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Project Report submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by



Under the supervision of




MARCH 2021



This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON

LTD,THRISSUR DISTRICT”is a bonafide record of project done by
RICHARD BENNY, Reg. No. CCASBCM171, under my guidance and
supervision in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the
degree of BACHELOR OF COMMERCE and it has not previously
formed the basis for any Degree, Diploma and Associateship or


Co-ordinator Project guide


I, Richard Benny, hereby declare that the project work entitled “A STUDY
THRISSUR DISTRICT” is a record of independent and bonafide project
work carried out by me under the supervision and guidance of Ms. PRASSY
VISWAMBARAN, Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Christ
College, Irinjalakuda.
The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge. The report has not been previously submitted for the award of any
Degree, Diploma, Associateship or other similar title of any other university or

Place: Irinjalakuda RICHARD BENNY

Date: CCASBCM171

I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all

people who have helped me with sound advice and able guidance.

Above all, I express my eternal gratitude to the Lord Almighty under whose
divine guidance; I have been able to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my sincere obligation to Rev.Dr. Jolly Andrews,

Principal-in-Charge, Christ college Irinjalakuda for providing various facilities.

I am thankful to Prof. K. J. JOSEPH, Co-ordinator of B.Com (Finance), for

providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to Ms. Smitha Antony Class teacher for her cordial support,
valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task
through various stages.

I express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Prassy Viswambaran, Assistant Professor,

whose guidance and support throughout the training period helped me to
complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculties of the Department for
their interest and cooperation in this regard.

I extend my hearty gratitude to the librarian and other library staffs of my

college for their wholehearted cooperation.

I express my sincere thanks to my friends and family for their support in

completing this report successfully.


4.1 Table showing most attractive factor of job 14

4.2 Table showing the source of experience of 15

4.3 Table showing opinion of employees about Bonus 16
Provided by Reliance Fresh
4.4 Table showing Satisfaction level of employees 17
with the working environment
Table showing Satisfactory level of employees
4.5 18
with the overtime Benefits provided by the
Reliance Fresh
4.6 Table showing Satisfaction level of employees 19
sanitation facility provided by Reliance Fresh
Table showing opinion on the Behaviour of the
4.7 20
Customers towards the employees working in
Reliance Fresh
4.8 Table showing participation of employees in 21
Management Decisions
Table showing Satisfaction level of employees
4.9 22
against the Refreshment facilities provided by the
4.10 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 23
leave facilities provided by Reliance Fresh
4.11 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 24
the Medical Insurance provided by the company
4.12 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 25
working time.
4.13 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 26
training facility provided by the company.
4.14 Table showing satisfaction level in Relationship 27
with superiour officers
4.15 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 28
the salary provided by the company.
4.16 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 29
the services offered by the company
4.17 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 30
overall job security provided by the company.
4.18 Table showing satisfaction level of employees with 31
leisure time provided by the company.
4.19 Table showing overall satisfaction level of 32
employees in the company
4.20 Table showing suggestion for the success of the 33


4.1 Figure showing most attractive factor of job 14

4.2 Figure showing the source of experience of 15

4.3 Figure showing opinion of employees about Bonus 16
Provided by Reliance Fresh
4.4 Figure showing Satisfaction level of employees with 17
the working environment
4.5 Figure showing Satisfactory level of employees with 18
the overtime Benefits provided by the Reliance Fresh
4.6 Figure showing Satisfaction level of employees 19
sanitation facility provided by Reliance Fresh
Figure showing opinion on the Behaviour of the
4.7 20
Customers towards the employees working in
Reliance Fresh
4.8 Figure showing participation of employees in 21
Management Decisions
Figure showing Satisfaction level of employees
4.9 22
against the Refreshment facilities provided by the
4.10 Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 23
leave facilities provided by Reliance Fresh
4.11 Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 24
the Medical Insurance provided by the company
4.12 Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 25
working time.
4.13 Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 26
training facility provided by the company.
4.14 Figure showing satisfaction level in Relationship 27
with superiour officers
4.15 Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 28
the salary provided by the company.
4.16 Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 29
the services offered by the company
Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 30
overall job security provided by the company.
Figure showing satisfaction level of employees with 31
leisure time provided by the company.
Figure showing overall satisfaction level of 32
employees in the company
Figure showing suggestion for the success of the 33

1.1. Introduction
Reliance Fresh, a convenience store, is the retail chain division of Reliance Industries
of India which is headed by Mukesh Ambani. Reliance has entered into this segment
by opening new Retail stores into almost every metropolitan and regional areas of
“The store is for everyone. Prices are affordable for everyone.” Reliance Industries
Ltd President and Chief Executive (Foods Business) Biju Kurian toldreporters after
unveiling the Reliance Fresh brand. They choose Kerala to test waters, as the city
offers real estate at a price that does not quite pinch. They selected the cream crowd
from pioneers in organized retailers to head the organization with such a strong foothold,
they ventured and their cash counters clicked Rs.3.5 to Rs.6.5 Lakhs per day and some
outlets at prime locations are averaging Rs.5 Lakhs per day. Today they are spread
throughout the country like Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi, Gurgaon, FaridaPoor,
HyderaPoor, Jaipur, Mumbai, Madurai, Cochin, Thrissur, Calicut, Chandigarh and
Ludhiana. Reliance Fresh stores ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 sq.feet, provide
customers with a variety of fresh fruits, vegetables, staple goods, fast movingconsumer
goods and other products in a world class ambience.
Besides, the stores provide direct employment to 5 lakhs young Indians and Indirect
job opportunities to a million people, according to the company.
Employees are the most important resources of all companies. The objective
of Business owners is profitability. The organization‟s success depends on
employee‟s performance is determental to company‟s success.Employees who are
satisfied and happy with their job would certainly more dedicate more in doing their
job well.
Employee satisfaction is the technology used to describe whether employees are
happy and contended and fullfilling their desires and needs at work. Many measures
purport that employee satisfaction is a factory in employee motivation employee goal
achievement and positive employee morale in the work place. Employee satisfaction
covers the basic concerns and needs of

employees. It is a good starting point but it usually stops short of what really matters.
This study is conducted to determine the employee satisfaction of Reliance Fresh,

1.2 Scope of the Study

Employee satisfaction is an important aspect as far as an organization is considered.
Employee plays a vital role in an organization so it is the responsibility of the
management to keep the employees to contribute more.
The study is conducted to know whether the employees of Reliance Fresh are satisfied or
not. The study also analyses the Satisfaction level of employees in Reliance Fresh,
Thrissur District. The study is completely focused upon the objectives. The result
obtained from the objectives will be helpful to the organization in knowing different
opinions of the employees about the company. The study will also be helpful for the
company to take steps for solving the issues related with employees working in the
company. The study well assists Reliance Fresh to improve their service standard.
1.3 Significance of the Study

Employee satisfaction is of greatest importance in any organization be it small or

large. Thinking that employee satisfaction is important only for the employee then it
is not right. It is equally important for the organization for which the employee is
working as well. So the study signifies the satisfaction level of employees in Reliance
1.4 Objective of the Study

 To find out the satisfaction level of the employees of Reliance Fresh Ltd,
 To study and analyse the various factors that are affecting the employees
satisfaction level.
 To understand the problem of the employees and their working conditions.

1.5 Research Design
Research can be generally defined as a systematic method of finding solutions to
problems. In common research refers to a search for knowledge on facts. One can
also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on
a specific topic. In fact, Research is an art of scientific Investigation. A Research
Design is the place, structure and strategy of investigation conceived so as to obtain
answers to research questions and to control variances.
The process used to collect information and data for the purpose of making decisions.
The methodology may include publication Research, Interviews, Surveys and other
research techniques, and could include both present and historical information.
1.5.1. Nature of Study
The study is conducted in Analytical nature.
1.6.2 Nature of Data
Both primary and secondary data are included in this study.
1.6.3. Location and Study Area
My study area located at
Thrissur District
1.6.4. Sources of Data
 Primary Data: Data was collected using survey method by conducting personal
Interviews through structured questionnaire with employees working in Reliance
 Secondary Data: The Secondary source of data provided insight to understand and
define the nature of the problem. Secondary data wascollected through various
sources like company website, periodicals, Internal source, Government
Publication Reports, Magazine and Books.
1.7. Sampling design
A sample design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given
population. Simple Random sampling method used in selected samples.
1.7.1. Nature of Population

The nature of population for the study is 50
1.7.2. Sample Unit
Employees working in Reliance fresh, Thrissur District
1.7.3. Method of Sampling
Simple Random sampling Method used in this study that did a questionnaire
with10 people from each 5-reliance stores in Thrissur District.
1.7.4. Tools for Analysis
Simple statistical tools like tabular analysis and graphical methods areused
in this study.
1.7.5. Size of Sample
50 employees
1.8 Limitations of the Study
 It is the only information from Thrissur District.
 Some of the employees in the organization could not to participate in thestudy,
so the size of the sample is limited.
 At the time of collecting primary data, the respondents may not provide true
information regarding the objectives of the study.
1.9 Chapterisation
Chapter 1:- Introduction

Chapter 2:- Review of Literature

Chapter 3 :- Industry and company profile

Chapter 4:- Data Analysis

Chapter 5:- Findings, Suggestions and conclusions

2.1. Introduction
Research is a continuous process. A researcher has to be upto date in his information
about the studies related to his own problem already made by others. For any
worthwhile study in my field of knowledge, the researcher needs all adequate
familiarity with library and its many resources. Then only there will be an effective
research for specialized knowledge. This chapter willhelps to identify the research
gap and shows the specialty of this study.
Employee satisfaction is a measure of how happy workers are with their joband
working environment. Keeping morale high among workers can be tremendous
benefit to any organization, as happy workers will be likely to benefit to anycompany.
There are many factors for maintaining high employeesatisfaction, which wise
employees would do will implement.

2.2. Empirical Review:-

Abraham Maslow (1954): The first level contains physiological needs, which can
be viewed as physical comfort, pay and basic working conditions. The second level
concerns safety and job safety, social needs, in the third level, relate to factors such
as belongingness, friendship and having relationship inthe workplace. The fourth
level concerns esteem needs received by employees when the organization and its
members recognize a worker‟s achievement and thereby reach a certain level of
Frederick Herzberg’s (Kempton, 1995): The two – factor theory can be
characterized as structural since the attitudes a workers are placed in direct relation
with the workplace environment. This has great practical use for firms,because the
firms can increase job satisfaction by manipulating job characteristics that are
commonly under their control. Herzberg provides a framework for understanding
motivational factors divided into external and internal factors. The external factors
are called hygiene factors and are often described as basic factors that need to be met
in order not to create dissatisfaction. The internal factors are described as motivational
factors, the factors that motivate people to be satisfied through personalgrowth. In

to foster motivation and satisfaction Herzberg argues that the internal needs have
to be met while external needs should be satisfied in order not to have dissatisfied
workers. It is by Herzberg viewed not enough to satisfy external needs as salary,
physical environment, company policy and other basic needs. It firms cannot provide
employees with the possibility to fulfill internal needs of personal growth it will
become very difficult to foster motivation and satisfaction, thus making it more difficult
to retain worker (Kempton, 1995) Alderfer (1972): has come up with a modified need
hierarchy model. He condenses Maslow’s five levels of needs into three levels based
on the core three basic needs:
Existence, Relatedness and Growth (Alderfer and Lacy 1972)
Ostroff (1992) : Studying a sample of 364 schools, investigated the relationship
between employees attitude and organizational performance. Ostroff found that
aggregated teacher attitudes such as job satisfaction and organizational commitment
were concurrently related to school performance, as measured by several performance
outcomes such as student academic achievement and teacher turnover rates. Across
12 organizational performance indexes, the magnitudes of the correlations between
teacher satisfaction and performance ranged from 11 to 54, witha mean of 28. When
the unique characteristics of the schools were statistically controlled for, teacher
satisfaction and other job-related attitudes continued to predict many of the
organizational performance outcomes. Results were strongest for teachersatisfaction;
thus, organizations with more satisfied employees tended to be more effective than
organizations with dissatisfied employees. This study indicates that satisfaction is an
important social process factor that fasters organizational effectiveness. The major
limitation of this study pertains to the nature of the study sample; all organizations
were secondary schools. The extent to which similar relationships would hold for
organizations in other types of industries (manufacturing, service, etc) and
occupations cannot be determined.

Ryan, Schmitt, and Johnson (1996): Investigated similar relationships between
aggregated employee attitudes, firm productivity and customer satisfaction. The
authors measured these relationships at two points in time from 142 branches of an
auto finance company. Results page 5 indicated employee morale was related to
subsequent business performance indicators, customer satisfaction sentiments, and
turnover ratios. These researches attempted to study the casual relations among the
variables; However, their attempts lead to mostly inconclusive findings. Interestingly,
they did find evidence suggestive of customer satisfaction as a causal influence on
morale (a finding that is opposite of the directionality assumed by the literature).
Although a tentative finding, Ryan et al. (1996) discussed several possible
explanations for it. For instance, the customer satisfaction index was monitored
closely by unit managers and success or failure likely translated into management
practices that influenced employee‟s job attitudes. Moreover, the researchers
speculated that the particular setting may be unusual in that customer satisfaction
might be inversely related to the amount of contact with the organization (eg:-
customers without problems with the processing of their payments are likely to have
less interaction with company representatives than customers with such problems).
Similar to Ostroff‟s (1992) study, the major concern with Ryan et al‟s (1996) research
is that the data were all from one organization which limits the generalizability of the
Mathew (1991): tested the relationship between satisfaction and organizational
commitment with a non – recursive model that permitted the simultaneous
examination of the influence of satisfaction on commitment and the influenceof
commitment on satisfaction. The study highlighted that the two variables were
reciprocally related but that the influence of satisfaction on commitment was stronger.
Rama Devi (1997) : Conducted a study on faculty job satisfaction and their views on
management of the two universities in Andhra Pradesh. Sample consisting of 200
teaching faculty and hundred members were selected randomly from each university
and the attempt was made to measure job

satisfaction of the faculty in university of Andhra Pradesh. The study found that the
factors such as freedom in job, scope for self-improvement, income andjob securing
were causing satisfaction while bureaucratic rules, no recognition for work and
routine work were causing dissatisfaction for them.
Chen and Silverthorne (2008) : examined the relationship between Locus of Control
(LOC) and that work related behavioral measures of job stress, satisfaction and
performance of professional accountants who work for Certified Public Accountant
(CPA) firms in Taiwan. The main objective of the study was to access how LOC
impacts individual and behaviour in the workplace in three primary areas Job Stress,
Job Satisfaction and Job Performance. A total of 620 survey instruments were mailed
to 310 certified public accountant firms in Taiwan with two survey sent to each items
the finding indicated that one aspect of the accountant‟s personality, as measured by
locus of control, plays and important role in predicting the level of job satisfaction,
stress and performance.
Bellou (2009): Examined that the influence of gender and age on relationship
between organizational culture and job satisfaction. 125 usable questionnaires were
gathered from three public hospitals located in a major greek city. The measures
adopted include organizational culture profile and job descriptive index. The
statistical analysis include descriptive statistics, stepwise regression analysis and t
Javed and Ramanujan (2011): Examined the influence of distributive and
procedural justice on pay and job satisfaction, they provided that descriptive justice
and procedural justice had differentiating impact on Job satisfaction and four faces of
pay satisfaction ie; level raise, benefit and administration. The survey carried out
among 122 Indian Managers; It was found that distributive justice has a more
important predictor of all four dimensions of pay the job on level of job satisfaction
among them. He collected data from 360 engineering faculty members. Investigate
the level of job satisfaction among engineering colleges on technical university,
examine the effects of dimensions of job on level of job satisfaction among them, and
give suggestions to maintain or

improve faculty members job satisfaction were three objectives of resulting study.
The study revealed that the faculty members were found to be neutral with
organizational polities, independence, promotional opportunity and satisfied with
work variety, creativity, compensation and social status of Jobs, Job security,
achievement but the faculty members were dissatisfied with work conditions and


3.1. Industry profile
A supermarket, a large form of the traditional grocery store, is a self-service shop
offering a wide variety of food and household products, organized into aisles. It is
larger and has a wider selection than a traditional grocery store, but is smaller and
more limited in the range of merchandise than a hypermarket or big – box market.
The concept of an inexpensive food market relying on large economics of scale
was developed by Vincent Astor. He founded the Astor Market in 1915, investing $
750,000 ($18 million in 2015 currency) of his fortune into a 165‟ by 125‟ corner of
95th Broadway, Manhattan, creating, in effect, an open air mini-mall that sold meat,
fruit, produce and flowers. The expectation was that customers would come from
great distance (“miles around”) but in the end even attracting people from ten blocks
away was difficult, and the market folded in 1917.
The concept of a self – service grocery store was developed by entrepreneurs
Clarence Saunders and his piggly wiggly stores. His first store opened in 1916.
Saunders was awarded a number of patents for the ideas he incorporated into his
stores. The stores were a financial success and Saunders began to offer franchises the
Great Atlantic & pacific Tea company, which wasestablished in 1859, was another
successful early grocery store chain in Canada and the United States, and became
Common in North American cities in the1920s.
Historically there has been debate about the origin of the supermarket, with king
kullen and Ralphs of California having strong claims. Other contenders included
Weingarten‟s Big Food Markets and Henke & Pilot. To end of debate, the Food
marketing Institute in conjunction with the Smith Sonian Institution and with funding
from H.J. Heins, researched the issue. It defined the attributes of a supermarket as
“self-service, separate product departments, discount pricing, marketing and volume
selling. It has beendetermined that the first true supermarket in the United States was
opened by a former kooger employee, Michael J. Cullen. on 4 August 1930, inside a
6,000 square – foot (560m2) former garage in Jamaica, Queens in New York city.
Traditional supermarkets in many countries face intense competitionfrom
discounters such as Wal-Mart, and Tesco in the UK, which typically are non-union
and operate with better buying power, sale of selected data generated by club cards
in becoming a significant revenue stream for some supermarket.
Reliance Fresh is the convenience store format which forms part of the retail
business of Reliance Industries of India which is headed by Mukesh Ambani. This
establishment, sells and kinds of fresh fruits, vegetables, groceries, staples, juices and
dairy products among others. Sprawling over an astounding 3000-4000 square feet
space, the shop can accommodate a large number of customers at a time. Reliance Retail
Limited set up in the year 2006 to lead Reliance Group‟s foray into organised retail.
Reliance fresh now operates 1,691 stores across the country. Reliance Retail Limited
has made rapid progress towards building an entire value chain starting from the
farmers to the end consumers.
Retailing in India is one of the pillars of its economy and accounts for
about 10 percent of its GDP. The Indian retail market is estimated to
be US$ 600 billion and one of the top five retail markets in the world by
economic value. India is one of the fastest growing retail markets in the world,
with 1.2 billion people. As of 2003, India's retailing industry was essentially
owner manned small shops.


3.2. Company Profile
The Reliance Group, founded by Dhirubhai H. Ambani (1932 – 2002), Is India‟s
largest private Sector enterprise with business in the energy and materials value chain.
Group‟s annual revenues are in excess of US $ 25 Billion. The Flagship Company,
Reliance Industries Limited, is a „Fortune Global 500 company and is the India‟s
largest Private sector Company.
Backward vertical integration has been the cornerstone of the evolution and growth
of Reliance – starting with textiles in the late seventies, Reliance pursued a strategy
of Backward vertical integration- in polyester, fiber intermediates, plastics,
petrochemicals, petroleum refining and oil and gas exploration and production – to
be fully integrated along the materials and energy value chain. The Group‟s activities
span exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum refining and marketing,
petrochemicals (polyester, fibre intermediates, plastics, and chemicals) textiles and
Reliance enjoys global leadership in its business being the largest polyester yarn and
fibre producer in the world and among the top five to ten producers in the world in
major petrochemical products. The Group exports products in excess of US $ 15
Billion to more than 100 countries in the world. There are more than 25,000
employees on the rolls of group companies. Major Group companies are Reliance
Industries Limited (including main subsidiaries Reliance Petroleum Limited and
Reliance Retail Ltd), Indian petrochemicals corporation Limited and Reliance
Industrial Infrastructure Limited.

Company’s Vision, Mission
 Through sustainable measures, create value for the nation
 Enhance quality of life across the entire socio – economic
 Spectrum and help spearshed India as a global leader in
 The domains where we operate.
 Create value for all stakeholders
 Grow through innovation
 Lead in good governance practices
 Ensure energy security of the nation
Subsidiaries and Division
There are various subsidiaries and division under Reliance Retails. Followingare:
 Reliance Fresh – Retail outlets of Fruits, Vegetables & Groceries.
 Reliance Digital – Consumer Electronics retail store
 Reliance Jewels – Jewellery
 Reliance Time out – Lifestyle store of Books, Music, Movies, Toys,
 Reliance Trends – Apparel and Clothing


4.1. Introduction
This chapter deals with data analysis and interpretation. It contains tables and figuresfor
Table - 4.1 showing Most Attractive Factor of Job

Attractive Factor No. of Respondents Percentage

Salary 46 92
Goodwill 4 8
Promotion 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Survey data

From the above table it is clear that, salary is attractive for 92% of employees to do
their job, Goodwill is attractive for 8% employees and promotion factor do not attract
any employees.

Figure - 4.1 showing Most Attractive Factor of Job

60 Salary
50 Goodwill

40 Promotion

Salary Goodwill Promotion

Table - 4.2 showing the source of experience of employees

Work Period No. of Respondents Percentage

Less than 1 years 4 8
1-2 years 6 12
More than 2 years 40 80
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table it is clear that, 8% of employees have been working for less
than 1 years, 12 % of employees are working for 1 to 2 years and 80% of employees
are working for more than 2 years in the organization.

Figure - 4.2 showing work Experience of Employees





50 Less than 1 Year

1-2 Years
More than 2 years



Less than 1 Year 1-2 Years More than 2

Table - 4.3 showing opinion of employees about Bonus Provided by Reliance
Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 5 10
Good 33 66
Average 12 24
Poor 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table 10% of employees said that bonus provided by the company is
excellent 66% of employees suggest that bonus provided by the company is good,
and 24% of employees suggest that bonus provided by the company is average.

Figure - 4.3 showing opinion of employees about Bonus provided byReliance





30 Average


Excellent Good Average Poor

Table - 4.4 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the workingenvironment
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 2 4
Good 27 54
Average 16 32
Poor 5 10
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table we can see that 4% of employees says that the working
environment provided by the company is Excellent, 54% of employees are in the
opinion that working environment provided by the company is Good, 32% employees
expressed the level of satisfaction with the working environment provided by the
company is average and 10% of employees said that the working environment
provided by the company is Poor.

Figure - 4.4 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the working

environment provided by the company


30 Good

Excellent Good Average Poor

Table - 4.5 showing Satisfactory level of employees with the overtime Benefits
provided by the Reliance Fresh
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 7 14
Good 25 50
Average 18 36
Poor 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

Above table shows that 14% of employees are satisfied with the benefitsprovided by
the Reliance Fresh, 50% of employees says that the overtime benefits provided by
Reliance Fresh is Good, and 36% of employees says that overtime Benefits provided
by Reliance Fresh is Average.

Figure - 4.5 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the overtime benefits
provided by the company


30 Good

Excellent Good Average Poor

Table - 4.6 showing Satisfaction level of employees sanitation facilityprovided by
Reliance Fresh
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 13 26
Good 24 48
Average 9 18
Poor 4 8
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table it is clear that 26% of employees says that the sanitation facility
provided by Reliance Fresh is excellent, 48% of employees sayd it is good, 18% of
employees says that the sanitation facility provided by Reliance Fresh is average and
8% of employees says it as Poor.

Figure - 4.6 showing Satisfaction level of employees with sanitation facility provided
by the company



30 Good

Excellent Good Average Poor

Table - 4.7 showing opinion on the Behaviour of the Customers towards the
employees working in Reliance Fresh
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 4 8
Good 12 24
Average 28 56
Poor 6 12
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table it is clear that 8% of employees are in the opinion that the
behaviour of customers towards the employees working in Reliance Fresh is
Excellent, 24% of employees says that it is good, 56% of employees have the opinion
on the behaviour of customers towards employees as average, and 12%of employees
says that the behaviour of customers towards employees working in Reliance Fresh
is Poor.

Figure - 4.7 showing Opinion on the behaviour of the customers towards the
employees working in Reliance Fresh


30 Good

Excellent Good Average Poor

Table - 4.8 showing participation of employees in Management Decisions
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Excellent 0 0
Good 5 10
Average 16 32
Poor 29 58
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

The above table shows that, 10% of employees rated their satisfaction level in
participation of employees in management decisions as good, 32% of employees says
it is average, 58% of employees opined the participation of employees in management
decisions as Poor.

Figure - 4.8 showing participation of employees in management decision




30 Average


Excellent Good Average Poor

Table - 4.9 showing Satisfaction level of employees against theRefreshment
facilities provided by the company

Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly Satisfied 10 20
Satisfied 36 72
Dissatisfied 4 8
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table it is clear that 20% of employees are highly satisfied with the
refreshment facilities provided by the company. 72% of employees are satisfied and
8% of employees are dissatisfied with the refreshment facilities provided by the

Figure - 4.9 showing Satisfaction level of employees against the refreshment

facilities provided by the company

50 Highly Satisfied
40 Satisfied
30 Dissatisfied
20 Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.10 showing satisfaction level of employees with leave facilities provided
by Reliance Fresh
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Highly satisfied 12 24
Satisfied 28 56
Dissatisfied 10 20
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

The above table shows that, 24% of employees are highly satisfied with the leave
facilities provided by Reliance Fresh, 56% of employees are satisfied, and 20% of
employees are dissatisfied with the leave facilities provided by Reliance Fresh.

Figure - 4.10 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the leave facilities
provided by the company.



Highly Satisfied
30 Satisfied
20 Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.11 showing satisfaction level of employees with the Medical Insurance
provided by the company
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Highly satisfied 5 10
Satisfied 17 34
Dissatisfied 23 46
Highly Dissatisfied 5 10
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

The above table shows that, 10% of employees are highly satisfied with the medical
Insurance provided by the company, 34% of employee are satisfied, 46% of
employees are dissatisfied with the medical Insurance provided by the company, and
10% of employees are highly dissatisfied with the medicalInsurance facility provided
by the company.

Figure - 4.11 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the Medical Insurance
provided by the company.

30 Highly Satisfied
25 Satisfied
10 Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly

Table - 4.12 showing satisfaction level of employees with working time.
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Highly satisfied 18 36
Satisfied 25 50
Dissatisfied 7 14
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table it is clear that, 36% of employees are highly satisfiedwith
the working time, 50% of employees are satisfied, and 14% of employees are
dissatisfied with the working time, and no one is highly dissatisfied.

Figure - 4.12 showing Satisfaction level of employees with working time.



Highly Satisfied
30 Satisfied
20 Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.13 showing satisfaction level of employees with training facility
provided by the company.
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Highly satisfied 10 20
Satisfied 34 68
Dissatisfied 6 12
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 20% of employees are highly satisfied with training
facility provided by the company, 68% of employees are satisfied, and 12% of
employees are dissatisfied with training facility provided by the company.

Figure - 4.13 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the training facility
provided by the company.

50 Highly Satisfied
40 Satisfied
30 Dissatisfied
20 Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.14 showing satisfaction level in Relationship with superiour officers
Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage
Highly satisfied 13 26
Satisfied 37 74
Dissatisfied 0 0
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 26% of employees are highly satisfied with
relationship with superiour officers, 74% of employees are satisfied, and no one
dissatisfied and highly dissatisfied.

Figure – 4.14 showing Satisfaction level of employees in Relationship with

superiour officers

50 Highly Satisfied
40 Satisfied
30 Dissatisfied
20 Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.15 showing satisfaction level of employees with the salaryprovided
by the company.

Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 19 38
Satisfied 31 62
Dissatisfied 0 0
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 38% of employees are highly satisfied with the
salary provided by the company 62% of employees are satisfied Zero percent employees
are neither dissatisfied nor highly dissatisfied.

Figure - 4.15 showing Satisfaction level of employees with salary provided by the


40 Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.16 showing satisfaction level of employees with theservices offered
by the company

Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 22 44
Satisfied 25 50
Dissatisfied 3 6
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 44% of employees are highly satisfied with the
services offered by the company, 50% of employees are satisfied, 6% of employees
are dissatisfied, and none is highly dissatisfied.

Figure - 4.16 showing Satisfaction level of employees with the services offered by
the company.



Highly Satisfied
30 Satisfied
20 Dissatisfied
Highly Dissatisfied

Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.17 showing satisfaction level of employees with overall jobsecurity
provided by the company.

Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 12 24
Satisfied 30 60
Dissatisfied 8 16
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 24% of employees are highly satisfied with overall
job security, 60% of employees are satisfied, 16% of employees are dissatisfied, and
no one is highly dissatisfied

Figure - 4.17 showing Satisfaction level of employees with overall job security
provided by the company


40 Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.18 showing satisfaction level of employees with leisuretime
provided by the company.

Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 9 18
Satisfied 37 74
Dissatisfied 4 8
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 18% of employees are highly satisfied with leisure
time, 74% of employees are satisfied, 8% of employees are dissatisfied with leisure
time provided by the company and no one is highly dissatisfied.

Figure - 4.18 showing Satisfaction level of employees with leisure time provided
by the company.

Highly Satisfied
Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.19 showing overall satisfaction level of employees in thecompany

Satisfaction Level No. of Respondents Percentage

Highly satisfied 15 30
Satisfied 35 70
Dissatisfied 0 0
Highly Dissatisfied 0 0
Total 50 100
Source : Primary data

From the above table shows that, 30% of employees are highly satisfied as an
employee of the company, and 70% of employees are satisfied. No employees are
highly dissatisfied / dissatisfied

Figure - 4.19 showing overall Satisfaction level of employees in the company

50 Highly Satisfied
40 Satisfied
30 Dissatisfied
20 Highly Dissatisfied
Highly Satisfied Dissatisfied Highly
Satisfied Dissatisfied

Table - 4.20 showing suggestion for the success of the company.

No. of Respondents Percentage

Yes 8 16
No 42 84
Total 50 100

From the above table shows that, 16% of employees have suggestions for the success
of the company, and 84% of employees have no suggestions for the success of the

Figure - 4.20 showing suggestions for the success of the company

Yes No


5.1 Introduction
This chapter deals with findings of the study. Suggestion to improve the
employee satisfaction and the conclusion to the study.

5.2. Findings

1. The majority of employees were experienced above 2 years.

2. The most of the employees are satisfied with their working environment.
3. Half of the total employees are satisfied with the overtime benefits
providedby Reliance Fresh.

4. There is average satisfaction on the Behavior of the customers towardsthe

employees working in Reliance Fresh.
5. The 58% of employees are dissatisfied in the participation of employeesin
Management Decisions.
6. The 72% of employees are satisfied with the refreshment facilitiesprovided
by Reliance Fresh.
7. The 56% of employees are satisfied with the leave facilities provided bythe
Reliance Fresh.
8. 46% of employees are Dissatisfied with the Medical Insurance Facilities
provided by the firm.
9. The Majority of employees are satisfied with their working time.
10. 68% of employees are satisfied with the training facilities provided bythe
11. Majority of employees are in Good Relationship with theirsuperior officers.
12. The 62% of employees are satisfied with the salary provided byReliance
13. The Majority of employees are satisfied with the services offeredby the firm.

5.2. Suggestions
 Company should provide medical Insurance to employees.
 Sanitation facility of the firm can be improved.
 Management should provide Better working environment.
 Leave policy of the firm can be improved.
 Relationship with co-workers can be improved.
 More customer satisfaction Tactics can be employed in the firm so thattheir
response will aid the satisfaction level of employees.
5.3. Conclusion
Employee satisfaction means a worker‟s sense of achievement and success is
generally perceived to be directly linked to productivity as well as to personal well
being job satisfaction implies doing a job one enjoys, doing two well and being
suitably rewarded for one‟s efforts. Employee satisfaction further implies enthusiasm
and happiness with one‟s work. Employees are the most important resources of all
companies. The organization’s success depends on employees performance is deter
mental to company‟s success.
This project title “A study on employees satisfaction” of employees at 5
Reliance Fresh stores in Thrissur was done among 50 employees in a simple random
sample method. From the study it was formed that the employees are Satisfied
working in almost in all aspects. Some improvements are suggested by the employees
for satisfaction organization can concentrate on that and make the employees fully
satisfied. This will help to increase the morale of the employees.


Books :-
 Abraham Maslow (1954) : Motivation and personality.
 Alderfer (1972) : “Existence, Relatedness and Growth”.
 Mathew (1991) : “The Employee Experience”
 Ostroff (1992) : “Relationship between satisfaction, attitudes and
 Frederick Herzberg’s (Kempton, 1995): “Human Resource
 Ryan, Schmitt and Johnson (1996) : “Employee satisfaction and
organisational performance”.
 Dwivedi R. S. (2001): Human Relations and organizational Behaviour,
Macmillan India Ltd., New Delhi
 Sharma and Sharma (2007): “Determinants of job satisfaction”
Abhigyan, 15: 1-10.
 Chen and Silverthrone (2008) : “The impact of locus of control on Job
stress, job performance and job satisfaction in Taiwan”.
 Bellou (2009): “Matching individuals and organizations”.
 The Kedam J. S. (2010): “A study of Job satisfaction and factors that
influence it” Management and labour studies, 35 (4) : 407 – 417.
 Stephen P. Robbins (2011) : Organizational Behaviour Pearson, UK
 Dr. K. Venugopalan, Business Research Method, Calicut University
Central Co-operative Store Ltd. 2011
 Kothari C. R. Research Methodology, New Age International Private
Ltd., New Delhi
 Flippo B. Edwin, “Personnel Management”.
 Business India
 Business Today
 Locke 1976 cited in Brief, A.P., and weiss, H.M. (2011) organizational
Behavious affect the workplace – Annual review of psychology, 53
 Frank. J. Landy (2005) Journal of organizational Behaviour, 26.
 www.answer/com/topic/employeesatisfaction

A study on Employee Satisfaction of Reliance Fresh
I am RICHARD BENNY, B.Com Final Year student of CHRIST COLLEGE
IRINJALAKUDA, as part of my final year project on the topic “A STUDY ON
IRINJALAKUDA”, I need your valuable information and suggestions.
I kindly request you to fill the questionnaire sincerely and honestly. The answers
would be strictly used for the purpose of project only and put a tick mark against
your answer.
Name :

Gender : Male Female

Qualification : SSLC +2 Graduation

Post / Designation :

1. What is the most attractive factors in your this job?

Good will : Salary :
Promotion :
2. How long have you been worked in this orgnaization?
Less than 1 year : 1-2 years : More than 2 years
3. Rate the satisfaction level of employees against the refreshment facilities
provided by the company?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied: Dissatisfied :
4. Express your opinion about the bonus provided by the Reliance Fresh?
Excellent : Good : Poor :
5. Are you satisfied with the salary provided by the company?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
6. How do you rate the satisfaction level of leave facility provided by the
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
7. Are you satisfied with the medical insurance provided by the company?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
8. How do you rate the satisfaction level of working environment?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
9. How do you rate the satisfaction level of training facility provided by the
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
10. Rate your satisfactory level towards the working time?
Highly satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
11. Rate your satisfaction level towards over time benefits provided by the
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
12. Rate your satisfaction level towards the relationship with co-workers?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
13. Express the level of satisfaction towards sanitation facility provided by the
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
14. How do you rate satisfaction level of overall job security?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
15. Rate your satisfaction level towards leisure time provided by the company?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
16. Do you have any suggestions for the success of the company?

17. How do you rate company on the Basis of cleanliness?

Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
18. Rate your satisfaction level towards the relationship with superior officers?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
19. What is your opinion on the Behaviour of customers towards the
employees working in the company?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
20. Are you satisfied with the services offered by the company?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
21. Rate your satisfactory level towards the Incentives provided by the
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :
22. Rate your satisfaction level toward the counseling programmes for the
employees ?
Highly Satisfied : Satisfied : Dissatisfied :

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