The Pyrolysis of Some Neopentyl Xanthates: A Competitive Formation of Olefins and Dithiolcarbonates

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The Pyrolysis of some Neopentyl Xanthates: a Competitive Formation

of Olefins and Dithiolcarbonates

Deparrmer~r(:/' C / r e t ~ ~ i s / rUtriuersity
y, o/' Windsor, Windsor, Otrrario
Received April 28. 1972

A study of the pyrolysis of a series of neopentyl-type xanthate esters was carried out at 250 "C. The forma-
tion of olefins and dithiolcarbonates were found to be two competing processes. The olefin formation process
became more important when the number of b-phenyl groups increased and when there was an electron
donating group substituted at the para-position of the b-phenyl ring. Kinetics studies supported the proposal
that the transition state of the olefin formation process involved a stabilized phenonium ion. However the
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dithiolcarbonate formation became more important when there was the least number of P-phenyl substituents
and this rearrangement appeared to proceed through a concerted four-membered cyclic transition state.

Nous avons entrepris une etude de pyrolyse sur une serie d'esters xanthates de type neopentyl i 250 'C.
Nous trouvons que la formation d'olefines et de dithiolcarbonates s'effectue selon deux processus compe-
titifs. Le processus dc [ormation d'olefines prend de I'importance lorsque le nombre de groupe /I-phenyl
augmente et qu'un groupe donneur d'electrons est substitue en position para du cycle P-phknyl. Les Ctudes
cinitiques appuient la proposition quc I'itat de transition du procede de formation d'olifines implique un
ion phenonium stabilise. La formation de dithiolcarbonate predomine lorsqu'il y a un nombre minimum de
substituants b-phenyl et ce rearrangement se produit en passant par un Ctat de transition cyclique concerte
impliquant quatre membres. [Traduit par le journal]
Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 50, 3288 (1972)
For personal use only.

Introduction propylethyl dithiolcarbonate. A concerted four-

The formation of olefin(s) by the pyrolysis of membered cyclic transition state was suggested
xanthate esters is called the Chugaev reaction (Scheme 1).
(for reviews, see ref. 1). The mechanism of this Recently, this rearrangement reaction was
reaction has generally been agreed to involve a studied by Taguchi and co-workers (9- 1 1 ) who
concerted six-membered cyclic transition state found that the pyrolysis of trans-2-dimethyl-
(2-5). However, other mechanisms have been aminocyclohexyl xanthate gave only the cor-
proposed (6, 7). responding dithiolcarbonate while the cis
A rather interesting side reaction observed in isomer underwent the expected elimination.
the pyrolysis of some S-methyl xanthate esters Participation by the neighboring amino group
involves the formation of dithiolcarbonates. was suggested in an ion-pair transition state
For example, in the pyrolysis of the xanthate (Scheme 2).
ester of 1-cyclopropylethanol, Overberger and In a study of the pyrolysis of some neopentyl
Borchert (8) reported yields of 45% of the ole- xanthate esters, Laakso (12) reported no olefin
fins and 35% of the dithiolcarbonates, of which formation whatsoever (Scheme 3).
the major component was identified as l-cyclo- The corresponding dithiolcarbonates were
found in 70-80% yield. These results would
appear to indicate that xanthate-dithiolcar-
bonate rearrangement is a true case of the
classic cyclic S,i mechanism since one would
surely expect in a neopentyl-type system a t
SCHEMEI. A cyclic transition state proposed for the least some olefin formation would be observed
dithiolcarbonate formation from pyrolysis of I-cyclo- from Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement (13) if
propylethyl xanthate. an ion-pair intermediate was involved. A study
'Present address: Eastern Forest Products Laboratory, was carried out to pyrolyze a series of neopentyl-
Canada Department of the Environment, Ottawa 7, type xanthates in order to investigate if
Canada. Laakso's result was a general phenomenon.


SCHEME 2. A proposed ion-pair transition state for the dithiolcarbonate formation from the pyrolysis of ircirrs-2-
dimethylaminocyclohexyl xanthate.
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S 0
3. Pyrolysis of some neopentyl xanthate esters

Results and Discussion ing points of this series increase as the formula
weight increases and as the number of P-phenyl
Synthesis of' Xan tha tes substituents increases. It is interesting to note
A series of S-methyl xanthate esters of neo- that neopentyl xanthate did not decompose
pentyl-type alcohols were synthesized. All even at reflux temperature for 24 h. Again while
xanthates prepared shown in Table 1, were an electron-withdrawing group at the para-
relatively stable. Thus these xanthates could be position of the P-phenyl group raises the de-
purified by distillation and/or recrystallization. composition temperature, an electron-donating
They were synthesized according to procedures group decreases it. The increasing number of
developed in this laboratory (14). P-phenyl groups also reduces the decomposition
As shown in Table 1 boiling points and melt- temperature of a xanthate ester.

TABLE1. Xanthate derivative

Xan thate* M.p. ("C) B.p. ( C) temperature ("C)
(CH3)3CCH20X 217 (760 mm) t
p-BrC6H4(CH3),CCH,OX 135 ( 0 . I mm) 300
C~HS(CH~)~CCH~OX 105 ( 0 . 2 mm) 280
II-CH,C~H,(CH~)~CCH,OX 122 (0.3 mm) 270
(C,H j)2(CH3)CCH20X 52-53 245
(C6Hs),CCH,OX 97-98 210

*X = -CSCH,.
tNo decomposition at boiling temperature
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It was decided to study the pyrolytic products k~

(0) Xanthate + Dithiolcarbonate
in detail because the decom~ositionof these +
xanthates suggested that Wagner-Meerwein a'

- -
rearrangement may be occurring. The pyrolytic
temDerature was chosen to be 250 "C which k, k2

(b) Xanthate Dithiolcarbonate Olefins
represents a median decomposition temperature
for this series. k,
( r ) Xanthate Dithiolcarbonate
Product Studies
Weighed amounts of xanthate were heated at Olefins
250 "C for 30 min and/or several hours when SCHEME4. The probable courses of reaction for the
required. Olefins were separated by g.1.c. and pyrolysis of neopentyl-type xanthates.
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were identified by standard procedures. The

relative amounts of olefinic products were
There are three probable ways to account for
determined by the use of g.1.c. and by n.m.r.
the products: (a) two competing processes to
spectroscopy. The residues were analyzed by
afford both olefin(s) and dithiolcarbonate; (b)
similar methods. A summary of product
a consecutive process, and (c) a competing-
distributions is shown in Table 2.
consecutive process (Scheme 4). A kinetic
To summarize the results of Table 2 the
study of the pyrolysis of these xanthates was
following salient points should be noted : undertaken in the hope that the results would
(I) Neopentyl xanthate undergoes only help to differentiate between the above pro-
rearrangement to the dithiolcarbonate. No
evidence of methyl group participation was
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observed. Kinetic Studies

(2) Increasing P-phenyl substitution leads to Small samples of the xanthates placed in
increasing amounts of olefin formation. The loosely-corked test tubes or sealed tubes (under
olefinic products are derived only from phenyl a nitrogen atmosphere) were suspended in a
migration. No xanthate-dithiolcarbonate re- constant temperature silicone oil bath. At set
arrangement was observed at all in the pyrolysis intervals, reaction was quenched in ice and
of 2,2,2-triphenylethyl xanthate and only a samples were analyzed by n.m.r. spectroscopy.
small amount ( < 4%) of dithiolcarbonate was Using methyl benzoate as an internal standard,
observed in the diphenylpropyl system. the S-methyl groups of both the xanthate and
(3) There is a predominance of terminal the dithiolcarbonate were compared with the
olefins. methyl group of methyl benzoate and the per-
(4) No skeletally rearranged dithiolcarbonate cent of reaction was calculated.
was observed. The rate constants of disappearance of the
These observations prompted a further study xanthates (k,) were determined from the first
into the course and nature of the pyrolysis of order rate equation and are listed in Table 3.
the xanthates under investigation. If a given reaction occurs by two first-order

TABLE3. Pyrolys~sof neopentyl-type xanthate at 250 "C

- - . -- --

Xanthate k , (s-')* k ~ (s- ')f

*k,= Rate constant of disappearance of xanthate.

tk,= Rate constant of formation of dithiolcarbonate.
$Not available.
§Calculated value.

formation; [XI = concentration of xanthate at

time t ; [X,] = concentration of xanthate at
1.20 - time zero; [Dl =concentration of dithiolcar-
bonate; [O] = concentration of olefin(s). Thus
for two competing processes the plot of [Dl us.
[X - X,] should be a straight line as predicted
by eq. 2. If so, eq. 4 is also satisfied.
Figure 1 confirms the linear relationship
0.80 - between [Dl and [X, - XI for both neophyl
and p-bromoneophyl xanthates. The rates of
[in - XI dithiolcarbonate formation (kD)were calculated
1s I from the slopes of these lines and are shown in
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Table 3. Thus the production of olefin and

0.1~0 - dithiolcarbonate are two competitive processes
in the pyrolysis of these two compounds. This
result indicates that the relationship in eq. 4 is
also true.
Further studies showed that there was no
olefin formation from the pyrolysis of neopentyl
and neophyl dithiolcarbonates under similar
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
experimental conditions. On this basis, the con-
Iol/[s 1
secutive process and the competing-consecutive
FIG.1. The rate of disappearance of p-bromoneophyl can be eliminated.
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( 0 )and neophyl (A)xanthates against the rate of formation

of the corresbinding dithiolcarbonates: [S] = concentration
of the internal standard. Wagner-Meerwein Rearrangement Leading to
OleJn Formation
competing processes as shown in (a) in Scheme The rate constants of olefin formation (k,)
4, then were calculated according to eq. 4. For 2,2-
diphenylpropyl, p-methylneophyl and 2,2,2-tri-
[I] [XI = [x,] e -"(I)
phenylethyl xanthates, it was assumed that
k, = k, because less than 5% of dithiolcarbon-
ate was observed after 70% completion of
[0] = -h[x-x,] Table 4 shows that the rate of olefin for-
k, mation increases with increasing number of
P-phenyl substituents. ~urthermore, the rate
[41 k,=k~+ko was also increased by electron-donating groups
where k, = rate constant of disappearance of substituted at the para-position of the benzene
xanthate; k, = rate constant of dithiolcarbon- ring. A similar observation was obtained in the
ate formation; k, = rate constant of olefin acetolysis of neopentyl-type brosylates (15).

TABLE4. Rates of acetolysis of neopentyl-type brosylates (k,) at 75 "C and calculated rates of
olefin formation in the pyrolysis of neopentyl-type xanthates (ko) at 250 "C

Pyrolysis of xanthates Acetolysis of brosylates

ko (s- ') -log ko k, (s-') -log k,

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FIG. 3. Plot of log k, for the pyrolysis of para-sub-

stituted neophyl xanthates at 250 "C against u+ values:
-0.306 for p-CH,; 0.00 for p-H; f0.148 for p-Br.

In our studies, the decomposition rates of the

substituted neophyl xanthates were also found
FIG. 2. The linear free energy plot of the rates of to be moderately sensitive to the nature of
For personal use only.

pyrolysis of neopentyl-type xanthates (k,) and the rates of substituents. This observation, coupled with
acetolysis of neopentyl-type brosylates (k,). the apparent similarity between the two sys-
tems, suggests that a phenonium ion transition
Figure 2 shows a linear free energy relationship state is also involved in the olefin formation
between the two reactions. The straight line during the neophyl-type xanthate pyrolysis
relationship suggests that there is a considerable process as shown in Scheme 5.
parallelism between mechanisms of the two Figure 3 shows a Hammett-Taft plot of cal-
reactions (16). It has been demonstrated that culated rate constants of olefin formation of
the rates of acetolysis of neophyl brosylates three substituted neophyl xanthates us. the
were moderately sensitive to substituent effects. corresponding a+ values of the substituents. A
A Hammett plot of log k, us. a+ values gave a reasonably good straight line relationship was
p-value of -2.96 for the reaction. Based on obtained. The p-value for the reaction was cal-
these observations, it was concluded that culated to be -2.42. This further supports the
ionization with phenyl participation was the proposed involvement of the phenonium ion
rate determining step in the acetolysis of neo- transition state.
phyl brosylates. This author further proposed It is interesting to note that there is a pre-
that acetolysis of 2,2-diphenylethyl brosylate dominance of the Hofmann-type olefins in the
and 2,2,2-triphenylethyl brosylate should also product. In the acetolysis of neophyl brosylate,
proceed with the same mechanism (15). the 2-benzylpropene to 2,2-dimethylstyrene

5. Proposed transition state for the olefin(s) formation process.

tally rearranged dithiolcarbonates indicates

that the reaction might have proceeded through
a non-assisted tight ion-pair or a cyclic SNi
mechanism as shown in Scheme 7. In case of an
ion-pair, electron-donating groups at the ter-
tiary carbon should stabilize the ion-pair while
electron-withdrawing groups should destabilize
it. Thus it is expected that the rate of rearrange-
SCH, \ ment would be faster when R = CH, than
SCH, when R = aryl. The rate of formation of
SCHEME 6. The proposed transition state of the pyro- neophyl dithiolcarbonate was almost nine
lysis of diphenylpropyl xanthate. times faster than that of the neopentyl dithiol-
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carbonate as shown in Table 3. Therefore a

ratio was 1 :1 (15). Kwart and co-workers (17, mechanism involving the formation of a non-
18) reported a ratio of 2.2 :1 of 2-benzylpropene assisted tight ion-pair intermediate during the
to 2,2-dimethylstyrene in the pyrolysis of xanthate-dithiolcarbonate rearrangement ap-
neophyl acetate in the gas phase at 575 "C. pears to be in contradiction to the observed
Statistically speaking, the ratio of the two ole- results. On the other hand, a concerted SNi
fins should be 3 : l . Since in the pyrolysis of mechanism involves little charge development
neophyl xanthate the observed ratio is 2:1, the in the cyclic transition state. The presence of
larger than statistically predicted amount of electron-withdrawing groups at the tertiary
conjugated olefin formed in the reaction sug- carbon atom will enhance the electrophilicity
gests that both statistical and thermodynamic of the methylene carbon, and this increases the
For personal use only.

effects are important. rate of dithiolcarbonate formation. This ex-

The 1-benzylstyrene (1) to methylstilbene (2) plains the observed faster rate of neophyl di-
ratio should be 3:2 in the pyrolysis of 2,2- thiolcarbonate formation over that of neopentyl
diphenylpropyl xanthate if statistics were the dithiolcarbonate. Moreover, the smaller rate of
only controlling factor. Experimentally, the formation ofp-bromoneophyl dithiolcarbonate
ratio was found to be 1 : 1. If isomerization of than that of neophyl dithiolcarbonate also sup-
1 to 2 was unimportant under the reaction ports this argument. Thus, the mechanism of
condition^,^ the larger than statistically pre- the dithiolcarbonate formation may involve a
dicted amount of fully conjugated olefin, 2, concerted four-membered cyclic transition state.
again indicated that both statistic and thermo-
dynamic effects are important during the olefin Summary and Conclusions
formation process. On the other hand, if all the The olefin formation and the dithiolcarbon-
methyl-trans-stilbene formed were considered ate formation in the pyrolysis of neophyl
to come from the isomerization of l-benzyl- xanthates are found to be two competing pro-
styrene, the 1 to 2 ratio is 3.2, exactly as pre- cesses. The Wagner-Meerwein rearrangement
dicted by the statistical consideration. The becomes more important when the number of
reasons for a predominant formation of methyl- P-phenyl groups increases and when there is an
cis-stilbene over that of the fr-ans isomer electron-donating group substituted at the para-
(3.5: 1) is not entirely clear (Scheme 6). position of the P-phenyl ring. The transition
state of the olefin formation process is best
Dithiolcarbonate Formation represented by a stabilized phenonium ion. The
In the dithiolcarbonate formation process, driving force of the rearrangement appears to
both neopentyl and neophyl xanthate gave con- be mainly electronic in nature, however, release
siderable yields of dithiolcarbonates without of steric crowding at the ground state could
skeletal rearrangement. The absence of skele- also play an importante role. The dithiolcar-
bonate is thermally more stable than the cor-
'Under the reaction conditions, it was found that I -
benzylstyrene isomerized u p to 48% to methyl-trut~s-stilbene
responding xanthate and its formation becomes
but gave no methyl-cis-stilbene. N o cis- runs isomerization more important when the number of P-phenyl
of stilbenes was observed. substituents is the least. This rearrangement

7. The possible transition state of the xanthate-dithiolcarbonate rearrangement. (R = CH3, aryl).


TABLE5. Element of analysis of xanthates

-- --

Theoretical (%) Found (%)

Xanthate Carbon Hydrogen Bromine Carbon Hydrogen Bromine

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appears to proceed through a concerted four- peak (retention time, 38 min; 40%) was identified as
membered cyclic transition state. neopentyl dithiolcarbonate: i.r. (lo%, CCI,) 2960 and 2870
(s, C-H), 1650 (s, C=O), 1365 (m, C-H), 860 (s, S-CO-
S): n.m.r. (lo%, CDCI,) 0.97 (s, 9, C(CH3),), 2.48 (s, 3,
For personal use only.

Experimental SCH,), 3.07 (s, 2, SCH2).

Syntllesis of' Xatitl~ates In an attempt to detect olefin formation, this xanthate
All Xanthates were synthesized according to procedures (200 mg) was sealed in an n.m.r. tube and heated in a silicone
developed in this laboratory (14)., Elemental analyses of oil bath at 250 "C. A spectrum was run every 4 h. After 40 h
these xanthates are summarized in Table 5. The i.r. and no olefin was observed and the corresponding dithiolcar-
n.m.r. spectral data of these compounds all supported the bonate was the only product in 42% yield.
desired xanthate structures. Pj~rolysisof Neopentyl Ditliiolcarbotrate
Pyrolysis of Neopentyl Xatithnte The dithiolcarbonate (200 mg) in a sealed n.m.r. tube was
Neopentyl xanthate (5 g) was refluxed under nitrogen for kept in a silicone oil bath at 250 "C. An n.m.r. spectrum
48 h. No decomposition was observed as the i.r. spectrum was run every 10 h. After a duration of 40 h, no decomposi-
of the product was identical with that of neopentyl xanthate. tion was observed. The i.r. spectrum of the resultant liquid
Another attempted decomposition was carried out in was identical to that of the starting dithiolcarbonate.
sealed tube at higher temperature. The xanthate, 1 g, was Pyrolysis o f Neoplzyl Xanthate
sealed in a 4 ml micro test tube under nitrogen and was kept Decomposition of a small amount of the xanthate (0.5 g,
at 270 "C for 5 h. The product was analyzed by g.1.c. (8 ft 2.1 mmol) was carried out in an N-tube (Fig. 4) in a silicone
Lac-728 column, 120 "C! 60 cc heliumlmin) and gave two oil bath at 250 "C. The xanthate was pipetted into a straight
peaks. The first peak (retention time, 32 min; 60%) was tube A D 12 cm x 7 mm which was bent to an N-shape as
identified as unreacted neopentyl xanthate. The second shown in Fig. 4. Part A of the tube was immersed in a n oil
bath while part C was cooled. The advantage of this N-tube
is to allow easy separation of olefin from the residue and
also only small amounts of xanthate are required by this
method. After heating for 2 h, part A was cooled and was
separated from part C. The olefins in part C weighed 127
(9.5 mmol, 45%) while the residue in part A weighed 270
mg. The loss of material was due to escape of gaseous

Analysis of the Olefils

The olefins were separated by g.1.c. (8 ft Lac-728 column,
FIG.4. An N-tube for pyrolysis. 125 "C, 60 cc helium/min). On the chromatogram two peaks
appeared with retention times of 5.5 (67%) and 7.5 min
31n the synthesis of para-bromoneophyl xanthate, sodium (33%). The first peak was identified as 2-benzylpropene:
hydride was used instead of potassium metal to generate 11L5 1.5050 (lit. (30) 1.5057); i.r. (lo%, CCI,) 3080 (s,
the sodium salt from the corresponding alcohol. C=CH), 3020 (s, Ar-H), 2980 and 2970 (s, C-H), 1645

(m, C=C), 1600 and 1490 (w, Ar), 884 (s, C=CH,), 690 (s, carried out in a 75 x 10 mm test tube at 250 "C for 30 min.
Ar-H): n.m.r. (lo%, CDCI,) 1.65 (s, 3, C=C-CH,). 3.24 The composition of products was determined by n.m.r.
(s, 2, C=C-CH2-Ar), 4.62 (s, 2, C=CH2), 7.00 (bs, 5, integration without further purification (methyl benzoate
C6Hs). The second peak was identified as 2-methyl-l- was used as internal standard). The mixture contained 27%
phenylpropene: nk5 1.5367 (lit. (34) nh0 1.5400): i.r. (10% of the unreacted xanthate and less than 4% of the dithiol-
CCI,) 3060 (s, C=CH), 3020 (s, Ar-H), 2970 and 2920 carbonate. The olefin portion was not analyzed.
(s, C-H), 1659 (m, C=C), 1600 and 1490 (w, Ar), 825 (m,
C=CH), 690 (s, Ar-H); n.m.r. (10%. CDCI,) 1.85 (m, 6, Pyrolysis 01'2.2-Diplze~lylpropyIXo~zr/ttl/e
C=C(CH,),), 6.10 (m, I, C=CH), 7.07 (bs, 5, C6H,). Decomposition o f this xanthate (500 mg. 1.65 mmol) was
Analysis of the olefinic mixture by n.m.r. integration carried out in an N-tube in a silicone oil bath at 250 "C for
showed a similar product distribution. 30 min. No olefin was found in part C of the tube. The
product was analyzed in the following manner.
Isomerizarion Sludy of//le Olefins
A 30 mg sample of each of the two olefins was heated Analysis of Olefins
separately in an N-tube at 250 "C for 30 min. The n.m.r. The olefins were separated from the reaction mixture by
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spectrum showed that no isomerization occurred for both liquid column chromatography (silica gel, petroleum ether
2-benzylpropene and 2-methyl-I-phenylpropene. (b.p. 30-60 T ) ) and weighed 280 mg (88%). Olefins were
further separated by g.1.c. (6 ft 10% SE-30, 170 "C, 6 0 c c
of fhe Residue
helium/min). On the chromatogram three peaks appeared
The residue was separated by g.1.c. (6 ft Lac-728 column,
with retention times of 6.4 (3973, 7.4 (4973, and 10.8 min
200 "C, 60 cc heliumlmin). On the chromatogram only two
(12%). Analysis of the olefinic mixture by n.m.r. integration
peaks appeared at 130 (60%) and 138 min (40%). The com-
showed a similar product distribution. The first peak was
pound corresponding to the first peak was identical to the
identified as methyl-cis-stilbene: m.p. 46-47 'C (lit. (20)
unreacted xanthate. The second component of the residue
m.p. 48 "C): i.r. (lo%, CCI,) 3060 (s, C=CH), 3020 (s,
was identified as the neophyl dithiolcarbonate: nk6 1.5757:
Ar-H), 2970 and 2920 (w, C-H), 1600 and 1490 (m. Ar),
i.r. (lo%, CCI,) 3020 (w, Ar-H), 2950 and 2920 (s, C-H),
849 (m, C=CH), 690 (s, Ar-H); n.m.r. (lo%, CCI,) 2.1 1
I640 (s, C=O), 860 (s, S-CO-S), 690 (s, Ar-H): n.m.r.
(d, 3, J = 2 Hz, C=CCH,), 6.21 (m, I, C=CH), 6.70-7.10
(lo%, CDCI,) 1.34 (s, 6, C(CH,),), 2.28 (s, 3, SCH,), 3.20
(bd, 10, C(C6H5),). The second peak was identified as
(s, 2, SCH,), 7.00 (bs, 5, C,H5).
For personal use only.

I -benzylstyrene: 1.5893 (11t.(21) nA5 1.5891): i.r. (lo%,

Analysis of the residue by n.m.r. integration showed a
CCI,) 3060 (s. C=CH), 3020 (s, Ar-H), 2910 (m. C-H),
similar product distribution.
1625 (m, C=C), 1600 and 1490 (m, Ar). 890 (s, C=CH,),
Hydrolysis and Reduction of Neophyl Di/hiolcarbonafe 690 (s, Ar-H); n.m.r. (lo%, CCI,) 3.65 (s, 2, C=CCH,Ar),
Neophyl dithiolcarbonate (I g) was hydrolyzed by 4.80 (bd, 1, C=CH), 5.25 (bd, 1. C=CH), 6.90-7.10
sodium hydroxide according to the method of Taguchi and (bs, 10, C(C,H,),). The third peak was identified as methyl
Makao (9) followed by Ra-Ni reduction according to the trans-stilbene: m.p. 81-82 "C (lit. (20) m.p. 82°C); i.r.
method of Sondheimer and Rosenthal (19). The resultant (lo%, CCI,) 3060 (s, C=CH), 3020 (s, Ar-H). 2980 and
reaction mixture was extracted with ether. The organic 2940 (w, C-H). 1600 and 1490 (m, Ar), 849 (m. C=CH),
layer was concentrated and analyzed by g.l.c., i.r., and 690 (s, Ar-H): n.m.r. (lo%, CCI,) 2.17 (d, 3, J = 2 Hz,
n.m.r. 1-Butylbenzene was the only observed product. C=CCH,), 6.65 (m, I, C-CH), 6.90-7.20(m, 10, C(C,H,),).
Another neophyl xanthate sample (500 mg) was charged
to an N-tube which was heated for 30 min. The olefins Olefin Isomerizafion Sfudy
weighed 42 mg (17%). Analysis by n.m.r. integration showed A 30 mg sample of each of the three olefin products was
that 2-benzylpropene and 2-methyl-I-phenylpropene were heated separately in three micro test tubes at 250 "C for 30
present in the ratio 67:33. The residue weighed 412 mg and min. The n.m.r. analysis showed that no isomerization
the n.m.r. integration showed that the xanthate to the occurred between trans- and cis-stilbenes. However, 48% of
dithiolcarbonate ratio was 90: 10. The loss of material was benzylstyrene was isomerized to methyl-frcijzs-stilbene.
due to escape of gaseous products.
At7alysis of Oflzer Protlucfs
Pyrolysis of Neoplzyl Dif/ziolcarbonafe The remaining material on the chromatography column
The dithiolcarbonate (22 mg) was heated in an N-tube at weighed 60 mg. The i.r. spectrum showed characteristic
250 "C for 2 h. No olefin was found. The residue was xanthate bands and dithiolcarbonate bands at 1645 and
analyzed by g.l.c., i.r., and n.m.r. and was found to be the 860 c m - ' . The n.m.r. spectrum showed that the mixture
starting dithiolcarbonate. contained 66% of the unreacted xanthate. Attempts to
isolate the dithiolcarbonate were unsuccessful.
Pyrol~lsisof p-Bromoneoplzyl Xarzfhafe
Decomposition of this xanthate (41 mg, 0.13 mmol) was Pyrolysis of 2,2,-7-Triphetlylefhyl Xatzfhafe
carried out in a 75 x 10 mm test tube at 250 "C for 2 h. The Decomposition of this xanthate (Ig, 2.7 mmol) was
composition of products was analyzed by n.m.r. integration carried out in a micro test tube in a silicone oil bath at
without further purification (methyl benzoate was used as 250 "C for 30 min. The product weighed 700 mg (2.7 mmol).
internal standard). The mixture contained 50% of the un- The t.1.c. analysis (silica gel, pentane) showed only one spot
reacted xanthate and 17% of the dithiolcarbonate. The ole- corresponding to triphenylethylene: m.p. 88-89 "C. The i.r.
fin portion was not analyzed. spectrum was identical to an authentic sample.
Pyrolysis of p-Meflzyh~eophylXanflzafe An Affempf fo Defect Diflziolcarbo~~are
Decomposition of this xanthate (33 mg, 0.13 mmol) was The S-methyl xanthate ester of 2,2,2-triphenylethanol

(0.5 g) in an n.m.r. tube was heated in a silicone oil bath at 6. C. DJERASS~ and W. S. BRIGGS. J . Org. Chem. 33,
200 "C. An n.m.r. spectrum was run every 30 min for a 1625 ( 1 968).
period of 2 h. No dithiolcarbonate formation was observed. 7. R. E. G I L M A NJ., D. HENION, S. SHAKSHOSKI. J. I. H.
Another sample was heated in an oil bath at 160 "C. An PATTERSON, M. J . BOGDANOWICZ. R. J. GRIFFITH, D. E.
n.m.r. spectrum was run every 6 h for a period of 36 h. HARRINGTON, R. K. RANDALL, and K. T. FINLEY.
Again, no dithiolcarbonate formation was observed. Can. J . Chem. 48, 970 (1970).
Kittetic Studies Chem. Soc. 82, 4896 (1960).
Kinetic studies of the pyrolysis of xanthate esters were 9. T. TAGUCHIand M. MAKAO. Tetrahedron, 18, 245
carried out on neat samples. An accurately weighed sample ( 1962).
(30 mg) o r the solid xanthate ester to be studied was placed 10. T. T A G U C I -Y.~ I , KAWAZOE,and M. MAKAO. Tetra-
in a 75 x 10 mm test tube. For liquid xanthate esters, a 30 i11 hedron Lett. 131 (1963).
sample was introduced into the test tubes by means of a I I. T. TAGUCHI, Y. KAWAZOE. K. YOSHIHIRA, H. KANA-
constant volume addition syringe and then it was weighed Y A M A . M. MORI.K. TABATA, and K. HARANO.Tetra-
accurately. The test tubes were loosely corked or sealed
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under a nitrogen atmosphere and were suspended in a 12. P. V. LAAKSO. Suomen Kemi, 13B, 8 (1940): C h e n ~ .
constant temperature silicone oil bath a t the desired Abstr. 34, 5059 (1940).
temperature. Samples were removed at set intervals and 13. P. DE MAYO. In Molecular rearrangements. Vol. I.
were immediately cooled in ice-water. The samples were Interscience, New York, N.Y. 1963. pp. 6-15.
analyzed by n.m.r. using methyl benzoate as an internal 14. K. G. RUTHERIZORD, R. M. OTTENBRITE, and B. K.
standard. The relative amounts of xanthate left unreacted TANG. J. Chem. Soc. C. 582 (1971).
and the relative amounts o r products formed at each 15. S. WINSTEIN and R. HECK. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 79,
interval were estimated by n.m.r. integrations. The maxi- 3432 (1957).
mum error in integration was estimated to be about 5%. 16. H. C. BROWN,R. BERNHEIMER, and K. J. MORGAN.
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 87, 1280 (1965).
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McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, N.Y. 1968. p. 757. 19. F. SONDHEIMER and D. ROSENTHAL.J. Am. Chem.
3. F. F. BORDWELL and P. S. LANDIS.J. Am. Chem. Soc. SOC.80. 3995 (1958).
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