Sine Gauge

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JOMO KENYATTA UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE AND T ECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. | METROLOGY LABORATORY EXERCL Experiment One — Sine bar. in angle measurement and location of work. ue Tide: Application of the sine princip: 2. Theory: Metroloo ae 7 any angle to a given precision is one of the most important practices in auch as ship ae ae of measurement has got a great bearing to many engineering activities ce this \gation, ting as well as astronomy. However, in mechanical engineering é » Uuls aspect is indispensable in manufacture of interchangeable parts such as dies, jigs oma well as in inspection of machines and products : ae Hncae measurements, we have two kinds of standards viz.; line and end standards. In eo nents there is no absolute standard that have been put in place but the angles an be defined in terms of the length standards. The sine principle uses the ratio of the length of Sides of'a right angle triangle in deriving given angles. The devices used to provide the git ratios are the sine bar and the slip gauges. However, these are not complete in themselves, 4 Measuring instruments, a datum such as a surface plate is required as well as a dial test in ficator. Since the angle generated is dependent on the length measured, the accuracy of the lengths will thus determine the accuracy of the angle. 3. Objectives: : 1 Demonstrate the application of the sine principle in measurements, Establish the limitation of use of the sine principle 3 Determine the accuracy of the sine principle. 4 Use the sine principle to determine unknown angles of components. 5 Use the sine principle to locate any work at a given angle paratus: Sine bar (standard length 200mm) Set of slip gauges Surface plate Dial test indicator. Scale rule, Triangular metal pieces (at least three of different angles and shapes). 3. Procedure: Part 1. Determine the unknown angle. Relore starting the experiment; establish the following measurements A Diameters of the rollers B The distance between the axes of the rollers. i. Use the surface plate to provide the datum si Sot the stip gauges to a height, h. of the sine bar on the surface plate and the other on the slip gauges iy Place the component whose angle is to be determined on the sine bar such that its upper se ace is almost parallel to the surface table. Adjust the slip gauges until the DT} gives ne same reading on both sides i.e. (at point a and b) of the component as shown jn fig. )1 «Determine the angle using trigonometry, ci Repeat the above procedures for the angle of the triangular pieces iii, Place one of the rollers Part 2. 277 * ea profile projector to determine the angle of the triangular piece D nme wT ntal set up of work location Record your results in the table below. t Sine eo Ss i i DISCUSSION: Give the sources of-etror In this exoeriment and how they can be eliminated.

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