Exercise 1: Pertemuan 13 Reading Comprehension

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Exercise 1

This is where I work. The name of my company is Marshall

Publishing. I started working here six years ago. I spend a lot of
time on the phone, speaking to our clients, especially in Japan and
Saudi Arabia. It's lucky that they all speak very good English
because I don't speak Japanese or Arabic! I also do some work in
the advertising department of the company, helping to make
adverts for radio stations around the world. That's my favorite part
of the job.

It's not a big office and it's not very modern either, but we really
like working here. There's only one computer and there's a lot of
papers and files. It's like an office from ten years ago really. The
walls are gray, although they should be white. They are dirty and
we need to paint them again.

In my part of the office, there's me and then there are three others,
Lucy, Helen and Paul. Paul is the new one. He arrived only three
months ago. He was a lawyer before, then he decided he didn't
want to be a lawyer any more, so he changed his job completely. I
imagine he earns a lot less money with us! Helen arrived at Marshall
Publishing only a month or two after me. She's my best friend in the
office because we helped each other a lot when we were both new.
Lucy is the grandmother of the office. She started working here
almost twelve years ago, when the company started. Everybody
comes to her when there's a problem, when you have something
you don't understand. She's a grandmother in real life too: she has
6 grandchildren!

The manager of the office is Liam. He's 39 years old and worked for
a large publishers in London before taking this job. I think at the
beginning, he felt a little strange, like an outsider. Now, he's one of
the family. He's the best boss you could have!

1. This person is an editor.



     Not Stated

2. This person needs to speak other languages.



     Not Stated

3. The office is a modern one.



     Not Stated

4. Paul is the most experienced person in the office.


     Not Stated

5. Paul had a very different type of job before.



     Not Stated

6. Helen and Lucy don't like each other.



     Not Stated

7. Lucy has children.



     Not Stated

8. The manager has experience in other publishing companies.



     Not Stated

9. Text diatas termasuk ke dalam teks jenis apa?

Descriptive Text

10. Jelaskan generic structure dari text diatas?

 Identification : Mengidentifikasi objek tertentu yang akan

 Deskription : Menggambarkan objek dalam ukuran bagian,
karakteristik, atau kualitas.

11. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam Bahasa

Saya bekerja di Marshall Publishing selama 6 tahun, saya bekerja di

departemen periklanan, membuat iklan untuk stasiun radio di seluruh
dunia. Kantor ini bukan kantor yang besar dan juga modern, tapi kita
senang bekerja di kantor ini. Di bagian kantor, ada saya dan 3 orang
lainnya yang bekerja disini, Lucy, Paul, dan Helen. Paul adalah karyawan
terbaru, dia mulai bekerja 3 bulan yang lalu. Helen bekerja di Marshall
Publishing 2 atau 3 bulan setelah saya bekerja, kita saling membantu
satu sama lain saat kita masih baru. Lucy adalah karyawan terlama di
kantor ini, dia mulai bekerja 12 tahun yang lalu saat perusahaan ini baru
didirikan. Manajer di kantor ini adalah Liam, dia bekerja di penerbit besar
di London sebelum bekerja di perusahaan ini, dia adalah bos terbaik.

12. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam bahasa

I worked at Marshall Publishing for 6 years, I worked in the advertising

department, making advertisements for radio stations around the world.
This office is not a large and modern office, but we are happy to work in
this office. In the office, there are me and 3 other people who work here,
Lucy, Paul, and Helen. Paul is the newest employee, he started working 3
months ago. Helen worked at Marshall Publishing 2 or 3 months after I
worked, we helped each other when we were new. Lucy is the oldest
employee in this office, she started working 12 years ago when the
company was newly founded. The manager in this office is Liam, he
worked for a large publisher in London before working for this company,
he was the best boss.
Exercise 2

Eating Out
1.The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My
wife and I wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good
meal so we went to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown
Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main course my wife
ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate chocolate
cake topped with fresh cream. Delicious!

2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's

children. It wasn't very expensive and the menu was very limited.
We all had a burger and French fries, and drank cola. It wasn't very

3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The

waiters were all really friendly and polite, and they played
traditional sitar music which was very relaxing. The menu offered
vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice and a
sauce - it depended on how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef
curry but my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he also drank 2 liters
of water!!

4. My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very

popular type of restaurant in my country. It generally offers one
type of food (a kind of bread with cheese and tomato sauce) which
you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it. I asked for
olives and mushrooms on mine and my classmates each had
something different so we could taste a piece of each person's meal.
1. In which text did the person go there for a special occasion?  1

2. In which text did the person visit an Indian restaurant?  3

3. In which text did the person eat pizza?  4

4. In which text did the person eat fast food?  2

5. In which text did someone eat seafood?  1

6. In which text did the person talk about the atmosphere of the

restaurant?  3

7. Which restaurant was cheap?  2

8. In which text didn't the person enjoy their meal?  2

9. In which text did someone eat a very hot dish?  3

10. In which text did the person have a vegetarian meal?  4

11. Text diatas termasuk ke dalam teks jenis apa?

Recount Text

12. Jelaskan generic structure dari text diatas?

 Orientation: memberikan pengenalan mengenai tokoh, waktu dan

 Events : menceritakan urutan apa yang terjadi
 Re-orientation : penutupan apa yang terjadi

13. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam Bahasa

1. 2 bulan yang lalu terakhir kali saya pergi ke restoran. Aku dan istriku
pergi ke restoran mahal Italia di pusat kota Lisbon karena kami ingin
merayakan hari ulang tahun pernikahan kami dengan makanan enak.
Kami makan pasta untuk hidangan pembuka dan untuk hidangan utama
aku memilih ikan dan istriku memesan steak. Dan untuk hidangan
penutup kami memakan kue cokelat dengan topping cream.

2. Aku dan keponakanku pergi ke restoran kemarin malam. Restorannya

tidak mahal dan menunya juga sangat terbatas. Kami memakan burger,
kentang goreng, dan minum cola. Itu tidak terlalu enak.

3. Aku dan pacarku pergi ke restoran yang menyediakan makanan pedas,

karena dia menyukai makanan pedas. Semua pelayan sangat ramah, dan
mereka memainkan music tradisional yang sangat menenangkan.
Menunya menyediakan makanan vegetarian dan daging yang disajikan
dengan nasi dan saus. Aku memilih kari daging sapi tapi pacarku memilih
daging domba 'vindaloo'. Dia juga minum 2 liter air putih

4. Akhir pekan kemarin kelasku di universitas pergi ke restoran paling

populer di negara kami. Restoran ini menyediakan berbagai macam
makanan yang dapat memilih bahan makanan apa yang ingin
ditambahkan diatasnya. Aku meminta zaitun dan jamur di punyaku,
teman-teman sekelasku masing-masing memiliki pesanan yang berbeda
sehingga kami dapat mencicipi sepotong makanan dari setiap orang.

14. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam bahasa
1. 2 months ago the last time I went to the restaurant. My wife and I
went to an expensive Italian restaurant in downtown Lisbon because we
wanted to celebrate our wedding anniversary with good food. We ate
pasta for an appetizer and for the main course I chose fish and my wife
ordered a steak. And for dessert we eat chocolate cake with cream

2. Me and my niece went to the restaurant yesterday afternoon. The

restaurant is not expensive and the menu is also very limited. We eat
burgers, french fries, and drink cola. It wasn't very good.

3. Me and my girlfriend go to a restaurant that provides spicy food,

because she likes spicy food. All the waiters are very friendly, and they
play traditional music that is very soothing. The menu provides
vegetarian food and meat served with rice and sauce. I chose beef curry
but my boyfriend chose 'vindaloo' lamb. He also drinks 2 liters of water.

4. Last weekend my class at the university went to the most popular

restaurant in our country. This restaurant provides a variety of foods that
can choose what ingredients you want to add on it. I asked for olives and
mushrooms in mine, my classmates each had a different order so we
could sample a piece of food from each person.
Exercise 3

A Traditional Wedding
Everybody loves a good wedding and I'm no exception. I've been to a load of
them in my native Britain and I must say that I usually have a great time.
I've also been to a few abroad, including the Caribbean and Spain, and most
recently (last week in fact) to one in the mountains of Sardinia. No two
weddings are ever the same and I really enjoyed this one for one or two of
the differences from those in the UK.

First, the two families spent at least three weeks before the big day
preparing all the food, from wonderful home-made delicacies to simple
traditional breads and pastas. In my experience, in the UK that onerous task
is left to the caterers! In the week leading up to the wedding there is a
dinner or some form of celebration every day - training for the stomach I
guess. I know that we have the traditional Bachelor party and Bachelorette
party, but this is more family orientated and certainly a little less rowdy.
This particular ceremony was in a beautiful country church and afterwards
the couple was driven to the reception in a wonderfully decorated classic Fiat
500, which was really similar to what happens in the UK, even down to the
string of tin cans trailing behind the car!

The reception itself was also very similar until I realized that the seven
tables in the hall each sat sixty guests (that's four hundred and twenty, for
those of you who didn't study Math), an average number for Sardinia but
would be considered a very large wedding where I'm from.

The wine flowed, as did the chatter - the famous Italian exuberance showing
itself to the full. There were the five or six courses of wonderful food,
screaming kids running wild, the ceremonial cutting of the cake by the bride
and groom - but no speeches! Not one. In the UK it's traditional for the
father of the bride to propose a toast, followed by the groom and finishing
up with that of the best man. His is meant to be he highlight of the lunch \
dinner, generally having a good laugh at the groom's expense, but here the
groom was spared that particular discomfort.

Instead there was a delightful custom which I'd never seen before, in which
six or seven of the male guests pass round the hall banging trays, drums,
pots, pans or basically anything that makes a horrendous noise, selling
pieces of the groom's tie which has been cut into tiny bits. The money raised
is then given to the happy(!) couple to help them set up their new life
together. Really nice. Finally the evening saw a lot of traditional dancing, a
little disco dancing and some karaoke. Pretty much the part I like best, and
again I wasn't disappointed. Can't wait for the next one.

1. The writer generally likes weddings.



2. He didn't particularly enjoy the Sardinian one.



3. The families helped the caterers to prepare the food.


4. There is usually a dinner the night before the wedding.



5. The groom meets the bride outside the church.



6. UK wedding receptions are often a lot smaller than Sardinian ones.



7. The writer found it hard to understand the speeches.



8. The staff of the reception hall cut the cake for the guests.



9. There is an auction to sell the groom's tie.


10. The money from this helps to pay for the reception.



11. Text diatas termasuk ke dalam teks jenis apa?

Review Text

12. Jelaskan generic structure dari text diatas?

1. Orientation
2. Evaluation
3. Interpretative Recount
4. Evaluation
5. Evaluative Summation

13. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam Bahasa

Semua orang menyukai pernikahan yang baik dan saya tidak

terkecuali. Saya pernah ke beberapa luar negeri, termasuk Karibia dan
Spanyol, dan yang terbaru ke pegunungan Sardinia. Pertama, kedua
keluarga menghabiskan setidaknya tiga minggu sebelum hari besar
menyiapkan semua makanan, dari makanan lezat buatan rumah hingga
roti dan pasta tradisional sederhana.

Upacara khusus ini berada di gereja pedesaan yang indah dan

setelah itu pasangan tersebut diantar ke resepsi dengan Fiat 500 klasik
yang sangat indah, yang sangat mirip dengan apa yang terjadi di Inggris.
Penerimaan itu sendiri juga sangat mirip sampai saya menyadari bahwa
tujuh meja di aula masing-masing duduk enam puluh tamu, jumlah rata-
rata untuk Sardinia tetapi akan dianggap sebagai pernikahan yang sangat
besar di mana saya berasal. Ada lima atau enam hidangan makanan yang
luar biasa, anak-anak yang berteriak-teriak berlari liar, pemotongan kue
oleh pengantin perempuan dan laki-laki secara seremonial.

Alih-alih ada kebiasaan menyenangkan yang belum pernah saya

lihat sebelumnya, di mana enam atau tujuh tamu laki-laki melewati aula
membenturkan nampan, drum, panci, wajan atau pada dasarnya apa pun
yang membuat suara mengerikan, menjual potongan dasi pengantin pria
yang telah dipotong kecil-kecil. Uang yang terkumpul kemudian diberikan
kepada pasangan yang bahagia untuk membantu mereka mengatur
kehidupan baru mereka bersama. Akhirnya malam itu melihat banyak
tarian tradisional, sedikit tarian disko dan beberapa karaoke. Cukup
banyak bagian yang paling saya sukai, dan sekali lagi saya tidak kecewa.

14. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam bahasa

Everyone loves a good marriage and I am no exception. I've been

to several overseas countries, including the Caribbean and Spain, and
most recently to the mountains of Sardinia. First, the two families spent
at least three weeks before the big day preparing all the food, from
delicious home-made food to simple traditional bread and pasta.

This special ceremony was in a beautiful rural church and after that
the couple was escorted to the reception with a very beautiful classic Fiat
500, which was very similar to what happened in England. The reception
itself was also very similar until I realized that the seven tables in the hall
each sat sixty guests, an average number for Sardinia but would be
considered a very large marriage where I came from. There are five or
six amazing food dishes, children screaming running wild, cutting cakes
by the bride and groom ceremonially.

Instead of a fun habit that I've never seen before, where six or
seven male guests pass the hall banging trays, drums, pans, pans or
basically anything that makes a terrible noise, selling pieces of groom's
tie that have been cut small pieces. The money collected is then given to
happy couples to help them manage their new life together. Finally that
night saw many traditional dances, a little disco dance and some karaoke.
Pretty much the parts I like the most, and once again I'm not

Exercise 4

University Offers Computer Game


A Scottish University has announced a world first in the field of elite

academic achievement. It is offering a masters degree course in computer
games software engineering.

The University of Abertay in Dundee says it could put the city at the centre
of a multi-million pound industry.

Over £45bn will be spent on computer software in Europe this year, with the
games market making up a substantial share.
There are only forty places on the course. The course leader, John
Sutherland says he hopes that people will see that computer games are
about people as well as machines.

"Students will have to learn about how people see, feel and hear to be
successful in this environment" he said

"In the next five years the computer games industry will be worth more than
the entire cinema industry is today."

The University will be offering a Bachelors course in the same discipline in

the very near future and are in the process of building a new computer

Computer games technology, particularly virtual applications, have other

uses apart from entertainment.

Medical simulations for training surgeons and more realistic flight simulators
for pilot education are just two uses for the technology.

1. The university wants to teach people how to play games better.



2. There's a chance that the area might become very important for the
computer game industry if this course goes ahead.


3. The leader of the course hopes to expand people's understanding of
what computer games are about.



4. There is more money now in computer games than in the entire

cinema industry.



5. Only older, more advanced students can currently take the course.



6. The university is undergoing expansion to allow the course to take




7. The course is specially designed for professionals such as doctors and




8. Text diatas termasuk ke dalam teks jenis apa?

News Item Text

9. Jelaskan generic structure dari text diatas?

1. Newsworthy event(s)
2. Background event(s)
3. Sources

10. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam Bahasa

Universitas Skotlandia telah mengumumkan dunia pertama di

bidang pencapaian akademik elit. Ini menawarkan kursus tingkat master
dalam rekayasa perangkat lunak permainan komputer. Lebih dari £ 45bn
akan dihabiskan untuk perangkat lunak komputer di Eropa tahun ini,
dengan pasar game merupakan bagian yang besar.

Hanya ada empat puluh tempat di lapangan. Ketua kursus, John

Sutherland mengatakan dia berharap bahwa orang akan melihat bahwa
permainan komputer adalah tentang orang dan juga mesin. Universitas
akan menawarkan program Sarjana dalam disiplin yang sama dalam
waktu dekat dan sedang dalam proses membangun laboratorium
komputer baru. Teknologi permainan komputer, khususnya aplikasi
virtual, memiliki kegunaan lain selain dari hiburan.

11. Ceritakan Kembali teks diatas menjadi kalimat baru dalam bahasa

The University of Scotland has announced the world's first in the

field of elite academic achievement. It offers master's level courses in
computer game software engineering. More than £ 45bn will be spent on
computer software in Europe this year, with the gaming market a large
There are only forty places in the field. The course head, John
Sutherland said he hoped that people would see that computer games
were about people and also machines. The University will offer Bachelor
programs in the same discipline in the near future and are in the process
of building a new computer laboratory. Computer game technology,
especially virtual applications, has other uses aside from entertainment.

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