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An Intermediate English Course for Reference and Practice


Mtro. Mario Terán Carbajal


Describing People ……………………………………………… ………… 03--09
Have/Has got………………………………………………………………… 10--17
The gerund / Present Progressive or Continuos………………………………. 18--25

Simple future: Will …………………………………………………………… 26--30
Connectors: Addition and Constrast………...…………….…………………… 31--35
Articles: A/AN/ SOME/ANY…………………………………………………. 36—38
There is / There are……………………………………………………………. 39 --43

Like and Dislike…………………………………………………………………..44--47
Prepositions of Place……………………………………………………………..48--51
Comparison of Superiority………………………………..…………………… 52--58

Lista de verbos:
Regulares……………………………………………………………………….. 59—79
Irregulares……………………………………………………………………….. 80-- 86

Describing people

Los qualifying adjectives / adjetivos calificativos son aquellas palabras que nos
permiten describir las cosas. A continuación te daremos un pequeño vocabulario de
List of Spanish adjectives to describe people
Spanish adjectives to describe a person physically:

ÉL ES/ELLA ES… – He is/She is…

ALTO (m) / ALTA (f) = Tall BAJO (m) / BAJA (f) = Short
DELGADO (m) / DELGADA (f) = Thin GORDO (m) / GORDA (f) = Fat
GUAPO (m) / GUAPA (f) = Good-looking FEO (m) / FEA (f) = Ugly
JOVEN (m/f) = Young MAYOR (m/f) = Old

ÉL/ELLA TIENE EL PELO… – His/Her hair is…

NEGRO = Black RUBIO = Blond
CORTO = Short LARGO = Long
LISO = Straight ONDULADO = Wavy
RIZADO = Curly

ÉL/ELLA TIENE LOS OJOS… – His/Her eyes are…

NEGROS = Black VERDES = Green

Spanish adjectives to describe personality:

ALEGRE (m/f) = Cheerful
AMABLE (m/f) = Kind
ANTIPÁTICO (m) / ANTIPÁTICA (f) = Unpleasant
BUENO (m) / BUENA (f) = Good
CARIÑOSO (m) / CARIÑOSA (f) = Affectionate
CELOSO (m) / CELOSA (f) = Jealous
COBARDE (m/f) = Cowardly
EGOISTA (m/f) = Selfish
EMPÁTICO (m) / EMPÁTICA (f) = Empathic
ENVIDIOSO (m) / ENVIDIOSA (f) = Envious
GENEROSO (m) / GENEROSA (f) = Generous
INTELIGENTE (m/f) = Intelligent
LISTO (m) / LISTA (f) = Bright/Clever
OPTIMISTA (m/f) = Optimistic
agradable (m) / (f) = Nice/Pleasant
MALO (m) / MALA (f) = Evil

PESIMISTA (m/f) = Pessimistic
RESPONSABLE (m/f) = Responsible
SENSIBLE (m/f) = Sensitive
SIMPÁTICO (m) / SIMPÁTICA (f) = Nice/Pleasant
VALIENTE (m/f) = Brave

Personality Vocabulary: 115 Words to Describe Character

Here’s your list!
aburrido-------boring educado--------------polite
afectuoso------affectionate eficiente-------------efficient
ágil-------------agile egoísta---------------selfish
agradable------pleasant elegante-------------elegant
alegre----------joyful enfadado------------annoyed
amable---------kind engreído-------------arrogant
ambicioso-----ambitious entrometido---------intrusive
amigable------friendly entusiasmado-------excited
amoroso-------loving excéntrico-----------eccentric
apasionado----passionate exigente-------------demanding
apático---------listless fastidioso------------fastidious
atento-----------attentive fiable-----------------reliable
atrevido--------sassy frío-------------------cold
cauto-----------cautious generoso--------generous
celoso----------jealous gracioso---------amusing
cínico----------cynical gruñón-----------grumpy
coherente-----coherent hábil-------------skillful
considerado---considerate hermoso--------beautiful
consternado---shocked histérico--------hysterical
cruel-----------callous holgazán-------slacker; idle
cuidadoso-----careful horrible--------awful
curioso---------curious imaginativo----imaginative
débil------------weak impaciente-----impatient
dependiente---------dependent impulsivo------impulsive
deprimido-----------depressed independiente-----independent
desaliñado-----------untidy ingenuo-----------naive
desconfiado---------distrustful inmaduro---------immature
desconsiderado-----inconsiderate inquieto----------restless
descuidado----------careless insensible--------insensitive
directo --------------direct inteligente-------intelligent
discreto--------------discreet interesante-------interesting
distante--------------distant intolerante-------intolerant
distraído-------------absent-minded intrépido---------bold
divertido-------------funny juguetón---------playful
dulce-----------------sweet listo--------------clever

maduro----------mature puntual----------------punctual
malicioso-------mischievous quisquilloso----------fussy
malo-------------mean realista----------------realistic
melancólico-----melancholic reservado-------------quiet
mentiroso--------liar responsable-----------responsible
meticuloso-------meticulous ridículo----------------ridiculous
tacaño------------stingy seguro-----------------confident
modesto----------humble sensato----------------sensible
nervioso----------nervous sensible---------------emotional
orgulloso---------proud serio-------------------serious
paciente----------patient servicial---------------helpful
pacífico----------peaceful simpático-------------nice
pasional---------passionate sincero----------------honest
pensativo--------thoughtful sucio------------------dirty
perezoso--------lazy superficial-----------shallow
perseverante-------persevering talentoso-------------talented
pícaro---------------naughty tímido----------------shy
poderoso------------powerful tonto------------------silly
positivo-------------positive torpe------------------clumsy
práctico-------------practical tranquilo-------------cool
pretencioso------------pretentious triste------------------sad
provocador------------provocative valiente---------------brave


A NICE GIRL Una muchacha simpática

adj. sust. sust. adj.

Exercise 1.- Read the descriptions and write the names.


   Helen     ______ ______      ______      _______      _______     _______   _______
Helen has got short, curly, black hair. She's got glasses. She's got brown eyes and freckles.
Francine has got short, straight, red hair. She's got green eyes. She hasn’t got glasses or freckles. 
Alan has got short, straight, brown hair. He hasn't got freckles or glasses. He's got brown eyes. 
Dan has got short, straight, black hair. He hasn't got freckles or glasses. He's got black eyes.
Violet has got long, red, curly hair.  She's got freckles and glasses. She's got green eyes.  
Susan has got short, brown hair.  She's got freckles. She hasn’t got glasses. She's got brown eyes. 
Bob has got short, curly, blond hair. He's got blue eyes. He's got glasses. He hasn't got freckles.
Frank has got straight, blond hair. He's got blue eyes. He hasn’t got glasses. He’s got freckles.

Exercise 2.- Which is the opposite of each adjective?                  

1. generous              __mean                   __vain                                          
2. loud                     __talkative             __quiet
3. nice                     __nasty                  __carefree
4. decisive               __undecisive           __indecisive
5. reliable               __irreliable             __unreliable                            
6. hard-working       __low-working        __lazy
7. serious                __funny                  __shy
8. predictable         __unpredictable      __impredictable
9. optimistic           __materialistic         __pessimistic
10.shy                     __outgoing               __selfish

Exercise 3.- What kind of person would say ...?                             

1.- "I love you, honey!! I want everybody to know!"              a) shy            b) affectionate

2.- "Don't make me angry or I'll kick you"                                       a) aggressive       b) tolerant
3.- "Everything is wrong in this school: the teachers, the students,...
Everything!!"          a) nice                 b) critical
4.- "What shall I do? I can't really make a decision"                      a) indecisive       b) unpredictable
5.- "I can't think of anybody who's more beautiful than me"          a) self-conscious   b) vain
6.- "Great! Another party! Let's have fun and make new friends!"    a) outgoing          b) moody
7.- "I'm going to spend the weekend lying on the beach. I have no worries"   a) materialistic      b) carefree
8.- "More work? OK, I don't mind. I love working"                    a) ambitious         b) hard-working
9.- "Did you tell me? I can't remember. My memory is like a sieve"    a) forgetful          b) truthful
10.- "I've got a lot of common sense"                                       a) sensitive             b) sensible 

Exercise 3.- Part. Look at the following pictures and write sentences describing their physical appearance.

2. Shakira Description
Age: 34
Height: 1,50 mts
Weight: 40 kg
Eyes: big-brown
1. Doña Cleotilde
Hair- blond - straight – long
Age: 65 Appearance: Pretty (beautiful)
height: 1,75 mts
weight: 45 kg
Eyes: brown - big
hair: shoulder-lenght
Appearance: ugly 4. Cristiano Ronaldo Description

Age: 23
Height: 1,83
Weight: 70 kg
Eyes: brown - big
Hair: Short- straight - brown
Appearance: well built.
3. Don Ramon Description
Age: 70
height: 1,77 mts
Weight: 60 kg
Eyes: hazel -big
Hair: short-wavy-black
Appearance: ugly
Write a short paragraph describing these 4 people. Follow the given example.

1. She is Doña Clotilde. She is an old woman. She is tall. She is slim (thin) She has big
brown eyes. She has shoulder lenght hair (Her hair is shoulder lenght). She is an ugly
2. She is Shakira. (age) _______. (Height) _________. (Eyes) ______ (Hair) ______
(Appearance) _________.
3. (Name) ________. (Age) _________. (Height) ________. (weight) _______
(moustache) _______ (hair) _________. (Appearance) ________.
4. (Name) _________. (age) _______. (Height) ________. (Wight) ________.
(hair) _________ (Appearance) ________.
Exercise 4.- Words to Describe Personalities Fill in the blanks with one of these words:

argumentative bad-tempered callous nasty

friendly welcoming respectful helpful
cruel courteous polite forgiving

My father is so ______, If someone is wrong, he will shout at them until they change their mind.  I've
told him that being so ________ isn't going to make him any friends, but he doesn't care about my
opinion.  However, he can also be very ________ when someone apologises to him for doing
something to offend him.  He is also kind and ______ to our neighbours and friends.
 My mother is never _______. She is kind to everybody, and everybody talks about how _______ she is
- when you need some help, she's definitely the person to ask. 
 I try to be _____ and _______ all the time.  I don't think good manners cost anything, and I don't like
to be _______.

Exercise 5.- Character traits. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence:
1.- Jack won in a lottery. He is a ____ man. (lucky / happy)

2.- Mark is watching TV all the time. He is _________. (lazy / energetic)
3.- Susan always does what she wants and doesn't take my advice. She is ____ (nervous / stubborn)
4.- Grandma gives me sweets every time I came. She is _______. (generous / poor)
5.- Lisa can't talk with other men. Her husband is very ______. (jealous / rude)
6.- Do you believe it? He called me an idiot. He's so ______. (rude / serious)
7.- Be _______. Doctor will be there in 5 minutes. (excited / patient)
8.- Hitler was a really _______ person. He lets die millions of people. (cruel / polite)
9.- I haven't slept all night. I'm very ________. (tired / energetic)
10.- Eat five portions of vegetable per day and you will be ______. (funny / healthy)

Exercise 6.- Listen and Write true (T) or false (F)

1.- Skai Jackson is an actress ____
2.- She’s from New Orleans ____
3.- She’s fat _____
4.- Her smile is very beautiful____
5.- Her eyes are dark green ____
6.- She is rude and unkind ____
7.- She wears jeans, skirt and trainers ___
8.- She wears dresses at parties ____

Exercise 7.- Listen and choose the correct option.

1.- Mark wants to buy a (T-shirt / pair of jeans / pair of socks).
2.- His size is (small / big / médium).
3.- He prefers the (blue / black / brown) pair of jeans.
4.- He pays (fifty-five / forty-five / fifteen) pounds.
5.- The changing room are on (the left / the right).


El verbo "to have got" se puede usar con el significado de obligación (igual que must)
pero sobre todo se usa con el significado de "tener" (poseer). El uso de "to have got" es
más frecuente en el inglés británico.

Está formado por el auxiliar "have" + "got" (participio del verbo "to get").

Se suele usar en presente, ya que para el pasado se suele usar el pasado de "to have".

No necesita del auxiliar "to do" para las oraciones negativas e interrogativas y la
partícula "got" se omite en las respuestas cortas y en las question tags.

I have got to go. Tengo que irme (obligación).

She hasn't got any sisters. No tiene ninguna hermana (posesión en negativa).
Have you got any children? Yes I have/ No I haven't. ¿Tienes niños? (Respuesta
He's got a new house, hasn't he? Tiene una nueva casa ¿verdad? (question tag).


I have got I've got

You have got You've
He has got He's got
She has got She's got
It has got It's got
We have got We've got
You have got You've got
They have got They've got


I have got a map. Tengo un mapa.

You've got a car. Tienes un coche.
He has got a big house. Tiene una casa grande.
She's got a good friend. Tiene un buen amigo.
It has got a tail. Tiene una cola.
We have got a flat. Tenemos un piso.
You have got a book. Tiene un libro.
They've got some money. Tienen dinero.

Sujeto+ have/has + not + got + ...
El auxiliar se conjugará según la persona que acompañe.

I have not got I haven't got
You have not got You haven't got
He has not got He hasn't got
She has not got She hasn't got
It has not got It hasn't got
We have not got We haven't got
You have not got You haven't got
They have not got They haven't got


I haven't got any money. No tengo dinero.

You haven't got any brothers. No tienes hermanos.
He hasn't got a pen. No tiene un bolígrafo.
She hasn't got any friends. No tiene amigos.
It hasn't got four legs. No tiene cuatro patas.
We haven't got a big room. No tenemos una habitación grande.
You haven't got a laptop. No tenéis un portátil.
They haven't got a ticket. No tienen una entrada.

 Interrogativo= Have/Has + Sujeto + got + ... ?

Interrogativo / Negativo= Have/Has + sujeto + not + got + ... ?
Haven't/ Hasn't + sujeto + got +... ?

Have I got...? Have I not got...? Haven't I got...?

Have you got...? Have you not got...? Haven't you got...?
Has he got...? Has he not got...? Hasn't he got...?
Has she got...? Has she not got...? Hasn't she got...?
Has it got...? Has it not got...? Hasn't it got...?
Have we got...? Have we not got...? Haven't we got...?
Have you got...? Have you not got...? Haven't you got...?
Have they got...? Have they not got...? Haven't they got...?


Have I got a new job? ¿Tengo un nuevo trabajo?

Have you got a lighter? ¿Tienes un encendedor?
Has he got a girlfriend? ¿Tiene novia?
Has she got a child? ¿Tiene un hijo?
Has it got a train station? ¿Tiene una estación de tren?
Have we got a headache? ¿Tuvimos un dolor de cabeza?
Have you got flowers? ¿Tienen flores?
Have they got a computer? ¿Tienen un ordenador?

Ejercicios con 'have got'

Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma larga del verbo to have got en afirmativa.

1 She ___________ a new house.

2 They ___________ a Porsche.
3 Their house _________ five bathrooms
 2  Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma contraída del verbo to have got en

4 You __________ that book.

5 I __________ a red ball.
6 My new boss __________ a big car.
 3 .- Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma larga del verbo to have got en
7 (You) ___________ a new computer?
8 (your father) _________ a good job?
 4  Completa las siguientes oraciones con la forma contraída del verbo to have got en forma
negativa e interrogativa.
9 Why (you) ___________ an English dictionary?
10 (your daughters) __________________ a pet?

Exercise 2.- Complete the sentences with have got or has got. If there is a (-) use haven't
got or hasn't got.
1. My sisters ___________ long hair.
2. I can't open the door. I ______________ a key. (-)
3. We ______________ an apple tree in the garden.
4. Robert _______________ a lot of friends in school.
5. They ________________ two cats and a dog.
6. Ben _______________ a lot of books. (-)
7. I _____________ enough time to go on holidays.
8. My friend ________________ an orange basketball.
9. Betty and Frank _________________ a really nice aunt.
10. Hurry up! We ______________ much time. (-)
11. My parents ______________ a big bedroom.
12. What ____________ you ____________ in your schoolbag?
13. My uncle _______________ a son or a daughter. (-)
14. The twin sisters in our class _______________ pretty eyes.
15. We _______________ a red sofa in our classroom.


1.- My father likes animals. He ____two dogs and a horse.

A) have B) has got C) have got D) haven't got
2.- A giraffe____four long legs.
A) isn't B) have C) has got D) haven't got
3.- ____you____a pet

A) Are/got B) Haven't/get C) Hasn't/got D) Have/got
4.- How many eyes____a bee_____?
A) has/got B) can/got C) does/got D) have/got
5.- How many legs____a scorpion____?
A) do/got B) does/got C) has/got D) have/got
6.- Mary____two sisters. They are very tall.
A) has got B) have got C) is D) can
7.- I____a hamster. It's brown and white.
A) are B) can C) has got D) have got
8.- We____much time. We're late.
A) hasn't got B) are C) can D) haven't got
9.- She____a mobile phone.
A) have got B) has got C) is D) have
10.- __you____a summer house?
A) Has/got B) Are/has C) Have/got D) Can/you

Exercise 4.- Choose the correct verb forms to complete the sentences below.

1.- _____ a pen?

a. Do you have got b. Have you got c. You have got
2.- They _____ any children.
a. don't have got b. don't got c. haven't got
3.- A: 'Have you got a car?' B: 'Yes, I _____.'
a. have b. do c. 've got
4.- When we were kids, we _____ many toys.
a. hadn't got b. didn't have c. hadn't
5.- He ____ a very nice family.
a. 's got b. have got c. 've got
6.- There is a door here. _____ the key?
a. Have you got b. Do you got c. Do you have got
7.- They _____ two cats and two dogs.
a. has got b. 've c. 've got
8.- _____ a question?
a. Have you b. Do you have got c. Do you have
9.- I _____ the answer to your question.
a. haven't b. don't have got c. haven't got
10.- I _____ a lot of money at the moment.
a. don't have got b. don't have c. haven't

Uso de have y has

El verbo auxiliar to have  significa tener. Una de sus particularidades es
que cambia dependiendo del pronombre con que se conjugue, así que
usamos have  con los pronombres I,  you,  we    y they, pero has  con los
pronombres he, she e  it:  

Por ejemplo:
 I have a pet. Yo tengo una mascota.
 He has a daughter. Él tiene una hija.
 You have an appointment tomorrow. Tú tienes una cita mañana

Ten en cuenta las estructuras que debes usar en este primer uso de HAVE:

En este tiempo verbal, el verbo HAVE tiene dos conjugaciones: HAVE or HAS.

HAVE se usa con los siguientes pronombres personales: I, You, We, They. Ejemplos:

I have dinner at 8 pm on Saturdays / Yo ceno a las 8 de la noche los sábados
You have the greatest collection of British music / Tú tienes la mejor colección de música británica
We always have tea after lunch / Siempre tomamos te después del almuerzo
They have a brand-new swimming pool / Ellos tienen una piscina nueva

HAS se usa con la tercera persona del singular en inglés; es decir, los pronombres: He,
She, It (animal, cosa o lugar). Ejemplos:
He has some interesting paintings in his living room / Él tiene algunos cuadros interesantes en su sala
de estar
She has 4 brothers, 3 sisters and 4 cousins / Ella tiene 4 hermanos, 3 hermanas y 4 primos
My city has a few tall buildings downtown / Mi ciudad tiene algunos edificios altos en el centro

Nota: Esta diferencia en el presente simple sólo aplica para las oraciones en afirmativo.
No aplica ni para las oraciones interrogativas o ni para las negativas.

Present simple

Afirmativo Negativo Interrogativo

I have a new car. I don’t have a new car. Do you have a new car?
Tengo un coche nuevo. No tengo un coche nuevo. ¿Tienes un coche nuevo?

(He/She) It has a sunroof. It doesn’t have a sunroof. Does it have a sunroof?

Tiene techo solar. No tiene techo solar. ¿Tiene techo solar?

We have long hair. We don’t have long hair. Do we have long hair?

Tenemos / Llevamos el No tenemos / No ¿Tenemos / Llevamos el
pelo largo. llevamos el pelo largo. pelo largo?

They have a lot of books. They don’t have a lot of Do they have a lot of

Tienen muchos libros. books. books
No tienen muchos libros. ¿Tienen muchos libros?

Exercise 1.- Write have or has :

1.- My parents _______ a beautiful house in the city.
2.- I _______ a fantastic apartment in Toronto.
3.- My father ________ a new job.

4.- My brother ________ a lot of friends.
5.- They _________ an English test tomorrow.
6.- This woman ________ seven children.
7.- We _________ a lot of money.
8.- They _________ an ugly monster.
9.- My cousin ________ a new girlfriend.
10.- The pupil ________ an old pencil box.
11.- You __________ a different name.
12.- My teacher ________ glasses.

Exercise 2.- Elige la forma correcta del presente simple Interrogativo del verbo to have.

1 ____ a good job?

a) Do she have b) Does she have c) Do she has
2 Where ____ your pen?
a) does you have b) have you c) do you have
3 ____ a black hat?
a) Doesn't Mary has b) Doesn't Mary have c) Don't Mary has
4 ____ a new house?
a) Does she have b) Does she has c) Do she have
5 How many brother and sisters ____?
a) don't you have b) do you have c) you have
6 ____ any exam next week?
a) Don't we have b) Have we c) Does we have
7 How much money ____?
a) has she b) does she has c) does she have
8 ____ a good relationship?
a) Do not you and I have b) Don't you and I have c) Do you and I haven't
9 ____ dinner before nine?
a) Do you have b) Does you have c) Do not you have
10 ____ a yatch?
a) Do your father have b) Does your father have c) Do your father has

Exercise 3.- Write the sentences in the negative.

example= I have a book. --> I don't have a book.

1. They have a pencil. ______________________________________

2. He has a computer. ______________________________________
3. She has a book. ______________________________________
4. We have paper. ______________________________________
5. I have a car. ______________________________________
6. You have a pen. ______________________________________
7. Sue has a computer. ______________________________________
8. The teachers have pens. _____________________________________

Change the sentences to questions.

example= She has a computer. --> Does she have a computer?

1. You have a book. _________________________________

2. She has a computer. _________________________________
3. They have pencils. _________________________________
4. He has a pen. _________________________________
5. Gail has a book. _________________________________
6. The teachers have cars. _________________________________
7. The student has a book. _________________________________
8. Mary and Pete have pens. _________________________________

Instructions: Find the errors in the sentences. Write the sentences correctly.
example= He are a teacher. --> He is a teacher.

1. He have a new computer. ___________________________________

2. Does she has a book? ___________________________________
3. She don't have a car. ___________________________________
4. He dosn't have a pencil. ___________________________________
5. Nice meet you. ___________________________________

The gerund

All English verbs form their present participles by adding “ING” to the simple form of the verb.


B) If the verb ends in a silent “E”, drop the “E” and add “ING”, if the final “E” is pronounced, it

C) If the verb end in consonant preceded by a single vowel with the spoken accent on the last syllable,
the consonant is doubled, and add “ING.”


*TRAVELLING (just in UK) ( in U.S.A. English is just TRAVELING).

In the following examples the final consonant does not double.



Never double “W”, “X”, or “Y”


D) Never change the final “Y” when adding “ING”


Here the “Y” is conserved to avoid double “i” The only exception to double “i” is the Scandinavian
word “SKI” = SKIING.

Verbs ending with -ie

Change the -ie to -y and add -ING

die - dying
tie - tying
lie – lying

Present Continuous
Use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is happening now, at
this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

Listed below are examples, uses and structure of the Present Continuous followed by a quiz.

Things that are happening now, at the moment.

What are you doing?

She's reading in the garden.
They're not standing in the rain.

Actions happening in a period around the present moment in time.

I'm reading "The Surgeon's Mate" by Patrick O'Brian.

Whose account are you working on?
She's studying hard for her final exam.

Future plans and arrangements.

We're having leftovers this evening.

What are you doing tomorrow afternoon?
She isn't coming on Friday.

Common present continuous time expressions include:

at the moment, now, today, this week, this month, tomorrow, next week (for future arrangements ),

Positive Negative

Conjugate the helping verb "be" + verb + -ing. Conjugate the helping verb "be" + not + verb + -ing.

I'm (I am) -> working today. I'm not (I am not) -> coming this evening.
You're (You are) -> working today. You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
He's (He is) -> working today. He isn't (He is not) -> coming this evening.
She's (She is) -> working today. She isn't (She is not) -> coming this evening.
It's (It is) -> working today. It isn't (It is not) -> coming this evening.
We're (We are) -> working today. We aren't (We are not) -> coming this evening.
You're (You are) -> working today. You aren't (You are not) -> coming this evening.
They're (They are) -> working today. They aren't (They are not) -> coming this evening.

Question word + conjugate the helping verb 'be' + subject + verb + -ing

What -> are you -> doing this afternoon?

What -> is he -> doing this afternoon?
What -> is she -> doing this afternoon?
What -> is it -> doing this afternoon?
What -> are we -> doing this afternoon?
What -> are you -> doing this afternoon?
What -> are they -> doing this afternoon?

Uses of this tense:  1) To indicate that an action or situation is
happening now, at the time of speaking. This very

He is reading a book now...Make silence!  


Peter is listening to the radio at this moment

          It is raining at present....Let`s stay at home!!!  

 Carin a is dancing with her new friend now.  

    They are practising for a tv programme.  

  2) We also use the present continuous tense for changing situations:

 This plant is growing very fast....We need another pot


Maradona is ill. But he is getting better now.

3)To talk about something happening around the time of speaking, but not necessarily  

Now she is having a bath. But she is

 an important writer. She is writing a book on global warming  
Now he is on vacations...But he is building his own
house next to ours...

Negative forms: Formas negativas:

To turn all the previous sentences into negative ones, you simply have to
add ''not''   
We use      am not       ('m not)   driving                                            
is   not       ('s not ) (isn’t)   playing                                    
are not       ('re not) (aren’t)     studying  etc    -  

Examples: Ejemplos:             He is not studying. He is sleeping....

She is not reading. She is writing.  

He is not laughing. He is crying....  

Exercise I.- Self-Test Quiz: Forming Gerunds

Fill in your answer.

1. What is the gerund formed from "shop"? _____________

2. What is the gerund formed from "make"? _____________

3. What is the gerund formed from "please"?
4. What is the gerund formed from "hope"?
5. What is the gerund formed from "hop" (which means "to jump on one leg")?
6. What is the gerund formed from "hurt"? _____________
7. What is the gerund formed from "beat"? _____________
8. What is the gerund formed from "judge"? _____________
9. What is the gerund formed from "write"? _____________
10. What is the gerund formed from "filter"? _____________
11. What is the gerund formed from "fry"? _____________
12. What is the gerund formed from "shoot"? _____________

Exercise II.- write the correct ING form of the verbs.

1.To hurry ________________ 11.- to play _________________

2.To put ________________ 12.- to work _________________
3.To go ________________ 13.- to admit _________________
4.To imitate ________________ 14.- to come _________________
5.To reach ________________ 15.- to see _________________
6.To adjust _________________ 16.- to drive _________________
7.To smoke _________________ 17.- to forgive _________________
8.To run _________________ 18.- to do _________________
9.To rain _________________ 19.- to get _________________
10.To hit _________________ 20.- to eat _________________

Exercise III.- Present Continuous. Using the prompts, create a sentence in the
present continuous tense.
For example: "She / eat / cheese" becomes "She is eating cheese."

The train / come _________________________

I / study ____________________________________

They / wait / for the train _____________________________

I / have / a good time______________________________________

We / walk / to school________________________________

She / wear / earrings ___________________________________

We / plan / our work______________________

It / rain /


Exercise IV.- correct form of the verb. Take a look at the animated actions or situations

1) Lalo Schiffrin is playing / play the piano now. Do you remember

''Impossible Mission?...Well, he is the author of the main theme

2).- He is drinks/drinking too much...Don`t

3) you think It is carry/carrying a pear! Is that possible?

4) She is skate/skating back home...Be careful, she is a lady....

5) Margaret is playing/play baseball. Come on baby!

6) Manu is play/playing baseball against him tonight...Poor Manu!

7) Peter is cooking/cooks today...Let´s order a pizza then...

8) They are come/coming tonight...Let`s get out of here!

9) This is me reading/read the newspaper....I live in Argentina you know!

Exercise V.- correct form of the verb (negative sentences)

1) He is not taking take pictures...He is carrying your luggage.

2) Peter isn`t playing plays rock 'n roll. It is electronic tango

3) He isn´t dance dancing....He is hunting for a living.

5) He isn`t ___________________________

Exercise VI.- Present Continuous Activities

_____________ _____________
_____________ _____________

________________ ________________ ________________

_______________ _________________ ________________

_________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

Exercise VII.- Use the short form and don't forget the full-stop at the end of the sentence.
Example: I / watch / TV I'm watching TV.

1. I / sit / on a chair ___________________________________

2. He / smoke / a cigar ___________________________________
3. They / play / football ___________________________________
4. It / rain ___________________________________
5. Anne / write / a letter ___________________________________
6. Bob / read / a book ___________________________________
7. We / walk / to work ___________________________________
8. You / eat / an apple ___________________________________
9. They / run / around the park ___________________________________
10. I / wait / for the bus ___________________________________

ExerciseVIII .- Fill in the gaps with the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets..

1. My favourite TV show __________________________(start) now.

2. My father ______________________________(not work) at the moment.
3. The teacher __________________________________(talk) too fast.
4. They __________________________________(not listen) to me.
5. I _____________________________________(wait) for my father.
6. My sister ______________________________(cook) dinner now.
7. I _______________________________________(not shout).
8. John's dog ________________________________(run) away.

Future Simple: “WILL”
El futuro simple
Hay dos formas principales para expresar el futuro. A veces son intercambiables, pero a menudo
pueden tener significados diferentes.
Future: “Will”
Uso del auxiliar "will" para expresar el tiempo futuro

Usaremos la forma "will + verb" para expresar una predicción propia / personal del futuro, es
decir, una opinión a algo que creemos que sucederá. También es usado para ofrecer a hacer algunas
cosas o para prometer.

Structure (Estructura)
Nota: Existe una forma corta del verbo modal “will” en el afirmativo tanto como el negativo.
Afirmativo Forma corta Negativo Forma corta

Follow the list about Structure of Simple Future Tense;

1. Affirmative Sentences (Frases afirmativas)

Sujeto + “will” + verbo principal.

I will [I’ll] call you tonight. (Te llamaré esta noche.)
She will [She’ll] arrive late. (Llegará tarde.)
They will [They’ll] be happy to see you. (Estarán felices de verte.)

2. Negative Sentences (Frases negativas)

Sujeto + “will” + “not” + verbo principal.


I will not [won’t] call you tonight. (No te llamaré esta noche.)

She will not [won’t] arrive late. (No llegará tarde.)

They will not [won’t] be happy to see you. (No estarán felices de verte.)

3. Interrogative Sentences (Frases interrogativas)

“Will” + sujeto + verbo principal.

Will you call me tonight? (¿Me llamarás esta noche?)
Will she arrive late? (¿Llegará tarde?)
Will they be happy to see you? (¿Estarán felices de verte?)

Exercise I .- Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Use will.
Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
Example: You (earn) will earn a lot of money.
1.- You (travel) _____________________around the world.
2.- You (meet) ___________________lots of interesting people.
3.- Everybody (adore) _____________________you.
4.- You (not / have) ______________________any problems.
5.- Many people (serve) _______________________you.
6.- They (anticipate) _______________________your wishes.
7.- There (not / be) ________________________anything left to wish for.
8.- Everything (be) _______________________perfect.
9.- But all these things (happen / only) ____________________if you marry me.

Exercise II.- Future Simple Positive. Make the future simple:

1) A: There's someone at the door. B: I ___________________(get) it.

2) Joan thinks the Conservatives ________________(win) the next election.
3) A: I'm moving house tomorrow. B: I __________________(come) and help you.
4) If she passes the exam, she ________________________(be) very happy.
5) I ___________________(be) there by four o'clock I promise.
6) A: I'm cold. B: I _____________________(turn on) the fire.
7) A: She's late. B: Don;t worry. She _____________________(come).
8) The meeting ______________________ (take) place at 6pm.
9) If you eat all of that cake, you ______________________(feel) sick.
10) They ______________________(be) home at 10 o'clock.

Exercise III.- Write questions in will future.

1.- (you / ask / him) _________________________________?
2.- (Jenny / lock / the door) _________________________________?
3.- (it / rain) _________________________________?
4.- (the teacher / test / our English) _________________________________?
5.- (what / they / eat) _________________________________?
6.- (when / she / be / back) _________________________________?
7.- (who / drive / us / into town) _________________________________?
8.- (where / we / meet) _________________________________?
9.- (when / I / be / famous) _________________________________ ?
10.- (what / you / do) _________________________________ ?

Exercise IV.- Write correct sentences using the affirmative, negative or question form of WILL.
1.- Tomorrow / it / rain / a lot / (affirmative)
2.- I / think / that / your / sister / pass / the / exam/ (negative)
3.- Where / you / stay / in / London / (question)
4.- He / believe / you/ (negative)
5.- We / miss / the / bus/ (affirmative)
6.- you / come / to / my / birthday / party / (question)
7.- When / you / come/ back/ (question)
8.- I / promise/ I / drive / too / fast / (negative)
9.- I / be / there / next month/ (affirmative)
10.- I / go / out / this / evening / (negative)

Exercise V.- Here are some sentences about a man called Stevie. He is a busy man and he travels
a lot. Use the words in brackets to complete the following information about him.
1.- On Monday Stevie (be) _____________________in Poland.
2.- On Tuesday he (not/be) _________________________ in Poland.
3.- He doesn't know where he (be) ________________________on Wednesday.
4.- At 8.00 a.m on Thursday Stevie (be) _______________________on a plane to Switzerland
5.- On Friday evening he (still/be) ___________________________in Switzerland.
6.- On Saturday he (not/be) _________________________in Switzerland. He'll be in France.
7.- Where (he/be) _____________________________on Sunday?
8.- How long (he/be) _________________________away?
9.- When (he/be) _______________________back from his trip?
10.- (He/be) ____________________________at home next month?

Exercise VI.- Read the Dialogue and Answer the Questions.

Raul: What will you do next vacation?
Tito: I'll travel to New York if I have reservation.
Raul: What will you do there?
Tito: I'll make many things if I have enough time.
Raul: What will you do first?
Tito: I'll visit the Central Park. I think it's an interesting and beautiful place.
Raul: When do you know if you'll travel?
Tito: Tomorrow Morning.

1. Where will Tito travel if he finds reservation?
2. What will he do there?
3. What place will he visit first?
4. When will he know if he travels?

Exercise VII.- Put the verbs into the correct form (future I simple). Use will.

Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:

1.- You (earn) ________ a lot of money.

2.- You (travel) ________ around the world.
3.- You (meet) _______ lots of interesting people.
4.- Everybody (adore) _______ you.
5.- You (not / have) ______ any problems.
6.- Many people (serve) _________ you.
7.- They (anticipate) _______ your wishes.
8.- There (not / be) _______ anything left to wish for.
9.- Everything (be) _______ perfect.
10.- But all these things (happen / only) _______ if you marry me.

Exercise VIII.- Listen to Katie talk about her plans to study in France using the future tense.
Study Abroad
Soon I will quit my job and move to Europe. I am very excited about it. I will be an
exchange student for one year in France and Spain. I will live in France first for six
months, and then I will move to Spain and I will live there for six months.

In both countries, I will study language at a local university. I do not know French or
Spanish now, so I will likely have trouble when I first move there. Still, I will do my

I will live alone, and I am sure I will miss friends, but I hope I will make new friends
soon. My best friend will come out and visit me around New Year. We will probably
take a trip to Greece. We won’t know our plans until later.

I am sure I will have some problems when I first move there. I will have a hard time
buying food, and talking but I am sure I will be fine.

I will miss a lot of things about my country, and I will miss my boyfriend. He will not
have time to visit me, so I won’t see him until I return. I will write him every week when
I am there. I think we will stay together, but I am not sure. I hope we will stay together!

I am sure my life will be different and I will change, but I hope I will change in a good
way, and I hope I won’t regret my decision. As we say, only time will tell!

Answer the following questions about the interview.

1) What will happen soon?
a) She will work in Europe. b) She will quit her job.
2) How many languages will she study?
a) One b) Two
3) What will she have problems doing?
a) Buying food. b) Making friends
4) Who will she miss?
a) Her family b) Boyfriend



Connectors of Addition and Contrast
Read the pairs of sentences below. Which pair expresses similar ideas? Wich pair
expresses contrasting ideas? Use the chart to help you.

1. Their team has got the best players. Moreover, their coach is fantastic.
2. Their team has got the best players. Nevertheless, they lost the last game.

CONNECTORS OF ADDITION: in addition, furthermore, moreover, as well as, also,

CONNECTORS OF CONTRAST: however, nevertheless, on the one hand / on the other
hand, in spite of / despite, although /even though, but

Conectores de adición
Son aquellos que utilizamos para agregar más ideas:

Moreover/ además
Furthermore/ además
In addition/ además
Not only/ no solo
But also/ sino que también/ incluso

Conectores de contraste
Son utilizados para cotejar dos ideas:

Although/ aunque
However/ sin embargo
Whereas/while/ mientras que
On the other hand/ por otro lado
Nevertheless/ sin embargo

Algunos conectores de adición en inglés y su uso
Estos son algunos conectores de adición en inglés más usados:

Above, above this — encima, por encima

I was with a cold, above this, I hit my finger with the hammer. (estaba resfriado y
encima de esto, golpeé mi dedo con el martillo)

also — además, asimismo, también

I done my math test, also I finished the English test (hice mi examen de matematicas,
también terminé mi examen de inglés)

Mary, John, Steve, also Carmen, went to the beach last summer (Mary, John, Steve
además de Carmen, fueron a la playa el verano pasado)

and — y
My dog and my cat, wait for me in the living room every day (Mi perro y mi gato me
esperan en la sala todos los días)

another case — otro caso más

The ginger cookies were delicious. Another case solved by the cookie hunter (Las
galletas de gengibre estuvieron deliciosas. Otro caso más resuelto por el cazador de

besides — además de, junto a

leave the pen besides the notebook, please (deja la pluma junto al cuaderno, por favor).

both — ambos
Robert bought fruit. Melany bought sodas. Both will go to Jenny’s party (Roberto
compró fruta. Melany compró refrescos. Ambos irán a la fiesta de Juana)

even — incluso, hasta

I spent all my money, even the pennies (gasté todo mi dinero, incluso los centavitos)

further — más aún

Helen said to you that this will cause you problems, further, she said don’t do it (Helena
te dijo que esto te traería problemas, más aún, te dijo que no lo hicieras)

in other matters — en otro orden de cosas, por otro lado

We have many expenses. In other matters, these bills are very suspicious. (Tenemos
muchos gastos. Por otro lado, estas facturas son muy sospechosas)

in the same way — de la misma manera
Ethics says you should not harm anyone.. In the same way, most religions preach
respect for others (La ética dice que no debes dañar a nadie. En el mismo sentido, la
mayoría de las religiones predican el respeto a los otros).

indeed — es más
I must study a lot this week, indeed, i would not play videogames this week. (Debo
estudiar mucho esta semana, es más, no jugaré videojuegos esta semana).

joined — sumado a
The headache, joined to sneeze and feber, it means that you got a cold (El dolor de
cabeza, sumado al flujo nasal y la fiebre, quiere decir que estás resfriado).

likewise — igualmente, al igual

I love chocolate cake, likewise vanilla cake (Me gusta el pastel de chocolate, al igual
que el de vainilla).

Moreover — por otra parte, por añadidura, para colmo

George made a mistake and moreover he boasts it (Jorge comete un error y para colmo
lo alardea)

nor — ni
I don’t like the blue dress nor the green one. (No quiero el vestido azul ni el verde)

parallel that — paralelamente, junto a eso

I receive my package in home, parallel that in the office they sent a new package
(Recibí mi paquete en casa, paralelamente en la oficina mandaron un Nuevo paquete).

while — al mismo tiempo, mientras

Please, go to the park while I talk with your mom (Por favor, vayan al parque mientras
hablo con su mamá)

with — con
I’m coming with my uncle (vengo con mi tío)

Exercise 1.- Choose the correct connector:

1. Lorena seems to be quite clever. ......., she often gets low marks.
2. The service at this restaurant is excellent. .........., the food is delicious.
3. I've never been to Argentina, .........having relatives there.
4. Jordi is a careful driver. .........., he’s had several accidents.
5. Cristina loves playing sport, ........ she’s not very good at it.

6. Anna is talented at music.......... art.

Some connectors have got similar meanings but are followed by different structures.
Despite and in spite of are followed by a noun phrase or a gerund.

We did not wear coats despite the cold weather.

I tried to look happy in spite of feeling terrible.

Even though and although are followed by a clause.

My car constantly needs repairs even though it’s new.

My cousin and I aren’t very close, although we’re the same age.

Exercise 2.- Choose the correct connector.

1. We're studying now ___________ there's an interesting film on TV.
2. I’d like to talk to you ___________ I know you’re busy.
3. _____________ her efforts, she failed the exam.
4. _______________ we were having difficulties, we felt optimistic.
5. We didn’t win the game ________________ all all our hard work.

Connectors are usually written in specific places in a sentence:

At the beginning of a sentence: in addition, furthermore, morover, howevrr,

nevertheless, on the one hand, on the other hand.

Either at the beginning or in the middle: despite, in spite of, although, even though.

Only in the middle of a sentence: and, but, also, as well as

Exercise 3.- Rewrite the following sentences using the connector in brackets.
1. Isabel apologised several times. Nevertheless, Pau wouldn’t speak to her. (but)
2. We decided to walk even though it was raining. (in spite of)
3. Roger works very hard to help his parents. He’s also a good student. (In addition)
different sentences)
4. I’m keen on Ice cream. In addition, I’m keen on chocolate. (as well as)
5. You’re late again. Furthermore, you haven’t brought your books. (and)

6. On the one hand, I’d love to come. On the other hand, I really haven’t got the time.
7. Rome is a great place to visit, but it has got terrible traffic problems. (despite)

Exercise 4.- CONNECTORS OF ADDITION. Conjunctions (followed by a complete

1.- What sports do you practice_________________ skiing? (apart from / moreover / in addition)
2.- _____________ being a good nurse, she’s also a mother of three children.
(Furthermore / Besides / Too)
3.- We are too busy to go out for a walk. ___________________ the weather is horrible today.
(as well as / in addition to / on top of that)
4.- Cooking is a very relaxing activity. ______________, you can also learn about nutrition.
(What’s more / As well as / Except)
5.- While she was on a diet, she ate nothing ______________ vegetables and fruit. She didn’t feel
well after that. (in addition to / furthermore /except)
6.- can play the piano. I can play the violin _______________. (too / besides / apart from)
7.- Yoga is a very good way to exercise mind and body. ________________ it is very relaxing.
(Except for / Too / In addition)
8.- __________________ studying the grammar of a language, you should find opportunities to
practice it with native speakers if you want to be fluent. (As well as / Furthermore / In addition)

Exercise 5.- Linking Words Contrast. Choose 'despite', 'however' or 'although'.

1) ____________ the rain, we still went to the park.

2) _____________ it was raining, we still went to the park.
3) It was raining. __________, we still went to the park.
4) John bought the watch, _____________ the fact that it was expensive.
5) John bought the watch. ____________, it was expensive.
6) ____________________ it was expensive, John bought the watch.
7) I finished the homework. It, __________, wasn't easy..
8) I finished the homework, ______________ it wasn't easy.


A, an, some, any

Estas palabras son determinantes que se usan siempre antes de los sustantivos en

A o an significa un, uno, una. La diferencia entre estas dos partículas está en su uso:

Usamos an antes de aquellas palabras que al pronunciarlas comiencen por un sonido

vocal. Ejemplos: an apple, an hour (la h no suena), an eight-year old boy.

Usamos a con todas aquellas palabras que al pronunciarlas comiencen por sonido
conjsonante. Ejemplos: a house (la h suena coo “J”), a child, a university.

La traducción de some o any varía de acuerdo con el tipo de frase en que aparecen
(afirmativas, negativas o interrogativas) y también según el tipo de sustantivo al que
modifiquen (contable o incontable).

Podemos ver su uso en el siguiente cuadro:


AFIRMATIVAS              A / an          Some (algunos)        Some (algo de)
NEGATIVAS                 A / an           Any (ningunos)        Any (nada de)
INTERROGATIVAS     A / an           Any (algunos)          Any (algo de)
There is a table in the room.
There isn't a table in the room.
Is there a table in the room?

There are some chairs in the room.

There aren't any chairs in the room.
Are there any chairs in the room?

There is some sugar in my coffee.

There isn't any sugar in my coffee.
Is there any sugar in my coffee?


Siempre se utiliza some en ofrecimientos y peticiones en los que esperamos

una respuesta afirmativa, aunque sean oraciones interrogativas:

"Would you like some coffee?" "Yes, please" (ofrecimiento)

"Can I have some water, please?" (petición)

Exercise 1.-
some/any/a/an in
the following
gaps. Look at
and asnwer

1. There are ______________ people in the street.
2. There is _______________cinema on the right.
3. There isn't _____________ internet café on the left.
4. There aren't ______________rivers running through the town centre.
5. There is ________________bar called Moe's.
6. There are __________________mountains in the horizon.
7. There are ________________parks.

Exercise 2.- Select the correct word a/an or some.

1.- I have ______ good idea.
2.- _____ interesting job!
3.- They have found _______gold in that old mine.
4.- Do the Smiths have _______ yellow van?
5.- Look! He's having _______ water.
6.- He always likes ________ piece of chocolate.
7.- I have _______ homework to do for tomorrow.
8.- There's _______ nice girl in the red car.
9.- Would you like _______ milk with your cookies?
10.- How about _______ grapes?

Exercise 3.- Choose the right forms some, any, an or a to complete the
following sentences in English.
1. There's ______ airport next to the city.
2. There are _______beautiful gardens, but there aren't fountains.
3. There are ________ postcards on this table for you.
4. Are there ________ parents in that party?
5. There isn't ________ shopping centre in this little town.
6. Is there _______ office near here?
7. There are _______ good books that you should read.
8. Is there _________ orange in the fridge?
9. Are there _________ chocolates in the kitchen?
10. There aren't ________ cookies left, sorry!
11. There's ________ house next to the river. Some friends live there.
12. Are there _______ armchairs in your house?

Exercise 4.- some or any? – Choose the correct answer.

1.- We need ______ bananas.

2.- You can't buy ______ posters in this shop.
3.- We haven't got _______ oranges at the moment.
4.- Peter has bought _______ new books.
5.- She always takes ______ sugar with her coffee.
6.- I have seen ______ nice postcards in this souvenir shop.
7.- There aren't _________ folders in my bag.
8.- I have _______ magazines for you.
9.- There are ________ apples on the table.
10.- Pam does not have ______ pencils on her desk.
There is & There are (Hay)
English Grammar Rules
 The choice between the phrases there is and there are at the beginning of a sentence is
determined by the noun that follows it.
 Use there is when the noun is singular (“There is a cat”). Use there are when the noun is plural
(“There are two cats”).

We use there is and there are to say that something exists.
Positive Sentences
We use there is for singular and there are for plural.
There is one table in the classroom.
There are three chairs in the classroom.
There is a spider in the bath.
There are many people at the bus stop.
We also use There is with uncountable nouns:
There is milk in the fridge. There is some sugar on the table.
There is ice cream on your shirt.

The contraction of there is is there's.

There's a good song on the radio. There's only one chocolate left in the box.

You cannot contract there are.

There are nine cats on the roof. There

are only five weeks until my birthday.

Negative Form
The negative is formed by putting not after is
or are:

There is not a horse in the field.

There are not eight children in the school.
There is not a tree in the garden.
There are not two elephants in the zoo.
We almost always use contractions when

The Negative contractions are:

There's not = There isn't There are not = There aren't

There aren't with ANY

When we want to indicate that a zero quantity of something exists we use there aren't any.

There aren't any people at the party. There aren't any trees in my street.

We also use this structure with uncountable nouns:

There isn't any water in the swimming pool. There isn't any sugar in my coffee.

To form a question we place is / are in front of there.
Again we use any with plural questions or those which use uncountable nouns.
We also use there is / are in short answers.
 Is there a dog in the supermarket? - No, there isn't.
 Are there any dogs in the park? - Yes, there are.
 Is there a security guard in the shop? - Yes, there is.
 Are there any polar bears in Antarctica? - No, there aren't.
 Is there any ice-cream in the freezer? - Yes, there is.

How Many with Are There

If we want to find out the number of objects that exist we use How many in the following form:

How many + plural noun + are there (+ complement).

How many dogs are there in the park? How many students are there in your class?
How many countries are there in South America? How many Star Wars films are there?
Exercise 1.- Choose There is or There are from the drop down menu to complete the sentences. Mind
singular or plural of the nouns. there is – there are 
1. __________ _____ carpets on the floor.
2. __________ _____ window on the right.
3. __________ _____chairs around the table.

4. __________ _____ children in the
5. __________ _____ bike near the play
6. __________ _____ easel next to the sand
7. __________ _____ books on the shelf.
8. __________ _____ water in the water tray.
9. __________ _____ crayons near the
10. _________ _____ 5 red cushions on the floor.
11. _________ _____ painting on the easel.
12. _________ ______ big window in the play corner.
13. _________ ______ toys on the table.

Exercise 2.- Read the sentences and answer the questions.

a>In Rita's kitchen there are twelve cupboards, five plates, six spoons and two cups of tea.
b> In Kim's room there are two dolls, a glass of milk, three magazines, five shirts and four skirts.
ex. Are there any magazines in Kim's room? -> Yes, there are three magazines.
1. Are there any shirts in Kim's room? -> Yes, _________ shirts in Kim's room.
2. Are there any cupboards in Rita's kitchen? -> Yes,________ cupboards in Rita's kitchen.
3. Is there a glass of water in Kim's room? -> No, _________.
4. Are there any skirts in Kim's room? -> Yes, __________ skirts in Kim's room.
5. Are there any plates in Rita's kitchen? -> Yes, _________ plates in Rita's kitchen.
6. Are there any forks in Rita's kitchen? -> No, __________ any forks in Rita's kitchen.
7.Are there any dolls in Kim's room? -> Yes, ____________ dolls in Kim's room.
8. Are there any cups of tea in Rita's kitchen? -> Yes, __________ cups of tea on Rita's kitchen.
9. Is there a TV in Kim's room? -> No, ____________ one in Kim's room..
10. Is there a glass of milk in Kim's room? -> Yes, ____________ a glass of milk in Kim's room.

Exercise 3.- Correct the errors. Write the correct sentence in the long box below each sentence:

1. There isn't some water in the glass. __________________________________

2. There are a 3 children talking with the teacher. __________________________________
3. Are there some cars in the car park? __________________________________
4. Is there any windows in this classroom? __________________________________

5. There aren't some pencils in the pencilcase. __________________________________
6. There is some people in the backyard. __________________________________
7. There are any stickers in the album? (Question) __________________________________
8. There is any parsley? (Question) __________________________________

Exercise 4.- There is / There are and It. Dialogue

Mum: Hi, Oliver!
Oliver: Hi, Mum. Are you having a good time? Where are you now?
Mum: Can’t you remember? You have to guess then! I’ll give you some clues! It’s warm and sunny
and it’s the city’s ‘fiesta’ week. There’s so much happening.
Oliver: Oh yeah, like what?
Mum: Well, when I arrived, there were fire-breathing dragons in the streets.
Oliver: Really?
Mum: Yeah, totally crazy. Hey, I’ll send you a photo.
Oliver: Wow, that looks a bit dangerous! Were there any accidents?
Mum: No, it seems to be quite normal here! They’re used to it. Now there are giants walking down
the street.
Oliver: Uh-huh? Mum, are you sure you’re feeling OK?
Mum: Yes, love, look – there’s a photo coming!
Oliver: Cor! They’re huge!
Mum: And this morning I saw human castles. You know, where people climb on top of each other
and make a tower. Then a little child climbs to the top. I was so nervous, just watching!
Oliver: I don’t get it! Photo, please!
Oliver: Wow! Look at that little girl at the top. Ahh! So, where are you?
Mum: Have a guess, Ollie.
Oliver: Oh I don’t know, Mum ... just tell me. Wherever you are I’m sure it’s better than being here.
It’s raining and it’s dark and it’s only 6 o’clock.
Mum: Sorry, love. I am working though, you know! It’s not all fun and games.
Oliver: Yeah, right. So where are you?
Mum: Barcelona!
Oliver: Oh, Mum ... Barcelona? You said I could come with you next time!
Mum: Oh, I know, next time for sure. I promise.
Oliver: Yeah, OK, Mum.
Mum: Tell Daisy I’ll call her later. Is there anything much going on at the moment?
Oliver: No, you know, Mum, there’s nothing new here! Just the same old London as always. Hey,
Mum, I’ve got to go. See you Friday!
Mum: All right, love. Take care now.

1. Check your grammar: correct or incorrect

Are these sentences correct or incorrect?

1. There’s difficult to say. Correct Incorrect

2. There’s really raining hard now. Correct Incorrect
3. It’s six o’clock and there’s dark already. Correct Incorrect
4. Sophie says it’s time to go. Correct Incorrect

5. Don’t look now, but it’s a dragon behind you. Correct Incorrect
6. It’s not all fun and games. Correct Incorrect
7. It’s a good film on this evening. Correct Incorrect
8. They said there will be snow later. Correct Incorrect

2. Check your grammar: multiple choice

Circle the best answer for these questions.
1. __________ a new girl in my class. There’s It’s
2. How far __________ to your house? is there is it
3. __________ anything happening? Is there Is it
4. __________ nice to meet you. There’s It’s
5. __________ a party at Alfie’s tomorrow. There’s It’s
6. __________ time for a quick snack before we go? Is there Is it
7. __________ Sunday tomorrow? Is there Is it
8. __________ always a lot going on in Barcelona. There’s It’s

Exercise 5.- Complete the sentences using the parts of the house.

a garage / a bedroom / a dining room / A roof / a kitchen / A basement / An attic /

a bathroom / stairs / a garden / a laundry room / a living room

In __________ there are equipment for washing, drying and ironing.

In __________ there can be a wash-basin, a shower cabin, a hair drier etc. .
You cook in______________.
You eat in _______________.
______________is a good tornado shelter.
You spend most of your time in________________.
You sleep in________________.
_________________ is the indoor space under the roof at the top of a house.
You can plant some trees or flowers in__________________.
You park your car in______________.
_______________is the top part of your house.
You use the _______________to go to upper floors or down floors .

Exercise 6.- INTERROGATIVE. Look at the picture and complete the questions using Is there or
Are there.
1. __________ a lamp on the bedside table? 5. __________ pictures on the wall?
2. __________ a wardrobe in the room? 6. __________ pillows on the bed?
3. __________ chairs in the room? 7. __________ a computer in the room?
4. __________ a drawer under the bed? 8. __________clothes in the wardrobe?

Todos los verbos de preferencia: like, dislike, prefer, hate, interesting in, fond
of, etc van seguidos de verbo con ING.

Los verbos más comunes para expresar preferencias son los siguientes.

love I love (listening to) music.

like I like (listening to) music.
enjoy I enjoy (listening to) music.
dislike I dislike (listening to) music.
hate I hate (listening to) music.

 Para expresar que algo nos gusta, se utilizan las siguientes frases:
I love... Me encanta(n)... ...reading leer
I like... Me gusta(n)... ...computers las computadoras
I'm interested in... Me interesa(n)... ...travelling viajar
I'm fond of... Me gusta(n)...

 Para expresar que algo no nos gusta, se utilizan las siguientes frases:
I hate... Odio...
I dislike... No me gusta(n) ...reading leer
I don't like... No me gusta(n) ...computers las computadoras
I'm not interested in... No me interesa(n)... ...travelling viajar

En ambos casos, las expresiones son seguidas de un sustantivo o de un verbo en -ing (forma
del gerundio).
Talking about likes and dislikes in English
There's a whole range of English expressions you can use to talk about how much you like or dislike
If you love something If you like something a lot
"I love eating ice-cream." “She’s fond of chocolate.”
"I adore sun-bathing." “I like swimming very much”.
"She's mad about that new boy band." “He really likes that new golf course”.
"He's crazy about that girl."
If you like something In reply to a question if you like something or not,
you can say:
"He quite likes going to the cinema." "I don't really care either way."
"I like cooking." "It's all the same to me."

If you neither like nor dislike something If you don't like something
"I don't mind doing the housework." "She doesn't like cooking very much."
"It's all the same to me." "He's not very fond of doing the gardening."
"He's not a great fan of football."
"Horse-riding isn't really his thing."
"I dislike wasting time."
If you really dislike something
"I don't like sport at all."
"He can't stand his boss."
"She can't bear cooking in a dirty kitchen."
Things to remember: Dislike is quite formal.
Fond of is normally used to talk about food or people.


Lo importante que debemos tener en cuenta es lo siguiente.

 Debemos tener en cuenta que la tercera persona de los verbos termina en 's' (EJEMPLO: She

likes [listening to] music.).
 Recuerda que si hablamos de alguna acción utilizamos dos verbos, y el segundo verbo debe ir en -ing.
 Además, ten en cuenta que podemos utilizar esta estructura en afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa.

Repasa la formación del Presente Simple para conocer mejor esta estructura.

Let’s see an example. No olvides la Súper S


I like playing I don’t like playing Do I like playing?
You like playing You don’t like playing Do you like playing?
He likes playing He doesn’t like playing Does he like playing?
She likes playing She doesn’t like playing Does she like playing?
It likes playing It doesn’t like playing Does it like playing?
We like playing We don’t like playing Do we like playing?
You like playing You don’t like playing Do you like playing?

Exercise I.- Write "Love , like, don't like, doesn't like, dislike or hate" in the following boxes:
1. I _____________eating Pizza on Saturdays.
2. My sister _______________tidying her room.
3. She ____________making dinner on Mondays.
4. Arthur _____________playing rugby with his friends.
5. My aunt _____________driving at night.
6. Your brothers ____________sleeping in the tent.
7. Those children ___________listening to the radio.
8. These men _______________working on Sundays.
9. My niece _______________reading adventure books.
10. Your father's friends __________________driving their cars when it is raining.

Exercise II.- Write the verbs in blue in the corresponding gaps:

Get - Tidy - Do - Brush - Make - Go - Go - Have - Meet - Eat
1. She doesn't like ______________her room everyday
2. Do you like __________________to bed at eleven o'clock?
3. My mother dislikes ________________up at 7.
4. Does your sister hate ___________________cold food?
5. Anne's father loves ___________________to work by car.
6. I always like _________________my homework before 7 o'clock.
7. John likes ____________________his teeth every night.
8. Your grandmother hates ______________dinner for 6 people.
9. Does she like ___________________a shower after dinner?
10. Hannah loves ____________________her friends once a week.
Exercise III.- Order the following sentences:
1. classical My likes mother to music. listening __________________________
2. his dad car. Ana's washing hates _________________________
3. travelling friend by loves My plane. father's _________________________
4. emails. writing I long hate _________________________
5. watching dislikes films horror She TV. on __________________________

6. in Tommy dancing the loves disco. __________________________
7. English. My speaking maths loves teacher __________________________
8. doesn't early.friend's sister My like getting up __________________________
9. the I getting dressed mornings. like in _________________________
10. a at bath aunt having nights. loves James' _________________________


a. I __________________hamburgers. b. I __________________pizza
c. I __________________dumplings d. I __________________sushi
e. I __________________fried rice f. I __________________noodles
g. I __________________cake


a. _____ you like ___________? Yes, I ________.

b. _______ you _______ ____________? No, I ______.

c. ________________ _______________? Yes, ___________.

d. _______________ ___________? No, ___________.

e. ____________________ ________________? Yes, __________.

f. ____________________ _______________? No, ___________.

Exercise VI.- Like + ing. Complete the sentences.

1. Dogs ____________________ (like/eat) meat and bones.
2. My cat ___________________ (like/sleep) on my bed.
3. Monkeys __________________ (like/climb) trees.
4. Rhinos ____________________ (like/ swim) in the river.
5. The giraffe ________________ (like/eat) leaves.
6. Zebras ____________________ (like/ run) on the plains.

7. A zebra ____________________ (like/run) on the plains.
8. Elephants __________________ (like/drink) water.

Exercise VII.- Look at the table and write sentences about Kate and Theo. Use like, love, doesn't like or hate.

1 Kate doesn't like playing tennis. Theo loves playing tennis.

2 Kate ________________. Theo ________________.
3 Kate ________________. Theo ________________.
4 Kate ________________. Theo ________________.
5 Kate _______________. Theo _________________.

Exercise VIII.- Write (ING) to the verbs to complete the sentences.

1 I hate _____________________ (get) up early in the morning.
2 Rob enjoys _____________________ (play) on his computer.
3 Anne hates _____________________ (wear) a uniform.
4 Paul loves _____________________ (watch) TV.
5 We like _____________________ (cook).
6 My friends enjoy _____________________ (play) football.
7 Carole doesn’t like _____________________ (work) in a bank.
8 Jack hates _____________________ (go) shopping on Saturday.
9 Mary likes _____________________ (talk) to her friends.

Preposition of Place (Preposiciones de Lugar en inglés)
Preposiciones de lugar son palabras para describir donde está algo.

At- en (un lugar preciso)

on - encima de under - debajo de
in – en inside - adentro

outside – afuera in front of - en frente de
behind – atrás next to - al lado
between - entre (dos) among - entre muchos
across from - del otro lado (también se dice "opposite")
opposite - del otro lado above - arriba
below – abajo around - alrededor
on the right - a la derecha on the left - a la

Exercise I.- Selecciona la preposición correcta en las oraciones según la posición en el mapa.
next to - al lado
between - entre
across from - del otro lado de la calle

1. The police station is___________the bank and the store.

2. The drug store is _________the police station.
3. The school is__________________the restaurant.
4. The train station is_________________the school.
5. The drug store is _____________the movie theater
and the post office.

Exercise II.- Selecciona la preposición correcta según la

posición en el dibujo.
in front of - en frente de behind – atrás between
– entre above – arriba below - abajo
on the right - a la derecho on the left - a la

1. The house is__________________the car.

2. The dog is ___________________the sun.
3. The tree is to the _________________of the house.
4. The car is_____________________the house.
5. The sun is________________the dog.
6. The house is _____________the dog and the tree.
7. The dog is to the _____________of the house.

Exercise III.- Selecciona la preposición correcta según la posición en el dibujo.

on - encima de
under - debajo de
in - en
1. The cat is _________________the table.
2. The vase (florero) is ___________the table.
3. Th flowers are _______________the vase.

Exercise IV.- Escribe oraciones para describir donde están las cosas en el
dibujo. Preposiciones - above/behind/between/in front of/on/under
ejemplo ball/table The ball is under the table.

tree = arbol
dog = perro
bicycle = bicicleta
table = mesa
ball = balón, pelota
basket = canasta
cloud = nube

1. basket/table

2. tree/bicycle _______________________________
3. cloud/table _______________________________
4. bicycle/tree _______________________________
5. dog/the bicycle and the table _______________________________

Exercise V.- Prepositions of place. "¿At”, “in” or “on”? Fill in the correct word.
1. She was standing all by herself _______the bus stop.
2. He was sitting _______ the top of the stairs.
3. There is such a mess ________ the kitchen!
4. There were many beautiful flowers ________the garden.
5. We had dinner _______a very nice restaurant.
6. They are dancing _______ the street!
7. We used to live ________the third floor.
8. They live ________ France.
9. Toni will meet us ________the corner of the street.
10. Times Square is ________New York.
11. We agreed to meet ________the airport.
12. There is a lot to see _______Texas.
13. We met _________a wedding.14. Where is he? He's ______ prison.
15. She put my shirts _________ the closet.

Exercise VI.- Place On, In, Under, to complete the sentences.

1.The cat is ____ the chair. 2. The fries are ______ the bag. 3. The toilet is _______ the bathroom.

4. The man is _________ the hat. 5. The boy's feet are ______ his shoes. 6.- The dog is ______ the tub.

Exercise VII.- Place Below & Above. Look at the picture.

1. The butterfly is ___________the clouds.

2. The airplane is ___________the clouds.
3. The house is ___________ _the clouds.
4. The bird is ______________the clouds.
5. The car is _______________the clouds.
6. The girls are _____________the clouds.
7. The rabbit is _____________the clouds.
8. The helicopter is _______ __the clouds.

Exercise VIII.- Complete the sentences below by choosing the correct prepositions. at, in on.

1. We have DSL Internet access ____ work, but I don't have a high-speed connection_____ home.
2. The kids are learning about the Civil War______ their history class_____ school.
3. Toby was______ the hospital for two weeks after his motorcycle accident_______ the freeway.
4. Jane and Debbie saw dolphins______ the ocean while they were having a picnic_____ the beach.
5. Fred loves to go camping_______ the desert, but Kyle prefers to camp_______ the mountains.
6. The conference was held ______a ski resort ____Telluride, a small town_______ southwest
7. You can buy stamps_______ the post office_________ Delancy Street.
8. The old man who was standing_______ the corner yelled at the kids who were playing_________
the street.
9. While they were hiking_______ Ridgeback Mountain, Laurelle and Frank saw a bear__________
the woods.

Exercise IX.- Look at the pictures and choose the correct answer.

a) b)   c)   d)   e)  


g)   h)   i)    j)  

a)  The ball is __________ the box.                h)  The ball is ___________ the box.                          
b)  The ball is __________the box.                i)  The ball is _____________the box.
c)  The ball is __________the box.                j)  The ball is _____________the box.
d)  The ball is __________the box.
e)  The ball is _____________ the box.     
f)   The ball is ____________ the box.                   
g)  The ball is ____________ the box. 

Comparative adjectives: Superiority
Nos referimos a adjetivos comparativos de superioridad cuando queremos comparar entre dos cosas,
siendo una más que otra. Por ejemplo: “Ese árbol es más alto que ese otro”.
Para formarlo en inglés hay que modificar el propio adjetivo, en el ejemplo anterior, el adjetivo a
modificar sería TALL (alto).

Por otro lado, si en la frase queremos añadir el elemento con el que estamos comparando,
utilizaríamos THAN (que):

Tú eres más alto — You are taller.

Tú eres más alto que yo — You are taller than me.
El vaso está más sucio — The glass is dirtier.
El vaso está más sucio que la taza — The glass is dirtier than the cup.

REGLAS para formar el adjetivo comparativo de SUPERIORIDAD:

Añadir el sufijo “-er” al final del adjetivo:
Adjetivos de una sílaba:
tall — taller (alto — más alto)
old — older (viejo — más viejo)
Adjetivos de una sílaba acabados en “-e”, sólo le añadimos la “-r” que falta:
large — larger (grande — más grande)
wise — wiser (sabio — más sabio)
Adjetivos de una sílaba acabados en “vocal + consonante”, doblan la consonante final:
big — bigger (grande — más grande)
fat — fatter (gordo — más gordo)
Adjetivos acabados en “-y“, cambiamos la “y” por “i” y añadimos la terminación “-er”:
happy — happier (feliz — más feliz)
busy — busier (ocupado — más ocupado)
Añadir la palabra “more” delante del adjetivo:
Adjetivos de dos o más sílabas (quitando aquellos de dos que hemos visto antes):
bo/ring — more boring (aburrido — más aburrido)
mo/dern — more modern (moderno — más moderno)
ex/pen/sive — more expensive (caro — más caro)
Aquellos adjetivos acabados en “-ed”, “-ing”, “-ful”, or “-less” SIEMPRE formarán el
comparativo con more.

Hay algunos adjetivos de dos sílabas que pueden formar su comparativo indistintamente con “-er” o
con “more“:
clever — cleverer / more clever (listo — más listo)
narrow — narrower / more narrow (estrecho — más estrecho)
simple — simpler / more simple (simple — más simple)
quiet — quieter /more quiet (callado — más callado)
common — commoner / more common (común — más común)
pleasant — pleasanter / more pleasant (agradable — más agradable)
gentle — gentler / more gentle (amable — más amable)
friendly — friendlier / more friendly (amistoso — más amistoso)

List of comparative and superlative adjectives
Adjectives Superiority Adds: “er”
Tall: taller than Short; shorter than
small smaller than Hard harder than
Soft softer than Quick quicker than
Fast faster than Cheap cheaper than
Young younger than Old older than
Deep deeper Thick thicker than
Strong stronger than Weak weaker than
Soon sooner than Near nearer than
High higher than Rich richer than
Poor poorer than Cold colder than
clean cleaner than full fuller than
warm warmer than cool cooler than
fresh fresher than sweet sweeter than
great greater than loud louder than
quiet quieter than clear clearer than
bright brighter than dark darker than
light lighter than kind kinder than

Adjectives one syllable, it’s double the last consonant add “er”.

flat flatter than thin thinner than

fat fatter than slim slimmer than
wet wetter than Big: bigger than
Hot hotter than Sad Sadder
*slow slower than
*New newer than
*Low lower than
Adjectives two syllable.
Large: larger than wide: wider than
late later than close to closer to ... than
simple simpler than brave braver than
safe safer than nice nicer than
Long longer

Adjectives ending in “y”
Easy: easier than early earlier than
dirty dirtier than empty emptier than
dry drier than windy windier than
noisy noisier than thirsty thirstier than
hungry hungrier than heavy heavier than
happy happier than funny funnier than
lucky luckier than lazy lazier than
pretty prettier than
La mayoría de los adverbios comparativos y superlativos usan "more"

carefully cuidadosamente boldly audazmente

bravely valientemente fondly cariñosamente
lightly ligeramente openly abiertamente
politly educadamente/ cortésmente propertly adecuadamente
rudely groseramente softly suavemente
tenderly tiernamente weakly debilmente

Adjectives: two syllable or more

Difficult: more difficult than important more important than
dangerous more dangerous than intelligent more intelligent than
famous more famous than Comfortable: more comfortable;
expensive: more expensive than attractive more attractive than
popular more popular than

narrow narrower than clever cleverer than
complicated more complicated than interesting more interesting than
beautiful more beautiful than useful more useful than
careful more careful than careless more careless than
exciting more exciting than


far from farther from ... than

good (well) better than
bad (badly) worse than
much (many) more than
Little less than
Few fewer than

Exercise I.- Form the comparative by adding –er or more.

With one-syllable: With two-syllable:
1.- big -> _______________ 6.- happy -> __________________
2.- thin -> ______________ 7.- angry -> __________________
3.- fat -> ______________ 8.- busy -> ___________________
4.- flat -> ______________ 9.- narrow -> __________________
5.- hot-> _______________ 10.- gentle -> ___________________

With most two-syllable:

11.- peaceful -> _____________________
12.- pleasant -> _____________________
13.- careful -> _____________________
14.- confortable-> ___________________
15.- carefully-> ___________________

Exercise II.- Comparative of superiority. Complete the sentences.

1. Mark is ____________________(tall) than Philippe.
2. Planes are ____________________(fast) than trains.
3. A Rolls Royce is _________________________(comfortable) than a Ford.
4. My pen is __________________(sharp) than yours.
5. Leila is __________________________(beautiful) than Ann.
6. Water is __________________________(heavy) than oil.
7. Juice is ___________________(good) than lemonade.
8. A Mercedes is _______________________(powerful) than a Fiat.
9. Peter is ____________________(wise) than Catherine.
10. America is ____________________(large) than Europe.

Exercise III.- English exercise "Comparative of superiority"

1.- Come in, friends! This restaurant is _________(good) than any other one.
2. I am getting more and ______(excited). I am going to get my gift soon: a gorgeous watch.
3. He is __________(happy) than Tom is. He doesn't live in a great mansion devoid of life.
4. This one is ___________(cheap) than the teddy bear you bought last week.
5. He is getting more and __________(anxious): he applied for a job and he hasn't got an answer yet.
6. I am really glad, you know. Even _______(glad) than you think. It has been ages since we both left
7. He is _____________(clever) than I thought. He is very malicious.
8. He is even _____________ (good-looking) than he used to be.
9. The milk is ______________(cold) in the fridge.
10. He is _______________(slim) than you.

Exercise IV.- Comparison (superiority). Complete the sentences.

1. Today is much ___________________ (sunny) than yesterday ! shall we go out for a walk?
2. He's __________________(tall) than his older brother.
3. This exercise is ______________________(complicated) than the previous one.
4. He's ______________(good) at Science than his teachers thought.
5. The profits are much ___________________ ( high) than we had thought.
6. It's ___________________ (Little) hot today than yesterday.In fact, it's quite cold today!
7. His music is less famous __________________Youcef 's.
8. The results are ____________________(+bad) than we expected.
9. People are flexible; they are _______________________(adaptable) than you could think.

Exercise V.- Consult the chart and type in the gap boxes the comparative forms of the adjectives.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Austin Mini 305 cm 625 k 129 kph 7.5 + +
Range Rover 447 cm 1.900 k 168 kph 13-18 +++ +++

LENGTH : a- The Austin Mini is ____________________than the Range Rover (short).

LENGTH : b- The Range Rover is ___________________than the Austin Mini (long).
WEIGHT : a- The Austin Mini is ____________________than the Range Rover (light).
WEIGHT : b- The Range Rover is ___________________than the Austin Mini (heavy).
SPEED : a- The Austin Mini is ______________________than the Range Rover (slow).
SPEED : b- The Range Rover is _____________________ than the Austin Mini (fast).
PETROL : The Austin Mini is ______________________ than the Range Rover (economical).
COMFORT : The Range Rover is ___________________ than the Austin Mini (comfortable).
PRICE : a- The Austin Mini is ______________________ than the Range Rover (cheap).
PRICE : b- The Range Rover is _____________________ than the Austin Mini (expensive).

Exercise VI. - Fill in the blank with the correct comparative (=equality, +superiority, -inferiority.)
1.- Mike is __________________________ (+ pretty) than Fred.
2.- This flower is _____________________________ (+beautiful) than that one.
3.- This song is _______________________ (+good) than the previous one.
4.- My brother is __________________________ (+lazy) than my sister
5.- We walked ___________________________ (+slowly) than the rest of the people.
6.- Well my girlfriend is much ________________________ (+tall) than that.
7.- I have ______________________ (+cars) than John.

Exercise VII.- Listen to Katie compare two things using the comparative form of adjectives. Listen
and complete the sentences.
1) Comparing People
My mother and father are very different. My mom is _______ my dad, but my dad looks ______ my
mom. My dad is _______ because he plays sports. My mom is __________. She loves to talk with
people. My dad is _________ my mom. My mom is _______ my dad.

2) Comparing Places
Los Angeles and San Francisco are both in California but they are very different. San Francisco is
_______ than Los Angeles. It is also _______. Los Angeles is _______ than San Francisco, but San
Francisco is more _________. It is harder to find housing in San Francisco. I think San Francisco is a
________ place to live.

3) Comparing Movies
I think the old Star Wars movies are ______ the new Star Wars movies. In the old movies, the
characters were __________, and the story was faster. The new stories are __________ to follow. I felt
_________ watching the old movies.

4) Comparing Food
I like Japanese food ________ American food because it is _______. Japanese meals are ________ and
___________ American meals. American food is _________ though, so I like that about it. Still, I think
Japanese food tastes ________.

Quiz. - Answer the following questions about the interview.
1) Who is older, her mon or her dad? a) Her mom b) Her dad
2) Which city is more expensive? a) San Francisco b) Los Angeles
3) What movies make her happier? a) New movies b) Old movies
4) Which food tastes better to her? a) Japanese Food b) American Food

Exercise VIII.- Complete the sentences using the Superiority comparative form of the
adjectives in brackets:
1. Cindy's hat is ________ (dark) than mine.
2. Snakes are ________ (dangerous) than rats.
3. My old trousers are _________ (long) than those black ones.
4. Mark is _______ (clever) than his brother.
5. German is _______ (difficult) than English.
6. I am ________ (strong) than my friend.
7. The teacher is ______ (tall) than me.
8. My friend's eyes are ______ (big) than mine.
9. He sings _______ (good) than Betty.
10. Lucy's hair is ______ (curly) than yours.

Exercise IX.- The comparative of Superiority with…Rihanna

Use the Comparative of Superiority to complete the sentences.

1.- Rihanna is ______ (famous) than her brothers.
2.- Her looks is _______ (modern) now than before.
3.- She is _______ (rich) than her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown.
4.- Rihanna is ________ (beautiful) than Madonna.
5.- Rihanna is ________(young) and _____ than Beyonce’s ones.

Now look at the following pictures:

1.- Rihanna has ______ (long) hair in picture 1 than in picture 2

Exercise X.- Comparative of Superiority. A) Which of the adjectives below do you

associate with the city and which with the countryside?



C.- Now use the adjectives in (A) and complete the sentences using the comparative of superiority.

1.- The air in the country is ________ but in the city is __________.
2.- City life is ___________ because there are plenty of things you can do. This is why living in the
country can be ___________.
3.- Cities are __________ than villages and _______ because more people live there.
4.- People in the city may feel _________ because they don’t have time for each other.
5.- In the country there is less crime, so people feel. _________. In the city life is ________ .
6.- The cost of living is __________ in the city.
7.- There is a strong sense of community in the country and neighbours are usually _________.
8.- There is less pollution in then country and so people have a __________ life.
9.- It’s quieter and ________ in the country. It is __________ in the city because of the traffic.
10.- In the city there is more confusion and so living there can be _________ . Life in the country is
much ____________ than the city.
11.- People seem to be _________ in the city because they are always working and running around.
12.- Life in the city is _________ - in the country life moves a bit slower.

450 Regular Verbs
A nuestro favor, la mayoría de los verbos ingleses son 'regulares'. Esto significa que
podemos confiar en las formas que adoptan porque siguen un patrón predecible. Aquellos
verbos que no siguen las reglas básicas se llaman 'irregulares' y puedes consultarlos
pulsando aquí.

La mayoría de los verbos de esta lista agregan "-d" o "-ed" al infinitivo. Los

verbos resaltados en esta lista duplican su consonante final (admit - admitted) o cambian
"-y" por "-ied", cuando la "y" está precedida por una consonante (bury - buried). 

A B C D E F G H  I  J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y


accept (akcépt) accepted (akcéptid) accepted (akcéptid) aceptar

add (ad) added (ádid) added (ádid) agregar

admire (admáiar) admired (admáiard) admired (admáiard) admirar

admit (admít) admitted (admítid) admitted (admítid) admitir

advise (adváis) advised (adváisd) advised (adváisd) aconsejar

afford (afórd) afforded (afórdit) afforded (afórdit) afrontar

agree (agrí:) agreed (agrí:d) agreed (agrí:d) estar de acuerdo

alert (alért) alerted (alértid) alerted (alértid) alertar

allow (aláu) allowed (aláud) allowed (aláud) permitir

amuse (amiús) amused (amiúsd) amused (amiúsd) entretener

analyse (énalais) analysed (énalaisd) analysed (énalaisd) analizar

announce (anáuns) announced (anáunst) announced (anáunst) anunciar

annoy (anói) annoyed (anóid) annoyed (anóid) molestar

answer (ánser) answered (ánserd) answered (ánserd) contestar

apologise (apolodchais apologised (apolodchaisd apologised (apolodchaisd pedir disculpas,

) ) ) disculparse

appear (apíar) appeared (apíard) appeared (apíard) aparecer

applaud (aplód) applauded (aplódid) applauded (aplódid) aplaudir
appreciate appreciated (apríshieitid appreciated (apríshieitid apreciar
(apríshieit) ) )
approve (aprúv) approved (aprúvd) approved (aprúvd) aprobar

argue (á:rguiu) argued (á:rguiud) argued (á:rguiud) discutir

arrange (arréindch) arranged (arréindchd) arranged (arréindchd) arreglar

arrest (arrést) arrested (arréstid) arrested (arréstid) arrestar

arrive (arráiv) arrived (arráivd) arrived (arráivd) llegar

ask (ask) asked (askt) asked (ask) preguntar

attach (atách) attached (atácht) attached (atácht) adjuntar

attack (atáck) attacked (atáckt) attacked (atáckt) atacar

attempt (atémpt) attempted (atémptid) attempted (atémptid) intentar

attend (aténd) attended (aténdid) attended (aténdid) asistir

attract (atráct) attracted (atráctid) attracted (atráctid) atraer

avoid (avóid) avoided (avóidid) avoided (avóidid) evitar


back (bak) backed (bakt)  backed (bakt)  apoyar

bake (béik) baked (béikt) baked (béikt) hornear

balance (bálans) balanced (bálanst) balanced (bálanst) balancear

ban (ban) banned (bánd) banned (bánd) prohibir

bathe (béid) bathed (béidt) bathed (béidt) bañarse

beg (beg) begged (bégd) begged (bégd) rogar

behave (bijéiv) behaved (bijéivd) behaved (bijéivd) comportarse

belong (bilóng) belonged (bilóngd) belonged (bilóngd) pertenecer

bless (bles) blessed (blest) blessed (blest) bendecir

blind (bláind) blinded (bláindid) blinded (bláindid) enceguecer

blink (blink) blinked (blinkt) blinked (blinkt) parpadear                   

blush (blash) blushed (blasht) blushed (blasht) enrojecer                   

boil (bóil) boiled (bóild) boiled (bóild) hervir

book (buk) booked (bukt) booked (bukt) reservar              

bore (bor) bored (bord) bored (bord) aburrir                

borrow (bórrou) borrowed (bórroud) borrowed (bórroud) pedir prestado                 

bounce (báuns) bounced (báunst) bounced (báunst) rebotar               

brake (bréik) braked (bréikt) braked (bréikt)  frenar                

breathe (brid) breathed (brídt) breathed (brídt) respirar              

brush (brash) brushed (brasht) brushed (brasht) cepillar                 

burn (bern) burned (bernd) burned (bernd) quemar               

bury (béri) buried (bérid) buried (bérid) enterrar     


call (kol) called (kold) called (kold) llamar               

calculate calculated calculated
(kálkiuleit) (kálkiuleirid) (kálkiuleirid)
camp (kamp) camped (kampt) camped (kampt) acampar

care (ker) cared (kerd) cared (kerd) cuidar

cause (koz) caused (kozd) caused (kozd) causar

challenge challenged challenged
(chálindch) (chálindchd) (chálindchd)
change (chéindch) changed (chéindchd) changed (chéindchd) cambiar

charge (chárdch) charged (chárdchd) charged (chárdchd) cargar

chase (chéis) chased (chéist) chased (chéist) cazar

cheat (chit) cheated (chítid) cheated (chítid) engañar

check (chek) checked (chekt) checked (chekt) verificar

cheer (chir) cheered (chird) cheered (chird) alegrar

chew (chu) chewed (chud) chewed (chud) mascar

claim (kléim) claimed (kléimd) claimed (kléimd) reclamar

clap (kláp) clapped (klápt) clapped (klápt) aplaudir

clean (klin) cleaned (klind) cleaned (klind) limpiar

clear (klíar) cleared (klíard) cleared (klíard) aclarar

close (klóus) closed (klóusd) closed (klóusd) cerrar

collect (kolékt) collected (koléktid) collected (koléktid) cobrar, coleccionar

comb  (kom) combed (komd) combed (komd) peinar

compare (kompér) compared (kompérd) compared (kompérd) comparar

compete (kompít) competed (kompítid) competed (kompítid) competir

complain complained  (kompléind complained  (kompléind quejarse
(kompléin) ) )
complete completed completed completar
(komplít) (komplítid) (komplítid)
concentrate  concentrated  concentrated  concentrarse
(kónsentreit) (kónsentreired) (kónsentreired)
concern (konsérn) concerned (konsérnd) concerned (konsérnd) concernir

confess (konfés) confessed (konfést) confessed (konfést) confesar

confuse (konfiús) confused (konfiúsd) confused (konfiúsd) confundir

connect (konékt) connected (konéktid) connected (konéktid) conectar

considered  considered
consider (konsíder) considerar
(konsíderd) (konsíderd)
consist (konsíst) consisted (konsístid) consisted (konsístid) consistir

contain (kontéin) contained (kontéind) contained (kontéind) contener

continue (kontíniu) continued (kontíniud) continued (kontíniud) continuar

cook (ku:k) cook (ku:kt) cook (ku:kt) cocinar

copy (kópi) copied (kópid) copied (kópid) copiar

correct (korrékt) corrected (korréktid) corrected (korréktid) corregir

cough (kof) coughed (koft) coughed (koft) toser

count (kaunt) counted (káunid) counted (káunid) contar

cover (káver) covered (káverd) covered (káverd) cubrir

crack (krak) cracked (krakt) cracked (krakt) rajar

crash (krash) crashed (krasht) crashed (krasht) embestir

crawl (krol) crawled (krold) crawled (krold) arrastrarse

cross (kros) crossed (krost) crossed (krost) cruzar

crush (krash) crushed (krasht) crushed (krasht) aplastar

cry (krái) cried (kráid) cried (kráid) gritar, llorar

cure (kiúr) cured (kiúrd) cured (kiúrd) curar

curl (kerl) curled (kerld) curled (kerld) enrular

curve (kerb) curved (kerbd) curved (kerbd) curvar

cycle (sáikl) cycled (sáikld) cycled (sáikld) pasear en bicicleta


damage (dámidch) damaged (dámidchd) damaged (dámidchd) dañar

dance (dans) danced (danst) danced (danst) bailar

deceive (disív) deceived (disívd) deceived (disívd) engañar

decide (disáid) decided (disáidid) decided (disáidid) decidir

decorate (dékoreit) decorated (dékoreirid) decorated (dékoreirid) decorar

delay (diléi) delayed (diléid) delayed (diléid) demorar

suprimir, eliminar,
delete (dilí:t) deleted (dilí:tid) deleted (dilí:tid)
delight (diláit) delighted (diláirid) delighted (diláirid) deleitar

deliver (delíver) delivered (delíverd) delivered (delíverd) repartir

depend (dipénd) depended (dipéndid) depended (dipéndid) depender

describe (diskráib) described (diskráibd) described (diskráibd) describir

deserve (disérv) deserved (disérvd) deserved (disérvd) merecer

destroy (distrói) destroyed (distróid) destroyed (distróid) destruir

detect (ditékt) detected (ditéktid) detected (ditéktid) detectar

develop (divélop) developed (divélopt) developed (divélopt) desarrollar

disagree (disagrí) disagreed (disagríd) disagreed (disagríd) no estar de acuerdo
disappear disappeared disappeared desaparecer
(disapíar) (disapíard) (disapíard)
discover discovered discovered descubrir
(diskáver) (diskáverd) (diskáverd)
dislike (disláik) disliked (disláikt) disliked (disláikt) disgustar

divide (diváid) divided (diváidid) divided (diváidid) dividir

double (dábl) doubled (dábld) doubled (dábld) duplicar

doubt (dáut) doubted (dáurid) doubted (dáurid) dudar

dream (drim) dreamed (drimd) dreamed (drimd) soñar

dress (dres) dressed (drest) dressed (drest) vestir

drop (drop) dropped (drópt) dropped (drópt) dejar caer, caerse

drown (dráun) drowned (dráund) drowned (dráund) ahogar

dry (drái) dried (dráid) dried (dráid) secar

dust (dást) dusted (dástid) dusted (dástid) limpiar


earn (ern) earned (ernd) earned (ernd) ganar

educate (édzukeit) educated (édzukeirid) educated (édzukeirid)  educar

embarrass embarrassed embarrassed avergonzar
(imbáras) (imbárast)  (imbárast) 
employ (implói) employed (implóid) employed (implóid) emplear

empty (émpti) emptied (émptid) emptied (émptid) vaciar

encourage encouraged encouraged alentar

(inkáridch (inkáridchdd) (inkáridchd)
end (end) ended (éndid) ended (éndid) finalizar

enjoy (indchói) enjoyed (indchóid) enjoyed (indchóid) disfrutar

enter (éner) entered (énerd) entered (énerd) ingresar

entertain entertained entertained entretener
(enertéin) (enertéind) (enertéind)
escape (iskéip) escaped (iskéipt) escaped (iskéipt) huir

examine (igzámin) examined (igzámind) examined (igzámind) examinar

excite (iksáit) excited (iksáirid) excited (iksáirid) excitar

excuse (ikskiúz) excused (ikskiúzd) excused (ikskiúzd) excusarse

exercise exercised exercised ejercitar
(éksersaiz) (éksersaizd) (éksersaizd)
exist (igzíst) existed (igzístid) existed (igzístid) existir

expand (ikspánd) expanded (ikspándid) expanded (ikspándid) expandir

expect (ikspékt) expected (ikspéktid) expected (ikspéktid) esperar

explain (ikspléin) explained (ikspléind) explained (ikspléind) explicar

explode (iksplóud) exploded (iksplóudid) exploded (iksplóudid) explotar

extend (iksténd) extended (iksténdid) extended (iksténdid) extender


face (féis) faced (féist) faced (féist) enfrentar

fade (féid) faded (féidid) faded (féidid) decolorarse

fail (féil) failed (féild) failed (féild) fracasar

fancy (fánsi) fancied (fánsid) fancied (fánsid) imaginar, desear

fasten (fásen) fastened (fásend) fastened (fásend) atar

fax (faks) faxed (fakst) faxed (kakst) enviar un fax

fear (fíar) feared (fíard) feared (fíard) temer

fetch (fech) fetched (fecht) fetched (fecht) ir a buscar

file (fáil) filed (fáild) filed (fáild) archivar

fill (fil) filled (fild) filled (fild) llenar

film (film) filmed (filmd) filmed (filmd) filmar

finish (fínish) finished (fínisht) finished (fínisht) terminar

fire (fáier) fired (fáierd) fired (fáierd) disparar, despedir

fit (fit) fitted (fítid) fitted (fítid) caber, encajar

fix (fiks) fixed (fikst) fixed (fikst) reparar

flash (flash) flashed (flasht) flashed (flasht) brillar, centellear

float (flóut) floated (flóurid) floated (flóurid) flotar

flood (flad) flooded (fládid) flooded (fládid) inundarse

flow (flóu) flowed (flóud) flowed (flóud) fluir, circular

flower (fláuer) flowered (fláuerd) flowered (fláuerd) florecer

fold (fóuld) folded (fóuldid) folded (fóuldid) doblar

follow (fólou) followed (fóloud) followed (fóloud) seguir, continuar

fool (ful) fooled (fuld) fooled (fuld) engañar

force (fors) forced (forst) forced (forst) forzar

form (form) formed (formd) formed (formd) formar

found (fáund) founded (fáundid) founded (fáundid) fundar

frame (fréim) framed (fréimd) framed (fréimd) enmarcar

frighten (fráiren) frightened (fráirend) frightened (fráirend) asustar

fry (frái) fried (fráid) fried (fráid) freír


gather (gáder) gathered (gáderd) gathered (gáderd) recoger

greet (grit) greeted (grírid) greeted (grírid) saludar

graduate (grádueit) graduated (grádueirid) graduated (grádueirid) graduarse

grease (gris) greased (grist) greased (grist) engrasar

groan (gróun) groaned (gróund) groaned (gróund) gruñir

guess (ges) guessed (gest) guessed (gest) adivinar

guide (gáid) guided (gáidid) guided (gáidid) guiar


hammer (jámer) hammered (jámerd) hammered (jámerd) martillar

hand (jand) handed (jándid) handed (jándid) pasar, entregar

hang (jang) hanged (jangd) hanged (jangd) colgar, ahorcar

happen (jápen) happened (jápend) happened (jápend) suceder

harm (járm) harmed (jármd) harmed (jármd) dañar

hate (jéit) hated (jéirid) hated (jéirid) odiar

head (jéd) headed (jédid)  headed (jédid) encabezar

heat (jit) heated (jírid) heated (jírid) calentar

help (jelp) helped (jelpt) helped (jelpt) ayudar

hunt (jant)  hunted (jánid)  hunted (jánid)  cazar, ir de caza

hope  (jóup) hoped  (jóupt) hoped  (jóupt) esperar con ansiedad

hug (jág) hugged (jágd) hugged (jágd) abrazar

hurry (jári) hurried (járid) hurried (járid) apurarse


identify (aidéntifai) identified (aidéntifaid) identified (aidéntifaid) identificar

ignore (ignór) ignored (ignórd) ignored (ignórd) ignorar

imagine (imádchin) imagined (imádchind) imagined (imádchind) imaginar

impress (imprés) impressed (imprést) impressed (imprést) impresionar

improve (imprúv) improved (imprúvd) improved (imprúvd) mejorar

include (inklúd) included (inklúdid) included (inklúdid) incluir

increase (inkrís) increased (inkríst) increased (inkríst) aumentar

influence (ínfluens) influenced (ínfluenst) influenced (ínfluenst) influenciar

inform (infórm) informed (infórmd) informed (infórmd) informar

inject (indchékt) injected (indchéktid) injected (indchéktid) inyectar

injure (índchur) injured (índchurd) injured (índchurd) herir, lesionar

introduce (introdiús) introduced (introdiúst) introduced (introdiúst) presentar

instruct (instrákt) instructed (instráktid) instructed (instráktid) instruir

intend (inténd) intended (inténdid) intended (inténdid) intentar

interest (íntrest) interested (íntrestid) interested (íntrestid) interesar

interfere (interfír) interfered (interfírd) interfered (interfírd) interferir

interrupt (interápt) interrupted (interáptid) interrupted (interáptid) interrumpir

invent (invént) invented (invénid) invented (invénid) inventar

invite (inváit) invited (inváirid) invited (inváirid) invitar

irritate (íriteit) irritated (íriteirid) irritated (íriteirid) irritar


jail (dchéil) jailed (dchéild) jailed (dchéild) encarcelar

join (dchóin) joined (dchóind) joined (dchóind) unir, juntar

joke (dchóuk) joked (dchóukt) joked (dchóukt) bromear

judge (dchadch) judged (dchadchd) judged (dchadchd) juzgar

jump (dchamp) jumped (dchampt) jumped (dchampt) saltar


kick (kik) kicked (kikt) kicked (kikt) patear

kill (kil) killed (kild) killed (kild) matar

kiss (kis) kissed (kist) kissed (kist) besar

kneel (nil) kneeled (nild) USA kneeled (nild) USA arrodillarse

knit (nit) knitted (nítid) knitted (nítid) tejer

knock (nok) knocked (nokt) knocked (nokt) golpear

knot (not) knotted (nótid) knotted (nótid) anudar


label (léibl) labelled (léibld) labelled (léibld) etiquetar

land (land) landed (lándid) landed (lándid) aterrizar

last (last) lasted (lástid) lasted (lástid) durar

laugh (laf) laughed (laft) laughed (laft) reírse

launch (lonch) launched (loncht) launched (loncht) lanzar

level (lével) levelled (léveld) levelled (léveld) nivelar

lick (lik) licked (likt) licked (likt) lamer

lighten (láitn) lightened (láitnd) lightened (láitnd) iluminar, alivianar

like (láik) liked (láikt) liked (láikt) gustar

list (list)  listed (lístid)  listed (lístid)  listar

listen (lísen)  listened (lísend)  listened (lísend)  escuchar

live (liv)  lived (livd)  lived (livd)  vivir

load (lóud)  loaded (lóudid)  loaded (lóudid)  cargar

lock (lok)  locked (lokt)  locked (lokt)  cerrar con llave

long (long)  longed (longd)  longed (longd)  durar

look (luk)  looked (lukt)  looked (lukt)  mirar

love (lav)  loved (lavd)  loved (lavd)  amar


manage (mánidch) managed (mánidchd) managed (mánidchd) administrar

march (march) marched (marcht) marched (marcht) marchar

mark (mark) marked (markt) marked (markt) marcar

marry (mári) married (márid) married (márid) casarse

match (mach) matched (macht) matched (macht) hacer juego

measure (méshar) measured (méshard) measured (méshard) medir

melt (melt) melted (méltid) melted (méltid) derretirse

memorise memorised memorised memorizar

(mémoraiz) (mémoraizd) (mémoraizd)

mend (mend) mended (méndid) mended (méndid) remendar

milk (milk) milked (milkt) milked (milkt) ordeñar

miss (mis) missed (mist) missed (mist) perder, extrañar

mix (miks) mixed (mikst) mixed (mikst) mezclar

move (muv) moved (muvd) moved (muvd) mover, mudarse

multiply (máltíplai) multiplied (móltí-pláid) multiplied (móltí-pláid) multiplicar

murder (mérder) murdered (mérderd) murdered (mérderd) asesinar


nail (néil) nailed (néild) nailed (néild) clavar

name (néim) named (néimd) named (néimd) nombrar

need (nid) needed (nídid) needed (nídid) necesitar

note  (nóut) noted (nóurid) noted (nóurid) advertir, fijarse en

notice (nóuris) noticed (nóurist) noticed (nóurist) prestar atención

number (námber) numbered (námberd) numbered (námberd) numerar


obey (obéi) obeyed (obéid) obeyed (obéid) obedecer

object (obdchékt) objected (obdchéktid) objected (obdchéktid) objetar

observe (obsérv) observed (obsérvd) observed (obsérvd) observar

obtain (obtéin) obtained (obtéind) obtained (obtéind) obtener

offend (ofénd) offended (oféndid) offended (oféndid) ofender

offer (ófer) offered (óferd) offered (óferd) ofrecer

open (óupen) opened (óupend) opened (óupend) abrir

order (órder) ordered (órderd) ordered (órderd) ordenar, pedir

overflowed (ouverflóud overflowed (ouverflóud
overflow  (ouverflóu) inundar
) )
owe (óu) owed (óud) owed (óud) adeudar


pack (pak) packed (pakt) packed (pakt) empacar

paint (péint) painted (péinid) painted (péinid) pintar

park (park) parked (parkt) parked (parkt) estacionar

pass (pas) passed (past) passed (past) pasar, aprobar

paste (péist) pasted (péistid) pasted (péistid) pegar

pat (pat) patted (párid) patted (párid) acariciar

pause (poz) paused (pozd) paused (pozd) detenerse

pedal (pédal) pedalled (pédald) pedalled (pédald) pedalear

peel (pil) peeled (pild) peeled (pild) pelar

peep (pip) peeped (pipt) peeped (pipt) echar una ojeada

perform (perfórm) performed (perfórmd) performed (perfórmd) ejecutar

phone (fóun) phoned (fóund) phoned (fóund) llamar por teléfono

pick (pik) picked (pikt) picked (pikt) recoger, levantar

plan (plan) planned (pland) planned (pland) planear, planificar

plant (plant) planted (plánid) planted (plánid) plantar

place (pléis) placed (pléist) placed (pléist) ubicar

play (pléi) played (pléid) played (pléid) tocar un instrumento,


please (pliz) pleased (plizd) pleased (plizd) complacer

plug (plag)  plugged (plagd)  plugged (plagd) conectar

point (póint)  pointed (póinid) pointed (póinid) señalar

polish (pólish)  polished (pólisht) polished (pólisht) lustrar

possess (posés)  possessed (posést) possessed (posést) poseer

post (póust)  posted (póustid) posted (póustid) enviar por correo

pour (por) poured (pord) poured (pord) derramar

practise (práktis) practised (práktist) practised (práktist) practicar

pray (préi) prayed (préid) prayed (préid) rezar

precede (prisíd) preceded (prisídid) preceded (prisídid) preceder

prefer (prífér) preferred (priférd) preferred (priférd) preferir

prepare (pripér) prepared (pripérd) prepared (pripérd) preparar

present (prizént) presented (prizénid) presented (prizénid) presentar, regalar

press (pres) pressed (prest) pressed (prest) presionar, apretar

pretend (priténd) pretended (priténdid) pretended (priténdid) fingir

prevent (privént) prevented (privénid) prevented (privénid) impedir

print (print) printed (prínid) printed (prínid) imprimir

produce (prodús) produced (prodúst) produced (prodúst) producir

program programmed programmed programar
(prógram) prógramd) prógramd)
promise (prómis) promised (prómist) promised (prómist) prometer

protect (protékt) protected (protéktid) protected (protéktid) proteger

provide (prováid) provided (prováidid) provided (prováidid) proveer

pull (pul) pulled (puld) pulled (puld) tirar de

pump (pamp) pumped (pampt) pumped (pampt) bombear

punish (pánish) punished (pánisht) punished (pánisht) castigar

push (push) pushed (pusht) pushed (pusht) empujar


queue (kiú) queued (kiúd) queued (kiúd)  hacer cola


rain (réin) rained (réind) rained (réind) llover

raise (réiz) raised (réizd) raised (réizd) levantar

reach (rich) reached (richt) reached (richt) alcanzar

realise (ríalaiz) realised (ríalaizd) realised (ríalaizd) darse cuenta

receive (risív) received (risívd) received (risívd) recibir

recognise recognised (rékognaisd recognised (rékognaisd reconocer

(rékognais) ) )

record (rikórd) recorded (rikórdid) recorded (rikórdid) grabar

reduce (ridiús) reduced  (ridiúst) reduced (ridiúst) reducir

reflect (riflékt) reflected (rifléktid) reflected (rifléktid) reflejar

refuse (rifiúz) refused (rifiúzd) refused (rifiúzd) rechazar

regret (rigrét) regretted (rigrétid) regretted (rigrétid) lamentarse

relax (riláks) relaxed (rilákst) relaxed (rilákst) relajarse

release (rilís) released (rilíst) released (rilíst) soltar

rely (relái) relied (reláid) relied (reláid) confiar

remain (riméin) remained (riméind) remained (riméind) permanecer

remember remembered remembered recordar

(rimémber) (rimémberd) (rimémberd)

remind (rimáind) reminded (rimáindid) reminded (rimáindid) acordarse de

remove (rimúv) removed (rimúvd) removed (rimúvd) eliminar

rent (rent) rented (réntid) rented (réntid) alquilar

repair (ripér) repaired (ripérd) repaired (ripérd) reparar

repeat (ripít) repeated (ripírid) repeated (ripírid) repetir

replace (ripléis) replaced (ripléist) replaced (ripléist) reemplazar

reply (replái) replied (repláid) replied (repláid) responder

report (ripórt) reported (ripórid) reported (ripórid) informar

reproduce reproduced reproduced reproducir

(riprodiús) (riprodiúst) (riprodiúst)

request (rikuést) requested (rikuéstid) requested (rikuéstid) solicitar

rescue (réskiu) rescued (réskiud) rescued (réskiud) rescatar

retire (ritáir) retired (ritáird) retired (ritáird) jubilarse

return (ritérn) returned (ritérnd) returned (ritérnd) regresar

rhyme (ráim) rhymed (ráimd) rhymed (ráimd) rimar

rinse (rins) rinsed (rinst) rinsed (rinst) enjuagar

risk (risk) risked (riskt) risked (riskt) arriesgar

rob (rób) robbed (róbd) robbed (róbd) robar

row (róu) rowed (róud) rowed (róud) remar

rub (rab) rubbed (rábd) rubbed (rábd) frotar

ruin (rúin) ruined (rúind) ruined (rúind) arruinar

rule (rul) ruled (ruld) ruled (ruld) regir, dominar


sack (sak) sacked (sakt) sacked (sakt) despedir

sail (séil) sailed (séild) sailed (séild) navegar

satisfy (satisfái) satisfied (satisfáid) satisfied (satisfáid) satisfacer

save (séiv) saved (séivd) saved (séivd) salvar, ahorrar, guardar

scream (skrim) screamed (skrimd) screamed (skrimd) gritar

screw (skru) screwed (skrud) screwed (skrud) atornillar

seal (sil) sealed (sild) sealed (sild) sellar

search (serch) searched (sercht) searched (sercht) buscar

separate (sépareit) separated (sépareirid) separated (sépareirid) separar

serve (serv) served (servd) served (servd) servir

settle (setl) settled (setld) settled (setld) establecer

share (sher) shared (sherd) shared (sherd) compartir

shave (shéiv) shaved (shéivd) shaved (shéivd) afeitarse

shelter (shélter) sheltered (shélterd) sheltered (shélterd) proteger, resguardar

shop (shop) shopped (shópt) shopped (shópt) comprar

sigh (sái) sighed (sáid) sighed (sáid) suspirar

sign (sáin) signed (sáind) signed (sáind) firmar

signal (sígnal) signalled (sígnald) signalled (sígnald) hacer señales

sin (sín) sinned (sínd) sinned (sínd) pecar

ski (ski) skied (skid) skied (skid) esquiar

skip (skíp) skipped (skípt) skipped (skípt) saltearse

slip (slíp) slipped (slípt) slipped (slípt) deslizarse 

slow (slóu) slowed (slóud) slowed (slóud) disminuir la velocidad

smell (smel) smelled (smeld) smelled (smeld) oler

smile (smáil) smiled (smáild) smiled (smáild) sonreír

smoke (smóuk) smoked (smóukt) smoked (smóukt) fumar

sneeze (sniz) sneezed (snizd) sneezed (snizd) estornudar

snore (snor) snored (snord) snored (snord) roncar

snow (snóu) snowed (snóud) snowed (snóud) nevar

soak (sóuk) soaked (sóukt) soaked (sóukt) empapar

sound (sáund) sounded (sáundid) sounded (sáundid) sonar

spell (spel) spelled (speld) spelled (speld) deletrear

spill (spil) spilled (spild) spilled (spild) derramar

spoil (spóil) spoiled (spóild) spoiled (spóild) malcriar

spray (spréi) sprayed (spréid) sprayed (spréid) vaporizar

start (start) started (stárid) started (stárid) arrancar, comenzar

stay (stéi) stayed (stéid) stayed (stéid) quedarse, permanecer

stop (stap) stopped (stapt) stopped (stapt) pararse, detenerse

store (stor) stored (stord) stored (stord) almacenar

stretch (strech) stretched (strecht) stretched (strecht) estirar

succeed (saksíd) succeeded (saksídid) succeeded (saksídid) tener éxito

suffer (sáfer) suffered (sáferd) suffered (sáferd) sufrir

suggest suggested suggested
(sagdchést) (sagdchéstid) (sagdchéstid)
supply (saplái) supplied (sapláid) supplied (sapláid) proveer

support (sapórt) supported (sapórid) supported (sapórid) apoyar

suppose (supóus) supposed (supóust) supposed (supóust) suponer

surprise (supráiz) surprised (supráizd) surprised (supráizd) sorprender

surround surrounded surrounded
(suráund) (suráundid) (suráundid)
suspect (saspékt) suspected (saspéktid) suspected (saspéktid) sospechar
suspend suspended suspended
colgar, suspender
(saspénd) (saspéndid) (saspéndid)
switch (suích) switched (suícht) switched (suícht) cambiar, enchufar


talk (tok) talked (tokt) talked (tokt) conversar

taste (téist) tasted (téistid) tasted (téistid) saborear

tease (tiz) teased (tizd) teased (tizd) tomar el pelo,


telephone (télefoun) telephoned (télefound) telephoned (télefound) llamar por teléfono

tempt (tempt) tempted (témptid) tempted (témptid) tentar

terrify (térrifai) terrified (térri-fáid) terrified (térri-fáid) aterrorizar

test (test) tested (téstid) tested (téstid) comprobar

thank (senk) thanked (senkt) thanked (senkt) agradecer

tick (tik) ticked (tikt) ticked (tikt) tildar, marcar

tidy (táidi) tidied (táidid) tidied (táidid) ordenar

tie (tái) tied (táid) tied (táid) atar

tip (típ) tipped (típt) tipped (típt) dar propina

touch (tach) touched (tacht) touched (tacht) tocar

tow (tóu) towed (tóud) towed (tóud) remolcar

trade (tréid) traded (tréidid) traded (tréidid) comerciar, negociar

train (tréin) trained (tréind) trained (tréind) entrenar

transport transported transported transportar
(transpórt) (transpórid) (transpórid)
travel (trável) travelled (tráveld) travelled (tráveld) viajar

tremble (trembl) trembled (trembld) trembled (trembld) temblar

trust (trast) trusted (trástid) trusted (trástid) confiar

try (trái) tried (tráid) tried (tráid) tratar, intentar 

turn (tern) turned (ternd) turned (ternd) volver, dar vuelta

twist (tuíst) twisted (tuístid) twisted (tuístid) doblar

type (táip) typed (táipt) typed (táipt) escribir a máquina


use (iúz) used (iúzd) used (iúzd) usar


vanish (vánish) vanished (vánisht) vanished (vánisht) desaparecer

visit (vísit) visited (vísirid) visited (vísirid) visitar


wait (wéit) waited (wéirid) waited (wéirid) esperar

walk (wok) walked (wokt) walked (wokt) caminar

want (wont) wanted (wónid) wanted (wónid) querer

warn (worn) warned (wornd) warned (wornd) advertir

wash (wash) washed (washt) washed (washt) lavar

waste (wéist) wasted (wéistid) wasted (wéistid) gastar, desperdiciar

watch (woch) watched (wocht) watched (wocht) vigilar

weigh (wéi) weighed (wéid) weighed (wéid) pesar

welcome (wélkam) welcomed (wélkamd) welcomed (wélkamd) agradecer, recibir,

dar la bienvenida, 

whisper (wísper) whispered (wísperd) whispered (wísperd) susurrar

whistle (wisl) whistled (wisld) whistled (wisld) silbar

wipe (wáip) wiped (wáipt) wiped (wáipt) limpiar, secar

wish (wish) wished (wisht) wished (wisht) desear

wonder (wánder) wondered (wánderd) wondered (wánderd) imaginarse, preguntarse

work (werk) worked (werkt) worked (werkt) trabajar

worry (uári) worried (uárid) worried (uárid) preocuparse


yawn (ión) yawned (iónd) yawned (iónd) bostezar

yell (iél) yelled (iéld) yelled (iéld) gritar

zoom (zum) zoomed (zumd) zoomed (zumd) pasar muy rápido, 


120 Irregular Verbs
Los verbos que integran esta lista no siguen un patrón predecible, por ello se
llaman 'irregulares'. Aquellos verbos 'predecibles', es decir, que siguen las reglas
básicas, se llaman 'regulares'.


abide (abáid) abode (abóud) abode (abóud) tolerar, soportar

arise (aráis) arose (aróus) arisen (arísn) surgir, plantear

awake (auéik) awoke (auóuk) awoke (auóuk) despertarse


be (bi)  [am/are/is] was/were (uós/uér) been (bin) ser, estar

beat (bit) beat (bit) beaten (bitn) golpear, latir, batir

become (bikám) became (bikéim) become (bikám) llegar a ser

begin (biguín) began (bigén) begun (bigán) comenzar

bend (bend) bent (bent) bent (bent) doblarse, inclinarse

bet (bet) bet (bet) bet (bet) apostar en algo

bind (báind) bound (báund) bound (báund) atar, unir, ligar

bite (báit) bit (bit) bitten (bítn) morder/se

bleed (blíí:d) bled (bled) bled (bled) sangrar

blow (blóu) blew (blu) blown (bléun) soplar, hacer sonar

break (bréik) broke (bróuk) broken (bróukn) romper

breed (brí:d) bred (bred) bred (bred) criar, reproducir/se

bring (bring) brought (brot) brought (brot) traer

build (bilt) built (bilt) built (bilt) construir

burn (bern) burnt (bernd) burnt (bernd) quemar

buy (bái) bought (bot) bought (bot) comprar


catch (kach) caught (kot) caught (kot) agarrar

choose (chus) chose (chóus) chosen (chóusn) elegir

come (kám) came (keím) come (kám) venir

cost (kost) cost (kost) cost (kost) costar

creep (krí:p) crept (krept) crept (krept) arrastrar, deslizarse

cut (kat) cut (kat) cut (kat) cortar


deal (dí:l) dealt (delt) dealt (delt) tratar, ocuparse

dig (dig) dug (dag) dug (dag) cavar, excavar

do (dú)  [does] did (díd) done (dán) hacer

draw (dró:) drew (drú) drawn (drón) dibujar, atraer

drink (drink) drank (dréink) drunk (drank) beber

drive (dráiv) drove (dróuv) driven (drívn) conducir


eat (í:t) ate (et) BE; (éit) BE/AE eaten (ítn) comer

BE = British English  /  AE = American English


fall (fol) fell (fel) fallen (fólen) caer

feed (fí:d) fed (fed) fed (fed) alimentar

feel (fí:l) felt (felt) felt (felt) sentir

fight (fáit) fought (fó:t) fought (fó:t) luchar, pelear

find (fáind) found (faúnd) found (fáund) encontrar

flee (flí:) fled (fled) fled (fled) escapar, huir

fling (flíng) flung (flang) flung (flang) arrojar, lanzar

fly (flái) flew (flu) flown (flóun) volar

forget (forguét) forgot (forgót) forgotten (forgótn) olvidar

freeze (frís) froze (fróus) frozen (fróusn) helar, congelar


get (guét) got (got) got/gotten (got/gotn) obtener, conseguir

give (guív) gave (guéiv) given (guívn) dar

go (góu) went (uént) gone (gón) ir

grind (gráind) ground (gráund) ground (gráund) moler

grow (gróu) grew (grú) grown (grón) cultivar, crecer


hang (jéing) hung (jáng) hung (jáng) colgar

have (jav)  [have/has] had (jad) had (jad) tener, haber

hear (jíar) heard (jerd) heard (jerd) oír

hide (jáid) hid (jid) hidden (jídn) ocultar, esconder

hit (jit) hit (jit) hit (jit) golpear

hold (jóuld) held (jeld) held (jeld) sostener, soportar


keep (kí:p) kept (kept) kept (kept) guardar, conservar

kneel (ní:l) knelt (nelt) knelt (nelt) arrodillarse

know (nóu) knew (niú) known (nóun) saber, conocer


led (led) led (led) guiar, conducir

lead (lí:d)
lend (lend) lent (lent) lent (lent) (lernd) prestar

learn (lérn) learnt (lernt) (lernd) learnt (lernt) (lernd) aprender

leave (lí:v) left (left) left (left) irse, dejar, partir

lose (lú:s) lost (lost) lost (lost) perder



made (méid) made (méid) hacer, fabricar

make (méik)
meant (ment) meant (ment) significar
mean (mí:n)
meet (mí:t) met (met) met (met) encontrarse con


paid (péid) paid (péid) pagar

pay (péi)
put (put) put (put) put (put) poner, colocar


read (red) read (red) leer

read (rid)
ride (ráid) rode (róud) ridden (rídn) cabalgar

ring (ring) rang (réing) rung (rang) sonar

run (ran) ran (ren) run (ran) correr


said (sed) said (sed) decir

say (séi)
see (sí:) saw (só:) seen (sin) ver

seek (sí:k) sought (sot) sought (sot) buscar

sell (sel) sold (sóuld) sold (sóuld) vender

send (send) sent (sent) sent (sent) enviar

shake (shéik) shook (shuk) shaken (shéikn) agitar, sacudir

shine (sháin) shone (shóun) shone (shóun) brillar, resplandecer

shoot (shú:t) shot (shot) shot (shot) pegar un tiro

show (shóu) showed (shóud) shown (shóun) mostrar, demostrar

shrink (shrink) shrank (shréink) shrunk (shrank) encogerse (tamaño)

shut (shat) shut (shat) shut (shat) cerrar

sing (sing) sang (séing) sung (sang) cantar

sink (sink) sank (séink) sunk (sank) hundir/se

sit (sit) sat (sat) sat (sat) sentar/se

slay (sléi) slew (sliú) slain (sléin) asesinar

sleep (slíp) slept (slépt) slept (slépt) dormir

slide (sláid) slid (slid) slid (slid) resbalar, deslizar

slung (slang) slung (slang) lanzar con fuerza

sling (sling)
smell (smel) smelt (smelt) (smeld) smelt (smelt) (smeld)  oler

speak (spik) spoke (spóuk) spoken (spóukn) hablar

spend (spend) spent (spent) spent (spent) gastar, pasar 

spin (spin) spun (span) spun (span) girar, hilar

stand (stand) stood (stú:d) stood (stú:d) pararse

steal (stíl) stole (stóul) stolen (stóln) robar

stick (stik) stuck (stak) stuck (stak) pinchar, atascarse

sting (sting) stung (stang) stung (stang) picar, arder

stride (stráid) strode (stróud) strode (stróud) dar pasos largos

strike (stráik) struck (strak) struck (strak) golpear, sonar

strive (stráiv) strove (stróuv) striven (strívn) esforzarse

swear (suéa:) swore (suór) sworn (suórn) jurar, maldecir

sweep (suí:p) swept (suépt) swept (suépt) barrer

swell (suél) swelled (suéld) swollen (suólen) hinchar/se

swim (suím) swam (suém) swum (suám) nadar


took (tuk) taken (téikn) tomar, llevar

take (téik)
teach (tích) taught (tot) taught (tot) enseñar

tear (téa:) tore (tor) torn (torn) rasgar, arrancar

tell (tel) told (told) told (told) decir, contar

thought (zot) thought (zot) pensar, creer

think (zink)
thrive (zráiv) throve (zróuv) thriven (zrívn) crecer, prosperar

throw (zróu) threw (zru) thrown (zróun) tirar, arrojar

tread (tred) trod (trod) trodden (tróden) pisar, aplastar


understand understood understood entender,

(anderstánd) (anderstúd) (anderstúd) comprender

undertake undertook undertaken comprometerse,

(andertéik) (andertúk) (andertéikn) emprender

undo (andú) undid (andíd) undone (andán) deshacer


woke (uóuk) woken (uóukn) despertarse

wake (uéik)
wear (uéar) wore (uór) worn (uórn) vestir, usar (ropa)

weave (wív) wove (wóuv) woven (wóuven) tejer

weep (wí:p) wept (wépt) wept (wépt) llorar

win (uín) won (uón) won (uón) ganar

wound (uáund) wound (uáund) serpentear, enrollar

wind (uáind)
withdraw (uizdró:) withdrew (uizdrú) withdrawn (uizdrón) retirar/se, extraer

wring (ring) wrung (rang) wrung (rang) retorcer, escurrir

write (ráit) wrote (róut) written (rítn) escribir


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