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Lesson Plan

Teacher Candidate: Lauren Mosser Date: 2/24/22

Group Size: 25 students Allotted Time: 1 hour 10 mins Grade Level: Third

Subject or Topic: English Language Arts

Common Core/PA Standard(s)

Standard - CC.1.2.3.G Use information gained from text features to demonstrate
understanding of a text.
Standard - CC.1.2.3.L Read and comprehend literary nonfiction and informational text on
grade level, reading independently and proficiently.

Learning Targets/Objectives
The students will be able to demonstrate their comprehension and knowledge or determining
the main idea of a story, along with summarization, by completing and presenting a paper on
their chosen idea in nature
Formative Assessment Approaches Evidence observation or method of collection
1. Completed Paper or poster 1. The students will complete a paper
2. Group Discussion/ Presentations they started from the previous day.
3. Choice Activity 2. The students will listen and be
…. respectful to their peers as they share
their written papers
3. The students will be given the choice
to either compliment one of their peers
on their papers or write down 1 new
fact they learned during the

Assessment Scale for any of the assessments above if needed
- Written Paper/Poster
1. Students complete a short paper using at least 2 resources - proficient
2. Students use only 1 resources - acceptable
3. Students do not complete the paper - not proficient
a. Full Rubric is listed in materials
- Group Presentations
1. Students are respectful to their peers and listen quietly - proficient
2. Students are talking and do not listen to their peers - not proficient

Summative if applicable
Subject Matter/Content to be taught in the lesson
- Knowledge of summarizing
- Knowledge of determining the main idea and key details
- Writing Skills
- Grammar skills
- Listening skills

New Key Vocabulary

- Why is it important to know about ideas we have learned from nature?
It is important to know all of the different ideas that came from nature because they are
around us everyday. It is important to understand where things came from and how
they got here as they are part of our daily lives. It allows us to gain a greater
understanding of what we use and how we live.

Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies
- To begin today’s lesson I will tell the students that they have been doing a great job
participating and being excellent students.
- I will then tell the students that today we have a lot to accomplish and I am excited to
hear everything that they have been writing about.
- I will ask the students if they remember the pretest I gave them on Tuesday.
- After the students respond I will ask them if they took that test again, would they know
all the answers.
- After the students respond I will tell them that they will be taking that test again, and
that they are experts on everything that is on that test.
- I will tell the students that on today’s agenda we are going to take the post test, finish
up our writing and drawings and have a presentation day.
- Before beginning the post test I will tell the students that there is nothing new on the
test, and it reviews everything we have learned in the unit. I will review the questions
with the students before handing it out.
Development/Teaching Approaches
- Before handing it out I will also tell the students that if they are not done with their
writing that they are to finish it right after they turn in their test.
- I will tell the students that if they are done with the paper and picture, they may go on
their laptops to practice reading skills or independently read.
- As the students complete their tests, they will then complete everything that is required
for the project.
- After all the students are done and have their writing or posters and have them in front
of them I will tell them that we are going to start our presentations. I will tell the
students that during the presentations they have the choice to either compliment one of
their classmates on their paper, or write down one new fact that they learned.
- I will tell the students that I have popcorn for them to eat while they listen to their
- I will tell the students that they should be quiet and respectful to their classmates and
ask the students ways we can be respectful.
- I will then have students be my helpers and pass out the popcorn with me.
- As the students come up to the front of the room they will be given the microphone, to
show that they are the only ones that should be talking at that time.
- I will remind the students that I brought in popcorn and we are doing this because they
have worked so hard the past few days.
- The students and I will listen to their peers and give a compliment or write down one
new fact as they present. ( I will do this as well to model what they students should be
doing and take notes on what the students have learned).

Closure/Summarizing Strategies
—- I am expecting this to take the whole class period counting on all of the students wanting
to share and get the “microphone”
- As the class period is coming to an end, I will ask the students some of the biggest
takeaways they had from the lesson.
- I will tell the students how important all of the skills we learned are, as it will not be
the last time they see them.
- I will also remind the students that I use these skills all the time when I am in class and
make lessons for them.
- I will make sure the students are cleaning up after themselves and find a way to display
all of their projects.

- - Not based on the lesson, but I will bring a snack in for my Gluten-free student that she can
enjoy instead of popcorn
- For students that do not feel comfortable with going up to the front of the class I will read
their writing for them. The students still must write down a new fact or compliment their
peer’s writing during this time.
- For students that struggle reading out loud, I will help and guide them as they read.
- If time allows I will have the Kahoot up on the board for the students to complete before
beginning their post test. I will try to incorporate this during IE time or the AM ELA to make
sure students get a good review of the vocab. If there is no extra time I will begin the lesson
with a discussion on all of the vocab and the definitions that correspond to each of the words.

Materials and Resources:

Post test -
Student’s papers and drawings
Microphone (I will make one)
Kahoot :
Rubric for final project:
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels

Remediation Plan (if applicable)

We only were able to present about half of the class projects, however, in that half of the
projects, all of the students used 2 resources for their projects to summarize. These resources
included the text book and the different articles I made for the different ideas in nature. The
students’ presentations that I saw in this area were all proficient. The second area I was looking
at was if the students were being respectful to their peers and giving a compliment or new fact
they learned which they all completed as well.

Personal Reflection Questions

Did the students understand the point of doing this project?
The students fully understood the purpose behind this project. They were not only able to
summarize both the article I created for them and the text from their textbooks, but were also
able to use their creativity to show the information in a way that they felt most confident about
it. The students just about lost their minds when I showed them the microphone that I made for
them to use as they were presenting the projects, and were extremely respectful of their peers
while they were presenting their projects as well. As the students were sharing, they began to
understand the point of sharing their hard work. The students were seeing that even though
some of them were writing about the same topic, different students picked different
information they thought would be most useful. They found it interesting to see what facts
different students chose to write about and put together to create their projects

Did the students show new learnings from the content?

The students absolutely showed new learnings from completing their projects. The students
included this new information in their writing, and even came up to me while working to tell
me about a new interesting fact that they read about. Some of the students even asked if they
could share with me a fact that they already knew about the idea they were working on, which I
of course encouraged the students to do. The students were excited about reading about their
ideas from nature and learning more about them. I heavily focused on giving students the
choice to do what they wanted, while still holding all of the students to the same expectations,
and I think it really allowed the students to grow as a whole.

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