A Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English For Grade 4 I. Objectives

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At the end of the period, the students are expected to:
a. Identify adjectives in a sentence;
b. Describe nouns using adjectives in a series; and
c. Use the correct order of adjectives in sentences.


A. Topic: Order of Adjectives
B. Reference: The Grammar Book
C. Materials: PowerPoint presentation, pictures, paper strips, flash cards, chart

A. Preparation (Basic routine)
Greet the students and ask them to sit properly.

B. Motivation
Class, do you know the game “Clash of Clans?”
Today, you are going to be the “Clash of Clans” warriors! The first row would be the “Archers”, second
row are the “Barbarians”, third row are the “Hog Riders”, and the fourth row would be the “Giants”. Be smart like
these warriors because for every correct answer that you give is a gold coin for your troop. So, at the end of our
lesson, the clan who gets the greatest number of gold coins will be declared as champion. Are you ready to do
your first task?
I have here some pictures. The first picture belongs to the first troop, second picture to the second
troop, third picture to the third troop, and the last picture to the fourth troop. Examine the picture for your troop
and arrange the words to come up with a phrase that describes the picture. Choose a representative in presenting
the output in front. Are you ready class?
(The students will do the task)

blackancarexpensivesportsnewangray closetorganizedvacationbigunique houseaimportedred rosesfresh five

answers: an expensive black sports car; an organized new gray closet; a unique big vacation house; five fresh red
imported roses

(The teacher will declare the winner for the activity and give a gold coin for the group).

Well done class! Now, read each phrase that belongs to your clan.
What can you notice about the underlined words?
What do we call a word that describes a noun?

C. Lesson Proper
As you can see in each phrase, there are several adjectives that were used. In English, we sometimes use
more than one adjectives to describe a noun. We cannot just put them together wherever we want. For example,
A fierce big black wolf. It becomes unpleasing to the ears if we say, A black big fierce wolf. We need to remember
that there is a proper way of putting them in order. Let’s study the table of the correct order of adjectives.


DETERMINER To inform if the adjective is singular or plural, definite or indefinite, and next or far
Example. A, an, the, some, several, five, that, those, these
OPINION It expresses or explains what you think of something
Example: beautiful, handsome, intelligent, horrible, difficult
SIZE It tells how big or small something is
Example: large, tiny, little, huge
SHAPE It describes the shape or figure of something
Example: round, flat, rectangular, sexy
AGE It tells how young or old something or someone is.
Example: new, ancient, young, old
COLOR It describes the color or tint of something
Example: red, yellow, gray, black
ORIGIN It describes where something comes from
Example: French, American, eastern, Greek
MATERIAL It describes what something is made from
Example: wooden, metal, cotton, paper
PURPOSE It describes what something is used for.
Example: sleeping (as in sleeping bag); hiking (as in hiking shoes)
HEAD NOUN The figure that is receiving the adjectives; Something or someone being described
Example: mother, Justin, table, teacher, students

D. Activity
Let’s continue the clash! Stay on your group and do the given task. The group that has the highest score
will be the winner. You are going to complete the sentences by arranging the jumbled words in its proper order.
1. We took a ride on ______________________ bus.
2. I like that really _______________ in the museum.
3. My brother rode _________________ horse in the parade.
4. During my high school years, I wore _____________ hat to sporting events.

1. an old blue Chinese; 2. big old red tractor; 3. a beautiful big black Friesian; 4. a big red

(The teacher will announce the winner for the activity and give a gold coin to the group.)

E. Generalization
For your additional point, I have here a flash card for each group. Write the answer for the given
question/statement after the “go” signal then raise it immediately. The first group to answer the given
question/statement correctly will gain five points.

Write the proper order of adjectives.

Answer: Determiner/opinion/size/shape/age/color/origin/material/purpose/head noun
(The teacher will announce the winner for the activity and give a gold coin to the group.)

For your final battle, stay on your group and do the following:
Write a phrase that describes each picture. Use at least three adjectives in describing each figure.

Possible answers:
1. a talented young lady; 2. two cute little brown dogs; 3. several delicious Filipino pork barbeque

(The teacher will announce the winner for the activity and give a gold coin to the group.)
(The teacher will count all the gold coins for each group and declare the overall champion.)

In a one whole sheet of paper, write an essay that describes your loved ones.

Prepared by: Reviewed and Observed:


Teacher III Master Teacher II

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