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Final Script

Three-Act Structure

Ryan Leitao

Ryan Leitao

Bold signifies scene direction

Normal signifies narration

Act 1
 The General (Narrator) walks into frame; box shakes and topples the character.
 The General (Narrator) tries another method of walking in without the possibility of falling
over, introduces himself

General: I am General Narration, and I am assigned the duty of indoctrinating you new toddlers into
the customs and practices of the life within your body!

 Introduces Title: Pathogens and You.

General: We are at war, and these threats to humanity are known as Pathogens. We must meet this
threat with our strength and valour. To insure that we, not anyone else, dominates this earth, now
and always.

General: We face this threat in many ways; today I will be teaching you one method this vile threat
gets into our bodies. Infection through sharp objects.

Act 2
 Shows the infection process
o Needle infected with bacteria penetrates skin
o Bacteria spreads into the blood stream

General: These vile little critters are the enemy. They get into your blood stream through sharp
objects like these.

o Bacteria multiplies

General: And when they get in, they can multiply as fast as you children do when someone opens a
pack of chewing gum.

 Cuts back to narrator who tells audience that they have an inner army to fight this threat
o Introduces White Blood Cells, Phagocytes

General: So what do you need to do? The best part about you children is you already have that
defence. It’s big, it’s deadly, and everyone’s got them. The name of your inner army is known as
White Blood Cells.

 Phagocytes come in

Ryan Leitao
o Ingests bacteria

General: These grunt white blood cells in your army are known as Phagocytes, they're enormous size
can ingest the enemy without hesitation.

o Phagocytes are overwhelmed by the number of multiplying bacteria

 Narrator then assures the audience that this is not the end of the phagocytes

General: Don't be relieved though, children. These particular pathogens have the ability to multiply
faster then your Phagocytes can eat them.

o Phagocytes call in the Lymphocytes

General: so the grunts call in the cavalry

o Lymphocytes are introduced by the narrator

General: Presenting!

Act 3
o Lymphocytes come into the scene

General: Lymphocytes! These big bad mother hubbards are the reinforcements of your inner army.

General: and they just love a fight

o Receptors come into contact with the Bacteria

o Lymphocytes start to rapidly multiply after confrontation
o Lymphocytes then makes lots of proteins called antibodies that attack the

General: When lymphocytes come into contact with the Pathogens they can multiply rapidly. They're
also armed with ammunition called antibodies.

 Shows a rotary of what antibodies can do

General: The antibodies have a number of neutralisation techniques

 An antibody binds to the pathogen, which consequently breaks the pathogen


General: They bind to pathogens to destroy them

 Wheel rotates anticlockwise 90 degrees

Ryan Leitao
o An antibody pops up with a radar which beacons a Phagocyte cell to
pop up
o The Phagocyte consequently ingests the pathogen

General: They bind to the pathogens and release chemical signals to attract phagocytes

 Wheel rotates anticlockwise 90 degrees

o An antibody pops up in the middle of two pathogens, binding them to
the antibody
o A gigantic phagocyte pops up behind the pathogens, scaring the
o The pathogens are then ingested by the phagocyte

General: They bind pathogens together so they are ingested more easily by the phagocytes.

• Wheel rotates anticlockwise 90 degrees

o Credits Roll

General: Outstanding, Children. I am proud you have listened to these instructions. Your inner army
does not want fatties; your inner army only wants the best. The inner army wants to build
indestructible white blood cells, white blood cells without fear.

General: Eat healthy, and exercise more, and your army will grow stronger, better, and faster to
destroy threats.

The End

Ryan Leitao

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