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Lesson 3: Communication Barrier

What is a communication barrier?

A communication barrier is a disconnect that prevents a message from being received as
intended. In some cases, the message may not reach its intended audience at all or may only
reach part of the audience. In other cases, the message may be fragmented, poorly translated,
or simply misunderstood by the recipient(s).

Types of communication barriers in business

Here are some of the most common and impactful communication barriers in business:
Incorrect or inadequate communication channels
 Language differences
 Cultural differences
 Departmental differences
 Mismatched communication styles
 Excessively complex messaging
 Lack of context
 Rushed communication
 Ineffective timing

Incorrect or inadequate communication channels

One of the major tenets of effective business communication is pairing the right channel with the
right message. Using the wrong channel can make your message ineffective. For example, an
urgent notice may seem less time-sensitive if sent by email versus text. Response times may be
delayed as a result.

Language differences
Multilingual speakers may struggle to use and understand certain words or phrases when the
language they are asked to communicate in is not their primary language. When your business
has a global reach, it is crucial to ensure that the messages you send are not lost in translation.
Cultural differences
Disparate cultural perspectives can both enrich a work environment and also be a barrier to
communication in business. Namely, conflicting values and ethnocentrism are significant issues
that can severely damage internal and external business relationships and your overall brand
reputation if left unresolved.
Departmental differences
This can create a disconnect when the two need to work together. The ensuing
miscommunications can lower both teams’ productivity and efficiency, increase stress, and
decrease employee engagement and satisfaction.
Excessively complex messaging
We’ve all received that rambling message from a colleague that leaves us scratching our heads
and wondering, “What was the point again?” Keeping messages clear and concise will help
avoid unnecessary confusion and frustration for employees and customers alike.
Lack of context
Another common culprit of unclear communication is a lack of context. This can be an easy trap
to fall into when overcorrecting for the barrier above. While it’s essential to be concise, pruning
too much of the message results in a loss of meaning that can leave recipients dumbfounded.
Rushed communication
As important as it is to be punctual, pushing too hard to beat the clock can result in a garbled
message. You might forget an important task when sending out assignments for the week, for
example, or even send an internal email to a customer or client by mistake.
Ineffective timing
The saying “timing is everything” may be a cliché, but it’s also true. There is a vast difference
between sending customers a mass marketing text at 3 p.m. versus 3 a.m.—as anyone who
has been rudely awakened by a late-night message can attest.

Lesson 4: Team, Teamwork, And Team Building

A team is made up of two or more people who work together to achieve a common goal. Teams
offer an alternative to a vertical chain-of-command and are a much more inclusive approach to
business organization.

"Teamwork" and "team-building" are two significant aspects for any company to function
efficiently and maintain a good company culture to achieve organizational success.
Business Dictionary defines teamwork as “the process of working collaboratively with a group of
people in order to achieve a goal.” Working in a team urges people to come together and
collaborate, keeping aside their personal conflicts.
Teamwork is the product of people effectively working together. It is essential for team members
to understand the importance of good communication skills, mutual respect, good leadership,
and excellent decision-making skills to achieve team goals. Coordination and collaboration of
ideas and people who work towards a common objective are called teamwork.
Team Building
The same dictionary terms team building as the “ability to identify and motivate individual
employees to form a team that stays together, works together, and achieves together.”
Before the 1960s, team building was popularly known as “team spirit.” Therefore, we can say
that team-building is the way to enhance team spirit amongst team members for improved
relationships, productivity and openly discuss project concerns.

Essential Communication Skills for Team Leaders

 Ability to Adapt Your Communication Style. ...
 Active Listening. ...
 Transparency. ...
 Clarity. ...
 Ability to Ask Open-Ended Questions. ...
 Empathy. ...
 Open Body Language. ...
 Receiving and Implementing Feedback

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