Risk Assessment All Activities TLT HIRA

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: OHSAS / RC / RA /



Risk Assessment Risk Matrix
Type of
activity Probability Risk rating:
Sl. Consequence Severity
Acitvity Routine / Hazard of Risk High: > 15, Control measures
No of harm of Harm
Non Occurrence rating Medium:
Routine (1-5) (R = S*P) > 8 -14,
(P) Low: < 8

Route Fatality / • Safe driving / Properly maintenance of

1 Routine Vehicle Incidence 5 1 5 Low
alignment Injury vehicle.
• Correct marking of corridor keeping in
mind the minimum wastage of
• Use proper hand tools, no person
should be in range of tool application.
Bush cleaning / • Power saw should be used by
Clearing Unwanted damage authorized operator.
2 Routine al Damage, 1 1 1 Low
agriculture area to vegetation • Plan properly when cutting big trees to
property loss
corridor avoid fall on persons.
• Shake the bushes prior to approach for
driving out the creatures like insect,
snakes, reptiles etc.
• Administrative control & necessary
PPE’s (Gumboot, helmet, goggles etc.)
• Safe driving by authorized license
holder , no over speeding,
• Vehicle should be in good working
Fatality / • Surveyor to ensure minimum damage
3 Survey work Routine Road Incidence 5 1 5 Low
Injury of flora fauna during tower spotting.
• Hunting, chasing or disturbing wild life
strictly avoided, weather in case of
unknown forest section take help of
• Avoid manual pulling out follow
Injury due to fall of
Routine MTI 1 1 1 Low mechanical process.
bob weight on hand
Soil • Use proper PPEs like Hand gloves.
investigation Injury due to • Keep head out of track from sliding
Routine Brushing bob weight MTI 1 1 1 Low dead weight.
with head • Use proper PPEs like Helmet.
• Carbolic acid, insecticide should be
Snake Bite, cuts & available
Routine Injury to men 3 1 3 Low
bruises by thorns etc. • Gum boots, Administrative control &
Approach to the
5 PPE’s
Work place 
• DMP oil, First aid box,
Non -
Insect bites Injury to men 2 1 2 Low • Administrative control & necessary
• Only equipments which are fit are
Injury to men
Routine Unfit equipment 1 3 3 Low allowed for deployment.
& machinery
• Administrative control & PPE’s
• Operator Identity system shall be
Mishandling followed & Administrative control &
Non - Unauthorized
of vehicle & 1 3 3 Low PPE’s
Routine operator
Hit injury • Deploy trained experienced operator to
operate machine with precautions.
• Drivers & operators should be trained
and must know the vehicle related
People resting under • Inspect surroundings before starting
Routine Run over 2 1 2 Low
vehicle. the vehicle.
6 Leveling by Man • Providing rest shed for the workmen at
& machinery site
• Administrative control & PPE’s
• Administrative control should be
introduced before such cases.
• Expose the utilities manually with
Non - Underground
Injury to men 1 3 3 Low power off / insulated materials before
Routine Utilities
giving clearance.
• Use proper PPE’s to handling unsafe
• Line clearance to be taken for
Non - particular section & it must be in written
Over head lines Electrocution 2 2 4 Low
Routine form.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Follow Excavation clearance permit
system. Look for route markers,
Damage to
• Make trail pits incase of any doubt,
Electricity, • Look for warning tapes/ cable covering
Routine electrical, Telecom 4 2 8 Medium
fire & mats/ concrete saddles/ sand padding,
cables and water
explosion • Adhere strictly to manual excavation in
case of presence of underground cables.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s

• Provide hard barricading with min

clearance of 2m from the excavated pit..
• Ensure adequate illumination, &
Vehicle movement Fall of danger lighting.
Non - • Post reflective warning signs & blinker
near the edge of machinery 4 1 4 Low
Routine lights to highlight deep excavation.
excavation into the pit
• Deploy trained banks man,
• Use wheel stopper in case of inclined
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Keep away from the edge of the
Walking / Working Fall of
• Provide barrier away from the edge of
Routine near the edge of persons 2 2 4 Low
excavation inside the pit
• Provide sign boards & blinking lights,
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Competent operators.
• No entry into the pit during excavation.
Fall of objects • No materials shall be stacked at edge
Non - (Stone, boulder, soil of the pit. Min 1.5m clearance shall be
Fatal / Injury 2 2 4 Low
Routine etc.) into excavated given.
pit • Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Ensure to arrange proper access &
egress such as ladder in pit.

Air Pollution, • Sprinkle water,

Breathing • Use dust mask and goggles,
Routine Dust 1 3 3 Low
complaints & • Provide nose mask,
Eye injuries • Administrative -control & PPE’s
Air Pollution, • Proper maintinene and periodic check
Breathing up of vehicle,
Routine Smoke 1 3 3 Low
complaints & • Provide dust mask and goggles,
Eye injuries • Administrative -control & PPE’s

• Train for safe use of hand tools, and

safe manual working procedures.
• Strict & skilled supervision,
Congested work site;
Hit injuries, • Provide adequate emergency access so
Non - too many persons
Slip trip & fall 1 3 3 Low that workmen can access it at 15m reach
Routine working in the pits or
injuries out of excavation.
• Allow only minimum Required number
of persons to work at the same time,
• Administrative -control & PPE’s

• Keep distance of minimum 5 mt.

between two equipments while in use.
• Use only authorized equipments and
employ experienced operators.
Injury due to
Non - Earth moving • Check for overhead lines, ensure safe
hit or 2 2 4 Low
Routine equipment operation overhead distance can be maintained
otherwise suspend the activity.
• Provide trained banks men, ensure
strict supervision.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
Injury due to
• Ensure during closing days work that
fall into pit of
Routine Closing day’s work 2 2 4 Low the pit is adequately barricaded to avoid
human being
restrict fall of human, animal or vehicle.
or animals
Huge amount of dust Eye defect, • Wet gunny bags must be provided on
Blasting is expelled (dust cough, ear the pit for suppression of dust.
Routine 2 1 2 Low
pollution) and noise drum failure • Administrative controls & Necessary
pollution etc PPE's.

Routine Unwanted Injury to men 3 1 3 Low • Employ experience person inclusive

explosion / Hit by work labors for blasting process. And
flying rock ensure strict supervision.
• Clear the zone of blasting and must
communicate with the local inhabitant
regarding the hazards of it.
• Metal objects must not be used for
• The detonators and the blasting
material must be stored and handled
• Blasting must be carried in the
supervision & presence of certified and
authorized person
• Ensure no structure, human, animal
within the hazard zone.
• Administrative control & PPE’s

• Ensure no human animal in this hazard

• Signal Men with whistle, Red Flags and
danger posters are displayed.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
Routine Misfire Injury to men 4 2 8 Medium • The firing shall be done by keeping
LONG detonating fuse.
• Ensure proper communication to avoid
any misunderstanding of signals.
• Do not approach blasting zone until
cleared by authorized blaster to do so.
• Rigid ladder should meet the height
Fall of persons while
Injury & requirement & correct slope shall be
Routine entering IN/ OUT of 2 1 2 Low
fractures maintained.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
The dressing of
the pit is carried • The excavated soil must be placed at a
9 out manually for distance of 1.5m from the edge of the
foundation Routine Fall of excavated soil Injury to men 4 2 8 Medium pit. (proper shoring shall be done if
works. necessary)
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Never use blind tools, use right too, for
Hazards due to blind
Routine Injury to men 2 2 4 Low right job.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• The machine must be placed at a
distance of 1.5m from the edge of the pit
10 PCC Routine Fall of machinery Injury to men 3 1 3 Low
& on the firm level ground.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Hand & foot Protection shall be used.
11 Stub setting Routine Stabbing injuries Injury to men 3 1 3 Low
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Do not use damaged jack for support of
Chances of body template,
parts caught in • Make flat platform for proper base
12 Template fixing Routine Injury to men 2 1 2 Low
between jacks or support, maintain distance from the pit
metal parts to avoid collapsing.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
• The concreting mixer machine used
Pressed, crushed,
shall be guarded for its rotating parts.
caught in between
Routine Injury to men 3 2 6 Low • Administrative -control & PPE’s,
revolving parts of
• Authorized operator should be
deployed for the operation,
• During pouring concrete from mixer
safe distance should maintain from the
Injury to excavated pit, wheel stopper should
Non- Chance to fall of
men/ loss of 3 2 4 Low provide,
Mixture of sand, routine vehicle into pit
property • Chute should be attached while the
pouring location is far.
13 &cement with
• Administrative -control & PPE’s
the help of
Mixer M/C • Use safety goggles to protect eye from
• Use dust musk to avoid cement or dust
Routine Health hazards Injury to men 1 2 2 Low
Use hand gloves and gumboot to avoid
direct body contact with concrete.

• Avoid dropping of concrete on ground,

Effect to
Routine Environmental issues 1 2 2 Low ensure site cleaning after work in view of
safe environment.

• The material is dropped with one

Chance of hit by person holding on one side, other end
material to the reaches the bottom. (The material is tied
14 steel and form Routine Injury to men 2 1 2 Low
persons working in with a rope and dropped slowly).
box are dropped
the pit. • Administrative -control & PPE’s,
into the pit.
• Proper communication required.
Setting &
reinforcement of • Rigid metal working platform shall be
binding of the
15 Routine chimney, access for Injury to men 2 1 2 Low arranged.
worker to tie the rod • Administrative -control & PPE’s
is hazardous
Chance of hit by • Supporting jacks should be used.
material to the • Edge of the pit should be free of any
Routine Injury to men 2 1 2 Low
persons working in materials which may tend to fall.
Setting of Form
16 the pit. • Administrative -control & PPE’s
Chance of fall of • Working platform should arrange.
Routine Injury to men 3 2 6 Low
person • Administrative -control & PPE’s

Chance of • The cable shall be good in condition.

electrocution electrocution • Temporary earthing should be
17 Use of vibrator Routine 4 1 4 Low
(If electrical vibrator to men connected in body of Vibrator.
is use) • Administrative -control & PPE’s
• Use helmet, safety boots and taken
precaution to maintain balance at pit
18 Curing Routine Fall of person Injury to men 1 2 2 Low edge to avoid fall due to collapsing.
• Ensure proper barricading until back
filling done.
• De-shuttered materials shall be
Removal of Fall of person / Fall of
19 Routine Injury to men 2 1 2 Low removed out by using rope & 'S' hook.
Form Box material.
• Administrative -control & PPE’s

• If filled up by machinery authorized

operator should deploy, barricade
surrounding area of the working
• Ensure no person inside during soil
filling, ensure pit is strong, hard not wet
or sandy.
Backfilling of
20 Routine Hit by Machine  Injury to men 2 1 2 Low • Always keep emergency ladder unless
the Pit
depth is above 1 mt.
• Use compactor in appropriate
ergonomically manner and ensure hand
gloves, dust musk & ear plugs used by
• Administrative control – Give regular
breaks to the operator.
• Authorized, experienced, skilled driver
should deploy along with proper valid
driving license.
• Avoid over speeding, rash driving,
Injury to men overtaking on curves, narrow lanes,
Incidence due to or damage of bridges, stiff climb or slants.
Routine 2 2 4 Low
vehicle on road material or • Ensure proper vehicle maintenance and
both daily pre-start inspection.
• Park vehicle at extreme left of the road
confirming no obstruction to ongoing
traffic, be visible by using high visibility
Shifting of the reflector.
21 tower parts by
vehicles • Defensive driving training & inspection
of the vehicle before leaving the site.
• Good housekeeping in the area.
• Remove all unwanted materials, tools
Hit to the objects (if
and equipments
material exceeds the Injury to men
• Proper Coordination with supervisor.
Routine length of the trolley) or damage of 1 4 4 Low
• Check all tool & tackles before use,
& Road accident, Fall material
• Ensure all electrical tools must be
of materials
inspected and approved by competent
• Ensure Proper illumination at night

• Ensure competent rigger, banks man,

• Hand & Foot protection & PPE's
• Tag rope shall be used for guiding the
suspended loads.
• Ensure crane third party certificate &
along with operator competency,
Loading/ Hit by material /Fall Injury to men • Nobody should work under suspended
22 Unloading of Routine of Material on part of or damage of 2 3 6 Low load at any circumstances.
Tower parts body & toppling material • Fabricated parts/steel should be
positioned on support pad of the trailer.
• Materials shall be properly secured on
the vehicle with suitable chains locks
with additional precautions.
• Driver should not be in the influence of
drugs or alcohol, must follow traffic

23 Segregating of Routine Hit by material Injury to men 1 3 3 Low • Use forklifts and machinery, deploy
authorized operator.
• Ensure basic procedures for manual
Tower parts at
sore & site.
• Tool box talk, Hand & Foot protection,
• Work must be started only after taking
proper shutdown and discharging both
the side & confirming with Induction
Electrocution/ Severe injury/ Tester, use additional earthing for
Routine 2 3 6 Low
Induction Fatality leakage current.
• Engineering control, tool box talk &
Erection of • Certified PPE's (according to the line
24 Tower near voltage.)
LT/HT line • Inspection of Tools &Tackles’ prior to
start of the job,
Injury to men • Engineering control &
Routine Defective tools or damage of 2 3 6 Low • Necessary PPE's,
material • Trainings should given for such type of
job and ensure usage of proper and
correct tools.
• Ensure competent riggers to precede
the job.
• All tools & Tackles must be checked
daily before the work starts.
• All lifting machineries should be
certified by third party.
• Only one person stands near the leg (3-
5 m away) from the base of the lifting
material. The person will stand away
Fall of men, Fall of Injury to men from the lifting direction of the load,
Erection of leg Routine Tower leg, Failure of or damage of 1 3 3 Low ensure proper PPE's
25 part of Tower tools & Tackles material • Tool box talk to be conducted before
the work starts,
• Competent workmen to be engaged
for special task.
• Full body safety harness must be
anchored with vertical life line.
• No lone worker to be allowed to
proceed the work,
• No work to be allowed without
supervisor control.
Stub damage (due to Material • Ensure Competent Supervisor /
Routine 1 3 3 Low
overload /Improper damage Engineer , only 2 leg joints are erected
arrangement )
• Mandatory PPE's.
• The path of the tractor is ensured plain
and no person shall stand in front of the
Hit (or) run over by vehicle, should be 3m away (beside) from
Injury to men
vehicle, (The jerk the tractor,
Routine or damage of 1 4 4 Low
caused due to • Engineering Control and High visibility
uneven surface). Jackets & Aprons and PPE's.
• Banks men to be appointed to clear the
• Checked Tools & Tackles before use.
Injury to men • Engineering Control,
Failure of Tools
Routine or damage of 1 4 4 Low • Third party certificates for all lifting
Erection of leg &Tackles
material tools, tackles & machineries.
part of Tower
• Tool box talk, and mandatory PPE's.
• Lift up & Guying arrangement of
derrick should be done in experienced
• Supervisor control,
Routine Fall of Derrick Injury to men 2 3 6 Low
• Proper inspection of lifting tools and
tackles before start the work,
Tower erection • Competent Riggers and Necessary
26 through Derrick PPE's.
• Before use inspect the derrick pole by
Experienced person.
Non- Damage/bend of Damage of • Hook welding must be inspected by
2 3 6 Low
Routine derrick Material welding inspector,
• Engineering controls,
• Supervisor control.
• Authorized and competent operator.
• Healthy condition of tractor should be
engage at site.
Hit, Run over, • Supervisor control,
Injury to • Housekeeping should maintain in
Using Tractor in Toppled & Fall of men. proper way,
27 Routine 1 3 3 Low
Erection activity materials Damage of • The path of the tractor is ensured plain
Material / and no person shall stand in front of the
Vehicle. vehicle, should be 3m away (beside) from
the tractor, and
• High visibility Jackets & Aprons and
• Competent workmen and fitter must
be engaged for the specialty task.
• Ensure competent supervision.
• No person shall stand beneath when
Fitter derrick is being hoisted.
ascending/ Injury to men • The person holding the bottom of the
28 Routine Fall from Height 2 3 6 Low
descending in / Fatality derrick must use fall arrestor or Hoisting
Tower of the derrick shall be carried Manually.
• Rope grab fall arrester must be used
during ascending or descending time.
• Daily tool box talk & ensure use of
mandatory PPE.
• Competent workmen and fitter must
be engaged for the specialty task.
Fitting of Fall of Person/ Fall of
29 Routine Injury to men 1 3 3 Low • Ensure competent supervision.
Diagonals Material
• Strict usage of double lanyard harness
& ensure use of necessary PPE
• Check for the maintenance of all Tools
Fall of material or
Erection of & Tackles’ before start of work.
30 Routine failure of tools & Injury to men 1 1 1 Low
Cross arms • Administrative control &
• While hoisting small pieces, use ‘S
“hook and they should be removed in
Erection Of such a way that the lower part of the
31 Routine Fall of Material Injury to men 1 1 1 Low
Peak piece must be secured by a person & this
must not obstruct by tower body.
• Engineering control & PPE.
Injury to • Ensure proper co-ordination and team
Fall of materials,
Erection men, work, nominate separate signal man.
32 Routine dangerous 2 2 4 Low
procedures damage to • Maintain good communication all the
materials time.
• In case of high winds work should post
Incidence fall of pone until wind speed is normal, before
Non- progressive stop the work ensure no suspended
33 Tower erection Fatal / Injury 5 1 5 Low
routine assembly structure loads left on tower structure,
due high winds • Clear all persons from possible hazard
zone for fall of material
Due to lightening or • Prior to start with any work at any
Non- induction effect of location ensures that two legs of the
34 Tower erection Fatal / Injury 5 1 5 Low
routine any adjacent live line tower must be connected to the
passing near by provided earth wire.
1) Vehicle must be checked by a
competent person before leaving the
2) Allow only authorize drivers with
Statutory documents.
Injury to 3) Driver should not be under any
Transportation men, alcoholic affect
of insulators Non - Road Accident, Fall Material 4) Administrative control & PPE
1 2 2 4 Low
from store to Routine Of materials damage, 5) Solar Blinkers and red flag should be
site. legal placed at transportation vehicle.
proceedings 6) Tool box talk to be conducted before
the work starts
7)Competent drivers must engaged for
the trnasportation work.
8) Good & adequate packing must be
provided for transporting of Insulators.

1) Required qty. of Insulator keep in row

Cut of the finger by & check one by one then clean properly.
Wash/clean of
2 Routine sharp edge of Injury to men 1 2 2 Low 2) Use appropriate PPE's
insulator 3) Tool box talk to be conducted before
the work starts
1) Wearing of full pledge PPE
2) Establish good communication
between co-worker (Like Walky talky)
3) Safety Harness must anchored with
vertical life line and adequate PPE must
Joining of be wear. 4) Tool
Damage of
insulators - Injure to hand when box talk to be conducted before the
3 Routine material & 2 3 6 Low
(string) & fixing Hammering the clip work starts.
Injury to men
of 'R'clip 5) No one allow to stand or work under
the work proceeding zone.
6) Tool bag should be provided to avoid
accidental fall of materials and tools.
7) Competent Supervisor control must
required to checking the task.
1) All T&Tackles should be load tested by
a competent authority & have valid test
2) Tools to be checked prior to work
(Tools&Tackles inspection checklist)
3) PPE
4) Tool box talk to be conducted before
the work starts
5) Competent workmen to be engaged
Arrangements Damage of
Non - Failure of Tools,Fall for speciality task.
4 for lifting of material & 2 4 8 Medium
Routine of materials 6) Full body safety harness must be
Insulator Injury to men
achored with vertical life.
7) No lone worker to be allowed to
proceed the work.
8) No work to be allowed without
supervisor control 9)
Guy rope is mandatory for lifting the
insulator 10) No
workmen allowed to work under the
suspended load.
1) Only experienced driver drives the
vehicle. 2)
Monthly atleast one time checked by
3) PPE
4) Tool box talk to be conducted before
Using of
Vehicle toppled/ Injury to men the work starts
vehicle(tractor ) Non -
5 Pollution of & damage to 2 3 6 Low 5) Competent workmen to be engaged
for lifting Routine
Environment material. for speciality task.
6) Full body safety harness must be
achored with vertical life line.
7) No lone worker to be allowed to
proceed the work.
8) No work to be allowed without
supervisor control

1)Always wear safety harness with

Non - Fatality or double lanyard when work at height.
Fall from height 1 2 2 Low
Routine Serious Injury 2) Rectractable fall arrester use when
working in Insulator.

6 fittings in 1) Follow the safe work method of Lifting
Injury to men
Cross arms Non - arrangement of insulator & aerial roller.
Fall of Material & damage to 2 2 4 Low
Routine 2) Guying arrangement &fix the arc
clip,Aerial roller properly.

1) Bind pp rope in insulator.

Damage of Insulator Damage of
Routine 2 3 6 Low 2) The pp rope must be fastening in
to hit in Tower body. Material
below the 3/4pcs of insulator.
1) Allow only authorize driving
2) PPE
Shifting of pilot Non-
1 Road Accident Injury to men 2 4 8 Medium 3) Ensure calibration certificate.
wire bobbins. Routine
4) Proper maintenance sould be ensured
by competent person.

The pilot wire

from the bobbin 1) Hand gloves are used to avoid cuts,
2 is removed and Routine Cuts & scratches Injury to men 2 1 2 low bruises & scratches due to barbing of the
loop is formed wire. 2) PPE
for paying out.

Hit by machine, run

Non- over by vehicle, (The
Injury to men 1 3 3 low
Routine jerk caused due to 1) The pilot must not come in close
uneven surface). vicinity of the live line.
2) Work shall be started and supervised
under experienced Supervisor
Paying out of 3) Ensure competent workmen to
3 Pilot wire deployed for the speciality tasks. 4)
through Tractor Mandatory PPE's must be weared.
5) Provide guardings for all rotatary parts
and make engineering controls.
6) Only knowledged sub contractors to
Non- be deployed for the special task
Electrocution Injury to men 2 4 8 Medium
1) Competent and experienced fitter to
be deployed.
2) Use retractable fall arrestor & pelvis
Fall of person (if
eye must be checked before sending the
Non- insulators detach
Injury to men 1 4 4 low material from stores.
Routine due to un-matching
3) Supervisor control and
of pelvis eye)
4) Necessary PPE's. 5)
Engineering controls must be provided
for rotating parts.
nding on roller
4 to passes the
pilot wire in side
of roller with the 1) No person shall stand beneath the
help of pp rope. suspended loads & where work is being
executed at elevation.
2) Supervisor must control activities and,
Fall of material Injury to men 1 4 4 low 3) Engineering controls for providing
barrication. 4)
Administraive controls to restrict the
unauthorized entry. 5)
Mandatory PPE's

1 The puller and Non- Damage to Injury to 1 3 3 Low 1) Ensure proper braking system of both
Tensioner are Routine material,Fall of men,Fatality machines & back stay arrangements.
kept at machinery at worst case, 2) Administrative control
predetermined Damaged to 3) Protect the area by fensing to control
place. The the unauthorized entry. 4)
tensioner & materials. PPE
puller are placed
such a way that
the load doesn’t
act on
tower. Generally
the tensioner &
puller are placed
at each Dead
end point. (The
tensioner /
puller must be
kept at a
distance of 200
m from
The back stay (2
no) is provided
at distance of
4.5m from the
machine. The
depth of the pit
for back stay
1) The wooden deadment (wooden log)
must be 1.5 m or
used must be above 600 mm dia and of
more. The
good quality wood (teak/red
length of the
wooden log Failure of the Tools &
Injury to 2) The anchoring point shall be in-
must be 1.5m or Tackles (Slings,
Non- men & between 20 to 30° 3)
2 more. The back- D’Shackles, Wire 2 4 8 Medium
Routine damage of Engineering control &
stay is provided rope etc.), Failure of
material 4) Check the physical damage of tools &
using a 16/18 the wooden log
tackles 5) All lifiting
mm wire rope
tools & tackles must be certified by
sling attached
competent thirdparty.
to a 10 ton turn
6) PPE
buckle. The turn
buckle is
connected to
the machine &
wire rope using
D-Shackle (10

1) The work is started only after the line

The pilot wire is
clearance is taken (if required) and
fed into the
ensured that the line is de-energized by
Tensioner &
Non- applying discharge rods after confirming
3 Puller, once the Electrocution Injury to men 1 5 5 Low
Routine thru induction tester. 2)
line clearance is
Engineering control 3)
taken for all the
Supervisor must control the activities.
line crossings.
4) PPE
1) Hand gloves are used by the persons
Cuts / scratches (due
holding the pilot wire on either sides i.e.,
Routine to handling of pilot Injury to men 2 3 6 Low
Tensioner & puller end.
2) PPE

The conductor is
first passed
through the
manually. The 1) Once the conductor is inserted, the
two ends of the sock is held firmly with the help of
conductor are binding wire to ensure that the
Hit by material
connected to conductor doesn’t get released from the
Non- (release of the
4 the head board Injury to men 1 4 4 Low socks.
Routine conductor from
through 2) Engineering Control
conductor 3) Administrative control
holding socks. 4) Supervisor Control
The pilot wire is 5)PPE
joined to the
head board with
an articulated

Fall of material (if the

The pilot is
pilot is tangled there
pulled from the 1) The conductor is initially pulled slowly
is chance of
Puller and load until it clears the ground level.
breakage of the
is given in the 2) This is followed to ensure that the
cross-arm )Hit by
Tensioner in Non- pilot wire doesn’t get tangled with rocks,
5 material (if the pilot Injury to men 1 3 3 Low
order to Routine bark of the trees & bunds of the fields.
is tangled in a tree
maintain the 3) Supervisor Control 4)
and the jerk caused
clearance of the Administrative control 5)
due to the sudden
conductor from PPE
release from the

For joining the 1) The conductor is pulled slowly from

Hit by material
conductor puller end to ensure that the conductor
Non- (release of the
6 during the Injury to men 1 4 4 Low held in the socks doesn’t get released.
Routine conductor from
paying out, the 2) Administrative control
ends of the 3) PPE
conductor are
joined using the
double end
socks. Once the
socks pass out
of the
Tensioner, the
conductor in
load is held
using come-
along clamp.
The ends are
then jointed
using a mid span
jointing kit
The come-along
clamp is held
with a sling (18
mm) wire rope
which is
fastened to
either a 1) All the tools (slings, pulleys, D-
deadment / stub Shackles, wire ropes, come along
of the tower. clamps, wire gripper) are inspected for
While fastening visible defects and the defective ones
Hit by material
to the tower Non- must be immediately rejected.
7 (damaged tools & Injury to men 2 4 8 Medium
stub wooden Routine 2) All tools & Tackles must have their
packing must be third party certificates. If not removed
provided, in from work location. 3)
order to prevent Administrative control
damage to the 4) PPE
chimney. The
clamp is
connected using
a 8 ton D-
After joining the 1) All the tools (slings, pulleys, D-
conductor, the Shackles, wire ropes, come along
Hit by material
mid span joint Non- clamps, wire gripper) are inspected for
8 (damaged tools & Injury to men 1 4 4 Low
protector is Routine visible defects. 2) All
provided & then tools & Tackles must have their third
the conductor is party certificates. If not removed from
Case I: Once the
reaches the
puller side the
dead-end cone
is pressed and
the dead-end is
fixed on the
Case II: Once
work location. 3) Administrative
the conductor
control 4) PPE
reaches the
puller point, the
conductor on
the tensioner
side is measured
and cut. Then
the dead-end
cone is pressed
and the dead-
end is fixed on
the tower.
Case I: The
conductor on Hit by material 1) The path of the lifty (4 -sheave pulley)
Tensioner side is (damaged tools & is cleared. 2)
again held using accessories / damage Competent rigger to be deployed.
come-along Non- due to abrasion with 3)Guy rope to be used to balance the
9 Injury to men 2 4 8 Medium
clamp. Using a Routine ground / sudden load. 4)
four sheave release when tangled Banksman to be provided for clearing
lefty, the with any ground the obstacles. 5)
conductor is obstructions) Engineering control 6) PPE
pulled back on
Tensioner side
till it reaches a
safe distance
from line
crossings & well
above the
ground level so
that it doesn’t
cause any
Case II: After the
conductor is
fixed on the
1) One person posted (provided with
tensioner side,
walky-talky & induction tester) at each
the conductor at
location where line clearance/road
some distance
crossing/village to be maintained from
from the puller Non-
Electrocution Injury to men 2 5 10 Medium existing Live line.
is held using the Routine
2) Warning tape to be provided for
avoiding un authorized entry.
clamp fixed to
3) Engineering control
the pilot. The
4) PPE
puller is
operated and
the conductor is
lifted until the
reaches a safe
distance from
line crossings &
well above the
ground level so
that it doesn’t
cause any
clamps are fixed
on the
1) Wooden blocks are provided on all
Damage to sides of the chimney & comealong
before the Non -
1 Chimney damage material & 2 3 6 Low clamps shall be tightened to its extent.
Tensioner. The Routine
injury to men 2) Engineering control
clamps are then
3) PPE
fastened to the
backstay (a 18
mm sling
fastened to the
chimney). The
load from the
Tensioner is
then slowly
released. The
conductor is
removed from
the tensioner.
2 Pulling of Non - 1) Damage of tool’s Failure of 1 4 4 Low
conductor: Routine and tackles. T&P's and 1) All tools and tackles should be
• Another come 2) Jerk caused due to Injury to men checked individually before using them.
along clamp is the uneven route of 2) The tractor route should be made
connected to the tractor. plain prior to the starting of the work .
the conductor 3)Electrocution 3) Winches must be used instead of
which is tractors.
connected to 4) Persons should be posted at all road
the four sheave crossings and clearance from existing
“lifty”. line would be conformed by site
• Load is applied Engineer.
on lefty by 5) Engineering control
tractor / winch. 6) PPE
• The conductor
in the stretch is
raised (Due to
applying load on
the tractor)
• Once the load
is transferred
from back stay
to the lefty, the
back stay
arrangement is
• If the rough
sag is not
achieved the
between the
four sheave
pulleys of the
lefty is too
small. Then the
conductor is
held in the
and the lefty is
• The load is
applied on the
lefty until
clearance from
existing lines is
• After sufficient
clearance is
achieved, the
Access to
One fitter
climbs on the
tower by using
double lanyard 1) Strict usage of Double Lanyard
safety belt Safety harness
Non- Injury to men
1 along with Fall of person 2 3 6 Low 2) Engineering control
Routine & Fatality
16mm PP rope 3) Supervisor Control
for making life 4) PPE
line for rope
grab fall arrester
& in-between
cross arm to
cross arm.
Fixing of Sag Non- 1) Self retractable type fall arrestor must
plate on Tower Routine be used for descending below insulators
(while descending below use fall
arrestor, fitters must not harness their
full body harness for insulators).
Fall of person while 2) Engineering control 3)
Inujury to
2 Lefty fixing on descending from 2 3 6 Low Supervisor Control
Non- men
Yoke plate of insulators. 4) PPE
1) No person must stand below
suspended loads. 2)
Administrative control 3)
Lefty connected Supervisor Control
to the Equalizer Fall of material Injury to men 2 3 6 Low 4) Area must be barricade by cautionary
pulley. tapes to avoid accidental entry
5)Banksman to be deployed for restrict
the workmen passing through the area.
6) PPE

The end of the

wire rope
passing through
the “lefty” is
1) To prevent any damage to the tower
passed through
parts wooden planks are used as packing
the single
wherever slings and sagging winch is
sheave pulleys
Injury to provided. 2) No
provided at the Non- Damage to the tower
men,Material 2 3 6 Low person must stand below suspended
end of the cross- Routine legs,Fall of materials
damage loads. 3)
arm, starting
Administrative control 4)
point of the
Supervisor Control 5)
cross-arm, waist
level of the
cross-arm and
near the leg of
the tower.
LIFTING THE 1) A plane track is found near the site and
CONDUTOR: the tractor is deployed there..
• The conductor 2) No person should stand near the
in rough sag is vehicles.. 3)
connected to Periodical maintenance of the
the lifting tractor(brakes, clutch self-ignition, gear
(Jerk caused due to
arrangement. Injury to assembly, button of the tyre must be
uneven surface of
• The wire rope Non- men, checked daily)
3 the tractor) Running 2 3 6 Low
end of the lifting Routine Material 4) One person must be ident ified for
over by machine.
arrangement is damage driving the tractor, only those persons
Tractor Failure
pulled with must drive the tractor.
tractor / tractor 5) One person must be identified as
mounted winch. signal man & he alone must accompany.
• The conductor 6) The tractor should have valid license
starts rising and he must undergone to defensive
slowly. driving training. 7)
• Once the load
on the sling
holding the
conductor in
rough sag is
reduced, the
Engineering control
sling is opened.
8) Administrative control
• Initially the
9) Supervisor Control
conductor is
10) PPE
pulled by
tractor but the
fine adjustment
is done by
sagging winch
• After fixing the
conductor in
final sag
position the
1) No person is allowed to stand in the
marking roller is
vicinity of 10 m from suspended load.
fixed at the end
2) Materials must not be dropped from
of cross arm.
height. 3)
•The end of the
Only trained team to deployed for the
conductor is
speciality task.
passed through Non- Fall of materials &
4 Injury to men 2 3 6 Low 4) Area must be cordened to avoid
the marking Routine Fall of person
unauthorized or accidental entry of
roller and
workmen or passing through
marking the
5) Supervisor Control 6)
exact length is
Administrative control
carried out.
7) Engineering Control
•The marking is
8) PPE
done by taking
that there is no
imbalance in
1) A small piece of GI wire (binding wire)
Once the
is tied to the mouth of the socks in order
marking is done Detachment of socks Hit by
Non- to prevent detachment.
5 the conductor from the conductor conductor, 2 2 4 Low
Routine 2) Administrative control
ends are end Injury to men
3) Supervisor control
4) PPE

•After the dead 1) No person is allowed to stand in the
end press is vicinity of 10 m from suspended load.
Injury to
completed, the 2) Strict usage of double lanyard & usage
Non- Fall of material & Fall men,
6 conductor is 1 3 3 Low of retractable fall arrestor by all persons
Routine of person Material
hoisted by using working on the tower.
a PP rope. 3) Administrative control
•The dead end 4) PPE
cone D shackle
is fixed to the
yoke plate of
the insulator.
7 RELEASING Routine Hit to the persons. Injury to men 1 3 3 Low 1) No one shall stand in the vicinity area.
THE - 2) Sorrounding area must be cleared
ARRANGEMEN before releasing the rotating sagg.
T: •After 3) Administrative control PPE
fixing the dead
end cones the
wire rope of the
connecting the
conductors is
slowly released
by rotating the
sagging winch
handle in
•At the same
time the lefty
end connecting
the conductor is
pulled so that
the lefty is
Once the load
on lefty is
1) The persons working at height must
reduced, the
always harness their full body harness.
sling passing Fall of person & Fall
2) Before opening the D-Shackle
through the of material
Non- connected to the sling, a PP-Rope must
8 equalizer pulley (Detachment of sling Injury to men 1 4 4 Low
Routine be tied to the sling for lowering the
connecting the from the hook of the
arrangement. 3)
sling of the lefty while lowering)
Administrative control
4) PPE
clamps is
Once the D
shackle is
opened the lefty
is released from
conductor. For
1) No person is allowed to stand in the
releasing the
vicinity of 10 m from suspended load.
“lefty” the wire
2) No body is allowed to stand near the
rope is made Hit by material(due
Non- tower and the person releasing the wire
9 into loops near to releasing loop of Injury to men 1 4 4 Low
Routine rope must position himself inside the leg
the leg of the the lefty)
of the tower.
3) Administrative control
• For releasing
4) PPE
the “lefty” the
wire rope
passed through
the sag winch is
10 •The person Non- Fall of material & Fall Injury to men 1 4 4 Low 1) Before detaching the come-along
detaches the Routine of person clamps, a PP-Rope must be tied to the
come along sling for preventing fall of material.
clamp and 2) The person should be wearing full
attaches it with body harness and should have rope grab
a PP rope. fall arresters on it.
•Two persons 3) Administrative control
on ground 4) PPE
slowly releases
down the PP
rope so that the
come along
clamp is
lowered to the
Now the person
on the top also
fastens one rope 1) Person must be wearing a full body
grab fall arrestor harness with a rope grab arrester
11 on either side of Fall of person Injury to men 1 3 3 Low anchored to the lifeline.
the rope and 2) Administrative control
descends 3) PPE
through the
1) Under no circumstances is a worker
allowed to be working alone at height.
2) Supervisor to make sure they have
enough climbers on site to work at
3) Supervisor to plan his workload to
ensure that a worker will never be
working alone at heights
4) No horseplay whiles you working at
climbers doing
5)Only employees with certificates to
crossings Serious
work at heights should work
Working at 2) Production injuries or
1 Routine 2 3 6 Low 6) At all times two climbers per work
heights pressure fatality can
3) Not having occur.
7)Supervisor to be on site at all times and
enough trained
supervising .
climbers on site.
8)Drop zones to be maintained on all the
work that is performed at height.( visible
cones to be used)
1)Rescue to be conducted within 7
2) Supervisor to remind climber to move
his legs as if he is cycling this will help to
1) Hanging in a full ensure blood flow to the brain
Body Harness for too 3) Supervisor to plan his work load to
injuries or
long and not having ensure that at least two rescuers are
fatality can
enough blood available in each team
occur .Panic,
Non- circulate to the brain 4) Inspection on the rescue kit to be
2 Rescue uncontrolled 1 3 3 Low
Routine 2) Not moving body conducted
parts when 5) Two rescuers per team
suspended 6) 1 rescue kit per team
3) Not enough 7) Emergency numbers and plan to be
y or death
rescuers available available and communicated to workers
8) Rescue drills and procedure to be
9) SCBA to be provided along with each
rescue kit.
1) Scaffolding hand over certificates to
be available at all times.
2) No work allowed commencing
without certificates.
3) Only approved scaffolding to be used.
4) Supervisor to insure correct placing
and back staying of the of the poles is
1) Equipment failure. 5) Only registered and certified
2) Falling of the equipment will be used
Erecting Serious
rugby poles, 6) Daily inspections by Supervisor of
Towers/Nets/sc injuries or
3 Routine 3) Collapsing of the 2 4 8 Medium scaffolding to be conducted.
affolding fatality can
scaffolding 7) Cross bracing of scaffolding to be
erection occur
4) Use of wrong practiced.
equipment 8) Drop zone to be practiced.
9) The MS to be followed at all times and
this has to be maintain when doing the
work on the crossing

1) Supervisor to ensure the correct size

of ladders being used.
2) Supervisor must make sure the ladder
1) Using wrong is secured properly to the Towers
ladder, 3) Climber to ensure there are attached
2) using an correctly to ladders
unsecured ladder Fall and 4) Inspection of harness before work
Climbing on the 3) Incorrect Serious commences
4 Towers & Using Routine /inadequate injuries and 2 3 6 Low 5) Job observations to be conducted
of mancage attachments fatality can 6) Updated certification of the Cage
occur should be available on site.
4)Equipment failure 7) Only trained personal to use the cage
5) Inadequate 8) Cage to be inspection before use
training of workers.
1) Supervisor to communicate method
statement to workers
2) Workers to concentrate when
climbing on and off truck.
3) Workers to wear proper PPE.
4) Three point climbing to be practised
5) Vehicle check sheet to be done
1) Improper Work 6) Proper communication to be
equipment, established at all times
2) Climbing on and 7) Only ropes with the proper tags to be
off from a truck Serious used when guiding and direction the
Working on the Non- improper footing & injuries or
5 2 3 6 Low load
back of a truck Routine support fatality can 8) Certified and colour coded slings will
3)lack of occur be used
concentration 9) No person to stand under a load that is
4) Haste being lifted
5) Struck by load 10) Proper communication to be
established with the rigger
1) Rigger to ensure the Load to be
2) No person allowed at the back of the
truck while moving
3) Lifesaving rule to be practices
4) The rigger to ensure correct stacking
of load on the truck
5) Disciplinary action will be taken if the
Serious lifesaving rule is broken
1) Unstable load
Non- injuries or 6) Communication and planning to be
2) Moving truck 2 2 4 Low
Routine fatality can established
3) Over reaching
occur 7) Stretching to grab a load is not
8) Job Observation and BBS to be
9) Employees to wait for load and not try
reach for it.
1) Before work commence the supervisor
to inspect the work area and ensure that
work is not conducted close to an
existing power source
2) No work allowed to be conducted if
the possibility exists that a worker can
make contact with a power sources
during a fall.
3) Safe working distances to be
1) Working to close
to an existing power
Minor to 4) Lock out Procedure to be followed
serious before work commence if Safe Work
Placing of the 2) Swinging into the
6 Routine injuries or 2 3 6 Low distance is not possible.
nets power source
fatality can 5) All crossing to be identified before
because of falling
occur work commences not possible.
6) All crossing to be identified before
3) Electrocution
work commences
7) Lock out Procedure for existing power
lines to be conducted only by authorized
1) Proper supervision to be practiced.
2) Supervisor to inspect work area and if
the possibility exists for induction (static)
earths to be applied before work
3) Only earths approved for 500kV with a
bolted type attachment head to be used
and use of gloves when applying earths
4) There should be sufficient clearance as
required by the blow-out analysis
5) Earths can only be applied under the
Supervision of a competed Supervisor
6) Supervisor to inspect and ensure
earths are correctly attached and
Minor to earthing procedure is followed.
1) Induction 7) In house training to employees for
Placing of Nets 2) Tripping of the Dx earthing to be conducted.
7 Routine injuries or 2 2 4 Low
on Towers Line 8) Life Saving Rule to be practiced
fatality can
3)Electrocution 9) Hand over procedure between teams
to be followed
10) Daily Earth inspections to be
conducted by the Supervisor before
work continue.
11) Supervisor responsible for the earth
attachments to be appointed by KPTL.

1) Proper supervision to be practiced

2) Lockout procedure to be conducted
only by authorized person
Minor to 3) Permit to be obtained before any work
serious commences.
Placing of Nets Non- 1) Not following Lock
8 injuries or 2 3 6 Low 4) Life Saving rules to be followed and
on Towers Routine out procedure
fatality can displinary action will take if lifesaving
occur rules is not adhered to
1) All workers to be informed of the
following Vertical and Horizontal
Proper Supervision practiced

Volts Vertical Horiz

kV Meters Meters
11 3.0 3.0
1) Not enough Minor to 22 3.0 3.0
Placing of Nets Non- 33 3.0 3.0
9 Clearance serious 1 2 2 Low
on Towers Routine 66 3.2 3.2
2) Electrocution injuries
88 3.4 3.4
132 3.8 3.8
220 4.5 4.5
275 4.9 4.9
400 5.6 5.6

1) Supervisor to complete the Work

Station Emergency plan before the work
Minor to 2) Proper Supervision practiced
1) Inadequate Project Emergency Plan to be discussed
Emergency Non- serious and
10 communication of 2 2 4 Low with all workers.
Response Plan Routine or fatality can
the Emergency Plan 3) Work station Emergency plan and site
layout to be communicated before work
1) Supervisor to ensure that 2 First Aiders
are available at all times.
2) Appointments to be available at the
work station.
3) Proper Supervision practiced, 2 First
Aiders to be available per team
4) First Aid Box to be available at each
work station.It should contains CPR
requirements like Ambubag & Mouth
blower, SCBA.
1) No or not enough 5) First Aider’s cell number, Name and
First Aiders available Minor Injury Surname to be written on the First Aid
Non- 2) No or incomplete cases goes Box
11 Medical 2 3 6 Low
Routine First Aid box worst and 6) First Aid box and its contents to be
3)No Ambulance serious Injury inspected daily by the First Aider before
Facilities work commence if the box is not sealed.

7) First Aid Box to be stacked according

to Department of Labor, the company
procedure and as a minimum standard to
the HSE Specification .

1) The use of flag man to be utilized , the

construction signage to be used, by the
supervisor to be informed of the
crossings method statement should be
1) Not making the 2) The local police to be advised so as to
public driver aware help with the crossing
of the construction Being hit by 3) The use of two way radio to be used
Stringing of
happening on the vehicles whenever there is crossing of the roads
12 Pilot cable on Routine 2 3 6 Low
roads. serious or 4) Continues supervision, tool box talk to
the public roads
2) Vehicles oncoming fatality be done and tell the employees of the
traffic 3) No dangers on working of the public roads,
Signages communication stringing file to be
available with all documents at all times
1) Method statement to be in place at all
the times.
2) Only competent climber should be
1) Not hooking at Falling from 3) Safety harness to be inspected at all
Pulling the Pilot heights, heights can times before use
13 cable over the Routine 2) Falling of the cause severe 2 3 6 Low 4) Certificates of fitness to be available
Towers Towers injuries or 5) Proper back staying of the Towers and
3) Working at height fatality proper compaction according to the
method statement

1) Proper supervision to be practised

2) Only competent operators will
operate mobile equipment
1) Incompetent
3) No Certificates are to be allowed on
site if the accreditations of the training
service providers have not yet been
Excavator and rock
4) The supervisor to use the local
2) Existing servitudes
Serious municipality map
3) No training and
injuries or
14 Excavation Routine equipment failure 2 4 8 Medium
fatality can
4) Attended none
accredited training
5) Listening to music
or the use of a
cellphone during the
1) Proper supervision to be practiced.
2) Site Engineer / Supervisor to inspect
and ensure shutdown procedure is
3) In house training to employees for
shutdown and LOTO jobs to be
4) Life Saving Rule to be practiced
1) No Shutdown 5) Hand over procedure between teams
Procedure to be followed
2) Not following 6) Shutdown inspections to be
shutdown procedure Electrocution conducted by the Site engineer /
3) Horseplay , Serious Supervisor before work starts and
4) Fighting & injuries or continue.
15 Crossing Routine 3 2 6 Low
Conflicts at multiple 7) Site Engineer / Supervisor is
workplace fatality can responsible for the shutdown ensurance.
5) No LOTO occur 8) Supervisor must ensure LOTO system
procedure to be followed at site.
6) Not following 9) Immediate reporting to be practiced.
LOTO procedure 10) Shutdown must be allocated by the
authorized authority of the Electricity
1) Supervisors to ensure no use of cell
phones are allowed while performing
lifting work.
2) Risks of using a cell phone are
discussed during Induction training.
1) Listening to music 3) No use of ear phones or ear muffs
or the use of a (music type) is allowed during work
cellphone during the hours to listen to music.
Serious 4) Operators are declared medically fit
processes of crossing
Non- injuries or before operating he crane.
2) Dehydration 2 2 4 Low
Routine fatality can 5) Disciplinary action will take place if
3) Medical conditions
occur found guilty of misconduct.
4) Losing
concentration during 6) Workers to stay hydrated.
lifting operation 7) Water is supplied on site.

1) Equipment controller, climbers and

supervisors are to be trained conduct
adequate inspections.
2) All equipment to be inspected by the
equipment controller before allowed
onto site.
3) Load test certificate to be available for
inspection at the work site
4) Proper storage of lifting equipment
1) Inadequate must be practiced
Inspections Serious 5) Monthly audits are conducted.
Non- 2) Improper storage injuries or 6) Safety Officer to conduct formal
2 2 4 Low monthly inspection on equipment
Routine of equipment fatality can
3) Failure of lifting occur 7) Supervisor to conduct daily
equipment inspections of equipment prior to use
8) Method Statement Job Observation
to be conducted by the Supervisors and
Site Manager to ensure adequate
1) All installations to be made according
to the design requirements.
2) Supervisor to conduct daily
inspections to ensure that installations
Non- 1) Incorrect injuries or
2 3 6 Low are done as required
Routine Installation fatality can
3) Quality Inspection Test Plan to be
followed at all times.

1) Supervision
2) Tools to be stored properly
3) All the nets to be properly secured to
the poles used for crossing
The towers to be secured and properly
1) Getting struck by Minor to planted
2) Falling objects Serious 4) Supervisor to inspect working areas
Routine 1 2 2 Low
example: tools and, injuries can before leaving site.
falling poles nets occur 5) The drop zone should be maintained
at all the times.( the visible cones to be
used at all times)

1) Employees to wear gloves during

The use of test pegs   1 2 2 Low pegging
2) Supervision
1) Supervision
1) Equipment failure 2) Daily inspections of the equipment
2) Using damaged 3) Only certified megger will be used
Routine megger and wires Minor shocks 1 2 2 Low Yearly equipment test to be done on
without proper equipment

1) Workers to drink at least 500ml of

Serious water every 3 hrs.
1) Dehydration
injuries or 2) Supervisor to consider 10min breaks
Routine 2) Very hot weather 2 2 4 Low
fatality can every 3 hrs. or less depending on the
occur heat
3) Supervision
1) Supervision
Loss of body 2) Worker to be moved from inside
fluid and excavation or shed
blood & 3) Immediate first aid to be given and
Non- Extreme taken to hospital.
1) Diarrhea 1 2 2 Low
Routine condition
ss and death
may occur

1) Working in the dark

Minor to 2) Supervisor to plan his workload to
Serious ensure that no work will take place at
1) Bad Visibility injuries or 2 2 4 Low night.
fatality can

Non- 1) Working when it is 1) No work will be performed when it is

  2 2 4 Low
Routine raining raining
1) Fall Protection Plan Risk Assessment
training to be provided by Fall Protection
Plan Developer and Risk Assessor to all
2) All Working at Heights Supervisors to
be trained
1)Incompetent Serious 3) All Supervisors to complete the
Non- Supervision injuries or following accredited courses:
2 3 6 Low 4) General Health and Safety course,
Routine 2) Inadequate fatality can
training occur OHS Act and Regulations course,
Incident Investigation and Root Cause
Analysis, HIRA course, Job Observations
training, Supervisors safety course
1) If a certificate expire the Supervisor
are not allowed to continue supervising
the team until he or she attended the
required training again.
2) Training matrix that include certificate
Non- 1) Re-certification expiry dates to be compiled and kept up
  1 2 2 Low
Routine due to date
3) Inspection of certificates during
monthly audits

Loading / Hit by falling Use of PPE like hand gloves, safety shoe,
unloading of material, Mechanical helmet; Continuous training to
1 tower material Routine failure,Falling 5 2 10 Medium personnel involved in lifting operations;
at store / site object / Stuck with Trained operator; Use fo Rigger &
mechanically object Banksman during lifting operations

Loading / Use of PPE like hand gloves, safety shoe,

unloading of helmet; Continuous training to
2 tower material Routine Fall of material 3 2 6 Low personnel involved in lifting operations;
at store Trained operator; Use fo Rigger &
manualy Banksman during lifting operations

Activity : Tower erection

Assembling of Exposure to sharp Minor cuts &

3 Routine 2 2 4 Low Conduct TBT regularly; Use of PPE
tower members edges injuries

Conduct of TBT daily before

commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Lifting & Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
erection of tie Non physical of all T&P's periodically. Trained
4 of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
beam routine Injury, operator;Use vertical life line and fall
people working
mechanicaly Fatality arrestor for free moving anduse tool
bags for avoiding the accidental fall of
tools.Trained and competent person
should allow to work at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Lifting & fitting
Non Mechanical failure; physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
5 of the leg 3 2 6 Low
routine Fall from height Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.

Conduct of TBT daily before

commencement of work; Effective
Mechanical failure; Minor cuts & supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Fall from height, Fall injuries, Regular 'on site' training;Use vertical life
Earthing of Non
6 of equipment on serious 5 1 5 Low line and fall arrestor for free moving
tower members routine
people working physical anduse tool bags for avoiding the
below injury accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Lifting derrick Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
for raising the Non physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
7 of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
cross section routine Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
members Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
Mechanical failure;
Lifting & fitting Serious supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Fall from height, Fall
of the cross physical Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
8 routine of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
section Injury, of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
people working
members Fatality line and fall arrestor for free moving
anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Lifting & fitting Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
of the cross arm Non physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
9 of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
section routine Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
members Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Erection of Fall from height, Fall
Non physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
10 tower basic of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
routine Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
body people working
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT before commencement
of work; Effective supervision; Trained
Placing of concrete Serious
Guying Non manpower; Use of appropriate PPE;
11 blocks in the river physical 3 3 9 Medium
arrangements routine Ensure fitness of all T&P's; Ensure
bed; injury
fitness of boat to be used for placing the
blocks in the river bed.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Fall from height, Fall Serious
Regular 'on site' training; Use vertical life
Tightening & of equipment on physical
12 Routine 4 3 12 Medium line and fall arrestor for free moving
final checking people working Injury,
anduse tool bags for avoiding the
below Fatality
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Activity : Conductor stringing
Jacking of Serious Conduct of TBT daily before
Mechanical failure;
13 conductor Routine physical 3 2 6 Low commencement of work; Effective
Hit by material
drums Injury supervision; Use of appropriate PPE
14 Placing of Routine Mechanical failure; Physical 2 2 4 Low Trained operator; Use fo signalman
tensioner &
puller at
Hit by material Injury during lifting operations
Mechanical failure;
Earthing of
Hit by material, Physcial Trained operator; Use fo signalman
15 tensioner & Routine 2 1 2 Low
Chances of sharp Injury during lifting operations
edge / cut
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
Lifting & fixing physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
16 Routine of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
of pulleys Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Mechanical failure;
Fall from height, Fall
Assembling of Physical Effective check of all hardware; Use of
17 Routine of equipment on 3 1 3 Low
insulator strings Injury appropriate PPE
people working

Conduct of TBT daily before

commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
Insulator physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
18 Routine of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
hoisting / rollers Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
Pilot wire physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
19 Routine of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
paying out Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.

Conduct of TBT daily before

commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
Stringing of physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
20 Routine of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
conductor Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Mechanical failure;
Serious Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Fall from height, Fall
Sagging physical of all T&P's periodically;Use vertical life
21 Routine of equipment on 4 3 12 Medium
operation Injury, line and fall arrestor for free moving
people working
Fatality anduse tool bags for avoiding the
accidental fall of tools.Trained and
competent person should allow to work
at height.

Conduct of TBT daily before

commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Fall from height, Fall Serious
Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
of equipment on physical
22 Clipping Routine 4 3 12 Medium of all T&P's periodically; Use vertical life
people working Injury,
line and fall arrestor for free moving and
below Fatality
use tool bags for avoiding the accidental
fall of tools. Trained and competent
person should allow to work at height.
Conduct of TBT daily before
commencement of work; Effective
supervision; Use of appropriate PPE;
Fall from height, Fall Serious
Regular 'on site' training; Ensure fitness
Final checking & of equipment on physical
23 Routine 4 3 12 Medium of all T&P's periodically; Use vertical life
testing people working Injury,
line and fall arrestor for free moving and
below Fatality
use tool bags for avoiding the accidental
fall of tools. Trained and competent
person should allow to work at height.

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