Day 4 - Matching Features and Sentence Endings

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Read the passage below and match the appropriate sentence endings with the questions
1-7 below. Choose the correct letter i-x.

i. Forecasting weather, identifying nature of winds and skies is possible

ii. Interchange of weather information among experts takes place situated at
varied locations
iii. When his followers couldn’t perceive the complexity in changes in wind
iv. As winds blow from sunset
v. The debate related to rotary storms was overruled
vi. Led to the scientific research of Meterology
vii. Consecutive breakthroughs by scientists in the 1600s and the 1700s
viii. Made a lot of errors in weather interpretation
ix. The scientific research on weather foretelling
x. The changes that are supposed to happen after the storm suppressed

1. Aristotle ascertained that winds blowing from the west are of lower temperatures
2. Notable inputs to meterological research were the outcome of
3. With keen observation of nature’s indications
4. With the assistance of Synoptic Weather Maps
5. Today’s technique of weather forecasting will be appreciated if
6. Dove’s study included
7. Dove’s research dated back to

A The Greek philosophers had much to say about meteorology, and many who subsequently
engaged in weather forecasting no doubt made use of their ideas. Unfortunately, they probably
made many bad forecasts, because Aristotle, who was the most influential, did not believe
that wind is air in motion. He did believe, however, that west winds are cold because they blow
from the sunset.

B The scientific study of meteorology did not develop until measuring instruments became
available. Its beginning is commonly associated with the invention of the mercury
barometer by Evangelista Torricelli, an Italian physicist-mathematician, in the mid-17th
century and the nearly concurrent development of a reliable thermometer. (Galileo had
constructed an elementary form of gas thermometer in 1607, but it was defective; the efforts
of many others finally resulted in a reasonably accurate liquid-in-glass device.)

C A succession of notable achievements by chemists and physicists of the 17th and 18th
centuries contributed significantly to meteorological research. The formulation of the laws of
gas pressure, temperature, and density by Robert Boyleand Jacques-Alexandre-César Charles,
the development of calculus by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, the development
of the law of partial pressures of mixed gases by John Dalton, and the formulation of the
doctrine of latent heat (i.e., heat release by condensation or freezing) by Joseph Black are just
a few of the major scientific breakthroughs of the period that made it possible to measure and
better understand theretofore unknown aspects of the atmosphere and its behaviour. During the


19th century, all of these brilliant ideas began to produce results in terms of
useful weather forecasts.

D An observant person who has learned nature’s signs can interpret the appearance of the sky,
the wind, and other local effects and “foretell the weather.” A scientist can use instruments at
one location to do so even more effectively. The modern approach to weather forecasting,
however, can only be realized when many such observations are exchanged quickly by experts
at various weather stations and entered on a synoptic weather map to depict the patterns of
pressure, wind, temperature, clouds, and precipitation at a specific time. Such a rapid exchange
of weather data became feasible with the development of the electric telegraph in 1837
by Samuel F.B. Morse of the United States. By 1849 Joseph Henry of the Smithsonian
Institution in Washington, D.C., was plotting daily weather maps based on telegraphic reports,
and in 1869 Cleveland Abbe at the Cincinnati Observatory began to provide regular weather
forecasts using data received telegraphically.

E Synoptic weather maps resolved one of the great controversies of meteorology—namely, the
rotary storm dispute. By the early decades of the 19th century, it was known that storms were
associated with low barometric readings, but the relation of the winds to low-pressure systems,
called cyclones, remained unrecognized. William Redfield, a self-taught meteorologist from
Middletown, Conn., noticed the pattern of fallen trees after a New England hurricane and
suggested in 1831 that the wind flow was a rotary counter-clockwise circulation around the
centre of lowest pressure.

F The American meteorologist James P. Espy subsequently proposed in his Philosophy of

Storms (1841) that air would flow toward the regions of lowest pressure and then would be
forced upward, causing clouds and precipitation. Both Redfield and Espy proved to be right.
The air does spin around the cyclone, as Redfield believed, while the layers close to the ground
flow inward and upward as well. The net result is a rotational wind circulation that is slightly
modified at Earth’s surface to produce inflow toward the storm centre, just as Espy had
proposed. Further, the inflow is associated with clouds and precipitation in regions of low
pressure, though that is not the only cause of clouds there.

G In Europe, the writings of Heinrich Dove, a Polish scientist who directed the Prussian
Meteorological Institute, greatly influenced views concerning wind behaviour in storms.
Unlike the Americans, Dove did not focus on the pattern of the winds around the storm but
rather on how the wind should change at one place as a storm passed. It was many years before
his followers understood the complexity of the possible changes.


Read the passage above and match the accomplishments of various scientists with their
corresponding names given in questions 1-5. Choose the correct letter i-vii for the

Findings of scientists

i. Redirected the opinions on wind patterns during

ii. Laws on partial pressures of gases
iii. Providing weather forecast using a telegraph
iv. Interpreted the direction of wind flow during a
cyclone with the help of fallen trees
v. Discovery of barometer
vi. Mapping weather reports on a telegraph
vii. Developing laws of latent heat

1. Cleveland Abbe
2. Heinrich Dove
3. William Redfield
4. Joseph Black
5. John Dalton

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