelli et al.

Fig. 6. A statement of
the obvious: a warning
notice erected near a
landslide at the Nothe
For t, Weymouth

rock-anchored slopes at the toe of the landslide permanent solution, it has been used as a
shown in Fig. 12. As an additional example, temporary expedient to give stability to a
regrading a rock slope would decrease total landslip while other more permanent works are
stresses on potential slide surfaces, whereas the carried out. The reason why head unloading
water pressures on such surfaces may be is less common than toe weighting is that it
unaffected by the flattening of the slope. The inevitably increases the risk of the retrogression
shear strength in such a case may be reduced of instability upslope. A useful theory due to
by a greater percentage than the shear stresses. Hutchinson 28 35 helps the designer locate stabi-
30. Slope height is a factor which is most lizing cuts and fills on a pre-existing slope. A
significant where the soil or rock stength has a small refinement to this theory overcomes a
high cohesive component, and is less significant slight paradox. This theory readily accounts for
when the strength is dominated by what may the case where failure is caused by slope
loosely be termed ‘friction’. It is often not under flattening mentioned above. On slopes without
the control of the geotechnical engineer, pre-existing failure surfaces, however, the
although in the design of, for example, spoil method is of less use.
heaps, a limiting height criterion may be used 32. Toe fills may be classed as being on top Fig. 7. Cut and fill
to maintain stability. There are also many of the toe of a slide, or in front of it. In the solutions for slope
situations where the slope angle is not readily former case, the weight of the toe fill is the stabilization
changed, especially where natural slopes of
significant size are involved, or even with Lower slide cannot be stabilized Slide head can be removed, but this leaves Slope crest profiled
embankments where further land cannot be by cut, as this would adversely
affect upper slide. Conversely,
a slope to be graded to avoid throwing run-off
onto the slope
acquired for extension of the toe of the slope, fill cannot be used for upper slide.
nor may it be lost at the crest. Reducing the Piles in rows may be sufficiently close to
Ground surfaces
cause arching, otherwise they must resist
slope height is more effective for deep-seated forces as slide moves through them. seeded or planted
to control erosion
modes of failure of the slope, and decreasing Staggered rows of piles may give a
stiffer response if they are tied Pile heads
the slope angle is more effective for shallow at their heads. tiled together with
reinforced concrete
modes of failure. Toe fill on top of slide
is immediately effective
31. The shape of a slope in section may and gains in effectiveness
contact formed
influence its stability. For example, undercut as the soil mass
during dig-out and
replacement gives good key
toes are obviously adverse. The provision of toe Surface preparation with steps can
weighting or a berm (Fig. 7) is often highly cause instability in critical cases, so
must be done with care
effective in improving the stability of a slope
31 33
against deep-seated failures and often Toe fill placed on
Digging out slide debris and replacing it
with free-draining granular fill is highly effective
drainage blanket, largely
serves the dual purpose of reducing toe erosion. in front of slide. The foundation
for small slides. If the soil is suitable, it may be re-used.

Although head unloading is less often used as a conditions for this fill may need checking.


principal stabilizing factor, and comes into play ing. The designer of an embankment will have
as it is placed, although may be subject to the the opportunity to adjust the internal make-up
dissipation of load-induced pore water pressure. of the slopes, whereas when faced with a
The latter case, where the toe fill is ‘in front’ of natural slope, the engineer has fewer options.
a slide, is less effective, both in the short and
long term. This is because it acts in a passive Improvement of soil strength
earth pressure mode rather than in a dead 36. The embankment slope designer operat-
weight mode, and needs continuing movements ing on a clean sheet of paper has the choice of
of the slide relative to the toe fill to mobilize what materials to use where, within the overall
this passive resistance. A finite element analysis constraints of what is available in total, and at
of the Carsington Dam failure shows how the what cost. Treating a natural slope or pre-
late addition of a berm could not prevent the existing earthwork is often largely a matter of
development of slip surfaces in the main dam accepting what is there and making the best of
body for essentially the above reason. A larger it. However, the effective stress and shear
berm, or one built as the dam was raised, would strength properties can be improved by, for
have been more effective. Natural landslides fall example, digging out slip surfaces and replacing
into a less critical category than the brittle the soil with the slip surfaces broken up and
failure of an embankment, in the sense that the soil recompacted. Slip surfaces in rockslides
they have already lost the slip surface brittle- have on occasion been broken up in situ by
ness, and if still in movement, will eventually blasting. The dig-out operation may, for small
respond to the resistance of a toe berm of the landslides, be accompanied by replacement with
second sort. better quality material, with or without soil
33. Toe fills may accidentally be founded on reinforcement. Digging out the complete slide
subsoils different from that of the slope they are mass and replacing it with a fill with some
intended to stabilize, and may therefore have improved properties is normally only possible
their own special instability problems. Similarly, with small earth slides of the sort which affect
head unloading may expose weaker materials to highway and railway embankments. The recon-
the risk of local failure (imagine the removal of struction of the Carsington embankment, while
the top of the shoulder of an earth dam to leaving some fill in place, may be seen as an
expose the core!). extreme example of this approach. It may be
34. The shape of the slope in plan may also too dangerous to attempt in the case of water-
have a bearing on its stability. All three- retaining structures such as canal banks unless
dimensional analyses of essentially plane strain the water levels are drawn down. For natural
sections of a slope show higher factors of safety slopes, the costs of digging out may be pro-
than the basic two-dimensional case. This is hibitive or may lead to further, retrogressive
inevitably the result of what may loosely be failures.
termed ‘side shear’, and is found even in quite 37. Some forms of grouting, with cement
sophisticated analyses. It ought, therefore, to be or chemicals, may improve the fundamental
the case that failures occur most frequently on properties of the soil or rock. The effect of
slopes which are convex in plan. However, this natural changes in the soil chemistry is usually
seems rarely to be the case, with many slides a worsening of strength, for example desaliniz-
on slopes which are concave instead. Careful ation in quick clays or dissolution of halite or
examination of a number of these show that the gypsiferous rocks, and these must be protected
essential three-dimensional features are pre- from the damaging effects of water. Grouting or
dicted by the orientation of geological features other techniques for void filling may be used to
in the slope, or three-dimensional variations in counteract mining subsidence, which has the
pore water pressure distribution, together with possible deleterious effects of fracturing the
a subsequent spread of instability laterally from ground mass and tilting critical discontinuities.
a site where it is initiated to more stable parts 38. Usually, however, the simplest and most
of the slope. effective way of improving the shear strength of
35. Internally, a slope may have some soil is to reduce the pore pressures in it (joint
geometric features that predispose it to in- water pressures in a rock mass) by some form
stability, as well as controlling the shape of the of drainage. Water pressures may arise from
resulting slide surface. There are several ephemeral infiltration, steady or unsteady seep-
examples in artificial embankment dams, ran- age, or they may be induced by stress changes.
ging from the ‘boot’ on the core of the first Many slopes will have pore water pressure
Carsington Dam, the layer of ‘yellow clay’ left regimes which are in the process of equalizing
under the Chingford embankment (a similar to a new equilibrium from disturbances experi-
layer was also left in place under parts of the enced in the past. Often, especially in the
Carsington embankment) and the Acu Dam. cases of unloaded slopes or those formed from
Natural slopes may contain bedding, tectonic compacted clay fills, the pore pressure state
shearing, joints and other smaller-scale discon- immediately after excavation or construction is
tinuities, solution cavities, and folding or fault- a state of pore water suction. Interference in the

equilibration process may be good or bad, but Overland flow intercepted by cut-off drain
without some understanding of the processes or extensions to main down-slope drains Cut-off drain at
slope crest
involved is more likely to be the latter. Shallow Ground surfaces seeded or planted
trench drains may increase the rate at which Collector drains in chevron or herringbone
suctions are lost (bad) in a cut slope in a stiff pattern connect into deeper main drainage
running straight down slope
clay, but control the final equilibrated level of
Overall details need care:
groundwater (good). manholes are required at breaks of
39. Drainage systems may act to prevent the slope if pipework is installed in
ingress of water into a landslide area, or may avoid runs
with low
attempt to remove it once it is there. These two gradients
alternatives generally correspond to shallow and
deep drainage. Some systems are needed for Drain arrays bored from chamber
at base of shaft, discharging through
only a limited time span (e.g. those that a pumping system, or drilled from
dissipate stress-induced or construction-induced Toe fill placed on a tunnel, discharging under gravity
drainage blanket, with
pore water pressures), while others may need to sand drains underneath to
Vertical sand drains may discharge into
underlying higher-permeability stratum
function more or less permanently. Drains in the eliminate undrained pore water pressures

latter category are susceptible to blocking by

silting up, or by chemical precipitation, often
assisted by bacteriological action. Vegetation can continue to act as a collection network, but Fig. 8. Drainage
also cause some forms of blockage, but a good instead of channelling water safely away, con- measures for slope
vegetation cover on a slope is most usually centrate it at the blockage. stabilization. This
beneficial, since it moderates the infiltration 43. It is sometimes difficult to predict diagram is a composite
characteristics, controls run-off erosion and accurately the effect of drainage systems, and drawn from a number
contributes through transpiration to decreasing hence their impact on slope stability. Shallow- of case records
the soil moisture. trench drainage systems, widely used in the
28 46
40. Where drains are thought to be suscep- UK, are an exception. They are, however,
tible to blocking, access is needed for main- particularly susceptible to blockage, and where-
tenance. Pipe systems are available where a as in some cses it may merely be inconvenient
filter geofabric liner can be removed for and expensive to dig them out and refill them
replacement or cleaning. Since the effectiveness (Fig. 10), where access is difficult or the drains
of a drain is largely invisible (except if the have been built over, it may not be possible. An
discharge is carefully monitored) it may be innovative system of providing drains for the
necessary to instrument and monitor the slide mass to advance over, coming to rest
drainage system. when its toe is under-drained (Fig. 11), is being
41. Figure 8 shows a selection of drainage tried out in south Wales. These drains will not
measures applied to a landslide. The figure has be accessible for maintenance.
been compiled from a number of case records, Fig. 9. Sub-horizontal
and all of the drainage measures adopted in the Force systems to resist slope instability drains being drilled
figure have been used successfully, either singly 44. Passive systems to stabilize slopes rely under an unstable
or in combination, to stabilize landslides. on the construction of piles, piers, buttresses or waste tip near Ancona,
Drainage may be used to prevent surface or walls through the slide into the underlying Italy
sub-surface water reaching the slide area or
to remove it from the slide area. Water in the
slide area may be the result of steady seepage
flows, or it may be released from the soil or
rock mass by stress changes or chemical
activity, for example loading or the decomposi-
tion of refuse (Fig. 9) respectively. Contami-
nated leachate may need to be treated before
disposal, and if corrosive, it may attack the
drain systems. Drains to remove ephemeral
sources of water may not need the same
attention to filtration as drains with a longer life
expectancy. Electro-osmotic systems appear to
have been used successfully to decrease soil
moisture at landslide sites.
42. Care should be taken in construction of
drainage measures to ensure that they do not
increase pore water pressures in the ground in
such a way as to affect stability adversely. This
situation can arise in the temporary case as
they are being installed. Drains are very
susceptible to blocking, following which they

bedrock. Further movements of the slide

increase pressures on the obstacle, and their
reaction forces put into the landslide lead to
45. Active systems, or ground anchors, use
pre-loading to put the stabilizing forces into the
landslide system ab initio. Anchor loads are
spread into the slide mass by pads (Fig. 12) so
that bearing capacity failures of the ground are
avoided. Pads with a small number of anchors
are preferred. They may be cast in situ or
precast; the latter will often deflect more than
the former when the anchors are stressed.
46. Piling systems for slope stabilization are
30 48
described by Allison et al. and Leadbeater,
among others. The stiffness of a pile system can
be substantially increased by connecting the pile
heads together in an upslope direction. Con-
necting the pile heads of a row of piles along
the contours of a slope, and thus normal to the
slide direction, does not have this beneficial
effect. In the stabilization system for the land- 47. Where the slide mass is not monolithic, Fig. 11. Shallow-
slide in volcanic tuffs affecting the Shorinzen then piling will only control deformations in its trench drains, capped
Temple near Maebashi in Japan the piles are immediate vicinity, especially in the short term. by a drainage blanket.
laid out in staggered rows, and the pile heads In the system used by Allison et al., the pile The landslide is
are connected by a triangulated reinforced heads were connected by small walls to control expected to advance
concrete arrangement. At this particular land- soil erosion and shallow mudsliding which took over these drains, and
slide, extensive regrading and drainage works place between the original piles, although as once under-drained, to
have also been carried out, and the piling is not pointed out above, this does not increase the come to rest
relied on exclusively. Ellis describes a reticu- stiffness of the system. A stiffening effect can
lated pali radice wall where small diameter piles be obtained by the construction of a shed-like
are used in a three dimensional fan like the structure (similar in appearance to that shown
roots of a tree. in Fig. 5, but without the deflection function), in
effect bracing a retaining wall and lending
rigidity to the piles which are invariably used in
the foundation. This composite structure is
widely used in Italy in clay soils as an alterna-
tive to anchoring a retaining wall, especially Fig. 12. Anchors and
where no suitable stratum can be readily found their bearing pads used
in which to position the fixed lengths of the as par t of a
ground anchors. In the majority of cases, stabilization scheme for
anchoring a wall principally improves the the Zentoku landslide

Fig. 10. Shallow-trench drains being dug out and

replaced after blockage

stability of the wall against overturning, so that

the wall can passively resist the slide move-
ment. To gain the full benefit of an anchor it 10m Typical positions of 6 No,
must react on a pad which can spread the force 3.5m dia.
into the slide mass, rather than merely counter- 280 No drainage shafts
prestressed 10–24m deep
flexing a rigid structure. anchors Slip surface
48. A variety of materials can be used to protection (see Fig. 12)
form the pile or shear key. Beles and at toe
Stanculescu describe piles formed by burning
clay in situ. Railway practice in Britain in the Inclined bored drain arrays
19th century included elements of this, although 76mm dia. and approx. 30 m long
the hazard from fires in combustible embank-
ment fills was a considerable disincentive to
the practice. Ground freezing may operate in a
Concrete pile wall, 20 No., 5.45m dia.
similar way in the short term. heavily reinforced piles 17–44m deep
49. An example of the use of both passive
and active systems in the same landslide comes
form the treatment of the Zentoku landslide on be obvious. It is sadly the case that some Fig. 13. The use of
Shikoku island in southern Japan (Fig. 13). engineers, as well as most clients, believe that anchoring in
Here, twenty 5·45 m dia. shafts, between 17 and remedial works for slope stabilization are good conjunction with a
44 m in length, have been sunk through a for all circumstances, and also for all time, piled barrier and deep
landslide slip surface in mica schists. The shafts without any maintenance. drainage to stabilize
are filled with heavily reinforced concrete. the Zentoku landslide
Downslope of the concrete-filled shafts, some Conclusion (after Yoshinogawa
280 ground anchors hold the lower slopes in 53. Slope stabilization by the construction of Sabo Division 53 )
place (Figs 12 and 13). Upslope of the shafts, engineering works may be neither cost-effective
drainage holes radiating from six 3·5 m shafts, nor strictly necessary. There are a variety of
and from the end of a drainage adit, have also other methods of dealing with landslides which
been installed. may be more appropriate in a given case.
50. Soil nails and rock bolts are small-scale Where engineering works are undertaken, the
versions of the above, and they are appropriate engineer has an enormous range of options—a
only in the treatment of small-scale instability. choice which may seem bewildering at first.
The continual development of new materials and
Choice of factor of safety techniques adds to the list. However, in most
51. Where remedial works are undertaken, practical situations the list quickly resolves itself
the engineer has to choose a factor of safety. into relatively few techniques. For example, a
Guidance in codes of practice intended, one wholesale regrading of an unstable slope occu-
suspects, for embankments of moderate height pied by a historic monument which it is desired
(e.g. ‘the factor of safety shall shall be 1·3’) is to preserve would not be an appropriate choice,
often of little use in natural slopes, where such and a scheme would be required which sym-
a factor of safety may be simply unattainable. pathetically treated the topography in the
52. A more suitable approach may be to immediate vicinity of the monument.
ensure that the remedial works to a landslide 54. Except in an emergency, engineered
are capable of surviving any ‘design’ destabiliz- remedial works should only be undertaken
ing event, or appropriate combinations of following a full sub-surface investigation which
events, in such a way that collapse does not gives understanding of the internal structure
occur, and the situation can be retrieved. For and mechanics of the landslide in question.
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