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Masanit, Geneva V.

BEED 4-1

The Little Prince

The story is about the little girl and the little boy. The little girl’s mom was ambitious and
imposes her plan for her life focusing only on studying because the mother wanted to enroll her
in a prestigious school. They move near the school and the little girl met his neighbor, the
aviator, and they became friends. The aviator tells a story about the little prince he met after
crashing into Sahara dessert. The girl and aviator continue to play together without the mother’s
knowledge. Days come and the girl realizes that she has not been following the plan of her
mother. The girl continues to read the story of the little prince who has been in love with a flower
and because of his doubt he travels to see things in a different world until he got old focusing
only on his job and forgetting about the rose. When the last day of summer ends, the aviator is
hospitalized, the little girl decided to help the aviator and find the little prince. The story ends
when the little girl and little boy met and the memory of the little boy was restored. He was also
able to return to his planet but on his return, his rose died due to the length of time it had not
been taken care of. The girl in turn returned to their home and printed the story of the aviator.
Because of this, her mother has already devoted time to her. The movie tells us that we value
must our time. Let us not confine ourselves to work and we must provide quality time for
ourselves and our families. Learn to have fun, value friendship, and appreciate little things. Make
our childhood joyful and memorable in order to have wonderful grown-up.

I’m amazed at what the little girl does. Even though she was very young, she made a
huge impact on the lives of many people. First of all, to herself, she learned that he should not
confine herself to her mother’s plan because she also had desires in her own life. She learned to
enjoy her life. Next was the old aviator who became her friend. She brought pleasure to the old
man. Next was the little boy, because of her the little boy remembered his youth, especially his
rose. Most importantly to her mother, because of what she accomplished, her mother learned to
take leisure time with them both to bond and not just focus on her work.
The ending was beautiful but I would say that I could add that the little girl took the old
aviator into their home after he recovered.

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