26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai - The Bloodbath On November 26th, 2008

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26/11: Mossad Terrorizes Mumbai

The bloodbath on November 26th, 2008

by Jonathan Azaziah
January 4, 2011

The Zionist entity and Hindutvadi India carried out 26/11.


It has been called India’s 9/11. A savage attack perpetrated against the
freedom and democracy loving people of India’s largest city. Nearly
200 people dead. Well over 300 others injured. Media accounts flowed
like rivers from all parts of the globe, ‘revealing’ that a ragtag group of
Islamic extremists had struck fear into the hearts of innocents once
again. The Indian way of life was put under onslaught.

This narrative however, is merely what has been presented by the

Zionist-owned media. When logic and intelligence are applied to
careful dissection and meticulous, thorough investigative methods, this
narrative crumbles just as fast as the official story of the 9/11 false flag
attack. This narrative is filled with propaganda, disinformation and
outright Zionist-designed lies.
26/111 wasn’t thhe work ofo Pakistan ni terrorissts; it was the workk of Israel’’s
interrnational mass
m murrder organ nization, the
t Mossa ad. Assista
ance was
proviided by itss ever-preesent netwwork of sa ayanim, itss incestuoous partneer
in criime, the CIA
C and In ndia’s inteelligence service,
s RA As iss the case
with any otherr terror atttack that is carriedd out by Mossad
M andd
despiicably and d falsely attributed
a to Muslim ms, the 266/11 false flag serveed
the innterests of
o the illeggitimate Issraeli entiity and thee Zionist-occupied
Uniteed States governmeent; due to o the locaation of thhe attack, the
t brutall
Hinddutva regim me of Ind dia benefittted substtantially.

The casualties
c s weren’t only
o the in
nnocents murdered
m d by Mossad in the
attacck on the day,
d but th
he people of occupiied Kashm mir who were
subjeected to ev
ven crueleer Hinduttva oppresssion thann ever befoore, and
the global
g Musslim popuulation as a whole, who
w weree placed un nder an
even more wiccked Zioniist siege thhan when n the globaal ‘war on
n terror’
was initiated,
i after bein
ng wrongfu ully blameed for yet another hit
h createdd
by th
he vile Zionist entityy.

onism and
d Hindutv
va: genocid
dal peas in
n a pod.

gins: Hin
ndutva an
nd Zioniism

It is truly
t frigh
htening ho ow similarr the ideologies tha at govern the
illegiitimate ussurping en ntity of Isrrael and th
he criminnal government of
India a are. In fa
act, Zionissm and Hindutva
H m
move far beyond
b meere
simillarities annd enter thhe realm ofo undenia able paralllels. The Hindutva
ideollogy was founded
f in
n a politiccal sense by
b Vinayak k Damoda ar
Savarkar, also known as Veer Savarkar, an Indian nationalist who lived
during the time of the colonial British occupation of India.

He was imprisoned by the occupier for crimes against the Crown, and
while in prison, he developed the Hindutva ideology. Like Zionism in
its absurd insistence that the holy land of Palestine belongs to the
‘Jews’ and the ‘Jews’ alone because ‘God’ gave it to them, Hindutva was
based on the mythical and ludicrous idea that the entire South Asian
subcontinent belonged to the Hindus for the exact same reason; this
ideology was vehemently anti-Christian and even more vehemently
(and hatefully) anti-Muslim (1). Savarkar viewed the Hindus as a
superior race by blood, and viewed the Hindu nation as the entity
which would govern the world (2). Savarkar, who began his campaign
as an anti-British revolutionary, quite literally sold his soul to the
occupier, and vowed to collaborate with the Crown if it signed off on his
release from prison; Britain did just that, and Savarkar used his newly
created ethnocentric ideology to recruit Indians for the British army
with the mission of ethnically cleansing the ‘Hindu nation’ of Muslims

This ideology was absolute poison to the righteous Indian people, as

well as a massive insult to their unity and brotherhood. It served the
interests of the colonialist British regime because of its potential to sow
everlasting discord between Muslims and Hindus. This was especially
important to the Crown due to what it experienced at the height of its
‘Raj’ reign, when Mujahideen and Hindu ascetics fought side by side
with the hope of driving the British out of their homeland (4). Hindus
were recognized as ‘Ahlul-Kitab,’ or ‘People of the Book,’ by India’s
highest-ranking Muslim scholars, granting them honorary and
dignified status and protection under Islamic law (5). Like Zionism,
which even (and especially) in its deepest Talmudic roots, is completely
atheistic, so is Hindutva, as Veer Savarkar himself is a self-admitted
atheist (6). Therefore, this is by no means a religious dispute though
also like Zionism, Hindutva uses a religious term as part of its name to
erroneously portray itself as a religious philosophy and ideology; this is
deliberate to strengthen the illusion. Hindutva’s tentacles were
disseminated to drive a schism between the once-close Muslim and
Hindu communities.

It is extremely vital to note that Veer Savarkar, the founder of the

beastly Hindutva school of thought, was a Zionist; he demanded the
international community to grant ‘the entire restoration of Palestine as
a Jewish holy land and fatherland’ to the Zionists (7). It would be
perfectly reasonable to hypothesize that these strong pro-Zionist
opinions held by
Savarkar were instrumental in his composition of Hindutva, further
explaining the likenesses between the two genocidal ideologies. It was
Savarkar’s influence that changed India’s initial anti-Zionist stance,
and eventually led to India’s recognition of the illegitimate Zionist
entity as a state on September 17th, 1950 (8).

Hindutva’s corrosive nature slowly but surely transformed India’s

geopolitics into radicalized extremism that was severely pro-Zionist,
pro-US, pro-war and anti-Muslim through the Bharatiya Janata Party’s
(BJP) rise to power in the 1980s. The ardently Hindutvadi BJP’s rise
was fully supported and funded by the Zionist regime (9), and upon its
arrival at the helm of India’s politics, it established even deeper
military, economic and intelligence ties with Israel (10), to the harsh
detriment of the occupied peoples of Palestine and Kashmir.
Hindutvadi lobby organizations in the US have also established close-
knit ties with the usurping entity’s parasitic foreign policy weapon,
AIPAC, to crush all American political opposition to Indian hegemony
in the region as well as to mask India’s barbarous occupation of
Kashmir as ‘national security’ policy (11).

This unholy alliance of hatred between the Zionists and Hindutvadis

exploded in 1992, when in an already volatile Indian atmosphere due to
the corruption of BJP, the BJP-controlled government executed the
destruction of the ancient Babri Masjid with Mossad assistance.
The Babri Masjid was destroyed by Mossad and the BJP.

The Groundwork I: The Babri Masjid Demolition

The magnificent Babri Masjid was a massive structure built by the first
Mughal emperor of India in 1527. It stood in Ayodhya, a city in the
district of Faizabad in the northern Indian province of Utter Pradesh,
home to 31 million Indian Muslims. It was once an integral part of
everyday Muslim life in Ayodhya, but due to the rise of Hindutva and
its offshoot Hindutvadi military wings, it was used less and less often
until it wasn’t used at all. Muslims were tormented on a daily basis at
the height of the Babri riots prior to its demolition; imams of the
masjid were kidnaped, the structure was set on fire on numerous
occasions and human waste was even dumped inside the mosque (12).

The dispute over Babri started because the Hindutva terrorist regime
claimed that the very spot where the masjid stood was the birthplace of
the Hindu deity Ram, therefore granting Hindutva dominion over the
structure. However, like the Zionist claims of ‘Jewish’ kingdoms once
being erected in the holy land of Palestine being exposed as nothing but
Talmudic folklore and racist rabbinical fiction (13), there isn’t one iota
of historical evidence or physical data proving that such a birthplace or
a Hindu temple that was destroyed to make way for the mosque
actually existed (14). Actually, all of the archaeological findings prove
irrefutably that the Babri Masjid had been an Islamic structure from its
inception, built from scratch (15). In reality, the Hindutva regime’s
claims had nothing to do with religion and everything to do with
carrying out Savarkar’s genocidal vision of eliminating all traces of
anything non-Hindu in India.

Consistently, up until this very day, the Hindutva entity has claimed
the demolition of the Babri Masjid was a result of excessive rioting, a
totally random act of enraged violence; it has claimed that the ideas
that the demolition was premeditated were ‘conspiratorial’ and
‘detrimental to the nation’s image.’ But these claims are nothing more
than just that: claims, unsupported by any kind of evidence.

The demolition of Babri, which led to the deaths of more than 2,000
innocent Muslims (16), was anything but random; it was a preplanned
intelligence operation that BJP leaders, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Singh
(RSS) operatives and Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) officials had
orchestrated 10 months in advance (17). The Zionist entity engaged in
setting the stage for the Babri demolition by briefing BJP leaders on
violence-incitement exercises during a high-level meeting shortly
before anti-Muslim riots ravaged the peaceful state of Kerala in 1992
(18). The tactics used in Kerala were the exact same tactics used during
the Babri riots, which were used as a cover for the demolition. Agents
of the Mossad have always been welcomed in Ayodhya, serving as an
‘inspiration’ for the terrorists of Bajrang Dal, VHP’s youth wing (19).

While the despicable leaders of the BJP have always maintained their
innocence, 68 members of the party were indicted for ‘indicting
communal violence’ by the Liberhan Commission, an independent legal
body set up to investigate the incident (20). Other charges included
premeditation and criminal negligence, and the most prominent
member of the indictment that rocked India was none other than Atal
Bihari Vajpayee, former Indian prime minister (21). Vajpayee is a
notorious Hindutvadi who openly praises RSS, the ‘Hindu’ terrorist
group and routinely attends their functions (22). Vajpayee is the brutal
war criminal behind mass massacres in the Kargil conflict with
Pakistan, in which the Zionist entity turned the war around for its
Hindutva counterpart, supplying Vajpayee’s regime with UAV drones,
laser-guided missile systems and other arms (23).

Vajpayee signed a historic agreement, the ‘Delhi Statement On

Friendship and Cooperation between Israel and India,’ with the
butcher of butchers, Zionist war criminal Ariel Sharon, that made the
Tel Aviv regime India’s number one arms supplier (24). Vajpayee is just
as much of a Zionist as he is a Hindutvadi, and it is no coincidence that
shortly before the BJP-Mossad collaborative effort which demolished
Babri, Israeli intelligence-infested companies Zim and El-Al opened up
offices in Mumbai, with Zim operating out of 15 different locations and
El-Al flying three flights per week out of the besieged city (25).

Kar Sevaks are Hindutva's sayanim.


Similar to international Zionism’s network of sayanim, helpers ready to

aid Mossad at the drop of a hat (26), Hindutva has a vast network of
kar sevaks, helpers ready to aid the adherers of Savarkar’s murderous
ideology (27). These kar sevaks, who were housed in colleges, schools
and other government buildings during the build-up to demolition by
the Hindutva regime, carried out the destructive operation with full
knowledge and complicity of India’s intelligence agency, Research and
Analysis Wing, also known as RAW (28).

The Babri Masjid, the abyssal Israeli ties that sprung from its
destruction, RAW and the terror group RSS are all integral to the
attacks that occurred in Mumbai on November 26th, 2008.

The 1993 Bombay blasts are a well-kept Mossad secret


The Groundwork II: Mossad’s 1993 ‘Bombay’ Bombings

On March 12th, 1993, a series of 13 bombings rocked the city of

Mumbai (known then as Bombay). These dastardly, murderous attacks
took the lives of more than 250 innocents and injured over 700 others.
The Hindutva regime blamed billionaire gangster Dawood Ibrahim for
the attack, an Al-Qaeda linked terrorist according to the Zionist-
occupied United States government (29). Why did Ibrahim and his
associates terrorize Bombay on that fateful day? Retaliation for the
demolition of the Babri Masjid of course. This is a classic example of
the Hegelian Dialectic: Problem, Reaction, Solution. The Hegelian
Dialectic is a common tactic used by the Zionist entity to spread
division and deception (30). The very fact that the Babri Masjid
demolition was used as a pretext by a ‘terrorist’ organization to wage
‘holy war’ against the Hindutva entity should be enough to raise red
flags and expose the fraudulent mainstream account.

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, Ibrahim cannot be linked to Al-

Qaeda because Al-Qaeda does not exist (31). Secondly, the Zionist
media spread propaganda regarding Ibrahim’s connections to a non-
existent organization to mask who he is really connected to: America’s
international mass murder organization, the CIA (32). Ibrahim has
been affiliated with the agency since Operation Cyclone ravaged (what
is now) occupied Afghanistan, collaborating with it in gambling
schemes, arms dealing and narcotics peddling (33). The CIA actively
engaged in blocking Indian authorities from arresting Ibrahim for his
plethora of other criminal activities (34). Thirdly, the weapons used in
the Bombay bombings, along with the sophistication and coordination
of the attacks, could only be the work of a well-trained squad of
international intelligence operatives. Mossad’s name is written all over
the mayhem.

The 13 Bombay bombings were carried out with two very specific types
of ordnance: car bombs and suitcase bombs. The suitcase bomb has
long been described as a weapon of ‘Islamic extremists’ by the Zionist
media since time immemorial; some, but most certainly not all of the
propagandists include Zionist David Frum, war criminal George Bush’s
former speech writer (35), Jerusalem Post, the mouthpiece newspaper
of the Zionist entity itself (36), infamous anti-Muslim bigot,
hatemonger, warmonger and Zionist extremist Daniel Pipes (37), chief
Zionist propaganda asset and 9/11 criminal Charles Krauthammer (38),
Zionist multimedia giant Time Magazine (39), operated by Zionist
Jeffrey Bewkes who has been honored by the American Jewish
Committee (40), as well as the vile Simon Wiesenthal Center (41), and
the disgraceful Zionist organization, Christian Action for Israel (42).

The only extremists that use suitcase bombs however, contrary to

Zionist propaganda, are those who are employed by the Mossad. The
Israeli agency used the suitcase bomb as a ‘dirty trick’ to implicate the
enemies of the Zionist entity in the Lockerbie false flag, which
wrongfully imprisoned and ruined the life of Libyan citizen, Abdelbaset
Mohmed Ali al-Megrahi (43). CIA regional officials in Houston
uncovered a Mossad plot to detonate suitcase bombs in an oil refinery
as another false flag to be blamed on Muslims; the head of the regional
investigation team was later assassinated by Mossad (44). Mossad has
used the suitcase bomb in high-level paramilitary operations and
assassinations throughout the Middle East (45). The device was crucial
to the success of Mossad’s murderous operation on the Kikambala
hotel in Kenya in 2002 (46). Mossad also used suitcases to coordinate
its now infamous assassination of Hamas official Mahmoud al-
Mabhouh in Dubai (47). It was a frequent weapon used by Palestinian
traitor Abu Nidal in several of his operations; Nidal has been exposed
as a Mossad agent (48). The Hindawi affair, a plot designed to blow up
a London airliner with a suitcase bomb, has also been exposed as an
Israeli intelligence operation (49).

It is merely academic at this point, after decades of usage, to state that

the car bomb is the signature of Mossad. If a car has exploded, Mossad
is the detonator; the car bomb has been used by the Zionist entity for
sanguinary operations and assassinations across the globe, most
prominently in Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon (50) and now Yemen

An Israeli consulate has been fully functional in Mumbai since 1953

(52). Indian spymaster and defacto founder of RAW Rameshwar Nath
Kao had been the liaison between Indian and Israeli intelligence
through this consulate since RAW was created in 1968; the consulate
provided cover for all cooperative, covert Mossad-RAW operations
(53). The Israeli consulate is just mere blocks away from the Bombay
Stock Exchange in Nariman Point, Mumbai’s business district, the
target of the first car bomb on March 12th. The Chhatrapati Shivaji
International Airport was also struck by explosives, only months after
El Al opened up shop in Mumbai flying three flights per week out of
Chhatrapati (as mentioned in the previous section). El Al is a common
avenue used by Mossad as a cloak for their murderous operations of
sabotage (54).

The Zionist entity’s markets and India’s markets, including the

regimes’ stock exchanges have been linked closely due to several MOUs
(Memorandum of Understanding) signed after diplomatic relations
became official in 1992 (55), and these economic linkages have
deepened substantially since the Bombay bombings (56). The
bombings only strengthened the economic relations between Hindutva
and Zionism. It is intriguing to point out, that the hotels which were
bombed (among others), are frequented by IOF soldiers after
completing their ‘military’ service (57); over 20,000 IOF cowards travel
to India yearly to escape the reality of dealing with the horrendous,
inhumane crimes they’ve committed against innocent Palestinians

Ibrahim isn’t the only CIA asset linked to the Bombay bombings; CIA
agent David Headley has also been revealed to have a role in the attacks
(59). This fact by itself obliterates the official Hindutva narrative, which
oddly enough, has been obliterated already by former Indian Home
Minister S.B. Chavan, who told two Pakistani diplomats in private
meetings that he cleared Pakistan of any involvement in the bombings
(60), going against the rulings of India’s kangaroo courts which
wrongfully convicted over 100 individuals with no evidence (61),
corrupted evidence (62), and malicious accusations against those
mentally incapable of functioning as normal human beings, let alone
‘terrorists’ (63). What Chavan actually believed, was that an
‘international conspiracy’ orchestrated the deadly attacks on that
fateful March 12th day (64).

Chavan’s assessment couldn’t be more accurate. The Bombay bombings

were an international conspiracy indeed, with Mossad at the head, CIA
as support and RAW providing schematics for the assault. A more
sensible theory would be Mossad smuggling the explosives into
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport through El Al, Israeli soldiers
and CIA agents, who are regular visitors to Bombay (to this day),
unleashing the carnage in the streets with well placed car bombs and
ordnance in the hotels and leaving false flags to blame Muslims, and all
operatives involved slipping into the shadows without a trace as it was
done with the Zionist Operation Wrath of God, which claimed the lives
of several innocent Palestinians (65). The false flag attack also gave
Mossad and CIA the platform that was needed to collect all of the
necessary data through reconnaissance, to carry out the bloodbath on
November 26th, 2008.

The attack was meant to firmly cement a foundation of cooperation

between Zionism and Hindutva, as evidenced by the deepening of the
ties directly before and after the assault. It was also used to provide a
cover for the false flag attack against Babri, and increase the Indian
people’s support of the fascist Hindutva government, which
implemented several civil-liberty-violating policies in the aftermath of
the Bombay blasts under the guise of ‘protecting the people from
Islamic terrorism,’ most prominently the renewal and revamping of the
Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Prevention Act {TADA} (66). The
BJP used this Orwellian law to set up a special court (67), that
subsequently prosecuted fake terror suspects in kangaroo-style
proceedings after the Bombay attacks.

7 years ago, Efraim Halevy, the former head of Mossad and the Israeli
National Security Council, stated in an interview that ‘not one big
success of the Mossad has ever been made public (68).’ The 1993
Bombay bombings fit the profile of one of these secret successes to a
Tel Aviv's destruction of the Mumbai trains, July 11th, 2006.

The Groundwork III: July 11th Bombings and The Malegaon


In 2006, 13 years after the infamous Mossad-CIA operation in Bombay,

two events involving ‘terrorism’ rocked the Indian public: the July 11th
train bombings in Mumbai, and the September 8th blasts at a Muslim
cemetery in Malegaon.

The train bombings took place a day before the Zionist entity’s 34-day
bombing campaign of Lebanon, which was foolishly aimed at
eliminating the Lebanese Resistance movement of Hezbollah. Israel
was thoroughly defeated militarily by the Resistance, but Tel Aviv still
managed to murder more than 1,400 Lebanese civilians, 1/3 of which
were children, with uranium bombs and cluster munitions (69). To
cover up the sheer brutality against the dignified innocents of Lebanon,
the Zionist media instead focused on the ‘Islamic terror’ in Mumbai,
reporting on the developments throughout the 34 days of Israel’s
genocidal madness (70). The train bombings killed 209 people, in
addition to injuring over 700 others (71), and of course, were blamed
on Pakistani ‘Jihadist terrorists’ connected to Al-Qaeda (72).

A group of Mumbai intellectuals and activists outright rejected the Al-

Qaeda theory, stating it is simply a name used to provide cover for
operations carried out by Mossad and the CIA. They stated that every
attack carried out in India is used to spread international hatred for
Muslims, Islam itself and to weaken the Indian Muslim community
(73). Several of India’s top Muslim leaders, including Imam Syed
Ahmed Bukhari, the leading cleric of India’s famous Jama Masjid,
blasted the Hindutvadi authorities for conducting a ‘witch-hunt,’
raiding Muslim communities and establishing surveillance outposts
which violated the civil rights of India’s Muslim citizens. They also
made it severely important to note that there wasn’t a drop of evidence
indicating who exactly conducted the attacks (74).

However, the intellectuals, activists, clerics and community leaders

would be vindicated soon enough. It was revealed nearly 3 months to
the day after the attack, that the police had no ‘firm’ evidence of
Muslims being behind the train bombings, and the 7 suspects in
custody retracted their confessions which were forced by the Mumbai
police (who were under immense political pressure) to begin with (75).

Who was behind the baneful Mumbai train bombings then? None other
than the usurping Zionist entity’s Mossad, who carried out the attacks
and left false flags which framed Islam, to secure a massive security
contract with local and state Hindutva administrations to protect
‘religious’ shrines (76).

Malegaon is a city of more than 700,000 with a 75% Muslim

population, which has been a target of the radical Hindutva
organization Bajrang Dal, the youth wing of VHP, one of the criminal
groups that planned the destruction of the Babri Masjid (as mentioned
in the previous section). Bajrang Dal has bombed mosques on several
occasions, incited violent riots, destroyed copies of the Holy Qur’an and
erected bomb-making facilities throughout the city (77). While the
blasts were typically blamed on ‘Islamic militants’ and Muslim suspects
were later detained (78), India’s Central Bureau of Investigation has
now admitted that the suspects were wrongfully imprisoned and that
the investigators had absolutely no evidence linking the accused to the
Malegaon blasts (79). Apart from the utter lack of evidence, it is beyond
nonsensical to think that Muslims would bomb a Muslim cemetery next
to a mosque, murdering 37 innocents and injuring over 100 others
(80), on a Friday directly after prayers, on the Islamic holy night of
Laylat al-Bara’ah; especially when police have admitted that the attack
followed the pattern of the aforementioned Hindutva terror outfit,
Bajrang Dal (81).

The truth cannot be attained about the Malegaon blasts without the
most damning piece of evidence being addressed: Indian police have
admitted that the same explosives that were used in the 7/11 Train
Bombings in Mumbai, were used in the September 8th Malegaon blasts
(82), bringing Mossad right to the forefront as the perpetrators. Due to
the location of the attack matching the practices of Bajrang Dal, the
explosives used in the mass murder being the identical ordnance used
by Mossad in the July attacks, and the frightening, malevolent
admiration that Bajrang Dal, which has hinted at cooperating with the
Mossad, has for the Zionist agency (83), it is ominously clear that the
2006 Malegaon blasts were another successful Zionism-Hindutva

This terror isn’t the last that Malegaon would see. In 2008, just two
months before the game-changing events in Mumbai, Malegaon would
be struck again, in an assault that is integral to the perpetration of the
26/11 false flag.
RAW played a pivotal role in the 26/11 false flag.

Nonsense Of The Official Story

No different than the ZOG and Zionist media-promoted official 9/11

narrative, the 26/11 official story was chock full of utter Zionist
nonsense. In accordance to propaganda protocol, the attacks were
initially blamed on an ‘Al-Qaeda-linked’ group known as the Deccan
Mujahideen, which a host of global intelligence experts said didn’t even
exist, then blamed on India’s frequent scapegoat, Lashkar-e-Taiba,
which the intel specialists rejected as well, stating that ‘there are no
fingerprints of Lashkar (84).’ Professional Zionist propagandists
Stephen Cohen, Daniel Benjamin and Bruce Reidel held a conference at
the pro-Israel Brookings Institution directly after the Mumbai assault,
stating that Al-Qaeda was slated to make a video declaring
responsibility for the attack (85). The Al-Qaeda videos have long been
exposed as a Zionist intelligence operation, with players connected
directly to Mossad and the criminal ADL (86).

In identical accord with the propaganda regarding Mohamed Atta, the

‘lead 9/11 hijacker,’ who displayed his ‘Islamic fundamentalism’ by
getting drunk, enjoying the company of strippers, snorting cocaine (87)
and spending time with ultra-Zionist, mega-lobbyist Jack Abramoff on
his yacht engaging in the aforesaid activities (88), the Zionist media
propagated that the ‘Islamic extremist’ Mumbai attackers took cocaine
and LSD to stay awake during their assault and that they abused
steroids as well (89). The premise was obscenely ridiculous for the
2001 false flag in New York City and it’s equally as obscenely ridiculous
to surmise that such a scenario occurred during the assault on Mumbai.
Despite wide-ranging media misreporting about ‘Pakistani militants,’
the language spoken by the Mumbai attackers wasn’t Urdu or any other
language spoken in Pakistan and the attackers wore saffron
Hindutvadi-Zionist bands (90). Police officers on the scene described
the attackers as ‘white (91),’ while eyewitnesses described the attackers
by stating that, ‘they did not look Indian, they look foreign,’ also adding
that one attacker had blonde hair and another had a ‘punkish hairstyle

The Zionist media in occupied Palestine printed stories of the most

obnoxious lunacy, stating that the attackers claimed that they were sent
to ‘kill Israelis (93),’ and Abraham Foxman, national director of the
Zionist intelligence wing, the Anti-Defamation League, issued a
statement in which he declared that the Mumbai attack was
orchestrated to ‘single out Jews,’ and later slammed anyone insinuating
that Mossad was behind the assault (94). This is Zionist media damage
control 101. If the ADL is attacking a theory, a group or a person, it is
truth that they are attacking, and if the ADL is defending a theory, a
group or a person, it is falsehood that they are defending.

The CCTV technology used at Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus, the first

target of the Mumbai attackers, is the same technology used at
Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport, where the security is run by
Safeguards Technology LLC (95), founded and headed by Israeli
security expert, Moshe Levy, who has been a consultant for high-
security operations across the globe (96). The pattern of the false flags
here is sickening; Mossad, Shin Bet-linked, Zionist-owned ICTS ran the
security at the airport which was the setting for the ‘shoe-bomber’
incident in December of 2001, the airport which was the focal point of
the ‘crotch-bomber’ incident in December of 2009, the bus systems
during the false flag attack against London on July 7th, 2005 (97) and
most notoriously, at every airport on 9/11, during the Mossad’s most
infamous, most brazen assault (98). With ex-Shin Bet officers running
security on 26/11, it’s no wonder that the attackers arrived at their
targets with such punctuality and carried out their mass murder with
such deadly efficiency.

It is a well known fact that the Zionist entity sent several Mossad
agents to the Hindutva regime to serve as ‘guides’ for BJP in fighting
counter-terrorism (99), and it has been confirmed by Tel Aviv’s
mouthpiece newspaper, The Jerusalem Post, that there was an Israeli
intelligence presence in Mumbai on that fateful day (100). It has also
been confirmed that David Headley, the CIA’s asset who helped carry
out the 1993 Bombay blasts, had a prominent role in the execution of
the attacks (101). All of the evidence perfectly points to 26/11 being a
well-organized, military intelligence operation, and this point is further
confirmed by Mossad, the FBI, MI6 and India’s RAW all
unprecedentedly collaborating to censor the police investigation
directly after the false flag (102).

ATS Chief Hemant Karkare was assassinated on 26/11.

Malegaon Revisited: Hemant Karkare, 26/11's John O’Neil

On September 29, 2008, barely less than two months before the 26/11
operation, Malegaon was rocked by bloodshed again, when a
motorcycle bomb exploded and murdered 5 Muslim civilians and
injured 50 others (103). While the reaction of the Hindutva
government, which it projected upon the police, was to blame Muslims
as it is commonplace to do (104), the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) of
Mumbai’s police, led by Hemant Karkare, went against the Hindutvadi
controllers and uncovered a Hindutva terror cell connected to BJP that
plotted and carried out the mayhem (105). In utter defiance of the BJP
regime, Karkare explicitly and thunderously rejected its pressure and
blasted the media’s speculative theories (106), and showed no fear by
arresting an Indian army official with ties to the power brokers in New
Delhi (107). Karkare also arrested leaders of RSS, one of India’s most
influential Hindutvadi organizations (as discussed earlier) in
connection to the Malegaon murders (108).

In another connection to the Malegaon crime, shortly before 26/11,

Karkare’s ATS arrested several operatives of the murderous Hindutvadi
group, Sangh Parivar, which despite numerous denials from the leaders
of its sister groups BJP, RSS and VHP, is heavily funded by the
Mossad; the funding and training began in February of 2007 after
Israeli, Spanish and Belgian rabbinical officials met with the highest
tiers of Hindutva in New Delhi (109).

Lieutenant Colonel Prasad Purohit, the army official arrested by ATS,

confessed to contacting the Zionist entity for assistance in creating a
Hindutvadi nation, and the Zionist entity responded ‘very positively’
with training and equipment; ATS unearthed recorded evidence of this
collaboration on the laptop of another Hindutvadi conspirator,
Dayanand Pandey (110). It was the February 2007 meeting where the
Malegaon conspiracy was hatched. It was the arrests of Purohit, Pandey
and the Sangh Parivar operatives that tied Mossad and other Israeli
elements directly to the murders on September 29th. And it was this
heroic, truthful and sincere police work, which exposed Zionism and
Hindutva completely, that would be the beginning of the end for
Hemant Karkare.

BJP unleashed a vicious smear campaign against Karkare, targeting his

investigation and accusing the ATS of abusing and torturing the
Hindutvadis that were captured and questioned (111). He remained
steadfast, honorably telling his team to continue their work in a
righteous manner, adamantly telling his men not to falsify evidence
(112). Karkare began receiving death threats days before 26/11 and
continued receiving them up until 2 hours before the carnage began on
that fateful day (113). The politicization of the Malegaon case by
Hindutva and the siege against the ATS took its toll on Karkare, who
remarked in his last days that, ‘the pressure is tremendous,’ and that
the allegations leveled against his men, ‘hurt (114).’ Despite being
betrayed by nearly every element of the Indian regime, Karkare still
marched with his squad into South Mumbai when the butchery began,
where he became one of the first casualties of 26/11 .

Zionism and Hindutva needed Karkare eliminated.


Karkare donned a bulletproof vest and a helmet prior to engaging the

besiegers, but the official story states that he died of bullet wounds to
the chest. Some reports say that he died of wounds from handgun
shots, other reports say that he died of wounds from machine gun fire.
The Hindutva entity has completely covered up the true nature of the
ATS chief’s demise, withholding vital information, including the
bulletproof itself which disappeared during the attacks. The first reason
for this is, the ATS officers were supplied with substandard equipment
to move into combat, a major violation of Indian law (115). In actuality,
Karkare died of shots to the neck and the shoulders, exactly where the
inferior vests didn’t protect him (116). The second reason, and more
important reason for this is, Karkare wasn’t simply murdered in a
‘terror attack;’ he was brutally assassinated in an operation conducted
by RAW and IB {The Intelligence Bureau of India} (117), with Mossad
providing exceptional cover with its false flag attack. Kavita Karkare,
Hemant’s grieving wife, has rejected every claim of the Hindutva
regime and has repeatedly said that there are countless questions and
not a single answer being provided (118); the people have joined the
widow in their calls for a new investigation into Karkare’s death and
justice for the national hero.

Not only is Mohammad Ajmal Mohammad Amir Kasab, the man

accused of killing Karkare and two of his colleagues, both of them being
top cops as well, completely innocent, he has demanded an
international trial because he feels that he has been framed by RAW
and Israeli officials (119), after RAW kidnaped him in Nepal along with
200 others to be used for the Indian intelligence agency’s ‘ulterior
designs at a later date (120).’ To complete the cover-up, Hindutva
installed the notoriously anti-Muslim bigot, Rakesh Maria, who has
links to the Zionist entity, as the new chief of the ATS (121). It was none
other than Maria who led the investigation into the Mumbai terror
attacks (122), giving the intelligence agencies mentioned in the
previous section free reign to contaminate and censor all information

It is frightening how closely Karkare’s tragedy resembles the tragedy of

former FBI counter-terrorism chief John P. O’Neil who was murdered
on 9/11. O’Neil had also faced terrible pressure from the Zionist Power
Configuration in Washington and his FBI superiors for delving too
deep into the true nature of Al-Qaeda. His investigations were blocked,
his team was removed from their posts in Yemen, smear campaigns
were launched against him, and like Karkare, who was described as
‘disturbed’ and ‘not himself’ in his last days (123), John O’Neil would
lose 20 pounds and become severely depressed prior to being forced
out of his position at the FBI. After the fiasco at the FBI, O’Neil would
be approached by ultra-Zionist 9/11 criminal Jerome Hauer and offered
a job at Kroll, a security company owned by Zionist Jules B. Kroll.
While Kroll, Hauer and many other sayanim that were key to Mossad’s
operation on 9/11 weren’t present when the thermite explosives
collapsed the towers, John O’Neil was. He died that day, the victim of
Israel’s criminal network, murdered to cover up the truth behind Bin
Laden and Al-Qaeda (124).

Chillingly, like O’Neil, Karkare also had a background in intelligence,

working as an officer for RAW prior to heading the ATS (125). May
Hemant Karkare and John O’Neil rest in peace, with their Zionist and
Hindutvadi murderers brought to justice by the people of conscience.

Chabad is a staunchly Zionist, criminal organization.


Nariman House: Mossad Headquarters

Mossad’s presence inside India and occupied Kashmir is well known.

Several Zionist companies owned by former Mossad and Shin Bet
agents have been operating in the Hindutva entity for years (126). Eli
Katzir and his Counter-Terrorism Combat Unit of the Israeli Prime
Minister’s office, which is comprised of Zionist military intelligence
officials and police commanders, have been mainstays in occupied
Kashmir along with many other parts of India for over a decade,
leading to assistance from Israel to the Hindutva entity in the form of
information transfers, instruction in operation methods and of course,
sale of equipment (127). Mossad and Aman have offices through front
companies of both agencies across India, including Amdocs, Ness
Technologies, Magic Software Enterprises, Check Point Software
Technologies, RAD Data Communications, Veraz Networks and NDS
Group. Mossad and RAW also joint offices with four agencies which
were created in collaboration in an operation to completely fragment
Pakistan (128). There are also 57 training camps in existence all over
India and occupied Kashmir, set up by Mossad and RAW, where
training of ‘dissident groups’ is conducted to carry out terrorism
against Pakistan; it is called the Dragon Policy (129).

Out of all these safehouses, camps, offices and bases where Mossad can
conduct a false flag however, in its despicable arrogance, it carried out
26/11 from the Chabad Lubatvich stronghold of the Nariman House,
where the firing in Mumbai began, according to several eyewitness
accounts (130). Chabad is notorious for its criminal activity, engaging
in bribery, theft, fraud, extortion, counterfeiting, embezzlement, money
laundering (131), global pedophilia (132), ecstasy trading, meth dealing
and heroin experimentation (133). Chabad is also allied with the most
racist and violent organizations in the Zionist entity, it is supported by
the Russian-Jewish oligarchical gangster-class which is destabilizing
Russia, it has worked with ultra-Zionist racists Alan Dershowitz and
Lawrence Summers to spread Zionist propaganda on college campuses
and it has set up an essential network for corporate and international
espionage (134). The Nariman House of Chabad has housed Mossad
and other Israeli intelligence officials since 1996, when Israel received
one of many security contracts from the Hindutva regime to crush the
‘militancy,’ (i.e. the Azadi Struggle) in occupied Kashmir and to operate
from India’s Air Force bases in the Kashmiri state of Jammu, for the
purpose of attacking Pakistan (135).
This crucial fact explains how Rabbi Holtzberg, who was slain in the
attacks, mystically predicted the 26/11 false flag and was excessively
‘afraid of pictures, afraid of photographers and afraid of unnecessary
public exposure that could harm the Chabad House (136).’ He was
afraid because he didn’t want Mossad’s cover blown, especially with
Hemant Karkare already pinpointing Israeli fingerprints in Malegaon
and fearlessly conducting his investigation in defiance of the pro-Israel
Hindutvadi leadership. This fact explains how the Nariman House was
the ‘hub’ or the ‘den’ of the attackers and why the attackers arrived the
night before and brought ‘many bags’ into the Chabad place of business
(137). This fact explains why the ‘terrorists’ were able to purchase food
for 3 days undetected (138); it explains how the ‘terrorists’ disappeared
without a trace (139). It explains why Indian police (excluding Karkare
and his team) had the ‘terrorists’ in their sights but simply didn’t shoot
at them (140). And it explains, why the Zionist media issued
contradictory accounts about the ‘hostages;’ because the hostages, were
actually the attackers themselves, in all of their Zionist glory (141).

Many have stated that due to Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife being
murdered, it invalidates all claims of Mumbai being a Zionist
operation. ‘Zionists wouldn’t kill Jews,’ they’ve opined. But this is sheer
nonsense; an easy way to weasel their way out of conducting the proper
research to identify the truth. It is a matter of the historical record, in
repetition, that the Zionists have a history of killing innocent Jewish
people (not that Holtzberg was innocent, quite to the contrary) to
further their agenda. Mossad sunk a ship, the Egoz, full of Moroccan
Jewish children, murdering all aboard then subsequently blaming it on
Arabs and Mossad placed bombs in temples, schools, apartments and
coffeehouses in the Jewish communities of Iraq, murdering many. Both
false flag campaigns were to drive a spiteful wedge between Arab
Muslims and Arab Jews, to facilitate the forced trek of the Mizrahim to
occupied Palestine to be slave labor for the Ashkenazi elite (142).

Zionist military intelligence also kidnaped Yemenite Jewish children

and delivered them to be servants for the Khazarian elite, sold them as
commodities to Zionist adoption agencies in the United States and on
several occasions, murdered them and buried them in unmarked
graves (143). To drive the point home a little bit further, the Zionists
routinely collaborated with the Nazi regime (144), which was heavily
funded by the powerful, Zionist banking clan of the Warburgs (145),
and the Zionist leadership famously ignored the calls of Rabbi Michael
Ber Weissmandl in Europe, who sought their help to rescue Slovakian
Jews, leading to Jewish deaths by starvation in the Nazi work camps

The Zionists do not discriminate when it comes to mass murder;

Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Arabs,
Africans, Caucasians, Hebrews, Latinos, Asians and many other
peoples have been all struck by Tel Aviv’s criminal network.

When the Zionist regime spills blood, it profits from it.

Show Me The Terror, I’ll Show You The Money

What would an Israeli-designed false flag attack be without Zion

profiteering immensely from the spilling of innocent blood? The event
just wouldn’t be complete.

ICTS, the infamous security company connected to a plethora of Zionist

false flags was looking for a way to enter the Indian market, since so
many other Mossad-Shin Bet-Aman affiliated companies had already
done so, and it acquired its chance with the Mumbai assault (147). Just
one month after the attacks, the Zionist entity and the Hindutva entity
signed a memorandum called the Indo-Israel Legal Colloquium to
facilitate discussions and profitable exchange programs between judges
and jurists of the two brutal occupiers (148). Also in response to 26/11,
India bought the RISAT 2 from the Tel Aviv regime, an advanced spy
satellite that can peer through clouds (149).

As recently as January 2010, Israeli firms continue their Hindutvadi-

welcomed infiltration of India, with at least 5 companies already
profiting from the illegal occupation of Palestine signing massive deals
for homeland security all in the name of 26/11 (150). Zionist Daniel
Benjamin, discussed in a previous section, was appointed by Zionist
Hillary Clinton as Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism at the State
Department, and it was Benjamin that allocated $4.5 million to India
‘anti-terrorism’ in the wake of 26/11 (151). As a side note, Benjamin has
also been important to the Zionist-Hindutvadi 26/11 false narrative,
spreading excessive propaganda about Al-Qaeda and occupied Kashmir
(152). The largest deal however, has been the $600 million weapons
deal that Zionism and Hindutva signed in January of 2009, for coastal
weapons defense systems transferred from a subsidiary of Israeli
Aerospace Industries to the Indian navy (153).

And of course, despite the Chabad Lubatvich headquarters of the

Nariman House being in Mumbai, in India, it wouldn’t make sense for
an Indian firm to rebuild it, or Mumbai to oversee its reconstruction,
would it? No, of course not. The Chabad Mumbai Relief Fund was set
up by Chabad Luvatvich itself, with Chabad Lubatvich officials joining
the board from across the globe, including from the ultra-Zionist
organizations the World Jewish Congress and the Jewish Association of
Thailand (154). The vital arm of the Zionist criminal network
accumulated $2 million in funds as of November 2009, with hopes of
acquiring $2.5 million more (155). Disgustingly typical.

To close, Zionism and Hindutva made it abundantly clear that the ties
of the occupying entities were not only unaffected by 26/11, but in fact,
‘emerged even stronger (156).’

Israel wanted the proposed Peace Pipeline obliterated.


The Peace Pipeline

One of the two motives (other than money and spilling innocent blood)
behind the Mumbai assault, and the chief one, was to obliterate the
prospect of peace between India and Pakistan, as well as to crush ties
between the Islamic Republic of Iran and India, premises that have
been aggressively and firmly suggested by Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad (157). Relations between Iran and India have always been
strained at best due to the Hindutvadi regime’s collaboration with
Israel and Iran’s support of the Azadi Struggle in Kashmir, both
spiritually (158) and financially (159). There was a plan in place
however, that would end, or at least substantially reduce the hostilities
(great and small) between the three heavyweight nations, facilitate
peace in the Southeastern Asia region and assist Pakistan and India in
achieving energy independence from the West: The Peace Pipeline

The proposed $7 billion deal would bring natural gas from the Islamic
Revolution in Iran across the Islamic Republic of Pakistan into India,
and the Indian leadership made great progress with Pakistan on the
cost of transporting the gas through its rival back in April of 2008.
Ahmadinejad visited India at the end of April to cement the deal and
had the intention of closing it in 45 days. The deal was venomously
opposed by the Zionist-run Bush administration (161). Though the
Peace Pipeline should have been operational by 2010 (162), the efforts
of understanding and serenity between the three nations came to a
screeching halt.

India withdrew from the project in 2009, only a few months after the
attack in Mumbai, citing prices and high costs of transfer fees as the
reason. This was a ruse however, as India and Pakistan had already
made great progress in these fields; the real reason for the pullout was
Hindutva being under major pressure from the ZOG in America (163).
As a result, India decided to pursue its energy needs with the United
States, whom the Hindutvadi regime signed a landmark nuclear deal
with in 2005 and finalized in 2008, a month before 26/11 (164), sealed
with World Bank funds in ‘05 from President of the internationalist
institution at the time, genocidal Zionist criminal, Paul Wolfowitz

The ZOG in America threatened Pakistan with sanctions if it decided to

go through with the proposed deal with Iran (166), but Pakistan
resisted and marched forward with the project, signing a deal with the
Islamic Revolution for $7.6 billion in early 2010 (167). The
repercussions of Pakistan’s defiance have been grave; they have been
deadly; they are drenched with the blood of Pakistan’s citizens. The
Iran-Pakistan deal was signed in principle in January 2010, and
starting from January, it is 2010 that has been the worst year of CIA-
operated drone strikes since they began in 2004, with at least 1,184
innocent Pakistanis being murdered and hundreds of others being
injured (168).

India has decided to move forward with a rival pipeline (169), known as
the TAPI pipeline (170), which is dominated by the Merhav Group, a
billionaire Israeli company headed by Mossad agent Yosef A. Maiman.
Merhav has complete and total control of Turkmenistan’s natural
resources and the Mossad-owned corporation will be the chief profiteer
of TAPI (171). The interests of the Zionist entity via TAPI were the real
reason why Afghanistan was invaded and illegally occupied by the
fascist American and British armies. It is the real reason why the nation
has been utterly decimated and more than 1.2 million innocent Afghans
have been murdered. Rivers of blood, in the name of Zionism.

Prospect of peace destroyed? Check. Iran snubbed and humiliated by

Zion again? Check. Payback for Pakistan’s defiance? Check. Hindutva’s
full allegiance secured? Check. Mossad’s billions still intact and flowing
regularly? Check and mate. Israel’s mission accomplished.
The flag
f of Aza
ad (free) Kashmir;
K end the occupation

hmir: Th
he Elephant In Th
he Room

A lan
nd known as ‘Heaveen on Eartth,’ Kashm mir has beeen illegallly
occuppied by Inndia sincee 1947 and
d has endu ured an ovverplus off barbarou us
crimees againstt humanitty at the hands
h of Hindutva
H o a masssive scale
(172)). Since 19
989 alone,, when thee first arm
med strugg gle was launched
nst the Ind dian occupier, 93,5
537 Kashm miri civilia
ans have been
ruthllessly murrdered, 6,981 were murdered d while illlegally dettained in
Hinddutvadi cu ustody, 9,9
984 Kashm miri wom men have been
b rapedd by the
occuppying military, 22,7 747 womeen were leeft widoweed, 107,39 97
Kashhmiri childdren weree orphaned d and 105 5,900 Kash hmiri stru
weree desecrateed (173).

In 20008, the Azadi

A Stru
uggle reachhed a poinnt that it had
h not seeen since
the ‘K
Kashmiri Intifada’ ofo 1989. It started in
i May wiith a decission from
the collaborati
c ionist govvernment to appeasse India th hat mirrorrs the
everyyday life of
o Palestinnians undeer the toxic Zionist occupatio on. 98
acress of Kashmmiri land were
w ‘don
nated’ to ‘H
Hindu’ pillgrims, inffuriating
the Kashmiri
K people
p whho charged d the treasonists gooverning the
occup pied land with attempting to o change the
t demog graphics of
o their
on, or worrse, paving g the way for Zionisst-style Hindutvadi
H i
settleements in
n Kashmir (174).

usands too
ok to the street
s in protest
p on August 111th, resultting in
typical brutality from the Indian military, injuring over 100 unarmed
civilians, and murdering 3, including the loved Kashmiri Resistance
leader, Sheikh Abdul Aziz. For the first time in ten years, the
Hindutvadi occupier declared curfew and then imposed that military
curfew on the Valley (175). At the height of the new Intifada, between
May and October, 345 innocent Kashmiris were slaughtered by
Hindutva, and 3,832 were critically injured or tortured, including 1,527
in August alone (176). As if the military’s actions weren’t condemnable
enough, BJP then imposed an economic blockade on the people of
Kashmir, depriving them of petrol, diesel and food (177).

Hindutva’s monstrous barbarity invoked a global reaction, bringing

Kashmir to the forefront of the geopolitical spectrum for the first time
in recent memory, triggering demonstrations in one Kashmiri
community after another across the earth including London (178),
Toronto (179), Lahore (180) and Brussels (181).

Like the Zionist entity used 9/11 to cover up its appalling crimes against
humanity inflicted upon the Palestinians during the Second Intifada,
India used 26/11 to cover up its crimes against humanity inflicted upon
the people of Kashmir during the 2008 uprising, as well as the global
reaction to it. When 26/11 struck the airwaves via heavy promotion
from the Zionist media, Kashmir and its Azadi Struggle were drowned
out, once again becoming a forgotten occupation; as it has always been,
all the way up until 2010 (182).
Zionist-operated Wikileaks defends Israel in its 26/11 cables.

Conclusion: Wikileaks Seals The Cover-Up

One can no longer read the news anymore without seeing the name of
Julian Assange and/or his ‘whistleblower’ organization, Wikileaks.
While Assange has attempted to portray himself as a transparency
activist and Wikileaks has been touted as the next generation of
dissidence, it is nothing more than an elaborate farce. Assange himself
is nothing more than a Zionist shill and the only thing that Wikileaks is
the next generation of, is Zionist Cass Sunstein’s cyber COINTELPRO.
Assange is affiliated with Australian intelligence, the lapdog of Mossad,
and Wikileaks is deeply connected to the CIA, Mossad and
international Zionist war criminal, the infamous George Soros, and it
has taken blood money from all three (183). The Israeli mouthpiece
newspaper, Haaretz, is calling anyone who speaks the truth about
Wikileaks a ‘conspiracy theorist (184),’ and the Zionist intelligence
wing in America, the ADL, headed by Zionist thug Abraham Foxman,
has launched a full scale assault on anyone linking Wikileaks to Israel,
most prominently Senior Editor of Veterans Today, Gordon Duff. The
ADL has smeared, slandered and character-assassinated those with the
courage to speak contrary to the Zionist-owned media’s narrative about
Wikileaks as ‘anti-Semitic (185),’ a typical tactic.

In the section, ‘Nonsense of The Official Story,’ this author wrote, ‘If
the ADL is attacking a theory, a group or a person, it is truth that they
are attacking, and if the ADL is defending a theory, a group or a person,
it is falsehood that they are defending.’ With the ADL’s nauseating,
vehement defense of Wikileaks, the point is reaffirmed.

Considering that Julian Assange believes that 9/11, arguably the

greatest cover-up in American history (excluding Mossad’s
assassination of President John F. Kennedy), is a ‘false conspiracy,’ and
those who seek truth about 9/11 ‘annoy him (186),’ it should come as
no surprise that Israel’s Wikileaks operation has spread vicious lies
about what actually took place in Mumbai on November 26, 2008 in an
attempt to reinforce the official pro-Hindutva, pro-Zionism narrative of
Zion’s mainstream media. One cable suggests that ‘the evidence has
mounted that the terrorists belonged to Pakistan-based Jihadi groups
(187).’ Another cable says that there is ‘evidence the attacks in Mumbai
were carried out by Lashkar-e-Taiba (188).’ Another cable despicably
suggests that there is ‘evidence that serving Pakistani officials were
involved in the 26/11 attacks (189).’ And another states that, ‘it
increasingly appears that a Pakistani-based terrorist group was the
culprit behind the attacks (190).’ Falsehood. Distortion. Lies.
Propaganda. Everything that Wikileaks is exceptionally good at
distributing. The evidence spoken of is non-existent.

The excuse from the Wikileaks worshipers and the Assange fan club
has been the same time and time again: the ‘cables’ are from the state
department, of course they’re going to reflect official US policy. This is
an abysmal, lazy defense to deflect the fact that they simply enjoy being
sheep, following what the Zionist media tells them, and have no
interest in attaining any information that isn’t spoon-fed to them by the
establishment. Apart from the fact that the documents have been
manipulated with the CIA’s PROMIS software (191), proving
unequivocally that anything Wikileaks releases is collusive and
contaminated, where the documents came from is ultimately irrelevant.

The documents, which are overloaded with the most vile hasbara, are
being relentlessly promoted by the Zionist media day in and day out, to
serve the Zionist agenda, weaken the solidarity network, the activism
community and the truth movement and keep the public distracted
from the colossally important issues; it is a blatant Limited Hangout
operation. Anything touted by Zionism is not to be trusted. Period.
Zionists don’t profit from leaks, they’re exposed by them. Zionists don’t
promote leaks, they bury them. And Zionists don’t reward
whisteblowers with multi-million dollar book deals, they imprison
them, torture them and if need be, eliminate them.

Turn off the Zionist media and ignore the fraudulent document dumps
of Wikileaks. 26/11 wasn’t carried out by Pakistani ‘Jihadi’ terrorists.
And it certainly wasn’t assisted by the government of Pakistan. It was a
Mossad false flag attack. It was assisted by the CIA, RAW and IB. The
groundwork was laid in 1992 with the collaborative effort between
Zionism and Hindutva to demolish the ancient Babri Masjid. The
schematics were collected in 1993 when Mossad and the CIA terrorized
Mumbai the first time, still known as Bombay then. Live training
exercises between Mossad and Hindutvadi terror groups were
conducted with the Mumbai train bombings and the Malegaon blasts in
2006, then Malegaon again in September 2008. 26/11 was carried out
to demolish the peace efforts between India, Pakistan and Iran,
eliminate ATS chief Hemant Karkare from investigating the links
between Hindutva-backed terror groups, Israel and the Hindutva-
dominated government, cover up their gross human rights violations in
occupied Kashmir and lead India into committing to the TAPI pipeline,
headed by a Mossad-owned energy company.
Hindutva, like Zionism, must vanish for peace to reign.

It was a successful operation, and the murderers who plotted the

bloodshed, led by the Zionist criminal network, are still at large. This
pro-Israel group of elitists which thrives on gangsterism and terrorism
is planning and carrying out more false flags at this very moment, most
recently in Varanasi, India in December, an attack that has already
been linked to Mossad (192). Like the 9/11 truth movement, which
increases in size and steadfastness every day, a movement to promote
the truth about what actually occurred on 26/11 is essential to the
struggle for truth, justice, freedom and peace. This essay can be the
starting point; it is an analysis that can be referred to for the remainder
of time to squash any Zionist or Hindutvadi line of propaganda
regarding the tragic events on November 26, 2008.

The Hindutvadi lobby is growing in power and influence with the help
of AIPAC, it is silencing those who speak out regarding the criminality
of Hindutva and the brutality experienced daily in occupied Kashmir,
especially on college campuses (193). Spinning the facts on 26/11 is at
the top of its twisted agenda. This must not be tolerated as a deterrent.
For the innocents of Pakistan who have paid with their lives and the
lives of their families at the hands of the CIA’s drones, it must be
fought. For the people of Kashmir, who live in the most militarized
zone on earth, who deal with a worsening human rights crisis due to
Hindutva’s occupation, it must be resisted. And for the world’s
oppressed people, the truth of the Zionist criminal network’s operation
on 26/11 must be exposed so Hindutva’s lies collapse like a house of
cards, and its connivance with Israeli-Anglo hegemony collapses with
it. General Hamid Gul, former director of the ISI, has been one of the
few prominent personalities to call 26/11 exactly what it is: an ‘inside
job (194).’
End Zionism. End Hindutva. End the illegal occupations. With
Resistance, empower those who have been convinced by the elite that
they are weak. The ignorant exist in the most dangerous prison known
to man... the mind, totally brainwashed by the ‘globe holders.’ The only
force, the only key, that can unlock this prison is the truth. Present your
brothers and sisters with the key. Those who know, have a duty to
inform those who don’t. It is their duty to confront those who are
imprisoned... and set them free.


(1) Veer Savarkar: Revolutionary Or Conciliator by Ram Puniyani, Plural India

(2) Hindutva: Who Is A Hindu? by Veer Savarkar

(3) Veer Savarkar: Ideologue Of Hindutva by Vinay Lal

(4) India’s Secret History: ‘A Holocaust, One Where Millions Disappeared...’ by

Randeep Ramesh, The Guardian

(5) Who Were The Indian Prophets? by Mirza Faisal

(6) Savarkar, Hinduness And The Aryan Homeland by Dr. Koenraad Elst

(7) Historic Statements by Veer Savarkar

(8) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part 1 by Shaul Hameed, Ovi Magazine

(9) Signpost Volume 7: Namaste Sharon: Hindtuva And Sharonism Under US

Hegemony by Vijay Prashad

(10) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part 2 by Shaul Hameed, Ovi Magazine;
India’s Burgeoning Romance With Israel by Sunaina Maira, News American Media

(11) Zionism And Hindutva In The US Update - May 2004 by Raja Swamy
(12) Indian Conspiracy Against Babri Mosque by Dr. Abdul Ruff, Alternative News
Network Asia

(13) The Invention Of The Jewish People by Professor Shlomo Sand

(14) No Historical Record That Ram Temple Existed Or Was Destroyed To Build
Ayodhya Mosque by Akhbar Navees, Rupee News

(15) Ayodhya Verdict Yet Another Blow To Secularism: Sahmat by The Hindu

(16) Timeline: Ayodhya Holy Site Crisis by BBC News

(17) ‘Babri Demolition Planned 10 Months In Advance’ by Press Trust Of India

(18) Zionism, Hindutva, And Mickey Mouse Imperialism by Raja Harish Swamy,
The Ghadar Publication

(19) Desi Mossad Is Getting Ready At Bajrang Dal’s Ayodhya Camp by Sharad
Gupta, The Indian Express

(20) An Ominous Analogy: India’s Tactics Toward Babri Masjid, Israel’s Toward
Al-Aqsa Mosque by M.M. Ali, Washington Report On Middle East Affairs

(21) Uproar Over Indian Mosque Report by Al-Jazeera English

(22) Minorities In India Are Targets Of “Hate-Campaigns” By Hindu Extremists,

Notes US Outfit by Surojit Chatterjee, The Christian Post

(23) US Plays Matchmaker To India, Israel by Ninan Koshy, The Asia Times

(24) India Employing Israeli Oppression Tactics In Kashmir by Jimmy Johnson,

The Electronic Intifada

(25) India And Israel: An Unholy Alliance by Faisal Kutty

(26) Israeli Sleeper Agents Mobilizing For 9/11 Anniversary by Gordon Thomas,
American Free Press

(27) Through Indian Eyes by Donald Johnson and Jean Elliot Johnson

(28) ‘Babri Demolition Could Have Been Prevented Under Prez Rule’ by Press
Trust of India

(29) U.S. Designates Dawood Ibrahim A Terrorist Supporter by Press Room,

United States Department Of Treasury

(30) Park51: A Zionist PSYOP by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(31) The Power Of Nightmares: The Rise Of Politics Of Fear by BBC News

(32) Dawood Ibrahim Fits The Billing For One Of Cheney’s Unsavory Intelligence
Sources by Wayne Madsen

(33) Mumbai Attacks Part Of ‘Blowback’ For CIA Double-Cross by Wayne Madsen

(34) Why the CIA Does Not Want Dawood In Indian Hands by Jeremy R.
Hammond, Rediff

(35) Terrorism’s Enablers by David Frum, American Enterprise Institute

(36) ‘Bomb’ Found Headed For Berlin In Namibian Airport by The Jerusalem Post

(37) Terrorism: The Syrian Connection by Daniel Pipes

(38) In Defense Of Democratic Realism by Charles Krauthammer

(39) Can A Nuke Really Fit In A Suitcase by Bill Saporito, TIME Magazine

(40) Circuit: The Wizard Of Oz Honored by Michael Aushenker, Jewish Journal

(41) Does Hollywood Give Jewish? by Brad A. Greenberg, Jewish Journal

(42) Bin Laden Has Several Nuclear Suitcases by Christian Action for Israel

(43) Deception Over Lockerbie by Maidhc O Cathail

(44) Why Did Houston Cops Kill The CIA Agent? by The Daily Question

(45) Gideon’s Spies: The Secret History Of Mossad by Gordon Thomas

(46) Mossad Bombs Paradise Hotel In Mombasa by Joe Vialls

(47) Mossad’s License To Kill by Gordon Thomas, The Telegraph

(48) Abu Nidal: A Gun For Hire by Patrick Seale

(49) U.S. Army Officers - ‘Mossad May Blame Arabs’ by Michael Collins Piper,
American Free Press; Israel’s Secret Wars by Benny Morris and Ian Black

(50) The Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan
Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(51) ‘US, Israel Behind Yemen Bombing’ by Press TV

(52) Bilateral Relations: Historical Overview by Israeli Diplomatic Network

(53) RAW And Mossad: The Secret Link by Rediff India Abroad

(54) S. African Alleges El Al A Mossad Front by Lionel Slier, The Jerusalem Post

(55) India And Israel: A Wrong Alliance Part 4 by Shahul Hameed, Ovi Magazine

(56) Israel And India Move Towards Free Trade Pact by Ron Dagoni and Eran Peer,

(57) Flipping Out (documentary) by Yoav Shamir

(58) Former Israeli Soldiers ‘Flipping Out’ In India by Claus Mueller, Jewish Post

(59) Which Ex-Minister Put Pressure On Ujjal Nikam? by Surendra Gangan, Daily
News and Analysis

(60) Pak Hand In Blasts: Chavan by The Times of India

(61) SC Stays Death Sentence ’93 Blasts Convict by Rediff India Abroad

(62) SC Stays Death Sentence Of 2 Mumbai Blasts Convicts by Rediff India Abroad

(63) 1993 Mumbai Blasts Case: Yusuf Memon Gets Bail by Rediff India Abroad

(64) 1993: Bombay Hit By Devastating Bombs by BBC News

(65) Striking Back: The 1972 Munich Olympics Massacre and Israel’s Deadly
Response by Aaron J. Klein

(66) Colonial Continuities: Human Rights, Terrorism, And Security Laws In India
by Professor Anil Kalhan, Fordham University School of Law

(67) 1993 Mumbai Blasts: Supreme Court To Fix Date For Final Hearings
Tomorrow by The Hindu

(68) Spy Chief: Simon Talks With Former Mossad Head by David Kohn, CBS News

(69) Israel Used Uranium Bombs In Lebanon by The Tehran Times

(70) Mumbai Remembers Train Bombing Victims by CTV News; Scores Dead In
Mumbai Train Bombs by BBC News; ‘Everything Was Blacked Out:’ Mumbai Blast
Survivor by CBC News; Indian PM Vows To Defeat Terrorism by Joel Roberts, CBS
News; 3 Arrested In Mumbai Train Bombings by Hari Kumar, The New York Times

(71) Citing Mumbai Train Blasts, US Lawmaker Seeks Transport Security by Arun
Kumar, RXPG News

(72) India Police: Pakistan Spy Agency Behind Mumbai Bombings by CNN; US
Freezes Assets of 4 Pakistanis For Mumbai Train Bombings by Arun Kumar, Daiji

(73) Al Qaeda Theory: Mumbai Intellectuals Blame Mossad, CIA by The Kashmir

(74) Muslims Claim Witch-Hunt In Wake of Mumbai Blasts by The Gulf Times

(75) Bomb Suspects Retract Confessions by Zubair Ahmed, BBC News

(76) Is Mossad Hand Behind Mumbai Train Blasts? by Ghulam Muhammad,

Kavkaz Center

(77) Malegaon: The Road To Perdition by Praveen Swami and Anupama

Katakamm, The Hindu

(78) Malegaon Blasts: SIMI Activist Held by The Times of India

(79) No Evidence Against Accused Arrested In ‘06 Malegaon Blasts Case: CBI by
(80) 37 Killed In Malegaon Blasts by Rediff India Abroad

(81) Malegaon Blasts: Is It Bajrang Or Lakshar? by The Times of India

(82) Malegaon, 7/11: Same Lethal Cocktail Used by The Times of India

(83) CIA And Mossad In Pune? by Aangirfan

(84) Experts Doubt Al Qaeda Link In Mumbai Attacks by Mark McDonald, The
New York Times

(85) Al Qaeda To Release Video Tape Claiming Mumbai Attacks As Theirs by Greg

(86) Contrived Propaganda Tapes Reveal War On Terror Fraud by Paul Joseph

(87) Mohamad Atta - Terrorist, Patsy, Or Scapegoat? by What Really Happened?

(88) The Secret World Of Jack Abramoff: Terrorists Torpedoes And Republican
‘Muscle’ by Daniel Hopsicker, Mad Cow Morning News; Abramoff And The Israeli
Connection by Justin Raimondo, Antiwar.com

(89) Mumbai Attacks: Terrorists Took Cocaine To Stay Awake During Assault by
Damien McElroy, The Telegraph

(90) Pakistani TV: ‘Hindu Zionists’ And Mossad Behind Mumbai Massacre by Tzvi
Ben Gedalyahu, Arutz Sheva

(91) Indian Commandoes Storm Mumbai Hotels by Randeep Ramesh, Daniel

Pepper and Thomas Bruce, The Guardian

(92) Mumbai Attackers Create ‘Killing Zone’ by Soutik Biswas, BBC News

(93) Two Israelis Still Missing After Mumbai Attack by Haaretz

(94) ADL Statement On Mumbai Terror Attacks; Big Lie Blaming Jews Circulating
by The Anti-Defamation League

(95) Client List by Safeguards Technology LLC

(96) Open For Prayer Again by Sudeshna Chowdhury, Mid Day; About Us by
Safeguards Technology LLC

(97) Christmas Day Crotch Bomber Tied To Israel, FBI by Jeff Gates, Salem News

(98) All 9/11 Airports Serviced By One Israeli Owned Company by What Really

(99) My Investment In Israel by Vijay Prashad, Counterpunch

(100) Israeli Consulate’s Mumbai Security Chief Arrested En Route To Chabad

House Rescue by The Jerusalem Post

(101) US Citizen David Headley Admits Role In Mumbai Attacks by BBC News

(102) India’s 9/11. Who Was Behind The Mumbai Attacks? by Michel
Chossudovsky, Global Research

(103) ‘Malegaon Explosion Was A Bomb Blast’ by The Hindustan Times; Hindu
Group Behind Malegaon Blast: Police by Smita Nair, Express India

(104) India Shocked By Discovery Of First Hindu Terror Cell by Andrew

Buncombe, The Independent

(105) India Police Say They Hold 9 From Hindu Terrorist Cell by Hari Kumar, The
New York Times

(106) No Pressure In Malegaon Blast Probe, Says Top Cop by Meri News

(107) Malegaon Probe: Purohit Placed Under Disciplinary Ban by Express India

(108) RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) Chargesheeted Leader In Ajmer Blast

Case by Sanjay Prajapati, All Voices

(109) CIA, Mossad Hand Behind Sangh Parivar’s Extremists! by Ghluam

Muhammed, Rashtriya Sahara Urdu Daily

(110) Karkare Reported Receiving Death Threats Hours Before Execution:

Congress General Secretary by Dan Qayyum, PKKH
(111) ‘There Is Enough Evidence Against Col Purohit; We Will Present It In Court’
by Rana Ayyub, Tehelka Magazine, Volume 5, Issue 48

(112) ATS Chief Hemant Karkare Dies A Hero’s Death by Dhirendra’s Blogs

(113) Karkare Received Death Threats: Digvijay by Daily Bhaskar

(114) Mumbai Anti-Terror Chief Got Death Threats by Islam Online

(115) Where is Hemant Karkare’s Bullet Proof Jacket? by Subhash Gatade, Counter

(116) India, America, Israel: The Three Amigos by Badri Raina, ZNET

(117) Who Killed Karkare? The Real Face Of Terrorism In India by S.M. Mushrif

(118) Who Sent Karkare To His Death? by Nikhil S. Dixit, Daily News and Analysis

(119) Kasab Is Innocent? by Aangirfan

(120) Ajmal Kasab Kidnaped From Nepal Before 2006: Lawyer by Pak Tribune

(121) The Curious Case Of David Headley by Amaresh Misra, Muslim India

(122) Mumbai Cop Heralded In Film Leads Investigation Of Terror Attacks by

Peter Wonacott and Geeta Anand, The Wall Street Journal

(123) Karkare Disturbed Ahead Of His Death: Colleagues by Current News India

(124) 9/11: Israel’s Grand Deception by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(125) Karkare’s Response To A Death Threat: A ‘Smiley’ by Y.P. Rajesh, Indian


(126) Israel And India Come Closer As Partners In Homeland Security by Vikas
Srivastav, The Financial Chronicle

(127) Israeli Experts In Kashmir To Assess Security Needs by The Times of India

(128) Israel And India: Brothers In Occupation Of Kashmir by Jonathan Azaziah,

Mask of Zion
(129) Mossad-RAW Nexus by S.M. Hali, Pakistan Daily

(130) Mumbai Terror Attacks: The Mossad Angle by Amaresh Misra, The Wisdom

(131) Mafia by Chabad Mafia

(132) Chabad-Lubatvich Molestation And Child Abuse by Chabad Mafia

(133) Chabad Houses Have History Of Criminal Activity by Wayne Madsen, Wayne
Madsen Report

(134) Chabad Luvatvich’ Dangerous Game: Attacking Mumbai And The World
Economy by Joachim Martillo, Ethnic Ashkenazim Against Zionist Israel

(135) More Evidence Of CIA-Backed Syndicate Involvement In Mumbai Attacks by

Wayne Madsen, Wayne Madsen Report

(136) Murdered Rabbi Foresaw Mumbai Attacks by Aaron Klein, World Net Daily

(137) Mumbai Attack: Was Nariman House The Terror Hub? by Mid Day

(138) Reign Of Violence In Mumbai Ends As Authorities Seize Hotel by CBC News

(139) Mumbai Attacks - City Fears Five Terrorists Are ‘Missing’ by Rhys Blakely,
The Times

(140) Mumbai Photographer: I Wish I’d Had A Gun, Not A Camera. Armed Police
Would Not Fire Back by Jerome Taylor, The Belfast Telegraph

(141) Nariman House Hostages Or Attackers? by What Really Happened?

(142) Ben-Gurion’s Scandals: How The Haganah And The Mossad Eliminated Jews
by Naeim Giladi

(143) The Missing Yemenite Children by Doron A. Tal

(144) 51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration With The Nazis by Lenni Brenner

(145) The Warburgs: The Twentieth-Century Odyssey Of A Remarkable Jewish

Family by Ron Chernow

(146) Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl by Siegmund Forst, Tzemach Dovid

(147) The Loneliness Of Being Hasan Gafoor by Sagar J. Patel, Ehsaas

(148) India, Israel Set Up Bilateral Legal Colloquium by The Times of India

(149) Report: India Bought Advanced Spy Satellite From Israel by Haaretz

(150) Israeli Firms Keen To Tap $1-Bn Security Market by MSN News

(151) $4.5 Million US Aid To India To Fight Terrorism by Press Trust of India

(152) The Mumbai Terrorists’ Other Target by Daniel Benjamin, Slate Magazine

(153) India, Israeli Closing Weapons Deals Worth $600 Million by Yossi Melman,

(154) International Board To Oversee Chabad Mumbai Relief by Joshua Runyan,

Chabad.org {Jewish News}

(155) Mumbai Fund Raised $2M by COL Live

(156) ‘Israel-India Ties Emerge Stronger’ by Kiran Wadhwa, The Hindustan Times

(157) Iran Questions Story Behind Mumbai Terror by Press TV

(158) Support Kashmir: Iran To Muslims by Greater Kashmir

(159) Ghulam Ali Gulzar, Shia Muslim Intellectual And Activist by Murtaza Shibli,
Kashmir Affairs

(160) Iran-Pak-India Gas Pipeline: Implications And Prospects by Sohaib Shahid,

Business and Finance Review

(161) Iranian President’s Visit A Test For India by Somini Sengupta and Heather
Timmons, The New York Times

(162) Iran’s Oil Diplomacy Frustrates US Policy by The Daily Star

(163) Pakistan Gas Pipeline Is Iran’s Lifeline by United Press International

(164) The Truth Behind The US-Indo Nuclear Deal by Siddharth Varadarajan,
Global Research; President Bush Signs H.R. 7081, The United States-India Nuclear
Cooperation Approval And Non-Proliferation Enhancement Act by Office of The
Press Secretary

(165) Wolfowitz May Make World Bank Loans Attractive To India by The Financial

(166) Iran-Pakistan-India: Laying The ‘Peace Pipeline’ by Machete

(167) India Out Of ‘Peace Pipeline’ as Iran, Pakistan Seal Gas Deal by The Times of

(168) US Air Raids Kill 1184 In Pakistan In ‘10 by Press TV

(169) Is TAPI Pipeline Going To Replace Peace Pipeline by Mona Mashadi Rajabi,
Iranian Diplomacy

(170) The Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Pipeline Looks Set To

Go Ahead by Deirdre Tynan, Oil Price

(171) Why Afghanistan? by Christopher Bollyn

(172) The Rape Of Kashmir: Parallels With The Israeli Occupation Of Palestine by
Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed, Media Monitors Network

(173) 93,537 Kashmiris Killed Since January 1989 by Kashmir Media Service

(174) Land And Freedom by Arundhati Roy, The Guardian

(175) Another Uprising In Kashmir? by Dr. Moonis Ahmar, Dawn Media Group

(176) Atrocities By Indian Troops In 2008 by Kashmir Media Service

(177) Violent Mobs Rule Kashmir Highway: Report by Islamic Republic News

(178) Video: Kashmiris In UK Observed 15th August 2008 As Black Day by World
(179) Video: Kashmiri Protest Outside Indian Consulate In Toronto by JKLFOrg,

(180) Video: Hizb Ut Tahrir, Lahore Press Club, Regarding Kashmir by Khilafah
Fard, Youtube

(181) Video: 22 Aug 2008 Public Rally, United Nations Offices In Brussels by
KCEU, Youtube

(182) The World Wants To Think The Best About India. So We Turn Our Back On
Kashmir by Dean Nelson, The Telegraph

(183) Wikileaks Is Zionist Poison II: Deconstruction Of The Myth by Jonathan

Azaziah, Mask of Zion

(184) Bloggers Claim Wikileaks Struck Deal With Israel Over Diplomatic Cables
Leaks by Danna Harman, Haaretz

(185) Conspiracy Theory Links Israel To Wikileaks; ADL Says Latest ‘Big Lie’ Is
Taking Root Among Anti-Israel Conspiracy Theorists by The Anti-Defamation

(186) Video: Sex, Lies, Iran, Israel And Wikileaks by Anthony Lawson,
ALawson911, Youtube

(187) 08NEWDELHI3025: Mumbai Terror Attacks: GOI Heads Begin To Roll by


(188) 08ISLAMABAD3716: Pakistan Reactions To Terror In Mumabi by Wikileaks

(189) 10NEWDELHI355: NSA Menon Discusses Regional Security And Trade by


(190) 08NEWDELHI3031: Mumbai Terror Attacks: Political Fallout Continues by


(191) Bombs, Terrorism And Manure by Gordon Duff, Veterans Today

(192) Varanasi Blast: Was It A False Flag Operation? by Sayeed Hameed, Sahil
Online English
(193) Speaking Out On Kashmir And Palestine In The US by Yasmin Qureshi, The
Electronic Intifada

(194) Fareed Zakaria GPS: Mexican Crisis; India Terror Attacks by CNN


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