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eo oR RT ' JUNE 1965 TR-29 OFFICE OF CIVIL DEFENSE HIGHLIGHTS of the ARCHITECT & oo ACTIVITIES SHELTER DEVELOPMENT : ‘An effective Civil Defense Program is on important clement of our total defense effort. It aims ot the ‘ochievement of a nationwide fallout shelter system." Lyndon 8. Johnson President of United States Fallout shelter, because of its life saving potential, is the central core of the Civil Defense Program. During the Notionel Fellout Shelter Survey, in which existing buildings were exemined ond evaluated for fallout protection, over 134 million adequate Fallout shelter spaces ware found. Seventy-three miliion of these shelter spaces ore now being marked and 32 million spaces have been stocked with emergercy rotions of food, water (if needed), sonitary end medical supplies, ond radiation detection instruments. All buildings hove shielded areas, affording some degree of protection. This bosie protection can be improved in future building construction without appreciably increasing the cost or adversely affecting the esthetics and function for normal vse. Architects ond engineers exert the greatest single influence on building design and construction. Thovsonds of new buildings are being built each year in which the life saving potential could have been increased if tttention had been focused on the preblem during the initial design phase. Special knowledge is required to accomplish this ~ knowledge of the nature of rodioactive folleut and how to design structures to provide shielding egainst it. Acchitectural and engineering colleges and universities are playing en expanded role in disseminating the new technology of radiation shielding analysis and other related subjects to the design professions. Through this means, practicing arofersionals os well os new gradvotes can keep abreast of current developments. For lc bythe Superintendent of Dosa, Government Printing Ofico Washington B.C, 20402 = Bice 20 cen | BASIC CONCEPTS OF PROTECTION PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM With the cooperation of architectural and engineering educational institutions and their faculty members, «© unique professional development progrom for practicing architects ond engineers was initiated in 1961. ‘The Office of Civil Defense snontors continuing edveation course for practicing architects ond engineers. Fallout Shelter Analysis Courses ore offered as intensive two-week sessions, on @ semester type basis (one night @ week for 5 weels) or ot a correspondence course. The courses ‘acquaint architects and engineers with nuclear weapon effects and shielding methodology tond design techniques. Thirty-nine courses were conducted in 1961; 57 courses in 1962; 122 courses in 1963 and [5B courses in 1964, Architects and engineers who successfully complete the course are certified os Fellout Shelter Analysts and are periodically apprised fof the latest developments including reseorch reports. Protective Construction Courses on a two-week or semester type bosis ore offered. These ‘courses are primarily concerned with structural dynamics and response of structures 10 the immediate effects of « nuclear detonation. One course was conducted in 1962, 10 courses were conducted in 1953 and 31 courses were conducted in 1964. Environmental Engineering Courses are offered ro acquaint the mechanical engineer with the unique problems aswaciated with shelter environment control and the procedures for solving there problems. Six pilot courses wore conducted in 1963 and 35 courses were ‘conducted in 1964, (Other courses such at Disaster Engineering and Shelter Planning are now being developed for future presentation. The immediate objective of this professional development program was to survey end locate potenticl public fallout shelter space in existing structures ~ 9 type of port=derign analysis. But the program ‘ohio provided, ond provides today, the orientation that architects and engineers must have if fallout protection is to be considered at the critical point in the creation of @ building = the design stage. Reg. |= 1188 791 470 arouse ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS QUALIFIED IN FALLOUT SHELTER ANALYSIS JUNE 1965 ee ——————————— FACULTY DEVELOPMENT ~ SUMMER INSTITUTES The summer institute program wer initiated in 196! at the Pennsylvania Stote University to develop @ teaching copability in rodiation shielding analysis ond design and protective construction, among foculty mente of various schools and universities. The institutes affer@ comprehensive educa foram er ful-time eee nd ennening fry which prepares hom fer slr Nuclear Defense Design Summer Institutes have been arronged for at the following educotianal institutions: 1962, 968 Ie es WorcaerPlytechnic Worcester Polytechnic Univ. of Iilinois__ Gorge Weshington Univ inure insite Unive of Colored Unive of Howe Unive of loos Unive of Michigen Unies cf Colifomio Montana Sore Collage Univ: sf Colorado Univ: of Colorado Moston Site” Pemaylvanie Ste Univ. Unive oF Colonie Univ, of Celina Catege Moreen Polytech tatite | Aspen Init, Colorado [As the Konsot Stote Univesity, a special summer institute on "Fundamental Radiation Shielding Problems i Applied to Nuclear Delense Design Planning” is conducted for foculty in Nuclear Engineering and Replied Mathemoties and Physics. The Summer Institute ot the Montana State College, conducted forthe fit fcqueint faculty in architecture, mechonical ond agricultural engineering and fnvitonmental considerations and ventilation requirements fr shelters. 1964, fs designed 10 ' planing with the I ‘The Summer Institute of the George Washington University is designed to accommodate both architecture ‘nd engineering faculty and practicing professionals by conducting special courses in radiotion shielding, | tnvitonnental engineering, end protective construction. | The various octivites of the Faculty Development Program have benefit ofthe enthusistfc cooperation | ofthe: The Consulting Engineers Couneil, The American Institute of Architects, The American Society of Civil Engineer, The National Society of Profesional Engineers, The American Society of Heating, Retrigerction ond Air-Conditioning Engineers, Inc., The American Nucleor Society Shielding Division, The Netionel Acedemy of Sciences Subcornmittes on Radiation Shielding, Engineers Joint Council, The ‘American Society of Mechanical Engineers, The American Institute of Planners, The American Society of Planning Officils, and The American Society of Agricultural Engineers. 4 ‘This program is being cosponsored by the American Society for Engineering Educotion, the Awociation af Collegiate Schools of Architecture, and the Office of Civil Defense, Office Secretory of the Army. LUST OF QUALIFIED FSA INSTRUCTORS AND THEIR INSTITUTIONS pees 29 —- oa Oe —— ae “Se "huane en, ARCHITECTURAL _AND ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT CENTERS Eight Regional Architectural ond Engineering Development Centers* (selected universities and colleges) will study, ‘analyze, evaluate and report on available scientific end technical information as it applies to specified creas of Civil Defense. Due to the extremely rapid growth of research ond scientific information pertaining to protective ‘construction daring the post few years, it is deemed neceseory to place emphasis on the evaluation and publicction (of information from a highly scientific or theoretical presentation to 6 form more readily usoble by a practicing architect or engineer. Through this program, the findings of current research endeavors in many technical fields will become availble to schools of architecture and engineering soon after research results are teported. All schools of architecture and engineering will be provided an opportunity to share in the benefits of this new technology. CConeuerent with the A&E Development Centers, design study investigation projects and group investigative programs ‘are being conducted ot selected universities and colleges to the mutual benefit of the institution, the design pro- festione, and civil defense. Bonus benefits will elyo acerve by the university or college shoring the newly acquired information with their students in oppropriate curricula. + Worcester Polytechnic Institute Pennsylvania Stote University University of Floride Pordve University, Texas ABM. University of Colorado San Jose State College University of Washington nema mmm OCD HDQTRS OCD REGIONAL OFFICES ea) REPORTS. + EVALUATION OF SCIENTIFIC WASHINGTON, D.C, L—_-_@-_| ARCHITECTS, & ENGINEERS TECHNOLOGY a. NEW SHELTER CONCEPTS & | COLLEGES: NEW DESIGN TECHNIQUES RESEARCH Jy) & & PROCEDURES TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSITIES QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS AGE DEVELOPMENT CENTERS UNIVERSITY STUDIES & INVESTIGATIONS GROUP INVESTIGATIVE SESSIONS THE SPIRAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL INFORMATION ! DESIGN COMPETITIONS AND ACTUAL BUILDINGS ‘The results of the competition clearly indicate thot shelter con be economically incorporated into elementary choals without interfering with the educctional function of the school or adversely affecting the esthetics of the building. Various types of aboveground and belowground solutions ‘appear as winning entries. A brochure illustrating the winning school designs wes prepared and istributed to emphasize that fallout protection and educational facilities are compatible in dual i se space ‘A second design competition for o community complex including @ shopping center incorporating ‘community fallout shelter fecilities has produced similar results. The Rice University, Department of Architecture conducted a design study on the subject of on industrial building with fallout protection. The retults were well designed factory buildings with fallout protection included ar dual use shelter space, providing once again thet fallout protection ‘can be included in buildings without adversely affecting function or esthetics and ot little ‘additionel cost. BUT THIS WAS THEORY. i Recently the Office of Civil Defense collected a number of projects from Fallout Shelter Analysts ‘olved in the design of actual structures thot included dual purpoze fallout protection. These projects including actual construction cost data were published in @ technical report which was biven widespread distribution to various architectural, engineering and educational groups. ” In this report "TR+27, New Buildings with Fallout Protection” the THEORY BECOMES FACT. "SLANTING" IN DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION "Slanting” is defined of the incorporation, at litle or no increase in cost or reduction in efficiency, of certain ‘architectural and engineering fectures into all new structures, to protect personnel from fallout gonna radiation jin event of an emergency. The slanting features may provide immediate improvement or may be of such noture 2; fo facilitate later conversion of the structure for protective purposes. Thus, "Slanting" adds the protective function te the other eriteria normally considered in the design of structures. Every building is @ netural shield against fallout radiation. Some buildings, however, are better than others. The Notional Fallout Shelter Survey located millions of shelter spaces in existing buildings where shelter wos not considered in the iniiel design. Mony other buildings would have provided reasonably adequate protection, bot they had weak paints which nullified otherwise good protection. IF these weck points could have been Setected by someone knowledgeable in radiation shielding analysis during the initial design phase of the project, then no-cost design changes could have been incorporated to maximize the protection without exceeding budget Himiterions. EXAMPLES OF SLANTING & LOW COST TECHNIQUES Lugo wrt sano om Graver ee es pars tne ——t Ka HY The Springfield Gas Light Co.* initiated construction on new plant facilities. A partial basement would have been necessary for record storage, etc. The company hed used oll available record storage space and was renting additional space. The architect persuaded the owners of practicality of incorporating full basement which would provide additional storage space and elso serve as fallout shelter area. In this facility approximotely 30, 000 «q. ft. of shelter space was incorporated without any inereose in cost since shelter fectures were inherent in bosic design. * Location: Springfield, Moss. Architect-Engineer: Munson & Mallis, Inc. n WHAT COULD BE DONE TO ENHANCE SHELTER? ENTRANCEWAYS ARE NOW PARTIALLY BAFFLED ~ STAIRWELLS ARE RELOCATED "2 CORRIDOR AREAS OFFER "© BEST SHELTER POTENTIAL 7 FIRST FLOOR PLAN - TYPICAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SECTION THROUGH CORRIDOR OF SCHOOL 2 12" Concrete 2" Hollow Moony Wt Clon Room on Room Corridor ul NORMAL CONSTRUCTION ROOF MASS = 31#/S.F. Clam Room corre = _ KN ENHANCED SHELTER IN CORRIDOR ROOF MASS = 621 /S.F. 7 This attractive church butlding incorporating fallout protection wos recently completed in MeLean, Virginia. Shelter fectures were included ia original design with option of eliminating these festures es deductive bid f project cost exceeded budget alloca The thiee elements which enhanced shelter were increasing concrete topping over precast first floor (Mark "A"); increasing eon= Crete block size from 8" to 12"(Mark "B")ond filling cores of conerete block around shelter with sand, The contractor submitting lowest bid would allow only $900 decrease for these shelter features. Shelter eapacity is 300. — ‘ SHELTER TECHNIQUES $ ‘ : ¢ i fr £ ; 4 coNveNtTONAL suaareD stared a a Orne pttin sh re icra nc) renin co increme) Lightweight Root ‘Construction $ 5 + act 500, 000, $500,000 $510,000 * : 20 Spaces @ PF IO 3B Spaces @ PFO 6 spaces @ PF 40 oF Hore BO Spaces @ PF 0 Spaces @ PF 20 Large Window Ares Increase Sil Height All Stanting Techniques ¢ o Hollow Block Walls Offset Entrances Fill Hollow Blocks w/ Sand $ | enranas oireaty on Stage task wines | Seen als tances Directly anger Doors & Win i Corres Root il i Masonry Partitions Planter Boxes t Panel Walls 1 Smaller Window Areas Ret Overnangs \ Lightveigt Partitions Increase ill Mass " Precast Roos Depress Building Shields for Openings 5 SHELTER DEVELOPMENT - ARCHITECT & ENGINEER ACTIVITIES ‘As evidenced by the Fallout Shelter Survey, mony existing buildings afforded excellent protection from falleot gonna radiation. In future building design, it is imperative to achieve optimum protection uthout significantly expending edditionol funds. By taking this approach, construction dlrs will be Uitimotely soved should tt become necessary to modily existing buildings to overcome the anticipated shelter deficit. Since building committees, property owners, ond others initiating constuction projects rely heavily on see hion's erchitects ond engineers for design, It is of prime importance to create sound professional Competence within these professions to plon for and design effective shelters. Treditionally, universities and colleges ore called upon to keep procticing professionals abreost of the seecstethecan in thelr respective fields, Acederic institutions are being provided with the resources Fenugy, evaluate, ond promulgate scientific and technical moterils related to the areas of Civil Defense jaterent, The institutions will thus be able to disseminate nevly published informotion ond design techniques to the design profession cs well os their students through means of seminars, courses, lectures, tend on-the-job training sessions. ‘The shelter development program is intended to: 1. provide nationcl leadership without domination. 2. provide Federal assstonce without interference. 3. fill gops in required areos of information and services. 4. stimulate ideas ond appropriate ection. ‘Thete activities, while not sufficient fo overcomethe total shelter deficit, will do much toward clieviating the problem. SHELTER DEVELOPMENT A & E ACTIVITIES FEDERAL AGENCIES oco PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES DESIGN PROFESSION (ARCHITECTS & ENGINEERS) FALLOUT PROTECTED BUILDING STRUCTURES CONSTRUCTION ADDED TO INVENTORY, v eee PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES AND CASE STUDIES ‘Asan extension of the on-going A-E Development Program and in order to assist in obtaining o greater umber of shelter spaces utilizing slanting and low cost shielding techniques, « nationwide professional evelopment service is being established for A-E firms engaged in building design. It is enticipated thot colleges ond universities with eppropriate technical capabilities will play a major role in the dissem= ination of theory ond applications of these techniques. Locol and State civil defense directors upon learning of plens for a new structure will contact the building owner and designer ond promote the incorporation of shelter info the design. Should the designer require additional information on how this can be accomplished, qualified Fallout Shelter Analysts and Instructors are being made available to provide the following services: 1. Conduct seminars, courses, lectures, and on-the-job raining sessions in fallout shelter ‘analysis, design, construction techniques and criteria for A-E Firms. jew building designe to evaluate potentials for fallout protection and recommend design Jes and other appropriate methods to integrate or improve shelter in the design. The program will be implemented in two phates. Under Phase |, opproximetely 25 Qualified Instructors in Fallout Shelter Anolysis will provide the professional development services. As the program expends, It is envisioned under Phose Il that contracts with selected universities or colleges will provide the oppropriate means of administering the activities of the expanded program. Ultimately, at least one. College or university will be selected from each State to administer the professional development services program. Those wi jing to avail themselves of this service can do so by contacting their local, Stote, or Regional Civil Defense Office. These offices will then meke the necessary orrangements te obtain the qualified Fallout Shelter Analyst or Instructor. Addresses of the State and Regional Offices ore shown on poge 20. —— PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SERVICES & CASE STUDIES OWNER & BUILDING LOCAL A-E FIRM C.D. OFFERS a erRM FUNDED + cd +| SELECTED BY |-+| SERVICES TO >} Request $ INVESTIGATES OWNER A-E FIRM, ASSISTANCE PROCESS DESIGN IS SELECT ADVISER BUILDING SLANTED cowtacts fe] avast fe REQUEST CONSTRUCTED REVIEWED AE ADVISER REPORTED HDQ. OCD ve, \% ' | Nee i 1 stupy app! I i 1 cr 1 SLANTING || geauists { U [COMPLETED feng "Gace 1 BY | STUDY ty | Suey | REPORTED =| | : eee ” ‘ADDRESSES OF REGIONAL & STATE CD OFFICES y 2¢0 Raion (0D Resin 2 fant.) (00 Region ean.) (60 Raion tan. 0¢0 Rajon 2 060 Region ain atin

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