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MAY / 2021



NO. MATRIKULASI : 010209070210001

NO. KAD PENGENALAN : 010209070210
NO. TELEFON : 01136164335
PUSAT PEMBELAJARAN : Sungai Petani Learning Centre

1.0. Task 1........................................................................................................................................3
1.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................3
1.2. Explain the difference between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Composition Analysis
(BCA) in relation to the management of body weight....................................................................4
1.3. Conclusion................................................................................................................................6
1.4. Reference..................................................................................................................................7
2.1. Introduction...............................................................................................................................8
2.2. Discussion on the risk of health problems related to obesity that will affect a person’s
2.3. Conclusion..............................................................................................................................11
2.4. References...............................................................................................................................12
3.0. Task 2......................................................................................................................................13
3.1. Reflective Journal...................................................................................................................13
3.2. References...............................................................................................................................15

1.0. Task 1

1.1. Introduction

An individual's mass or weight is referred to as their human body weight. Weight is measured in
kilograms, a unit of mass, in nations that utilize Metric estimations, though it is decided in
pounds in a few nations, such as the United States.
Ideal Weight differs from the weight of a standard healthy individual supported age, gender and
height. A healthy BMI, also known as an ideal weight, is one in which your BMI is not
connected with an elevated risk of muscle mass illnesses and disorders. it's also important to
recollect that your BMI weight category isn't an indicator of your overall health. You're not
necessarily healthy just because you're a perfect diet. Being underweight or overweight doesn't
mean that you simply also are unhealthy. My objective of this assignment is to show the
differences Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Composition Analysis (BCA) in relation to the
management of body weight.

1.2. Explain the difference between Body Mass Index (BMI) and Body Composition Analysis
(BCA) in relation to the management of body weight.

Numerous individuals don’t get it the contrasts between BMI and BCA. Now, i would like to
convey clear definition for those weight measurements. BMI is stands for ‘body mass index’,
whereas BCA alludes to body composition investigation. There is a lot of cover, but there are a
few various areas. The BMI, for occasion, measures your body fat backed your current stature
and weight. This will be an honest foundation to assist determine your overall health, but by
itself, it's going to not provide enough additional information to assist assess health risk factors.
Accordingly, BCA adds more data because it takes under consideration the share of lean muscle
and the way it's distributed. Considers appear that in spite of the fact that BMI gives a few
valuable data, it's less advantageous than body composition. In other words, how and where you
carry excess weight is also an important factor to consider. It also can be used to help determine
your likelihood of developing certain diseases, like adult onset. Weight around your guts, for
occasion, increments your chance of cardiovascular illness. The trap isn't fair to scale back all
calories and diminish. The truth is that not all weights are designed to break even. Some weight
gain is due to active and metabolic tissue, while other weight gain comes from adipose (fat)
tissue. The BMI gives a concept of whether you would possibly be at a healthy weight, supported
your weight and height. You’ll effectively enter your data in a web calculator to look for out
your BMI, or calculate by hand utilizing the condition as BMI = [weight, in pounds / (height, in
inches x height, in inches)] x 703. However, Body composition doesn't check out your weight
directly. This is often frequently a measure of what extent of your weight comes from incline
mass, which consolidates muscle, bone, connective tissue and water, and the way much of that
comes from fat. If your weight is 150 pounds, and 120 pounds is lean mass, you've got a body
composition that's 20 percent body fat. Everyone's BMI should analyze for healthy life. Because
as we all know BMI is a measure which is that the ratio of your weight and height. This is often a
good method of measuring whether your weight is balanced together with your height. In fact,
knowing your BMI can assist you and your doctor determines the health risks you may face if
out of healthy range.
Below are the some example:
Being overweight can cause a run of constant conditions including:
• Type 2 Diabetes
• High vital sign
• Heart or blood vessel problems
• Cardiovascular disease
• Musculoskeletal problems

Being underweight can cause other health problems such as:

• Risk of malnutrition
• Osteoporosis
• Anemia

Meantime, BCA should analyst because an important a part of understanding one’s health is
distinguishing between what's healthy and what's not, especially when it involves fat.
Understanding the difference between thinness, leanness, overweight and obesity is vital for not

only health practitioners but also individuals. Human beings and health specialists can
collaborate to do a full therapeutic assessment, monitor body fat accumulation, and plan
appropriate workout, nutrition, and lifestyle modifications with a strong sense of muscle mass,
allowing people to take more control of their health. The most diverse is Body Estimations be
one strategy employments weight and midsection measures for guys and tallness and hip
estimations for females. In the interim, Body Mass Index happens file is way better marker than
stature and weight alone, but it does not provide as precise an evaluation of body largeness as
submerged measuring or estimating the thickness of the skin covering.

1.3. Conclusion

From my discussion I conclude if you are "Lean fat" it’s meaning you have a healthy weight
but higher body fat than healthy ones and you may be healthy by BMI, but still have a high risk
of developing obesity to related diseases. Most people lose muscle mass and gain fat as they get
older, so you have a higher risk of becoming "Lean fat" on the older healthy BMI you get.
Measuring body composition offers more insight into health and disease risks than BMI. Because
it measures how much of your weight comes from lean mass and how much comes from fat,
you'll get an idea of the risk of obesity related diseases, no matter what your actual weight is on
the scale. People who are at a healthy weight according to BMI will be considered and
overweight according to their body composition, so they will be informed of a higher risk of
obesity. On the other hand, a muscular person who has a "Fat" BMI will have a healthy body
composition due to lean mass and low fat levels. Body composition, on either hand, is harder to
quantify than BMI. Body fat scales and other methods of assessing body composition at home
are not always precise, and they can cause inaccurate estimates.

1.4. Reference

Brazier, Y. (2018). Measuring BMI for adults, children and teens. Medical News Today.
Kacev, T. (2019). The Importance of Body Composition. Retrieved from Bulk Nutrients
Zierle, G. & Arif, J. (2020). Psychology Body Mass Index. NCBI.

2.1. Introduction

Having the body in good shape is often a dedication otherwise we won't be able to keep our
minds in good condition. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is usually an attraction for a few people
round the world. Being unhealthy can bring tons of consequences not something people want to
face. Eating less or more, not having enough of the nutritious meals we want on a regular basis,
or eating too many foods and beverages that are low in fiber or rich in fat, salt, and sugar are all
examples of poor eating habits. Our intake of supplements such as vitality, protein, crabs, crucial
greasy acids, vitamins and minerals, as well as strands and hydration, may be affected by our
destitute eating propensities. Smoking is often a dangerous lifestyle because it's an enormous
impact on our health. An unhealthy lifestyle nowadays ends in poor health. As early as possible,
we should always lead a healthy lifestyle. These inappropriate lifestyle choices are a significant
explanation for obesity. Within the following paragraphs I will discuss the risks of obesity -
related health problems which will affect a person’s lifestyle.

2.2. Discussion on the risk of health problems related to obesity that will affect a person’s

Obesity giving great impact in everyone lifestyle. Obesity is defined as an abnormal or

excessive buildup of fat that poses a health concern. In therapeutic wording, the word
“overweight” has come to be utilized as a thing as in, obesity and overweight as much as an
descriptive word. It’s a medical condition that raises your risk of developing additional diseases
and health issues. Obesity is frequently multifactorial, with genetic and behavioral factors
playing a role. As a result, treating obesity often includes far more than calorie restriction.
Supplementing a patient's diet with exercise, counselling and assistance, and, in some situations,
pharmaceutical can aid in their weight loss. Obesity is described as an abnormal or excessive
accumulation of fat that is harmful to one's health. Obesity is often caused by a combination of
hereditary and environmental influences. Obesity treatment usually requires quite just dietary
changes. Obesity has a harmful impact on nearly every part of one’s health, from reproductive
and cardiopulmonary function to cognition and mood. Obesity increases the threat of a few
weakening, and dangerous infections like diabetes and cardiopathy. This also lowers quality and
anticipation, and increases individual, national, and global health care costs. Obesity and diabetes
cause the release of inflammatory chemicals. Inflammation can weaken the immune system,
resulting in elevated blood sugar levels. Moderate weight loss can help those at high risk of
diabetes avoid or delay the progression of diabetes. Heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2
diabetes, gallstones, lung difficulties, and various cancers are all more likely if your BMI is high.
As a result of these changes, there is a higher risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and
cardiovascular death. People with a high BMI are more likely than those with a low BMI to
suffer from a stroke or heart attack. Obese adults had a 32 percent higher chance of having
coronary artery disease (CAD) than normal weight people, and obese people had an 81 percent
higher risk. Only about half of the increased risk of coronary heart disease linked to obesity is
related to excess weight's effect on cholesterol. Then, being overweight or obese raised the risk
of ischemic stroke by 22 percent and 64 percent, respectively. In a further Meta-analysis that
systematically accounted for heart rate, cholesterol, and diabetic, the associations were reduced..
Furthermore, the statistics indicate that these characteristics may operate as a mediator between
obesity and stroke. The link between obesity and cancer is less apparent than the one between
diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Because cancer is a collection of many diseases, this is the
case. Obesity has long been related to tumors of the esophageal, pancreas, colon, and rectum, as
well as breast, endometrium, and kidney. Many researchers have looked into the association
between overweight and depression because of the high incidence of obesity and depression, as
well as their specific connections to cardiovascular disease. Taking after that, whereas there's no
conclusive logical interface between weight and depression, conceivable causes include
inflammation, changes within the hypothalamic, pituitary adrenal pivot, affront resistance, and
social or cultural components. Obesity, on the other hand, might affect all elements of
reproduction, from sexual activity to conception. Obesity raises the risk of early and late
miscarriage, gestational diabetes, hypertension, and labor and delivery difficulties during
pregnancy. It also enhances the risks of having a child with congenital abnormalities by a little
percentage. Obesity has a less clear effect on male fertility. Finally, obesity reduces respiratory
function through mechanical and metabolic processes. Obesity has been linked to asthma and
obstructive sleep apnea, two common respiratory illnesses. Obesity can also result in a low-grade
immune disorder that impairs lung function. Alzheimers disease and dementia are scourges of

long-lived populations. Obesity, memory, and cognitive function all lead to this. Bones, muscles,
and joints are strained physically and metabolically as a result of excess weight. Obesity and
osteoarthritis of the knee and hip are both linked to obesity. Obesity also raises the risk of
musculoskeletal problems such as back pain, lower limb discomfort, and impairment. Excess
weight has been connected to a number of other health problems. Gallstones in men and women,
as well as gout, incessant kidney infection, and non - alcoholic greasy liver illness, are among

2.3. Conclusion

In conclusion, obesity is a very serious matter in today's society. The problem of obesity must
be addressed to avoid bad things that arise as a result. Obesity is one of the infections which is
caused by the carelessness of human being. Therefore, taking care of health is an action that
everyone should take. Society should take note of the matter with a balanced diet and exercise.
Time management has less impact on the occurrence of weight problems. However, if it is not
given emphasis, it will definitely be an unnoticed problem as the cause of contributing weight
and health problems. Be that as it may, it can be cured on the off chance that we see into it
admirably so that we may take a few thoughtful activities on amending it. In brief, all parties
ought to be concerned almost the spread of this problem for this problem can be illuminated to
form the long run of concordance and healthy.

2.4. References

Kezhen, F.(2017).Preventing Chronic Disease.Centres of Disease Control and Preventation.

Luppino. & Floriana, S. (2010) “Overweight, obesity, and depression: a systematic review and
meta-analysis of longitudinal studies.” Archives of general psychiatry.
Mukesh,S.& Majumdar,P,K.(2009). Occupational lifestyle diseases: An emerging issue. NCBI
Yasmine, S. (2020). The Difference Between Being Overweight and Obese. Verywell Health.

3.0. Task 2

3.1. Reflective Journal


This study referring to my views related to the issue of the activities of healthy lifestyles based
on my experience that may contribute to successful body weight management in lifestyle
adjustments. Youngsters and teenager's physical activity, food, sleep, and screen time are all
major concerns for physicians and society today. Social status has been proven to be influenced
by adequate nutrition, strength training, and relaxation levels, whereas excessive recreational
screen time was shown to have a negative impact on academic accomplishment. Furthermore,
while new analyses pointing out that research exploring prospective determinants of this link,
such as physical activity, food, sleep, media exposures, and economic factors, have been
disregarded, overweight and obesity have been associated to lower academic success.


Lifestyle is a way of life adopted by individuals, communities, and civilizations that is shaped
by physical, financial, social, intellectual, and religious contexts. The features of residents of a
territory at a specific period and place are referred to as lifestyle. It includes a person's everyday
activities, relaxation, and nutrition, as well as their occupational habits and capabilities. There
are various advantages to maintaining one's health and well-being. One of the benefits is that it
can aid in the treatment of chronic illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, and tumor (Morris, 2017).
Disorders are estimated to cost 35.8 million years of life, as per Habjouqa (2017). As a result, by
living a healthy lifestyle, they may help their bodies keep fit and enhance stability. Everyone,
regardless of sexuality, age, or status, can live a healthy lifestyle. To live a healthy lifestyle in
society, people must bridge the gap between what they eat and drink, as well as exercise or
engage in other good actions.

One of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle that might assist you in reaching your
desired weight is fitness. Continuous exercise, when accompanied with a healthy diet, is
beneficial to one's wellness. Thirty minutes of physical movement, such as walking, should be
done at slightest three to five times per week, in spite of the fact that working out numerous
times each week gives the most noteworthy wholesome benefits. This will help with good
physical weight control and lifestyle changes. Exercise is one of the most important aspects of a
balanced diet that can help you achieve your ideal weight. Physical activity can help with weight
loss and body composition in some circumstances. According to the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, decreasing 5 to 10% of our body weight lowers blood pressure, lipids, and
glucose levels. You may note that when you explore more, you will lose some larger mass. The
major essential to working out frequently in community is to strike adjust into anything
individuals eat and drink, as well as to work out or lock in other wellness activities. Determine
your BMI, which is a measurement of a healthy level. Raising your exercise intensity, for
example, can assist you in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. Lean protein, chickens,
fish, beans, eggs, and pistachios are also good choices for reducing inflammation and trans fat
levels in the body. A well-balanced diet, daily exercise, and behavioral therapy may help you

lead a healthier weight. The far more vital phase toward health and fitness is to keep track of
one's calorie intake. Next, it’s also crucial to eat foods that are low in calories, heavy fats,
cholesterol, sodium, and added sugars. Continuous exercise, combined with a good diet,
improves health.

Few folks, in my opinion, genuinely fit the criteria for a healthy lifestyle. Healthy meals and
drinks, together with strength training, may enable you to achieve and sustain a balance that is
right for you. A healthy weight can be achieved through a well-balanced nutrition, exercise
regime, and reducing occupational stress. Maintaining a healthy weight, getting enough sleep,
and controlling stress can all help you avoid certain health issues. A healthy diet would not only
lead to weight loss, but it can enhance your health and wellness as you become elderly. Both as
family work to develop good behaviors like getting enough sleep and avoiding television
viewing. Evaluate your BMI, which is a metric for determining a healthy weight. A nutritious
diet is a vital part of staying fit. We're all familiar with the essential nutrients and the concept
that eating more fruits and veggies and fewer refined carbs is suggested. Gain knowledge about
the important daily actions that both genders may make to manage their life.

As previously stated, the most important aspect of living a healthy lifestyle is creating a
balance about what individuals ingest, as well as working out or taking an interest in other useful
exercises. Many public enlightenment events regarding the significance of keeping a healthy
lifestyle have been launched in order to raise local understanding of the importance of doing so.
Despite all efforts to urge people to adopt a better lifestyle, the bulk of citizens ignores the advice
and remains to have an addiction to food. To continue, children must understand the value of
leading a healthy lifestyle, keeping track of their calorie consumption, staying physically active,
and trying to control their emotions well. A healthy lifestyle does not need the purchase of a
high-priced gym membership or the eating of just expensive natural produce. Nutrition monitor
and workout diaries are two key technologies that can be used to assist someone in living a
healthy lifestyle. People might live a healthy life in a variety of ways. A sound way of life is
characterized as a way of life that diminishes the chance of genuine ailment or untimely death.


Proper nutrition is a crucial element of long-term health, but finding the perfect equilibrium
and navigating all of the myths and deceit about lose weight may be difficult. The common
phrase "health is wealth" has a lot of significance in our lives because health is regarded as the
most treasured asset for everyone. Obesity and overweight have health risks, but they are only
one part of a wider equation that includes daily caloric intake, nutrition, behavior, and some well
concerns. Using a combination of wellness and nutritious count calories to eat solid is more
useful than depending alone on calorie lessening.

3.2. References

Astrup, A. (1999). Macronutrient balances and obesity: The role of diet and physical activity.
Public Health .
Mozaffarian, D. Hao, T. Rimm, E, B. & Willett, W. (2011). Changes in diet and life style and
long term weight gain in women & men. N Eng Med.
MacLellan, D. Taylor, J. & Wood, K. (2008). Food intake and academic performance among
adolescents. Can J Diet Pract Res..
World Health Organization, Dietz WH. Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion. Can J Public


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