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Demonstrator: Mary Grace S.


Detailed Lesson Plan

Science V

a) Identify star patterns that can be seen at particular times of the year.
b) Connect dots to form star patterns.
c) Appreciate star patterns.


Reference: Science V (Learner’s Material) pp.50 -54,
Materials: Power point presentation


Teachers Activity Pupils Activity

Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings

“Good Morning, class”

“Good morning, Ma’am”

2. Prayer

“Ok, before we start please stand up for our

prayer for today. Nolan can you please lead
our prayer for today?
“Yes Ma’am.

Thank you Nolan.

“Before you sit down, kindly arrange your

chairs and pick up any pieces of paper around
you.” “Yes Ma’am”
(Pupils will do the command)

3. Checking of attendance

“Is there any absent today Ms. Jena?”

“No one is absent today, Ma’am”

“I am happy that all of you are present for

today so no one will be left behind with our

A. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting
the new lesson.

“All right before we move on to our next

topic, let’s have a recap on what we’ve been
discussed last meeting”

“What are the four phases of the moon?”

Yes, James?

“The four phases of the moon are new moon,

waxing crescent moon, waning gibbous moon
and full moon Ma’am”

Very good.

“Now, I’ll group you into four. This row is

group 1, 2, 3 and 4. Each group will form the
four phases of the moon using the picture
puzzle pieces that I will give for each group.
This space on the board is for group 1, 2, 3
and 4. The first group that will have the right
answers will be the winner. Do you Yes Ma’am!
(The students will do the activity.)

Yes Ma’am.
Now let us check your answers.

Lorena, is this correct (group 1)?

Yes Ma’am.

Very good. Lydia, is this correct (group 2) Yes Ma’am.

Very good. Vincint, is this correct (group 3)

Yes Ma’am.

Very good. May, is this correct (group 4)

Congratulations for all of the groups. You all

did a great job because all of your answers are (The pupils will clap their hands)
correct and let’s give three big claps for the
first group who answered correctly.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson.

“Now class, when you look at the sky at night, “Moon and stars Ma’am”
what do you see?”

Yes Lyca

“Some of them are bright and some of are not

“What can you observe in the stars?” that bright Ma’am.”
Yes Rico

“I see different imaginary shapes Ma’am.”

How about you Real?

“We imagine different animals, objects and
other things while looking at the stars Ma’am.”
How about you Vincint?

Yes Ma’am
“So you mean to say that you see the patterns
of stars, it looks like objects, animals and
other things, right?”

“Do you have any idea what those patterns are

called?” “Constellation Ma’am”

Yes Roselyn

“Very good.”
“Constellations are patterns in the sky in which
“Now, from your answers, can you give me we can imagine different things Ma’am.
the definition of constellation?
Yes Rolly.

Very good.
Observers in the ancient times imagined group
of stars that pictures animals, objects, and
people. These imaginary group of stars are
called constellations.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the new


“Now let us take a look at the picture in front.”

(The student will connect the dots)

“Can you please come in front and connect the

dots Joemar?”

“Yes ma’am”

“Thank you Joemar. Now let us look at the

pattern. Are you familiar with this?”
“It’s the Big Dipper Ma’am”

“What is this pattern called?”

Yes, May

“ It consists of 7 stars ma’am”

“That’s right. It’s the first pattern on stars we

see in the night sky”

“It consist of how many stars Aries?”

“Very good. Now let’s take a look at its actual
picture in the sky”

“It looks like a spoon ma’am”

“This part is the handle and this is the part

“What can you observe in the picture? What do
where we put food Ma’am.
you think it looks like?”

Yes Rosie

“It looks like a kite ma’am”

Can you go in front and tell me why it looked
like a spoon?

This is the head of the kite Ma’am and this is

Very good. Anything else you see? the tail of the kite.
Yes Rico.

Can you go in front to show me why it looks

like a kite “Because it looks like a big dipper Ma’am.”

“Very good. Thank you Rico.

“Yes ma’am”.
“Why do you think it’s called the big dipper?
Yes, Melanie

Because it is a pattern of stars that we see in

the sky ma’am.
“Very good!”

“Do you thinks this is a constellation?”

“How can you say so?”

“Very good”.

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing
new skills #1

“I will group you again but this time it will

only be two groups. Row 1 and 2 will be the
group A, and row 3 and 4 will be the group B.
Group yourselves and form a circle before we
proceed with the instruction. “Yes Ma’am.

I will give each of your group a cartolina, a

marker and a picture. What you will do with
the cartolina is that you will pretend you are
looking at the sky and the dots there are the
stars. Connect the dots using the marker to
form the animal in the picture that I also gave (The class will do the activity.)
to you. I will give you 3 minutes to do this. Do
you understand class?

You can now start.

Group 1 will connect the dots and form a bird.

Group 2 will connect the dots and form a

Group A Group B

No! It’s a bird.
No It’s a horse.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing

new skills #2

“Now let’s get back to the pattern which I

gave for both of the groups?”

It’s a bird flying with a stem of plant in the

beak and that the bird is flying towards the left
side Ma’am.

This is the bird’s beak, wings and tail.

‘No ma’am.
What animal do you see in the pattern?

Because it’s a horse running towards the right

Okay class. Don’t argue because we will now

see which of the group is correct.

James from Group A. What animal do you see

in the pattern? This is the horse’s head, body, feet and tail.

“Can you please go in front and tell me why

it’s a bird? Can you point the specific parts of
the constellation that makes it a bird?

“Lyca from group B do you agree with


Our patterns are the same Ma’am. But we see
different animals in the pattern.

“Can you please go in front and tell me why

it’s a horse? Can you point the specific parts
of the constellation that makes it a horse?

Pick one representative for each group to

place the cartolinas on the board. This space
is for group A, and this is for group B We can’t judge people for what they see

F. Developing mastery(leads to formative
‘Yes, Ma’am!”
“What have you observed in the pattern I
gave for both of the groups?

“That’s right. Group A said that the

constellation in front is a bird and Group B
said it’s a horse. Which is both correct. You
are like two ancient cultures seeing different
shapes or object in the same pattern of stars.

Aside from learning that different cultures see

different objects with the same patterns of
stars, what moral lesson have you learned in
our activity? Yes Nikko.

Very good. I want you all to know that we all

have different perspectives on how we view
things. Just because someone else sees
different, doesn’t mean that they are wrong.”

“Do you understand?”

“Very good.”

“Now lets us look at the power point

presentation in front.”

Can you please read Sharmaine?

Yes ma’am. It’s the Orion.

“It looks like a person holding a bow”

“Many of the constellations have names that

can be traced back to early Babylonians and
Greek Civilizations, but nearly all culture This is the arrow, this is the bow, and this is
have different names for constellations. the body.

“I want you to observe this constellation in It looks like someone holding a sword and a
front.” shield ma’am.

This is the sword, this is the shield, and this is

the body.

Are you familiar with this constellation?

That’s right. This is the Orion and these three

stars right here is what we call the Orion’s

What can you observe in the picture? What

does it look like? Yes Jonel.

Can you please come in front to show us why

it looked like a person holding a bow?

That’s right! Anything else? Yes Sharmaine.

Can you please come in front to show us why

it looked like a person holding a sword and

Very Good.

This is Orion The Hunter.

Can you please read the slide Jayson?

Thank you Jayson. Orion means hunter in

the Greek Civilization. And as what I have
mentioned earlier, different cultures have
different views of constellations. Our
ancestors back in the early times called it
Balatik. Christian people called the three
stars Tatlong Maria or Tres Marias.
“Yes ma’am. I can see the head and the horn of
the bull”

Here are some other examples of

constellations. I cannot give all the
constellation because we have 88 officially
recognized star constellations.

Yes Jena.

“Yes Ma’am. I can see the body and tail of the

Very Good. This constellation is called
Taurus. The Bull.



“Yes Ma’am. I can see the feet of the woman.”

Very Good. This constellation is called

Scorpius. The Scorpion.

“Yes Ma’am”


(Students will raise their hands)

Aries Ma’am.


Very Good. This constellation is called

Virgo. The Maiden (Students will raise their hands)

Taurus Ma’am.

Did you know about your Zodiac signs?

Those are constellations too.

Here are the Zodiac Constellations

Who of you were born from march 21 –
April 19? (Students will raise their hands)

Gemini Ma’am.
Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


Who of you were born from April 20 – May


(Students will raise their hands)

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Cancer Ma’am.

Very good. This is the constellation of


Who of you were born from May 21 – June


(Students will raise their hands)

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Leo Ma’am.

Very good. This is the constellation of


Who of you were born from June 22 – July


Do you know your zodiac sign? (Students will raise their hands)

Very good. This is the constellation of Virgo Ma’am.


Who of you were born from July 23 –

August 22?

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of Leo. (Students will raise their hands)

Libra Ma’am.

(Students will raise their hands)

Who of you were born from August 23 –

September 22? Scorpio Ma’am.

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


(Students will raise their hands)

Sagittarius Ma’am.

Who of you were born from September 23 –

October 23?

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


(Students will raise their hands)

Capricorn Ma’am.
Who of you were born from October 24 –
November 21?

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


(Students will raise their hands)

Aquarius Ma’am.

Who of you were born from November 22 –

December 21?

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


(Students will raise their hands)

Pisces Ma’am.

Who of you were born from December 22 –

January 19?

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


Who of you were born from January 20 –
February 18?
No ma’am.

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


Rotation Ma’am?

Who of you were born from February 19 – Revolution ma’am.

March 20?

Do you know your zodiac sign?

Very good. This is the constellation of


Can we always see the constellations
throughout the year?

You said no. Why do you think we can’t

always see the constellations throughout the


Imagine this object right here is the earth No Ma’am

and this is the sun. What do we call of the
circular or orbital motion of the earth to the

Yes, Rolly?
Because it’s bright.

Rotation is the spinning motion of the earth.

What do we call of the circular or orbital
motion of earth to the sun?

Very Good. Can you please read the slide


Rotation is the reason why we have nightly
movement of the stars in the sky. Now
revolution is the reason why we can see
different parts of the sky at different parts of
the year.

Now let us look in front. Can you please

read Theresa?

For example, during summer in the

Philippines, the constellations of Orion and
Taurus are not visible at night. They will be
visible again as the cold season begin.
During that time, Scorpius will not be seen
in the night sky.

Can we see stars during daytime?


Yes Nolan?

That’s right.
Can you please read the slide

We will be able to see the stars on the night

side only. The stars on the same side as the
sun cannot be seen because sunlight
overpowers all the star lights.

“Let us now see the star patterns that can be

seen at particular times of the year. I have
here the stars and constellations used by the
Matigsalug Manobo of Bukidnon.

“Can you please read the first slide?”

“Constellations are important in the ancient

times because they were the primary tool for
telling time at night.”

“Can you please read the second slide? “The motion of the stars patterns was also
used as the basis for early calendars, enabling
them when to plant crops and when to prepare
for seasonal floods.”

They have been used before in traveling

overnight on land or on sea.

G. Finding practical application of concepts
and skills in daily living.

“Why do you think constellation is important

in the ancient times?”
Yes, Lyca Constellations are useful because they can
help people to recognize stars in the sky.

“That is right. In the ancient times,
constellation is one of their way to track time
at night and also what month it is already.
The stars also have helped build the first

“What else?”
Yes, Nolan

“Yes Ma’am”

“That’s right. Just like how important None Ma’am

constellations are to Matigsalug Manobo. They
used constellations to create and track the
calendar so they knew when to plant crops and
harvest them.”

Anything else?

That’s right. Another important use for “Constellations are patterns in the sky”
constellations before was navigation. By
finding Ursa Minor it is fairly easy to spot the
North Star (Polaris). Using the height of the
North Star in the sky, navigators could figure “Constellations are imaginary group of
out their latitude helping ships to travel across stars”
the oceans.

How about today? What do you think is the

importance of constellations?

“No Ma’am because we can only see

different parts of the sky at different parts
That’s right. By looking for patterns, the stars of the year.”
and locations can be much easier to spot.
Imagine on a really dark night, you can see
about 1000-1500 stars. Trying to tell which is
which is hard.

Astronomers used constellations to track the
movement of the sun and planets.

Orion, The Hunter.

Virgo. The Maiden.
Do you enjoy and understand our topic for
today class?

Do you have any question or clarification?

Balatik. It is a constellation that can be seen at

the month of February Ma’am.

“I’m happy to hear that you understand our

topic and learned something for today.”

H. Making generalization and abstraction Pandarawa. It is a constellation that can be

about the lesson. seen at the month of February Ma’am.

“What is constellation again?”

Yes Jena.
Buwaya. It is a constellation that can be seen
That’s right. Anyone else? Yes Camela at the month of June.

Very good. Constellations are group of stars

or patterns of stars in which we can form
imaginary objects, animals or people.

Can we see these constellations all through

the year? Yes Alyza

“Very good. We cannot see constellations all

throughout the year because we can only see
different parts of the sky at different parts of
the year.”

Can you give some examples of

constellations? Yes Juvy

Can you give me a constellations that can be
seen at particular time of the year?
Yes Rico?

Very good.
What else? Yes Melanie?

Very Good.
What else? Yes Chabelita?

Very Good Class.


Connect the dots to make a constellation. Give and write the name of the constellation
in the blank provided. (2 points each)

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. ___________________

4. _________________

5. _________________


Submitted by:

Mary Grace S. Mengote

Submitted to:




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