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qxd 10/14/04 8:58 AM Page 1424

Academy Report
Informational Paper
Drug-Associated Gingival Enlargement*
This informational paper is intended to provide the dental profession with an overview of existing evidence regard-
ing the prevalence, risk factors, pathogenesis, and clinical management of drug-associated gingival enlarge-
ment. J Periodontol 2004;75:1424-1431.

n increasing number of medications are associ- Calcium Channel Blockers
ated with gingival enlargement. Currently, more Antihypertensive drugs in the calcium channel blocker
than 20 prescription medications are associated group are used extensively in elderly patients who have
with gingival enlargement,1 and an estimated 5% of angina or peripheral vascular disease.3,9 The total num-
the elderly outpatient population in the United States ber of annual prescriptions for this class of agents has
is taking these medications.2 “Gingival enlargement” continued to rise in recent years.3 Gingival overgrowth
or “gingival overgrowth” is the preferred term for all associated with nifedipine was first reported in the early
medication-related gingival lesions previously termed 1980s and was soon also described with diltiazem, ve-
“gingival hyperplasia” or “gingival hypertrophy.” These rapamil, and in rare cases with amlodipine and felodip-
earlier terms did not accurately reflect the histologic ine (reviewed in reference 3).
composition of the pharmacologically modified gingiva. Immunosuppressants
Drugs associated with gingival enlargement can be Cyclosporin A (CsA) is a powerful immunosuppres-
broadly divided into three categories: anticonvulsants, sant widely used for prevention of transplant rejec-
calcium channel blockers, and immunosuppressants. tion as well as for management of a number of
Although the pharmacologic effect of each of these autoimmune conditions such as rheumatoid arthri-
drugs is different and directed toward various primary tis.10,11 Successful use of CsA in transplant medicine
target tissues, all of them seem to act similarly on a sec- has been limited by the development of prominent
ondary target tissue, i.e., the gingival connective tissue, renal, cardiac, and gingival fibrosis.12-15 Renal and
causing common clinical and histopathological findings. cardiac lesions may be so severe as to cause trans-
plant failure.13-15 Gingival lesions were reported as
soon as results of the first clinical trials of this med-
Anticonvulsants ication were published,16 and were more systemati-
Phenytoin remains the drug of choice for treatment cally examined in the 1980s.
for grand mal, temporal lobe, and psychomotor
seizures since it was first introduced in the 1930s.3 In PREVALENCE
the U.S., about 2 million patients take phenytoin for Accurate determination of prevalence rates in each
seizure control.4 The first reported cases of phenytoin- drug category is extremely difficult due to differences
associated enlargement appeared more than 6 decades in the reported prevalence rates. These differences may
ago.3 Since then, other anticonvulsant agents have be due, at least in part, to assessment of enlargement
been introduced that have frequently been linked to by medical versus dental personnel, differing indices of
clinically significant forms of gingival enlargement. For overgrowth, focus on institutionalized versus outpatient
example, gingival enlargement cases after chronic use populations, type of systemic condition being treated,
of valproic acid, carbamazepine, or phenobarbitone in age of the patients, other medications administered
adult patients have been reported but are rare or have simultaneously, poorly controlled underlying periodontal
been poorly documented.5-7 Vigabatrin is a relatively conditions, and other factors. Although the prevalence
new antiepileptic agent that can cause gingival over- varies greatly in different reports, the gingival enlarge-
growth.8 However, there has been no systematic ment prevalence in phenytoin-treated, non-institution-
attempt to study gingival enlargement in patients alized patients is about 50%.17
taking vigabatrin. Gingival enlargement in adult patients treated with
valproic acid is rare. However, there have been a few
* This paper was developed under the direction of the Research, Science
and Therapy Committee and approved by the Executive Committee of
reported cases in children.3 Earlier studies found preva-
the American Academy of Periodontology in July 2004. lence rates for nifedipine ranging between 15% and

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Table 1. trol17 and is commensurate
with the degree of plaque-
Estimated Prevalence of Drug-Associated Gingival Enlargement
induced inflammation.20,27 The
According to the Most Frequently Reported Prevalence Rates importance of plaque as a
cofactor in the etiology of drug-
Pharmacologic associated gingival enlarge-
Category Agent Trade Name Prevalence ment has been recognized in
Anticonvulsants Phenytoin Dilantin 50%6,17,23 the most recent classification
system for periodontal dis-
Sodium valproate Depakene, Depacon, Rare3,5,23 eases.28 In this classification,
(valproic acid) Epilim,Valpro “drug-influenced gingival en-
Phenobarbitone Phenobarbital, Donnatal <5%7 largements” are categorized as
plaque-induced gingival dis-
Vigabatrin Sabril Rare8 eases modified by medications.
Carbamazepine Tegretol None reported In support of this classification
system, plaque accumulation
Immunosuppressants Cyclosporin Neoral, Sandimmune Adults 25-30%13,21,24 was strongly associated with
Children >70%22
the occurrence of gingival
Calcium channel Nifedipine Adalat, Nifecard, 6-15%18-20 overgrowth both in an animal
blockers Procardia,Tenif model of CsA-induced gingival
enlargement,29 and in a large
Isradipine DynaCirc None reported
group of CsA-treated allograft
Felodipine Agon, Felodur, Rare3,20 patients using a multivariate
Lexxel, Plendil regression analysis model.30
Amlodipine Lotrel, Norvasc Rare3,20
In addition, it was shown that
patients with evidence of in-
Verapamil Calan, Covera, Isoptin, <5%25 flammatory gingival over-
Tarka,Verelan growth prior to initiation of
Diltiazem Cardizem, Dilacor, 5-20%26 CsA treatment are more likely
Diltiamax,Tiazac to develop severe gingival

85%;18,19 however, a community-based, well-controlled Other Factors

epidemiological study found that only about 6% of sub- As with most periodontal diseases, a multifactorial model
jects taking nifedipine had clinically significant over- appears to best explain the occurrence and distribution
growth.20 The prevalence with verapamil, diltiazem, of gingival overgrowth in patients, receiving medica-
felodipine, or amlodipine was significantly smaller.3,20 tions associated with this condition. This has been illus-
With respect to CsA, although reported rates vary, a trated in a large study of CsA-treated patients, which
review of the few well-controlled studies indicated that failed to fully explain the distribution of gingival over-
the overall rate is 25% to 30%.21 However, pediatric growth based solely on the level of plaque and gingivi-
heart-lung transplant recipients on CsA appear to be tis.32 Other factors affecting the occurrence of gingival
more susceptible to CsA-associated enlargement, with enlargement may include gender, with males being three
up to 97% of these children developing some degree times as likely to develop overgrowth,20 and age, which
of overgrowth.22 is inversely correlated.17,22,27 Although there are con-
A summary of estimated prevalence rates for flicting data with respect to the relationship between
drug-associated gingival enlargement is shown in severity of enlargement and daily phenytoin, CsA, or
Table 1. nifedipine dose, most studies have not reported a sig-
nificant association with dosage.3,33,34 Examination of
RISK FACTORS tissue typing data in transplant recipients has shown
Plaque that HLA B37-positive patients are significantly more
The severity of gingival enlargement in patients taking likely to show severe gingival enlargement, whereas the
these medications correlates well with poor plaque con- opposite is true about HLA DR1-positive patients.35,36

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Donor-host HLA mismatching was not correlated to the surface of larger lobulations,43 which have been asso-
degree of gingival enlargement.30 ciated with the presence of Candida hyphae invading
Interactions between simultaneously administered the gingival epithelium.43,44 Other investigators have
medications affecting gingival enlargement have also reported that tissues affected by CsA are generally
been reported. Chronic comedication with phenytoin more hyperemic and bleed more readily upon probing
and other anticonvulsant agents does not affect the than tissues affected by phenytoin.5
degree of gingival enlargement in adult epileptic
patients.37 However, CsA-treated patients are often on HISTOPATHOLOGY OF THE LESION
prednisolone or azathioprine as well, which can mod- An ultrastructural study demonstrated that the increase
ify the severity of gingival enlargement.38 In contrast, in gingival tissue volume is primarily due to a con-
patients on CsA who are also receiving a calcium nective tissue response rather than epithelial cell layer
channel blocker present with a greater severity of the involvement.45 The histopathology of the lesions in all
gingival lesions than patients medicated with CsA drug categories is similar and is characterized by exces-
alone.39 The choice of the calcium channel blocker sive accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins, such
used in conjunction with CsA can also affect the preva- as collagen, or amorphous ground substance.3,4,9
lence or severity of gingival enlargement. It has been Varying degrees of inflammatory infiltrate exist, while
reported that the prevalence of gingival overgrowth in an increase in the number of fibroblasts remains con-
renal transplant recipients maintained on CsA and troversial.46-48 The predominant type of infiltrating
amlodipine is higher than those receiving CsA and inflammatory cell is the plasma cell. Parakeratinized
nifedipine.40 In addition, when effects of a combined epithelium of variable thickness covers the connective
treatment of CsA and nifedipine or diltiazem were tissue stroma, and epithelial ridges may penetrate deep
tested in an animal model, CsA was found to into the connective tissue, creating irregularly arranged
synergistically enhance gingival growth with nifedip- collagen fibers.45
ine and to a lesser degree with diltiazem.41
ENLARGEMENT The mechanism through which these medications trig-
Clinical manifestation of gingival enlargement frequently ger a connective tissue response in the gingiva is still
appears within 1 to 3 months after initiation of treat- poorly understood. Because only a subset of patients
ment with the associated medications.42 Gingival over- treated with these medications will develop gingival
growth normally begins at the interdental papillae and overgrowth, it has been hypothesized that these indi-
is more frequently found in the anterior segment of the viduals have fibroblasts with an abnormal susceptibility
labial surfaces.3,9 Gradually, gingival lobulations are to the drug. Indeed, it has been shown that fibroblasts
formed that may appear inflamed or more fibrotic in from overgrown gingiva in phenytoin-treated patients
nature, depending on the degree of local factor-induced are characterized by elevated levels of protein syn-
inflammation. The fibrotic enlargement normally is con- thesis, most of which is collagen.49 However, results
fined to the attached gingiva but may extend coronally of a study comparing intraoral lesions with the pres-
and interfere with esthetics, mastication, or speech.3,9 ence of fibrosis at extraoral sites failed to show that
Disfiguring gingival overgrowth triggered by these the severity of gingival enlargement correlates well
medications is not only esthetically displeasing but often with the formation of fibrotic lesions elsewhere in the
impairs nutrition and access for oral hygiene, resulting body.50 Such enlargement cannot be considered a
in an increased susceptibility to oral infection, caries, consequence of systemic and/or genetic fibroblast
and periodontal diseases.11 hyperactivity. A limitation of this study was that the
Most drug-associated gingival enlargements appear conclusions were based on examination of extraoral
to be clinically indistinguishable, with the possible excep- tissues at the macroscopic level only.50
tions of phenobarbitone7 and CsA.5 In phenobarbitone- It also has been proposed that susceptibility or resis-
treated patients, the gingiva may be enlarged uniformly tance to pharmacologically induced gingival enlarge-
without lobulations of the interdental papillae, and ment may be governed by the existence of differential
severity of the clinical lesions has been reported to be proportions of fibroblast subsets in each individual
greater in the posterior as compared to the anterior which exhibit a fibrogenic response to these medica-
regions.7 In individuals immunosuppressed with CsA, tions.49,51 In support of this hypothesis, it has been
sometimes pebbly or papillary lesions appear on the shown that functional heterogeneity exists in gingival

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fibroblasts in response to various stimuli.49,52 It was trol, and regular periodontal maintenance therapy. A
further demonstrated that CsA could react with a phe- 3-month interval for periodontal maintenance therapy
notypically distinct subpopulation of gingival fibro- has been recommended for patients taking drugs asso-
blasts to enhance protein synthesis.53,54 ciated with gingival enlargement.63 Each recall appoint-
ment should include detailed oral hygiene instructions
Role of Inflammatory Cytokines and complete periodontal prophylaxis, with supra- and
A synergistic enhancement of collagenous protein syn- subgingival calculus removal as needed. In pediatric
thesis by human gingival fibroblasts was found when patients, it is recommended that parents also receive
these cells were simultaneously exposed to nifedipine oral hygiene instructions. In some instances, orthodon-
and interleukin-1β (IL-1β), a proinflammatory cytokine tic bands and/or appliances should be removed.64 An
that is elevated in inflamed gingival tissues.55 In addi- animal study has shown that topically applied 0.12%
tion to IL-1β, IL-6 may play a role in the fibrogenic chlorhexidine can reduce the severity of gingival
responses of the gingiva to these medications.56 A enlargement triggered by CsA administration65 and
reported histologic feature of CsA-induced gingival thus may be a valuable tool in the prevention and over-
lesions is a dramatic elevation in the expression of all management of gingival enlargement in humans.
IL-6 by cells within the gingival connective tissue.56
IL-6 appears to target connective tissue cells such as Treatment
fibroblasts both by enhancing proliferation57 and by Drug substitution/withdrawal. The most effective
exerting a positive regulation on collagen and gly- treatment of drug-related gingival enlargement is with-
cosaminoglycan synthesis.58 Therefore, this cytokine drawal or substitution of medication. When this treat-
has been proposed to play a pathogenic role in fibrotic ment approach is taken, as suggested by a case report,
diseases such as pulmonary and gingival fibroses.7,51 it may take from 1 to 8 weeks for resolution of gingi-
Fibroblasts derived from CsA-influenced overgrown val lesions.43 Unfortunately, not all patients respond to
gingiva “spontaneously” secreted higher IL-6 levels this mode of treatment, especially those with long-
than from inflamed or normal gingiva in vitro.59 In standing gingival lesions.3
addition, CsA, nifedipine, and phenytoin were found to Substitution of phenytoin with a different anticon-
synergize with IL-1β to further enhance secretion of vulsant has long been suggested as the treatment of
this cytokine by gingival fibroblasts in vitro.51 choice for the severely affected gingiva. Recently, the
feasibility of phenytoin substitution has increased with
Role of Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP) Synthesis the addition of a new generation of anticonvulsants
and Function such as lomatrigine, gabapentin, sulthiame, and topira-
Because most types of pharmacological agents impli- mate. Changes from nifedipine to diltiazem or vera-
cated in gingival enlargement have negative effects on pamil by the patient’s physician are an option.
calcium ion influx across cell membranes, it was pos- Changing hypertensive therapy from nifedipine to an
tulated that such agents may interfere with the synthe- antihypertensive of the same class, such as isradipine,
sis and function of collagenases.60 In support of this may result in regression of gingival enlargement.66
hypothesis, a recent in vitro study has shown that Tacrolimus (FK506) is an alternative immunosup-
human gingival fibroblasts treated with clinically rele- pressant for renal transplant recipients that has not
vant CsA doses exhibit significantly reduced levels of been associated with gingival enlargement. Switching
MMP-1 and MMP-3 secretion; these reduced levels from CsA to tacrolimus can cause significant resolu-
may contribute to the accumulation of extracellular tion or complete regression of the gingival enlarge-
matrix components.61 These findings were further sup- ment in renal transplant recipients.67 However, in heart
ported by an animal study that showed lower colla- transplant patients, if the patient is medically stable and
genase mRNA levels in situ accompanied by a side effects of immunosuppression with CsA are well
decrease in collagen phagocytosis and degradation.62 controlled, the cardiology team will frequently be dis-
inclined to alter the therapeutic regimen.43
PREVENTION AND TREATMENT OF GINGIVAL Non-surgical treatment. Professional debridement
ENLARGEMENT with scaling and root planing as needed has been
Prevention shown to offer some relief in gingival overgrowth
In the susceptible patient, drug-associated gingival patients.68 In chronically immunosuppressed patients,
enlargement may be ameliorated, but not prevented, papillary lesions present on the surface of the enlarged
by elimination of local factors, meticulous plaque con- gingiva have been reported to resolve using topical

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antifungal medications (e.g., nystatin lozenges).43,44 reported to prevent recurring overgrowth following sur-
Slight to moderate gingival enlargement following CsA gical treatment.23
treatment has also been treated with a short course of
azithromycin (3 to 5 days, 250 to 500 mg/day),69,70 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY: POTENTIAL
a semisynthetic macrolide derived from erythromycin SOLUTIONS TO AN AGE-OLD PROBLEM?
that does not affect cyclosporin blood levels.70 Find- Clearly, our understanding of the pathogenesis of gin-
ings from several case reports, two non-randomized gival overgrowth is incomplete at best; however, the
prospective clinical trials, and one randomized dou- development of novel preventative and therapeutic
ble-blind cross-over trial in CsA-treated renal trans- approaches to gingival overgrowth requires a system-
plant recipients suggest that if gingival overgrowth is atic approach. This should include the development
treated early with azithromycin, amelioration or com- and use of animal models of gingival overgrowth24,25
plete regression of the lesions is possible (reviewed in and organotypic-26,73 and single-cell culture systems,74
reference 70). The overall duration of the effects of which can be cross-correlated with human gingival
azithromycin ranges between 3 months and 2 years.70 tissue studies.75,76 The complexity of the events that
Another study contradicts these findings, showing that contribute to gingival overgrowth have yet to be fully
a 7-day course of azithromycin (or metronidazole) does realized, but will require molecular and high throughput
not induce remission of CsA-induced gingival over- approaches, such as reverse transcription-polymerase
growth, although it acts on concomitant bacterial over- chain reaction (RT-PCR), quantitative real-time PCR,
infection and gingival inflammation.71 and DNA microarray technologies.75,76
Surgical periodontal treatment. Because the ante-
rior labial gingiva is frequently involved, surgery is CONCLUSION
commonly performed for esthetic reasons before any The use of medications with the potential to contribute
functional consequences are present. The classical sur- to the development of gingival overgrowth will likely
gical approach has been the external bevel gingivec- increase in the years to come. Among the old and
tomy. However, a total or partial internal gingivectomy relatively newer pharmacologic agents involved in gin-
approach has been suggested as an alternative.3 This gival enlargement, overall, phenytoin still has the high-
more technically demanding approach has the bene- est prevalence rate (approximately 50%), with calcium
fit of limiting the large denuded connective tissue wound channel blockers and CsA-associated enlargements
that results from the external gingivectomy, thereby about half as prevalent. Current studies on the patho-
minimizing postoperative pain and bleeding. genetic mechanism of drug-associated enlargement
The use of carbon dioxide lasers has shown some are focusing on the direct and indirect effects of these
utility for reducing gingival enlargement, an approach drugs on gingival fibroblast metabolism. If possible,
which provides rapid postoperative hemostasis. treatment is generally targeted on drug substitution
Consultation with the patient’s physician prior to sur- and effective control of local inflammatory factors
gical treatment regarding antibiotic and steroid cov- such as plaque and calculus. When these measures
erage should take place in the immunosuppressed fail to cause resolution of the enlargement, surgical
patient.3 Another eminent complication is primary intervention is recommended. These treatment modal-
high blood pressure or high blood pressure secondary ities, although effective, do not necessarily prevent
to CsA treatment. If blood pressure is poorly con- recurrence of the lesions. Newer molecular approaches
trolled, surgical reduction of the overgrown gingiva are needed to clearly establish the pathogenesis of
should be postponed because of the risk of postop- gingival overgrowth and to provide novel information
erative hemorrhage. Sudden unnecessary changes in for the design of future preventative and therapeutic
dental chair position should also be avoided to pre- modalities.
vent postural hypotension.43
Treatment outcomes and recurrence rate. The recur- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
rence rate of severe gingival enlargement in CsA- or The primary author for this paper is Dr. Anna Dongari-
nifedipine-treated patients after surgical periodontal ther- Bagtzoglou. The editorial assistance of Dr. Christo-
apy was found to be about 40% within 18 months after pher Cutler is gratefully acknowledged. Members of
active treatment.72 Significant determinants of recur- the 2003-2004 Research, Science and Therapy Com-
rence were found to be younger age, gingival inflam- mittee include: Drs. Henry Greenwell, Chair; Joseph
mation, and poor compliance with maintenance visits.72 Fiorellini, William Giannobile, Steven Offenbacher,
Chlorhexidine (0.12%) oral rinse twice daily has been Leslie Salkin; Cheryl Townsend, Board Liaison; Phillip

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