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A Strange Hospital Tale – Veronica Quiceno 8C

Rin’s eyes opened to meet a strange and unknown surrounding. It seemed like a

hospital, yet he knew that it was not an ordinary one. He wandered around,

searching for an exit. Rin was terrified of finding something strange, since he was

self-aware of how physically weak he was. Even so, he was slightly relieved that

no one was there to judge his grey-ish colored hair or shy personality. When it was

getting late, he settled in a room and suddenly felt something touch his back.

Rin froze in shock, unable to speak or move.

“Hello? Are you okay?” A soft voice said behind him.

Rin turned around, shaking a little, finding a good-looking, brown-haired, blue-eyed

man looking at him worriedly.

“Hey, there’s no need to worry. I’m Eli. I was wondering if you knew where the exit

to this place is. You see, I woke up here and I’m not sure how to get ou-“

“Y-you too?” Rin interrupted

“I guess we’re in the same situation, huh? How about we work together?”

Rin didn’t trust this man completely, but there was something about Eli that told

him he should, so he agreed.

After days of exploring, Eli and Rin became closer together. Eli always listened

carefully to everything Rin told him, and never made him feel weird, unlike most

people he had met. Everything was good, until it all changed when one morning,
Rin disappeared. Eli looked for him everywhere, and when he least expected, he

found him. Rin was in a hospital bed wounded which made Eli worry. Then, he saw

a shadow and screamed:

“What have you done!?” He got no answer, instead, a woman started getting closer

to him and Rin.

“Back off! You can’t hurt him!”

“Are you sure about that?” Said the woman while reaching a knife from her pocket

and charging towards the unconscious Rin. Hoping he could save his friend, Eli

stood in between Rin and this woman, making the knife pierce through his skin


Eli’s eyes opened slowly. He looked around and recognized the familiar-looking

surroundings of his home. Rin was standing beside him along the woman who tried

to stab him.

“Rin, back away!” Eli expressed while standing up. At the same time, the woman

and Rin laughed at this remark.

Over the next hour, Rin and Emma (Rin’s sister) explained how they were all just

testing a simulation she had programmed, designed to temporarily erase the

memories they had of each other (Except for Emma who was playing the role of a

villain). Eli started remembering previous memories and was amused about how

everything played out. Rin was happy and satisfied knowing how much Eli cared

about him, and Emma was proud of her professional acting skills. The end.

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