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Agricultural Extension (CES2241)

Lecture 6: Implementing Strategic Extension Campaign • Understand SEC and KAP uses

• Differentiate conceptual framework

Izzah Abd Hamid • Understand lesson on SEC

012 441 8346
Department of Crop Science, UPMKB

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Developed by FAO and introduced in Africa, Series of practical and participatory approach
Near East, Asian, and Latin America workshops conducted to train extension personnel,
subject matter specialists (SMS), trainers, and farmer
1. Bangladesh and Malaysia – rat control leaders together on this skills of extension programme
2. Thailand – pest surveillance system planning, strategy development, message design, and
3. Malaysia – weed management positioning, multimedia materials development,
4. Zambia – maize production pretesting and production as well as management
planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation

Important of people’s participation in Follows a systems approach starting

strategic planning, systematic management, with farmers’ knowledge, attitude, and
and field implementation of agricultural practice (KAP) survey – results used as
extension and training programmes planning inputs and benchmark baseline
for summative evaluation purposes

Strategic Extension
Campaign: What and Why

Developed and tailored based on the results of SEC strength – orienting and training relevant
participatory problem identification process on extension personnel to apply systematic,
causes/reasons for farmers’ non rational, and pragmatic approach to planning,
adoption/inappropriate practices of a given implementing, managing, monitoring, and
recommended agricultural technology/innovation evaluating routine programmes

Transfer and application approach Empirical evaluation studies – impact

is needs based and demand driven surveys, focus group interviews, and
and has problem solving orientation management monitoring surveys

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Participatory Planning Approach

• Responsive to agricultural development problems and information needs of intended groups
• Extension objectives, strategies, methods, messages, and multimedia materials developed on basis of survey results from KAP
• Increases degree of relevance, thus acceptability of extension messages/recommendations among intended groups
• Participation approach tries to understand and assess farmer’s indigenous knowledge, values, and belief system on farming
• Not alternative to conventional extension practices (may be good, need to be improves, or discouraged)
• Start with what people already know and build on what they already have

The Usefulness programme/activity and should be an integral part of

Needs Based and Demand Driven Orientation
of SEC programme of agricultural extension service • Concentrate on meeting the information, education, and training needs of intended groups
• Narrowing gaps between knowledge, attitudes, and/or appropriate practice levels of target groups
• Focus to create demand (through information and motivation approaches) and/or to satisfy demand (through education and
• Emphasis on its problem solving orientation, training) among intended target groups for necessary relevant knowledge and skills
• Apply bottom up and participatory planning procedures – high priority in meeting the interests and needs
• Specific needs of intended groups would increase efficiency in resources utilization
participatory planning approach, intensive extension
Strategic Planning and Integrated Systems Approach
personnel training, multimedia materials development, • Integrated and holistic approach in extension strategy development, programme planning, and management, training, media,
and materials development, and monitoring and evaluation
• Relies heavily on both quantitative data and qualitative information obtained from target beneficiaries to assist in problem
and extension management, monitoring, and analysis, objective formulation, strategy development, and management planning
• Applies in programming and managing its activities to achieve maximum outputs/results using minimal inputs/resources in
shortest time possible
evaluation procedures • Activities such as surveys, strategy, and management planning, multimedia materials design and development, training, field
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation – integrated part of larger extension programme

• SEC is useful and important to agricultural extension

service for 9 reasons

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Human and Behavioural Dimensions Specific Extension Support Materials and Training
• Consideration to human behavioural aspects – socio physiological, sociocultural, and socioeconomic factors which • Extension services in developing countries suffer from lack of relevant and practical extension and training materials to
facilitate/impede adoption/continued practice of recommended technologies by farmers support field activities
• Technology transfer would be slow and ineffective without sufficient understanding of positive/negative attitudes and • Extension workers rely primarily on their interpersonal communication skills, and their time during farmers’ meeting not be
behaviour of farmers and caused by non technological factors (social, phycological, cultural, and economic problems) used effectively
• Give attention to human and environmental factors which influence the important decision making process • Specifically designed and relevant training support materials to extension workers will facilitate their task and quality control
• Employs behavioural science analysis based on participatory needs assessment and problem identification of target audience in delivery of information
• Extension workers’ motivation, enthusiasm, confidence, and creditability increase when given relevant and attractive
multimedia support materials (improve effectiveness)
Problem Solving Orientation
• Focus on specific issues on agricultural technologyy recommendations with aim to solve/minimize problems cause non
Built in Process Documentation and Evaluation Procedures
• SEC selects, prioritizes, and utilizes only most relevant and necessary information/facts which can maximize effectiveness of • Advantage of KAP – provide benchmark information and data for purpose of qualitative evaluation
extension efforts to minimize/solve identified problems of non adoption • SEC activities have built in evaluation procedures in forms of formative evaluation (pretesting of materials and management
• Stresses the need to provide strategic, critical, and quality information include non technological information as non adoption monitoring survey) and summative evaluation (information recall and impact survey) for which data and information from
(related to sociopsychological, sociocultural, and socioeconomic factors) target beneficiaries
• Segmentation/classification of problems, objectives, strategies, and information need according to KAP – problem to low • Use various participatory approach evaluation methodologies – quantitative survey, focus group interview, pretesting, recall
knowledge level require different solutions than related to attitudinal problems/changing negative attitudes different with tests, content analysis, field monitoring, and cost benefit analysis
solving incorrect practices/convincing people to try • Provides empirical evaluation results and step by step documentation of its operational process through summary briefs as
more detailed printed, audio, or visual reports and presentations (SEC replications and in obtaining necessary policy,
institutional, financial support
Cost Effective Multimedia Approach
• Problems/constraints – shortage of field extension personnel to reach large numbers of farmers in spread geographical areas
with inadequate transportation, overburdened with unnecessarily heavy workload Applicability to Other Extension Programmes
• Some extension functions for certain purposes such as awareness creation, information delivery, and motivational campaigns • Principles and techniques employed in planning, implementing, and managing SEC activities applicable for developing and
more effectively and efficiently performed by other means, channels, or non extension groups under supervision of extension implementing any extension programme
workers (workload reduced by mobilising appropriate rural and community based resources – increase accessible, low cost • Process, operational phases, and implementation steps essentially similar to regular (but well designed) extension programme
mass communication channel) • SEC can be incorporated effectively into regular and institutionalized extension programme
• Combination of mass, personal, and group communication channels, and materials efficiently utilized to reduce cost and • Trained extension staff help in applying systematic, rational, and pragmatic approach to planning, implementing, managing,
efforts, and to increase its effectiveness monitoring, and evaluating regular/routine programmes

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SEC Operationally Defined • Formative evaluation in form of field pretesting of prototype multimedia
campaign materials is conducted before they mass produced
• Campaign – reach large number of target beneficiaries in short time
– Comprehensive and detailed campaign management plan. Use to develop management
period and SEC emphasis to: information system including monitoring and supervision procedures
– Campaign is purposive, problem solving oriented, and focus on specific – Special briefing and training for all personnel involved in SEC must be undertaken to
issue/recommendation technology ensure they understand their specific tasks and responsibilities and necessary skills and
– Goals consistent with and guided by overall agricultural development policies and support materials to perform such tasks effectively
extension programme objectives (KAP survey)
• Process documentation and summative evaluation – improve its
– Target audience segmentation, multi media selection, message/information positioning
ongoing performance (management monitoring survey) and to determine
and design, extension/training materials packaging, development, and production, with
view to obtaining maximum output impact with least effort, time, and resources SEC’s results over effectiveness (information recall and impact survey,
focus group interviews, and others)

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Integrated Process and Systems Approach Process


Documentation and Identification and Objectives Formulation

Summative Evaluation Information of
• Conceptual framework of SEC campaign follows a generic model – 10 Need Assessment

operational phases including participatory approach activities by soliciting

relevant feedforward and feedback from target beneficiaries Strategy Development
Field Implementation and Information
• Carrying extension activities in systematic, sequential, and process oriented
manner rather than on ad hoc basis Management
• Planned extension programme following management implementation plan
by well trained personnel within given time schedule Staff Training
Audience Analysis and

Message Design,
Management Planning Development, Pretesting, Multi Media Selection
and Materials Production

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Step Workshop on Step Follow up activities

Staff Training as an Integral Part of SEC
Purpose and method of KAP survey (10 days) Conduct KAP survey including Focus Group Interviews
• Need to train staff to master the whole extension process rather than Campaign strategy planning, message design, and
(maximum 3 months)

prototype materials development (14 days)

only some elements of process/part of activities
Methods for pretesting/formative evaluation of Field pretesting of prototype campaign materials (0.5 to 1 month)
• Procedures – training activities (skills oriented workshops) related to prototype multimedia campaign materials (6 days)
Revision and production of multimedia campaign materials (2-6 months)
operational phases/implementation steps which follow closely conceptual
Campaign management planning and training (6 days) Briefing and training of extension workers and other field personnel
framework and process involved in campaign activities (2-3 months)

• Higher cost and longer time required for initial implementation of SEC Campaign evaluation methods and management
monitoring survey procedures (5 days)
Field implementation of campaign (2-6 months)

Conduct evaluation – management monitoring survey, information recall

activities – investment in human resources development most cost effective and impact survey, and focus group interviews (maximum 4 months)

inputs (significantly contribute towards institutionalization in improving Results demonstration and experience sharing on Publication/audio visual documentation of campaign process, activities,
extension campaign planning, implementation and and results (maximum 3 months)
evaluation (5 days)
and strengthening national agricultural extension system and service) Replications and improvement of campaign process in other types of
technology, locations, or countries

Utilization of good trainees as master trainers/resource person to

conduct similar workshops/follow up activities in other parts of a
country/in other countries

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KAP Surveys, Evaluation Studies, and Follow-up Action Participatory Method of Planning and Implementation
• Operation research – KAP survey and other means of formative and • Relies heavily on participation of those who involved in campaign
summative evaluation must be built in to the extension process, activities, including campaign staff as well as target beneficiaries in
programme, and methodology providing relevant inputs/suggestions throughout campaign process

• Conceptual framework – 3 different but interrelated activity components • Address relevant problems and issues as well as to provide practical
and implementation steps which part of 10 operational phases solutions based on target beneficiaries needs

• Problem solving and demand driven strategic extension campaign also

needs relevant feedforward information from intended beneficiaries and
concerned campaign personnel

• Participatory method of planning ensure needs based extension campaign

can realistically be implemented and provide benefits to intended clientele

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Suggested Conceptual Framework for Strategic Effective decisions:

Technology and
personnel, finance, and
Planning of Extension Campaigns logistics Process
Documentation and
Identification and Objectives Formulation
Summative Evaluation Information of
• Planning – process of identifying/defining problems, formulating goals, Need Assessment

thinking of ways to accomplish goals, and measuring progress towards goal

Action Planning
achievements Strategy Development
Field Implementation and Information
• Campaign planning has to include both strategy planning (what to do)
Part II: Campaign Part I: Campaign Strategy
and management planning (how to make it happen) Management Planning Development Planning

• Strategic planning – best possible use of available resources (time, funds,

Formative Evaluation
staff) to achieve greatest return (outcome, results, impacts) Staff Training (testing suitability, appropriateness/effectiveness
Audience Analysis and
of campaign strategy and plan including
• Constantly reviewed at the implementation stage and modification multimedia messages and support materials)

required because of specific local conditions and problems/alteration of

Message Design,
policies/objectives. Process developing strategic extension plan divided Management Planning Development, Pretesting, Multi Media Selection
and Materials Production
into 2 major parts – strategy development and management planning

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KAP Survey as Key Feature in SEC Lessons Learned

• SEC follow participatory and demand driven/needs based approach – • SEC generated important and useful lessons for increasing effectiveness
identifying problems and needs regarding their requirements/acceptability of agricultural extension systems and programmes:
of given technology – Enhances planning process

– Builds cadres of extension programme planners and trainers

• Problem identification – PRA and macro level studies provide good
– Helps in improving extension linkage with research/training
contextual information, more specific and focused method of obtaining
– Needed most by small, resource poor farmers
qualitative information and quantitative data also considered
– Reduce extensions workload and increases its coverage
• KAP survey as baseline and useful for campaign objectives formulation – Encourage partnership with and participation of, community based organizations
and strategy development – results such as reasons for their negative – Help revitalize extension workers professionalism
attitudes, how and why they have practised recommended technologies – Extension programmes can be strategically planned, efficiently managed, and

inappropriately and others. Include audience analysis and segmentation systematically monitored and evaluated

– Contribute to improving and strengthening agricultural extension systems/programme

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Communication Channel Emphasis for Multi

Level of Audience’s General/Broad Extension Strategy Priority
Media Mix Usage Supplies/Inputs
and Services
K A P Information Availability
Main Approach Main Purpose Mass Interpersonal Group
Knowledge Attitude Practice Positioning

1 Informational Create awareness and increase knowledge What Desirable

Low Low Low High Low Low

Increase knowledge, explain needs for and benefits of

2 Informational What, Why Desirable
Medium Low Low adopting the ideas High Low Low

Explain benefits, rewards, and usefulness of suggested

3 Motivational Why Important
High Low Low ideas, inform consequences od non adoption High Low Moderate

Motivational and
4 As above Why Important
Medium Medium Low Educational High Moderate Moderate

Motivational and Change unfavourable perception, neutralize negative

5 What, Why Essential
Medium Medium Medium Action attitudes and belief, counter attach misconceptions Moderate Moderate High

Motivational and Inform consequences of non adoption, correct

6 Why. How Very essential
High Medium Low Education misunderstanding Low High Moderate

Motivational and
7 As above Why. How Essential
High Medium Medium Educational Low High Moderate

Educational and Provide logistical information for action, demonstrate

8 How Very essential
High High Low Action and teach proper use of recommended technology Low High High

Educational and Demonstrate and tech proper use of recommended

9 How Essential
High High Medium Action technology Low High High

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