The West Conquest Laicka

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1607 1620 1621
1804 1849 1863
1876 1877 1890
Pocanhontas comes from the Powhatan’s tribe and she is the daughter of the
chief of the Indian tribe. They lived in America long before the arrival of
Christopher Colombus and the Europeans. When the settlers came colonized
their lands and built forts, the Indians captured John Smith, an European
captain. Pocahontas save him, then a little after, they fell in love.

There is a Disney adaptation.

The Pilgrims Fathers are a group of immigrants.
They land aboard the Mayflower towards Virginia but due to the weather,
they arrive in what is now Massachusetts. One month later, they founded
Plymouth (a city). They celebrate the first Thanksgiving with an Indian
Thanksgiving is an American tradition. It was celebrated to thank people and
God. It dates back to the 1620’s, the cold was getting harder and harder. The
Pilgrims try to survive alone. They might all have died that year if it were not for
the help they received from the Native American that lived in their area.
Squanto, an Indian taught the English settlers to plant corn, how to fish and
how to live in their new home. That fall was a good harvest, the Pilgrims
celebrate that for three days and they invited the Wampanoags to celebrate
with them. It’s the first Thanksgiving. And today many Americans continue to
celebrate this day with their family or friends.
Thomas Jefferson organized the mission to explore Western
territories and find a route leading to the Pacific Ocean. He
nominated Captain Meriwether Lewis and Lieutenant William Clark.
The expedition take place in the 19th century. Sacagawea was
bought by Lewis and Clark from Toussaint Charbonneau, her
husband. During the expetidion she was pregnant but she still
helped the men. She knew the science of plants and the forest, she
was a translator and an interprete. She found berries, nuts and
roots for feed them. And one day when the boat sank she jumped
into the water to safe the maps and books.

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