A2 Journal Front Page May 26

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Veterans pay
homage to ‘Huey,’
raise funds Today’s
coupons are worth up to ...
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Citizens Police Academy
877-837-1118 Thursday, May 26, 2011 takes veil off courthouse.
Page 5-A

Costco On the
Calendar Page 9-A

may be RAIL

in fall
dependent on
master plan
By Eric Anderson
Special Writer
Pittsfield Township is Pioneer/Saline baseball
game halted because of
close to finalizing plans that rain.
would bring a Costco to the
township, which would also Page 1-B
provide road improvements
and opportunities for eco-
nomic growth, officials said.
The township came one
step closer at the April ON THE WEB
21 Planning Commission Photos by James David Dickson
meeting when planners Artist Mary Thiefels and John Vance stand by “Veterans Mural”, which Thiefels created behind the Alley Bar at
recommended rezoning the 112 W. Liberty St. in Ann Arbor. Vance was a collaborator on the project.

Tale of 14 faces
plot of land at the corner of
Ellsworth Road and Airport
Boulevard in Pittsfield to
allow for the construction of
a Costco.
Remaining is approval of
a township master plan that
supports ventures such as Become a fan of A2
the construction of a Costco. Journal on Facebook (479
This would allow Costco fans) and follow us on
development representa-
tives to present final plans
for approval from the town-
‘Veterans Mural’ draws attention Twitter (2,761 followers).
Also, check out our blog,
Inside the Newsroom.
Links provided on the A2
ship. By James David Dickson money had been raised, Journal home page.
According to Supervisor A2 Journal including some $2,000
Mandy Grewal, this means from the Main Street Area
construction could begin as “You see those guys up Association, but execution Weave the Web:
early as this fall. there, those faces? They’re didn’t move as quickly. Make sure to click
“If they choose to, con- prisoners of war,” the Things were “dragging on www.heritage.com
struction could start in the young man explains to his along,” Thiefels said, until around the clock for
fall,” she said. “It’s depen- female friend. Vance returned to town the most in-depth cov-
dent on passage of the mas- “Nah, dude, those guys from Japan to live with his erage of Washtenaw
ter plan. We do not want this were killed at war,” his aging mother. He wanted to County. One of our
friend attempts to clarify. get involved with muralists “Most Viewed” stories
to be in any sort of disjunc- is “Promising hockey
tion with the master plan.” “You might be right, and Thiefels’ name soon
man, I heard something came up. player Ian Jenkins dies”
Grewal said development
of this initiative, which about that,” a third man Vance reached out to
began in April 2010 when chimes in. “See the MLK Thiefels. When he got on
Costco representatives quote? Makes perfect board and really helped
initially approached the sense.” shape the project. He
Mary Thiefels hears imported all of the head-
township, was done in close
the different theories and shots into a computer and Check out
partnership with Costco,
residents from Pittsfield and laughs. She’ll sometimes came up with schematics our video:
come out to the alley about what the mural
■ 2 for U
PLEASE SEE COSTCO/2-A behind the Alley Bar at should look like on the
112 W. Liberty St. in Ann wall. ■ Man tries to lure
Arbor and just listen to the The eyes of each veteran, youngsters into pickup

Parks way her mural has taken

on a life of its own in the
10 months since she and
more than anything, are
what Thiefels is drawn to
in the piece.
■ Michigan Gov. Rick
Snyder on state budget
■ Blues and Ribs

collaborator John Vance “Some of them are Festival
unveiled it last summer. happy. Some are really
“Veterans Mural,” as the striking and had the Online poll:
work is called, depicts 12 Thousand Yard Stare. Some

grant local veterans of the U.S. of them smile. Some look Make sure to visit
military, whose service thoughtful or have some www.heritage.com each
ranges from World War II pain in their eyes. They all week to participate in out
to Afghanistan and Iraq. have stories,” Thiefels said. online polls.

Funding will It’s the result of two years

of efforts on the part of
Of course, the 12 veter-
ans aren’t alone on that
help new, Thiefels and her collabo-
rators, from fundraising
alley wall. Just underneath
the mural are two stencils,
young golfers to securing a location to the first depicting Tony
shaping the concept to final Montana, Al Pacino’s char- Click on the “jobs” tab
execution: taking close-up acter in “Scarface,” and the
By James David Dickson on the home page of our
photos of the 10 men and second a portly, cartoonish website
A2 Journal h e ror
i t ago
g edirectly
. c o m to
two women featured, paint- take on Al Capone. The http://jobs.heritage.com.
ing their likenesses and juxtaposition between the “Veterans Mural” behind the Alley Bar was created in
This summer Ann honor of 12 local veterans.
installing everything. criminal masterminds,
Arbor’s Huron Hills Golf
Course will be one of 15
The project came about
when Laura Russello, a
who only served them-
selves, and the men and on that alley wall. She and on in recent years in Ann INDEX
sites nationwide to benefit longtime friend of Thiefels’ women who chose to serve Russello explained that Arbor. It’s more along the
from a $12,000 grant to run and then-executive director their country, can play they wouldn’t go out of lines of graffiti than art
Second front Page 4-A
a pilot program to train of Michigan Peaceworks, strange on first sight. their way to cover up any –– several serious artists
young, would-be golfers. Editorial Page 6-A
decided she wanted to cre- in town couldn’t name a
The program is called ate a work that would show single person who owns up Death Notices Page 12-A
SNAG, which stands for
Starting New at Golf.
that being pro-veteran and The project came about when to making stencil art –– but
anti-war is no conflict. the collaborators all say it Sports Page 1-B
SNAG’s “G-Ball” program She and Thiefels worked Laura Russello decided she wanted has a right to be there.
is intended as a training- through the concept and “Eventually, it all blends Calendar Page 9-A
wheel of sorts for golfers as tweaked it significantly to create a work that would show together,” Russello said.
A2 Live Page 10-A
young as age 5. before deciding on the
Three-quarters of the dozen close-ups. that being pro-veteran and anti-war Thiefels, Vance and
Russello all believe that
grant will be provided in
G-Ball equipment –– spe-
One earlier design had
a young girl blowing the is no conflict. She and Thiefels the stencil art has a place
there, perhaps even more
cial golf clubs with bigger
heads, golf balls the size of
petals off of a dandelion,
but Russello and Thiefels
worked through the concept and than the mural because the
stencils were there first.
tennis balls, big, sticky tar-
gets used to teach aim. The
decided the image wouldn’t
have been strong enough.
tweaked it significantly before The mural has been
nicked up a bit –– someone
rest will be used for public-
ity and administrative costs,
They began researching
local veterans who might
deciding on the dozen close-ups. drew a moustache on one
of the men and someone
said Doug Kelly, director want to be in the project, made Mara Boyd appear to
of golf for the City of Ann in the hope of attracting Russello said that the of the graffiti, but that a have a runny nose –– but News Tip Hotline:
Arbor. veterans from a variety of original owner of the Alley large mural would prob- more than anything it has 877-995-NEWS (6397)
Ann Arbor will offer eras and perspectives. Bar wanted the mural, in ably do the trick. Printed on recycled paper
The idea was set, and the part, to cover up graffiti Stenciling has caught PLEASE SEE FACES/2-A

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