Today 2 Student Book

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Students’ 2 Gor Book ay coo | ‘AWeliveinthe ux, | 4. | Present simple: postive, negative, questions Countries and | Talk about you and your friends and short answers, wh- questions: nationalities |_Talk about countries and nationalities Present continuous postive, negative, | ] Bareyoudoing gestions and short ansners balysctvities | Takabout what youre dong now your homework? ‘Adverbs of frequency: always, usualy often, sometimes, never Talk about dally routines and activities Clove living here. ‘ike/love/hateldon't ike + -ing Time phrases | Talk about likes and disties ‘Ask for opinions and decide what to do Communication 10 | Speaking Tak about hes and dsties ea ‘Wilting: Invitations | 12 | Free time: How do you spend your free time? [4 | Pronunciation dad AHowfastisit? | 16 How + adjective ei arene an ef feces (1) | Hk about how fstighllé things re Countable nouns Food and drink BHow many eggs How many 288° | 18 | Uncountable nouns Containers Talk about quantities of food and crink How much..2HHow many? | Quantities ee Speaking: Order food fai: penullses | Writings recipe cross-curricular studies 2? ee ERevision | Pronunciation: /au/ /ou/ Magazine Past simple (to be): positive, negative, Professions Ashewesasinges | 28 | Sistam andshert onmetsfe questions _| Dates Talk about famous people from the past Biwatched t,too: | 30 | Pestsimple(teguer verbs): postive.negatve, | ry programmes. | Tak about what you dd inthe past {Questions and short answers They didn'thave | 42 Past simple (irregular verbs): postive negative, mobile phones. questions and short answers Time expressions | Talk about people in the past Communication | 34 | Speaking:Tak about your weekend ting: Describe a TV programme ECulture today Television: a great inventor F Revision 38 | Pronunciation: ft, /d/ and /nd/ Musical Talk about past lives How did they act simple (egular and imegular verb) eae a0 | ror guetta instruments | Talk about types of music and musical Types of music _| instruments | BHowdoweget | 42 50 = | Transport Talk about means of transport there? T | Preposons with eat ater ot 20 rections, Ask for and give directions Communication | 44 Speaking: Ask for directions \Wting: Writen directions D Cross-curricular i oa 46 | Music : ERevision 48. | Pronunciation: au/ Magazine 50 Prey ald Sot ‘Communication ‘AThelongestriverin | <> | Comparative and superlative of short | Geographical Make comparisons Brant ~ | adjectives = features Talk about geographical features Comparative and superative of ong BThe best family pets | 54 | adjectives and regular ajecives:bad, | Adjectives (2) Compare pets good t—F © aoa | infinitive of purpose Outdoor Say why you need things ii es tetrcee 56 Object pronoun: one/ones equipment Compare and identify diferent objects Tbe | Speaking: Buy a present aliens? | Whiting Write areview E Culture today 60 | Great paces: Great places ofthe world F Re e Pronunciation: /a/ I Se Present continuous for future | Clothes 's too casual | t00 + adjective ae Talk about clothes and accessories is 4 | gece» rough adectves to say what’ wrong wthclthes Bihave to tidy my room. | 66 | Pato + verbpstve eget, Heo | osshad jobs | Tak bout household obs hades . Speaking Shp forces «ey Seal \Wiiting:An email about clothes _ Dros-arielr studies 70. Soci Sconce E Revision 72_| Ponuniation i Magazine ™ these? {Abe's arriving on Places of | Tatkabout place of entertainment ect 76 | arangerents postive negative questions | PRcesof | Tak about places of ere Saturday. meee tertanent_| Tabor ure rangement | can for requests: | Parts of the Talk about common illnesses ee ecu 78 | can/can't for permission: questions and body. Make requests setae ieee Ak tor peiasion You must wear school ; | Describe how you do things eres | | aes itn msm cn [acres | Seetiehow o | Speaking: Mat requests or ask for persion para ater a Writing: Write a formal letter E Culture today {4 | School ules: School rues nthe UK F Revision 86 | Pronunciation: ‘8 Happy holidays ais 1) 9p. | 22h9to fr future pans: postve. negate | ny Rupee ie Ati gsing wo serf alley] 68 | Gestons and short answer wh questions | SE Tatk about feaings estat cseee Possessive adjectives and pronouns ‘Holiday items | Talk about possessions (Communication Speaking’ Talk about holiday plans Writing: Write about your plans D Cross-curricular studies Social Science ERevision Pronunciation: /w/ ané /v/ Magezine Lesson aims: + talk about you and your friends les + talk about countries and nationalities Presentation © Gi Listen and repeat the dialogue. © co, Listen and read. Choose the correct words. Sophie: Hi, Luke! Seb, this is my ‘friend (cousin), Luke. Luke, this is Seb. We're in the same class... Seb: and we're mates. Hii, Luke: Luke: Hi! Luke is South African. He cones from cape Town. | Luke!” Well; my dad is South Affican and my rium is «Are you serious? «I'm an awesome (footballer)! + Oh, come on! + What do you mean? 2 British / align. Wivene do you come fromm, Seb? | ats nicasoh ot Seb: _('m Bralin,| cof a DER of and | live in * the UK / Brazil now, Comprehension Luke: Cool. There are some “awful / great Brazilian Faves Do you play foot mame © Read again and answer True (T) or Seb: Are you serious? ‘man awesome footballer! Ask Sophie! False (F). Sophie: Well... Seb doesn't just play football 11 Sophie and Seb are in the same class. T Seb: Oh, come on! 2. Sophie and Luke are cousins. Luke: What do you mean? 3. Luke's ded is British. _ 2 Sophie: He plays great football! He wants to be a professional 4_Seb’s parents live in Rio de Janeiro. footballer. 5. Some Brazilian footballers are very good. That's ° great /nice of you, Sophie! Thanks! 6 Seb isn't a very good footballer. Memory check: Countries and nationalities © Gf Listen and repeat. Australian Brazilian German Greek Indian South African ‘American Argentinian British Chinese Irish Italian Portuguese Spanish Turkish not have a match? 1 Australia Australian 6 Greece 2 Spain 7 Ireland 3 Turkey 8 the USA 4 China 9 India 5 Great Britain/the UK 10 Portugal Grammar Present simple Positive and negati He/Seb plays great football. She/Sophie doesn't play football. WWe/They live in the UK. \WelThey don't live in Brazil. Yes/No questions Does he/she live in the UK? Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn't. Do you/they play football? Yes, welthey do./No, we/they don't © complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs. Then act it out. Sophie: I've got an email from Giovanna and Are they Italian? Yes, they are. They come. (they/come) from Rome. 2 un (they/lve) in Rome? No, they don't. They ® 4 ua they/play) sports? Giovanna ....... (lay) basketball Pina © ue (MOE like) sports Seb: 7 (she/like) music? Sophie: Yes, she does. she ® op star! (live) in Milan (want) to be a Grammar Present simple wh- questions Where do you come from? ‘What kind of music do you like? What does your friend want to be? Where do you and your family tive? Qwrite questions about seb. 1. where / Seb / come from? Where does Seb come from? where / he / live? what sports / he / play? what kind of music / he / ike? what / he / want to be? wan Speaking © Ask and answer about Seb. Use the questions from Exercise 7 and the information in hi profile. A; Where does Seb come from? B: He's Brazilian. He comes from Rio de Janeiro. Comes from: Rio de Janeiro Lives: in the UK with his family Sports: plays football Music: likes techno music Wants to be: a professional footballer © student A: go to page 100. Student B: go to page 104. Writing © Write about Luke in your notebook. Use the information in his profile. Luke is South African. He comes from He plays... and he... . He wants He lives. 1. National Comes from: 2 Lives: South African Cape Town in the UK with his parents and nis sister, Emma plays rugby likes rock music 3 Sports: 4 Music: 5 Wantstobe: a vet > Now turn to Unit 1A in the Activity Book. Start on page 1. —B Are you doing your homework? Presentation ? , ie © GF listen and read. what's Seb writing? SS a a | Sophie! Are you doing your homework? No, she isn't! ... Hi Seb. It’s me, Emma. I'm sitting with Sophie. She's listening to music and she’s decorating my trainers. They look cool! What are you doing? | bet you're playing computer games! Hey, | don’t always play computer games. | sometimes do other things! Right now I'm writing a poem. Ha ha, very funny! | don’t believe you! I'm not joking! It's for my school project. ... And you know what? It’s quite good I don't write poems but | sometimes write my own songs. I'm writing a song about school at the moment. pPp »p Really? Well, my poem's about football. What a surprise! © & listen and repeat the dialogue. erie) +1 ber + Ha ha, very funny! +You know what? + What a surprise! Lesson aims: + talk about what you're doing now + talk about daily routines and activities Comprehension © Read again and complete the sentences with the names Sophie, Emma or Seb. 1. Emma. is sitting with Sophie. Fi is listening to music. 3. Sophie is decorating 's trainers. 4 plays computer games 5 is doing a school project. 6 writes songs. Vocabulary: Daily activities © GJ usten and repeat. chat to friends online cook breakfast do your homework listen to music make model aeroplanes play computer games ride your bike skateboard surf the Internet walk the dog watch TV _ write emails © match the activities in Exercise 4 with pictures 1-10. 1 rideyour bike © which activities from Exercise you do with a computer? chat to friends online _ Grammar Present continuous Positive | I'm/We're ening to music, Negative He/She isn't playing computer games, | Questions Are you doing homework? Yes, lam/No, I'm not. What are you doing? I'm writing a poem. Speaking © Look at the people in the pictures in Exercise 5. Ask and answer. A: What are they doing? B: They're riding their bike. | 1 © Game: A: Imagine you're doing one of the activities from Exercise 4. B: Ask questions. Guess the a ity. B: Are you sitting at home? A: Yes, fam. B: Are you writing emails? A: No, I'm not. B: Are you ...? iia Grammar f | i Present continuous and present simple I'm playing a computer game at the moment. | | | sometimes play computer games in the evenings. | don't always play computer games. | Adverts of frequency | always **** usually *** often ** “sometimes * never Speaking © say what you do after school. Use adverbs of *s from Exercise 4. frequency and activiti | always do my homework after school. | sometimes write emails. © complete the text with the correct forms of the verbs, n Sunday mornings. _.. (ride) her bike in the park. brother? uu (Watch) TV at the moment: (always/watch) @ football match and then they® (cook) a big dinner. What® (W/de) now? Well, 1? (not play) computer gam 14 (do) this homework! Today, she? Dad and my About you @ it's sunday morning. Write about what you, your family and friends usually do and what you're doing now. > Now tum to Unit 1B in the Activity Book. Start on page 5 Cc Presentation Lesson aim: + talk about likes and dislikes Subject: Re: What are you up to? HiGrace! Do like living in the UK? Ye On ‘ Saturdays[¥) Tuesdays|_|I like going to Brighton town centre, My favourite place is the Natural History Museum, And every Sunday we go to my? grandma's [_] aunt’s[_|house. She loves cooking a big Sunday lunch and Mum and Dad really like her roast potatoes! Then in the ‘afternoon _] evening _] we walk the dog or go to the “skate park ‘swimming pool |_]. | like skateboarding. It’s fun. School is OK but | hate wearing a uniform. Luckily, Severy!_]on/_]Fridays, we wear our own clothes. Sophie and her best mate Seb are cool. (Check out do. Hove living here! : ES te ead the photol) But they’te really into street dance and I don't like dancing, Never mind! What are you up to? Luke English today phrases. + Luckily, + Check out the photo! + They're realy into (street dance) * Never mind! aWheligne you pita? Memory check: ©) Make five word partners. Which word hasn't Comprehension got a partner? mum—ded © Read again and answer the questions. 11 When does Luke go to Brighton town centre? aunt brother cousin ded daughter On Saturdays grandad grandma mum sister son_uncle Which place does Luke really like? Where does Luke's family sometimes go for lunch? What does Luke wear at school? When does Luke wear his own clothes to school? Who's good at dancing? ounwn Vocabulary: Time phrases © f Listen and repeat. ‘At weekends/night Every day/morning/evening/night Every Saturday/Sunday In the morning/afternoon/evening ‘On Mondays/Tuesdays (On Thursday mornings/Friday afternoons © complete Grace's email with at, every, in or on. RT Subject: My week .. I'm playing with a great new team now so ‘en, Monday mornings aNd 9s anen Wednesday afternoons, I have football practice. also go to a swimming club > mnnuunnm Thursday after school. Tm usually very tired * the evening! *, weekends, 1've usually got a lot of homework because ¢ Friday we have a lesson with Miss Price. I know you remember her! Agagh! Grammar | like going to Brighton town centre. She loves cooking Sunday lunch. I hate wearing a uniform. _ I don't like dancing. @ Look at Luke's email in Exercise 1. Write four sentences about Luke and his family. Use like, love and hate. Luke loves living in the UK. Luke doesn't ike dancing. Listening © Bh Listen and choose the correct words. Then tell the class. Luke hates shopping. 1 ThateGhoppingY swimming. Tove visiting museums. /my friends. ©) Tike listening to musie / watching TV. © Tdon't like playing football / dancing. 8 Favourite day: Sunday / Saturday ~ go to Brighton town centre on oD Speaking © Arimagine you're interviewing Seb/Sophie. B:Imagine you're Seb/Sophie. Look at the fact files. Ask and answer. ‘A: What do you like doing, Seb? B: Jove playing football and like .. But | don’t like... ‘A: What do you hate doing? B: /hate.... ‘A: What's your favourite day of the week? B: Monday. On Mondays we play football at school. ae | Football © | chattofriendsonline © | Rugby 6 | Cricket @ | Favourite day: Monday ~ football at school Walk the dog Skateboard | Getup early | Surf the Internet @ | Favourite day: Sunday ~ go to skate park About you © interview your friends and write fact files about them. Use the dialogue in Exercise 9 to help. > Now turn to Unit 1€ in the Activity Book. Start on page 9. ee Cre real) Speaking: Talk about likes and dislikes © ® GB Usten and read. it's Friday afternoon and Seb, Luke and Sophie are at the DVD rental shop. Sophie: Do you want to hire a DVD and hang out at my place? Seb: Cool! Let's get popcorn, too. Do ‘you like watching DVDs, Luke? Luke: Yes, | love watching DVDs and | love eating popcorn, © complete the dialogue with sentences a-f. Then listen and check. ‘Ann: Do you want to rent a video game and hang out at my place? Cool! Let's get crisps, too. Chris? Chris: Good idea. * ‘Ann: How about this game? It's about tennis. Ben: Oh, nol? It’s boring! Ann: Well, | think it’s fantastic! Chris: Let's find a game we all lke. Ann: This game is about flying planes. * Chris: | really like it, too. * Ben: Well, it's OK | suppose. ® Ben: you think, a | don't mind playing it. b I love playing video games and eating crisps. ¢ I think it's amazing! d What do you think; Chris? @ How about you, Ben? f | can't stand that game! Sophie: How about this film? What do you think, Seb? ‘Seb: Oh, no! | can't stand romantic comedies! They're boring! ‘Sophie: Well, | think they're fantastic! Luke: Let's finda film we all like. Sophie: This film stars Zac Efron. | think he's amazing! Luke: | like him, too. How about you, Seb? Seb: Well, | don't mind watching it Luke: Brilliant! Now, there are three popcom flavours. Sophie: You know what? Let's get all three! re) “I don't mind + What do you think? + can't stand + (They're/He's) boring/fantastic/amazing! Your turn © invite two friends to spend Friday afternoon with you. Use activities from the list below or your own ideas and Exercise 2 to help you write a dialogue. Then act it out. + rent a DVD/get a pizza | = buy (favourite pop star's) new CD/get ice cream | + choose a board game/get biscuits ‘A: Do you want to rent a DVD and hang out at my place? B: Cool, Let's get a pizza, too. What do you think... ? C: Good idea. | like Writing: Invitations © Read the email and complete the notes. | Do you want to come to my SChool concert? It's on Sunday, 5th October, at the Vox Theatre, 22 Camelia Road. It starts at 3 p.m. and the tickets cost £5. Tm Very €XCited about this concert. I'm playing the guitar in it! I practise two hours every day. It's hard work. Bye now! It's time for dinner. Mum is calling me. See you at the concert -I hope! Kylie ©) PS. How about hanging out at my place after the concert? © correct the text. Add full stops and capital letters where necessary. hi nick, i'm inviting you to my english school party it's on Saturday, 14th november at 26, ellis road it starts at 5 o'clock see you there! his f | Your turn © invite your friend to a school concert. Use the email in Exercise 4 and the questions below to help. ‘When is it? ‘Where is it? What time does it start? How much are the tickets? ‘Are you excited/happy? How often do you practise? Suggest what to do after the concert. | | | | > Now turn to page 13 in the Activity Book. iW In my free time, | surf the Internet, play computer games or listen to music online. In the evening, | also watch TV with my family. TV is very popular in the UK. People watch about twenty-eight hours of TV © week. That's a lot of TV! New words camping drama outdoor photography popular team Reading © GE listen and read. Match the people with the sections of the chart. 1 Teresa A (watch TV), 2 (usea computer). 2 Fiona 3 Thomas © complete the table with the free time activities from the texts. surf the Internet Comprehension © Read the texts again and answer True (7) or False (F). Teresa likes listening to music.|7] ‘Tis very popular in the UK. _ ‘There are football teams for girls in the UK. |_| In netball you can run with the ball. |_| Thete are 4,000 scouts in the UK.[_] Scouts often learn new things.{_] aurRwna Listening © Listen and match the people (1-3) with the pictures (A-D). There's one extra picture. 1Grace|_] 2 Freddiel_| 3 tsobet |_| keen computer. ‘games going shopping Speal © Find out about your friends’ free time activities. Ask and answer, ‘A: What do you usually do after school? B: /.do my homework and then | watch TV or | chat to friends online. A: What do you do at weekends? 1. What do you usually do after school? 2 What do you do at weekends? 3 What sports do you do? 4 Do you go to any clubs? 5. What are your favourite hobbies? activities © Make a chart about favourite free time ities in your country. Then write about your free time activities and find pictures. Innry free time, | like doing sports. Haveplyng baseband taste playing rugby. j curing the | doing sports | 4 4 meeting friends am ue 13 “ F Revision © Unscramble the words below to make everyday activities. 14 === ——| Dearkate, HOERA Howare you? im! itsine ot sucim listen te music. 2koco rbkaasfet 3 akwl teh gdo © complete the dialogues with the correct forms of the verbs. Use the present simple or present continuous. 1 : Hi, Luke. What are you doing, (do)? Vu (watch) TV. Do you >... (always/watch) TV in the evening? Luke: No, I don't.4____.(usually/watch) TV at weekends. 2 Mum: Where's Seb? Dad: He's nhs room. He (do) his homework. Mum: Buthe®__. (elways/skateboard) on Fridays. Dad: Not today. 3 Emma: Do you’. (often/play) computer games? Seb: Well, |? 1ot play) computer games every day. 4 Listen! Kevin! (play) the drums. He's good. What about you? Do you *, (play) the drums, too? No, don’t. 17... (play) the guitar Aiertwamilse Sodkoomwhre 6 dire a kieb © choose the correct words. 1 We play football(ony in Saturday mornings. 2 On/At weekends, | go to the cinema with my friends. 3. They don't play sports every days / day. Diana skateboards at / on Tuesdays. 5 Pete watches his favourite show on TV on the / every Thursday. 6 We sometimes walk the dog at /in night. 7 | chat with my friends online on /in the evening. O write sentences with like, love, not like and hate. | © wre Qu | @ lite @rate 1 Sophie © / isten to music Sophie loves listening t0 music. 2 they @/ do homework 3 1 ®/ go shopping 4 we @/ make model aeroplanes 5 you @)/ walk to school 6 Luke @ play with his dog © Match 1-8 with ah. Then ask and answer. ‘Are you doing your homevrork? B: Yes, Jam 1 Are you doing a tomusic? 2 Do you often chat b surf the Internet? 3 Isyourfriend watching \ ¢ do after dinner? 4 Do you like listening d_ your homework? 5 Whet kind of food e TVat the moment? 6 Does your grandma to your friends online? 7 What do you usually popstar? 8 Whois your favourite fh. do you like? Complete the dialogue with sentences a-f. Liz: ° Doyou.want to rent.a DVD. and hang out at my place? Cool! Let's get ice cream, too. Good idea. | love watching DVDs and eating ice cream, Pam: Tom: Liz How about this film? ‘Oh, nol? They're boring! Well, | think they're fantastic! Let's find a film we all like This film stars Cameron Diaz. * Uke her, to0.§. She's OK | suppose. liz: Pam: Tom: Brilliant! Now, there are three ice cream flavours Pam: You know what? Let's get all three! a I can't stand films about football! b Do you want to rent 2 DYD ¢ I don't mind watching it. 4 | think she’s amazing! ¢ How about you, Pam? f_ What do you think, Tom? Song: The early morning song 4h Listen and complete. Then sing. a6 pl is When I get out of bed, There's '_music. in my head ‘And my feet are dancing On the? floor. ‘And when I walk to? : Tknow the day is cool ‘cause I% (On my MP3 player. i techno, rock and hip hop, Do you like them, too? » ‘ge dancing, have « party, Bring some friends with you! to pop music ns /a/ © GF tisten and repeat. There's something behind you. It doesn't talk like you do Pronune! But it moves like you do. Does it follow you, too? © Ge Listen and choose the correct words. doesn't 2does/do 3 doesn't / don't 4 does do 5 doesn't / don't My progress @® Read and tick (v). talk about me and my friends. Live in the UK. He likes techno musi. a talk about countries and nationalities. Australia, Australian... talk about what I'm doing now. 4 {ms listening to music. talk about daly routines and activities, J always do my homework after school. talk about likes and cislikes. ike skateboarding. | hate wearing a uniform. ‘ask for opinions and decide what to do. What do you think? Let's. > Turn to Unit 1 Check in the Activity Book on page 14, E- ~ £,, Lesson aim: iG aul + talk about how fast/high/old things are Listen and repeat the dialogue. Dh, Listerand read. choose the correct words. ‘Awesome! The famous Brighton Pier! How oldis it? at's See .. I's "C1gMeg SO years ol. + Let's see... «Wait for me! +m starving! «... on my own 5524 metres long ‘And there's a funfair at the end of the “road / pier. {Let's go onthe Super Booster ide. It's *fun / great! It's huigel How high is it? '5 38 metres high anc it ‘goes /is at 96 kilometres per.) Read again and complete the hour, Jt's really fast! sentences, No way! It's-seary! I'm going to the “ice cream / 1 There's: fllofair, at the end of the pier. {fistrand chip shop instead. Who's coming? 2 ______.. wants to go on the Super Booster am, [mstawving!s =” fide Wait for me! I love chips! 3 Therideis high Hey! | can't go-on the ride on my own! Luke? Emma? 4. Emmawants'to go to the shop. “Sophie? S __.... i very hungry, Vocabulary: High numbers 6 (Zi Listen and repeat. Then point and say. | 100 a hundred 256 two hundred and fifty-six | 1,000, a thousand two thousand, three hundred and eighty-nine 1,000,000 million | 2,389 © write three high numbers in your notebook ‘then give them to B. B: Write the numbers in words. Vocabulary: Adjectives 6 he listen and repeat. deep/shallow fast/slow high/low long/short _old/young al @ Match the adjectives in Exercise 6 with the pictures below. Told... 2. young, Alsi aran f - Grammar How + adjective How long is the River Thames? It's 346 kilometres long How high is Big Ben? It's 96.3 metres high. How fast is the London Eye? It goes at 0.9 kllometres per hour. Speaking © cover Exercise 1. Can you remember? Ask and answer. 1 A:Howoldis Brighton Pier? Brit's 115 years old. 1 how old / Brighton Pier? 2 how long / Brighton Pier? 3 how high / the Super Booster? 4 how fast / the Super Booster? Listening © ZF uisten and write the correct numbers. fFevourte ride te the Formula Rossa. +5 in the Unie bab Emiakes. +s _ metres high end 2 _ mehes long. The rk goes at? Klkmehes per hour, the t= 5 vey Sask! Writing @ Read and write about the Kingda Ka ride in your notebook. Use Exercise 9 to help. Kingda Ka is a great ride. It's in New Jersey, USA. It’s... metres high and... . People like it~ it’s... Ki Seriiod ds isle Where: New Jersey, USA How hgh: 139 mehes ‘ How erg: 950 rebes = Trains: 4 trains. Haw fast: 206 Kilamehes per hour Ldhy people like it: tS really high! > Now turn to Unit 2A in the Activity Book. Start ones i

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