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Conceptual Design of Bionic Foot for Transtibial

Ade Reza Ismawan R. Ismail R. Novriansyah
Department of Mechanical Department of Mechanical Department of Orthopaedic and
2021 IEEE International Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology Conference (IBITeC) | 978-1-6654-4179-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/IBITeC53045.2021.9649405

Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Traumatology, Dr. Kariadi Hospital,
Diponegoro University, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia
Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia Center for Biomechanics Biomaterials
Center for Biomechanics Biomaterials Center for Biomechanics Biomaterials Biomechatronics and Biosignal
Biomechatronics and Biosignal Biomechatronics and Biosignal processing (CBIOM3S),
processing (CBIOM3S), processing (CBIOM3S), Diponegoro University,
Diponegoro University Diponegoro University Semarang, Indonesia
Semarang, Indonesia Semarang, Indonesia

B. Setiyana M. Ariyanto T. Prahasto

Mechanical Engineering Department. Mechanical Engineering Department. Mechanical Engineering Department.
Diponegoro University Diponegoro University Diponegoro University
Semarang, Indonesia Semarang, Indonesia Semarang, Indonesia

Abstract—The main way to restore limb function in transtibial strength in their unaffected legs and can therefore cause
amputations is to use a transtibial prosthesis. Plantarflexion secondary musculoskeletal injuries such as chronic joint
and dorsiflexion are characteristics of the human ankle and disorders [2,3].
are also important considerations in designing a transtibial Energy consumption is also a focus of consideration in
prosthesis. Most commercial transtibial prostheses available in
Indonesia are passive transtibial prostheses, and users of
designing bionic legs, in which amputees using passive
passive prostheses exhibit an asymmetrical gait pattern that prostheses can spend 20-30% more metabolic energy
can cause musculoskeletal injuries. In addition, passive walking at the same pace as an able-bodied person [4].
prostheses cannot generate thrust like the human ankle and CBIOM3S Undip had produced bionic hands with different
consume more metabolic energy, so they tire quickly when product, size and linkage mechanism [5-7] which had been
using them. Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis can overcome the successfully tested and implemented to study participants.
weakness of passive prosthesis because it can move in Now, the research is extended to study on bionic legs to
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion and can provide repulsion reduce the dominance of imported products in the health
force during the heel-off and toe-off phases. This study aims to sector and very few researchers are conducting research on
design and analyze the strength of the Transtibial Bionic
Prosthesis prototype, morphological methods and decision
transtibial bionic prosthesis legs in Indonesia. The
matrices are used in the selection of design concepts. contributions of this paper are (i) proposing the new design
Lightweight aluminum 6061 was used as a material for of bionic foot for transtibial prosthesis, (ii) testing the new
making transtibial prostheses. The design and strength design using finite element analysis to ensure the ability for
analysis in this study showed that the Transtibial Bionic receiving the load and (iii) creating the first Indonesian
Prosthesis prototype was able to accept a maximum load of prototype of bionic foot with respect to Indonesian foot size.
100 kg and had a Range of Motion of 20° dorsiflexion and 30° During literature study, its was found that the advantage
plantarflexion. of the transtibial bionic prothesis compared to the passive
Keywords—musculoskeletal injury, passive prosthesis, transtibial transtibial foot. Transtibial bionic prothesis can produce a
bionic prosthesis, actuator, range of motion push off repulsion force during plantarflexion of the
controlled actuator motion so that it moves like the motion
I. INTRODUCTION of a human ankle. Transtibial bionic prothesis can adjust the
The development of prosthetic limbs in Indonesia itself position during the walking cycle phase. With the push off,
lags far behind other countries. Transfemoral and transtibial it is expected to reduce the asymmetric gait pattern which
prostheses products in Indonesia are dominated by can cause secondary musculoskeletal injuries such as
expensive imported products, while prosthetic products chronic joint disorders. With a push off, of course, it can
made in Indonesia are still conventionally made from rigid produce a propulsive force so that it can reduce the
fibers/polimers and function as cosmetics only, functionally metabolic energy consumption of amputees so that they are
not fulfilling several foot abilities, such as dorsiflexion and not easily tired when using them.
plantarflexion. Gait cycle is a functional series of human movement
Almost all commercial transtibial legs sold in Indonesia when walking. This walking cycle has 8 phases, initial
in particular are passive transtibial legs without actuators contact, loading response, mid stance, terminal stance, pre-
[1], and studies have shown that people with passive legs swing, initial swing, mid swing and terminal swing.
exhibit lameness or an asymmetrical gait pattern. People Walking is a highly coordinated movement that is controlled
with lower extremity amputations who use conventional by the central nervous system. This goes on from the time
passive prostheses face a series of challenges related to the right foot hits the floor until the right foot hits the floor
discomfort such as pain when walking as well as greater again. In one running cycle (Gait Cycle) consists of 2 main

978-1-6654-4179-7/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE

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phases, namely the Stance phase and Swing Phase. The components used, the type of material, the technology used
stance phase is 60% and the swing phase is 40% where each which will be useful when designing the transtibial bionic
phase has its own stages [8]. prosthesis.
The stance phase and swing phase are the most The existing products considered in this research are
important phases in the gait cycle because it is in this phase the cosmetics foot manufactured by some small and medium
that the legs and feet support the body's weight. When the enterprises (SME) in Indonesia and non-motorized
foot is in the loading response phase (foot flat), midstance,
prosthesis foot (imported products) applied to Indonesian
and heel off, the foot experiences a single support phase and
the other leg is in the swing phase, so that the entire body amputee. Two types of these prosthetic feet are commonly
weight is supported by only one leg. In the midstance phase, used by Indonesian amputee.
the foot and leg act as a stable foundation for weight B. Determining Product Objectives, Limitations, and
transfer. During the terminal stance and toe off phases, the Technical Specifications.
foot performs plantar flexion, resulting in Propulsive Force
(Fig. 1) during phase (push off) and produces a moment so Goals and limitations are needed so that we don't
that it moves the body weight forward [9]. overdo it in designing these products which will result in
high selling prices to consumers (reasonable prices). Market
research is needed to find out market tastes. From these
goals and limitations, we obtain specifications of the
components and materials that will be used.
The specification provides an exact description of what
the product should do. They are the translation of customer
requirements into technical terms. The output of this stage is
a list of target specifications. Customer desires are generally
expressed in "customer language". while such expressions
help in developing a clear understanding of the issues the
customer is interested in, they provide little specific
guidance on how to design products.
Fig. 1. Propulsive force due to the foot pushing off causing a moment
C. Concept Development
The transtibial prosthesis is designed to mimic the
characteristics of a normal human ankle. These The purpose of concept development is to provide
characteristics include plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, eversion, alternatives to product concepts that might meet customer
and inversion. It is a characteristic produced by the ankle needs. The product concept is the result of combining
during normal walking. In general, the ankle range of functions and sub-functions. The product concept is a
motion is different. For a healthy ankle, normal motion is description or estimate of the form, technology, working
presented in the figure [10]. principle of the product.
a. Dorsiflexion is the movement of the ankle when it bends The goal of drafting the concept is to explore further the
upward at an angle of 5°-25° area of product concepts that may suit consumer needs. The
product concept is a brief description of how the product
b. Plantarflexion is the movement of the ankle when it
satisfies consumer needs. The results of this activity are
bends down at an angle of 10°- 45°
usually in the form of several or even tens of concepts, each
This study aims to design and analyze the strength of of which is usually represented by a sketch and a short
the Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis prototype, morphological descriptive text.
methods and decision matrices are used in the selection of
design concepts. Lightweight aluminum 6061 is used as a D. Design with Morphological Methods
material for making prostheses. The main purpose of this method is to expand research into
II. STAGES IN PRODUCTS DESIGN new solutions to be selected. Morphology in question is
studying a shape or characteristic and is a systematic effort
The success in designing a product depends on the in analysing the shape contained in the product to be
ability to identify customer needs, then precisely create
products that can meet those needs at a low cost. To make a
product, we usually go through some stages. In this paper, From several possible alternative choices found, then
the product design stage of transtibial bionic prosthesis the final solution is chosen which is the best choice for the
concept of a product. The product concept is obtained by
A. Problem Identification and Analysis of Existing making a combination of sub-function solutions, namely one
Products solution for each sub-function.
The background of this research contains the problems
found in the existing products that are used as a basis for E. Selection of Concepts and Decision Matrix
improvement of products that are already available. This Concept selection is an activity where various concepts
research begins by studying existing products and existing are analysed successively, then eliminated to identify the
research. To get information about how it works, the most promising concepts. Concept selection is also an

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evaluation process of several existing concepts that ar1e in Determine Design Parameters
accordance with the criteria specified in meeting consumer
needs. 3. Weight of existing Transtibial Bionic
In this selection, comparisons are made on the strengths Prosthesis 1.3-2.3 kg
and weaknesses of each concept and take one of them that is
considered worthy for further development. C. Flowchart of the Research

F. 3D Modeling of Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis

The flowchart is depicted in Fig. 3.
making a model using Autodesk Fusion 360 software.
The design form of the Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis refers
to the anatomy of the human ankle which has an axis of
rotation at the Lateral Malleolus ankle and has the Achilles
Tendon located behind which its function is replaced by a Literature
Linear Actuator. The next step is making a mock-up of a study of
transtibial bionic prosthesis prototype using a rapid products

prototyping machine.

III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Determining products goal Collecting the Indonesian Determining deisgn
and limitation foot size using 3D Scanner parameters
A. Collecting the Indonesian Foot Size Stage
In this data collection stage, the data collected is used as
a basis in the design process, determining the specific
dimensions of the patient for the design of the geometry of
Proposing the conceptual
the ankle height and foot length. A sample from the patient's design of bionic foot
foot ankle geometry is scanned a 3D scan. The real
geometry model of a patient’s foot ankle is used to
determine the transtibial bionic prosthesis dimension. This Propose the design
Considering the material
real geometry of the transtibial foot has an impact on patient and mechanical system
Product design limitation concept using
morphological method
comfort when using it. The scanning process is depicted in
Fig. 2.
Propose the design
Draw complete version of
Selecting the concepts concept using
3D model
morphological method

Finite element analysis in

Testing the movement of
Creating the protype considering the ability in
the prototype
carrying load

Fig. 2. Scanning with 3D Scanner Eiscan Pro 2X Plus


B. Determination of Design Parameters

In this stage, the parameters are determined as a Fig. 3. Flowchart of this research
reference and the design criteria are determined as a
condition for the use of the Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(Table 1).
A. Determination of Product Specifications
TABLE I. DESIGN PARAMETERS Product technical specifications are a precise
description of how the product works. It is a translation of
Determine Design Parameters
customer requirements into technical needs:
1. Bionic legs (Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis) are able to
1. The average weight of Indonesian men aged
accept a maximum body weight of 100 kg.
16-64 years is 60 kg, while the average
weight of Indonesian women aged 19-64 2. The use of Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis when walking
years is 56 kg, therefore the Transtibial and active can perform dorsiflexion 5°-25° and
Bionic Prosthesis must be able to safely plantarflexion 10°-45°
support a maximum load of 100 kg. 3. Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis is designed with actuator
and control system
2. The material used is Aluminum Alloy 6061
which has an Elasticity Modulus value of E =
68.9 GPa, Poisson's ratio = 0.33, and Yield
Strength y = 275 MPa.

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B. Product Design Limitations D. Development of the Design Concept of Transtibial
1. The design of the bionic leg or Transtibial Bionic Bionic Prosthesis
Prosthesis is intended for lower-knee amputation patients The design of the Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis refers to
who still have 50% butts. the anatomy of the human ankle which has an axis of
2. Research on the prototype design of the Transtibial rotation at the malleolus lateral ankle and has an Achilles
Bionic Prosthesis is currently being used for normal Tendon which is replaced by an actuator.
walking purposes.
3. The age limit for users of the Bionic Foot (Transtibial 1. First Product Concept Development
Bionic Prosthesis) is 16-64 years old with an average Fig. 4 shows the first Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis
body weight of 60 kg, concept uses carbon fiber (carbon fiber composite) on the
4. The weight of the Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis does not frame and foot, this carbon fiber material has the advantage
exceed 2.3883 kg which is the weight of the leg below of being light in weight but strong. This Transtibial Bionic
the knee, which is 5.7% of the human weight. foot is equipped with a control system to regulate the
movement of the foot following the movement during the
C. Design with Morphological Methods
walking cycle phase. This transtibial bionic leg is equipped
The following is a morphological matrix of the with an actuator (linear actuator set) whose products can be
Transtibial Bionic Prothesis which is a combination of easily found in Indonesia. The linear actuator functions as a
product concepts used to produce several variants of product substitute for the Achilles Tendon muscle so that it can
concepts that may be made, see Table 2. move in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion.



Sub Sub sub

Sub sub sub function
Function function
A. Frame A.1 Carbon Composite
material A.2 Alumunium 6061
selection A.3 Alumunium 7075
Material A.4 Stainless Steel
B.1 Carbon Composite
B. Foot
B.2 Alumunium 6061 Fig. 4. First concept design of transtibial bionic prosthesis
B.3 Stainless Steel
C. Actuator C.1 Linier actuator Set
2. Second Product Concept Development
D.1 Brushed DC Motor
This second Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis/ Bionic
D.2 Brushless DC Motor
ankle-foot prosthesis/ Powered Ankle-foot prosthesis uses
D.3 Gearbox
D. Customized D.4 Timing Belt
6061 Aluminum material for the frame and foot, Aluminum
Actuator D.5 Helical gear
6061 has the advantages of being light, strong, good
corrosion resistance, and formability (Fig. 5), and good
D.6 Lead Screw
Mechanical machinability and is widely available in the market.
System D.7 Ball Screw Aluminum 6061 is commonly used in the automotive
D.8 Roller Screw industry, food and beverage packaging industry, and bicycle
E.1 Single Link frames.
E. Link E.2 Multilink
This Transtibial Bionic foot is equipped with a control
system to regulate the movement of the foot following the
F.1 Non Spring
F.2 Shock Absorber movement during the walking cycle phase. This transtibial
F. Absorber
F.3 Carbon Spring bionic leg is equipped with a customized actuator whose
products can be easily found in Indonesia. Using a brushless
The next step after making a morphological matrix is to DC motor, for transmission using a gearbox and lead screw
so that it can move translationally so that it can move
create a combination of alternative concepts by compiling
dorsiflexion and plantarflexion.
these concepts and then comparing them one by one.
Making alternative product concepts can be arranged based
on Table 2, resulting in several variants of the concept as
seen in Table 3.


Concept Concept Variants

Concept 1 A1 + B1 + C1 + E1 +F1

Concept 2 A2 + B2 + D2 + D3 +D6 + E1 +F1

Fig. 5. Second concept design of transtibial bionic prosthesis

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E. Development Concept Selection With Decision Matrix G. Prototyping of Trantibial Bionic Prosthesis with 3D
The decision-making matrix method, which is also Printed Material
known as the Pugh method, from several alternative product After making the 3D model drawing, followed by
concepts that are made, one of them must be chosen as the making and assembling a prototype with PLA material, to
product concept to be made. In choosing the best product find out the mechanisms and constraints before making a
concept, a method using a decision matrix is used as prototype with 6061 aluminum material. After assembling
presented on Table 4. For each alternative product concept the transtibial bionic prosthesis prototype it was tested and
is assigned a value. The highest value is 10. Then from the was able to produce a maximum elevation angle of
assessment, the product concept chosen is the product dorsiflexion and plantarflexion exceeding the data
concept that has the highest value. The highest value is maximum walking cycle for Indonesians [11], so that the
owned by the second concept, it will be continued with 3D prototype falls within the range of normal walking
modeling and prototyping. dorsiflexion and plantarflexion of Indonesians. The 3D
prototype is depicted in Fig. 7. The simulation of the range
of motion of the prototype can be seen in Table 5.

No Criteria
Wt K-1 K-2

1. Have good strength 10 10 9

2. Light weight material 9 9 8
Good Formability and
3. 9 5 9
Wide range of motion Plantarflexion
4. 8 7 7
Affordable prices
5. 8 5 8
(materials and production)
Total 36 41

F. Selected Concepts and 3D Model Drawings

Based on the assessment with the decision matrix Fig. 7. Manufacture and assembly of prototype Transtibial Bionic
criteria, the concept with the highest value as the chosen Prosthesis
concept was obtained, namely concept 2 with a value of 41
from total value of 44. See Fig. 6 for the 2D design.
H. Analysis With Ansys Software Load 1000 N
Loading analysis with FEM simulation on Ansys, this
analysis is to simulate the strength of the material when
receiving a static load, the material parameter used is
Aluminum 6061. Static analysis with Ansys in Fig. 8 with a
loading parameter of 100 kg with a thickness variable of
12.5 cm shows a von Mises stress of 9.8 MPa, below the
yield strength of Yield Strength y = 275 MPa and the
deformation that occurs is elastic deformation, so the
material is Al 6061 with a thickness of 12.5 cm capable and
safe to accept a load of 1000 N.

Fig. 6. The 2D drawing of the second concept of transtibial bionic

prosthesis as the selected concept



Maximum angle when
Movement transtibial
walking normally
characteristics bionic
Indonesian people Fig. 8. FEM analysis with 1000 N loading parameters 12.5 cm thick
5 °-10° 10-20°
10°-20 ° 20-30°

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Making a prototype based on CAD reconstruction of arthritic, and replaced human ankle joint," J Foot Ankle Res. 2014;
7(1), pp. 8. Feb 2014.
the patient's existing foot is the easiest way to measure the [11] A. I. Mahyuddin, S. Mihradi, T. Dirgantara, M. Moeliono, & T.
ankle height and foot length which will later be used as a Prabowo, Development of Indonesian Gait Database using 2D Optical
reference in designing the transtibial bionic prosthesis foot Motion Analyzer System, ASEAN Engineering Journal, 2 , 62-72,
to be specific to the patient's foot size. The process always 2012
starts from the scan, then the scan data is converted into
CAD for reconstruction. The results in this study are still a
prototype made from Polylactic Acid (PLA) material to find
out the mechanisms and constraints when assembled and
tested. and this prototype is not yet equipped with a trigger,
it can only move in dorsiflexion and plantarflexion based on
the on-off switch button.

In this study, a prototype Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis
was designed for patients with transtibial amputation below
the knee. The conclusions from the results of this study are
explained as follows. First, this research has produced a
Prototype Transtibial Bionic Prosthesis that uses a close
loop control system without a trigger that can move 10-20°
dorsiflexion and 20-30° plantarflexion like the human gait
cycle, exceeding the ROM limit in the range of the journal
Biomechanics of the natural , arthritic, and replaced human
ankle joint. Second, static analysis using Ansys software
shows the Transtibial Prosthesis is able and safe to accept
loads up to 100 kg.

The authors acknowledge to LPPM Diponegoro
University for providing the research fund for this research
based on Riset Pengembangan dan Penerapan the contract
number: 233-131/UN7.6.1/PP/2021.

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