2012 DSE BIO 2 Full

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SECTION A Human Physiology: Regula Answer ALL parts of the question, 1,(a) Ina study about the replenishment of water alter exercise, participants performed exercise until they lost 1 500 mL, water, ‘They were then divided into 3 groups and asked to consume a 2 000 mL sports drink containing 0, 50 and 100 mmol / L sodium respectively, Urine samples were collected at I-hour intervals, for 6 hours and the net body fluid balance throughout the course of the experiment was determined. ‘The results are respectively shown in the Figures 1A and IB below: Key: O mmol /L sodium 50 mmol / L sodium = = = 100mmot/L sodium Figure 14 Figure 1B 450 1 000- 400 2g 350 F soo: = 300 ; oe 2 2s0 4° < a 2 200. 3 2 50 oon i z 100. = 3-1 000 50. o ee iio o 12 3 4 5 6 OSS Ma eee at ore: ce ator ' ‘Time (hour) Intake of Intake of sports drink sports drink (Describe the general patterns of the urine output after consuming drinks with different sodium concentrations. (4 marks) Gi) Account for the high urine output of the participants who consumed sports drink with 0 mmol / L. sodium. (4 marks) (iii) In terms of the replenishment of water, which sports drink would you recommend for athletes to consume after exercise? Explain your answer. (3 marks) 2012-DSE-BIO 2-2 1L(@) In the study described in (a), the participants performed exercise in a room maintained at 34°C and 60-70% relative humidity. (@ State two major ways in which participants lost water during exercise. (2 marks) (ii) If the temperature and relative humidity in the room had been set higher, it would have been dangerous to the participants. Explain why this is so. (4 marks) (ii) After the exercise, the breathing rate ofthe participants remained ata fairly high level. Explain the significance of this G marks) 2012-DSE-BIO2-3 3 SECTION B Applied Ecology ‘Answer AIL parts of the question. 2(a) In shifting agriculture, plots of land on hillslopes are cleared of trees so as to grow crops, ‘The trees are then burnt and the ash is dispersed throughout the field as fertilizer. After growing crops for several years, until the soil loses its fertility, the land will be abandoned. After a period of time, the land will be recolonized by natural vegetation. Figure 2A below shows the annual runoff (water run off from sol) at 3 different stages of shifting agriculture: Figure 24 E20 5 é § a Binge | Stage I Stage Ii actively growing crop abandoned land vegetation restored (i) Briefly describe the process in Stage II that leads to the restoration of the natural vegetation in Stage ML G marks) (ii) Suggest two agricultural activities which could account for the difference in the annual runoff between Stage I and Stage IL (6 marks) (iii) As soil mutrients are depleted in Stage 1, the leaves of the crops become yellow, Which soil nutrient is probably lacking? Explain your answer (2 marks) Gv) State 80 ways in which soil nutrients are lost from land (2 marks) 2012-DSE-BIO2-4 4 2.(b) An artificial reef (AR) is a man-made structure deployed on the seabed to enhance biodiversity. A ten-year study was carried out on a sandy seabed to investigate the effect of an AR on the number of fish species. The number of fish species at the AR site (around and within AR) was compared with another similar sandy seabed area nearby. The results are shown in Figure 2B below: Figure 2B —@ ARsite —o~ Sandy seabed area ‘Number of fish species ORE gregaria pee op ‘Year after the deployment of AR (Compare the results obtained in terms of the number of fish species at the AR site and the sandy seabed area, (3 marks) Gi) Explain why AR has an effect on the number of fish species at the AR site, (3 marks) (ii) Give to criteria for the selection of suitable materials for AR construetion and explain the importance of these criteria, (2 marks) 2012-DSB-BIO2-5 5 Gooniothenedtpage > SECTION C — Microorganisms and Humans Answer ALL parts of the question. 3.(@)_ Viruses that infect bacteria may be used to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in food production tines. Figure 3A below indicates variations in the population size of a virus and its bacterial host: Figure 3A Phase I Phase 1 | Phase III Population size (arbitrary unit) ‘Time (min) (__Whatis the importance of the bacterial host to the virus? (1 mark) (i) With reference to the life cyele of viruses, explain the difference in the virus population in Phase I and Phase II. (4 marks) (Gi) Explain the drop in the population sizeof the virus in Phase I, (1 mark) (iv) The results of scientific research have suggested that adopting such technology in food production ‘would be safe or humans. Why would it be safe? (2 marks) (¥) Compared to conventional disinfection techniques, such as UV irradiation and steam sterilization, viral disinfection has limitations. Suggest ve limitations. (2 marks) 2012-DSE-BIO 2-6 6 3.(b) The wild type and mutant of a bacterial species were examined for growth under different culture conditions. The mutants were unable to produce cell walls. Figure 3B below indicates the change in the cell number of the wild type grown in an isotonic liquid medium (A), the mutant in an isotonic liquid ‘medium (B), and the mutant in a hypotonic liquid medium (C) Figure 3B 5 e & = 8 0 “00 4200 2a 300 00 500 Time (min) (Suggest wo methods of determining the population size of bacteria in aliquid culture. (2 marks) (ii) With reference to the function of cell walls, explain the different growth rates observed for the two mutant cultures, B and C. (4 marks) (iii) What would happen to the population size of the wild type (A) ifthe culture at the 400 minute was mixed with an equal volume of the fresh culture medium? Explain your answer. (4 marks) 2012-DSE-BIO 2-7 7 Goontotenetpage > SECTION D Biotechnology Answer ALL parts of the question. 4a) Chemical X inhibits enzyme Y in photosynthesis and kills all plants. A scientist identified a mutant form ‘of enzyme Y that works properly in photosynthesis and is not inhibited by chemical X. He cloned the gene encoding the mutant form of enzyme Y and put it into a plasmid so that the gene can be transferred into some cells of a crop species. Figure 4 below is a diagrammatic representation of the process: Figure 4A DNA fragment Plasmid Gene encoding the mutant form of enzyme Y O Antibiotic resistance gene BD as Infect crop cells and incorporate the DNA fragment into the crop’s genome (i) Describe swo steps taken to put the DNA fragment into the plasmid. (2 marks) (ii) The scientist then transferred the plasmid into the cells ofa crop plant using Agrobacterium. After the treatment, only some crop eells have incorporated with the DNA fragment. (1) Explain why only some of the treated crop cells have incorporated with the DNA fragment. (marks) (2) How can the scientist identify those erop cells that carried the DNA fragment? (3 marks) (iii) ‘The scientist suggests that growing this genetically modified crop together with chemical X applied to the field ean greatly increase the crop yield. Explain the reasoning for this suggestion. (4 marks) 2012-DSE-BIO 2-8 8 4(b) A 25-year-old athlete, Keith, had nerve damage and became paralyzed. In view of the difficulties associated with tissue transplants, he proposed cloning himself, using the method used for Dolly the sheep, 50 as to get anerve for transplantation. He discussed his idea with a scientist. wo «i (i) Give two problems associated with conventional tissue transplants. (2 marks) Keith’ «a could not be put into practice, State one ethical reason to explain why not. (1 mark) ‘The scientist suggested that stem cell therapy may be a way of obtaining some nerve cells. (1) State one place in Keith’s body where stem cells can be obtained, (mark) 2) Describe how stem cells may be used to cure Keith, (3 marks) 3) Describe Avo limitations of using stem cell therapy in this case. (2 marks) END OF PAPER Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the Examination Report and Question Papers published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority at a later stage 2012-DSE-BIO 2-9 9

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