Music Video Project: Preproduction Storyboard Completed Production

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Music Video Project

Form- a short (2:00 min to 3:45 in length) music video. Audience- Your classmates. Topic- Music videos do
not necessarily have to have a topic. If you want to tell a “story” visually, as many music videos do, that is fine,
but you could also take this opportunity to string together loosely related images in order to create a mood or
feel to go with your song. Purpose- to entertain. Your sole purpose here is to make your video look as visually
interesting as possible. You DO NOT have to have someone lip-syncing the lyrics. If you do, you must have
the song playing on a portable device for the “singer” to hear while you tape in order for the syncing to work

Since most if not all of your audio will be your song, you do not have to write a script, though many students
find it helpful. You WILL have to draw a story board, which will be AT LEAST four pages front and back (46
frames). This needs to be completed BEFORE you film anything! The song, obviously, must be school
appropriate. You will need to attach a typed copy of the lyrics with your other preproduction paperwork. This
can be obtained on-line and cut and paste onto a word document. Please make sure the font is large and legible.

-At least 2:00 in length
- At least 35 different images or shots
- No shot on screen for longer than 6 seconds
- At least 30 cuts or transitions
- At least 5 video clips (as opposed to still clips)
-At least 10 CLEAR AND OBVIOUS examples of synching to the RHYTHM OF THE MUSIC. The more you
have the better. It would be AWESOME if EVERY EDIT (or close to it) was synced.
- Choose from music provided


Preproduction 05-24-2018 Storyboard 05-30-2018 Completed Production 06-07-2018

Now fill out the following for your brainstorming:

Song: _______________________________________________________________________

Artist: _______________________________________________________________________

What is this song about?

What is the mood or feel of this song? (e.g.: upbeat, frenetic, sad, angry, calm, etc…)

What is your initial idea of what you will show as we hear this song?

What different images could you use? List at least 20!

What ideas do you have to create a visually interesting video (special effects, strange edits,
fast/slow/reverse motion, etc…be specific! Reverse motion OF WHAT)?

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