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1-Countries/ Nationalities / Languages 4-5

2-Days / Months / Seaons 6
3-Numbers / Years / Cardinal numbers 7
4-Ondalık/Kesirli sayılar/Yüzdeler/Para tutarının/Ölçülerin Okunuşu 7-10
5-Telling the time 11
5-Parts of speech ( Cümlenin öğeleri) 12-14
6- Sentence structure ın English 15
7-Subject Pronoun 15-16
8- Object pronoun 16-20
9-Possessive Adjectives 20-21
10- Mixed Exercises 21-23
10-Possessıve Pronouns 23-24
11-Personel pronouns Mıxed 24-25
12-Reflexive Pronouns 25-30
13-Indefinite pronouns 31-36
14-Forms of “OTHER” 36-37
15- Possessive ‘ S – OF 37- 40
16-Articles A / AN, THE 40-45
17- Sıngular and Plural 45-48
18- Countable / Uncountable 48-50
19-Quantıfıers 50-62
20- Verb “to be” 62-64
21- Yes / No Questions 64-65
22- Wh- Questions 65-71
23-Demonstratıves( This/That/These/Those) 71-73
22- Have got/ Has got 73-77
23- There is / There are 77-81
24-Preposıtıon of time 81-89
25-Preposition of place and movement 89-112
26-Present progressive(continuous) tense 112-115
27-Simple Present Tense 115-131
28- Frequency Adverbs 131-135
29- The Sımple present VS The Present Contınuous ( Progressıve) 135-147
30- Adjectıves 147-149
31- The order of adjectives 149-153
32- Adverbs 153- 156
33-Types of Adverbs 156-157
34- Adverbs of degree 157-159
35-Sentence adverbs 159-160
36- Focusing Adverbs 160-161
37- Adjectıves and Adverbs Structures( too-Enough/ too- Either/so that-such that/Quite-rather) 161-184
38-Comparıson of Adjectıves 184-194
39-As… As/ So … as / So and Such/ like 194-214
40-Superlatıve Degree of Adjectıves 214-218
41-Comparatıves VS Superlatıves 218-223
42-Comparative and superlative forms of adverbs 223- 230
43- Past Tense 230-233
44- Past Progressive (Contınuous) Tense 233-237
45- Sımple Past Tense 237-249
46- Sımple Past Tense and Past Contınuous Tense 250-253
47-Past Simple Tense or Present Simple Tense Exercises 253- 254
45- When and While 254-262
46- Used to/ Get used to/ would 262-265
47- Present Perfect Tense- Structure 265-272
48- Present Perfect Time Expressions– Since – For – yet – already – just – still – recently – lately
49-Sımple Past VS Present Perfect Tense 286-292
50- Present Perfect Continuous 292-300
51-Past Perfect 300-309
52-Past Perfect Contınuous 309-312
53-Past Perfect VS Past Perfect Contınuous 312-317
54-Past Tense Mıxed Revısıon 317-323
55- The Future with “ Goıng To” 323-328
56- Present Tenses for The Future 328-
57- The Sımple Future Tense 328-333
58- To Be “ Goıng To” / Wıll : Karşılaştırma 333-339
59- The Future Contınuous Tense 339-346
60- The Future Perfect Tense 346-352
61- The Future Perfect Contınuous Tense 352-359
62- The Future forms ( Mıxed Revısıon) 359-363
63- The Future ın The Past 363-364
64- Tag Questıons ( Eklenti Soruları)364-367
65- Tense agreement in time clauses 367
66- Modals ( Tüm Liste) 368- 371
67- Modals ( Can/ Could/ Be Able To/ Could Have Done)371-378
68- Modals ( Will/ Would)378-380
69- Modals ( Shall/ Should/ Ought To)380-385
70- Modals ( May / Mıght)385-387
71- Modals ( Must/ Mustn’t/needn’t and Can’t)387-392
72- Modals ( Have To/ Have Got To/ Had Better) 392-397
73- Had Better / It’s Tıme 397-
74- In Case / As If/ As Though(…Ir Diye / Sanki)398
74- Prefer To / Would Rather / Would Like( tercih Etmek) 399-403
75- Modal( Mıxed)403-404
76- Permission ( İzin alma / Verme) 404-407
77- Invitation( Davet), Request (Rica) and Suggestion ( Öneri)407-
78- Present and Past Possibility( Olasılık) and Probability ( İhtimal)
79- Prohibition ( Yasak)
80- Advice ( Tavsiye)
81- Obligaton( Zorunluluk), Lack of Obligation, Necessity ( Gereklilik)
Used to/didn’t used to/get used to/would 416
Can/could/be able to 417
82- Passıve Voıce( Edilgen çatı) 417-429
83- Passive Voice – Modals 429-448
84-IF conditional clauses 448-
85- IF conditional clauses TYPE 1 450
86- IF conditional clauses TYPE 2 450
87- IF conditional clauses TYPE 3 452
88- Other conditionals 453
89- Implied conditionals 455
90- Wish clause 456-475
91-Reported Speech( Dolaylı Anlatım)478
92- Reporting statements 480
93- Reporting Questions 485
94-Reporting Imperatives ( Emir ve Rica cümleleri) 486
95-Reported speech ( Mixed Types) 489
96-Noun clauses
96- Relative clause 505
97- Defining Relative clause 505
98- Non-Defining Relative clause 511
99- Relative clause,Noun clause or Adverbial clause 513
100- Reduction of Relative Clause 513
101- Cleft Sentences ( Bölünmüş cümleler) 515
102-Gerunds( İsim Fiiller) and Infınıtıves ( Mastarlar)
103- The Gerund 538
104- Infinitives 545
105- Gerund or Infinitive 553-570
106- The Causatıves 570-576 Cause and Effect
107- Conjunctıons( Bağlaçlar) 570
108- Coordinating conjunctions 570
109- Correlative conjunctions 578
110- Subordinating conjunctions 579
111- Time conjunctions 580
112- Place conjunctions 581
113- Manner conjunctions
114- Cause and effect conjunctions
115- Purpose conjunctions
116- Concession and contrast conjunctions
117- Condition conjunctions
118- Result conjunctions
119- Sentence connectors
120- Conjunctions, connectors, discourse markers
88-Phrasel verbs
90- Adverbial Clause of Consessıon
91-Adverbial Clause of Purpose
92-Adverbial Clause of Result
93-Adverbial Clause of Proportıon
97-Proverbs/ words of Wisdom

Ülke ismi Yazılışı /Türkçesi Halkına/Milletine verilen isim Konuştukları Dile verilen isim
Afghanistan /Afkanistan Afganie /Afkanistanlı Pashto /Paşto/ + Persian .Bknz. İran
Albania /Arnavutluk Albanian /Artnavut Albanian /Arnavutça

Algeria /Cezayir Algerian /Cezayirli Arabic /Arapça

Argentina /Arjantin Argentinian /Arjantinli Spanish /İspanyolca

Australia /Avustralya Australian /Avusturyalı English /İngilizce

Austria /Avusturya Austrian /Avusturyalı German /Almanca

Azerbaijan /Azerbeycan Azerbaijani /Azerbeycanlı Azerbaijani /Azerbeycanca

Belgium /Belçika Belgian /Belçikalı Flemish /Flemanca/ +French,German.

Brazil /Brezilya Brazilian /Brezilyalı Portuguese /Portekizce

Bulgaria /Bulgaristan Bulgarian /Bulgar Bulgarian /Bulgarca

Canada /Kanada Canadian /Kanadalı English /İngilizce/ +French

China /Çin Chinese /Çinli Chinese /Çince

Cyprus /Kıbrıs Cyprusian /Kıbrıslı Turkish /Türkçe/ + Greek

Czech Republic /Çek Cumhuriyeti Çek Ripablik Czech /Çekli Czech /Çekce
Egypt /Mısır Egyptian /Mısırlı Arabic /Arapça

Finland /Finlandiya Finnish /Finli Finns Finnish/Fince

France /Fransa French /Fransız French /Fransızca

Germany /Almanya German /Alman German /Almanca

Greece /Yunanistan Greek /Yunanlı Greek /Yunanca

Hungary /Macaristan Hungarian /Macar Hungarian /Macarca

India /Hindistan Indian /Hintli English /İngilizce/ Resmi Dil İngilizce + 20 farklı dil

Iran / İran Iranian / İranlı Persian /Farsça

Iraq /Irak Iraqui /Iraklı Arabic /Arapça

Ireland /İrlanda Irish /İrlandalı Irish /Geylik Dili/ + English

Italy / İtalya Italian /İtalyan Italian /İtalyanca

Japan /Japonya Japanese /Japon Japanese /Japonca

Lebanon /Lübnan Lebanese /Lübnanlı Arabic /Arapça

Pakistan /Pakistan Pakistani /Pakistanlı Urdu /urduca

Poland /Polonya Polish /Polonyalı Polish /Lehçe

Portugal /Portekiz Portuguese /Portekizli Portuguese /Portekizce

Russia /Rusya Russian /Rus Russian /Rusca

Spain /İspanya Spanish /İspanyol Spaniard Spanish /İspanyolca

Sweden /İsveç Swedish /İsveçli Swedish /İsveçce

Scotland / İskoçya Scottish /İskoçyalı English /İngilizce

Syria /Suriye Syrian /Suriyeli Arabic /Arapça

Thailand /Tayland Thai /Taylandlı Thai /Tayca

Turkey /Türkiye Turkish /Türk Turkish /Türkçe

United Kingdom Birleşik Kırallık/ + England British English /İngilizce

America /ABD/ + USA American/Amerikalı English /İngilizce

Venezuela /Venezuella Venezuelan /Venezuellalı Spanish /İspanyolca


EXERCISE 1-Complete the following sentences by writing the “Nationality Adjectives” and the “Languages” people speak.
A: Where do you come from? B: I come from Turkey.
A: What language do you speak? B: I speak Turkish.
A: What nationality are you? B: I am Türk.
Example : I come from Turkey, so I am Türk and I speak Turkish.
1) Sam comes from England, so he ……………………………….
2) Antonio comes from Spain, so he …………………………..
3) They come from Mexico, so they ……………………………………….
4) My parents come from Denmark, so they ………………………….
5) The musician comes from Egypt, so she ………………………………
6) These men come from Saudi Arabia, so they …………………………….
7) Those teachers come from Sweden, so they ………………………………
8) The woman comes from Georgia, so she ……………………………….
9) The tourists at this hotel come from China, so they ………………………..
10) My father comes from Norway, so he ……………………………………..
11) Those dentists come from Japan, so they …………………………………..
12) The students in our school come from Canada, so they ……………………………..
13) Nataşa comes from the Russian Federation, so she …………………………………..
14) We come from Germany, so we …………………………………..
15) That beautiful girl comes from Iran, so she …………………………………..
16) Jane’s brothers come from Italy, so they …………………………………..
17) These nurses come from the U.S.A., so they …………………………………..
18) Carlina comes from Brazil, so he …………………………………..
19) My cousins come from Turkey, so they……………………………………………..………………………..
20) Carmen comes from Greece, so she…………………………………..
21) Their brothers come from Portugal, so they…………………………………..
22) Our teachers come from Scotland, so they…………………………………..
23) That lady in red dress comes from Belgium, so she…………………………………..
24) That doctor comes from Poland, so he …………………………………..
EXERCISE 1-Complete the following sentences.
1) Seven days of the are ......................
2) The first day of the week ..........................
3) The day after Monday ..........................
4) The day after Tuesday ...........................
5) The day before Friday ...........................
6) The first day of the weekend ..........................
7) The day after today ...........................
8) The last day of the weekend ..........................
9) Saturday and Sunday .........................
10) The day before today ......................
11) The day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow ......................
12) Twelve months of the ......................
13) January, February, March etc. are ......................
14) The last month of the year ......................
15) The first month of the year ......................
16) The month before December ......................
17) The school starts in ...................... after summer holidays.
18) The last school month ...................... before summer holidays
19) The tenth month of the year......................
20) The third winter month ......................
21) The last spring month ......................
22) The very hot season ......................
23) The very cold season ......................
24) The first season is ......................
25) The season before winter ......................


100 = HUNDRED ( YÜZ)
1000 = THOUSAND ( BİN )
100000 = MILLION ( MİLYON )

YIL: 4 haneli bir sayı ise: önce ilk iki hane bir tam sayı olarak okunur, daha sonra diğer iki hane başka bir tam sayı olarak
MİLENYUM: ilk 100 yılı içindeki yıllar 4 haneli olsalar da bütün bir sayı olarak okunur, veya iki haneli iki tam sayı olarak
okunur.Milenyumlar her zaman tam sayı olarak okunurlar.
Yeni yüzyıllar tam sayı olarak okunur. "Thousand" kelimesi kullanılmaz, en azından geçtiğimiz bin yıl okunurken kullanılmaz.
YIL: 3 haneli yıllar: üç haneli sayılar olarak ya da bir haneli sayı ve onu takip eden iki haneli sayı olarak okunur.
YIL: 2 haneli yıllar ise: bir tam sayı olarak okunur. Herhangi bir yılı okurken öncesinde “the year” ifadesini kullanarak anlamı
daha belirgin hale getirebilirsiniz. Bu vurgu genelde iki veya üç haneli yıllar okunurken yapılır.
YIL: 0 (sıfır) yılından önceki yıllar BC eklenerek okunur. BC alfabedeki iki ayrı harf gibi telaffuz edilir.
Bu kurallar adresler okunurken de uygulanır.

Yazılı Sözlü
2014 twenty fourteen veya two thousand fourteen
2008 two thousand eight
2000 two thousand
1944 nineteen forty-four
1908 nineteen o eight
1900 nineteen hundred
1600 sixteen hundred
1256 twelve fifty-six
1006 ten o six
866 eight hundred sixty-six veya eight sixty-six
25 twenty-five
3000 BC three thousand BC
3250 BC thirty two fifty BC


Ondalık işaretini “point,” her bir basamak da teker teker rakam olarak okuyur. Ancak, para tutarı bu şekilde okunmaz.
Yazılı Sözlü
0.5 point five
0.25 point two five
0.73 point seven three
0.05 point zero five
0.6529 point six five two nine
2.95 two point nine five


Kesirli sayıların payı: sayma sayıları kullanılarak,
Kesirli sayıların paydası: sıra sayıları kullanılarak okunur.
Eğer pay 1'den büyükse, paydadaki sıra sayısı çoğul yapılarak okunur. Bu kural, 2 rakamı haricindeki tüm sayılar için
geçerlidir. Paydadaki rakam 2 olduğunda, pay 1 ise “half” olarak, pay 1’den büyük ise "halves" olarak okunur.
Yazılı Sözlü
1/3 one third
3/4 three fourths
5/6 five sixths
1/2 one half
3/2 three halves

Sayı okunur ve sonuna "percent" kelimesini eklenir.
Yazılı Okunuşu
5% five percent
25% twenty-five percent
36.25% thirty-six point two five percent
100% one hundred percent
400% four hundred percent


Para tutarını okumak için önce tüm sayı okunur sonra da para birimi eklenir. Eğer ondalık sayı var ise noktadan önceki ve
sonraki kısımlar ayrı ayrı okunur, okuduğunuz para biriminde madeni paranın bir adı varsa bu ad sona eklenir. Unutmayın ki,
normal ondalık sayılar bu şekilde okunmaz. Bu kurallar sadece para birimleri için geçerlidir.
Yazılı Sözlü
25$ twenty-five dollars
52€ fifty-two euros
140₤ one hundred and forty pounds
$43.25 forty-three dollars and twenty-five cents (günlük konuşmada "forty-three twenty-five" şeklinde kısaltılır)
€12.66 twelve euros sixty-six
₤10.50 ten pounds fifty


Sayı ve sonrasında da ölçü birimi okunur. Ölçü birimleri genellikle kısaltılarak yazılır.
Yazılı Sözlü
60m sixty meters
25km/h twenty-five kilometers per hour
11ft eleven feet
2L two liters
3tbsp three tablespoons


0 oh, zero, nil, love, nought ---
1 one 1st first
2 two 2nd second
3 three 3rd third
4 four 4th fourth
5 five 5th fifth
6 six 6th sixth
7 seven 7th seventh
8 eight 8th eighth
9 nine 9th ninth
10 ten 10th tenth
11 eleven 11th eleventh
12 twelve 12th twelfth
13 thirteen 13th thirteenth
14 fourteen 14th fourteenth
15 fifteen 15th fifteenth
16 sixteen 16th sixteenth
17 seventeen 17th seventeenth
18 eighteen 18th eighteenth
19 nineteen 19th nineteenth
20 twenty 20th twentieth
21 twenty-one 21st twenty-first
22 twenty-two 22nd twenty-second
23 twenty-three 23rd twenty-third
24 twenty-four 24th twenty-fourth
25 twenty-five 25th twenty-fifth
26 twenty-six 26th twenty-sixth
27 twenty-seven 27th twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight 28th twenty-eighth
29 twenty-nine 29th twenty-ninth
30 thirty 30th thirtieth
31 thirty-one 31st thirty-first
40 forty
50 fifty
60 sixty
70 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 a/one hundred
1,000 a/one thousand
10,000 ten thousand
100,000 a/one hundred thousand
1,000,000 a/one million
1,000,000,000 a/one billion

EXERCISE 1-Complete the following sentences.
1) Turgut Özal is the ………....…….. president of Turkey.
2) Pekin 2018 is the ………....…….. Olympic Games in history.
3) There are ………....…….. months in a year. July is the ………....…….. month.
4) There are ………....…….. days in a week, and Saturday is the ………....…….. day.
5) There are ………....…….. English teachers and ………....…….. mathematics teachers in our school.
6) There are ………....…….. provinces in Turkey now.
7) There are ………....…….. lessons everyday. The ………....…….. lesson on Monday is English.
8) Neil Armstrong is the ………....…….. man on the Moon. Edwin Aldrin is the ………....…….. man.
9) Pluto is the ………....…….. planet in the solar system.
10) Sertab Erener is the ………....…….. Turkish winner at Eurovision Song Contest.
11) My birthday is in the ………....…….. month of the year.
12) There are ………....…….. students in my class. There are ………………. girls and ………....…….. boys.
13) There are ………....…….. people in my family, and there are ………....…….. children
14) Who is the first Turkish President?
15) How many continents are there in the world?
16) Who is the first child in your family?
17) How many rooms are there in your house?
18) What is the last month of the year?


TO = VAR ( 31-60 DK ARASI )


EXERCISE 1- Write in the spaces the time given in words.
1) It is quarter past five. ……………………………
2) It is half past eleven. ……………………………
3) It is quarter to four. ……………………………
4) It is five to ten. ……………………………
5) It is five past ten. ……………………………
6) It is a twenty nine past nine. ……………………………
7) It is twenty nine to five. ……………………………
8) It is fourteen past twelve. ……………………………
9) It is forty four to two. ……………………………
10) It is twelve o’clock. ……………………………



TÜRKÇE CÜMLE YAPISI : Ben + bugün okula otobüs ile + gid – + iyor - um.
İNGİLİZCE CÜMLE YAPISI : I + am + go+ing to + school by bus today.


HE = O ( Erkek)
SHE = O ( bayan)
IT = O ( Hayvan, nesne,cansız varlık)
1- I broke the window. ( Ben camı kırdım.) = ( İNSAN)
2- The dog broke the window. ( Köpek camı kırdı.)= ( HAYVAN).
3- The wind broke the window. ( Rüzgar camı kırdı.) = ( NESNE).


RULE 1- TEKİL SUBJECT + TEKİL AUXILIARY ( am, is, was, has, does not, did not, can, may, must,..)
Tom(he) is a doctor.
ÇOĞUL SUBJECT + ÇOĞUL AUXILIARY ( are, were, have, do not, did not, can, may, must,…)
They are students.

RULE 2- SUBJECT: AND, OR, “,” ile bağlanmışsa

AND: çoğul auxiliary alır.
Tom and John are old friends.
My sister and I are at the cinema now.

AND with GERUNDS: Subject: Bir tane gerund + tekil auxiliary

Swimming is my favourite sport.
Swimming and running are my favourite sports.
Playing football and tennis is my daughter’s favourite sports.
Watching TV and reading book is my mother’s spare time activities.

OR: SUBJECT: Auxiliary yükleme yakın isime göre gelir.
John or his sisters are going to come with us.
His sisters or john is going to come with us.

“,”: Subject’ten sonra iki virgülle yapılan açıklama subject’i etkilemez.Yani auxiliary baştaki subject’e uygun olarak gelir.
The boy, with a dog near him, IS looking at us.
The doctors, without getting any payment, ARE trying to cure people.

RULE 3- SUBJECT : sözcük öbeğinden oluşuyorsa, sözcük öbeğindeki temel isime göre auxiliary belirlenir.
The doctors at the hospital have long working hours.
The doctor at the hospital has long working hours.
The result of your exam papers are very good.
The result of your exam paper is very good.

RULE 4- SUBJECT: ındefınıte pronoun ( someone, anything, nobody,..) + TEKIL AUXILIARY

Nobody is listening to me.
Someone has phoned you two hours ago.
Did anything disturb you?


Some books are very detrited.
Some of the books are detrited.
All the apples were corrupted.


All (of) the milk has soured.
Some of the soup is poured.
None of this story is correct.


Every answer was correct.
Each student has to enter the exam.
Either dress is suitable for the party.
Neither dress is suitable for the party.


Either of the hats is/are suits you.
Neither of the hats is/are suit you.


Each one of the girls has to clean the toilet once a week.
Each of the boys was ill last month.


Each student and teacher in our school IS responsible for keeping the school clean.
Every student and teacher in our school IS responsible for keeping the school clean.


The number of the students entering the university is increasing every year.


A number of students are behaving like a Primary school student.

TWO-FORTH( dörtte ikisi), ONE-THIRD ( üçte biri), TWENTY PERCENT( yüzde yirmisi) + ÇOĞUL İSİM = ÇOĞUL AUXILIARY
Almost one-third of the people are living at hunger limits.

The two-forth of the water has evaporated.


CAST: oyuncular CREW: Tayfa GANG: Ganster JURY: Jüri SCHOOL: Okul
CLASS: Sınıf CROWD: Kalabalık GOVERMENT: Hükümet PUBLİC:Halk TEAM:Takım
COMMİTTEE: Kurul FAMİLY: Aile GROUP: Grup STAFF:Personel AUDIENCE: Dinleyici

Bütün bir topluluk düşünüldüğünde: TEKİL AUXILIARY

The school is too large.You can lose your way inside it.
Topluluğu oluşturan bireyler düşünüldüğünde: ÇOĞUL AUXILIARY
Our school is/are going to have a theatre show on Saturday.
People, police, cattle : DAİMA ÇOĞUL AUXILIARY
The police are searching the missing child.
Most people are not sensible to enviromental problems.

I grow up so fast so my pyjamas are becoming so small for me.
The colour of the jeans that my mother bougth me are terrible.
A pair of tights is cheap in Turkey.

Mathematics is my daughter’s most successful subject at school.
The United Nations does not contribute to World Peace any more.
The news was very depressing last nigth.

One hundred TL is not too much for that shoe.
Twelve hours of work is too much for a working day.
Five hundred kilometres is too far to drive without resting.


The Turkish are very hospitable.
Turkish is too hard to learn.
The poor are getting more poorer because of the economic crisis.
The old are generally alone in most countries.


1- AM, IS, ARE
3- DO , DOES
4- DİD
6- HAD
7- WILL , CAN , MAY ,MUST, SHOULD , gibi

3-VERB : YÜKLEM ( İSİM , SIFAT , FİİL ‘den oluşur).

1-I am a student. ( Ben bir öğrenciyim) . ( Yüklemimiz isim’ den oluşuyor.)
2-I am beautiful . ( Ben güzelim). ( Yüklemimiz sıfat’ dan oluşuyor.)
3-I am going to school . ( Ben okula gidiyorum). ( Yüklemimiz fiil’ den oluşuyor.)


go (Gitmek) - talk (Konuşmak) - sleep (Uyumak) - play (Oynamak) - run (Koşmak)- walk (Yürümek)
Example: I go to work everyday . (Ben hergün işe giderim .)


handbag (Çanta) - armchair (Koltuk) - Window (Pencere) - eraser (Silgi) - notebook (Defter)
Example: There is a eraser in the handbag . (Çanta nın içinde bir silgi vardır.)


beautiful (Güzel) - Ugly (Çirkin) - old (Yaşlı) - young (Genç) - dirty (Kirli) - handsome (Yakışıklı) - short(Kısa) etc.
Example: I have a young father. (Genç bir Babam var.)



HIM= ONA ( Erkek) HİS= ONUN ( Erkek)
HER= ONA ( Bayan) HER= ONUN ( Bayan)
IT= ONA( Hayvan, nesne) ITS= ONUN ( Hayvan, nesne)





RULE 1- Normal koşullarda (yani, devrik yapı vs. bulunmayan durumlarda) İngilizce'de cümle iki unsurdan oluşur:


Mehmet geldi.
Mehmet came


TÜRKÇE CÜMLE YAPISI : Ben + bugün okula otobüs ile + gid – iyor - um.
İNGİLİZCE CÜMLE YAPISI : I + am + go+ing to + school by bus today.

RULE 3- İngilizcede istisnalar dışında cümle yapısı aynıdır. Yani cümle içindeki kelimeler kendi dilimizde olduğu gibi
değişmez ve devrik cümle kurulmaz. Bu da İngilizce öğrenenler için büyük bir avantajdır. İngilizce cümle dizilişini bir formül
gibi öğrenen bir kişi, dilin yapısını büyük oranda çözmüş olur.

İngilizce bir cümlede kelimeler,

Kim Ne yaptı Neyi Nasıl Nerede Ne zaman
şeklinde sıralanır.
Bu mantığa göre aşağıdaki cümleyi inceleyin.
Sue evde yerleri elektrik süpürgesi ile saatlerce süpürdü. (Türkçe sözcük dizilişi)

Sue cleaned the floor with a vacoom cleaner at home for hours.
Sue süpürdü yerleri elektrik süpürgesi ile evde saatlerce (İngilizce sözcük dizilişi)
Yüklem = temizledi
Kim = Sue
Neyi = yerleri
Nasıl = elektrik süpürgesi ile
Nerede = evde
Ne zaman = saatlerce

RULE 4- İngilizce cümlelerde yer belirten kelimeler, zaman belirten kelimelerden her zaman önce gelir.
We went to cinema yesterday. (Doğru cümle)
We went yesterday cinema. (Yanlış cümle)

USE 1- ZAMİRLER : Türkçe'de olduğu gibi isimlerin yerine kullanılır. Doğadaki her bir nesnenin mutlaka bu zamirler
tarafından bir karşılığı vardır. Cümlenin "öznesi" konumunda başta bulunurlar ve cümle içinde başka bir görevleri yoktur,
yerleri asla değiştirilemez.

I (Ben)
You (Sen)
He (Erkekler için O)
She (Kadınlar için O)
It (Cansız / hayvanlar için O)
We (Biz)
You (Siz)
They (Onlar)

USE 2- Zamirler: cümle içinde konuşulan kişinin kim olduğu belli olduğu durumlarda, ismi tekrarlamamak için de kullanılır.
Jack (He)
Sally (She)
Jack and Sally (They)
Jack, Sally and me (We)
My dog (It)
My dog and cat (They)
My dog, cat and you (You)
My dog, cat and me (We)
You and Joe (You)
Joe and Michelle (They)
TOM is a doctor. He lives in Ankara.

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite the sentences with a suitable pronoun ; Tim is a student. He is a student.
1) Maya is a literature teacher..............................................................
2) Jim and John are actors...................................................................
3) The man is in the car.......................................................................
4) The students are in the classroom....................................................
5) My parents are happy......................................................................
6) The mice are in the bathroom..........................................................
7) You and your sister are very clever.................................................
8) Milk is very useful...........................................................................
9) The cars are very expensive.....................................................
10) Our TV is in the living room............................................................
11) My children are twins......................................................................
12) People in France are very kind.......................................................
13) Where is the bus stop?.....................................................................
14) How old is your dog ?..................................................................
15) My neighbours are Chineese...........................................................
16) David and I are prep class students................................................
17) You and your friends are very polite ......................................................

18) Atatürk is the founder of the Turkish Republic..........................................
19) Japanese language is very interesting................................................
20) Nancy and we are good friends.........................................................

Nesne zamirleri: Cümlede nesne durumundaki ismin yerini alırlar.

I Ben Me Beni/Bana
You Sen You Seni/Sana
He O (erkek) Him Onu/Ona
She O (kadın) Her Onu/Ona
It O (cansız/hayvan) It Onu/Ona
We Biz Us Bizi/Bize
You Siz You Sizi/Size
They Onlar Them Onları/Onlara

USE 1- Şahıs zamirlerinin “ -İ, -E” halleri cümlede fiillerden sonra yer alır. Bu zamirler isimlerin yerine kullanılır ve
kendilerinden önce edat (preposition) olabilir.
I like Ayşe and Fatma. = I like them.

USE 2- İyelik zamirleri bazı fiillerden sonra “-İ, -E” hallerinin dışında anlam kazanırlar.
We met them at 9 00.
My sister talked to me.

USE 3- Object Pronouns bazen subject pronouns'a tercih edilir. "Be" fiilinden sonra genellikle object pronouns kullanılır.
- Who is it? - It is me.
- Who wants an orange? - Me, please.

USE 4- Comparative cümlelerde THAN ve AS’ den sonra Object Pronoun veya subject + auxiliary kullanılır.
My brother is taller than me. = My brother is taller than I am.
I love animals as much as him. = I love animals as much as he does.
- Jane is taller than me.
- He is as handsome as me.

USE 5- Prepositions'lardan (at, in, for) sonra genellikle object pronouns kullanılır.
- This invitation isn't for me. It is for you.
- Who is that woman? Why are you looking at her?
- We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with us?

Ancak özne ve nesne AYNI ise REFLEXIVE PRONOUN kullanılır.

She is talking to our father. = She is talking to him. = She is talking to herself.
I am thinking of my children. = I am thinking of them. = I am thinking of myself.

They have not got any pen on them.
We have looked around her.

EXERCISE 1- Replace the underlined nouns with the appropriate object pronouns.
1) Put your books and notebooks (.........) in your school-bag (...............).
2) Put the flowers (.........) in the vase (...............).
3) Show those pictures (.........) to John (..........).
4) Tidy your room (.............) up, boys!
5) Don't leave your children (........) alone in the playground!
6) Just tell me and my friends (..............) your name!
7) Put your coat (................) on! It is very cold.
8) Read the instructions (.......) carefully

9) Write your name and address (......)on her label.
10) Fasten your seat belt (...............) in the car and keep the children (........) in the back seat.
EXERCISE 2- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate object pronouns.
1) What is your name? Please write...............on top of the paper.
2) This meat is rotten. Don't eat................ !
3) We are confused. Just tell..............the simple way!
4) They are not trustworthy. Don't tell your secret to ...........
5) There is no gas in the tank. Fill...............up!
6) You are behind Jack. Then Jack is in front of...........
7) The car is out of order. a mechanic.
8) This note is for...........Read it immediately!
9) We are late for the meeting. They will be angry with...............
10) James is a good boy. I know ………… very well.
11) I am waiting for John and Adam, I´m waiting for …………
12) I´m talking to you, please listen to …………………….
13) I am in my office after 9:00 a.m. Come and my office.
14) We are very hungry. Give..............some delicious food.
15) The dog is cute and clean. Take...............into the house.
16) You are unhappy. I will tell............a funny story.
17) I don´t like snakes, I´m afraid of ……………………..
18) We are going out, you can come with ………………….
19) A- Why don’t you like James? B-James always lies. That's why, I hate ……………………….
20) Who broke this computer? B-Mike broke …………………….. this morning.

EXERCISE 3- SUBJECT OR OBJECT PRONOUNS: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate subject pronouns (I, you, he, it vs.)
veya object pronouns (me,him,her,us vs.) ile doldurunuz.
1) Mark has got a lot of books. ………… putting ……………on the shelves.
2) The thieves are trying to run away and the policemen are running after ………………..
3) The student is standing in front of the board and is writing the sentences on ……………………..
4) The girls are eating oranges. ……………….. are eating ……………….. in the kitchen.
5) The woman is taking her baby home …………. is carrying …………………. in her arms.
6) The boy has a car but he cannot drive ……………….. because ……………. doesn’t have a driving licence.
7) She thinks that …………… am not interested in Turkish music.
8) She doesn’t want to go out with …………….; she thinks that I am not handsome.
9) If you see Mary, tell …………..that …………… miss ……………….. too much
10) My twin-brother looks like …………….., but I don’t love ……………... very much.
11) Sude plays the guitar. …………has been playing………for years. I often play with ……… but ………. is better than
……………….. .
12) Today Jane and I have a lot of homework. …………… won't probably finish…………….. until late at night.
13) Murat met Sude at university. ………. fell in love with………….. Now……………… have been married for over six year.
14) I am ill. My mother is giving…………… some medicine. I have to take……………… every 6 hours.
15) If you make barbecue at picnic, don´t forget to put …………. out before ………………… return home.
16) Our daughter bought……………. a beautiful present for our birthday. …………….. gave …………… to ………………. when
she came back home from school.

İyelik zamirleri ismin kime ait olduğunu belirterek, şahıs zamirlerine ait alt öğeleri yani nesneleri anlatmak için
kullanılır. Ayrıca aidiyet, sahip olma bildirirler ve İngilizcede zamir (pronoun) sayısı kadar iyelik sıfatı vardır.

I Ben Me Beni/Bana My Benim

You Sen You Seni/Sana Your Senin
He O (erkek) Him Onu/Ona His Onun
She O (kadın) Her Onu/Ona Her Onun
It O (cansız/hayvan) It Onu/Ona Its Onun

We Biz Us Bizi/Bize Our Bizim
You Siz You Sizi/Size Your Sizin
They Onlar Them Onları/Onlara Their Onların

RULE 1- İyelik zamirleri asla tek başına kullanılamaz. Kendilerinden sonra mutlaka bir isim gelmesi gerekir. Yani iyelik
zamirleri bir isimle birlikte kullanılırlar ve isimden önce gelerek ismi nitelerler.
A : What is your name ?
B: My name is Sue.
Bu örnekte, “your” ve “my” kelimeleri öncesinde geldikleri ismin (name) kime ait olduğu bilgisini verdi.
A: Hey, this pen is my.YANLIŞ !
B: Hey, this is my book. DOĞRU !

RULE 2- İyelik sıfatlarının tekil yada çoğul olması önemli değildir.Önemli olan iyelik sıfatından sonra kullanılan isimdir. Bu
isim tekilse sıfat tamlaması tekil işlemi görür. İsim çoğulsa bu sıfat tamlaması çoğul işlemi görür.
- My book is red. (isim tekil)
- My books are red. (isim çoğul)
- Our teacher is good. (isim tekil)
- Our teachers are good. (isim çoğul)



EXERCISE 1- Fill in the blanks with a possessive adjective ;

1) We've got a dog. is Tosun.
2) Tony is a worker. ..................father is a repairman.
3) Mario and Paula is married .....................daughter is called Carla
4) Sude is a nurse. ................duty is to look after patients
5) My friend's father never
6) Tom and Susan are talking to................director now.
7) This is my cat . ………………. name is kitty.
8) I live with my parents and this is………………… house.
9) I prefer ice skating! I love it! It's………………. hobby!"
10) Lilly and I are sisters and…………………….. parents are June and Jack.
11) The children want..................bicycles back.
12) I and my brother are playing
13) Could you lend me..................pen please ?
14) The teacher isn't I think he is off today.
15) My brother helps me with..................homework.
16) Can I please ?
17) Is this………………….. pen? Yes, it is my pen.
18) Is this………………… car? Yes, it's their car.

EXERCISE 2- Rewrite the sentences using a 'pronoun' or a 'possessive adjective;

1) How old is his sister ?.........................................................................................
2) Mike's new bicycle is very beautiful...................................................................
3) Jane's hair is long and straight..............................................................................
4) Tarkan is a very popular singer..........................................................
5) His shoes are very dirty....................................................................................
6) Mr. Black's children are very smart....................................................................
7) Her hair is getting white..................................................................................
8) These are Jenny's jeans...................................................................................

9) Where are Whites’ documents ?.................................................................................
10) Tim is playing with Jim's toys............................................................................
11) Our niece is a high school student...................................................................
12) The children are playing with Tim's balloons.............................................................
13) The police are looking for the murderer...........................................................................
14) Mary and David are talented students................................................................

EXERCISE 1- Fill in the blanks in the paragraph with the appropriate words (possessive adjective, personal pronoun or object
1) ……………… is John, and ………………… come from Turkey. Everybody loves ………………… (I / me / my)
2) My uncle is a doctor and …………… works in İzmir, but I don’t know ………… work address.(she / her)
3) Can you help …………… with ………………… homework? (I / me / my)
4) …………….always spend …………… holidays in Antalya with …………………… parents, (we / us / our)
5) My husband doesn’t tell …………….. the truth, and ……………… am very sorry for it. (I / me / my)
6) ……………. is my close friend. ……………. name is Jack, but ………………. cannot speak Turkish very well, (he / his)
7) The teacher is looking at ……………….., but …………….. are not listening to her, because …………….. friend is telling
…………… a funny story, (we / us / our)
8) I always help Ann, but she never helps………. with……….. homework. She thinks that ……………. am very lazy. (I / me
/ my)
9) I have got two friends, and I love……………….. very much, but I think …………………. don’t love me as much as I do.
(they / them / their)
10) I don’t like…………….. because ……………………… is very selfish, but I like ………………………. sister, (he / him /his)

EXERCISE 2-Fill in the blanks in the paragraph with the appropriate words (possessive adjective, personal pronoun or object
pronoun.) is Sude. ……………… am in Ankara now........ family is in Antalya............ go to university in Ankara. ..... brother is
in İstanbul. ....... is a police officer. I visit ...... every weekend.............has got a lot of money and he gives a lot of money to
....... go to acettepe university. My school is very good and I like......very much. I learn French in this school not
very easy. I have got a lot of friends in this school. ....... study french too. My best friends are Buse and Sena………… are
hardworking students and...........grades are very high. I go to........... hometown only in holidays………….am in the third grade
this year. ....... lessons are difficult and ...........have to study hard. In the summer, I will go to Paris with......, but now
I have to go to work because there is an important examination tomorrow.

EXERCISE 3-Choose the correct answer.

1- ……………….. is a very interesting film.
A) He B) They C) It D) I
2-My friend and I have got enough money. ………………….can go to cinema.
A) We B) They C) It D) I
3-Rihanna and Tim are late. ………………should hurry.
A) We B) They C) It D) I
4-She gave ……………….books to read. We really like it.
A) Me B) They C) It D) I
5-Bears are very big, so ……………….. eat a lot of food.
A) We B) They C) It D) I
6- My brother is studying very hard because ………………….has a exam tomorrow.
A) We B) They C) He D) She
7-Do you feel okay? Can I help………………..?
A) We B) They C) It D) you
8-My new students are very friendly. I really like………………..
A) Him B) Them C) Me D) I
9-I should go shopping.I can’t my key.Where did you put………………….?
A) Them B) They C) It D) I
10-Spiders have eight legs, and ………………… also have many eyes.
A) We B) They C) It D) I
11-I’m busy right now. Could you please call ………………… later?
A) us B) me C) your D) you
12-She gave us some money, but ……………….spend it.
A) We B) They C) It D) I
13-I generally don’t eat junk food because ………………. isn’t healthy.
A) We B) They C) It D) I
14-Who are they? Do you know ……………….names?
A) his B) their C) Its D) my
15-My brother isn’t at home. ………………is at work.
A) he B) They C) It D) I
16-I and my friends are doing ……………. Homeworks now.
A) our B) your C) It D) I
17-Could you please help …………….. to carry these boxes?
A) me B) my C) It D) I
18-………….. like ………… father .
A) me/our B) They/me C) We/Him D) He/His

Possessive pronouns Türkçe'ye genelde, “benim ki, senin ki, onun ki” diye çevrilen kelimelerdir.

I Ben Me Beni/Bana My Benim Mine Benim ki

You Sen You Seni/Sana Your Senin Yours Senin ki
He O (erkek) Him Onu/Ona His Onun His Onun ki
She O (kadın) Her Onu/Ona Her Onun Hers Onun ki
It O (cansız/hayvan) It Onu/Ona Its Onun Its Onun ki
We Biz Us Bizi/Bize Our Bizim Ours Bizim ki
You Siz You Sizi/Size Your Sizin Yours Sizin ki
They Onlar Them Onları/Onlara Their Onların Theirs Onların ki

USE 1- Possessive Adjectives'lerden (my, your, his) sonra mutlaka bir isim kullanırız.
- My hands are cold.
- My hair is long.
- Her teacher is from France.
Possessive Pronouns'lardan (mine, your, hers) bir isim kullanamayız.

Possessive Adjectives Possessive Pronouns

It is my book (O benim kitabımdır) It is mine (O benimkidir)
It is your book (O senin kitabındır) It is yours (O seninkidir)
It is his book (O, onun kitabıdır) It is his (O, onunkidir)
It is her book (O, onun kitabıdır) It is hers (O, onunkidir)
It is our book (O bizim kitabımızdır) It is ours (O, bizimkidir)
It is their book (O, onların kitabıdır) It is their (O, onlarınkidir)

- Is this book mine or yours?
- I didn't have an umbrella. Sally gave me hers.
- It is our problem. Not yours.

RULE 2-“friend” kelimesinden sonra genelde possessive pronouns kullanılır.

- He is a friend of mine.
- Are those boys friends of yours?
Önemli: Yukarıda belirtilen kurallara göre aşağıdaki cümleler yanlıştır.
- This is mine car.
Doğrusu = This is my car
- This book isn't mine. It is your.
Doğrusu = This book isn't mine. It is yours.

EXERCISE 1- Answer the questions using possessive pronouns;

1) Whose are these books ? ( they)..................................................................

2) Which pen is yours ? ( red one )................................................................
3) Whose is this hat ? ( she )..........................................................................
4) Which car is your father’s ? ( new one )..................................................................
5) Whose are these trainers ? (I)......................................................................
6) Which house is hers ? ( small and modern one )............................................................
7) Whose is this umbrella ? ( you )......................................................................
8) Which hamburger is yours ? ( big one )….....................................................
9) Whose are these flowers ? (her ).................................................................
10) Whose favourite singer is Tarkan ? ( we )...............................................................
11) Which toothbrush is your sister's ? ( old ones )............................................................
12) Whose glass is that ? ( my )......................................................................
13) Which phone is yours ? ( big one )..............................................................
14) Whose is this car ? ( we )............................................................................
15) Whose jewellaries is that ? ( we )....................................................................

EXERCISE 2- Use suitable possessive pronouns;

1) This boat is Betty's. It is.............................................................................
2) Is this Tony's key? Yes, it's......................................................................
3) Those shoes are Sam's. They're.................................................................
4) There is a book on your table. Is it..............................................................?
5) Is that your house ? Yes, it's ....................................................................
6) This is your umbrella. This is ...........................................................
7) I've got three pairs of shoes. They're......................................
8) Is this your coffee ? Yes, it's..........................................................................
9) This is our soup. This is...........................................................................
10) Is that your daughter? Yes, she is .....................................
11) Is this Adam’s bicycle ? Yes, it is......................................................
12) Is that your new computer ? Yes, it's.........................................................
13) Are these your flowers ? Yes, they're...........................................................
14) Whose is this dog? It's not.....................................................................
15) Where is my coat? This one isn't...............................................................


I = Ben Me = Beni/Bana My = Benim Mine = Benim ki
(I listen to Jane) ( Jane listens to me) (It is my book) (It is mine)
You = Sen You = Seni/Sana Your = Senin Yours = Senin ki
(You listen to Jane) (Jane listens to you) (It is your book) (It is yours)
He = O (erkek) Him = Onu/Ona His = Onun His = Onun ki
(He listens to Jane) (Jane listens to him) (It is his book) (It is his)
She = O (kadın) Her = Onu/Ona Her = Onun Hers = Onun ki
(She listens to Jane) (Jane listens to her) (It is her book) (It is hers)
It = O (cansız/hayvan) It = Onu/Ona Its = Onun Its = Onun ki
(It listens to Jane ) (Sue kisses it) (It is its bone) (It is its)
We = Biz Us = Bizi/Bize Our = Bizim Ours = Bizim ki
(We listen to Jane) (Jane listens to us) (It is our book) (It is ours)
You = Siz You = Sizi/Size Your = Sizin Yours = Sizin ki
(You listen to Jane ) (Jane listens to you) (It is your book) (It is yours)
They = Onlar Them = Onları/Onlara Their = Onların Theirs = Onların ki
(They listen to Jane ) (Jane listens to them) (It is their book) (It is theirs)

USE 1- Tekil ve çoğulların kullanımı konusunda da iki dil arasında belirgin farklar vardır. Türkçe'de “bunlar kitaptır” deriz.
Yani zamiri çoğul yaptığımız zaman fiil eklerini veya isimleri çoğul yapmayız.
- This is a book. (Bu bir kitaptır.)
- These are books. (Bunlar kitaptır) ( Doğru)
- These are books. (Bunlar kitaplardır) ( Yanlış)

USE 2- İsim cümlelerinde: Nesne olarak kullanılan isimlerden önce “a” ve “an” gelir. Fakat isim yerinde sıfat tek başına
kullanılıyorsa “a” veya “an” gelmez.
- Jane is a student. (isim)
- Ayşe is beautiful. (sıfat)
Fakat sıfat bir isimle birleşip, bir sıfat tamlaması olursa, sıfat tamlamaları da isim gibi işlem gördüklerinden “a” veya “an”
article gelir.
- She is a beautiful girl.

USE 3- Özne ve eylem aynı sözcük grubu içinde bulunuyorsa, eylemin öznesi olan kişi adılının her zaman "öznel" biçimi
- I want to see the school headmaster, please.

Eğer zamir eylemden ayrıysa, nesne biçimi kullanılır.

- Who is there?
- It's me, Sam.
Zamir, tek başına bir soruya cevap oluyorsa, yine nesne biçimi kullanılır.
- Who wants a drink? - Me, please.

İlgeçten sonra öznel adıl kullanılamaz.

- This is a secret between you and I. (YANLIŞ)
- This is a secret between you and me. (DOĞRU)

EXERCISE 1- şağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri uygun Personal pronouns'larla (I, me, my, mine vs.) doldurunuz.
1) My father has lost……………….. keys? Have you seen………………….. ?
2) Has anyone seen……………….. pen ? I've lost it.
3) We have got two children…………………. names are John and Peter.
4) That history book is…………………. . It's got my name on it.
5) Sue says that this hat is…………………. , not Sally's.
6) I'm in love with Tom but………………. is not very interested in………………….
7) We wanted to see and talk to Jane so we invited…………….. to……………. house.
8) Tommy wanted to give……………. sister a present for…………….. birthday.
9) Mardin is famous for……………… beautiful historical places.
10) This is my son’s new bicycle. I bought…………… to……………… yesterday.
11) I have got an English exam on Thursday. Can………….. have a look at………………. notes?
12) Are those books……………………… ?
13) All living creatures want to protect………………. babies.
14) This is Jenny. ……………… is my best friend and I like……………….. very much.
15) Tommy is a good friend of……………………… . We have known each other for a long time.
16) A: Where are my books? B:……………………. are on the table.
17) A: Mrs Smith is here. B: Ask………………. to wait downstairs.
18) They can borrow ………………. car if they need ……………
19) My husband never tells ……………. what the problem is and I never understand ……………….
20) Your pyjamas are here but I can’t find ………………. Do you know where………………… pyjamas are?
21) If your friends are in Antalya, why don’t you call ………………. to ……………… house?
22) My sister and I both have beautiful trainers; her trainer is white and ……………… is black.
23) Our children want to go tracking at the weekend; what about ………………….. children?
24) We know Sam very well. ………………. is a very good friend of …………………….
25) Jane is very rich. …………………. Collection of stamps is extremely valuable.
26) They have got a dog. ……………… name is Potuk, and they love ……………….. very much.
27) ………………….. am looking for my books everywhere, but I can’t find ………………….
28) My mother knows Mark very well, and that’s why she doesn’t trust …………………..
29) Whoever is at the phone, tell ……………… I am sleeping.
30) That tall, ugly boy is trying to frighten ……………. but I am not afraid of ……………… any more.
31) Please take these boxes and give ……………… to Nuray, because ………………. are belong to ……………….
32) Their house is very modern, but ours is more modern than ……………….
33) Your suitcase is very heavy, but …………….. suitcase is heavier than ……………………. , Jack.
34) It is not necessary for……………… to buy the book. I can lend you ……………. because I don’t need ……………….
35) I forgot to bring my wallet with …………………., have you got …………………. ?
36) I don’t think that Sam is a reliable man, so ………….. never lend …………………. any money.
37) He is such a rich man that ………………. doesn’t ……………. care how ……………… spends ……………….. money.


Reflexive Pronoun: Yüklemin öznesi ile nesnesi aynı ise yani bir eylemi yapan ve o eylemden etkilenen aynı kişi ise
Reflexive pronoun kullanılır. Dönüşlü zamirler (reflexive pronouns) tekil şahıslar için “self”, çoğul şahıslar için “selves”
ekleri kullanılarak yapılır.

I myself I cut myself with a knife

you yourself/yourselves You cut yourself with a knife
he himself He cut himself with a knife
she herself She cut herself with a knife
we ourselves We cut ourselves with a knife
they themselves They cut themselves with a knife

- I cut me with a knife. (Yanlış) "beni"

- I cut myself with a knife. (Doğru) "kendimi"
- She fell off the tree and hurt herself.
- My grandfather talks to himself.
- She saw herself in the mirror.
- The students paid for themselves.

RULE 1- FEEL( hissetmek), RELAX( rahatlamak), WASH( yıkanmak), DRESS( giyinmek), SHAVE ( Tıraş olmak): REFEXIVE
PRONOUN ile kullanılmazlar.
I relaxed when I heard that he is good.
I felt worse when I stand up.
My husband washed, shaved and dressed in fifteen minutes.

DRY( kurulanmak): REFLEXIVE PRONOUN’ la kullanılır.

Dry your hair thorougly after your shower.

RULE 2- Reflexive pronoun üç temel durumda kullanılır.

A- When the subject and object are the same (Özne ve nesne aynı olduğunda)
I hurt myself.
The music group call themselves "Ghost".
He shot himself.

B- As the object of a preposition, referring to the subject (Özneyi gösteren bir edatın nesnesi olarak)
I bought a present for myself.
She did it by herself (=alone).
That man is talking to himself.

PREPOSITION: Subject’in eylemden etkilenmesi yerine YER vurguluyorsa object pronoun ( me, you, him, her,…) kullanılır.
They must take some water with them.
I do not have any money on me.

BY KULLANIMI: Kendi başına, tek başına, yardımsız anlamındadır.

I myself did my homework. = I did my homework by myself.( Alone, nobody helped.)
She herself painted the walls. = She painted all the walls by herself.( Alone)


Our brother is living in Antalya by himself. = Our brother is living in Antalya on his own.
She is taking care of her baby by herself. = She is taking care of her baby on her own.

C- Subject or the Object (Özneyi veya nesneyi vurgulamak istediğiniz durumlarda)

I'll do it myself. ( Object)
I myself will do it. ( Subject)
They ate all the food themselves. ( Object)
They themselves ate all the food. ( Subject)

EXERCISE 1- Fill in the blanks with Reflexive Pronouns ;
1) My brother cut........................while he was shaving
2) Stop reading my paper. Why don't you buy one for...........................?
3) My sister looked the mirror and decided to go on a diet.
4) We don't want you to pay for us. We'll pay for ............................
5) They can't believe that I redecorated my room .........................
6) We enjoyed............................. at the party.
7) I repaired my bicycle ........................
8) My father says that “You can do your homework..........................”
9) Mary hurt............................when she fell off the tree.
10) Don't worry. These girls can take care of.................................
11) Breath deeply!You must control................................Don't panic.
12) Did you clean all the windows..............................or some body helped you ?
13) He made a omlette for.............................and ate it in his room.
14) Don't want help from anyone else. You must do it...................................
15) Ali’s son is sitting at the beach by............................
16) The baby could walk.............................when she was 12 months.
17) Children always the aquapark.
18) They came out of the sea and dried......................carefully.
19) I shook her hand and introduced..............................
20) The students established a charity...........................
21) Why don't you water the flowers …………………. ?
22) Jim and I met………………….. at high school six years ago.
23) The film……………………. wasn't very good but I liked the music.
24) The old man sat at the park bench talking to…………………….. .
25) The dog caught the rabbit ………………………..
26) The children did their homeworks ………………………… . Nobody helped them.
27) Dad, can you find the way to the bank ………………………. ?
28) Your face is dirty! Look at……………….. in the mirror."
29) Tell us a little about……………………… .
30) Hey! What happened? Look at……………………….. !
31) You just have to fix the plumps ………………………...
32) I want him to do the housework ………………………..
33) I…………………. believe that you are making mistake.
34) He always make …………………. a sandwich for lunch.
35) Don’t blame…………….., it is not your fault.
36) Madonna is looking at ………………….. in the mirror and admiring her beauty.
37) She is going to make ………………….. a cup of coffee.
38) Different people enjoy ………………………. in different ways.
39) Don’t play with that sharp knife, you may cut ………………….
40) Take your coat off and make ……………………… comfortable.
41) David introduced …………………….. to my parents.
42) This photograph of mine is terrible. I cannot recognize ……………………
43) The students have locked ……………………. in the classroom.
44) Take a glass and pour ……………………… a glaas of tea and join us.
45) They spilt boiling water accidentally and burned ……………………...
46) Calm down a moment and control …………………….. , honey.
47) Whenever she gets sick, she always tries to cure …………………… with medicines.
48) My mother is frightened of getting fat. She weighs ……………………… every morning.
49) We are defending ………………… against invaders.
50) Those young girls introduce…………………… as actresses.


RULE 1- -ONE ve –BODY: Aynı anlamdadırlar. SUBJECT konumunda= Tekil Auxiliary alırlar.
THING: Cansız varlıklar için kullanılır. SUBJECT konumunda = Tekil Auxiliary alırlar.
Everybody admires my daughter.
Everything IS in a mess.

SOME: Olumlu cümle’de kullanılır.
She needs someone/somebody to listen her.
Something is disturbing me.
SOMEONE ve SOMETHING: ikram ve ricalarda kullanılır. Cevabın evet olacağı tahmin edilir.
Why are you walking around here? Are you looking for something or for someone?
Can you buy me something cold to drink?
ANY: Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.
I do not trust anybody/ anyone.
Is there anyone/anybody living here?
Do you have anything to add?
ANYONE/ANYBODY ve ANYTHING: Olumsuz cümlede subject olarak kullanılmaz. Bunların yerine
Noone/ Nobody can answer this question.
Nothing makes me happy.
ANYONE/ ANYBODY ve ANYTHING + OLUMLU CÜMLE= Herhangi biri, herhangi bir şey, Herkes, Her şey anlamı verir.
Anyone/ anybody can solve this question.
You can buy anything you want.
NO: Olumlu cümle ama anlam olumsuz olur.
Nobody should be alone.
Nothing can be done on this matter.
Eğer subject’imiz noone/nobody, nothing, nowhere ile başlıyorsa devamında anyone/anybody, anything, anywhere
kullanılır. Çünkü; NO cümlenin anlamını olumsuz yapmıştır ve bir cümlede iki olumsuzluk ifadesi kullanılamaz.
Nobody wants to go anywhere.
Nothing was sent to anyone.
Noone did anything.


A- I can’t find my purse. I put it somewhere. B- Did you look everywhere?
You can’t eat such a good Kebap anywhere.
You can eat such a good Kebap nowhere.
WITHOUT’dan sonra olumsuz sözcük olmaz.
I closed the phone without saying anything.
He got on the bus without thinking anyone.

ELSE : SOME, NO VE EVERY ile başlayan kelimelerden sonra kullanılır.

what else where else who else everybody else
somebody else anybody else nobody else everyone else
someone else anyone else no one else everything else
something else anything else nothing else everywhere else
somewhere else anywhere else nowhere else

Nothing else can be done.
I do not like this place.I want to go somewhere else.
RULE 3- Indefinite pronouns: tek başlarına dururlar veya adjectives alabilirler.
I bought something (interesting) for his birthday.
I didn't find anything (nice) in the shop.
There was nothing (cheap) there.

RULE 4- Indefinite pronouns: Arkalarına ilave olarak " to-infinitive" gelebilir.

She was looking for something to do.
Isn't there anything to sit on?

RULE 5- Indefinite pronouns : 'for + (pro)noun + to-infinitive' ile kullanabiliriz.

There was nothing for him to drink.
He will bring something for you to eat.

RULE 6- "Who-" veya "that-clauses" indefinite pronouns takip edebilirler.

There was nothing (that) I could say.
He ate anything (that was) put in front of him.
I could find no one who could do it.


SOMEONE/SOMEBODY ve NOONE/ NOBODY ile başlayan kelimelerde question tag bölümünde THEY kullanılır.
Someone is coming with you, aren’t they?
Nobody has phoned you, have not they?

SOMETHING ve NOTHING ile başlayan kelimelerde question tag bölümünde IT kullanılır.

Something is making you angry, is not it?
Nothing has finished yet,has it?
Nothing has been done yet, has it?

EXERCISE 1-Practise the below patterns, respond as shown:

Example: Is there anyone in Class A? (Class B)?
No. there's nobody in Class A, but there's somebody in Class B.
1) Is there anything we can do for you? (Jane) ………………………………………
2) Was there anyone in the art class? (music class) ………………………………………
3) Is there anything wrong with your father’s car? (My brother's) ………………………………………
4) Is there anything I can buy for your sister in the shopping mall? (Jim) ………………………………………
5) Didn't you see anyone break into your house? (my neighbor’s house) ………………………………………
6) Doesn't anyone know the answer to question 6? (question 9) ………………………………………
7) Is there anyone absent in English teacher's class now? (History teacher’s class) ………………………………………
8) Isn't there anybody here who wants to study Maths? (Literature) ………………………………………
9) Isn’t there anyone who wants to watch movie on TV? (play chess) ………………………………………
10) Is there anyone to teach me Unit 3? (unit 2) ………………………………………

EXERCISE 2-Answer the questions using the cue words.

1) Who is coming to the cinema from the class? (everybody) ………………………………………
2) Who is going to join the seminaar ? (nobody) ………………………………………
3) Who will clean the house? (someone) ………………………………………
4) Who is going to have dance at the party? (everyone) ………………………………………
5) Who is going to enter the class late? (no one) ………………………………………
6) Where can we have a glass of tea? (anywhere) ………………………………………
7) Where can I hide these stolen jewelleries? (nowhere) ………………………………………
8) Where do homeless people stay? (everywhere) ………………………………………
9) Where have you been lately? (somewhere) ………………………………………
10) Where will you go? (nowhere) ………………………………………

EXERCISE 3- Fill in the blanks with Indefinite pronouns;
1) A: Is there ………………… the bottle? B: No, there is …………….. in the bottle. It is empty.
2) A: Did ………………….. come to visit you at the hospital? B: I am sorry that ………………… came to visit me yesterday.
3) A: Would you like to live …………… Bodrum? B: Yes, I would like to live …………. Bodrum because I love the sun,sea
and beach.
4) A: Do you know ……………… in İzmir? B: No, I don’t know ……………….. in Ankara.
5) 5.A: Can I talk to ………………… to get information about the job? B: Yes, you can talk to …………………….. if you need
information about the job.
6) A: Has ……………. seen the car accident? B: No, …………………... has seen the car accident. …………… was there.
7) A: Did he look for his wallet ………. in the house? B: Yes, he looked for his watch ……… in the house, but he couldn’t
find it.
8) A: Did ……………… answer the questions? B: The questions were very difficult, so ……………… could answer them.
9) A: Did you invite ………………….. to the picnic? B: No, I invited …………………….. to the picnic.
10) A: Did they go ………………. for tracking? B: Yes, they went ……………. for tracking, but I cannot remember the name.

EXERCISE 4- Use indefinite pronouns to complete the sentences below, (anything, nothing, somebody, somewhere............)
1) They went into a market and bought .............................. to drink.
2) I feel so angry to ………….... . There shout so loudly
3) Do you know ............................... good to go and eat Döner?
4) Did you calmher?
5) She tried ......................... to solve the question, but she couldn’t manage it.
6) There talk on this matter.
7) Is help me, please?
8) Can you do .................................. to cure my illness?
9) He feels sad! He needs .................... to go; do; talk with!
10) There is always ................................. to be done in such situations.
11) I will give ............................ you want. Please, don’t do ................................ to me.
12) Is there.....................................that I can do for you?

EXERCISE 5- Complete the following sentences with “ONE” or “ONES”.

1) A: Which is your trouser? B: The brown, woolen ……………… with pockets.
2) A: Is he going to buy a new car? B: Yes, he is going to sell his old car and buy a new …………………..
3) A: Is your bed comfortable? B: No, my bed is very uncomfortable, but I cannot afford to buy a new …………………
4) A: Which dress do you want to buy? B: That white ……………….. , please.
5) A: Can I have a melon, please? B: Certainly, which ……………… do you want?
6) A: Is this your umbrella? B: Yes, this is my umbrella, but that ……………… is my friends.
7) A: Do you like table-tennis? B: Yes, I like all games, but table-tennis and volleyball are the ……………… I like best.
8) A: Was the last question difficult? B: Yes, it was, but this …………………… I am doing now is much more difficult.
9) A: Is your glass dirty? B: Yes, it is; bring me a clean …………………., please.
10) A: Are these books interesting? B: Yes, they are, but those …………….. are much better than these.
11) A: Do she love pizza? B: Yes, she does, especially the ………………… that ı make.
12) A: Which films did you really enjoy watching? B: The …………….. I really enjoyed were science-fiction.
13) A: Which would you rather love, a smart person or a good-looking ……………….. ? B: I would rather love a smart

EXERCISE 6- ELSE :Complete the following sentences with the words on the list below.
what else where else who else everybody else
somebody else anybody else nobody else everyone else
someone else anyone else no one else everything else
something else anything else nothing else everywhere else
somewhere else anywhere else nowhere else
Example : A: Did you dance with Jane at the party?
B: No, I didn’t. I danced with someone else at the party.
1) A: Does his father work in this firm? B: No, he doesn’t. He works …………………………….
2) A: Did you see Tom? B: No, I didn’t see Tom, but I saw …………………………
3) A: Would you like to drink Coke? B: No, I wouldn’t, but I would like to drink ………………………
4) A: Did She speak to Tim? B: No, she didn’t, but she spoke to …………………………
5) A: Did they go to Fethiye last summer? B: Yes, they did, but this year they are going …………………………
6) A: Did you only ask the question to your maths teacher? B: No, I didn’t only asked the question to my maths
teacher, but I asked ……………………..
7) A: Are your close friend here at your graduation? B: Yes, they are, but there isn’t …………………………….
8) A: Would you like …………………. to eat? B: No, I wouldn’t like to eat …………………
9) A: Did you go ………………… after your graduation party? B: No, we didn’t go ………………… after my graduation party.
10) A: Are you coming to our village this summer? B: No, I am going ……………………… this summer.
11) A: Have you been to İstanbul? B: Yes, I have, but I have never been ………………………
12) A: ………………….. did you do? B: I did ………………….., I only stayed in bed and had a rest.
13) A: Can doctors find cure to cancer? B: Yes, they can, and also they can cure …………………………
14) A: ………………… has she invited? B:She has invited ………………………… but he didn’t come.

OTHER: başka , diğer anlamındadır.
RULE 1- With singular nouns:
ANOTHER: herhangi bir başka, bir diğeri: tekil isimler için ( Belirtisiz Nesne durumunda): SIFAT yada ZAMİR olarak
I am out.Can you visit me another day, please?
This dress is not the style that I want.Can you show me another, please?
THE OTHER: diğeri: tekil isimler için ( Belirtili Nesne durumunda): SIFAT yada ZAMİR olarak kullanılır.
There are two pencils in my pencil box.This one is mine and the other pencil is yours.
Do you see these five cats? Three of them are male and the others are female.

RULE 2- With plural nouns:

OTHER: çoğul isimler için ( Belirtisiz Nesne durumunda): SIFAT olarak
İstanbul and Ankara are very big cities in Turkey. Other big cities in Turkey are İzmir and Antalya.
OTHERS: çoğul isimler için ( Belirtisiz Nesne durumunda): ZAMİR olarak
İstanbul and Ankara are very big cities in Turkey. Others are İzmir and Antalya.
The OTHER: çoğul isimler için ( Belirtili Nesne durumunda): SIFAT olarak
The OTHERS: çoğul isimler için ( Belirtisiz Nesne durumunda): ZAMİR olarak
I have lived in many cities in Turkey.One is Çankırı. Another is Ankara and the other cities/ the others are Elazığ, Antalya
and Sinop.

RULE 3- With words some, any, many…

This article on environmental pollution is very informative.Do you have any other article/ any others on this subject?
In addition to my health problems, I have many other problems/ many others.

RULE 4-WITH EACH OTHER ve One ANOTHER: birbirimize, birbirinize. Genellikle aynı anlamı ifade ederler.
When I saw my friend at the theatre, we kissed each other/ one another.
My parents are never quarelling. They love each other/ one another.
ONE ANOTHER: Genel ifadeler için
Nowadays,people do not trust one another.
EACH OTHER: Spesifik durumlar için
Our relatives do not lend money to anyone.I think they do not trust to each other.

RULE 5- EVERY OTHER + SINGULAR NOUN:Periyodik olarak devam eden bir şeyin bir atlayarak devam etmesi
Every other day/ week/ month/ year/ line…( 2 günde/ haftada/ayda/yılda bir)
He has bath every other day.
I have an exam on this lesson every other week.


another two hours, another nine kilometres, another two hundred tl…
The baby is too tired.She can not walk another ten minutes.
Our car run out of petrol. I can not go another ten kilometres.
I do not have enough money for a trouser.Can you lend me another fifty TL.

EXERCISE 1- Complete the following sentences with “another”, “other” or “others”.
1) I clean the house every …………………… day.
2) These books are mine; the …………………. belong to my father.
3) They are always fighting with each ………………
4) I saw my English teacher the ………………… day.
5) I liked this book, but my wife liked the ………………. One more than this.
6) May I have …………………. slice of cake, please?
7) Do you really need ……………… cup of coffee?
8) Do you think that there is life on …………………… planets?
9) She lost her ticket, so she had to buy ……………………. one.
10) The twins look alike. I cannot tell one from ……………………
11) You have already met Peter, but I have two ………………….. brothers.
12) These children are having tea in the canteen, but the ………….. are waiting in the office.
13) She has taken ……………………. of my books.
14) Our hotel was cheaper than all the ……………….. in the city.
15) I prefer this chair to the……………… one, because it is more comfortable.
16) ………………….. five years passed before they met again.
17) I have got ………………….. things to do.
18) A door opened at the ……………….. end of the corridor.
19) The man was waiting on the ……………….. side of the street.
20) We would like to learn about …………………….. people’s customs.
21) I am very busy now, I will see you …………………. time.
22) They went from one shop to ……………….
23) ……………… want this job if you turn it down.
24) He made a drink for Christina, then poured for ……………….. himself.
25) There were some …………….. people in the compartment.
26) She finished her cigarette, then lit ………………. one immediately.
27) Professor Barry, among …………………., has drawn attention to this problem.
28) It is all past history and it happened in ……………………. country.
29) Results in …………………… countries are impressive.
30) They didn’t dare to look at one …………………
31) He had a newspaper in one hand, his hat in the ………………….
32) She found one excuse after ………………… to postpone the meeting.
33) I shall wait here until …………… come back.
34) We will get there one way or ……………………
35) She has never discussed it with anyone ……………….. than Cinderalla.


İyelik (sahiplik) anlatır. “S” genellikle canlı varlıklar için, “- OF” ise cansızlar için kullanılır.
My sister's room the cat's tail Jill's brother
The colour of the table the end of the film the size of the suit

RULE 1- İyelik sahiplik bildirir ve bir ismin sonuna basitçe bir (‘s) getirilerek yapılır. Türkçe'mizdeki “-nın, -nin, -nün, -nun”
eki karşılığı olarak şahıs isminin sonuna bir ters virgülle bağlanmış “s” getirilir.
- Jane's book (Jane'in kitabı)
- John's father (John'un babası)
- This is Mary's pen. (Bu, Mary'nin kalemidir.)
- This is Jim's table. (Bu, Jim'in masasıdır.)
- Where is Tom's sister? (Tom'un kızkardeşi nerededir?)
- Tom's sister is at home. (Tom'un kızkardeşi evdedir.)

RULE 2- Düzenli isimlerin sonuna iyelik getirmek için sadece apostrophe “ ‘S “ kullanılır:
My sister’s room
our teacher’s car
Mr. Brown’s house

Düzensiz çoğul haller için iyelik eki getirilecekse “ ‘ S” in eklenmesi gerekir.

A child’s toy ( bir çocuğun oyuncağı) children’s toy ( çocukların oyuncağı)

A deer’s horn ( bir geyiğin boynuzu) deer’s horn ( geyiklerin boynuzu)
A woman’s bag ( bir bayanın çantası) women’s bag ( bayanların çantası)

Eğer sözcüklerin sonları çoğul takısı “ –S” ile bitiyorsa yada kendiliğinden “-S” varsa sadece yukarıdan ayırma işareti
koyulur, tekrar “-S” yazmaya gerek yoktur.
Singular plural
The girl's hair the girls' hair
His parent's room his parents' room
My son’s school my sons’ school

RULE 3- Apostrope “ S” zaman sözcükleriyle de kullanılır.

Today’s news, tomorrow’s exam,
next week’s movie, this year’s graduation place,
Monday’s classes
Yine süreç bildiren yapılarda Apostrope “ s” kullanırız.
Five day’s seminar, two week’s holiday,
eight hour’s sleep, seven minutes running race

USE of “ OF”
RULE 1- “- OF” ise cansızlar için kullanılır.
The legs of the table the end of the match the handle of the door the name of the book
- The curtain of the window.
- That is the window of the room.
- This is the wall of the house.

RULE 2- Bazı uzun tamlamalarda insanlar içinde “OF” kullanılır.

Did you buy my sister’s car? = Did you buy the car of my sister?
Do you know Mr Brown’s house? = Do you know the house of Mr Brown?

RULE 3- Apostrophe “ S” bazen cansız varlıklar içinde kullanılabilir. Yani, bazı sözcüklerde hem “S” hem de “OF” kullanılır.
Organizasyon isimleri= government, company, institute….
Coğrafi yerler= city, town,world,Turkey, England….
The company’s workers = The workers of the company
Turkey’s historical monuments = The historical monuments of Turkey
The government’s economic policy = The economic policy of the government

OWN KULLANIMI: Possessive adjective ile noun arasında vurguyu artırmak için OWN kullanılabilir.
This is my own house. = She wants to buy a house of her own
That is their own project. = They want to achieve a project of their own.

EXERCISE 1: Rewrite the following sentences using the “Possessive Forms” of Nouns with Apostrophe (…… ’s) or ( …………. ’)
Example : The teacher has a new house. The teacher’s house is new.
1) The girl has a wonderful dress: ………………………………………
2) The girls have wonderful dresses: ………………………………………
3) The old lady has long hair : ………………………………………
4) The old ladies have long hair: ………………………………………
5) The dog has long ears: ………………………………………
6) The lions have sharp teeth : ………………………………………
7) The elephants have long trunks: ………………………………………
8) The eagles have sharp eyes: ………………………………………
9) Donkeys have strong legs: ………………………………………
10) The child has dirty face: ………………………………………
11) The baby has a new toy : ………………………………………
12) The fish have short memories: ………………………………………
13) The boy has a photographic memory : ………………………………………
14) The Europeans have blue eyes. ………………………………………

EXERCISE 2- Rewrite the following sentences using the “Possessive Form” with “OF”.

Example : The girl’s name is Jenny. The name of the girl is Jenny.
1) Tom’s sister is very naughty: ………………………………………
2) Mary’s brothers are fond of Classical music: ………………………………………
3) This doctor’s children go to primary school: ………………………………………
4) The teachers’ room is upstairs: ………………………………………
5) Tim’s watch is not very cheap: ………………………………………
6) Mark’s cat’s name is Hürrem: ………………………………………
7) My mother’s hair are getting white: ………………………………………
8) My parent’s farm is large: ………………………………………
9) I and my friend’s graduation party is on sunday: ………………………………………
10) Tom says that he is Tim’s cousin: ………………………………………
11) Ann’s car is out of order: ………………………………………
12) The girls’ skirts are very short: ………………………………………
13) The children don’t obey their father’s orders: ………………………………………
14) The mens’ loyalty to their wives is adorable: ………………………………………

EXERCISE 3- Use apostrophe “S” or “of” to show the possessive case of nouns ;
Example :the cover / the book the cover of the book
Tim / car / wheels wheels of Tim's car
1) The handle/the door………………………………………
2) The eye / cat………………………………………
3) Marry/ sisters /husband………………………………………
4) The bird / nest………………………………………
5) The title / the book………………………………………
6) Depth / river………………………………………
7) The brakes / the car………………………………………
8) Turkey / the lakes………………………………………
9) The headmaster / school………………………………………
10) Computers / keyboard………………………………………
11) The price / the curtains………………………………………
12) Bottom / sea………………………………………
13) Roof / building………………………………………
14) President / Turkey………………………………………
15) Score / match………………………………………
16) Top / mountain………………………………………
17) Meaning / word………………………………………
18) Turkey / capital city………………………………………
19) Hero / film………………………………………
20) Betty / boyfriend / name………………………………………
EXERCISE 4- Answer the following questions using "possessive adjectives."
1) What is your dad's favourite TV programme? …………………………………………………………..
2) Whose dog is a Saint Bernard? …………………………………………………………..
3) Whose father is a doctor? …………………………………………………………..
4) What is children's favourite food? …………………………………………………………..
5) When is your mom's birthday? …………………………………………………………..
6) Whose car is a Ferrari? …………………………………………………………..
7) Where are my friend's books? …………………………………………………………..
8) Whose English is good? …………………………………………………………..
9) What colour is the Andersons' car? …………………………………………………………..
10) Whose house is near the river? …………………………………………………………..
11) Which dress is Jane's? …………………………………………………………..
12) Whose classroom is upstairs? …………………………………………………………..
13) What is Turkey's capital city? …………………………………………………………..
14) Whose family is rich? …………………………………………………………..

İngilizce'de isimleri kullanma ihtiyacı hissettiğimizde mutlaka onları genelleştiren ( herhangi bir anlamı veren ) bazı eklere
ihtiyaç duyulur ve bu ekler İngilizce gramerinde “ Article ” diye adlandırılır.

A-INDEFINITE ARTICLE ( Belirtisiz artikel) “A -An”
A-AN: İsimlerin önüne gelir ve onların bütün benzerleri içinden “ herhangi bir” tanesi olduğunu belirtmeye yarar.
USE 1- İsimler (okunuşu) sessiz bir harf ile başlıyorsa önüne (A), sesli bir harf ile başlıyorsa (AN) getirilir.
- a pencil (bir kalem) - an apple (bir elma)
- a book (bir kitap) - an engineer (bir mühendis)
- a teacher (bir öğretmen) - an inspector (bir müfettiş)

Örnek:. a bus, a cat, a student, a teacher, a policeman, a nurse, a dog, a house, a lamp.
Örnek: an apology , an egg , an incident, an owl , an umbrella.

USE 2- A ve AN = İsimlerin önüne gelir. İsimler mutlaka tekil olmalıdır

Sıfat veya fiilerin önüne kesinlikle gelmez. Çoğul isimler article almaz.
sayılamayan isimlerin önüne "A" veya "AN" gelmez
- a house - a water (bir su olmaz)
- an animal - a weather (bir hava olmaz)
- a go (yanlış, çünkü go bir fiildir)


My sister is a teacher. = My sisters are teachers.
I have got a pen in my bag. = I have got three pens in my bag.
There is an apple near me. = I like apples.
I wear a golden ring. = Humans like wearing jewellary.
I have got a hundred TL in my pocket. = I have no mony in my pocket.
I have a red drees. = I have a lot of dresses.

Sıfat veya fiilerin önüne kesinlikle gelmez.

An intelligent person is not necessarily be successful. ( noun)
X intelligence is a characteristic that I admire. ( adjective)
I used to be X lazy but I am a hardworking person now.

USE 3- Sesli ve sessiz harf kavramı İngilizce'de kelimelerin yazılışı değil okunuşuyla ilgilidir.
Örneğin “ h” harfi bazı sözcüklerde “a” şeklinde,
“u” harfi ise bazı sözcüklerde “yu” şeklinde okunur.
“ U”= - A university , A uniform , A unit , A Ukrainian , A European country
“ H” = - AN hour , AN honorable man , AN honest student

USE 4- A ve AN artikellerini karşımızdaki kişinin neden bahsettiğimizi bilmediği ya da herhangi bir şekilde haberdar olmadığı
durumlarda kullanırız.
What are you doing for tonight?
I am going to a party of jack. (partiden haberdar değil)

USE 5- Bir kişi hakkında adından başka bir şey bilmiyorsak, “ …… diye biri” anlamını vermek için kullanırız.
Hey ,Jack,there is a Mr. Black police officer at the door. He wants to see you.
Jane is going to get married to a Tom White, a doctor I think.

B-DEFINITE ARTICLE( Belirtili artikel) “THE”

USE 1-“THE“ "A" veya "AN" gibi sayısal bir değere sahip değildir. Genel olarak sayılabilen sayılamayan , tekil veya çoğul
isimlerle kullanabiliriz. Belirli bir nesneden, bilinip bilinmediğinden bahsediyor olmamız lazım.
- the book (kitap)
- the books (kitaplar)
- a book (herhangi bir kitap)
- a books (Yanlış)
- Bana bir kitap ver. (Give me a book) ( genel anlamda bir kitap)
- Bana kitabı ver. (Give me the book) (belirli bir kitap)
- Bir cam açarmısın? (Can you open a window?) ( genel anlamda bir cam)
- Camı açar mısın? (Can you open the window?) (belirli bir cam)

USE 2- İlk kez bahsettiğimiz Kişi/Nesne isimlerinden önce” A/AN”, daha önce birisine bahsetmiş olduğumuz herhangi bir
kişi/ nesnenin tekrarında “THE” kullanırız.
- I have bought a drees and a trouser.The drees is cheap but the trouser is expensive.
-My father has bought a house in his home town.The house is old but cheap.
-My class mate Eva told me that the new English teacher is very funny
-A couple moved to next door house. The boy is engineer and the girl is a teacher.

USE 3- Dinleyici için net olmayan, bilinmeyen kişi/ nesne’den bahsediyorsak A/AN, hangi kişi/ nesne’den bahsettiğimiz
belli oluyorsa “THE” kullanırız.
He was watching a movie on tv when I visited him.
He was watching the movie that I bought him.
Are you searching a dress for your graduation party?
Are you searching the beautiful drees you saw at the magazine for your graduation party?
Can you give me an apple, please?
Can you give me the fresh,red apple at the left top of the basket, please?

USE 4- Konuşmanın geçtiği ortamdaki nesnelerden bahsederken “THE” kullanılır.

Do not forget to turn off the lights before you leave the house.
Can you open the windows? It is too hot.
Can you clean the house? It is very dirty.
The ceiling of our old country house leaks when the weather rains.


RULE 1- Dünyada ya da belli bir ortamda yalnızca bir tane/tek olan isimlerin önünde kullanılır.
the sun (güneş) the North pole (kuzey kutbu) the South pole (güney kutbu)
the earth (dünya) the world (dünya) the moon (ay)
the sky (gökyüzü) the air (hava) the weather (hava)
the wind (rüzgar) the rain (yağmur) the country/countryside
The Prime Minister The capital of Turkey The only person

RULE 2- BE AT SEA= denizde yolculuk ederken THE kullanılmaz.

We have been sailing at sea for two months.
SPACE= boşluk, boş yer THE kullanılır.
The space is not big enough for me to park my car.
SPACE= Uzay THE kullanılmaz.
The Astronoughts are the people who travels in space.

RULE 3 - Coğrafi isimlerin önünde kullanılır.

Tek ada ve dağ isimlerinde THE kullanılmaz.
Sıradağlar ve Takımadalar çoğul bir isimle kullanıldığında THE alır.
Mount Everest (dağlar) The Bahamas
Mount Ağrı The Alps
Rodos island The Canary Islands
Sicily The Andes
Göl isimleri THE almaz. Okyanus, Deniz, Nehir ve kanal isimleri THE alır.
The Nile The Mediterranean sea The Suez channel
The Kızılırmak The Black Sea The Panama Channel
The Missippi The Atlantic Ocean

Kıta isimleri ile THE kullanılmaz.

Asia Africa Europe North America Australia

YÖN bildiren sözcüklerle bölgeleri belirtirken THE kullanılır.

The middle east, the Far east, The north of Turkey,
The south of France, the west of Europe
Eastern, western, northern, southern gibi sözcüklerde THE kullanılmaz.

RULE 4- Sıra sayılarından (ordinal numbers) önce THE kullanılır

The second of the August is my birth day.
Today is the 31sth of December.

RULE 5 - Sanatsal eserler ve tarihi yerlerden bahsederken THE kullanılır.

The Mona Lisa is the most painting in the World.
The Bing bang tower is in London.
The Ephesus ancient city one of the most visited place by tourists in Turkey
RULE 6- The + singular Noun= Çeşitli müzik aletleri, Aletler, İcatlardan bahsederken THE kullanılır.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.
The computer is the most important invention of our century.

RULE 7- The + ULUS İSİMLERİ = Çoğul anlam vermek için

The Türk are open-minded people.
The Japanese are thought to be very respectful.
The Russians are interested in sports too much.


Turkish is hard to learn and speak.
English is a world language.


RULE 1 - Özel isimler kesinlikle "THE" almazlar. Ancak ülkeler birleşik devletlerden oluşuyorsa union, republic, kingdom,
etc gibi sözcükler varsa "THE" alabilir.
the John (yanlış) Turkey
the Mary (yanlış) France
the Ankara (yanlış) Ankara
the England (yanlış) China
the United States of America (doğru) the United Kingdom
the Republic of Turkey the Soviet Union

RULE 2- Bilim dalları "THE" almadan kullanılır.

Chemistry Economics Linguistics

RULE 3- Yönle ilgili kelimeler "THE" almazlar.

north (kuzey) south (güney) west (batı) east (doğu)

RULE 4- Oyunlar ve spor dalları "THE" almazlar.

backgommon (tavla), chess (satranç), football, basketball

RULE 5- Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Meal kelimeleri THE almaz.

I have my breakfast at nine o’clock in the morning.
I have my dinner at eight o’clock in the evening.
Belirli ,özel durumlarda The , sıfat tamlamalarında ise A/AN kullanırız.
I had a wonderful lunch.
The lunch I had in the afternoon was wonderful.
I meet with my high school friends and had a meal last month.
I have not seen my high school friends sinc the meal we had last month.

RULE 6- Cinema, Theatre, Radio kelimelerinde THE kullanımı: Television, Radio gibi cihazlardan bahsediyorsak THE kullanılır
fakat radio veya televizyon programlarından bahsediyorsak THE kullanılmaz.
Let’s go to cinema on Sunday!
I have not gone to theatre for almost two years.
I listen to music on the radio.
I do not like watching television too much but like listening to radio.
Can you turn off the radio and turn on the television,please?

RULE 7- Sayılabilir Tekil İsim ve sayılabilir çoğul isimlerde THE kullanıldığında veya kullanılmadığında anlam aynı olur.
The dolphin is the cutest animal in sea. Dolphins are the cutest animals in seas.
The rose is my favourite flower. Roses are my favourite flowers.

RULE 8- THE + SIFAT =Bir grubu ifade eden çoğul anlam alır.
We should show respect to the old.
The rich are getting richer and richer day by day.
The disableds need more care than normal people.

SIFAT + ÇOĞUL İSİM= Aynı anlamı verir.
Old people should be respected by their children
Rich people are getting poorer at the recent economical crisis.
SIFAT + TeKİL İSİM= Tekil bir anlam vermek için man,woman,boy,girl,child,person… kullanılmalıdır.
I saw a blind student in our school. The student is very lovely.

EXERCISE 1- Complete the sentences with the Indefinite Article “A”, “AN” if it is necessary.
1) My mother wife.
2) Thanks, we don't want to eat this hamburger. We are
3) They have got.............hour to finish their homeworks.
4) Give me.................aspirin, please
5) We have got............nice village house in...............village in............Madrid
6) She student
7) My mother is...............Italian but my father is................ Turkish
8) This of........... girl in my school
9) 10...............lion is...............animal teeth
10) She is …………………… close friend of me.
11) What ………………….. terrible noise! We cannot hear each other.
12) What …………………… beautiful flower is it!
13) Mrs black is …………………… air-hostess.
14) There is ……………………… orange on the plate.
15) ………………… Japanese is more difficult than …………………… Turkish.
16) How many minutes are there in ……………………… hour?
17) France is ……………………… European country.
18) ……………. elephant is ……………………. big animal.
19) My uncle speaks English with ………………….. American accent.
20) There is ………………… wedding ring on his finger.
21) There is …………………. sugar in this tea.
22) That is ………………………… expensive mobile phone; I cannot afford to buy it.
23) ……………… iron is …………………… hot.
24) There is ………………… pen on the book.
25) ………………. Turkish is not …………………….. easy language at all.
26) …………….. lion is stronger than ………………….. wolf.
27) ……………… orange is sweeter than ………………… lemon.
28) I am ……………………… actor, and my wife is …………… actress.
29) She always buys me ……………….. packet of chocolate.
30) ………………… honesty is the best policy.
31) She is …………………… beautiful woman, but her husband is …………………. ugly.
32) My parents very much interested in……………………. Pop music.
33) Let’s go for ……………………. walk in the morning, shall we?
34) …………………… ayran is made of …………………. yogurt.
35) Waiter, bring me ……………… tea, will you?

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences with the definite article “THE” if it is necessary.
1) ……………… other day he had an e-mail from his boss.
2) ……………… Mount Everest is…………… highest mountain in ……………. world.
3) We play ………………………. basketball every Sunday.
4) ………… sun rises in ……………… east.
5) He is studying ………………. history of ……………….. Ottoman Empire.
6) ……………. biggest planet in our solar system is ……………….. Jüpiter.
7) Who invented …………………….. television?
8) My husband is ………………………. only man I love.
9) It is easy for me get to ……………… my school on ……………… foot.
10) …………………. Poverty can lead to ……………………….. unhappiness and despair.
11) He saw Jenny at ……………………. lunch in …………………… Kızılay yesterday afternoon.
12) ………………. Sinop is on ……………………. Black Sea Region.
13) We flew to …………………… Moscow from……………………… Esenboğa Airport.
14) The professor, who comes from………………. Czech Republic, will go to …………………… United Kingdom.
15) ………………….. hospital in …………………. Vatan Street is ………………… Big Middle-East hospital.
16) It was ………………… first space ship to go to ……………….. moon.
17) What did you do on ……………………… Sunday of that week?
18) My aunt is working at …………………. University of Başkent.
19) ………………… women live longer than …………………. men.
20) …………….. water in …………………. pool is very cold.
21) .................. money never brings happiness.
22) Does your husband go to ……………. mosque every Friday?
23) ................... Earth travels round sun.
24) ………………. silver is cheaper than ………………. gold.
25) …………………. yogurt contains too much calcium.
26) We hope they are going to win …………………… European Cup this year.
27) ..................... Turkish National Assembly opens in October every year..
28) Mark Spitz broke a lot of world records at ………………… 1972 Olympics.
29) …………………. life of Atatürk is very inspiring.
30) ………………… Turkish navy was sailing near ……………………. North Pole.
31) …………………. last time we talk to Tom was before he left for …………………. Bahamas.
32) At ……………… moment she is writing an article …………………. Daily News.
33) ………………… higher you throw the stone, ………………….. further it falls.
34) ……………………. snow is snowing hard now.
35) ………………… cheese is made from ………………………. milk.
36) ……………….. Turks admire ……………… traditions of …………………… Japanese.
37) For ………………. time being my cousins are staying at ……………………. Hilton.
38) Many people are afraid of ……………… death.
39) She will go to Antalya on ……………. fifthof July.
40) My friend accidentally punched my brother on ……………………. nose.
41) I have got two dogs; ………………….. black one is calledTosun, ………….. grey one is called Potuk.
42) My teacher touched on ……………………….. shoulder to cheer me.
43) My little brother is trying to reach …………….. same level as ………………. other students in his class.
44) …………………. Former question is not as difficult as …………… latter.
45) If people don’t protect …………….. nature, …………………. environment will get worse and worse.
46) My hotel was near …………………. Tower of Galata in istanbul.
47) I love looking up at …………………. sky.
48) ........... faster you ran, …………………. tireder you felt.
49) I hate studying ……………… history of ………………… Europe?
50) It is said that ………………….. Great Wall of China can be seen from …………. space.

EXERCISE 3- Complete the following sentences with “A”, “AN”, “THE” if it is necessary.
1) Turn on………………………. TV please. I want to watch a film.
2) Jack is……………. teacher. He works in…………………… school.
3) Hey, you are sitting on…………………. floor. It's very dirty.
4) Tim is in…………………. bathroom. He's having……………….. bath.
5) Tim bought………………. new pair of shoes last month. But I didn't like……………… colour of his shoes.
6) What is………………. highest hill in………………… world?
7) We live in………………… old house near…………………. Post office.
8) Yesterday I went shopping and bought……………… bottle of milk.
9) This was……………………… easy examination.
10) Please speak…………………. little louder.
11) I have never seen…………………… UFO.
12) May I ask you…………………… question?
13) I went to………………… sea during my summer vacation.
14) This coat was designed by………………. famous New York artist.
15) ……………….. city museum is closed today.
16) Would you like to see…………………. movie?
17) ……………… apple a day keeps…………………… doctor away.
18) I would like to be ………………. dentist.
19) What …………………….. unbelieveable story is this!
20) …………….. Browns watch …………………… horror film every Saturday night.
21) According to me …………….. aspirin is ……………. most useful medicine.
22) There are ………….. few tomatoes and pepper in……………… fridge , so let’s make …………… omelette.
23) Kızılırmak is ………………. longest river in …………….. Turkey.
24) Parts of ……………….. lands are below ………………. level of ………………. sea.
25) The arsonists set ………………….. fire to old house.
26) They are debating about …………………….. French revolution.
27) He lives in ………………….. Mexico , not in ………………… United States.
28) There is ……………… radio in ………………. living room.
29) Would you like ………………… cup of ………………. coffee?
30) ………………. Blacks have …………………… son and ……………. daughter.
31) My little son drink s………………….. glass of …………….. milk before he goes to ……………… bed.
32) Graham Bell invented ……………… telephone, not ……………….. electric bulb.
33) There is ……………. cat at the front door. ………….. cat looks very tired, cold and hungry.
34) There is ………………. Mr Williams waiting to see you.
35) It is such …………. cold and rainy weather that they can’t go for ……….. picnic at the weekend.
36) She is …………………… best of wives.
37) ………………….. more you practise, ……………….. better you becomes.
38) Suleyman ………………… magnificiant was ………………. most famous Sultan in the Ottoman Empire.
39) You have saved my life, thanks ……………… lot.
40) …………… poor envy ……………………… rich.
41) ……………….. ten o’clock plane doesn’t suit us.
42) ................... Sahara is…………….. largest desert in ……………….. world.
43) Go along ……………. Vatan Street and take ………………… first turning on ……………… left.
44) Cricket is ………………....a difficult game.
45) ... ........... football is very popular in ……
46) Where is ..... mixer? Is it in ..... cupboard?
47) There is ....... old clock on .... clock tower.

1- ……………. main problem in solving a question in ……………. mathematic is understanding ……………. logic. D
A) A/-/an B) T h e / - / t h e
C) The/the/the D) The/a/an
E) A/a/an
2- As ……………. global temperature has increased, people must guess that there exists ……………. hole in ……………. ozone
layer. E
A) the/-/a B) - / a / -
C) the/the/the D) a / a / a
E) the/a/the
3- ……………. strong wind has been blowing from ……………. south it is called ……………. southwest wind. A
A) A / t h e / t h e B) A / -/the
C) -/-/- D) The/the/ -
E) A/-/-
4- ……………. crocodile belongs to ……………. same family as ……………. Reptiles . B
A) -/the/- B) the/the/-
C) A/the/- D) -/-/the
E) the/-/a
5-I hate ……………. way he talks to ……………. children. C
A) -/the B) a/-
C) the/- D) -/-
E) the / a
6- ……………. goverment has ordered .……………. governer to help .……………. people injured at …………….. earthquake D
A) -/the/-/the B) The/the/the/the
C) - / - / - / - D) The / -/the/the
E) -/the/the/the
7- ……………. lake Van is one of ……………. biggest lake in ……………. Turkey. C
A) The/-/- B) the/the/the
C) -/the/- D) The/-/-
E) -/the/the
8-As a result of ……………. economic crise in ……………. year 1999 ……………. Turkish Goverment decided to increase the fees. C
A) -/the/- B) the / -/the
C) the/the/- D) -/the /the
E) the/the/the
9- ……………. Star Tv is one of ……………. first TV channels of ……………. republic of Turkey. C
A) -/-/the B) -/the/-

C) the/the/the D) the/the/a
E) -/the/the
10-My son was ……………. only one who was successful at ............. exam so they proposed him .......... scholarship. C
A) an /a /the B) the / -/-
C) The/the/a D) -/a/-
E) a/a/-
11-I made ……………. 530 kilometer trip from Ankara to Antalya in six hours, with ……………. speed of about a hundred and ten
kilometres ……………. hour. C
A) -/a/- B) the/the/an
C) a/the/an D) -/the/an
E) the/a/-
12-In ……………. world the gap between ……………. rich and ……………. poor is rapidly growing. D
A) the/the/the B) — /the / —
C) a/-/- D) -/the/the
E) -/-/-
13- If you need ……………. day permission, you'll have to take ……………. permission from……………. headmaster. C
A) the/the/- B) a/the/-
C) a/ -/ the D) -/-/the
E) - / a / a
14- ……………. Turkish is easier language to learn than ……………. Chinese C
A) the/an/the B) A/an/-
C) -/an /- D) -/an / the
E) A / a n / t h e
15- ……………. government is trying to decrease ……………. Unemployment rates in ……………. east of Turkey. E
A) The/an/- B) -/an/the
C) The/-/- D) -/-/the
E) T h e / t h e / t h e
16- ……………. population of ……………. Bodrum shows ……………. incredible increase in summers. A
A) The/the/an B) -/-/an
C) The/-/the D) The/-/-
E) - / t h e / t h e
17- ……………. newsworthy of nowadays news is ……………. Elections." C
A) The / the B) A / an
C) The/- D) The/an
E) A n / a
18- Sinop is on ……………. coast of Black Sea, in ……………. north of Turkey. D
A) the/... B) some /a
C) a/the D) the/the
E) an/a
19--Atatürk is one of ……………. most known leader in …………… world but he is ……………. genious hero in Turkey. C
A) some/an B) .../the
C) a/a D) an/...
E) the/the
20-She thinks her choice on ……………. sixth question of the test was ……………. best possible answer. C
A) the/a B) .../the
C) the/the D) some/the
E) the/some
21- ……………. constant noise coming from upstairs last night drove me crazy. E
A) ... B) An
C) Some D) Any
E) The
22- ……………. disabled people are thought to be unable to look after themselves but it is not true. D
A) ... B) Some
C) A D) The
E) An
23-……………. Browns ' son is studying ……………. engineering at Boğaziçi University. He is genius. A
A) .../a B) the/the
C) the/some D) some/a
E) some/the
24-Solar energy is produced in ……………. central core of ……………. sun. B
A) an / the B) a/the
C) the/the D) a/a
E) a/an
25-I don’t think that translators can speak …………….. Arabic in ……………. way……………. Arabians speak it? C
A) an/the/some B) .../some/a
C) .../the/the D) an/some/the
E) some / a / an
26-You had better have ……………. good excuse for being late to our dating. A
A) a B) any
C) some D) an
E) the
27-I wish I had ……………. time for ……………. break . I'm so bored and tired. D
A) the / some B) a / the
C) .../the D) some/a
E) any / some
28- ……………. financial situation of ……………. my parents has been improving day by day. E
A) The/a B) The/an
C) A/the D) Some /the
E) The/the
29- Sude was reading ……………. book I had recommended which I bought it from ……………. book store. B
A) a/any B) the /the
C) some/the D) a/a
E) an/the
30-My son used to be ……………. very shy boy when he was …………. child however now he is ………. very sociable person. A
A) a/a/a B) the/a/a
C) an/a/a D) much/the/a
E) the /the/a
31-As my mother is blood pressure patient, she is reading ……………. article about high blood pressure in ……………. Internet
at ……………. moment. B
A) an/the/a B) an / the/the
C) some/the/the D) the/the/a
E) .../a/the
32-Sue is ……………. aunt, she has got two nieces and ……………. nephew. C
A) an /the B) an /some
C) an/a D) the /some
E) .../the
33- ……………. newly married couple moved into ……………. flat next to ours last month, E
A) A /some B) The/the
C) Some/a D) The/a
E) A/the
34-My brother can't park ……………. car if ……………. space isn't big enough, he is not ……………. experienced driver. C
A) a /the /the B) some/an/a
C) the/the/an D) .../an/the
E) the/.../a
35- ……………. angry customer began to shout at ……………. waitress because she had forgotten to bring his drink, C
A) An /some B) The/...
C) An/the D) .../a
E) Some / any
36- ……………. special schools must be founded more for ……………. disableds . D
A) An/an B) The/...
C) Some/an D) .../the
E) The/...
37- There is ……………. Science-fiction movie on ……………. television tonight and we want to watch it. C
A) the/ any B) a/...
C) a/some D) the / an
E) .../a
38- I forgot to put ……………. roses my husband presented to me in ……………. water and they all wilted. A
A) the/... B) .../a
C) a/the D) the/any
E) a/a
39-While I was going to work by bus yesterday ……………. girl jumped in front of ……………. bus. B
A) a/some B) a/the
C) .../the D) the/...
E) an/the
40-The doctor suggested me to eat ……………. slice of bread and ……………. egg for breakfast. E
A) the / an B) the / a
C) an/a D) some/...
E)a / an
41- ……………. great deal of money was paid by my family during ……………. first six months of the medical treatment. D
A) the / a B) an / an
C) the/any D) a/the
E)some / an
42-My family is in ……………. hurry in ......... morning and we usually prefer to drink ……………. glass of orange juice. A
A) a /the /a B) an/any/the
C) some /a/the D) the/a/a
E) .../some/...
43-Many people don't know much about ……………. history of their own country, which is ……………. shame. C
A) a / the B) a / a
C) t h e / a D) any/the
E) an / an
44-In large parts of ……………. world, ……………. football have registered on ……………. enthusiasm meter. B
A) a /the /some B) t h e / t h e / t h e
C) the l a / a D) the /some /a
E) some/a/the
45- ……………. head of ……………. TBMM hasn't been ……………. elected yet. D
A) A/a/the B) The /some / some
C) The/a/the D) The/the/a
E) .../the/...
46- ……………. sun light and ……………. water are two important elements of the world. E
A) A / some B) A / a
C) The l a D) A/the
E) The/the
47-There was ……………. knock at ……………. front door so my father went to open. B
A) the/the B) a/the
C) a/a D) some /the
E) .../some
48-We have arrived on …………. ferry and we wonder if we could stay with you as a roommate for ......... couple of months. C
A) a/some B) the/the
C) the/a D) a/...
E) some / a
49-……………. Students can learn many things by ……………. help of distance learning. D
A) a/ the B) an/the
C) some /the D) the/the
E) ...
50- ……………. Internet is ……………. form for humanity's greatest invention and ……………. worst. B
A)The/.../ the B) The/a/the
C).../some/the D) Some/some/the
E) The / some/the
51-In ……………. hypnotic effect of television there lies ……………. danger of passive acceptance by ……………. uncritical public
of ideas which need to be challenged. A
A) the/a/an B) the /the /some
C) some /the /the D) a/a/the
E) a / the / an
52-One of ……………. urgent problems that Turkey must overcome immediately is economic crise. C
A) a B) an
C) the D) some
E) ...
53- ……………. cause of tooth decay is …………….. bacterium that feeds on ……………. sugar in our food. D
A)The / some / some B)The/the/a
C)Some / some / some D)The/a/the
E) A/a/some
54- ……………. information at ……………. E-mail can quickly be sent great distances by means of ……………. Internet.A
A) The/a/a B) The/the/a
C) An/some/the D) The/a/the
E) A / a / some
55- When ……………. Sultan of ……………. Ottoman Empire conquered their way into ……………. İstanbul, ……………. Ships sailed
from the land. C
A) the /the/ some / a B) some / the/some / some
C) the/the/the/the D) the/a/the
E) the /the/ a / some
56- ……………. severe earthquake released energy 10.000 times as great as that of ……………. first atomic bomb. D
A) An/the B) The/the
C) A/a D) A/the
E) Some /the
57- ……………. doctor who made his surgery was ……………. friend of ……………. family. B
A The/the/the B) The/a/the
C) The / some / a D) Some / some / some
E) The / a / some
58- Their father, who was ……………. terrible cook, had unexpectedly prepared ……………. lot of delicious food. C
A) some/a B) the/the
C) a / a D) the / an
E) some / some
59-Cash machines reduced ……………. Work load of ……………. banks. D
A) some/the B) an/the
C)a/the D)the/the
E) ...
60-Halide Edip Adıvar is one of ……………. best known writers of ……………. . Liberation war period. C
A) some/the B) the/the
C)a/the D)an/the
E) ...
61-Most of ……………. airports have three terminals, one is for international flights, ……………. other is for domestic flights
and ……………. third one is for cargo flights. A
A) the/the/the B) the/a/a
C) the/some/a D) the/the/an
E) the/some / some
62-Stress is not ……………. disease and moreover is ……………. normal part of everyone's life. E
A) the/the B) the / an
C) some /a D) some/some
E) a/a
63-It is really too difficult to make measurement in ……………. social sciences than in ……………. physical sciences. E
A) a/a B)the/an
C) some/a D) some / some
E) the/the
64-According to law everyone should show ……………. car to ……………. Computest centers before buying or selling it. B
A) some l a B)the/a
C) the/the D) the/an
E) the / some
65-There was ……………. competition for being ……………. best singer of ……………. time. C
A) the/the/some B) the/some/a
C) a/the/the D) .../the/an
E) the/an/...
66- In skin diving ……………. diver is equipped with ……………. glass and rubber face mask and …………….oxygen tube . B
A) a/a/an B) some/a/an
C) the /a/an D) the/the/an
E) Some/the/an
67-Most teachers take up ……………. occupation for ……………. same reasons. C
A) a/some B) an/the
C) some / a D) the / an
E)... / some
68-As ……………. craftsman made ……………. whole product himself, he had to have ……………. variety of skills. B
A) a/the/the B) a/the/a
C) the/the/some D) the /some /a
E) .../the/a


İngilizce tekil ve çoğul kelimelerle ilgili kurallar ve uygulamalar Türkçe'dekinden farklıdır. İngilizce'de sayılabilen ve
sayılamayan isimler vardır ve sayılamayan isimler çoğul yapılamazlar.

RULE 1- Sayılabilen isimlerin sonuna -S takısı gelir. Ancak ismin son harfine bağlı olarak -s harfi bazı değişiklikler gösterebilir.
- Sonu “ o “ ile biten isimler= potato = patatoes , tomato = tomatoes ( es ) alır.
- Sonu “ x “ ile biten isimler= box = boxes , fox = foxes ( es ) alır.
- Sonu “ s “ ile biten isimler= glass = glasses , class = classes ( es ) alır.
- Sonu “ z “ ile biten isimler= -z ile biten isimlere “–s” eklenirken “z” çift yazılır. Quiz – Quizzes,
- Sonu “ f , fe “ ile biten isimler= shelf = shelves, knife = knives ( ves ) alır.
- Sonu “ y “ ile biten isimler= city = cities, story = stories( ies ) alır.
- Sonu “ ch , sh “ ile biten isimler= watch = watches, dish = dishes ( es ) alır.
- Sonu “ y “ ile bitip kendinden önce “ bir sesli harf “ gelmesi durumunda= toy = toys, boy = boys, ( s ) alır.
-Y’ den önce bir sessiz harf varsa, -y İ’ye dönüşür ve –es takısı alır= enemy – enemies, discovery – discoveries
- Bunlar dışında kalanlar ( s ) alarak = books , pens alarak çoğul yapılır.

RULE 2- DÜZENSİZ İSİMLER: Belli bir kural sınıfına girmeyen ve bunun sonucunda da ayrı ayrı ezberlenmek zorunda kalınan
kelimelere ise “ düzensiz “ yapılar denir.
man (adam) = men (adamlar ) woman (kadın) = women (kadınlar)
person (kişi) = people (kişiler) foot (ayak) = feet (ayaklar)
louse (bit) = lice (bitler) mouse (fare) = mice (fareler )
child (çocuk) = children (çocuklar) tooth (diş) = teeth (dişler)
ox (öküz) = oxen (öküzler) goose (geyik) = geese (geyikler)
this (bu) = these (bunlar) that (şu) = those (şunlar)

RULE 3- Çift olan herşey çoğul sayılır. Burada yine Türkçe'dekinden farklı bir mantık vardır. Mesela pantolon kelimesinin
çoğul olması çift paçası olmasındandır. Yine aynı şekilde dürbün kelimesi de iki gözü olduğu için çoğuldur
eyes (gözler ) - shorts (şort) -jeans (kot pantolon) - shoes (ayakkabı)
scissors (makas ) - tights (tayt) -knickers (kısa pantolon) - pyjamas (pijama)
pants (pantolon) - braces (askı) -glasses (bardak) - binoculars (dürbün)
trousers (pantolon) - spectacles (gözlük) -clippers (kırpma aleti) - shears (makas)
tongs (maşa) - pincers (kerpeten)

RULE 4- Sonu “ f ve fe “ ile biten isimlerin çoğul yapılabilmeleri için bu harflerin düşüp yerlerine “ ves” getirilir.
Calf (buzağı) = calves (buzağılar) -Half (yarım) = halves ( yarımlar)
Wife (kadın eş) = wives (eşler) -Self (kendi) = selves (kendileri)
Knife (bıçak) = knives (bıçaklar) -Leaf (yaprak) = leaves (yapraklar)
Shelf (raf ) = shelves (raflar) -Thief (hırsız) = thieves (hırsızlar)
Wolf (kurt) = wolves (kurtlar) -Loaf (somun) = loaves (somunlar)
Sheaf (demet) = sheaves (demetler)

RULE 5- Yukarıdakiler dışında kalan isimler “ f ve fe “ ile bitmelerine rağmen sadece “ s “ alarak çoğul yapılır.
Safe (kasa) = safes (kasalar) -Blief (inanç) = bliefs (inançlar)
Roof (çatı) = roofs (çatılar) -Chief (başkan) = chiefs (başkanlar)

RULE 6-Her zaman çoğul olarak kullanılan tekili olmayan isimler vardır. Bunlar asla tekil olarak kullanılamazlar.
oborigines (yerli) - police (polis) -archives (arşiv) - remains (kalıntı)
riches (servet) - savings (tasarruf) - cattle (sığır) - surroundings (çevre)
clothes (çamaşır) - thanks (teşekkür) -outdoors (dışarısı) - manners (terbiye)
dregs (tortu) - outskirts (civar) -eaves (saçak) - victuals (erzak)
environnents (çevre) - goods (mal)

RULE 7- Türkçe'de sayılabilir gibi düşündüğümüz ama İngilizce'de sayılamayan isimler vardır.
Advice (öğüt) - business (iş) -Baggage (bagaj) - entertainment (gösteri)
Bread (ekmek) - furniture (mobilya) -Money (para) - grief (üzüntü)
Cash (nakit) - knowledge (bilgi ) -Fun (eğlence) - information (bilgi)
Homework (ev ödevi) - mail (posta) -Work (iş) - news (haber)

RULE 8- Bazı isimlerin tekil ve çoğul halleri aynıdır.

Sheep (koyun) = Sheep (koyunlar) (sheeps değil!)
Aircraft (uçak) = Aircraft (uçaklar)
Fish (balık) = fish (balıklar)
Deer (geyik ) = Deer (geyikler)
Salmon (somon balığı) = Salmon (somon balıkları)
EXP:There is a sheep in the meadow.
There are some sheep in the meadow

RULE 9- Latince kökenli olan isimler:
a) Criterion – criteria phenomnon – phenomna
b) Analysis – analyses thesis – theses basis – bases crises – crises oasis – oases
c) Bacterium – bacetria datum – data medium - media

EXERCISE 1- Change the following sentences into “Plural” making all the necessary changes.
Example : She is a lovely woman. They are lovely women.
1) It is an ancient city : ………………………………………
2) There is a fly in the room : ………………………………………
3) The fireman is in the flat : ………………………………………
4) The glass is full of water : ………………………………………
5) The sheep is eating the grass : ………………………………………
6) The mouse is in the the kitchen : ………………………………………
7) The leaf is falling down the tree : ………………………………………
8) She is a very clever child : ………………………………………
9) Are you a policeman? : ………………………………………
10) She is a poor woman : ………………………………………
11) The brush is on the chair : ………………………………………
12) My tooth decayed : ………………………………………
13) The deer is running very fast : ………………………………………
14) The baby is very beautiful : ………………………………………
15) This box of chocolate is very big: ………………………………………
16) The foot of this woman is very small : ………………………………………
17) The life of this orphan is miserable : ………………………………………
18) The knife in the cutlery is sharp : ………………………………………
19) I put the book on the shelf : ………………………………………
20) The ox is grazing in the field : ………………………………………
21) Put the dish into the dishwasher : ………………………………………
22) Our teacher is preparing the quiz : ………………………………………
23) There is the loaf of bread on the table : ………………………………………
24) This piece of chalk is white : ………………………………………
25) She is a beautiful lady : ………………………………………

EXERCISE 2- Fill in the blanks the plural forms of the words in the brackets.
1) How many……………………(person) study English as a second language in Turkey?
2) Three………………….. (woman) opened rent a car company.
3) Not only adults but also ………………….. (child) enjoy surfing on the Internet.
4) Most basketball players are 6…………………… (foot) tall or more.
5) Which breed of……………………. (sheep) produces the finest wool?
6) Our father’s………………… (tooth) are sensitive to the cold.
7) At daylight savings time, we have to change our……………….. (watch).
8) We went fishing and caught 15…………………… (fish).
9) The…………………… (housewife) keep their……………. (knife) in the …………. (cutlery).
10) Jane is watching documentary. It is about (butterfly)………… and……….. (flowers), (wolf) ………….. and
…………….. (fox).
11) My sister is a babysitter and she loves (baby)………………. .
12) The (child)………………… like playing with their (toy)………………….., collecting different autumn (leaf)…………………
, trying to catch (Mouse)……………… and swimming with…………….(fish) .
13) They need at least six (loaf)…………… of bread to make 15 (sandwich)………………… .
14) (lady)………………. and (gentleman)………………. ! Let's take some (photo)……………….. together!
15) I should buy some (potato)………………. Cips for this party. I also need (cooky)……………….. and juice.
16) My mother doesn't like (party)……………. . She cannot talk to strange (woman)……………. and (man)………
17) There are some (book)……………. on those (shelf)………………….. on the subject you are searching .
18) They've seen all the (video)………. taken from the security room. I'm afraid They may need more (proof) ………
19) These (lady)…………….. ordered (hot chocolate)……………………. .
20) She offered those (person)……………… some (candy)………………………..
21) My mother buys three ……………………..(loaf) of bread every day.
22) How many ……………………. (box)of matches have you got?

23) The birds sit on the ………………… (branch)of the trees.
24) children use their …………………… (knife)to cut the branches of the tree.
25) France and Germany are very powerfull …………………….. (country)
26) There are no …………………… (leaf)on this tree in the winter.
27) The teacher usually puts the books on the ……………………… (shelf)of the cupboard.
28) My mother always cuts the apple into two …………..(half) and gives one half to me and the other to my sister.
29) My sister makes her own ………………………..(dress) by herself.
30) The angry ………………………. (goose) are running after the children in the park.
31) What is his ………………….. (criterion) when he is judging a work of art?
32) People use ……………………. (brush)to clean their ………………….. (tooth).
33) There are some car ……………….. (factory) in Turkey.
34) The students can find all kinds of ………………….(dictionary)in the school library.
35) Don’t forget to write the ……………….. (adress)on the envelopes.
36) Humanbeings have got two …………………. (foot) and two ……………….. (arm).
37) They are trying to get rid of the …………………… (mouse)in their kitchen.
38) The Russian ………………….. (spy) steal the plans of the nuclear power plants.
39) They are picking up ……………………. (daisy) in the park to give them to their girl friends.
40) The old man spent the evening cracking jokes and telling witty …………………. (story)
41) They are chopping the trees down by their ……………………… (ax)
42) ……………. (bacterium) in drinking water spread illnesses.


SAYILABİLEN (COUNTABLE) İSİM = sayılarla ifade edebileceğimiz, sayabileceğimiz isimler gelir. “Countable” isimler, hem
çoğul hem de tekil yapılabilir ve kendisinden önce “a ,an” alabilirler.
TEKİL: a picture (bir resim), a book (bir kitap), an apple (bir elma)
ÇOĞUL: three pictures (üç resim), a lot of books (birçok kitap), a few apples (biraz elma)
A slice of bread, 100 tl, some vegetable, pea, a kilo of cheese, a bottle of milk

SAYILAMAYAN (UNCOUNTABLE) İSİM = sayılarla ifade edemeyeceğimiz veya bir, iki, üç diye sayamayacağımız isimler gelir.
Örnek : bir su, iki su, üç su diyerek, suyu adet olarak sayamayız. Sayılamayan isimler, ölçü birimleri vb. gibi şeylerle
sayılabilir hale getirilirler. “Uncountable” isimler çoğul yapılamaz, “a, an” alamazlar. Her zaman tekil fiil alırlar.
water (su) – a glass of water (bir bardak su) - two glasses of water (iki bardak su)
cheese (peynir)– five slices of cheese (beş dilim peynir)

İngilizcede: uncountable nounların çoğul hali olmaz. "Su akıyor," "elektrik kesik," çay taze" veya "kar eriyor," şeklinde
Türkçede: uncountable nounların çoğul halleri kullanılır.Türkçe'de “Sular akıyor”, “Elektrikler kesik”, “Çaylar taze”, “Karlar
eriyor” gibi cümleler kurabiliriz.

a) Benzer birimlerden oluşan Grup isimleri: Genellikle, bütün grubu ifade eden isim uncountable, grubu oluşturan tek
parçalar ise countable olur.
baggage, clothing, equipment food, fruit, furniture, garbage, hardware, jewelery, junk, luggage, machinery, mail,
makeup, money, cash, change, postage, scenery, traffic, etc..

Furniture (uncountable): Chair, sofa,armchair,table, etc (countable)

Fruit (uncountable): apple, orange, pear, peach, etc (countable)
Jewellery (countable): ring, bracelet, neckle, earings, etc (countable)

b) Substances
Sıvılar ( fluids): water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup , gasoline , blood, etc..
Katılar (Solids) : ice, bread, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper, wood, cotton, wool, etc..
Gazlar (Gases) : steam, air, oxygen, pollution etc
Tanecikler(Particles) : rice, chalk, corn, dirt, dust, salt,sugar,pepper,wheat,flour,sand etc..

c) Soyut Kavramlar (Abstract Nouns): Soyut isimler uncountable olarak kabul edilir
beauty, luck, courage, fear, justice, advice, anger, assistance,vocabulary, evidence, news, information, fun, behaviour,
happiness, knowledge, significance, conduct, truth, justice, health, courage, help, honesty,laughter,luck, violance,
wealth,honesty, education, music, work, homework, hospitality,patience, time, employment,peace, poetry, importance,

intelligence, pride, energy, etc..

d) Dil İsimleri (languages) : Turkish, English, German, etc..

h) Bilim Alanları (Fields of study) : Chemistry, physics, Semantics, etc.

i) Spor Faaliyetleri (Recreations): chess, baseball, soccer, tennis, etc..

j) Aktiviteler(Gerunds): driving, shopping, swimming, running, cooking etc..

k) Doğa olayları (Natural Phenomena): weather, dew, fog, rain, snow,gravity, wind,thunder, sunshine, lightning, heat,hail,
humidity, etc…

L) Uncountable Nouns: Birden fazla çeşit, tür ifade ederken çoğul olarak kullanabilirler.
There is not any food at home. (Uncountable)
Fruits and vegetables are healty foods. (Countable)
Meat is full of protein. (Uncountable)
We sell ten different meats in our shop. (Countable)


NOUN : Iron
countable (sayılabilir): Ütü : We need to buy a better iron.
countable (sayılamaz) : Demir: Iron is more easily found than silver.
NOUN : Experience
countable (sayılabilir): Başından Geçen Olay His experiences as a teacher are very interesting
countable (sayılamaz) : Tecrübe Experience is important for most jobs
NOUN : Noise
countable (sayılabilir): Ses We heard a loud noise coming from the street
countable (sayılamaz) : Gürültü There is too much noise in class.
NOUN : Work
countable (sayılabilir): Eser The Work of Elif Şafak is “Love”,
countable (sayılamaz) : İş I have a lot of work to do.
NOUN : Chicken
countable (sayılabilir): Tavuk They bought twenty chickens for their farm
countable (sayılamaz) : Tavuk eti Chicken is better than meat
NOUN : Light
countable (sayılabilir): Elektrik, ışık Turn on the lights, please.
countable (sayılamaz) : Gün ışığı Light was streaming in through the door
NOUN : Hair
countable (sayılabilir): Kıl There in a hair in my soup.
countable (sayılamaz) : Saç Her hair is brown
NOUN : Paper
countable (sayılabilir): Gazete His photo was on the papers yesterday
countable (sayılamaz) : Kâğıt Paper is made from wood.
NOUN : Glass
countable (sayılabilir): Bardak There are five glasses on the table
countable (sayılamaz) : Cam Glass is made from san
NOUN : Time
countable (sayılabilir): Kez, kere I am having bath three or four times a week
countable (sayılamaz) : Zaman Time passes so quickly

TIME: A/ An aldığı durumlar; Have a nice time, have a good time

EXERCISE 1- Some of the words are countable and some of them are uncountable. Write C to countable nouns and U for
uncountable nouns.
1- water…………………… 2- book ……………… 3- salt……………………… 4- orange juice…………………….. 5- rice……………………..
6-steam………………….. 7- jumper…………….. 8- chalk…………………….. 9- computer…………………… 10- beauty………………
11- tea…………………… 12- soup-……………….. 13- table………………….. 14- chocolate…………………. 15- Money……………
16- man………………… 17-music………………….. 18- rain…………………… 19-wood……………………… 20-honey……………….
21- physics…………….. 22-lamp………………… 23- air……………………24- phone……………………….. 25- notebook……………..
26-house………………….. 27-traffic………………. 28-desk……………….. 29- garbage…………………. 30- chalk………………….
31- meat…………………. 32- make up………………. 33- student……………… 34-expense…………….. 35- cash………………….
36-person………………… 37- orange………………… 38- oil……………………. 39-petrol………………….. 40- news…………………
41-cotton…………………. 42- coffee…………………… 43- star………………….. 44- door…………………45- knife…………………..
46- road………………….. 47- child…………………….. 48- rain…………………… 49- time……………….. 50- hair……………………





Examples :
1. Countable nouns: (+) some people, a lot of cars, a few books, lots of flowers, most students, a couple of hours
(—) any children, no books
2. Uncountable nouns: (+) some money, a little bread, a lot of water a great deal of time, much food
(—) any milk, no time


USE 1- SOME= biraz, birkaç anlamında kullanılmaktadır ve hem sayılabilen, hem de sayılamayan isimlerle birlikte

Sayılabilen isimlerle: birkaç, Çoğul , olumlu cümle.

EXAMPLE: There are some students in the school garden.
I have some books in my bag.

Sayılamayan isimlerle: biraz ,Tekil , olumlu cümle .

EXAMPLE: I have got some money in my purse.
Ali is going to buy some sugar.

Sayılabilir çoğul isimlerle= “Bazı” anlamında

Some people are so pessimistic not as others.
Some events are so bothering.
Some cars are produced for speed.

USE 2- SOME: Normalde olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır. Fakat bazı durumlarda soru cümlelerinde eğer soru cümlesini kuran
kişi cevabın evet olacağını düşünüyor veya öyle bir cevap umuyorsa, soru cümlesinde some kullanılabilir.
EXAMPLE: - Have you got some coffee?
- Dad, can you give me some money?

USE 3- SOME: rica veya teklif anlamı içeren soru cümlelerinde de kullanılır. Bu cümleler yapı olarak soru cümlesi olsa da,
anlam olarak soru değil, rica veya teklif cümleleridir.
EXAMPLE:- Would you like some more orange juice?
- May I have some of your pens?

USE 4- SOME: sayılabilir tekil isimle= konuşmacı için önemli olmayan veya bilinmeyen bir kişi veya nesneden bahsederken
Whom did you talk to at the party? Some people that I have not seen before.
Where did you stay? Some hotel in Bodrum.

USE 5- SOMEDAY= Bir gün….. yapacağım.( Gelecekte)

Someday,the doctors are going to find cure to cancer.

SOME DAYS= Bazı günler
Some days, I want to be alone and did not want to see or talk to anyone else.

ANY= “hiç” anlamında kullanılmaktadır ve hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılabilir.

Sayılabilen isimlerle:her zaman çoğul , olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde

-There aren't any students in the classroom.
-Are there any cars in the garage?
-Doesn't your teacher have any books on this subject?

Sayılamayan isimlerle:her zaman tekil, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde

-There isn't any honey in the fridge.
- Have you got any money in your pocket?
- Don't you eat any cheese for breakfast?

USE 1- ANY: Olumlu cümlede = Herhangi bir, istediğin…..

When can I go to cinema with my friends? – Any time you want.No problem for me.
Which shoe should I buy? You can buy any shoe you like.All of them suit you.

USE 2- ANY: yalnızca If ve whetter gibi bağlaçlarla birlikte kullanılırsa, olumlu cümlelerde kullanılabilir.
- I'm not sure if/weather there is any honey in the jar.
- I'll always help you if you have any problems.


A LOT OF/ LOTS OF/ PLENTY OF: Çok anlamında olumlu cümlelerde kullanılırlar ve hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan
isimlerle kullanılabilirler.

Sayılabilen isimlerle:her zaman çoğul, olumlu ve soru cümlelerinde

- There are a lot of pens in my bag.
- My mother bought a lot of apples at the market yesterday.
- Do you have a lof of books in it?

Sayılamayan isimlerle:her zaman tekil, olumlu ve soru cümlelerinde

- There is a lot of milk in the bottle.
- There is a lot of flour in the packet.
- Is there a lot of sugar in your jar?

A lot of, lots of ve plenty of: Olumlu bir cevap beklenerek sorulan soru cümlelerinde de kullanılabilirler.
- Do they have plenty of money to lend me?
- She has a lot of money but her husband doesn't have any.

MANY: Çok anlamında kullanılırlar ve daima sayılabilen + çoğul isimlerle kullanılır.

Sayılabilen isimlerle:her zaman çoğul, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde

- I haven't written many letters today.
- Does she want many novels?
- There aren't many pnotos in my album.
- Didn't you need many workers while you were building this house?

USE 1- MANY: resmi İngilizcede ve cümle başlarında olumlu cümlelerde de kullanılabilir.

- Many people agree with you, sir.
- Many tourists visited the country this summer.

RULE 2- MANY: Günlük konuşmalarda ekseriyetle kendisinden önce too, so, a great, a good gibi kelimeler kullanıldığı
zaman many olumlu cümlelerde kullanılabilir.
- There were too many student inside the garden.
- I bought my wife so many dresses that she couldn't decide which to wear first
- You need to read a great many books if you want to learn English.

MUCH: Çok anlamında kullanılırlar ve daima sayılamayan + tekil isimlerle kullanılır.

Sayılamayan isimlerle:her zaman tekil, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde

- I haven't written much information about this flower in my book.
- Does she want much money?
- Didn't you need much cement while you were building this house?

USE 1- MUCH: Resmi İngilizcede özne şeklinde much, olumlu cümlelerde kullanılır.
- Much money will be spent on cleaning materials next month.
- Much time has passed since the teacher applied the exam.

USE 2- MUCH: Günlük konuşmalarda kendisinden önce too ve so kelimeleri geldiğinde olumlu cümlelerde much
- The man drank too much wine and felt ill.
- Muslams drink so much water before fasting.

HOW MUCH= Miktar sorarken kullanılır.
How much money do you need? – A hundred TL.

HOW MANY= Miktar sorarken kullanılır.
How many people were there at the table? –eight people.

SOME, ANY, MUCH, MANY + OF= İsmin önünde= My, your, the, these, those…gibi sözcükler bazıları, çoğul anlamını
vermek için kullanılır.
Some students do their homeworks regularly.
Some of the students in the class do not do their homeworks regularly.
Any men can have difficulty working on these hard conditions.
Any of these men can have difficulty working on these hard conditions.
Many old people suffer from health problems.
Many of the old people in our village suffer from health problems.
I do not want to spend much money on clothes.
I want to spend much of my money on books.


A lot of people are trying to lose weight because of their health problems.

OF + ZAMİR(PRONOUN)= Çoğul isimlerin yerine (us, you, these, those)

We do not want any of you to come with us.
Many of them answered the question right.
Some of these books are mine.

OF +ZAMİR (PRONOUN)= sayılamaz isimlerin yerine ( it, that, this)

Much of it in the tank has finished.


A few, few, very few, quite a few: Birkaç, Az anlamında kullanılırlar ve daima sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır ve isimler
daima çoğul olur.
Sayılabilen isimlerle:her zaman çoğul, olumlu cümlelerde
- There are a few men at the bus-stop.
- I have seen few camels so far.

USE 1- Few ile a few arasında fark vardır.

A FEW; cümleyi söyleyenin nazarında olumlu "birkaç, az ama yeterli" anlamındadır.
- I have a few books in my bookcase. (Birkaç kitap vardır ve sayısı azdır.)

FEW; cümleyi söyleyenin nazarında olumsuz "yok denecek kadar az" anlamındadır.Only a few ve very few aynı anlamdadır.
- I have few books in my book case. (Kitap vardır fakat yok gibidir. Yani var sayılmaz.)

USE 2- Very few ise ( çok az ) demektir ve sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır.

- They bought very few things.
- We saw very few people there.

Very few yerine only a few da kullanılabilir.

- They bought only a few things.
- We saw only a few people there.

USE 3- QUITE A FEW ise "oldukça çok, epey" anlamına gelir ve yine sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır.
- There were quite a lot of people in front of the theatre.
- I bought quite a lot of books last month.


A LITTLE, VERY LITTLE: Biraz, Az anlamında kullanılırlar ve daima sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır ve isimler daima tekil olur.

sayılamayan isimlerle:her zaman tekil, olumlu cümlelerde

- There is a little milk in the bottle.
- I have drunk little water this morning.

USE 1- LITTLE ile A LITTLE arasında fark vardır.

A LITTLE cümleyi söyleyene göre olumlu "biraz, az" manasındadır.
- I have a little money.
LITTLE cümleyi söyleyene göre olumsuz "yok denecek kadar az" manasındadır.
- I have little money.

USE 2- VERY LITTLE: çok az anlamına gelir ve sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır.

- He drank very little milk.
- There is very little butter in the fridge.
VERY LITTLE yerine, ONLY A LITTLE da kullanılabilir.
- He drank only a little milk.
- There is only a little butter in the fridge.

TOO/ SO FEW ve TOO/ SO LITTLE = Çok az anlamındadır.

I had too/ so little money left near me that I turned home by hitchhiking.
There is too/ so little milk at home that I could not make cake.

FEW, LİTTLE + OF TAMLAMASI= İsmin önünde the, my, his,her,these, those, this, that kullanılır
Few people care dangers of using plastics in nature.
Few of the people in the world try to stop the usage of plastic.
A little water will be enough for growing plants.
Little of the water will grow your flower.

FEW/ A FEW + OF + ZAMİR(PRONOUN)= Çoğul isimlerin yerine (us, you, these, those)
Few of people can be honest to others.
Very few of my students are listening my lessons carefully.

LITTLE / A LITTLE + OF +ZAMİR (PRONOUN)= sayılamaz isimlerin yerine( it, that, this)
I can give you a little of it.


USE 1-
We spend more money to food than accommodation.
We spend the most money on training.
My son made the fewest mistake in the exam in the class.

USE 2- Derecelendirmeyi artırmak veya düşürmek için

Sayılabilenler: A few more ve many more
I have bought a few eggs but I need a few more for the cake.
Many people died because of the epidemic illness and we arv afraid many more will die.
Sayılamayanlar: A little more ve much more
I have enough money but I need a little more money to buy that car.
There will be much more traffic jam in İstanbul next five years.

USE 3- ANY MORE: olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde

- There is not any milk in the fridge. ( hiç yok)
There is not any more milk in the fridge. ( varmış bitmiş)
SOME MORE: - Can I have some bread? ( ilk kez)
Can I have some more bread? ( biraz daha)
NO MORE:olumlu cümlelerde ama anlam olumsuz
- There is no milk in the fridge. ( hiç yok)
There is no more milk in the fridge. ( varmış bitmiş)
USE 4- ANY ve NO’ nun kullanıldığı yerlere dikkat ediniz.
ANY MORE : Artık
I do not want to answer your questions any more.
I am not playing at the school football team any more
I do not want to answer your questions any longer.
I am not playing at the school football team any longer.
NO MORE: Artık
I want to answer your questions no more.
I am no more playing at the school football team.
I want to answer your questions no more.
I am no longer playing at the school football team.

MOST : pek çok, çoğu = Sayılabilir + Çoğul ve Sayılamaz + Tekil isimlerle kullanılır.
Most people do not like working too much but they had to.
Most people do not like obeying the rules.

MOST + OF TAMLAMASI= İsmin önünde the, my, his, her, it, these, those, this, that kullanılır.
Most of the questions I answered in the exam were wrong.
Most of the people living in Ankara fed up with the traffic.

MOST: much/ many’nin superlative biçimi = en çok

Önünde The her zaman olur ve isim ile most arasında OF olmaz.
I got the most money near me among my friends.
Of the three sisters, Sally has the most dresses.

PLENTY : bol bol, yeterinden fazla = Sayılabilir + Çoğul ve Sayılamaz + Tekil isimlerle kullanılır.
Plenty + isim: OF kullanılır.
I have got plenty of time to meet with my friends.
We have plenty of fuits at home so we do not need to buy more.

ENOUGH: yeterince= Sayılabilir + Çoğul ve Sayılamaz + Tekil isimlerle kullanılır.
Specific isimlerle= enough + isim: of kullanılır.
My mother gave me enough money to buy the books that I want.
You have used enough of the eggs because we need the rest to the cake.

SEVERAL: birkaç, bazı= sayılabilir + çoğul isimlerle kullanılır.
Specific isimlerle= several + isim:of kullanılır.
There are several writers that I like reading.
There are several reasons why I do not want to go to Tom’s party.
I read several of my favourite books from the beginning again.
Several of my students were chosen to the competition.

ALL: bütün, hepsi= Sayılabilir + Tekil/ Çoğul + isim veya Sayılamaz + isim kullanılır. En az 3(üç) şeyden bahsederiz.
All parents try to protect their child.
All creatures have the right to live.

Specific isimlerle= ALL + (OF) + İSİM.

Sayılabilir Tekil isimlerde OF genellikle kaldırılır.
All of my friends= All my friends
All of those = All those
All of the cars in the park = All the cars in the park
All of the people in Turkey = All the people in Turkey
All of the information in the book = All the information in the book

ALL + US, YOU,THEM, IT = OF kaldırılmaz.

All of it was wrong answered.
All of you listen to me carefully.
All of us want to go to Bodrum in the summer holiday.


All of it = it all
I finished all of it = I finished it all.
All of you= you all
I warn all of you = I warn you all.
All of us= we all (subject), us all ( object)
She phoned all of us = She phoned us all.
All of them= They all ( subject) , them all ( object)
He wants to watch all of them = He wants to watch them all.

ALL: Yardımcı fiil ile biten kısa cevaplarda= subject + all + Auxiliary
-They are all willing to take me to the airport.
-Who is willing to take you to the airport?
- We all are.

WHOLE: tüm, bütün anlamındadır. Çoğunlukla Sayılabilir + Tekil isimlerle kullanılır.
I cleaned the whole house.
She worked her whole life.
I translated this whole book.

A WHOLE: bütün bir… anlamında kullanılır.

In the old days, Turks eat a whole sheep in one time.

WHOLE: Bazen çoğul isimle kullanılır.

Whole countries are effected at the economic crisis in 2014.


WHOLE + PLURAL NOUN: Sözü edilen şeylerin bazıları

Whole houses were destroyed during the earthquake.( Some houses completely destroyed.)
ALL + PLURAL NOUN: Sözü edilen şeylerin her biri
All the houses in the city destroyed during the earthquake.( every one of the houses in the city destroyed.)


The whole day/ week/ month/ year…
I did not even blink my eyes the whole night.
ALL day/ week/ month/ year…
I did not even blink my eyes all night.

ALL= Bazen everything ve the only thing anlamında kullanılır.

All you are telling is a lie. = everything you are telling is a lie.
All I want is some sleep. = The only thing I want is some sleep.

NONE: hiç, hiçbiri = olumlu cümlede ama anlam olumsuz olur. En az 3(üç) şeyden bahsederiz.
Sayılabilir + Çoğul isimlerle ve Sayılamaz isimlerle kullanılır.
KISA CEVAPLARDA: Tek başına kullanılır.
How many books did you buy? – None
How much money do you have on you? - None
Specific isimlerle : OF ile kullanılır.
None of your questions are not easy to solve.
None of my friends accept my offer.
NONe + OF + US, YOU,THEM, IT, THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE, THAT şeklinde kullanılır.
None of them suit you.
None of these are cheap.
All these films are awfull. None of them are watchable.

HALF: Yarısı = Sayılabilir + Tekil/ Çoğul isimlerle ve Sayılamaz isimlerle kullanılır.
Specific isimlerle : OF ile kullanılır.
Half of your questions are not easy to solve.
Half of my friends accept my offer.
HALF + OF + US, YOU,THEM, IT, THIS, THAT, THESE, THOSE, THAT şeklinde kullanılır.
Half of the apples = Half the apples = half of them
Half of the citizens = Half the citizens = Half of them
Half ( of) the member of the parliament accepted the law.
Half ( of) my colliques refused my offer.

BOTH: her ikisi= Sayılabilir +çoğul isim/ fiil ile kullanılır.Both tek başınada kullanılabilir.
There were five girls in the house.Both girls were sleeping. = Both were sleeping.


Both of my friends went to summer holiday.I am alone at the office.
I have visited both of my relatives at Ramadan festival.

BOTH+ OF+ YOU, US, THEM= OF kullanılmak zorunludur.

Both of us = we both (subject) us both ( object)
Both of us want to see that movie. = We both want to see that movie.
Both of them = they both ( subject) them both ( object)
Both of them were in the car during the accident. = They were both in the car during the accident.
Both of you = you both
Both of you can solve the problem. = You can both solve the problem.

EITHER: iki şeyden birisi= Sayılabilir+ Tekil isim ile kullanılır ve fiil daima Tekildir. Either tek başınada kullanılabilir.
Which of these bananas would you like? I can take either. = I can take either banana. ( tekil)
Which of those hats will you buy? I will buy either. = I will buy either hat. ( tekil)

EITHER: olumlu/ soru cümlesinin öznesi olur, olumsuz cümlenin nesnesi olur.
Can either of you read me this letter? Ofcourse either of us can read it.
Either of these boys can drive this car.
I won’t sell either of those cars.
They won’t speak either of you.

SPECIFIC ÇOĞUL İSİMLERDE: OF kullanılır ve fiil Tekil veya çoğul olabilir.

Either of these dresses is ( are) suitable for me.
Either of us is ( are) willing to come with you.

NEITHER: iki şeyden hiçbirisi= Sayılabilir+ Tekil isim ile kullanılır ve FİİL daima Tekildir. Neither tek başınada kullanılabilir.
Which of these girls phoned you?Neither of these girls phoned me.
Which of those novels will you read? I will read neither.

SPECİFİC ÇOĞUL İSİMLERDE: OF kullanılır ve fiil Tekil veya çoğul olabilir.

Neither of these shoes is ( are) suitable for me.
Neither of us is ( are) willing to come with you.


ONE/ ONLY ONE :bir/ birisi = Sayılabilir + Tekil isimlerle kullanılır. İsimden önce + sayı vurgusu
There is a woman at the bus stop. ( herhangi bir bayan)
There is only one woman at the bus stop. ( sadece bir bayan)
Give me an orange from the basket.( herhangi bir portakal)
Give me one orange from the basket. ( sadece bir tane,iki tane değil)

ONE : KİŞİ veya İNSAN kastedmek için

One can be enough to do this work.
Only one can come with me.

EACH: her biri= Grupdaki her bir öğeyi tek tek düşünürüz.
Sayılabilir + Tekil isimlerle kullanılır.Sıfat veya zamir olarak kullanılabilir.
Each student must choose a subject to their project.
Each student was given a poem to memorise. ( Tek tek,her bir öğrenci)

EVERY: her biri= Gruptaki her öğeyi bir bütün olarak düşünürüz. “All” kelimesine daha yakındır. “almost, nearly,
practically..” gibi sözcüklerle kullanılabilir.
Sayılabilir+ Tekil isimlerle kullanılır. Sıfat’tır ve arkasına bir isim gelmek zorundadır.
Every student must choose a subject to their project.
Every student was given a poem to memorise. ( bütün ,hepsi)
Almost every student at my school won the university exam.
Nearly every egg was broken in the box .

One of the doctors is late for work today.
Only one of my mark is low in the exam.
Every one of the children is going to clean the house.

Each one of the students should ready a project for my lesson.

Each of us has a work to do. = We each have a work to do.

Each of you has a work to do. = You each have a work to do.
Each of them has a work to do.= They each have a work to do.


EVERY:Zaman sözcükleriyle : EVERY day/ week/ month/ year.

I visit my parents every week.
I do my homeworks regularly everyday.

EVERY:.. günde bir, …saatte bir, ….ayda bir, …..yılda bir gibi ifadelerde kullanılır.
You should take your pills every day.
You should go to your doctor for your controls every six months.

EACH:Günden güne( her gün), yıldan yıla ( Her yıl).. değişen yada tekrarlanan durumlar için
At least ten cars added to İstanbul traffic each day.
We got to summer holiday to Antalya each year.

A NUMBER OF:bir grup ( a group of)
A number of people are going to give lawsuit petition to the court.

A GREAT/LARGE/ SMALL NUMBER OF: bir grup ( a group of) : grubun büyüklüğü vurgulanır.
A large number of students failed from the exam.
A small number of people failed from the exam.

A GREAT MANY/ A GOOD MANY :oldukça çok, bir hayli

I spend great many years as a teacher.
I lived a good many years with my husband.

QUITE A FEW:oldukça çok sayıda ( beklentinin üzerinde)

Quite a few students wanted to volunteer at my social project.


Quite a few of my high school friends find good jobs at our hometown.
A great many of my students were late to first classes in the mornings.
Four students were late to my class yesterday morning.

Three students are causing problems in my classes.


I try to store a large amount of crops for winter this year.


My parents try to put a small amount of money to the bank every month.

A GREAT/ GOOD DEAL OF:bir hayli, oldukça çok miktarda

Every year, my grand parents store a great deal of wood to burn at the stove for winter.


LOADS OF/ A LOAD OF: bir çok:Çoğunlukla konuşma dilinde kullanılır.
A load of problems in matths are waiting for me in order to be solved by me.
I have little time but loads of work to do.
HARDLY ANY/ ALMOST NO: hemen hemen hiç
We had hardly any ( almost no) choice so we had to stay in this hotel.
There were hardly any ( almost no) new books at the library so I bought new books from the book shop.


A friend of mine phoned me two hours ago. = One of my friends phoned me two hours ago.
Two relatives of my parents visited us. = two of my parents’ relatives visited us.
Some friends of my daughter came to our house. = Some of my daughter’s friends came to our house.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları some veya any ile doldurunuz.
1) I'm sure she made……………… mistakes on the exam.
2) There are ……………… books in the library.
3) My friend didn't make……………….. mistakes on the exam.
4) There isn't ……………… lettuce in my sandwich.
5) I should have studied…………………….more last night.
6) There is ………………….. pollution in industrial areas.
7) A-Do you have ……………… money near you? B-No, I don't have………………………. but I wish I did.
8) There is ………………… nitrogen in the atmosphere.
9) A-"Do you have……………… chocolate left," I asked? B-"No, I don't have……………………….." my sister replied.
10) A-Please come to see me………… time you are free. B-Thank you. Maybe I will come…………… time on Sunday?
11) There are ………………… fruit trees in an orchard.
12) We have no bread left at home so I will go to the store to buy………………...
13) There isn't generally ……………… sunlight on a rainy day.
14) My father must give me……………………….. more money.
15) There is still …………………………. water left in the bottle.
16) Our father bought a loaf of bread and…………………….cheese at the supermarket yesterday.
17) I'm busy. I have………………………………. time to chat with you now.

18) This is the first time I heard the proverb: "…………………….news is good news"?
19) …………………book about fishing will teach you how to catch a fish.
20) The teacher has……………. time to correct the compositions now. She has a meeting with the school director.
21) You can call us ……………………. day you want.
22) Would you like …………………….. orange juice? - Yes, please.
23) You can get ………….. information about Turkey from the tourist office.
24) Can I have ………………….. chocolate, please?
25) Please phone me or my parents if you have ……………………. problems.
26) Could you pass me ……………………. salt? - Yes, certainly.
27) There are ………………….. people waiting outside to talk to you.
28) We go out to a restaurant with ………………………… other people.
29) I don’t have ………………….. free time today.
30) I need ………………………. help with my homework. Are you free?
31) Is there …………………. room in the car for me? - No, there isn’t
32) Are there …………………. eggs in the fridge?
33) There is ………………… milk in the bottle.
34) …………………… taxi will take you to the train station.
35) I think there isn’t …………………… traffic on the road today.

EXERCISE 2- Answer the following sentences using “a few” or “a little”.

Example : A: Are there any students in the class? B: No, there aren’t many. There are only a few students in the class.
A: Is there much vinegar in the bottle? B: No, there isn’t much. There is only a little vinegar in the bottle.
1) A: Have you got any friends in İzmir? B: …………………………………………
2) A: Is there much sugar in your tea? B: …………………………………………
3) A: Has Sue got many t-shirts? B: …………………………………………
4) A: Is there much flour in the jar? B: …………………………………………
5) A: Is there much water in their glasses? B: …………………………………………
6) A: Has he got many cows on his farm? B: …………………………………………
7) A: Are there many apples in the fridge? B: …………………………………………
8) A: Has her mother got many books in her library? B: …………………………………………
9) A: Are there many exercises in that book? B: …………………………………………
10) A: Have she got much spare time? B: …………………………………………
11) A: Has the old woman got much money? B: …………………………………………
12) A: Are there many passengers in the train? B:
13) A: Is there much information in this booklet? B: …………………………………………
14) A: Has John got much time to finish this book? B: …………………………………………
15) A: Are there many trees in your garden? B: …………………………………………

EXERCISE 3-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları a few veya a little ile doldurun.
1) I've got…………………….. money. Let's have coffee.
2) I am too busy but I've got…………………………. time. Do you want to talk?
3) They can speak………………………….. English.
4) They made……………………… mistakes, but it was OK.
5) Let's go to picnic for……………………….fresh air.
6) Dad! Can you lend us ……………………………money?
7) There is too………………………soup in his plate. Give him some more.
8) Over the next ………………. days, we want you to study more because of your exams.
9) There are ……………………… books in this library about geology.
10) Such opportunities like training abroad are ………………….. in Turkey.
11) It was snowing very hard, so …………………….. people joined the meeting.
12) She eats very ………………………. That’s why she so thin.
13) There is ………………….. flour left, so Ali will make ………………………. cakes.
14) He made ………………… effort and he didn’t do well at the tournament.
15) Very …………………… experiments have been done to find out the cause of canser.
16) People …………………… knows what will happen in the future but dreams about it.
17) I have so ………………………. time that I did not even go out for lunch there.
18) Sude was among the ………………….. who managed to solve that difficult question in the exam.
19) ………………….. iron and mortar used in construction and that is why it collapsed.

20) Janet went to shopping mall to buy ………………….. things for the party.
21) They have …………………. knowledge about this subject, so they cannot be successful at the test.
22) I find it difficult to get on well with Julia because I have so ……………………… in common.
23) Unreliable people often have ………………………. friends.
24) We have to work all day long and we have …………………… time for relaxation.
25) Didn’t your mother give you …………………… advice before you got married?

EXERCISE 4-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları much veya many ile uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) Please don't put………………………….. salt on the meat.
2) There were not ……………………………. apples on the basket.
3) I never eat ………………………….bread with soup.
4) Why did you eat so……………………………ice-cream?
5) …………………. people don't like to look up words in the dictionary.
6) ………………… of this work was too difficult for me.
7) ………………….of their answers were excellent.
8) We don't know……………………….about the project.
9) I have not got……………………….friends, so I usually spend time at home.
10) There isn’t ………………… sugar in my tea so I can’t drink it.

EXERCISE 4-Complete the following sentences with “much”, “many”, “a lot of" or “lots of”.
Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
I have a lot of books. She has a lot of time.
I have lots of books. She has lots of time.
I don’t have many books. She doesn’t have much time.
Do I have many books? Does she have much time?
1) There are ………………….. students in the canteen.
2) There are not ………………… students in the canteen.
3) Are there students ………………. in the canteen?
4) Sonya has got …………………….. information about environmental protection project.
5) Sonya has not got ………………. information about environmental protection project.
6) Has Sonya got …………………….information about environmental protection project?
7) There is ………………………. tea in the tea kettle.
8) There is not ……………………. tea in the tea kettle
9) Is there …………………………… tea in the tea kettle?
10) Are there ………………… planes in the airport?
11) Is there ………………… soup in the stewpot?
12) Have you got …………………….. money in your pocket?
13) I have not got ………………………. patience to naughty children.
14) My brother eats too ………………………….. meat.
15) My workmate and I have got ………………….. work to do today.
16) He hasn’t got ………………. time so he has to hurry up to catch the bus.
17) Students learn ………………………….. things from their teachers.
18) There is not …………………….. petrol in my car.
19) How ……………………… flour do I need to make a cake?
20) How ……………………… eggs do I need to make a cake?
21) Are there …………………………… women in front of the cinema?
22) There is not …………….. honey in that jar.
23) Have you got …………………….. friends in Ankara?
24) There are ………………….. pairs of shoes in front of the entrance door.
25) They haven’t got ……………………….. money at the moment, so They can’t go to holiday.

EXERCISE 5- Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları some- any -much - many - little - few - a little - a few ile doldurunuz.
1) A-"Would you like to have……………………coffee with your meal, Sir" asked the waiter?B-Yes, I'd like
……………………… please," I replied.
2) A-I have……………………money so I will treat you to a movie. B-That is very kind of you because I don't
have………………………. money.
3) I know very……………………….about this writer. It is his first book I am reading.
4) The students of my class ask…………………questions at the lesson. They are really too …………………… motivated .
5) A: You do not make……..….. mistakes in grammar. Do you work hard at it? B: Oh, yes, I do, I work very
6) Only………………………of his friends came. Not all of them.
7) ……………….. places he chooses to go will be fine.
8) A: Does your son read……………….? B: Yes, he does. And your daughter? A: Oh, she doesn't. She has
so……………………books, but he reads very………………………...
9) A: Have you got ……………………... work to do today? B: No, not very…………………………
10) ………………. people prefer to study in the morning; others at night.
11) If you have……………………………. problem, call me.
12) Ladies! Walk quicker, please. We have very………………………. time.
13) I am sorry to say, l have not read ………………………. books by Ernest Hemingway.
14) …………………matter what he does, they will not accept him in the group.
15) They haven't sent us…………………………… application so far.
16) I'd like to say……………………….words on this matter.
17) After the tournament everybody felt……………………….. tired.
18) We can go to ………………… restaurant you want.
19) Do you have ……………………. previous experience about this kind of job?
20) Let's stay here………………………. longer: it is such a nice place.
21) There were…………………… new words in the text, and I spent………………….. time learning them.
22) A-When can I visit the museum? B- You can visit the museum ……………………. time you want.
23) Can you give me …………………….. advice?
24) My mother knows German……………………and she can help you with the translation of this text.
25) When we walked…………………… farther down the road, we met another group of students.
26) If you have……………..spare time, look through this book. You will find………………..stories there which are
rather interesting.

EXERCISE 6- Complete the questions with “how much” or “how many”.

1) A: …………………….. time has he got? B: He has got a lot of time.
2) A: ……………….. bars of chocolate would you like? B: I would like two bars of chocolate, please.
3) A: ……………………… kilograms of meat do you want? B: I want two kilogramss of meat, please.
4) A: ……………………… lemonate do you want to buy? B: I want to buy some lemonate, please.
5) A: …………………. bottles of milk do you want? B: I want four bottles of milk, please.
6) A: …………………….. passengers are there on the bus? B: There are forty passengers on the bus.
7) A: ………………….. dogs are there in his farm? B: There are five dogs in the farm.
8) A: …………………. honey is there in the jar? B: There is a lot of honey in the jar.
9) A: ………………………. money does she spend on bags? B: She spends all her money on bags.
10) A: ………………….. packets of biscuits does she want to buy?B: she wants to buy two packets of biscuits, please.
11) A: ……………………… litres of milk would you like to buy?B: I would like to buy five litres of milk.
12) A: ……………………. soup is there in the stewpot?B: There is a little soup in the stewpot.
13) A: ………………….. chairs are there in the meeting room? B: There are only a few chairs in the meeting room.
14) A: ……………….. cones of ice-cream does she want to buy? B: She wants to buy three cones of ice-cream.
15) A: ……………………….. cups of tea does your father drink every day? B: He drinks three cups of tea every day.

EXERCISE 7- Write questions for the answers using “how much” or “how many”.
Example: A: How much money have you got in your pocket?
B: I have got a lot of money in my pocket.
A: How many students are there on the bus?
B: There are ten students on the bus.
1) A: ……………………………………………………. B: There are seven days in a week.
2) A: ……………………………………………………. B: Tom has got a lot of time to do his homework.
3) A: ……………………………………………………. B: Their mother has got a lot of patience.
4) A: ……………………………………………………. B: There are two little cats in their house.
5) A: ……………………………………………………. B: I want three kilograms of rice, please.
6) A: ……………………………………………………. B: I am going to buy 2 bottles of orange juice, please.
7) A: ……………………………………………………. B: There are lots of people at the circus.
8) A: ……………………………………………………. B: We have got a lot of flour in the jar.
9) A: ……………………………………………………. B: She spends a lot of money on shoes.
10) A: ………………………………………………… B: I have a lot of pain in my arm.
11) A: ………………………………………………… B: I would like six litres of milk.
12) A: ………………………………………………… B: There are only a few chairs in the meeting room.
13) A: ………………………………………………… B: My child wants to buy three boxes of chocolate.

14) A: ………………………………………………… B: There are ten student in the class.
15) A: ………………………………………………… B: I drink two glasses of tea after meals in the evening.
16) A: ………………………………………………… B: There is not any information on this topic in this book.


1-If you want me to buy that shoe for you, I'll need ……………. more money. C
A) few B) a little
C) little D) a few
E) lots of
2-As there wasn't ……………. room in the bus, they had to arrange two buses to move ……………. our passengerss. C
A) any / many B) enough / a few of
C) much / all of D) any / both
E) some / a few of
3-I decided to refuse his marriage proposal because I had ……………. doubt about his speech and behaviour. D
A) little B) no
C) a few D) a little
E) few of
4- Sue needs to get ……………. advice so she wanted to speak to guidance teacher privately. E
A) little B) any
C) a few D) most
E) a little
5- ……………. of the students at 8th classes would be willing to win Science high schools. B
A) Little B) Much
C) Any D) Most
E) Either
6- Of all the inventions ever made, ……………. could be more exciting than artificial intelligence . D
A) little B) many
C) a few D) few
E) all
7-I’d like to ask maths teacher ……………. questions, because I need ……………. more information about the fractions. E
A)much / a little B) a f e w / a few
C)a little / much D) some / a few
E) a few / a little
8- People were wasting ……………. their time with unimportant problems. B
A) Quite a few B) Much of
C) Little D) Any of
E) Many of
9-Unfortunately, our text book had just……………. information on this subject, so I'm going to make a research in the
internet hoping to find ……………. more. B
A) much / a little B) a little / much
C) little /many D) a few /many
E) few / some
10-The children have had ……………. excitement for one day. I think it's time they went to bed. A
A) few B) all
C) more D) little
E) enough
11- ……………. of the students objected to the date of the physics lesson in the classroom. E
A) Little B) Much
C) Any D) Every
E) Some
12- ……………. people are in search of a good work. A
A) a lot of B) many
C) some D) all
E) lots of
13- ……………. teacher who trains you tries to be helpful for you during your training life. D
A) many B) a few
C) several D) any
E) both
14- Not ……………. teachers are prepared to teach without any resource books. D
A) much B) some
C) any D) many
E) another
15-I got a lottery ticket in the new year, however I didn’t have ……………. luck so I couldn’t win ……………. money. E
A) both /any B) either / any
C) some /any D) little /any
E) much /any
16-There is too ……………. pollution in all big cities especially in winter. A
A)much B) many
C)some D) few
E) most
17-The Literature teacher asked difficult questions. Hardly ……………. students were able to give the correct answers in the
class. E
A)some B)few
C)many D)several
E) any
18-You can ask ……………. mechanic. You will get the same answer. You have to have your washing machine removed. B
A)some B) any
C)many D) most
E) each
19-My cousin is a lazy girl, she has made ……………..... progress since she started the training. E
A) many B) a lot of
C) few D) several
E) little
20-We didn't have ……………. milk left, therefore we couldn't give ……………. to your children. C
A) any / many B) some / any
C) any / any D) little / many
E) any / some
21- ……………. city dwellers feel under stress ……………. of the time because they work for long hours under pressure. C
A) Any/any B) Much /some
C) Many/most D) Many/several
E) Many / much
22-Very ……………. of my friends enjoy visiting museums, so ……………. of the time I go there with my parents. D
A) little/some B) few /much
C) few / some D) few / most
E) much / most
23-My brother loves ironing and he usually prefers ironing without ……………. help. E
A) few B) lots
C) none D) every
E) any
24- ……………. of the nurses in that hospital are tolerant and patient. C
A) Much B) Little
C) Many D) Any
E) Every
25- Could I have ……………. Information, please? I'm new in school and I don't know where the gymnasium is. B
A) any B) some
C) many D) few
E) every
26- It took me ……………. time to realize that my husband had deceived me. E
A) any B) none
C) every D) many
27- ……………. people have to mind their own business. C
A)Much B) Any
C)Some D) Less
28-There is ……………. help to think about the past events. B
A) any B)no
C)many D)few
29-Will there be ............ unidentified new infectious diseases in the world in the following thirty years? E
A) much B) some
C) every D) either
E) many
30- My son prefers doing his homework without ……………. support. E
A)few B)lots
C)none D)every
E) any
31- The mechanic needs ……………. equipment to repair my broken car. B
A) several B) many
B) some D) few
E) none
32- ……………. simple measures may prevent the development of heart disease. A
A) a few B) neither
C) much D) whole
E) each

1- ……………. of the players in ……………. team, seemed to be putting ……………. effort into the football match? A
A)none / either / much B)both / neither / many
C)none/all/some D)both / all / any
E) both / either / little
2- In addition to the diamonds, ……………. golden bracelets were stolen from the jewelry store. E
A) much of B) several
C) a little D) only a few
E) a large amount of
3-It was snowing heavily and cold, ……………. of our feet got absolutely soaked. A
A) both B) neither
C) either D) all
E) none
4-Sally felt sad when ……………. of her relatives came to her wedding. B
A) none B) neither
C) all D) any
E) either
5-I need to talk to ……………. of the students privately. A
A) each B) the whole
C) none D) much
E) neither
6-He tried on ……………. the black and the dark-blue suits but ……………. of them suited him. D
A) all / any B) both / none
C) either / one D) both / neither
E) each / either
7-I will work with ........... Ayşe or with ……………. ayşe and Ahmet. C
A)neither / either B) neither / all
C)either / both D) either / all
E) both / either
8- ……………. of them wanted ……………. to drink tea because they were ............ full ……………. A
A)Neither / anything / both / enough B)All / something / both / a little
C)Each / anything / both / enough D)None / anything / each / a little
E) Either / something / each / enough
9-In ……………. language, there are often ……………. words that have the same meaning. D
A) several / every B) all / much
C) every / a little D) every / several
E) whole / many
10-I have made……………. of progress by working at night. A
A) plenty B) all
C) a few D) many
E) little
11-My parents have withdrawn ……………. money from the bank and ……………. part of it could afford to buy a new car. B
A)a little/any B)a great deal of / some
C)few / a little D)more /all
E) large amount of / a few
12-This bus doesn't stop at ……………. city along the way, but it stops at ……………. of two main ones Afyon and Antalya. B
A) all / either B) every / most
C) each / much D) both / some
E) few /all
13-Company executives gave the idea ……………. consideration before accepting it. E
A) several B) only a few
C) a great deal of D) much of
E) enough
14- In order not to lose their jobs ……………. employees did not go to job stopping strike even though they were dissatisfied
with the pay rise. E
A) Several of B) Plenty
C) Much of D) Half
E) A good many
15-After ……………. wins at amateur level, she'll be ready to race professionally. C
A) almost none B) any longer
C) a few more D) much
E) plenty
16-Tea and coffee contain caffeine, which is harmful to our health, so the doctors advise people to avoid drinking
..…………….. A
A) both of them B) much of it
C) all of them D) some of it
E) neither of it
17-Of the two hardware shops in the village, ……………. them sells digger. D
A) no B) both of
C) none of D) neither of
E) either of
18-If you had ……………. reliability, you would get ……………. punishments from your parents. D
A) little / much B) enough / little
C) less / plenty D) more / fewer
E) a few / less
19- ……………. of chickens followed the farmer was ploughing the field to find worms. D
A)Many more B) Almost all
B)Only some D) A large number
E) Hardly any
20- ………. of the competitors’ car was badly damaged by the extreme cold weather and frosted road that it broke down. D
A)Some B)A few
C) No D) One
21-Nearly ……………. citizen in Turkey has a car. C
A) all B) many
C) every D) some
E) other
22- ……………. of these dresses has suited on you well. Why don't you buy ……………. ? A
A) Each / both B) Some / much
C) Other / both D) All / every
E) Either / a few
23- The rule is simple. The ……………. you study, the ……………. you will be successfull. D
A) more / other B) much / more
C) less / fewer D) more / more
E) whole / much
24- ……………. women want to earn enough money to look after themselves and children, A
A) All B) None
C) Neither D) A lot
E) Every
25- ……………. people generally fed up with the children’s illogical questions so they say they fold …………….. B
A) most / enough B) enough /most
C) any/enough D) some/enough
26- The speaker was talking so boring that ……………. of the participants were listening to him. D
A) any B) little
C) neither D) none
E) every
27- ……………. really knows how and why people change as they get older. B
A) Nothing B) No one
C) Everywhere D) Somebody
E) Anybody
28-There has been ……………. demand for seasonal workers for municipality works this year. E
A) fewer B) any
C)many D) neither
E) less
29-I have brought two books, I can read …………….. E
A) few B)every
C)none D)much
30-Some people have ……………. physical changes, others have …………….when they are getting older . A
A) many / few B) neither / ail
C) little / some D) none / few
E) every / many
31-There is ……………. evidence that continued physical and mental activity helps to keep cognitive abilities sharp. C
A) all B) many
C) some D) several
E) either
32-There is ……………. physical and psychological dependence among the family members. D
A) all B) few
C)much D)both
33-About ……………. all traffic fatalities are related to traffic rules violation . B
A) many of B) half of
C) much of D) some of
E) both of
34- ……………. parent contributes one half of each pair or 23 chromosomes to their child. B
A) Some B) Each
C) None D) Little
E) Much
35- ……………. Syrian immigrants settled permanently in Turkey and ……………. returned to their homeland. C
A) Any/much B) Neither / others
C) Some / others D) Less / some
E) Either / much
36- ……………. the eighteenth-century history of the Ottoman Empire is associated with economy and wars. E
A) A number of B) A few of
C)Either D) Whole
E)Much of

VERB TO BE : etrafımızdaki nesneleri nitelemek, özelliklerini, yerlerini ve konumlarını belirtmek istediğimizde
kullanacağımız temel fiildir. İngilizce bir cümle kurarken her zaman bir yükleme ihtiyaç duyulur. İçinde YÜKLEM
bulunmayan hiçbir yapı cümle olamaz. To be + fiil kesinlikle olmaz. 'To be' fiili “olmak” anlamına gelir. Cümlede hem asıl
fiil, hemde yardımcı fiil özelliği taşır. Şimdiki zaman ve genis zaman biçimi aynıdır. Bu tense’lerde 'am, is, are' biçiminde

She---------------------IS + a student + O
You--------------------ARE + students + O

EXP: I am going to my uncle now.

He is visiting them at present.
We are watching tv at the moment.

I----------------------AM NOT
You--------------------ARE NOT
He---------------------IS NOT
She---------------------IS NOT + a student + O
It-----------------------IS NOT
We----------------------ARE NOT
You--------------------ARE NOT + students + O
They-------------------ARE NOT

AM---------- I
ARE--------- you
IS -----------he
IS-------------she + a sudent + O ?
ARE--------------you + students +


I am a doctor. He is handsome. They are at school.
He is a Turk. The boy is intelligent. She is from Germany.
Tomorrow is Sunday. Today is very cold. We are in the garden.
They are students. The water is hot. I am on the third floor.


I am a student (Öğrenciyim) I am not a student (Öğrenci değilim) Am I a student? ( öğrencimiyim?)
You are a student (Öğrencisin) You aren’t a student (Öğrenci değilsin) Are you a student ? (öğrencimisin?)
He is a student (O -erkek- (Öğrenci) He isn’t a student (Öğrenci değil ) Is he a student ? (öğrenci mi?)
She is a student (O -kadın- (Öğrenci) She isn’t a student (Öğrenci değil) Is she a student ? (öğrenci mi?)
It is a cat (O -cansız, hayvan-(bir kedi) It isn’t a cat (kedi değil) Is it a cat? (Kedi mi?)
We are students (Öğrenciyiz) We aren’t students (Öğrenci değiliz ) Are we students? (öğrencimisiniz?)
They are students (Öğrenciler) They aren’t students (Öğrenci değiller) Are they students ? (öğrenciler mı?)

RULE 1- Bir kişinin kim olduğunu veya bir nesnenin ne olduğunu belirtmek için:
He is Mehmet – O Mehmet
She is Ayla– O Ayla
It is a Book – O bir kitap
They are pencils - Onlar Kalemler

RULE 2- Bir kişinin veya nesnenin nereden veya nereli olduğunu belirtmek için:
Selen is German
Peter is Greek.
Jim and jack are American.
Opel is German (Alman yapımı).
This Computer is Japanese. ( Japon yapımı)

RULE 3- İnsanların mesleklerinden bahsetmek için:

Melisa is a nurse.
Hasan is an engineer.
Sam is a doctor.

RULE 4-Yaşımızdan veya birisinin yaşından bahsetmek için:
I am sixteen years old.
Sandy is twelve years old.

RULE 5-Bir kişinin veya bir nesnenin nerede olduğunu belirtmek için:
I am in the garden.
I am in the car.
Galata tower is İstanbul.

RULE 6-Bir şeyin Fiyatını belirtmek için:

This dress is 50 tl.
It is 20 tl.



I (Ben) Me (Beni/Bana) My (Benim)
You (Sen) You (Seni/Sana) Your (Senin)
We (Biz) Us (Bizi/Bize) Our (Bizim)
You (Siz) You (Sizi/Size) Your (Sizin)


EXP: I am playing football now.
Yes/ no Question: Are you playing football now?
Answer: Yes, I am. I am playing football now.
No, I am not. I am not playing football now.

EXERCISE 1-Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb “BE” in “The Present Simple”.
1) A: …………………. you from Rize?B: Yes, I ………………… from Rize, but my husband ………………. from Edirne.
2) A: ……… your father a doctor at Güven hospital? B: No, he ………. not. He …………… adoctor at Middle-east hospital.
3) A: …………………… the windows of the living room open? B: Yes, they …………………. open.
4) A: …………… you Turkish citizens? B: No, we ………………….. not Turkish citizens. We …………….. Azerbaijan citizens.
5) A: ………… Ataturk in the hearts of Turkish people? B: Yes, of course, he …….. in the very hearts of Turkish people?
6) A: …………………it nine o’clock? B: No, It..............ten o'clock . You.............late again.
7) A: ………………….the weather very cold outside? B: No, it………… not very cold today.
8) A: …………………. you and Tim good friends? B: No, we ………………. not friends. We …………….. just like brothers.
9) A: …………………… the students at gym? B: Yes, they ………………….at gym.

10) A: …………….. your baby in bed? B: No, it ……………..not in bed. It …………….. in my husband’s arms.
11) A: ……………….. your daughter good at playing chess? B: Yes, she ……………… good at playing chess.
12) A: ………………… your personnel well-qualified at their job? B: Yes, they ………………… well-qualified at their job.
13) A: ………………… you a easy-going person? B: No, I …………. not a easy-going person.
14) A: ………………… I at the class of the Mr Brown? B: Of course, you ………………. at the classof the Mr Brown.
15) A: ……………….. one of the teachers in the ambulance near you now? B: Yes, one of the teachers ……………….. in the
ambulance near me now.
16) A: ………………. all the parents in auditorium now? B: Yes, all the parents ……………… in auditorium now.
17) A: ………………… your father a police officer in the general Directorate of Security? B: No, he ………………….. not a
police officer in the general Directorate of Security. He is in the Turkish Navy.
18) A- ………………… mathematics difficult? B:No, …………….. not difficult but Literature …………….. much more difficult.
19) A-……….. your teeth decayed? B-One of them …………….. decayed but the others ………….. in good condition.
20) ………………….. the oxen in the barn? B-The oxen ………………….. in the barn but little brown ox ………………….. not in.

EXERCISE 2- Answer the questions below.

1) Are you male or female ?.............................................................
2) Is this question easy or difficult ? .............................................................
3) Are those shoes cheap or expensive ? .............................................................
4) Is it cold or warm today ? .............................................................
5) Is it Wednesday or Thursday today ? .............................................................
6) Is your city big or small ? .............................................................
7) Is your hair straight or wavy ? .............................................................
8) Is coke harmful or useful ? .............................................................
9) Is Madonna an actress or a singer ? .............................................................
10) Are you tall or short ? .............................................................
11) Is Tarkan handsome or ugly ? .............................................................
12) Are you a teenager or an adult ? .............................................................
13) Is English boring or interesting ? .............................................................
14) Are you a calm or an angry person ? .............................................................
15) Is Mozart a musician or a journalist ? .............................................................


EXP: I am playing football now.

Yes/ no Question: Are you playing football now?
Answer: Yes, I am. I am playing football now.
No, I am not. I am not playing football now.
WH-Questıons: What are you playing now ?
ANSWER: I am playing FOOTBALL now.

WHO: Kim (subject , object , possessive adj. ) insanı sorar

EXP: Who is phoning you? ( Soruda Subject yok. O yüzden Subject ‘ i sorar)


(özel isim) Ali

(aitlik sıfatı)
My mother is phoning me.
(subject) He , She
Who are you phoning to? ( Soruda subject var. O yüzden Object pronoun ,possessive adjective , özel isim)
Ali (özel isim)
I am phoning to my mother (aitlik sıfatı)
Him , her (zamir)

WHOM : Kime , kiminle (object , possessive adj. , subject) insanı sorar.

1- Whom are you living with?
Ali (özel isim)
I am living with my mother (aitlik sıfatı)
Him , her (zamir)

2- Whom are living with you?

(özel isim) Ali and Ayşe
(aitlik sıfatı) My friends are living with me.
(subject) They

WHOSE : Kimin (possessive adj , ‘ S , OF ) (Özne konumunda yada object konumunda aitlik sıfatını sorar)

EXP: 1-Whose car is he driving ? He is driving My,his,their,Ali’s car. singular ( tekil)

Wh-Q + singular noun + Aux + S + V ING S AUX V ING O

2- Whose cars are they driving ? He is driving My,his,their,Ali’s cars. plural ( çoğul)
Wh-Q + plural noun + Aux + S + V ING S AUX V ING O

1- Whose car is red ? My,his,their,Ali’s car is red. singular ( tekil)

Wh-Q + singular noun + Aux + V S AUX V
2- Whose cars are red ? My,his,their,Ali’s cars are red. plural ( çoğul)
Wh-Q + plural noun + Aux + V S AUX V

Whose mother is talking with you? Ali’s mother + is talking with me.
His,her,their mother
Whose mother are you talking with? I am talking with + Ali’s mother
His,her,their mother.

WHİCH :Hangi (isim,özel isim,sıfatları:renk,ebat,marka,sınıflandırma,………….. Özne konumunda yada object konumunda

EXP: 1-Which car is he driving ? He is driving BMW, Red, Big, car. singular ( tekil)
Wh-Q + singular noun + Aux + S + V ING S AUX V ING O
2- Which cars are they driving ? He is driving BMW and Mercedes, Grey cars. plural( çoğul)
Wh-Q + plural noun + Aux + S + V ING S AUX V ING O
1-Which car is red ? My,his,their,Ali’s,big,BMW car is red. singular ( tekil)
Wh-Q + singular noun + Aux + V S AUX V
2- Which cars are red ? My,his,their,Ali’s,small cars are red. plural ( çoğul)
Wh-Q + plural noun + Aux + V S AUX V


Which car is faster? Porche is faster.
Which film is very interesting? “Lord of the Rings” is very interesting.
Which car is faster? The black car is faster.
Which dress is very elegant?The white dress is very elegant.
Which country is on the coast of the Mediterranean? Turkey is on the coast of the Mediterranean.
Which city is the largest in Turkey? İstanbul is the largest city in Turkey.
Which car is faster, Ferrari or Porsche? Porche is faster.
Which river is longer, Mississippi or Kile? Mississippi is longer.

WHAT : NE (Yüklem ve belirtisiz nesne )

What are you Doing? (VERB ‘Ü SORAR)
I am + playing + football
+ watching + tv.
+ listening to + music
+ reading + book
S+AUX + V + O


What are you playing? I am playing + Football
What are you watching? I am watching + tv
What are you listening to? I am listening to + music
What are you reading? I am reading + book
WH-Q+ AUX + S + V ING S +AUX + V + O


Where are you living ? I am living in Ankara.
WH-Q+ AUX + S + V ING S +AUX + V ING + O
Where is your house ? My house is in Mamak.
Where is Antalya? Antalya is in the south part of Türkiye.
WH-Q + AUX + S S + AUX + V

WHEN : Zamanı sorarız

When is the next holiday? The next holiday is in February.
When is the teachers’ day? The teachers’ day is on 24 th November.
WH-Q + AUX + S S + AUX + V
When are you doing the shopping? I am doing the shopping on Mondays.
When are you visiting your grandparents? I am visiting my grandparents on Sundays.
WH-Q+ AUX + S + V ING + O S +AUX + V ING + O

WHAT TIME : Saati sorarız.

What time are you getting up ? I am getting up at 7 o’clock.
WH-Q + AUX + S + V ING + S +AUX + V ING + O
What time is Mary going to bed on weekdays? I am going to bed at 10 o’clock
WH-Q + AUX + S + V ING + O S +AUX + V ING + O


+ BY car,bus,train…….
How are you coming to school? I am coming to school + WITH my mother,uncle,sister,father…….
+ on foot
WH-Q + AUX + S + V ING + O ? S +AUX + V ING + O

HOW MANY : 'Kac tane' anlamına gelir.Sayılabilen isimlerle kullanılır. İsimler çoğul durumundadır.
How many cars have you got ? I have got 2 cars.
How many sisters has he got ? He has got 3 sisters.
WH-Q + countable noun (-s ) + AUX + S + V ? S + AUX + V + O

HOW MUCH : 'Ne kadar' anlamına gelir. Sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. İsimler tekil durumundadır.
How much money have you got ? I have got 200 tl
How much sugar have you got ? I have got 4 kg sugar
How much milk has he got ? He has got 2 litres of milk
WH-Q + uncountable noun (-s ) + AUX + S + V ? S + AUX + V + O


How often do you read book? I + always/generally/usually/never/rarely.. read book
How often does she go to theatre? She + always/generally/usually/never/rarely.. goes to theatre.
WH-Q + AUX + S + V + O ? S + + V + O


How long do you sleep a day ? I sleep 8 hours a day
How long does it take to go from Ankara to İstanbul? It takes 6 hours to go from Ankara to İstanbul.
WH-Q + AUX + S + V + O ? S + V + O


How FAR is it from Ankara to İstanbul? It is from Ankara to İstanbul 450 KM.
WH-Q + AUX + S + V + O ? S +AUX+ V + O

How many times a day do you brush your teeth? I brush my teeth 3 times a day.
How many hours aday do you watch tv ? I watch tv 2 hours a day.
WH-Q + AUX + S + V + O ? S V + O


What kind of music do you listen to ? I + listen to ” Pop Music.” .
What type of books do you read ? I + read “ Science Fiction” books” .
WH-Q + Noun+ AUX + S + V ? S+ V + O

EXERCISE 1- Complete the following sentences with the “QUESTION WORDS” on the list below.
1) A: ……………………….. are you today? B: I am fine,thanks.
2) A: …………………………. is your wife from? B: My wife is from Cyprus.
3) A: …………………….. is the weather like today? B: It is very cold today.
4) A: …………………… is your mother angry with? B: My mother is angry with Helen.
5) A: ………………… is your favourite writer? B: My favourite writer is .
6) A: ……………………… is your father’s job? B: He is an engineer.
7) A: ………………………… is your mother's favourite song ? B: My mother’s favourite song is “İzmir’in bağları”.
8) A: …………………………are you now? B: I am at school now.
9) A: ……………………… nationality are you? B: I am Turk.
10) A: ……………………… old is your wife? B: She is almost sixty years old.
11) A: ………………………… is he married to? B: He is married to Leyla.

12) A: To …………………. is your daughter engaged? B: She is engaged to Tack Brown.
13) A: ……………………….. are you late? B: Because I am really ill today.
14) A: At ……………………… are your shoes? B: They are 150.00 tl
15) A: ………………………. books are there in your bag? B: There are four books in my bag.
16) A: ……………………… are you? / …………………….. do you do? B: I am a medical doctor.
17) A: ………………………. car is new in your family? B: Our uncle’s car is new in our family
18) A: ………………………. colour is a banana? B: A banana is yellow.
19) A: ………………………. is the next science lesson? B: The next science lesson is on Thursday
20) A: ………………………. book is on the desk? B: History book is on the desk.

EXERCISE 2- Answer the questions

1) What's your mothers name ?.........................................................................
2) What's your father's job ? .........................................................................
3) What's your favourite TV programme ? .........................................................................
4) Who's your favourite politician? .........................................................................
5) How old is your grand father ? .........................................................................
6) Where are you from ? .........................................................................
7) What's the weather like today ? .........................................................................
8) What's your best friend's name ? .........................................................................
9) What nationality is your friend ? .........................................................................
10) How old are you? .........................................................................
11) What time is it? .........................................................................
12) How much is a Coke? .........................................................................
13) What is your family name? .........................................................................
14) What is the first day of the week? .........................................................................
15) When is your birthday? .........................................................................
16) Where is your family? .........................................................................
17) Where are the children? .........................................................................
18) What is in your pencil-box? .........................................................................
19) How are you today? .........................................................................
20) What is the last month? .........................................................................
21) What is your telephone number? .........................................................................
22) Where is Mount Ağrı? .........................................................................
23) Who is the Turkish president? .........................................................................
24) What colour are your eyes? .........................................................................
25) Which man is his teacher? .........................................................................


İşaret zamirleri: konuşmacının nesne veya insanla olan münasebetini bildirirler ve Türkçe'de bu, şu, bunlar, şunlar
anlamında kullanılır.
THIS ( BU): TEKİL ve YAKIN. A: What is this ? B: It is an apple
THAT (ŞU): TEKİL ve UZAK. A: What's that ? B: That is a rubber
THESE ( BUNLAR): ÇOĞUL ve YAKIN. A: What are these ? B: These are new books
THOSE (ŞUNLAR): ÇOĞUL ve UZAK. A: What are those ? B: Those are cars

Bu psikolojik bir uzaklık da olabilir.

- That's nothing to do with me (uzak) (Benimle hiçbir alakası yok)
- This is a nice surprise! (yakın) (Bu ne güzel bir sürpriz!)

USE 1- Before the noun.

- Can you see that house?
- Will you read this story?

USE 2- Before the word 'one'.
- This car looks cleaner than that one.
- This car is more expensive than that one.

USE 3- Before an adjective + noun.

- Do you remember that great day in İstanbul?
- I don’t want to watch that horrible film again.

USE 4- Alone when the noun is 'understood'. (İsim önceden biliniyor ve anlaşılıyorsa tek başına kullanılabilir.)
- I will never forget this.

USE 5- This veya that kullanımına karar veren kişi dinleyen değil, konuşandır. Dinleyen de cevap verirken kendisine göre
uzaklığı ve yakınlığı kararlaştıracaktır.
- Is this a chair? - Yes, it is a chair.
- Is this a pen? - No, it is not a pen.

EXERCISE 1- Make the sentences plural;

1) This is an oven.....................................................................
2) This shirt is very short.........................................................
3) That car isn't very expensive.................................................
4) That garden is full of flowers.................................................
5) This I5 computer is cheaper.....................................................
6) That skirt is out of fashion......................................................
7) That building has got 25 floors...............................................
8) This fish is a dolphin...............................................................
9) That ox is in the barn....................................................
10) This man is a lawyer...........................................................
11) This tooth is decayed. ...........................................................
12) Is this a watch ?.....................................................................
13) Is that a school building ?......................................................
14) Is this an orange tree ?...............................................................
15) Where is this boy from ?.........................................................

EXERCISE 2- Make the sentences singular ;

1) Those roses are red.....................................................................
2) These fish are very delicious.......................................................
3) Those boys aren't students........................................................
4) Those animals are mice.........................................................
5) These are geese...........................................................................
6) These are second hand bikes.......................................................
7) Look at these soldiers.................................................................
8) Those women are from France...................................................
9) Those trouses are my brother's.......................................................
10) Those are my favourite fruit.........................................................
11) Are these sprays expensive ?...........................................................
12) Are these your watches ?...............................................................
13) Are those knives sharp ?.................................................................
14) Are those keys yours ?..................................................................
15) Are your eyes blue? ..................................................................

EXERCISE 3- Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri parantez içindeki kelimelerle uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) Does…………………. (this/that) new skirt suit me?
2) Who is………………… (this/that) man over there? Do you know him?
3) Are…………………… (these/those) pencils over there Tina's?
4) Who are…………………. (these/those) people over there?
5) What's………………… (this/that) terrible noise?
6) I like…………………… (these/that) painting over there.
7) Here you are. Take……………………….. (This/That) glass.
8) ………………….(these/those) jeans are perfect for you! You look gorgeus!
9) I can't walk in…………………….. (these/those) trainers. I'm going to take them off.
10) Is……………………….. (this/that) notebook on the table Jack's?
11) Is………………….. (This/That) book here your sister’s?
12) I like………………… (these/those) sandals. I'm going to try them on.
13) Pass me…………………… (this/that) pen, please.
14) …………………. (This/That) restaurant next to the bank looks good. Let's go there.
15) You look great in……………………….. (these/those) jeans.
16) We often come here. We like walking in………………. (this/that) park.
17) Excuse me. Is…………………. (those/this) seat free?
18) I want to buy some crayons. Is……………………. (this/these) mark a good one?
19) …………………… (These/Those) chocolates will cheer you up. Here you are.
20) I've got plenty of mineral water. Here, take…………………….. (this/that) bottle.
21) ………………… (These/Those) girls at your party were very nice.
22) Who was………………………….. (this/that) lady in the shop?
23) ……………… (This/That) boy over there is my best friend.
24) ………………….(This/That) is our living room. We like watching TV and reading books here.
25) See you here again, I hope…………………… (This/That) hotel is great!
26) Do you like…………………….. (these/those) shoes up there on the top shelf?
27) ……………… (these/those) hats here are Mary's.
28) Could you help me with……………. (these/those) boxes? They are so heavy.
29) Can I have copies of………………………. (this/these) pages?
30) Is…………………… (this/that) lady in the next office your sister?


HAVE/ HAS GOT: Sahip olmak anlamındadır.
She---------------------has + got + a car
We---------------------- have
You-------------------- have + got + cars
They------------------- have
I have got a car.
My uncle has got two sons.

I----------------------have not
You--------------------have not
He---------------------has not
She---------------------has not + got + a car
It-----------------------has not
We---------------------- have not
You-------------------- have not + got + cars
They------------------- have not


Have---------- I
Have--------- you
Has -----------he
Has-------------she + got + a car ?
Have--------------you + got + cars


I have got a car. I haven't got a car. Have I got a car?
You have got a car. You haven't got a car. Have you got a car?
He has got a car. He hasn't got a car. Has he got a car?
She has got a car. She hasn't got a car. Has she got a car?
It has got a long tail. It hasn't got along tail. Has it got a long tail?
We have got cars. We haven't got cars. Have we got cars?
They have got cars. They haven't got cars. Have they got cars?

DİKKAT: Türkçe'ye çevirirken genelde " sahibim" şeklinde çevirmeyiz. "there is/are" kalıbı ile karıştırılmamalıdır.
- She has got two sisters.
- I have got a car.
- She has got two sisters.
- We have got many pens.

USE 1- Have/has got veya sadece have/has

- I have got a sister.
- I have a sister.
Bu iki cümle arasında anlam olarak fark yoktur. Ancak olumsuz ve sorularda durum aynı değildir. Aşağıda iki farklı şekilde
kurulmuş cümlelerin olumsuz ve soru yapılış şekillerini inceleyiniz.
(+) I have got a book. (+) I have a book.
(-) I haven't got a book. (-) I don't have a book.
(?) Have you got a book? (?) Do you have a book?

Yanlış Kullanımlar: Soru Hangi Auxılıary ile sorulduysa, cevabın da aynı şekilde verilmesi gerekir.
A: Have you got a pencil? A: Do you have any money?
B: No, I haven't. (doğru) B: No, I don't. (doğru)
No, I don't. (yanlış) No, I haven't. (yanlış)

USE 2- Deyimsel Kullanımlar

Have ve has: Deyim gibi değişik şekillerde kullanılış biçimleri vardır. Bu kullanış biçiminde “sahip olmak” anlamı yoktur ve
kesinlikle have got / has got kalıbıyla kullanılamaz.
- I usually have breakfast at seven. (kahvaltı etmek.)
- He is having a bath now. (banyo yapmak.)
- You'll have trouble with that boy. (başının derde girmesi.)

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite the sentences ;

Example ; I have got a blue shirt .I haven't got a blue shirt. Have vou got a blue skirt? .
1) You have got a summer house............................................................................
2) I've got a bicycle.........................................................................................
3) Mary has got a dictionary ...................................................................................
4) Jenny has got a place to stay……………………………………………….
5) My grandmother has got a cell phone…………………………………………………...
6) My father has got beard...........................................................................................
7) She has got two cousins.........................................................................................
8) They have got a dog....................................................................................................
9) Sandra has got a computer....................................................................................

10) I have got twenty six students .................................................................................
11) Winnie has got a driving licence. .................................................................................
12) Mr Wilson has got a car. .................................................................................
13) We have got a good teacher. .................................................................................
14) Mickey has got two cats. .................................................................................
15) My mum's dad has got a garden. .................................................................................

EXERCISE 2- Put in have got ('ve got), has got ( 's got), haven't got, hasn't got;
1) She ..............a car but she ........................a motor cycle.
2) Jane and Pam…………………… mobile phones.
3) It's a nice house but it..........................a garden
4) My mother has got a car, but I………………..a car, because I am too young.
5) …………….Jim…………………a big flat?
6) They ………………… three televisions in their house.
7) They like animals, they.......................three dogs and a bird.
8) I'd like to watch a movie but I……………..any movies at home. I have to rent a DVD.
9) My sister and I …………………a small house in the village.
10) A:'Where is my book?'. B: I don't know .'
11) Why……………. your sister……………….candles in her hand? Is there a birthday party?
12) ...........Ann..........a car ?' 'No, but she......................a motor bike'
13) We……………..any money, so we can't go anywhere.
14) Robin.............two nephews and three cousins but he..................a brother
15) A car....................four wheels and two headlights.
16) She is married but she .....................children
17) Old people................. few teeth in their mouths.
18) Mark .................... a lot of relatives in Paris.
19) My daughter ................. a lot of homework for the weekend.
20) İstanbul....................two main districts.
21) A:'What's wrong ?' B:'I......................something in my eye'
22) My expensive yacht.
23) The schoolchildren.................a little time for fun.
24) My parents.................a lot of responsibilities.
25) People in Africa................very little food.
EXERCISE 3- Answer the following questions.
1) Have you got a problem ?...............................................................................................
2) Has Jack got a cat in his room ? ...............................................................................................
3) Has Jason got many friends ? ...............................................................................................
4) It's a nice house. Has it got a swimming pool ? ...............................................................................................
5) You look horrible . Have you got a headache ? ...............................................................................................
6) Have you got a bicycle ? ...............................................................................................
7) Have you got free time to talk ? ...............................................................................................
8) John speaks French well. Has he got a private teacher ? ............................................................................................
9) How many cars have your parents got? ...............................................................................................
10) How much money has your sister got? ...............................................................................................
11) How many legs has a ant got? ...............................................................................................
12) How many sisters and brothers have you got? ...............................................................................................
13) How much oil has Saudi Arabia got? ...............................................................................................
14) How many novels have you got in your library? ...............................................................................................
15) How many friends have you got in school? ...............................................................................................
16) How many players has a volleyball team got? ...............................................................................................
17) How many correct answers has your brother got in that exercise? ..................................................................
18) How many hands has an octobus got? ...............................................................................................
19) What have you got in your right pocket? ...............................................................................................
20) Who has got long hair in your class? ...............................................................................................
21) What has your mother got in her handbag? ...............................................................................................
22) Who hasn't got any course books? ...............................................................................................
23) What have your grandfather got in that box? ...............................................................................................
24) What kind of books has your father got in his library? ...............................................................................................
25) Who has got a lot of money in Turkey? ...............................................................................................
26) Which team has got good players? ...............................................................................................
27) What has Mr. Willson got in his wardrobe? ...............................................................................................
28) Who has got a lot of homework for tonight? ...............................................................................................
29) Who has got a dog in the garden? ...............................................................................................
30) Who has got cows, sheep and oxen? ...............................................................................................


“ Bulunmak” anlamında “ var” anlamına gelir. Auxiliary : is, are, was, were, have been, has been kullanılır.
Önemli: Auxılıary’nin tekil yada çoğul olacağını verb’te gelen isim belirler.

There + is, was, has been + an apple + in the basket

PLURAL= There + are, were, have been + apples + in the basket

There + is not + an apple + in the basket
PLURAL= There + are not + apples + in the basket

Is + there + an apple + in the basket
PLURAL= Are + there + apples + in the basket

THERE IS : Tekil isimlerle ve sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılır. Sayılabilen TEKİL isimlerde isimlerden önce genellikle A / AN
getirilir. Sayılamayan isimlerde A / AN getirilmez.
There is a dog in the garden.
There is some butter on the plate.
There isn't a table in the kitchen .
There isn't ice on the road.
Is there a bank in your town ?
Is there salt in the bowl ?

THERE ARE :Sayılabilen ve çoğul isimlerle kullanılır. Sayılabilen ve çoğul isimlerde isimlerden sonra genellikle -S /- ES / -IES
-S : dogs , books ,apples , oranges , cars …….
-ES : dishes , buses , watches , potatoes , tomatoes , boxes….
- IES : babies , ladies ,puppies ,……….
There are twenty two players in the field.
There aren't any doctors in the hospital.
Are there any airports in your city ?

There is a vase on the table.
Bu cümlede "It's a vase on the table" diyemeyiz.
I like this vase. It's very expensive.

EXERCISE 1-Complete with ''there is or there are''.

1) ......................... a mouse in the kitchen.
2) ......................... seventy teachers in our school.
3) ......................... a red car in front of my house.
4) ......................... four cows in their farm.
5) ......................... a glass of orange juice.
6) ........................ some butter in the fridge.
7) ......................... some children in the park.
8) ......................... a cup of tea.
9) ……………… some chairs in the room.
10) ………………… seven days in a week.
11) …………….. a lot of books in the library.
12) ……………. a TV set in the room.
13) …………….. a lot of bread at the baker's.
14) ……………… a little sugar in my tea.
15) ……………… a few men on the bus.
16) …………….. some beef on the plate.
17) ……………. some people outside.
18) ………………… twelve months in a year.
19) ………………… not any students in the classroom now.
20) ……………….. not any water in the bottle.
21) …………………. three bottles of milk in the fridge.
22) …………………. two loaves of bread on the table.
23) ……………….. some women on the train.
24) …………………… a lot of water in the jug.
25) ……………………. not any buses at the bus stop

EXERCISE 2- Fill in the blanks with the affirmative or negative form of "is" or "are."
1-There .... ............. flowers in the field, but there ……………. flowers in the garden.
2-There………… ....... a cat in this room, but there ................ a cat in that room.
3-There………… ....... eggs in the fridge, but there ................... margarine in the fridge.
4-There .... ............. students in the classroom, but there ....................... a teacher.
5-There .................. coffee in the cup, but there ............................. milk in it.
6-There ................. petrol in the car, but there …………….. gas in the car.
7-There ........ ......... flour in the cupboard, but there ……………. oil in the bottle.
8-There .......... ....... traffic jam on the roads, but there ....................... traffic policemen.
9-There .................. life on Earth, but there ............................ life on the Moon.
10-There .... ............. clouds in the sky, but there .................. rain.
11-There .................. water in the forest, but there ........................ water in the desert.
12-There ... .............. doctors in the surgery room, but there ................... nurses in the surgery room.
13-There .... ............. books in my school bag, but there ................. a calculator.
14-There ......... ........ chocolate in the cake, but there …………... fruit chips.
15-There ……………… apples in the basket,but there ……………… oranges in the basket.

EXERCISE 3- Answer the following questions.

1) Is there sugar in your lemonade? …………………………………………
2) Is there water on the Moon? …………………………………………
3) Is there a computer in your house? …………………………………………
4) Are there people on Antarctica? …………………………………………
5) Is there time for the project? …………………………………………
6) Is there a swimming pool in your garden ? …………………………………………
7) Is there any traffic jam in your city? …………………………………………
8) Are there many teachers in your school ? …………………………………………
9) Is there a cinema in your home town ? …………………………………………
10) Is there a picture of Ataturk in your class ? …………………………………………

11) How many pages are there in your book ? …………………………………………
12) How many days are there in a month ? …………………………………………
13) How many months are there in a year ? …………………………………………
14) How many cities are there in Turkey ? …………………………………………
15) How many literature teachers are there in your school? …………………………………………
16) How much milk is there in the bottle ? …………………………………………
17) How much money is there in your pocket? …………………………………………
18) How many planets are there in the solar system? …………………………………………
19) How many continents are there on Earth? …………………………………………
20) How many provinces are there in Turkey? …………………………………………

AT: genellikle zamandaki sabit noktalara ya da uzaydaki herhangi belirli bir noktaya işaret eder.
ZAMAN: AT edatı zamanla ilgili aşağıdaki durumlarda kullanılır.

USE 1-Saati ifade ederken:

WHAT TIME ……? sorusuna kısa cevap verirken “at” kullanılmaz.
What time does the film start? - 14:00 o’clock in the afternoon.
My last train leaves at 14:30. OR - 14:30 P.M.
We left school at 7:15. OR 7:15 A.M.
The meeting starts at two thirty.

USE 2- Yemek saatlerini ifade ederken: at the tea time, at lunch time, at dinner time
I'll go shopping at lunchtime.
I like to read the children a story at bedtime.

USE 3-Bayramlarda: at Ramadan, at Christmas, at easter..

Are you going home at Christmas/Easter? Noel'de / Paskalya'da eve gidiyor musun?

USE 4-Zamanda belirli noktalara işaret eden bazı sabit ifadelerle:at dawn, at midday, at midnight, at night, at noon, at the
weekend, at the moment, at present, at the beginning of the year, at the end of the month…
Are you leaving at the weekend?
She's working at the moment.
He's busy at present.
I'll finish the course at the end of April.
We arrived at the same time.
He doesn't like driving at night.

USE 5-Age: at 18, at the age of 18

People in Turkey began to vote at the age of 18.
My son is at his seventies.

USE 6- AT + TIME: at that time, at the same time, at this time…

They are doing their homework at the moment/ at present.
He was not at home at that time.

ÖNEMLİ: IN THE END: FINALLY ( Sonunda) anlamındadır.

I have been looking for a job for months and in the end, I found a wonderful job.
AT THE END: Bir şeyin/sürenin sonunda
The rent of my house will be paid at the end of the week.

ZAMAN: On edatı aşağıdaki zaman ifadelerinde kullanılır.
USE 1-Haftanın günleri ve haftanın günlerinin parçalarıyla birlikte: on Monday, on friday(s), on weekdays, on Sunday
I'll see you on Friday.
She usually works on Mondays.
We're going to the theatre on Wednesday evening.

USE 2-Tarihlerle birlikte: on that day, on 25th of may, …

The interview is on 29th April.
He was born on February 14th 1995.

USE 3-Özel günlerle: on wedding day, on birthday,…

She was born on Valentine's day.
We move house on Christmas Eve.
I have an exam on my birthday.

ZAMAN: In edatı aşağıdaki zaman ifadelerinde kullanılır.
USE 1-
Months: in may, in march
Years: in 2001, in the mid-1970s, in the 1980s
Seasons: in (the) winter, in (the) summer..
Centuries and ages: in the 21st century, in the middle ages, …
I was born in 1965.
We're going to visit them in May.
The pool is closed in winter.
He was famous in the 1980's.
The play is set in the Middle Ages.
They've done work for me in the past.

USE 2- Gün içerisinde zaman periyotları için:

He's leaving in the morning.
She usually has a sleep in the afternoon(s).
I tried to work in the evening.

USE 3-Bir şeyi yapmak için gereken zamanı tarif etmek için:
They managed to finish the job in two weeks.

USE 4-Bir şeyin gelecekte gerçekleşeceğini belirtmek için:

She'll be ready in a few minutes.
He's gone away but he'll be back in a couple of days.


IN + …… TIME
I should finish this report in two hours/in two hours time.
They are going to move to Antalya in four months/in four months time.

TILL/UNTIL: not before: till/until Sunday, till/until 8 o’clock, till/until 2016,..
USE 1- Bir zamana kadar.
We danced until dawn.
USE 2- (Belirli) bir zamandan önce
She can't leave until Friday.

BY:… at the latest: by Tuesday, by 6 o’clock, by the year 1998,….
USE 1-Belirli bir saatten daha geç olmamak üzere.
You should be here by 5:30 P.M.
She had promised to be back by five o'clock.

ABOUT: Yaklaşık….: about an hour, about a week, …

- I think she will be away about a week.
- I will be there about an hour.

AFTER: Sonra: after 2005, after 3 o’clock, after the weekend,…

- Would you please call after 9?
- When you came home after 6 o’clock, phone me.
- You will be free after tomorrow.

AROUND: …. Civarında
- I will get to my office around nine.
- You should be at home around five.

BEFORE: Önce: before 1919, before 10 o’clock, before Saturday,..

-You should take this medicine before mealtime.
- My plane will land before 6 o’clock.
- Please, bring my book before friday.

DURING:…. Sırasında: during the film, during the war, during the trip,….
-I think I will go to İzmir during the winter.
- My parents will be at home during the Christmas.

SINCE: …. den beri: since 6 o’clock, since Thursday, since my birthday….

-Turkey have not won the World Cup in football since1998.
- I have been a teacher since 1998.

FOR: …. dır: for seven hours, for a few hours, for centuries,….
-I'm just going to bed for an hour or so.
- I have never watched a good film for ages.

FROM….TO/TILL/UNTIL : ….. dan …… kadar: from 2 to/till/until 5 o'clock, From Monday to friday, from 1970 to 1973, from
september to november,…
-The museum is open from 9.30 to 6.00 Tuesday to Sunday.
- The schools are open from september to june.

BETWEEN ….. AND…. : …. arasında: Between 1994 and 1998, between 6 and 9, between friday and Sunday,…..
- There is no flight to İstanbul between mid-night and 6 o’clock in the morning.
- Teachers g oto their summer holiday between july and september.

TOWARD(S): …… e doğru: Towards the end of the week,towards 9 o’clock, towards midnight,….
- She began to feel sleepy towards the end of the day.
- The rain started towards 3 o’clock.
- I will finish my homework towards midnight.

THROUGHOUT: ….. boyunca: Throughout the day/week/month/year,….

I have not eaten anything throughout the day.
I drink too much tea throughout the day.

EXERCISE 1-Insert in, on, at or leave the blank.

1) My friendss will arrive................time to see me.
2) What do you usually do..................the weekend?
3) My birthday is.......................April 1.
4) The villagers celebrate the festival.....................August.
5) What will you do...................... Christmas Day?
6) What is she doing........................ friday evening?
7) I was born.................spring.
8) My daughter was born.................. 2005, so................this year she'll be 17.
9) Let's meet.....................Tuesday evening.
10) His plane is landing ...................... five minutes.
11) The meeting starts..................... 10:30 and finishes.................... 12:00.
12) The police saw the burglar ....................... last Sunday.
13) The leaves turn to yellow .....................Autumn.
14) Ali usually does his homework ......................... Sundays.
15) We usually go for holiday........................the end of July.
16) My sister and I stayed awake.................... night to watch the movie.
17) My mother always tells me to be ................time to be punctual.
18) I get up..............7 o'clock.......................the morning.
19) Come and see me...................4.30
20) My friends party is....................the weekend,.....................Sunday afternoon.
21) I go to bed ................lO o'clock.....................the evening.
22) Mr. White plays golf.......................the weekends.................... the mornings.
23) I've got a Maths lesson......................the morning and an English lesson.............the evening.
24) .....................Australia, summer is........................December and winter is.................August.
25) The play is....................8.30...................... Saturday ..................... the city hall.

EXERCISE 2-Complete these sentences with a preposition from the box.

at / in / on / / for / since / before / after / by / within / until / till/ during/
1) I work at the office ………........09:00..................... 17:00.
2) My uncle became the director of the company...................February.
3) The schools open................... September 22.
4) My children study.............ten.................eleven.
5) ..............the accident happened, the road has been closed.
6) They have dinner early.....................the evening.
7) We have been studying lesson.......................two hours.
8) Istanbul was conquered by Fatih Sultan Mehmet .......................... 1453.
9) You should wait................six.
10) The plane arrived in Boston.................09:15.
11) I’ll call you back.......................twenty minutes.
12) She waited for him but he did not come......................six o'clock.
13) He got bored.................the opera concert.
14) The baby did not sleep..............8 o'clock ……………. the evening and wakes up ……….. 8 o’clock ……….. the morning.
15) My parents went to İstanbul.................five days.
16) The workers didn't stop...............the break time.
17) Everybody had to clean their teeth................going to bed.
18) She made a phone hour.
19) If he comes to the station ................... six o'clock, he may miss the bus.
20) Many shops are closed.................the Ramadan ………………. 8 p.m.
21) The movie was so scary that they left....................the end.
22) .................leaving the house, be surethat all the doors and windows are locked.
23) This project should be completed....................a week.
24) .............driving your car, make sure you check the tire air pressure.
25) ............... she closed the house’s door, she realized she had left her keys inside.
26) .................eating too much, you shouldn't make exercises.
27) The tailor is still working and he hopes to finish the dress...............a day.
28) You should take care of your little sister................ I arrive from shopping.
29) We do not expect that the repair of the house will be finished................. June.
30) The students will have finished studying lesson.................5 o'clock.

EXERCISE 3-Complete with a suitable preposition, it necessary.

1) You had better be............. time. I do not like being waited.
2) Tom went to İzmir .......... two weeks ................. last month.
3) She was born ................... 17th July.
4) My father and mother came in the house ..................the same time.
5) We usually go to theatre...................... Saturday afternoons.
6) The train is leaving................. ten minutes.
7) Our grandfather died........................the age of 80.
8) What are you doing........................ Christmas?
9) Heis too busy, so he will not come with us .....................the weekend.
10) Electricity was discovered......................the 19th century.
11) My son gets up early.............the morning and goes to bed late...............night.
12) Let's meet................lunchtime tomorrow.
13) It snowed..................four hours without stopping.
14) You should not make noises.................the time your father sleeps.
15) The Prime Minister is going to the UK…………......a month.
16) Do you think that you may finish repairing my car......................Sunday?
17) We haven't seen each weeks.
18) He has to be at the meeting..............8 o'clock.
19) She stayed in bed...............nine o'clock ………………. sunday
20) Lale has to wait for her brother .................noon.
21) They have been in Turkey................... 1997.
22) You may call me.............the day.

EXERCISE 4-Complete each sentence with a proper “Preposition” on the list below.
1) Sandy learnt to play the piano ……………… the age of sixteen.
2) Children always visit their parents ………………… Ramadan.
3) I have been in İstanbul ………………. 2011.
4) We will wait here ………………. the end of the game.
5) Sheila lived ………………. Paris …………….. six years.
6) Mark arrived ……………. the train station …………….. ten o’clock.
7) Bob will be here …………….. ten minutes.
8) They ran into their boss ………………. the early hours of the morning.
9) ……………. Friday morning we left İzmir ………………. Ankara.
10) Helen will go ………………. Antalya …………….. summer.
11) The murderer was hanged ………….. dawn.
12) ………………… his stay in hospital, Tom lost twelve kilos.
13) …………….. which century was architect Sinan born?
14) Sam has been married ………………. Sue ……………… ten years.
15) She burst into tears ………………… hearing the tragic news.
16) My mother cried …………….. the end of the film.
17) ………………. the wedding ceremony, all the guests went home.
18) My son has to be back……………… eleven o’clock.
19) I was very nervous …………………….. the examination.
20) ………………. her maiden voyage, the Titanic met with disaster.
21) I lived in Ankara ………………. Ten years,…………… 2008 ………….. 2018.

EXERCISE 5-Answer the questions using the prepositions in brackets.

Example : When is New Year? (on) It is on 31st December.
1) What time must the students be at school? (by)..................................................................................................
2) When do you usually go to the seaside? (in)...................................................................................
3) How long do you play computer games everyday? (for)..............................................................
4) What time do you clean your house on Sunday? (at)..................................................................................
5) When does he has his breakfast? (at)..............................................................................................
6) When do you brush your teeth? (after).....................................................................................
7) What time do you get up in the morning? (at).......................................................................................
8) How long does it take you to finish your homeworks? (after)………………………………… .................................
9) When do you wear your pyjamas? (before).................................................................................
10) How long do you stay at work? (until).....................................................................................................
11) When do you usually return home from school? (by)........................................................................................
12) When is your birthday? (on)..................................................................................................................
13) What time do you get up on Sundays? (at)............................................................................................
14) When do you have your summer holidays? (in).................................................................................

15) When does your wife cook? (before)..........................................................................................................


AT: bir noktayı ifade eder: at home, at work, at the hospital, at the station, at the garage, at a concert, at the party,at the
movies, at university, at work,…
USE 1-Belirli yerler / noktalar ile:
I had a cup of coffee at Jack's flat.
My mother's still at home.
I'll meet you at airport.
There's a woman at the door.
I saw her at the bus stop.
Turn right at the traffic lights.
Write your name at the top of each page.

USE 2-Kamu yerleri ve dükkanlarla birlikte:

Jack's at the dentist.
I studied english at high school
Shall I meet you at the station?
My father bought some bread at the supermarket.

USE 3- Adreslerle birlikte:

They live at Yenimahalle.

USE 4- Olaylarla birlikte:

I met her at Jane’s wedding.
She wasn't at Jack's party.

USE 5- belirli sıcaklıkları, fiyatları, hızları vs. anlatmak için kullanılır.

The concert tickets are now on sale at 150 TL each.
He like driving at 90 miles per hour.

USE 6- Genel olarak bir şeyin seviyesi ya da hızı ile ilgili şeyleri anlatmak üzere kullanılır
Interest rates have stayed at this level for several months.
The loan repayments are going up at an alarming rate.

USE 7- bir eylemin doğrudan birine ya da bir şeye yönelik yapıldığını ifade etmek için kullanılır
The teacher is always shouting at the students.
Jane threw the ball at the wall.
Why are you staring at my sister like that?

USE 8- bir duygunun ya da tepkinin belirli nedenini ifade etmek için kullanılır
Her friends still laugh at her jokes.
They were rather surprised at the news.

IN:İçinde ( in the box, in class, in the house, in the drawer, in the garden)
USE 1- Coğrafi bölgelerle birlikte
Driving in India is really hard.
Şirince is a very small village in the mountains.

USE 2-Kentler, şehirler ve daha büyük alanlarla birlikte

Do you like living in Ankara?
They were having a picnic in the park.
She works in the hospital.

USE 3-Bir kişiyi ya da nesnenin her tarafını sardığı düşünülebilen binalar/odalar ve yerlerle birlikte
Can you wait me in the teacher’s room please?
I've left my computer in the office.
There's a party in my house tonight.
Where is Judy?Judy is in the water.

USE 4-Kaplarla
There's fresh orange juice in the fridge.
I've got a pen in my pocket.
The money is in my wallet.

USE 5-Sıvılar ve diğer maddelerle birlikte, ne içerdiklerini ifade etmek için

Would you take milk in your coffee?
I can taste garlic in this soup.

USE 6-In bir kap, yer ya da alanın içine doğru yapılan hareketi ifade etmek için kullanılır.
She put the shoes back in the cupboard.
The boy threw stones in the tree.

USE 7-In bir şeyin, bir başka şeyin parçası olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
I've found five mistakes in your test.
Who's the little girl in the photograph?

USE 8-In birinin bir şey giydiğini ifade etmek için kullanılır.
Do you know that girl in the red, long dress?
The teacher in a brown suit was talking with her.

USE 9-In nesnelerin nasıl düzenlendiğini, ifade edildiğini ya da yazıldığını ifade etmek için kullanılır.
People sit around in a circle.
Their names are given in alphabetical order.
She questioned me in english.

ON: Üzerinde: Yüzeye temas ediyor (on the table, on the desk, on the wall, on the road, on the floor)

USE 1-Yüzeyler ya da yüzey gibi düşünülebilecek şeylerle birlikte:

The book is on my desk.
There is a picture of Atatürk on the wall.
The administration department is on the first floor.
Write your adress down on a piece of paper.
He had a large spot on his nose.
Jean is on the bed.

USE 2-Caddelerle/sokaklarla, ya da bir doğru şeklinde düşünülebilecek diğer şeylerle birlikte

Sarah lives on Vatan street.
The bank is on the corner of Atatürk Street.
Mersin is on the south coast.
The postoffice is the second turning on the left.

USE 3-On, bir yüzeyin yönünde hareketi ifade etmek için kullanılır.
The rain falling on the roof.
I dropped the glasses on the floor.

USE 4-On bir şeyin yüzeyi kazara vücudun bir parçasına değdiğinde ya da çarptığında kullanılır.
I cut my finger on a sharp knife.

USE 5-On bir kimsenin vücudunu bir uzvu üzerinde dengede tuttuğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
My son was balancing on one leg.
He stand up on his hands.

USE 6-On bir şeyin bir listede olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
He's not on the list of 9-C.
How many items are on the agenda?

USE 1- İçine, ya da içinde
He walk into the cinema.
They get into the car.
I pour tea into the glass.

USE 2- Bir etkinliğe ya da işe yönelme, girme
College graduates who go into enginering are happy.

USE 3- Bir duruma ya da biçime doğru

My mother break the mirror into pieces.

USE 4- Yönüne doğru

He pointed into the sky.

OUT OF:bir yerden “dışarı çıkma” anlamını verir.

They come out of the cinema.
Do not get out of the car before it stopped.

The mouse jumped onto the sofa.


Just next to on the left / right hand side
Go ahead and then turn right, the store is on the left.

- She wants whipped cream on top of her pie.
- The carpenter is on top of the house.
- They climbed on top of the mountain in two days.

OVER: Üzerinde: Bir nesnenin başka bir nesnenin üzerinde olduğunu belirtir.Yüzeye temas olabilir veya olmayabilir.
( over my head, over the building, over the clouds, over the roof)
USE 1- Üstünde ya da yüksek
He is running over the hill.
USE 2- Bir ucundan bir ucuna ve üstünde
The cat jumped over the wall.
USE 3- Öteki tarafında.
My house is over the border of the village..
USE 4- Bir yüzeyin üzerine.
He put a plaster over his eye.
USE 5- Bir araç aracılığıyla, bir araç üzerinden.
I can't tell you over the phone.
USE 6- Bir şeyle aynı ya da ondan daha yüksek.
The dept of the water was over my knees.
USE 7- Bir dönem, zaman dilimi süresince, boyunca.
She maintained those photos over twenty years.
USE 8- Ölçü, miktar ve kapsam olarak daha fazla.
The roadfrom Ankara to Antalya is over 500 km.
USE 9-Yönetme ya da üstünlük durumunda olma.
There is no one over him in the department.
USE 10- Bir konu ile ilgili olarak, bir konu üzerine.
There was a confvrence over methods of effective teaching.

ABOVE: Daha yüksekte.Nesneler birbirine temas etmez. (above the building, above my head, above the sea level, above the
clouds, the people above us, above the average, above zero,….)
USE 1- Üstünde ya da daha üstte.
He is holding the book above his head.
USE 2- Üstte tutmak, daha fazla değer vermek
Put principles above expediency.
USE 3- Bir şeyden fazla.
It is above normal temperature.
USE 4- Kuzeyinde.
Minnesota is above Iowa.
This city is three thousand feet above sea level.
Your name is above mine on the list.
The birds were flying above the lake.
The rank major is above the rank captain.

BELOW: (below the building, below my head, below the sea level, below the clouds, the people below us, below the
average, below zero,….)
USE 1- Altında, aşağısında.
There's a cat below window.
Lut lake is below the surface of the sea level.
USE 2- Yönler
Konya is below Ankara.
USE 3- Ağırbaşlılığa ya da konuma uygun düşmeyen.
Such an unpolite behavior is below me.

NEAR: uzak olmayan mesafe(near the house, near the wall, near the bank, near the door)
You shouldn't smoke near you’re your children.
They are sitting near the window.
The cat is going near that mouse.

BESIDES/ NEXT TO: next to the building, next to me, next to our house
-The bank is next to the post office on the street.
USE 1- Yanında
He can stand beside the desk.
USE 2- Bir şeyle karşılaştırıldığında, bir şeylerin yanında
A proposal that seems quite reasonable beside the others.
The napkin is placed beside the plate.
I used to sit beside a lazy student when I was at the primary school.
A man is standing beside the car.
He has got a nice car besides an expensive truck.

USE 1- Yakın, yanında.
The window is by the door.
USE 2- Bir şey yardımıyla, vasıtasıyla, üzerinden.
We get out of the house by the back door.
USE 3- Belirli bir saatten daha geç olmamak üzere.
You should be here by 10:30 P.M.
USE 4- Bir şeyin kapsamı, ne kadar olduğu.
He was weighter by ten kg.
USE 5- Bir şeye göre.
She played by the rules.
USE 6- Bir şey ya da eylem vasıtasıyla.
He was murdered by a knife.
USE 7- Bireylerin ya da şeylerin ardışık olarak bir şeye maruz kalması, bir şeyi yapması.
One by one they entered the class.
USE 8- Çarpmada kullanılır.
Multiply 4 by 6 to get 24.
USE 9- Ölçümlerde kullanılır.
It was a house 40 by 60 metres
The glasses are over there by the plates.
He always goes to work by bus.
The thief is standing by the wall.
My father used to live by the lake.
They were injured by a sharp knife.
This famous book was written by Peyami Safa.
His office is not far from downtown. It is by the library. You can walk there.

BETWEEN: iki ve daha fazla grubun arasında

BETWEEN: between Amy and Sue, between two cars, between you and me
USE 1- İki şeyi ayıran boşluğun içinde
There is a car between the trees.
USE 2-Miktar, adet ya da derece olarak arada olmak
It costs between 25 and 30 dollars.
USE 3- İki şeyi birleştiren, iki şeyin arasında
There is a railroad between the two cities.
USE 4- Kaşılıklı bir ilişkiyi ifade eder
There was an agreement between workers and management.
His house is between the bank and the post office
Helen is sitting between Jack and Tom.
What is the difference between a university and a college?

AMONG: iki ve daha fazla grubun içinde

USE 1- Ortasında, çevrili
It was an apple tree among orange trees.
USE 2- Bir sınıfta, grupta, onlardan biri.
She is among the successful students at school.
USE 3- Birilerine eşlik etmek, birlikte hareket etmek.
She is staying among a group of young people.
USE 4- Karşılıklı olarak, aranızda.
Don't fight among yourselves.

IN FRONT OF: in front of us, in front of the car, in front of the building
USE 1- Bir kişinin ya da topluluğun önünde.
He was shy about speaking in front of a large audience.
I get very nervous whenever I stand in front of the audience.
USE 2- Bir kişinin huzurunda, önünde.
Parents should not fight in front of the children.
The man stopped the car in front of the wall.
The commander is walking in front of the soldiers.

BEHIND: behind the wall, behind the building, behind the screen
USE 1- Bir şeyin gerisinde, arkasında olmak
The dog run behind the black ball.
USE 2- Birini ya da bir şeyi takip etmek, birinin peşinde olmak
The police were behind the escapees.
USE 3- Bazı olayların geçmişte gerçekleşmiş olması
Their worst days are behind them.
USE 4- Bir şeyin olması gerekenden geç kalmış olması, arkada olmak
Their work is four months behind Schedule.
USE 5- Bir şeye neden olmak, "arkasında yatmak"
I don’t understand the reason behind it.
USE 6- Desteklemek, arkasında olmak
I'm going to be behind you all your life to protect you..
USE 7- Dış görünüşün altında, arkasında "yatan"
Behind his smiling face, he was very angry.

Helen is standing in back of Martha.

UNDER:Bir nesnenin diğer bir nesnenin altında olması

UNDER: under the table, under the ground, under the desk, under 50 years of age, under water,….
USE 1- Bir şeyin tabanın doğrudan altında
He is under the table.
USE 2- Bir tabakanın altında
He had two sweaters on under his jacket.
USE 3- Bir seviyenin ya da ölçünün (yaş, miktar, büyüklük ve fiyat gibi) altında olmak.
By the age of fifteen she was still under 1.60.
USE 4- Makam ya da konum olarak aşağıda olmak
Teachers are under the school director in the Ministry of education.


USE 1- Altında, alçak
A drawer is beneath a cabinet.
USE 2- Bir şey tarafından örtülmüş, altında kalmış
The earth lay beneath a blanket of snow.
The book is underneath the papers.
He tried to swim beneath the boat in order not to be seen by the enemy
The mine workers are working underneath the ground.
DOWN:Aşağı doğru
DOWN: down the stairs, down the hill, down the street, down the river
There is a small restaurant a mile down the road.
The students were coming down the hill.
He sat down to take the key.
UP:Yukarı doğru
UP: up the stairs, up the hill, up the street, up the wall
I saw her walking up the street.
Go up the street and find the store you would like to go.
The boy climbed up the ladder and fell down.
AGAINST: against the wall, against the door
USE 1- Bir şeye karşı, zıt
We were rowing against the current.
USE 2- Bir şeye değecek şekilde.
He is pushing against the wall.
USE 3- Bir şeye karşı mücadele.
This is a struggle against fate.
USE 4- Bir şeyin beklentisi sonucu, bir şeye hazırlık olarak.
We have food stored against winter.
USE 5- Bir şeye karşı savunma olarak.
It supplies protection against the cold.

OPPOSITE: karşısında
The cinema is opposite our school.
My close friend is sitting opposite me.

FROM: bir yerden ayrılma

FROM: from school, from Istanbul, from the bank, from his desk
USE 1- Bir yer ya da zamanı başlangıç noktası olarak belirtmek için kullanılır.
She walked home from the station.
I'm at school from six o'clock.
USE 2- İki uç noktadan başlangıcı göstermek için.
The new subject is From four to six.
USE 3- Bir kaynak, sebep, vasıta ya da aracı belirtir.
It was a note from my darling.
USE 4- Bir şeyden ayırmak, bir şeyi ortadan kaldırmak.
Liberation from slavery..
USE 5- Sebebiyle, bir şeyden kaynaklanarak.
He was fainted from hunger.

TO: yönelme bildirir.

TO: to London, to Ankara, to our house, to school, to my room
USE 1- Ulaşmak üzere bir yöne doğru anlamında.
He went to the city.
USE 2- Bir tarafa doğru.
She turned to me.
USE 3- Ulaşabildiği yere kadar
The Sea water was clear to the bottom.
USE 4- Bir seviye ya da dereceye kadar.
She loved him to distraction.
USE 5- Bir bitiş durumu ile:
They nursed her back to health.
USE 6- Verilen bir duruma doğru.
He is helping children to gender equality.
USE 7- Temas halinde, dayanır halde
The children pressed their faces to the windows.
USE 8- önünde
They lay on the bed face to face.
USE 9- Uygunluk ya da sahiplik için
She looked for the top to the flag.
USE 10- İlgili olarak
I am waiting for an answer to my apply letter.
USE 11- Uygun ya da tamamlayıcı olarak
She danced to the tune.
USE 12- Karşılaştırma
It is a book superior to his others.

THROUGH: bir şeyin içinden geçerek

THROUGH: through the corridor, through the room, through the tube
USE 1- Bir yönden içine girip başka bir yönden dışına çıkmak
The Show man went through the fire.
USE 2- Arasında, içinde
We walked through the trees.
USE 3- Yoluyla, üzerinden aracılığıyla
He climbed in through the window.
USE 4- Aracılığıyla
He bought the house through a dealer.
USE 5- İşleme tabi tutulmak, üzerinden geçmek
Her application went through our office.
USE 6- Başından sonuna kadar, boyunca
His brother stayed up through the night.
USE 7- Bir sürecin sonuna gelmek (genellikle başarılı olunduğunda kullanılır)
We are through the initial testing period.
USE 8- -e kadar ve o da dahil anlamında
It is a play that runs through september.
USE 9- Geçmek ve durmamak
He drove through a red light.
USE 10- Sebebiyle, yoluyla, sayesinde
She succeeded through regular study.

ALONG: …. boyunca
ALONG: along the river, along the fence, along the wall
There are a lot of shops along the Atatürk Avenue.
- The police towed some cars along the street.

TOWARD(S): -e doğru.
TOWARD(S): toward(s) the door, toward(s) me, toward(s) the desk
USE 1- Yönüne doğru, -e doğru.
He was driving toward the park.
USE 2- Bir şeyin yüzü bir yöne doğru.
He had his back toward the teacher.
USE 3- Bir şeye ilişkin, bir şeyle ilgili olarak.
It is an pessimistic attitude toward the past.
USE 4- Bir şeyin başarılmasına yönelik.
There are afforts toward peace.

ACROSS: across the street, across the river, across the desert
USE 1- Bir şeyin karşı tarafında(n)
Bank is across the street.
USE 2- Boyunca.
He drew lines across the paper.
USE 3- Bir ucundan bir ucuna.
Fatih bridge is a bridge across Bosphorus.
USE 4- Temasa geçmek, karşılaşmak, rastlamak.
I came across my old workmate from Sinop.

Except:Bir şey dışında, bir şeyin haricinde..
He likes everyone except me.
She behaves kind to everyone except my brother.

AROUND:çevresinde, köşede
AROUND: around the building, around the corner, around the city
They live just around the corner.
Let's take a walk around the park.
The thief ran around the bank to escape from the police.
The Simpsons used to live somewhere around here.
The members are sitting around the table.

USE 1- İç kısımlarda, içinde
There was a strong anger within him to her.
USE 2- Zaman ya da mekan olarak belli sınırlar içinde
Supermarket was within twenty metres of my house.
USE 3- Belli limitler içerisinde, daha fazla değil.
She was living within her income.

USE 1- İçerisinde
We'll be in Ankara inside four hours.
USE 2- İç kısmında ya da bir parçası.
There is a gift inside the package.
USE 3- İçinde doğru.
He went inside the house.

USE 1- Bir şeyin komşuluğunda, etrafında.
She made a research about the history of the village
USE 2- İlgili olarak, hakkında.
It is a book about new inventions.
USE 3- Bir eylem ya da süreç içerisinde iken.
While you're about it, please clean your room.

USE 1- -siz, -sız. Bir şeye sahip olmama durumu.
They are the students without books.
USE 2- Bir şeyin eksikliği durumu, bir şey olmaksızın.
He spoke without thinking.

There's a bird's nest outside my window.
The bags were forgotten outside the house all night.
A new cafe is just outside the post office.

USE 1- Ayrılmak, uzağa gitmek
The bird hopped off the branch.
USE 2- Uzaklaşmış, yaptığı bir şeyi yapmayı bırakmış
He is off duty.
USE 3- Tüketerek
It's living off vegetables and fruits.
USE 4- Bir şeyden dışarı çıkan ya da bir şeyden uzayan
It is an artery off the heart.
USE 5- Alışılmış standardından kötü
He is off his game.

USE 1- Bir nesne, eylem ya da etkinliğini, amacını belirtmek için kullanılır
Perfume for men.
USE 2- Bir tutku ya da isteğin yönün ifade etmek için kullanılır
She is willingfull for success.
USE 3- Bir eylemin alıcısını ya da eylemden faydalacak olanı ifade etmek için kullanılır
She prepared lunch for us.
USE 4- Eşitlik, eşdeğerlik ifade etmek için kullanılır
I paid nine dollars for a ticket.
USE 5- Miktar, süre belirtmek için kullanılır.
My husband drove for miles.
She waited in the queue for an hour.

USE 1- Bir andan beri süregelen, beri.
They have been friends since childhood.

USE 1- Bir kişi ya da topluluğun huzurunda
She teaches before the students.
USE 2- Bir şeyin bir diğerine tercih edilebileceği, önceliğinin yüksek olduğunu belirtir
Their needs come before yours.
USE 3- Dikkati üzerinde ya da yargısı altında
The case is now before the court.
USE -4 Zaman olarak bir şeyden daha önce
Before the meeting, she designed a slayt about the project.

USE 1- Yer ya da sıra olarak geride
Z comes after Y in the alphabet.
USE 2- Hedef, takip anlamı. Peşinde olmak
She seeks after fame.
USE 3- Zaman olarak daha sonra
This is his hair after the treatment.
USE 4- Onurlandırma ya da anma amacıyla aynı ismi almış olmak
He is named after her mother.
USE 5- İlgilenmek, bakmak
He looks after me.

AHEAD OF: Önde, ileri, ileride, başta

The man waiting ahead of me in the line was a famous doctor.

INSIDE:İçinde, içine, içerisinde

It is warmer inside the house.
These plants should be kept inside the house.
You can find everything inside this bag.

ABOUT:etrafında, üstünde, dair, konusunda

The lost keys should be somewhere about here.
The speaker will talk about the future of the economy.

APART FROM:dışında, başka

The mayor will meet us apart from the nurses.
AS:gibi, iken, kadar
Thomas will be appointed as the manager of the board in February.
AWAY FROM:uzakta
You should miss your children when you are away from home.
The homeless people live beyond that bridge.
His behavior is beyond my understanding.


Take this medicine for your headache. Başının ağrısı için bu ilacı al.
He died for the cancer in 2003.
This train is for Atlanta.
My best friends are not for me now.
My father went outside for a walk.
You should do your homework on time for a good grade
He tried to do his best for his team.

OF:yüzünden,-ın, -in, -den, -li

What did your mother die of?
She died of a heart attack. Kalp krizinden öldü.
The subject of this book is agriculture.
Who is the commander of these soldiers?
The baby drinks a glass of warm milk every morning.
Which day of the week will you come to visit us?
I have not heard of a creature like that.

DUE TO:nedeniyle, dolayı, yüzünden

More people are using public transportation due to the fuel shortages.
The game was cancelled due to the heavy rain.


LIKE:gibi, benzer
This boy is walking like a duck.
This 5 year-old child behaves like an adult.
He is like a musician.

WITH:ile, birlikte, beraber

She is writing with a pencil. O bir kalemle yazıyor.
If the customer is not satisfied with the service, you may be fired.
I cannot do anything with this ugly dog.
My professor said: "I'm always with you.
The cowboy came to the saloon with a rifle.
The hazelnuts are covered with chocolate.

WITHIN:içinde, içerisinde
They will visit us within a week.

MINUS:eksik, eksi
Everybody joined the meeting minus Liz.
Three minus two is one.

EXERCISES 1- Aşağıdaki boşlukları uygun şekilde doldurunuz.

1) My sister lives………………………. the 6th floor.
2) I called their house, but nobody is…………………….. home.
3) The clock fell……………………….the floor. I have to pick it up.
4) Is your name……………………… the mailbox?
5) Are your children……………………… the 2nd grade?
6) I bought a new dress………………………………. the store.
7) I found my car keys…………………………….my pocket.
8) I saw the horse jump……………………….. the fence.
9) Cathy lives……………….her parents……………………….a small house.
10) We took a taxi……………………….. the airport.
11) There are a lot of papers and desk...................the office.
12) There is a bicycle path .........................the river.
13) My school is 2 km. ............ my house.
14) There are a few birds...................the tree.
15) There is a garden …………........our house and another garden ............................our house.
16) There are famous paintings..................the walls of the Art Museum.
17) The students are waiting.............her................the store.
18) Put……………………your coat. It’s very cold today.
19) There are two ways to go there.............bus or............foot.
20) The birds are flying................the lake.
21) My aunt lives....................Ataturk Street.
22) Let's go.................a tour of the riverside.
23) Get...................the bus here and get the second stop.
24) There is a man standing ..................... the door.
25) Yours is the best olive oil...................... the others ………………. the market.
26) John likes to stay ……………….. home....................... rainy days.
27) The post office is just............the corner.
28) I will wait for you ............................ the bus stop.............the end of the street.
29) My brother was in the first submarine that sailed ……………….. the North Pole.
30) The captain of the ship was ………………… the sailors who had abandoned the ship.
31) There are too many cars ………………. the roads today.
32) She will witness against David ………………. the trial.
33) Living together without getting married is increasingly common ……………. the young.
34) He works ………………. the Bank of England.
35) Arnavutköy is ………………. Bebek and Kuruçeşme.
36) The teacher is sitting ……………….. the table and writing a letter.
37) The children ……………… 14 years of age are not allowed to see this film.
38) We are going to have a holiday …………………. the mountains.
39) A fight started ……………… the two groups of boys.
40) I am looking ………………. the example ………………. the board.
41) Kars is ……………… the eastern part of Turkey, isn’t it?
42) The burglar heard a noise coming from upstairs, so he hid …………… the curtains.
43) Some politicians walked ………………. the crowds, shaking hands with the people.
44) The plane took off and was soon flying ……………….. the clouds.
45) She has beautiful works of art all ………………… her house, even in the kitchen.
46) The little girl……………………….red is very smart.
47) The boy is standing ......................the teacher and the school principal.
48) Are you still working...................your homework?
49) The students should write their names........................... the top of the page.
50) He left the torch …………….....the room, ……………......a chair ..........the corner.
51) There are a lot of stars …………………….. the sky. over
52) The workers have got helmets …………… their heads. on
53) There is a cat …………… the roof. It has got a mouse ……………. its mouth.
54) There are a lot of cars ……………….. the street today so I could not park my car anywhere. Along
55) There are many green trees ………………… our school building. around
56) The oil pipeline is ………………. Baku ……………… Ceyhan. From … to
57) She has got many e-mails …………………. her friends. from
58) There is a long way ……………. here …………… the office.from …to
59) There is a lovely village ……………….. the river. across
60) There is a cellar ………………. the building.under
61) There is a black cat …………….. near the stove.near
62) There is a high wall ………………………. the house. around
63) My little daughter loves swimming ……………………. the water. under
64) There is a bank ……………….. the market . next to

65) Our school is …………………… the river). by

EXERCISES 2- Aşağıdaki boşlukları prepositions of place and time uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) The new shop is open………………….8:00 a.m………………….. 8:00 p.m.
2) Let's go.....................a walk.
3) She is ……………. the kitchen helping her mother ………………. the moment.
4) ................noon they prepared lunch.
5) The repairman will be back.............5 minutes.
6) It is too boring to wait..................... 12:00 a.m.
7) You may swim even...............the springtime in Antalya.
8) I congratulated him....................his birthday.
9) My son's birthday falls..................the 13th of June.
10) The next lesson is ................ eleven ........................ the morning...........
11) George lived............New York ……………..... 1980 ..........2005.
12) Which shoes did you put..............for the concert?
13) They always go
14) He was taken.............the ambulance.
15) It is somebody shoes.
16) Where must I get............the train: here or.............the next stop?
17) He would like to go there...........bus not.............foot.
18) The birds are flying.............the lake.
19) That actor's hair kept falling ……………….(through) his eyes.
20) Pour a cup of milk ………………… (into) the bottle.
21) Parents always do this ……………… (for) their children's benefit.
22) I have not seen my mother ………………..(for) two days.
23) Our family has been living................... this street.................2005.
24) How can I get..................the post office?
25) A-Are you going...............bus? B-No, we're friend's car.
26) and put your name and number..............the top of the page.
27) To catch the plane, we'll have to be ready.............. 11 o'clock.
28) He is afraid of the incoming traffic, so he always sits..............the back.
29) (From)……….....time to time I fall into bad mood.............the future.
30) Do you think this is................Schubert or.............Mozart?
31) I'll talk to you about this subject..................lunchtime.
32) ..........Ankara, he took the train …………….. Istanbul.
33) They will work in Brussels...........November …………….. January. From,till
34) He died.............the age of 67.
35) Jane and David have lived together.................the past 12 years.
36) Cut this apple......................... small pieces.
37) I saw a shadow ……………. my left when I got out of the house.
38) I have been working ………………… the T.R.T ……………. years
39) …………… a quarter-past ten, I was still waiting …………….. my friend.
40) She learned English ……………… six months.
41) Their names were not ……………….. the passenger list.
42) There were some people …………….. the queue ……………. front …………… me.
43) I was repairing the car ……………. 8 o’clock …………… eleven o’clock this morning.
44) She has been suffering …………… malaria ………….. 1999.
45) ……………… least ten students were ……………… the cinema last night.


1-Why are you waiting …………… the restaurant? It is snowing and you will get cold. E
A) for B) out
C) onto D) into
E) outside
2- I broke my arm while I was going ……………. the steps. Because I was talking…………… a friend about his problem. B
A)from / on B)up/to
C)to / about D)at/with
E) into/to
3-Don’t lean …………… the wall, it has just been painted. D
A)on B)from
C)of D)against
E) next to

4-My parents and I were travelling …………… Antalya when you phoned me, that's why I couldn't speak on the phone. A
A) towards B) up
C)at D)with
E) out
5-The police officers have found the stolen jewellaries hiddden …………… her flat. C
A) up B) through
C) around D) towards
E) among
6-What do you think about the girl …………… red dress? B
A) on B)in
C) of D) at
E) off
7-Our house is …………… Vatan Street, and there is a supermarket ………….. it. C
A) in/ below B) below/ below
C) on/ below D) at/ below
E) of/ below
8-Mr. Brown arrived …………… Ankara to attend the meeting, about the technological developments on Education ……………
Asia. E
A) at / with B) for / in
C) above / across D) to / for
E) in / across
9-I wish he could be a respected person…………… his work friends. D
A) across B) at
C) into D) among
E) of
10-She has lived…………… the village all his life and she worked …………… a farm for ten years. D
A) in / in B) on / in
C) at / on D) in / on
E) in / at
11-Do you know why the Efes museum isn't open …………… Tuesday? It isn't possible …………… a touristic place like Selçuk. B
A) at / for B) on / in
C) by / in D) of / on
E) from / at
12- The man passed………………. the gate and entered the other corridor.
A) along B) across
C)through D)among
13-The weather forecast reviewers think temperature will drop…………… freezing point. D
A) off B) in
C) to D) below
E) above
14- The child fell …………… his arms. C
A) among B) on
C) between D) off
E) in
15-They're going to go to look for him if their son is not back …………… midnight. B
A) in B) till
C) on D) between
E) for
16- …………… two weeks, we are sure his designation will be released to Antalya. B
A) For B) Within
C) At D) On
E) Among
17- Security systems have been installed …………… the roof of the house. A
A) into B) in
C) onto D) off
E) for
18-Make sure everyone is standing …………… exit at the fire drill. D
A) on B) at
C) in D) near
E) for
19-My mother won't tolerate my behavior …………… a minute longer, so I should be more careful…………….. now on. A
A) for/from B) since/from
C) from/at D)from/in
E) on/from
20-The History exam will start …………… exactly ten o'clock, so we'd better arrive …………… time. C
A) in / at B) at / for
C) at / on D) for / in
E) in /on
21- She is going to take two week's holiday …………… the evening of the 12 th. E
A) of B) at
C) for D) in
E) on
22- …………… the day, my grandmother kept on complaining about her husband. A
A) Throughout B) With
C) Towards D) Up to
E) To
23-How much weight do you think your brother will carry …………… his back? B
A) in B) of
C) on D) behind
E) at
24- My friends and I decided to sit …………… the club …………… closing - time. A
A) in/till B) in/for
C) at/for D) for/till
E) on / by
25-We helped an old man …………… the street. C
A) ahead B) through
C)cross D) towards

a cause of something
The cause of the air crash is believed to be engine failure.
a reason for something
Tonight’s football match isn’t a good reason for not doing your homework.
a cheque for (a sum of money)
After they’d repaired his car, he gave the garage a cheque for £> 50.
a demand/a need for something
The traffic problems clearly show the need for better roads.
an advantage/a disadvantage of something there is an advantage/a disadvantage in/to doing something
Clean air is just one of the advantages of living in the country. There is an advantage in/to living in the country:
clean air.
a rise/an increase/a fall/a decrease/a reduction in something
There has been a sharp rise in inflation recently, but also a slight decrease in unemployment.
a picture/a photograph of someone/something
Would you like to see the photographs of my holiday?
a solution to a problem/an answer to a question/a reply to a letter
It seems that no one is able to find a solution to the problems in the Middle East.
I haven’t had a reply to any of my letters of application yet.
a reaction to something
His reaction to my proposal took me completely by surprise.
damage to something
The strong winds did a lot of damage to the crops.
an invitation to a party/a wedding etc.
Have you sent David an invitation to the party yet?
an attitude to/towards someone/something
The Japanese’s attitude towards teachers is different from many other nationalities’.
a relationship/a connection/contact with someone/something
You should try to have a good relationship with your friends.
Their names are the same, but this company has no connection with the one in Ankara.
a relationship/a connection/contact/a difference between two things
Their names are the same, but there is no connection between this company and the one in Ankara.
a novel/a palnting/a play by someone
"Sunflowers" is one of the most famous paintings by Van Gogh.
a fight/struggle for/against something/someone
Eger bir şeyi kazanmak, elde etmek için savaşım veriliyorsa "for", bir şeye karşı savaşım veriliyorsa "against"
In the 1920s, British women had a hard fight for the right to vote.
Nelson Mandela’s struggle against apartheid in South Africa finally resulted in his being elected president.
a noun + to infinitive
Pek çok isimden sonra "to + infinitive" kullanılır.
People, when arrested by the police, have the right to remain silent.
When she was very young, her ability to play the piano was soon noticed.

MOST COMMON WORDS: in error , in public , in turn , in ink , in short , in particular , in pain , in silence , in
time , in tears , in captivity , in a moment , in vain , in fashion , in practice , in trouble , in tune , in person , in
the circumstances , in pieces , in conclusion , in cash , in the suburbs , in demand , in order , in a hurry , in
general , in danger , in sight , in common , in debt , in advance , in progress

EXERCISE 1- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) If you obey the rules, you won't get..............trouble.
2) If you feel that you have reached this recording………….. error, please check the number.
3) When we see someone who is …………. pain, or …………. trouble, or whatever, we try to help them.
4) You may swim even...............the springtime in Antalya.
5) We must dial 911 for the people who are.....................danger.
6) I have not sung……………. public in three years.
7) opinion, it is a very good idea.
8) While you are abroad, you shouldn't miss an opportunity ...................... speaking English.
9) The immigrants have left their country..................good.
10) Have you got anything ………….. particular …………… your mind?
11) She was still ……………… pain after her operation.
12) The prisoners were ……………… the mercy …………….. the ruthless guardians.
13) She was ……………… a hurry and didn’t notice that she had dropped her purse.
14) We must book a room …………………. advance if you really want to go there.
15) I will pay you a hundred dollars …………… cash …………….. the machine.
16) Everything was ……………….. darkness when the lights went out.
17) He is a man …………… great physical strength.
18) They will sell the car ……………… a low price.
19) She paid the bill ……………. cheque.
20) You have to pay for the tickets …………….. advance.
21) I am ………………. charge of the office while the manager is away.
22) I always pay my electricity bill …………….. cash.
23) If I give you the information, what will you give me …………….. return?
24) Do you want me to write this letter ……………… English?
25) They claim that crime is ……………. the increase in Turkey.
26) Long skirts were …………….. fashion …………… 90s but it is back nowadays.

27) I feel morally certain that what we did was right ………………the circumstances we were in.
28) While the operation was still ……………. progress, a large fire broke out in the camp.
29) And so, …………….. conclusion let me reiterate that there are no rules.
30) I have nothing …………. common with the people out there, and they have nothing …………. common
with me.


MOST COMMON WORDS: on average , on the increase , on loan , on board , on (one’s) own , on purpose
, on fire , on the phone , on holiday , on foot , on the hour , on a trip , on guard , on television , on a tour ,
on sale , on a diet , on a cruise , on strike , on (one’s) way , on an expedition , on occasion , on the whole
, on (that) date , on the outskirts

EXERCISE 2- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) There are a lot of in the store this week.
2) Although …………… average there's one big supernova in each galaxy every century, there hasn't been
one in the Milky Way since the birth of modern science.
3) These diseases are everywhere ………….. the increase and it's now possible that TB deaths may
overtake malaria deaths within five years.
4) Poor people come to work.........foot.
5) The house is still ……………… fire.
6) Jack broke his mother's valuable vase, but he didn't do it …………… purpose, so she wasn't angry.
7) There is a house ……………… sale near here.
8) The study of ice retreat here was unwittingly begun ………….. an expedition led by the great early
explorer Ernest Shackleton.
9) What do you wish …………….. your birthday?
10) If ………. occasion you do feel down, focus on the wonderful hope for future.
11) The ashtray hit him ………………. the head.
12) That was not an accident; you did ……………. purpose.
13) The car was ……………… good condition when it was bought.
14) The Concorde can travel ……………. very high speeds.
15) How did you do ………….. the science test?
16) The firm for which I worked had contracted to wire a new factory ………….. the outskirts of the town.
17) The workers don’t want to work ……………. these conditions.
18) He had a strange expression …………………… his face when he said that he loved me.
19) I haven’t got much talent ……………… music.
20) If I ever make it in life I'll take you ……………. a cruise.

a)on time/in time
"On time", "punctual’ anlamındadır ve kararlaştırılmış bir saatten söz ederken "vaktinde, dakik" anlammı verir.
She never comes to class late. She is always on time.
The meeting will start at 2 p.m. and I have to be there on time.
"In time" da Türkçe’ye "vaktinde" biçiminde çevrilir. Ancak kararlaştırılmış bir saat söz konusu değildir. "Bir işi
yapmak için uygun bir vakitte" anlamındadır. "In time for something/in time to do something' biçiminde de
I got home in time for my favourite programme.
I got home in time to have dinner with my parents.
They are having the house painted for the wedding.
I hope the painters finish their job in time.
(Umarım boyacılar işlerini vaktinde bitirirler.)

Son örnekte, boya işinin bitmesi için kararlaştırılmış bir saat olamaz. Bu nedenle "vaktinde" sözü, konuşmacının
kendine göre "uygun bir zaman" ifade etmektedlr.
"Just in time” "tam zamanmda" anlamnı verir.
Someone had spilt coke on the chair, but Sue didn’t notice it and was going to sit on the chair. Fortunately, I
warned her Just in time to prevent her from sitting there. (Onu tarn zamanmda uyardim...)
b)on holiday/for a holiday (American English: on vacation/for a vacation)
"Be/go on holiday/vacation" ifadesi, eğer "holiday/vacation" ın önünde the, a, my, your, etc. gibi bir sözcü varsa
"go for a/the/my hollday/vacation" biçiminde kullanılır.
Let’s not talk about business now.
We are on holiday/vacatlon.
We usually go to Bodrum for our holidays/vacations.


MOST COMMON WORDS: out of luck , out of reach , out of print , out of order , out of tune , out of season ,
out of practice , out of work , out of breath , out of the question , out of sight , out of control , out of danger ,
out of fashion , out of date , out of debt , out of place , out of doors…

EXERCISE 3- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) The computer is.............................. order. It is not working.
2) Strawberries are ……………….. season at the moment, so they are very expensive.
3) I ran for the bus, and now I am ………………. breath.
4) The car has run …………… petrol, so we cannot go anywhere.
5) It is …………… the question right now for you stay here if you don’t pay the bill.
6) My mother’s excessive worrying was ………… proportion and …………….. control.
7) I buy clothes that suit me, that are practical, that combine well with what you already have, and that
won’t quickly go ………….. fashion.
8) When somebody's been …………. practice, violent movement could cause tiny tears in internal
9) So a newspaper becomes ………….. date as soon as it's printed.
10) And you are never to stir …………….. doors until having spent ten minutes every day in a rational


MOST COMMON WORDS: Under control , at least , under the influence , by far , by mistake , from time to
time , at first , at last , at length , under guarantee , without fail , for the time being , without delay , at the
most , by no means , by accident , at times , under the impression , under age , at any rate , without
warning , under pressure , by all means , at random , from now on , without doubt , for a change , for
instance , for short , by heart…..

EXERCISE 4- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) I called him in his office. He is not in his office...............the moment.
2) The reactor is ……….. control, but the main power won't be restored for another eight to ten hours.
3) ………… far the greatest crime committed by mankind is war.
4) I'm not sure how long he'll be here, but …………. the time being, this will be his home.
5) …………….. his great surprise, he won the first prize.
6) Obviously, we'd want to get together with you ………. time to time to see how things are progressing.
7) Our teacher had us learn the poem …………. heart.
8) The national lottery will select two hundred women ……….random from the pool of eligible candidates.

9) …………. now on, all information that comes from the site will be reported to me without even one
word missing.
10) There are people who are …………. the impression that my daughter has committed a crime.
11) She bought these books …………………….. the black market.
12) Ideally, participants will be able to apply what they learn to their respective areas of work ……….. delay
13) He is a very big boy ………………….. his age.
14) I was looking ………… a change last year, so I moved downtown.
15) I haven’t seen you ………………… ages. Where have you been?
16) He lost his job ……………… being drunk.
17) ………………. all his faults he is still a good husband.
18) She apologized …………… being late.
19) She came ………………. the room and all the students stood up.
20) He is ………………. the impression that you love him.
21) ……………… my request, they ordered me a taxi.
22) Everything is …………….. control. There is no need to panic.
23) I have heard this song so many times that I know it …………….. heart.
24) James received no answer …………….. his letter.
25) I don’t think you dropped the vase …………… accident. You did it ………… purpose.
26) We need to decide who is going to be ……………… the committee.
27) I was ………………. the impression that you like football, but I was wrong.
28) ………………. least nobody got hurt …………….. the accident.
29) Many changes were made ………………. the last minute.
30) Ben Johnson was ……………….. no means as innocent as he pretended.
31) She went to school …………………… complaining.
32) We haven’t had a letter ………………. our parents ………………… ages.
33) I spent a lot of money ……………… good food, not ………………… presents.
34) Pamela lay …………. the sun and then swam ……………… the sea.
35) He was a man ………………… great determination.


MOST COMMON WORDS: on the tip of , in danger of , on the point of , in touch with , on the strength of
, in love with , in charge of , in return for , on behalf of , in favour of , at the age of , in the habit of , on
good terms with , for the sake of, in common with….

EXERCISE 5- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) It is claimed by some that as many as 800 million people are ………….. danger of dying from excesses in
2) I am …………… favour of any measure which would lead to closer cooperation in Europe
3) The criminal goes …………………. the name of John.
4) He sells ………………… the average twenty cars a day.
5) He was shouting ………………… the top of his voice.
6) The few must be sacrificed ……………. the sake of the many.
7) She is ……………. the habit of talking …………… herself.
8) While …………….. his way …………….. the cinema, he met an old friend.
9) Some people are not ………….. favour …………….. nuclear power in Turkey.
10) I am …………….. my way …………. school now.
11) I was sitting ……………… the back ……………. the car when the accident happened.
12) We are …………… favor …………….. this reform.
13) I’m sure I know the answer to this question. It’s right on the tip ……………… my tongue!

14) I want to speak ………… behalf of these men, then I'll be right out.
15) I wonder who will be put in charge ……………. the office while the manager is away next week.

NOTE. Bu bölümdeki alıştırmaları yapmadan önce, “APPENDIX 1“ deki Adjective + Preposition listesini inceleyiniz,

EXERCISE 6- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) Mary is envious....................her brother's car.
2) The mayor is responsible.........................the city issues.
3) My wife was so pleased......................her new car.
4) My son should really be ashamed................ himself for lying me.
5) If you can't win the gold madal at the tournament, I will be
6) We should be grateful.......................our teachers.
7) Mr. Black used to be fond................. his new job.
8) Our daughter wasn’t so keen …………. being hugged or kissed by us anymore.
9) When we saw the elephants at the zoo, we are amazed ..........the elephants'long teeth.
10) I heard something funny...........Mr.Black. He is afraid ………… bees.
11) He is not very good................math, but he is good........... science.
12) My dad told me not to rely...............everybody.
13) Our book is the best, there's no
14) The house was repaired according…………………………. the owner's desire.
15) And I'm especially proud ………… the way you're treating your wife and children.
16) Jack was jealous…………………………. Tim's success.
17) He's capable………………………….being an excellent student.
18) I'm accustomed……………………….. watching TV every night.
19) I was not aware………………………… your attention.
20) Bursa is famous…………………… and peaches.
21) I'm getting more and more satisfied…………………………..your work.
22) Be aware………………………. dog.
23) I was delighted…………………………. the present you sent me.
24) She is well-qualified…………………..typing and very efficient…………………. her work.
25) I think he's quite honest………………………. his intentions.
26) Children remain dependent………………….their parents for a long time.
27) I should be grateful……………………any advice you can give.
28) He is not different…………………….anyone else.
29) The teacher was angry............. the tall boy for making noise.
30) When I am abroad, my mother is
31) Mothers always worry ………………. their children, and so do fathers.
32) My father is frightened ………………… a dog.
33) I always try to be patient ……………….. my students.
34) We are all familiar …………. the French literature, but the American literature is unfamiliar …………. me.
35) That is very kind ………………… you to show me the way to the hospital.
36) It was a good film ……………… beginning ……………… the end.
37) Mersin is famous …………………. its oranges.
38) I have been interested ……………….. the stars …………….. a long time.
39) My sister is very bad ………………. tennis.
40) The teacher is very kind …………. her students.
41) She was annoyed …………………. what she heard.
42) I am not really concerned ……………… that side of the story.
43) I am very grateful ……………… my English teacher …………….. her great help.
44) She was absorbed ……………. her book.
45) Are you related …………… John Smith?
46) The man was conscious ………………. being watched by the police.
47) I am not very enthusiastic ……………… working on Saturdays.
48) I am not very pleased …………………. the performance of the car.

49) If you are bored ……………. listening to the radio, let’s play chess.
50) He is always careful …………………. his appearance.
51) He soon became adjusted ………………….. his new job here.
52) I am very disappointed …………… you.
53) Are you excited ……………. going to Italy?
54) The man resorted ……………….. violence to settle the quarrel.
55) We are very different ……………. each other.

EXERCISE 7: Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) I don’t know why she thinks she can make a career as a singer. She’s quite devoid …………….. talent.
2) We're much obliged ……………… you for all the trouble you’ve taken to help us.
3) She was thrilled …………….. the present her parents gave her for her birthday.
4) Your new bag is quite similar …………… your old one, isn’t it?
5) We weren’t satisfied ………………… the explanation they made.
6) I feel sorry ……………… her because she finds it so difficult to make friends.
7) Entry to the course will be limited …………….. those who got over 70% in the exam.
8) A surprisingly large number of people are allergic …………….. dairy products.
9) Since her accident she has been subject ………………… violent mood swings.
10) I was aware ……………. the changes to the schedule, but Mary wasn’t, so she wasted her time going to the
office on Saturday for the meeting, which had already been cancelled.
11) If you had been more polite …………… him, he might not have gotten so angry with you.
12) That restaurant is notorious …………….. overcharging its customers.
13) His latest novel is vastly superior ……………….. his previous work.
14) He became used ……………. getting his own way all the time.
15) I’m hopeless ……………. maths, so I always carry a pocket calculator.
16) It isn’t good …………….. you to have to handle so much stress.
17) I’m curious ………………… why she decided not to come with us.
18) The film was only loosely based ……………….. the book.
19) I hope you aren’t annoyed …………… me ………………. forgetting to bring your scarf back.
20) You shouldn’t be jealous ……………… her. You're much prettier than she is.
21) He’s mad ……………… cricket and never misses a match.
22) I’m grateful …………… you …………… getting the information to me so quickly.
23) We’re running short …………. sugar, so I’m just going out to get some more.
24) That remark was just typical ……………. his whole attitude.
25) The soil in our garden is rich …………….. nutrients, so everything grows really well.

NOTE: Bu bölümdeki alıştırmaları yapmadan önce, “APPENDIX 2” deki Verb + Preposition listesini inceleyiniz.
EXERCISE 8- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1) first day of the trip, a policeman ran ......................... me.
2) The head of the school agreed...............the trip plan.
3) The students are complaining ………………………..the difficult exam.
4) Despite all my oppositions, they insisted ............... going to Bodrum.
5) He is quite kind but I wouldn't like to be married………………………………him.
6) That boy is far ahead……………………everyone else in the class.
7) Your conclusions are not consistent……………………….. the facts.
8) We are not sure……………………… the exact date,but we think our grandparents arrived here in 1840.
9) My brother and I used to argue…………………………..who had to take out the trash.
10) Sally applied…………………………the city police department. She wants to become apolice officer.
11) Mark apologized……………………….starting the argument.
12) Everything will father's mood.
13) Don't wait................him. He always comes to work late.

14) That ring is
15) The boy fell............the wall.
16) This book is similar................. the one you bought last week.
17) Who is that beautiful lady
18) The President of Board approves ......... making the agreement with the television company.
19) What did the mechanic charge..............this repair?
20) When did the prisoners escape..............prison?
21) The mad cow disease has spread....................... many countries.
22) When she was independent....................her parents, she began to earn money.
23) I am not acquainted...............the lady.
24) I wanted to glance…………………......... this book.
25) The heavy rain beat................................. the window.
26) The soldier aimed..................................... the target.
27) The students are hoping..................higher grades from exam.
28) I want to enquire...................................grants.
29) Is your car insured ...against.. fire?
30) My brother is always very critical ……………… his friends.
31) The soldier was presented ………………… a gold medal after the war.
32) The horse was able to jump …………………. the high wall.
33) If you believe ……………….. justice, you must believe …………………. the existence of God.
34) He was blamed ……………… breaking the law.
35) All of a sudden, the storm developed ……………… a typhoon.
36) What a pity that he quarrel resulted …………………. a fight.
37) The citizens protested ………………. the new law.
38) I closed my eyes and wished ………………… a car.
39) I think Sarah is connected ……………….. the bank robbery.
40) He was injured ……………… a train crash.
41) The poor man had been stabbed ………………. a knife.
42) All the books suddenly fell ……………….. the shelf.
43) I am fed up ……………… your remarks about my compositions.
44) If you join the club, you must abide ……………….. its rules.
45) The burglar has been charged …………….. two crimes.
46) The man spoke ……………… a foreign accent.
47) He is fully aware ………………. the risks he takes.
48) I cannot put up ………………. your laziness.
49) Does your daughter always keep up ……………… the latest fashion?
50) I should be able to cope …………….. this problem.
51) The storm resulted ………………. the deaths of over fifty people.
52) I am tired ……………….. wearing this old jacket.
53) The mixture consists …………….. soda and lime.
54) What is the alternative ………………. this question?
55) You will have to put up ………………. them for a little longer.
56) This car runs ……………….. unleaded petrol.
57) The car crashed ……………. the wall and then burst ……………. flames.
58) The house with the red door belongs ………………. the Smiths.
59) All flights have been cancelled because …………….. fog.
60) Pamela went away ……………….. saying good-bye.


Bu bölümdeki alıştırmaları yapmadan önce, “APPENDIX 3” teki Verb + Object + Preposition listesini
EXERCISE 9- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1) ........fact, I prefer Mercedes...............Ford.
2) We went……………….Boston…………………….. a vacation.
3) Excuse me.......... being late.

4) Steven is talking…………….. his girlfriend………………………the phone.
5) People should spend their money................only vital needs.
6) My girlfriend has invited
7) Everybody congratulated me.............................. my graduation.
8) You can't conceal anything............your wife.
9) He is angry ........ me........... interrupting him…………….... his work.
10) The visitors arrived...............Atatürk airport..................good time for the plane.
11) He paid ....... the books.
12) He has not heard ………………… his father ………….. ages.
13) I would like to apologize …………….. you ……………. what I said.
14) The teacher is always complaining ……………. the parents ………………. the students.
15) The teacher accused the child …………………. his bad behaviour.
16) I really congratulate you ……………… your great success.
17) Wearing these clothes while working will protect you ……………… possible injury.
18) She charmed the guests ……………… her smiles.
19) She reprimanded him ………………… breaking the window.
20) This house reminds me ……………… the house I grew up in.
21) He accused me ……………………. stealing his pen.
22) I will wait ……………… you ……………… the cinema, on the pavement.
23) Did you talk ……………… Jack ………………. your problem?


MOST COMMON WORDS: take part in , make sense of , play a trick on , put pressure on , take advantage of ,
pay attention to , take pleasure in , take charge of , keep an eye on , have confidence in , catch sight of , lose
count of , take no notice of , make room for , have an effect on , pay a compliment to , take pride in , set fire
to , catch a glimpse of , have a look at , take one’s mind off , take care of , make a recovery from , make contact
with …
EXERCISE 10- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.
1) A mountain separates our village.............your village.
2) All members of the community take part …………..this work on a regular basis, in varying degrees, according to
their circumstances.
3) I'd like to take advantage …………….. this opportunity to thank you all for your cooperation.
4) We've had a lot of people like you today, taking no notice ……………… the regulations.
5) The limbic system helps the brain decide which sounds to pay attention …………… and which to dismiss.
6) I couldn’t make sense ………….. living in a hopeless world where people were suffering and dying.
7) And we have confidence…………… the laws that govern the universe.
8) A lot of scientists believe that making contact …………… other life-forms would probably not end well for us.
9) Your eyes and your mind are playing a trick ………………… you.
10) This redistribution of plankton is already having an effect……………. marine life.
11) The role of the public servant is to keep an eye ……………the goodness of the citizens.
12) The captain explained the plan ................................... his crew.
13) Just catching a glimpse ………………. his face is what startedmy love.
14) It never hurts to pay a compliment …………… someone you care about.
15) May she make a quick recovery ……………. her throat polyps.
16) Reading really takes my mind …………….. of business.
17) We take pleasure …………………… lingering over certain passages that we have just read.
18) He happened to catch sight ………….. a rare butterfly.
19) The lawyer tried to prove his innocence.................the police.
20) An honest man never hides the
21) My old friend used to compare his work......................... mine.
22) He is tired...................working......................the suburbs.
23) The military judge accused him..............selling secret information.............the enemy.
24) The children succeeded ..................escaping..........the school.
25) If you are afraid of the dogs, you had better take

26) Helen takes great pride ……………… her new car.
27) The man was found guilty …………….. murder.
28) It does little good to argue ……………… a judge.
29) It often takes a long time to recover ……………… a serious illness.
30) The teacher attached great importance ………………. Rose’s project.
31) My sister always puts the blame ………………. me.
32) The dog shows great affection …………………. his master.


EXERCISE 11- Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1) I will go to İstanbul ……………….. good and I will never come back again.
2) The watch he bought ……………….. the man was identical …………….. the one I had lost.
3) Your dress is really very similar ……………… the one I have just bought.
4) Olga spent all her money …………………… a new car.
5) I am not accustomed ……………….. driving …………….. the left side of the road.
6) The plane was getting ready to land ……………….. the airport …………….. Miami.
7) Have you found the solution …………………. the problem?
8) Handle this parcel ………………….. care; it contains something breakable.
9) I am sick and tired …………….. living in Istanbul.
10) We are waiting ……………. the arrival ………………… his plane.
11) We have not heard ……………… Wendy ………………… a long time.
12) I would like to thank ………………. everyone ……………….. all the help they have given me.
13) He confused her ………………….. asking many difficult questions.
14) The soldiers were marching ………………….. the bridge when the time-bomb exploded.
15) The soldiers complained ……………… the commanding officer ………….. the bad conditions.
16) I am shaking hands …………………… my English teacher.
17) She will witness …………… (to)Smith ……………….. the trial, because she hates him.
18) Have you seen our English teacher ……………… the past few years?
19) The roof …………….. the house is …………….. bad condition.
20) We ran ………………. (into) a friend ……………… yours in the street yesterday.
21) It was very kind …………… you …………… (to) send me these flowers!
22) teacher, it is impossible.............. (for) me ……………. pass the exam.
23) My uncle is a very mean person. He finds it difficult to part ……………… his money.
24) Don’t worry ………………. being unemployed; I am ……………….. the same boat.
25) I don’t seriously agree ……………… the man who says that Turkey is full …………… impostors.
26) My father doesn’t have any confidence ……………….. me.
27) The teacher had no control …………………… the class.
28) You are mistaken. I don’t agree ……………... you ………………. this point.
29) I was surprised ………………. what my teacher said ………………. the head of the school.
30) The bull rushed ……………. me, because I was dressed ………………. red.
31) I have great admiration …………………… Atatürk.
32) There has been a rise ……………. the number of violent crimes …………… Turkey.
33) The difference ………………. you and me is that I don’t mind hard work.
34) I am having trouble …………………. my car these days.
35) I fell in love ……………….. her the moment I saw her.
36) I am looking for a pair of jeans ………………… my size.
37) He always stays here when he is …………….. leave.
38) A fire broke out ………….. one of its engines and soon the whole wing was ……………. flames.
39) ………………. last I have managed to cure him ………………. that nasty habit.
40) ……………. my arrival home, I was greeted …………… my parents.
41) My friend fell …………….. his bicycle while he was looking at a beautiful girl.
42) The man who is hard …………… hearing pretends to be a famous writer.
43) Most people do not object ………………. giving …………… charity.
44) Henry insisted ……………. complaining …………….. the manager ……………. the person.
45) Several people were arrested ……………… connection ……………… the bank robbery.
46) I am a bit short ……………… money.
47) Is your car insured................................crash?
48) The poor man begged..............a piece of bread.
49) She doesn't have any idea what to do................that problem.
50) I wonder what she is thinking..........
51) It is the behaviour I can't put up.........................
52) Are you................or against recycling?
53) Did you pay……………. (in) cash or................check?
54) We are fortunate………………….having sufficient supplies of fuel…………….. the winter.
55) Contrary…………………my expectations, there was no need to be uneasy…………….. the results of the match.
56) I am not familiar…………………. his novels and not very keen……………………….reading them.
57) I know he is slow…………………understanding , but you have to be patient…………………. him.
58) It is obvious……………….everyone that he is not responsible…………………….. this mistake.
59) He may be quick…………….understanding, but he's not capable………… remembering anything.
60) He is intent…………..….passing the examination, but I'm doubtful…………………. his chances.
61) He says he's sorry…………… what he did, so you need not get angry…………………… him.
62) Even though he was often cruel………………. his dog,it remained faithful………………….. him.
63) Cory is accused………………………. breaking into the neighbor's house.
64) His brother works………………… a waiter in a restaurant.
65) I want to buy a book………………………. Chinese history.
66) The young boy can read books written……………………….English.
67) Whether it is true or false. It doesn't make any
68) ................his way to Istanbul, he stopped over in Bolu.
69) Thanks..............all the things you've done for my son.
70) Can I pay for this rent.................pounds?
71) When we are away from our country, we usually dream................our home.
72) Why are you talking so much? Just jump.............the conclusion.
73) How fast did you drive?............129 kms an hour.
74) Since that race, racing drivers have driven ..........................300 miles per hour.
75) He has driven....................heavy traffic this morning.

Preposition Combinations
[Noun + preposition, preposition + noun, preposition + noun + preposition, adjective + preposition, prepositional verbs
(verb + preposition), verb + object + preposition, verb + noun + preposition]
1- …………… our mother's helping, we felt good. C
A) By B)For
C) With D) In
E) On
2-Do you think she is …………… this holiday plan change? E
A) from B) in
C) on D) of
E) againt
3- My mother called all her friends and relatives …………… Mary whom she is offended. D
A) for B) by
C) from D) except
E) apart
4-Some economists think that there will be decrease …………… inflation after selection. C
A) for B) on
C) in D) of
E) under
5-The earthquake did a lot of damage …………… houses, cars and crops in Van. E
A) for B) on
C) in D) from
E) to
6- My father’s attitude …………… us has changed completely.He became more understandable and polite. B
A) for B) towards
C) of D) in
E) by
7-Jim and Tom tried …………… vain to overcome the difficulties at their work. D
A) on B) for
C) to D) in
E) of
8-The police officer's lives are …………… danger because …………… occupational risk . A
A) in / of B) on / of
C) at/off D) for/of
E) with
9-Although I was deeply hurt by my close friend’s lie, I decided to get …………… touch …………… her. C
A) in / by B) on / with
C) in /with D) in /of
E) by / with
10- The name of Tarkan’s song is …………… the tip …………… my tongue. B
A) in/of B) on /of
C) on / for D) at / of
E) for/ of
11-In my opinion, most of my relativess are jealous …………… my daughter's success. B
A) for B) of
C) at D) in
E) from
12-The grandmother has been suffering …………… knee pains …………… months. A
A) from / for B) of / since
C) about / for D) for / by
E) in/for
13- I think he dedicated this song …………… his wife. C
A) with B) to
C) for D) by
E) of
14-If you leave your child’s hand, he may get lost …………… the crowd at the shopping mall. D
A) by B) with
C) between D)among
E) for
15-The man ……………... Jane, was charmed with her intelligence. A
A) opposite B) above
C) over D)below
E) off
16-Students aren't allowed to run …………… the corridors of the school during the break. B
A) among B) along
C) to D) for
E) off
17-Sude refused to eat and drink anything …………… an egg as she had been …………… a diet for long. C
A) with / in B) for / in
C) except / on D) of / with
E) of/to
18-It became colder …………… the evening yesterday. B
A) against B) towards
C) by D) with
E) over
19-Her behavior …………… to people at the party last night was totally …………… her impoliteness. B
A) at / of B) during / from
C) around/by D) on /in
E) in/among
20-I am exactly sure that what he is proposing to do is …………… the law? A
A) within B) between
C) through D) around
E) among
21-They wouldn't be so envious …………… his promotion if he didn't keep boasting …………… his welt. C
A) from / in B) to / up
C) of / about D) for / of
E) about / out of
22- …………… the elections the street’s of the whole city was covered …………… torn streamers and burst balloons. E
A) During / up B) Since with
C) Before / for D) Over / of
E) After / in
23- The reasons for the economic crisis were dealt with very wrongly that things have just gone …………… bad ……………
worse. D
A) at / at B) over / under
C) with/for D) from / to
E) by / by
24-The event will be broadcast simultaneously …………… the world …………… satellite. C
A) over / off B) across / for
C) around / by D) throughout / at
E) among / from
25-Wrap …………… warmly …………… bitterly cold wind! A
A) up / against B) round / of
C) over / for D) with / to
E) about / from
26-I always associate the scent …………… roses …………… my house. A
A) of / with B) from / by
C) for / to D) off / for
27-Our house is close to Julia's house and we came to a narrow wooden bridge …………… a small river. E
A) along B) backside
C) down D) ahead of
E) across
28-Many people enjoy watching documentary …………… Turkey and its people. A
A) about B) from
C) for D) through
E) towards
29-They are going to put up a nine-store building …………… shopping mall. D
A) against B) from
C) about D) next to
E) out of
30- They announced that our plane will take off ………….. delay, despite the foggy weather. B
A) behind B) from
C) without D) by
E) to
31- My brother punched the man …………… the nose with his right fist. A
A) on B) by
C) at D) to
E) from
32-Every children has to learn to stand ……………. their own two feet. E
A) at B) with
C) by D) for
E) on
33- Have you heard …………… the recent hurricane in California? A
A) about B) from
C) over D) by
E) on
34-In order to be enough for everyone, we must divide the cake ……………. nine pieces E
A) with B) by
C) in D) to
E) into
35-Why do you think the firm is so insistent on investing its money …………… iron? D
A) at B) into
C) over D) in
E) with
36-Every time my parents come across uncle, he says he is …………… need …………… money. A
A) in / of B) at / on
C) on / of D) on / in
E) into / with
37-The two women who had been involved …………… arsoning …………… Mr Brown’s house were finally arrested. B
A) at / on B) in / of
C) with / for D) at / in
E) of /of
38-The burglars might have broken …………… our house …………… the second floors window. B
A) in / in B) into / from
C) into / in D) onto / by
E) to /in
39-The factory had been …………… fire, so the firemen could hardly put it …………… in five hour work. E
A) on/of B) in/in
C) at / at D) on / on
E) on/out
40-Why didn't they get …………… touch with us when they received the mail? A
A) in B) at
C) with D) into
E) from
41-Everybody has to speak carefully in order not to take …………… whatever he has said …………… the end. E
A) out/to B) on /in
C) for / at D) over / by
E) back / in
42-It is too hard to concentrate properly if there is an uproar just …………… your window. E
A) upto B) out
C) from D) at
E) outside
43- My sister, who is so naughty, behaves surprisingly …………… an angel …………… times. D
A) as/for B) in/at
C) like/on D) like/at
E) like/ in
44- …………… only a few weeks to go before leaving for school, James spent more time with his friends. D
A) For B) At
C) In D) With
E) On
45-Sezen Aksu is regarded ………………. one of the best singers ……………….. Turkish popular music. D
A) like/in B) as/on
C) with/ at D) as / in
E) as/ at
46-That the world’s environmental pollution is increasing …………… an alarming rate is bound …………… cause serious
problems. A
A) at/ to B) in / for
C) at/in D) on/with
E) at/ for
47-Jack has managed to live …………… his promises …………… many other occasions, he is trustworthy. B
A) with / on B) up to / on
C) on/in D) up to/for
E) with / in
48- …………… being expensive, that car seems to have been hit. A
A) Besides B) From
C) With D) Along
E) Between
49-If Sam not persisted …………… doing his job properly, the chief wouldn’t be mad …………… him. B
A) in/for B) in / at
C) on/at D) at/for
E) with / on
50-I am buying a skirt …………… to my mother but I amn’t sure …………… her size. D
A) for/ in B) to / on
C) of/ in D) for / about
E) on / with
51-The discovery …………… an national serial killings was the first case ..……………. its kind …………… the country. A
A) of/of/in B) in /at /on
C) for / of/ with D) in / at / from
E) with / at / for
52-These papers relied …………… government subsidies …………… printing contracts and special postal rates. A
A) on/through B) in/for
C)with/along D) at/through
E)for / with
1-Even though my children have wide age range, they …………… each other very well. B
A) get out of B) get on with
C) catch up with D) run out of
E) get over
2-You should …………… a few seconds. Our teacher is talking to someone else now. E
A) carry on B) try on
C) get on D) put on
E) hold on
3-Unfortunately, my son hasn't …………… his illness yet, but he is better today. A
A) got over B) thought over
C) got back D) done over
E) taken over
4-In order to …………… the contemporary civilization, we should follow Atatürk's principles. C
A) put up with B) get on with
C) catch up with D) keep up
E) show up
5-My grandfather …………… smoking when he began to cough badly. C
A)held up B) gave up
C) cheered up D) slowed down
E)blew up
6-She wishes she could …………..her ex-boy friend at the university campus. D
A) cross out B) come out
C) come up against D) come across
E) cut across
7- It was so crowded that it took a long time to …………… the fire and evacuate the village. E
A) put on B) run out
C) put off D) pass out
E) put out
8-We think it is an important task to …………… physically and mentally healty children? A
A) bring up B) look up
C) grow up D) cheer up
E) give up
9-Why don't you …………… I think everything is getting better and better day by day. B
A) make up B) cheer up
C) hold up D) look up
E) blow up
10- When Jim found out that he needed a transplant, he wanted to …………… for the past. E
A) take up B) make up for
C) get up D) make room
E) make up
11-The year-round teachers board meeting had to be …………… because of the school principall's sudden illness. A
A) put off B) put out
C) put on D) poured down
E) put through
12Everybody in our family says that it seems difficult for them to …………… his habit of snoring any longer. C
A) run out of B) put up with
C) come up with D)put aside
E) put on
13-Mary shouldn't …………… offended to simple things. We get bored. B
A) keep back B) keep on
C) keep up with D) keep off
E) go back
14-As I couldn't …………… the pressure, I had to leave the university education. E
A) stand up B) stand by
C) stand for D) put out
E) stand up to
15-The citizens had to …………… free buses more because of economic crisis. C
A) give away B) get away
C) do away with D) get away with
E) pass away

16-She couldn't go abroad for training, because her application for Oxford university was …………… A
A) turned down B) turned off
C) turned on D) turned out
E) turned over
17. Why don't your parents put …………… some money every month? One day they will need it. D
A) through B) on
C) up D) aside
E) down
18-I would like to .. ……………. his report carefully before I decide. A
A) look into B) do over
C) look after D) hand in
E) look up
19. In order to ……… the differences between a prepositional verb and a phrasal verb, the teacher gave lots of examples. B
A) make up B) point out
C) give up D) go off
E) put through
20. My mother and I have been living together since my father …………… E
A) went through B) looked into
C) filled out D) let down
E) passed away
21. You're growing up so fast, sometimes I can't …………….. you. A
A) keep up with B) put up with
C) ring out D) look forward to
E) go down with
22. We're …………… contacting each other at this number, because we haven't seen each other since high school. C
A) putting up with B) getting on with
C) looking forward to D) coming up with
E) keeping up with
23-As she has brown hair and blue eyes, my daughter …………… my wife. A
A) take after B) take over
C) think over D) look after
E) get over
24-My neighbours could tell …………… that someone had been trying to set fire. D
A) by heart B) on purpose
C) under repair D) at around
E) on occasions
25-If the workers …………… had been doing their jobs properly, the break would never have occured. B
A) by force B) off duty
C) on guard D) in debt
E) under suspicion
26-What I demanded was brief and…………… E
A) at the point B) with the point
C) on the point D) in the point
E) to the point


You--------------------ARE now
He---------------------IS today
She---------------------IS + goING to + my uncle at present
It-----------------------IS at the moment


I----------------------AM NOT
You--------------------ARE NOT now
He---------------------IS NOT today
She---------------------IS NOT + goING to + my uncle at present
It-----------------------IS NOT at the moment
We----------------------ARE NOT
You--------------------ARE NOT
They-------------------ARE NOT

AM---------- I
ARE--------- you now
IS -----------he today
IS-------------she + goING to + my uncle at present ?
IS………………ıt at the moment
I am playing (Oynuyorum) I am not playing (Oynamıyorum) Am I playing? (Oynuyor muyum?)
You are playing (Oynuyorsun) You aren’t playing (Oynamıyorsun) Are you playing? (Oynuyor musun?)
He is playing (O -erkek- oynuyor) He isn’t playing (Oynamıyor) Is he playing? (Oynuyor mu?)
She is playing (O -kadın- oynuyor) She isn’t playing (Oynamıyor) Is she playing? (Oynuyor mu?)
It is playing (O -cansız, hayvan- oynuyor) It isn’t playing (Oynamıyor) Is it playing? (Oynuyor mu?)
We are playing (Oynuyoruz) We aren’t playing (Oynamıyoruz) Are we playing? (Oynuyor muyuz?)
They are playing (Oynuyorlar) They aren’t playing (Oynamıyorlar) Are they playing? (Oynuyorlar mı?)

Bu tense, konuşma esnasında yapılan eylemleri anlatırken kullanılır. Türkçe karşılığı şimdiki zaman' dır.
S + am - is - are +Ving+ O
Now -----------------------------------------X-------------------------------------------------
USE 1-Present Continuous Tense'de fiillere - ing takısı eklerken, bazı değişiklikler yapmamız gerekir.
a) Sonu ' -e ' ile bitten fiillere -ing takısı eklenirken ' -e ' düşer.
Write - writing , hope - hoping , hide – hiding,shave- shaving, make- making, ride- riding, etc.
b) Sonu bir sesli, bir sessiz harfle biten tek heceli fiillerde sondaki sessiz harf çift yazılır.
Stop - stopping , run - running , sit - sitting , beg- begging, set- setting, etc.
NOT: w,y, ve x harfleri çift yazılmaz.
snow – snowing , fix – fixing , pay - paying
c) Sonu ' -y ' ile biten fiillere -ing eklenirken yazımda bir değişiklik olmaz.
Study - studying , try - trying , try+ trying, buy- buying, fly- flying, pray- praying, etc.
d) ' -ie ' ile biten fiillerde ' -ie ',' -y 'ye dönüşür ve -ing eklenir.
Die - dying , lie – lying, tie- tying, etc.
e) Sonu iki sessizle biten fiillere -ing eklenirken değişiklik yapılmaz.
Stand - standing , hold - holding , spend -spending , watch- watching, wash- washing, find- finding,etc.
f) İki sesli + bir sessiz harf varsa -ing eklenir; sessiz harf çift yazılmaz
keep – keeping , read – reading, look- looking, book-booking, seek- seeking

USE 2- Longer Actions in Progress Now (Halen devam eden uzun süreli olaylar): Şu anda aktif olarak yapmıyor olsak bile,
süreç olarak içinde bulunduğumuz eylemlerden bahsederken Present Continuous kullanırız.
Örneğin “ karate öğreniyorum” diyen bir kişinin, konuşurken karate yapması beklenilemez.
- He is studying to become a teacher.
- He is not studying to become an engineer.
- They are watching a film.
- I am not studying my lessons right now.
- Are you working on your projects?

USE 3- Near Future (Yakın Gelecek) : Bazen Present Continuous Tense bir şeyin o anda değil de yakın bir zamanda olacağını
veya olmayacağını anlatmak için kullanılır.
- I am meeting some friends after school.
- I am not going to the party tonight.
- Isn’t she coming with us tonight.

USE 4- Future tense( gelecek zaman): Gelecekte yapmayı planladığımız eylemleri anlatmak için kullanırız.Tomorrow, next
week/ month/ year/ summer.. zaman zarfları kullanılır.
The school is organising a graduation party next month.
We are leaving Antalya in two weeks.
They are going to Bodrum next summer.

USE 5 :"Always, constantly, forever, continually, perpetually, repeatedly " kullanarak tekrarlanan eylem,yakınma veya
şikayette bulunma: Rahatsız edici hoş olmayan bir eylemden yakınma anlamı verir. Anlam olarak Simple present tense’i
andırsa da , olumsuz duygu içerir. "always" “forever” veya "constantly" kelimeleri cümlede "be" ve "verb+ing." arasında
- You are repeatedly making the same mistake. Be more careful.
- He is perpetually snoring at nights. I think he should go to a doctor.
- I don’t like him because he is always complaining.
- My grandmother is constantly speaking. I wish she would shut up.
- My mother is forever talking about your mother-in-law.

USE 6- Eylemin konuşma esnasında değil, o sıralarda olduğunu belirtmek için kullanırız: nowadays, these days, this term/
semester, this week/ month/ year, at the moment,.. gibi zarflar kullanılır.
They are taking thirteen courses this year.
My mother is very busy at work these days.
Nowadays, I am not sleeping very well because of the hot weather.

USE 7- Değişmekte olan durum veya eylemleri anlatmak için kullanırız.

It is hot. = It is getting hotter.
Environmental polution in the world is very bad. = Environmental pollution is getting worse.
My marks are a little bit low but they are getting higher now.

USE 8- Bazı fiiller Present Continuous Tense ile kullanılmaz. Bu fiiller "STATE VERBS" olarak adlandırılır.
Şimdiki zaman yapıları bir eylemin fiziksel ve görsel olarak yapıldığını gösterirler. Dolayısıyla düşünmek, sevmek, anlamak,
sahip olmak gibi soyut anlamlı fiiller continuous (be+ -ing) yapısında kullanılamazlar. Bu fiiler Simple Tense ile ifade edilirler
Örneğin “I love you” Simple Present tense ile yazılmasına rağmen, Türkçe’ye “ Seni seviyorum “ diye çevrilir.
- She is loving chocolate. - Yanlış
- She loves chocolate. - Doğru
- I am hating you - Yanlış
- I hate you - Doğru
- She isn’t understanding me - Yanlış
- She doesn’t understand me - Doğru

Bu fiillerden bazıları aşağıda verilmiştir.

- Mental State (Zihinsel Durumlar): know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think,imagine, doubt,
remember, forget,want, need, desire, mean
- Emotional State (Duygusal Durumlar): love, like, appreciate, please, prefer,hate, dislike, fear, envy,mind,care,astonish,
surprise, amaze
- Possession (Sahip Olma): have, belong, possess, own
- Sense, Perception (Duyular, Algılama): taste, smell, hear, feel, see
- Other Stative Verbs (Diğer Fiiller): look, seem, appear, sound, resemble, look like,cost, owe, weigh, equal,be, exist,matter,
consist of, include,contain

USE 9- Bazı fiiller de hem Continuous hem de Simple formda kullanılabilirler. "love - like - hate - understand" gibi fiiller bu
kategoriye girer. Fakat bu farklı kullanım, anlam farklılılığına da yol açar. Aşağıda iki zamanla da kullanılabilen ve farklı
anlamlar taşıyan fiiller verilmiştir.
- What do you think about the new school headmaster? I think he is a nice man !(think, fikir gösteren SOYUT anlamlı)
- I am thinking about the exam tomorrow. It will be a difficult one.( think , fiziksel ve görülebilir bir özelliği olan SOMUT bir

- I have two cats and a dog. Do you have any pets? (“have” sahip olmak anlamında.)
- I am having a nice time in my Physical education classes. (“have” iyi zaman geçirmek, eğlenmek anlamında somut bir

- All flowers smell nice. (“smell” soyut bir eylemdir.)
- The little girl is smelling the flowers. “smell” aktif bir anlamdadır.)

TIME EXPRESSIONS IN PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (şimdiki zamanda zaman belirten ifadeler)
Time expressions zaman belirten ifadelerdir ve İngilizce’de her zaman için farklı ifadeler kullanılır.
- At the moment / now (şu anda / şimdi)
The students are studying in the classroom at the moment / now.
- At present (Şu anda)
At present all the farmers in the village are harvesting their crops.
- For the time being (Şu esnada)
My father will buy a new car soon. For the time being he is using mine.

Ayrıca "Look! , Listen! Be Careful!" gibi ünlemler de, arkasından gelecek cümlenin şimdiki zaman olacağını gösterir. Özellikle
sınavlarda bu ipuçlarını yakalamak çok önemlidir.
- Listen! Somebody is following me.
- Look ! A car is coming.

They are still getting ready for the party.

EXERCISE 1- Complete the following sentences in “The Present Continuous”, using the correct forms of the verbs and the
given “Auxiliary Verbs” “am / are / is”.
1) Tom .…………….......(have) a bath now.
2) Men …………….... (play) beach volley on the beach.
3) Their uncle................................ (read) 'For Rent' advertisements in the newspaper nowadays.
4) Some of the girls............................ (discuss) about their clothes.
5) Jane............................ (wear) her blue dress at present.
6) The secretary..................................... (file) the reports at the moment.
7) He.................................... (write) a project about the 'Greenpeace Institution'.
8) My mum.......................... (cook) steak for guests in the kitchen
9) My brother and I................................ (wash) our car.
10) Judy..........................(drink) a glass of wine and................................(write) her letter.
11) Mary's step-brother................................(play) computer games now.
12) The boys..................................(laugh) at girls.
13) The detective...................................(collect) some information from the witness.
14) The two old ladies.................................(sit) at the park these days.
15) The two women...............................(whisper)
16) Kate...............................(help) her sister about her Maths homework.
17) The children..............................(listen) to the music very loudly.
18) It............................(be) summer now. The sun................................(shine)
19) The children............................(swim) in the pool. They...............................(have) a race.
20) The students..............................(play) the guitar in the garden. They........................(have) fun.

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences in “The Present Continuous”, using the correct forms of the verbs on the list
below and the given “Auxiliary Verbs” “am / are / is”.
build - cook - go - have ( 2 ) - stand - stay - swim - work - eat - lie - play - sit – wait – wear - listen to – examine – do –
write – die – take – make – study – sink – tell - water
1) Please be quiet. I..........................................
2) 'Where's your father ?' 'He is in the kitchen. He.........................………………'
3) A:'You.......................................... on my foot.'B: 'Oh, I'm sorry.'
4) Look ! Somebody........................................ in the swimming pool.
5) They're here on holiday. For the time being we ………………………. at this hotel.
6) A:'Where's Ann?' B: 'She.......................................a shower.'
7) ………………. the students …………………….. the teacher’s questions?
8) My daughter ……………………. not …………………… her homework in the sitting room
9) They...................................a new theatre in the city centre at the moment.
10) Goodbye.
11) She is on a diet. apple.
12) He...................................for a bus.
14) ……………………… the teacher …………………………. the sentences on the board now?
15) My father ………………………. the flowers in the garden.
16) I …………………….. my new dress to the party tonight.
17) ……………….. the girl ………………… the radio at the moment?
18) The doctor ……………………….. the patient at the moment.
19) The ship ………………………… to the bottom of the sea now.
20) My mother ……………………… me a lovely story at the moment.
21) She has backache. She.......................................on the floor.
22) We....................................breakfast.
23) She ……………………. of hunger. Why don’t you give her something to eat?
24) ………………. You ………………….. your mother to the cinema tonight?
25) The children …………………….. a lot of noise in the garden.
26) ………………… he …………………….. hard at the moment?
27) He...............................on the desk


Bu tense, alışkanlıklardan veya düzenli olarak yapılan işlerden bahsedilirken kullanılır. Bu tense'in Türkçe karşılığı Geniş
Zaman'dır. Yani işler, daha önce de yapılmıştır, şu sıralarda da yapılmaktadır,hatta gelecektede yapılacaktır.

past now future

-x- --------X--------------1--------------X--------------X-




You-------------------- go

He--------------------- goes

She--------------------- goes to + school EVERY hour/morning/night/day/week /month/year

It----------------------- goes

We--------------------- go



RULE 1- Olumlu cümlelerde AUX YOKTUR.

RULE 2- Olumlu cümlede HE, SHE ,IT in VERB’ üne –S , -ES , İES takısı gelir

a) “S”:Verb’ ün sonu sessiz harfle biterse: p, t , k , l , m , n ……

Look- looks , visit – visits , read – reads , sleep - sleeps

b) “ES”:Verb’ ün sonu sesli harfle biterse: a, ı, o, u, ch, sh, x, s, z ile biterse

go - goes , do – does , wish - wishes , teach - teaches , kiss – kisses, fix - fixes

c-) “IES”:Fiil 'Y'den önce bir sessiz harfle bitiyorsa, 'y' “ I”'ye dönüşür ve -es eklenir.

try - tries , carry - carries , study - studies



I----------------------do not

You-------------------- do not

He--------------------- does not

She------------------- does not + go to + school EVERY hour/morning/night/day/week /month/year

It-----------------------does not

We---------------------do not

You--------------------do not

They-------------------do not

ÖNEMLİ : HE, SHE, IT verb’lerine gelen -S, -ES, İES takıları AUX ( DO => DOES) geçmiştir. VERB daima yalındır.




DO You


DOES + She + go to + school EVERY hour/morning/night/day/week /month/year



DO You

DO They


I play (Oynarım) I don’t play (Oynamam) Do I play? (Oynar mıyım?)
You play (Oynarsın) You don’t play (Oynamazsın) Do you play? (Oynar mısın?)
He plays (O -erkek- oynar) He doesn’t play (Oynamaz) Does he play? (Oynar mı?)
She plays (O -kadın- oynar) She doesn’t play (Oynamaz) Does she play? (Oynar mı?)
It is plays (O -cansız, hayvan- oynar) It doesn’t play (Oynamaz) Does it play? (Oynar mı?)
We play (Oynarız) We don’t play (Oynamayız) Do we play? (Oynar mıyız?)
They play (Oynarlar) They don’t play (Oynamazlar) Do they play? (Oynarlar mı?)
USE 1- Bazı fiiller Present Simple Tense ile kullanılır. Bu fiiller "STATE VERBS" olarak adlandırılır.
- She loves chocolate.
- I hate you.
- She doesn’t understand me.
Bu fiillerden bazıları aşağıda verilmiştir.
- Mental State (Zihinsel Durumlar): know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think,imagine, doubt,
remember, forget,want, need, desire, mean
- Emotional State (Duygusal Durumlar): love, like, appreciate, please, prefer,hate, dislike, fear, envy,mind,care,astonish,
surprise, amaze
- Possession (Sahip Olma): have, belong, possess, own
- Sense, Perception (Duyular, Algılama): taste, smell, hear, feel, see
- Other Stative Verbs (Diğer Fiiller): look, seem, appear, sound, resemble, look like,cost, owe, weigh, equal,be, exist,matter,
consist of, include,contain

USE 2- Bazı fiiller de hem Continuous hem de Simple formda kullanılabilirler. "love - like - hate - understand" gibi fiiller bu
kategoriye girer. Fakat bu farklı kullanım, anlam farklılılığına da yol açar. Aşağıda iki zamanla da kullanılabilen ve farklı
anlamlar taşıyan fiiller verilmiştir.
- What do you think about the new school headmaster? I think he is a nice man !(think, fikir gösteren SOYUT anlamlı)
- I am thinking about the exam tomorrow. It will be a difficult one.( think , fiziksel ve görülebilir bir özelliği olan SOMUT bir

- I have two cats and a dog. Do you have any pets? (“have” sahip olmak anlamında.)
- I am having a nice time in my Physical education classes. (“have” iyi zaman geçirmek, eğlenmek anlamında somut bir

- All flowers smell nice. (“smell” soyut bir eylemdir.)
- The little girl is smelling the flowers. “smell” aktif bir anlamdadır.)

USE 3- Repeated Actions (Tekrarlanan eylemler): Bir eylemin sürekli tekrarlandığı veya alışılagelmiş olduğu fikrini verir. Bu
eylem bir alışkanlık, hobi, günlük bir olay, planlanmış bir olay veya sık sık tekrar eden bir olay olabilir.
- I play tennis.
- The train leaves at 9 a.m. every morning
- Every twelve months, the Earth goes around the sun.

USE 4- Facts or Generalizations (Gerçekler veya genellemeler): Doğa kanunları, geçerliliği olan doğrular ve genellemeler
için bu zaman kullanılır.
- Dogs like meat.
- Birds do not like milk.
- İstanbul is in Turkey.
- İstanbul is not in the United Kingdom.

USE 5- What do you do?=What is your job/occupation? sorusu ile aynı anlamdadır.
-What do you do? – I am a teacher.
-What is your job/ occupation? – I am a teacher.
What do you do + Zaman zarfı: O zamanda ne yaptığı sorulur.
-What do you do at nights? – I generally watch tv.
-What do you do with your family on friday nights? – We always go out for dinner.

USE 6- WHY DON’T…..?: öneride bulunmak veya soru için kullanılır.

A-I have a headache.
B-Why don’t you take a pain killer? ( Öneri)
B-Why don’t you go and see a doctor? ( Soru)
A-We don’t have anything to eat at home.
B-Why don’t we go out to a restaurant for dinner? ( Öneri)
B-Why don’t you go shopping? ( soru)
USE 7- Gelecek zaman anlamında: etkinliklerin başlama-bitiş saatleri, ders programları, uçak/ tren/ otobüs tarifelerinde
geniş zaman kullanırız.
The museums open at 9 a.m and close at 5 p.m. ( simple present)
The museum opens at 9 a.m and closes at 4 p.m on Sunday. ( future)
The bus to İstanbul leaves at 10 p.m and arrives there at 6 a.m. ( simple present)
Tomorrow, the bus to İstanbul leaves at 10 p.m and arrives there at 6 a.m. ( future)

USE 8- Gazete manşetleri: Past tense yerine Simple Present Tense’ le verilir.
A bomp blows up in Ankara. ( blew up)
Two cars crash and two women injured.( crashed)

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite the sentences after changing the subject;

1) I invite my friends to my part. (She) ……………………………………………………
2) We wait for the bus in the mornings. ( He ) ……………………………………………………
3) The doctors control patients. (Jack ) ……………………………………………………
4) They drive home after work. ( My dad ) ……………………………………………………
5) The students study in the evenings. ( She ) ……………………………………………………
6) I see John in the market. (Helen ) ……………………………………………………
7) My parents work at a company. ( Mum) ……………………………………………………
8) I play the guitar very well. ( Pat) ……………………………………………………
9) I get a job in a shoe-shop in summers. ( He ) ……………………………………………………
10) We teach Physics at the school. ( Carol) ……………………………………………………
11) You do the same thing every day. (Tom) ……………………………………………………
12) They have a house by a lake. (brother) ……………………………………………………
13) We watch TV every morning.( Alice) ……………………………………………………
14) I wash the dishes after meals.( Julia) ……………………………………………………
15) They listen to rock music. (he) ……………………………………………………

EXERCISE 2- Write them in positive, negative or interrogative ;

1) We don't go to school at 9 o'clock.(+) ……………………………………………………
2) I read a book every night.(-) ……………………………………………………
3) Her brother goes to bed at 10:00.(?) ……………………………………………………
4) She doesn't live in Liverpool. .(+) ……………………………………………………
5) It rains very much in winter in this region. (-)……………………………………………………
6) People borrow books from libraries. (?)……………………………………………………
7) They don't have breakfast at 7. .(+) ……………………………………………………
8) Tina spends a lot of money on clothes. (-)……………………………………………………
9) Some women wear scarf. (?)……………………………………………………
10) Philip doesn't hate snakes. .(+) ……………………………………………………
11) You teach English to us. (-)……………………………………………………
12) A mechanic repairs cars. (?)……………………………………………………
13) My dog doesn't sleep in my room. .(+) ……………………………………………………
14) Your children go to a college. (-)……………………………………………………
15) The leaves fall in October every year. (?)……………………………………………………

EXERCISE 3- Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1) I...................(like) big cities.
2) He....................(wash) his hands before meals.
3) That kind of big earthquake…………………… happen often in Turkey.
4) John....................( study ) medicine at university.
5) The shop..................( open) at 8 and....................( close) at nine.
6) I.........................( work) in a shop, my brother..................( work) in a restaurant.
7) Linda..................( live) in London, her parents...................(live ) in Scotland.
8) You……………………… like me very much, do you?
9) It........................( rain) a lot in winter.
10) live alone?
11) I have a televison, but I…………………………. watch it often.
12) Jack...................(have ) a shower every day.
13) Tom...................( work ) very hard. He......................( start) at 7.30 and.................. ( finish ) at 8 in the evening.
14) The Earth..........................( go ) round the Sun.
15) They………………… sell that brand anymore.
16) She......................( do ) a lot of different things in her free time.
17) Sandy .....................( arrive ) at work early.
18) I.........................( go ) to work by car but Nancy...........................( go ) on foot.
19) Jeremy......................( have ) breakfast at 7 in the morning.
20) I and my family.........................( watch ) TV at nights.
21) How much milk......................a baby drink ?
22) Dave speaks English, French, and German, but he…………………. speak Italian.
23) It is really a cheap restaurant, it…………………… (cost )much to eat there.
24) We live close to the sea, but we………………….. go often.
25) I.............................(love ) ice-cream.
26) The baby...........................( cry ) a lot at night.
27) My mother...................(fry) eggs for breakfast.
28) Dogs...................(bark) in the streets in our village every night.
29) My son ............................... (like) milk very much.
30) I.......................(hate) fried chicken.
31) We.....................go to work on Saturdays.
32) Teachers in our school............................(prepare) difficult exams.
33) The bus...........................(depart) at 8:15 every morning.
34) It ........................... (snow) very often in Antalya.
35) I love sumo, but I……………………. like boxing.
36) The telephone in the office.....................(ring) very often.
37) The traffic................... (move) very slowly in the morning.
38) Mary……………….. (wash) her hair three times a week.
39) We…………………. (have) any children so want to adore a baby.
40) like horror films ?

EXERCISE 4- Answer the following questions

1) Do you have breakfast at the balcony ? ……………………………………………………
2) Do your teachers ask difficult questions? ……………………………………………………
3) Do you study your lessons very hard? ……………………………………………………
4) Does your mother drive a car? ……………………………………………………
5) Does it rain in summer in Antalya? ……………………………………………………
6) Do you study English every day? ……………………………………………………
7) Does the sun set in the east? ……………………………………………………
8) Do the planets go around the sun? ……………………………………………………
9) Does your school bus come at 9:00? ……………………………………………………
10) Do you live in a city or a town? ……………………………………………………
11) How do you go to school every morning? ……………………………………………………
12) Who comes to class late every morning? ……………………………………………………
13) Where does tea grow in Turkey? ……………………………………………………
14) What do you generally do on Friday nights? ……………………………………………………
15) Who does your father go shopping with? ……………………………………………………
16) What do you usually have for breakfast ? ……………………………………………………
17) What kind of books do you like reading ? ……………………………………………………
18) What do you usually do in your free time ? ……………………………………………………
19) How long does it take from Ankara to İstanbul by train ? ……………………………………………………
20) What kind of music do you like listening to ? ……………………………………………………
21) How long does it take you from school to home ? ……………………………………………………
22) How many hours a day do you study English ? ……………………………………………………
23) What do you want to be? ……………………………………………………
24) Which sports do you do? ……………………………………………………
25) Which drink do you like? ……………………………………………………
26) Who do you like most? ……………………………………………………
27) How much money do you spend per day? ……………………………………………………
28) Which language do you usually speak in your class? ……………………………………………………
29) What kind of programmes do you usually watch? ……………………………………………………
30) What kind of magazines do you often read? ……………………………………………………

EXERCISE 5- Ask questions to the sentences below

1) The students go to school five days a week.
How many days...............................................?
2) Tom watches TV every day.
3) They go hunting every weekend.
When ...........................................................?
4) My sisters and I swim very well.
5) Tim's sister goes to work at 7 every morning.
What time........................................................?
6) They have bath on sundays .
7) I like orange juice.
8) We go to theatre once or twice a year.
How often......................................................?
9) Our uncle writes poems very well.
10) Jack does his homeworks regularly.

ALWAYS: Daima, hep, her zaman ( all the time)
- She always listens to classical music.
ALMOST/NEARLY ALWAYS: hemen her zaman
-We nearly always drink milk before going to bed.

-My parents and I very often visit our grandparents.
- I usually go to cinema at weekends.
- They often visit us.
- She sometimes writes me a letter.
RARELY/ SELDOM: Nadiren, ender, seyrek
- I rarely smoke.
NEVER: Hiç, Asla
- I never drink alcohol.
- I go fishing every Sunday.

USE 1- Olumlu cümle: Auxılıary’si bulunmayan olumlu cümlelerde bu zarflar verb’den önce, özne ile yüklemin arasında yer
She always sings in English.
They seldom go to the theatre.
I usually go to Mengen.
She sometimes sleeps early.
We rarely buy a magazine
Bu zarflar “am, is, are” 'dan sonra gelir.
I sometimes go to work late. = I am sometimes late for work.

USE 2- Olumsuz cümle: Frequency verb’lerin kullanıldıkları yerler değişiklik gösterir.

ALWAYS: “NOT” Olumsuzluk ekinden sonra gelir.
He does not always wear uniform at work.
They are not always late to work.

FREQUENTLY/ SOMETIMES/ OCCASIONALLY: “NOT” Olumsuzluk ekinden önce gelirler.

I sometimes do not want to live with my parents. I want to be alone.
My children frequently do not want to eat vegetables at meals.
He occasionally is not honest to me.

“I” 1. Tekil şahıs’ta “am” ile “not” “arasında gelirler.

I am sometimes not tolerant to my children.

USUALLY/ GENERALLY/ OFTEN: “NOT” ekinden önce yada sonra kullanılabilirler.

We do not usually get up early on sundays. = We usually do not get up early on sundays.
My children do not often play computer games. = My children often do not play computer games.

RARELY/ SELDOM HARDLY EVER/ ALMOST NEVER/ NEVER: Olumlu cümlelerde kullanılırlar ve cümleye olumsuzluk anlamı
She hardly ever reads book. = I am hardly ever calm before an exam.
He never gets high mark from the exams. = He is never getting high mark from the exams.

EVER: Hiç: Olumlu veya olumsuz soru’da kullanılır. Olumsuz cümlede do/ does not ever yerine= never kullanılır.
Do you ever eat snake meat?= No, I never eat snake meat.

USE 3- Kısa cevaplarda 'frequency adverb'ler özne ve auxiliary arasında kullanılır.

Is he ever home? Yes, he often is.
Do they usually come late? No, they seldom do.

USE 4- Vurguyu artırmak için cümlenin başında: Usually, generally, often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally kullanılır.
Sometimes ise en sık kullanılandır.
Sometimes I get tired easily.
Usually my brother sleeps at the sofa.
Occasionally they save money.

My sister is a little lazy sometimes.
They go to theatre quite often.
I watch horror films quite rarely.
I do not read poem very often.

ALWAYS:Cümle başında yada sonunda yer almaz.

RARELY/ SELDOM/ HARDLY EVER/ SCARCELY EVER/ NEVER: Cümle başına gelirse devrik cümle olur.
They never drink coke. = Never do they drink coke.
My father rarely smokes. = Rarely does my father smokes.
She hardly ever comes home late. = Hardly ever does she come home late.

EXERCISE 1- Put the “Adverbials” in brackets in the proper positions in the sentences.
Example : I speak English with my teacher, (always)
I always speak English with my teacher.
I do not always speak English with my teacher.
Do I always speak English with my teacher?
1) Mary listens to pop music, (often) …………………………………………..
2) Mary does not listen to classical music, (often) …………………………………………..
3) Does Maggie listen to classical music? (often) …………………………………………..
4) My daughter tells us the truth, (always) …………………………………………..
5) My daughter does not tell us the truth, (always) …………………………………………..
6) Does my daughter tell us the truth? (always) …………………………………………..
7) Our children get to school on time, (usually) …………………………………………..
8) Our children do not get to school on time, (usually) …………………………………………..
9) Do our children get to school on time? (usually) …………………………………………..
10) My mother takes sugar in her tea, (generally) …………………………………………..
11) My mother does not take sugar in her tea, (generally) …………………………………………..
12) Does my mother take sugar in her tea? (generally) …………………………………………..
13) Your grandmother helps the poor, (frequently) …………………………………………..
14) Your grandmother does not help the poor, (frequently) …………………………………………..
15) Does your grandmother help the poor? (frequently) …………………………………………..

EXERCISE 2- Answer the questions ;

l- Do you go to the cinema? (+).................…………………………………………..
How often do you go to the cinema? (Twice a month). …………………………………………..
2- Do you read books? (+).......................…………………………………………..
How often do you read? (Every day).............………………………………………..
3- Does your sister play volleyball? (+).......................…………………………………………..
How often do they play it? (Weekend)............…………………………………………..
4- Does your son brush his teeth? (+).......................…………………………………………..
How often does he brush his teeth? (two times aday).......…………………………………………....
5- Do you practice your French? (+)....................…………………………………………..
How often do you do it? (Every day).............…………………………………………..
6- Does your mother like jogging? (+)......................…………………………………………...
How often does your mother go jogging? (Every day).......…………………………………………...
7- Do you have dinner at a restaurant? (+).......................…………………………………………..
How often do you have dinner there? (2/week)........…………………………………………..
8- Do you have a computer? (+).......................…………………………………………..
How often do you use it? (Weekend)............…………………………………………..
9- Does your father cook fish? (+).......................…………………………………………..
How often does he cook fish? (four times/month)....... …………………………………………..
10- Do you clean your room? (+)......................…………………………………………..
How often do you clean your room? (Everyweek)....... …………………………………………..

EXERCISE 3- Answer the following questions putting the “Adverbials” in brackets in the right place.
Example : A: Do you always speak English with your teachers? (always)
B: a. Yes, I always speak English with my friends.
b. No, I do not always speak English with my friends.
1-A: Do you ever go to the fun fair? (never)
B: No, …………………………………………………………………..
2-A: Does your husband ever work on Saturdays? (usually)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..
3-A: Does your sister ever play table tennis on Sundays? (sometimes)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..
4-A: Do you ever take your children to the circus? (seldom)
B: No, …………………………………………………………………..
5-A: Does your father ever go to mosque? (always)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..
6-A: Does your father often go to the cinema? (rarely)
B: No, …………………………………………………………………..
7-A: Does your teacher often give you a piece of advice? (usually)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..
8-A: Is the weather usually warm in February in Ankara? (hardly ever)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..
9-A: Does your sister ever forget to brush her teeth? (often)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..
10-A: Are you nervous before you take an exam? (always)
B: Yes, …………………………………………………………………..


USE 1-PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Konuşmanın geçtiği anda ya da o sıralarda yapmakta olduğumuz işlerde, sürmekte
olan eylemlerde ;
I am writing a report now.
Harry is drinking his coffee.
My father is reading his newspaper.
SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE: Genelde yaptığımız işleri, alışkanlık, düzenlilik, tekrar ve devamlılık olarak anlatırız.
Jane is in her room now. She is studying.
Jane always studies in her room after dinner.
My mother goes to work at 8:00 every morning, (permanent /periodically repeated)
I play football after school every afternoon, (habitual action)
Cats don't like dogs, (natural fact)
- I always drink tea at breakfast. But this morning I am drinking coffee.

Türkçe düşünüp ingilizce cümle kurmaya çalışmak yanlış sonuşlar elde etmemize sebep olur.
- Babam her gün işe otobüs ile gider. (=gidiyor)
- My father goes to work by bus everyday. (doğru)
- My father is going to work by bus everyday. (yanlış)

- Her zaman bilgisayar oyunları oynarım. (=oynuyorum)

- I always play computer games. (doğru)
- I am always playing computer games. (yanlış)

- Hayvanları severim. (=seviyorum)

- I love animals. (doğru)
- I am loving animals. (yanlış)

USE 2- The Present Continuous Tense:Bazen gelecek veya alışkanlık/ sürerlilik bildiren olaylarda kullanılır: Özellikle live ve
work kelimeleri için
I am flying to İstanbul tomorrow morning, (future action)
The Whites are living in this beautiful house by the river, (permanent/habitual action)
The Whites live in Ankara.
I work in a bank. (sürekli)
I am working in a bank. (geçici olarak)


A- Öykü anlatımı, talimat, açıklamalarda:
In chapter 4, Mary looks out of the window to the darkness of the night.
Go out.turn right and go along the corridor.Then go down the stairs. Entrance is there.
First, chop the peppers and tomatoes. Put some oil in the pan, fire the stove.Then, put the peppers in the pan. After ten
minutes,add tomatoes in the pan.

B- Canlı yayın: spor etkinliği,doğa belgeseli anlatımlarında kısa ve çabuk gerçekleşen eylemler için
Canlı yayın: spor etkinliği,doğa belgeseli anlatımlarında uzun süre gerçekleşen eylemler için
John passes the ball to Jack. Jack is running up the pitch; Jack is approaching the goal. Jack shoots and scores.

USE 4- Bazı fiiller süreklilik bildiren tense'lerle kullanılmazlar. Bu fiiller eylem değil durum ifade ederler. Durum bildiren
fiillerin şimdiki zaman ve geniş zaman için kullanımları aynıdır.
I'm writing now. ( Eylem bildirir.)
I know English. ( Eylem bildirmez.)
She thinks he's good boy. ( Eylem bildirmez.)
Present Continuous Tense ile kullanılmayan fiillerden bazıları şunlardır:
- Mental State (Zihinsel Durumlar): know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think* ,imagine, doubt,
remember, forget,want, need, desire, mean, prefer
- Emotional State (Duygusal Durumlar): love, like, appreciate, please, prefer,hate, dislike, fear, envy,mind,care,astonish,
surprise, amaze, detest, loathe,desire, wish, forgive
- Possession (Sahip Olma): have*, belong, possess, own
- Sense, Perception (Duyular, Algılama): taste*, smell*, hear, feel*, see*
- Other Stative Verbs (Diğer Fiiller): look*, seem, appear*, sound, resemble, look like,cost, owe, weigh*, equal,be*,
exist,matter, consist of, include,contain, advise, promise,refuse
Yanında yıldız bulunan kelimeler farklı anlam taşıdıkları zaman present contınıuous tense’le de kullanılabilirler.
Nonprogressive: sanmak, zannetmek.
– I think She is pregnant.
–I think she will win the university exam.
Progressive: düşünmek.
-My father is thinking about the ways of solving our financial problems.
Nonprogressive: görmek.
– I am sitting at the balcony and I see children playing in the park.
Progressive: görüşmek.
- She is seeing her dentist now.
–The physcolog is seeing his patient now.
Nonprogressive: kokmak.
- Roses smell very nice.
–The man smells sweat.

Progressive: koklamak.
– I am smelling the parfüme.
- I think its smeel is good.
Nonprogressive: nesnenin tadından bahsediyorsak.
- Kokoreç smells good but tastes awful.
Progressive: tadına bakmak.
My daughter is tasting my soup and I think she will like it.
Nonprogressive: sezinlemek, ummak ( nesnenin bize verdiği duygu).
– This bed feels very soft for me.
Progressive: hissetmek.
– I feel more nerveous now./ I am feeling more nerveous now.
Nonprogressive: gibi görünmek.
–His face looks pale. He should go to a doctor.
Progressive: bakmak.
– I am looking out of the window.
Nonprogressive: gibi görünmek.
– She appears to be sad today.
Progressive: (ortaya) çıkmak.
– The Baths are appearing nightly in dark.
Nonprogressive: nesnenın ağırlığı.
He weighs 80 kilograms.
Progressive: tartmak.
– The grocer is weighing the apples now.
Nonprogressıve: am,is,are ( genel durum).
– She is very polite.
Progressive: am,is,are being ( konuşma anındaki bir değişimi ifade ederken).
– She is being very polite.
Nonprogressive: sahiplik bildirirse.
– My father has a brother and a sister.
Progressive: eylem bildirirse.
– They are having their dinner now.

EXERCISE 1-Select the correct tense form (Present Continuous /Simple) in the following sentences and underline it.
1) Snow (is melting / melts) in the spring.
2) Tina is at home. She (watches / is watching) a romantic film on TV.
3) It is 3 a.m. Everybody (sleeps / is sleeping) at home.
4) It never (is snowing / snows) in the coastal Mediterranean towns.
5) My mother (is working / works) in a public school.
6) Schools (are closing / close) down at the end of June.
7) Old cars (don’t start / aren't starting) easily on cold winter days in the east regions.
8) We usually (are eating /eat) Döner in this restaurant but today we (are eating / eat) fried chicken.
9) The sun (sets / is setting) very late on summer days.
10) They (publish / are publishing) course books in this printing house.
11) She is at home now. She (is sitting / sits) in an armchair by the fireplace and (reads / is reading) a novel.
12) Summer holiday (is ending / ends) by mid September.
13) In the old cold winter days, all the family members (are gathering / gather) around the stove and (are playing /
play) winter games.
14) My parents and I (are going / go) on a short trip to Mersin next month.
15) A number of cars (are waiting / wait) at the railroad junction, because a train (is passing / passes).
16) Danny (is knowing / knows) very little English, but he (is practicing / practices) it regularly.
17) We (am thinking / think) he (is having / has) a serious health problem. We should try to help him.
18) Jenny (is having / has) breakfast right now. She can't come out to play.
19) My brother (is watching / watches) football on the sports channel. He (is not wanting / doesn't want) to go
20) They (are moving / move) to their new flat next weekend.

EXERCISE 2- Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. Use either the present continuous or
simple form.
1) She……………….. (not/like) reading books.
2) …………… you……………. (do) your homework right now?
3) Look! She………………….. (jump) into the sea.
4) The sun……………………… (rise) in the east.
5) John is a teacher. He…………………… (teach) English to young children.
6) What…………………. the children…………………… (play) right now?
7) Why………………… you…………………….. (run) ?
8) Excuse me? I think that you………………….. (sit) in my seat.
9) It usually…………………. (rain) here a lot, but it…………………… (not/rain) now.
10) My friend Jenny usually…………….. (watch) TV in the evenings. But at the moment she………………(read) a book.
11) It often…………..... (rain) in Rize. But today the sun………………. (shine).You are very lucky!
12) Hey! Stop talking. I……………………. (try) to listen to the teacher.
13) A: What……….. he………. (do) now? B: He……….. (drink) coffee now. He usually…………. (drink) coffee at this time of
the day.
14) Hey Jenny, take your raincoat. It………………….. (rain) outside.
15) Don't ask me anything now! I...............................(try) to concentrate.
16) Oil................................(leak) from the tank. They have to do something right away.
17) I......................... (listen) to the sound of the soft wind. It..............................(sound) very sweet.
18) Mary and Danny ..............................(love) each other very much, and they ………………(plan) to marry next July.
19) Don't believe him! He..................... (lie).
20) In İstanbul, drivers................(park) their cars on the sidewalks, and pedestrians..................... (walks) in the streets.
21) It......................... (blow)very hard. A storm is on the way!
22) We.......................... (give) a party next Saturday. Everybody is invited!
23) Hush up! The baby............................................... (sleep).
24) The rescue team........................................ (still / try) to pick the little kitten out of the hole.
25) “What's funny?” “ ……………….. (laugh) ?”
26) It.....................(rain). I.....................want to go out in the rain.
27) How cost to go to Kars?
28) I……………………. (study ). Can you turn off the radio, please ?
29) I can't help you now. I …………………(have) a shower.
30) My sister is in her room now. She …………………. ( study) English. She……………… ( study ) English after school
everyday. What usually ................ ( do ) after school ?
31) Robert is not at home now. He is with his friends. They ……………….(play ) basketball in the garden. They
often.............. ( play ) basketball on Sundays.
32) Benny is at the bus stop. He …………….. ( wait) for the bus. He .......................( go ) to school by bus everyday.
33) My father ........................ ( read ) books at nights. What ............... your father usually..............( do ) at nights ?
34) Our history teacher………. ( have ) a car but he usually .........( go ) to work by bus and now, he ......... ( wait) for the
35) I'm sorry, I …………………..(not / understand ). Can you speak more slowly ?
36) Sue ……………………... ( not / like ) coffee. She....................(prefer) tea.
37) My sister, Jane never …….............(eat) meat. She...................(hate) it.
38) Richard ………………………....(iron) his shirts upstairs.
39) Sue..................(be) a dancer. She................................(dance) in a disco at nights.
40) Look at the cat! It……………………....(climb) up the tree.
41) The mechanic …………………………...(repair) our washing machine at the moment.
42) Tim ...................... (have) lunch in that restaurant once a week.
43) Sonny.....................(get up) at 6.30 o'clock every morning, but she................. (not, get up) at 6.30 o'clock this
morning because today..........................(be) holiday.
44) James ...........................(do) his homework every day at 7, but he .......................... (not, do) his homework now
because it............................(be) saturday today.
45) Jane is from England, so she ....................(know) English, but now she ...............................(speak) Turkish.
46) My grandfather usually .......................... (carry) his umbrella, but today he ......................(not, carry) it because the
sun.................................(shine) now.
47) I always ............... (eat) honey for breakfast, but my brother .................... (not, eat) it, because he ...................
(not, like) honey. He usually..................... (eat) strawberry jam.
48) A mother........................( do ) the housework every weekend.
49) Mr. Davidson......................( have ) a car but he........................( not / have ) a driving licence.
50) Dear Mary, Here, I ..................... ( be ) in the sunny Turkey. The weather ...................... ( be ) fantastic.
We....................( have ) a wonderful time. At the moment I........................(lie ) beside the pool with my friend
Jack. I.......................( sunbathe ) and Jack........................ ( drink ) lemonade. We....................( swim ) every day
and at night we.......................( eat ) in a restaurant and then we.........................( dance ) at the disco.

The Present Continuous Tense
The Simple Present Tense
1-I am glad our friends …………… us for dinner tonight, the timing couldn't have been any better. C
A)visit B)visited
C)are visiting D)were visiting
E)have visit
2-What is Mark …………… at the cinema at the moment? …………… he …………… on Mondays? A
A)doing/doesn't / work B)doing / isn't / working
C)do/doesn't / work D)doing / did / work
E)doing/didn't / work
3-I don't know how I …………… my identity card, because I usually …………… it in my wallet A
A)lost / put B)lost /puts
C)was losing / put D)lose / put
E)lose / am putting
5-The grammar of a language …………… to give it meaning. E
A)is helping B)was helping
C)helped D)help
6-English …………… now the world language of industry, commerce and technology, and …………… necessary for
international communication. B
A)did/is B) is/is
C)was/is D) is/did
7-What exactly do you think the poet …………… by using the exclamation mark? C
A)has mean B)mean
C)means D)is meaning
E)was meaning
8-When my mother …………… on holiday, she always …………… some books with her. D
A)goes / is taking B)goes/take
C)was/takes D)goes/takes
9-How long…………… it usually …………… your mother to read a book? E
A)is / get B)did / get
C)was / take D)do / get
10-How often …………… you go to the theatre? I …………… twice a month. A
A) do/go B) do/am going

C)do/went D) did/go
E)did / was going
11-When Jane …………… very tense, she prefers to have a long walk. C
A) was B) does
C) is D)did
E) look
12-I don't enjoy parties as much as my sister …………… . B
A)İs B) does
C) do D) did
E) was
13-Every half - hour Mary …………… studying to have something to eat or drink. C
A) stop B) is stopping
C) stops D) are stopping
E) was stop
14-Many people …………… deeply sceptical about the claims of Alternative Medicine even though there have been many
patients having recovered from severe diseases. A
A)are B) will
C)have D)were
E)will be
15-You …………… older. It is time for you to retire from your job. D
A)gets B)was getting
C)has got D)are getting
E) got
16-In spite of that severe stomachache, she always …………… a smile on her face. A
A)has B)has had
C)will have D)is having
E) had
17-At present people …………. to choose the safest place to live in. A
A)are trying B)has been trying
C)will be trying D)tries
E)had been trying
18-Sandy …………… pressure with her two fingers to her nose at this moment, however she doesn't seem to succeed in
stopping the blood C
A)has applied B) was applying
C)is applying D) had been applying
E) will have applied
19-Do you think famous people …………… being admired because they…………… charming? D
A)has enjoyed/are B)had been enjoyed / have been
C)will be enjoyed / have D)enjoy / are
20-A: What's on TV tonight? B: Match of the day. Galatasaray……........ with Fenerbahçe. C
A) play B)were playing
C) is playing D)have played
E) played
21- Sam's wife.......for a new job because her present one....... no opportunities for advancement.D
A) was looking/has offered B) looks/was offering
C) looked/is offering D) Is looking/offers
E) has looked/has been offering
22- Water.......from liquid to gas when it ....... a temperature of 100°C. C
A) has changed/reached B) changed/was reaching
C) changes/reaches D) has been changing/is reaching
E) is changing/reached
23- A: Do you have any plans for this afternoon? B: Yes, we.........the children to the zoo. E
A) take B) took
C) have been taking D) have taken
E) are taking
24- Winter in Ankara, sometimes...... as early as October and ....... until April. E
A) began/has lasted B) will begin/is lasting
C) began/will have lasted D) begins/was lasting
E) begins/lasts
25- Usually, we clean the house on Saturday, but we.......away this weekend, that is why we........... right now.B
A) had gone/was dusting B) are going/am dusting
C) will go/have been dusting D) have been going/dust
E) were going/will be dusting

İSİMLERİ niteleyen kelimelere sıfat ( adjective ) denir.


sayılabilir + tekil isimlerle: Sıfatın önüne a/ an gelir.
A pretty girl , A hardworking student , A good teacher , A delicious apple , AN old car , AN old lady..
sayılabilir + çoğul isimlerle: a/ an kullanılmaz.
Short men, ugly women, big shoes, friendly people, modern buses, huge trees, handsome boys….
sayılamaz isimlerle: a/ an kullanılmaz
Hot weather, cold water, hard work, nice coffee, delicious food, …

USE 2- SIFATLAR: Zamirleri nitelemektedirler.

He is strong, handsome, rich and humble.
They are old but excellent.

USE 3- SIFATLAR: İsimlerden önce birden fazla gelebilir. Sıfatların araları virgül ile ayrılabilir veya virgülsüz de yazılabilir.
a big fat man ( büyük şişman bir adam)
the thin, tall woman ( uzun, ince kadın)

USE 4- SIFATLAR:Renk bildiren iki sıfat arka arkaya geldiği zaman aralarına “and” konur.
the yellow and red uniform (Sarı kırmızı üniforma)
a white, blue and green tent. ( beyaz, mavi ve yeşil ( karışımı ) çadır)

USE 5- SIFATLAR: Bazen durum bildiren fiilleri de nitelerler. Bu fiiller sınırlıdır :

be / get / become / seem / appear / look / smell / sound / taste / feel.

Be quiet. Don't be noisy.
The cat is getting wet in the rain.
I will get/ become angry if you don’t obey the rules.
Last night he became ill.
You seem/appear/ look happy today.Did you sleep well last night?
You seem/ appear/ look sad. Did something bad happened?
Don’t disturb her.She seems/ appears to be busy.
Don’t touch the dog.It seems/ appears to be ill.
I felt angry when he lied to me.
Do you feel anxious about the exam?
Your coffee tastes wonderful.
This soup tastes delicious.
The fish smells bad.
Flowers smell nice.
This song sounds a bit high.
My mother’s voice sounds a bit sad.

USE 6- Sıfatların çoğu isimlerden önce gelip sıfat tamlaması yaparlar hem de be, seem, look gibi fiillerden sonra yüklem
olarak gelirler.
a fat man - şişman bir adam
The man is fat. - Adam şişmandır.
easy questions - kolay sorular
The questions seem easy. - Sorular kolaydır.
a sad boy. - üzgün bir çocuk
The boy looks sad. - Çocuk üzgün görünüyor.

USE 7-
LOOK LIKE + NOUN:Benzemek, ….. gibi görünmek
My son looks like his father.
That boy looks like Ricky Martin.
FEEL LIKE + NOUN:…. gibi hissetmek, ……. gibi durmak
My mother is 50 years old and she feels like a child.
You are only 18 years old but you feel like an old women.
TASTE LIKE + NOUN: Tadı…….. ya benziyor
I didn’t like this grape juice. It tastes like wine.
This tea tastes like hot water.
SMELL LIKE + NOUN:……. gibi kokuyor
This perfume smells like soap.
This man smells like rubbish.
SOUND LIKE + NOUN: ( kulağa)……. gibi geliyor
His voice sounds like a door squeak.

USE 8- LOOK, TASTE,SMELL: eylem bildirirlerse arkalarına zarf gelir.

-She looked sad. – She looked at me sadly.
-The coffee tasted nice. – He tasted the coffee willingly
-The roses smelt wonderful. – She smelt the roses happily.

USE 9-TURN(OUT) ve GROW: Bir nesnenin durumundaki değişiklikleri ifade etmek için arkalarına sıfat kullanırız.
My mother grows anxious when I go home late after school.( become / gets)
Everybodies eyes pupil grow bigger when they get into a dark place or lie.
His hair turned grey at his early ages.
While the sun was setting, the sky turned red near the seaside.
EYLEM bildirirlerse zarf kullanılır:
The car turned round the roundabout carelessly and crashed another car.
Our children grow so quickly.

KEEP AND REMAIN:Bir nesnenin durumunu ifade ederken arkasına sıfat kullanılır.
Everything remained the same.
Although he made me get crazy, I remained silent.
I kept calm at almost every hard condition.
Keep quite and listen to me carefully.

PREDICATIVE ( YÜKLEM) ADJECTIVES: Bazı sıfatlar ise sadece predicative ( yüklem ) olarak kullanılırlar. Bu sıfatları isimlerin
önüne getiremeyiz. Bu sıfatlardan en çok kullanılanları şunlardır.
asleep, awake, alike, afraid, alive, alone, ashamed, glad, pleased, sorry, upset, elder.
- The man is asleep. ( Adam uykuda ) diyebiliriz. Ama asleep man diyemeyiz.

ATTRIBUTIVE (NİTELEYİCİ) ADJECTIVES: Attributive ( niteleyici ) olarak kullanılan ancak predicative ( yüklem ) olarak
kullanılamayan sıfatlar şunlardır.
chief, main, principal, sheer, utter, mere, only, sole, total
- His shop is on the main street. ( Onun dükkanı ana caddededir ) diyebiliriz. Ama “The street is main” diyemeyiz.



EXERCISES 1-Aşağıdaki boşlukları, uygun sıfatlarla doldurunuz.

ome,smart,mean,tolerant, shy, heavy, elegant, cold, lucky, hot, funny, loud, disgusting, thirsty, angry, spektikal
1) Her parents are very…………….. of her because she has got her degree at university.
2) Dan doesn't usually trust anybody. He is the most ……………….. man I've known.
3) After working the whole day, she was totally……………………
4) Bob got……………….. with me for not giving him back the money he had lent me.
5) Most children are………………. of the dark.
6) He hadn't studied much for the exam, but was very…………….. and managed to pass it.
7) She spends a lot of money on clothes. She always looks…………………….. .
8) If you are………………., drink water!
9) My sister is very………………... She can solve the most difficult problems in a few seconds.
10) After playing in the mud, Paula's dress was very…………………….
11) The boy didn't drink the tea as he found it …………………..
12) The box was so……………… that two people were needed to carry it.
13) I feel really……………………. . I haven't eaten anything since breakfast.
14) Jack is the most……………………….. boy at school. All the girls want to go out with him.
15) Yesterday Mary was ………………… and had to stay in bed the whole day.
16) Don´t touch that snake! It might be………………….. .
17) I have to do a lot of things today, so sorry but I´m too…………… to go to the cinema with you.
18) The music was too ………………….. and Alan thought his head was going to blow up!
19) Most students feel…………………. before doing an exam.
20) Alan became……………….. after waiting for Susan for over an hour.
21) He is very……………….. . He can lift 100 kilos easily.
22) If you don´t stop eating sweets, you’ll get………………….
23) There are a lot of naughty children in our class. But our teacher is really……………….., he never gets angry.
24) The joke was so…………………. that we lauhged for 10 minutes.
25) I wish he would shut up for a while. He´s such a………………………!
26) They became…………………… after winning a big prize at the lottery.
27) It was such a………………………… day that the woman could hardly breathe.
28) He always gets the best mark in the class. He is really………………………
29) Helen never does her homework, because she is very…………………………
30) When we go out, Joan always pays the bill and he doesn't let us spend a penny. He is a very ………………… person.
31) It´s very…………………. today. Don´t forget to wear your gloves.
32) Peter is very………………………... He never spends money when we get together.
33) The little girl was too…………………… to ask the teacher to let her go to the toilet.


Aşağıda belirtilen sıra takip edilir, ama bu istisnası olmayan kesin bir kural değildir. Bazen sıralama değişebilir.
SIZE:Büyüklük, küçüklük:tall, short, long, big, small, large,……
AGE:Yaş, eskilik, yenilik: old, new, young, modern, ……
SHAPE: Şekil: Round, square, fat, slim,….
COLOUR:Renk: Black, White, red, blue,….
MATERIAL:Malzeme: plastic, cotton, wooden, woolen, gold, silver,….
ORIGIN:Üretim yeri: Turkish, French, German, Chine,…..
-a beautiful large new yellow British golden spoon.( güzel, büyük, yeni, sarı, İngiliz yapımı, altın bir kaşık )
- an old Turkish woman - Yaşlı bir Türk kadını
- a nice woolen sweater - Güzel bir yün kazak
- a beautiful house - güzel bir ev
- the fast car - hızlı araba

USE 1- Duygu bildiren sıfatlar sıralamanın başında gelirler.

A clever, hardworking little girl
A wonderful new wooden cottage
An excellent small car
An intelligent young crazy boy

USE 2- İSİM + SIFAT : İki sıfat arasında “and” kullanılır.

Angel is tall and thin. – Angel is beautiful, tall and thin.
Ankara is big and crowded. – Ankara is big, crowded and noisy.

USE 3- İSİM + SIFAT: Kullanılan sıfatlar nesnedeki çelişen yönleri belirtiyorsa arada “but” kullanılır.
İstanbul is amazing but crowded.
I am clever but a bit lazy.
He is honest but a little rude.

USE 4-PRETTY + SIFAT: Arada virgül yoksa:çok, oldukça ( quite/ very) anlamında kullanılır.
My daughter is a pretty beautiful girl

PRETTY + SIFAT: Arada virgül varsa: hoş , güzel anlamında kullanılır.

My daughter is a pretty, beautiful girl.

EXERCISE 2-Put the words in the right order;

1) new / live in /modern/expensive/ house / they / …………………………………………………………….
2) like /jacket /leather/I / that / green ...............................................................................
3) she / black / bought/ high-heeled / leather/shoe ............................................................................
4) had / wonderful / a / holiday /I)..................................................................................
5) went to / restaurant / a/expensive/silent/luxurious / Chinese / we ) .........................................................................
6) bought /I / new /modern/big/stylish/ a / bag / leather ) ...............................................................................
7) they / wonderful / had / a / night / at the disco ) .............................................................
8) she / buy / wants / a /jacket / new / black /cotton/soft/ to ) ..............................................................
9) my / friend / old / has/smart/ German Shepherd / a/ got / lovely / dog)............................................
10) they / to /beautiful/ buy / want / brown/Ottoman style/wooden / a / old / small / table .................................


FİİLDEN = SIFAT türetilen kelimelerdir:
PRESENT PARTICIPLE: -ING takısı eklenir:Developing countries, increasing/decreasing salary, tiring houseworks, confusing
idea, charming woman…..
PAST PARTICIPLE:- ED takısı eklenir: Damaged building, encouraged students, frightened baby, excitd children, surprised

ADMIRE: Hayran olmak, beğenmek FRIGHTEN:Korkutmak

AMAZE:şaşırtmak FRUSTRATE:Sinirlerini bozmak, hayal kırıklığına uğratmak
AMUSE: eğlendirmek HORRIFY:Şok etmek, dehşete düşürmek
ANNOY: Kızdırmak, rahatsız etmek INTEREST: İlgilendirmek, ilgi, alaka
ASTONISH:Şaşırtmak, hayrete düşürmek IRRITATE: Sinirlendirmek,kızdırmak, gıcık etmek
BEWILDER: Sersem etmek, apışmak PLEASE: Memnun etmek
BORE: Sıkılmak, bunaltmak SATISFY: Tatmin etmek, memnun etmek
CHARM: Cazibe, albeni, hayran bırakmak SHOCK:Şok etmek, donakalmak
CONFUSE: Kafasını karıştırmak STARTLE: Ürkütmek, tedirginlik yaratmak
DEPRESS: Moralini bozmak, canını sıkmak STIMULATE: Güdülemek, uyarmak, dürtmek
DISAPPOINT: Hayal kırıklığına uğratmak SURPRISE: Şaşırtmak, sürpriz
DISCOURAGE: Cesaretini kırmak, hevesini kırmak TERRIFY: Ödünü patlatmak, çok korkutmak
DISGUST: İğrenmek, tiksinmek TIRE ( OUT): Yormak, pestilini çıkartmak
EMBARRASS:Utandırmak, mahçup etmek THRILL: Heyacanlandırmak, etkilemek
ENCOURAGE: Cesaretlendirmek, yüreklendirmek WORRY: endişelenmek, merak etmek
EXCITE: Heyacandırmak
EXHAUST: Bitap düşmek, yormak
FASCINATE: Hayran etmek,ilgisini çekmek


-This Project excites them.
ACTIVE:”-ING” eylemi etkiliyorsa yada olmasına sebep oluyorsa
-This Project is exciting.
PASSIVE: “-ED” isim o eylemden etkileniyorsa
-They are excited with this Project.

VERB:The novel amazes him.

ACTIVE: The novel is amazing.
PASSIVE: He is amazed with this novel.

USE 2- -ING: Devam etmekte olan eylem:

-ED: Tamamlanmış eylem:
My mother gives boiled water to my baby sister to drink.
You should put your finger into boiling water. It burns.

The workers are pulling down the damaged buildings.

The damaging earthquake is destroying the buildings.

EXERCISE 3-Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective;

1) I' m not interested in science because it is not...........................(interesting / interested )
2) Mark is very....................( excited / exciting ) because he is going to take an exam.
3) Alice worked very hard today. She fells very.........................(tired / tiring )
4) The film was very long and very........................( bored / boring )
5) The fun-fair was very.....................( amused / amusing )
6) After the earthquake, the life in Van was very.......................... ( depressed / depressing )
7) The movie was very.......................( thrilled / thrilling ) and we were very......................... ( confused / confusing ).
8) His speech was very........................... and all the participants got (disappointed / disappointing )
9) The result was very.............................( astonished / astonishing )
10) After the bath, the children were all......................( relaxed / relaxing )

ZARFLAR (ADVERB) eylemleri niteler. Eylemlerin nasıl yapıldığı hakkında bilgi verirler.”HOW” sorusuna verilen cevaplardır.
- How does he she sing?
- She sings beautifully.
- I always drive carefully.
- They are speaking angrily.

USE 1- Zarflar genellikle sıfatların ( adjectives ) sonlarına (-ly ) takısı getirilerek elde edilir.
- He is a slow player. (O yavaş bir oyuncudur.) - He plays slowly. (O yavaş oynar.)
- He is a brave boy. (O cesur bir çocuktur.) - He fights bravely. (Cesurca kavga eder.)
Aşağıda, sonuna -ly getirilerek zarf yapılan bazı sıfatlar ve örnekler verilmiştir.

- She is a happy girl. - She is dancing happily.

- My dad is very sad today - The singer is singing sadly.
- John is a quick cooker. - John cooks quickly.
- Some students are really bad. - Some students behave badly in the classroom.

USE 2-
a) Sondaki y, i'ye dönüşür.
happy-happily pretty-prettily
b) Sondaki bazı “e”'ler atılır.

true-truly whole-wholly
c) Sonu -ıble / -able ile biten sıfatlarda sondaki “e” atılır.
sensible-sensibly probable-probably
d) Sonu “l” ile biten sıfatlarda sadece “-ly” eklenir.
final-finally cool-coolly

USE 3- DURUM ZARFLARININ cümle içindeki yeri şöyledir:

a) Yüklemden sonra:
She wrote neatly. We arrived happily.

b) Yüklemden sonra gelen Nesneden sonra:

You speak French well.
She cooks steak deliciously.

c) Cümlelerin başında anlamı vurgulamak için :

Carefully, she answered her questions.
Slowly, I opened the door.

d) verb + preposition + object: Adverb iki yerde bulunabilir:

They listened to me carefully or They listened carefully to me.

Verb + preposition + object(eğer birden fazla sözcükten oluşuyorsa): ADVERB:Preposition’dan önce yada verb’den önce
They listened carefully to the teachers from various schools.
They carefully listened to the teachers from various schools.

e) Yan cümle, gerund,infinitive bulunan cümleler: adverb’ün hangi eylemi nitelediği önemlidir:
She knows very well that she can swim.
She knows that she can swim very well.

USE 4- ZARFLAR: Bir sıfatın derecesini artırmak yada azaltmak için sıfatı nitelerler ve sıfattan önce kullanılırlar.
- She is extremely happy.
- They are absolutely sure.
- I am terribly sorry.
- The prices are unbelievably low.

He spoke unbelievably foolishly.
She danced extremely beautifully.

She broke the vase by accident/ accidentally.
He looked at me with a sad eyes/ sadly eyes.

Bir sıfatın derecesi artırmak için 'VERY' kullanılmaz.

Örnek: good – fantastic

USE 5- SIKLIK ZARFLARI (adverbs of frequency) her zaman (always), asla (never), bazen (sometimes), sık sık (often) vs.)
genellikle ana eylemden önce gelir.
- He is often late for class.
- Do you always eat in a restaurant?
- They don't usually travel on Fridays.

USE 6- Hem sıfat olarak ve hem de zarf olarak kullanılabilirler. Bunların tamamen ezberlenmesi lazımdır.

fast - fast (hızlı) hard - hard (zor, güç) early - early (erken)
late - late (geç) high - high (yüksek) low - low (alçak)
near - near (yakın) far - far (uzak) deep - deep (derin)
much - much (çok) little - little (az) direct - direct (doğrudan)
wrong - wrong (yanlış) enough - enough (yeterli) pretty - pretty (hoş, tatlı)
straight - straight (düz, direk) kindly - kindly (nazik)

I want a fast car. (Hızlı bir araba istiyorum.) My car must go fast. (Arabam hızlı gitmeli.)
Deep rivers are dangerous. (Derin nehirler tehlikelidir.) Don't dive very deep. (Fazla derine dalma.)
The wall around the garden is high. (Bahçenin etrafındaki duvar yüksek.)
The trees near it grow high too. (Yanındaki ağaçlar da yükseliyor)

USE 7- SONU – LY İLE BİTEN SIFATLAR: Tek başlarına zarf olarak kullanamayız.
IN A ……… MANNER, WAY, VOICE,... gibi kelimelerle adverbial phrase yaparak kullanabiliriz.
This house is a lıvely place.( adjectıve)
The speaker gave a speech to the audiences ın a lıvely voıce.( adverbial phrase)
She is a lovely girl.( adjective)
She behaved us ın a lovely manner.(adverbial phrase)
All my friends are friendly.
They behave in a friendly way.
A new rise in salaries are likely.
The government will probably give a rise in salaries.
Sıfat olduğundaki anlamı , “LY” eki alıp Zarf olduğunda farklı anlam taşıyan kelimeler:
high: yüksek - highly: ziyadesiyle
low: alçak - lowly : tevazuyla
near: yakın - nearly: neredeyse
late: geç - lately: son zamanlarda
hard: zor, güç - hardly: ancak, güç, bela
direct: direkt, dosdoğru - directly: dobra dobra, açıkça
warm:sıcak - warmly:samimiyetle
hot:sıcak - hotly: iştiyakla, canı gönülden
cool: soğuk - coolly : soğuk davranarak
cold:soğuk - coldly: samimiyet vermeksizin
present: hali hazırda - presently: derhal, hemen
short: kısa - shortly: hemen, özet olarak kısaca
scarce: nadir, ender - scarcely: zar zor
bare: çıplak, kıraç - barely: ancak, güç bela
sure: emin, kesin - surely: kesinlikle, emniyetle

USE 5-IRREGULAR ADVERBS: Zarf haline dönüştüğünde değişmeyen en önemli sıfatlar şunlardır:
early enough fast hard late little well
- fast (hızlı) - fast (hızlıca, hızlı bir şekilde)
- hard (zor) - hard (zor bir şekilde)
-early(erken) – early(erken bir zamanda)
-late( geç) –late( son zamanlarda, son günlerde)

1-“GOOD”: Zarf formu “well” (iyi bir şekilde)dir. Bu sıklıkla hatalı kullanılan bir zarftır!
My mother is a good teacher.( adjectıve)
My mother teaches well.( adverb)
His voice is very good.(adjective)
He sings well.(adverb)

Canlıları sağlık durumu için kullanırsak adjective olur.

-How are you today? – I am well. ( good diyemeyiz)

Bir canlının( insanın, hayvan) nasıl biri olduğunu sorarsak:

-What is your new english teacher like? –I think he is a good person.( Adjectıve)
-What is your friend like? – She is a good girl.( Adjectıve)
-What is your dog like? – It is good.

Bir nesnenin nasıl olduğunu sorarken:

What is your new school like? – I think ıt is good.

How is your new school? – I think ıt is good.

WELL: Çoğunlukla past participle ile kullanılır: Well-known, well-organised, well-dressed, well-educated,…
Aziz Sancar is a well-known Turkish scientist in the World.
Dr. Öz is a well-educated person.

I saw a bad car accident yesterday.The woman inside the car was badly injured.The car was also badly damaged.

3- FAST (hızlı) , FAST (hızlıca, hızlı bir şekilde):

My father is a fast driver.( adj.)
My father drives fast.( adv.)

4-EARLY (erken), EARLY (erken bir zamanda)

She goes to work at an Early hour.( ADJ.)
The bus came Early.( ADV.)

5- LATE ( geç) , LATE ( son zamanlarda, son günlerde)

I will go on a late bus.( adj.)
I arrived to work late.( adv.)
-Have you been to theatre lately/ recently? – I haven’t gone to theatre lately/ recently.

6-HARD (zor) , HARD (zor bir şekilde, çok, çok yoğun)

Being a teacher is a hard job.( adj.)
The test was very hard.(adv. Difficult)
I studied hard but I couldn’t get high mark.( adv.)

7- HARDLY: Neredeyse hiç, hemen hemen hiç: Olumlu cümlede ama anlam olumsuz.
I can’t teach you that subject because I have hardly knowledge about that subject.
I was very tired yesterday so I hardly cleaned the house. ( very little cleaned)

HARDLY: Güçlükle: Sıklıkla can,could ile kullanılır.

He speaks so fast.I can hardly understand what he is saying.
I was so ill yesterday.I could hardly listen to the teacher.

HARDLY: Refuse ve deny kelimeleri ile kullanılır.İki olumsuz yapıdan olumlu sonuç çıkar.
When my friend invited me to the cinema, I could hardly refuse to go.
Yesterday, I went to cinema with my frieds at school time.When my mother has shown the absance letter that my teacher
sent,I could harly deny it.

8-HARDLY EVER:Hemen hemen hiç, çok seyrek:

I don’t like fish. I hardly ever/ almost never eat fish.
This week is my exam week so I hardly ever/ almost never play computer games.

9-HARDLY ANY:Neredeyse hiç, çok az: Miktar belirtirken kullanılır: anyone, anything, anywhere,.. gibi sözcüklerle
I have hardly any money. or I hardly have any money.
He has hardly any high mark. or He hardly has any high mark.
She hardly knew anything on this subject. or She knew hardly anythıng on this subject.


A. Bazı kesinlik bildiren zarflar: Subject ve Verb arasında yada “to be” den sonra kullanılanlar:
certainly, definitely, probably, undoubtedly, doubtlessly, surely.
-He definitely loves her. -My son is probably in the park.
B. Auxiliary ve Verb arasında kullanılanlar:
-She has certainly been to the US. -He will probably come home tomorrow.
C. Cümlenin başında kullanılabilirler:
Undoubtedly, Atatürk is a great statesman.

2-DURUM BİLDİREN ZARFLAR: Bize bir şeyin nasıl olduğunu anlatan zarflardır.
Genellikle the main verb’ten sonra veya object’ten sonra gelirler.
-The teacher talks clearly and distinctly.
-She looked at him furtively.

3- YER BİLDİREN ZARFLAR: Bize bir şeyin nerede olduğunu anlatan zarflardır.
Genellikle the main verb’ten sonra veya object’ten sonra gelirler.
-The police searched everywhere, but they couldn't find the criminal anywhere.

4-SIKLIK ZARFLARI: Bize bir şeyin ne sıklıkla olduğunu anlatır:

always , constantly , usually, often, sometimes,rarely, never, habitually, normally, frequently, infrequently, occasionally,
predominantly, mostly, repeatedly, sporadically, seldom, typically, generally, intermittently, continuously, commonly,

James +swims + enthusiastically + in the pool +every morning + before dawn + to keep in shape.
Mary +walks + impatiently + into town + every afternoon + before supper + to get a newspaper.

ADVERBS OF DEGREE( Derece bildiren zarflar): verb, adjectıve veya adverb’ü tanımlayarak sahip oldukları değeri azaltmak
veya çoğaltmaktır.
This question is so easy.
I really annoyed with his behaviour.
She finds this book quite exciting.
He answered all the questions surprisingly correct.
The coffee was extremely hot.
He was quite happy when he graduated.
We could hardly see what he was doing.
He didn’t study hard enough, (adverb)
It is too difficult for him to solve, (adverb)

A-Absolutely,positively, excessively, incredibly, reasonably, significiantly, completely, really, tremendously, unbelievably,

remarkably, unusually, entirely, deeply, increasingly, surprisingly, considerably, fully, enormously, awfully, intensely,
comparatively, thoroughly, perfectly, greatly, highly¸utterly, badly, terribly, strongly, relatively,totally, extremely, pretty,
extraordinarily, seriously, decidedly, certainly, exceedingly, bitterly, exceptionally, slightly,… etc.

B-Too, enough, very, well, just, for, much, indeed, so, quite, rather, a lot, lots, a bit, a little, fairly, almost, nearly,
practically, virtualy, scarcely, barely, hardly, little,… etc

USE 1- “ LY” ile biten zarflar derecelendirme için kullanılırlar:

He won the lottary again. He is unbelıevably lucy.
The weather is extraordinarly hot today.
We completely accept your offer.
I am deeply sorry for your loss.
They are strongly ashmed of their wrong behaviour.

AWFULLY, TERRIBLY: Very, very much anlamında kullanılır.

I am terribly sad.
We have terribly/ awfully annoyed by the news.

BADLY: Very, very much. NEED ve WANT fiilleriyle çokça kullanılırlar:

She badly wants to win this game.
He badly needs to have a rest for a few hours.


We had a picnic and it was pretty relaxing.
I drink pretty much coffee today.


TOO:Çok fazla, aşırı: Adj. veya Adv. niteler:

I am too tired today.( adj.)
You are driving too fast.( adv.)

TOO: Verb’ü tek başına niteleyemez. Much’ı niteleyebilir.

He is talkıng too much.
She sleeps too much.
TOO: sayılabilir isimlerde: Too many/ too few
She has too few toys to play.
sayılamaz isimlerde: Too much/ too little
I can’t but that t-shirt.I have too little Money.

TOO: far, rather, much, a bit, a little niteler:

İstanbul is rather too crowded for me to live.
She is a little too old to travel long distances.
I am a bit too young to make-up.


This chair is not strong enough.(Adj+ enough)
They drove carefully enough.( Adv.+ enough)

Sayılabilir isimlerde: I have enough books for the holiday.
Sayılamaz isimlerde: We can buy that car.We have enough money.
Everybody wake up. You have slept enough.
Everything is very cheap in this shop.
He is solving the questions very carefully.
They like cycling very much.
VERY MUCH VE MUCH:Fiiller ile kullanılırlar: Admire, regret, care, mind, enjoy, like, dislike, hope, fear, ….

MUCH: Olumsuz cümle ve sorularda kullanılır. Olumlu cümlede çok az kullanılır.

My father doesn’t like swimming much.
I don’t drink coffee much.
I much admire my daughter’s honesty.

VERY MUCH: Çoğunlukla olumlu cümlede kullanılır. Olumsuz cümlelerde tercihen cümlenin sonunda kullanılır.
He likes going to cinema with friends very much. OR He very much likes going to cinema with friends.
I want to taste sushi very much. OR I very much want to taste sushi.
My children do not like staying at home on friday nights very much.
I do not like playing football very much.

USE 3- BARELY, HARDLY, LITTLE, SCARCELY: Olumlu cümlelerde, anlam olumsuz

LITTLE: Think, expect, realise, know, imagine … gibi düşünce bildiren kelimeleri niteyebilir.

I moved to a new city and I hardly/barely/scarcely knew anybody and anywhere there. ( Neredeyse hiç kimse ve hiç bir yeri
tanımıyor fakat yine de tanıdığı birkaç kişi ve yer var)
She did not study for the exam and I lıttle expect her to pass the exam so she hardly/barely/scarcely passed that exam. (
Geçme eylemi gerçekleşmiş)

USE 4- ALMOST, NEARLY, PRACTICALLY, VIRTUALLY: Hemen hemen, neredeyse: Verb’ den önce gelirler.
VIRTUALLY: Gerçekten anlamındadır ve daha baskın bir anlamı vardır.
She did not study for the exam and I lıttle expect her to pass the exam so she almost/ nearly/ practıcally passed that exam.
( Geçme eylemi gerçekleşmemiş)
She almost/nearly/practically fallen down the balcoon. ( neredeyse düşüyormuş ama düşmemiş)
He almost/nearly/ practyically broke the glass. ( neredeyse kırıyormuş fakat kırmamış)

USE 5- FAIRLY/QUITE/RATHER: Adjective veya adverb’ü niteleyebilirler.

RATHER: Oldukça, bir hayli: Olumsuz özelliği anlatan sıfat yada zarfları nitelemek için kullanılır.
Expensive, old, sadly,unwisely, poor, hot, cold, late, ugly, boring,….
It is rather hot in july.
Today the work was rather tiring.
The film was rather boring.

RATHER: FİİLLERİ nitelemek için kullanılır ve oldukça anlamındadır: like, dislike, enjoy,…
He rather likes playing basketball.
I rather enjoy playing chess.
Today is a rather cold day. OR Today is rather a cold day.
This building is a rather modern building. OR This building is rather a modern building.

QUITE: ZARFLARLA: Oldukça anlamında “fairly” ile aynı anlamdadır. Olumlu özellik belirten kelimelerle kullanılır.
I am quıte energetic today. Lets go tracking .
He expresses his opinions quıte posıtıvely.

SIFATLARLA:Tamamıyla, bütünüyle (completely) anlamındadır: right, wrong, full, empty, alone, sure, ready,..
The room is quite empty.
I am quite alone.
His point of view is quite wrong on this subject.
Güçlü anlam: amazing, horrible, incredible, marvellous, unexpected, ….
Their idea is quıte amazing.
We find this movie quıte horrible.

FİLLLERLE: Oldukça ( derecesini belirtebileceğimiz kelimeler): like, wish, want, enjoy,….

She quite liked the hotel.
They quite enjoyed our holiday.
TAMAMIYLA ( completely) : agree, understand, think,…..
The listeners do not quite understand his speech.
I quite agree with his thoughts.

It was quite A tiring week.
My school is quite a long way to my house.

FAIRLY: Oldukça: olumlu özellik belirten sıfat ve zarflarla kullanılır.

My daughter is fairly hardworking. ( Ne çok çalışkan ne de tembel)
Our house is fairly tidy.
His father is fairly healthy.

I am a fairly beautiful girl.
It is a fairly exciting movie.

Bütün bir cümleyi nitelerler ve söyleyenin yorumunu, düşüncesini ifade eder.
A. Bakışaçısı bildiren zarflar:
honestly, seriously, confidentially, personally, surprisingly, ideally, economically, officially, obviously, clearly, surely,
Frankly, I think she is a liar. (This is my frank, honest opinion)
Officially, it is impossible to back such a project. (On the official ground)
B. Yorum bildiren zarflar:
definitely, certainly, obviously, simply.
-Arthur is certainly the best player in the team. -Maria obviously enjoyed the party.

USE 1- at the begining, at mid-position or at the end of a sentence:

AUXILIARY VARSA: Auxiliary ile verb arasında
He is probably guilty.
He will probably not come to the party.
He probably will not/won’t come to the party.
AUXILIARY YOKSA: Subject ile verb arasında
He probably missed the train.

ACTUALLY: Aslında, Aslına bakılırsa

INDEED:Aslında, Doğrusunu söylemek gerekirse
ReALLY:Gerçekten, Hakikaten,
IN FACT:Aslında, Oysa, aslına bakılırsa
SURELY:Hakikaten, Muhakkak, Kesinlikle
DEFINETLY:Kesinlikle, kuşkusuz, mutlak suretle
CERTAINLY:kesinlikle, Muhakkak
PERHAPS:Belki, muhtemelen,bir ihtimal
POSSIBLY:Muhtemelen, İhtimal, Herhalde
PROBABLY:Büyük olasılıkla/İhtimalle,Galiba
PRESUMABLY:Büyük olasılıkla, tahminen, Zannedersem
EVIDENTLY:Açıkça, Apaçık, Besbelli
OBVIOUSLY:Açıkça, besbelli, Apaçık
OF COURSE:tabii ki, Kuşkusuz ki,
DOUBTLESSLY:Kuşkusuz, Şüphesiz
UNDOUBTEDLY: Şüphe yok ki, Şüphesiz

He is obviously honest.
She certainly can win the race.
We are definitely trying to do our best.

USE 2- Generally at the beginning of the sentence:

Cümlenin başında ve virgül ile ayrılır
Honestly, I didn’t believe anything you tell me.
Seriously, I am going to quit my job.
Surprisingly, He changed his mind and decided to come with us.
Fortunately, The car stopped just in time.

ANNOYINGLY:Can sıkıcı şekilde, Sinirlendirici biçiçmde

ADMITTEDLY:Kabul edilmelidir ki, İtiraf edildiği gibi, Kuşkusuz
LUCKILY:Şans eseri, Tesadüfen, Neyse ki
UNLUCKILY:Şanssızlık eseri, Maalesef, Talihsizlikle
SURPRISINGLY:Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde
FRANKLY:Dürüst olmak gerekirse, Doğruyu söylemek gerekirse
SERIOUSLY:Cidden, Ciddi bir Şekilde
RIGHTLY: Doğru olarak, Hakkıyla,
WRONGLY: Yanlış olarak, Haksız yere, Hatalı bir şekilde
FORTUNATELY: Neyse ki, şükür ki, Bereket versin ki
UNFORTUNATELY:Maalesef, Ne yazık ki
PERSONALLY: Şahsen, Kişisel olarak, Bana kalırsa
NATURALLY: Doğal olarak
UNDERSDANDABLY:Anlaşıldığı gibi, Anlaşılan o ki

Cümlenin bir öğesini vurgulamak için kullanılırlar. Genellikle, vurguladıkları sözcükten önce gelirler.
EİTHER:”de, da”, ya
ALSO: :”de, da”, Ayrıca
TOO: :”de, da”,
AS WELL: :”de, da”,
EVEN:üstelik, hatta
ONLY:Bir tek, Sadece
JUST: Sadece, Yalnızca
EXACTLY:Tamamen, Tümüyle
SIMPLY:Basitçe, Tek yapmamız gereken, Adeta
MERELY:Sadece, Yalnızca, Adeta
EXCLUSIVELY:Münhasıran, Özellikle, sırf, Yalnızca
MOSTLY:Çoğunlukla, Bilhassa, ekseriya
ESPECIALLY:Özellikle, Bilhassa, Başta olmak üzere
PRIMARILY:Öncelikle, Başlıca, esasen, İlk olarak
SOLEYLY:Sadece, Yalnızca, Ancak
PARTICULARLY:Ayrıntılı olarak, Başta olmak üzere, özellikle
CHIEFLY:Başlıca, Belli başlı, en çok
MAINLY: esasen, Ağırlıklı olarak, Çoğunluk itibarıyla

I simply don’t understand what you mean!

My son set the table and he even washed the dishes yesterday.
She only eat an apple whole day.
Their duty is primarily studying their lessons.

TOO/AS WELL/EITHER: Olumsuz cümlelerde ve cümle sonlarında kullanılır.

ALSO: Cümle ortasında bazen de cümle sonunda kullanılır.
My father doesn’t want to go to shopping.I don’t want to go either.
I liked the movie. My friends liked it too/ as well.
His mother is a doctor. He also wants to be a doctor.

EXACTLY: Daha çok wh- question’larla kullanılır.

What exactly do you want?
Who exactly agree with me?

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite the sentences using an adverb;

Example:Sarah is a good chess player. She plays chess well.
1) They are a careless climbers. …………………………………………………………………….
2) Elif Şafak is a great writer. …………………………………………………………………….
3) Micheal Jordan is a wonderful basketballer. …………………………………………………………………….
4) Tim and I were excellent drivers. …………………………………………………………………….
5) He is a slow runner. …………………………………………………………………….
6) Tom was a nervous driver. …………………………………………………………………….
7) Sandy is a terrible piano player. …………………………………………………………………….
8) Our teacher is a good teacher. …………………………………………………………………….
9) Schumacher is a fast driver. …………………………………………………………………….
10) Magic Johnson was a clever player …………………………………………………………………….
11) I gave them polite answers. …………………………………………………………………….
12) They live a happy life. …………………………………………………………………….
13) My friend is a patient teacher. …………………………………………………………………….
14) Jane is a careful driver. …………………………………………………………………….
15) Peter gave a stupid answer. …………………………………………………………………….
16) Kim is a fast runner. …………………………………………………………………….
17) The librarian is a silent talker. …………………………………………………………………….
18) The headmaster is a fluent speaker. …………………………………………………………………….
19) Sam is a neat writer. …………………………………………………………………….
20) Maria is a bad actor. …………………………………………………………………….

EXERCISE 2-Give the opposites for Jane.

1) Tim drives dangerously. Jane……………………………………….
2) Tim walks slowly. Jane………………………………………
3) Tim speaks politely. Jane………………………………………….
4) Tim washes the dishes well. Jane………………………………………………
5) Tim behaved pleasantly. Jane…………………………………………………
6) Tim speaks aggressively. Jane…………………………………………………….
7) Tim waited patiently. Jane…………………………………………………..
8) Tim argues logically. Jane……………………………………………………..
9) Tim sings beautifully. Jane …………………………………………………………….
10) Tim acts responsibly. Jane…………………………………………………………
11) Tim smiled at us happly. Jane…………………………………………………………
12) Tim sings the folk songs well. Jane…………………………………………………………
13) Tim cried silently because he lost his money. Jane…………………………………………………………
14) Tim hit strongly. Jane…………………………………………………………

EXERCISE 3-Cümlelerde verilen boşlukları aşağıda verilen adverb'lerle uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) I will tell you something very important. Please listen to me……………………… .(carefull)
2) I've met him recently, but I don't know him very………………………. .(good)
3) Michael! I need your help……………………... ! (quick)
4) Think………………… before you answer the question.(fast)
5) My parents live ........................ (happy) in a small flat in Ankara.
6) They work ..................... (hard) and come home ............................ (late).
7) They never act ........................ .(impatient) in the congested traffic.
8) They treat everybody ....................... (polite).
9) They never speak ......................(angry).
10) My mother talks .......................(calm) with other people.
11) She can sing ...................(beautiful).
12) He plans everything .......................... (intelligent).
13) He never behaves ......................... (stupid).
14) He pays his taxes ................ (immediate).
15) He is also a logical person. He always makes decisions ....................(logical).
16) My father and mother always act .............................(restpectful) to my grandparents.



TOO: Çok anlamındadır. Olumlu cümlede kullanılır fakat anlam olumsuz olur. Aşırılık ifade eder. Sıfat ve zarflardan önce
-The ceiling is too high. I can’t touch it.
-The ceiling is too high for me to touch. (Tavan dokunamayacağım kadar yüksek.)
-You are walking too slowly. You can’t arrive here on time.
-You are walking too slowly to arrive here on time.
-The book is too boring for me to read.
-Mr Sparrow was talking too fast for the tourists to understand.

USE 1- TOO VE VERY arasındaki fark:

- The tea is very hot. (Çay ideal sıcaklıkta.)
- The tea is too hot. (Çay içilemeyecek kadar sıcaktır.)
- The weather is very cold.
- The weather is too cold.
- The tea is too hot to drink.
- The weather is too cold to go out.
- I am too tired to go out.
- She is too sleepy to go on driving.

ENOUGH: YETERLİLİK ifade eder. Sıfat ve zarflardan sonra gelir.


- He is only fifteen years old. He isn't old enough to marry.
- This car is big enough for a large family.
- If you don't study hard enough, you can't win the university exam.
-He is not hardworking enough to solve that question.


-There is not enough milk to make pudding.
-I don’t have enough time to g oto gym.
- My brother doesn't have enough money to buy a modern car.
- Are there enough apples for all of us at home?

-This shoe is too expensive to buy. = This shoe is not cheap enough to buy.
-This bag is too heavy to carry. = This bag is not light enough to carry.
-The house is too old to buy. = The house is not modern enough to buy.
-This horse is too old to run fast. = This horse is not young enough to run fast.

EXERCISE 1-Combine the sentences with Too veya Enough.

1) The boxes are very heavy. We can’t carry them……………………………………………………………
2) The water was too cold. My grandmother couldn’t drink it……………………………………………………………
3) His son is very busy. He can’t play football with them. ……………………………………………………………………………
4) This film is interesting. I can watch it…………………………………………………………………………………..
5) The earrings were cheap. Sue bought it………………………………………………………………………………
6) My mother is very tired. She can’t clean the any more…………………………………………………………………
7) Mrs. Smith is rich. She can buy a house…………………………………………………………………………………..
8) The car was going very fast. It couldn’t stop in time. ………………………………………………………………
9) The sea was very dirty. They couldn’t swim there...................................................................
10) The ditch was very wide. The boy couldn’t jump over it…………………………………………………………..
11) Tim isn't very intelligent. He can't solve this problem…………………………………………………..
12) The suitcase is very light. I can carry it……………………………………………………………….
13) Jenny ran slowly. She couldn't catch the bus………………………………………………………….
14) My cousin is very tall. He can play basketball………………………………………………………………..
15) My sister is very short. I can'treach at the top shelf. …………………………………………………………….
16) We are very hungry. I can eat a whole chicken………………………………………………………….
17) James is very strong. He can beat a bear………………………………………………………………….
18) The weather is too cold. We can't go swimming……………………………………………………………
19) My grandfather is very old. He can't play football…………………………………………………………….
20) This exercise is very difficult. We can't do it………………………………………………………………

Birisinin başka birkişi ile aynı şeyi yaptığını veya aynı olduğunu belirtmek için kullanırız.

USE 1- TOO: OLUMLU cümlelerde, EITHER: OLUMSUZ cümlelerde

Positive statements:
I am tall. My brother is tall, too.
She ate chocolate cookies. Her sister ate chocolate cookies, too.
Negative statements:
Mehrnet wasn't at home yesterday. Ali wasn't at home yesterday, either.
My friend didn't go to school yesterday. I didn't go to school yesterday, either.

USE 2- Bir başkasının aynı şeyi söylediğini söylerken, yardımcı fiili kullanarak cümleyi aktarabiliriz.
Maria doesn't like cabbage. Her sister doesn't, either.
I enjoy swimming on hot summer days. My brother does, too.
I was studying English yesterday. My classmates were, too.
My father went shopping yesterday. My mother did, too.
Porsche is very expensive. Ferrari is, too.

EXERCISE 2- Combine the sentences with TOO or EITHER.

1) I lost my key. My sister lost her key, ...............................................
2) The bus delayed because of snow. The plane delayed…………………...........................................................
3) I didn't see the "No Smoking" sign. My friend didn't see it, .......................................................................................
4) Sammy never swims in a pool. Maia never swims in a pool,.............................................................................
5) My parents bought a new car. Our neighbor bought a new car,..................................................................
6) My daughter went to bed too early last night. I went to bed too early last night, ............................................
7) Antalya is a beautiful resort area. Marmaris is a beautiful resort area,......................................................
8) Summers are always hot in Urfa. Summers are always hot in Antalya,.....................................................
9) Ali is not interested in biology. Mert is not interested in biology,...........................................................
10) My brother likes sports cars very much. Young men like sports cars very much,......................................................
11) Playing backgammon isn't easy. Playing chess isn't easy,.............................................................
12) There were students in the garden. There were students in the canteen,..............................................
13) Jack is a teacher. His wife is a teacher,...................................................................
14) I don't like broccoli. My sister doesn't like broccoli ,.............. ................................................
15) Our father is learning German. My brother is learning German,..................................................................
16) I am not a vegetarian. James isn't,.........................................................................
17) Sally doesn't like jogging. I don't like jogging,...........................................................................
18) I was very sleepy this morning. My friend Tom was very sleepy, .................................................................
19) I can dance well. My brother can dance well, ...................................................................
20) Jack can't ride a bicycle. Carl can't ride a bicycle,............................................................

EXERCISE 3-Complete the sentences with the contracted forms using "TOO" or "EITHER."
Example: Jeremy can play basketball well. Michael can, too.
You won't go to the party tonight. We won't, either.

1) My brother has to finish his homework tonight.My sister.............................................................................
2) Milk is white. Flour............................................................................
3) Boys don't like indoor games. Girls .............................................................................
4) Turkish isn't an easy language. Chinese..........................................................................
5) My friend will go to İstanbul on business.I............................................................................
6) Her dress is beautiful. My mother's dress .........................................................................
7) My mother can't see well without glasses. My father ...........................................................................
8) My father watched a film on TV last night. My mother............................................................................
9) The canteen was crowded yesterday. The library...........................................................................
10) The children like ice cream.The adults .................................................................................
11) We won't go to the seaside this weekend. You..................................................................................
12) Beşiktaş played well at the Derby match last Saturday. Galatasaray................................................
13) Jimmy took beautiful photographs of bride and groom . Danny.....................................................
14) James can't read and write well. His sister ................................................................................
15) My friend never drinks Coke and eat fast food. I ....................................................................................
16) Tom isn't good at tennis. Tim ....................................................................................


SO/SUCH: Türkçe'ye ayrıca "o ...... kadar ki" şeklinde de aktarılır.

- Your dress is so beautiful ( sıfat gelmiştir.)
- I'm waiting him so angrily. ( zarf gelmiştir.)
- He is so bossy that nobody wants to work with him.
- The problem was so difficult that we couldn't solve it.


She is such a pretty girl that everybody wants to talk with her.
Today is such a lovely day that we decided to go to picnic.
Your brother is such a sweet boy that I miss him.


These are such expensive hats that we can’t buy any of them.
Those are such heavy bags that I can’t even lift them.


It is such strong coffee that cant drink it.
We have been waiting such a long time that we won’t wait more.

USE 1- SO/SUCH: Şaşırma ifadesi olarak da kullanılabilirler.

- Fenerbahçe has won the match. I didn't expect them to play so well
- Why did you wait for him such a long time.

USE 2- bu kadar, o kadar anlamına gelirler.

She has composed an excellent song.I hadn’t expected it to be so good/that good.
Don’t eat so much/that much.You will have health problems.
His car is very comfortable. I didn’t expect it to be such a comfortable car.
This exam is easy. I didn’t expect it to be such an easy exam/that an easy exam.

USE 3- SO/SUCH: Süreç ve mesafe bildirir.

I didn’t think that the journey would take so long/such a long tıme.
I didn’t guess the theatre was so far/such a long way from my house.

USE 4- SO/ SUCH: Miktar bildirir.

Countable nouns: SO MANY = SUCH A LOT OF

I have so many shoes/ such a lot of shoes that I don’t know what to do with them.
She has so few books /such a few books to read that she needs to buy more.
Uncountable nouns: SO MUCH = SUCH A LOT OF
He has so much money / such a lot of money that he builts a dormitory for poors.
I can’t clean all this place in so lıttle time/ such a lıttle time.

USE 5- SO/SUCH: Neden-sonuç :

Reason: I was so sad. Effect: I didn’t join his party.
I was so sad that I didn’t join his party.
Reason: It was such a hard day. Effect: I slept immediately.
It was such a hard day that I slept immediately.

EXERCISE 4- Fill in thv blanks with SO veya SUCH.

1) Jane was………………………….sad that she started to cry loudly.
2) Tom is……………………..a cocky boy. He´s constantly humiliating people .
3) The child was………………… scared from the snake that he started screaming.
4) I have never met…………………………..a smart boy as Tonny. He made a degree at university exam.
5) African people’s teeth were………………. white that they shone in the dark. We had never seen …………. white teeth.
6) Our mother is……………………..short that she can´t reach the plates that are on top of the shelf.
7) It was……… a long time since they haven’t seen each other.
8) Brian was………………….hungry that he ate two big sandwiches.
9) It was…………………..a hot day that Sam spent all the afternoon laying under the air conditioner.
10) There were………………….. many clothes in Jean's suitcase that the bellboy could hardly lift it.
11) Pam is…………………… a book worm that she reads at least two books in a week.
12) My daughter is………………. a clumsy girl that she accidentally wounds somewhere in her body.
13) Lizzy had never drunk…………………. much water as she did yesterday. She was ………. thirsty!
14) The exercises on the workbook was……………………….difficult that it took Sude four hours to finish it.
15) It was…………………………….an cheap and beautiful dress that she decided to buy it.
16) My cousins house was……………………….far that we arrived much later that we had expected.


FAIRLY:Olumlu anlama sahiptir.

RATHER: Olumsuz anlamı pekiştirmek için olumsuz sıfatlarla kullanılır.
- I had a rather difficult day.

USE 1- Bazı fiillerle kullanılır.
- My father rather likes strong coffee.

USE 2- Comparative form ile olumsuz anlamı güçlendirmek için kullanılır.

- She is rather fatter than his mother.

USE 3- Tercih göstermek için would ile kullanılır.

- I would rather dance than sing.

USE 4- mostly (daha çok, genellikle) anlamında kullanılır.

- The society should be accused rather than him.

USE 5- Too dan önce kullanılır.

- The house was rather too expensive.

USE 6- Olumlu sıfatlar ile kullanıldığında "beklenmeyen bir şekilde" anlamı katar.
- Altough I hadn't studied, my grades are rather good!

QUITE: Fiili nitelediğinde: “tam, tam olarak” anlamını katar.
Sıfat ve zarfı nitelediğinde: “oldukça, epey ” anlamı verir.

USE 1- Sıfatlardan önce gelir.

- My history is quite good.

USE 2- Zarflardan önce gelir.

- He can speak German quite well now.

USE 3- Nadiren bazı isimlerle de kullanılabilir.

- My mother is quite an authority on playing chess.

USE 4- Completely (tamamen) anlamında bazı fiillerle kullanılır.

- I couldn't quite understand what you are talking about.

USE 5- superlative form ile kullanılır.

- It's quite the best match I have ever watched.
- My mother looks quite tired.
- She is quite an expert in history.
- He's quite a bossy man.

1-A: I really like swimming. B: ……………….
A)Neither do I. B))So do I.
C)Neither did I. D)Me, either.
2-Mark couldn't go to his granfather's funeral, ………………. could his sister.
A)Either B)also
C)Neither D)too
3-Nobody said anything about the accident, ………………… did I.
A)Also B)me too
C)Either D)neither
4-A: I won't go that sport centre again; it's too small and stuffy. B: ………………… will I.
A)Also B)me too
C)Either D)neither
5-A: I love banana. B: I love banana, ………………….. .
A)Also B)too
C)Either D)neither
6-Mike wants to see that movie,…………….. Why don't you go together?
A)Also B)too
C)Either D)me too
7-Angela reads a lot of book, …………… does her father.
A)Either B)so
C)Neither D)also
8-A: I always want to be an actrist. B: …………….. do I.
A)So B)Too
C)Either D)Neither
9-A: How is the traffic now? Is it too crowded? B: I think ……………. this is the rush hour.
A)So B)too
C)Either D)neither
10-Banu made the cake and …………….. the cookies.
A)Also B)too

C)Either D)neither
11- …………….. were ill so they did not come to school and participate in the exam .
A)Both B)Either
C)Neither D)also
12- I didn't like ……………. of the choices.
A)Both B)either
C)Neither D)too
13- I couldn't decide between them - I liked them ……………..
A)Both B)either
C)Neither D)too


EXERCISE 1-Choose the correct word.
1) My son went to bed late / lately and got up late / lately.
2) The exam was very easy /easily. The students answered the questions easily /easy.
3) My husband is a polite /politely person. He always speaks politely /polite with me.
4) Our car is very comfortable / comfortably. We are traveling comfortable / comfortably.
5) The conference participants were very patiently /patient. They waited the lecturer patiently /patient.
6) Science high school students are very intelligent / intelligently. They ask questions intelligent / intelligently.
7) The lecturer correct / correctly explained the meaning of the term. The answer sounded correctly / correct.
8) Mark is a quickly / quick worker . He does his works quick / quickly.
9) Tom is a dangerously / dangerous driver. He drives dangerous / dangerously.
10) Haldun Dormen performed magnificent / rnagnificently.It was a magnificent / magnificently beautiful performance.
11) Our History teacher’s voice sounds beautifully / beautiful. He sang the song exact / exactly it was written. We heard it
perfectly/ perfect.
12) My mother is a very sensibly /sensible person. He is acting very sensible / sensibly to the animals and poors.
13) Mary swims too slow / slowly. He is always slow / slowly swimmer.
14) The orchestra played softly / soft.
15) The mechanic's tools were well / good. He repaired my car good / well.
16) The construction engineer followed every phase of construction careful / carefully. She was a very careful / carefully
17) I find this movie very interesting/ interestingly. It was interesting / interestingly fictionalized.
18) My doctor told me to take my illness easy/ easily. He stated that it will easy/ easily treated.
19) Have you heard the news? There has been a big earthquake in Ankara recent/ recently.
20) It is too hard/ hardly to express my feelings to you. I can hard/ hardly talk.
21) It is real / really fantastic to dive in such clear / clearly sea.
22) The content of their conversation was high/ highly interesting.
23) My exhusband’s coming to my wedding unexpectedly/unexpectedly took me by surprise.
24) Today you are testifying different/differently from yesterday. Your testify is different/differently from yesterday.
25) I don't want to work for that company. They pay their workers very bad / badly
26) Those apples look nice / nicely . Can I eat one?
27) Don't eat your dinner quick / quickly. It's not good for your health.
28) A: "Where is Jenny?" B: "She was here a minutes ago. But she left sudden /suddenly.
29) There was a sad / sadly film on TV yesterday.
30) Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look safe / safely
31) The teacher looked angry / angrily at the student when he asked that ridiculous question.
32) The students must study their lessons regular / regularly.
33) The children are playing happy / happily in the garden now.
34) Please listen to me quiet / quietly.
35) He has been learning Italian for five years so he speaks Italian fluent / fluently.
36) On that night my friend's money have disappeared mysterious / mysteriously.Everybody find it mysterious /
37) The meal you have cooked tastes delicious / deliciously.

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the words given in the parenthesis. Make
changes if necessary.
1) Did you sleep……………………… last night? (good)
2) Our teacher explains every subject ………………………….. . (clear)
3) Selda talks too…………………….. . I can't understand him. (fast)
4) You might have an accident. You drive……………………... (fast)
5) ...................people take their notes....................(careful).
6) Tarkan sings....................songs, he sings songs............... (beautiful).
7) He wandered ....................... on the streets. (aimless).
8) 'Be.....................!' We always listen to the teacher.......................(quite).
9) John has a......................writing .She writes......................(good).
10) Jack is a......................person, he acted......................... (calm) after the accident.
11) Tony is a..........................boy and he always act......................(gentle).
12) ............................students give answer to the questions...............................(successful)
13) My sister me and this encouraged me. (pretty)
14) They gave all the......................answer. They answered all the questions........................ (correct)
15) Our uncle is a........................driver, he drives..............................(aggressive)
16) Helen is an.........................woman. She wears.............................dresses, (elegant)
17) My town is small and............................I like living in (quite)
18) My wife is kind and generous. She's an............................person, too. (optimistic)
19) The coach trained the trainees....................... Indeed, everything he taught was .........................( wrong )
20) My class is making too much.....................They're talking at the same time ...................... (noise)
21) I and my cousins are...........................We behave........................(crazy)
22) You are ………………… driver. If you drive................................. don't be surprised if you have an accident, (reckless)
23) tourists if you want them to come back to your country, (pleasant)
24) My brother is a poor driver. He can't stop the car......................................(smooth)
25) The......................road to the outlet saves a lot of traveling time, (direct)
26) The staff can watch the show.......................but the others will have to pay. (free)
27) The arrow fell......................of the target, (short)
28) The winner will be announced......................... after the ball, (short)
29) They went.. ..................... to the director and complained about the inconvenience, (direct)
30) That sentence looks................................(incorrect)
31) It's a………………… day today. (terrible)
32) I…………………… disagree with you. (strong)
33) There is a………………………. wind from the north. (strong)
34) She waved………………………. . (cheerful)
35) He was a…………………. man. (horrible)
36) “We're………………. now” said Luke………………………. (safe/happy).
37) How………………………. do you know him? (good)
38) The view was…………………….. magnificent. (true)
39) Everything is proceeding…………………….. (normal)
40) Teddy dresses…………………………. . (neat)


1-Pasta should be cooked in ……………. water. E
A) boil B) that boils
C) that is boiled D) boil
E) boiling
2-The sound of the ……………. water was used as a method of therapy to mental patients in the ancient times. B
A) run B) running
C) that running D) runs
E) which is running
3-All the football players played so ……………. that the referee didn't hesitate to punish fault maker. A
A) aggressively B) aggressive
C) aggression D) agree

4-The workshops offered in Vocational High School are ……………. for business competence training. D
A) compulsion B) compulsive
C) compromise D) compulsory
E) compunction
5-We called a plumber to mend the ……………. bathtub. C
A) leaks B) leaking
C) that leaks D) leak
E) leakage
6-Sude broke her arm but she insists on entering the exam with that ……………. arm. D
A) breaking C) broke
B) breaks D) broken
E) break
7- No matter how ……………. a person is, he can get ill any time. C
A) can be healthy B) healthier than
C) healthy D) much healthily
E) healthily
8-The excursion was so relaxing that we felt ……………. afterwards. D
A) particular B) irritated
C) thorough D) refreshed
E) precise
9-After the destructive earthquake many people had to stay in temporary shelters until their ……………. houses were
reconstructed. A
A) demolished B) demolition
C) demolishing D) demonstrated
E) exaggerated
10- Nuray felt really ……………. when her name was announced as top student of the school. D
A) embarrassing B) embarrass
C) embellished D) embarrassed
E) embezzled
11-I am afraid you are not ……………. enough for this job and in addition, you are far too old. A
A) qualified B) ashamed
C)hesitant D) ignorant
12-The classroom was so ……………. in the exam that one even could manage to hear breathing of the teacher. C
A) impressive B) hurried
C) silent D) humble
E) vacant
13-My mother find bungee jumping very ……………. B
A) thrill B) thrilling
C) thrilled D) thrills
E) thriller
14-My mother would be ……………. if I tidied up my room at the weekend. A
A) surprised B) surprising
C) surplus D) surprises
E) superficial
15-Please listen to me, ignore your classmates ……………. remarks. C
A) reliable B) satisfactory
C)cruel D) defective
16-The big flooding in this area has changed the landscape that is at once …………….. D
A) cautious B) susceptible
C) predictable D) rugged
E) wasteful
17-The old woman was walking …………….fast. A
A) unbelievably B) unutterably
C) unswervingly D) untiringly
E) unwarily
18-The doctors expresses that diets should be ……………. in vitamins and proteins. C
A) bare B) rich
C) impressive D) infancy
E) profitable
19-All the contestants were good but Gizem was ……………. D
A) momentous B) vulnerable
C) deliberate D) magnificent
E) fixed
20-My daughter has been feeling ……………. lately. She has had a lot of unlucky coincidences. C
A) frustration B) frustrating
C) frustrated D) frustrate
E) be frustrated
21- ……………. I want to live in better conditions but I'm not earning a lot of money. A
A) Naturally B) Natural
C) Nature D) Neutrally
E) Naturalized
22-My son was so ……………. that his mind went blank in the exam. E
A) anxiety B) apologetic
C) appalling D) apparent
E) anxious
23-We wish our father's lumbar hernia illness isn't ……………. , an operation might affect him ……………. B
A)seriously / serious B)serious / seriously
C)serial / serious D)sensationally / serious
E)sensitive / seriously
24-I ……………. enjoyed the lecture on archeological sites in Anatolia. E
A) completed B) complete
C) completing D) completes
E) completely
25- Seeing that short and ugly woman with a young and handsome boy was quite ……………. A
A) bewildering B) bewildered
C)bewilder D) bewilderment
26-I was ……………. informed that this man is a criminal wanted by the police . A
A) reliably B) rely
C) reliable D) reliant
E) relied
27-Tom is a ……………. calm man but whenever he meets step family he gets anxious. D
A)basis B)basely
C)basic D)basically
E) base
28-The participants in the meeting were ……………. and ……………. to express their thoughts freely. B
A) excited /worried B) excited /eager
C)mournful / excited D) pure/ excited
E) excited /anxious/
29- My best friend Ayşe behaved ……………. to me so I couldn't understand her attitude. C
A) nicely B) soundly
C)peculiarly D) promisingly
30-Handle the stewpot ……………. as it is full of ……………. soup. E
A)careful / boiled B)care / boiling
C)carefully / boils D)carefully / boil
E)carefully / boiling
31-Sude sang beautifully however she wasn't ……………. attractive to impress the jury. B
A) sufficient B) sufficienced
C)sufficiently D)suffice
32-It is great ……………. for people who devote themselves helping animals in need. B
A) desperate B) admirable
C) faithless D) disordered
E) miserable
33-Nobody likes the people who has such ……………. manners. D
A) quiet B) cool
C) calm D) bad
E) loyal
34-Swearing in class is totally ……………. and will not be tolerated under any circumstances. A
A) unacceptable B) supportable
C) vain D) usual
E) peculiar

35-Most of the people believe that ……………. drivers should be heavily fined. D
A) holy B) innocent
C) creative D) reckless
E) meaningful
36- My grandfather would have found the way ……………. because he had been in this city 20 years ago. E
A) easy B) easiest
C) easiness D) ease
E) easily
37-I'm not very ……………. with Indian traditions. A
A) familiar B) familiarity
C) familiarized D) familiarly
E) familiarization
38-While I was plowing my field, I ……………. found historic coins. B
A) coincidence B) coincidentally
C) coincide D) coincidental
E) coincides


1-There were ……………. people in the conference hall so I could hardly see her. C
A)near too many B)far too much
C)far too many D)too little
E)much few
2- These shoes are ……………. big for me, do you have a smaller size? E
A) little B) some
C) a few too D) far too much
E) a little too
3-I wish I didn't have to drive at rush hour, there is ……………. traffic on Atatürk street. A
A) too much B) far too little
C) too many D) a little too
E) as to
4-I ……………. don't want to meet my ex-husband's new girlfriend, I'm not tolerant ……………. C
A)certain/enough. B)certainly / enough.
C)certain/that enough. D)certainty / enough.
5-The Literature teacher asked ……………. Questions that many students failed. A
A) such difficult B) much difficult
C) difficult enough D) difficult quite
E) little difficult
6-The very old married couple had ……………. furniture, it was really difficult to find a suitable cottage. A
A)so much B) so many
C)so few D) a few
E) quite many
7-The director would appoint my sister as the chairman but the personnel objected to it as she wasn't ……………. A
A)experienced enough B)much experience
C)experiencing enough D)experience
E)little experienced
8-As an interpreter my brother's pronunciation was ……………. different from a native speaker. A
A) quite B) more
C) as D) little
E) many
9-A teacher is ……………. a psychologist ……………. he has to listen to his students' problems. D
A) similar to / more B) similar to / what
C) similarity / in that D) similar to / in that
E)similar / to that
10-My father is good at cooking, he cooks ……………. meals. D
A) such delight B) enough delicious
C) what delicious D) such delicious
E) which delicious
11-I think Judy isn't ……………. to join in and sing with the Group Duman. A
A) talented enough B) enough talented
C) more talented D) much talent
E) few talented
12-You are ................. tense ……………. take a decision about divorce. B
A) much /for B) too/to
C) as / as D) too / with
E) enough/for
13- ……………. Sarah objected to moving to Antalya in my family. E
A) More B) Enough
C) Much D) Few
E) Only
14-The weather wasn't ……………. to go tracking so we stayed at home. A
A) calm enough B) enough calm
C) much calm D) calming enough
E) rather calm
15-As the weather was so frosty, the road was ……………. to drive. A
A)too slippery B)enough slippery
C)as slippery D)slippery enough
E)more slippery
16-They can't possibly have completed the task in ……………. a short period of time. A
A) such B) very
C) too D) so
E) much
17- ……………. we get our term project finished, ……………. time we will have to play at the park. B
A)As / the greater B)The sooner / the more
C)The fastest / the fewest D)So/the longer
E)As soon as / hardly
18-It is generally difficult to find a solution when the question is ……………. E
A)as complex B)as much complex
C)far more complex D)never complex
E)so complex
19-Nowadays,farmers are using ……………. GDO seeds to produce a lot of crops. D
A) a little B) very much
C) too much D) too many
E) a great quantity
20-It is ……………. difficult to estimate who is to blame in ……………. robbery as there is no proof. D
A) that /which B) such/these
C) very / much D) rather / such
E) less / many
21- Although my feelings are very strong, I have never been ……………. to choose the right choice. A
A) lucky enough B) luckier than
C) the luckiest D) as lucky
E) so lucky that
22-The sunrise and sunset was ……………. impressive at Nemrut .................. the tourists take photograph of it. D
A) such / that B) more / than
C) much /as D) so /that
E) too / so
23- My nextdoor neighbor always argue and make ……………. noise that I can't sleep at night. B
A) too much B) so much
C) the more D) so many
E) the most
24-For years, my grandmother had been ……………. ill ……………. We wondered whetter she will heal. E
A) such an / as B) more / than
C) a s / a s D) too /that
E) so /that
25-Atatürk was ……………. leader ……………. his nation never wishes him to die . B
A)as inspired / as B)such an inspiring / that
C)more inspired /than D)the most inspiring / that
E)so inspiring / as
26-Everyone around him are amazed when he wants to be a psychologist because he has never seemed …………….. to care
and understand their feelings. E
A) as sensitive B) so sensitive
C) so sensitive D) the most sensitive
E) such sensitive

27- ……………. mentioned in our advertisement, we will experience …………… an experience beyond what you can imagine.. A
A) As / such a B) Like / that
C) The more / the less D) More / so
E) So / a too
28-He was under ……………. stress at work ……………. he couldn't concentrate on his children. B
A) so much / why B) so much / that
C)so many / that D) that much / so
E)as much/then
29-You don't need ……………. in a village as in a big city. B
A)so many money B)as much money
C)how little money D)what is money
E)that few money

Comparative'ler iki insan, hayvan, nesne ve cansız varlığı karşılaştırırken kullanılır. Bu durumda sıfat kullanılır.

RULE 1- Tek hecelilere : ADJ.+ -ER THAN

Tall – Taller than High – Higher than Long – Longer than Cheap – Cheaper than Few – Fewer than

RULE 2-Tek heceli olup sonu tek sessiz harfle biterse sondaki sessiz harf ikilenir: ADJ.+ -ER THAN
Big – Bigger than Hot – Hotter than Thin – Thinner than Fat – Fatter than

RULE 3- Sonu –y ile biterse: ADJ.+ -İER THAN

Heavy – Heavier than Lazy – Lazier than Easy – Easier than Happy – Happier than Crazy – Crazier than

RULE 4- İki hecelilere: ADJ.+ -ER THAN ve MORE+ ADJ.+THAN ikisini birden alabilenler: -ow, -er ve -le heceleriyle biten
sıfatlar ile, handsome, polite, tired, quiet, pleasant, stupid, cruel, wicked, common
Modern – Moderner than veya more modern than
Clever - Cleverer than veya more clever than
Common - Commoner than veya more common than
Polite – Politer than veya more polite than

MORE+ ADJ.+THAN alanlar:

Boring - more boring than Tragic - more tragic than Famous – more famous than
Honest - more honest than Careful – more careful than Harmful – more harmful than

RULE 5- Üç ve daha fazla hecelilere: MORE+ ADJ.+THAN

Beautiful – more beautiful than Interesting – more interesting than Dangerous – more dangerous than
Comfortable – more comfortable than Exciting – more exciting than Hardworking – more hardworking than


good (iyi) - better (daha iyi) - the best (en iyi)
bad (kötü) - worse (daha kötü) - the worst (en kötü)
much (fazla) - more (daha fazla) - the most (en fazla)
many (fazla) - more (daha fazla) - the most (en fazla)
little (az) - less (daha az) - the least (en az)
Far (uzak) -farther/further ( daha uzak) -the farthest/the furthest (en uzak)

- Sandy is more intelligent than her friends.

- My car is faster than your car.
- Her new dress is more beautiful than her old one.
- English is easier than Turkish.



RULE 1- More and more ve -er and -er kalıbı kullanılarak gittikçe artan veya azalan işler anlatılabilir.
- She is becoming more and more aggressive.
- The weather is getting colder and colder.
- Life is getting more and more difficult.
- The smell became nicer and nicer.

RULE 2-The more … the more … kalıbı iki şeyin birbirini etkilediği durumları, bir şey değiştiğinde, diğer şeyin de değiştiğini
anlatmada kullanılır.
- The more you study, the more you successfull.
- The more you successfull, the more you earn.
- The faster he ran, the more tired he became.
- The sooner, the better.

RULE 3- Daha türünden yani more veya -er ile karşılaştırma yaparken sıfat ve zarflardan önce bazı niteleyici kelimeler de
gelebilir. Bu niteleyici kelimelerin en çok kullanılanları şunlardır:

- This book is more expensive that that one.
- She reads much faster than me.
- He is far better than my brother.
- He was even more surprised when he met her.
- She drives a lot more slower than she used to.

RULE 4- "More" kelimesi her zaman bir sıfatı nitelemez. Bazan bir ismin niceliğinin belirtilmesinde de kullanılabilir.
- More people than ever leave their villages for a major city.

EXERCISE 1-Fill in the blanks with 'comparative' forms of the adjectives;

1) Sonny has written.............................(quick) than Jude.
2) Today the weather is..........................(warm) than yesterday.
3) My sister was................................(tall) than I was.
4) Her house is...................................(large) than mine.
5) Bees are.............................(hardworking) than ants.
6) Tina's hair is...........................(dark) than Sue's.
7) I think backgammon is...............................(interesting) than chess.
8) Tony’s party was.............................(enjoyable) than Jack’s.
9) We both played well, but she was............................. (lucky) than me.
10) Jack Nicholson is..............................(famous) than Anthony Queen
11) Pens are............................(durable) than ballpoint pens.
12) My teacher is.............................(experienced) than my sister’s teacher.
13) Our baby grows.............................(fast) than a baby of her age.

14) Liz’s hair is............................(wavy) than my hair.
15) It's……………………….here than in Kars. (hot)
16) Our daughter is…………………………..than her brother. (imaginative)
17) Do you think Tom is………………..than George? (intelligent)
18) These shoes are ………………………… than the ones on the top shelf. (old-fashioned)
19) The rooms are…………………………… than they used to be.(clean)
20) Do you think Turkish is…………………… than French.(difficult)
21) My mother was…………………….. than I had ever seen her before.(angry)
22) Big cars are……………………. than small ones, (comfortable)
23) The road becomes……………………………after four or five miles.(narrow)
24) I'm sure I'll find İstanbul ……………………than Paris.(exciting)
25) We think Charlie Chaplin is……………………… than Mr Bean, (funny)
26) Mary is……………………….than she used to be. (helpful)
27) I had………………………. time than I needed to finish the job.(little)
28) You seem………………………. you were yesterday, (happy)
29) We need………………………..actors for this film, (young)
30) This system is………………………… the last one we had. (easy)
31) People here are……………………………. they are at home, (polite)
32) The city is………………………… it used to be. (crowded)
33) She was feeling…………………………..she had been earlier.(miserable)
34) Computers are…………………………….nowadays, (complicated)
35) I'm beginning to feel…………………………… about the results.(hopeful)
36) Anıtkabir is ………………. the White Palace(old)
37) The Sun is ………………… the Earth . (big)
38) The North Pole is a bit …………………. The South Pole (cold)
39) Those grapes are a lot …………………….. the others, (sweet)
40) Everest is ……………………… any other mountain in the world, (high)
41) Interest rates are ………………. in Chine………………….. in England (low)
42) The Nile is ………………………….. the Kızılırmak (long)
43) Travelling by plane is ……………………. travelling by bus. (safe)
44) Silver is …………………. gold, (cheap)
45) The sea today is much …………………… it was yesterday, (calm)
46) The Pacific Ocean is …………………….. the Atlantic Ocean, (deep)
47) Judy is ……………………… her cousin. (fat)
48) The acreage of Konya is ……………………….. Kırşehir.(large)
49) My brother is ………………… your brother .(smart)
50) The Avro is ………………… the United States Dollar (strong)
51) Nina is ………………………. she was two years ago. (thin)
52) Today our headmaster seems to be ………………….. he was yesterday, (busy)
53) Living in the country is ………………….. living in the city, (healthy)
54) The weather is Konya is ………………… the weather in Antalya, (dry)
55) Big cities are …………………… small villages, (noisy)
56) I think dogs are ………………. Cats.(friendly)
57) İstanbul is ………………. Ankara .(crowded)
58) Imagination is …………………….. knowledge .(important)
59) Urkish food is …………………… Chinese food.(delicious)
60) Dogs are ………………… cats .(affectionate)
61) The dome of the Blue Mosque is ……………. the dome of St. Sophia, (elegant)
62) This method is …………………… the one you are teaching in class. (effective)
63) Swiss watches are ……………………….. other watches, (reliable)
64) Swimming is ……………………. Jogging.(tiring)
65) Turkish Airways is ………………….. Air France, (profitable)
66) This seems to be a …………………….. robbery the one you are investigating, (mysterious)
67) My cousin Tina’s life style is …………………. mine I think, (extravagant)
68) Frankly speaking, Alice is ……………….Mary. (attractive)
69) Living in crowded city is ……………………. living in a village. (stressful)
70) I find swimming ……………………… most other sports, (relaxing)

EXERCISE 2-Fill in the blanks with 'comparative' forms of the adjectives;

1) My sister eats a lot . She's getting………………. and………………… (fat)
2) When my brother feels ashamed , his face was getting………………and…………………. (red)
3) The weather is slowly getting…………………….and…………………………… (hot)
4) When people growing older they get………………….. and………………………………. all the time, (selfish)
5) My chair was getting…………………..and…………………………… (uncomfortable)
6) The more he waited, the man was getting…………………and………………………… (angry)
7) I need to go to the doctor. This cough is getting…………………. and………………………… (bad)
8) This road is………………………. and………………..the other one. (long/dangerous)
9) I think trains are…………………..and……………………….. cars, (fast/comfortable)
10) She seems to be getting………………….. and…………………………… (thin]

EXERCISE 3-Complete the sentences using the comparative form of the adjectives.
1) My bike is new, but yours is .................................................
2) This house is pretty, but that house is ......................................
3) That girl is lovely, but Carol's daughter is ...................................
4) Mathematics is hard, but Chemistry is .......................................
5) This film is frightening, but that one is .............................
6) A boat is expensive, but a yacht is ………..................................
7) Susan is intelligent, but Mary is …….....................................
8) Ankara is a big city, but Istanbul is ...........................................
9) Today it is cold, but yesterday it was ……........................................
10) My job isn't very interesting. I want to do something......................
11) You're not very tall. Your brother is...............................
12) My chair isn't very comfortable. Yours is.................................
13) Your plan isn't very good but my plan is.............................
14) My bag is very heavy but your bag is.......................... mine
15) I'm not very interested in art. I' history.

EXERCISE 4-Write sentences with comparative form of the adjectives given below.
That book has got 120 pages, but this one only has got 60 pages, (thin) (thick)
1) A cheetah can run99 kph. A cat can run 45 kph. (fast) (slow)
2) Linda weighs 55 kilos. Jill weighs 60 kilos, (light) (heavy)
3) Potatoes are 150.000 TL a kilo. Tomatoes 450.000 TL a kilo, (expensive) ( cheap)
4) Galatasaray won seven matches.Beşiktaş won five matches at UEFA league. (good) (bad)
5) The weather in Antalya is 35 C. The weather in Kars is 20 C. (hot) (cold)
6) Ali is 1.65 cm tall.Mert is 1.85 cm tall. (tall) (short)
7) Spain is 504,880 square km. France is 543,965 square km. (large) (small)
8) I got 57 points in the exam . Eric got 89. (little) (many)
9) My father is 45 years old. Tom’s father is 55 years old. (old) (young)
10) I bought my car last month. He bought his last year, (old) (new)
EXERCISE 5-Write the following sentences using the Comparative forms of “Much” or “Little” without changing the meaning
of the sentence.
Example : My book is more interesting than yours.
Your book is less interesting than mine.
1) Mark was more polite than Tonny. ……………………………………..
2) Our aunt’s car is less comfortable than ours. ……………………………….
3) Alice is more successful than Nancy……………………………………….
4) My cat is less playful than hers……………………………………………………….
5) I am more forgetful than Julia (is)………………………………………………
6) A wolf is less dangerous than a snake………………………………………
7) Travelling by plane is more frighting than travelling by ship ………………………………………..
8) Mary is less obedient than her brother …………………………………..
9) Your classroom is more noisy than theirs…………………………………………..
10) A thunderstorm is less terrible than a hurricane……………………………………….
11) Fishing is more relaxing than golf ………………………………………..
12) A cold is less serious than flu…………………………………………..

39-AS………. AS / SO …….. AS
RULE 1- Olumlu cümlede: Sıfatları kullanarak eşitlik ifade etmek istediğimiz zaman ise AS … AS kalıbını kullanırız.
ÖNEMLİ:Olumlu cümlelerde karşılaştırdığımız isimlerin yerleri değişirse kullandığımız sıfat/zarflarda değişmez, anlamda
Jack is 35 years old. Jane is 35 years old.
Jack is as old as Jane. or Jack is as young as Jane.
Ali is 80 kg. ahmet is 80 kg.
Ali is as heavy as ahmet. or Ali is as light as Ahmet.
This dictionary is as small as a booklet.
Old cars were as comfortable as modern cars.
Bill Clinton is as famous as George Bush.
David is as tall as Henry.
This pony is as fast as that one.

RULE 2- Olumsuz cümlede: Eşitsizlik ifade eder.

ÖNEMLİ:Olumsuz cümlelerde karşılaştırdığımız isimlerin yerleri değişirse kullandığımız sıfat/zarflarda değişmelidir.
Anlamda değişir.

Jack is 45 years old. Jane is 35 years old.
Jack is not as/so young as Jane. or Jane is not as/ so old as Jack.
Ali is 70 kg. Ahmet is 80 kg.
Ali is not as/so heavy as Ahmet. or Ahmet is not as/so light as Ali.
Mount Van is not so high as Mount Everest.
England is not so sunny as Turkey.
A bicycle is not so expensive as a motorbike.
Jane is not so intelligent as Mary.

USE 3- SO/AS + ADJ. + A SINGULAR NOUN + AS: Sıfat tamlamalarında kullanılır ama çok fazla kullanılmaz yada tercih
edilmez.Çoğul isimlerle ve sayılamaz isimlerle kullanılamaz.
My parents want to buy as large a cottage as my grand mother’s.
Have you ever met as kind a girl as her?

SUCH + ADJ. + SINGULAR/PLURAL/UNCOUNTABLE NOUN + AS:Tekil, çoğul, sayılamaz isimlerle kullanılırlar.

Have you ever met such a kind girl as her?
I have never eaten such delicious soup as this.

SO + ADJ./ADV. + AS TO DO: ………. yapacak kadar anlamındadır.
She is a talented runner but she is not so talened as to win the gold madal at World Championship.
He is successful at maths but he is not so successful as to solve this difficult question.

SUCH + ADJ. + NOUN + AS TO DO:………. yapacak kadar anlamındadır.

She is a talented runner but she is not such a talened runner as to win the gold madal at World Championship.
He is successful at maths but he is not such a successful boy as to solve this difficult question.

JUST, NEARLY, ALMOST AS …… AS: Nitelemek için kullanılırlar.

George's younger brother is almost as tall as he is.

1- “AS ... AS”, Arada fark yoksa: miktarları karşılaştırırken de kullanılır.
No one can save as much money as he can.
There are as many exercises as there are in a maths book in this one.

A. Countable nouns: HAVE/ HAS as many friends as he has.

Tom has as few mistakes as Jeremy.
We have as many lessons as they have.
There are as many students in this class as in his class
They have visited the USA as many times as we have.

B. Uncountable nouns: HAVE/ HAS as much milk as he has.

Martha has put on as much make-up as her mother has.
I have as little money as Kevin does. I have as much courage as Bill.
There is as little news in this newspaper as in that one.
There is as little water in this lake as in that one
AS MUCH AS : Eylemin ne kadar yoğunlukta olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılır.
Nobody can love you as much as I do.
My daughter does not like reading as much as I do.
Nobody trusts me as much as they trust her.

HALF, TWICE, … TIMES AS + ADJ. + AS:Karşılaştırdığımız özelliğin kaç katı olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılır.
She works half as much as he does, but she earns twice as much as he does.
Konya is four times as large as Bartın.

USE 4- THE SAME + NOUN + AS:Karşılaştırılan öğelerin aynı olduğunu belirtir.

Ali is as tall as Veli. = Ali is the same hight as Veli.
My hair is as long as yours. = My hair is the same length as yours.
Ayşe is as heavy as Fatma. = Ayşe is the same weight as Fatma.


My weight is the same as my mothers.
Their choice is the same as mine.
His hands shape is the same as his fathers.

THE SAME: Karşılaştırılan iki öğe cümlenin başında özne olarak kullanılırsa AS kullanılmaz.
I finished the test the same time as my friend. = I and my friend finished the test the same time.
She still drives the same car as her father. = She and her father still drive the same car.

USE 5- SIMILAR TO:Benzerlikleri ifade ederiz.

The shape of your dress is similar to my mothers but yours is a little bit longer.
The colour of your eye is similar to your father.

DIFFERENT FROM/ THAN/TO:Farklılıkları ifade ederiz.

The shape of your dress is different from/ than/to my mothers
The colour of your eye is different from/ than/to your father.

SIMILAR TO/DIFFERENT FROM + IN THAT + A SENTENCE: Benzeyen yada farklı olan bir noktayı belirtmek için kullanırız.

My training is similar to yours in that we search the same subject.
My thoughts about life is different from/ than/to your in that I am much more open-minded.

RULE 6-"As" yapısı birden fazla anlam için kullanılabilir. Farklı anlamları anlayabilmek için parantez içinde verilen tercüme
bölüme bakılması gerekmektedir.
- She can’t sing as well as me.
- She is intelligent as well as hardworking.
- I won’t work as long as I live.
- I’ll come in as soon as five minutes.
- As soon as she saw him, she fainted.
- I went as far as Kars.
- As far as I know, she is a teacher.


LIKE: GİBİ anlamına gelen preposition’dur. Aslında “similar to, for example, the same as” anlamlarını içerir.


He behaves very badly, like a devil.
Be honest like your mother.
This bread is very unsavory. Eating this bread is like eating straw.
I want to be a person like my father.


I heard a strange noise and ıt sounds like a gun shooting.
While I was walking on the street, I heard a voice. It sounds like a bomp exploding.

Be polite as your mother taught.
My daughter wants to be a doctor as i am/ like me.
Try to sing as I do/ like this.


AS I SAID/TOLD BEFORE: Daha önce söylediğim gibi
She kept our secret as she was told.
AS WE STATED BEFORE: Daha önce belirttiğimiz gibi
You must obey the rules as we stated before.
AS (IS) KNOWN:Bilindiği gibi
As known platic materials cause environmental pollution.
AS (WAS) EXPECTED:Beklenildiği gibi
She win the university exam as we expected.
AS ( WAS) MENTIONED BEFORE:Daha önce değinildiği gibi
A big earthquake will destroy half of İstanbul as mentioned before.
AS (HAS BEEN) ILLUSTRATED ABOVE:Yukarıdaki örnekte görüldüğü gibi
AS: ….. OLARAK: benzetme değil, gerçek durumu yansitir.
My brother works as a doctor at a big hospital.
I have excepted you as my real friend.

USE 1-
Like your mother, I want you to be honest.( annen gibi başarılı olmanı istiyorum)
AS your mother, I want you to be honest.( Annen olarak başarılı olmanı istiyorum)
SUCH AS : For example (örnek olarak) anlamında kullanılır. Genel bir ifadeyi örneklemek için kullanılır.


I like to buy jewelaries such as rings, bracelets and earrings.= I like to buy such jewelaries as rings, bracelets and earrings.
Some students such as Jack, John and Jim, are still entering my class late.
Such students as Jack, John and Jim, are still entering my class late.

EXERCISE 1- Combine the following pairs of sentences using the following “Comparative Structure”.
Example : Julia is very beautiful. Linda is very beautiful, too.
Julia is as beautiful as Linda (is) .
1) Jane has a lot of (many) cows in her farm. Mary has a lot of (many) cows, too.
2) The suitcase is very heavy. The box is very heavy, too.
3) Mary is very thin. Nancy is very thin, too.
4) Angelina is very beautiful. Judy is very beautiful, too.
5) Maria is very tall. Sandy is very tall, too.
6) John is very young. James is very young, too.
7) Jim is very poor. Rose is very poor, too.
8) This problem is very difficult. That problem is very difficult, too.
9) Horror films are very thrilling. Science fiction films are very thrilling, too.
10) My brother is very cheerful. My sister is very cheerful, too.
11) My parents are very rich. My uncle is very rich, too.
12) Dogs are very friendly. Cats are very friendly, too.
13) My mother has a lot of (many) books. I have a lot of (many) books, too.
14) Henry has a lot of (much)soup in her plate. Sue has a lot of (much)soup in her plate, too.
15) My sister is good at history. My brother is good at history, too.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite the following sentences with (not);

1) Nancy is very friendly. We all love her, but Mary is not very friendly.
2) Alfa Romeo is very fast but Ferrari is faster.
3) Pınar Aylin is famous but Ajda Pekkan is more famous.
4) My old cottage was smaller than my new cottage .
5) Today is colder than yesterday.
6) Jim and Liz are both 25 years old.
7) Çeşme is more popular than Bodrum among the famous people.
8) İstanbul is more crowded than İzmir.
9) Crows are more intelligent than cats.
10) Tomy is shorter than Tim.

EXERCISE 3-Fill in the blanks with 'as ... as' and suitable adjectives;
Example: Look at her! She's already as silly as a goose
1) When will dinner be ready? We are …………………………………………………………………………(hungry/bear)
2) If my sister doesn't stop eating so much, she is going to get …………………………………….(fat/pig)

3) My daughter is …………………………………………………………….... without her glasses on. (blind/bat)
4) John promises he won't say a word. He'll be ……………………………………………… (dumb/stone)
5) Did Muhammed lift that heavy box? He must be.............................................(strong/Naim Süleymanoğlu)
6) It's a lovely summer day. My sisters and I feel....................................................(free/bird)
7) Does your sister feel all right? She looks ..........................................................(white/lime)
8) Sally had lost a lot of weight when she was ill. She was......................................(light/feather)
9) In the mornings, the surface of the sea is...........................................................(flat/sheet)
10) My mother works very faster. She is working.......................................................(busy/bee)
11) This knife is.......................................................................................................(sharp/sword)
12) I sometimes get afraid of her because she's....................................................(cunning/fox)

EXERCISE 5-Combine the following pairs of sentences using the following “Comparative Structure”.
Example : Rose speaks German very well. Kate speaks German very well, too. Rose speaks German as well as Kate (does) .
Kate ran very fast. Melissa ran very fast, too. Melissa ran as fast as Kate (did)

1) Mark speaks Italian very fluently. Sam speaks Italian very fluently, too.
2) Henry works very hard. Tinaworks very hard, too.
3) My friend Alice cooks very badly. I cook very badly, too.
4) Tim wakes very late on sundays, Jim wakes very late on sundays too.
5) Mark goes to work very early. Clark goes to work very early, too.
6) Pam reads and writes very slowly. Penny reads and writes very slowly, too.
7) The bride danced very gracefully. Groom danced very gracefully, too.
8) Jack runs very fast. Hilda runs very fast, too.
9) I sing very beautifully. Sally sings very beautifully, too.
10) Sue drinks coke a lot (much). Sam drinks coke a lot (much), too.
11) My son drives very carelessly. Their son drives very carelessly, too.
12) My brother drives very carefully. Their brother drives very carefully, too.
13) Our father expressed his opinion clearly. Your father expressed her opinion clearly, too.

EXERCISE 6-Combine the following pairs of sentences using the “Structure” below.
Example : The red book is thick. The green book is very thick. (ADJECTIVE)
The red book is not as thick as the green one.
The red book is not so thick as the green one.

Mary sings beautifully. Helen sings very beautifully. (ADVERB)

Mary does not sing as beautifully as Helen (does).
Mary does not sing so beautifully as Helen (does).

1) İstanbul is famous. Nevşehir is very famous.

2) Ankara is crowded. Istanbul is very crowded.
3) Russia is powerful. China is very powerful.
4) My grandfather is old. My grandmother is veryold.

5) Mert is lazy. Zeynep is very lazy.
6) A yacht is expensive. A plane is very expensive.
7) A dog is intelligent. A monkey is very intelligent.
8) My son Tom is hardworking. My daughter Tina is very hardworking.
9) The fifth question was difficult. The nineth question was very difficult.
10) The girl in red dress plays the violin excellently. Our sister plays the violin very excelllently.
11) My father teaches the lesson clearly. Their teacher teaches the lesson very clearly.
12) The students in class 9/A did well in the exam. The students in class 9/B did very well in the exam.

EXERCISE 7-Combine the following pairs of sentences using structures below and the “Nouns” in brackets.
Example : My book is red. His book is red. (colour)
My book is the same colour as his book.
His book is the same colour as mine (my book).

1) The red dress costs twenty dollars. The blue coat costs twenty dollars, (price)
2) My grandfather is sixty years old. My grandmother is sixty years old. (age)
3) My daughter plays the piano. My son plays the piano, (musical instrument)
4) His son has chickenpox. Our daughter has chickenpox , (disease)
5) Mark is studying Russian. Judy is studying Russian, (language)
6) Russia has a cold climate. Mongolia has a cold climate, (climate)
7) My garandfather is fond of rocking chair. Your grandfather is fond of rocking chair, (furniture)
8) My father arrived home at seven o’clock. My brother arrived home at seven o’clock, (time)
9) Turkish people like Döner. German people like Döner, (kind of food)
10) My close friend had a hundred Turkish Liras. I had a hundred Turkish Liras, (amount of money)
11) Henry has two children. Terry has two children, (number of children)
12) I am seven feet tall. My mother is seven feet tall, (height)
13) My family and I live in Antalya. My aunt lives in Antalya, (city)

EXERCISE 8-Rewrite the following sentences using the “Comparative Structure” below.
Example : If you eat more, you get fatter.
The more you eat, the fatter you get.
If you eat more, you will get fatter.
The more you eat, the fatter you will get.

1) If it becomes colder, you want to work less.

2) If Ihad more free time, I felt more relaxed.
3) If you felt tireder, you walk more slowly.
4) If he eats junky foods, he becomes unhealty.
5) If Jane gets richer, she becomes more selfish.
6) If he reads more, he becomes more aware of his ignorance
7) If I work harder, I will succeed better.
8) If you climb higher, you can see more.
9) If he gets older, he becomes more intolerant.
10) If you read more carefully, you will understand better.
11) If he lies more, they will become more frustrated.
12) If your children grow older, they will become more mature.

EXERCISE 9- Rewrite the following sentences using "as much / many" or "not so much / many"
1) Mark earns $1000 a month. Katy earns $1500 a month. Jim earns $1500 a month.
Mark..............................................................................................................Katy and Jim.
2) Cenk has two children. Fatih has four children. Cem has six children.
Cem....................................................................................................Fatih and Cenk together.
3) Jenny spends SI000 a month. Tom makes $ 1500 a month.
4) Sally has bought 3 books. Jim has bought 3 books. Jim's mother has bought 2 bookss.
Jim's mother.............................................................................................Jim or Sally.
5) Tim has drunk two cups of coffee. Tom has drunk three cups of coffee. Tony has drunk five cups of coffee.
Tony....................................................................................................................Tom and Tim together.

EXERCISE 10-Complete the following sentences with “THE”, “THE SAME” or “AS ... AS”.
1) Tom Cruise is ……………….. handsome ………………… Mel Gibson.
2) Antalya is not …………………….. beautiful …………………. Istanbul.
3) You are losing weight but you are eating ………………………… you usually do.
4) Debbie went to ………………………… school as Ann did.
5) I don’t read ………………………. quickly ………………………….. he does.
6) I wear ………………………… perfume as my mother does.
7) …………………… older you grow,……………………… more intolerant you become, father!
8) The women in this factory work under …………………………. conditions as me.
9) There weren’t ………………………. many people at this meeting …………………… the last one.
10) My exam results are nearly …………………………. as yours; that’s a real coincidence.
11) The leather coat is half ………………….. expensive …………………….. the fur one.
12) ………………… more he studied, ………………….. easier for him to solve the maths problems.
13) Your name is……………………… as my uncle’s.


Superlative'ler üç ve daha fazla insan, hayvan, nesne ve cansız varlığı karşılaştırırken kullanılır. Bu durumda sıfat kullanılır.
Superlative yapı, Türkçe’deki "en" ifadesinin karşılığıdır.

RULE 1- Tek hecelilere : The ADJ.+ -EST + NOUN

Tall – The Tallest High – The Highest Long – The Longest Cheap – The Cheapest Few – The Fewest
RULE 2-Tek heceli olup sonu tek sessiz harfle biterse sondaki sessiz harf ikilenir: THE ADJ.+ -EST + NOUN
Big – The Biggest Hot – The Hottest Thin – The Thinnest Fat – The Fattest

RULE 3- Sonu –Y ile biterse: The ADJ.+ -İEST + NOUN

Heavy – The Heaviest Lazy – The Laziest Easy – The Easiest Happy – The Happiest Crazy – The Craziest

RULE 4- İki hecelilere: The ADJ.+ -EST + NOUN ve THE MOST+ ADJ. + NOUN ikisini birden alabilenler: -ow, -er ve -
le heceleriyle biten sıfatlar ile, handsome, polite, tired, quiet, pleasant, stupid, cruel, wicked, common
Modern – The modernest veya The most modern
Clever – The cleverest veya The most clever
Common – The commonest veya The most common
Polite –The politest veya The most polite

THE MOST+ ADJ. + NOUN alanlar:

Boring – The most boring Tragic – The most tragic Famous – The most famous
Honest – The most honest Careful – The most careful Harmful –The most harmful

RULE 5- Üç ve daha fazla hecelilere: THE MOST+ ADJ. + NOUN

Beautiful – The most beautiful Interesting – The most interesting Dangerous – The most dangerous
Comfortable – The most comfortable Exciting – The most exciting Hardworking – The most hardworking


good (iyi) - better (daha iyi) - the best (en iyi)
bad (kötü) - worse (daha kötü) - the worst (en kötü)
much (fazla) - more (daha fazla) - the most (en fazla)
many (fazla) - more (daha fazla) - the most (en fazla)
little (az) - less (daha az) - the least (en az)
Far (uzak) -farther/further ( daha uzak) -the farthest/the furthest (en uzak)

“En” türünden olan kıyaslamalarda sıfattan önce the veya my, his türünden belirleyiciler getirilmelidir.
- She is my best friend.
- We are the best team in the city.
- He is the richest man in this city.
- That woman is the tallest woman I have ever seen.
- This is the cheapest shoe in my shop.
- Ferrari is the fastest car in the world.
- My sister is the most hardworking girl in her school.
- In my class the prettiest girl is Ayşe.
The poor woman has the hollowest / the most hollow cheeks I’ve ever seen.
John is the gentlest / most gentle person in my family.


EXERCISE 1-Complete the following sentences with the Superlative forms of “Adjectives” in brackets.
1) History is one of ………………… subjects at school, (interesting)
2) Asia is ………………….. of the seven continents in the world. (big)
3) Australia is …………………… of the seven continents (large)
4) Hiton is ………………… hotel in Ankara, (expensive)
5) English is …………….. language ………………….. in the world, (popular)
6) Mont Blanc is ………………. mountain in Europe, (high)
7) Mardin ……………………. city I stayed in Turkey, (lovely)
8) The elephant is the animal that has ……………………… term memory, (long)
9) The Sahara is …………………. Desert in the world, (large)
10) James is ……………………. Person I have ever met, (honest)
11) The giraffe is ………………… of all animals, (tall)
12) July and August are ………………………. months of the year in Turkey, (hot)
13) Sally was ……………………… girl in our school, (pretty)
14) December and January are ………………….. months of the year, (cold)
15) I think I am ……………………. woman because I have won a lot of money from the lottery, (happy)
16) The committee asked me …………………….. questions at the oral interview, (difficult)
17) Sony is ……………………. of the five children, (small)
18) I think, George Collinelly is ……………………… actor in the world, (handsome)
19) Kittens are …………………….. animals in the world, (cute)
20) The Hilton hotel was ………………….. hotel in Istanbul, (luxurious)
21) My mother bought one of ………………….. flat in the city, (cheap)
22) I think Angelina Jolie is one of ………………….. actress in the world, (charming)
23) I think bungee jumping is ……………………… sports of all. (dangerous)
24) Sude is …………………….. student in our class, (intelligent)
25) The Beatles were perhaps …………………………. group of the 1960’s, (well-known)
26) Istanbul is ………………………….. city in Turkey, (crowded)
27) Newşehir is probably ……………………… city I have ever visited, (spectacular)
28) Pollution is ……………………… problem in most countries in the world, (serious)
29) Unemployment is …………………….. problem in Turkey, (important)
30) This is ………………….. ice-cream I have ever eaten, (delicious)

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences with the Superlative forms of “Adjectives”
1) My uncle’s car is very expensive. It our family.
2) It is a very hot month. It is.............................................of the year.
3) Jonny is very smart. He' the class.
4) Lizzy is a very lovely girl. She is .............................................of my life.
5) John is a very handsome boy. He's our school.
6) Nicolas Cage is a great actor. He in Turkey.
7) Tom is a very hardworking student. He' the class.
8) Ferrari is a very fast car. It the race.
9) Mark is a polite man. He the office.
10) Jane is a very sensible girl. She is............................................... among my friends.

EXERCISE 3- Answer the questions;

1) What is the longest river in the world? ………………………………………………………………. (The Nile)
2) What is the largest continent in the world? ………………………………………………………………. ( Asia)
3) Which is the biggest city in England? ………………………………………………………………………. (London)
4) Which’s the most difficult languages to learn? ………………………………………………………………. (Chinese)
5) What is the highest mountain in the world?.................................................................... (Mount Blanch)
6) What city in Turkey has the most crime? ………………………………………………………………. (İstanbul)
7) Which is the highest mountain in Turkey? ………………………………………………………………. (Mount Agn)
8) Who is the most known singer in Turkey? ………………………………………………………………. (Tarkan)
9) Who is the richest person in the world? ………………………………………………………………. (Bill Gates)
10) Who is the best football player in the world? ………………………………………………………………. (Pele)
11) What is the shortest month? ………………………………………………………………………………………. ( February )s
12) What is the coldest month of the year? ………………………………………………………………. (December)
13) When is the hottest month of the month? ………………………………………………………………. (July)
14) Who is the funniest person in Turkey? ………………………………………………………………. (Cem Yılmaz)
15) What is the most crowded city in Turkey? ………………………………………………………………. (Istanbul)
16) What is the largest lake in Turkey? ………………………………………………………………. (Lake Van)
17) Which is the longest river in Turkey? ………………………………………………………………. (The Kızılırmak)
18) Which planet is the furthest to the world? ………………………………………………………………. (Pluto)
19) Which is the most crowded country in the world? ………………………………………………………………. (China)
20) Which is the smallest country in the world? ………………………………………………………………. (Monaco)
21) Which is the coldest place in the world? ………………………………………………………………. (Antarctica)
22) What is the sunniest city in your country? ………………………………………………………………. (Adana)
23) What is the most famous painting? ………………………………………………………………. (Mona Lisa)
24) What is the best film you have ever watched? ……………………………………………………………….
25) Who is your best friend? ……………………………………………………………….
26) What is the most boring film you have ever seen? ……………………………………………………………….
27) Which is more expensive, a Mercedes or a Rolls Royce? ……………………………………………………………….
28) Which is more comfortable, a train or a plane? ……………………………………………………………….
29) Which is more intelligent, a horse or a monkey? ……………………………………………………………….
30) Which is longer, the Mississippi or the Amazon? ……………………………………………………………….

Complete the following sentences with the proper degrees of the “Adjectives” in brackets.
Example :a. English cheese is good. (Positive)
French cheese is better than English cheese.(Comparative)
Turkish cheese is the best of the three. (Superlative)

1-a. Cem’s French pronunciation is ………………………… (bad)

Mehmet’s French pronunciation is ……………………. Cem’s.
Ali’s French pronunciation is ……………………. of the three.
2-a. Fatma has …………………. colourful pens, (many)
b.Nuray has ……………………. colourful pens Fatma(has).
c.Sonay has ………………… colourful pens of the three.
3-a. Sam has …………………… money, (much)
b.Mark has …………………… money Sam (has).
c.Patric has …………………. money of the three.
4-a. Timdrinks …………………… wine, (little)
b.Tom drinks ………………………… wine Tim(does).
c.Tony drinks ………………………. Wine of the three.
5-a. Eskişehir is …………………………. from İstanbul, (far)
b.Ankara is ………………………… Eskişehir from İstanbul.
c.Erzurum is ……………………. of the three.
6-a. Jack’s Maths is …………………….. (good)
b.Nora’s maths is …………………………. Jack.
c.Betty’s maths is ………………………… of the three.
7-a. Helen feels ……………………… (well)

b.Sue is ……………………….. Helen.
c.Nancy is ………………………. of the three.
8-a. Mick has ………………….. eyes,(bad)
b.Sam has ……………………………. eyes Mick(has).
c.Danny has ……………………….. eyes of the three.
9-a.Rob’s essay is ……………………….. (good)
b.Roger’s essay is …………………………..Rob’s essay.
c.Allan’s essay is ……………………… of the three.
10-a. Ayşe has ………………….,books, (a few)
b.Lale has ……………………. books Ayşe (has).
c.Müge has ………………… books of the three.

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences with the proper degrees of the “Adjectives” in brackets.
1) English is..................................... Spanish, (easy)
2) We prefer English to Russian because it's................................(easy).
3) This exercise is.....................................................the last one. (difficult)
4) This exam is………………………. of all. (difficult)
5) The……………………… thing you can do near a fierce animal is to run. (bad)
6) I feel………………….. than yesterday. I need a rest. (bad)
7) Blue whales are............................... animals in the world. (heavy)
8) An elephant is…………………………… (heavy)abear.
9) Micheal Jordan is............................ basketball player in the world. (good)
10) Can you tell me about your............................. memory? (bad)
11) A car is………………………….. a bicycle. (expensive)
12) I earn ………………………. money than you but I don't mind. (little)
13) A plane is……………………….. a car. (fast)
14) Traveling by plane is.............................traveling by bus. (fast)
15) John is................................ person on the basketball team, (tall)
16) My brother is...........................(tall) than me.
17) What is.........................................river in Asia? (long)
18) I waited…………………….. than I expected. (long)
19) Do you earn................................ your brother? (much)
20) Are there...............................................people there than here? (many)
21) Kars is......................................from İstanbul than Ankara, (far)
22) Chinese is…………………….. language in the world. (difficult)
23) He looks............................. he is seen. (old)
24) Jupiter is.........................planet in the solar system, (big)
25) Mercury is...........................planet in the solar system, (small)
26) Sue’s coat is ........................................mine, (nice)
27) This piece of wood is........................................... those two. (thick)
28) This song is.............................. the song we listened five minutes ago. (slow)
29) Did you of Keanu Reeves? (late)
30) ................................................way to get to the airport is by car. (short)
31) A tank is.........................................a truck, (strong)
32) My father is.......................................than Alice’s husband, (polite)
33) Terry is ........................................ student in my class, (smart)
34) Today is……………………… than yesterday. (dark)
35) My wife is……………………. than me. (young)
36) It's the……………………… swimming pool I have ever seen. (deep)
37) Her daughter is…………………… her mother. (fat)
38) Tokyo is…………………………… city in the world. (large)
39) Spain is………………………. than England. (big)
40) Winter is…………………………than autumn. (cold)
41) The……………………………. dessert of all is the Shara and it's in Africa. (hot)
42) This crocodile is........................... animal in zoo. (wild)
43) Tokyo is................................. city in the world, (crowded)
44) The last one I rented was ………………………. this one. (comfortable)
45) James is ........................................................... Maria, (intelligent)
46) Knowledge is................................... imagination, (important)
47) İstanbul is................................................... city in Turkey, (populated)
48) Ankamall is one of................................................ department stores, (well-known)
49) John in the group, (cunning)
50) “Lord of the Rings”is..................................................than “Harry Potter”. (adventurous)
51) This flat .............................................than that one? (expensive)
52) Tea is usually........................... than coffee in Turkey. (cheap)
53) My aunt’s car is ...................................................... Mr. Brown's, (luxurious)
54) Is Azra Akın ............................................Jennifer Lopez? (charming)
55) That picture is this one. (similar)
56) “Tom and Jerry” is..............................than “Twitty”. (funny)
57) İstanbul is much..................................................than any other city in Turkey, (crowded)
58) John's sister is.................................. the tall dark haired girl, (pretty)
59) George Coloney is the……………………… actor I have ever met. (famous)
60) Our son is…………………… in the neighbourhood. (lazy)
61) She's the…………………….. girl in my family. She has never broken anything. (careful)
62) Who is…………………………., Madonna or Sophia Loren ? (beautiful)
63) Jack is the……………………… person I know. He wears his hat even in class. (extravagant)
64) Living in city is……………………………… than living in a village. (expensive)
65) Mary is the……………………… person I know. She learns everything immediately. (clever)
66) Old people are………………………. than young people. (intelligent)
67) I think you must tell me……………………….. way to do it, or it will take me ages to finish. (good)
68) The weather in Konya is ………………………. the weather in Antalya. (dry)
69) The Toyota is ……………………………………… car in the world. (economical)
70) London Heathrow Airport is ……………………………. Tokyo Airport, (busy)
71) What is ………………………. restaurant in Istanbul? (fashionable)
72) Natural food is ……………………….. fast food, (healthy)
73) Chinese food is ………………………. food in the world, (healthy)
74) For some people health is ………………………. money, (important)
75) He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks ……………………….. today (happy)
76) Who is……………………………… person in family? (talkative)
77) A Bosch is............................ than a Vestel. (expensive)
78) Who is........................... footballer in your school team"?(good)
79) The film was.............................(thrilling) than its book.
80) I am................................ than Michael but Tonny is.............................of all. (short)
81) Victoria is beautiful but Belinda is.............................. than Victoria. (beautiful)
82) I did...........................than George in the exam but Elisa did..................................class, (good)
83) It's very cold in Bolu in winter, but it's not.............................than Ağrı.
84) My coat is.........................................(new) than her coat
85) A: Where shall we sit? B: Let's sit here. It's.........................(bright) here.
86) A: Are you happy? B: I'll be..............................(happy) boy in the world when I pass my exam.
87) A: Were the student excited before the exam? B: Yes, but Henry was..........................(excited) student in class.
88) A: How is your father today? B: He's................................(good) than yesterday he was.
89) A: Who is old? My grandfather or grandmother. B: Your grandfather is............................(old) grandmother. He's
92 but she 's 87
90) A: What's........................point to south in the world? (far) B: The south Pole is …………………………
91) A: The weather is getting.............................(bad) B: Yes. It was yesterday.
92) A: Did you pronounce his name clearly? B: Sure. It's........................ name in Canada.(popular)
93) A giraffe........................than an elephant? B: No, an elephant is much..........................than giraffe. (heavy)
94) December is colder ………………….. November, ………………… but January is ……………….. of all. (cold)

USE 1- Genel olarak, zarfların comparative and superlative hali sıfatlarla aynıdır:
Early Earlier The Earliest
Hard Harder The Hardest
Late Later The Latest
Fast Faster The Fastest
-Jane works harder than her brother.
-Everyone in the race ran fast, but Tim ran the fastest of all.

USE 2- – LY ile biten zarflarda , comparative’ ler için MORE

superlative’ler için MOST / LEAST
Politely More politely Most politely
Slowly More slowly Most slowly
Seriously More seriously Most seriously
-My father spoke more slowly to help us to understand.
-Could you listen to the music more quietly, please?


Well Better Best
Badly Worse Worst
Far Farther/ Further Farthest/ Furthest
Little Less Least
A lot/Much/Many More The Most
He did better in this exam than in the last one.

Jane drives a lot more carefully than her father.
Jeremy understands the lesson a bit faster than his brother.
EXERCISE 1-Complete the sentences with suitable comparative or superlative forms of adverbs in brackets.
1) Mary is a tolerant student. She works.............................................. with the others, (diligently)
2) Would you listen the music.................................................., please? I am trying to sleep, (quietly)
3) Of all the officers in theoffice, Jack works...........................................................(efficiently)
4) Do you think women drive.............................................. men? (slowly)
5) Sally runs ............................................................................anyone else in then eighborhood, (fast)
6) They all dance well, but Jenny dances...................................................................................(well)
7) The teacher gave verbal grade .....................................students had expected, (generously)
8) They all speak English ............................, but Paul speaks.......................of them all. (badly)
9) My mother chose the food to my wedding ............................................ she normally does. (carefully)
10) Sandy dances......................................................................than her boyfriend does, (gracefully)
11) My mother sleeps ...............................................................anyone else in the house, (early)
12) All the nurses in the hospital treated the patient politely, but Sue treated........................ of all. (politely)
13) Pam was shouting.....................................................................................anyone else at the match, (loudly)
14) Mary sings..................................................................................among her friends, (beautifully)
15) An industrious and persistand student studies ……………………… a lazy student, (hard)
16) I play the piano ……………………………. my sister does, (badly)
17) I can solve literature questions …………………….. maths questions, (easily)

18) My grandmother drives car ………………….. anyone else that I have ever seen, (carefully)
19) My mother sings …………………… of anyone in our family, (beautifully)
20) He is ……………………. dancer of them all. (good)
21) George is a serious man and behaves …………………… all of us. (seriously)
22) One of the dogs behaves ……………………….. to the others, (aggressively)
23) Sue smoked …………………….. after the acupuncture treatment, (little)

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences with the proper degrees of the “Adverbs” in brackets.
Example : a. Kate speaks Spanish well. (Positive)
b.Gilda speaks Spanish better than Kate (does). (Comparative)
c.Lora speaks Spanish the best of the three. (Superlative)
1-a. Mark works ……………………. (little)
b.Carl works ……………………. Mark (does).
c.Tom works …………………………. of the three.
2-a. Sandy sleeps …………………….. a lot. (much)
b.Sue sleeps ………………………. Sandy (does).
c.Pam sleeps ……………………….. of the three.
3-a. Gary plays basketball …………………….. (well)
b.George plays basketball …………………….. Gary(does).
c.Terry plays basketball …………………….. of the three.
4-a. Nancy sings Turkish songs ……………………….. (badly)
b. Katren sings Turkish songs …………………………. Nancy (does).
c.Lucy sings Turkish songs ………………………. Of the three.
5-a. Fatma studied ………………………. (hard)
b.Nuray worked …………………………. Fatma(did).
c.Sonay worked ………………………… of the three.
6-a. Ezgi gets up ……………………………. (late)
b.Hilal gets up ………………………. Ezgi(does).
c.Hazel gets up …………………………… of the three.
7-a. Jack swam………………………. (fast)
b.John swam………………………. Jack (did).
c.Jim swam…………………………. of the three.
8-a. Sue sleeps……………………………. in the evening, (early)
b.Rose sleeps …………………………… Sue in the evening.
c.Nancy sleeps …………………………. of the three in the evening.
9-a. Zeynep talks ……………………… ( friendly)
b.Deniz talks ………………………..Zeynep (does).
c.Derya talks ………………………… of the three.
10-a. Rose smiles……………………….., (pleasantly)
b.Mary smiles ………………………. Rose (has).
c.Helen smiles …………………………. of the three.
11- a. Mark behaves …………………………………, (stupidly)
b.Tim behaves ………………………..Tom (does).
c.Tony behaves ………………………… of the three.
12- a. Helen goes to the cinema …………………………..,(often)
b.Helen goes to the cinema …………………………….. Nancy.
c. Helga goes to the cinema …………………………. of the three.

EXERCISE 3-Complete the following sentences with the different quantities of “Nouns” using the “Words” in brackets.
Examples : a. Pamela has a lot of (much) time. (Positive)
b.Susan is more time than Pamela (has). (Comparative)

c.Alice has the most time of the three. (Superlative)

a.Matilda has few friends.

b.Mary has fewer friends than Matilda (has)
c.Janet has the fewest friends of the three.

1-a. Helen has…………………………. children, (many)

b.Sally has ………………………… children …………………. Helen (has).
c.Sandy has ……………………. children of the three.
2-a. James has ………………………… money, (little)
b.Tony has …………………………. Money ………………….. James(has).
c.John has ………………………. money of the three.
3-a. Gül has ……………………….. imagination, (little)
b.Neşe has …………………… imagination ……………………….. Gül (has).
c.Ayşe has ……………….. imagination of the three.
4-a. There was …………………… traffic jam in İzmir, (much)
b.There was ………………………….. traffic jam in İzmir……………………. there was five years ago.
5-a. There were …………………………. educational programs, (few)
b.There are …………………………. educational programmes ……………………….. there were two years ago.
c.We have got ……………………………. educational programmes this year.
6-a. Mark has ………………………… books, (few)
b.Rose has …………………………. books ……………………………. Mark (has).
c.Nile has ……………………………. books of the three.
7-a. Hilalhas ……………………………. patience, (much)
b.Hazel has …………………………. Patience …………………………… Hilal(has).
c.Ezgi has ……………………………….. patience of the three.


1-The pressure that exists at sea level is ……………. that of the top of the mountain. B
A)as much as greater than B)greater than
C)so greater as D)the greatest
E) so greater as
2-İstanbul is accepted as one of ……………. touristic cities all over the world. C
A)more attractive B)such attracted
C)the most attractive D)too attractive
E)so attracted
3-Students with a fighting spirit seem to have a …………. chance of winning the university exam. B
A) much B) better
C) good D) best
E) well
4-The route to the airport was……………. for me ……………. it looked on the map. E
A)as confused / as B)the most confusing / that
C)confused enough/for D)so confusing / that
E)more confusing / than
5- ……………. you begin to iron the clothes ……………. you will be. B
A)So early / as relaxed B)The earlier / the more relaxed
C)Early enough / very relaxed D)As early as / so relaxed
E)The earliest / most relaxed
6- Most of us don't make good translations of even …………….books. E
A)as simply B)simpler than
C)such as simple D)so simple as
E)the simplest
7- “Science and technology” has ……………. circulation of any monthly magazine. A
A) the largest B)large
C)larger D) more than
8-Scientists believe observation is ………………. effective source of scientific instruments . E
A) such as B) the least
C) less D) little
E) the most
9-The more money someone invest to bank …………….his income rises. B
A)as great as C)the greater

B)so greater than D)the greatest
E)the most great
10- According to the statistics, ……………. Traffic accidents have happened this year than last year in Ankara. B
A) as much as B) fewer
C) all D) less than
E) much
11- ……………. you begin studying ……………. will be your chances of success at the exam. B
A)The soon / the greater B)The sooner / the greater
C)The sooner / the great D)The better / the shorter
E)The soon / the great
12-We have expected our father to act tolerantly, but his behaviour on this issue was intolerant ……………. than usual. E
A) ever so B) the much
C) the more D) the most
E) even more
13-The bodies of men contain ……………. proportion of muscle tissue than women of the same age. E
A)so more as B)much
C)such more D)most
14- The people who came to our school from Russia speak English ............. fluently ……………. we expected. A
A) more/than B) the most / for
C) such / that D) too / that
E) so / as
15-It is known by everyone that ……………. you smoke, ……………. chance you have of living to an old age. E
A)as much / little B) such / far less
C)so much / as little D) the most / the least
E) the more / the less
16- These shoes are ……………. small for me. Do you have them in ……………. sizes? C
A) so / such large B) as / too large
C) too / larger D) more / the largest
E) much / so large
17-……………. you eat junky food ………………… healty you will be. D
A) as/less B) like/least
C) such/the least D) the more/the least
E) rather/least
18-Countries without trust and peace tend to get ……………. visitors ……………. those where tourists feel secure. D
A)so few / than B) too few / that
C)such a few / as D) fewer / than
E) the fewest / as
19-As it was supposed to be one of……………. seller book of the year, I found it ……………. to sit and read till the end. C
A)so good / as boring B)better / the most bored
C)the best/too boring D)such good / more boring
E)good enough / so bored
20- This package tour to Karadeniz is ……………. for us to afford so we have to look for a ……………. place to go to. A
A)too expensive / cheaper B)as expensive as / so cheap
C)so expensive / cheapest D)more expensive / as cheap
E)expensive enough / too cheap
21- In ancient times the people dealing with branches of art are often ……………. poorer than people who have normal jobs,
but they feel that they lived……………. happier lives. B
A) so / more B) far / much
C)as / such D) such / most
E)rather / too
22-The ……………. experience of my life was the death of my uncle at a car crash 10 years ago. A
A) most horrifying B) most horrified
C)more horrifying D) much horrify
E)much horrifying
23-In recent years Belek Golf Hotels have become one of ……………. Foreign tourist destinations in Turkey. A
A)the most popular B)most popular
C)much popular D)popularity
E)some populated
24-"Diriliş Ertuğrul " has been accepted to be the most successful ……………. the TV serials in 2018. D
A) of much B) of little
C) among many D) of all
E) by some
25- My sister has been ……………. more confident since she started working. A
A) a lot C) the
B) several D) little
E) few
26- I arrived at the teachers board meeting at ……………. it started so I did not miss the decisions taken. B
A) same time with B) the same time as
C) more time as D) the same time by
E) time as with
27-My office is .................. from our house ……………. my wife's. C
A) farther/with B) further /so
C) further /than D) furthest /than
E) more further / than
28- Sureyya Ayhan started the race ……………. and finished running ……………. and won the gold medal. D
A)good / even better C)well / even best
B)better/well D)well / even better
E)good /quite best


“Was / Were” to be (am, is, are) ' fiillerinin V2 halidir. Geçmişte yapılmış ve bitmiş durumlarda ve cümlede bir eylem
olmadığında kullanılır. Bu tense “Geçmis Zaman” a karşılık gelir.
Now -----------------X---------------------1-------------

He--------------------- was
She---------------------was + a student + last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago
You--------------------were + students +

I----------------------was not
You--------------------were not
He--------------------- was not
She---------------------was not + a student + last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago
It-----------------------was not
We----------------------were not
You--------------------were not + students +
They-------------------were not

Was---------- I
Were--------- you
Was -----------he
Was-------------she + a sudent + last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago?
Were--------------you + students +

I was a teacher eight years ago.
They were fifteen last year.
She was a nurse in the past.
I was in Ankara last year.

Bu zamanda kullanılan zaman zarfları şöyledir.

last / week yesterday
year yesterday / morning/ afternoon/evening
saturday weekend month winter

EXERCISE 1-Fill in the blanks with “was, were, wasn't, weren't “

1) What time .....................history exam? It..................... at ten o'clock.
2) ......................the children in bed at ten last night?
3) Elazığ in 1998.
4) We weren't happy with the hotel. Our room...................very small and it..................very clean.
5) There...................some books on the table.
6) work last week because he.....................ill. He's better now.
7) In February, there................29 days last year.
8) Yesterday................a public holiday so the shops................closed. They're open now.
9) .......................there too mant people at Tarkan’s concert?
10) The students the classroom, not in the canteen.
11) What colour.....................your house in 2016?
12) A: “...................Sue and Bill at the party?” B: “'Sue.................there but Bill....................”.
13) The school bus.........................ten minutes late this morning.
14) Our English teacher......................Mr. Balcı last year.
15) A:“Where are my keys?”B: “ I don't know. They...................on the table but they aren't there now.”
16) Mr. and Mrs. Ford ................. married five years ago.
17) home last night. ?
18) My cousin ..................on holiday in July.
19) There................. only fifteen students in the classroom yesterday.
20) He and his wife....................comfortable at the hotel.
21) home 11 o'clock. I.......................out.
22) They............................. at the dentist in the morning.
23) It.................cold last weekend but yesterday it......................cold.
24) Yesterday.................Friday.
25) two hours ago?You ………………. at school.
26) It................. snow holiday two days ago.
27) Our first exam................ on 17th of November.
28) Their son ...................ill 2 days ago.
29) Apples....................fresh, I liked them very much.
30) There................a lot of shops here last year.

EXERCISE 2-Put in 'am, is, are, was, were'

1) Last year she........... 21, so she..............22 now.
2) Today the weather..............nice, but yesterday it............. very cold.
3) I............thirsty. Can I have something to drink?
4) I feel energetic this morning but I............................ very tired last night.
5) Where at 10 o'clock last Friday morning ?
6) Don't buy those shoes. They..........................very expensive.
7) I like your new jacket. expensive ?
8) This time last year I.............................. in İstanbul for business .
9) A: “Where ............ the children?” B: “I don't know. They ................... the garden 10 minutes ago”.
10) My room ………………. dirty yesterday but it ………………. clean now.

EXERCISE 3-Answer the questions;

1-Were you at school yesterday? (-)............................................................
Where were you? (dentist)...........................................................
2-Were you sad yesterday (+).............................................................
Why were you so sad yesterday? (at home whole day) ..........................................................
3-Was Jane at the office at 2? (-) ...........................................................
Where was she? (bank)...........................................................
4-Were you in Belek ten years ago? (-) ...........................................................
When were you there before? (last August) .................................................
5-Were there any eggs in the fridge? (+)..........................................................
How many eggs were there? (10)..........................................................
6-Was your dad at home in the evening? (-) .............................................................
Where was he? (my grandparents) …………………………………………………………………….
7-Was your teacher late for the class? (-) ...........................................................
Why was she late? (at the meeting) ………………………………………………………………..
8-Were you at a wedding last week? (+) .............................................................
Who were there? (all our relatives) ………………………………………………………………….
9-Were you 29 last year? (-) ………………………………………………………………………….
How old were you last year? (30) ................................................................
10-Was your hair dye black last year? (-) ………………………………………………………..
What colour was it? ( blonde) ……………………………………………………………………

EXERCISE 4-Ask questions;

1-Tony's father was in the office at 7 yesterday.
What time....................................................................?
2-Danny was in Turkey last summer.
3- There were nine manager business trip yesterday.
How many....................................................................?
4-Liz was in her room at 12.
What time....................................................................?
5-My friends and I were happy after the match.
6-My parents were worried about me.
7-Andy was very busy at 3 p.m. yesterday.
What time...................................................?
8-The children were at the park at 4 yesterday.
9-My sister was very sad at the party because of her dress.
10- I was on the top of Ilgaz mountain and the sky was marvelous.
How ………………………………………………………………….?


Şimdiki zamanın geçmişe taşınmış hali olarak da düşünebiliriz. Türkçe'de geçmiş zamanın hikayesi olarak da ifade edilir. Bu
tense'in yardımcı fiilleri “was / were” dür. Fiillere eklenen ' -ing ' takısı eylemin sürerliliğini bildirir. Geçmişte yapılmış ve
bitmiş durumlarda ve cümlede bir eylem olduğunda kullanılır.. Anlamı ' - iyordu ' dur.
now ---------X---------1---------


I ----------------------was
He--------------------- was
She-------------------was + going to + school last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago

I ----------------------was not
You--------------------were not
He--------------------- was not
She-------------- was not + going to + school last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago
It-----------------------was not
We----------------------were not
You--------------------were not
They-------------------were not

Was---------- I
Were--------- you
Was -----------he
Was-------------she + going to + school last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago?


Affirmative: I was reading a book
Negative: I was not reading a book
Question: Was I reading a book?
Short Answer : Yes, I was. No, I wasn't.
What were you doing at 11.30 last Friday ?

USE 1- PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: Geçmişte belirli bir / sözü edilen zamanda yapmakta olduğumuz eylemleri anlatmak için
kullanırız. This time last year/ summer/winter, at this hour yesterday, yesterday at 5 o’clock… gibi zaman zarfları ile
kullanılır. Önemli olan sözü edilen zamanda ne yapıyordum (zaman vurgusu) sorusunun cevabıdır.

This time last summer, I was swimming,lying on the beach and sunbathing in Antalya.
What were they studying around 2 o’clock yesterday? – They were studying history around 2 o’clock yesterday.
What were you doing at this hour yesterday? – I was reading a novel of Dan Brown.

USE 2- Geçmişte eylemin başlangıç ve bitiş zamanını belirterek anlatmak için kullanırız.
My daugter was studying lesson from eleven a.m untill 3 p.m last summer.
I was working as a teacher from 1998 to 2020.

USE 3- PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE ile kullanılmayan fiillerden bazıları şunlardır:

- Mental State (Zihinsel Durumlar): know, realize, understand, recognize, believe, feel, suppose, think* ,imagine, doubt,
remember, forget,want, need, desire, mean, prefer
- Emotional State (Duygusal Durumlar): love, like, appreciate, please, prefer,hate, dislike, fear, envy,mind,care,astonish,
surprise, amaze, detest, loathe,desire, wish, forgive
- Possession (Sahip Olma): have*, belong, possess, own
- Sense, Perception (Duyular, Algılama): taste*, smell*, hear, feel*, see*

- Other Stative Verbs (Diğer Fiiller): look*, seem, appear*, sound, resemble, look like,cost, owe, weigh*, equal,be*,
exist,matter, consist of, include,contain, advise, promise,refuse

Yanında YILDIZ bulunan kelimeler farklı anlam taşıdıkları zaman PAST CONTINIUOUS TENSE’LE de kullanılabilirler.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki boşlukları, Past Continuous Tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.

1- A: What……………………you…………………… (do) at 7 o'clock yesterday evening. B: Well, I think I……………….. (sleep)
2- Jack………………………… (talk) to a girl in a café 2 hours ago.
3- What………you………………(do) yesterday afternoon?We ………………… (wait) for you to finish our project homework.
4- I am sad today because my father ……………… (having) serious stomack pain last night.
5- A: How was the party? B: It was cool! Everybody…………………. (dance), and some people…………………….(drink) wine and
the kids………………………… (play).
6- There was a really good programme on TV last night at 9 o'clock. But I couldn't watch it because I………………………….
(study) for the exam.
7- Last night the phone rang but I couldn't answer it because I……………………… (take) a shower.
8- I……………………….. (try) to concentrate to my studies but unfortunately I couldn’t.
9-………………………………….. (sleep) at 9 o'clock this morning? We rang the bell but noone opened the door.
10- I think she………………………. (read) a very interesting book because I said hello but she didn't hear.
11- Yesterday at six I ………………………….. (prepare) dinner and my sister ………………. (set) the table.
12- The kids …………………(play) in the garden and their mothers’ ……………. (drink)tea and …………….. (watch) their children.
13- I …………………….. (practise) the guitar.
14- We ………………………. (not / cycle)all day. I also …………………. (swim).
15- I tried to tell them the truth but they …………………………….(listen / not)
16- Most of the time we (sit)…………………………. in the park.
17- At this time last week, I (sunbathe)…………………………. on the beach.

EXERCISE 2-Change the sentences into Simple Past or Past Continuous Tenses
E.g. I'm twelve years old. (two years ago)
I was twelve years old two years ago
1) They are atthe park now. (2 hours ago)
2) Her hair is wavy. (Six years ago)
3) FIFA international Cup is in Athena, (four years ago)
4) Tania plays tennis every afternoon.(last year)
5) What is he doing? (last week)
6) She lives in İstanbul, (in 2010)
7) It's very cold today, (yesterday)
8) Do you watch TV every night? (last Saturday)
9) Sandy has her lunch at 10 o'clock, (at 12 o'clock)
10) I eat a hamburger, (at 4 yesterday)
11) They are going to theatre, (on Saturday night)
12) My father buys some flowers for my mother every week, (last week)
13) Our school team plays basketball every day. (last Friday)
14) Is Tomgoing to Mersin today? (yesterday)
15) We don't like hamburger very much. (-)
16) Do they go to the cinema? (last week)
17) Do you wear long skirts in summer? (last summer)
18) Sally doesn't study her lessons, (yesterday)
19) They are listening to pop-music, (two hours ago)
20) They don't play tennis, (last week)

EXERCISE 3- Ask questions;

1) Your father was working in his office at 10 o'clock last night.
2) The doctor was examining the patients this morning.
3) They were having breakfast at 9 o'clock this morning.
4) Your parents were watching television at midnight last night.
5) Your little brother was talking with his friend yesterday?
6) I was teaching your daughter English last month?
7) You and your friend were swimming in the sea at 3 o'clock yesterday?
8) The driver was driving very fast on the highway?
9) The weather was raining at three o'clock yesterday afternoon?
10) Mr. Fisherman was catching fish by the river on Sunday?
11) I was typing a report at 9 o'clock this morning
12) Linda was playing computer games last Sunday
13) My father was reading the newspaper in the morning
14) She was riding a horse yesterday afternoon
15) The baby was drinking milk in the middle of the night

16) I was listening to hip hop music last night
What kind of………………………………………………………………………….?
17) My grandfather was sitting in his rocking chair last night
18) I was reading my uncle’s book last night
19) Our team was playing well.
20) The athlete was running in the race


“DID” yardımcı fiili: DURUM VE EYLEM bildiren fiillerle beraber kullanılır. Bu tense'in Türkçe karşılığı' Geçmis Zaman' dır.



She + WENT to + school last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago


RULE 2-OLUMLU cümlede VERB 2 halindedir.

Verb 1 Verb 2 Verb 3

Go Went Gone
Write Wrote Written

Eğer VERB’LER DÜZENLİ İSE sonuna ‘ED’ takısı gelir. Bu takı VERB’Ü HEM VERB2 HEMDE VERB3 yapar.



I did not
You did not
He did not
She did not + go to + school last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago
It did not
We did not
You did not
They did not





Did I
Did you
Did he
Did she + go to + school last morning/afternoon/evening/night/yesterday/week/month/year/… ago?
Did it
Did we
Did you
Did they


NDE VERB 1 halindedir

She went to cinema ten minutes ago.

I washed my car yesterday.
I played football in the school team.
She stayed in a hotel last summer.
I cooked soup yesterday morning.
Did he / she / it stay at home? Yes, he did.
No, he didn't.

REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS (Düzenli ve düzensiz fiiller)

USE 1- Düzenli fiilleri geçmiş hale çevirmek için, filler sondaki hecelerine göre -D, -ED ya da -İED takılarını almaktadır.
move - moved watch - watched study - studied
Aşağıda -ed takısının getirilmesiyle ilgili kurallar verilmiştir.

RULE 1 : Bir sesli harf ve ardından e harfi geliyorsa, -D takısı eklenir.

dance – danced erase – erased place - placed
RULE 2: Bir sesli harf ve ardından bir sessiz harf geliyorsa, sondaki sessiz harf iki kere yazılır ve –ed takısı eklenir.
plan – planned stop - stopped

DİKKAT: W VE X harfleri iki kere yazılmaz.

snow - snowed fix - fixed

RULE 3: İki sesli harf ve ardından sessiz harf gelirse -ed takısı eklenir, son harf iki kere yazılmaz.
rain – rained need – needed

RULE 4: Son iki harf sessiz olursa -ed takısı eklenir, son harf iki kere yazılmaz.
help – helped add – added

RULE 5 : Kelimenin sonunda bir sessiz harf ve arkasından -y harfi gelirse, -y harfi atılır ve kelimenin sonuna -ied eklenir.
Worry – worried Reply – replied

RULE 6 : Kelimenin sonunda bir sesli harf ve arkasından -y harfi gelirse, -ied değil, -ed takısı getirilir.
play – played stay - stayed

Düzensiz fiiller adından da anlaşılacağı gibi herhangi bir kurala bağlı kalmadan değişirler bu yüzden öğrenilmesi gerekir.
go – went swim – swam do - did


USE 1: Geçmişte tamamlanmış eylemler: Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda başlamış ve bitmiş eylemler için kullanılır. Bazen
konuşan kişi tam olarak bir zaman belirtmeyebilir, ama mutlaka cümlede bir geçmiş zaman fikri vardır.
- I watched a movie yesterday.
- I didn’t watch a movie yesterday.
- Last year, I traveled to Italy.
- Last year, I didn’t travel to Italy.
- She washed her hands.
-She didn’t wash her hands.

USE 2: Geçmişte tamamlanmış eylemler serisi: Geçmişte tamamlanmış birkaç eylemi arka arkaya anlatmak için kullanırız.
- I finished work, cycled to the beach, and found a nice place to swim.
- He arrived from work at 8:00, ate my meal at 9:00, and went to bed at 10:00.

USE 3: Tek süreç: "for two years," "for five minutes," "all day" or "all year." geçmişte başlamış ve bitmiş bir süreci
anlatırken kullanılır. Bu süreç uzundur ve genelde "iki yıldır", "tüm gün" veya "tüm yıl" gibi zaman ifadeleriyle kullanılır.
- I lived in Ankara for two years.
- Ahmet studied Chemistry at university for four years.
- We talked on the phone for ten minutes.
- How long did you wait for them?

USE 4: Geçmişteki alışkanlıklar: Aynı zamanda geçmişte vazgeçtiğimiz alışkanlıklar için de kullanılır. "used to" kalıbıyla aynı
amaçla kullanılabilir. Bahsettiğimiz eylemin bir alışkanlık olduğunu açıkça belirtmek için cümlelerde "always" (daima),
"often" (sık sık), "usually" (genellikle) ve "never" (asla), "...when I was a child" veya "...when I was younger" gibi zaman
ifadeleri kullanılır.
- I played football when I was a child.
- He played the chess.
- She worked at a restaurant after school.

USE 5- DO: Vurguyu artırmak için simple present’da do/ does, simple past’da did kullanılır.
-My daughter does not like apple but she does like apple pie.
-You did not do your homework, did you? – Yes, I did my homework.


1) Jack..................................(invite) all his relatives to his weeding ceremony.
2) Their visitors...........................(stay) at a hotel last weekend.
3) Penny.............................(wash) the vegetables and fruits many times yesterday morning.
4) The President............................(visit) our town two years ago.
5) They …………………. (work) on Monday but they.......................(work) on Tuesday.
6) Atatürk...........................(die) in Dolmabahce Palace in 1938.
7) Maria...............................(talk) to his boss about the problem yesterday evening.
8) Tom and his friends ..........................(paint) the wall to white yesterday.
9) It............................(rain) cats and dogs yesterday morning.
10) Miss Black.............................(say) 'Good bye' to her grandparents.
11) Henry's wife .............................(cook) beans and rice yesterday.
12) Sally............................(jump) up and down because she was very energic.
13) Tonny ..............................(want) to take his friends home after school.
14) The teacher................................(smile) at the little girl by heart.
15) Mark............................ (carry) our suitcases to the sixth floor.
16) Our geography teacher ..............................(ask) difficult questions in the exam.
17) We..........................(clean) our rooms after school.
18) The birds......................... (fly) to warmer countries in the fall.
19) He......................... (write) an e-mail to his girlfriend last night.
20) Our budgerigar........................... (lay) five eggs yesterday.
21) My brother and I……………………… (finish) our homework a few minutes ago.
22) ……………….. they……………………. (visit) their grandparents last summer?
23) He…………………….. (turn out) to be a farmer.
24) The children ………….........(watch) the experiment in the laboratory carefully,
25) She ……………………. (kill) two small mice in the kitchen.

1) They.........................(have) pizza for dinner yesterday.
2) Sandy......................(see) them two days ago.
3) James............................ (bring) his girl friend to the party yesterday.
4) Şehrazat.............................(write) many lyrics .
5) Tarkan..........................(sing) many songs at the concert last month
6) I.................................(buy) a lot of chocolate, but I ............................(forget) to buy Coke.
7) They .....................................(go) to Samsun last Saturday.
8) My wife ..................................(sleep) five hours yesterday.
9) They........................................(go) shopping and........................................ (buy) some foods and drinks.
10) Her mother...................................(take) my little sister to a hairdresser's.
11) They......................(pay) a lot of money for the car.
12) The butcher............................. (cut) his finger with a knife.
13) We......................... (hear) a strange noise from the attic last night.
14) My little brother ………………………. (break) the plates in the kitchen accidentally.
15) My teacher…………………… (give) us a lot of homework.
16) The new sports car......................... (cost) them too much.
17) Mary………………………… (put) some oil into the salad.
18) The children ……………………… (swim) in the pool all day yesterday.
19) I………………………. (meet) my best friend Jenny in 2010.
20) Mum……………………… (make) a big chocolate cake a few hours ago.
21) My son …………………….. (get) high marks last month.
22) He was very thirsty. He………………………. (drink) two glasses of water.
23) The taxi driver..................... (take) the businessman to the airport.
24) My parents........................ (come) home very late last night.
25) All the people in the office............................. (leave) early today because of a public holiday.


1) Jerry phoned his girl friend last night. (-)
2) We didn't stay at home last night. (+)
3) Did you reserve a table for us? (+)
4) The students didn't finish the exercises. (+)
5) Jack sent the e-mails in the morning. (-)
6) Did the boss sign the letters? (-)
7) He didn't photocopy the my lesson notes yet. (?)
8) She went outside to be alone and to concentrate on his problems. (-)
9) Did Ali go to hospital visit the patient? (+)
10) Sandy bought a Ferrari last week. (?)
11) I saw Barbara on the way to work yesterday. (?)
12) She had something on her hand during the accident. (-)
13) Jack did French exam good at the exam. (-)
14) The men painted the walls in white and yellow. (?)
15) Peter read a very interesting book yesterday. (-)

EXERCISE 4-Fill in the blanks with with the correct forms of the verbs
1) My sister ..................all her money in the shopping mall,.(spend)
2) Larry ...........................................her term paper yesterday, (not complete)
3) The maths teacher..............................tough questions on the third test. (ask)
4) Our mother .......................... her car out of the icy road. (skid)
5) The wind...........................all night long. (blow)
6) My brother.................a Vocational High school in Muğla. (attend)
7) My housemaid .................... our house at the weekend, (clean)
8) The plastic factory......................down last night. (burn)
9) The policeman...........................a speeding ticket to the faulty driver. (give)
10) The daughter’s hard work in class. (praise)
11) The old woman and......................her. (hit/injure)
12) My cousins and I.....................a hotel room in Belek for the weekend. (book)
13) Most of the students................the test questions easily. (answer)
14) The mountaineers..............................their way in thick fog. (lose)
15) The hunters.....................two rabbits and three partridge. (hunt)
16) underground passageway to Keçiören last year. (build)
17) I..................her last night because I …….......... telephone number. (not call / not know)
18) Our son the tree and...........................his ankle. (fall / hurt)
19) I..............................two Pide and....................... Ayran . (eat / drink)
20) I and my children .......................... up early yesterday morning picnic. (wake / go)
21) The children..................... their clothes and their mothers’...................them. (dirty/wash)
22) He....................from the dog and..............................behind a wall. (escape / hide)
23) The old woman . ...................very softly and I …………….......him. (speak / not understand)
24) It......................all day yesterday and the night. (snow / freeze)
25) ……………….your father ………………….. (come) home early yesterday evening?
26) They………………………….. really angry when they ………………… me. (be/see)
27) My little baby ………………………. last night, because he ………………… really ill. (not sleep /be)
28) …………your friend……………….. you when you……………………. on holiday? (visit/be)
29) At first, she…………. that it……………. good because she…………….. the idea of living in the country. (think/be/like)
30) At the end of the story they…………………… and they………………………… happily for some time. (get married/live)
31) She………………….. her studies and he………………… of his farm. (continue/ take care)
32) When she………………… from the University she………………… find a job. (graduate/ not can)
33) She……………. to sit at home and do nothing so she……………. to help her husband on the farm. (not want/ decide)
34) He………….. that it……………. no good but he……………. to argue with her and he ……………… her do whatever she
wanted. (know/be/not want/let)
35) She……………… him about it because she……………… he would be furious. (not tell/be sure)
36) Finally, he…………………. that some animals or objects…………………… missing. (notice/be)
37) Tom………………. us and…………………… if we…………………. where his son…………………. (call/ask/happen to know/be)
38) You…………………….. lie to any one of us anymore. (not, can)
39) Our son …………………. that it…………………. his fault. (confess/be)
40) She…………………. why some things…………………….. (explain/ disappear).
41) We…………………….. a lot of fun at your birthday party yesterday. (have)
42) Susan…………………….. skating when she ……………….. a girl. (like/be)
43) My parents…………………….. to the theatre yesterday evening. (go)
44) ………………… you……………….. broccoli when you ……………… a child? (hate/be)
45) Sarah…………………….. her piano lessons when she was seven. (not enjoy)

EXERCISE 5-Give correct answers;

1) Did you watch TV last night?
2) Did your team win the match?
3) Did your father sell your house?
4) Did you finish your science project?
5) Did your brother go shopping yesterday?
6) Did you call your grandparents yesterday?
7) Did your parents ask any questions?
8) Did your friend write you back?
9) Did you send them e-mail?
10) Did John buy the tickets for the concert?
11) What did she do yesterday? (play/chess)
12) Where did you find the keys? (on table)
13) What did you eat for dinner? (soup/macaroni)
14) Why did Jack go to bed early? (have/match)
15) How long did you live in Ankara? (15 year)
16) Why did Banu turn back? (lose/ticket)
17) Who drew this picture? (my sister)
18) Who phoned you last night? (Jean)
19) What did you drink at the cafe? (Lattee)
20) Why didn't you sleep? (study/exam)
21) What did you get from Afyon? (Turkish delight)
22) Where did you park your car? (car park)
23) Where did you visit in Efes? (theatre)
24) Who did you see yesterday? (My high school friend)
25) Why did you go to the dentist? (have toothache)

EXERCISE 6-Ask questions to the sentences given below

1) I did my homework after school yesterday.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?
When ……………………………………………………………….?
2) We had omlette for breakfast this morning.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?
When ……………………………………………………………….?
3) My mother choose red dress?
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?
Which ……………………………………………………………….?
4) Where did your neighbors move last summer?
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………..?
When ……………………………………………………………….?
Where ……………………………………………………………….?
5) I spent my summer holiday in Bodrum last year?
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………..?
When ……………………………………………………………….?
6) I went to the movies with my friends last night?
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ……………………………………………………………….?
When ………………………………………………………………..?
7) They left the office at 8 p.m. last night?
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What time………………………………………………………………..?
Where ……………………………………………………………….?
8) The short circuit in electrical outlets caused the fire in the department store?
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What caused ………………………………………………………………..?
Where ……………………………………………………………….?
9) Sally met Tony at the disco on Saturday.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………..?
When ……………………………………………………………….?
Where ……………………………………………………………….?
10) She stayed at her brother's house last summer.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
Whose ………………………………………………………………..?
When ……………………………………………………………….?
11) The trip took four hours.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
How long ………………………………………………………………..?
12) They had dinner at a restaurant three times last month.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?
How many times……………………………………………………………….?
13) Lizzy ran very fast.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?
14) We caught a lot of fish yesterday.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?
How many ……………………………………………………………….?
15) I didn't like the döner we bought.
Did …………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………..?


EXERCISE 1-Put the following sentences into “The Past Simple” making all the necessary changes.
Example : My father always starts working before the sun rises.
My father always started working before the sun rose.
1) People always say their gratutide before they start eating their meals.
2) People generally take an aspirin when they have a headache.
3) Every student thinks that their teacher Mrs. Arslan speaks English very well.
4) Generally all parents get angry with their children when they come home after midnight.
5) My children don’t surf in the net when they have a lot of work to do.
6) My friends and I dance and have fun when we are bored.
7) When a fire breaks out, people always call the fire brigade.
8) Whenever I am sad, I always listen to music.
9) People generally do not sleep very well when they have some problems.
10) They tell me that they don’t know the answer to the question.
11) I am sorry that I can’t come earlier.
12) It is strange that your brother doesn’t know to whistle.
13) What she says has nothing to do with the subject.
14) It doesn’t matter how much money Sally spends on her books.
15) He speaks so fast and quietly that we can’t clearly understand what he says.

EXERCISE 2-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları, parantez içinde verilen fiillerle Simple Past Tense veya Simple Present
Tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.
1) John always……………… (drink) tea at breakfast, but yesterday he …………….. (drink) coffee.
2) Today the weather……………….. nice, but yesterday it…………………. (rain)
3) My brother James ………………………….. (not/come) to work early yesterday.
4) We always……………… (go) to cinema at weekends, but we……… (go) to theatre last weekend.
5) She……………… (write) a letter to her friends every week, but last week she………… (not/write).
6) My mother Alice ………………… (eat) an orange everyday. But yesterday she……………………(ate) an apple.
7) They usually…………………. (not/do) shopping on Sundays. Last week they …………….. (do) shopping on Sunday.
8) It …………… (be) hot yesterday, so I………………….. (open) the windows.
9) He……………….. (buy) a new car every year. Last year He…………….. (buy) a new Mercedes.
10) Sally usually……………….. (read) at least 30 pages everyday. But yesterday she ……………….. (read) ninety pages.
11) How much money……………….you generally ……………………… (earn)?
12) How many hours a day………………….you…………………. (study) English?
13) I……………………. (not/like) writing articles. But yesterday I…………….. (write) an article about pollution.
14) Tom ……………………….. (not/have) dinner last night.
15) My dog Ponny ………………… (run) everywhere and……………………. (play) with his ball on the grass.
16) At night he……………………. (sleep) on a rug near my bed.
17) Mary …………………….(look) everywhere but she …………………….. (not find) her keys.
18) A few days later a policeman………………………. (come) to my house and …………………… (inform) me about the case.
19) Judy usually............................... (get up) at 7 o'clock but yesterday she...................... (get up) at 6:15 because she
..................... (have) a meeting very early.
20) Two years ago, my mother .................. (be) very fat, but now she ..........................(be) slim because
she.................(do) exercises every day.
21) Oh, look! The twins ………………… (skate) in the park. their parents ......................(give) them those skates
for their birthday last week.
22) Go and play with your sister! She ………………... (cry) at the moment because Andy ……………………..... (go) to a party
this evening with his school friends but she can't go.
23) I .................... (see) Manuel ten minutes ago and ......................(tell) him about tomorrow's meeting.
24) After dinner tonight, we ………………….... (go) to a disco because it's my birthday.
25) I …………….. (not, want) any leeks. I ……………………..... (not, like) it.
26) Cindy .......................... (go) to a high school and ..................... (live) in a small house near the park.
27) The film........................(finish) at 10:30 last night, so we..........................(get) home at 11.
28) Last Sunday afternoon, Tim..................(take) the children to the zoo because he always.....................(take) them
somewhere at weekends.
29) I'm sorry. The children ..........................................(eat) dinner right now,
30) Fifty years ago, my family.....................(have) a farm and they..............................(grow) all their own food.
31) Why ...................................(be) you late to the class yesterday?
32) I ……………………(not, play) the piano now because I ……………………... (do) my project about the 'Wild Life'.
33) My daughter and her husband...................(live) in a house by the sea in Egypt.
34) Mary ………………….... (not, go) to the school yesterday because she..............(be) ill.
35) Yesterday, I ................. (go) to a supermarket and ..........................(buy) some milk. I ....................... (return) home,
and ............................ (make) a pudding. It .................(be) delicious. I....................(eat) two plates.
36) Mark: We …………………….. (go) fishing to come?
Sandy: No, thanks. I …………………………..... (do) my homework right now.
37) to the cinema yesterday?
Bart: No, we didn't. We ……………….... (stay) in the cafe till 10 o'clock.
38) She ……………………….. (make) some preparations for the party.
39) She………………. (be) very sorry that her brother………………………. (not take) her to the party.
40) My father (come)………………. in, (look)………………. around and (tell)……………….me to tidy up my room.
41) After a while, the sun (come)……………………………. out again.
42) The car (break)………………. down and we (have)………………….. to walk home.
43) After one hour of cycling in sunshine, a big fat raincloud suddenly (appear)……………… and it (start)…………. to rain.
44) Philip's football team were lucky last Saturday. After 20 minutes they ....................... (lose ) but in the end they
............................ ( win ) the game by 4 goals to 2.
45) We ……………. in a very difficult position. We..............................( not / know ) what to do.
46) As I……………. (climb) the stairs, the lights…………… (go) off, so I…………… (not/see) the banana skin on the stairs.
47) I…………………. (want) to see what……………………… (happen)
48) I (go)……………….. to the shed and (take)………………………… out my bike.
49) I..............................(mow) the lawn and............................(cut) some bushes yesterday.
50) We……………………. (hear) a cry and………………………….. (run) into the kitchen

EXERCISE 3-Complete the following sentences with the “Correct Forms of the Verbs” “BE” or “DO” as a “Main Verb” or
“Ordinary Auxiliary Verb”.

1-A:……………………. you go to the cinema last night?

B: No, I ………………. not go to the cinema last night, because I ……………… very ill.
2-A:…………………… your uncle in Erzurum last month?
B: Yes, he …………………… in Erzurum last month.
3-A:………………….. they going to the theatre tonight?
B: No, they …………………. not going to the theatre tonight.
4-A:……………………… your sister in the habit of reading book now?
B: No, she …………………….. not in the habit of reading book now.
5-A:……………………… she interested in astrology when she ……………………… young?
B: Yes, she …………………. interested in astrology when she ……………………. young.
6-A: What …………………….. the weather like today?
B: I think it ……………………… very cloudy today.
7-A:………………………. your friends want to go shopping yesterday?
B: No, they ……………………. not want to go shopping yesterday.
8-A:…………………… Henry very tired when he came back home?
B: No, he ……………………. not very tired when he came back home.
9-A:………………………. your teachers take you to the museum every term?
B: No, they ……………….. not take us to the museum every term.
10-A: Who ……………………… the dishes in your family?
B: My brother and father ………………… the dishes in my family.
11-A: What kind of music ………………. you fond of?
B: I ……………………… fond of classical music.
12-A: Why ………………….. your father not come home on time?
B: He ………………….. not come home on time because he ………………… very busy at work last night.
13-A: What …………………. your sister doing at the moment?
B: She …………………….. not doing anything. She ………………… just thinking.
14-A: How old ………………….. you when you came to Ankara?
B: I ……………………. Seven years old when I came to Ankara.


USE 1-SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Non-progressive verbs : Sürerlilik bildiren tense'lerle kullanılmayan fiiller (non-progressive
verbs), Past Continuous Tense ile de kullanılmaz.
- He knew the news about the accident.
- She thought that it was my mistake.

USE 2- PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: Geçmişte yarıda kesilen uzun eylemleri /olayları anlatmak için kullanılır
SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Daha uzun olan eylemi yarıda kesen eylem için kullanılır
- I was watching TV when she phoned.
- When the phone rang, she was studying her lessons.
- While I was having breakfast, it started to rain.

USE 3- PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: Geçmişte belirli bir anda yapılan eylemden belirtilen zaman eylemin başlangıcı veya
bitişini değil, yalnızca o anda eylemin yapılmakta olduğunu belirtir.

SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Kullanılan zaman ifadeleri eylemin tam olarak başlama veya bitiş zamanını belirtir
- Last night at 7 p.m., I studied my lessons (Saat 7'de ders çalışmaya başladım.)
- Last night at 7 p.m., I was studing my lessons. (Ders çalışmaya daha önce başladım ve saat 7'da eylem devam ediyordu.)

USE 4- PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE : Paralel eylemler ; İki eylemi Past Continuous Tense ile kullandığımızda, belirtilen iki
eylemin aynı anda yapıldığı fikri ortaya çıkar. Yani eylemler paraleldir.
- I was studying while he was making dinner.
- While my father was reading, my sister was watching television.
- They were eating dinner, talking about their childhood and having a good time.

USE 5- ATMOSPHERE (Atmosfer):

Simple Past Tense: geçmişte kalmış olayların hikaye edilmeleri
Past Continuous Tense: hikaye edilen olaylardaki tasvir kısımları
- The house was very quiet. The children were watching TV silently. At that moment they saw the man out of the window.
All of them got up and began to scream in a terrible fright.
- When I walked into the class, several people were joking with each other, some were talking on the phones, the teacher
was sitting on his table. When they saw me, they stopped and looked at me.


1- Geçmiş zamana ait kesinleşmiş ve her türlü ayarlamaları yapılmış, yapılacak olayların anlatılmasında bu zaman kullanılır.
- He was in a great hurry. Because he was meeting his friend at the bus station that morning.
- He was happy as he was going to holiday with his darling in the evening.

USE 7- ŞİKAYET ETMEK İÇİN: Sürekli olarak yapılıp, can sıkıcı olan olayların anlatılmasında “always” , “continually”,
“constantly” gibi kelimeler kullanılır.
- My daughter was always wearing my clothes.
- They were regularly studing their lessons at nights.

USE 8- KİBAR OLMAK İÇİN: Özellikle iş görüşmelerinde veya resmi ortamlarda, birisine geçirmiş olduğu bir zaman dilimi
hakkında soru sorulduğu zaman kullanılır. “hope”, “wonder” kelimeleri çok kullanılır.
- Which sport were you doing before your present sport?
- Where were you living after you left your job?
- I was wondering if you could help me to carry these bags.
- I was hoping you could take me to home.

USE 9-SIMPLE PAST TENSE : Geçmişteki alışkanlıklarımızı ya da sık sık yaptığımız eylemleri (geçmişte belli bir noktada devam
etmekte olan bir eylemi değil de, genelde olan bir eylemi anlattığı için )
- I went to the library very often when I was at university.
- When he was child, he played football in the school team.
- When I saw him yesterday, he was playing football.

PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE : Ancak eğer geçmişte sıklıkla yaptığımız eylemleri yalnızca sınırlı bir süre devam ettiğini
vurgulamak istiyorsak kullanabiliriz.
- When my father was in hospital, we were visiting him four times a day.
- To get healty, I was going to the sports centre every day.

USE 10-SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Eğer geçmişte uzun sürmüş bir durumdan veya eylemden bahsediyorsak, kullanırız.
PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE : Ancak eğer yaşanan bu durum veya eylem geçiciyse, bunu vurgulamak için
- He worked hard all his life. (geçici bir durum olmadığı için Past continuous kullanılamaz.)
- I was working in a car factory during the summer of 1976. (geçici bir süreçten bahsedildiği için iki zamanda kullanılabilir.)

USE 11- Eğer geçmişte sıkça yapılan ve tekrarlanan eylemler, başka bir eylemin olmasına sebep olmuşsa, past continuous
tense kullanılabilir.
- During the time I started to get stomach pains, I was eating too much pepper.

EXERCISE 1- THE PAST SIMPLE (CONJUNCTIONS):Combine the following pairs of sentences using the conjunctions “BEFORE”
and “AFTER”.
Example : Mary cleaned the house. She did her homework.
Mary cleaned the house before she did her homework.
After Mary cleaned the house, she did her homework.

1-Tom did his homework. He watched TV.

2- Some students asked some questions to me. The exam started.
3-I took a cold shower. I worked for two hours under the sun.
4-The meeting began. The participants discussed this problem.
5-The children hid the breken vase. Their mother entered the house.
6-The villagers put the little forest fire out. The firemen arrived.
7-The referee blew his whistle. The volleyball match began.
8-Sam brushed his teeth. He went to bed.
9-Lizzy played at the park. She did her homework.
10-The snatcher stole my bag. He ran away.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite the following sentences using “The Past Simple” instead of the “Full Infinitive”.
Example : It is time for me to have dinner.
It is time I had dinner.

1) It is time for you to run to the class if you really want to enter the exam.
2) It is time for me to go to bed.
3) It is time for them to go to the theatre.
4) It is about time for my parents to get to office.
5) It is high time for John to have his car repaired.
6) It is high time my mother to dye her hair.
7) It is time for the students to start learning Gmynastic.
8) It is high time for the Parliament to pass the long expected law against terrorism.
9) It is about time for your son to give up his drinking habit considerably.
10) It is high time for the people to take drastic measures against violence to women and children in the world.

11) It is high time for the teacher to prepare exam questions on this subject.
12) It is time for my grandfather to have draw of his the heart chart.
13) It is high time for us to train our dog.
14) It is time for my father to give up smoking.


Rewrite the following sentences using the structure below to express personal preferences in the Present and Future.
Example : I would prefer you to save more money. = I would rather you saved more money.
I would prefer him not to smoke.= I would rather he didn’t smoke.

1-I would prefer you to do your work more seriously.

I would rather
2-I would prefer Jane not to tattoo all her body.
I would rather
3-I would prefer my husband not to buy so much chocolate.
I would rather
4-I would prefer Marria to stop spending so much money on shoes.
I would rather
5-I would prefer my friends not to call me “sugar girl”.
I would rather
6-I would prefer Sue to do her homework regularly.
I would rather
7-I would prefer Jane to come on time all our meetings.
I would rather
8-I would prefer my husband to listen to me carefully all the time .
I would rather
9-I would prefer My grandmother not to criticize my children so often.
I would rather
10-I would prefer people not to drive so fast at the highways.
I would rather
11-I would prefer my children not to lie in no circumstances.
I would rather
12-I would prefer men not to contemptuously to women .
I would rather


Geçmişte devam etmekte olan bir eylem sırasında bir başka eylem olmuş ve devam eden eylemi bölmüşse, bu durum
hem when, hem de while bağlaçları kullanılarak ifade edilebilir.
- I was eating dinner when the guests arrived.
- I hurt my leg while I was playing football.


USE 1-'WHEN': Bir eylem olduğunda, baska bir eylem oluyordu anlamını vermek için, bağlı bulundugu cümlecik 'Simple
Past Tense' ile kullanılır. Diğer cümleciğin tense'i de 'Past Continuous' dur. Her iki clause yer değiştirirse bile anlamda bir
farklılık olmaz. WHEN ' -DIGINDE, -DIGI ZAMAN ' anlamındadır.

- When he came in, I was studying.

adverbial main
- I was reading when he came in. (O geldiğinde, ben kitap okuyordum.)
- When I went out, it was snowing. (Dışarı çıktığımda kar yağıyordu.)
- They were arguing when I entered the room. (Odaya girdiğimde, tartışıyorlardı.)
When he came, I was studying. ( O geldiğinde ders çalışıyordum. )
I was reading when he came. ( O geldiğinde kitap okuyordum.)


'WHILE', bir eylem esnasında devam etmekte olan başka bir eylemi vurgulamak icin, bulunduğu cümlecik ' Past
Continuous ' olmak durumundadır. Diğer cümlecik ise 'Simple Past' olur. 'While' yerine 'AS' de kullanılır. WHILE,' -IYORKEN '
- While I was studying, he came in.
adverbial main
- I left home while my parents were sleeping. (Annem babam uyurken evden çıktım.)
I took a photograph while you weren't looking. (Sen uyurken, fotoğraf çektim.)
While / As I was studying, he came in. ( Ders çalışıyorken o içeri girdi.)
I left home while / as my parents were sleeping. ( Babamlar uyuyorken evden çıktım. )
- While/As I was coming here, I ran into an old friend. (Buraya gelirken eski bir arkadaşa rastladım.)
- I had a look at the old magazines while/as I waited at the doctor's. (Doktorda beklerken, eski dergilere bir göz attım.)

"JUST AS", daha vurgulu bir anlatımdır.

My father came just as I was leaving home.
Just as I sat down at the table, the phone rang.


Geçmişte iki olay aynı anda, parallel bir şekilde oluyorken 'while' kullanılır. Ancak fiillerin '-ing' alıyor olmasına dikkat
edilmelidir. "While"ın bu biçimde kullanımıyla genellikle yakınma, içerleme gibi duygular ifade edilir.
While the teacher was lecturing, the students were talking among themselves.
I was studying while everybody at home was sleeping.
While I was watching TV, she was studying.
I was playing football with my friends while my brother was waiting.


Birbiriyle ilgili olaylar arka arkaya meydana gelmiş ise her iki cümleciğin tense'i 'Simple Past' olur.
When I came in the office, I turned on the lights.
I locked the door when I closed the door of the car.
When he arrived, we went into the cinema.
When he left work, he got on a bus and went home.
When the teacher asked a question, I raised my hand.


Temel cümledeki eylemle aynı anda olan bir eylemi anlatmak için de kullanılır.
I did my homework while I listened to music.
We waited outside the class while he fixed the pipes.
He helped me while I washed the dishes.

NOTE: Bu tür cümlelerde "while" yerine "when" kullanmak da mümkündür, ancak "while" kullanımı daha yaygındır.
- When/While I was walking home from school, I encountered with an old friend on the street.
- Yesterday, a little child was nearly hit by a car when/while she was crossing the street.

EXERCISE 1-Combine the following pairs of sentences with the conjunctions “WHEN” or “WHILE” using “The Past Simple” or
“The Past Continuous”.
Example : I (hear) a strange noise. I (read) the newspaper.
I was reading the newspaper when I heard a strange noise.
I heard a strange noise while I was reading the newspaper.

1-Tom (eat) his breakfast. He (receive) an important phone call.

2-Sandy (see) a serious accident. She (drive) from Ankara to Çankırı.
3-The students (quarrel) with each other. The teacher (enter) the room.
4-Sandra (walk) along the street. A flower pot (fall on) her head.
5-Tim (take) a walk in the park. He (lose) his wallet.
6-I (play) computer games on our mobile phones with my friends. Our headmaster (come) to the class.
7-The children (play) in the garden. It (start) to rain.
8-The earthquake (happen). The people (sleep)in their beds.
9-The accident (happen) . The children (play) hide and seek in the garden.

EXERCISE 2-Put the “verbs” in brackets either into “The Past Simple” or “The Past Continuous”.
1) The receptionist ……………… (welcome) the guests and (ask)………………. them to fill in the form.
2) While I………………………. (walk) to school I………………………….(see) Jenny.
3) I …………………….. (jog) in the park, when two squirrels…………………….. (cross) my way.
4) Archimedes ……………. (discover) the theory of buoyancy while he ………………… (take) a bath.
5) While she……………………. (cook) the soup, the children……………………. (play)
6) I ……………… (have) dinner when I suddenly ……………………….. (hear) a loud bang.
7) When my father …………… (work) in the garden, an old friend ………………… (pass)by to see him.
8) While they………………….. (play) cards the baby…………………………... (sleep)
9) Father………………………. (wait) in the car while mother…………………….. (do) the shopping.
10) When Jane …….………… (do) a language course in Ireland, she ………………….. (visit) Blarney Castle.
11) When I ………………… (be) on my way home, I ………………………. (see) an accident.
12) When he…………………. (come) into the office, his boss……………………………. (wait) for him.
13) Carol…………………… (watch)TV while Bob and Peter…………………………… (do) their homeworks.
14) They ...............................(still, listen) to the witness while we.................................(sleep) in the seats of the court.
15) They………………….. (play) football when the lights in the stadium……………………… (go) out.
16) I (slip) ……………….. on the ice while I (cross) ………………….. the street.
17) As I (walk) ………………… home, I (meet) …………………….. a tourist.
18) My father (live) ………….. in Sinop when the Second World War (break out) …………. in 1939.
19) What (happen) ………….. while Marry (walk) ……………… in the park last night?
20) Who (come) ……………. into the room while you (listen to) …………… the radio last night?
21) Just as I (write) ……………… a cheque, I (remember) ……………. that I had nothing in the bank.
22) While I (walk) …………….. at the beach, I (find) …………….. a gold ring.
23) I (not, know) ……………. that you (live) …………….. in İstanbul when I (be) …………… there.
24) My father’s fever (drop) …………….. after he (take) ……………… the medicine.
25) Who (take) ………………. care of you while you (be) ………………. ill?
26) As the man (approach) …….. the house he (notice) …………. that the chimney (be) …………. on fire.
27) The boys (swim)……………… while the girls (sunbathe)……………………...
28) While George……………… (repair) his bike, Bill………………………. (play) computer games.
29) Sam………………………. (do) the ironing when Jack………………………… (phone) her up.
30) You ………………… (look) very busy when I ……………… (enter) your office. What ...................... (do)?
31) We…………………….. (wait) at Victoria station when the train………………. (arrive).
32) When I………………. (step) on it, I……………. (slip) and……………………… (begin) to fall.
33) I………………….. (sweep) the floor when I……………………….. (hear) a noise.
34) They…………… (have) their supper when they……………………….. (hear) about the accident.
35) When I …………………….. (get) up yesterday, the sun………………………. (shine) .
36) While I ……………. (cycle) past some villages, I (see)………………. some people in their gardens.
37) While she…………………….. (wash) her hair, the baby……………………….(begin) to cry.
38) When I............................(arrive) ,Jane.............................(leave) the office.
39) Miriam.........................(drive) too fast when the accident.............................(happen).
40) While it ..............................(snow), she ...............................(play) snowballs with her friends.
41) The car...........................(go) at 50 kpm, when it..............................(run) into the small child.
42) A strong wind…………….. (blow)when the plane…………………………. (land).
43) While my mother......................(iron) her dress, I........................(prepare) the evening meal.
44) When I …………………….. (see) John, he.............................(paint) a portrait of the Prime Minister.
45) While my boss ...................(tell) me about the new plan, I............. (daydream) about the winning lottery.
46) The doctor...............................(examine) me when the nurse ……………….. (come) in.
47) While he………………….. (play) the piano, she…………………………..(listen) to him.
48) When I....................(get) out of the bed I noticed that I.......................(have) a terrible headache.
49) While she.........................(light) the cooker the electricity.............................(go) off.
50) When I………………… (leave) the hospital, I……………………….. (feel) better.
51) When we............................(find) him, he ……………….. (lie) on the beach.
52) While she……………………. (tidy) up her room he………………………… (wash) his car.
53) While she................................(wait) for the bus this morning, a car ………………… (hit) her.
54) The train..............................(move) when the men ……………. (come) into the compartment.
55) When she ............... (see) me, she .............. (stop) the car and ......................(get) out to talk to me.
56) I ………………. (find) the old photographs while..............................(look for) my passport.
57) When I ……………………… (do) the washing-up, I ………………………. (break) a plate.
58) The yoghurt...............................(go) bad when we forget to put it into the refrigerator.
59) It ………………….. (continue) to rain while I............................... (walk) home.
60) While Jane.........................(cross) the road,a black cat …………………. (pass) in front of her.
61) The boys………………………. (help) in the garden while she…………………… (water) the flowers.
62) I …………………… (finish) cleaning while you...............................(look) after the baby.
63) She ………………. (save) a lot of money when she..................................(be) young.
64) My son …………….. (prefer) to sit while the other children..............................(play) in the park.
65) While I...........................(eat) lunch at a restaurant yesterday, I …………………. (notice) a fly in my soup.
66) While the plane...........................(take) off, the engine...............................(stop).
67) They..........................(ride) their horses when the bull.......................(break) the fences.
68) While the chairman ……………….. (speak), the guests.................................(interrupt) him.
69) When Julia ……………… (faint), I...........................(rush) in to bring her pills.
70) When you..........................(come) in, I.................................(do) my homework.
71) While I……………… (walk) in the street, I…………………. (hear) a strange noise from behind.
72) When………………… (turn) my head back, I…………………… (fall) into a hole in front of me.
73) While I……………… (fall) down, I………………….. (hit) my head.
74) How fast.......................( you / drive ) when the accident.......................(happen ) ?
75) We………………… (play) computer games while she…………………………. (read) a book.
76) “John .......................(take ) a photograph of me while I...........................( not / look )
77) I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last............................( see ) him. he..................... (try ) to find a job in London.
78) While they……………………. (play) chess, we………………………………… (go) shopping.
79) I ......................... ( walk ) along the street when suddenly I..........................( hear ) footsteps behind me. Somebody
……………………. ( follow) me, I was frightened and ...................( start) to run.
80) When I ……………… (be)young, I........................( want) to be a bus driver.
81) While George and John………………. (clean) their room, she……………………… (do) the ironing.
82) Last Saturday Tom...........................( want) to make two salads. He................ (make) the first one in five minutes.
He ................. ( make ) the second one when his guests................... ( arrive ), and they.............................( help )
him to finish it.
83) Last month a bank robber.........................( escape ) while the police..................... (take ) him to prison! Later they
.................. ( catch ) him again, and this time they .................(lock ) him up without any problem.
84) Our guests…………………… (arrive) a few minutes later. While I………………. (talk) to them, Martha………………. (look)
for some candles but she…………………. (not/find) any candles.
85) Two hours later, the lights…………….. (come) back and we…………… (decide) to serve dinner. We both……………. (go)
into the kitchen. Martha……………… (prepare) the salad when I …………………… (discover) that the lobster……………….
(not/be) there. We…………………. (feel) very embarrassed because we………………… (not/have) anything to serve our
86) He…………………. (hear) a noise while he…………………… (sleep) last night. He………………. (get) out of his bed
and……………….. (go) downstairs to find out what ………………. (happen) He……………. (think) that it……………….. (be) a
thief. While he………………. (go) to turn on the light, someone else……………………….(turn) on it. And then he saw that
it was his roommate.

EXERCISE 3-Complete the following sentences using “The Past simple” or “The Past Continuous”.
1) He broke his leg while
2) She met her husband when
3) When the accident happened,
4) It was raining cats and dogs while
5) We were playing chess when
6) While I was studying English,
7) When it began to rain,
8) While we were travelling in Bodrum,
9) While my friend was running down the street,
10) Before my parents came to Istanbul,
11) After I finished the Chemistry course,
12) While we were approaching to Antalya,
13) While we were in Urfa,
14) Before I went to bed last night,
15) As we were having dinner by the candle-light,
16) I was working there as a teacher when
17) We were talking loudly in the library when
18) WhileI was leaving the house,


“USED TO + V1” kalıbı, geçmişte yapılan fakat artık yapılmayan alışkanlıkları, tekrarlanan eylemleri, durumları ya da şu
anda yapmış olmaya alıştığımız eylemleri ifade eder. Olay geçmişte meydana geldiği için “use” kelimesinin past (geçmiş)
hali olan “used” kullanılır.
- I used to drink milk every night when I was a child.
Bütün şahıslar için hiçbir değişikliğe uğramadan USED TO kullanılır.


“ DİD” yardımcı fiili başa getirilir ve use fiilinin sonundaki “ –D” takısı kaldırılır.
- Did you use to drink milk when you were a child?

OLUMSUZ : DIDN'T + USE TO kullanılır ve use fiilinin sonundaki “-D” takısı kaldırılır.
- I didn't use to drink milk when I was a child.
- I used to go to library everyday when I was at university. ( şu anda gitmediğini ifade etmektedir.)
- I did not use to run. (Eskiden koşmazdım.)
- Did you use to play football when you were at high school?
- My son didn't use to read book, but now he is always reading.

USE 1- Geçmişte belirli zaman dilimleri arasında bir alışkanlık olarak sürekli yapılmış olayların anlatılmasında USED
TO / WOULD hiçbir ayırım gözetmeksiniz kullanılabilir. Ancak;
"USED TO": Kişinin artık bahsettiği eylemi yapmadığı anlamı çıkar.
“WOULD”: Artık yapılmıyor anlamı çıkmaz. Yani sadece geçmişteki bir alışkanlık ifade edilmiş olur.
- I used to play computer games every day when I was a child. ( kişinin artık oyun oynamadığı anlaşılır.)
- I would play computer games when I was a child. ( artık oynamıyorum anlamı ifade etmez.)
- When I was at high school I used to / would get up very early and prepare breakfast. ( her iki yapı da kullanılabilir.)


Bu kullanım, used to kalıbında olduğu gibi eskiden yapılan alışkanlıkları ifade etmez.


USE 1- BE / BECOME / GET USED TO: herhangi bir şeye veya olaya alışık olma durumlarını izah etmede kullanılmaktadır.
Şimdiki zamanda bir kişinin herhangi bir eyleme veya duruma alışmış olduğunu ifade eder. “Used to” kalıbının başına
am/is/are veya diğer yardımcı fiiller gelir ve fiil -ing takısı alır.
- I am used to getting up late.
- You'll soon get used to sleeping in your new bed.
- The new students were quite different for them but they got used to them in a short time.
- The students will soon get used to the school and to their new friends.
- They were used to the heavy traffic when they were in İstanbul.

EXERCISE 1- THE PAST SIMPLE (USED TO):Answer the following questions in the “Affirmative” and “Negative”
Example : Did your son use to bite his nails when he was young?
Yes, he used to bite his nails when he was young.
No, he didn’t use to bite his nails when he was young.

1-Did your daughter use to suck pacifier when she was two years old?
2-Did Sheila use to be very naughty when she was a little child?
3-Did your daughter use to cry a lot when she was a baby?
4-Did you use to be shy when you were at school?
5-Did you use to collect old money when you were 15?
6-Did your brother use to go to clubs before he got married?
7-Did there use to be so many students in the class last year?
8-Did you use to go to the cinema with your friends before you graduate from high school?
9-Did your mother use to fancy outgoing before you were born?
10-Did your mother use to be thin when she was young?

EXERCISE 2-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen boşlukları "used to" ve uygun bir fiil kullanarak tamamlayınız.
1) Alice is a vegetarian now. But she ………………….. (eat) a lot of meat before.
2) We came to live in Yozgat a few years ago. We…………... (live) in Çanakkale.
3) I work very hard now. Before I …………………… (watch) TV a lot, but I no longer do this.
4) There ……………..a museum here but it closed a long time ago.
5) Sandy ……………….. (have) a lot of friends but she doesn´t know many people now.
6) Bob …………….. (be) quite fat when he was young. But now he is slim.
7) We ………………to the cinema every weekend but now we watch online on the net.
8) They ……………….. (go) jogging every weekend. But now they exercise at the gym.
9) Did your mum ………………… (cook) you chocolate cakes for your birthday?
10) People …………………….. (send) postcards to relatives. But now they send them e-mails.
11) Where did you ……………….... (spend) your holidays when you were a child?
12) James ……………... (live) with his grandparents when he was young. But now he is married and lives with his wife.

EXERCISE 3-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen boşlukları "USED TO, BE USED TO, GET USED TO" kalıbını ve parantez içindeki fiili
kullanarak uygun şekilde tamamlayınız.
1) It was difficult at first but Ali ……………… (drive) on the left when he was in London.
2) Sonya………………….. (get up) late before she started to work. She had ……………….. (get up) very early.
3) My son ………………….. (play) basketball when he was at school.
4) Don’t worry about the noise! I…………………it.
5) Your neighbours are very noisy. You……………….the noise.
6) It's not new for you to live alone. You……………………… (live) alone
7) After my grandfather died, my grandmother had…………………… (live) on her own.
8) James………………….. (not / wear) glasses. It seemed very strange to him at first.
9) Their parents………………………. (smoke) but they gave it up.
10) When I was a child I…………………….. (believe) in the ghosts.So I was afraid of sleeping in the dark.
11) ………………….. (you / live) in the countryside now?
12) Jane has moved to Japan. The food there is very different, she……………….. (still) Japanese food.
13) My husband is a police officer and he ……………….. (work) at nights.
14) ………………. (you / play) any sports when you were at school?
15) After the holidays it takes me a couple of days to……………………. daily routines.
16) Ancient times, people…………………….. (believe) that the world was flat.
17) My daughter……………….. (not / read) much, but she reads a lot now.
18) We ……………………… (not / see) police officers without guns.
19) Rainforests………………….. (cover) a third of the Earth, but now they are getting smaller.
20) I find really hard……………………… (live) in a place such as Kars. It's too cold.
21) Early people……………………. (not / stay) in the same place, but they…………….. (travel) long distancesto find the
animals they needed for food.
22) We have moved to Eastern Anatolia and we find the accent difficult to understand. We will have to…………………
the Eastern accent.
23) It's always raining in Black sea region. It's not new for me. I…………………. the weather, because I have been living in
Rize for a long time.
24) Rose often goes to bed early. Tonight she has to work until late and it's a problem because I ……………. (not/go) to
bed after midnight.


PRESENT PERFECT TENSE’de olayın olup olmadığı önemlidir. Bir olayın kimin tarafından, ne zaman ve nasıl olduğunun pek
önemi yoktur. Türkçe'de böyle bir zaman yoktur.



I ----------------------have
He-------------------- has
She-------------------- has + visited + my uncle
It---------------------- has
We-------------------- have
I ----------------------have not
You--------------------have not
He-------------------- has not
She-------------------- has not + visited + my uncle
It---------------------- has not
We-------------------- have not
You--------------------have not
They-------------------have not


Have I
Have you
Has he
Has she + visited + my uncle
Has it
Have we
Have you
Have they


KISALTILMAMIŞ: Have you not finished your meal yet?
KISALTILMIŞ: Haven’t you finished your meal yet?

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE’DE YES/ NO SORULARINA cevap verirken şu kurallara dikkat etmemiz gerekmektedir.
Have you seen her? Yes, I have. or No, I haven’t.
Have you seen her? Yes, I saw her 2 hours ago. or I saw her at school.
Have you done your homework? Yes, I have. or No, I haven’t.
Have you done your homework? Yes, I did my homework at study hour. or I finished my homework a few minutes ago.

USE 1 :Geçmişte belirsiz bir zamanda yapılan eylemler : Geçmişte belirsiz bir zamanda yapılmış bir eylemi anlatmak için
kullanılır. Eylemin ne zaman yapıldığı önemli değildir.
- I have seen that movie two times.
- I have talked him once before.
- There have been many earthquakes in Turkey.
- People have traveled to the moon.

USE 2- PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Cümlelerin, geçmişte başlamış olması ve konuşma anıyla bir şekilde bağlantısı olması
lazımdır. Yani aslında eylemin devam ediyor olması değil konuştuğumuz anda etkisinin bir şekilde devam etmesi gerekir.
- I was a doctor six years ago. (Altı yıl önce doktordum.)
- I am a doctor now. (Şimdi bir doktorum.)
- I have been a doctor for six years. (Altı yıldır doktorum.) ( Been: VERB’tür)
Birinci cümle: geçmiş zaman,
İkinci cümle: şimdiki zamandır
Üçüncü cümle: Present Perfect Tense ile kurulan cümle her iki zamanı da içine almaktadır. Geçmişte doktordum ve
doktorluğum hala devam ediyor anlamı vardır.

USE 3- Duration From Past Until Now (Geçmişten bugüne kadar gelen süre): Geçmişten başlayıp şu ana kadar devam eden
şeyleri anlatmak için kullanırız. Hala devam eden eylemlerden bahsederken, geçmiş zamana ait zaman ifadeleri
SIMPLE PAST TENSE: - last year. ( bitmiştir ),- last week. ( bitmiştir ),- last yesterday. ( bitmiştir ),- a second ago. ( bir saniye
önce dahi bitmiştir )
Devam eden bir zaman zarfı ne kadar uzun olursa olsun Present Perfect ile kullanılır.
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: - today. (bitmemiş devam ediyor.), - this morning. (bitmemiş devam ediyor.), - this
month. (bitmemiş devam ediyor.), - this century. (bu yüzyıl bile bitmemiş devam ediyor.)
MORNING: 13:00’a kadar olan süre
AFTERNOON: 17:00’a kadar olan süre
EVENING: 17:00 – 20:00 kadar olan süre
NIGHT: 20:00’dan sabah 5:00’a kadar olan sürelerdir.

SABAH 11:00 ‘DA SÖYLERSE: - She hasn’t eaten anything this morning.
ÖĞLEN 15:00’ DA SÖYLERSE: She didn’t eat anything this morning.
-I have gone to cinema once this month.
-I went to cinema once last month.
- I have had a cold for two weeks.
- She has been in Paris for two months.
- My mother has burnt her leg.
- She has cut her hair.
Henüz bitmemiş olan bir süreci anlatmak ve bu zaman süreleri esnasınca aynı tür olaylar ortaya çıkabilir.
- My football team has scored a lot of goals this season.
My mother has cooked too much vegetable meal this week.

USE 4- Experience (Tecrübe): Hayatınızda geçirmiş olduğunuz tecrübeleri anlatmak için kullanılır. Tecrübelerden
bahsederken zamanın bir önemi yoktur.
- I have been to Van.
- I have never been to Van.
- He has never traveled by plane.
- Have you ever met him? No, I have not met him.

USE 5-Change Over Time (Zamanla değişim) : Bir süre içinde meydana gelen değişiklikleri anlatmak için kullanılır.
- You have lost weight since the last time I saw you.
- Defense sport has become one of the most popular courses among the women.
- My English has really improved since I began to watch English movies.

USE 6- Accomplishments (Başarılardan bahsederken): Bu zamanı ayrıca kişisel veya insanlığın kazanmış olduğu başarıları
anlatmak için kullanırız. Böyle durumlarda belirli bir zaman veremeyiz.
- Man has walked on the moon.
- Our son has won the gold madal at World championship at taekvondo.
- Doctors have cured many deadly diseases.
- Scientists have split the atom.

USE 7- An Uncompleted Action You Are Expecting (Tamamlanması beklenen eylem): Gerçekleşmesini beklediğimiz bir
eylemin henüz olmadığını anlatmak için kullanırız.
- He has not finished his homework yet.
- Tom has still not arrived at home.
- The snow hasn't stopped.

USE 8- Multiple Actions at Different Times (Farklı zamanlarda çoklu eylemler): Geçmişte farklı zamanlarda gerçekleşmiş
birkaç eylemi anlatmak için kullanırız. Ayrıca bu zamanda, henüz sürecin bitmemiş olduğu ve eylemlerin devam edeceği
anlamı da vardır.
- They have visited their grandparents many times.
- We have had two exams this semester.
- We have had many problems while working on this project.

USE 9- Radyo, televizyon ve gazetelerde haber olarak ilk defa bahsedilip sonra ayrıntıları anlatılacak olayların ilk
defa haber olarak söylenen kısımlarında Present Perfect kullanılır. Ayrıntıları ise Simple Past ile anlatılır.
- People in the village of Armutlu have seen a very strange thing in the sky. They said it was something like a UFO.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıda boş bırakılan yerleri parantez içindeki fiillerle Present Perfect Tense'e uygun biçimde doldurunuz.
1) John..........................(not, talk) to Mary since last week
2) I and Sharon............................(be) friends since we were children.
3) Nancy...................................(study) medicine for seven years.
4) Pamela................................(sing) pop songs at some clubs for four years.
5) Sude…………………. (win) the first prize in taekvondo tournament, everybody admires her.
6) Nancy……………………….. (never / have) a car before, so she really likesher new car.
7) James……………………… (receive) a new bike from his parents, he is riding it in the park.
8) Jim………………………….. (just/ have) breakfast, so he mustn't be hungry anymore
9) They………………………….. (have) a hard day, because of the weather.
10) Jessica……………………… (take) care of her little sister. She loves her very much.
11) Sam………………………… (enjoy) himself at the seaside with his friends this week.
12) Tony is worried because he………………………………. (be) late two times for work this week.
13) The plane ……………………. (already /land) the runway.
14) I…………………………. (see) some good news on TV this morning.
15) Can I go out now? I……………………. (finish) my homeworks.
16) My nextdoor neighbour is really noisy. We………………… (complain) many times, but it doesn't make any difference.
17) They…………… (build) the new bridge, but it doesn't look very solid.
18) He can't find his wallet. He………………………. (look) everywhere.
19) We………………………. (hire) a car, so I'll come to attend your wedding this week.
20) We're late. We……………………. (miss) the beginning of the basketball match.
21) We……………………………. (wait) long enough for you! We are going home.
22) I........................................(not, eat) in this restaurant before.
23) They................................. (not, finish) their homework. They can't come with you.
24) The naughty boy ...............................(break) the window of my living room.
25) She is a rich woman. She……………………. (travel) around the world.
26) I and my friends …………………….. (sail) across the Atlantic Ocean.

27) We..................................(not,get) a call from him since he moved İstanbul.
28) Nuray ................................(see) Süleymaniye Mosque.
29) Fatma .................................(ride) all the horses in the farm.
30) We....................................... (walk) two kilometres.
31) Rose...................................(live) in Antalya since their parents die.
32) I............................(know) him all my life.
33) Mark ....................... (not,send) me even an e-mail for two months. I wonder what he ...............(do) since then.
34) Tina…………….. (not / listen) to music for a long time, she…………….. (to be) busy these days.
35) Robert………………. (not / send) any emails up to now, he……………. (not / finish) doing his homework yet.
36) My grandparents ……………….. (see) a lot of places and they ……………….. (do) many interesting things.
37) My friend Sue …………………… (visit) Australia and she …………………… (meet) the Aborigins.
38) Our uncle ………………. (eat) snails in France and he……………………….. (drink) kumiss in Türkmenistan.
39) I………………. (stay) in the Ritz Hotel in İstanbul and I…………………… (sleep) in a tent in Alaska.
40) A: How long................he....................(know) you? B: Since I was born.
41) How long..................Tom.........................(be) a tailor?
42) How long ..................they.............................(work) in Mersin?
43), write) a poem?
44), listen) to Mozart? B: Yes, I.....................(have) many albums of his.
45) a present for Susan?
46) I...................................(not, find) my them?
47) I…………………. (not / go) to Tarkan's concert so far, but I am sure he is the best singer I…………….. (ever/ hear).
48), be) to Japan before?

EXERCISE 2-Write questions using “how long”, “how many” in “The Present Perfect Simple”
Example : A: My father is a teacher.
B: Oh, really! How long has your father been a teacher?
Oh, really! How many years has your father been a teacher?

1-A: What a pity that my sister drinking too much.

B: Oh, really! ………………………………………………………..?
2-A: My son attends an chemistry course in Ankara.
B: How surprising! …………………………………………………?
3-A: My grandhather is in hospital.
B: Sorry to hear that! ……………………………………………?
4-A: Mert is in love with Pam.
B: How wonderful! …………………………………………………?
5-A: The children are swimming in the swimming pool.
B: Isn’t that strange! ………………………………………………?
6-A: My parents live in Antalya.
B: Oh, really! ………………………………………………………….?
7-A: I have a terrible headache.
B: How depressing it is! ………………………………………….?
8-A: My daughter is married to an engineer.
B: Oh, really! ………………………………………………………….?
9-A: My father is unemployed.
B: Sorry to hear that! ……………………………………………..?
10-A: My husband is very much interested in history.
B: Lovely! ……………………………………………………………….?

EXERCISE 3-Ask questions for the underlined words;

1) Hale has watched a documentary about environment on TV.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
2) John's children have gone to a cinema twice since last month.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
How many times ………………………………………………………………………………?
3) Tina's brother hasn't gone to work because it is Sunday today.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
4) They have had a hamburger at the Burger King.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Where ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
5) They've cut a lot of papers.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
How many ……………………………………………………………………………………….?
6) We've just finished playing football.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
7) The woman has cleaned all the classes.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
8) Peter has already arrived the airport.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
9) We have had a delightful concert in the stadium.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
10) I've read that book twice this week to write my report.
Have/Has ………………………………………………………………………………………..?
How many times …………………………………………………………………………..?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Why ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?


SINCE: - DEN BERİ : Eylemin geçmişte başlangıç zamanını anlatır .Zamanın başlangıcından bahsediyorsak (olayların
geçmişte, başlangıcını bilmediğimiz bir zamanda başlaması ve hala da devam etmesidir.) cümle sonunda time expression’
lardan önce kullanılır.


- Her sister has lived there since 1987.
- I haven't ridden a donkey since I was 5.
-We were both in the Ankara 2 years ago. But we haven't seen each other since.
-She hasn't read a book since she left school.
-They have worked in that company since 1995.
-It has snowed since this morning.
Ayrıca 'SINCE' bağlaç olarakta kullanılır. '............................den beri, dan beri'

SINCE + S + V2.......................... S + HAVE / HAS + V3
I haven't visited the Topkapı Palace since I came to İstanbul.
Since I came here, I haven't played golf.

FOR: - DIR, -DİR: Eylemin yapılış süresini anlatır.zamanın başlangıcı ile şu andaki zaman arasındaki zaman dilimi ( süreç )
nden bahsediyorsak kullanılır. Cümle sonunda time expression’ lardan önce kullanılır.
- Her sister has lived in İstanbul for 5 years.
-I haven't driven a car for 3 years.
-They have been in prison for 2 years.
-Mario and John have slept for three hours.
-I have waited for you for a long time.

UP TO PRESENT, SO FAR, TILL NOW …. : ŞİMDİYE KADAR. Cümle sonunda time expression’ lardan önce kullanılır.
- Nobody has cleaned this room up to the present.
- They have won seven madals so far.
- The doctor has only examined two patients till now.

JUST/ ONLY JUST: HENÜZ, ŞİMDİ, AZ ÖNCE, DAHA YENİ ( ONLY RECENTLY): Olumlu cümlede: Çok kısa bir süre önce
tamamlanmış durumlarda kullanılır. Eylemin bitişinden sonar geçen sürenin kısalığını belirtmek için vurgu yapılmasıdır.
-They've just bought a new car.
- I've just received an e-mail.
- She has just gone out.

ALREADY: ZATEN, ÇOKTAN..................BİLE : Olumlu cümlede: Umulandan önce gerçekleşmiş eylemler için kullanılır.
A: Clean the car. B: I have already cleaned it.
A: John, this is Mary. B: Yes, I know. We have already met.
Bazen cümle sonunda da kullanılabilir.
Wear your coat before you go out.It is cold.
I have worn my coat already.

RECENTLY: SON GÜNLERDE, ŞU GÜNLERDE: Kesin bir zaman belirtmeden yapılan iş vurgusu vardır. Haber niteliği olan son
gelişmeleri ifade tmek için kullanılırlar.
- There has been a lot of disturbance recently.
- There has been a very big financial crisis in my country recently.
- I have given big decisions about my life recently.

They went to the meeting quıte recently.
He won the race only recently.


- The government has built several bridges lately.
- I have made changes in my house lately.

YET: DAHA, HENÜZ,ŞİMDİYE KADAR : Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.Cümlenin sonunda kullanılır.
A: Are Diana and David here? B: No, they haven't arrived yet.
A: Does John know that you are going away ? B: No, I haven't told him yet. ,
A: Have Diana and Paul arrived yet ? B: No, not yet. We are still waiting for them.
A: Has Linda started her new job yet ? B: No, she starts next week.

EVER: HİÇ ( ŞİMDİYE KADAR) : Genellikle SORU cümlelerinde 'hiç' anlamında kullanılır. Bir eylemi daha önce yapıp
yapmadığımızı sorar. 'Ever' ile sorulan sorulara olumsuz yanıt verilirken, anlamı gereği daha cok 'never' kullanılır.

A: Have you ever seen a famous person before?
B: No, I have never seen a famous person before or No, I haven't.
- Have you ever seen a Tarantula?
- I have never visited a foreign country.
- He is the tallest man I've ever seen.

NEVER: HİÇ ( ŞİMDİYE KADAR) : Olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılır.

- I have never visited a foreign country.

GONE: Gitmiş ama hala orada dönmemiş veya gitmek için yola çıkmış ise kullanılır.
- He has gone to Paris.

BEEN: Bulunmak: gitmiş ve dönmüş (şimdi burada). konuşma esnasında farklı bir yerde ise.
- He has been to Paris. (Paris'e gitti / Paris'te bulundu.)
A: Where is Bill ? B: He's away. He has gone to Spain. ( Şu anda orada.)
A: Hello, Bill.
B: Hello, I've been on holiday. I've been to Spain. (Daha önce oradaydım, şimdi buradayım )


SIMPLE PRESENT: I always go to bed late.( Her zaman geç yatarım.)
I often brush my teeth.
PRESENT PERFECT: I have always göne to bed late. ( Her zaman geç yatmışımdır.)
I often have brushed my teeth.

ONCE, TWICE, THREE TIMES, SEVERAL TIMES, MANY TIMES: eylemi hayatımız boyunca kaç kere yaptığımızı ifade tmek için
She has been to İstanbul many tımes.
I have met him only once.
They have göne to theatre two tımes a month.


It hasn’t rained so far this march.
We haven’t eaten and drunken anything so far this evening because we are on feast.


It hasn’t rained all summer until now.
I haven’t seen a plane up to now.

It is/ has been six months since I last saw my parents.( en son ailemi görmeyeli üç ay oluyor.)
It is/ has been six months since I have seen my parents.( Ailemi görmeyeli üç ay oluyor.)
It is/ it has been twenty years since I became a teacher.
It is/ it has been twenty years since I have become a teacher.


I am forty years old and I am very happy because this is the first time that I have driven a bicycle.
This is the third time she has played billard and she is not bad.
This is the second bus that we have got on to go to Kızılay.


This is the most exciting film that have ever watched.
This is the most wonderful place that I have ever been.
He is the rudest man that I have ever met.

EXERCISE 1-write 'since' or 'for'

1) Jenny has been in Turkey ....................Monday.
2) Jenny has been in Turkey ........................three days.
3) My uncle has lived in Germany ........................10 years.
4) Mark is in his office. He has been there.......................9 o'clock.
5) Turkey has been an independent country......................1923.
6) The boss is late. We have been waiting him ..........................20 minutes.
7) Nobody lives in that old wooden house. It has been empty......................many years.
8) My grandmother has been ill....................a long time.She's been in hospital...................October.
9) We haven't seen Jack ......................... I came to Izmir.
10) I've had this T-shirt.........................last Friday.
11) Alice has lived in this house.......................... she was born.
12) She's been journalist ...........................last year.
13) She's studied maths .........................hours.
14) We have had a Volkswagen .....................September.
15) I've had this mobile phone.........................I got married.
16) My grandparents have lived in this country........................four decades.
17) My parents and I have been a holiday.....................a fortnight.
18) He hasn't had a job ........................... last year and he's had unemployment insurance ................then.
19) I've had a headache........................yesterday evening.
20) This bridge has stood here.....................centuries.
21) It has snowed here.......................the last two days.
22) Their daughter has been at Hacettepe University......................three years.
23) I haven't seen them.......................their wedding.
24) She has beenat the shower ........................more than half an hour.
25) I have expected an invitation from her.....................ages.
26) Mr. Black has been the president of the firm...................the death of his father-in-law.
27) She has worn the same old least five days.
28) Doctors have known this medicine………………………..centuries.
EXERCISE 2- Rewrite the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the sentence before it.
Use the alternative form with “FOR” or “SINCE”.
Example : We have not had broccoli for a long time.
It is a long time since we had broccoli.
It has been a long time since we had broccoli.
It is two years since he last swam in the river.
He has not swum in the river for two years.
1-It is a long time since she played chess.
2-They have not heard from him for a long time.
3-It is a long time since Mert had a party.
4-My son has not phoned me for a long time.
5-It is ages since her parents gone out.
Her parents
6-My husband has not bought me any present for ages.
7-It is six months since they paid us house rent.
8-It is twenty hours since she slept.
9-We have not had any rain for three months.
10-It is a long time since the children last played hide and seek in the garden.

EXERCISE 3-Complete the following sentences with the Superlative forms of the “Adjectives” in brackets, using
“The Present Perfect Simple” with “EVER”.
Example : A: What do you think of Kate?
B: I think Kate is (beautiful)…………… girl I (ever, see) ………………
I think Kate is the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.
1-A: What do you think of this soup?
B: I think that is (delicious) ……………. soup I (ever, taste) ……………….
2-A: What do you think of this sport car?
B: I think this is (fast) ………………. sport car I (ever, drive) ………………
3-A: What do you think of the exam Mark has entered?
B: I think it is (difficult) ……………….. exam Mark (ever,enter) …………..
4-A: Have you got any idea about this book?
B: This is (good) ………………. book I (ever,read) ……………… in my life.
5-A: What do you know about Liz?
B: I think Liz is (intelligent) …………… woman I (ever, meet) ……………
6-A: What do you think about this winter?
B: I think this is (cold) …………….. winter we (ever, have) ………………. for years.
7-A: What do you think of Henry?
B: Henry is (rude) ………………. man I (ever, dance) ………………. with.
8-A: What do you know about İstanbul?
B: Istanbul is (noisy) ………………. city we (ever, be to) …………….. in Turkey.
9-A: What do you think about me?
B: Frankly speaking, you are (annoying)……………. person I (ever, meet) …………….

EXERCISE 4-Aşağıdaki verilen cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri,for,since, just, already,ever,never,gone,been,yet

kelimeleriyle uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) Has Harry finished his studies…………………………….?YET
2) They've known us ........................a long time.FOR
3) My brother had…………………bought a new sports car but he hasn't driven it…………………. JUST,YET
4) A: Do Sony and Tim want to see the film?B: No, they.....................................(see) it.ALREADY,
5) Guess what? Mark has………………………phoned from the France! JUST
6) Has your father…………………………..been abroad?EVER
7) I've been in this school......................2014.SINCE
8) It hasn't snowed here.......................three years.FOR
9) It's two in the afternoon and we haven't eaten anything………………………... YET
10) A: Is Sam at home?B: Yes, he...................................(come).JUST
11) Hello Sally. Where have you...........................? Have the bank? BEEN,GONE
12) I can't go to Russia. I've………………….booked my tickets for Spain. I booked them four months ago. ALREADY
13) Henry has………………………..driven a sports car. NEVER
14) She's done gymnastics.........................many years.FOR
15) I have seen her many times...........................I met her. SINCE
16) 'Have you Japan?' 'No, never.'BEEN
17) Congratulations! You've……………………..won a trip to Egypt.JUST
18) They had their house.....................Mr. Brown retired in 2013.SINCE
19) I have…………………..eaten two pieces of that cake and I'm totally full.ALREADY
20) A: Have you bought a present for Jennifer?B: No, because he.......................( invite) me to his birthday party.JUST
21) I'm waiting for him, but I haven't seen him…………………….YET
22) I've………………………………eaten frogs or snails.NEVER
23) If only you called 2 minutes earlier! Mark has…………………………..gone out.JUST
24) My parents aren't at home this evening. They've.........................out.GONE
25) I haven't eaten anything........................yesterday morning.SINCE
26) This is the most beautiful car I have…………………..seen.EVER
27) A: When is Martin going away ?B: He......................................( go )ALREADY
28) Have you……………………………met a famous person?EVER
29) It's not too late. Come and join us, we have………………………. begun the game.JUST
30) A: Don't forget to phone Tom.B: I.................................(phone) him.ALREADY
31) We've…………………………….met a real detective before.NEVER
32) I'm hungry. I haven't eaten my breakfast…………………………. .YET
33) The young couple hasn't slept……………………….their baby was born.SINCE
34) There's a new restaurant in town. Have it?BEEN
35) Our national team hasn't shot a goal……………………………….20 minutes.FOR
36) The film started 15 minutes ago, but I have………………………….turned on the TV.JUST
37) Andy hasn't ridden a horse……………………….he fell off.SINCE
38) I have worked in this bank………………………… five years.FOR
39) A: Are you hungry ?B: No, I.............................(have) dinner.JUST
40) A: Do you want to read the newspaper. B: I.....................................(read )ALREADY
41) I have not talked to James……………………… but I’ll do it as soon as I see him. YET
42) I have………………………………..seen a crocodile.NEVER
43) 'Where is Jeffrey?' 'He isn't here. I think he' the bank .'GONE
44) The man sitting at table 9 has not paid for his order…………………………..YET
45) Anne knows Urfa well. She's..........................there many times.BEEN
46) We haven't come across her.........................she left İstanbul.SINCE
47) She hasn't spoken to me...................more than two weeks.FOR
48) Watch out! I have……………………cleaned the floor.JUST
49) A: What time is Paul arriving ?B: He....................................(arrive )ALREADY
50) Helen was here earlier but I think she'

EXERCISE 5-Complete the following sentences with the words on the list below.
always never for still
already ever recently
since now up to now
before until now
since then just yet

1) I haven’t visited Çorum……since……….. I was ten.

2) I have ………never………….. seen such a beautiful girl in my life.
3) Dan Brown has written eight books …………up to now………..
4) I haven’t had a chance to meet with you …………for………. ages.
5) My father has ………already………… booked a place for the wedding reception.
6) Tom hasn’t ordered the flowers ………yet……….
7) I have seen this film ……before……………….. , but I cannot remember when.
8) Max hasn't learnt to use the Internet…………yet……………… .
9) You don't have to clean the floor, because I have……………just……….cleaned it.
10) Has anybody ………ever………. told you that you are crazy?
11) Have you ………ever………… tried Turkish food? Would you like to try some?
12) Tony has ………always…………… driven his car very carefully.
13) I have been married ………for………. twenty years
14) I won't give you a glass of coke. You haven't finished the first one………yet…………………...
15) I have studied English ………for…………. three years ……since…………. I came here.
16) I saw your sister last May, but I haven’t seen her …until now……………
17) I have ………just……….. read your composition. How much time did you spend writing it?
18) The concert starts at six but the singers haven't arrived………yet……………..
19) The news about the inflation in Turkey has been bad …up to now……………….
20) He went to Ordu ten years ago, and he has lived there ………then…………
21) He has ……always………… wanted to go to Mardin, but he has …never………….. had the chance.
22) It's 1 p.m. and my little sister has………already………………gone to bed.
23) He was ill before Christmas, but he has been well ………recently………….
24) This flat has been empty ……for…….. two years …then………..
25) Haven’t you eaten your lunch ……yet………….. ?
26) Have you ……ever………… been to Japan?
27) I have ………never………. heard anything like this ……before…………….. in my life.
28) I thought she was famous, but none of my friends have ……still………….. heard of her.
29) I have been to London four times ………now……….

EXERCISE 6-Answer the following questions in “The Present Perfect Simple” using the words in brackets.
Example : A: Why don’t you read the newspaper? (already)
B: I have already read it.

1-A: Are you going to post the boxes? (just)

2-A: Have you finished your homework? (yet)
3-A: How many books have you read? (so far)

4-A: Are you going to have a shower? (already)
5-A: Are you in love? (never / before)
6-A: Why don’t you ride this horse? (never / before)
7-A: Will you return the books to the library? (already)
8-A: Would you like to eat dinner with me? (just)
9-A: Have you sold your car? (yet)
10-A: When are you going to tidy your room? (already)
11-A: Why don’t you watch that film on (the) TV? (before)
12-A: How many letters have you written? (up to now)


Türkçe çevirisinde bir fark yoktur fakat kullanım ve anlam bakımından birbirlerinden farklıdırlar.

USE 1- PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: I have broken my leg. (Bacağımı kırdım.) (kişinin bacağının alçıda , eylemin etkilerinin hala
SIMPLE PAST TENSE:- I broke my leg. (Bacağımı kırdım.) (eylemin ne zaman olduğu belli değil ve cümleyi söyleyen kişinin
bacağı artık iyileşmiştir.) Geçmişte kalan bir eylemden bahsedilmektedir.

USE 2- Present Perfect Tense: Her zaman şu anla ilgili bir anlam taşır. Yani şu anda sahip olmadığını anlarız.
Past Simple Tense: Geçmişle ilgili bir anlam taşır. Yani şu anda sahip olup olmadığı hakkında fikir sahibi olamayız.
- Jane grew her nails but now she has cut them off. (şu anda tırnaklarının olmadığı anlaşılmaktadır.)
- My mother went out for shopping and she has just come back.

USE 3- Present Perfect Tense: Birisine yeni bir bilgi veya haber vermek için kullanırız.
Past Simple Tense: O eylemle ilgili konuşmaya devam edersek kullanırız.
A- I've broken my leg.
B- Really? How did you do that?
A- I fell off the ladder.

USE 4- Simple Past Tense:"When" soru kelimesi ile,

Present Perfect Tense: "How long" soru kalıbıyla kullanılır.
A- When did it start snowing? (kar yağışının tam olarak ne zaman başladığı sorulmaktadır)
B- It started snowing two hours ago.
A- How long has it been snowing? (kar yağışının başlangıcı ve ne kadar zamandır devam ettiği sorulmaktadır.)
B- It has been snowing for two hours. (kar yağışının henüz bitmediği de anlaşılmaktadır.)

EXERCISE 1-Answer the questions using Pre. Perfect or Simple Past;

1) Has the lesson started? (+)
When did it start? (5 minute ago)
2) Have you had your breakfast? (+)
When did you have it? (one hour ago)
3) Have you been Paris? (+)
When did you go there? (2 years ago)
4) Have you met a famous person? (+)
When did you see her first? (yesterday)
5) Have you ever ridden a horse? (+)
When did you ride it first? (I was 5)
6) Have you ever played the piano? (+)
When did you try it? (last term)
7) Have you ever seen a crocodile? (+)
Where did you see it? (at the zoo)
8) Has it stopped snowing? (+)
When did it stop? (2 hour ago)
9) Have you invite Sam to the party? (+)
When did you invite him? (yesterday)
10) Has she done her homework? (-)
Why didn't she do it? (tired)

EXERCISE 2-Put the verbs in brackets into either “The Present Perfect” or “The Past Simple” using “for”, “since”
or “ago”.
Example : He (work) ……………… in this factory ……………… he (leave) ……………… school.
He has worked in this factory since he left school.

1) Lale (be) …………… asleep …………….. about twelve hours.

2) I (live) ………………… here ………………… March.
3) Sally (not, eat) ………………. meat ……………… she…………….. (see) that film about farm animals.
4) My parents (be) ……………. married ………………. twenty five years now.
5) Sam (have) ………………… his car …………….. he ………………….. (become) a dentist.
6) I (study) ………………. German……………. three years …………… I ……………. (come) here.
7) Sonny (become) ……………. more tolerant ……………. she ……………………. (become) mother.
8) I (know) …………….. Ela ……………… four years ………….. she ……………. (start) this school.
9) Tom(not, play) …………….. football …………… he ………………. (break) his leg.
10) I (get) …………… married fifteen years. My husband and I (live) …………… happily together then.
11) I (see) ……………….. my Geography teacher an hour ………………….
12) I (live) …………….. in Italy …………… six months in2005, but I (not, be) ……………. there then.
13) I (teach) ………………… English ……………… three years when I (be) ……………… in Sinop.
14) Someone (build) ………. the house ten years ……………., but I don’t know who (live) …………. in it then.
15) I (drive) ………….. a truck………………….. a long time.
16) Ann (have) ……………… a bad cold ………………. the last few days.
17) Tim(be) …………….. engaged to Sally………………. two years and then he (get) …………. married to Sandy.
18) We(set up) ………….. this society ten years ………….., and the membership (grow) …………. ever
19) This is the first time I (tell) …………………. you a lie.
20) Rex (never, be) ……………… to İzmir, but he (read) …………. a book about this city last year.

EXERCISE 3-Aşağıdaki cümlelerdeki boşlukları PRESENT PERFECT TENSE veya SIMPLE PAST TENSE'e uygun olarak
1) We…………………………. (go) to Adana last year.
2) We…………………………. (be) to Adana recently.
3) I………………never………………… (meet) a famous person.
4) She………………………….. (meet) an actor at the party last night.
5) ……………….you……………………… ever (see) a lion so far?
6) We………………… (sell) our house last year. But we……………….. (not/buy) a new house yet.
7) They…………………………. (return) from their trip to Spain last night.
8) She is tired because she………………….just………………………. (finish) painting the room.
9) He……………………….. (see) this film five times.
10) …………………… ever……………………… (eat) snail soup?
11) A few years ago I……………………….. (meet) a beautiful girl.
12) Nobody………………….. (come) to see us since we……………………….. (leave) our old house.
13) A: …………………you……………. (see) Mark recently?" B: "No, he…………… (go) to İzmir two months ago, and
he…………… (be) there since then."
14) My brother……………………. (bring) a book to me last month, and I…………………. (read) it several times since then.
15) A: "I am afraid that I…………………. (lose) my briefcase." B: "I don't think so. I…………….. (see) it on the table two
minutes ago."
16) A:…………… you………….. (have) your breakfast yet?" B: Yes, I ……………. (have) my breakfast at seven o'clock this
17) A:…………………….. the teacher………………… (come) yet?" B: "No, he ………………… (not/come) yet."
18) A: "What time………………he ………………….. (come) yesterday?" B: "He………………….. (not/come) yesterday, either.

19) Where is Mike? I………………….. (not/see) him recently.
20) The Titanic……………………. (sink) in 1912.
21) Somebody……………………. (steal) my bicycle! Now I’ll have to walk home.
22) Gerry…………………(fall) off his bike three times this month.
23) Ouch!....................... (cut) my finger!
24) Jack……………………. (work) for Aspava before he came to work for us.
25) Pam………………… (play) tennis for five years when he……………………….. (be) at school.
26) Banu: Can you help me? I………………. (finish) my homework, but I still don't understand number 10.
27) When Tom was at school, he……………… (learn) to play the guitar. He……………. (play) it ever since.
28) Could you give me some advice? I……………. (buy) this sweater at Cotton.Does it suit me?
29) Lucy ………………. (go) to Kars last year. That means that she……………….. (be) to Kars 2 times.
30) The weather …………………………….. (not/be) very good yesterday.
31) Nancy...........................................( wash) her hair before breakfast this morning.
32) Kathren travels a lot. She......................................... ( visit) many countries.
33) I ................. (not, be) to Mardin before, but I................(like) to visit very much.
34) My family ………………………........(not, have) any news from Tim for two years.
35) Sandy ...............(call) many ads in the newspaper but she ……………. (not, find) a flat yet.
36) A: .............. you...............(notice) the storm last night? B: Yes, I …………….. (get) very afraid and..................(go)
down the shelter.
37) Greg and Alice ............................(know) each other for more than ten years.
38) Tony .............................(send) e-mail to him last week, but he ..............................(not, reply) yet.
39) Ahmet.............. (buy) this suit a year ago but he.................(not, wear) it even once so far.
40) You look very upset. What..............................(happen)?
41) I'm sorry. I know we ............ (meet) two days ago but I .................(forget) your name!
42) I'm sorry about not coming last week. I ..............(be) ill so I...............(stay) at home.
43) For the past few years, she ......................... (spend) too much money on clothes, meals, and gifts for others,
44) Every month since then, she........................ (focus) on paying off that credit card.
45) When she……….... (review) her finances last week, she................................... (be)unsatisfied,
46) Since then, she.......................... (feel) much better.
47) A: Did you like the movie "Matrix"? B: I don't know. I................……......... (see, never) that movie.
48) I........................ ( never, have)too much fun since I...................................... (be)a kid.
49) Things.................................. (change) a great deal at Sony Tex, Inc.
50) When we first.............. (start)working here three years ago, the company ................. (only have) six employees.
51) We.................. (tell) her to stay on the path while she was hiking, but she.................... (wander) off into the forest
and.................... (bite) by a snake,
52) Hey!Mark, I don't care if you...............(miss) the bus this morning. You............. (be) late to work too many times.
You are fired!
53) How sad! Greg ................. (dream) of going to Egypt before he died, but he didn't make it.
54) In the last hundred years, traveling ………………..... (become) much easier and more comfortable,
55) Tony, I can't believe how much you............................ (change) since the last time I ...................... (see) you. You
............................ (grow) at least a foot!




I ----------------------have been
You--------------------have been
He-------------------- has been
She-------------------- has been + visiting + my uncle
It---------------------- has been
We-------------------- have been
You--------------------have been

They-------------------have been

I ----------------------have not been
You--------------------have not been
He-------------------- has not been
She-------------------- has not been + visiting + my uncle
It---------------------- has not been
We-------------------- have not been
You--------------------have not been
They-------------------have not been


Have I been
Have you been
Has he been
Has she been + visiting + my uncle
Has it been
Have we been
Have you been
Have they been

USE 1- PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE: Bir işin tamamlandığını veya tamamlanan sonucunu belirtir.
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS : Yapmakta olduğumuz eylemin kendisini belirtir.
- I have repaired the car.
- I have been repairing the car. That‘s why my hands are greasy.
- She has made cakes.
- She is in the kitchen. She has been making cake.
- How many eggs have you boiled this morning?
- What's that smell? Have you been cooking?

USE 2- Hem Present Perfect Tense, hem de Present Perfect Continuous Tense : Geçmişte başlayan, hala devam eden ve
henüz tamamlanmamış eylemlerden bahsederken, eğer eylemin ne kadar zamandır sürdüğünü vurgulamak istiyorsak
kullanılır. İki zaman arasında böyle kullanımlarda herhangi bir fark yoktur.
- Her parents have lived here since 2005.
- Her parents have been living here since 2005.
- How long have they played in this room?
- How long have they been playing in this room?

USE 3- PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS : Aynı durumda olan olayların ne kadar zamandır olduğundan bahsetmek için.
Olayın bitip bitmediği bu durumda önemli değildir.
- She has been reading this book.
- The mechanic has been repairing my car.
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Aynı durumda olan olayların ne kadar zamandır olduğundan bahsedilmediği zaman, olayın
tamamlanmış olduğu anlaşılır.
- She has read this magazine.
- The mechanic has repaired my washing machine.

USE 4- PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Kesintisiz bir şekilde devam eden olaylar da
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Yapılan eylemin kaç kere yapıldığını, miktarını veya kaç tane olduğunu söylemek için
- I have been washing my clothes for two hours.
- I have washed my clothes for two hours.
- She has been reading since she came home.
- She has read too much since she came home.
- How long have you been talking on the phone?
- How many people have you telephoned?

USE 5- PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Biten bir eylemi açıklıyor.
PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Meydana gelen sonucun sebeplerini/ etkilerini açıklıyor.
- He has been driving. (yakın geçmişte biten bir eylemin etkileri )
- A: Why are you so cold? B: It has been snowing outside and I've just arrived home.
- “Why is he tired?” ''Because he has been working all day.'

USE 6- PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Sürerlilik ifade eden:Bir kerede yapılıp bitirilen işlerin hala devam etmekte
olduğunu anlatmada
PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Süreklilik ifade etmeyen: bir kerede yapılıp bitirilen işlerin anlatılmasında
- I have been looking for my key all morning. Haven't you seen it?
- You have been cleaning the house since breakfast. I think you have nearly finished.
-Mother has been cleaning the room since 8 o'clock.

USE 7-

A- Present Continuous Tense'le kullanılmayan fiiller yine Present Perfect Continuous Tense'le kullanılmaz. Çünkü bu tense
de süreklilik gösterir. Böyle bir durumda ' Present Perfect Tense ' kullanılmalıdır.

1- Duyu eylemlerini ifade etmek için kullandığımız fiiller:

*Feel-Hissetmek,gibi görünmek , Hear-Duymak , See –Görmek , *Smell-Kokmak, Koklamak , *Taste-Tatmak, tadında
olmak , Know-Bilmek
2-Duygularımızı ifade etmek için kullandığımız filler:
Amaze-Şaşırtmak, hayran bırakmak, Appreciate-Taktir etmek , minnettar olmak, Astonish-Şaşırtmak,hayret ettirmek, *Care-
Özen göstermek, önem vermek , Dislike-Sevememek, beğenmemek, hoşlanmamak
Envy-İmrenmek,Gıpta etmek , Fear-Korkmak Hate-Nefret etmek , Like-Hoşlanmak , Love-Sevmek , Mind-Aldırmak,Aldırış
etmek, önemsemek , Need-İhtiyacı olmak , Please-Memnun etmek, hoşnut etmek
Prefer-Tercih etmek , Surprise-Sürpriz etmek , *Want-İstemek
3-Zihinsel etkinlik ifade eden fiiller:
Believe-İnanmak , Desire-Arzu etmek , *Doubt-Şüphe etmek,kararsız olmak , *Feel-Hissetmek , *Forget-Unutmak
, *Imagine-Hayal etmek , Know-Bilmek , *Mean-Demek istemek, anlamına gelmek , Realize-Farkına varmak , Recognize-
Tanımak , *Remember-Hatırlamak , Suppose-Varsaymak,varsayımda bulunmak , *Think-Düşünmek , Understand-Anlamak
4- Sahiplik bildiren eylemler:
Belong-Ait olmak , *Have–Sahip olmak , Own– sahip olmak , Possess-Elinde bulundurmak,egemen olmak,hakim olmak
5-Varlık bildiren eylemler:
*Appear- Görünmek, belirmek , *Be-Olamak , Consist of-Meydana gelmek,oluşmak , Contain-İçermek
*Cost-Mal olmak, … kadar paraya mal olmak , Exist-Var olmak, bulunmak , *Include-İçermek, kapsamak,dahil etmek ,
*Look-Bakmak , Matter-Önemi olmak , Owe-Borçlu olmak , Resemble-Hatırlatmak, anımsatmak , Seem-Gibi görünmek,
benzemek , Sound-ses çıkarmak, ses vermek ,*Weigh-Tartmak
You seem to be getting on well. Have you known each other for long?

Not: Başında ( * ) yıldız işareti bulunan filler Present Continuous tense’lede kullanabilirler , fakat böyle bir durumda ilgili
fiilin anlamı değişir!
You seem to be getting on well. Have you known each other for long?
How long have you known him? (not been knowing)
She has understood him well. (not been knowing)

B- Bazen her iki tense de bir diğeri için kullanılabilir. Bu şekilde yaygın olarak kullanılan filler şunlardır:
Ecpect, stand, want, hope, learn, live, look, rain, sleep, sit, snow, stay, study, teach, wait, work, etc.
She has worked for that company for 2 years.
She has been working for that company for 2 years.
How long have you stayed in this building?
How long have you been staying in this building? (Yukandaki iki cumlenin anlamı aynıdır.)

USE 8- SIMPLE PAST TENSE:"When" soru kelimesi ile,

PRESENT PERFECT TENSE/ PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS: "How long" soru kalıbıyla kullanılır. Özellikle “FOR”, “ SINCE”
ile belirtilen zamanlarda çünkü sürerlilik belirtirler.
- When did you win university? I won university two years ago.( tam olarak ne zaman başladığı sorulmaktadır)
- How long have you been studying in this university? (Ne zamandır bu üniversitede öğrencisin?)
- I have been studying in this university for two years. (İki yıldır bu üniversaitede öğrenciyim.)( başlangıcı ve ne kadar
zamandır devam ettiği sorulmaktadır. Ayrıca kurulan cümleden, öğrenciliğinin henüz bitmediği de anlaşılmaktadır.

USE 9- AUXILIARY olarak “ BEEN” kullanımı:

We have been studying literature for three hours.
They have been living in Ankara since 1998.
VERB olarak “ BEEN” kullanımı:
I am a nurse. I have been a nurse for nine years.
She is married. She has been married since 2014.


SIKLIK BİLDİREN ZARFLAR: Always, usually, sometimes…
EYLEMİN KAÇ KEZ YAPILDIĞINI BİLDİREN: Once, twice, several, several times…
I always wrote answer letters to the complaint letters.
I have written four answer letters to the complaint letters.
I have been writing answer letters to complaint letters sınce ten o’clock.

1) A: Hey! What happened? You look really tired. B: I………… (work) in the garden for about 5 hours.
2) A: Why is she so sweat? B: She …………….. (run) for 2 hours in the forest.
3) A: Is she still working on the project? B: Yes, she.........................................(work) on it for two hours.
4) A: Are they looking for a house? B: Yes,they........................................(look for) it for three months.
5) My parents and I ……………… (live) in Ankara for 15 years, I still couldn't learn all the streets. It's a really big city.
6) How long………………….you…………………… (work) in that firm?
7) He…………………….. (writing) this English Grammar book for over 2 years and he still couldn't finish it.
8) Judy …………………….. (learning) Russian since last July but still she can't speak much.
9) Jack’s clohes are very dirty. Because he………………………… (play) football in the mud with his friends.
10) I am really angry. I…………………….. (wait) for John for about half an hour.
11) The painter ……………… (paint) the living room for a week. It’ll be finished soon.
12) How long…………………. you……………………. (know) Sam and Tom?
13) Oh! be quiet! you……………………… (grumble) all day!
14) Your tenis……………… really…………….. (improve). …………………. you……………… (practise) in secret?
15) What's that scratch in the left side of the car?........................ you…………………….. (have) an accident?
16) I'm sorry, Sandy's not here. She……………….. (go) to the dentist. She……………….. (have) trouble with a tooth.
17) My son..........................................(not,study) very hard recently.
18) My grandmother ........................................(feel) terrible all week.
19) all afternoon?
20) My parents ....................................(quarrel) for three hours about moving to İzmir.
21) Sue......................................(itch) for almost two days. I think she's allergic to pollen.
22) We..................................(wait) to catch fish for hours but we caught nothing yet.
23) Tonny...............................(search) for his end of term work for three months.
24) My friends and I ........................................(walk) through the woods since 11 o'clock.
25) Yıldız Kenter .................................(perform) on the stage for nearly 40 years.

EXERCISE 2-Combine or rewrite the sentences in “The Present Perfect Continuous” stating how long something has been
going on. Use “SINCE” or “FOR” in your sentences.
Example : It started to rain three hours ago. It is still raining.
It has been raining for three hours.
They bought a CD last month. They still listen to it.
They have been listening to the CD since last month.

1) Angela started working in the market in March. She is still working there.
2) Jim started to study Turkish a year ago. I am still studying it.
3) My wife began to look for a job six months ago. She is still looking for it.
4) The students started the demonstration half an hour ago. They are still demonstrating.
5) My boss thought of increasing my salary four months ago. He is still thinking of it.
6) I started to smoke when I was twenty five. I still smoke.
7) Mert was working as an engineer in 1998. He still works as an engineer.
8) We began to decorate the whole house two days ago. We are still decorating it.
9) Zeynep started to read book at ten o’clock. She is still reading.
10) James was trying to solve that problem half an hour ago. He is still trying to solve it.
11) Henry sat in front of the computer two hours ago. He is still sitting in front of it.
12) Pam moved to a new cottage in the village five years ago. She still lives there
13) My parents bought a car four years ago. They still use it
14) The movie started at 9. Now it's 11 and I'm still watching it
15) The snowstarted at 2 p.m.. It's still snowing
16) Lara started doing her homeworks three hour ago. She's still doing.
17) I bought these dinner set last year. I still use them.
18) They started swimming two houra ago. They are still swimming in the sea.

EXERCISE 3- Aşağıda verilen cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları PRESENT PERFECT TENSE veya PRESENT PERFECT
CONTINUOUS TENSE'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.
1) James ......................(not, be) here since last month. What...............................(he, do) since then.
2) I...................................(try) to learn Chinese for a long time.
3) We...............................(wait) here since 9 o'clock but they....................(not, come) yet.
4) The students .........................(look) out of the window for minutes. Is there anything wrong in the street?
5) I.......................(repair) the car. I hope you won't have more problems.
6) I ............................(finish) the washing-up. Is there anything else I can do?
7) Mary...................................(still, think) about resigning her job.
8) My mother .............................(rest) in bed all day because she is ill.
9) We..........................(not, have) a holiday for years because our father's always been very busy.
10) A: How long..................... (be) in İstanbul? B: I............................. (study) here for more than four years.
11) Jim............................ (love) tea since he was a child.
12) Judy and Tom.............. (have) some difficulties in their relationship recently, so they ........... (go) to a marriage
13) Sonay.................... (work) for the government sinces he graduated from Hacettepe University. Until recently, she
.................. (enjoy) her work, but now she is talking about retiring,
14) Lately, my daughter …………. (think) about changing her career because she ………...(become) dissatisfied with the
conditions at her company.
15) I ……… (know) Andy for more than three years and during that time I........... (see)many changes in his personality.
16) I'm getting a little worried because the baby...................... (vomit) for over an hour.
17) A: Where is George? B: He............................. (study) at the library for his Geography test on Monday.
18) You look really great! …………………………………… (you, exercise) fitness center?
19) A: What is that sound? B: A car alarm...................... (ring)somewhere down the street. It .................. (drive)me
crazy.I wish it would stop! It............................ (ring)for more than twenty minutes.
20) Jenny's English ................... (improve). He…………........( watch) movies in English and .................... (study) his
grammar every day.
21) I'm exhausted!. I……………….. (work) all day and I…………………. (not finish) my term homework yet.
22) Someone………………. (take) my books. I…………………. (look) for them for ages but I………………….(not find) them yet.
23) We…………….. (shop) all morning, but we…………………….. (not buy) anything yet.
24) We……………….. (listen) to our teacher for the past half an hour, but we………………… (not understand) a single word.
25) My mother ……………….. (try) to lose weight for ages. She …………………… (lose) ten pounds so far.
26) Everyone………….... (try) to save the park for months and they…………………. (give) up yet.
27) We……………………. (put) up posters all over the place for some time.
28) They……………….. (try) to talk to the police officers twice but noone………………. (listen) to them yet.

29) A: Hi Mary! Where's Michael? I…………….. (wait) for him since 2 o'clock…………. She…………….. (forget) about our
meeting? B: No, he ……………….. (forget) about our meeting. She ………………… (go) to dentist.
30) A: I…………………. (work) hard all week and I………………… (not/see) James………….. you……………..(see) her? Is she in
Istanbul? B: No, she isn't ……………………. you …………………(not/hear) ? She went to Ankara last Monday but she is ill.
She…………… (catch) cold.

EXERCISE 3-Answer the Questions using 'since' and 'for';

E.g. How long have you been watching that old movie? (2 hours)
I've been watching it for two hours.
1) How long has Sam been working as a waiter? (5 month)
2) How long have you been reading that book? ( 2 hour)
3) How long have you been working here? (8 years)
4) How long have you been running in thisrunning path? (morning)
5) What have you been doing since I called you? (watch TV)
6) Where have they been attending since September? (English course)
7) What has she been doing since? (sleep)
8) How long have you been teaching English? (15 year)
9) What has the man been doing in front of the house? (watch / witness' house)
10) How long have the students been reading the poems? (5 o'clock)

EXERCISE 4- Complete the sentences using an appropriate Present Tense. ( Simple Present, Present Continuous, Present
Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous Tense.);
1) Sue .......................(frequently, wash) this pullower and it...........................(not, shrink) yet.
2) The postman..............................(just, bring) our box.
3) They.........................(translate) “Diriliş Ertuğrul” into 60 languages.
4) The girls........................... (drink) beer since they arrived here, but none of them ………..............(be) drunk yet.
5) John ........................... (lose) his wallet somewhere near here but I........................... (not, know) where it is exactly.
6) Somebody told me that your son ........................(get) married this week. Is it true?
7) Sandy ..............................(memorise) some words in Turkish for an hour.
8) My cousin ..............................(study) Chinese for about 4 years to learn it very well.
9) His company..........................(not, pay) very well, but he..........................(enjoy) his job.
10) Sandy ...............................(lose) weight quickly if she ………………. (eat) less.
11) ..........................they..........................(still, wait) for the bus at the station?
12) I...............................(read) this book for two hours. It's very exiting.
13) He..........................(sunbathe) on the beach since noon. I think he .....................(get) a terrible sunburnt.
14) Because it......................... (snow) all night, everywhere..................... (be) covered with snow now.
15) The solar system...............................(consist) of the sun and nine planets.
16) Jeremy............................(be) here since 20nd January.

EXERCISE 5-Put the verbs in brackets into either “The Past Simple”, “The Present Perfect Simple” or “The Present Perfect
a. Mary (iron) …………….. her clothes since she (get up) ………………. this morning.
b. Our English teacher (correct) ………….. the papers for two hours and he (not / finish) ………… correcting
them yet.
c. The girls (do) …………….. their homeworks since it (get) ………………… dark.
d. I and my family (stay) ……………… at this hotel since Monday.
e. What (your father, do) ………………….. since he (retire) ……………………..from his job?
f. (Mark,work) …………………. for this company ever since he (leave) ………………… school?
g. The weather (be) …………………. terrible since termtime holiday (begin) …………………….
2) My father (have) ……………. a lot of money since he (operate) ………………….. this club.
3) She (look for) ……………….. her lost child for two hours and she (not, find) ……………. him yet.
4) My sister (collect) …………….. historical artifacts ever since she (become) …………… an auctioneer.
5) I (always, want) ……………… to go to India ever since I (save) ……………enough money.
6) We (stand) ……………. at the bus terminal since lunch time and the bus (not, arrive) …………….. yet.
7) I (know) …………………Jenny for a long time; in fact she is my oldest friend.
8) He (drive) ………………… for an hour and (not,pass) ……………………. a single petrol station yet.
9) We (be) ………………. Married for ten years since we (come) …………….. to Istanbul.
10) I (love) ………………… you ever since I (become) ………………….. a teacher at this school.
11) Helen (lie) …………………….. on the beach since the sun (rise) ………………….
12) The room smells of garlic; your father (eat) ………………….. garlic again.
13) Tonny (get) ………………… complaints from the neighbours ever since he (buy) ……………. his dog.
14) I (try) …………….. to reach you since I (arrive) ………………. at the airport.
15) My brother (apply) ……………….. for several jobs recently.
16) The little child (sneeze) ………………… a lot lately.


Past Perfect Tense Türkçe'de "miş"li geçmiş zamanın karşılığı olarak kullanılabilir. Geçmişte olan iki olaydan, daha önce
olanını ifade ederken bu tense'i kullanırız. Past Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Tense'in geçmiş halidir.


He-------------------- had
She-------------------- had + visitED + my uncle
It---------------------- had
We-------------------- had
I----------------------had not
You--------------------had not
He-------------------- had not
She-------------------- had not + visitED + my uncle
It---------------------- had not
We-------------------- had not
You--------------------had not
They-------------------had not


Had I
Had You
Had He
Had She + visitED + my uncle
Had It
Had We
Had You
Had They
- I have never seen an elephant. (Daha önce hiç fil görmedim.)
- I had never seen an elephant. (Daha önce hiç fil görmemiştim.)


1998 / 2004 2018


SIMPLE PAST: He started to work in 1998.
He became school head in 2004.

PRESENT PERFECT: He HAS been a school head for fourteen years.


PAST PERFECT:He had worked as a teacher for six years.


PRESENT TENSE: He is a school head now:

BÜTÜN OLARAK: Jack started to work in 1998.He had worked as a teacher for six years. He became a school head in
2004.He has been a school head for fourteen years. He is still a school head now.


A- Geçmişte meydana gelen iki olaydan birisinin, diğerine göre daha önce bitmiş olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
- The woman had died at the accident until the doctor arrived.
- I had never seen such a nice beach before I went to Side.
- Had you ever visited the İstanbul before your trip in 2005?
- Yes, I had been to the İstanbul once before in 2003.
-When my brother got home yesterday, my mother had already cooked the dinner.

SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Eğer geçmişte olmuş tek bir eylemden bahsediyorsak,
- I brought the book to him.
- Sorry we're late, we had an accident.

USE 2- PAST PERFECT TENSE : Geçmişte belirli bir zamanda meydana gelen eylemden önceki süreci anlatmak için kullanılır.
When I turned back to my parent’s house after ten years, I found everything changed. The trees had died in the garden, the
roof had collapsed, the paints of the walls had dyed, the parcels had rotten. I felt very sad.
We had had that house for thirty years before we sold it.
By the time we finished our project, we had been in Ankara for over five years
When my son was born, I had been a teacher for 3 years.

USE 3- PAST PERFECT TENSE: Geçmişte arka arkaya gerçekleşen iki olaydan daha önce olanını anlatmak için kullanılır.
SIMPLE PAST TENSE : Bu eylemlerden sonra olan cümle.
- When I came home, my mother had left. (annemi görmedim)
Birinci eylem - My mother left
İkinci eylem - I came home
- When I came home, my mother left. (annemi gördüm)
Birinci eylem - I came home
İkinci eylem - My mother left

USE 4- PAST PERFECT TENSE : Yapmayı planladığımız veya ümit ettiğimiz ancak yapamadığımız eylemleri anlatmak için
- I had wanted to visit the Dolmabahçe Palace before I left İstanbul, but it's closed on Sundays.
- Jenny had hoped to retire at 54, but they persuaded her to stay on for a few more years.


Adverbials with "The Past Perfect Tense"


FIRST:I cooked the dinner SECOND: My children came.
After I had cooked the dinner, my children came.
My children came after I had cooked the dinner.
A- AFTER + PAST PERFECT TENSE, SIMPLE PAST : Hangi eylemin daha önce olduğunu gösterir.
- After I had drunk coffee, I left home.
-After she had graduated from university, she went to England.
-After I had finished my homework, I watched TV.
PAST PERFECT TENSE yerine, SIMPLE PAST TENSE de kullanılabilir çünkü eylemlerin sıralanışı ile ilgili net bir bilgi verir.
- After John wrote the letter, he posted it.
- After John had written the letter, he posted it.

B- BEFORE + SIMPLE PAST, PAST PERFECT: Before bağlacının bulunduğu eylem, diğer eylemden daha sonra gerçekleşmekte.
Before she came to live in this city, she had lived in Izmir.
I had finished my exam paper before the bell rang.

Eylemlerin sıralanışı ile ilgili net bir bilgi verdiği için, bu tür cümlelerin ikisi de Simple Past Tense ile yazılırsa yanlış olmaz.
- Before I came home, I did some shopping.
- Before I came home, I had done some shopping.

C- WHEN BAĞLACININ kullandığımız tense göre ANLAMI değişir.


When she came home, I was cooking the dinner.( O eve geldiğinde ben akşam yemeğini pişiriyordum.)
I was cooking the dinner When she came home.
When he came home, I cooked the dinner.( O eve gelince ben akşam yemeğini yaptım.)
I cooked the dinner When he came home.
When he came home, I HAD cooked the dinner. ( O eve geldiğinde ben bulaşıkları yıkamıştım.)
I HAD cooked the dinner When he came home.

We had just finished our exam when he started to collect the papers.
She had hardly entered the café when the weather started to rain heavily.

WHEN’in bağlı olduğu cümle TEMEL CÜMLEDEN ÖNCE gerçekleşmişse PAST PERFECT TENSE kullanılır.
- He had entered the classroom when the exam started.
- When we arrived, my mother had already cooked the dinner.
- My mum had cleaned my room when I arrived home.


1. Eylemin (yan cümle), 2. eylemin ( temel cümle) olduğu noktaya kadar devam ettiğini, tam o noktada bittiği vurgulanmak
istenirse, till/ untill bağlacının bulunduğu cümlecik past perfect tense ile ifade edilir. Bu vurgu gerekmiyorsa simple past
tense kullanılabilir.

STAY/ WAIT/ TALK.. GİBİ SÜREÇ bildiren verb’lerle kullanılırlar.

FINISH/ LEAVE/ ARRIVE.. gibi bir anda olup biten verb’ler untill/ till’de olumsuz cümlelerde kullanılırlar.
- Our teacher didn’t leave the class untill/ till all the students had left the class.
- Our teacher waited in the class untill/till all the students had left the class.
- I didn't turn off the TV until/ tıll everybody had gone to bed.
- She worked in a bank until/ tıll she got married.
I talked with my friend UNTILL/TILL my mother called me.


USE 1- 2. Eylem ( temel cümle) olduğunda/ oluncaya kadar 1. Eylem ( yan cümle) (past perfect) olmuştu veya bitmişti.
BY THE TIME + SIMPLE PAST , PAST PERFECT (“ When” bağlacına benzer)

FINISH/ LEAVE/ ARRIVE: Çoğunlukla perfect tense’le kullanılırlar çünkü zamanda bir noktayı vurgularlar.
By the time I arrived at the airport, the plane had departed.
By the time they left home, they had finished the washing.
By the time I got home, my parents had had their dinner.
By the time we finished our homework, the film had already finished.
By the time the police arrived the bank, they had escaped.

USE 2- Eğer, geçmişte bir eylem olduğunda, başka bir eylem zaten oluyordu anlamını belirtmek için Temel cümlede simple
past kullanılmaz. Ancak « be ' fiilinin past biçimi kullanılabilir.
When she resigned from her work, she was sixty years old.
By the time we arrived home, it was already eight o'clock.
When I left the café, ıt was already snowing.
By the time I left the café, ıt had already started snowing.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları Past Perfect Tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.
1) When our neighbours returned, they found that somebody…………………….. (break into) their flat.
2) I………………… (not/finish) cooking dinner when my friends came to visit me yesterday morning.
3) Jack went out for a walk after he………………(finish) his essay.
4) My little brother was excited because he…………………….. (not/see) a circus before.
5) Did you like the cake she………………………. (bake) ?
6) They were tired because they……………………… (carry) all the belongings of the house.
7) She was sad because she………………………….. (get) low mark from the history exam.
8) The match………………….. already…………………….. (start) when they arrived at the stadium.
9) Jane ....................... (arrive) at the train station by the time I got there.
10) My daughter and her friends ............................... (stay) out very late the night before, so they couldn't get up
early in the morning.
11) She......................... (look) for a great number of furniture before she found one that she really liked.
12) The film.......................................... (not / finished) yet before Tim went to bed.
13) When Helen got to the airport, she remembered that she ............................. (leave) her passport at home.
14) Since Terry ..................................... (sell) his old one, he didn't have a car then,
15) When I got to the bus station, the bus ......................................(already, depart).
16) I got seasick, because I.................................. (never, get) on a boat before.
17) My little son ............................. (never, see)a tiger before he went to a zoo.
18) Before she went to school, she................................. (take) the dog for a walk.
19) He.........................................too much fried chicken so he became sick.
20) We.................................. (already, eat) our lunch by twelve o'clock,
21) I was not hungry because I.......................... (just, have) dinner.
22) The house was dirty as my mother ............................... (not clean) it for a long time.
23) I............................... (learn) Russian before I went to live in Russia.
24) I...............................(thank) her for everything she...............................(do).
25) When I...........................(get) to the post office, I noticed that I.......................(forget) to lock the front door.
26) After they.........................(finish) their work, they...............................(go) home.
27) I...........................(call) you at 8:00, but you................................(just, go) out.
28) I took my family to İzmir last year. I ................... (be) there as a student, so I ...............(know) where to go.
29) He..............................(die) after he.................................(be) ill for a long time.
30) When we...........................(get) to the theatre, the play................................. (already, begin).

EXERCISE 2-Combine the sentences using the words in brackets. Change one verb into the 'Past Perfect';
E.g. The waiter brought some wine. He poured some in my glass.
After the waiter had brought some wine, he poured some in my glass.
1) She had a bath. She went to bed. (after)
2) I washed the dishes. I removed the table. (after)
3) I read the book. Then, I watched the film. (before)
4) I opened the lights. I entered home. (after)
5) She went to bed. She did her homework. (after)
6) I left home for school. I had my breakfast. (before)
7) Tonny passed his driving test. He bought a car. (when)
8) Sandy took the book to the library. She finished it. (before)
9) They played chess. They had our supper. (before)
10) He succeeded the exam. Later, he went to Ankara. (after)
11) He talked to James on the phone. He called Angie. (after)
12) I listened to the news. I go to bed. ( After)
13) My headache got lost. I took an aspirin. ( After)
14) I arrived at Jill's house, he made a cake. (When)

EXERCISE 3-Combine the sentences by using the words in parenthesis. Use the appropriate past form "Simple Past"or "Past
1) The rain stopped. I went out for a walk, (after)
2) I finished summarising the novel. It was eleven o'clock, (by)
3) Alice passed all her exams. It was at the end of the semester, (by)
4) Wecouldn't invite Judy to the party. We lost her phone number, (because)
5) Mark just entered the office. Then it started to rain, (as soon as)
6) Sally did not go abroad. She went to Spain, (never, before)
7) My parents built their house at a seaside village. They retired, (when)
8) My son Elton did not do his homework properly. The teacher informed us, (so) .
9) The police got to the bank. The robbers had gotten away, (by the time)
10) My parents saved up money. They bought a car. (before) .
11) Sue never ate Indian food. She went to India, (before)
12) Working time was over. Then the man went there, (by the time)
13) My mother left her wallet at home. She couldn't buy anything, (because)
14) The milk was spoiled for some time. Then I opened the fridge, (when)
15) I rushed to catch the bus. I forgot to take my umbrella, (as)

EXERCISE 4-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri, parantez içindeki fiillerle past simple, past continuous veya past
perfect tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.
1) When Angela ………………. (arrive), the movie …………………… (already start).
2) Carol ………………… (burn) my hand when she …………………………… (make) dinner.
3) The doorbell ……………… (ring) when I………………………. (watch)TV.
4) I……………………… (meet) Danny at a party two years ago.
5) When police officers ……………….. (raid the illegal meeting, everybody………………………. (disappear).
6) Dad………………. (already clean) the car when I…………………….. (offer) to help him.
7) The children…………………….. (have) breakfast when the delivery …………………. (arrive).
8) Mary……………….. (walk) at the pavement when the dog…………………… (bite) her leg.
9) The maths exam………………. (be) difficult because I………………………. (not study).
10) Tom ………………….. (ski) in the mountains when I……………………. (break) his arm.
11) Mum………………… (be) angry with me because I………………… (not tidy) my room.
12) The thief………………… (break into) the house when my parents …………………….. (see) him.
13) The bus…………….. (just leave) when I………………………. (get to) the station.
14) It…………………. (snow) when I………………… (get up).
15) They………………. (go) home after they………………. (finish) their work.
16) My brother…………………… (eat) all the pie before we ………………… (get) back.
17) He wondered why I………………………… (not /come) this picnic place before.
18) She said that she………………………. (already / see) the Pyramids.
19) The fire……………. (spread) to the next building before the firemen………………… (arrive).
20) They ……………… (drink) small glasses of tea, after they………………………. (finish) dinner.
21) He told me he…………………………… (catch) a little eagle.
22) Alice’s mother………………. (worry) a lot about her before she……………… (hear) that she was safe.
23) Melissa …………….. (go) swimming after she………………. (come) home. After she………………. (swim), she…………………..
(call) her friend Jale.
24) After they……………………. (finish) their breakfast, they…………………. (leave) for school.
25) Lizzy……………………. (play) guitar after she…………………….. (do) her homework.
26) My father………………. (water) the flowers after he……………… (clean) the car. After he………………..(water) the
flowers, he…………………. (have) dinner.


Geçmişte bir eylemin başladığını ve geçmişte yaşanan başka bir eyleme kadar devam ettiğini ifade etmek için kullanılır. Bu
zamanın kullanımı Present Perfect Continuous Tense'in kullanımına benzer, fakat bu zamanda bahsedilen eylem bu güne
kadar sürmemektedir.

I----------------------had been
You--------------------had been
He-------------------- had been
She-------------------- had been + visiting + my uncle
It---------------------- had been
We-------------------- had been
You--------------------had been
They-------------------had been

I----------------------had not been
You--------------------had not been
He-------------------- had not been
She-------------------- had not been + visiting + my uncle
It---------------------- had not been
We-------------------- had not been
You--------------------had not been
They-------------------had not been

Had I been
Had you been
Had he been
Had she been + visiting + my uncle
Had it been
Had we been
Had you been
Had they been

In "THE PAST PERFECT TENSE", the following time adverbials can be used:
ALTHOUGH, EVEN THOUGH,.....................ETC.
- I had been studying at home for two hours before she finally arrived.
- They had been swimming for over half an hour before Jane arrived.
- I had been teaching at this Private school for more than 3 years before I retired.
- He was tired because he had been swimming for hours .

USE 1- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Geçmişte başka bir eylemden önce gerçekleşmekte olan eylemin sürecinden
bahsederken kullanılır.
- The passenger at the bus stop were very angry. They had been waiting for the bus for 45 minutes.
- The detectives had been searching for the murderer for a long time before they arrested him.

USE 2- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Geçmişte zaman olarak yakın başka bir eylemden önce gerçekleşmekte olan bir
eylemden bahsederken de kullanılabilir.
- My father was very tired when he came in. He had been working for long hours.
- When I saw my sister, her eyes were red. She had been crying.
- jane lost weight because he had been eating less.

USE 3- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Genellikle "by the time" zaman ifadesi ile kullanılır.
- By the time I got home, he had been watching TV for an hour.
- By the time you called me, I had been doing my homework for five hours.

USE 4- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Geçmişte bir süre devam etmiş bir eylemin, şu anda belirgin bir etkisi varsa
kullanılır. Böyle durumlarda, konuşma anında eylemin bitip bitmemesinden çok, mevcut belirtileri ve etkileri önemlidir.
- Her hands were all in paint. He had been painting a portrait of them.
- They shouted happily when they heard that they had won the university exam.They had been studying hard to win the
university exam.
- He finally arrived at 6 o'clock. I had been waiting for him since 3 o'clock.
- John had been walking to school before his father bought him a bicycle.
- It was 12.00 A.M. I had been having English exam for 2 hours.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları, parantez içindeki fiillerle PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE'e uygun
olarak doldurunuz.
1) The school team ………………………… (play) football for half an hour when it started to rain.
2) Nancy …………………………….. (do) her homework before you came in.
3) My brother ……………………… (drive) the car for five years when I sold it.
4) Our parents were very tired. They ……………………. (travel) for about sixteen hours.
5) The Cross Country team were out of breath. They………………………. (run) for a long time.
6) Murat……………………… (live) in İstanbul for ten years when he had an accident.
7) The repairman …………………….. (repair) the car for an hour when you arrived.
8) I didn't know about the earthquake because I……………………….. (not /watch) television.
9) She was too fat because she………………………. (not / keep) her doctor's advice.
10) I took my car to the garage because the brakes………………….. (not / work).
11) She had to go to the dentist because she………………………….. (not / clean) her teeth.
12) He got bad marks because he…………………………… (not / study) regularly and hard.
13) I thought I…………………………… (behave) like an ididot.
14) Kathren.............................(work) in the kitchen since morning when her friend helped her.
15) The child.....................(play) with the matches for a quarter by the time her father saw it.
16) The teacher...........................(sit) in the teacher's room when Samet decided to ask her a few questions.
17) Ali ..............................(drive) to the airport when he was stopped by the police.
18) The teacher............................(explain) the same thing for the last thirty minutes when a student asked again.
19) The scientist ..............................(do) some experiments when an explosion was heard.
20) The kettle...............................(boil) for an hour before I heard it.
21) Sezen Aksu ……………………….. (compose) music for a number of years before he became well-known,
22) When Mert arrived in Russia to study Russian, I........................ (study) Russian for several years in his country.
23) For several years, she ............... (spend) most of his free time studying when she eventually entered the
24) We............................. (plan)to take a long trip in the summer, but our plans fell through at the last minute.
25) The chairman of the board............................ (work) for 40 years until he finally died in 2015.
26) Since my sister .............................. (cry) for half an hour, her eyes were red.
27) When I got home, the cleaner ..................................... (clean) the house for six hours.
28) George ......................................... (wait) for his wife for two hours before she arrived.
29) The students................................ (make) a lot of noise when the teacher entered the classroom.
30) He................................................ (shave) twice a day by the time he retired.

31) People ................................................ (pay) in cash until credit cards became widespread.
32) Sam......................................... (visit) his grandfather once a week until he died.
33) My brother ..................................................... (give) parties regularly before he got married to Candy,
34) He....................................... (drive) rather fast when the accident happened.
35) Mum .................................................... (warm up) the food when my friends came.
36) They....................................................... (live) happily when he decided to divorce.
37) Everyone...................................................... (spend) such a nice time at the party when it ended,


PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Geçmişteki belirli bir zaman veya eyleme kadar veya belirli bir zaman veya eylemin
hemen öncesine kadar devam eden eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılmaktadır.
- My mum had been expecting the news for a long time.
- She had been chopping onions for two hours, and her finger cut.
- Jack was punished, even though he hadn't been doing anything wrong.

USE 1- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Bir eylemin veya durumun süresi ve devamlılığı üzerinde durulurken
PAST PERFECT TENSE: Geçmişteki bir eylem veya durumun bitmiş olması veya etkileri üzerinde durulurken kullanılmaktadır.
- She had been suffering from toothache when she was in class.
- I'd been listening to music loudly in my room and hadn't heard Tom come home.
- I'd finished all the housework, so I had very little to do.
- He had saved enough money to buy the bicycle he wanted.

USE 2- Bazı durumlarda ise bu iki zaman arasındaki fark, yalnızca hangi anlama vurgu yapıldığına bağlı olarak değişebilir.
Anlam olarak eylem üzerine:
- I had been working hard, so I felt that I deserved more money.
Anlam olarak eylemin sonuçları üzerine:
- I had worked hard, and the report was now finished.

USE 3- PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE : süreç üzerine yoğunlaşıyorsak bir eylemin, geçmişteki belirli bir zamana kadar
ne kadar sürdüğünden bahsediyorsak.
PAST PERFECT TENSE : Eğer geçmişteki eylemin, yine geçmişteki başka bir eyleme kadar kaç kez tekrarlandığı
üzerinde duruyorsak
- We hadn't been eating anything for about 10 hours.
- I'd listened this speech many times before.
- The students had taken bad marks after each exam.
USE 4- Yine de, bazen durum belirten fiiller continuous tense ile kullanılmazlar. Bu gibi durumlarda bir eylemin geçmişte ne
kadar sürdüğünden bile bahsediyor olsak, PAST PERFECT TENSE kullanırız.
- I had always believed that it wouldn't be easy to become an engineer

EXERCISE 2-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri, parantez içindeki fiillerle past perfect veya past perfect continuous
tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.
1) The living room was empty but the TV set was still warm. Someone…………………….. (watch) it.
2) When I saw Mary she…………………………. (finish) her homework.
3) When we got to the cinema, the movie……………………….. (start).
4) My father……………………….. (swim) all afternoon, he really needed a rest.
5) When Sally phoned Sandy she……………………. (listen) to music.
6) I was really surprised when I saw Nancy. I……………………… (not/see) her for ages.
7) My sister…………………….. (wait) for ten minutes when I arrived.
8) Peter's mother ………………….. (iron) two trousers by tea time.
9) My throat was really sore. I………………………… (sing) all night.
10) I called my parents but they……………………… (go) to bed.
11) I left without him last night, but I told him to meet me early because the film started at 8:00. I……………….(try) to
get tickets for that movie for months, and I didn't want to miss it.
12) By the time I finally left the coffee house where we were supposed to meet, I……………. (drink) three cups of coffee
and I……………………………… (wait) over an hour.
13) I had to leave because I……………………… (arrange) to meet John in front of the cinema.
14) When I arrived at the cinema, Jack……… (take, already) the tickets and he was waiting for me.
15) He was very upset because he………………………….. (wait) for more than half an hour


PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Süreçle ilgili bilgi verilir.
PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE: Süreçle ilgili bilgi verilmez.
Süreç belirtmiyor: When I retired in 2014, I was living in Ankara.
Sonraki süreç: When I retired in 2014, I lived in Ankara for four years.( 2014’ten sonra 4 yıl daha yaşadığını belirtiyor.)
Önceki süreç: When I retired in 2014, I had been living in Ankara for four years.(2014’e kadar 4 yıl yaşadığını belirtiyor.)

- They had been watching the movie for 2 hours when I arrived. (Ben vardığımda iki saattir film seyrediyorlardı.)
- They were watching the movie when I arrived. (Ben vardığımda filmi seyrediyorlardı.)
- She had been studying for the exam for 4 hours when I saw him in the library. (Onu kütüphanede gördüğümde dört saattir
sınava çalışmaktaydı.)
- She was studying for the exam when I saw him in the library. (Onu kütüphanede gördüğümde sınava çalışıyordu.)

EXERCISE 3-Use Past Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous;

1) Because it …………………..(rain) on Sunday, we had to stay at home.
2) He ………………………………....( sweep) out the shelter yesterday morning.
3) The woman …………………….(ly) on the ground for over an hour when she was found.
4) When I saw him ten minutes ago, he ……………………. (work) on a crossword puzzle.
5) While I …………………….(sew) a button onto my shirt, I dropped the needle.
6) I twisted my ankle yesterday, just as I..................................(step) up the ladder.
7) By the time they found the old man, he ........................ (lie) unconscious for almost six hours.
8) They...................................(drive) for over five hours1 when they reached the hotel.
9) While they............................(travel) they saw several historic towns.
10) Because the students ............................. (make) so much noise, their teacher ordered them to keep quite.
11) My husband ............................... (hang) Atatürk’s picture on the wall when he hit his thumb with the hummer.
12) It................................(snow) for one hour when we went out.
13) I knew he..............................(sleep) at that hour, so I didn't phone him.
14) Because the supporters ................................(fight), the police arrested them.
15) While you.............................(talk) to him, I finished washing the dishes.
16) I .........................(do) my project just as you called me.
17) While Alice ...........................(try) to buy a dress, I was looking for a jean.
18) When Andy ..................(be) dismissed, he........................... (work) in the restaurant as waiter for nearly tenyears.

EXERCISE 4-Put the verbs in brackets into either “The Past Simple” or “The Past Perfect Continuous”.
1) All day I (feel) …………… nervous but the feeling (vanish) ……………. as soon as I (see) ………….. my girlfriend.
2) Jack (be) ……………. very tired because he (swim) …………….. all afternoon.
3) Judy (think of) …………… studying biology but she (finally, decide) …………. on chemistry.
4) Angela (realize) …………. that she (overwork) ………….. for a long time, so she (decide) …………. to take permission
from her boss for a couple of days’ holiday.
5) When we (get) ………… there, they (already, test) …………. the new drug since ten o’clock.
6) After Mark (practise) …………….. for an hour, he (start) ……………… to play the melody much better.
7) By the time I (get) ……………… home, they (sleep) ……………… for two hours.
8) My sister’s feet (hurt) ……………… badly because she (walk) ………………… with high heeled shoes for two hours.
9) Tina(wear) ……………. that old jean for a long time when she (buy) ……………. a new one.
10) When I (last, see) ………………Tim, he was living in Paris. He (tell) ……………. me that he (think of) ……………..
emigrating to Turkey.
11) When I (enter) …………… the room I could smell burnt food. Obviously, somebody (cook) ………… in there for hours.
12) When Sam (reach) …………. the classroom, the exam (go on) …………….. for almost half an hour.
13) The girl with whom I (talk) ……………. to suddenly (begin) …………. to laugh.


EXERCISE 1-Underline the correct verb form.

1) It was eight o'clock in the morning. The passangers (stood / were standing) at the bus station, waiting for the bus.
2) The administrators (are meeting / meet) regularly to exchange views on different issue.
3) Tom and his friends (have climbed / have been climbing) three mountains so far.

4) My husband has lied to me on many occasions. So I (am not believing / don't believe) you anymore.
5) My son Ali (has been being / has been) interested in the Ottoman Architecture since he was fifteen.
6) Can I call you back later? I (watch / am watching) a very exciting movie now.
7) Sandy (was studying / studied) Engineering at the university.
8) What (had you done / have you done) before you took this job?
9) I am starving. I (haven't eaten / hadn't eaten) anything all day.
10) They (will move / are moving) to a new house in Yenimahalle on the weekend. Everything is arranged.
11) You shouldn't ride a bike without a helmet. You (are needing / need) a helmet.
12) Mr. Balcı is an expert on the Turkish Literature. Nowadays he (has been writing / is writing) an article on the issue.
13) My grandparents (were moving / moved) to the Ankara just after the Independence War.
14) Tomwas shocked when he (was finding out / found out) that his son was in love with a married woman.
15) Jenny overslept yesterday morning as she (had been forgetting / had forgotten) to set the alarm clock.
16) Naim Süleymanoğlu is a great weight lifter. He (has been breaking / has broken) the world record three times.
17) Recently the prime minister (has proposed / proposed) a reduction in the government expenditures.
18) While I (was playing / played) with my dog, it suddenly bit my hand.
19) I was very tense at the beginning of the tournament. I (had never had/ had never been having) experience .
20) When I (was seeing / saw) my son, he was pale and shaking.
21) Carl (was inheriting / inherited) a fortune from his father, but a year later he was penniless.
22) My head is aching because I (have been studying / had been studying) for four hours.

EXERCISE 2-Fill in the blanks with correct past forms of the verbs.
1) Jane …………………. (listen to) music for 2 hours when my mother called.
2) I ................................ (know) Jim for 6 years by the time he left his job.
3) The Literature teacher ………………. (already/start) teaching grammar by the time the inspector entered the
4) Tom .............................................(be) to the Mardin twice before 2015.
5) Helen........................................ (just / prepare) dinner when her relatives knocked at the door.
6) The police couldn't catch the terrorist even though a witness................ (inform) the police of his place.
7) Although George ……….... (educate) at one of the best universities, he couldn't find a job.
8) When I was 18,I ……………….... (already /become) one of the most famous model of the time.
9) He admitted at last that he...................................... (bump) to an innocent child.
10) When Garry got home, he realized that he .................................... (forget) to buy some potatoes.
11) The fact that Sam............(be) to İstanbul three times before he moved Turkey.
12) John said that he .............................. (clean) the house all the morning.
13) When he was interrogated, he confessed that he.................................... (commit) the crime.
14) My parents .......................... (elect) the Prime Minister for two terms prior to 2010 elections.
15) Sandy ................................... (plan) to marry Henry for quite a long time when they broke up.
16) She....................................(give) birth to five daughters before she had ason.
17) They .......................... (save) money for 10 years when they finally bought a newcottage near the seaside.
18) Mary looked pale because she............................... (not/ eat) anything for fifteen hours.
19) When I got home, my husband ........................................(already / cook) dinner.
20) The children ............................. (swim) for 4 hours when it suddenly began to rain.
21) They................................(do) their best at the match.
22) They..............................(build) Anıtkabir in the second half of the 19th Century.
23) While I ............................ (carry) furniture up the flat I ........................... (hurt) my waist.
24) Two people ............................(die) after two cars ............................ (crash) into each other.
25) My wife ..............................(pay) a 300 TL fine for speeding last night.
26) She..............................(chop) some onions then............................(cut) tomatoes.
27) The police................................(give) an award to three teenagers for their bravery at the fire yesterday.
28) Ferdinand Porsche.............................(design) the Volkswagen Golf.
29) The little boy...........................(fall) down while he................................(run) towards his parents.
30) It.............................(rain) so heavily that we had to cancel the picnic.
31) Murat............................(not, know) İstanbul because he ....................(not, be) out of his town until last year.
32) I...................(drink) my coffee, but I......................(forget) it on the table and it .......................(go) cold.

33) I………………. (already/ finish) my exam paper when the bell.................. (ring), and the teacher.................(start) to
collect them.
34) A construction crew …………………...... (dig) one pit after another in the middle of my street for three days before
they found the water main.
35) Mary ........................ (read) mystery novels for several years before she discovered the works of Dan Brown.
36) My mother ………... (not/leave) the house until she ………... (make) sure that all the windows were closed.
37) Someone ………........... (knock) on the door as I ……………...... (get) dressed.
38) I………………... (wonder) what to do when you......................(call)
39) I ..................... (hear) the milkman and..................... (go) to order an extra carton of milk.
40) at 11 pm last night when he................................. (arrive)?
41) While John........................(read), Tom............................ (watch) television.
42) I.......................(study) all day yesterday.
43) I didn't know who he was. I........................... (not / meet) him before.
44) The train..................................(leave) long before we arrived.
45) By 2017,Tony ......................................... (teach) English for fifteen years.
46) Sarah ............................(paint) the living room yesterday when she ......................... (call) for help.
47) Cennet .........................(go) to the Ordu two months ago.
48) Owing to the unfavorable weather conditions, the ferry......................... (operate) only 15 days last month.
49) Judy...........(fall) in love with Jack and ........... (marry) him five years ago. They ............ (never / split up) since then.
50) ......................................... (ever / visit) Turkey?
51) I.....................................(never / dream) that I would own a computer.
52) They...................... (already / build) two bridges over the Boshporus and now they are building a third.
53) When she ……………….. (be)a young girl, she............................ (never / travel) alone.
54) Jane..............................(not work) here as long as I have.
55) You ................................. (not do) your homework, so you can't watch TV!
56) We.............................. (not / tell) her about her birthday present. It is a surprise.
57) Tom....................(not/eat) meat. He is a vegetarian.

The Present Perfect Tense
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense
The Past Perfect Tense
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense
1-Jane …………… to cinema twice this week, because she ………….. invitation from her friends . B
A)were / get B)have been /got
C)had been /get D) am able /get
E) had gone /got
2- There …………… a great rise in the price of the natural gas in the last eight months. E
A)is B) had been
C) was D)were
E) has been
3-Sam doesn't know anywhere around, because he …………… in this city before. C
A)doesn't live B)hadn't live
C)hasn't lived D)wasn't living
E)isn't living
4- Judy …………… why she …………… so far today. C
A)explained / resigned B)didn't explain / resigned
C)hasn't explained / resigned D)hasn't explained resign
E)had explained / resign
5-The president ………….. out of city and……….. yet. E
A)has gone / didn't come back B)went / has come back
C)has gone / came back D)had gone/didn't come back
E)has gone / hasn't come back
6-Her hands are covered in leaven. She…………… bread for two hours. A
A)has been making B)made
C)has been made D)hasn't made
E)was making
7-Tim looks so tired from the last time I …………… him, because he …………… a lot of exercise. B

A)have seen / did B)saw/has done
C)saw / has been done D)have seen / has done
E)have done / has been doing
8-My son James …………… very hard all day. He should stop and relax. E
A)had studied B)has been studied
C)studied D)studies
E)has been studying
9-From the moment Jenny …………… the party, she …………… about it nothing else. C
A)has arranged / has been talking B)had arranged / has talked
C)arranged / has been talking D)arranges/talked
10-Danny …………… his Russian since he ………….. Russia. E
A)practised / came B)hasn't practised / come
C)nas practised / has come D)had practised / came
E)hasn't practised / came
11-About six months ago, he …………… for that school , but they …………… an answer yet. B
A)had applied / haven't given B)applied / haven't given
C)applied/didn't give D)applied / have given
E has applied / haven't given
12-Tevfik Fikret …………… poems since he was child . So far he …………… fifty poems. D
A)has written / wrote B)had written / has written
C)wrote / has written D)has been writing / has written
E)has been writing / wrote
13-Jack …………… in charge of the company by the time he was thirty five years old. C
A)has been B) was
C) had been D)is
E) will have been
14-Keanu Reeves …………… a waiter for years before he …………… so popular. A
A)had been / became B)was / become
C)had been / has become D)has been / became
E)was / had become
15-After I …………… exponential numbers by heart, I …………… the exercises. E
A)had learnt / had done B)learnt / did
C)have learnt / did D)learnt / have done
E)had learnt / did
16-Her friends …………… for her at the bus - stop for hours when she …………. among the crowd. B
A)had waited / appeare B)had been waiting / appeared
C)waited / appeared D)have been waiting / appeares
E)have waited / appeares
17-The party …………… on for an hour when Judy …………… to dance. A
A) had been going /decided
B) had been gone /decide
C) had gone /has been deciding
D) had been going /has decided
E) had going /had decided
18-As soon as they …………… in, they will attend the meeting. C
A)have been settled B)had settled
C)have settled D)were settling
E)are settling
19-When my father lost his temper and began to shout, his children ………… loudly for more than three hours. E
A)have been singing B)sang
C)has been singing D)had sung
E)had been singing
20-At this hour yesterday, I …………… at the restaurant waiting for my girlfriend. E
A)sat B) have sat
C)sit D) will have sat
E) was sitting
21-The law firm …………… six new employees, most of whom are highly qualified since the beginning of June. A
A)has hired B)had hired
C)hire D)hired
E)will have hired
22-My mother …………......... my sister her decision several times yesterday, but she ................... a straight answer. D
A) have asked/haven't got B) ask/don't get
C) was asking/haven't been getting D) asked/didn't get
E) have been asking/wasn't getting
23- A years ago, Tim....... English at all, but he ....... hard since then. D
A) hasn't spoken/is studying B) wasn't speaking/studies
C) isn't speaking/studied D) didn't speak/has been studying
E) doesn't speak/was studying
24-The house which he …………… last year …………… beautiful. A
A)painted / looked B)has painted / will look
C)has painted / looked D)painted / will look
25-We were just singing loudly when our teacher …………… the class. A
A) entered B) am entering
C) was entered D) have entered
E) enter
26- Since the life coaching training course she..............a few months ago, Sandy...........a lot of confidence. E
A) has been attending/was gaining B) is attending/gains
C) attends/gained D) was attending/is gaining
E) attended/has gained
27-Sue .........a vegetarian for twenty years now, and she ............ meat during all this time. D
A) is/isn’t eating B) has been/wasn’t eating
C) is/doesn’t ear D) has been/hasn’t eaten
E) was/didn't eat
28-Sude …………… a gold medal . E
A) was won B) has been won
C) won D) is being won
E) had won
29- Of all the books I ........... so far, this one is the best. C
A) read B) am reading
C) have read D)had read
E) will have read
30- This time last year, they .............. for their wedding. C
A) get prepared B) had been getting prepared
C) were getting prepared D) have been getting prepared
E) will be getting prepared
31-When my mother ……….........our cat, it ………........under the bed. D
A) were finding/hides B) find/has hidden
C) are finding/is hiding D) found/was hiding
E) have found/hid
32-I can’t go shopping with you now. My husband ………….. yet E
A)hadn’t come B)didn’t come
C)came D)won’t come
E)hasn’t come
33-The children …………… to stop surfing in the net even for the chocolate cake last night. E
A) wanted B) want
C) don't want D) haven't wanted
E) didn't want
34-While everybody in the conference…………… to the lecturer, she is napping on the chair. C
A) listen B) was listening
C) is listening D) listened
E) has listened
35-Just as we …………… down at the table for dinner, our relatives …………… to visit. C
A) sat / was coming B) sit / comes
C) sat / came D) were sitting / come
E) were sitting / have come
36-The last time I …………… from my aunt …………… two months ago. A
A)heard / was B) have heard / was
C)heard / has been D) hear / is
E) heard/were
37-The teacher had already thought the subject by the time Tom …………… the class. B
A)enters B)entered
C)has entered D)had entered
E)had been entering
38-Kathy …………… on diet for four months, and she …………… fifteen kilos all this time. A
A)has been / has lost B)was / had lost
C)is / has lost D)has been / will lose
E)was/will lose
39-Yesterday afternoon the teachers board meeting …………… much later than scheduled and the teachers …………… angry
with the headmaster. E
A)has started / got B)was starting / got
C)had started / got D)started / will get
E)started / got
40- How long ago …………… chess with him? C
A) have you played B) will you play
C) did you play D) you played
E)had you played
41-While our grandparents …………… home, they ………… by four men,who were wearing balaclavas on their heads. B
A)are returning / are attacking B)were returning / were attacked
C)are returning / will attack D)were returning / will be attacked
E)were returning / were attacking
42-The last time I …………… my friend Meral, she …………… pregnant. C
A)saw / had been B)had seen / was being
C)saw / was D)have seen / has been
E)had seen / was
43-As soon as my mother …………… it was snowing heavily, she …………… us into the house. B
A)realize / should call B)realized/called
C)have realized / calls D)had realized / was calling
E)may realize / call
44-Sandy’s attending to the party on time …………… themby surprise. They …………… her at least another hour. C
A)takes / don't expect B)had taken / didn't expect
C)took / had not expected D)has taken / haven't been expected
E)was taken / had not expected
45-My family and I …………… all day and we were absolutely tired when we …………… at our hometown. B
A)have been travelling / arrived B)had been travelling / arrived
C)had travelled / arrived D)were travelling / had arrived
E)are travelling / have been arrived
46-Tim …………… a lot for the past few days because he fell down on the tree last weekend. C
A)suffers B) had suffered
C)has been suffering D)had been suffered
E) was suffering
47- Helen.......some shopping during her lunch break, but she couldn't as she………. awful because of her cold. A
A) was going to do/felt B) have done /have felt
C) will do/am feeling D) did/was feeling
E) do/will have felt
48-While natural gas prices …………… to rise, the government …………… a fictitious gas shortage. C
A)have been continuing / create B)have continued / created
C)were continuing / created D)are continuing / have created
E)had continued / created
49-Night …………… by the time Andy …………… sea shore and everything…………… completely black. C
A)had been fallen / stepped / was B)had fallen / had stepped / was
C)had fallen / stepped / had been D)fell / stepped / had been
E)was falling / stepped / was
50-Our school football team ……………….. the match when one of our footballer………… a spectacular last minute goal. A
A)was losing / scored B)lost / was scored
C)has lost / scores D)loses / scored
E)has been losing / is scoring
51-When John and Jenny …………… to get married, both of them …………… university. A
A)decided / were attending B)have decided / attended
C)decide / are attending D)have decided / were attending
E)decided / have been attending
52- The electricity....... off last night just as the film on TV.......interesting.E
A) has gone/got B) was going/has got
C) is going/has been getting D) goes/is getting
E) went/was getting
53-My mum ……………….in the sun for nearly two hours now, and I'm sure she …………… enough. B
A)lies / is having B)has been lying / has had
C)has lain /has D)was lying / had
E) is lying / was having
54-Sude was more successful in LGS exam than any of her friends because while they…………… themselves, she …………… day
and night. C
A)enjoyed / have been studying B)enjoy / am studying
C)were enjoying / was studying D)have enjoyed / studied
E)have been enjoying / was studying
55-Jenny …………… a small fortune about six years ago, but now she has to find a job because she …………… almost all the
money on expensive clothes and holidays. A
A)inherited / has spent B)is inheriting / spends
C)inherits / has been spending D)was inheriting / spent
E)has inherited / is spending
56-While the inventions …………… many virtues to human species, it also …………… vices. C
A)brought / will bring B)has brought / was bringing
C)brought / brought D)were brought / brought
E)brought / was bringing
57- The bring the two firmstogether for two weeks, but so far she....... .E
A) try/is failing B) is trying/failed
C) tried/fail D) has tried/were failing
E) has been trying/have failed
58- Since the day I moved Ankara, I .......... problems. B
A) had many B) have had only a few
C) have a lot of D) will have some
E) had had too many


GOING TO FUTURE TENSE, daha önceden planlanmış ve karar verilmiş eylemler için ve gelecekle ilgili tahmin yürütmek için


I am going to
You are going to
He is going to
She + is going to + visit + my uncle tonight/tomorrow/next morning/afternoon/week/month/year
It is going to
We are going to
You are going to
They are going to


I am not going to
You are not going to
He is not going to
She is not going to + visit + my uncle tonight/tomorrow/next morning/afternoon/week/month/year
It is not going to
We are not going to
You are not going to
They are not going to


Am I going to
Are you going to
Is he going to
Is she + going to + visit + your uncle tonight/tomorrow/next morning/afternoon/week/month/year
Is ıt going to
Are we going to
Are you going to
Are they going to

USE 1- “Going to” future tense: Daha önceden planlanan ve kararlaştırılan gelecekle ilgili eylemlerden bahserken kullanılır.
- My friend called me this morning. We're going to meet at 6 this evening.
A: Have you decided where to go for holiday? B: Yes, I am going to go Bodrum for holiday.
A- Would you like meet you at the airport? B- Oh, thanks. John is going to pick me up.

USE 2- “Going to” future tense: Konuşmacı kesin kanıtlara dayanarak gelecekle ilgili tahminde bulunuyorsa kullanılabilir.
TAHMİN: Eylemin gerçekleşeceğine dair güçlü bir inanç ve bu inancı destekleyen bazı dellilerin mevcut bulunması demektir.
- Look at those black clouds. It's going to rain.
- Hey, ride your bicycle more slowly. You're going to hit somebody.
- Look at that little kidnear the pool. He's going to fall.

USE 3- “Going to” future tense: Gelecekle ilgili bir niyetinden bahsederken de kullanılır.
- We're going to clean our windows tomorrow.
- John has saved enough money. He says he's going to to buy a house in Çeşme.
- I'm going to learn swimming next summer.
- I'm going to be a doctor when I grow up.

WAS/ WERE GOING TO: Am/is/are going to’nun PAST biçimi olarak kullanılır.Geçmişte niyet ettiğimiz, planladığımız fakat
çeşitli sebeplerle gerçekleştiremediğimiz eylemler için kullanırız.
I was going to watch tv last night but I was too tired so I went to bed early.
I was going to start to our music course last week but I was ill.I am well now and I am going to start this week.

USE 4- “Going to” future tense: Genellikle "go" ve “ come” fiilleriyle kullanılmaz. Bu fiillerle cümle kurulurken present
continuous tense kullanılır.
- I am going to go to London tomorrow. (YANLIŞ)
- I am going to London tomorrow. (DOĞRU)
- Are you going to come to the party? (YANLIŞ)
- Are you coming to the party? (DOĞRU)


later, later today, at noon, later today in the afternoon, tonight, in a little while, tomorrow, tomorrow morning, tomorrow at
noon, tomorrow afternoon, tomorrow night, the day after tomorrow, in the morning of the day after tomorrow, at noon of the
day after tomorrow, in the afternoon of the other day, in the evening/at night of the day after tomorrow, in the future, on + day
of the week, next week, in + month of the year, next month, in + specific year, next year, in + specific time of year.....etc.

EXERCISE 1-Build up sentences using "be going to."

1) Anne / buy / a present / boyfriend / this evening.
2) James / travel / Asia / train / this summer / across.
3) My parents/ eat / out / dinner /Friday night.
4) They / paint / the room / in yellow / this morning.
5) Shela / go / Tarkan’s concert / with her friends / tonight.
6) It / rain / heavily / soon.
7) Jenny / attend / a lecture / in two hours.
8) My mother / visit / her grand father / the hospital / tomorrow.
9) My parents and I / go / the holiday / next month.
10) The party / begin / a minute.
11) His grandmother / have / an heart transplant operation / tomorrow.
12) Tom and Kathren / marry / Saturday.
13) The police / catch / the criminal / soon
14) My family / curb / expenses / next month
15) The students / have a tour / Anıtkabir/ this weekend

EXERCISE 2-Complete the sentences ;
E.g. Are you watching TV now?
No, I'm not but I'm going to watch it in the evening.
1) Is George buying a car this week?
No,..........................................but............................................. in two months time..
2) Is your mother making a cake now? the evening.
3) Are the boys playing backgammon now?
No, a few minutes.
4) Is the doctor examining your son now?
No,..........................................but................................................. in a few minutes.
5) Are the tourists leaving the hotel now?
No,..........................................but.................................................. tonight.
6) Is Nick working part-time in a restaurant?
No,..........................................but.................................................. this summer .
7) Is your father flying to İstanbul tomorrow?
No,.........................................but........................................... in the afternoon.
8) Are they going to Karadeniz tour by bus next week?
No,........................................but........................................... on Monday.
9) Is he helping you with the housework now?
No, a few hours.
10) Is that man on a diet now?
No, week.
11) Are you going to surf the Internet now?
No,........................................but.............................................. after 9 p.m..
12) Are you going to meet your friends tonight?
No, week.

EXERCISE 3-Answer the questions ;

1) What are you going to buy Sally for her birthday? ………………………………. (ear-ring)
2) What are they going to eat for dinner?....................................................................... (salad /steak)
3) Why are you going to study hard next week?...................................................................... (have / exam)
4) Why are you going to go to Çorum? …………………………………………….. (see/ sister)
5) What are you going to do tonight? ……………………………………………… (watch /TV)
6) What are you going to play after lunch?............................................................(computer games)
7) Which programme will you watch tonight? ……………………………………….. (science-fiction film)
8) Who are you going to help at home today?............................................................... (brother)
9) How long are you going to stay in Tokyo?...............................................................(two weeks)
10) Where is he going to visit? ……………………………………………… (the Galata Tower)
11) What time is Jack going to visit his girl friend?..................................................................... (5:00)
12) Where are your parents going to go on Sunday? …………………………………………… (picnic)
13) Why is Ezgi going to live in Poland? ………………………………………… (study / medicine)
14) Where will you meet with Melissa ? …………………………………………(her house)
15) Where are they going to play football tomorrow?...................................................(school / garden)

EXERCISE 4-Write questions for the sentences.

1) Tonny is going to run 3 kilometers.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Who ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
How many ………………………………………………………………………………………?
2) They are going to buy a new car next weekend.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?

Who ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
How many ………………………………………………………………………………………?
3) I am going to work with Jane on the project on Saturday.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Whom …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
What ………………………………………………………………………………………….……?
When …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
4) Maria is going to buy a present for her son.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Who ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Whom ……………………………………………………………………………………………?
5) My father is going to spend his summer holiday in Italy.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Who ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
6) John and Pam are going to visit Milan when they are in London.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Who ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Where ……………………………………………………………………………….………….?
7) I think Nina and Mary are going to have a party next week.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Who ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
8) There's going to be a terrible accident.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
9) Jane is going to have a job interview at eleven o'clock today.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
What ……………………………………………………………………………………………….?
10) I am going to travel across Europe by car this summer.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Where …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
How ………………………………………………………………………………………..………?
When ……………………………………………………………………………………………?
11) They are going to stay in the barracks during the camp.
Is /Are …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
Where …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
When ………………………………………………………………………………………..……?


USE 1- Present continuous tense: Eğer daha önceden kesinlik kazanmış geleceğe dair planlardan bahsediliyorsa kullanılır.
Simple present tense: Kullanılmaz.
A: What are you doing on Saturday evening? B: I am going to the theatre.
A: What time is she arriving tomorrow? B: At 10.30. I'm meeting her at the station.
I'm not working tomorrow, so we can go out somewhere.
Michael isn't playing football on Sunday. He has hurt his leg.

USE 2- Simple present tense: Vakit çizelgeleri ve programlı eylemlerden bahsederken, gelecek zaman için, sinema seansları,
otobüs ve trenlerin kalkış ve varış saatleri ve derslerin başlangıç ve bitiş saatleri bu kapsam içine girer.
The train leaves Ankara at 11.30 and arrives in İstanbul at 14.45.
What time does the film begin?
It's Friday tomorrow.

USE 3- Simple present tense: Eğer insanların işleri de bir vakit çizelgesiyle sabitlenmiş ve kesinleşmişse kullanılır.
I start my new school on Monday.
What time does your lessons finish tomorrow?
Fakat daha önce de belirtildiği gibi bu tip cümleler için Present Continuous Tense daha uygundur.
What time are you leaving tomorrow? (Present Cont.)
What time does the train leave tomorrow?(Simple Present)
I'm going to the cinema this evening. (Present Cont.)
The film starts at 8.15 this evening. (Simple Present)


Simple Future Tense en basit haliyle gelecek zamanla ilgili cümle kurarken kullanılır. Will ve shall yardımcı fiilleridir, ancak
son zamanlarda shall yardımcı fiilinin kullanımı hayli azalmıştır.
SHALL: I ve WE kişi zamirleri ve sadece resmi yazışmalarda kullanımı vardır.

I will
You will
He will
She + will + visit + my uncle tonight/tomorrow/next morning/afternoon/week/month/year
It will
We will
You will
They will
I will not / won’t
You will not / won’t
He will not / won’t
She + will not / won’t + visit + my uncle tonight/tomorrow/next morning/afternoon/week/month/year
It will not / won’t
We will not / won’t
You will not / won’t
They will not / won’t
Will I
Will you
Will he
Will she + visit + my uncle tonight/tomorrow/next morning/afternoon/week/month/year
Will it
Will we
Will you
Will they

Shall ve Will kullanımı:

1) I/WE: kendiliğinden bir karar ifade etmek için : I will buy this house.
2) İsteklilik ifade etmek için: I will help you.
3) Olumsuz cümlelerde, isteksizliği ifade etmek için:She won't come with you.
4) Soru cümlelerinde teklifde bulunmak için: Shall I turn on the lights?
5) “WE” ile soru cümlelerinde öneride bulunmak için: Shall we dance?

6) Soru cümleleriyle birlikte, tavsiye veya talimat istemek için: What shall I do to help her?

USE 1- Simple future tense: Gelecek zaman cümlelerinde herhangi bir planlama veya niyet yoktur. Gelecekte şartlardan
dolayı meydana gelecek eylemlerde:
- I will be a mother.
- Summer will come again.
- Will I see that man in your factory?
- They will live in the same city?

USE 2- Simple future tense: Konuşma anında, gelecekle ilgili herhangi bir karar verildiğinde , lokanta veya kafelerdeki
diyaloglar. Daha önceden planlanmış ve kesinleşmiş eylemler için bu zaman kullanılmaz.
A: What would you like to have to drink? B: I will have a cola, please.
A- The phone is ringing. B- I will answer it.
A - This movie is wonderful. B- Really? I will watch it then.
A - You can't clean all the house yourself. We will help you.
A - I'll write to you as soon as I get to Ankara.

USE 3- Simple future tense: Gelecekte olan olaylar hakkında tahminde bulunma, zannetme, ümit etme, emin olma, endişe
etme gibi durumlarda kullanılır. Bu durumlarda da genellikle “if, when, as soon as, while” gibi bağlaçlar kullanılarak
cümlenin anlamı pekiştirilir.
- I'm sure he'll help me to carry these heavy boxes.
- He'll probably win the university exam.
- Perhaps she'll talk to me.
- I think I'll win the lottery.

USE 4- Simple future tense: Radyo, televizyon veya gazete gibi kitle iletişim araçlarında resmi makamlara ait geleceğe
dönük programlar haber olarak söylenirken kullanılır.
- The Minister of Education will open a new school in Çankaya tomorrow.
-The president of United States will visit England next week.

USE 5- Simple future tense: Karşı tarafa birşey teklif ederken kullanılır.
A: I have a bad headache. B: Oh, I will bring you an asprine, then.
A: I'm really hungry. B: I'll make some sandwiches.
A: I'm so tired. I'm about to fall asleep. B: I'll get you some coffee.

USE 5- Simple future tense: Karşı tarafa söz vermek için de kullanılır.
- I will call you when I arrive to İstanbul.
- I promise I won't tell anyone your secret.


Her iki cümlede gelecekte gerçekleşecektir.

Before my father leaves, I am going to ask for permission to go to cinema tomorrow.

Before my father leaves
I am going to ask for permision to go to cinema tomorrow

She will wait for me until I finish the washing.

I will come as soon as I finish my work at the Office.
He is going to phone me when the plane lands to the airport.
Once you understand the logic of this subject, you will solve the questions easily.

Gelecekte bir eylemi tamamladıktan sonra diğer eylemi yapacağımızı vurgulamak istediğimizde

I had finished the ironing

I will go to bed.
After I had finished the ironing, I will go to bed.
Once you memorise the bus numbers to kızılay, it will be easy for you to reach here.
I will g oto holiday when I get prmission from my boss.
He will take care of my dog while I am at the hospital for an operation.
She will do her homework while I am cooking lunch.

EXERCISE 1- Fill in the blanks with Future Tense

1) Tomorrow, we………………. (leave) to London with the morning flight. (+)
2) I……………………….you if you lie. (forgive) (-)
3) ……………….you…………………….. that you come and pick me up? (promise)
4) Next Christmas, I……………………. (spend) the day with my family. (+)
5) They……………………….. the truth. (tell) (-)
6) Gina……………….. (finish) her project on Monday. (+)
7) Tom………………………. what you tell him. (do) (-)
8) ………………. You………………………… kind and buy me a coffee and two cakes? (to be)
9) Hurry up! The plane……………………. (arrive) in an hour. (+)
10) You………………………. that party. I promise you! (forget) (-)
11) …………………the animals…………………….. in that forest? (live)
12) Tonight, we……………….. (have) dinner at Macy's. (+)
13) They…………………………. back here again. (come) (-)
14) ………………… we………………… the Robinson's tomorrow night? (meet)
15) Don't get up! I…………………. (open) the door. (+)
16) The baby…………………….. if you give him milk. (cry) (-)
17) Mark and Alexander………………….. (read) the graduation speech next month. (+)
18) ……………….you…………………………. shopping tomorrow? (go)
19) I have all the money I need. Tomorw , we………………. (buy) the car. (+)
20) She…………………………. him again.She knows him very well. (marry) (-)
21) Sandra is hungry. I……………………. (make) her a sandwich. (+)
22) We .................our best to complete the work, (try) (+)
23) The dog ...................... if it sees a stranger, (bark) (+)
24) Bobbie ............... you tomorrow for details about the agenda, (call) (+)
25) Your teacher soon, (see) (+)

EXERCISE 2-Write questions for the sentences.

1) My son will send e-mails to me when he goes abroad.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?
2) Sally will go shopping with us tonight.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?
3) They will talk on the phone with me if I call them.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?

4) The weather will be rainy on the weekend.

Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
How ………………………………………………………………………..?
When ………………………………………………………………………..?
5) You will lend me any money if I am in need of some?
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
6) I will drink a glass of hot milk.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
How much………………………………………………………………………..?
7) I will wait for you in the car after the meeting.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
When ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?
8) I will speak with Martin about this project later on.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
When ………………………………………………………………………..?
9) Sophie will give me her telephone number in the afternoon.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
Who ………………………………………………………………………..?
Whom ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
10) There will be snow in many areas tomorrow.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
When ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?
11) We will spend the summer abroad this summer.
Will ………………………………………………………………………..?
What ………………………………………………………………………..?
When ………………………………………………………………………..?
Where ………………………………………………………………………..?


TO BE “ GOING TO” : Önceden kararlaştırılmış veya olmasına kesin gözüyle bakılan işler için kullanılır.
“WILL” FUTURE TENSE: Konuşma anında, o anda karar verilen işleri anlatmada kullanılır.
Konuşma anında karar:
- Dad, can you help me with my homework? - No, I can't. I am busy now. I will help you later.
Önceden verilen söz:
- Dad, can you repair my bicycle? - No, I can't. I am going to help Mary this afternoon. I'll repair your bicycle tomorrow.

USE 1- “WILL” FUTURE TENSE: Bir iş gönüllü olarak yapılacağı zaman. Bu gönüllü eylem konuşan kişinin karşısındakine
yaptığı tekliftir.
A: I'm really thirsty. B: I'll bring you water.
A: I'm so sleepy. B: I'll get you some coffee.
A: The door bell is ringing. B: I'll go and open it.

USE 2- “WILL” FUTURE TENSE: Genellikle söz verirken kullanılır.

- I will call you when I arrive.
- I promise I will not tell him about the surprise party.

USE 3- TO BE “ GOING TO”: Bahsedilen eylemin daha önceden planlanmış olduğunu belirtir.
- She is going to spend his vacation in Bodrum.
- I am going to meet my high school friends tonight at 7:00 PM.
A: Who is going to wash the dishes tonight? B: Tom is going to wash the dishes tonight.

USE 4- "WILL" VE "GOING TO" gelecekle ilgili tahminde bulunurken kullanılabilir.
TO BE “ GOING TO”: Eğer tahminimizi destekleyen çok açık bir kanıt varsa
FUTURE TENSE: Eğer tahminimizi destekleyen çok açık bir kanıt yoksa
Bazı durumlarda her iki kullanım da tercih edilebilir.
- The year 2023 will be a very interesting year.
- The year 2023 is going to be a very interesting year.
- It will rain.
-Look at the dark clouds. It's going to rain.

DİKKAT! Söyleyen kişinin niyetine bağlı olarak anlam da değişir.

- I will go to Antalya.
- I will bring you an asprin.
- I will open the door.

USE 5- “WILL” FUTURE TENSE: Gelecekle ilgili tahminlerde şu fiillerle “expect, hope, think, believe” will kullanılır.
-I believe she'll pass her class.
“perhaps, probably, certainly” gibi zarflarla will kullanılır.
-She'll probably come with us.


- next year/month/week/saturday (gelecek yıl/ay/hafta/Cumartesi)

- tomorrow (yarın)
- soon (yakında)
- in two minutes/four weeks (iki dakika/dört hafta içinde)
- 5 minutes later (5 dakika sonra)

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen boşlukları, parantez içindeki fiillerle Will Future Tense veya Going To Future
Tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.
1) A: What shall we do tomorrow? B: Let's go to the beach. We…………………… (skate) there.
2) A: Have you got any plans for the weekend? B: Yes, I………………… (plant) vegetables in the garden.
3) A: Have you decided where to go on your holiday? B: Yes, I………………. (go) to Antalya.
4) A: Do you want coffee or tea? B: I………………………. (have) tea, please.
5) A: Let's go shopping tomorrow morning. B: Sorry, I can't. I……………… (help) my mother clean the house.
6) A: Hello, Can I speak to Jim, please? B: Just a moment. I ………………………… (inform) him.
7) A: The weather is very ince. I…………………. (sit) in the garden. B: That's a good idea. I think I………………….. (join) you.
8) A: I lost my car key. B: Don't worry about the key. I am sure you…………………. (find) it.
9) A: Have you decided what to do about that job advertised? B: Yes, I……………… (not/apply) for it.
10) A: Ann, I need somebody to take me to the airport tomorrow morning. B: That's no problem. I…………… (take) you.
11) A: John, do you want me to take to the airport? B: No thanks, Joe. Ann………………… (take) me.
12) A: Would you like to join us for the game? B: Thanks, but I………………. (study) history exam this evening.
13) A: Now do not forget to phone us when you get there. B: Do not worry. I…………………… every day.
14) A: How long.............she...........(stay) in Bodrum?B: I booked her room yesterday. She...........(stay) for three weeks.
15) A: I can't hear the television! B: I (turn)………………. it up so you can hear it.
16) A: Where is Fred?B: He's having a shower. He...................................go to party.
17) A: Why are you wearing that coat? It's not cold today.B: Look at the sky! It.................(rain)
18) She likes children. She is……………………… (be) a teacher.
19) I am sure she………………………….. (come) on time.
20) I hope my sister …………………………. (help) me.
21) Sh! Don't make noise. You………………… (wake) everybody up
22) OK. We………………………….. (leave) at about 9 o'clock then.
23) Henry …………………… (study) Law at ODTÜ next year.
24) Oh darling! I love you so much,……………… you…………………… (marry) me?
25) Jack……………………… (meet) Tom tomorrow afternoon.
26) As soon as she arrives in Sinop Sude ………………….. (give) you a call.
27) Who do you think……………………… (win) the next national elections?

28) Would you prefer tea or coffee? I………………………. have some coffee, please.
29) I've already decided. I…………………… buy a station car
30) What are your plans for the semester holiday? I………………. play computer games till midnight and sleep all day.
31) Why are you wearing your best suit? I………………….. have lunch with my biggest customer.
32) A:My head hurts. B:Sit down and I……………………………get you an aspirin.
33) Oh no! Look at this child. She…………………..fall off her bike
34) Those bags look heavy. I……………………..carry one for you.
35) Millions of people……………………. die of hunger next year.
36) Where do you think you…………………… be this time next week?
37) Can you wait for me? I…………………… be there in a minute.
38) We are so excited about our trip next month to Nevşehir. We (visit)………….. Ürgüp, Göreme and Derin Kuyu.
39) Ted: It is so hot in here! Sarah: I (turn)………………… the air-conditioning on.
40) After I graduate, I (attend)………..…… medical school and become a doctor. I have wanted to be a doctor all my life.
41) I think people.............................(live) on the moon in the future.
42) ..............................(go) to the theatre tonight with me to watch 'Beyaz'?
43) Watch out! That apple..........................(fall) off the tree on your head.
44) John is studying medicine at present so he....................................(be) a doctor.
45) I feel hot and tired; I think...................................(have) a bath.
46) You are late here on time next time?
47) They're setting the table. They..................................(have) lunch.
48) Katherine is playing the guitar well. I believe she................................(be) a musician.
49) She ....................(do) her homework this evening or she ......................(get) a low mark tomorrow morning.
50) Oh, I forgot my wallet in the class! with me?


FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE: Gelecekte devam edecek olan bir eylemi ifade etmek için kullanılır. Türkçe'ye "…………iyor
olacağım" şeklinde çevrilebilir.

I will be
You will be
He will be
She + will be + visiting + my uncle
It will be
We will be
You will be
They will be
I will not / won’t be
You will not / won’t be
He will not / won’t be
She + will not / won’t be + visiting + my uncle
It will not / won’t be
We will not / won’t be
You will not / won’t be
They will not / won’t be
Will I be
Will you be
Will he be
Will she + be + visiting + my uncle

Will it be
Will we be
Will you be
Will they be


I am going to be
You are going to be
He is going to be
She + is going to be + visiting + my uncle
It is going to be
We are going to be
You are going to be
They are going to be
I am not going to be
You are not going to be
He is not going to be
She is not going to be + visiting + my uncle
It is not going to be
We are not going to be
You are not going to be
They are not going to be
Am I going to be
Are you going to be
Is he going to be
Is she + going to be + visiting + my uncle
Is ıt going to be
Are we going to be
Are you going to be
Are they going to be

USE 1- Gelecekte bir noktada yapıyor olacağımız eylemler için kullanırız.

This time next year, you'll probably be attending university.
My plane leaves at 9 tomorrow, so I'll be flying to Antalya at this hour tomorrow.
(...., yarın bu saatlerde Washington'a (uçakla) gidiyor olacağım.)
Don't call me tomorrow between ten and eleven. I'll be having an interview.
( Beni yarın 10 ve 11 arasında arama, bir röportaj yapıyor olacağım.)

NOT: "Will" Future veya "Going to" Future tense'lerin kullanımı arasında pek fark yoktur.

NOT: "When" "while" "before" gibi zaman zarflarından sonra future tense kullanılmaz.
- While I am finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner. Doğru
- While I will be finishing my homework, she is going to make dinner. Yanlış

USE 2- Plan, niyet, tatil/seyahat düzenlemeleri hakkında konuşurken:

We will be going to Bodrum this summer.
We will be going to Bodrum by our own car.
We will be staying at Blue Garden hotel.

USE 3- Ricada bulunurken:

Will you be using your car tomorrow? – No, why? – Can you give me your car for a few hours?
Will you be passing near the bank when you go out? –Yes,why? Can you take me to the bank?

USE 4- GELECEKTE YARIDA KESİLEN EYLEMLER: Gelecekte uzun eylemi yarıda kesen eylemlerde
- I will be working at school when she arrives in the afternoon.
- I will be waiting for you when your plane arrives.
- While I am working in the garden, my wife will make dinner. ("while" olduğu için "am working" gelmiştir)
- I am going to be staying near my parents, if you need to contact me.
- He will be working long hours tonight, so he will not join the family meeting when they arrive.

USE 5- GELECEKTE BELİRLİ BİR ZAMAN BELİRTME: Gelecekte belirli bir zamanın diğer bir eylem tarafından bölünmesi.
- Tonight at 8 p.m., I am going to be eating dinner.
- At midnight tomorrow, we will still be driving through the Antalya.

USE 6- PARALEL EYLEMLER: Gelecekte iki eylemin aynı anda yapılacağını belirtmek.
- I am going to be studying while he is making dinner.
- While my mother is reading, my father will be watching television.

USE 7- ORTAM: Gelecekte bir ortamı anlatmak için paralel eylemler serisi kullanmak
- When I arrive at the party everybody is going to be celebrating. Some will be dancing. Others are going to be talking. A
few people will be eating pizza and several people are going to be drinking coke. They always do the same thing.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki boşlukları, Future Continuous Tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.

1) Tina said she……………………… (go) to Antalya at this time tomorrow.
2) At this time next months, we………………………… (travel) in South-east Anatolia.
3) Don't call him before ten o'clock. He………………… (have)an exam.
4) The students………………………… (do) translation next term.
5) She won't be able to come to the wedding because she............................... (fly) to Paris.
6) In a years time, I and my mother …………………….. (live) in Antalya.
7) When I go to the army at this time next year, I……………………. (wear) uniform.
8) …………….. you…………………… (need) your car, or can I borrow it for two days?
9) The parole officer …………………… (call on) you from time to time.
10) Our teacher............................(read) exam papers all next week.
11) This time next september my daughter.................................(study) at Yusuf Ziya Science school in Antalya.
12) My son …………………………. (work) in an office all his life.
13) I won't be able to watch the program because I............................ (do) my homework,
14) If they go there at 8 o'clock this evening, they……………………. (have) dinner then.
15) We can't come to the concert next month. I think I………………….. (travel) to Urfa then.
16) What.....................Rita .................................(do) next month?
17) Hey! Can you imagine that? We…………………….. (have) fun at aquapark at this time tomorrow.
18) My father………………… (cook) in the kitchen when I get back from school.
19) At this time next year, I…………………. (speak) English fluently.
20) ....................... (live) when I arrive?
21) I mean, all my family ………………………. (help) for my daughter’s wedding all together.
22) A group of teachers and students …………… (sell) tickets for the lottery in order to help the people in need.
23) A: The band "Duman"…………………………. (play) for free in order to help the martyr families. Isn't it great?
B: Yes, it will be really wonderful. Everybody…………… (enjoy) themselves when the band is on.
24) This time next week we...............................(lie) on a beach in Antalya.
25) The teacher can't see you because he.........................................(teach)
26) At the weekend I and my sisters ................................(watch) a science fiction film.
27) When June arrives my family ................................(wait) for her at the airport.

28) By this June Sonny ...........................(sail) around the Mediterranean coasts.
29) While Sally is reading, Tina ........................................television, (watch)
30) The selection committee.................................. (meet) every Monday morning.
31) I can't go out with you tomorrow evening because I....................... (write) an essay,
32) When Mark is in Ankara, he ............................ (stay) with our uncle?
33) At 4:30 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, I......................... (finish) the sales operations.
34) Hey! Jane, Tom .......................... (go) to market in an hour. Is there anything you want from the shops?
35) The children ................................ (feel) thirsty after playing under the sun.
36) We.................................... (miss) the sea and sunshine now that you're back in Ankara.
37) .......................... (do) at 10 p.m. tonight?
38) Take your umbrella. It....................................... (rain) when your overtime is over.
39) My mother .......................................... (do) the ironing while my father is cooking the dinner.
40) We won't be able to use this room tomorrow because the workman……………….....(decorate) it.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite the sentences in the future continuous tense.

Example: Now I'm sitting in a stuffy office, (beach)
This time next week I'll be sitting on the beach.
1) Now Mary is drinking tea, (coffee)
2) Now they are looking at cloudy skies, (sunny)
3) Now I'm wearing my skirt, (jeans)
4) Now Sandy is reading a dull report, (detective story)
5) Now George is working in the office, (swim / sea)
6) Now I'm writing a biography of other people, (my own biography)
7) Now Jack is learning Russian. (English)
8) Now I am living in Ankara. (Belek)
9) Now we are having picnic, (go to theatre)
10) Now he is writing his second book, (third book)
11) Now she is dying her hair to brown. (red)
12) Now we are skiing in Ilgaz. ( Erciyes)
13) Now we are watching a film byGeorge Colloney. (Will Smith)
14) For the time being, he is playing the piano, (the guitar)

EXERCISE 3-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları future continuous tense veya present simple tense'e uygun olarak
1) Right now I am studying my lessons. Yesterday at this time, I was studying my lessons. Tomorrow at this time, I
……………………… (study) my lessons again. What a boring life!
2) Tomorrow afternoon Sam is going to leave for home. When he (arrive)…………………….. at the airport, his whole
family (wait)………………………….. for him.
3) A: When do you leave for Bodrum? B: Tomorrow. Two days from now we (lie)………………. on the beach in the sun.
A: Sounds great! we (think)……………………… about you.
4) A: How can I get in touch with you İf I have problems about the project ? B: I (stay)……………………… at the Sunlife
Hotel. You can reach me there.
5) Next year at this time, I (do)………………. exactly what I am doing now. I (go)…………. work all day , ……………… (come)
home and (sleep)……………………... I do nothing different.
6) Look at those dark clouds. When class (be)…………………… over, it (rain, probably) ……………
7) A: Are you going to be at picnic next Saturday? B: No. I (visit)………………… my parents in Çankırı.
8) I wish I could join you today. But unfortunately I…………………. (clean) the house whole day.


FUTURE PERFECT TENSE: Ggelecekte belirli bir zamanda tamamlanmış eylemler için kullanılır. Future Perfect Tense de
"while", "after" , "as soon as" "if" "unless" gibi zaman kelimeleriyle kullanılamaz. Türkçe'ye "yapmış olacağım" şeklinde
çevrilebilir. Bu tense'in zaman zarfları şunlardır:

BY THE TIME/ WHEN/ BEFORE: Sık kullanılırlar

I will have
You will have
He will have
She + will have + visited + my uncle
It will have
We will have
You will have
They will have
I will not / won’t have
You will not / won’t have
He will not / won’t have
She + will not / won’t have + visited + my uncle
It will not / won’t have
We will not / won’t have
You will not / won’t have
They will not / won’t have

Will I have
Will you have
Will he have
Will she + have + visited + my uncle
Will it have
Will we have
Will you have
Will they have


I will have perfected my Japanese by the time I come back from the Japan.


I am going to have perfected my Japanese by the time I come back from the Japan. ( bir şekilde geliştirmiş olacağım.)

NOT: "will" veya "going to" kalıbıyla yaptığımız cümleler çoğu kez anlam farkına yol açmazlar. Bazı özel durumlarda iki
tense birbirinin yerine kullanılamaz.

USE 1- Gelecekte birşeyden önce tamamlanmış eylem: Gelecekte birşeyden önce / belirli bir zamandan önce bir eylemin
olacağını ifade eder.
- By next September, I will have retired from my job.
- By the time she gets home, his children is going to have made the dinner.
-I will have finished cleaning the Windows by 4 o’clock.
- I will have finished cleaning the Windows by the tıme you come home.

USE 2- Gelecekte birşeyden önceki süreç: Durağan filllerle (eylem içermeyen) bu tense'i kullandığımız zaman gelecekte bir

şeyin, gelecekte başka bir eyleme kadar süreceğini ifade ederiz.
- I will have been in Van for four months by the time I leave.
- By Monday, she is going to have stayed in my house for two weeks.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki boşlukları Future Perfect tense'e uygun olarak doldurunuz.

1) A: Have they hanged over their term homework yet? B: No, but they…………… (hang over) by the end of next month.
2) A: Have the students completed all the exercise in this book? B: No, they…………(complete) them by this time next year.
3) A: Has the plumber repaired plumbing yet? B: No, but he…………………… (repair) it by tomorrow.
4) A: Has Ezgi gone to Canada? B: No, she…………………….. (go) to Canada by next year.
5) A: Have your son and his fiancé got married yet? B: No, they…………………… (get married) by Sunday.
6) A: Have they had breakfast yet? B: No, they………………. (have) breakfast by the time we arrive.
7) A: Has your wife ironed your trousers yet? B: No, she…………………. (iron) my trousers by five o'clock.
8) A: Have they had dinner yet? B: No, they………………….. (have) dinner by 8 o'clock.
9) A: Has your brother repaired your bicycle yet? B: No, he……………………. (repair) my bicycle by tomorrow.
10) A: Has Tom invited Nina to his birthday yet? B: No, he…………… (invite) her by 10 o’clock.
11) A: Have they sold their villa yet? B: No, they……………. (sell) their villa by the end of this summer.
12) A: Has Marry finished her homework yet? B: No, she ……………… (finish) her homework by 10 o'clock.

EXERCISE 2-Restate the sentences using 'by' or 'by the time.'

Example: Tom will come here before 10:00. Tom will have come here by 10:00.
1) Jenny never comes to the office before 9:30.
2) The students will leave the class after the teacher leaves.
3) The maid of our house gets the food ready before family members arrive home.
4) My mother will retire before she is 55.
5) The high-tech laboratory will be open before the school opens.
6) My Daughter Mary never goes to bed later than 3:00 in the summer holidays.
7) The weather will be snowy before Friday.
8) The students will take their first common exam before the end of the month.
9) Our mother always prepares breakfast before we wake up.
10) My son will make the coffee ready before I take a shower.
11) The scientists will find a cure for AIDS before the turn of the century.
12) I will tidy my room before my mum comes home.
13) All the students will take role at the show before the end of the year.
14) I will collect the apples before 7 o’clock.
15) We will finish our dinner before our guests arrive.

EXERCISE 3-Fill in the blanks with Future Perfect Tense;

1) My daughter .............................(start) to a university by September.
2) By this time next year, Jack …………………….. (graduate) from the university.
3) You can come at 8 o'clock tonight. I…………………… (do) my homework then.
4) By the time you arrive, I………………………… (cook) the meal.
5) My parents ...............................(buy) the villa by June.
6) By this winter they ................................(complete) the isolation of the house.
7) The climbers ..................................(arrive) at the top of the mountain before the dark.
8) I hope you................................(not forget) send me the notes by tomorrow.
9) The meeting..............................(finish) by the time you get there.
10) By the end of this year my little son...............................(learn) to swim well.
11) My daughter..................................(take) her trial exam by 10 tomorrow.
12) Our computer teacher ...........................(teach) us how to use a computer in a fortnights' time.
13) This weekend, my family..........................(have) a picnic by the river. My father ....................(fish), I……............(swim)
with my sister and our mother ................. (cook) something for lunch.
14) My plane leaves at 3:45 p.m. to İstanbul tomorrow. At 3:50, the plane................. (take off), and it .............(fly) in the air.
15) If they go to the post office after 5 o'clock, it ……………………..(be) closed.
16) The surgeon......................... (operate) on 2 patients before she attends a mental health conference.
17) The traffic is too heavy in İstanbul. They ………………..... (not be able to get) to the airport in time. When they get
there, the plane ................. (leave) long before their arrival.
18) Our uncle ............................................ (be) here for six months on January.
19) By the time you read this, I..........................(leave).
20) Jane ............................. (write) all the letters by the time she leave the office,
21) Don't worry. The mechanic.......................... (repair) the car by the time your mother gets back.
22) The rain..............................before we leave home, (stop)
23) Within six months, I believe my brother ............................................. (get) a huge wage rise,
24) The theatre ........................................... (already / start) by the time they get there,
25) Sandy ...................................... (be) short of money by the end of the month,
26) By next July, my sister Fatma................................... (work) for the Army for 25 years,
27) It is five o'clock. My son John ............................... (arrive) home by now.
28) The doctor .......................................... (already,start) to examine the patients by now.


Türkçe’de “Süregelen Gelecek Öncesi Zaman” şeklinde ifade edebileceğimiz bu tense'i “…den beri yapıyor olacağım”
biçiminde tercüme edebiliriz. Bu tense'de future olduğu için “will”, perfect olduğu için “have” ve continuous olduğu için de
“be + Ving” kullanılır.

FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Burada eylemin ne kadar süredir devam ettiği önemlidir ve bu süreye vurgu yapılır.
Devam ediyor vaziyette olan olaylar ve sayı, miktar ve kaç defadır olduğu söylenmeksizin aralıklarla yapılan olayları
anlatmada biz bu zamanı kullanırız.



I will have been
You will have been
He will have been
She + will have been + visiting + my uncle
It will have been
We will have been
You will have been
They will have been


I will not / won’t have been
You will not / won’t have been
He will not / won’t have been
She + will not / won’t have been + visiting + my uncle
It will not / won’t have been
We will not / won’t have been
You will not / won’t have been
They will not / won’t have been



Will I have been
Will you have been
Will he have been

Will she + have been + visiting + my uncle
Will it have been
Will we have been
Will you have been
Will they have been

USE 1- FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Bir eylemin gelecekte belirli bir zamandan önce başlamış ve o anda hala devam
etmekte olduğunu belirtmek için kullanırız.
-Mr. Black will have been working at the same school for 5 years in 2020. (5 yıldır çalışıyor olacak.)
-I will have been driving for 2 hours at 8 o’clock. (Saat 8 de 2 saattir araba sürüyor olacak.)

USE 2- FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS: Neden-sonuç ilişkisi kurmak için de kullanılabilir.

-You will be really fit before the school starts. Because you will have been doing gym for more than 5 months then.
-We will be very tired as we will have been working very hard all day tomorrow.

NOT ! Non-Action Verbs yani “-ing” eki alamayan fiiller hiç bir continuous zamanda kullanılmadığı gibi Future Perfect
Continuous Tense ile de kullanılamazlar. Bunun yerine cümle Future Perfect Tense ile oluşturulur.
Sürerlilik bildiren fiiller kullanılır:Work, write, travel, watch, listen, go on, study…
Bir anda olup biten eylem fiilleri kullanılmaz:Finish, complete, arrive, leave…


FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS : Özellikle “for”, “by” ve “since” zaman zarflarının kullanımları yaygındır. Ancak
“before,when, until” gibi devamında cümle getirebileceğimiz yapılarla da kullanabiliriz.
-I will have been marrying her for 2 years.
-They will have been working on the project by 6 pm.
-By the end of this year he will have been giving Taekvando courses for six years.
-By this time next Sunday she will have been meeting with her friends.
-I will have been waiting for three hours when he arrives.
-They will have been talking for over an hour by the time Kevin arrives.
NOTE: THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS : "when," "while," "before," "after," "by the time," "as soon as," "until," "if and
only if" "in case", "whenever", "provided", "whilst", "as long as", and "unless" kullanılmaz.

EXERCISE 1-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1) James ………………. (teach) at the public school for two years by the time he leaves for working at Private school.
2) They ................................. (talk)for over two hours on the phone by the timeher mother warns them.
3) John ................................ (manage) that firm for three years when it finally closes.
4) Jane will be tired when she gets home because she .......................... (jog) for over an hour.
5) The famous artist…………………. (paint) the mural for over six months by the time it is finished.
6) My boyfriend Bill ......................................... (wait) here for three hours by six o'clock.
7) By 2001,I and my parents ................................................ (live) here for sixteen years.
8) By the time Helen is twenty, she ………………………….... (stay) in our house for four years.
9) By dinner time, Tanya …………………………..... (watch) TV for half an hours,
10) By the time it gets dark,the children...................................... (play) football for three hours.
11) The students at High schools ……………………….... (study) English for four years by the end of their education life.
12) It ............................................. (rain) for the whole morning by the time it finally stops.
13) The police officers ................................... (stand) on foot for hours by the time the football match ends.
14) When the Syrian immigrants get here, they...................................... (walk) day and night.
15) Our grandparents moved to Turkey from Bulgaria in 1998. Next year we (be)……………………… here 21 years.
16) Where on earth is Henry? We are tired of waiting for him. Soon we …………… (wait) here for an hour.
17) Once this room is finished, they ………………. (paint) the house for two days.
18) Do you think you (finish)………………………. writing that report by the time I get back?
19) I hope the workers………………………… (repair) the school by summer holiday.
20) By the end of summer the team………………………….. (complete) their training.
21) By 6 o’clock she………………………………. (drive) for ten hours.
22) By the end of the year 2030 more people……………………………. (die) of starvation.

23) If my mum continue her diet, she …………………………. (lose) 15 kilos by the end of the summer.
24) By the time they call the mechanic, the car…………………… (break) down completely.
25) We are really bored. In five minutes Tom………………………. (ask) silly questions for almost an hour.
26) I’ll still be with them next month but Tim ………………………………… (leave).
27) As soon as the clock strikes 12, my son …………………………. (sleep) for ten hours.
28) When he returns in ten years time, he believe his village……………………. (change) considerably.
29) By the end of the month, a lot of people………………………….. (visit) the exhibition.
30) In a quarter of an hour you…………………….. (jog) for two hours.

EXERCISE 2-Answer the following questions.

Example : A: How long will you have been living in Adana by the year 2002?
B: I will have been living in Adana for fifteen years by the year 2002.
1) How long will your parents have been living in Ankara by the year 2018?
2) How long will the Turkish students have been studying English by the time they finish high school?
3) How long will your mother have been working in her current job by the year 2017?
4) How long will your sister have been working by the year 2018?
5) How long will your son have been watching television by the time you reach home this evening?
6) How long will Fatma has been studying by ten o'clock today?
7) How long will your son has been studying for his math exam by the time you arrive home?
8) How long will your friend have been taking private lessons by the time he passes his class?
9) How long will your brother have been listening to music by midnight?
10) How long will your brother have been living by himself by the time he marries?
11) How long will you have been waiting for the bus by the time the bus arrives?
12) How long will you have been sleeping by the time the alarm goes off at 7:30?

EXERCISE 3-Aşağıdaki boşlukları, Future Perfect Tense veya Future Perfect Continuous Tense ile uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) At this time tomorrow, I………………. (wait) for you in front of the cinema.
2) Tonight after 10 o'clock my parents ……………………. (watch) their favourite programme on TV.
3) Next Tuesday at this time Lisa………………….. (visit) her grandmother.
4) The train ……………………….. (leave) before they reach thetrain station.
5) What…………………you…………………. (do) at this time tomorrow?
6) Tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock we…………………………. (shop) at the supermarket.
7) Next Agust Danny …………………… (live) in this city for 10 years.
8) Tonny ………………………….. (finish) his homework before he goes to bed.
9) I………………………. (complete) this book by next year.
10) Our teacher………………………. (teach) us English by the end of this term.
11) I will………………… (finised) my work in 15 minutes.
12) In four years time they………………….. (live) in Kars.
13) Don't call me early in the morning, I…………………………. (sleep).
14) By the end of next year Sally ……………………… (work) in this company for 30 years.
15) She………………………….. (type) these letters before you leave.
16) Your teachers………………………. (call) you from time to time.
17) My students ………………………….. (read) 10 books at the end of this term.
18) They………………………. (stay) in Grand Sunlife hotel forfive days.
19) We…………………………… (decide) by the end of the day.
20) By the time we get to Turkey from Germany this evening, They (drive)…………….. more than two thousand miles.
21) I have not travelled much yet; however, I (visit)………………….. the Ephesus ruins and valley of Ihlara by the time I
leave Turkey.
22) Mary just called and said she would be here at 10 o'clock. By the time she gets here, we (wait)………………….. for
her for two hours.
23) George just lost his job again. If he keeps this up, he (lose)…… ……… jobs at least two or three times by the end of
the year.
24) In June, my grandmother and grandfather (be)……………………. married for fifty years.
25) Shela (cook)………………. for over four hours by the time everyone arrives for dinner this afternoon. Hopefully, she
(finish)…………………… everything by then.

26) Mike (complete, probably) ………………… the essay by 9:00, but he (work)………………. on it for more than seven
hours, and he doesn't think he is going to feel like going to a party.


EXERCISE 1-Select the correct choice between the alternatives written in parentheses.
1) You say you (will have been / will be) here at the end of this week. However, it (is going; to be / will be) too late
for me, because 1 (will be taking / will have taken) the exam by then.
2) We have a serious problem with our roof. Dad says we (will get / will have gotten) the roof fixed in the early
summer. So before winter sets in, our roof (will be fixed / will have been fixed).
3) When her family moves to Cornwall, Margaret (will start / will have started) a new school and she (will have
been meeting / will meet) several new friends. Since her lessons are very good, she doesn't think she (will have /
will have had) any problems.
4) Tomorrow Timothy (will be / is going to be) thirteen. His parents (will have given / are going to give) a lot of
nice presents to him. There (will have been / will be) a birthday party, and a lot of friends (will have been
attending / will attend) this party.
5) At the weekend, my father and his friends (will have been going / will go) fishing. They (will have taken / will
take) a lot of fishing lines and several nets with them. At the end of the . day, I am sure .hey (will be catching /
will have caught) many fish.
6) Our soccer team (will have been entertaining / will entertain) the leader of the First Division on Sunday. We (will
go / will have gone) to the stadium early in the morning. Otherwise, we (aren't going to be / won't be) able to
enter the stadium. The game (will have been / will be) very difficult for our team, but at the end of the game our
team (will be winning / will have won) the match.
7) There isn't much rain this spring. Farmers worry that there (will have been / will be) a draught this summer.
According to the authorities, we (won't have had / won't have) enough water in the rivers for irrigation. If they
can't water their fields, we (will have to / are going to have to) pay more for vegetables and fruits this summer.
8) Look out to the sea! It (will be / is going to be) a difficult boat ride today. We (will have had to / will have to)
lower the sails, and we (will be rowing / will have rowed) all day. At the end of the day, we (will be getting / will
have gotten) exhausted.
9) When you arrive in Paris, our tour guide (will be accosting / will accost) you at the Orly Airport. She (will have
taken / will take) you directly to your hotel first. By 10 o'clock, you (will check / will have checked) in, and you
(are going to be / will be) ready for a free city tour. This tour (is going to be / will be) a short one. When you get
back to the hotel, they (will have served / will be serving) lunch. After lunch, a bus (will have been picking / will
pick) you up from the hotel. In the afternoon, we (will have visited / will be visiting) the Louvre Museum. I
believe you (will be enjoying / will enjoy) this tour very much.
10) If you want to see this movie, you (will have to / will have had to) get the tickets two days earlier. Especially at
weekends, there is a big crowd in front of the cinema. This weekend, the film (will have shown / will be showing)
for the last time. So there (will have been / will be) a much larger crowd than ever before.

EXERCISE 2- Decide which future form is appropriate in the following sentences and write the correct forms of the verbs
given in brackets into the provided spaces.
1) It is foggy and the roads are slippery. I ................ (take) the bus but it................(take) much longer to get to work
by bus.
2) According to the weather report, it............................(rain) in the weekend.
3) My father..................... (sell) his old car and.............................. (buy) a brand-new one next year.
4) This time tomorrow, we ..................... (watch) a “Beyaz” show on TV.
5) By the end of this week,the doctors ..................... (work) on this project for almost six months.
6) More and more people...........................(live) in Ankara and İstanbul ten years later. At that time, we ....................
(need) more buses and trains for transportation.
7) The photos...................(be) ready tomorrow afternoon. I .......................(send) them as attachment to your e-mail.
8) My car is out of order. I........................... (take) it to the mechanic this weekend.
9) When my mother come back home, my father .................................... (leave) long before.
10) Tomorrow is Kelly's birthday. Her friends..............................(give) her a surprise birthday party.
11) My house is a long way from university. I..................... (move) to a closer neighborhood next summer.
12) When I am away from my wife, I.................................... (always / think) about her!
13) My boss told me that he ................(be) away for the whole week and he .............(attend) a symposium in İzmir.
14) By mid June, all the students...............................(graduate)from the school.
15) When they get to the stadium, the game................... (end) a long time before.
16) My father is planning to buy a new car this summer. So we................... (have) a holiday by the seaside.
17) Don't come tomorrow afternoon! I................................. (enter) to dance course then.
18) If you look everywhere in the house, I am sure you...........................(find) your keys.
19) Sam feels extremely tired. He.................................. (have) a rest soon.
20) There is a budget deficit this year. The government..................(take) a number of measures and ...........................
(raise) some new taxes next year.
21) On the fifth of next month, we...............................(stay) at a hotel by the sea in Bodrum.
22) Now, who...............................................(make) nonsence jokes at the office?
23) The officials...............(pull) down all the unlawful buildings until the end of next winter.
24) Ayşe ....................................... (take) the driving exam on Sunday afternoon.
25) I think their bus ................................... (arrive) at about 12:30.
26) If she comes after the 15 th of this month, she.................................................. (employ).
27) Next year,Sude ..............................(attend) a college in Ankara because she has won a scholarship already.
28) Why are you talking? The teacher is looking towards us. She............................ (get) angry with us.
29) There is very little gas in the tank of my car. I............................(fill) it up soon.
30) Do you thin that car ............................. (win) this race?
31) Today, we are studying the triangles in maths, and soon we................... (do) some exercises on this subject.
32) The train departs at 10:30 and arrives at 22:00. So, she ................................ (arrive) by 22:25.

EXERCISE 3- Construct new sentences with the appropriate future tense transformations using the time adverbials given as
cues. You are free to build up your own sentences!
1. Mary is going to watch a horror movie tonight. The film is going to start at 8 o'clock. 9o'clock. midnight.
.......................................................................................................................when the film is over.
......................................................................................................................during the film.
2. I will have been studying Ottoman history for four years at the end of 2017. 2018. the end of 2017.
3. The sky is overcast today! It is going to rain any time soon!
....................................................................................................while we are playing football. the end of the game.
...............................................................................for more than an hour when we stop playing.
4. The schools will open on the 25th of September this year.
..............................................................................................for two months on the 15th of November.
................................................................................................................on September 16th September 14.
5. George is going to move the grass at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. five o'clock.
........................................................................................................................before sun sets.
.......................................................................................................for an hour at four o'clock.
6. The train will have left before my cousins get to the station. train at six o'clock.
..............................................................................................when the next train comes. the time the next train departs.
7. Jane and Jack are invited to a wedding ceremony this evening. the newly wed couple are dancing.
.......................................................................................................before they wear the rings. the end of the ceremony.
....................................................................................................................tomorrow morning.
243 week.
8. Mark will go to bed at 10:30 tonight. 11:45
......................................................................................................for an hour at 00:30. 04:00.
9. I am going to take a short trip to Beypazarı on Saturday. Kızılcahamam on Sunday
............................................................................................... by 8:00 Saturday morning.
..............................................................................................................before midnight on Sunday.
10. Henry has a terrible backache today.
.........................................................................................................................until he gets well. he time he sees the doctor again.


Past Present Future
I was going to stay up late last night, but I didn 't. I would help you.

USE 2- FUTURE IN THE PAST: Planlanmış eylemleri anlatmak için WAS / WERE GOING TO + INFINITIVE
- I was going to see my girlfriend yesterday, but I was broke.
He was going to say something, but he changed his mind.

USE 3- FUTURE IN THE PAST: Geçmişte düşündüğünüz bir şeyin gelecekte olabileceğini anlatmak için kullanılır. Olması veya
olmaması önemli değildir.
" WOULD" : " Will" ile aynı kurallara
" WAS GOING TO" : "Be Going to" ile aynı kurallara sahiptir.
- I knew Julie would make dinner.

ifade edebiliriz. Olması için plan yaptığımız olaylar için kullanırız.
-They were to visit the museum, but it was closed.

EXERCISE 1-Fill in the blanks by using future in the past forms.

1) They knew he..........................go to the beach.
2) Sam thought the contest.
3) Donna mentioned that she....................go to Hawaii on vacation.
4) on the beach when I called.
5) Emily..........................g0 to tne beach when the weather was hot.
6) My parents knew I..........................g0 to class late.
7) Sally asked if I.........................go to class late.
8) He told Sue he....................have dinner with some friends after work.
9) his mother to the airport.
10) He........................see her off at the airport.
11) The soldiers..........................get Ujed to working at night and sleeping by day.
12) I told you he..........................come to the party.
13) I knew Julie..........................prepare dinner.

14) Jane said Sam ………………………... bring his sister with him, but he came alone.
15) I had a feeling that the vacation a disaster.
16) He promised he.........................send a postcard from Egypt.
17) John was a clever man and..........................find a better job.
18) He.......................................graduate from Ankara University.
19) They........................................stay up late tonight because they had no lessons.
20) I ................................................invite him to come for the weekend.
21) Kevin ..............................................marry Maria.
22) Mr. Jones …………………………….... attend the meeting.

EXERCISE 2-The first column describes what Kevin planned to do; the second describes what actually happened. Write how
he describes his life, using one sentence for each number.

Kevin's plans Reality

go to the best university failed the exams
get a scholarship in the Germany decided to join the Army
do M.A. and Ph. D. in the Germany decided to work as a salesperson in a firm.
become a famous businessman couldn't make ends meet
marry a fashion model married a widow
live in luxury live in misery
be rich turned out to be poor
have 2 children had no child
have a BMW had no car
live in Istanbul lived in a village
have a house lived in a flat
Example: Kevin was going to go to university, but he failed the exams.
1. Kevin …………………………………….but ……………………………………
2. Kevin …………………………………….but ………………………………….
3. Kevin ……………………………………but ……………………………………………….
4. Kevin………………………............ but ……………………………………………………
5. Kevin …………………………………….but ………………………………………………
6. Kevin ……………………………………..but ……………………………………………
7. Kevin……………........................ but ………………………....................
8. Kevin ……………………………………but ……………………….........................
9. Kevin ……………………………………but ………………………………………………………
10. Kevin ……………………………………but………………………….........

The Simple Future Tense
"Going to" Future Tense
The Future Continuous Tense
The Future Perfect Tense
The Future Perfect Continuous Tense

1- When I come back home after work tonight, I …………… TV for an hour. C
A)watch B)have watched
C)will watch D)will have watched
E)had watched
2- James …………… the office between two and five. E
A) have left B) will have left
C) will leave D) left
E) had left
3-By June, they …………… on this project for six months. E
A)will be working B) have worked
C)had been working D) had worked
E)will have been working
4-Before she moves from Ankara, she …………… us. A
A)is going to visit B)has visited
C)will be visiting D)visit
E)had visited
5-By the time my husband finishes his work, I …………… home for thebus station. B
A) have left B) will have left
C) will leave D) left
D) had left
6-So far the students have only read 100 pages of the book, but they …………… to all of them by the end of next week. E
A)have listened B)had listened
C)listened D)will listen
E)will have listened
7-My wife …………… written the report tonight, she always write a report on Mondays. C
A) has B) has had
C) had D) will have
E) will be having
8- John really wants to become the first in the race, but that doesn't mean that he …………… able to do so. E
A)was B)had been
C) would be D)has been
E)will be
9-We think our history teacher…………… the papers today. A
A)will mark B)had marked
C)marked D)will have marked
10- All the hotels in this area seem to be full. It appears that we………… the next town. B
A) have been driving B) will have to drive
C) will have driven D) were driving
E) have driven
11-I would rather you didn't go out tonight. It …………… E
A)has snowed B)won't snow
C)is snowing D)will have snowed
E) is going to snow
12- Jack: When are you coming back? Amy: Around two o'clock.
Jack: That's fine. I ........ by then. We can go out for a walk after that. E
A) am going to write my essay B) will write my essay
C) will be writing my essay D) have finished writing my essay
E) will have written
13-Jale …………… for that firm for 15 years next July. C
A)has been working B)will work
C)will have been working D)is going to work
E)had ben working
14-This time next week she …………… to Antalya. B
A)has flown B)wil be flying
C)flew D)will be flown
E)has been flying
15- Jack: Let's go to see the film at 3.45 with Amy.
Amy: I'm afraid we can't. I have an exam at 3.30, so I......... the questions at that hour. C
A) am answering B) am going to answer
C) will be answering D) have been answering
E) were answering
16-I am late. I suppose my family …………… the dinner without me. C
A) started B) start
C) will have started D) were started
E) had started
17-What do you think you …………… by the time you are fifty- five? D
A) had done B) do
C) will do D) will have done
E) have done
18-Your luggage is too heavy. I …………… you to the bus - terminal. A
A)will take B)will be taking
C)took D)take
E)will have taken

19-For the past 4 hours, a storm ………….....the houses and greenhouses of Belek in Antalya, and it is hard to know as yet
how much damage it the time it has stopped.C
A) was going to batter/causes B) battered/will have been causing
C) has been battering/will have caused D) had been battering/has caused
E) is battering/has been causing
20-We've planned that Jack …………… the house and I…………… it. E
A)is going to paint / will clean B)will paint / will clean
C)will paint / am going to clean D)will have painted / will have cleaned
E)is going to paint / am going to clean
21-Terry can't come to cinema with us. He …………… exam at 3 o'clock. A
A) is having B) will be had
C) will have had D) had had
E) has had
22-Look at those black clouds! It …………… heavily. C
A) will rain B) rains
C) is going to rain D) had rained
E) rained
23-Next Monday Tarkan …………… for the Sonny Music Company for two years. C
A)has worked B)will work
C)will have been working D)will be worked
E)has been working
24-A : How long have you been with this firm? B : I…………… there ten years by March. D
A)have been working B)had worked
C)will work D)will have worked
E)will be worked
25-If the classroom teacher asks you, please tell him that I …………… here until Thursday. B
A)am not going to be B)won't be
C)won't have been D)haven't been
26-The police …………… those fans enter the stadium with sharp tools, because they are prohibited by law . D
A)will let B)won't have let
C)are going to let D)won't let
E)don't let
27-If you ……….. the walls ice-blue, the house ………… much brighter. E
A)paint / look B)painted / looked
C)have painted / would look D)paint / will have looked
E)paint / will look
28-The students are still having an exam. They …………… lunch when the exam expired . A
A) will have B) have
C) have had D) will have had
E) had had
29-Teachers still …………… that the changes in the disciplinary regulations …………… to their advantage. D
A)have believed / would be B)would believe / were being
C)believed / had been D)believe/will be
E)had believed / will have been
30-Once she …………… it, she …………… never …………… satisfied with the other beverages. C
A)drank / will / be B)drank / will / have been
C)has drunk / will / be D)has drunk / has / been
E)drank / has / been
31-My mother had a terrible quarrel with my brother. She …………… him for along time even if he apologizes to him. E
A)will forgive B)is going to forgive
C)didn't forgive D)wouldn't forgive
E)will never forgive
32-I and my sister …………… by the time the bus arrives. My parents'd better take a taxi. B
A)are going to freeze B)will be frozen
C)have frozen D)had frozen
E)will have frozen
33-They …………… married as soon as they have settled the problem where they are going to work. C
A)get B)will have gotten
C)will get D)have qotten
34- The building, the wall of which ……………, ………… , soon. E
A)has collapsed / will repair B)collapsed / was repaired
C)collapsed / will have repaired D)has collapsed / will be repairing
E)has collapsed / will be repaired
35- Prices ....... steadily all year, so people hope that they .......a pay rise soon. C
A) rose/have got B) are rising/got
C) have been rising/will get D) had risen/get
E) were rising/had got
36- I'm sure the students...... down by the time their parents …………. A
A) will have calmed/arrive B) has calmed/are arriving
C) is going to calm/were arriving D) was calming/have arrived
E) calms/will have arrived
37- At this exact time next year, they ........... probably İstanbul. E
A) are / living B) were / living
C) have / been living D) would / live
E) will / be living
38- By the next elections, the party in power ............ in Turkey for four years. They ......... into power two years ago, and
they ........... another two years ahead. E
A) will be governing / had come / will have B) have been governing / came / have had
C) are governing / come / are having D) had been governing / had come / will have
E) will have been governing / came / have
39- The Turkish national team’s athletes ............ for exactly four months by the time the races ............... due to start. B
A) have been training/will be B) will have been training/are
C) are going to train/will have been D) are training/were
E) had trained/have been


1-On her way home yesterday, Sally…………… a terrible accident and wondered if anyone …………… wounded. B
A) sees / is B) saw / was
C) sees / was D) has seen / was
E) saw is
2-In fact his behaviours …………… so flippantly that his parents…………… he was a disgrace to the family. E
A) are/thinks B) were / has thought
C) are/thought D) were/thinks
E) were/thought
3-My mother …………… my cousin Ezgi as if she …………… her own daughter. B
A) treats / is B) treats / were
C) is treating / is D) was treating / was
E) treated / is
4-People ……… the national sovereignty and they should be aware that this power ……… to them. E
A)represent / belonged B)represented / belongs
C)had represented / belongs D)were representing / belonged
E)represent / belongs
5-The killer husband …………… the house after he …………….. killed the his wife. C
A)hadn't left / had B)has left / had
C)didn't leave / had D)were leaving / had
E)had been leaving / had
6-My parents …………… my aunt the spare key so that she can use it whenever she …………… B
A)gave / wanted B)have given / wants
C)have been given / wants D)had given / want
E)are giving / wanted
7-A change in weather …………… the life – boat to capsize and all the crew …………… in the sea. D
A)caused / lost B)causes / are lost
C)were causing / were lost D)caused / were lost
E)have caused / were lost
8-What …………… people call a belief which …………… based on reason or fact? A
A)do / isn't B)did / is
C)do / have been D)do / hadn"t been
E)did / isn't
9-As the children …………… swimming in the sea, it suddenly …………… to rain. B
A)have played / had begun B)were playing / began
C)played / was beginning D)play / has begun
E)will play / would begin
10-Her husband will listen her at the conference hall while she ……… a lectureto the audience. A
A)is giving B)has given
C)give D) will give
E)was giving
11-I expect my daughter…………… from university by this time next year and …………… for the ALLES exam. C
A)has graduated / will have prepared B)is graduating / has been preparing
C)will have graduated / will be preparing D)graduates / will have been preparing
E)was graduating / will prepare
12-The Balcı Family treat me as if I …………… their own daughter, all of their properties are at my disposal. B
A)will be B)were
C)have been D)had been
E) am
13-The football match …………… because of freezing cold and snow four hours ago. D
A)cancelled B)had cancelled
C)have been cancelled D)was cancelled
E)will be cancelled
14-Helen …………… motionless for at least two minutes while her friends …………… the meal. E
A)stands / were preparing B)stood / have been prepared
C)stood / have prepared D)has stood / are being prepared
E)stood / were preparing
15-I am sure he …………… the workshop chief soon, however he ………….. have more responsibilities.B
A) is / will B) will be/ will
C) will /has been D) was/ will
E)will have/ will
16-His brother …………… aware that this …………… a risky investment. C
A) will be/was B) was /will be
C)is / is D) is / had been
E)was/will have been
17-So long as the Dolar …………… strong, my profit …………… higher than I expected. B
A)remained / will be B)remains/will be
C)remain / was D)has remained / was
E)remains / had been
18-If her theft ……………proved, she wouldn't have admit her guilt. D
A) has been B) was
C) had been D) hadn't been
E) hasn't been
19-In spite of his lack of experience in his profession, John …………… a very good job at ASELSAN. A
A)managed to get B)didn't get
C)failed to get D)hasn't gotten
E)won't get
20-I think overeating …………… that a person …………… nervous and weak. E
A) indicate / felt B) indicate / feels
C)indicated / have felt D) indicates / felt
E)indicates / feels
21-The doctor's reputation for success in treating migraine ………… world wide. C
A) spread B) will have spread
C)has spread D) had spread
E)have been spreading
22-Farmers in Turkey …………… in trouble unless the drought …………… B
A) were / ends B) will be / ends
C)have been / end D) were / end
E)will be /doesn’t end
23-It …………… heavily all night, but it ………………….. and most of it …………… by morning. E
A)is going to snow / won't settle / had disappeared B)snowed / did settle / had disapperared
C)snows / doesn't settle / has disappeared D)was snowing / didn't settle / has disappeared
E)snowed / did not settle / had disappeared
24-Both of my colleagues …………… the advantages and disadvantages of the new regulation when I …………… them. D
A)are discussing / will rejoin B)have been discussing / are rejoining
C)will discuss / would rejoin D)were discussing / rejoined
E)discussed / had rejoined
25-By the end of the week, the teacher …………… whether we have pass exam or not. D
A)will be announcing B)will announce
C)would have announced D)will have announced
E)will have been announced
26-The victim of the car accident …………… in the emergency room for almost two hours before the doctors
…………on him. A
A)had been waiting / operated B)had waited / operated
C)have been waiting / operated D)were waiting / operate
E)had been waiting / had operated
27-When people …………… thoughtless promises they didn't realize what they …………… themselves in for. C
A)had made / lets B) was making /have let
C)made / was letting D) make / am letting
E) will make / would let
28At the end of the year after Ann …………… her short stories, she …………… to write novels. D
A)published / began B)published / had began
C)had published / was beginning D)had published / began
E)was published / was beginning
29-For about fifteen years most governments in the world …………… to find ways of environmental problems. C
A)were trying B) had been trying
C)have been trying D) have tried
E) had been tried
30-At this time tomorrow, I and my family …………… ourselves at seaside. D
A) will have enjoyed B) will enjoy
C) are going to enjoy D) will be enjoying
E) have been enjoying
31-By the first half of the twenty-first century, the artificial intelligence …………… a necessity in everywork place. D
A) will became B) has become
C) is becoming D) will have become
E) is going to become
32-Sharks …………… from other fish in that their skeletons are made of cartilage instead of bone. A
A)differ B) have differed
C)were differing D) are differing
E) will differ
33-I …………… of talking to the police when I ………….. that a thief entered your house because I …………… him . B
A)thought / heard / see B)was thinking / heard / saw
C)am thinking / have heard / saw D)was thinking / had heard / see
E)think / have heard / see
34- My daughter was so ill last week that she just …………… in bed for three days and …………… anything. E
A)have been lying / don't eat B)lie / haven't been eating
C)have lain / am not eating D)was laying / haven't eaten
E)lay/didn't eat
35-I know you ………… my electric drill for assembling the cabinets, but can I have it back as soon as you …………… it? C
A)use / are finishing B)were using /finished
C)are using / have finished D)have used / were finishing
E)have been using / finished
36-Although Bill .................. from university with a degree chemistry, he …………… as a cashier in a market ever since his
graduation. C
A)graduates / has worked B)has graduated / is working
C)graduated / has been working D)is graduating / works
E)was graduating / worked
37-Several people in my neighborhood ………………… the thief as he ………………. the lock off the door with a hacksaw. B
A)have seen / sawed B)saw / was sawing
C)see / has been sawing D)have been seeing / saws
E)were seeing / has sawed
38-My diet ………… of lots of eggs and yogurt, but recently, I ……… to worry about the negative effects on my health. D
A)consisted / became B)was consisting / was becoming
C)is consisting / became D)consists / have begun
E)has consisted / become
39-The bread truck .............................. yet because the electrical power …………… off all night. C
A)doesn't arrive / is B)isn't arriving / has been
C)hasn't arrived / was D)didn't arrive / has been
E)wasn't arriving / is
40-I would like to help my mother, but I …………. to finish my term project as I …….… a presentation in class tomorrow. E
A)have tried / have been giving B)try / have given
C)tried / was giving D)have been trying / give
E)am trying / am giving
41- I and my brother …………… “Dağ” twice already, but it is such a good film that we …………… it again tonight. B
A)were seeing / saw B)have seen / are seeing
C)saw / see D)see / have been seeing
E)are seeing / have seen
42-George …………… a new fruit juicer last month, but he …………… it only a few times so far. D
A)buys / was using B)was buying / has been using
C)has bought / is using D)bought / has used
E)was buying / used
43- A group of treasure hunter …………… day and night for four days now, but they …………… any treasure yet. D
A)are searching / aren't discovering B)searched / didn't discover
C)search / don't discover D)have been searching / haven't discovered
E)were searching / aren't discovering
44-Sezen Aksu …………… publicly since her operation, but she …………… every day. B
A)wasn't singing / has practiced B)hasn't sung / practises
C)didn't sing / has been practicing D)hasn't been singing / was practising
E)isn't singing / practised
45-Of all the places we …………… during the last twenty years, İstanbul …………… the most charming historical city. E
A)visited / is remaining B)were visiting / remained
C)visit / has remained D)have been visiting / was remaining
E)have visited / remains
46-Last week twenty opposition parlimentarian…………… an unprecedented first step toward…………… changes in law.C
A)have taken/ made B)took / makes
C)took / making D)had taken/ making
E)would take/ made
47- Libya government …………… to hear so many voices calling for reform nowadays. E
A)was reassuring B)reassured
C)will have been reassuring D)reassure
E)is reassuring
48-The minister of education …………….his political power and ………………his son to a better position in the government. C
A)abused / was appointing B)is abused /had appointed
C)abused / was appointed D)is abusing / has appointed
E)had abused /is appointed
49-Every one of the exam papers of candidates …………… by the instructors twice before the results …………… A
A)Had been checked / were declared B)had checked / were declared
C)Are checked / had been declared D)checked / are declared
E)were checked / declared
50-As far as I …………… concerned there …………… only one solution to the accommodation problem, that …………… renting
with friends. A
A) am/ is/ is B) am/ was / is
C)was / is/ is D) am/ is/ was
E)am/ is/ has been
51-Sandy …………… when she …………… a gas station with a restaurant at last on her travel to the seashore. E
A)is starving / found B)starved / found
C)was starving / was finding D)starved/was finding
E)was starving / found
52-There was nothing she …………… but leave the train where it …………… down. B
A)can do/ had broken B)could do/ had broken
C)did / had broken D)could do/ has broken
E)could do/was breaking
53-People …………… often …………… what a waste it …………… that we …………… a third of our lives asleep. B
A)have /lamented/was /spend B)have / lamented / is / spend
C)had / lamented / is / spend D)have / lamented / is / were spending
E)had / lamented / has been / spend
54-James…………… he would be able to devote more time to his children after his work …………… over. D
A)has thought / had been B)thought/is
C)thinks / had been D)thought / had been
E)thought / has been
55-Tom …………… to school before he …………… a secondhand car. C
A)is riding / purchased B)had been riding / was purchasing
C)had been riding / purchased D)has been riding / purchased

E)rode / was purchasing
56-Ayşe ……… to study harder once she ……………how vital winning a Science High school …………… for her future. A
A)began / had learned / would be B)began/learns/would be
C)began / had learned / has been D)began / learned / is
E)begins / had learned / was
57- This time last year, his business............ a reasonable profit, but now, because of bad management, he…… keep
it going. E
A) has made/has struggled B) made/was struggling
C) make/has been struggling D) has been making/struggles
E) was making/is struggling
58-Isn't it strange that Ann ....... for her husband's surprise party all week, but she ....... him a birthday present yet. B
A) is preparing/didn't buy B) has been preparing/hasn't bought
C) prepared/doesn't buy D)has prepared/isn't buying
E) prepare/wasn't buying
59-While my the shopping centre, a thief.......-into their car for the radio.B
A) shopped/has broken B)were shopping/broke
C) have shopped/breaks D)are shopping/was breaking
E) shop/is breaking
60- It's been a week since the earthquake ........ but still people and aid workers ………........ people. D
A) are striking/rescued B) strike/were rescuing
C) were striking/have been rescuing D) struck/are rescuing
E) have struck/rescue
61-We.......with the sales staff tomorrow because our sales.......recently. B
A) were meeting/declined B) are meeting/have declined
C) meet/decline D)met/were declining
E) have met/are declining
62-Jack .......on this novel for more than six months now, but he......only half of it yet.E
A) worked/has been completing B) is working/complete
C) work/ is completing D) was working/completed
E) has been working/has completed
63- My son ................. very well at university this term because he ................. out late at night any more.E
A) does/hasn't stayed B) did/isn't staying
C) has done/wasn't staying D) was doing/hasn't been staying
E) is doing/doesn't stay
64- The phrase " artificial intelligence " ............. about fifteen years ago, but most people still....... what it means. C
A) was appearing/haven't known B) has appeared/don't know
C) appeared/don't know D) appears/didn't know
E) has been appearing/haven't known
65- People who …... items like bottles and cans.......the world's resources. D
A) aren't recycling/wasted B) didn't recycle/waste
C) haven't been recycling/were wasting D) don't recycle/are wasting
E) haven't recycled/wasted
66- While my husband.........our son’s bicycle in the garage, I.........the flowers in the garden. B
A) repaired/have watered B) was repairing/was watering
C) has repaired/am watering D) repaired/have been watering
E) repairs/watered
67- A: Where are the children? B: with his friends in the park and Mary........ her grandmother. E
A) has played/was helping B) was playing/has helped
C) played /helped D) plays/helps
E) is playing/is helping
68- Up to now, scientists .............a few animals like cow and cat, but genetic engineering techniques ...............all the time. B
A) have been cloning/have developed B) have cloned/are developing
C) are cloning/develop D) clone/were developing
E) cloned/have been developing
69- My brother .................... his job soon because his stress ...................unbearable. E
A) have quit/became B) was quitting/becomes
C) quit/becomes D) have quit/is becoming
E) am quitting/has become
70- We................ our belongings for two days now, and we still................the living room and the kitchen yet. C
A) pack/don't touch B) was packing/didn't touch
C) have been packing/haven't touched D) packed/haven't been touching
E) have packed/am not touching
71- The Information Technology department .........a new accountancy software package for our computer system because
the current with enough information. D
A) tests/hasn't been providing B) has tested/didn't provide
C) was testing/hasn't provided D) is testing/doesn't provide
E) tested/wasn't providing
72- Sandra…… take divorcing calmly, but I am sure she......her true feelings. A
A) appeared/was hiding B) was appearing/hides
C) has appeared/hid D) appears/was hiding
E) is appearing/has hidden
73-Unemployment rate……….........since the government....................the new employment strategy. C
A) fall/has introduced B) have fallen/introduces
C) have been falling/introduced D) are falling/was introducing
E) were falling/is introducing
74- Even though many tourists …….........İstanbul before, they say they ............... a lot about it from seeing it in films. E
A) didn't see/have known B) wasn't seeing/knew
C) am not seeing/knew D) don't see/have known
E) haven't seen/know
75- Over 1,000 people in Palestine ......... since peace talks.........down with Israel . B
A) are dying/were breaking B) have died/broke
C) have been dying/are breaking D) die/have been breaking
E) died/have broken
76- At the moment, the Turkish Wrestle team .................. well, but they...................a gold medal yet. C
A) Wrestle /don't secure B) were wrestling /weren't securing
C) are wrestling /haven't secured D) have been wrestling /don't secure
E) Wrestled /aren't securing
77- The long working hours and conditions in the factory……….... more and more unbearable, and recently most of my
workmates .................. quitting and looking for a new job. C
A) have got/was considering B) was getting/am considering
C) are getting/have considered D) have been getting/consider
E) get/considered
78- Clean mirror ……… much as 93 percent of the sunlight that........on it. E
A) is reflecting/shone B) has reflected/was shining
C) reflected/is shining D) was reflecting/has shone
E) reflects/shines
79- Our grandfather's health .......... day by day until he .......... smoking. A
A) was deteriorating/gave up B) is deteriorating/gives up
C) deteriorated/has given up D) deteriorates/is giving up
E) has deteriorated/was giving up
80- Normally, people ................. quickly from the flu, but the H1N1 virus is fatal ,so far this year many people ……… a
result of it. D
A) are recovering/had died B) had recovered/are going to die
C) have been recovering/die D) recover/have died
E) were recovering/will die
81- American in Syria since 1990, when America.......the country. E
A) dominate/was invading B) were dominating/has invaded
C) will have dominated/had invaded D) had dominated/will be invading
E) have dominated/invaded
82- Probably by this time next year, you ...... tired of travelling around and ......for a stable job in your home town.E
A) were/have been looking B) are/will have looked
C) will have been/look D) have been/are looking
E) will be/will be looking
83- I expect John .......bored with working at the market by this time next year and ......for a more interesting job.E
A) have become/will have looked B) were becoming/are going to look
C) become/will look D) will become/are looking
E) will have become/will be looking
84- Coach Noah .......the strengths of their opponents because his team ....... against the other team before.C
A) has explained/weren't playing B) explains/won't play
C) is explaining/haven't played D) was explaining/don't play
E) will explain/hadn't been playing
85- Shadow puppets “ Karagöz and hacivat” ....... in Turkey and ....... as far as Greece and other countries today. D
A) will originate/have been spreading B) are originating/will be spreading
C) originate/had spread D) originated/have spread
E) will have originated/were spreading
86- Today Turkish farmers....... tangerines at one pound per kilo, unlike yesterday, when they .......very few customers. B
A) were selling/have had B) are selling/had
C) had been selling/had had D) sold/will have had
E) are going to sell/will be having
87- His parents expect Sally......... from school by this time next year and ......... for a job. C
A) has graduated/will have looked B) is graduating/has been looking
C) will have graduated/will be looking D) graduate/will have been looking
E) was graduating/is going to look
88- Because of İstanbul's geographical location, it.......a place of trade since civilisation.........E
A) is/was beginning B) was/has begun
C) will be/had begun D) had been/is beginning
E) has been/began
89-Big companies ………......... down all the world's forests before the authorities ................. any action. B
A) have cut/took B) will have cut/take
C) will be cutting/will take D) are cutting/have taken
E) had cut/are taking
90- At late 1960s, only a few specialists ....... how to use computers, but now computer of the most
popular professions in the world. C
A) were going to know/becomes B) have known/became
C) knew/has become D) will have known/will become
E) have known/is becoming
91- The pedestrains .................. at the traffic lights when the bus …………..... into them from behind. A
A) were waiting/crashed B) had waited/has crashed
C) waited/was crashing D) have waited/had been crashing
E) are waiting/will crash
92- When the reinforcements......., the enemy.......the comrades already. E
A) were arriving/annihilated B) have arrived/was annihilating
C) arrive/has annihilated D) had arrived/annihilate
E) arrived/had annihilated
93- For the last two weeks, Sam...... about his exams so much that his hair.......out because of stress. .B
A) worries/has fallen B) has been worrying/is falling
C) was worrying/had fallen D) is worrying/had been falling
E) worried/will have fallen
94- For the past four days, lava.................from Mount Etna, and some scientists are sure that the volcano................more
violently soon. C
A) had poured/will have erupted B) is going to pour/was erupting
C) has been pouring/will erupt D) is pouring/has erupted
E) will pour/had been erupting
95- The children ................all morning. I hope they………....... a cold. B
A) have sneezed/didn't catch B) have been sneezing/haven't caught
C) are sneezing/won't catch D) will sneeze/aren't catching
E) will have sneezed/don't catch
96- The lifeguard thinks that the woman over there ….....difficulty in the water. He … to check that there's no problem.D
A) has had/will be diving B) had/will have dived
C) will have/have dived D) is having/will dive
E) was having/am diving
97- My daughter Judy ………......quite well at school now, but in general, she..... satisfactorily. B
A) does/hasn't been performing B) is doing/doesn't perform
C) has done/wasn't performing D) did/isn't performing
E) was doing/won't perform
98- Last month my husband …........laser treatment on his eyes and since then he...... wear glasses at all. B
A) would undergo/isn't having to B) underwent/hasn't had to
C) had undergone/hadn't had to D) has undergone/won't have to
E) was undergoing/doesn't have to
99- I...... beef for dinner, but it was still frozen, so we...... pizza instead.D
A) had cooked/will order B) will be cooking/have ordered
C) cook/will be ordering D) was going to cook/ordered
E) have cooked/are ordering
100- We're sure Henry ………… because he is the sort of person who......hard all the time.D
A) doesn't disappoint/will have tried B) won't have disappointed/had tried
C) isn't disappointing/was trying D) won't disappoint/tries
E) didn't disappoint/is trying
101- Right now, the hospitals……......for everyone to give blood because, since the terrorist attack, thousands of injured
civilians ................ hospital treatment.B
A) have called/will be needing B) are calling/have needed
C) called/will need D) call/have been needing
E) will call/need
102- My family ……........a surprise birthday party for Grandfather on his 75th birthday, but he........a holiday for that week. C
A) have held/is going to book B) hold/is booking
C) were going to hold/had booked D) will hold/books
E) had been holding/will have booked
103- We believe they........ Sude for the team because her performance........ continually lately. B
A) select/has improved B) will select/has been improving
C) are going to select/will improve D) have selected /improves
E) had selected/is improving
104- By the time scientists find a cure for cancer, lots of people ............ of it. D
A) had died B) died
C) have died D) will have died
E) are dying
105- My wife ........ to an opera until I ......... her last month. She .......... quite interested in it since then. B
A) didn't go / had taken / is B) hadn't been / took / has been
C) wasn't going / would take / is being D) won't have been / take / was
E) hasn't gone / took / had been
106- I and my brother ......... to the cinema twice this week, but normally, we .......... so often. B
A) went / go B) have been / don't go
C) had been / haven't gone D) was going / didn't go
E) am not going / have been
107- If the inflation ....... to rise at the present rate, prices ........ by next year. B
A) is continuing / double B) continues / will have doubled
C) continued / will be doubled D) will continue / will double
E) had continued / had been doubled
108- The essay I ....... on at present ....... to be difficult, but it ....... in fact. D
A) work / seemed / won't B) am working / seems / isn't
C) was working / seemed / wasn't D) have been working / seems / hasn't been
E) had been working / had seemed / was
109- We are sure Ann’s new travel agency .......... because she .......... a thorough market survey. C
A) is succeeding/will do B) has succeeded/will have done
C) will succeed/has done D) was succeeding/is doing
E) succeeded/has been doing

USE 1- QUESTION TAGS : Cümlenin sonunda , Auxiliary ( Yardımcı Filller) kullanılarak oluşturulan sorulardır.
-She speaks English very well, doesn't she?
- I am writing a letter now, aren't I?
USE 2- POSITIVE QUESTION TAG: Olumsuz bir cümle ile kullanılır.
She doesn't smoke in the class, does she?
You didn't drive very fast on the highway, did you?
USE 3- NEGATIVE QUESTION TAG: Olumlu bir cümle ile kullanılır.
Alary will arrive today, won't she?
All the students were punctual, weren't they?
I answered your question very well, didn't I?
USE 4- LET'S...........THE QUESTION TAG: "SHALL WE?" ile yapılır.
Let's go out for a walk, shall we?
Bring the case here, will you?
Don't be late, will you?
I was listening, wasn't I?
They were skiing, weren't they?

They were not driving their car, were they?
He has read many novels so far, hasn't he?
She has been sleeping for 5 hours, hasn't she?
He hasn 't done it, has he?
I had been studying when you came in, hadn't I?
He hadn't broken die radio, had he? '
They will come to the meeting tomorrow, won't they?
You won't be working, will you?
He will have finished the work by the time we get there, won't he?
We won't be playing tennis at 3 o'clock tomorrow, will we?
Somebody stole my wallet, didn't they?
This is your car, isn't it?
She might be tired, mightn't she?
There is a post oftice near the avenue, isn't there?

EXERCISE 1-Complete the sentences with tag questions.

1) There is much my parents can do for me, ……………………...........?
2) She knows how to dance, ……………………...........?
3) Their chef couldn't understand your complaints, ……………………...........?
4) Henry could easily answer your questions, ……………………...........?
5) Keep your silence, ……………………...........?
6) They will decorate their houses, ……………………...........?
7) Playing the violin is not very easy, ……………………...........?
8) Don't turn up the volume of the TV, ……………………...........?
9) Sheila will be teaching history, ……………………...........?
10) There are qualified questions on the test, ……………………...........?
11) People can speak a foreign language in 6 months, ……………………...........?
12) Thousands of people all over the world have little food to eat, ……………………...........?
13) Cats had fought all the morning, ……………………...........?
14) It is impossible to stop sea pollution in undeveloped countries, ……………………...........?
15) She doesn't like him at all, ……………………...........?
16) James is not going to buy those shoes, ……………………...........?
17) His fridge has been mended three times, ……………………...........?
18) They didn't enjoy listening to opera, ……………………...........?
19) Selda ought to go on a diet, ……………………...........?
20) Martha answered the questions correctly,............... ?
21) We had already completed the composition before he came to the hall,.......................?
22) You shouldn't step on the grass,..................?
23) I hardly caught the plane yesterday,..............................?
24) She could have passed the test,................?
25) He will have sent the parcel before you see her,......................?
26) They needn't have brought the Ayran, as there was plenty,....................?
27) They will be able to finish the test in time,.........................?
28) Don't eat too much chocolate,.........................?
29) Bring my notebook back before the exam,....................?
30) Be careful while swimming,......................?
31) We have to obey the school rules,.......................?
32) He doesn't know how to use the computer,.......................?
33) It was very cold outside in winter in Rome,...................?
34) You weren’t hardworking last year,...........................?
35) Everybody in the world has to protect the forests,...................?

EXERCISE 2-Choose the appropriate tag question for each sentence.

1-Ann is on holiday,...................,...........?
a. is she b. she is c.isn't she d. she isn't

2-He won't mind if I close the window,.......................?
a. won't he b.will he c. he won't d. he will
3-There are a lot of students here,......................?
a. there are b.aren't there c. there aren't d. are there
4-Don't smoke here,........................?
a. don't you b. won't you c. do you d.will you
5- Let's go out to eat,.....................?
a. don't we b. shall we c. do we d. we shall
6- I am too old to run fast.........................?
a.aren't I b. am I c. I am not d. I am
7-This book wasn't very interesting, ...........................?
a.was it b. it was c. wasn't it d. it wasn't
8-Jack has applied for the job recently, ...........................?
a. has he b.hasn't he c. he hasn't d. he has
9-He hardlybought the cottage,........................?
a. didn't he b. he did c. he didn't d.did he
10-Listen to the teacher in class, ..........................?
a.won't you b. don't you c. do you d.will you
11-Sally doesn't like vegetables, .........................?
a. doesn't she b.does she c. she doesn't d. she does
12-You have never seen that movie before,..........................?
a.have you b. haven't you c. you have d. you haven't
13-You are not going to sell your house, ...........................?
a. aren't you b. will you c.are you d. won't you
14-His old car has been repaired many times,...........................?
a. has it b.hasn't it c. it hasn't d. it has
15-I have to go to taekvondo course. Lend me your duboka,...........................?
a. won't you b. don't you c. will you d. is it
16-Sandra will take us to circus tonight,...............................?
a. won't she b. will she c. won't she d. will she
17-He won’t do sport in winters, ............................?
a. won't he b. he won't c. will he d. he will
18-She had had a great time at the fancy dress party, ............................?
a. hadn't she b. did she c. didn't she d. had she
19-Be careful while driving, ...........................?
a. won't you b. will you c. don't you d. do you
20-You have to sleep early tonight, .............................?
a. have you b)don't you c. do you d. haven't you


WHEN I got home, my father was sleeping.
, my mother cooked dinner.
, I had studied my lessons for two hours.
, my brother had been playing computer gam efor four hours.
CONJUNCTION + PRESENT , PRESENT : Genelde yaptığımız işleri ifade etmek için
WHEN I get home after school, I always wash my hands, face and feet, take a rest for a while.Then, I have my dinner and
after dinner I study my lessons.

WHEN I get home after work tomorrow, I will sleep for a while.
, my father will be watching TV.
, my brother will have been studying for two hours.
, my cousins will have arrived.
, I am going to do my homeworks.


CAN : izin, olasılık, yetenek, rica (yapabilir)
Can I open the window? It’s hot here.
The teacher can ask difficult questions.
I can speak two languages.
Can you pass the salt, please?
CAN’T : olumsuz çıkarım, yasak, yetenek (yapamaz)
Our neighbours can’t be at home. They went on a holiday last night.
You can’t smoke here, it’s forbidden.
My father can’t swim.
BE ABLE TO: yetenek, zoru başarma (yapabilir)
My grand daughter is able to read and write although she is only 5.
My sister is able to pass the university entrance exam, I believe.
COULD: olasılık, kibarca rica, izin, öneri yapabilir)
My friend could come to us tomorrow, but I’m not sure.
Could you pass the bread, please?
Could I look at your newspaper?
You could go on a diet if you want to keep fit.
Could: yetenek, if 2 (yapabilirdi, yapabildi)
I could swim when I was young. / My brother could do a judo at the high school.
I could learn to read Arabic when I was a child. / My sister could bake a cake.
If I went to Istanbul, I could visit Topkapı Palace.
Couldn’t: yetenek (yapamadı, yapamazdı)
I couldn’t play basketball when I was at school.
If my father came home now, we couldn’t go out.
Was able to: zoru başarma (yapabildi (bir defalık))
My sister was able to pass the entrance exam. / I wasn’t able to catch the train.
Could have done: olasılık, yetenek, if 3 (yapabilirdi, yapmış olabilir)
You could have answered all the questions. You had 10 minutes more.
You could have won the exam, but you didn’t enter.
If I had seen Ahmet, I could have given him his birthday present.
Can’t have done: anlam çıkarma (yapmış olamaz)
They can’t have come home yesterday. I didn’t see their car in front of the house.
You can’t have seen Alice at the party, she has gone to London.

May: olasılık, izin (yapabilir)
It may/might rain today according to the weather forecast.
May/might we play computer games after dinner, mum?
Might: olasılık, izin (yapabilir)
May not: yasak, olasılık (yapamaz)
You may not smoke indoor at the common places.
I may not come to the wedding party because I have an exam the other day.

Might: if 2 (yapabilirdi)
If you were a manager at the factory, you might run it very well.
If I won the exam, I might go abroad for MA.
May have done: olasılık (yapmış olabilir)
I may/might have seen this film, but I’m not sure.
She might have visited us many years ago, but I can’t remember.
Might have done: olasılık, if 3 (yapmış olabilir)
If you had gone to the museum, you might have seen the antiques.

Will: gelecek işler, rica (yapacak)
I will visit my friend when I go to Istanbul.
Will your brother come to the cinema with us?
Would: kibar rica(yapar mısın), olasılık (yapabilir)
Would you help me with my project? / Would you tell me the way to the cinema?
Alice would leave for America next week.
Would: alışkanlık, if 2 (yapardı)
I would go to the mountains in the village.
I would/used to help my father in the shop when I was a student.
If I were you, I would talk to the teacher myself.
Would have done: if 3 (yapacaktı, yapardı)
If the tourists had come to our village, they would have seen the village wedding.
You would have gone abroad if you had entered the exam.

Shall: öneri, teklif (yapayım/-lım mı)
Shall we go to the seaside in the afternoon?
Shall we cook mantı?
Should: tavsiye, öneri, olasılık (yapmalı)
You should stop eating much.
The parents should care for their children while swimming.
If you should meet my school friends, tell my regards.
Ought to: tavsiye, öneri, olasılık (yapmalı)
They ought to obey the rules.
The children ought to sleep early.
Shouldn’t: uyarı (yapmamalı)
You shouldn’t smoke cigarette.
The children shouldn’t play in the garden when it is cold.

Should have done: sitem, yakınma, tavsiye (yapmalıydı)
Ought to have done: sitem, yakınma, tavsiye (yapmalıydı)
You should have visited your grand parents. (but you didn’t)
I should have done all the exercises. ( I didn’t and the teacher got angry.)
Shouldn’t have done: uyarı (yapmamalıydı)
You shouldn’t have insulted the children. (but you did)
He shouldn’t have driven fast, he did and he got fined.

Must: zorunluluk, olumlu çıkarım (yapmalı)
You must do your homework before you go to bed.
Mothers must look after their children.
My father must be at home. His car is in front of the house.
The Browns must be on holiday. The curtains are closed.
Have to: zorunluluk (yapmalı)
I have to look after my bother when my mum goes shopping.( but I don’t want to.)
They have to stay in the class during the exam. (although they don’t want to)
Mustn’t: yasaklama, tahmin, emir (yapmamalı)
You mustn’t cheat in the exam. / I mustn’t go home late.
Our next door neighbours mustn’t be at home tonight.
You mustn’t talk to your parents like this.(father to son)
Don’t have to: zorunluluk yok (mecbur değil)
You don’t have to go shopping with me, I can go alone.
I don’t have to help you to do your homework, you must do it by yourself.


Had to: zorunluluk (zorunda kaldı)
Had to: zorunluluk (zorunda kaldı)
The child had to get up early since we drove to Ankara.
We had to pay for the tickets once more because we lost them.
Didn’t have to: zorunluluk yok (mecbur değildin(yapmadın))
I didn’t have to go to school on Friday. (and I didn’t)
We didn’t have to finish the projects yesterday. (and we didn’t)

Must have done: çıkarım (geçmiş) (yapmış olmalı)
That student must have passed the class. He is very happy.
He must have eaten garlic. He smells bad.
Mustn’t have done: tahmin (yapmamış olmalı/yapmamıştır)
He mustn’t have shouted at the teacher. He is a polite student.
I mustn’t have met him before, otherwise I could remember him.

Needn’t: gerek yok (yapmana gerek yok)
Don’t need to: gerek yok
You needn’t buy fruit at the bazaar, we have enough in the fridge. (don’t need to..)
Your mother needn’t / doesn’t need to cook meal, we can eat out this evening.
Didn’t need to: gerek yoktu (gerek yoktu(yapmadın))
Didn’t need to: gerek yoktu (gerek yoktu(yapmadın))
I didn’t need to enter the finals, I had already passed the exams. (so I didn’t)
They didn’t need to buy entrance tickets to the museum for the children, they are under 16. (so we didn’t)
Needn’t have done: gerek yoktu (yapmamalıydın (yaptın))
You needn’t have bought that shirt. It is too small for me.
I needn’t have gone to school yesterday. I didn’t know that it was holiday.

Had better: tavsiye, teklif (yapsan iyi olur)
You had better talk to your father about your boy friend. (or he’ll get angry.)
We’d better go to bed early because we’ll have to leave home early.
Had better have done: tavsiye, teklif (yapsan iyi olurdu)
You had better have taken enough money with you.
They had better have cut the grass. They are/were too long.


Would / had rather/ had sooner: tercih (tercih ederim)
I’d rather / sooner go swimming than stay at home at the weekend.
We’d rather / sooner speak to the manager than the assistant.
Would prefer to do: tercih (tercih ederim)
I’d prefer to eat döner to shish kebap.
I’d prefer to go for a picnic rather than/than (to) stay at home all day.
Would rather have done: tercih (tercih ederdim)
I would / had rather have gone to the cinema than the theatre.
We’d rather have been to the theater than watched film at home.
Would prefer to have done: tercih (tercih ederdim)
I’d prefer to have met my friend rather than / than (to) have spoken to him.
I’d prefer to have gone to Antalya to İzmir.
Were to have done: görev, mecbur (mecbur kalacaktı)
I was to have entered the exam again.
They were to have left early.

Used to: geçmiş alışkanlık (yapardı)
I used to smoke cigarette when I was young. (not now)
There used to be a cinema here ten years ago. (not now) (would olmaz)
My parents used to / would go to the village in the past.

1.10-AM/ IS/ ARE TO DO

Am/is/are to do: görev, mecbur (yapmak zorunda)
You are to do your homework. / The watchman is to care for the factory.
Was / were to do: görev, mecbur (yapmak zorundaydı)
You were to attend the classes at the university.
Were to have done: görev, mecbur (mecbur kalacaktı)


Am/is/are about to do: yakın gelecek (yapmak üzere)
I’m sorry, I’m about to leave home. / My father is about to sleep, he can’t talk to you.
Was/were about to do: yakın gelecek (yapmak üzereydi)
The director was about to leave when I arrived at school.


Am/is/are going to do: niyet, istek, arzu (yapacak)
We are going to spend our summer holiday in Didim this year.
My brother is going to attend the English course.
Was/were going to do: niyet, istek, arzu (yapacaktı (olmadı)
I was going to help my mother in the kitchen last night but I had a headache.
The students were going to go for a picnic yesterday but it rained.

Are supposed to do: beklenti (yapmalı, gerekiyor)
You are supposed to be here at 11./ I’m supposed to look after my parents.
Were supposed to do: beklenti (yapmalıydı, gerekiyordu)
You were supposed to be here on time. You were late.
I wasn’t supposed to tell a lie to my parents.
You weren’t supposed to enter that room. It’s forbidden.
Aren’t supposed to do: yasak (yapmamalı)
You aren’t supposed to shout at the children. They are afraid.
Customers aren’t supposed to take the shopping cars out.
Weren’t supposed to do: yasak (yapmamalıydı)

DARE (- AND ? FORMS): cesaret cesaretin var mı / yok
Dare you go out late at nights? No, I daren’t. / I daren’t talk to my dad like this.
DARE TO DO: cesaret etme yapmaya cesaret etme
Do you dare to cheat in the exam? No, I don’t.
I don’t dare to climb up this mountain.

Do you mind + Ving?:Mahsuru yoksa yapar mısın? Do you mind closing the window?
Do you mind if + S. Present Tense: Yapmam da sizce mahsur var mı? Do you mind if I close the window?

Would you mind + Ving?: Mahsuru yoksa yapar mısın? (Kibarca) Would you mind turning on the TV?
Would you mind if+ S. Past Tense: Yapmam da sizce mahsur var mı? (Kibarca) Would you mind if I turned on the TV?

would rather + V1: Yapmayı tercih ederim. I’d rather have a picnic than go swimming.
would rather + simple past tense: Senin yapmanı tercih ederim. I’d rather you came earlier tomorrow morning. (present /
future meaning)
would rather+ past perfect tense: Senin yapmanı tercih ederdim. I’d rather you had come earlier yesterday. (past meaning)

would like to do . :Yapmayı arzu eder misin/ister misin? Would you like to have tea?
would like to have done: Yapmayı arzu ederdim/isterdim. I would like to have had my own house. (unreal past)

be used to V+ing/noun > all tenses: alışık olmak I was used to smoking. I’m used to getting up early. I’ve been used to her
behaviours since we got married.
be accustomed to V+ing/noun > all tenses: alışık olmak They are accustomed to tea. We are accustomed to cold weather.
She was accustomed to staying up late.
get used to V+ing/noun > all tenses: alışmak. We got used to the new neighbours. They’ll get used to heating with the coal
get accustomed to V+ing/noun > all tenses: alışmak. We are getting accustomed to the hot weather. I’ve got accustomed
to walking to the new school.

MODALS :Yardımcı fiiller, anlamlarını yükleme katmazlar. Ama Modal'lar anlamlarını yükleme katarlar.
- I don't walk. (Yürümem.) - I can walk. (Yürüyebilirim.)
USE1- Modal' lar çekimsizdir. Yani şahıslara göre değişmezler.
USE 2- Modal'lar daima V1, yani fiillerin birinci hali ile kullanılırlar.
USE 3- İki model kesinlikle yan yana kullanılmaz.


CAN: Yeteneklerimizden bahsederken kullanılır. Türkçe de -EBİLMEK ekine karşılık gelmektedir.

I can
You can
He can
She + can + play + football
It can
We can
You can
They can

-Johnny can swim.

-My mother can speak Chinese.
-I can climb that mountain.

-My brother can play the piano.
-My students can dance.

I can not
You can not
He can not
She + can not + play + football
It can not
We can not
You can not
They can not
OLUMSUZ CÜMLE: Kısa olarak "can't" olarak yazılır.
-Tony can't play volleyball.
-My father can't speak French.
- I can't skate.

Can I
Can you
Can he
Can + she + play + football
Can it
Can we
Can you
Can they

- Can you swim?

- Can your students speak English?

USE 1 - CAN: Gelecekte elde edilecek bir yetenek ya da beceriden bahsederken ‘will be able to’ yapısı kullanılır.
After a few lessons, John will be able to swim like a fish.
If you study hard, you will be able to get into university.

USE 2 - CAN: Geçmiste başlayıp hala süren bir beceri için de şöyle bir yapı kullanılabilinir:
I have been able to drive since 2002.

USE 3 - CAN: Aynı zamanda yapılması ya da meydana gelmesi muhtemel şeyler hakkında konuşmak için de kullanılır.
-The doctor can see you at 3.00. (Daha önce görmesi mümkün değildir.)
-You can not buy flowers at butcher"s. ( mümkün değildir.)
- Sue can come to İstanbul this evening. (gelebilir.)

USE 4 - CAN: İzin ve ricalarda kullanılır.

You look very tired, you can go home. (permission)
Can you help me with my Project? (request)
Could I get some information about the times of planes? (request)
- Can I use your pen for a moment?
- Can I go out, mum?

USE 5 - CAN: Öneri ve olasılık için kullanılır.

A: Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday. I can’t decide what I am going to buy for him.
B: You can buy a sweater for him. (advise)
There could be a rise in petrol prises soon. (probability)
He can meet you at the airport.
If you have little money, you can eat in a caferia.

USE 6 - CAN: Bir şeyi yapmayı bilmek ( know how to do): Günümüzde ya da gelecekteki yetenek ve becerileri anlatmak için
kullanılır. ‘can’ yerine ‘am – is – are able to’ yapısı da kullanılabilinir.
Peter can speak English fluently but he can’t write it well.
- She can speak German.

Use 7- CAN: Kurumsal olasılık ( theoretıcally possıbılıty):

- Anybody can make mistake.

EXERCISE 1-Fill in the blanks with “CAN” or “CAN'T”.

1) Mike is tall. He basketball.
2) There isn't any egg and sugar. Nancy..........make a cake.
3) The car is out of order. We ......... go on a picnic.
4) My grandfather's eyes are poor. He very well.
5) I haven't got any money. ............. you give me some money?
6) The tree is very high. The children..........climb over it.
7) The sea is dirty. We ..........swim in it.
8) It is very cold outside, son! You …………......go out!
9) Our house is not very far. We .............walk.
10) Don't touch that dog! It.............bite.
11) English is easy. Every student.............learn it.
12) I have got enough money. I a chocolate.
13) The car is out of order, but the mechanic ..............fix it.
14) There is no electricity, but we .............light a candle.
15) We haven't got any tickets. We ......... watch the film.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite these sentences, using can to express possibility / impossibility.

It is not possible for him to be at home now. He can't be at home now.
1) It is easily possible for Sude to be a champion.
2) It is possible for my parents to take you at the airport.
3) It is possible for Jane to take high mark from literature.
4) It is possible for a thief tosteal goods.
5) Is it possible form my child to be a doctor.
6) I don't believe that he is a murderer.
7) It is impossible for Jane to be impolite.
8) It is impossible for us to come home after 10:00 p.m.
9) It is impossible for Mark to shot the target.
10) It is impossible for me to obey the rules.

EXERCISE 3-Rewrite these sentences, using can have + past participle or can't have + past participle.
It is possible that he has paid his debt. He can have paid his debt.
1) It is not possible that my son has done his homework by himself.
2) Is it possible that she has spent all her money on books.
3) Is it possible that my mother have left the house without locking the windows.
4) It is impossible that they have seen us stealing the money.
5) It is possible that she hasn't heard the bad news about her husband.
6) It is not possible that he has forgotten our wedding anniversary.
7) It is possible that my grandmother has taken the wrong pill.
8) It is impossible that you have divorced.
9) It is possible that Sandy has had an accident.
10) It is impossible that Alice has dyed hair blue.


Could “can” in geçmiş zaman halidir. Bütün şahıslar için değişikliğe uğramadan “could” olarak kullanılır.
I could
You could
He could
She + could + play + football
It could
We could
You could
They could
- I could swim when I was 4 years old. (Dört yaşındayken yüzebilirdim.)
I could not
You could not
He could not
She + could not + play + football
It could not
We could not
You could not
They could not
- My father couldn't finish his work last night. (Babam dün gece işini bitiremedi.)

Could I
Could you
Could he
Could + she + play + football
Could it
Could we
Could you
Could they

USE 1- COULD: “ CAN” yardımcı fiilinin geçmiş hali olarak kullanılır.

- Listen! I can hear footsteps. (sesleri duyabiliyorum.)
- I listened and I could hear footsteps. (sesleri duyabildim.)

USE 2- COULD : Şimdi veya Gelecekle ilgili muhtemel eylemlerden bahsedilirken,özellikle karşı tarafa bir şey önerirken
- The door bell is ringing. It could be my sister.
- I don't know when he'll phone. He could phone at any time today.
- It is sunny outside. We could go to the picnic.

NOT: CAN kullanıldığında daha kesinlik ifade eder.

USE 3- COULD : Kibar Rica / İzin İstemek ( polite request / Ask for Permission):
- Could I borrow your pen?
- Could you help me?
- Could I smoke here?
USE 4- COULD : Gerçeğe Aykırı Geniş Zaman ( Unreal Present):
- If we had more money, we could buy a better house. (Eğer daha çok paramız olsaydı, daha iyi bir ev alabilirdik.)
USE 5- COULD : Dolaylı Anlatımda “CAN” yerine ( In Indirect Speech For “CAN”):
- “I can use this.”she said.
- She said she could find that.
USE 6- COULD : Olasılık ( possibility):
- I could help you.
- It could rain tomorrow.
USE 7- COULD : Geçmiş Yetenek ( Past ability):
- I could swim well when I was young.

USE 8 - ‘COULD’: Geçmişte sürekli olarak başarılmış genel şeyleri anlatır.

Jack was an excellent tennis player. He could beat anybody but once he had a difficult match against Sam. Sam
played very well but in the end jack was able to beat him.
When the ship sank, everybody was able to (OR was managed to) swim and survive.

USE 9 - COULD: Geçmişte ister bir kereye mahsus olsun ister sürekli olsun olumsuz cümlelerde wasn’t – weren’t able to
değil ‘could’ kullanılır.
I couldn’t swim very well when I was young.
We did our best but couldn’t persuade him to come with us.


Bu yapılar, geçmiste bir işi yapabilmekten bahseder. Ancak ‘be able to’ yapısı geçmişte bir kereye mahsus özel bir
durumda bir şeyi yapabilmekten bahsederken kullanılır.

USE 1- COULD / BE ABLE TO: Geçmiş zamanda meydana gelmiş ve genel yetenek ifade eden cümlelerde kullanılır.
- I could ride a bicycle when I was ten.
- Was your grandfather able to drive a car when he was young?

USE 2- BE ABLE TO / MANAGED TO: Geçmişte bir kereye mahsus olmak üzere uğraşılarak yapılan işlerde yetenek ifade
etmek için could kullanılmaz.
- The table was very heavy. But the woman was able to lift it.
- It was too snowy yesterday. Were you able to drive to school?

USE 3- COULD / BE ABLE TO / MANAGED TO: Duyu organlarının yaptığı fiillerde bir kereye mahsus olunca kullanılır.
- The police officer was coming towards my house.
- But I could see him through the window. (görebiliyordum.)
- But I was able to see him through the window. (görebiliyordum.)
- Could you hear whispers of the copying students at the exam last lesson?
- Were you able to hear whispers of the copying students at the exam last lesson?

USE 4- COULDN’T veya WASN’T / WEREN’T ABLE TO: Geçmiş zamanda olumsuz cümle ve sorulardaki yetenekleri ifade
etmede kullanılır . Olumsuz cümlelerde, genelde olan işler veya bir kereye mahsus olmak üzere yapılan işler diye bir ayırım
- My brother couldn't swim when he was 10.
- My brother wasn't able to swim when he was 10.
- Couldn't the boy open the door this morning?
- Wasn't the boy able to open the door this morning?

USE 5- BE ABLE TO : Gelecek zamanda olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde yetenekler için kullanılır. "Can" gelecek
zaman için kullanılmaz.
- The mother will be able to rest after cleaning.
- I won't be able to read anymore.
- Will she be able to find her wallet?
- Won't your cousin be able to stay in your room tomorrow night.


USE 1- Could: Şimdiyi vurgular

- I'm so tired. I could sleep for a week.
Could Have Done: Geçmişi vurgular
- I was so tired. I could have slept for a week,
USE 2- Could have done: Geçmişte gerçekleşmesi muhtemel olan ama gerçekleşmeyen eylemler için kullanılır.
We could have eaten ice-cream instead we drank coffee.
Why did you stay at a hotel in London? You could have stayed with us.
Why didn’t you apply for the job? You could have got the job.
He couldn’t have taken him to the station because he didn’t have a car.
I could have stayed with you but I didn’t want to disturb you.
We couldn’t have played tennis because the court wasn’t free.
We couldn’t have played tennis because it was raining a lot

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite these sentences, using could to express possibility.

It is possible that your watch is slow. Your watch could be slow.
1) Perhaps the news is true.
2) It is possible that they will come tomorrow.
3) It is possible that they have got a date.
4) Perhaps he will refuse you.
5) It is possible that they will deny their debt.
6) It is possible that I will stop you from lying.
7) Perhaps he will do the right thing.
8) It is possible that my grandfather will learn to use a mobile phone.
9) It is possible that my boss will still call me
10) Perhaps you and your friends will get seriously hurt.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite these sentences, using could or couldn't to express ability in the past.
You were strong enough to lift the table. You could lift the table.
1) You had enough money to give him.
2) He hadn't enough time to finish the work.
3) She wasn't old enough to get married.
4) Because of the traffic jam we didn't get to school on time.
5) She knew how to play the piano when she was six years old.
6) I knew to read the people's lips when I was fifteen.
7) You sensed people’s mood before they told you.
8) Sandy won a madal for writing a short story.
9) Tom solved the hardest questions easily in maths.
10) My child counted four numbers with four digits in mind.

EXERCISE 3-Rewrite these sentences, using could or couldn't have + past participle to express unfulfilled possibility.
You were able to do it, but you didn't. You could have done it.
1) You were able to tell the truth, but you didn't.
2) We were able to take to circus, but we didn't.
3) Tim was able to run faster , but he didn't.
4) My child wasn't able to go out alone, and she didn't.
5) They weren't able to livein wild life, and they didn't.
6) Tony would have been able to swim as fast as me if he hadn't broken his arm.
7) Naim would have been able to lift more than 205 kg when he was young if he had practised regularly.
8) You would have been able to go to the cinema last night if you hadn’t taken punishment.
9) Yesterday you would have been able to visit him if you had wanted.
10) Sally wanted Tom to work harder, but he didn't.
11) My parents told me to give up smoking, but I didn't.
12) Your parents needed your help, but you didn't help them.
EXERCISE 4-Rewrite these sentences, using could have + past participle.
1) Maybe My daughter Sandy copied the answers during the exam.
2) Maybe the robbers saw the police coming.
3) MaybeTom has saved enough money to buy a house.
4) Maybe the guidance teacher motivated her to go on studying more.
5) Maybe theywon the lottery.
6) Maybe his grandfather forgot to lock the door.
7) Maybe the bus broke down.
8) Maybe they went to the theatre.
9) Maybe he memorised her phone number wrong.
10) Maybe the child took your pen by mistake.

EXERCISE 5-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri can / could / be able to ile olumlu, olumsuz veya soru formunda
uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) In my country you……………………….. vote when you're eighteen.
2) Speak up and slowly ! I………………….hear you!
3) ……………….. I borrow your phone to make a short call?
4) I……………………… get into my car yesterday because I'd lost my key.
5) The doctor says my sister ……………………. walk again in two weeks' time.
6) I asked the teacher if I………………………open the window, but she said I…………… because it would be too cold inside.
7) I love driving!..................................... drive a car has changed my whole life.
8) If James gets up early, he…………………….. catch the first train.
9) Pavoratti…………………….sing brilliantly when he was ten.
10) They…………………………buy the flat because it was too expensive.
11) There was a lot of traffic but we……………………….get there on time.
12) Chimpanzees……………………………..communicate in sign language.
13) …………….. you take us to the circus? If not, we won't…………………….. go.
14) My father called the plumber because he…………………………..smell gas in the kitchen.
15) Jane saved money, and finally she…………………. buy that small house.
16) The firemen ………………………..put out the fire by throwing water on it.
17) I phoned you yesterday, but I………………………..get an answer. Where were you?
18) The walls of our houses are very thick, and I………………….. hear every word my neighbors said.
19) …………………. you speak Russian before you moved to Moscow?
20) The police………………………… find the thief who had stolen my car. He was sent to prison.
21) My father………………………….speak two languages.

EXERCISE 6-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları, could / could have done / be able to yapılarından uygun olanlarıyla
1) Children………………………. (swim) when they were 6 months old. Isn't it interesting?
2) A: Why did you wake up in the middle of the night? B: I don't know, but somebody …………………. (ring) the bell.
3) Although I had no navigation, I……………………….. (reach) my destination.
4) My boss was doubtful at first, but I……………….. (make) him believe in my project.
5) John was so exhausted that he……………….. (speak) to her.
6) How did he find out about the secret files ?Someone………………. (show) them to him?
7) The door in the Browns’ house was open wide.Do you think a burglar…………….. (break in) while they were away?
8) If you asked Pam, she………………….. (translate) this poem into Turkish for you.
9) I'm not sure but Mr Black…………………… ( have) his car trunk changed. It seems to look more elegant now.
10) It……………….. (not be) Ann that you met in the restaurant. She doesn't work there.
11) Tina……………………… (go) to the opera with you yesterday, but she preferred to stay at home.
12) Jenny ……………… (not read) at all when she was nine years old.
13) Why is Dan wearing a plaster?I am not sure but she……………….. (break)her leg while she was skiing.
14) Why is Mary crying? I don’t know but something wrong……………………… (happen) to her.
15) I wish my father were with us now. He………………….(help) us repair the flat tire.
16) I……………………. (not find) any place for parking the car, so I left it here.

EXERCISE 7-Complete the following sentences with the “Modal Auxiliary Verbs” on the list below to express ability in the
Present, Future or Past and the achievement of one single action.

1) People don’t think that we……………….. travel to Mars before 2035.

2) Jill……………… read and write when she was five years old.
3) If Sandy doesn’t hurry up, she……………….. catch the train to school.
4) The students were making so much noise that I ………………….. hear my own voice.
5) The weather was nice that we ……………………. have a picnicat the weekend.
6) I …………………….. understand a native English man when speaks fast and silently.
7) With the help of a man, I ……………… park my car to the side of the road wonderfully.
8) Smoking at hungry abdomen……………… be very dangerous.
9) I ………………….. get high mark if you didn’t help me.
10) He …………………… save the drowning girl if you had not helped him.
11) When we were younger I …………………. dance all night and not get tired.
12) Rose is ill, so she …………………. Come to school tomorrow.
13) I am not sure but I …………………… speak German within six month.
14) My brother and father………………….. watch the football match last night because there was no electricity.
15) Two of the engines stopped, but the experienced pilot ……………….. land the plane safely.
16) People ……………………… walk across the street when the lights are red.
17) George …………… speak English at the beginning of the high school, but now she ………… speak it very well.
18) She told me her name, but I ………………….. remember it now.

EXERCISE 8-Rewrite the following sentences using the structures below.

Example : a. I was able to do my homework before midnight.
b. I managed to do my homework before midnight.
c. I succeeded in doing my homework before midnight.
1-a. John was able to get an exit visa before he went Paris.
2-a. The thief was able to jump out of the window just before the policemen arrived.
3-a. Was your father able to stop on time when he saw thesudden rear brake lights of the car in front ?
b ?
c ?
4-a. The firemen were not able to put the factory fire out within an hour.
5-a. Was the mechanic able to repair the car in two days time?
b ?
c ?
6-a. The doctor was not able to save the man having heart attack.
7-a. Were you able to harvest all the crops before the sun set?
b ?
c ?
8-a. Was your sister able to make the presentation of her project impressively at the meeting last night?
b ?
c ?
9-a. The students were not able to find the solution of award winning problem.
10-a. My parents were able to take credit just before the interest rates increased.

I will
You will
He will
She + will + play + football
It will
We will
You will
They will

I will not / won’t
You will not / won’t
He will not / won’t
She + will not / won’t + play + football
It will not / won’t
We will not / won’t
You will not / won’t
They will not / won’t
Will I
Will you
Will he
Will + she + play + football
Will it
Will we
Will you
Will they

USE 1- WILL: Gelecek Zaman(future):

- He will study Chemistry at university next year.
USE 2- WILL: İsteklilik (willingness):
- He'll do anything for money.
USE 3- WILL: Niyet (intention):
- I will send an invitation to my folks .
USE 4- WILL: Reddetme (refusal):
- I will not discuss this with you.
USE 5- WILL: Beklenti,Mantıksal Sonuç (predictability, logical necessity):
- An animal will attack a man only when it feels in danger.
- Oil will float on water.
- That will be the postman at the door.
- Truth will out.
USE 6- WILL: Alışkanlık (Characteristic habit):
- He will watch tv every night.
- He'll always talk for hours if you give him the chance.
USE 7- WILL: Durum (disposition):
- This class will seat 25 students.
- This watch won't work.
USE 8- WILL: Israr (insistence):
- I will go there; no one shall stop me.
USE 9- WILL: Söz Verme (promise):
- You will have your money tomorrow.
- You will wait here till I return.
USE 10- WILL: Emir(order):
- All staff will leave the building at once.
- Will you sit down!
USE 11- WILL: İkram (offer):
- Will/Won't you have a piece of cake?
- Who will have some coffee?
USE 12- WILL: Rica (request):
- Will you lend me your pen for a moment?
- Will you please pass the sugar?


I would
you would
he would
she + would + play + football
ıt would
we would
you would
they would


I would not
You would not
He would not
She + would not + play + football
It would not
We would not
You would not
They would not

Would I
Would you
Would he
Would + she + play + football
Would ıt
Would we
Would you
Would they

USE 1- WOULD: Rica (Polite request):

- Would you please pass the lemon juice?
- Would you mind closing the door?
- Would you please be quite?
- I would like a cup of coffee.
USE 2- WOULD: Gerçeğe aykırı Geniş Zaman (Unreal present):
- I would eat less if I were you.
USE 3- WOULD: Geçmişte Alışkanlık (Past custom):
- My father would take me to the park every sunday when I was a child.
USE 4- WOULD: Reddetme (Refusal):
- She wouldn't tell me her name.
USE 5- WOULD: Dolaylı Anlatımda Will Yerine (In indirect speech for will):
- He says,'I will go.'
- He said he would go.


I shall
You shall
He shall
She + shall + play + football
It shall
We shall
You shall
They shall

I shall not / shan’t
You shall not/ shan’t
He shall not / shan’t
She + shall not/ shan’t + play + football
It shall not/ shan’t
We shall not / shan’t

You shall not / shan’t
They shall not / shan’t

Shall I
Shall you
Shall he
Shall + she + play + football
Shall it
Shall we
Shall you
Shall they

USE 1- SHALL: Gelecek Zaman (Future with “I” and “ME”):

- I shall come early.
USE 2- SHALL: İsteklilik (willingness):
- He shall be rewarded if he is patient.
USE 3- SHALL: Israr (insistence):
- You shall obey my order.
USE 4- SHALL: Niyet (intention):
- We shall stop your pocketmoney if you don't behave yourself.
USE 5- SHALL: Teklif (suggestion):
- Shall we go to the movies tonight?
USE 6- SHALL: Yardım Önerisi (an offer to help):
- Shall I give you a lift?
USE 7- SHALL: Kanun Metinleri (Legal and quesilegal text):
- The landlord shall maintain the equipment in good repair.
USE 8- SHALL: Dinsel Metinler (religious texts):
- He who digs a pit shall fall into it.
- You shall not steal.


SHOULD / OUGHT TO: Karşı tarafa tavsiye niteliğinde birşey söylerken, yapılması gereken işleri ve vazifeleri hatırlatırken .
Herhangi bir şeyin yapılmasının iyi olacağını söylemek için. Present veFuture için kullanılır.
SHOULD: Cümlede yardımcı fiil görevi gördüğü için fiil ile arasına TO gelmez.

I should/ought to
You should/ought to
He should/ought to
She + should/ought to + pay more attention + to your lessons
It should/ought to
We should/ought to
You should/ought to
They should/ought to
Your math is very poor. You should study harder.

I should/ought not to
You should/ought not to
He should/ought not to
She + should/ought not to + drive + fast
It should/ought not to
We should/ought not to

You should/ought not to
They should/ought not to
I'm getting weight. I shouldn't eat too much.

Should/ought I to
Should/ought you to
Should/ought he to
Should/ought + she + to + be + at home before 9
Should/ought it to
Should/ought we to
Should/ought you to
Should/ought they to

USE 1- SHOULD: Genellikle Tavsiye için

- I am sorry that this should have happened.
- He suggested that we should leave the meeting.
- You should focus more on your lessons and less on relations.
- When you go to İstanbul, you should visit the Topkapı palace.
USE 2- SHOULD: Zorunluluk
- You should behave as I say.
- You should have shower every day.
- I really should be at school by 8:00 AM.
USE 3- SHOULD: Mantıksak Sonuç
- He trained two years in Germany; he should speak German well.
USE 4- SHOULD: Kimi durumlarda dolaylı anlatımlarda shall yerine
- ‘Shall I open the door?' he asked. (Kapıyı açayım mı diye sordu.)
- He asked if he should open the door. (Kapıyı açıp açmaması gerektiğini sordu.)
USE 5- SHOULD: Koşul cümlecikleri
- If you should change your mind, please let us know.
USE 6- SHOULD: Beklenti
- By now, they should already be in Antalya.

USE 1- OUGHT TO: Zorunluluk
- She ought to go see a doctor.
- Ought they to leave now?
- Oughtn't she to work harder and regular?
USE 2- OUGHT TO: Mantıksal sonuç
- The train should be there any moment.
- I have lived in Çankırı for ten years; I ought to know the place.


USE 1- SHOULD VE OUGHT TO: Karşı tarafa tavsiye niteliğinde birşey söylerken, yapılması gereken işleri ve vazifeleri
hatırlatırken kullanılır.Cümleyi söyleyenin bir zorlaması veya dışardan bir zorlama yoktur.
Janet is not a clever woman. She ought not to get the job.
OR Janet is not a clever woman. She shouldn’t get the job.
-You look tired. You should get some rest.
-Recently you’ve been caughing a lot. You should give up smoking.
-You ought to / should drive more carefully than you do.
-The government should / ought to solve the traffic problem in Istanbul.
-Teachers says that everybody should / ought to listen the lessons carefully and study regularly

USE 2- SHOULD + HAVE + V3 / OUGHT TO + HAVE + V3: Geçmiş zamandaki eylemler için kullanılırken ve fiilin üçüncü hali “
V3” kullanılır. Geçmiste bir seyi yapmamız / yapmamamız gerekirken yapmıssak / yapmamışsak bu yapıları kullanırız. Bu
anlamı vermek istedigimizde must have ya da must not have kesinlikle kullanılmaz.
-You should have saved money when you were younger. (But you did not.)
-I have a terrible stomach ache. I shouldn’t have eaten so much chocolate last night.

You should have told your father the truth.
The car driver shouldn't have driven that fast on such a snowy day.

USE 3- SHOULD VE OUGHT TO: İhtimal dahilinde olan olayların anlatılmasında

- ( I think ) the teacher should come early his morning.
- ( To me ) , Hüseyin should play in the school team. Because he plays well enough.
- ( I hope ) I ought to be home at nine tonight.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları should ve shouldn't ile uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) Students ……………………………do their homework regularly.
2) Young people……………………………… waste their time on nonsence computer games.
3) Little children…………………………… play with matches.
4) Everyone ……………………………..brush their teeth twice a day.
5) This is a good novel. You………………………… read it.
6) You ……………………. always tell the truth.
7) People…………………………..light fires in woods.
8) If you behave harshly to anyone, you……………………… apologize to him.
9) You…………………………. lock the door before you leave the house.
10) Nobody …………………………… drop litter on the street.
11) Children ………………………………(listen) totheir elder and elders ……………… show respect to children’s thoughts.
12) Nobody …………………………………. (touch) hot surfaces with your bare hand.
13) Students……………………………….(pay) attention to their lessons in class.
14) People…………………………….. (put )sunscreen when they are at the beach.
15) Your father …………………………….. (drive) his car so fast.
16) People……………………………… (cut) trees without planting new ones.
17) When playing tennis, you……………………………………(watch) the ball.
18) Students…………………………. (get up) early in the weekdays.
19) Young generation………………………………..(obey) the school rules.
20) Children…………………………… (watch)TV after 10 P.M.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite these sentences, using should ve shouldn't after each situation to give advice to do or not to do it.
It is your advantage to write a new word several times. You should write a new word several times.
1) It is the students duty to be at school on time.
2) Knowing a foreign language is a great opportunity for you to find a job much more easily.
3) My son eats only crisps and chocolate all the time.
4) It is to your benefit to solve as many exercises as you can for the exam.
5) Smoking is very harmful for your health.
6) It is my children’s duty to clean and tidy their rooms.
7) Tom's got an exam tomorrow but he is playing computer games.
8) Taking notes and listening carefully during the lesson is useful.
9) It is to Tina’s advantage to read book at least half an hour before sleeping everynight.
10) Sally is coughing badly. It won't be good for her to go out while it is snowing.
11) It is the students’duty to do their homeworks on their own.
12) Driving over the normal speed may cause traffic accident.
13) Do you advice me to read books in English to improve my English?
14) Tell Jack that it wouldn't be good for him to quit his job.
15) We expect our school football team to score a goal in a few minutes.
16) The children have just finished their lunch but they want to swim now.
17) Our national wrestler Taha Akgül will probably get a gold medal.
18) It is likely that your brother will help your mother at washing the dishes.
19) People generally don't eat breakfast in the morning.
20) I'm not sure that it would be good for my husband to work overtime.

EXERCISE 3-Rewrite these sentences, using should / shouldn't have + past participle.
Your doctor told you to take pills three times a day, but you didn't.
You should have taken a pills three times a day.
It was wrong of you to make him angry. You shouldn't have made him angry.
1) Your doctor told you to stay in bed for a few days, but you didn't.
2) It was wrong of you to swindle people.
3) You were told not to ride bicycle on street, but you did.
4) It was wrong of you to leave the medicine within reach of the children.

5) You were told to stop smoking, but you didn't.
6) It was a great mistake of you to pass at red traffic light.
7) The doctor advised you to keep away from salty food, but you didn’t.
8) It was wrong of you to scold other people.
9) My father had to pay the rent of the house within a month, but he didn't.
10) I am sorry I spent all my pocket money.
11) She was wrong to disobey night-out ban, but she did.
12) You were to get permission from your parents before getting a tattoo.
13) They were to work harder before the exam, but they didn't.
14) He was to be at the meeting at 10:00 a.m., but he wasn't.
15) You had an obligation to give the book backto the library, but you didn't.

EXERCISE 4- Answer the following questions using should + have + past participle, ought to + have + past participle
the structures on the list below to express “Criticism” or “Regret” about the past actions.
A: Did you give up smoking last year? B: I should have given up smoking last year, but I didn’t.
A: Did you tell your parents the truth last night? B: I ought to have told my parents the truth, but I didn’t.
1-A: Did your father stop eating dessert when he got fat? B:
2-A: Did your son get up early? B:
3-A: Did Sue work hard when she was at home? B:
4-A: Did Helen help her mother at the cleaning yesterday? B:
5-A: Did your students do all the exercises? B:
6-A: Did your close friend come to your birthday party last night? B:
7-A: Did you save your money to buy a new bicycle? B:
8-A: Did your daughter become a teacher like her mother? B:
9-A: Did you water all the vegetables yesterday? B:
10-A: Did you apologize to your mother for what you had said? B:
11-A: Did you write an essay about increase in violence in schools in English? B:
12-A: Did you sleep with all the windows closed last night? B:

EXERCISE 8-Make a comment for the following situations using should + have + past participle, shouldn’t + have + past
participle the structures below to express “Advice”, “Obligation” or “Criticism”.
A: I was poisoned because I ate some poisonous mushrooms by mistake.
B: You shouldn’t have eaten those mushrooms.
A: I didn’t get high mark, so my parents got angry with me.
B: You should have got high mark.
1-A: I didn’t save her phone number, so I have forgotten it. B: You
2-A: Some students didn’t stand still while they were reading the national anthem. B: They
3-A: My child caught a terrible cold, because he wore slim outfit . B: He
4-A: The kitchen is full of beas, because my mother forgot honey in a jar with mouth open on the table. B: She
5-A: Sandy is broke now, because she spent all my money foolishly on clothes. B:She
6-A: The Headmaster punished us this morning, because we didn’t wearour school uniform. B: You
7-A: Mary slipped and broke her ankle, because she was walking with hands in pocket on icy road. B: She
8-A: The policeman gave me a ticket, because I had parked my car in a no-parking zone. B: You
9-A:My parents are upset because my brother didn’t call them from abroad. B: I am sorry, he
10-A: My father was very anxious, because Tom had not come home yet. B: The children


MAY: Şu andaki ya da gelecekteki ihtimalleri ya da kibar bir şekilde izin istemeyi ifade etmek için kullanılır.
MAY: İzin istemek için "can" kelimesine kıyasla daha resmidir. Bu yüzden resmi İngilizce'de ve yazışma dilinde "may" daha
çok kullanılır.

Anlam farkı yoktur:
- It may rain tomorrow. (Yarın yağmur yağabilir.)
- It might rain tomorrow. (Yarın yağmur yağabilir.)

I may/might
You may/might
He may/might
She + may/might + rain + tomorrow
It may/might
We may/might
You may/might
They may/might

NEGATIVE SENTENCE: İstenen izni reddetmek yani hayır anlamına gelir. MAY VE MIGHT, “NOT” ile birleşmezler, ayrı
I may/might not
You may/might not
He may/might not
She + may/might not + rain + tomorrow
It may/might not
We may/might not
You may/might not
They may/might not

May/might I
May/might you
May/might he
May/might + she + rain + tomorrow
May/might it
May/might we
May/might you
May/might they

USE 1- MAY : Olasılık: “maybe” ile “may be” nin karıştırılmamalıdır. Maybe (birleşik yazılan ) bir edattır ve “belki” anlamına
- Maybe it will rain tomorrow. (Yarın belki yağmur yağabilir.)
- Be careful! That road may be slippery. (Dikkatli ol! Yol kaygan olabilir.)
-Where is Jane? (Jane nerede?) -She may be at the park. (Parkda olabilir.) - Jane may be ill. (Jane hasta olabilir.)

USE 2- MAY: İstek veya Rica Etmek : ÖZNE her zaman “I” olur. May yardımcı fiilinden sonra “I” öznesi haricinde herhangi
bir özen kullanılmaz.
- May I please open the window? (DOĞRU)
- May you please open the door ? (YANLIŞ)

USE 3- MAY: İzin istemek veya karşı tarafa izin vermek için
- May I borrow your book for a moment? -Yes, you may.
- You may turn on the radio if you want to.
- May I sit next to you?

USE 4- MAY: Şüpheli ya da ihtimal dahilinde olan eylemler için

- I may get a bad mark in the Maths exam, but I am not sure.
- The street is wet. Our car may slip.

USE 5- MAY: Geleceğe yönelik bir amaçtan bahsederken de bazı durumlarda

- I may come and see you tomorrow.
- I buy a ticket for the theatre beforehand so that I may sit near the stage .

USE 6- MAY HAVE + V3: Geçmişle ilgili ihtimallerden bahsederken

- You may have forgotten to turn off the lights.
- The teacher may have seen you copying.
- They may have moved to another city last year.

- May he lie in peace!
- May he never set foot in this house again!

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite these sentences, using may.

You have got permission to go to the theatre today. You may go to the theatre today.
1) Perhaps my friends will come before 6 o’clock.
2) I will allow him to my cousin to sleep in my bed.
3) It is possible that your parents will believe Bill’s lies.
4) Perhaps he will become a doctor.
5) Maybe they will help us to mend the garage.
6) The children have got permission to play in the garden.
7) Perhaps they are not at home now.
8) There is a traffic jam at rush hour.
9) The car is slowing down.
10) He feels ill.
11) The manager is looking at his watch.
12) They are looking at the car for sale carefully.
13) They are going into the travel agency.
14) The students are going to the canteen.
15) The postman is going towards our house.

EXERCISE 2- Aşağıdaki cümleleri okuduktan sonra duruma uygun bir şekilde "May I" veya "May we" kullanarak soru sorunuz.
I want to ask you a question. May I ask you a question?
1) I want to go to the cinema this afternoon.
2) I want to surf in the net.
3) I want to eat chocolate before dinner.
4) I want to help you (to) carry your bags.
5) I want to sleep late tonight.
6) I want to have some more cake.
7) I want to dye my hair to red.
8) I want to tattoo on my arm.
9) You want to explain the problem.
10) You want to open a window.
11) You want to g oto theatre with my friends.
12) You want to have some more potatoes.
13) You and your brother want to watch TV.
14) You want to play a word game with your friends.
15) You want to go to dining hall before the bell rings.
16) You want to borrow your friend’s history notes.


USE 1- MIGHT: Geçmişle ilgili izin vermek veya izin istemek için
- Our teacher told us we might go out when the bell rang.

USE 2- MIGHT: Geçmişle ilgili dileklerden bahsederken

- I hoped you might pass your class.

USE 3- MIGHT:Gelecekle ilgili şüphe ya da zayıf ihtimal bildirmek için

- You might miss the train because you are a little late.
- I might come again.

USE 4- MIGHT: Bazı durumlarda amaç bildiren cümlelerde kullanılır.

- He attended an English course in order that he might learn English well.
USE 5- MIGHT: Çok kibar bir şekilde veya çok resmi ortamlarda veya yazışmalarda izin istemek veya izin vermek
- Might I read your newspaper?
- You might send the bill in advance.

USE 6- MIGHT: Geçmişte gerçekleşme ihtimali olan fakat gerçekleşmeyen eylemler için
- You might have hurt him, but you didn't.
- They might have come by bus, but they preferred to walk.
- She might get a scholarship this year.
- Might he come tomorrow?

USE 8- MIGHT: Dolaylı Anlatımda MAY yerine

- He said ”You may borrow my pen.”
- He said I might borrow his pen.

USE 9 - MAY + BE + V-ing

MIGHT + BE + V-ing
A: What’s jack doing in the garden? B: I don’t know. He might be playing football with his friends.

A: I can’t find my bag anywhere. B: You might have left it in the Office.
If Napoleon hadn’t gone to Moscow, he may have been the leader of the world.

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite these sentences, using may have + past participle

1) It is possible that Mary has forgotten to lock the windows.
2) Maybe he has got a scholarship from ODTÜ university.
3) Perhaps she missed the plane.
4) It is possible that their wedding will have started before we get there.
5) Possibly His phone number has been changed.
6) Maybe your sister was busy with cooking.
7) It is possible that my son göne to school late.
8) Possibly they met with each other at university.
9) Perhaps he found his key where he had left it.
10) Perhaps Jean didn't turn off the lights.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite these sentences, using might have + past participle.

1) It is possible that Tonny refused the job offer, but I don't know whether he did.
2) It was possible that the opposite neighbor saw the theft.
3) My parents needed your help, but you didn't help them.
4) It was possible that the plane wouldn't landed on time, but it did.
5) It was possible that the father would wake up so we didn't turn on the TV.
6) It was possible that the dog would chase us because it wasn't tied up.
7) It was possible that I would see my grandparents sitting in the park.
8) It was possible that the baby would walk because he standed on his feet.


MUST; Konuşmacının içinden gelen zorunlulukları anlatır. Present ve future kullanımı vardır.
The windows are very dirty. I must clean them.
It's a fantastic film. You must see it.
My sister must go to the bank tomorrow. We haven't got any money.
MUSTN'T; Yasaklama anlatır. Başlı başına bir modal'dır. Must'ın olumsuz hali değildir.
I mustn't be late.
You mustn't touch the picture.
I mustn't forget to phone Julia.

I must
You must
He must
She + must + study + more
It must
We must

You must
They must
I must not
You must not
He must not
She + must not + sleep + late
It must not
We must not
You must not
They must not

Must I
Must you
Must he
Must + she + come + early
Must it
Must we
Must you
Must they

NEEDN'T; Gerek yok anlamına gelen modal'dır.

You needn't shout, I'm not deaf.
You needn't go to the bank today. I can lend you some money.
We needn't hurry, we have more time.
NOT : Must ile sorulan sorulara olumsuz yanıt verirken MUSTN'T yerine NEEDN'T kullanınz.
A: Must I go out ? (Dışarı çıkmalımıyım?)
B: Yes, you must. ( evet, çıkmalısın)
No, you needn't. ( hayır, gerek yok)

USE 1- MUST: Konuşmacıdan gelen zorunluluk (Necessity imposed by the speaker):

- You must be back by 11.
USE 2- MUST: ‘I' ve ‘WE' ile görev duygusu (Self-compulsion with ‘I' and ‘we'):
- We must study hard.
- I must keep my room cleaner.
USE 3- MUST: Gözleme dayalı tahmin (Logical conclusion):
- She must be rich; look at the car she is driving.
- There must be some mistake.
USE 4- MUST NOT: Yasak (prohobition):
- You mustn't eat too much.
- You mustn't park your car here; this is a no –parking area.

You need to study instead of going to the match.
USE 1- NEED: You needn’t speak that much. = MODAL
USE 2- NEED: You don’t need to speak that much. = VERB
USE 3- NEEDN’T + HAVE + V3 : Yapmama gerek yoktu, bosuna yaptım.’ anlamında.
You needn’t have washed the dishes. The maid is coming tomorrow.
You needn’t have bought any eggs since there are lots of them in the fridge.
USE 4- DIDN’T NEED TO : ‘Yapmama gerek yoktu, ben de yapmadım zaten.’ anlamında. (didn’t have to anlamında)
She didn’t need to g oto work because it was a public holiday.
I didn’t need to buy the tickets because my cousin had already bought them.

EXERCISE 1-Combine these sentences, using needn't.
You have got 20 minutes left. It is not necessary to hurry. You needn't hurry.
1) I have got enough milk in the fridge. It is not necessary to buy any milk.
2) The translation programme is comprehensive enough. It is not necessary for me to look for another one.
3) Mother gave Sam enough money. It is not necessary for his father to give him any more money.
4) Suzan can see quite clearly. It is not necessary for her to wear glasses.
5) It is very cool outside. It is not necessary for us to wear our coats.
6) The house is big enough for us. It is not necessary to buy a bigger one.
7) The Project is about to finish. It is not necessary to work overtime.
8) The house’s paint is clean. It is not necessary for us to paint it again.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite these sentences, using needn't instead of don't have to.
1) You don't have to give money to beggars.
2) You don't have to do your homework today, you can do it tomorrow.
3) We don't have to water the flowers now, we can do it sometime.
4) You don't have to sell your car to buy a house.
5) She doesn't have to answer all the police officer’s questions.
6) They don't have to buy their boss a retirement present.
7) He doesn't have to make an appointment.
8) You don't have to eat the meal that you don’t like.

EXERCISE 3-Rewrite these sentences, using need / needn't have + past participle.
1) It was unnecessary for me to sell my house in order to buy a car.
2) It wasn't necessary for us to g oto the meeting so early.
3) It was unnecessary for them to invite so many people to their wedding.
4) There was no need for the parents to come to the graduation prom.
5) Was it necessary for the employers to overwork?
6) It was necessary for the patient to take antibiotic on time.
7) She didn't have to make so much food for two people.
8) There was necessary for the teachers to sign the class notebooks in ink.
9) Although Richard had got a car, he bought a second one yesterday.
10) The new wed couple spent all their money on the wedding ceremony.
11) My mother helped Jack do his homework although he didn't really need her help.
12) My husband had our shoes polished everyweek although they didn't need.
13) I got up at 6.30 am, then Iremembered it was Sunday.

EXERCISE 4-Rewrite these sentences, using must or mustn't.

1) It is necessary for you to drive more slowly and carefullly so as not to have an accident.
2) You must read more careful so as not to solve the question wrong.
3) It is necessary for you to do more exercises to pass the test.
4) They are forbidden to go out after 9 p.m..
5) It is necessary for everybody to obey the laws.
6) It is necessary for everyone to do the housework and cook.
7) You are tofind a better job to earn more.
8) It is forbidden for cars to parkon the pavement.
9) We are required not to make a noiseduring the common exams.
10) School regulations orders us not to smoke within the school boundaries.

EXERCISE 5-Complete these sentences, using must (not) have + the past participle of the verbs in brackets.
1) There is no answer to the door. I think all the family…………………………………. (go out)
2) The food in the refrigerator has gone bad. The refrigerator .................................(damage)
3) I haven't got my purse. I am afraid in my other bag. (leave)
4) The alarm clock didn't go off. I am afraid I .......................... to set the alarm. (forget)
5) She was going to come to cinema. I am afraid she ............................the date. ( get) permission from her parents.
6) Jane had done her homework. Then Tina ………………………….. (warn) Jane about the homework.
7) It was dark in the Street.The electricity ………………………………. (be cut off)
8) Yesterday the water didn’t flow at home.I am afraid my father……………………… (pay) the water bill.

EXERCISE 6-Complete the following sentences with “must” or “mustn’t” to express “Obligation”, “Necessity” or
“Prohibition” in the present or future, to give opinions about something or to make an invitation.
Example : You ……………… smoke on the Underground, (prohibition) You mustn’t smoke on the Underground.
You …………………. pay your rent on time, (obligation) You must pay your rent on time.
1) You …………………. Watch TV loudly late at night. Your neighbours will get angry.
2) You …………………. wear outfit clothes if you are going for an job interview.
3) The doctor adviced to the patient, “You …………. stay in bed and you ……………… eat fatty foods”.
4) You ……………….. cross the street when the light is red.
5) You ………………. forget to pay the electricity bill.
6) I ……………….. buy a pair of new sneakers; my old ones are torn.
7) You are very careless driver. You ………………. be more careful in future.
8) This situation is a secret among us. You …………….. tell us to anyone.
9) The students ………………… stand up when the teacher comes into the classroom.
10) Your son is too fat. He ………………. eat too much junky food.
11) Everybody …………….. behave to everybody politely.
12) You ……………….. go and see the new “Börü” film. It is wonderful, indeed.
13) You …………………. wash lettuce very well before making a salad.
14) People ………………. walk on the grass in the park.
15) Little children ………………. go to bed late.
16) You ……………… borrow people’s private belongings without asking them first.
17) If you go to London you …………….. drive on the left side of the road.
18) You ……………… go and visit us grandparents whenever youhave enough time.
19) “Tekvin” is a wonderful book. You ……………. really read it.
20) You ………………… keep sharp knives and matches in a safe place in your house.
21) You have failed the test again. You ………………. be ashamed of yourself.
22) The people of a country …………….. obey the law but the law ……………. be equitable .

EXERCISE 7- Answer the questions ;

1) What must you do when the traffic light is green ?
2) What must you do when you see a fire ?
3) Who must you speak when you have a problem at school ?
4) Which number must you call when you see an accident ?
5) What must you do to improve your English ?
6) What mustn't you do when you are at school ?
7) What mustn't a driver do when he is in the traffic.
8) What mustn't you forget while you are going to school ?
9) What mustn't you do when you are in a library?
10) Where must you go when you are ill ?


MUST and CAN’T: Herhangi bir olayın sebep veya sonuçları hakkında bazı işaretler ve belirtilerin yardımıyla, tahmin
yürütürken kullanırız.
MUST: OLMALI anlamında kullanılır.
CAN’T : OLAMAZ anlamında kullanılır.

USE 1- MUST: Eğer bir şeyin doğru olduğuna dair kesin fikre sahipsek,
- Our new neighbour has got a brand new Mercedes. He must be very rich.
- You are studying your lessons very hard. You must have very good marks.
- There is a loud ring on the door bell. It must be someone in a hurry.
- You have been working all day. You must be tired.
A: I changed my job. B: What? You must be joking.

USE 2 - MUSTN’T = Yasaklama anlamındadır ve bu tür cümlelerde olumsuz anlam verirken kullanılmaz.
You have just had diner. You can’t be hungry.
A: The door bell is ringing. Could it be Mary?
B: No, it can’t be Mary. Because she said she would come at 7.00, but it is only 5.00.

USE 3 - CAN’T : Bir şeyin mümkün olmadığına dair kesin bir fikrimiz varsa.
- This boy can't have that much money. He is very poor.
- The tire can't be flat. I have just mended it and blown it up.
- You have eaten a very big sandwich. You can't be hungry.
USE 4 - MUST + BE + V-ing
CAN’T + BE + V-ing
A: What’s Tom doing in his room? B: He must be studying English.
A: How do you know? B: He borrowed my English books and notes yesterday.
A: Is Jane washing her hair in the bathroom?
B: No, she can’t be washing her hair. Because she washed it an hour ago.

USE 5 - MUST HAVE + V3 / CAN’T HAVE + V3: Cümleleri geçmiş zamanda kullanmak istersek
-My mother is coughing a lot. She must have caught pneumonia.
- The ground is wet. It must have rained during the night.
- I can't find my key. I must have lost them at somewhere else.
- You can't have done this homework. Because the questions are over your class level.
-When I came home last night, I made too much noise. You must have heard me.
-When I woke up this morning the lights were on. I must have forgotten to turn them off.
A: I did perfectly well in the exam. B: The questions can’t have been very difficult.

USE 6 - MUST + HAVE + BEEN + V-ing

CAN’T + HAVE + BEEN + V-ing
What a lovely suntan. You must have been sunbathing all the time this summer.
A: I saw Tim walking down the street. B: He can’t have been walking because he broke his leg.

USE 7 - CAN'T HAVE DONE yerine COULDN'T HAVE DONE da kullanılabilir.

- They couldn't have cleaned the room. Everything is in a mess.
- He was sure that his mother couldn't have left his father, because she loved him dearly.

EXERCISE 1-Complete the following sentences with must +plain infinitive, can’t +plain infinitive the construction below to
express a “Positive” or “Negative” Logical Deduction about the present.
1) The car is not working. It …………….. be out of order.
2) She has got fair hair, so she ……………….. be an Arabic.
3) Tonny is very outgoing and friendly. He…………………………. have a lot of friends.
4) Her kitchen light is on, so she ………………. be asleep now.
5) Jane hasn’t stopped yawning for the past ten minutes. She………………. be tired.
6) I had difficulty in starting the car. There ……………… be something wrong with the battery.
7) You……………………………be cold. You are shaking.
8) The hairdressers………….. be open.The hairdressers in Ankara close only on Tuesdays. It's Monday today.
9) They have just started studying their lessons .They ……………… be tired already.
10) A lot of people travel by plane, so flying ………………… be dangerous.
11) I hear your daughter has become a doctor. You ……………… be very proud of her.
12) It………………………be raining outside. She walked in all wet.
13) There is somebody at the door. It is eleven p.m.. It ………………….. be your boyfriend.
14) Sam is always spending too much money. He ………………….. be very rich.
15) You …………………. be hungry yet; you had dinner only an hour ago.
16) Carl……………………… hurt. He just fell off the stairs.
17) Tom slept all day, so he……………………………. be tired anymore.
18) Sarah look just like Jack; she…………………… be her sister.
19) You know lots of things about English grammar. Then you ……………….. be an English teacher.
20) They……………………… twins. They are absolutely identical.
21) The teacher ……….. be at home. No, she …………. be at home because we saw her in the staff room.
22) If the teacher is shouting at everybody, she ……………….. be very angry.
23) That girl ………………………….be married! She's only 15!
24) Just look at your brother's face. He always smiles. He…………………………. be sad.
25) That child is eating a big pizza. He……………………… very hungry.
26) My best friend didn't come to school today. He…………………………..sick.
27) Can you see Sue in the crowd? There………………… be many people with blue hair and black make-up!
28) You………………………….drive if you don't have a driver license.
29) Did you lost your ring? You………………be serious! It…………………… be somewhere in your house.
30) He……………………………. be from the Turkey. He doesn't speak Turkish.

EXERCISE 2-Complete the following sentences with must + have + past participle, can’t + have + past participle
the structures below to express a “Positive” or “Negative” Logical Deduction about the Past.
A: Did you hear the gun shot last night? B: No, I didn’t. I must have been fallen asleep.
A: The student escaped from the dormitory at night. B: He can’t have escaped at night because he was with me all night.
1-A: My brother speaks Russian fluently.
B: He ………………….. lived in Russia for a long time then.
2-A: I saw a UFO last night.

B: You ………………………… seen a UFO; there aren’t any UFO in this world.
3-A: Sally told me that her brother became a teacher.
B: You …………………… misunderstood her, because her brother became an engineer.
4-A: As I was standing at the pavement, your son hit me with his bicycle.
B: It …………………. been my son; he was in bed all day long.
5-A: Our bird has disappeared. I wonder if the cat has eaten it.
B: Well, the cat ……………….. eaten it. The bird flew out of the window.
6-A: I saw Julide at Kızılay last night.
B: You ………………. seen her; she is still in hospital.
7-A: Mark is very late. I wonder if he missed the bus.
B: Well, if he is late, he ………………….missed the bus.
8-A: Linda wrote the essay in English.
B: She …………………. written it in English, because she doesn’t know English.
9-A: The door was open when I came home.
B: It ………………… been open. I had locked it myself and the key was in my pocket.
10-A: Anita sleept in the train and when she woke up her purse had vanished.
B: Someone …………………… stolen it when she was asleep.

EXERCISE 3-Rewrite the following sentences using must + have + past participle, can’t + have + participle
the structures below to express “Logical Deduction” about the Past.
Example : I think the thief opened my handbag while I was talking to my friend.
The thief must have opened my handbag while I was talking to my friend.
I don’t think that our teacher has read your composition yet.
Our teacher can’t have read your composition yet.
1) I am sure that the dog foods were delivered to the animal shelter .
2) I don’t think that the passwords of the locks have been changed.
3) I am sure that they sent us at least two copies of their identity card for deed transactions.
4) I don’t believe I have lost my wallet. I think I have left it at home.
5) I think the man found the phone number of the hotel at the internet.
6) I am not certain that Tim wrote that article about cancer.
7) I don’t think that the firms product sales were very high last year.
8) I don’t suppose that eyewitness testimony against the mafia.
9) Danny has had a very long interview. I am sure that he has got the job.
10) Oh no! When I was cooking these vegetables, I think I didn’t put any salt in them.


MUST AND HAVE TO: Have to ile Must aslında aynı anlama gelir. Her ikiside zorunluluk anlatır.
HAVE TO: Baskalarının zorunlulugunu anlatmak için kullanılır. Bütün tense' ler ile çekim alabilir.
MUST: Daha çok konuşan kişinin zorunluluğunu, sadece present zamanda kullanılabilir.
I can’t meet you on Friday. I have to work.
I haven’t written to Ann for a long time. I must write to her soon.

MUST ve HAVE TO: Olumlu cümlelerde anlam aynıdır: Zorunluluk. Ancak olumsuz cümlelerde must not yasaklama bildirir.
DON’T / DOESN’T HAVE TO gereklilik-zorunluluk olmadığını gösterir.
You mustn’t drink whiskey. It is harmful for your health.
You don’t have to drink whiskey. There is some brandy in the closet.

USE 1- MUST: Cümleyi söyleyen kişinin kendi otoritesini ortaya koyduğu ve kendi duygularını ve kişisel görüşünü dile
getirdiği anlaşılır.
- She must clean her room.
- The students must read book at least half an hour a day.

USE 2- HAVE TO: Mecburiyet; kişinin kendi yetkisi dışından kaynaklanan ve kendi duygularını dile getirmediği bir
Okul kuralı:- You have to wear a uniform in this school.
Şartlardan kaynaklanan bir zorunluluktan - It will be very cold tomorrow. We will have to make a fire in the house.
- My grandfather is too old. He has to walk with a stick.

USE 3- MUST: Mecburiyet; Bazı durumlarda, harici bir kural veya yasayla ilgili bile olsa, cümleyi söyleyen kişi bu
mecburiyeti benimsiyorsa kuralı kendisi de kabul ediyor ve savunuyordur:
- People have to keep quite when they are in a mosque.

-People must keep quite when they are in a mosque.

USE 4- MUST: Özellikle birinci tekil ve birinci çoğul şahıs; önemli ve hemen yapılması gereken durumlarda
Acil bir durum
- I must finish this novel till tomorrow morning. I will return it to the library.
HAVE TO: Özellikle birinci tekil ve birinci çoğul şahıs; alışkanlıkları ifade etmede
- I have to catch the bus and go to school at a quarter to seven every morning on week days.
- I have to read two books every week.

USE 5- MUST: özne ikinci ve üçüncü şahıs bile olsa ACİL durumlar söz konusu olduğunda. Bu tür cümlelerde mecburiyetin
kişinin kendinden mi, yoksa bir kuraldan dolayı mı ortaya çıktığına bakılmaz
- You must call your father. He wants you urgently.




-I have to get up early = I must get up early.
-We have to obey the traffic rules = We must obey the traffic rules.
HE / SHE / İT + HAS TO + V1
-He has to go to the dentist = He must go to the dentist.
-She has to study harder = She must study harder.
- There is an important test tomorrow. I have to study very hard.
- I have to fasten my seat belt.
- My father has to leave home at 6:30 in the morning.


-Tom doesn't have to get up early an Sunday. ( zorunda degil)
-Shirly doesn't have to clean the house.
- You don't have to wait here.
- She doesn't have to read the instructions.
- They don't have to wear their coats.



-Do you have to go to school to learn English ?

Yes, I have to go school to learn English. ( Yes. I do )
No, I don't have to go to school to learn English. ( No, I don't)
Does your father have to work ?
Yes, he has to work. ( Yes, he does )
No, he doesn't have to work. ( No, he doesn't)

USE 1- HAVE TO / HAVE GOT TO: Bir sefere mahsus mecburiyet durumlarını ifade ederken,
Bir kereye mahsus, tek bir eylemden:
- I have to / have got to water my vegetables in the garden today.
- I have to go to school today. (Bugün okula gitmek zorundayım.)
- I have got to go the school today. (Bugün okula gitmek zorundayım.)

HAVE TO : Sürekli yapılagelen ve alışkanlık haline gelmiş mecburiyet durumlarında.Bu tür cümlelerde "HAVE GOT TO"
Alışkanlık haline gelmiş bir durumdan:
- I have to water my vegetables in the garden today.

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite these sentences, using have to.

You must put it back. You have to put it back.
You needn't go now. You don't have to go now.
1) It is necessary for everyone to learn the traffic rules.
2) It is not necessary for him to enter the conference.
3) You must do your homework today.
4) It will be necessary for them to take the pills every six hours.
5) It wasn't necessary for you to open the market by 6.
6) Must the students gather in the school garden at nine o'clock?
7) It is necessary for you to find a better conditioned and higher waged job.
8) Was it necessary for Julia to drive to work?
9) I told them they must come early.
10) Everybody must pay taxes.
11) A person must get a passport to go abroad.
12) You must apply to the police to get a passport.
13) We needn't show our identity cards to everybody.
14) I was to return the book to the library yesterday.
15) George was to go to the dentist because he had made an appointment with him.
16) Turkish boys must do their military service when they are twenty.

EXERCISE 2-Answer the questions;

1) Whom do you have to help at home ?
2) What do you have to do in class?
3) Which language do you have to speak in Turkey?
4) What does your father have to do to make your living ?
5) What do you have to do to be successful ?
6) Why do you have to save your money ?
7) What does a doctor have to do ?
8) Do you have to wear a uniform at school ?
9) Does a teenager have to join the army in your country ?
10) Do the drivers have to obey the traffic lights ?
11) Does a person have to read books ?
12) Does your teacher have to give you a lot of homework ?
13) Do you have to fight with your friends ?


HAD TO :GEÇMİŞTE ZORUNLULUK ( OBLIGATION IN THE PAST): Geçmiş zamanda bir mecburiyet. "MUST" yardımcı fiilinin
geçmiş zamanı da "HAD TO" dur.
-They had to walk to school ten years ago.
-I had to go to hospital last week.
-Did you have study math yesterday ?
-Did you have to wash the dishes after dinner ?
-She didn't have to get up early yesterday because it was Sunday.
-We didn't have to hurry because we had much time.
- We had to paint the flat White before we moved in.
- I had to spend the whole day with my little sister last Sunday.

EXERCISE 1-Answer the questions;

1) What did you have to do when you missed the school bus ? ( walk )
2) What time did you have to get up last Sunday ? ( 8.30 )
3) Where did you have to stay last night ? (my grandparent’s house)
4) Who did you have to fight with at school ? (Jack)
5) How many hours did you have to walk home last night ? (half an hour)
6) Who did you have to help last weekend ? ( my sister)
7) Did you have to clean the house yourself yesterday ? (-)
8) Did you have to finish your work at 12.30 last night ? ( + )
9) Did you have to iron your trousers before you went out? (-)
10) Did you have to live in a city five years ago ? ( + )

EXERCISE 2- Complete the following sentences with the “Modal Auxiliary Verbs” on the list below.
have to don’t have to
has to doesn’t have to
had to didn’t have to
will have to won’t have to
would have to wouldn’t have to
I will leave early because I have to study for my exam.
I will stay up late tonight because I don’t have to go to school tomorrow.
I got up early this morning because I had to do my homework.
I stayed up late last night because I didn’t have to go to school on Sunday.
1) My children are very happy because they ……………… sleep early tonight.
2) The teachers …………………. be at school at ten o’clock because the parents’ meeting starts early.
3) When Brian arrive home, he …………………. explain the reason why he was late for school.
4) I and my friends have plenty of time. We……………… hurry to the cinema.
5) Cindy …………………… work hard if she won a lot of money in lottery.
6) What time did you …………………. get up this morning?
7) Susan ………………. do her homework every day but she ……………… study at weekends.
8) Does your father ………………….. support his family?
9) Do you ……………… learn a foreign language at school?
10) Rich people………………… save money because They were rolling in money.
11) Some children think that they ………………………obey all the rules.
12) Our father ……………….. do all the houseworks when our mother was ill.
13) Everyone ………………… wear safety belts when they are driving.
14) I think Danny ………………. learn Japanese if he goes to Japan.
15) The men……………………. carry all the chairs and tables into the garden for the party yesterday.

EXERCISE 3-Fill in the blanks with must / mustn't / have to / don't-doesn't have to
1) Every citizen................obey the laws.
2) You………………………………. ( cross ) the street when the traffic lights are red.
3) People.........................have a ticket for Tarkan’s concert because admission is free.
4) There is a sign here. You...........park your car.
5) The grass is very tall. We ...........mow the lawn on Sunday.
6) Students………………………….go to school at the weekends in Turkey.
7) The car is out of oil.My father .................................go to the gas station.
8) Every child under 18 ………………………….. ( drive ) a car.
9) Every child................go to school for 8 years in Turkey.
10) Fishing in Black sea is prohibited for six months in summer. You ...............................catch fish here.
11) I……………………………go to the bank to get some money.
12) At all inclusive hotels people…………………………. ( pay ) extra money for using the swimming pool ; it's free.
13) You ……………………………. ( wait ) for me , if you want you can go.
14) There is a committee meeting at 10:30 tomorrow morning. Everybody................attend.
15) People………………………….. (take) a photo in Anıtkabir because it's prohibited.
16) You……………………..forget what I told you. It's very important.
17) Secretaries…………………………….. know how to use computers.
18) Sude English tonight because there is an important test tomorrow.
19) Soldiers...............wear a uniform.
20) He………………………… ( wear ) a suit and a tie at the government office because this is one of the rules at work.
21) You ....................... speak loudly in a library.
22) There is a speed limit here. You very fast.
23) You..................................feed the animals in the zoo.
24) Karen has got a cell phone. You ……………………….... write a letter to her.
25) My son Tom………………………………….. ( tidy up ) his room because I don't like seeing his messy room.
26) The windows aren't dirty. You…………………………….clean them.
27) Children………………………. ( make ) their beds every morning otherwise their mother punishes them.
28) These cakes are very nice. You………………………… have one

29) All subscribers ………………(pay) the electricity bill because if they don't, electrical company will cut the electricity .
30) I…………………………….go to the gym because I need to lose some weight.
31) We………………………… (talk) on the phone while driving because it is illegal.
32) We……………………….. leave yet. We've got plenty of time.
33) Chefs…………………………………..have clean hands to work with food.
34) People …………………………..smoke in a petrol station.
35) Museums are free for teachers in Turkey. They ………………………………. buy ticket.
36) The child has fallen off his bike, he´s crying, he………………………… have hurt himself.
37) I have an exam tomorrow I………………………study or I will fail.
38) Everyone …………………….. wash their hands before meals.
39) I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I………………………………work.
40) Whatever you do, you………………………. touch that switch. It's very dangerous.

HAD BETTER ("should" yapısına çok benzer): Karşı tarafa bir konuda bir işin yapılmasının iyi olacağını kuvvetli bir uyarı ya da
öneri olarak belirtmek için kullanılır. Kullanıldığı cümlelerde şimdiyi veya geleceği ifade eder. Geçmişle ilgisi yoktur.
-You’d beter take care of that cut in your hand or it will get infected.
- You had better work harder and regularly, or you will fail.
- You'd better no be late.


- You had better not go now.


SORU HALİ: “HAD” başta söylenir.
- Had we better let them know?
- Yes, we had better. (Kısa cevaplarda “had beter” tekrarlanır)

DEĞİL Mİ? (QUESTION TAG) : Yalnızca “HAD” kullanılır.

- I had better phone him, hadn't I?
- We'd better go out for lunch. I'm very hungry.
- You'd better get an umbrella near you. It's rainy outside.
- I'd better go now or I'll be late.
- I'd better not eat any more desert.
- You'd better not forget to pay the rent today.


You had beter visited her when she was in the hospital.


USE 1- IT’S TIME: IT’S TIME + TO + FIIL geldiği zaman: yapılması gereken herhangi bir şeyin vaktinin geldiğini belirtir.
- It's time to go to bed.
- It's time for us to have lunch.

USE 2- IT’S TIME: IT’S TIME+ KİŞİ ZAMİRİ+ PAST TENSE: Bir şeyin yapılmasının vaktinin geçtiği veya geç kalındığı
vurgulanmış olur.
- It's time we went to bed. (Yatma vaktimiz geçiyor. / Çoktan yatma vakti geldi)
- It's time they painted the house. (Evi boyamalarının vakti geldi de, geçiyor.)

USE 3- IT’S HIGH TIME: Geç kalmakla ilgili yapılan vurgu kuvvetlenir.
- It's high time we went to bed. (Yatma vaktimiz geldi de geçiyor bile.)
It's high time they painted the house. (Evi boyamalarının vakti geldi de geçiyor bile.)


IN CASE: PRESENT TENSE,PAST TENSE, SHOULD ile kullanılır ve bir tedbir durumunu izah eder. Türkçe'de, ….. IR DİYE
anlamındadır ve bakarsın olur manası katar.
- I always carry my needle in my bag in case I have a ripped skirt .
- The woman always locked her doors and windows in case somebody broke into her house.
- Take this umbrella in case it rains.


AS IF / AS THOUGH: SANKİ anlamındadır. İhtimali durumları ve hayali durumları izah etmek için kullanılır. İhtimali
durumlardaki cümle yapısı, normal cümle yapısı gibidir. Her ikisi de aynı manayı vermektedir ve birbirlerinin yerine
İHTİMALİ DURUMLARI: Gerçekleşmiş ya da gerçekleşecek olabilir.
- The girl looks as if / as though she is going to cry.
- The man is behaving as if / as though he has seen the accident.
- They are breathing as if / as though they have been running.

HAYALİ DURUMLARI: Gerçeklik hiç yoktur, sadece benzetme vardır.

NOTE: AS IF / AS THOUGH dan sonra gelen cümlede, IF CLAUSE TYPE 1 ve IF CLAUSE TYPE 3 yapısı gibi kullanım vardır.

NOTE: Çoğunlukla WAS yerine WERE kullanılmaktadır. WAS daha çok konuşma dilinde kullanılır.
- The woman walks as if / as though she were a top model.
- The man was so worried that he looked as if / as though he were drunk.
- The weather is dark as if / as though it were night.

EXERCISE 1-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen boşlukları if veya in case ile doldurunuz.

1) You should bring your umbrella…………………………… it rains.
2) Tonny asked Nancy for her e-mail address………………………… he needed to contact her.
3) ………………….you get a headache, take an aspirin.
4) ……………………..your mother shouts at you, don’t say any word!
5) My daughter bought books with her when we went holiday……………she got bored, but she never open their cover.
6) Take the front door key……………………. I am not up when you return home.
7) I mute my mobile phone during the teachers board ……………….. it rang. It would've been so embarrassing.
8) You can ask your father to take you to college…………………… oversleep tomorrow morning.
9) ……………………. you run out of money on your travels, bring a credit card.



PREFER TO / WOULD RATHER: Tercihlerimizden bahsederken kullanırız.
- I prefer to live in a cottoge.
- I prefer to play basketball rather than play football.

PREFER: Hayatta neyi tercih ettiğinizi ifade ederken kullanılır. Anlam bakımından herhangi bir fark yoktur.

USE 1- PREFER: Prefer something TO something else (birşeyi başka birşeye tercih etmek)
- I prefer football to basketball.
- I prefer country to city.
- I prefer family to friends.

USE 2- PREFER: Prefer to do something rather than do something else. (Birşeyi yapmak yerine başka birşeyi yapmayı
tercih etmek.)
- I prefer to drink tea.
- I prefer to drink tea rather than (drink) coffee.
- I prefer to stay at home rather than go out.
- I prefer to spend time with my children rather than work.

USE 3- PREFER: Prefer doing something to doing something else (Birşeyi yapmak yerine başka birşeyi yapmayı tercih
- I prefer drinking tea.
- I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.
- I prefer reading novels to reading comics.


WOULD PREFER: Genel tercihlerimiz değil, belirli bir durumda neyi tercih ettiğimizi ifade ederken kullanılır.
- Would you prefer coffee or tea?
- I'd prefer to stay at home rather than go to the cinema tonight.
- Would you prefer watch horror film rather than a romantic comedy?

olarak fark yoktur. Kullanımda yapısal olarak fark vardır.
WOULD RATHER + V1: Bir şeyi başka bir şeye tercih etmek
- I'd rather travel by plane.
- I'd rather stay at home.
-The film is boring. We would rather go to the theater.
-The meatballs are hot. I would rather have beef stew.


-You would rather not go out in this cold weather.
-Would you rather speak more slowly?
-Would you rather drink warm water?
- Where would you rather spend your summer holiday?
-What would you rather do in your spare time?

- I would prefer to read book at home.( Evde kalıp kitap okumayı tercih ederim)

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite these sentences, using would rather.

I prefer to be a doctor. I don't want to be a teacher. I would rather be a doctor than a teacher.
1) My parents prefer to live in a village. They don't want to live in a city.
2) They prefer to buy a house. They don't want to buy a car.
3) She prefers to act. She doesn't want to be a singer.
4) Sandy prefers to collect stamps. She doesn't want to collect coins.
5) I prefer to ride bicycle. I don't like to stay at home.
6) Sam prefers to learn English. He doesn't like to learn French.
7) My father prefers to eat at home. He doesn't like to eat in restaurants.
8) They prefer to play football. They don't like to play volleyball.
9) I prefer you not to smoke.
10) I would prefer my child to tell the event as it was.
11) I should have preferred to travel by plain.
12) I should prefer my children not to have any alcoholic drinks.

C-WOULD LIKE TO / WOULD LOVE TO: Nazikce bir şeyi teklif ederken yada isterken kullanılır.


I'd like some cake, please = I want some cake
I'd like a cup of coffee, please.
Would you like biscuits ? = Do you want biscuits ?
I'd like to sing a song. = I want to sing a song.
I wouldn't like to ride a bike now. = I don't want to ride a bike now.
Would you like to dance ? = Do you want to dance ?

USE 1- WOULD LIKE TO/ WOULD LOVE TO: Kişinin konuşma esnasında ne yapmak istediğini belirtir
USE 2- WOULD LIKE TO: 1. person singular and plural (I / we ) kullanılır:
I would like to have my coffee with cream.
We would like to eat our dinner out this evening.
I would not like to go to bed early tonight.
We wouldn't like to go on vacation this summer.
USE 4- YES / NO QUESTIONS: Genellikle insanlara bir şey teklif ettiğimizde
Would you like to take something cold?
Would you like to come with us?
What would you like to have for breakfast?
Where would you like to stay in Antalya?
Who would you like to dance with at the party?


- I'd rather live here.
- Had you rather live here?

D- BE SUPPOSED TO: Beklenti için kullanılır. “bekleniyor, umuluyor” diye çevrilir.

The match is supposed to start at 8 pm.
Gereklilik belirtir.
You aren’t supposed to be late for the classes.
WAS / WERE SUPPOSED TO: Yapılması gereken bir sey yapılmadığında kullanılır.
They were supposed to meet at the airport.
BE TO: Geleceğe ilişkin plan ya da kararlaştırılmış bir iş anlatır.
There is to be a meeting on Dec, 13th.
Bir görev ya da yasak bildirir.
You are to come to the classes on time.
You are not to smoke here.

EXERCISE 1-Answer the questions appropriately.

1) Would you like to add milk to your coffee?
2) Would you like to take a ride with us?
3) Would your father rather watch television at home?
4) Would you rather take the train or the bus?
5) How would you like to have your steak?
6) Where would rather sit by the window or corridor on a bus ride?
7) What kind of music would you like to listen to
8) Who would you like to play chess with?
9) Where would you rather go in the summer?
10) What time would you rather get up on Saturday mornings?
11) What colour would you like to paint the walls?
12) Whom would you like to dance with at the party?

EXERCISE 2- Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen boşlukları prefer - rather - would prefer - would rather to - would prefer to ile
uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
1) My grandmother ........................( stay ) under the shadow than.........................( lie ) on the beach.
2) I ………………………. (travel) by train than…………………………. (travel) by plane. (would rather+v1)
3) I............................( not / open ) the window. It's a bit cold here.
4) I ……………………………..become a scubadiver. (Would like to)
5) ………………… you prefer…………………. (read) or…………………………. (write)?
6) My sister ……………………….. (read) book on the beach but I would…………………………. (swim). (Would like to)
7) Jerry …………………….. (read) books to………………………….. (listen) to music. (prefer+ving)
8) What …………….. you ……………………. (do), ride a bicycle or drive a car?
9) My sister ........................( study ) history to geography.
10) I …………………… (jog) to………………………………… (cycle) (prefer+ing)

11) James ........................( not / move ) to Istanbul. He won't be able to bear the traffic and crowd there.
12) I ………………… (play) chess than………………………………. (play) tennis. (would rather+v1)
13) My wife ………………. rent a cottage but I ……………………… (stay) in the tent at the camp site. (Would like to)
14) I.........................(live ) in my own country than.....................(be) abroad.
15) Most women ................( be ) a businesswoman rather than.................(be) a housewife.
16) I ……………….. (watch) a movie rather than…………………….. (play)computer games. (would prefer+ving)
17) My mother .........................( go ) to a folk music concert than go to a rock music concert.
18) He ………………… go to Belek whereas his wife…………………………..go to Bodrum. (would like to)
19) Jerry …………………….. (read) books to………………………….. (listen) to music. (prefer+ving)
20) ............................( you / go ) out somewhere tonight than....................(stay ) at home?
21) My wife ……………………(visit) a museum, but I …………………………….. (visit) historical monuments. (Would like to)
22) I…………………….. (eat) vegetables than…………………….. (eat) meat. (would rather+v1)
23) I.........................( stay ) at a all inclusive hotel to................................( stay ) at an aparthotel.
24) I …………………………. (not become) a computer programmer. (Would like to)
25) Students............................( rent) a small flat. It's not good to live in a big house.
26) Sue...........................( become ) a teacher rather than be a dentist.
27) Sam ……………………… (phone) his friends to………………………… (chat) (prefer+ving)
28) Sandy ……………….. (go) on holiday rather than……………………… (stay) at home. (would prefer+ving)

EXERCISE 1-Verilen cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri aşağıdaki kelimelerle uygun şekilde doldurunuz.
must - should - have to - has to - had to – mustn’t – shouldn’t -don't/doesn't have to - will have to
1) You …………………… come with us. You can stay at home and do your homeworks.
2) Jenny …………………… study tonight because she has an important presentation.
3) You …………………… ride bicycle in the street. There are a lot of cars there.
4) You …………………… eat sweets all the time. It's bad for your teeth.
5) My parents …………………… pay the taxes every year.
6) You …………………… tell your parents the news. I'm sure they’ll like it.
7) Our class guide teacher couldn't attend the parents meeting because she …………………… go and see her dentist.
8) I …………………… finish my homework before nine o’clock and I …………………… go to bed early.
9) John …………………… clean his room. It's very clean.
10) My father …………………… drive me to the school. There is a bus now.
11) You …………………… smoke while you are driving.
12) You …………………… stop eating junky foods. You are getting fat.
13) Our grandfather …………………… go to the doctor for a check up yesterday.
14) George’s marks are really bad. He …………………… study more.
15) …………………… Jane …………………… do homework for school every evening?
16) My mother …………………… go to dentist next week.
17) …………………… you …………………… wear glasses when you were a child?
18) Sam is a policeman. What time …………………… he …………………… start work?
19) Jane …………………… go to work on Monday. It's public holiday.
20) I haven’t got any money. I …………………… ask my parent for some.
21) The students in our school …………………… wear a uniform. They can wear whatever they like.
22) Elder people …………………… stay in the sun for too long. It’s very dangerous.

EXERCISE 2-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşluğa, parantez içinde verilen modal'lardan hangisinin uygun olduğunu yazınız.
1) …………………… (may, need, shall, will) you close the door, please?
2) ……………………(shall, will, ought to, need) I clean the board,sir?
3) I'm free this saturday. ……………………(will, shall, would, won’t) we go to theatre?
4) Luke …………………… ( need, ought, dare, can) read 160 words per minute.
5) You …………………… ( shall, will, ought, should) write your essay more detailed, or you’ll never get a high mark.
6) Poor Jack! He lost his homework, and he …………………… (has got to, needs, shall, ought) do it all again.
7) I wish you ……………………(shouldn’t, wouldn’t, couldn’t, needn’t) make so much noise. I'm trying to sleep.
8) The banks ……………………(may, need, ought, dare) increase the interestb rates.
9) They ……………… ( wouldn’t, shouldn’t, can’t, couldn’t)understand the professor, as he spoke too fast and silently.
10) We are not surprised that Tina failed the exam. She ……………………(should, must, could, will) have worked harder.
11) ……………………(shall, must, could, will) I havea cup of coffee, please?
12) The brake of the car is in a terrible condition. You …………………… (should, could, would, can) have an accident at
any time.
13) You…………………… (may, need, ought, must) leave now, or you’ll be late for work.
14) Henry …………………… ( daren’t, mustn’t, won’t, oughtn’t) blame himself forhis injury. It wasn’t his fault.
15) Are you offering me to get married without telling anyone? You ………………(mustn’t, can’t, might not, shouldn’t)
be serious!
16) You ………… (mustn’t, don’t have to, shouldn’t, ought not to) pay for this Turkish Bath service. It’s completely free.
17) You ……………(needn’t, can’t, might not, wouldn’t) worry about paying the school installment , I’ve already done it.
18) How …………………… (may, need, ought, dare) you talk to me like that!

EXERCISE 3-Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri parantez içinde verilen fiilleri uygun modal'larla kullanarak
1) It looks like raining. You …………………… (shut) the windows.
2) It was two months that I didn’t pay the electricity bill, so I …………………… (pay) a fine of $ 5.
3) Nobody knows the way to the hotel. We…………………… (look) at a navigation or we'll probably get lost.
4) In Turkey, elementary education is compulsory. All children …………………… (attend) six years of elementary school.
5) When I was younger, I …………………… (swim) five hundred metres without stopping. But now I ……………………
(swim, not) more thantwo hundred metres.
6) There was a long line in front of İŞKUR fort he job application. We …………………… (wait) two hours to make our
7) My children …………………… (go) to Bodrum rather than Marmaris fort he summer holiday.
8) It …………………… (be, not) my book.I write my name at the front page. It …………………… (belong) to Linda.
9) Most women putting on weight after giving birth to their first child around their middle. They…………………… (get)
more exercise.
10) My wife is sleepy. She …………………… (keep, not) her eyes open. She…………………… (go) to bed before she falls
11) We are planning to get to the airport by taxi but Ann said that we …………………… (take) a shuttle bus instead. It's
cheaper than a taxi. We …………………… (get) one city bus terminal.
12) What kind of bird is this? I'm not sure. It …………………… (be) bald ibis.
13) My father was asleep, but I …………………… (wake) him by knocking loudly on the door.

POLITE Might / May / Could / Can LESS POLITE

UYARI shouldn’t / ought not to / had better not / am , is , are not to / can’t / may not / mustn’t YASAKLAMA

POLITE Could / Would / Will / Can LESS POLITE

must / have to / have got to


LESS STRONG should / ought to / had better STRONG

Shall / Should / Could

She must / can’t come home from holiday.
She must / can’t have come home from holiday.

EN DÜŞÜK might / may/ could / can / should / ought to /would / will / must EN YÜKSEK

CAN; kibarlığa gerek duyulmadığı durumlarda
COULD; biraz daha kibar olunması gereken durumlarda
MAY; daha resmi ve kibar olunması gereken durumlarda,
MIGHT ; en fazla nezaket gerektiren ve en resmi ortamlarda kullanılır.

USE 1- MAY / CAN / ALLOW : Birinci tekil ve birinci çoğul şahıslarda; bir işi yapmak için izinli olduğumuzu, şimdiki, geniş ve
gelecek zaman için geçerli olmak kaydıyla kullanabilmek
- I / We may read any book in his room. "Odasındaki her kitabı okuyabilir miyim?"
- I / We can read any book in his room. "Odasındaki her kitabı okuyabilir miyim?"
- I am allowed to read any book in his room. "Odasındaki her kitabı okuyabilir miyim?"
- We are allowed to read any book in his room. "Odasındaki her kitabı okuyabilir miyim?"

USE 2- MAY/ AM,IS , ARE ALLOWED TO: Herhangi bir konuda izinli olduğunu belirtmek için fakat pek yaygın olmasada
may kullanılabilir,
USE 3- MAY: İzin verme işi ; cümleyi söyleyenin tamamen kendi yetkisine dayanarak böyle bir izin verdiği anlaşılır.
USE 4- MAY NOT : "Gitmemelisin."; kişi kendi yetkisini kullanarak kartı tarafa müsaade etmemektedir.

MAY NOT: kanunen veya resmen yasak olan eylemler için ; kural daha nazik bir şekilde hatırlatılmış olur ( ilanlarda ve
uyarı levhalarında)
- Students may not play football in the front yard.
-Passengers may not smoke in the municipal house.


CAN: çok daha kapsamlı kullanılabilmesi ve kişinin kendi yetkisi haricinde olan izinleri de ifade ettiği anlaşılabilmektedir.
- She can come to our house.
- She is allowed to come to our house.
- My family allow her to come to our house.


- You can't come to our house.

USE 6- COULD: Herhangi bir konuda izin vermek için ; yardımcı fiilinin geçmiş hali değildir, Şimdiki ve gelecek zaman için
kullanılmaktadır ve şarta bağlı bir durumun bulunduğu anlaşılmaktadır.
- She could to come our house.

USE 7- COULD / ALLOW: Geçmiş zamanda gerçekleşmiş bir izin verme eyleminden bahsedildiğinde
MAY: Geçmiş zaman hali sadece allow kelimesi ile,
CAN: Geçmiş zaman hali ise hem could ve hem de allow kelimeleri ile yapılabilir.
- Last week my family didn't allow her to come to our house. (müsade etmedi.)
- Last week she wasn't allowed to come to our house. (müsade edilmedi.)
- Yesterday I allowed him to use my dictionary. (müsade ettim.)
- Last term the the school didn't allow the students to play football in the front yard. (müsade etmedi.)
- In the past passengers could smoke in the municipal buses. (içebiliyorlardı.)

USE 8- ALLOW: Yalnız bir kereye mahsus olan durumlar anlatıldığı zaman , PERFECT TENSE'li cümlelerde kullanılır.
COULD / ALLOW: Yalnızca bir kereye mahsus olmayan izin verme eylemlerinden bahsedildiğinde
SORULARDA: İzin isteme ve rica durumlarında , sadece birinci tekil ve birinci çoğul şahıslar için geçerlidir.

- Can / Could / May / Might I ask a question?

CEVAPLARDA: sadece may ya da can kullanılır. Could ve might kullanılmaz.

A- Can / Could I have a look at your newspaper?
B- Of course you can. (Elbette, buyurun.)
B- No, you can't. (Hayır, bakamazsın.)
A- Might / May I smoke here? B- No, you may not.

USE 9- CAN: İkinci ve üçüncü tekil ve çoğul şahıslar için izin isteme durumlarında (eşdeğer karşılığı olan allow kelimesi de
- Can he sleep wherever he wants? (İstediği yerde uyuyabilir mi?)
- Are they allowed to read any book? (Her kitabı okumalarına müsade var mı?)

NOT: COULD / ALLOW: Geçmiş zamanda ise geçmiş zaman hali kullanılır.
- Could your grand mother go out without asking your grandfather for it? (çıkabiliyor muydu?)
- Were you allowed to play games out at night when you were young? (müsaade ediliyor muydu?)

EXERCISE 1- Aşağıdaki cümlelerde boş bırakılan yerleri could I veya could you ile doldurunuz.
1) …………………….close your window please? It's very cold in here.
2) ………………… the door,please? I have a tray in my hands.
3) Our boss isn't at the office!.............................. make an appointment, please?
4) Sir!.............................. see the list of places to visit in the tour now? Thank you.
5) Mum! I don't get my wage till next week………………………………..lend me $50 till then?
6) I like this sneakers a lot………………………….try it on, please?
7) I didn't understand what you wanted me to do …………………………….explain it more clearly, please?
8) Please……………………… lend me your vacuum cleaner for two hours as mine is out of order .
9) This sofa is very heavy!............................ help me to carry it please?
10) Excuse me! you are reading the book aloud……………………… through?

EXERCISE 2- Aşağıdaki cümlelerde verilen boşlukları can-can't veya may ile doldurunuz. Unutmayın; CAN yetenek, MAY ise
ihtimal belirtmek için kullanılır.
1) Have you got an umbrella? It………………………. rain.
2) I'm sorry I………………………..hear you. I am a little deaf.
3) My husband ……………………cook very well, but I……………………….
4) It's a secret document. I………………………… give you any information.
5) Stop phoning the phone now. She………………………… sleeping.
6) …………………… lend me your car for three hours?
7) My parents are not at home. They……………………………be at our uncle’s house upstairs.
8) My grandmother…………………….. eat fig. She has dental plate.

USE 1-
MAY I: Resmi( formal) ortamlarda
- May I please open the window? (Camı açabilir miyim lütfen?)
- May you please open the door ? (YANLIŞ)
COULD I: Resmi( formal) ortamlarda
- Could I borrow your pen?
- Could you help me?
- Could I smoke here?
CAN I: Gayri resmi ( informal) ortamlarda
- Can I use your mobil phone?
- Can I wear your red shoes to the party?
RESPONSES: Certainly/ yes, certainly/ ofcourse/ ofcourse, you may/ sure.

USE 2-
COULD YOU: Resmi ve nezaket gerektiren ortamlarda
- Could you give me more information about the accident, officer?
-Could you help me to carry the bags,sir?
WOULD YOU: Resmi ve nezaket gerektiren ortamlarda
-Would you hold on the door, please?
-Would you speak louder,please? I can’t hear well.
WILL YOU:Resmi ortamlarda daha düz anlatımda kullanılır. Aynı zamanda öfke/sabırsızlık belirtilen ricalarda
-Will you buy the drinks from the market, mum?

-Will you look after my son for half an hour? I should go to the market.
-Will you be more quick?I am going to miss the bus.
-Will you low down the voice of TV? I am trying to sleep.
CAN YOU: Gayri resmi ortamlarda
-Can you open the windows? It is too hot here.
-Can you lend me some money? I have forgotten my wallet at home.


rahatsızlık duyulup duyulmayacağı vurgulanır.
-Would you mınd ıf I got somethıng to drink from the fridge?
-Would you mınd if I closed the window?
-Would you mınd if I slept in your bed tomorrow?
-Would you mınd ıf I use your pen?
-Would you mınd if I leave you at the bus stop?

B- WOULD YOU MIND + DOING: Birisinden bir şey yapmasini istemek( asking someone else to do something) vurgulanır.
-Would you mind speaking more slowly? I am not a native speaker.I hardly understand.
-Would you mind taking the rubbish out, son? It smells awful.
-Would you mind lVnding me your history book?
I am afraid I can’t.( olumsuz cevap: gerekçe bildirilmesi gerekli ya da uygundur.)


A- Genellikle, “please” kelimesiyle yumuşatılarak emir cümlesinden rica cümlesine dönüştürülür.
-Please, be quiet.
-Answer my question, please.
-Shut the window, please.
B- II. TeKİL ve II. ÇOĞUL ( YOU) şahıslara hitab edilir ve verb yalındır.
-Listen to me carefully,please.
-Open your mouth bigger, please.
C- Olumsuz emir cümleleri “ don’t” ile kullanılır.
-Don’t shout at me, please.
-Don’t cry for me, please.
D- Yön tarifinde özellikle çok kullanılırlar.
-Can you describe me the way to the Post office?
-Go straight ahead.Take the first right at the traffic lights, walk fifty metres and post officv is on your left.


A-NECESSITY: Gereklilik ya da zorunluluk ifade ederler.

USE 1- WITH” MUST”: Kişinin kendisine koyduğu gereklilik ya da zorunluluklar.

I must do my homeworks regularly.
-Must you sleep early?
-Must you leave early tonight? –No, I don’t have to/ don’t need to/ needn’t.
MUST: PRESENT ya da FUTURE’ da kullanılır.
-I must drink coffee less.

USE 2-WITH “HAVE TO”: Çevrenin ya da toplumun kişiye koyduğu gereklilik ya da zorunluluklar.
I have to do my homeworks regularly.
-Do you have to sleep early?
-Do you have to wear uniform at school? –No, I don’t have to/ don’t need to/ needn’t.
HAVE TO: present,future,simple past, present perfect, past perfect ile kullanılır.
-I have to work now.
-I will have to work hard at the office tomorrow.
-I had to work hard at the office last week.
-I have had to work hard at the office for two months.
-I had had to work hard at the office for some time and I got too tired.


I have got to do my homeworks regularly.
-Have you got to sleep early?
Have you got to go to cinema with your friends?-No,I haven’t got to go.


USE 1- NEEDN’T/ DON’T NEED TO/ DON’T HAVE TO : Present ya da future’ da anlamları aynıdır.
He needn’t/ doesn’t need to/ doesn’t have to go to work on Mondays.
He needn’t/ doesn’t need to/ doesn’t have to go to work tomorrow.

USE 2- NEEDN’T HAVE DONE: yapmam gerekmezmiş/ gerekmezdi: Geçmişte yapmamıza gerek olmadığı halde bir eylemi
gerçekleştirdiğimiz durumlarda kullanılır.
You needn’t have taken me to the airport with your car but I am very grateful.
You needn’t have bought us those gifts but we are very happy for that.

USE 3- “ DIDN’T NEED TO DO/ DIDN’T HAVE TO DO: Needn’t have done gibi yapmam gerekmezmiş/ gerekmezdi: Geçmişte
yapmamıza gerek olmadığı halde bir eylemi gerçekleştirdiğimiz durumlarda kullanılır.
ASIL ANLAMI: Geçmişte yapmamıza gerek olmadiği için bir eylemi gerçekleştirmediğimiz durumlarda kullanılır.
You didn’t need to enter the trial exam because your marks are high at all exams.
I didn’t have to buy another sports shoe because I have two pairs of sports shoe at home so I bought a sandalette

You mustn’t smoke at school.
You mustn’t speak loudly at the library.
You mustn’t speak on the phone inside the aeroplane.
You mustn’t go out after 10 p.m.The streets are not safe.
You mustn’t drink cold water.You will get ill.
You mustn’t behave bossy to your child.He will get depressed.

USE 1-“ SHOULD”:Yapmam gerekir:Yapmamız gereken işi erteleme olanağımız vardır.
You should solve more questions to understand this subject better.
You should behave kindly to everyone.
I should do my project tonight but I feel a little bit tired so I am going to do it tomorrow.
Ayrıca, bir şeyin NASIL olması gerektiğini ifade eder.
You have bought a small size shoe. It should be a number bigger
You have made five mistakes at this test.You should be more carefull.

USE 2- “OUGHT TO”: Yapmam gerekir:Yapmamız gereken işi erteleme olanağımız vardır.
You ought to do your homeworks regularly in order to understand your lessons better.

You ought to eat healthy food in order not to get ill.
I ought to write a composition tonight but I don’t want to do.Then I will do ıt tomorrow.
Ayrıca, bir şeyin NASIL olması gerektiğini ifade eder.
Your composition is full of punctuation mistakes.You ought to make more practice on punctuation.

USE 3- “ HAD BETTER”:Yapmam gerekir/ yapsam iyi olur,yapmazsam kötü sonuçları olabilir:Daha güçlü ifade şeklidir.
You had better leave the house 10 minutes earlier or you will be late to the meeting.
You had better sleep early tonight or you will fail in your exam.


USE1- “SHOULD NOT”:Yapmaman gerekir: Bunu yaparsan kötü sonuçları olabilir.

You shouldn’t eat junk foods.It is harmful for your health.
USE 2- “ OUGHT NOT TO”: Yapmaman gerekir: Bunu yaparsan kötü sonuçları olabilir.
You ought not to play so much computer games. It will disturb your eyes.


You shouldn’t/ Ought not to make-up so much at the age of fifteen.It will disrupt the skin of your face.( kötü sonuçlar)
You needn’t make-up so much because your face is really very beautifull.( zaten güzel.ihtiyaç yok)

USE 3-“ HAD BETTER NOT”: Yapmaman gerekir: Bunu yaparsan kötü sonuçları olabilir.
You had better not smoke or you will be lung cancer in the future.

C- İçinde bulunduğumuz ana ilişkin durumlari ifade tmek için kullaniriz.


-Why are you watching TV. You should be washing the dishes.
-Why are they playing outside. They ought to be finishing their homeworks.
-Look! The ice on the lake is too thick. Those children shouldn’t be skiing on the lake.
-I didn’t wash the fruits in the plate.You ought not to be eating the fruits.


USE 1-“ SHOULD HAVE DONE”/ “ OUGHT TO HAVE DONE”:SHOULD/ OUGHT TO: Past biçimi: Bir eylemi yapmam gerekirdi
ama yapmadım ve sonuçları kötü oldu anlamını verir.
-I didn’t study my lessons regularly so I got low marks from my lessons.I should have studied more regular.
-I didn’t wear thick coat in winter so I got pneumonia. I ought to have worn thin coat.

USE 2- “SHOULDN’T HAVE DONE”/ “ OUGHT NOT TO HAVE DONE”: Bir eylemi yapmamam gerekirdi ama yaptım ve
sonuçları kötü oldu anlamını verir.
-I ate so much food that I got over weight.I shouldn’t have eaten so much.
-I drove my car very fast and carelessly so I had an accident. I ought not to have driven so fast and carelessly.

E- Geçmişte belli bir noktada devam etmekte olan bir olayla ilgili konuşurken kullandığımız yapılardır.

-While I was parking my car to the car park, I saw two cars.These cars parked to the places reserved for disabled.
-They shouldn’t have been parking there.
-They should have been parking to the other parking places.
-Sude was playing in the garden 4 and 7 p.m yesterday.
She shouldn’t have been playing in the garden at that hour.
She should have been studying her exam.

USE 1- “BE TO”/“BE DUE TO”:Bir program,çizelge, tarifeye göre olması gereken olaylar için kullanılır.
This football match is to start at 9 p.m. ( schedule)
This football match is due to start at 9 p.m
The meeting of the school teachers is to held tomorrow.( arrangement)
The meeting of the school teachers is due to held tomorrow.( arrangement)

1- “BE TO”/“BE DUE TO”:Birisinin başkasından beklentilerini ifade ederken de kullanılır.

You are to arrive here in half an hour. If you are late,we will leave without you.
2- “BE TO”/“BE DUE TO”: “MUST” ile yakın anlama sahiptir.
“Be TO”: Dış etkenlerden kaynaklanan zorunluluğu ifade eder.
“ MUST”: Kişinin kendisinden kaynaklanan zorunluluğu ifade eder.
“BE NOT TO” ise “MUSTN’T” ile yakın anlama sahiptir.
I am to finish this report till tomorrow morning because my boss ordered me to ready the report before the committee
I must finish this report till tomorrow morning because I want to ready the report before the committee meeting. I do not
want any problem to occur at the meeting.

USE 2- “ BE SUPPOSED TO”: Bir program,çizelge, tarifeye göre olması gereken olaylar için kullanılır.
This football match is supposed to start at 9 p.m.( schedule)
The meeting of the school teachers is supposed to held tomorrow.( arrangement)

Birisinin başkasından beklentilerini ifade ederken de kullanılır.

You are supposed to arrive here in half an hour. If you are late,we will leave without you.

“SHOULD” ile yakın anlama sahiptir.

“BE SUPPOSED TO”: Dış etkenlerden kaynaklanan gerekliliği ifade eder.
“ SHOULD”: Kişinin kendisinden kaynaklanabilen gerekliliği ifade eder.
I am supposed to go home before 9 p.m because my father doesn’t allow me to be out after 9 p.m.
I should go home before 9 p.m because Iam afraid of dark and my street is not very safe after 9 p.m.


You were supposed to take your pills every 12 hours but you didn’t so the doctor put you in the hospital.
You should have taken your pills every 12 hours but you didn’t.And now you are feeling worse.

USE 1- “ CAN”: - E BİLMEK:
1-“ CAN”: Yeteneklerimizi ifade etmek için kullanırız.
My son can swim. -My son is able to swim.
Birds can fly. – Birds are able to fly.
I can play chess but I can’t play table tennis.
I am able to play chess but I am not able to play table tennis.

2-“ CAN”: Yapilmasi mümkün olan, gerçekleşme potansiyeline sahip olaylar için kullanırız.
This problem can cause bigger problems.
A pain killer can kill a person because of alergetic reactions.
I am not tired so I can help you with the cleaning.
It does not seem so heavy so I can give a hand to carry it.

3-“ CAN”: İzin vermek için kullanırız.” may” ile aynı anlamdadır.
Today is Saturday and you CAN hang on with your friends.
I think you have forgotten to bring your tooth brush so you can use mine ıf you want.


She is able to play the guitar well.

She has been able to play the guitar well for nine years.
She was able to play the guitar well when she was a child.
She will be able to play the guitar well if she practices more.
She should be able to play the guitar well because she wants to be a musician.
She had been able to play the guitar well for 4 years when she was a student at high school.


I could not swim when I was 6 years old.
He could climb a tree well when he was a child.
I could/ was able to run faster when I was a child.
The students who finished their tests could/ were able to leave the class earlier.
3-ONE SPECIFIC EVENT IN THE PAST: MANAGE( üstesinden gelmek) = COULD kullanılmaz.
English exam was very difficult but I studied so hard that I was able to get a high mark.( managed)
There were very strong opponents at the race but I was able to win the gold madal.( managed)

I am too tired of working. Let’s go to the seaside,swim, have a walk and play beach volleyball.
Let’s not go out tonight. Let’s stay at home , just lay down and do nothing.


If you don’t want to watch TV, we may/might play chess.
If you don’t have any plans,We may/ might go out for a walk.


OLUMLU CÜMLEDE:LET’S anlamında ve zorunluluktan kaynaklanan gönülsüzce yapılan öneridir.
As you don’t have enough money near you,we may/might as well turn back home and watch a movie on TV.
As you don’t like Jane because you quarreled so hard,you may/might as well not talk to her.


I am very tired.- Why don’t you go to your room and have a rest? – That’s a good idea.
Your marks are very low. Why don’t you listen your teacher more carefully and study more.

USE 4- SHALL WE/ I….?:…YAPAYIM MI/ YAPALIM MI? Anlamındadır.

ShalL We go to graduation party together?
Shall i have a big hug?
what shall you do tonight? – i shall go home and do my homeworks.
Shall we bring our balls to the picnic? – Yes, of course.


-I am bored. What could we do? –well, we could go swimming or to the cinema.
COULD HAVE DONE: PAST biçimidir. Geçmişte bir şeyi yapabilirdin ama yapmadın
I could have lent him some money but I didn’t want to because I don’t trust him.

COULD NOT HAVE DONE: Geçmişte bir şeyi isteseydin de yapamazdın.

I could not have given him some money even ıf I wanted to because I don’t have any money.

I could HAVe given him some money but I don’t trust him.
I was able to give him some money because I love him.
When I get my salary,I could give you some money.


USE 1- POSITIVE STATEMENTS: AM/IS ARE: Bir gerçeği kesin olarak biliyorsak modallara gerek yoktur.
Why is not Jack in the class now? –He IS at home. He ıs ill.( % 100 sure)

MUST: GÜÇLÜ TAHMİN:Bir gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak kullanırız.

Why is not Jack in the class now?- He must be at home. He must be ill because he was coughing very badly yesterday.( % 90
MAY,MIGHT,COULD:GÜCSÜZ TAHMİN,OLASILIK İHTİMALİ: Bir gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak kullanırız.
Why is not Jack in the class now?- He may/ might/ could be at home. He may/ might/ could be ill because he had a little
fewer yesterday.( % 50 sure)


AM/IS/ ARE: Bir gerçeği kesin olarak biliyorsak
Why is not Jane eating anything? –She is not hungry.( % 100 sure)
CAN’T,COULDN’T: .. OLAMAZ/….OLMASI İMKANSIZ: Bir gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak, bazı temellere veya delillere
dayanarak güçlü tahminde bulunmak
Why is not Jane eating anything? –She can’t/couldn’t be hungry. She ate a big sandwich an hour ago ( % 99 sure)
MUSTN’T: Bir gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak,aklımıza gelen mantıksal çıkarımla en güçlü tahmin( can’t,couldn’t kadar
güçlü değildir).
Why is not Jane eating anything? –She must not be hungry. Otherwise, She will finish all her plate. ( % 90 sure)
MAY NOT, MIGHT NOT: Bir gerçeği kesin olarak bilmiyorsak, olasılık ifade ediyorsak kullanırız.
Why is not Jane eating anything? – I don’t know.She may not/ might not like the meal.She didn’t touch to anything.( % 50

B- MODALS WITH PRESENT PROGRESSIVE FORMS: Şu anda devam etmekte olduğunu düşündüğümüz eylemler için
Where is your sister? I don’t know but she must be studying in her room because she has exams this week.
-Where is your mum? I didn’t see the car outside.What may/might/could she be doing?
-I am not sure but she may/ might/ could be going to shopping or to the cinema.


Do you hear that music coming from Jane’s room.She mustn’t be studying her lessons.
-Don’t play the music loudly.Your father is sleeping in the dining room.
-No, he can’t/couldn’t be sleeping.I saw him in the garden playing with the dog five minutes ago.

C- MODALS WITH PAST TIME: Geçmişe ait tahminlerde bulunurken

-I can’t find my keys? –You must have left it at the office.
-I can’t find my glasses. I don’t remember where put it. I may/ might/could have put it inside drawers of my table.


-Jack is a successful student but he got low mark from English exam.
-I am not sure but he must not have listened his teacher carefully and understand the subject.
-Although Jack is a successful student, he may not/might not listened his teacher carefully and he got low mark from

hangisinin uygun olduğu çıkarılır.


-I had enough money on Sunday so I could have gone to the theater but I prefer to stay at home and pass time with my
family. ( gidebilirmiş ama tercih etmemiş)

-When I phoned him , he wasn’t at home. He could have gone to shopping because he told m last week that he needs a
new sports shoe and he has enough money.( gitmiş olabilir)


-Last Saturday, I really wanted to got to a concert but I couldn’t have gone because the concert was cancelled.( gidememiş
ve isteseydi de gidemezmiş)
- My brother couldn’t have gone to the concert last saturday because the concert was cancelled.( gitmiş olamaz çünkü……)

D- MODALS WITH PAST PROGRESSIVE FORMS: Geçimişte BİR NOKTADA DEVAM etmekte olduğunu düşündüğümüz
eylemler için kullanırız.
-My father had a car accident last Friday.He must not have been driving fast but he must have been driving carelessly
because he was a little sleepy.


-My father had a car accident last Friday.He can’t/couldn’t have been driving fast and carelessly because he never drives
fast and he is always carefull while driving and obeys the traffic rules.


WILL,SHOULD/OUGHT TO, MAY/ MIGHT/ COULD: Gelecekle ilgili olaylardan bahsediyorsak kullanırız.
WILL: Bir olayın olacağından kesin eminsek
She will win the university exam because she is a very successfull student and she studied very hard.
MUST BE DOING: Gelecekte bir eylemin olacağına ait belirti varsa kullanırız.
Tom must be going holiday next week because I saw him buying a plane ticket to Bodrum for next Sunday.
”MUST”: Geleceğ ilişkin tahminde bulunurken kullanılmaz.
SHOULD/ OUGHT TO: güçlü tahmin
I have invited a lot of people to my party and many had replied that they would be happy to join.So, there should/ought to
be a lot of people at my party.
MAY/ MIGHT/ COULD: daha zayıf tahmin
He took Taekvondo courses for two years but he didn’t do enough practice.He may/ might/could win a madal at the

USE 1-
A-WOULD RATHER/WOULD SOONER( NOT) + VERB1: Bir şeyi başka bir şeye tercih etmek: Eğer verb her iki taraftada aynı
ise ; verb ilk tarafta kullanılır.
I would rather/ sooner drink ayran than (drink) coke. (2. Verb( drink) kullanılmayabilir çünkü verb’ler AYNI)
I would rather/ sooner read book than play computer game. ( 2. Verb kullanılır çünkü verb’ler FARKLI)
I would rather not tell my mother a lie. It is very depressing.
I would rather not be staying at home.I t is a very beautiful day.
I would rather not have spent all my money for that shoe.

B- WOULD RATHER + BE DOING: Bunu yapıyor olmak yerine başka bir şey yapıyor olmayı tercih ederdim: Şu anda yapmakta
olduğumuz şeyden hoşnut olmamak.
I would be rather listening to music than watching tv.
I would be rather eating salad than eating Hamburger.

C-WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER + HAVE DONE: Geçmişte yapmayı tercih ettiğimiz fakat yapamadığımız eylemleri
ifade tmek için kullanırız.
I would rather have stayed at a more luxury hotel because the food are awful in this hotel.
I would rather have gone out with Jack but I had to stay at home and take care of my little sister.

WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER + SUBJECT + PAST TENSE: Konuşan kişi ile eylemi yapacak kişi farklı ise
-Would you mind if I sleep in your room?- I would rather you didn’t sleep in my room.You are snoring.
My son wants to be a Policeman, but I would rather he became a teacher.

WOULD RATHER/ WOULD SOONER + SUBJECT + PAST PERFECT TENSE: Geçmişte başka bir kişinin yapmasını tercih
ettiğimiz fakat gerçekleşmemiş eylemler için kullanılır.
I would rather my parents had travelled to Ankara by plane but they traveled by bus.
I would rather they hadn’t taken me to the zoo because I hate seeing animals inside cages.

USE 2- PREFER: Bir şeyi yapmayı başka bir şey yapmaya tercih etmek.
I prefer tea to coffee.
He prefers apple to banana.


I prefer drinking tea to drinking coffee.
He prefers eatıng apple to eating banana.




I would rather study my lessons at home today than go to cinema with you.

I would prefer to study my lessons at home than/ rather than go/going to cinema with you.


-Would you like tea or coffee?
- I would prefer an orange juice.
-I would rather have an orange juice.

USE 3- LIKE SOMETHING BETTER THAN SOMETHING ELSE: Geçmişte şu eylemi yapmayı tercih ederdim ve yapardım.
-When I was a child, I preferred playing outside games to inside games.
-I liked playing outside games better than inside games.
-When I was in Primary school,I preferred achieving painting activities to achieving drama activities.
I liked achieving painting activities better than achieving drama activities.

USE 1- USED TO + DO:GEÇMİŞTE: ALIŞKINDI: sık/ seyrek yaptığımız ama ŞİMDİ: az/ seyrek yaptiğimiz eylemler için
kullanırız. Geçmişte olan tek bir olayı ifade etmek için kullanılmaz yani olay bir kaç sefer tekrarlanmalı.
I used to eat candies a lot when I was a child.
I used to hang on with my friends so often when I was at high school.

BE USED TO + DOING: ALIŞKINIM: hala alışkanlık devam ediyor.

I am used to eating junky foods.
He is used to getting up late every morning.

THERE WAS/ WERE yerine THERE USED TO BE kullanırız:

There used to be a a swing on our huge walnut tree in our garden. Every children swinged at that swing but the walnut tree
grew old and my parents had to cut it down.
There used to be a very old beautiful mirror in my room but my broher broke it by accident.I got very sorry.

OLUMSUZ CÜMLEDE: USED NOT TO veya DIDN’T USE TO: Geçmişte yapmazdım ama şimdi yapıyorum anlamındadır.
My daughter didn’t use to/ used not to eat chocolate when she was a child but now she likes very much.
I didn’t used to/ used not to wear trousers when I was young but I am always wearing trousers now.

Hem durum hem de eylem bildiren verb’lerde kullanılır.

WOULD: DURUM( BE, HAVE, KNOW,THINK,UNDERSTAND…) bildiren verb’lerle kullanılmaz.
I used to be very mean when I was younger.
She used to have a bicycle when she was at high school but she has a car now.
He used to/ would play football when he was young.
They used to/ would smoke but he has given up.

SIMPLE PAST TENSE: Geçmiş alışkanlıklarımız ifade edebiliriz ama zaman zarfı ( bir dönem/ süreç bildirmeli) kullanmalıyız.
People used to travel with horses a century ago but they travel by cars, planes, busses…
People used to communicate with birds in the middle ages but they are communicating with phones,mails.. now

USE 2- WOULD: Geçmişe ilişkin bir eleştiri yapılıyorsa WOULD kullanırız.

He would tell me lies all the time when he was a child. He should not lie to me.
She would come home late from school.She should come home on time.


USE 1- USED TO; Geçmişte sürekli tekrarlanan elemleri veya bir durumu belirtmek için kullanılır.
WOULD; Sadece tekrarlanan eylemleri belirtmek için kullanılır, bir durumu anlatmak için kullanılmaz.

‘BE – HAVE – LIVE’ gibi fiillerle WOULD kullanılmaz.

When I was a child, my mother used to sing me before I went to bed.
We used to live in Çankaya 10 years ago.
She used to be very crazy when she was young.

I didn’t use to drink coke until I was 13.

WOULD: Tipik bir davranıs biçimini belirtmek için de kullanılır. Ancak bu sadece PRESENT bir anlam içerir.
You know Jack well. He would say such a thing.
My sister would never tell lies.

USE 2- Geçmisteki alıskanlıklar dısında genelde alışkanlıklardan bahsedilirken de kullanılan kalıplar vardır:

BE USED TO (Be accustommed to)

I’m used to the hot weather in this country.
He is used to driving on the left because he has lived in England for a long time.

GET USED TO (Get accustommed to)

I haven’t been able to get used to the sun coming through the window, yet.
I hope I will get accustommed to studying till late hours.

EXERCISE 1-Rewrite these sentences, using used to.

He worked all day long without resting. He used to work all day long without resting.
1) Our teacher never sat during lessons.
2) Jack wrestled when he was young.
3) He lived in a flat in a big city.
4) Once there was a abandoned building where this hospital is.
5) My brother stayed up late every night when he was university student.
6) My daughter Sude did her homework steady .
7) My parents didn't go to the cinema a lot.
8) I'm accustomed to eating pepper at every meals.
9) He was accustomed to go and return from work on foot .
10) They weren't accustomed to smoke.
11) Turkish teenagers are not accustomed to going out late at night.
12) We will be accustomed to finishing our work in a short period of time.
13) After a German course, I will be accustomed to speaking German fluently.
14) Are you accustomed to helping at street animals?

EXERCISE 2-Complete the following sentences using structures below to express a habitual action in the past.
used to + plain infinitive
didn’t use to + plain infinitive
never used to + plain infinitive
there used to + be
there didn’t use to + be
My mother is not happy now, but she used to be happy when she was in Paris.
I go to the cinema often, but I didn’t use to go to the cinema when I was young.
I go to the theatre often, but I never used to go to the theatre when I was young.
There is not a theatre in the city now, but there used to be one sixty years ago.
There is a mosque in the village, but there didn’t use to be one forty years ago.
1) My sister is very slim now, but she
2) James is very wealthy now, but he
3) Danny doesn’t have a car now, but he
4) There is not a park near our neighbourhood, but there
5) Sandy is very hardworking now, but she
6) My father feeds the pets at home now, but he
7) My grandmother isn’t very beautiful now, but she
8) My son isn’t very shy now, but he
9) My little baby doesn’t suck her pacifier now, but she
10) There is not a shopping mall in our town now, but there
11) My son don’t take my dog for a walk any more, but I
12) There is a swimming pool in our holiday site, but there


Present : can / am able to
Is able to
Are able to
Past: was able to
Were able to
Future: may / might / will be able to
Present: can / am able to
Is able to
Are able to
Past: could / was able to
Were able to
3-polite reguest: can / could / may / might /
would / will
4-permission : may / can / could
5-offer: may / can / could
6-obligation :
present: have to, have got to, must
past: had to
7-suggestion: should / ought to / had better /
might / could
8-expectation: should / ought to
9-habitual activity
present: be used to / be accustomed to
past: used to
10- advice: should / had better
11-preference: would prefer / would rather
12- prohibition: mustn't
13- lack of necessity: needn't / don't have to
1-Since the managers at Ministry of Education ……………. be there at 9 o'clock they had better take a taxi. Otherwise they
……………. be there on time. B

A)must / will B) have to / won't
B)had to / won't D) have to / mustn't
E) had to / won't
2-A: ……………. I have the menu, please? B: Here, you are. E
A)Must C) Should
B)Mustn't D)Shall
E) Could
3- My mother-in-law have been waiting for my husband for nearly two hours at the airport. They be……………. mad. D
A) can B) might
C) may D) must
E) can't
4- The influence of the tourist industry or culture……………. be taken into account. Foreign influence ……………. disrupt
customs and traditions . C
A) have to / could B) must / was able to
C)must / can D) had / can
E)has to / must
5-I and my family…………. living in the country now. But it was a disappointing experience for us, after İstanbul. D
A) used to C) must be
B) had to D) are used to
E) would be
6-Most of the colleagues in my office were nice, but there was a woman I just ……………. get along with. A
A) couldn't C) can't
B) won't D) might not
E) ought not to
7-The book fair ……………. be missed, as it gives the opportunity of finding books written in different opinions. E
A) can B) couldn't
C) ought to D) didn't have to
E) shouldn't
8- ……………. he decide to join our project, he …………… let us know. B
A) Would / can B) Should/ can
C) Can/ can D) Will/ can
E)did/ can
9-Unless my daughter is given a scholarship, she ……………. attend this school. D
A) will C) would
B) wouldn't D) won't be able to
E) couldn't
10- In spite of our great effort, we ……………. finish our term homework on time. B
A) were able to B) weren't able to
C) shouldn't D) could
E) didn't have to
11- Books at the school library ……………. be kept gently for the possible usage of the others. D
A) need to B) used to
C) would rather D) should
E) will not
12-The High school Entrance Exam ……………. be taken to be admitted to a High school by all Secondary school graduates. A
A) have to B) ought to
C) should D) had better
E) would rather
13-My teachers were suspicious at first, but I……………. convince them that I did not copy from the exam. D
A) could C) can
B)had to D)was able to
E) should
14-Salt ……………. be put in any of the dishes. It causes high blood pressure. C
A)needn't B) doesn't have to be
C)mustn't D) didn't use to
E) shouldn't
15-When Nancy was only four years old, she ……………. read and write. E
A) may C) should
B) might D) ought to
E) could
16- I…………. read all kinds of books when I was at high school, but now I have became very selective about what I read. D
A)could C)are used to
B) ought to D) used to
E) had to
17-I'm afraid Tom ……………. express any idea as he has no knowledge on history of art . B
A) has to B) won’t be able to
C) didn't have to D) ought not to
E) doesn't have to
18-We ……………. stay at the wedding until it ends. We ……………. leave whenever we want. B
A) mustn't / can B) don't have to / can
C) shouldn't / may D) can’t / may
E) weren't able to / should
19-My wife has got a really heavy flu. I think she ……………. go to the doctor. He ……………. give her something which
stops it. C
A)must / may be B)can / is able to
C)ought to / can D)should / was able to
E)has to / needn't
20- I have so many thoughts in my mind that I……………. sleep at nights. A
A) can't B) shouldn't
C)mustn't D) may not
21-People ……………. study first aid, but someday it ……………. be helpful for someone. B
A) must / can B) don't have to / may
C) shouldn't /must D) need to /my
E) can / should
22-You ……………. about your baby while you are at the operation, you ……………. her with us. B
A)didn't use to worry / have left B)needn't worry / can leave
C)haven't worried / have to leave D)mustn't worry / might have left
E)shouldn't worry / hat to leave
23-If you want to take a vacation, you ……………. as soon as possible because all police officers……………. very busy
because of the elections. D
A)have gone / are B)should go / have been
C)will be going/can be D)ought to go / will be
E)are going / must be
24-Although it is warm now, we …..……. some thick clothes on our trip to the mountains because the weather ………. B
A)have taken / had to change B)should take / might change
C)would rather / has changed D)used to take / must change
E)must have taken / changed

1-Strong probability (conclusion or affirmative deduction): must have
2-Slight or weak probability: may / might / could have
3-Past opportunity not realized (past unused ability): could have
4-impossibility (negative deduction: can't' / couldn't have
5-Unfulfilled obligation: should/ought to have
6-lack of necessity (action performed unnecessarily): needn't have
7-unfulfilled plan or arrangement): was to have were

1-A: What made you so angry?

B: You ……………. phoned me to inform me that the time of the meeting was put forward, but you didn't. I have been getting
ready for weeks. D
A) may have C) must have
B)needn't have D)should have
E) might have
2-My wife didn’t know that the box was full of money, so she……………. thrown out while cleaning the house. A
A)might have been B)would be
C)should have been D)needn't have been
E)may have
3-The bus ……………. left at 10 p.m., but owing to the driver's sudden heart attack it was cancelled. C
A) must have B) might have
C) was to have D) can't have
E) would have
4-My brother ……………. helped me to write my thesis on the computer, but he preferred going to theatre instead. E
A)may have B) must have
C)can't have D) was to have
E) could have
5-The students ……………. taken common decisions to run out of school, because they have similar ideas. B
A)can't have B) must have
B)were to have D) couldn't have
E) needn't have
6-A: I wonder why your teacher got so angry with you. D
B: I think he ……………. learnt that I copied in the exam.
A)must have B)was to have
C)would have D)may have
E)can't have
7-A: I saw your son playing basketball in the park yesterday. A
B: He ……………. been my son, because he has been ill and stayed in bed whole day.
A) couldn't have B) wasn’t to have
C) may not have D) wouldn't have
E) shouldn't have
8- A: James and Jane have been married.
B: Really! It ……………. been love at first sight. I didn't even know that they knew each other. E
A) can't have B) ought to have
C) should have D) was to have
E) must have
9-The police officers ……………. calmed the married couple , but even they weren't able to do it. D
A) may have B) might have
C) must have D) could have
E) couldn't have
10- A: Failing in the exam was not entirely her fault. E
B: We must admit that some of it ……………. ours.
A) can't have been B) should be
C) was to have been D) couldn't have been
E) must have been
11- A: Tim is putting on weight day by day. D
B: He ……………. maintained a well- balanced eating habit to get fat.
A)shouldn't have C)couldn't have
B)must have D)ought to have
E) may have
12-They ……………. made reservations in advance. The country wedding halls aren't busy at this time of the year. C
A)can't have B) may have
C)needn't have D) might have
E)ought to haves
13-Sue won the music contest. I think she ……………. been given the opportunity to join an orchestra and the chance to
travel all over the world. B
A)must have C)was to have
B)may have D)ought to have
E) would be
14-Tonny ……………. bought a villa in Belek, because the prices of villas are very high and I think he ……………. rent a villa
there. E
A)shouldn't have / must have B)couldn't have / was to have
C)was to have / may have D)needn't have / may have
E)can't have / might have
15-After working in an law firm for more than four years, he ……………. started his own business, but he went on consulting
there. B
A)can't have B) could have
C)may have D) would have
E)needn't have
16-That shoe factory ……………. been working at its lowest capacity. They didn't decrease the production because the
company wasn't influenced by the economic crisis. E
A) must have B) could have
C) might not have D) should have
E) couldn't have
17- It was foolish of a doctor to spent the night before an operation at a night club. He ……………. slept early. B
A) needn't have B) should have
C)may have D) must have
E) could have
18-A: Everybody wonders how the accident happened.
B: The driver ……………. driven too fast or it ……………. been a mechanical failure. D
A)must have / may have B)needn't have / might have
C)could have / needn't have D)may have / might have
E)were to have / may have
19- I saw you at the street. You didn't look at me. It is possible that he ……………. been in a hurry. C
A)must have B) was to have
C)may have D) should have
E) needn't have
20-A: As soon as I switched on microwave oven, I smelt something burning. B
B: There ……………. been something wrong with microwave oven.
A) may have B) must have
C) can't have D) could have
E) should have
21-The instructions ……………. been read carefully before using the electronic stuff. C
A) can't have B) must have
C) should have D) needn't have
E) were to have
22-All parents ……………. shown more kindness and supported their children, but generally most of them didn't. E
A)could have B) was to have
C)might have D) needn't have
E) ought to have
23-Tom ……………. gone out with his friends, but he had to finish his homework. A
A)would have B)could
C)might D)would
E)needn't have
24-Your mother was always for you in any occasion. At least, you ……………. grateful to her. E
A)must have B)might have
C)may have D)ought to have
E)could have
25-She ……………. recognized you as she is alzheimer, but she always loved you. B
A)shouldn't have B)might not have
C)didn't use to D)needn't have
E)had not to be
26-In order to get out this mess, you……………. take(n) over the responsibilities. E
A) should have B) might be
C) had to D) must have
E) will have to
27-Tonny ……………. found a much better job; however, he preferred the one allowing him less working hour. A
A) could have B) must have found
C) ought to find D) is to find
E) may have found


1-My parents prepared so heavy suitcases that they……………. carry them to their car. B
A) can't B) couldn't
C) would D) daren't
2-My daughter ............ to call me before she leaves, because I want to know when she is going to be at home. C
A) had better not C)is supposed
B) would rather D) should have
E)might have
3-If you don't do your work better, you ……………. be fired. D
A) wouldn't C)should
B) used to D) will
4-Sude grew up in Antalya and ……………. when she was child. But now she is not good at doing these activities. D
A) is supposed to surf B) should have surfed
C)has surfed D) used to surf
E)might be surfing
5- The metro train is out of order. People ……………. be waiting for the other train. E
A) may C) might have

B) could have D) will
E) must
6-We don't understand how Helga ……………. English in such a short time. Most people have been trying for years. A
A)was able to learn B)used to learn
C)has had to learn D)might have learned
E)should have learned
7- Our parents ……………. persuade us than forbid us. D
A)would be C)can
B) may D) would rather
E) needn't
8-Drivers ……………. be driving so fast. The urban speed limit is 70 kilometers. E
A) won't C) can't
B)are supposed to D)may not
E) shouldn't
9-The computer ……………….. advanced technologyI'll buy ……………. the very latest programs. C
A) must have/ must have run B) must have /was supposed to run
C) must have /must be able to run D) must have /might have run
E) must have /could be running
10-I ……………. be able to speak English well, but I have forgotten most of my English after twenty years. B
A) were C) won't
B)used to D)might
E) would
11-When she was at university, she ……………. billiards every day, but later she stopped it. C
A)is used to playing B)used to playing
C)used to play D)was used playing
E)had been used to playing
12- Turkish students ……………. up whenever the teacher enters the room. B
A) used to stand B) have to stand
C) could have stood D) are able to stand
E) might have stood
13-There ……………. a lot of green areas in this my hometown, but nowadays most of it is being damaged. D
A)would rather be B) should be
C)might have been D) used to be
E) would be
14-I'm sorry I didn't join you yesterday, but I ……………. my grandmother at the hospital. B
A)should have visited B)had to visit
C)would visit D)must visit
E)am supposed to visit
15-My husband is so glad to retire from the security organization because from now on, he ……….. a uniform any more. B
A)hasn't been wearing B) didn't use to wear
C)won't have to wear D) had better not wear
E) must not have worn

16-My husband ….…. getting along with my grandfather, even though there is a communication gap from time to time. A
A) gets used to C)should
B) used to D) must
E)is to
17-Richard ……………. on time because we were waiting in front of the shopping mall as we had arranged. D
A) needn't have been B) shouldn't have been
C) don't have to be D) can't have been
E) won't have been
18-If you finish your studies, you ……………. surf in the net as long as you want. D
A) could B) have to
C) would D)can
E) will
19-You ……………. half an hour before the exam.Now a substitute teacher appointed to your place. B
A)must have arrived B)ought to have arrived
C)have arrived D)used to arrive
E)will be arriving
20-If Liz has to join the meeting and not be late, she.……………... take a taxi. E
A)mustn't B)are able to
C)aren't supposed to D)may
E)had better
21-Now that he's had enough research to write Atatürk’s autobiography, The writer thinks that Atatürk ……………. a very
interesting life. A
A)must have led C)can lead
B)Will have led D) Ought to lead
E) had to led
22-This antibiotic ……………. two times a day until all of them is completed. B
A)ought to take B)should be taken
C)staking D)has taken
E)might have
23-I’m sorry I didn’t hear when you phoned, but I ………. out with you anyway because I ……………. in to study on my essay. C
A)must not have gone / was staying B)needn't have gone / must stay
C)couldn't have gone / had to stay D)hadn't had to go / must have stayed
E)didn't have to go / might be staying
24-That ……………. our teachers bag as she said it was brown on the teachers table. D
A)should have been B) has to be
C)must have been D) could be
E) might have been
25-People ……………. themselves plenty of time in case the traffic or they……………. the train. C
A)used to allow / missed B)must have allowed / could miss
C)had better allow / may miss D)have allowed / were missing
E)are allowing / have missed
26-Something ……………. about the cockroachs in thekitchen, otherwise they……………. to the whole house. E
A)should be done / might spread B)is to do / should spread
C)has to do / can spread D)can be done / would spread
E)must be done / may spread
27-Ali claims that he was a student at Hacettepe from 1993 to 1998, but he ……………. there at the time because we
……………………. him. B
A)hasn't been studying/ would have been meeting B)can't have been studying/ would have met
C)may not be studying / would have been met D)shouldn't have studying/ would have been met
E)didn't used to study/ would have met
28-Hilda ……………. as well as I did without getting the knacks. A
A)couldn't have done B)mustn't do
C)needn't to do D)didn't have to do
E)can't be doing
29- I really can't remember where I put my umbrella, but I ……………. It in the teachers' room. C
A)could leave B) must have left
C)may have left D) should leave
E) will have left
30-Drunk people ……………. because nothing is more dangerous. D
A) might not drive B) didn't drive
C) hadn't drive D) shouldn't drive
E) needn't have driven
31-My mother …………. my father even if he …………….from her. D
A)can't forgive / may apologize B)don't need to forgive / would apologize
C)weren't to forgive / would apologize D)wouldn't have forgiven / had apologized
E)shouldn't forgive / should have apologized
32-The ones who are not good swimmers shouldn't have gone swimming when the waves were so big. They……………. B
A)were supposed to drown B)could have been drowned
C)should have drowned D)would have drowned
E)had been drowned
33-In the male - oriented society, the role of the wife …………. that of caring for the husband, the children and the house. C
A) would be B) should have been
C) should be D) may be
E) has to be
34-My parents seem to be lost. They ……………. entered the wrong exit. E
A)should be taken B) were being taken
C)would have taken D) ought to have taken
E) must have taken
35-I'm afraid no one is available to help you with your homework, so you ……………. take care of yourself. B
A) will B) need to
C)must D) would rather
36-My son……………. class early because now he doesn't know the content of the exam . C
A)must not have left B) won't be leaving
C)shouldn't have left D) haven't left
E) wasn't leaving
37-He knows all the places in Ankara. He ……………. there several times. C
A) should have gone B) need to go
C) must have gone D) has to go
E) is supposed to go
38-Suzan ……………. for Marmaris as she was planning because I didn’t see her at the office yesterday. B
A) used not to leave B) must not have left
C) shouldn't have left D) hadn't been leaving
E) needn't have left
39-My father ……………. before he came home because he has not eaten anything.E
A) were snacking B) must have snacked
C) have snacked D) had better snack
E) should have snacked

PASSIVE VOICE:"EDİLGEN" anlamındadır.Eylemi yapanın, yani öznenin bilinmediği veya önemli olmadığı
durumlarda passive voice kullanılır.




S+V+O S + AM / IS /ARE + V3
The boy breaks the windows. The windows are broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırar.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılır.)
S + V2 + O S + WAS / WERE + V3
The boy broke the windows. The windows were broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırdı.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırıldı.)
S + AM / IS /ARE + VING + O S + AM / IS /ARE + BEING + V3
The boy is breaking the windows. The windows are being broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırıyor.) Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılıyor.
The boy was breaking the windows. The windows were being broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırıyordu.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılıyordu.)
S + HAVE / HAS +V3 + O S + HAVE / HAS + BEEN + V3
The boy has broken the windows. The windows have been broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırdı.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırıldı.)
S + HAD + V3 + O S + HAD + BEEN + V3
The boy had broken the windows. The windows had been broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırmıştı.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılmıştı.)

S + AM / IS / ARE + GOING TO + V1 + O S + AM / IS /ARE GOING TO + BE + V3
The boy is going to break the windows. The windows are going to be broken.
(Çocuk camları kıracak.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılacak.)
S + WILL + V1 + O S + WILL + BE + V3
The boy will break the windows. The windows will be broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kıracak.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılacak)
S + MODAL + V1 S+ MODAL + BE + V3
The boy can break the windows. The windows can be broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırabilir.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılabilir.)
The boy must have broken the windows. The windows must have been broken. (by the boy.)
(Çocuk camları kırmış olmalı.) (Camlar (çocuk tarafından) kırılmış olmalı.)

RULE 1- SUBJECT’ler DIRECT OBJECT olarak “BY” dan sonra AGENT olarak cümlenin SONUNA
DIRECT OBJECT’ler SUBJECT olarak cümlenin BAŞINA geçer.
Active: I saw him.
S V2 D.O
Passive: He was seen by me.

Active: She was buying a book two hours ago.

Passive:A book was being bought two hours ago by her.

RULE 2- POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE’ler ise: my, your, his, her, its, our, their dönüşmezler.

Active - My mother is cleaning our windows.

özne aux verb nesne
Passive - Our windows are being cleaned by my mother.
özne aux V3 agent

RULE 3- GEÇİŞLİ FİİLLER: Nesne alan fiillerdir.

GEÇİŞSİZ FİİLLER: Nesne almayan fiillerdir. Bir cümlede yükleme maruz kalmayan bir nesne olmadığı için passive formu da
Active: I sleep at 10 o’clock.
Passive: Dönüşümü yoktur çünkü nesnesi yoktur.
Bunun gibi gitmek, gelmek, uyumak gibi fiiller de geçişsiz fiillerdir.


A-YES/NO QUESTIONS: Aynı kurallar geçerlidir.

Active: Is your mother washing the dishes now?
Passive: Are the dishes being washed by your mother now?
Active: Does your mother wash the dishes everyday?
Passive: Are the dishes washed by your mother everyday?
Active: Where are the children eating the apples?
Passive:Where are the apples being eaten by the children?
Active: Who will look after these children?
Passive:Who wil these children be looked after?
Active: Why were the students picking the flowers?
Passive:Why were the flowers being picked by the students?

USE: WHO…… BY: WHO ile başlayan ve özneyi soran soru cümleleri de iki ayrı şekilde passive yapılabilir.
Active:Who killed the man?
Passive: Who was the man killed by?
Passive: By whom was the man killed? (Resmi)

İlk cümle daha çok konuşma dilinde kullanılır ve WHO yerine WHOM da gelebilir.
Active:Who founded the Republic of Turkey?
Passive:Who was the Republic of Turkey founded by?
Passive: By whom was the Republic of Turkey founded by? (Resmi)

“BY”: WHO, nesne durumundaki kişiyi soruyorsa BY kullanılmaz.

Active:Who did she lend her book to?
Passive:Who was her book lent to? OR To whom was her book lent?
Active:Who are you going to borrow the money from?
Passive:Who is the Money going to be borrowed from? OR From whom is the Money going to be borrowed?

WHAT: WHAT sorularında nesne yoktur. Nesne olmadığı için özne durumuna getirebileceğimiz sözcük yoktur.PASSIVE
yaparken What’dan sonra gelen Auxılıary’ler tekildir.
Active:What did he do about the situation?
Passive:What was done about the situation?
Active:What are you buying yesterday?
Passive: What is being done yesterday?

RULE 4- BY PHRASE: Eylemin kim/kimler tarafından yapıldığı önemli değilse BY phrase kullanmaya gerek yoktur.
Active - Somebody stole my car. (Birisi arabamı çaldı.)
Passive - My car was stolen. (Arabam çalındı.)
Active – People grow tea in Rize.
Passive – Tea is grown in Rize.( By people dememize gerek yoktur.)

BY PHRASE: Eylemin kim/kimler tarafından yapıldığı önemli ise, eylemi kimin yaptığı belirtilmediği zaman cümle tam
anlaşılmıyorsa veya anlamlı olmuyorsa, BY kelimesi eklenerek belirtilir.
Active:Pasteur discovered Penicilin.
Passive:Penicilin was discovered by Pasteur.
Active:Fatih Sultan Mehmet discovered İstanbul.
Passive: Istanbul was conquered by Fatih Sultan Mehmet.


A-ZAMAN ZARFLARI: Cümle sonunda kullanılırlarsa “BY phrase” den sonra gelir.
Active: I cleaned the house yesterday.
Passive: The house was cleaned by me yesterday. OR Yesterday, the house was cleaned by me.
Active: She will paint the wall tomorrow.
Passive: The wall will be painted by her tomorrow. OR Tomorrow, the wall will be painted by her.

B-ZAMAN ZARFLARI: Cümle içinde kullanılanlar: Genellikle “BE” auxiliary’den sonra kullanılır.
Active:My son usually drinks milk in the evening.
Passive:Milk is usually drunk ( by my son) in the evening.
Usually milk is drunk ( by my son) in the evening.
Milk is drunk ( by my son) usually in the evening.
Milk is drunk usually by my son in the evening.
Active:They probably won’t finish the report tomorrow. OR They wil probably not finish the report tomorrow.
Passive:The report probably won’t be finished by them tomorrow.
The report will probably not be finished by them tomorrow.

C- ZAMAN ZARFLARI: Adverbs of Manner’lar auxiliary ile verb arasında yer alır.
Active:He carried the boxes carefully.
Passive:The boxes were carefully carried by him. OR The boxes were carried carefully by him.
Active:She injured her leg badly.
Passive: Her leg was badly injured. OR Her leg was injured badly.

USE 1- Bazı nesneler, kendisinden önce veya sonra gelen niteleyici sıfatlardan veya eklerden ayırılamaz.
Active: One of my children has broken the expensive vase in the living room on the table.
Bu cümlede dikkat edilirse, nesne sadece the expensive vase değildir. The expensive vase in the living room on the table
komple nesne olarak düşünülmelidir. Dolayısıyla passive cümle;
Passive: The expensive vase in the living room on the table has been broken.
USE 2- Bir cümlede iki nesne varsa, indirect object ( fiilden ikinci olarak etkilenen nesne ) yi passive cümlenin öznesi yapmak
daha uygundur. Fakat prepositionlara dikkat etmek gerekir.
Active:- My parent gave me a book.
Passive: I was given a book.
Passive: A book was given to me.

USE 3- PREPOSITION‘LU FİİLER: Preposition doğrudan doğruya fiilin hemen sonunda gelir.
Active: We were taking care of the children.
Passive: The children were being taken care of by us.
Active: They are looking for a science book.
Passive: A science book is being looked for by them.

USE 4- MAIN CLAUSE + NOUN CLAUSE: Say, believe, think, know, find, understand, claim, expect, suppose, report, allege,
acknowledge, assume, estimate, consider,.. gibi fiillerle yapılan edilgen cümlelere

vurgulamak için)
Active: They believe that she behaved selfishly.
(believe: present, behaved: past)
Passive: It is believed that she behaved selfishly.
Passive: She is believed to have behaved selfishly.

TEMEL CÜMLEDE VERB= Past tense ise; Passive cümlede “WAS, WERE” olmalıdır.
A-People believed that he had stolen the jewellary.
P-It was believed that he had stolen the jewellary.
P-He was believed to have stolen the jewellary.

A-They believed that he understood their behaviour.
(believed: past, understood: past)
P-He was believed to understood their behaviour.

DONE/ TO HAVE BEEN DOING (iki eylem arasındaki farkı göstermek için)
A-They believed that she had talked honestly.
(believed: past, had talked: past perfect)
P-She was believed to have talked honestly.
A-They reported that the racers had been racing for four hours.
(reported: past, had been racing: past perfect continuous)
P-It was reported that the racers had been racing for four hours.
P- The racers were reported to have been racing for two hours.
A - People say that that man is a thief.
P - It's said that that man is a thief.
P- That man is said to be the thief.
A - Everybody knows he was rich.
P - It is known that he was rich.
P - He is known to have been rich.
A-I think that she is sleeping there now.
P-It’s thought that she is sleeping there now.
P-She is thought to be sleeping there now.
A-Teachers say that he was studying regularly.
P-He is said that he was studying regularly.
P-He is said to have been working regularly.
A - They thought
P - It was thought that
P - We were thought to

A-People claim that he left school a year ago.
P-He is claimed that he left school a year ago.
P-He is claimed to have left school a year ago.
A - People believe he has killed his wife.
P - It is believed that he has killed his wife.
P - He is believed to have killed his wife.
A-People expect that bank interest rates will/is going to go down soon.
P-It is expected that bank interest rates will/is going to go down soon.
P- Bank interest rates are expected to go/to be going down soon
A-They say that a lot of cars are sold every day.
P-It is said that a lot of cars are sold every day.
P- a lot of carsa re said to be sold every day.
A-They report that two men were murdered at the hotel.
P-It is reported that two men were murdered at the hotel.
P- Two men are reported to have been murdered at the hotel.


A- İçinde any, anybody, anything bulunan olumsuz cümleler passive'e çevrilirken any‘ler no‘ya çevrilir.
Active: He didn't buy any balloons.
Passive: No balloons were bought.
Active:The policemen haven't arrested anybody.
Passive: Nobody has been arrested.
Active: I didn't do anything.
Passive: Nothing was done.

B-NOBODY ve NO ONE ile başlayan cümleler iki şekilde passive yapılır.

Active: Nobody can lift this rock.
Passive: The rock can't be lifted ( by anybody). (BY kullanmak şart değildir.)
Passive:The rock can be lifted by nobody. (BY kullanmak şart)
Active: Nobody has used this computer.
Passive:This computer hasn't been used ( by anybody ).
Passive:This computer has been used by nobody.

USE 5- STATIVE VERBS: VERB 3’LER( PAST PARTICIPLE): İsmi tanımlayıp, sıfat gibi işlem görürler.Yani, eylemin nasıl ve kim
tarafından yapıldığını belirtmezler.
The wall is brown. ( adj.)
The wall is large. ( adj.)
The wall is broken. ( V3 fakat ismi tanımlıyor)
ACTİVE: My father closes the entrance door at nights.
PASSIVE: The entrance door is closed by my father at nights.
STATIVE PASSIVE: I can’t enter the house. The entrance door is closed.
She is interested in sports.
Everybody was bored with his speech.

USE 6- GET + PAST PARTICIPLE:Durum bildiren sıfatları, “get” kullanarak eylem bildiren bir yapıya dönüştürürüz.
Annoy, disappointed, please, surprise, frighten,….
He won the university exam and he was very happy. ( adj.)
When he heard his success , he got very happy. ( verb)
I was surprised with his high results from the tests.
He got frightened when a snake passed in front of him.
She was pleased with the good news about her health.

I want to go abroad.( no passive)
I want an intelligent assistant. = An intelligent assistant is wanted by me.
Everybody enjoyed the film.= The film was enjoyed by everybody.


S + AM / IS / ARE + BEING + V3
The cat is eating the meat. ( active )
The meat is being eaten by her. (passive )
1) The naughty child is tearing the new book.
2) My father and I are washing the car.
3) They are producing the new cars in Bursa.
4) A policeman is chasing the thief.
5) An announcer is reading the news.
6) I am checking the medical report.
7) The Dean of Academics is making an opening speech.
8) She is wiping the table after dinner.
9) The mechanic is testing the brakes.
10) The students are erasing the board.
11) They are carrying the baby in their arms.
12) The constructors are making a wall in front of the school
13) The gardener is cleaning the garden.
14) The language teacher is recording the voices of students in the lab.
15) The cyclist is carrying his bike on the slopes.
16) Formula 1 racers are warming up their cars.
17) The dentist is filling two cavities.
18) The lumbermen are cutting the old branches.
19) The professor is writing another essay.
20) Thousands of students are visiting the Independence Museum at Anitkabir


S + AM / IS / ARE + V3
They grow tea in Rize. ( active )
Tea is grown in Rize by them. ( passive )
1) A mechanic repairs cars.
2) A nurse looks after patients.
3) They use milk for making cheese and butter.
4) A chef cooks the meals at a big restaurant.
5) Grandmother tells some legends in the evenings.
6) The manager interviews the workers once a week.
7) The rainstorm destroys the crops every year.
8) The earthquake gives a lot of damage.
9) People freeze food to keep it in good condition.
10) Snow causes many traffic accidents.
11) They don't grow cherry in Southern Turkey because the climate is too hot.
12) My mother cleans the house every week.
13) A greengrocer sells potatoes.
14) Everyone admires honest people.
15) The doorman picks up the trash from each flat
16) Youngsters drink coke every day
17) People use Internet all over the world.
18) Students use subway more than buses.
19) Lecturers check term papers at universities
20) We import Honda cars from Japan.
21) The stewardess serves soft drinks on the plane.
22) Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) dispenses banknotes.
23) Tom carries stacks of wood to make fire.
24) The cleaner sweeps the floor before the ceremony.
25) She makes fruit cake for the guests.


The boy was throwing the stone. ( active )
The stone was being thrown by the boy. ( passive )
1) The cook wasn't roasting the meat.
2) The women were cleaning all the carpets.
3) They were throwing stones at the dog.
4) The gardener was watering the flowers.
5) The police were stopping cars and buses.
6) Somebody was opening the door.
7) She was studying Literature.
8) A young boy was steering the car.
9) An old man was sweeping up the brown leaves.
10) An unemployed laborer was repairing my roof
11) While their grandmother were drinking tea, they were making the beds.
12) While my father was repairing the old radio, I was washing the car.
13) My mother wasn't carrying my bag while she was taking me to the school
14) She was washing the dishes when the earthquake happened.
15) Robetr was driving the Mercedes when he hit a man.


S + WAS / WERE / + V3
She sold the house. ( active )
The house was sold by her. ( passive )
1) The repairman repaired their car yesterday.
2) My father paid the electricity bill last week.
3) Somebody broke the glass.
4) They hanged the criminal in the morning.
5) Snow covered the grass white.
6) The cat ate the meat very quickly.
7) They sold the old house to a stranger.
8) Somebody stole my wallet.
9) Mehmet II, conquered Istanbul in 1453.
10) The teacher punished the students.
11) Shakespeare wrote many sonnets.
12) Everybody solved the problems in a few minutes.
13) Pasteur discovered penicillin.
14) They didn't advice me to buy some furniture.
15) They redintegrated the old Ottoman houses.
16) A police constable arrested the burglar just before the dawn.
17) A skillful carpenter certainly made these shelves.
18) An earthquake destroyed Lisbon in 1755.
19) Ayşe Kulin wrote this book
20) His old friends did not help him
21) His uncle did not give the last toy to Mike
22) The headmaster took the two students to the school board of discipline.
23) Two workmen mended the gas-pipe in the street.
24) The two thieves stole many valuables from the villa.
25) They pulled down the old castle.
S + HAVE / HAS + BEEN + V3
They cleaned the library. ( active )
The library has been cleaned by them. ( passive )
1) Her mother has cooked the dinner.
2) They haven't sent the children to the garden.
3) The surgeon has performed the operation.
4) The old man hasn't washed the dishes.
5) We haven't bought the old carpets.
6) The farmer has taken the sheep to the field.
7) The Turkish people have celebrated Republic Day .
8) The painters have painted the walls, but they haven't painted the doors yet.
9) They have captured the lion in the forest.
10) We have baked the onions for an hour.
11) They have taken the photos of George Clooney ten times today
12) The police have arrested the arsonists four times so far.
13) My girlfriend has not replied my messages up to now.
14) I've used this pen only once since the day I had it mended.
15) We haven't moved anything since they sent you away.
16) A frightful cry has wakened me at 4 a.m. this morning.
17) You've forgotten the light on.
18) They have eaten up all the food in the kitchen
19) My son has left his room in a mess
20) The children have spilt the flour all over the floor.
21) She has drunk all the milk
22) She hasn't watered the flowers
23) I have taken my books back to the library.
24) She hasn't made the birthday cake.
25) The class has performed a play on 29 October.


The little girl had broken the window. ( active )
The window has been broken by the little girl. ( passive )
1) She had taken the hair inside the soup secretly.
2) Dr. Barnard had performed the first heart transplant operation.
3) The farmers had raised animals after they got the credit.
4) They hadn't taken the injured man to hospital.
5) Mary had received the cheque just in time.
6) The inspector had inspected the officers.
7) The burglars hadn't robbed the bank because the police had caught them just in time.
8) Jenny had found her keys at last.
9) The engineers had completed the new bridge before the end of the year.
10) They had sold coal by the ton.
11) A family in Ankara had cancelled their reservation.
12) I had sent an invitation to Henry.
13) They had finished the work before the dawn.
14) My father had thanked for everyone who donated blood.
15) The students had managed to collect enough donations for martyr families.


S + WILL + BE + V3
We'll take the horses to the stable, (active)
The horses will be taken to the stable. ( passive )
S + AM / IS / ARE GOING TO + BE + V3
My friends are going to invite'me. (active )
Lam going to be invited by my friends.
1) The tourists won't visit the historical monuments tomorrow.
2) Nobody will change the rules without getting everyone's opinions.
3) She won't buy any medicine without a doctor's prescription.
4) A mechanic will fix the motor of our car.
5) Our school will give awards to the successful student this term.
6) They will take us to catch fish early in the morning.
7) Samuel will bring some vegetables to the picnic.
8) Jim will invite his girl friend to his graduation prom.
9) I will buy the flower instead of you for the wedding.
10) My mother will give private maths lessons.
11) Helen is going to sew a new dress for her daughter.
12) My son is going to express his point of view in very few words.
13) The students are going to make an experiment next week.
14) The artist is going to paint a picture.
15) He is going to write another novel.
16) The dentist is going to fill his tooth.
17) The minister is going to inspect the new schools.
18) I am going to gift a football ticket to you.
19) The hospital is going to treat him free of charge.
20) The manager is going to postpone the meeting.

EXERCISE 8-THE PASSIVE (VERBS TAKING TWO OBJECTS) Put the following sentences into the “Passive Voice”.
Example : Active : The teacher bought Mary a lovely present.
Passive : a. Mary was sent a lovely present by the teacher.
b. A lovely present was sent (to) Mary by the teacher.

1-The teacher asked Rose a difficult question.

A difficult question
2-Cem bought Sude a white cat.
A white cat
3-George will write Ann a love poem for their wedding anniversary.
A lovep oem
4-The doctor has written my grandmother a new recipe .
Our exam papers
5-The economist was explaining the people the reasons of the economic crise in Turkey.
The students
The reasonof the economic crise
6-Lizzy is showing the students the picture of the black hole in space.
The students
The picture of the black hole
7-Carol tells the students the answer to the question.
The students
The answer to the question
8-The farmer had offered Judy a glass of goat milk.
A glass of goat milk
9-Our history teacher tought the students the principles and revolution of Atatürk.
The students
The principles and revolution of Atatürk
10-The administrators have chosen the member of the month prize to Hale.
The member of the month prize

11- My male business partners are going to buy flowers for the female business partners at world women's day.
The female business partners
12-Tom will send a diamond ring for his fiance.
His fiance
A diamond
13-My mother has saved some sweets for the other children.
The other children
Some sweets
14-The tailor was sewing a dress for the woman living on the top floor.
The woman living on the top floor
A dress
15- Our next neighbor hadn’t shown the new born baby to the visitors.
The visitors
The new born baby

EXERCISE 9-Rewrite the sentences in the passive form.

1) Where did you buy the gold necklace?
2) When will you catch fish in the river?
3) Who is going to look after these cildren?
4) What kind of a car is Mr. Dickens driving?
5) Why were the students picking the flowers?
6) How often does she fill her "akbil" ticket?
7) When did they issue the test results?
8) Who waters the garden?
9) Who was taking care of the baby?
10) Who's checking the passports?
11) Who had designed the plan of that villa?
12) Why have you permitted the dog to sleep on my bed?
13) What is Tom looking for under the bad?
14) Where is Tom going to put up the tent?
15) When will they performing the play 'Hamlet'?
16) Is Sally bringing her toys for her birthday?
17) Is Parliament going to pass an effective law against the inflation.
18) Will they finish the work by next Wednesday?
19) Has she borrowed some money from her father?
20) Hadn't you given the money back?
21) Was the girl wearing a blue dress?
22) Do you tell him any secret?
23) Did you break your arm?
24) Is the boss going to employ another secretary?
25) Will you post those letters tomorrow?
26) Have you finished the report for the company?
27) Had the minister granted you an interview?
28) Were they painting the doors when the accident happen?
29) Does someone clean the house every weekend?
30) Did the police officers followed the burglars last night?

S + CAN / MAY / MUST etc. + BE + V3
Example : Active : The doctor must examine the child before it is too late.
Passive : The child must be examined by the doctor before it is too late.
1) The teacher can give the students some information about the school rules.
2) The students have to answer all the questions properly.
3) You ought to take the money to the police station at once.
4) They had to exhibit the new tractor at the Agricultural Fair.
5) We had better summon a doctor to the injured man lying on the ground right away.

6) They have to win this match to go to 1st League.
7) People must obey the traffic rules.
8) How can you carry these heavy suitcases?
9) Some of my students could solve the difficult problems easily.
10) The teacher used to explain the lesson everyday.
11) We need to fix the sound system until the date of the next show.
12) They can't persuade her to drink alcohol now.
13) You may forget the memorized topics quickly.
14) All drivers should obey the new traffic laws.
15) They musn’t smoke at indoor areas.
16) Safety forces can only prevent smuggling by means of international laws.
17) Hotel customers who need to check-out must vacate their rooms by twelve o’clock.
18) Must the students bring their homework on Tuesday?
19) My mother may look after your baby if you give her some money.
20) Everybody should help poor people.
21) The refree has to cancel the match because of the bad weather.
22) You had better iron your shirts in the evening.
23) The Turkish workers ought to construct the suspension bridge.

EXERCISE 11- Change the following sentences into the “Passive Voice”, using the “Perfect Passive” structures below.
must + have been + past participle
can’t + have been + past participle
could + have been + past participle
may + have been + past participle
might + have been + past participle
should + have been + past participle
ought to+ have been + past participle

1) Someone must have found the diamond ring.

2) The children can’t have taken my keys because they weren’t at home.
3) Our neighbors must have built this house when I went to university.
4) They should have rewarded their son for his success at the tournament.
5) His parents might have punished our friend if we had not told them the truth.
6) The teacher may have said the answer of the question by mistake.
7) The girl could have sold all the flowers if it had not rained so heavily.
8) The job applicants should have sent the application form last week.
9) The referee ought to have warned the player for his faulty stroke
10) They might have beaten the versus team if they had practised enough.
11) The workers could have finished the work if they hadn't gotten out of work all the time.
12) The students might have answered all the questions if they had been careful.
13) The doctor can’t have written a prescription because he did not international doctorate certificate .
14) The student must have taken the book.

EXERCISE 12- Put the verbs in brackets into the “Passive Gerund” forms using the following stucture.
to treat : active present infinitive
being treated : passive gerund
1) I don’t like animals …………………… in captivity. (keep)
2) I can’t stand …………………… by a girl. (beat)
3) We saw the rapist …………………… by the police. (take away)
4) Most teachers dislike ……………………… by the students while they are teaching. (interrupt)
5) I hate …………………….. fun of by powerless and insane people. (make)
6) Instead of …………………….. to prison, the snatchers was set free. (send)
7) Nobody can’t endure …………………….. by the fraudsters. (swindle)
8) My mother loves …………………. By my father at their wedding anniversaries. (take out)
9) The traffic law prohibit the cars …………………… on the pavement. (leave)
10) Isaw many social facility buildings …………………….. in our city when I was there. (build)
11) When I saw the animals……………………, I felt angry, (torture)
12) I hate ……………………… by other people when I was reading book. (disturb)
13) The spy is conscious of ……………………….. by the intelligence agency day and night, (watch)
14) The milk should be boiled before ………………….. (make) cheese.

15) The minibus drivers avoided ……………………. by the traffic polices yesterday, (fine)
16) Are you afraid of ……………………… ? (hurt)
17) If you lie to your parents, you cannot escape ………………. (punish)
18) The grandparents miss ………………………. By their grandchildren, (visit)

EXERCISE 13- Put the verbs in brackets into the “Passive Present Infinitive”.
to kiss : active present infinitive
to be kissed : passive present infinitive
1) We don’t want animals ………………. in cages, (keep)
2) The teacher wants the sentences ……………. the sentences on the board. (write)
3) I expect the problem ……………. at the meeting. (discuss)
4) The students want these subjects …………………. by the teacher once again, (explain)
5) Nancy doesn’t allow us ……………. her picture. (take)
6) We want our national anthem ………………… at the end of the student’s performance. (sing)
7) People expect great changes …………………. this year. (make)
8) I want my son ……………….. by the doctor now. (examine)
9) My mother wants her car ……………….. by next Wednesday? (repair)
10) The parents of students want Chinese………………. at this college.(teach)
11) Turkish citizens wish Atatürk ………………………. by everybody all over the world. (admire)
12) My son doesn’t allow his painting ……………………. in the art gallery, (exhibit)
13) The government wants big industries …………………….. with greater efficiency. (run)
14) I want my bad tooth …………………….. by the dentist. (pull out)
15) My parents want the door ………………….. at night. (lock)
16) I want the flowers ……………….by the gardener every morning. (water)
17) My father wants his car ………………. by the mechanic as soon as possible.(repair)
18) The captain ordered the ship ……………….. immediately. (abandon)
19) The people wanted the activist children ……………… free. (set)
20) We were waiting for the shops ………………… at nine o’clock, (open)
21) The patient with canser didn’t want his illness …………………. (cure of)
22) The prison director ordered the fugitive ………………….. by the guardians, (punish)
23) The teacher wanted the story books ………………… into Turkish. (translate)
24) The teacher has wanted the questions …………………. by the students.(answer)
25) Turkish citizens want the portrait of Atatürk …………………. on the wall. (hang)

EXERCISE 14- Put the following “complex sentences” into the “Passive Voice” using a “Full Infinitive” where necessary.
Example : Active : People believe that the Earth is round.
Passive : a. It is believed that the Earth is round.
b. The Earth is believed to be round.
Active : People expect that the three parties will form a coalition.
Passive : a. It is expected that the three parties will form a coalition.
b. The tree parties are expected to form a coalition.

1-People believe that Atatürk is the genius leader of all times.

2-They say that the new model of this car is in good condition.
3-They think that Kangal dogs are very protective and intelligent.
4-They believe that Keanu Reaves is one of the modest actor in the world.
5-Most people claim that İstanbul is the most charming city with historical texture in the world.

6-People expect that the inflation rates in Turkey will decrease very soon.
7- The weather forecasts expect that this winter will be coldest of the last 50 years.
8-People claim that major changes will take place under the heel of Turkey in a few months.
9-People think that the Opposition Party will win the election in İstanbul.
10-They predict that a great earthquake will hit İstanbul in a short time.
11-Scientists believe that the level of the sea will rise considerably because of global warming.

EXERCISE 15-Put the following “complex sentences” into the “Passive Voice” using a “Present Infinitive Continuous”.
Active : They think that Sharon Stone is living in luxury.
Passive : a. It is thought that Sharon Stone is living in luxury.
b. Sharon Stone is thought to be living in luxury.

1-They say that Julia Roberts is staying secretly at the Hilton hotel.
2-People consider that crime rate is increasing in the world because of the poor quality of education.
3-People rumour that the divorced man is marrying with a girl at the age of nineteen.
4-They report that the milky way star is approaching Earth.
5-They believe that the universe is expanding all the time.
6-People think that the terrorists are hiding in the city centres among people.
7-They say that scientists are developing new treatment methods to cure cancer.
8-People rumour that the international firm is carrying guns secretly to Middle-east countries.
9-People believe that a lot of foreign people are working as a spy against Turkey.
10-They believe that every Turkish people are following the principles and reforms of Atatürk.

EXERCISE 16-Put the following “complex sentences” into the “Passive Voice” using a “Perfect Infinitive”.
Active : They think that Olga acted foolishly at the party last night.
Passive : a. It is thought that Olga acted foolishly at the party last night.
b. Olga is thought to have acted foolishly at the party last night.
Active : They said that the man had killed the poet in self defence.
Passive : a. It was said that the man had killed the poet in self defence.
b. The man was said to have killed the poet in self defence.
1-They thought that Murat had lived in England.
2-They believe that the tree dried a long time ago.
3-People say that the man has won a lot of money in lottery.
4-They fear that many lives have been lost at the terrorist attack.
5-They believed that the homeless man was innocent.
6-They believed that the former president Turgut Özal had been killed by poisoning.
7-The police said that three terrorists caught at a house in Ankara.
8-They told me that our family doctor had resigned from his job.
9-People thought that a strange fish lived in lake Van.
10-The TV reported that work release action was a success.
11-They discovered that the attack had been started by the anarchists provocateurs.
12-They said that the most countries in Africa were on the verge of civil war.
13-They reported that the terrorist provocateurs were taken away by the police from the entertainment area .

EXERCISE 17-Put the following “complex sentences” into the “Passive Voice” using a “Perfect Infinitive Continuous”.
Active : They say that Lisa was living in Paris.
Passive : a. It is said that Lisa was living in Paris.
b. Lisa is said to have been living in Paris.
Active : They say that Lisa has been living in Paris.
Passive : a. It is said that Lisa has been living in Paris.
b. Lisa is said to have been living in Paris.

1-They think that the American war ship was sailing towards the Far East .
2-They believe that the headmaster was spending school Counsil’s money on unimportant things.
3-They report that the soldiers were getting in touch with terrorists at the mountains.
4-They believed that the population of the world was increasing very fast day by day.
5-People thought that the famous actor Richard Gerewas living alone in the mountains.
6-They say that I and my team have been working on this project for a long time.
7-They claim that the taxi driver was talking on the phone at the time of the accident.
8-The visual media announced that the Mount Vesuvius in Italy was erupting.

EXERCISE 18-Complete the sentences with the correct Passive forms of the “verbs” in brackets.
Example : Slavery ……………….. in England in the 19 th century, (abolish)
Slavery was abolished in England in the 19 th century.

1) English…………………… (speak) all over the world.

2) Refrigerator……………………… (use) for keeping food fresh.
3) Uranium………………. (discover) by Marie Curie.
4) Turkish…………………. (speak) in Turkish States.
5) Parfumes…………………….. (use) to cover their body odour in the 18th century.
6) Stars…………………….. (see) at nights.
7) Razor…………………. (use) for shaving by men.
8) Our workmate Mark ………………….. (give) a gold watch when he retired.
9) A fire broke out in the eight storey old building and everybody ……………………. (evacuate)
10) Jack! you………………….. (send) out of the class by the teacher if you go on talking like that.
11) The whole house ……………………. (already, clean) by my sister by the time we got there.
12) The luxurious villa ………………………… (sell)by public auction in two weeks’ time.
13) My mother’s car …………………… (repair) by the mechanic at the moment.
14) The singer ……………………… (send) some flowers after the concert the other day.
15) The factory fire ……………….. (cause) by arsonists.
16) Last week I …………………….. (offer) a job at a famous Law firm but I didn’t accept it.
17) When foreigner partners arrive at the airport, they………………….. (meet) by my assistant.
18) I don’t mind ………………….. (insult), but I do mind when powerless people ……………………(insult).
19) I am not sure if Sam ……………………. (consider) to be a trusty witness by the court tomorrow,
20) My parents put all their money in a bank because they were afraid of ……………………….. (burgle).
21) The old man was not satisfied with what the students …………………… (teach)
22) The conference on the protection of water resources …………………….. (hold) in Ankara today.
23) Yoghurt ………………. First …………………. (make) by the Turks’ centuries ago.
24) Benal Arıman was the first woman who …………………. (elect) to Parliament in 1935.
25) My son’s trousers were too long and had to …………………… (shorten)
26) The film which ………………………… (show) on TV at the moment is very frightening.
27) Tom’s bicycle ……………………(steal) by somebody in front of the house last night?
28) Many lives would have been lost if penicillin ………………….. (not, discover)
29) While the thief …………………… (chase) by the police, he jumped from building to building and escaped.
30) She ………………….. (have) a terrible headache for months.
31) Anıtkabir……………….. (build) between 1943 and 1953.
32) I am not accustomed to ………………….. (treat) in that way.
33) After he …………………………(sack) from the company, he opened up a restaurant.
34) Henry and Hale ……………………. (marry) by a priest in Lasvegas the other day.
35) The man ……………………. (take) to hospital for an operation tomorrow.
36) After the essay …………………(write), he went for a walk an hour ago.
37) The jewelry store ………………………. (rob) at least three times since this economical crisis began.
38) The first pyramids of Egypt………………………. (build) around 3000 BC.
39) I hope I……………………. (have) a better job in 6 months’ time.
40) Last weekend's cricket tournament…………………………. (cancel) because of the bad weather conditions.
41) Every year trees…………. (cut) down and………………….. (use) in making paper and furniture.
42) The jewelary which………………… (steal) by the thieves ……………………. (find) yesterday.
43) I hear footsteps so close. I think we…………………….. (follow).
44) All the food……………………… (eat) when we arrived.
45) That problem……………………. (discuss) at tomorrow's meeting .It’s in our agenda.

EXERCISE 19- Complete the sentences with the correct Passive forms of the “verbs” in brackets.
1) The patient’s situation is getting worse, something …………………. (must, do) at once.
2) Strong perseverance....................................(will / expect) from all the students this year.
3) Antibiotics ……………... (should /take) regularly, or they aren't effective in fighting bacteria or viruses.
4) Aspirin ………………………… (can /use) as a painkiller or fever reducer.
5) AloeVera …………………….. (shouldn't /keep) in direct sunlight, or it will lose its leaves.
6) A cure for cancer …………………………. (may /find) soon because scientists are working hard on it.
7) The road …………………. (couldn’t /see) by anybody because it was foggy.
8) The class is too crowded. It………………….. (ought to / divide)in half, but there's not enough seat for everyone.
9) The medicine …………………. (must /keep) at a high place where the children can't reach.
10) These books……………………….. (have to / return)to the library by tomorrow.
11) Your clothes cabinet……………. (had better /arrange)by the time I get home.
12) Mobile phones ..............................(must not / bring) to the training.
13) Children ………………………….. (should /warn) of dangers all the time.
14) The essay ………….. (couldn’t /finish) yesterday, but it …………………. (has to /finish) today.
15) Turkey is on a major earthquake belt, so contractors …………………….. (shouldn’t /allow) to build very tall building.
16) This application………………………(be supposed to / send) to personnel department soon.
17) Solid material....................................... (will / use) in building this house.
18) Regular exercise ………………………. (must /take) to lose weight healthily.


A-Tenses and modal verbs in the passive.
1-The garden …………… by the children now because they …………….. by their grandmother C
A) has been cleaned/ have been requested B) is cleaning/ have been requested
C)is being cleaned/ have been requested D)was being cleaned/ had been requested
E)was cleaning/ had been requested
2-Jane expect …………… to the meeting by Jim as soon as possible. C
A)to invite B)to have invited
C)to be invited D)invited
E) inviting
3-Unless it …………… by Jane, we…………………….. A
A) had been told/ couldn't have known B) is told/ couldn't have know
C) was telling/ could have known D) has been told/ couldn't have known
E) hadn't been told/ could have know
4-The bidding company which …………… the lowest bid …………… the contract to build the new stadium. B

A)has been given / was awarding B) gives / will be awarded
C)is being given / has awarded D)had given / was awarded
E)was given / should award
5-It is stated that increase in the interest rates …………… in the stock market next year. C
A)reflected B)were reflecting
C)will be reflected D) have reflected
E) reflect
6-The famous actress Lisa Sheridan is reported …………. dead in her flat in New Orleans . D
A) to be find B) having found
C) that was found D) to have been found
E) finding
7-We would like our house …………… by interior designer soon. B
A) to decorate B) to be decorated
C) to be decorating D) to have decorated
E) decorate
8- The workers left without …………… A
A)the bridge construction having been completed B) the bridge construction to be completed
C)the bridge construction being completed D)the bridge construction to have completed
E)the bridge construction to completed
9-People believe that cure for cancer …………… soon. D
A)will discover B)will have discovered
C)have been discovered D)will be discovered
E)are discovered
10- The leather coat I ………. from İstanbul by my sister ………me perfectly. D
A)sent/are fitted B)have sent/is fitting
C)am sent/ have fitted D)was sent/fitted
E)had been sent/was fitted
11-The huge earthquake has shown that multi-storey buildings …………… in areas where the soil …………… a solid ground. A
A)shouldn't be built / doesn't provide B)weren't built / hasn't been provided
C)don't build / isn't providing D)can't have built didn't provide
E)must not have built / hasn't provided
12-In order to resolve the problem with your wife, your thoughts ……………….. clearly and firmly. C
A)must be told B)are being told
C)should have told D)have to be told
E)will be told
13-The teacher’s instructions………. because all of the students did the assignment incorrectly. D
A)might have misunderstood B)had misunderstood
C)are misunderstood D)must have been misunderstood
E)should have misunderstood
14-Our teacher dislikes …………… while she is lecturing. D
A) disturb B) to be disturbed
C) disturbing D) being disturbed
E) to be disturbing
15-None of the teacher…………… to retire before education year end. E
A) allow B) have allowed
C) will be allowed D) is allowed
E) was allowed
16-What do people call the desk in Turkish where the payments …………… in a shop? A
A) are made B) made
C) were made D) have made
E) must make
17-The instructions should …………… carefully by the customers before drawing a bank loan. B
A) have read B) be read
C) be reading D) read
E)have been reading
18-My father’s car …………… when another ……………into it in the car park. C
A)wrecked / was crashed B) was wrecking / had crashed
C)was wrecked / crashed D)has wrecked / hat been crashed
E)had been wrecked / was crashing
19-An enormous amount of food ………. for the picnic but much of it ………. B
A)had taken/didn’t eat B)was taken/wasn’t eaten
C)is going to take/can’t be eaten D) would have taken/hadn’t eaten
E)has been taken/couldn’t be eaten
20-Alcoholic drinks ………. either on TV or in social media. D
A)cannot advertise B)isn’t being advertised
C)didn’t use to advertise D)shouldn’t be advertised
E)doesn’t have to be advertised
21-Most teenagers really enjoy …………… to dancing at the weekends because it make them feel good and happy. A
A) being called B) calling
C) to be called D) having called
E) to have called
22-Sude is thought …………… a talented interior designer. A
A) to be B) that it is
C) as being D) that is
E) being
23- This flying car prototype …………… by the engineers tomorrow. A
A) ought to be finished B) ought finish
C) ought to finish D) ought to have finished
E) ought to have been finished
24-If the Caliphate …………… by Atatürk, Turkey ………………. a secular state now. E
A)wasn't abolished/ wouldn't be B)had abolished/ would be
C)abolished/ would be D)didn't abolish/ wouldn't be
E)hadn't been abolished/ wouldn't be
25-Archeologists speculate on that the Kadesh War …………… in about the year 1274 BC. B
A)has been fighting B)must have been fought
C)could have fought D)ought to be fought
E)was fighting
26- Sam ………. into the examination hall because he had forgotten to bring his exam entry card. E
A)isn’t allowed B)won’t be allowed
C)hadn’t allowed D)can’t be allowed
E)wasn’t allowed
27-I'm sorry that my visa application ……………by the time I am ready to leave for my trip to England. B
A)isn't processed B)won't have been processed
C)couldn't have processed D)wasn't processing
E)hasn't been processed
28-Jack is known not …………… in that club on the night of the armed attack. B
A) being B) to have been
C) to be D) that you were
E) have been
29-Everybody suggested the traffic signs …………… more, especially around schools and parks. D
A) to put B) by putting
C) putting D) being put
E) having been put
30-The restoration of that mosque …………… by the end of next month. C
A)has been completed B)will complete
C)will have been completed D)was completed
E)is completed
31-Up to now, the user guide booklet …………… in detail by the customers, but from now on, we hope they are going to read
A) hadn't been read B) are being read
C) weren't read D) won't be read
E) haven't been read
32-Nancy can't find her jewellary box anywhere! She …………………………. ! D
A)am robbed B)should have been robbing
C)am being robbed D)must have been robbed
E)have been robbing
33-Vegetables …………….…. thoroughly before they …………….. C
A)ought to wash/have been eaten B)had better wash/will eat
C)have to be washed/are eaten D)must have washed/had been eaten
E) used to be washed/ate
34- In psychology, action of environmental energy changes upon the organism through receptors ............... the stimulus. B
A) used to call B) is called
C) has been calling D) had called
E ) can call
35-The goverments in the world were said …………… against war. A
A) to be B) being
C)to have been D) having been
36-It is reported that the kidnapped children were seen in the bus terminal. C
The kidnapped children …………… to have been seen in thebus terminal .
A) were reported B) have been reported
C) are reported D) is reported
E) had been reported
37-Hopefully mankind has realized that the Earth's resources …………… B
A) limited B) are limited
C) weren't limited D) has been limited
E) won't be limited
38-People from the Anatolia…………… to be more hospitable than the others. A
A) are thought B) have thought
C) thought D) were being thought
E) will be thought
39-People say that the corrupt politician wasn't innocent. The corrupt politician is said …………… innocent. E
A) not to be B) to have been
C) not being D) to be
E) not to have been
40- If the natural resources ………….. conserved mankind must do their best. B
A) is to be B) are to be
C) aren't D) aren't to be
E) weren't to be
41-People with infectious diseases …………… isolated to prevent the diseases from spreading all over the country. C
A) was B) had
C) should be D) have
E) would have been
42-The results of the exams …………… likely …………… by students soon. E
A) are/to know B) should/to know
C) were/to know D) will /to be know
E) are / to be known
43-Although my father …………… in an expensive house alarm, his house …………… by clever thieves. B
A)invests / had been robbed B)had invested / was robbed
C)invested / would have robbed D)has been invited / was robbing
E)was investing / is robbed
44-The law proposal about the fight against child abuse that congress …………… last week …………… by the President. A
A)passed / has been vetoed B)was passed / has vetoed
C)has passed / had been vetoed D)has been passed / is vetoed
E)was passing / vetoed
45- A meeting ............... next week to clarify the problem points arising recently. E
A) has been held B) was going to hold
C) had been held D) holds
E)will be held
46-If the best seller novel you wanted …………… in the catalogue, you can order it easily. A
A) is listed B) wasn't listed
C)listed D) is listing
E)had been listed
47-Depending on the wind’s breeze direction, ash from volcano …………… miles from the eruption. A
A) can be distributed B) distributed
C) that be distributed D) will distribute
E) to distribute
48- All drivers ................. by law to wear their seat belts. A
A) are required B) will require
C) required D) has been required
E) is being required
49-For a long time people thought that animal fats were unhealthy and so they …………… A
A)couldn't be eaten B) can't be eaten
C) weren't eating D) shouldn't have eaten
E) haven't been eaten
50-The bank robbers …………… just as they ,………. the scene of the crime. C
A)catches / will be leaving B)will be caught / left
C)were caught / were leaving D)were catching / were left
E)were being caught / left
51-Tea…………… often …………… from small glass cups rather than a cup, because a small glass cups reduces cooling. C
A)is being / drunk B)will have been / drunk
C)is/drunk D)was/drunk
52-Natural set lakes …………… in many parts of the world. C
A) was found B)are being found
C)are found D)could be found
E)has found
53-The İmam …………… the baby who …………… on the mosque courtyard to hospital, and now she is in good condition. D
A)were taking / is abandoned B)have taken / has abandoned
C)were taken / had abandoned D)took / had been abandoned
E)are taking / was abandoning
54- She ............. easily ............. from the others in her silk dress at the party last night. D
A) could / distinguish B) had / distinguished
C) has been / distinguished D) was / distinguished
E) would be/distinguished
55- By the time something ......... to help the Yemenians, lots of innocent children .......... homeless, fatherless, motherless,
or all three. E
A) did / had left B) had done / became
C) was done / have been left D) has been done / are left
E) is done / will have been left
56-The research …………… out by the time they obtain some necessary information. C
A)was carried B)had been carried
C)will have been carried D)is carrying
E)was being carried
57-Whom could be the best person to call if you …………… in a city? B
A) are lost B) were lost
C) have lost D) lose
E) had been lost
58-More than thirty million innocent people …………… at the II. World War by the time it …………… end in 1945. E
A)have been killed / has brought B)were killed / was bringing
C)were killing / had brought D)would be killing/could be brought
E)had been killed / was brought
59-The beginning of the concert ... ……………. back by Tarkan because so many people …………… to get in. B
A)has been put / had waited B)was put / were waiting
C)puts / are being waited D)is put / have been waiting
E)was putting / were waited
60-After …………… from her former job, she had to look for a new one. E
A) having expelled B) expels
C) expelling D) expelled
E) being expelled
61-When the agent heard a footstep behind him at empty street at night , he thought that he …………… D
A) had followed B) would be following
C) has been followed D) was being followed
E) was following
62-That political party's ideas and promises were quite attractive but utopian. They …………… D
A)have been realistic B)have to be realistic
C)can never be realistic D)should have been realistic
E)would be realistic
63-After his mother died when he was very young, he ............ by his grandmother. B
A) grew up B) was brought up
C) had grown up D) brought up
E) is brought up
64- Their home-internet ............. next week. Then it will be easier to be in contact with his son abroad. A
A) is going to be installed B) are installed
C) will have installed D) has been installed
E) installs
65-The vacancy …………… the hotel by the time I ……………. for the staff. B
A)will be filling/ apply B)had been filled / applied
C)was being filled/ apply D)has been filled/ will have applied
E)would be filled/ am appling
66-A lot of people are reported ……….. in connection with the terrorist attack in the area.E

A)to have interrogating B)have been interrogating
C)have been interrogated D)to be interrogating
E)to have been interrogated
67-Each year millions of acres of the world farmland…………… because of erosion and improper irrigation. A
A) are lost B) should be losing
C) must have lost D) were losing
E) have lost
68-When I went out to go to work, we realized that our car…………… . C
A) is stolen B) was stealing
C) had been stolen D) stole
E) is stealing
69-The dog …………… when it was abandoned by its owners to the animal shelter. E
A) will be affected B) has been affected
C) has been affecting D) was being affecting
E) was affected
70-The most successful employee is the one who work properly without …………… A
A)being told what to do B)being telling about it
C)having been told to do that D)telling to have done what to do
E)telling what to be done
71- He ............. by his assistant during his business trip to İstanbul next Monday. C
A)is going to accompany B) was accompanied
C) will be accompanied D) will have accompanied
E) has been accompanied
72- Nature .............with filthy waste from factories. A
A) are polluted B) pollute
C) has been polluted D) will pollute
E) are polluting
73-The child …………… for her courage and success by her parents during the LGS exam. B
A) were praised B) was praised
C) are praised D) praised
E) are praising
74-Children .............. well care of if we don't want them .............. themselves. B
A) must take / to be injured B) should be taken / to injure
C) had better be taken / injuring D) can be taken / being injured
E) have to take / to have been injured
75- In our next lesson, the generation gap between children and parents .............. and I hope you ..... it with the same
enthusiasm as for this one. B
A) are dealing with / are going to attend B) is going to be dealt with / will attend
C) were dealt with/would attend D) has been dealing with / attend
E) will have to be dealt with / attended
76-What …………. to improve the economy in Turkey? E
A) should be doing B) have to do
C) be done D) can do
E) should be done
77-The result of the election which ............. last month .............. among the public. E
A) is held / has disputed B) held / are still disputing
C) has been held / had been disputed D) had held / has to be disputed
E) was held / is still being disputed
78-Sonay ............. at Hacettepe University Teacher's Training College between the years 1993-1998. A
A) was educated B) had educated
C) have been educated D)will have been educated
E) educated
79-Nuclear weapons ............ to deter countries from making war. E
A) believe B) used to believe
C) had to believe D) has been believed
E) are believed
80-Because the class was too large, it ............. into two sections. B
A) must be divided B) had to be divided
C) should be divided D)will be divided
E) might be divided
81- Turkish customs as visiting the relatives during the religious festivals must …………… D
A) preserving B) be preserve
C) being preserved D) be preserved
E) preserved
82- Doctors in most branches …………… redundant by automation and computer based technology applied in the hospitals
of the future. E
A) will making B) will made
C) will be make D) will make
E) will be made
83-He ............ when his latest book ............... no praise from the critics. B
A) will disappoint / is received B) was disappointed / received
C) gets disappointed / had received D) is going to be disappointed / has been received
E) disappointed / has received
84- You ............. the date of the exam long before,so it .............. now just because you didn't study for it. D
A) told / can't cancel B) were told / may be cancelled
C) have been telling / isn't cancelled D) had been told / can't be cancelled
E) would have been told / didn't cancel
85-The wild life ………….. using special cameras at present. D
A)is photographed B)has photographed
C)was photographed D)is being photographed
E)was being photographed
86-It is believed that education …………… in order to edificate knowledgeable and intelligent people . E
A) needed B) was needed
C) has needed D) had been need
E) is needed
87-Jane really dislikes …………… until late hours because her family worries and misses her. A
A) being worked B) to be working
C) worked D) having worked
E) to have worked
88-Patients are said …………… medicines in cool places every time. E
A) to be kept C) to have kept
B) to have kept D) kept
E) to keep
89-The teacher’s are grateful that they …………… an opportunity to express their opinion about the new education system at
the conference to the Minister of education. A
A)have been given B) gave
C)am giving D) had given
E) could be given
90-Lack of trust …………… as a disadvantage between married couples . A
A) is considered B) considered
C) considers D) has considered
E) will have considered
91-The football match between Beşiktaş and Fenerbahçe …………… despite heavy snow A
A) was played C) played
B) was playing D) has played
E) is playing
92-High blood pressure………… with sphygmograph. B
A) is taking B) takes
C) is taken D) has taken
E) took


Birbirine bağlı olan olayları (yani birinin olması, diğerinin olmasına bağlıysa) ifade ettiğimiz cümlelere Conditional
sentences (şart veya koşul cümleleri) deriz.
CONDITIONAL CLAUSE: IF kelimesiyle başlayan cümleciktir
MAIN CLAUSE: IF cümleciğinin etkisinde ortaya çıkan cümleciktir .

Cümleye IF clause ya da main clause ile başlanabilir. Eğer cümleye IF CLAUSE ile başlanırsa, if clause ile main clause arasına
VİRGÜL konur.

If you work hard, you will win the university exam.

Conditional clause main clause
You will win the university exam , ıf you work hard
main clause Conditional clause

CONDITIONAL 0: “OLDUĞUNDA OLUR”: Doğruluğunu hiçbir zaman kaybetmeyen eylemlerde, kesin ve kurallaşmış
durumlar conditional 0 kullanılır. Buradaki şarta bağlı olan olay, her zaman geçerlidir ve asla değişmez. If (eğer)
manasından daha çok (her ne zaman, her ne vakit) gibi kullanılmaktadır.


YAPI : IF + ( DO ) ( DO )
- If it rains, the ground gets wet.
- If you heat water, it boils at 100 C degree.
- If you heat metal, it expands.

EXERCISE 1- Put the verbs in brackets Conditional Type 0 (Present Real).

1) Water…………………… (boil ) if you…………….. (heat) it to 100 ºc .
2) If you……………… (mix) black and white, you………………….. (get) grey.
3) If you………………… (mix) yellow and blue ,it …………………….. (become) green.
4) Ice-cream ……………….. (melt) if you…………………… ( leave) it in the sun.
5) If you…………….. (heat) butter over the fire, it……………………… (melt).
6) If you………………. (have got) a headache ,……………….. (take) a painkiller.
7) If you……………….. (add) sugar in your tea , it……………………… (taste) sweet.
8) A dog………………. (bite) if you………………… (enter)the area which it protects at night.
9) If you………………….. (pull) a cat's ears or tail, it…………………… (scratch) you.
10) You……………….. (have) injured in an accident if you…………………. (not wear) a seat belt.
11) You……………. (can/ protect) your head from accidents if you………………….. (wear) a crash helmet .
12) If you……………… (turn) this switch up and down, the lights ……………………. (increase or decrease).
13) If she……………….. (come) home very late , her parents …………………. (get) very angry.
14) If the moon……………….. (be) full, the tides…………………… (be) high.
15) If it………………… (rain) a lot, people………………….. (take) Agricultural products more.
16) If two clouds…………….. (hit) eachother , lightning………………….. (occur).
17) If somebody………………. (cross) at the bus queue in front of me, I……………………… (get) angry.
18) If I…………………. (not-like) somebody, I……………………… (not/do)anything with him.
19) If you……………… (follow) the news, you……………….. (know) what's happening in the world.
20) If you……………….. (do) a lot of exercises, you…………………. (stay) fit and healthy.

CONDITIONAL 1: TRUE IN THE PRESENT OR FUTURE:“OLURSA, OLUR / OLACAK”. Bu yapı gelecekle ilgili durumlardan
bahsedilirken olması muhtemel, mümkün olayları ( yani gerçekleşeceği veya gerçekleşmeyeceği kesin değil fakat ihtimal
halinde olan ) durumları ifade etmede kullanılır.


Do/Does, Am/is/are doing Will, Will be doing, Will have done, Will have been doing, May/might,
Have/has done, Can, Have to Can, Must, Have to, Have got to, Should, Ought to, Had better
Must, Should Be to do, Could ( possibility, suggestion), Request,
Expression of command, Advice or suggestion
YAPI : IF + ( DO ) ( WİLL DO )
IF CLAUSE Present tense; main clause ise will / shall future, modals, (may, can, etc.) veya imperative ( emir cümleleridir).
- If you lend him some money, you may not get it back.
- You will fail if you don't study.
-If it rains, we will stay at home.
-Tom will buy a new car, if he wins the lottery.
- Can you tell him to come home if you see him?
- If he comes, take him upstairs.
-He will arrive late unless he hurries up.

CONDITIONAL 1'de genellikle 'şayet....değilse/olmazsa' anlamına gelen UNLESS(-medikçe,-madıkça) kulllanılır, Diğer bir
deyişle, '...unless he hurries up (acele etmedikçe).' , '...if he doesn't hurry up.(acele etmezse)' şeklinde de yazılabilir.

AÇIKLAMA: UNLESS cümleyi tek başına olumsuzlaştırır dolasıyla tekrardan eylemi olumsuz yapmanıza gerek yoktur.


A- CAN (ability and permission):
If you can solve more various questions, you will be successfull at maths lesson.( ability)
If you can arrive home earlier, shall we go shopping?
If I can find him, I will talk to him.

B-HAVE TO (necessity), MUST:

If I have to work on Saturday to finish the Project, I will inform you.
If I have to look after my little sister on friday night, I won’t be able to go out for dinner with you.
If I must go there, I will.

C-PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE: Konuşma esnasında devam etmekte olan eylemi ifade etmek için
If your father isn’t sleeping, you can get permission to go out.
If the water is boiling, you can add macaroni in it.
If he is still sleeping, I will sack him.

D-PRESENT PERFECT TENSE: Eğer işini bitirdiysen/tamaladıysan anlamındadır.

If you have not watched that movie previously, We can watch it.
If she has typed the letter, I'll post it.
If you have been working since 9 o'clock, you'll need a rest.
If you have finished your meal, you can remove the table.

E- SHOULD: Olasılığın biraz daha az olduğunu gösterir. Should'un yerine by any chance da kullanılabilir.
If you should need any help for the meal, I can help you.
Probably,You won’t read that book.If you should read it, I am sure you will like it.
If you should see John in London, give him my regards.

SHOULD: Cümle başına getirildiği zaman IF kullanılmaz. Ancak bu, daha resmi bir kullanım şeklidir ve daha çok iş
mektuplarında ve resmi yazılarda kullanılır, günlük konuşmada kullanılmaz.
Should you see Mr. Fix in İstanbul, give him my regards.
Should a war break out, I will stay in my country to fight.
Should the enemy attack this village, the villagers will counter-attack them.


Normal olarak if li cümlelerde if'in bulunduğu kısımda yani yan cümlecikte will veya would kullanılmaz. Ancak Type 1 de
eğer will'i ( kabul etmek), ( razı olmak ), (istekli olmak), (lütufta bulunmak), (… nezaketini göstermek ) ve ( sakıncası yoksa ) =
( wouldn't mind ) anlamında kullanırsak Type 1'de if'li kısımda will veya would kullanabiliriz.
If my father will lend me 100 dollars, I will be able to buy that suit.
If you will help me, I'll finish this in time.
If you wouldn't mind opening the window, the class may be cooler.

G - IMPERATIVES ( emir cümleleri ): Cümlenin anlamı değişmez.

Keep the windows closed at night and you won't get ill.
Keep the windows closed at night or you will get ill.


I applied to a Private Primary school for a job. If I am excepted, I will be working as a teacher next week.
If you start cleaning the house immediately, you will have finished before I arrive home.
These students have been staying in my house for 2 years.If they do not cause any problem, they will have been staying
here for more 2 years till the time they graduate.

B- MAY/MIGHT/COULD (Possibility):
If he runs at this speed, he may/might/could win the gold madal.
If she goes on saving Money, she may/might/could buy the house he wants.

C- MAY(Permission), CAN ( Permission or ability)

If you finish your homeworks on friday, you may/can go to cinema with your friends on Saturday.
If he cleans his room, he may/can play football in the garden.

NECESSITY: If you don’t want to be late for the meeting, you must/have to/ have got to leave home immediately.
ADVISABILITY: If he wants to get well soon, he should/ought to take his pills on time.
If you don’t want to be punished, you had better be at home before 10 o’clock at night.
If you want to lose weight, stop eating after 6 o’clock in the evening.
If you don’t want to put on weight, don’t eat junky food.
REQUEST: If you don’t any work to do, can you help me with my homework?
If it is possible, could we stay an hour more?
PREFERENCES: If the book isn’t interesting enough to read, I would rather have another novel.
SUGGESTION: If the weather is sunny on Saturday, why don’t we go swimming?
shall we go swimming?
let’s go swimming.
we could go swimming.


If you heat ice, it melts.
If I feel tired, I usually drink a cup of coffee.

EXERCISE 2-Rewrite the following sentences using “IF” to make “First Conditionals”.
Example : Perhaps I will have a lot of money. Then I will buy a car.
If I have a lot of money, I will buy a car.

1) Perhaps her mother will not like her new jean. Then she will return it to the store.
2) Perhaps I will see Sandra. Then I will tell her to phone you.
3) Paint the house to pastel colors . It may look brighter.
4) Perhaps they will offer me the manager position . Then I will accept it.
5) The villa may be too expensive. Then I will not buy it.
6) I may not have enough money. I cannot have a vacation.
7) Mark may save money. He stops spending money to things that he doesn't need.
8) It maysnow heavily, so my father doesn’t let me play outside.
9) The weather may be too cold tomorrow. Then I and my sisters will stay at home.
10) Don’t touch that protection dog! It may bite you.
11) You are eating too much fast food! You are going to put on weight!
12) It is going to rain! You will get wet! Take your umbrella.
13) Turn the oven off. You might burn the meatball soup .
14) Hurry up! We are going to miss the train.
15) We may lose all our money in gambling. We will not be able to buy that house.

EXERCISE 3-Put the verbs in brackets Conditional Type 1 (Present Real).

Example : If you (walk) ……………. under a ladder, it (bring) …………. bad luck.
If you walk under a ladder, it brings bad luck.
If you walk under a ladder, it will bring bad luck.

1) If you............................( drink ) too muchalcoholic drinks, you.................................( fell) ill.

2) I………………… (lend) you my car if you……………………. (need) it.
3) If I………………… (go) to the cinema……………………… (you/ come) with me?
4) The children…………………. (play) snowball in the park if it………………….. (be) snowy.
5) If it …………….. (be) foggy this evening, I (stay) ………………. home.
6) If I …………… (win) a lot of money in a state lottery, I …………… (take) a world tour.
7) If there…………………. (be) no oil in the engine, the car……………………. (break) down.
8) If Ann ……………….. (have) some money, she…………………… (buy) a bike for herself.
9) If you…………….. (brush) your teeth regularly , you……………….. (not/have) cavities.
10) If mankind …………….. (take) care of the environment, our children ……………… (have) a better future.
11) If one of our athletes ………………. (win) an Olympic gold medal, Turkish people …………….. (be) very proud.
12) If you and your friends …………………(look) in the fridge, you…………………… (find) some cold lemonade.
13) If they………………….. (not/practice) enough, they……………………. (lose) the match.
14) If you ……………. (eat) so much carbohydrate, you …………….. (put on) weight.
15) If you …………….. (be) really sick, why …………… (not, go) home right away?
16) We……………….. (die) if we…………………….. (not /get) help soon!
17) We…………… (go) to the cinema tonight if my father ……………………….. (not/ feel) too tired.
18) If mankind …………………. (plant) more trees, our children ……………… (have) a better environment.
19) Where …………… (you, go) if your landlady ………………..(throw) you away?
20) If you…………….. (not /study), you…………………. (fail) the test.
21) They………………… (be) upset if you………………….. (not/join) to their wedding ceremony.
22) If I ……………… (get) a migraine pain, I ………………. (take) one of these tablets.
23) If you ……………… (not,feel) well, ……………. (not, go) to work.
24) What............................(you/do) if you.................................(not/find) the house key?
25) If it………………. (be) very cold tonight, the children in camp …………………… (need) some extra blankets
26) They …………….. (miss) the plain unless they ………………… (hurry) to the airport.
27) If the students………………. (not, obey) the rules, the administration ……………. (punish) them.
28) They......................(recommend ) it to their friends if the tourists...................... (like) Türkiye.
29) If it………………… (not/ rain) tomorrow, Tom………………… (ride) his bike to work.
30) If there………………… (be) a good film on tv tonight, I …………………. (watch) with my family.
31) We………………… (go) for a swim if it……………………. (be) sunny.
32) Unless we …………….(stand up) , we ……………… (not, see) anything.
33) If the students ................... (not/pay attention) to their teacher, they ......................( not / learn ) anything.
34) We……………….. (stay) at home if we………………… (not/ have) any money.
35) If you ……………. (see) Jane, please …………… (not, tell) her the bad news.
36) If the weather………………….. (be) good, we…………………… (play) basketball.
37) If the drivers............................. (obey)the traffic rules, they.................... ( not / have ) any accidents.
38) Jordan……………… (not/ be) able to get up on time in the morning if he…………….. (stay) up late tonight.
39) If you ………….. (not, eat) so much, you ………….. (lose) weight.
40) …………….. (not,forget) to wear thick coat if you ………….. (go) to night shift.
41) I…………………. (go) crazy if I……………………… (not/ get) out of here.
42) If you ………………. (take) drugs regularly, you ……………. (become) addicted to them.
43) If my son ……………… (not,tell) the truth, I …………….. (not,let) him go to anywhere.
44) ……………… (not, hesitate) to call me if you …………….. (need) help.
45) If my father ………………… (save) enough money, I……………….. (be able to go) to Canada for University education.
46) The sea level……………….. (rise) if the planet…………………. (get) hotter.
47) If she…………….. (have) a computer, she……………………. (surf)in the net.
48) If the child ………………… (eat) a lot of sweet, her teeth …………………….. (rot)
49) I……………….. (lend) you some money if you………………….. (give) it back next Wednesday.
50) Sandy………………… (meet) to you at the weekend if she………………….. (have) time.

EXERCISE 4- Rewrite the sentences;

1) I save enough money. I can buy an old second-hand car.
2) My father may come. I want to ask him for some money.
3) I know her address. I can sendthe books she needs.
4) I can carry the boxes. They aren't too heavy.
5) Sally is cold. She puts on her cardigan.
6) Tony needs money, so he is looking for a part-time job.
7) Sude isn't old enough, so her parents won't let her go to holiday with her friends.
8) Suzan is a vegetarian.She doesn't like meat. She doesn't eat anywhere .
9) George doesn't have any time, so he can't visit his parents at the weekend.
10) Sony doesn't make big mistakes because he is very logical.
11) We don't understand his speaking because she speaks with an Arabic accent.
12) I think you will drop that glass. It will not break because it is made of unbreakable glass.
13) The waves will be high. There will be a storm.
14) I'll come with you. I'll probably have time.
15) We think it is going to be sunny tomorrow. We'll go to the beach, then.

CONDITIONAL 2: UNTRUE IN THE PRESENT OR FUTURE: “olsa, olur”. Bu yapı şimdiki zaman ve geniş
zamanla ilgili olması pek mümkün olmayan, imkansız olan, o andaki gerçeklere ters düşen, sadece cümleyi söyleyen kişinin
o ana ait hayali ve farazi düşünceleri izah edebilmek için kullanılır. Fiilin geçmiş zamanda olması sizi yanıltmamalıdır. Zaman
olarak bu olayların olması mümkündür, zaman henüz geçmemiştir.
Örneğin; Yüz milyon dolarım olsaydı...(ki yok)

NOT: 'TO BE' eylemi, 2nd conditional formunda kullanıldığında, her zaman 'WERE' olarak kullanılır.
Örneğin, If I were the president...


Was/were, Was/were to do Would, would be doing, would be able to, would have to
Was/were doing, could Could, might
Had to, should

IF + SIMPLE PAST TENSE _______________ WOULD


If it snowed, we would play snow ball in the garden.

If you didn't inform him, he couldn't find the way.
I might finish the work on time if you helped me.
If he studied more, he would pass the exam.
They would buy a new house if they had more money.


A-PAST FORMS OF “BE” (WAS/WERE): WAS / WERE ; HE, SHE, İT VE I ile kullanılabilirler. Fakat were daha yaygın kullanılan
- If I were you, I would study more and go to university.
- If she were ( was ) a man, she might not do the houseworks.

WERE TO ( by any change ) : Farazi bir düşünce ve konuşma anıyla ilgili hayal vardır. Buradaki WERE’ ün kullanımı Type 1
deki SHOULD’ un kullanım biçiminin benzer halidir. Burada da were to’ nun yerine by any change gelebilir.
- If it were to rain, we would stay at home.
- If you were to see Jane in London, could you give her my regards.

WERE: Cümlenin başına getirildiği zaman yine IF kullanmaz. Bu kalıp da ancak resmi yazılarda kullanılır.
- Were they to sell the house, she would buy it.
- Were I her, I would obey their rules.
- Were he to work in that company, I would work too.

B-PAST TENSE: Anlam present ya da future olduğunda kullanılır.

TRUTH: She doesn’t know that I got high mark , so she won’t greet me.
CONDITIONAL: If she knew that got high mark , she would greet me. ( present meaning)
TRUTH: We won’t go to picnic tomorrow, so my children are sad.
CONDITIONAL:If we went to picnic tomorrow, my children would be very happy. ( future meaning)

FUTURE MEANING’de Past tense yerine WAS TO DO/WERE TO DO’da kullanılabilir.

TRUTH: She won’t be at home at 2 o’clock in the afternoon , so we can’t visit her.
CONDITIONAL: If she were/were to be at home at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, we would visit her.
TRUTH: He will help me with the cleaning tomorrow, so I won’t get too tired.
CONDITIONAL: If he didn’t/weren’t to help me with the cleaning tomorrow, I would get too tired.

düşündüğümüzde oluşturduğumuz cümlelerdir.
TRUTH: I am cleaning my room, so I can’t wash the dishes.
CONDITIONAL: If I weren’t cleaning my room, I could wash the dishes.
TRUTH: He is doing his homework, so he can’t go out with you.
CONDITIONAL: If he weren’t doing his homework, he would go out with you.


TRUTH:They will hire me as a translater because I can speak two languages fluently like a native speaker.
CONDITIONAL: If I couldn’t speak two languages fluently like a native speaker, They wouldn’t hire me as a translater.
TRUTH: I have to finish my project homework on sunday, so I can’t go to theatre with you.
CONDITIONAL: If I didn’t have to finish my project homework on sunday, I would go to theatre with you.
TRUTH: They don’t have to g oto school tomorrow, so they don’t have to study their lessons today.
CONDITIONAL: If they had to go to school tomorrow, they had to study their lessons today.


If I were to get high mark, I would study regularly.
If I should get high mark, I would study regularly.

F-WOULD: Razı olmak, kabul etmek, istekli olmak, lütufta bulunmak, nezaketini göstermek anlamında kullanırsak if clause
da WOULD kullanabiliriz.
- If you would carry my heavy bags, I would be grateful to you.
- If you would cook the meal, I would wash the dishes.



TRUTH: I can’t speak French, so I can’t work in France.
CONDITIONAL: If I could speak French, I would work in France.
TRUTH: He doesn’t know English, so he will have communication problems in England.
CONDITIONAL: If he knew English, he wouldn’t have communication problems in England.
TRUTH: I think the baby is hungry because he is crying.
CONDITIONAL: If he weren’t hungry, he wouldn’t be crying.

IF CLAUSE da SIMPLE PAST TENSE yerine bazen PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE de kullanılabilir.
- If he were coming with us, we would be much more happy now.
- If they were in the garden, we would be playing football now.


TRUTH: I don’t know English, so I can’t help you with your English homework.
CONDITIONAL: If I knew English, I could help you with your English homework.
TRUTH: I won’t have ANY time on friday, so I can’t/won’t be able to help you with the painting.
CONDITIONAL: If I HAD SOME time on friday, so I couldn’t/wouldn’t be able to help you with the painting.
TRUTH: I can’t go abroad for holiday because I didn’t save enough Money.
CONDITIONAL: If I saved enough Money, I might/could go abroad for holiday. ( Perhaps I would go)
TRUTH: I have a lot of works to do at work tomorrow, so I have to sleep early tonight.
CONDITIONAL:If I didn’t have a lot of works to do at work tomorrow, I wouldn’t have to sleep early tonight.

IF MEANING SINCE (SINCE ANLAMINDA IF): Bir de SINCE ( MADEM Kİ ) anlamında kullanılan IF vardır. Bu tam olarak bir
şart cümlesi sayılmaz. Bu anlamdaki if li cümlelerde değişik zamanlar kullanılır. Geçmiş zaman kullanıldığında geçmiş zaman
anlamı verir.
- If (since) you lost your passport why didn't you go to the police?
- If (since)you knew his telephone number why didn't you call him?

TYPE 2; Present zamanda mümkün olmayan eylemleri anlatır. Yapılar her ne kadar past görünsede, cümlenin anlamı
S + V2 + , S + WOULD / COULD + VI
I were (was) you, I wouldn't go out.
What would you do if you were me?
If I had a lot of money, I'd buy a summer house in Venice.
I don't know the answer. If I knew the answer, I'd tell you.

EXERCISE 5- Put the verbs in brackets Conditional Type 2 (Present Unreal).

1) If I………………. (be) you, I………………….. (try) to relax.
2) If you …………….. (arrive) late, the boss ……………… (probably, dismiss) you.
3) If you………………. (not/eat) so little, you………………. (feel) much more active.
4) I …………… (call) the electrician if the electric fuse ……………… (cut) off electricity again.
5) What……………… (you/do) if you…………………. (be) in my place?
6) Who …………… (you, get) married to if you ……………. (be) as beautiful as Julia Roberts.
7) If you…………….. (be) more punctual, you……………….. (not/arrive) late everywhere!
8) If I …………. (be) as clever as you are, I …………… (take up) engineering.
9) A lot of workers ................ (lose) their jobs if that factory..........................(close) down.
10) What........................(happen) if you..........................(not/finish) the essay on time?
11) If you………………. (love) me, you……………. (worry) about me!
12) If I …………… (be) as strong as you are, I …………….(beat) him at wrestling.
13) if you……………….. (not/be) so selfish, you…………… (know) why I am angry!
14) If I ………………. (know) the answer, I…………………. (tell) you.
15) If we.....................(find) money in the street, we............................... (hand) over to police.
16) If you ………………(not, apologize) , I ……………… (not, talk to) you again.
17) .....................your friend .......................(get) angry if you ...................(take) his bicycle without permission?
18) If the firm ……………… (close), where…………….. (we/ go)?
19) I …………… (apologize) to you if I ……………… (do) something wrong.
20) If Peter………………. (not /live) in a flat, he …………………… (have) a dog.
21) My mother………………… (worry) about me if I ……………….. (not/phone) her every week.
22) If I …………….(be) in your place, I ……………… (not, touch) that strange thing.
23) If doctors……………… (find) a cure for cancer, this terrible disease………………….. (disappear).
24) If people……………. (do) more exercise, there…………………. (be) less heart disease.
25) I ……………….. (be) very happy if you …………….. (come) to stay with us at the summer holiday.
26) Children………………. (have) healthy teeth if they………………… (not /eat) so many sweets.
27) If drivers ……………. (drive) more carefully, they ……………. (not/ have) so many accidents.
28) If I …………… (be) in İstanbul now, I ……………… (visit) the Basilica Cistern.
29) What………….. (you/ do) if your children ………………… (lie)to you?
30) If Olivia.........................( have ) a lot of money, she...................(take ) a long holiday.
31) If he …………….. (not, be) drunk, he …………….. (not,talk) to his parents like that.
32) If the children................( brush ) their teeth regularly,they..................(have) fewer cavities.
33) Mr. Brown ……………..(be) disappointed if we…………………...... (not/ keep) our promise.
34) If I ................................ ( know) English better, I ................................. ( read ) some English novels.
35) I...................(be) pleased if you ……………………… (give) me a day off.
36) If I............................. ( be ) in your position, I .......................... ( think ) twice before doing that.
37) If I ……………… (be) as rich as you are, I …………….. (give) scholarships to poor students.
38) ............................( you / go ) to their wedding ceremony if they.............................(send) you an invitation.
39) If smokers ………………. (smoke) less, they …………… (not, cough) so much.
40) If I............................ ( be ) you, I ................................ ( tell ) her the truth about not going to school .
41) If mu husband .......................... ( be ) here, he .......................... ( fix ) the plumping ?
42) If my grandparents…………………. (come) to my graduation promtomorrow, I ………………. (be) so pleased.
43) If Sam ..............................(have) a car, he.......................(give) us a lift to the airport.
44) I......................(help) the poor if I ........................ rich.
45) If mankind all …………… (have) good manners, the world ……………. (be) a wonderful place to live in.
46) If my mother.........................(not /be) tired now, she………………….......(do)the housework.
47) I.....................(buy) what you wanted if I..................(go) to the supermarket.
48) If I.....................................(like) I......................................(do) it.
49) If you ……………….. (pay) more attention, you ………………… (learn) your lessons easily.
50) His wife .................(be) very angry if he ..................(not/wear) his wedding ring.

EXERCISE 6-Rewrite the following sentences using “IF” to make “Second Conditionals”.
Example : It is a pity that I don’t have a spare ticket, so I cannot take you to the concert.
If I had a spare ticket, I would / could take you to the concert.
1) She doesn’t do her homework, so she doesn’t get good marks.
2) What a pity that I have to work tomorrow, so I can not go swimming with my friends.
3) I and my brother have to take a bus because the school is a long way from home.
4) I am not as tall as my husband is, so I can not reach to the top shelf.
5) Today is not a holiday, so I can not stay in bed all day long.
6) There are a lot of fatal accidents because people drive very carelessly in the world.
7) We have a baby, so we can not go out very often.
8) I don’t understand the financial pages of the newspaper, so I don’t read them.
9) The population of the world is increasing so rapidly, that’s why there is unemployment in the world.
10) The student is cheating in the exam, so the teacher will punish him.
11) The children are living in poverty, so they are begging for bread in the streets.
12) I cannot concentrate on my work because my son is singing loudly in his room.
13) The police are looking for the terrorists, so they are doing identity check .
14) My eyes are full of tears because everybody at the stadium are singing our national anthem.
15) We cannot go to the cinema because the teacher is giving a test in the afternoon.

kalmış, tamamlanmış durumlar hakkındaki hayali konuşmaları anlatmak için kullanılır. Bu yapıda iş işten geçmiş ve bunun
aksinin olması artık mümkün değildir. Kimi zaman bu yapıyla kurulan cümlelerde PİŞMANLIK duygusu vardır.


Had done, Had been doing Would have done, would have been doing,
Had had to do, Had been able to do Could have done, might have done, would have had to do,
Would have been able to do



TRUTH: Jack didn’t stay in İstanbul, so he didn’t find a job.

CONDITIONAL: Jack would have found a new job if he had stayed in İstanbul.
TRUTH: You didn’t study regularly, so you didn’t pass the test.
CONDITIONAL: If you had studied regularly, you would have passed the test.
TRUTH: You warn him about his friends, so he got out of trouble.
CONDITIONAL:- If you hadn't warned him about his friends, he couldn't have gotten out of trouble.


WERE TO HAVE: Pek yaygın olmasa da HAD yerine WERE TO HAVE kullanılabilir.
- If it were to have rained, we would have stayed at home and slept till noon.


TRUTH: There weren’t enough participant, so we had to cancel the conference.
CONDITIONAL: If there had been enough participant, we would have held the conference.
TRUTH: She didn’t obey the smoking ban, so she got a punishment for smoking at school.
CONDITIONAL: If she had obeyed the smoking ban, she wouldn’t have got a punishment for smoking at school.


TRUTH: He wasn’t wearing his helmet at the construction zone, so he got injured from his head.
CONDITIONAL: If he had been wearing wearing his helmet at the construction zone, he wouldn’t have got injured from his
TRUTH: She was studying her lesson, so I couldn’t take her to the zoo with her sisters.
CONDITIONAL: If she hadn’t been studying her lesson, I could have taken her to the zoo with her sisters.


TRUTH: I had to do the cleaning yesterday afternoon, so I didn’t go out with my friends.
CONDITIONAL: If I hadn’t had to do the cleaning yesterday afternoon, I could have gone out with my friends.
TRUTH: I couldn’t get permission from my boss to leave early, so I couldn’t go with them.
CONDITIONAL: If I had been able to get permission from my boss to leave early, so I would have been able to go/ could
have gone with them.
TRUTH: We were able to persuade our headmaster, so he allowed us to play in the garden at our empty course.
CONDITIONAL: If we hadn’t been able to persuade our headmaster, he wouldn’t have allowed us to play in the garden at
our empty course.

HAD: Cümlenin başına getirildiği zaman IF KALKAR. Ancak bu şekil daha çok resmi yazılarda kullanılır. Konuşma dilinde
- Had John caught the bus, he would not have been late for work.
- Had she not sold her car, she could not have bought that house.

- If you had been driving more carefully, you wouldn't have hit that car.

- If clause da PAST PERFECT yerine COULD HAVE DONE kullanılabilir.

- If I could have found him, I would have paid my debt.
<- If you had invited him, he would be here now.


TRUTH: She didn’t study her lessons regularly, sos he didn’t win the university exam.
CONDITIONAL: If she had studied her lessons regularly, she would have won the university exam.
TRUTH: He didn’t wear winter clothes, so he caught a cold.
CONDITIONAL: If he had worn winter clothes, he wouldn’t have caught a cold.
TRUTH: My sister began the cleaning late, so she was still doing the cleaning at midnight.
CONDITIONAL: If my sister had began the cleaning earlier, she wouldn’t have still been doing the cleaning at midnight.


TRUTH: Nobody helped me with the cleaning, so I had to do the cleaning till midnight.
CONDITIONAL: If somebody had helped me with the cleaning, I wouldn’t have to do the cleaning till midnight.
TRUTH: I got up early, so I was able to catch the the bus to school.
CONDITIONAL: If I hadn’t gotten up early, I wouldn’t have been able to catch the the bus to school.

TRUTH: Because she wasn’t experienced enough, he wasn’t considered for the selling department.
CONDITIONAL: If she had been experienced enough, he might have been considered for the selling department.
TRUTH: I learnt all the details about the subject, so I answered all the questions in the test.
CONDITIONAL: If I hadn’t learnt all the details about the subject, I couldn’t have answered all the questions in the test.

ÖNEMLİ: “IF” ile kurulduğu halde KOŞUL ifade etmeyen, “ MADEMKİ” anlamı veren cümlelerde kurulur.


If you didn’t like that Jean, (then) why did you buy it?
If the plane departed from Antalya an hour ago,(then) it should arrive in half an hour.
If he hasn’t had his reservation mad efor summer holiday, then he must have decided not to go to a holiday

If you will follow me, I will Show the other parts of the museum.
If you would help me, I would be really gratefull.

IF + S + V3, S + WOULD / COULD / MIGHT + HAVE + V3

If they had started at five o'clock, they would have finished it two hours ago.
If they had been here, they'd have seen it.
If you had practised, you might have become more skillful

EXERCISE 7-Put the verbs in brackets CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (TYPE 3) Past Unreal
Example : If I (have) …………… time yesterday, I (play) ………………. tennis.
If I had had time yesterday, I would have played tennis.
1) If Jenny …………….. (put) her plane ticket in a safe place, she …………….. (not, lose) it.
2) If Tina.........................( wear) a belt, she ....................................( not / be injured ).
3) I ……………… (have) time for breakfast if I ………………. (not, sleep) late last night.
4) If I..............................( find ) the treasure, I..................................( become ) rich.
5) The boss …………….. (sack) him if he ………………… (not, do) the job well..
6) We...................................( get) there if there................................( be )transport.
7) If I ………………… (have) the chance, I ………………. (study) engineering.
8) It................................ ( break ) if you...................................(step) on it.
9) If I ……………….. (not, miss) the bus, I ………………. (meet) Clara in front of the cinema.
10) If you..............................(set) the alarm clock, it.....................................(ring).
11) If Julia…………… (get up) earlier, she ………………… (catch)the bus.
12) If I ................................ ( receive ) your e-mail, I ....................... ( answer ) it immediately.
13) If you …………….. (tell) your boss that you were ill, he ……………. (not, refuse) to give you a day off.
14) They............................( not /make ) a lot of mistakes, if you.......................( warn ) them.
15) What ……………..(may, happen) if you ……………… (not, stop) at the traffic lights?
16) If my watch............................( not / be ) slow, I.................................. ( not / be ) late.
17) If she ……………… (not, be) seriously interested in history, she ………… (can, not, be) archaeologist.
18) Jack.................................( graduate ) if he...................................( not/fail) from nonattendance.
19) If it ……………. (not, be) so cold, Sally…………….. (not, freeze) to death.
20) If the flowers.................................. ( water ) enough, the flowers................................ ( be ) much more beautiful.
21) I …………….. (take) the children to the picnic if you …………….. (tell) me that it was public holiday.

22) If Tony.......................(not have) a flat tire, he ......................................... (go) to the airport in time.
23) I ……………. (buy) Sandya present if I …………….. (know)that it was her birthday.
24) If my friends………………… (not help) us, we …………………… (not carry) all those packages.
25) If the bus ………………(not,breakdown), we ……………… (not, walk) home.
26) They………………………… (stayed) in a more luxurious hotel if they............................(have) more money.
27) If it ……………… (not, be) snowy, I ………………….(not, stay) at the hotel.
28) If my neighbor’s son,Tim ................... (be) a careful driver, he ……………………….. (not run into) the wall.
29) If Sue (get) ……………….. a loan from the bank, she (buy) …………….. the car.
30) Henry and Sally……………... (not divorce) if their families ..................... (interfere)their relationship.
31) I ………………(not, speak) with you if you …………….(not, tell) me the truth.
32) The workpeople ………………(not/go on) strike if the government ………………(give) them a rise.
33) If my mother……………….. (save) enough money, we ………………. (go) to Japan.
34) If the patient…………….......(have) an operation earlier, he ………………......(survive).
35) If you ………………(go) to the bank yesterday, you …………….. (be) able to draw some money.
36) Danny………….. (help) us with the painting if he ……………. (not spend) his time cleaning the windows.
37) If the drivers …………… (be) careless, people……………….. (lose) their lives.
38) Would... ……………….(commit) suicide if you.................(be) Romeo and Juliet?
39) My father ………….(die) at heart surgery if the surgeon …………….. (not, be) so experienced.
40) I ……………. (not, go) to İstanbul if I ……………. (know) the house rents were so expensive.

EXERCISE 8-Rewrite the following sentences using CONDITIONAL SENTENCES (TYPE 3)

Example : I was watching TV so I didn’t hear what she said.
If I had not been watching TV I would have heard what she said.
It rained last week, so we didn’t go for a picnic.
If it had not rained last week, we would have gone for a picnic.
I didn’t go to Italy last year, so I didn’t visit your sister.
If I had gone to Italy last year, I would have visited your sister.

1) My father was not able to learn Russian because he didn’t do any practice.
2) Mary was feeling tired, so she didn’t dance with me.
3) My brother didn’t put any petrol in the car before he left, so it stopped.
4) The police arrested him because he stole the money in the safe.
5) Tom was watching the news, so he didn’t understand what we were talking about.
6) I ate too much dessert at dinner, that's why I had a stomachache at night.
7) My little sister was suffering from toothache, so she visited the dentist.
8) The hotel was so dirty that the tourists left on the second day.
9) The students were talking loudly, so they didn’t hear what the teacher said.
10) Sheila failed in her exam because she didn’t study hard.
11) Most of the students failed because they didn't study regularly.
12) The girl was not watching the road, so she fell down and broke her arm.
13) I didn't buy that flat because it was too expensive
14) Maria didn’t take her umbrella yesterday, so she got wet.
15) The old lady scolded the boys because they were throwing stones at the dogs.
16) My mother was taking a bath, and therefore she could not answer the phone.
17) I punished my child because he didn’t tell me the truth.
18) He didn’t go to a university because my family didn’t have enough money.
19) My uncle didn’t become a Member of Parliament because he didn’t win the election.
20) My husband Henry didn’t do his job properly, so he was sacked.



You can win the university exam provided(that) you study regularly.
providing(that) you study regularly.
as long as you study regularly.
so long as you study regularly.
only if you study regularly.
Provided(that) you study regularly, you can win the university exam.
Providing(that) you study regularly, you can win the university exam.

AS LONG AS you study regularly, you can win the university exam.
SO LONG AS you study regularly, you can win the university exam.
ONLY IF you study regularly, can you win the university exam. (Devrik cümle olur)
I will lend her my books provided she promises to give me back.
I would lend her my books provided she promises to give me back .
I would have lend her my books provided she had promised to give me back.

I can accept his excuse so long as he admits his fault.

I could accept his excuse so long as he admited his fault.
I could have accepted his excuse so long as he had admitted his fault.

2- UNLESS: Genellikle cümle olumlu olur fakat anlam olumsuz olur. UNLESS’den sonra olumsuz cümle kullanılması çok
güçlü bir vurguyu ifade eder. Type 2 ve Type 3‘de kullanımı KISITLIDIR.

You can’t win the university exam if you don’t study regularly.
You can’t win the university exam unless you study regularly.
You can be late to the meeting if you don’t leave immediately.
You can be late to the meeting unless you leave immediately.

IF you weren’t certain about the correct answer of the question, you would not be marking the answer with confidence.
Unless you were certain about the correct answer of the question, you would not be marking the answer with confidence.

IF he had not wanted to talk to her alone, he would not have offered to go to a cafe together.
Unless he had wanted to talk to her alone, he would not have offered to go to a cafe together.


Don’t drink cold water unless/except on the condition that you really can’t avoid it.

Don’t drink cold water if you can avoid it.

UNLESS: BİR İSTİSNA, İSTİSNAİ DURUM ifade eder.Temel cümlenin olumsuz olduğu cümlelerde kullanılır.
ONLY IF: SADECE/ANCAK … KOŞULDA ile eşanlamlıdır.
Don’t call me if you don’t need any help.
Don’t call me unless you really need help.
Call me if you need some help.
Call me only if you really need help.

3-EVEN IF:” …. OLSA BİLE/ …. OLMASA BİLE: Koşul yerine gelmese bile, sonuç değişmeyecek anlamındadır.
If it is snowy tomorrow, we won’t go to cinema. (gitmeyecek)
Even if it is snowy tomorrow, we will go to cinema. (gidecek)
I will accept his excuse if he admits his fault. (bağışlar)
I won’t accept his excuse even if he admits his fault.(bağışlamaz)

4-WHETTER… OR NOT:”….OLSA DA, OLMASA DA”: Koşul yerine gelmese bile, sonuç değişmeyecek anlamındadır. Even ıf’e
I will buy that car whetter it is expensive or not.
I won’t accept his excuse even if he admits his fault.
I won’t accept his excuse whetter he admits his fault or not.
You have to wash the dishes whetter you like it or not.
You have to wash the dishes even if you don’t like it.

5-SUPPOSE/SUPPOSING (That), ON(THE) CONDITION THAT, WHAT IF: Samimi ortamlarda kullanılırlar.
Suppose that we miss the bus, how else can we go to Antalya?
Supposing ( that) she will break your dinner set, how would you feel?
I can allow you to make-up on (the) condition that you promise not to make-up at school.
What if he doesn’t keep his promise?
What if he didn’t pay his debt?
6- IN CASE: “ ….. OLURSA DİYE” : Başka bir eyleme karşı ön hazırlık
I will ready sandwiches in case my children get hungry during the journey.
I wore my coat in case it snowed.


I sent him another message in case he didn’t receive the first one. ( Birincisini almış olabilirde olmayabilirde)
I sent him another message if he didn’t receive the first one.( Birinciyi almışsa ikinciyi göndermeyeceğim)


Future(will or going to)
Simple Present Simple Present
Present Continuous Should
Present Perfect Can, Can’t


Would Past Tense
Past Tense Past Perfect
Past Perfect Should
Could, Couldn’t

Can I have your phone number in case I need to/ should need to call you.
She would always wear her rain coat in case it rained/should rain.
I am cooking plenty of bread in case our relatives visits/should visit any time.

I always carry stunner spray in my bag in case I need/should need it in danger.

I always carry stunner spray in my bag because I may need it in danger/because it is possible that I would need it in danger.
I always carry stunner spray in my bag for fear that I may need it in danger.


In case of (an) emergency, you can call this number.
In case of a epidemic disease, you can quarantine the sick people.

IMPLIED CONDITIONALS: Koşul cümlesi kullanmadan koşul ileri sürebileceğimiz cümlelerdir.

Dün çok yorgundum. Yoksa dışarı çıkacaktım.
Eğer dün yorgun olmasaydım dışarı çıkacaktım.

I would have gone out, but I was too tired. = If I weren’t too tired, I would have gone out.
She would stay with you, but her mother doesn’t allow her to stay anywhere at night.
If her mother allowed her to stay somewhere at night, she would stay with you.


He would play in the voleyball match but for his arm injury. ( noun)
If he didn’t have an arm injury, he would play in the voleyball match.
That dog would have bitten me but for your warning me.
If you had not warned me, that dog would have bitten me.


You have to be quick; otherwise, you will be late to school.
If you don’t be quick, you will be late to school.
You must study regularly, or ( else) you won’t win the university exam.
If you don’t study regularly, you won’t win the university exam.
She must be sad, otherwise, she wouldn’t be crying so loudly.
If she weren’t sad, she wouldn’t be crying so loudly.
He didn’t obey the rules, or ( else), my father would have got angry with him.
If he had obeyed the rules, my father would have got angry with him.

Clean the house, or else!
Don’t come late, or else!

I can’t possibly finish this report without any help.= If I don’t get any help, I can’t possibly finish this report.
We would be eating raw meat without fire.= If fire wasn’t discovered, we would be eating raw meat.

EXERCISE 9-Rewrite the following sentences using “UNLESS” or “IF ... NOT”.
Example : If you don’t tell me the truth, I will not help your husband.
Unless you tell me the truth, I will not help your husband.
1) Unless your mother drives more carefully, she will have an accident. If your mother
2) I will not bring you water if you don’t ask politely. Unless you
3) If I don’t see you at the gathering area , I will give you a call . Unless I
4) We will go for a picnic tomorrow if it does not rain. Unless it
5) They will not lose weight unless they eat less. If they
6) Unless you phone her and apologize, she will not forgive you. If you
7) If she doesn’t find a high income job, she will have to sell her house. Unless she
8) You cannot get depression pills if you don’t get a prescription from a psychiatrist. Unless you
9) You would not have succeeded unless you had taken your teacher’s advice. If you
10) John would not ring unless it was an emergency. If it

EXERCISE 10-Combine the following pairs of sentences using “IN CASE” to express a “precaution”.
Example : I will give Jane my address. Perhaps she will write to me.
I will give jane my address in case she writes to me.
I gave Jane my address. Perhaps she would write to me.
I gave Jane my address in case she wrote to me.

1) I will give you the key of the villa. Perhaps you will come when we are out .
2) You had better hurry. It is probable that you will miss the school bus.
3) You should follow the navigation. Perhaps you will get lost in the city.
4) I will write phone number and address down. I will probably forget it.
5) I will take a cardigan with me. Perhaps the weather will get cold at the concert in the evening.
6) I will send novel outline to you. Perhaps you will suggest your idea.
7) You had better chain up the dog. Most probably it will bite.
8) I bought the house under its value at once. Perhaps the owner would change his mind.
9) We will walk home. We are likely to miss the last bus.
10) My father will give me extra money.Perhaps I will need it.

EXERCISE 11-Change the First Conditional sentences into “The Second and Third Conditionals”.
Example :
Type 1 a. If it rains, we will go to the cinema.
Type 2 b. If it rained, we would go to the cinema.
Type 3 c. If it had rained, we would have gone to the cinema.

1-a. If you eat junky food, you will get unhealty.

2-a. If I have a lot of money, I will open water wells in Africa.
3-a. You will not make too much mistakes if you do not listen your elders advices.
4-a. I will be in İzmir by seven a.m. if I do not miss the bus.
5-a. We will go swimming if the weather is fine.
6-a. If I am a doctor, I will examine poor patients free of charge.

7-a. If you do more jogging, you will become healthier.
8-a. If you are not careful, you will fall down the apple tree.
9-a. what will you do if you lose your identity card?
10-a. Will you be able to join the conference if you are seriously ill?

EXERCISE 12- Complete the following conditional sentences on your own. (TYPES 1/2/3)
1) If I were in your place,
2) Would you see a doctor if ?
3) You will have a good time if
4) If I were as tall as you are
5) If he had been rich,
6) He wouldn’t have solved the problem if
7) My parents would have been angry if
8) If I have enough money,
9) If it had not rained yesterday,
10) What would you have done if ?
11) I would be very grateful to you if
12) If I had worn your raincoat,
13) I would call the police if
14) If I had known that you were ill,
15) If you had gone on a diet,
16) You would enjoy life more if
17) I would apply for that job in Paris if
18) I would have given up work if
19) If I had had a lot of money,
20) It won't taste nice if
1) If you…………. (not behave) properly, you…………………. (not have) ice-cream.
2) If Peter………….. (not eat) enough vegetables he…………………. (not be) healthy enough.
3) If you………….. (wear) glasses, your eyes…………… (be) much better now.
4) If the police had more evidence, they………………. (arrest) him.
5) If I had known it was your birthday, I………………… (buy) you a present.
6) I………………. (go out) if it had not been raining.
7) If you…………………. (use) your pen, I …………… (borrow) someone else's
8) I…………………. (can/ come back) later if you ………….. (busy).
9) If I could live anywhere in the world, I………………… (choose) Datça.
10) If I………………… (work) harder, I would have passed the exam.
11) The little child ……………… (not steal) food if she hadn't been so hungry.
12) Where would you find the money if you………………… ( want) to buy a bigger house?
13) Nobody………………… (understand) if we ……………(not tell) everything in detail.
14) The teacher……………….. (not punish) us if we had kept silent yesterday.
15) If I………………… (be) in your place I …………… (never talk) to him again.
16) It…………………….. (be) a nice dress if it were shorter.
17) All the materials ……………….. (be) here by tomorrow if the shipping firm …………………… (deliver) them on time.
18) All of us …………… (be) near our parents if they …………………….. (need) us.
19) What………………….they (to do) if they had been given a phone call at that hour?
20) Jane …………………. (to be) happy if she (not lose) her keys.
21) If I…………………. (to see) James, I …………….. (give) him the books he needs for his exam.
22) The children……………. (play) outside today if it…………………… (not to rain).
23) If we…………… (go) to Antalya in summer, we………………….. (need) some warm clothes.
24) I would have got the job as a tourist guide if he………………. (not learn)English better.
25) If I had known that you were ill, I………………….. (visit) him.
26) If you………………….. (arrive) ten minutes earlier you ……………… (get) a seat.
27) Those old pier boards …………… (break) if you…………………. (jump) on it.
28) If he ……………….. asked you, ………………… (you / accept)?
29) Someone………………… (steal) your car if you ………………… (leave) it unlocked.
30) I…………………… (be) financially ruined if I ………………….. (buy) everything she asked for at our wedding.
31) I'm sorry, I can't lend you any money. But I surely .................... (lend) you if I ……………….. (have)some.
32) It …………..(not break) down if you …………….. (take) it to the mechanic regularly.
33) If a person constantly..................(walk) to the east, he..........................(come) back to the starting point in the end.
34) If Sandra.....................(have) moustache and beard, she ........................ (be) my husband for sure.
35) If my students …………..... (study) harder in the previous years, their English .................... (be) much better today.
36) I've been working on my maths term homework. (help) me if I................ (need) your help?
37) If I ……….(be) given the directions in advance, I .......................... (not make) mistakes today.
38) If Rose................... (not be) a teacher, she ..................... (not know) what she .......................... (be).
39) Oh, sir, I'm terribly sorry about the situation. I....................(do) my homework if my grandparents ............... (not
come) to visit us.
40) If you……………….... (not want) to get sick, you ……………….... (take) care of yourself.


EXERCISE 1- A. Type 0 (general facts) Type 1 (present real, future possibility)

1-If Jim wants to succeed, he …………… very hard. B
A) has studied B) must study
C) had to study D) had studied
E) would study
2-There …………… any Anchovy left in the Black Sea if fishermen …………… to obey the prohibition of hunting. C
A)haven't been / won’t begin B)hadn't been / couldn't begin
C)may not be / don't begin D)won't be / weren't beginning
E)weren't / haven't begun
3-If you …… me earlier, we …… to the cinema tonight. A
A)had told / would be going B)have told / would be going
C)had told / would have been going D)told / will be going
E)told / would have been going
4-If Jenny …………… so irresponsible, she …………. dismissed last week. C
A)Is / wouldn't have B)had been / wouldn't be
C)Weren’t / wouldn't have been D)hadn't / would have been
E) were / wouldn't have been
5- I won't talk to Sonny if …………… A
A)she doesn't apologize to me B)she hadn't apologized to me
C)she apologizes to me D)she didn't apologize to me
E)he doesn't apologize to me
6-Even if she ……………him, he wouldn’t have agreed to come. A
A)had asked B)has asked
C)asks D)should ask
E)will ask
7-If only I …………… him before he died. There …………… so many things I…………… him. E
A)might have seen / were to be / could have to tell B)am to see / were / wished to be able to tell
C)could have seen / am / will tell D)would see / are / might tell
E)could have seen / were / would have told
8-They …… very dirty now if the children …… in the garden all day. E
A)won’t have been / hadn’t been playing B)wouldn’t be / weren’t playing
C)wouldn’t have been / haven’t been playing D)won’t be / hadn’t been playing
E)wouldn’t be / hadn’t been playing
9- …………… so ill, she would help you. D
A) Weren't Sandy B) Isn't Sandy
C) Had Sandy been D) Were Sandy not
E) Had Sandy not been
10-Angel …………… parted from our family if she …………… to attend a university in the city where we live. A
A)wouldn't have got / had decided B)didn't get / would decide
C)hadn't got / will have decided D)don't get / will have decided
E)aren't getting / were deciding
11-If Mary ………………. The bus, she …………… here under the snow now. D

A) had missed /wouldn't have been waiting B) hadn't missed /were waiting
C) hadn't missed /would be waiting D) hadn't missed /wouldn't be waiting
E) had missed /could be waiting
12-Unless you ………………. my money back, I……………. complaint to the police. D
A)paid / shall B)didn’t paid / shall
C)had paid / shall D)pay / shall
E)don’t pay / shall
13-If he …………… his job seriously, he ……… A
A) took / would have been promoted B) took / will have been promoted
C) takes / would have been promoted D) took / won’t have been promoted
E)would have taken / had been promoted
14-If the goverment…………… immigration into our country, the pressure on our country…………… intolerable. B
A)hadn't restricted / would be B)doesn't restrict / will be
C)didn't restrict / would have been D)were restricted / would be
E)haven't restricted / would have been
15-If I …………… million dollars, I …………… what to do with it. C
A)win / haven't known B)will win / can't know
C)won / wouldn't know D)had won / didn't know
E)was winning / don't know
16-…………… if the temperature drops below 0 °C? C
A)Would water freeze B)Could water freeze
C)Does water freeze D)Will water have frozen
E)Water froze
17-If you …………… the theatre so early last night, you …………… the famous Thespian Haldun Dormen. D
A)wouldn't have left / could meet B)haven't left / would be meeting
C)don't leave / will have met D)hadn't left / would have met
E)didn't leave / were meeting
18-If the fog got thick, the federation would cancel the football match. A
…………… , they would cancel the football match.
A)Were the fog to get thick B)Did the fog get thick
C)Were the fog get thick D)Had the fog got thick
E)Should the fog get thick
19-If my children …… making so much noise, I ………… punish them. A
A)will go on / will have to B)go on / would have to
C)went on / will have to D)went on / had to
E)had gone on / would have to
20-The Oceans ………….. heavily polluted now if mankind …………… the poisonous waste. B
A) wouldn't /didn't leave B) wouldn't be /hadn't left
C) would be /left D) wouldn't be/ leave
E) wouldn't be /had left
21- …………… reading the questions more carefully, he wouldn't be unsuccessfull now. A
A)Had Sam been B)Should Sam be
C)Were Sam D)Has Sam been
E)Would Sam be
22-If there is a power-cut, all electrical appliances …………… B
A) stop to working B) stop working
C) stop to work D) to stop working
E) stopping to work
23- My daughter Sude is an English teacher. If she ............ to her son in both English and Turkish from birth, he ..........
bilingual. B
A) won't speak / hasn't been B) hadn't spoken / wouldn't be
C) don't speak / wasn't going to be D) won't speak / isn't going to be
E) haven't spoken / couldn't be
24-Will there be another devaluation if inflation …………… at this rate? D
A)rose B) rise
C)had risen D) rises
E) was rising
25-If they …………… their breakfast this morning, they…………… so exhausted now. B
A) had have/ were B) had had /wouldn't be
C) had have /isn't D) had had /wouldn't have been
E) had had /could be
26-She wouldn't have got better exam results unless she …………… harder. A
A) had studied B) didn't study
C) studied D) study
E) had to study
27-You must defend your right if they …………… E
A)had done gender discrimination B) does gender discrimination
C) done gender discrimination D) did gender discrimination
E) do gender discrimination
28-If my brother Tom …………… my mother that he would be late, she …………… so panic now. E
A) had tell /wouldn't have been B) had told /would be
C) had tell /might be D) had told /will be
E) had told /wouldn't be
29-………………… the door to anyone unless your mother comes home back. A
A)Don't open B) Open
C)You wouldn't open D)You would have opened
E)You will be opening
30-Unless the economical precautions …………… at once, my parents …………… family income. B
A) had taken / won't be able to control B) are taken / won't be able to control
C) haven't taken / won't be able to control D) were taken / won't be able to control
E) aren't taken / won't be able to control
31-Were I in my sister's position, I …………… the whole truth . D
A) had to confess B) had been confess
C) should confess D) would confess
E) would be confess
32-My daughter.............. back to work after the baby is born if she .............. work part-time. B
A) would come / will be able to B) will come / is able to
C) was coming / had been able to D) has come / has been able to
E) comes / might be able to
33-My family'll go to that hotel if the prices …………… so high. C
A)were B) won't be
C)aren't D) are
E) weren't
34-If Jane …………… calmly and respectfully, her parents ………………… her last Sunday. C
A)hadn't talked / wouldn't have punished B)didn't talk / wouldn't have punished
C)talked / wouldn't have punished D)had been able to talk / wouldn't have punished
E)has talked / wouldn't have punished
35-If you ever ……………… me again, I ……………. the police. B
A) hurted /would call B) hurt /will call
C) hurts /called D) hurt /would have called
E) hurt/will be called
36- …………… any help, he can call us. E
A)Will he need B)Had he needed
C)Were he to need D)Had he not needed
E)Should he need
37-If it …………… next week, we …………….. on holiday. A
A)doesn't snow /will go B)won't snow /will go
C)snowed / will go D)didn't snow /will go
E)had snowed / will go
38-If you …………… now, you ……………… cooking for me. E
A)have something to do / can do B)didn't have anything to do / can do
C)had something to do / can do D)may have something to do / can do
E)don't have anything to do / can do
39-If she ……………. her weekly salary tomorrow, she …………… suffer a lot. B
A) doesn't get /would B) doesn't get / will
C) doesn't get /should D) doesn't get /will have
E) doesn't get /would have
40-Your house …………… away from you if you …………. your mortgage on time. C
A)might have taken / didn't pay B)was being taken / didn't pay
C)would be taken / didn't pay D)will have taken / didn't pay
E)has been taken / didn't pay
41-…………… you…………me about Sue’s coming to school picnic, I …………… joined you. C
A)Should/tell / would be able to B)Were / to tell /wasn't
C)Had/told/would have D)Will/tell / have been
E)Are/telling/will be
42-If were seriously ill, I....... some Tarhana soup with me. C
A) know/have brought B) have known/was going to bring
C) had known/would have brought D) knew/will have brought
E) will know/must have brought
43- ……………, I would never listen to him. B
A) I were you B) Were I you
C) Did I D) Am I you
E) Had I been you
44-If you …………….. a test next Friday, you …………… study in no time. C
A) have /would have to B) have /wouldn't have to
C) have /will have to D) have /don't have to
E) have /won't be able to
45-If she ………………. her parents, she…………… concert with her friends. B
A) were able to persuade /will go to B) is able to persuade /will be going to
C) was able to persuade /should go to D) is able to persuade /would be going to
E) is able to persuade /would go to
46- …………… the invitation in time, I couldn't have joined your wedding ceremony. C
A)Were I to receive B)Had I received
C)Had I not received D)Were I not to receive
E)Should I receive
47-The Titanic …………… on her maiden voyage if she …………… an iceberg in the North Atlantic. A
A)wouldn't have sunk / hadn't struck B)hadn't sunk / hasn't struck
C)didn't sink / have struck D)wasn't going to sink / didn't strike
E)hasn't sunk / wasn't striking
48-We can play a few games before lunch if you …………… a chess set. E
A)are found B)would be finding
C)found D)have been found
E)should find
49-The factory …………… if the economic situation ……………………... A
A)will have to be closed down / doesn't improve B)have to close down / doesn't improve
C)would be able to close down / doesn't improve D)won't have to be closed down / doesn't improve
E)could close down / doesn't improve
50-Later on today, I .............. a cake for tea if we ................ all of the necessary ingredients, of course. B
A) would bake / were having B) will bake / have
C) could have baked / had D) will have baked / have had
E) were to have baked / would have
51-Unless you hurry, you …………… late for the board meeting. C
A) won't be B) wouldn't be
C) are going to be D) would be
E) would have been
52-If the drug dealers........heroin addicts....... drugs in my neighbourhood. A
A) hadn't been arrested/would be buying B) weren't arrested/will have bought
C) won't have been arrested/were buying D) haven't arrested/are buying
E) didn't arrest/had been buying
53-Sandy'll never get fit if she …………… exercise regularly. C
A) does B) didn't do
C) doesn't do D) hadn't done
E) won't do
54-If Jack………… out of money, he ……… his trip. A
A)hadn’t run / wouldn’t have cancelled B)haven’t run / wouldn’t have cancelled
C)hadn’t run / wouldn’t cancel D)didn’t run / wouldn’t have cancelled
E)hadn’t run / won’t have cancelled
55-If Bob ............... enough money left at the end of the month, he …………… that coat. E
A) has /won't buy B) has /can't buy
C) have /wouldn't buy D) have /would buy
E) has /will be able to buy
56-If the interest rate weren't so high, they would be able to buy the house in a short time. C
…………… so high, they would be able to buy the house in a short time.
A)Weren't the interest rate B)Were the interest rate not to
C)Were the interest rate not D)Were the interest rate
E)Should the interest rate not be
57-If they …………………. for a few days, I …………… some preparations. A
A) are staying /will have to make B) are staying /won't have to make
C) are stay /would make D) are staying /can't make
E) are stay /shouldn't make
58-If things …………… wrong, people …………… pessimistic. A
A) went /would be B) go/will be
C)gone/ had better be D) went /would have been
E)go/may be
59- It …………… much better if our parents ……………to our graduation party.C
A)might be / didn't join B)had been / wasn't joined
C)would have been / hadn't been joined D)was to be / wasn't joined
E)could be / wouldn't joined
60-If Clara ………………. tonight, she …………… chess with you. E
A) did have to work /wouldn't have to play B) don't have to work /will play
C) didn't have to work /wouldn't be playing D) didn't have to work /would have played
E) didn't have to work /would be able to play
61-If I ……… it with my own eyes I ………… it. D
A)hadn’t been seen / wouldn’t have believed B)hadn’t seen / wouldn’t have been believed
C)didn’t see / wouldn’t have believed D)hadn’t seen / wouldn’t have believed
E)hadn’t seen / won’t have believed
62-If we ……………. now, we …………… to the cinema together. B
A) weren't study /will be able to go B) weren't studying /could go
C) weren't study /can go D) weren't studied /would have gone
E) weren't studying /couldn't go
63-What ……………. you …………… if you ………………. highest prize on lottery? B
A) would / have done/ had won B) would/do / had won
C) have / done / had won D) will / have to do / had won
E) were / doing / had won
64-If Nanncy ............... for at least three hours a night, she ................. it in the end. A
A) doesn't study / will regret B) couldn't study / was to regret
C) didn’t study / have regretted D) wasn't studying / had regretted
E) wouldn't study / regretted
65-Sue wouldn't be trying to get rid of Jack if he …………… overbearing. E
A) isn't B) hasn't been
C) hadn't been D) were
E) weren't
66-If Tom ………….. against serious difficulties in the project, he …………… his job. E
A) had come up /will have lost B) had come up /wouldn't lose
C) hadn't come up /won't have lost D) hadn't come up /wouldn't have lost
E) hadn't come up /would have lost
67-If her husband didn't beaten her, she wouldn't call the police. …………… she wouldn't call the police.B
A)Didn't her husband beaten her B)Were her husband not to beaten her
C)Weren't her husband beaten her D)Did her husband not beaten her
E)Were her husband not to beaten her
68-If they ………all night, they ……… tired now. A
A)hadn’t been awake / wouldn’t be B)haven’t been awake / wouldn’t be
C)hadn’t been awake / wouldn’t have been D)weren’t awake / wouldn’t have been
E)haven’t been awake / wouldn’t have been
69-Should she invite us to her wedding ceremony, we …………… by heart. E
A) could join B)have been joined
C) are joining D)joined
E) can join
70-……… I you, I…… an hour earlier to be sure of getting there on time.B
A)Did / would leave B)Were / would leave
C)should /will leave D)If / will leave
E)Were / would have left
71-Keep your voice down in case he ……… us. A
A)overhears B)overheard
C)will overhear D)has overheard
E)is overhearing
72-He was so determined to quit his job that even if the company………… him a Board Member , he………… it down. C
A)would be offering / has turned B)offered / will have turned
C)had offered / would have turned D)were offering / had turned
E)offer / will be turning
73-They ……………….. you unless their baby-sitter …………… their baby. E
A) won't be able to visit/ looked after B) won't be able to visit /has looked after
C) won't be able to visit /doesn't look after D) won't be able to visit /had looked after
E) won't be able to visit /looks after
74-If someone …………… to rob my wallet, I …………… the police. E
A)has tried / am told B)tries / should have told
C)was tired / had to tell D)had tried / must tell
E)tried / would tell
75-If environmental pollution ……… earlier, life ……… so unbearable. A
A)had been controlled / wouldn’t have become B)have been controlled / wouldn’t have become
C)had been controlled / wouldn’t become D)were controlled / wouldn’t have become
E)had been controlled / won’t have become
76-If the ambulance …………… quickly, the old woman …………… B
A)arrived / would die B)had arrived / wouldn't have died
C)has arrived / will die D)arrives / wouldn't die
E)hadn't arrived / wouldn't have died
77-If Abdullah…………… happy with his life inSyria, he …………… immigrateTurkey. A
A)were / wouldn't B)were / would
C)were / won't D)is/can
E)hadn't been / would
78-If they didn't do the cleaning, they wouldn't be free. B
…………… the cleaning, they wouldn't be free,
A) Did they not do B) Were they not to do
C) Weren't they do D) Had they not done
E) Should they not do
79-If you …………… Indian food before I recommend that you …………… it. E
A)didn't eat / have tried B)don't eat / used to try
C)hadn't eaten / were trying D)wouldn't eat / can try
E)haven't eaten / should try
80-If the food ……………so bad, we…………… D
A)weren’t / won’t complain B)hadn’t been / wouldn’t complain
C)weren’t / wouldn’t have complained D)hadn’t been / wouldn’t have complained
E)hadn’t been / won’t have complained
81-Please, don't call me unless ……………. I will be at athe meeting E
A)you don't feel good B)you felt good
C)it had been urgent D)it hadn't been urgent
E)it's urgent
82-My father never leaves home if he …………… he has checked the taps and the gas. B
A) can't be sure B) is not sure
C) had been uncertain D) will have doubt
E) was doubtful
83-If the survivor ………………….. to the hospital earlier, there …………… an improvement in his condition. E
A) had been bring /had been B) had been bringed /wouldn't be
C) had been brought /wouldn't have been D) had been bring /won't be
E) had been brought /would have been
84-If the User guide …………… in Turkish, everybody ................ understand it. D
A) didn't write / would B) hasn't been writer / could
C) isn't written / should D) were written / could
E) had been written / must

1-WISH: Dilemek, İstemek: “want, would like” benzer ama daha resmi durumlarda kullanılır.
WISH + VERB: What do you wish to see, madam? – I wish to see the doctor.
The teacher wished the students to be more responsible.
WISH + NOUN: Kullanımı çok kısıtlıdır. “ Şans, mutluluk, başarı dilemek,…” gibi yapılarda kullanabiliriz.
Wish me luck in the race.
I wish you happiness at your marriage.
I wish you will be successful in the exam.
WISH + BİR CÜMLE ( THAT CLAUSE): PRESENT VE FUTURE TENSE’ler kullanılamaz. Bu tenselerin PAST şekilleri kullanılır.
DO yerine DID, CAN yerine COULD, DID/ HAVE, HAS DONE yerine HAD DONE
My father isn’t at home. I wish he were here now.
My parents don’t have enough Money. I wish they had enough Money.

She can’t help me. I wish she could help me.

A-“WISH” ABOUT THE PRESENT: Hoşa gitmeyen olaylar, memnuniyetsizliği ifade etmek için kullanılır. “BE” her şahıs için “
WERE” kullanılır.


I am not as hardworking as Ayşe.= I wish I were as hardworking as Ayşe.
She is sleeping now. = I wish she weren’t sleeping now.
I don’t know what he is doing? = I wish I knew what he were doing?
I have to stay here. I wish I didn’t have to stay here.
He can’t swim well. He wishes he could swim well.

B-“WISH” ABOUT THE PAST: Geçmişte olan olaylardan duyulan pişmanlık ya da yakınmayı ifade etmek için kullanılır.


I wasn’t at home at the weekend, so missed the picnic. = I wish I had been here at the weekend.
I had to study for the exam, so I couldn’t go to cinema with my friends.
I wish I hadn’t had to study.
I didn’t have enough money, so I couldn’t buy that shoes.
I wish I had had enough money.
He was driving very carelessly, so he caused an accident.
He wishes he had been driving more carefully.

C- “WISH” ABOUT THE FUTURE: İçinde bulunduğumuz anda ya da gelecekte memnun olmadığımız,hoşumuza gitmeyen bir
olayı bir başkasının değiştirmesini istediğimiz durumu ifade eder.

WOULD: I WISH he ... : ÖZNELER farklı olmalı

I think it will be a wonderful party. I wish you would come too.
You are driving so carelessly.I wish you would drive more carefully.
It is snowing and I don’t want to go to out.I wish it would stop snowing.


I have to go and see the doctor. I wish I didn’t have to go and see the doctor.
He can’t help me with the cleaning tomorrow. He wishes he could help me.

3-IF ONLY: WISH ile aynı anlamdadır fakat daha üzücü/dramatik olayları ifade ederken kullanılır.
If only you got your pills, you would get well in a short time.
If only you studied harder, you would pass your exam.
If only you fasten your seatbelt, you wouldn’t be injured so seriously.

IF ………. ONLY: cümle içerisinde ayrılabilirler:

IFhe were only more carefull, he wouldn’t make an accident.
IF you would only drive more carefully, he wouldn’t make an accident.
IF I only knew where he was living, I would visit him.
IF I had only known that you were sad, I would come to talk to you.
IF I only had known that you were sad, I would come to talk to you.
IF he only hadn’t been seriously ill, he would come with us.

4-WOULD RATHER: I WISH ile aynı anlamdadır. Konuşmacı ile yan cümledeki özneler farklı olduğunda kullanılır.
I would rather you were near me at my illness.
I would rather you didn’t stay at home next weekend.
I would rather you hadn’t stayed out late last night.

5- IT’S (HIGH) TIME/IT’S ABOUT TIME: “…. Yapmanın zamanı çoktan geldi/ …. Yapmanın zamanı çoktan geldide geçti bile”
anlamına gelirler. Yakınma, dilekte bulunma gibi WISH ile aynı anlamı ifade ederler.


It’s (high) time he learnt how to play chess. = I wish he would learn how to play chess.
It’s about time someone taught you English.
It’s about time you could learn to drive a car.
It’s (high) time I turned back home.
It’s about time to turn back home.
AS IF/ AS THOUGH:”SANKİ/GİBİ” anlamını verir. Gerçek bir olay hakkında izlenimimizi ifade ettiğimiz durumlardır. LOOK,
SEEM, SOUND, … gibi fiillerle çok sık kullanılır.
It is cold and there are dark clouds in the sky. It seems as if/as though it is going to snow.
Tom is sleeping in class. He looks as if he didn’t sleep enough last night.
My room is very clean. It seems as if my mother had just cleaned it.
The question I asked is rather complicated. The students seem as if they can solve it.

TEMEL CÜMLEDE VERB = Past time ise gerçekte kullandığımız tense: PAST biçimi olmalıdır.

It was cold and there were dark clouds in the sky. It seemed as ıf/as though it was going to snow.
Tom was sleeping in class. He looked as if he hadn’t slept enough last night.
My room was very clean. It seemed as if my mother had just cleaned it.
The question I asked was rather complicated. The students seemed as if they could solve it.

AS IF/ AS THOUGH: Benzetme yapıyorsak PAST biçimi kullanılır ve bütün öznelerde were kullanılır.
I am not his student in his class but he behaves me as if he were his student.
She answers the questions as if she knew the subject.
Sometimes her husband behaves as if he were a child.
I feel as if I hadn’t slept for two days.

He behaved me as if/as though I were his student.

She spoke as if she knew the subject.
Her mother was always complaining as if she had a lot of work to do everyday.
I felt as ıf I hadn’t slept for two days.

LIKE + NOUN: Informal speech

AS IF/ AS THOUGH + CLAUSE: Formal speech ( sınavlarda)
It looks like snow.( günlük konuşma)
It looks as if/as though it is going to snow. ( sınavlarda geçerli doğru cevap)
I feel like flying in the air.
I feel as if/ as though I am/ were flying in the air.

Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structures below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.
Example : What a pity that that I am a poor woman.
I wish I were not a poor woman.
If only I were not a poor woman.

It is a pity that Angela does not love me.

I wish Angela loved me.
If only Angela loved me.
1) It is a pity that Tom doesn’t know the phone number of that smart girl. He wishes
2) There is a party this evening, but I have a lot of homework to do for tomorrow. If only
3) Ann is very sorry that she lives in a city with too much traffic jam . She wishes
4) It is a shame that we don’t have a laundry dryer at home. If only
5) Nancy feels sorry that Most people in big cities live in poorness. Nancy wishes
6) It is a pity that I have to work in the workshop on saturday. If only
7) I am sorry that I can not solve maths questions as correct as my friend. If only
8) What a pity that I am not as smart as my sister is. I wish
9) It is a great pity that drivers do not obey all the traffic rules. I wish
10) What a pity that I am not in Antalya now. I wish

EXERCISE 2-Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.
Example : What a pity that I am not living in a modern house.
I wish I were living in a modern house.
If only I were living in a modern house.
I am sorry that you are humiliating George about his stammering.
I wish you were not humiliating George about his stammering .
If only you were not humiliating George about his stammering.
1) It is a pity that I am not living alone in my own house. I wish
2) What a pity that I am not playing in that volleyball match now. If only
3) What a pity that you are lying to your parents . If only
4) I am sorry that our neighbours are selling their house. I wish
5) It is a pity that my father is not helping my mother with the houseworks. If only
6) What a pity that Sandy is not expressing her opinions clearly. I wish
7) What a pity that you are not obeying your father’s rules all the time. If only
8) I am sorry that our teacher is not teaching as simple and understandable as possible. I wish
9) It is a pity that the students are making a lot of noise in the empty course now. If only
10) What a pity that my brother is not driving his car very carefully now. I wish

EXERCISE 3-Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Present or Future.
Example : I know that I cannot stop eating too much candy.
I wish I could stop eating so much candy.
1) I am sorry that I won’t be able to sing as well as my father does. I wish
2) What a pity that we won’t be able to come to your graduation party on Monday. I wish
3) According to the weather prediction, it is going to snow heavily tonight. I wish
4) Aren’t you fed up with quarelling with your mother? I wish
5) My wife won’t help with the children. I wish
6) My father doesn’t try to find a job with better income. I wish
7) Jack is not studying enough to win the university exam. We wish
8) I notice that my students are not paying attention to the lesson. I wish
9) My friends are always having their lunch at that restaurant. I wish
10) You are not speaking politely to your elders. I wish

EXERCISE 4-Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to change other people’s
irritating habits or behaviour for the Present or Future.
Example : The children are always asking my husband for money.
I wish the children wouldn’t always ask my husband for money.
1) Our parents are always quarrelling. It is really heartbreaking . I wish our parents
2) My grandfather is always smacking at meals. I wish my grandfather
3) My husband doesn’t buy me a present at our wedding anniversary. I wish my husband
4) My friend Tim is cheating us at cards. I wish my friend Tim
5) My daughter Sude’s friends are always joking about her shortness. I wish my daughter Sude’s friends
6) My children are constantly throwing their clothes around their room. I wish my children
7) You are continually criticizing all my actions . I wish you
8) My husband is always snoring loudly at nights. I am fed up with it. I wish my husband
9) Mark is perpetually biting his nails. I wish Mark
10) My little child is constantly tapping her foot. It is driving me crazy. I wish my little child

EXERCISE 5-Make a comment for each of the following situations using the structure below to express your wishes for the
Example : It is a pity that I spent most of my money on shoes yesterday.
I wish I had not spent most of my money on shoes yesterday.
I am sorry that I didn’t tell him the truth last night.
If only I had told him the truth last night.
1) What a pity that I didn’t work part-time at university until I graduated. I wish I
2) I am sorry that I didn’t learn local food culture when I was in Hatay . If only I
3) I am sorry that I didn’t wear suit for job interview. If only I

4) Henry broke her friends antique vase on purpose last week, and now he feels very sorry for it. Henry wishes he
5) Tony has just painted the house to blue. Now he thinks that it doesn’t look nice. If only Tony
6) I ate too much meal last night, and now she has got a terrible stomachache. I wish I
7) It is a pity that I got cold, because he had not worn winter thick clothes yesterday. If only I
8) My brother slept very late last night, and now he is very sleepy. If only my brother
9) Tom was rude to his girl-friend yesterday, and now he is very sorry. If only Tom
10) What a pity that Sally couldn’t buy the car she desired, because she didn’t save enough money. She wish she


1-I wish I …………..… up late. If I …………..… up late, I ……………..… the train. A
A)hadn’t got / hadn’t got / wouldn’t have missed B) didn’t got / hadn’t got / wouldn’t have missed
C) wouldn’t have got / hadn’t got / hadn’t missed D) hadn’t got / wouldn’t have got / hadn’t missed
E)hadn’t got / didn’t got / wouldn’t have missed
2-It's a pity that George was talking on the phone at the time of the accident. D
He wishes George …………….. on the phone at the time of the accident.
A)wasn't talking B)had been talking
C)hasn't talked D)hadn't been talking
E)wouldn't be talking
3-We wish he …………… such a long speech. Most of the audience got bored and began yawn. D
A)had made B) would make
C)didn't make D) hadn't made
E) could have made
4-I wish I …………… get up so early everyday because, now I …………… out late in the evenings. E
A)don't have to / shouldn't stay B)wouldn't have to / couldn't stay
C)won't have to / am not staying D)haven't had to / don't stay
E)didn't have to / can’t stay
5- I wish I ………………….. him to come back with me. B
A) would have convinced B) could have convinced
C) couldn’t have convinced D) can have convinced
E) wouldn’t have convinced
6-I wish I …………..…experienced. If I ………….…experienced, I …………….……the job. B
A)were / would be / got B)were / were / would have got
C) would have been / were / got D) had been / were / would have got
E) were / were / will have got
7-I wish he …………… snuffing. I can’t stand any more. E
A) hasn't kept B) doesn't keep
C) can't keep D) couldn't keep
E) wouldn't keep
8-My mother wishes she …………… so many responsibilities as she never spare any time for herself. A
A) didn't have B)couldn’t have
C) wouldn't have D)won’t have
E) don’t have
9-I wish I ………… to the teachers board meeting . If I ….…… to the meeting, I ………… about the new regulation change. D
A)had gone / have gone / would have heard B)have gone / had gone / would have heard
C)had gone / had gone / will have heard D)had gone / had gone / would have heard
E)had gone / had gone / would hear
10- Sometimes I still wish we …………… in high school. . D
A) weren’t B) are
C)aren’t D) were
E) can
11-She is sorry that they had to sleep early last night. A
She wishes they …………… a trick on the gangster last night.
A)hadn't had to sleep B)didn't have to sleep
C)hadn't slept D)wouldn't have to sleep
E)had to sleep
12-I wish I ……… allergic to cats. If I ………… allergic to cats, I ………… a cat. A
A)weren’t / weren’t / could have B)am not / weren’t / could have
C)weren’t / am not / could have D)weren’t / weren’t / could have had
E)weren’t / could be / didn’t have
13-I wish we …………… , if not, the tour will begin without us. A
A) hurried up B) didn't hurry up
C) were hurry D) could have hurry up
E) couldn't hurry up
14- Sometimes I wish I …………… a twin brother. That'd be fun.. C
A) will be B) would be
C) had D) was
E) have been
15-I wish I ………… on a diet. I ………… dessert if I …… on a diet C
A)weren’t / can eat / weren’t B)weren’t / could eat / am not
C)weren’t / could eat / weren’t D)am not/ could eat / weren’t
E)weren’t / weren’t eating / could be
16- I wish we................... Ethnography Museum, but the museum was closed when we were there. C
A) would tour B) toured
C) could have toured D) have toured
E) were touring
17- Well, I wish that you …………….. a little bit more sensitive. E
A) would B) could
C) wouldn't be D) couldn’t be
E) would be
18-I wish I ……… my leg. If I ………… my leg, I …………… football in the school tournament next week. D
A)hadn’t broken / haven’t broken / could play B)haven’t broken / hadn’t broken / could have played
C)hadn’t broken / hadn’t broken / could have played D)hadn’t broken / hadn’t broken / could play
E)hadn’t broken / could break / hadn’t played
19-Tina wishes she ……………..… how to use a computer when she was at school. C
A)was taught B)will be taught
C)had been taught D)taught
E)had taught
20-Kim wishes she …………… a qualified engineer to find a better job. B
A) would have been B) were
C) could have been D) weren't
E) wouldn't be
21-My daughter wishes she …………… long hair. A
A)had B)has
C)will have D)will have had
E)has had
22-I wish we ............. more time to repair the roof of the house. I've had no social life for weeks.D
A) could give B) would be giving
C) have been given D) had been given
E) were giving
23-I wish we...................each other more often, but we live in different cities and it is a problem. D
A) have seen B)can see
C) will see D)could see
E) see
24-The car’s speed in front of me was over 90 miles per hour. I wish the driver …………… so fast. D
A) hasn't been driven B) didn't drive
C) wouldn't drive D) hadn't been driving
E) weren't driving
25-Sandy wishes she …………… early yesterday morning. She was late for the work. E
A) could get up B) were getting up
C) got up D) have got up
E) could have got up
26-Most retired people wish they …………… at present. B
A)are working B)were working
C)had been working D)worked
E)had worked
27-I wish I …………… rich enough to help the poors. Then I …………… help more inneed people. A
A) were/could B) had been/could
C) would be / could be D) were / would have
E) weren't / could
28-I'm sorry that I have to take care of them.I wish I …………… take care of them. C
A)had to B) don't have to
C)didn't have to D) would
E) wouldn't take
29- If only we ……………… with his father, to find out if there's any truth in it.. D
A) will just get in touch B) couldn’t just get in touch
C) would just get in touch D) could just get in touch
E)wouldn't be able to get in touch
30-We’d rather our father………….…. private car insurance. A
A)took B)take
C)had taken D)will take
E)are taking
31-People were staring at the gold plated ferrari as if they ………….…… one before. E
A)have never seen B)never sees
C)will never see D)will have never seen
E)had never seen
32-Does he have free time? It seems as though he ………… seven days a week! A
A)studie s B)has studied
C)had studied D)will study
E)will have studied
33-Most children hate it when their parents ……….… to them as if they were …………..… a child. A
A)speak / were B) spoke / were
C)are speaking / were D)speak / am
E)spoke / had been
34-Ann looks as though she …………..…… some bad news. E
A)had had B)had
C)will have D)have
E)have had
35-It’s high time Jim ……………..…up to his responsibilities. B
A)faces B)faced
C)has faced D)will have faced
E)will face
36-If only they ………………try and try harder, if it doesn't work. E
A)had B)could be
C)will D)will be
E) would
37-Top models are so skinny! They look as though they………… a proper meal in their lives! D
A)had never been eating B)never ate
C)had never eaten D)have never eaten
E)never eats
38-My uncle and his family aren’t rich but they spend money as if they ………… a millionaire. E
A)are B)have been
C)had been D)will be
39-Mary talked of Loure museum as if she ………… there, but we knew she hadn’t. A
A)had been B)has been
C)were D)will be
40- It seems as if the burglar …… in through the balcony door. A
A)broke B)breaks
C)had broken D)has broken
E)will break
41-I talked to Henry on the phone and he sounded as though he ………… E
A)has just woken up B)just woke up
C)wakes up D)will wake up
E)had just woken up
42- If only I ………………..asking people questions and trying to figure out if they were lying. D
A) have experienced B) had experienced
C) have experience D) had experience
E) has experience
43-My wife is so proud of her cakes and pastry . She behaves as though he ………… a trained chef. B
A)had been B)was
C)will be D)is
E)has been


1- DIRECT SPEECH( DOLAYSIZ ANLATIM): Bir kişinin ağzında çıkan ifadeyi aynen aktarmaktır. Söz iki tırnak arasında yer alır.
Jane said, “ I am a student.”
“ I am a student,” Jane said.
“ I am a student,” said Jane.

2- INDIRECT/REPORTED SPEECH (DOLAYLI ANLATIM): Bir kişinin ağzından çıkan ifadeyi pronoun, tense, .. gibi değişiklikler
yaparak aktarmaktır.
Tina said, ' I have to be on time.' = Tina said ( that) she had to be on time.
Jack said, 'We are going to plant flowers in the yard tomorrow.'
Jack said (that) they were going to plant flowers in the yard the following day.

USE 1- SAY AND TELL: En çok SAY ve TELL kelimeleri cümlenin başında ya da sonunda yer alırlar. Bunlara ek olarak “ add,
admit, announce, answer, argue, complain, deny, inform, point out, promise, protest, repeat, report, shout, warn, assure
+ object, object, observe, remark, scream, reply, whisper, yell ....” gibi fiillerde kullanılır.

Tom said “ he is ill.”
“He was ill” Tom said.
“He was ill” said Tom.
SAY + TO + SOMEONE: DIRECT SPEECH’de cümlenin sonunda yer almak zorundadır.
“He was ill” Tom said to us.
SAY + TO + SOMEONE + ( THAT): INDIRECT SPEECH’de cümlenin başında yer alır.
Tom said to us that he was ill.

Tom told us that he was ill.
TELL SOMEONE ABOUT SOMETHING/ABOUT DOING SOMETHING: Bir konuda bir şey anlatmak anlamındadır. “SAY” bu
şekilde kullanılmaz.
They told me about their journey to Antalya.
She told me about her plans for the future.



The Present Cont. Tense (Am/is/are + VING) The Past Cont. Tense (was/were + VING)
The Simple Pre.Tense (Do/Does + V1) The Simple Past Tense ( Did + V2)
The Pre. Perf. Tense (Have/has + V3) The Past Perf. Tense (Had + V3)
The Pre. Perf.Cont. Tense (Have/has Been + VING) The Past Perf. Cont. Tense (Had Been + VING)
The Simple Past Tense (Did + V2) The Past Perf. Tense (Had + V3)
The Past Cont. Tense (was/were + VING) The Past Perf. Cont. Tense (Had Been + VING)
The Past Perf. Tense (Had + V3) The Past Perf. Tense (Had + V3)
The Past Perf. Cont. Tense (Had Been + VING) The Past Perf. Cont. Tense (Had Been + VING)
Am/is/are going to + V1 Was/were going to + V1
Will would
Shall should
Can could
May might
Must/Have to Had to
Must/Have to (Future necessity) Must/Had to/Would have to
Must (Deduction) Must
Don’t have to Didn’t have to
Mustn’t Mustn’t/Wasn’t, Weren’t to do
Could Could
Should/Ought to/Had better Should/Ought to/Had better
Might Might
Used to Used to


Now then, at the time, at that moment
Today that day, the same day
Tonight that night, the same night
Tomorrow the following day, the next day, the day after
The day after tomorrow in two days’ time
Next week / month / year the following week / month / year
Yesterday the day before, the previous day
Last week / month, year The previous week / month/ year, A week/month/year before
Yesterday morning/afternoon/evening The previous morning/afternoon/evening
A year/month/week Ago A year/month/week before, the previous year/month/week
Two years/months/weeks Ago Two years/months/weeks before/Earlier
Here there
This (sıfat ) that, the
This (zamir) it
These (sıfat) those, the
These (zamir) they, them

USE 4- Konuşma aktarılırken, zamirin cümlede geçen nesne ile uyumlu hale gelebilmesi için zamiri de değiştirmek gerekir.
- She said, "I want to bring my children."
- She said she wanted to bring her children.“

- Jack said, "My wife went with me to the show."

- Jack said his wife had gone with him to the show.



Jane says “ I watch TV everyday.” She said she watched TV every day.
Jane says “ I am watching TV.” She said she was watching TV.
Jane says “ I watched TV.” She said she had watched TV.
Jane says “ I have watched TV.” She said she had watched TV.
Jane says “ I will watch TV.” She said she would watch TV.
Jane says “ I am going watch TV.” She said she was going to watch TV.
Jane says “ I can watch TV.” She said she could watch TV.
Jane says “ I may watch TV.” She said she might watch TV.
Jane says “ I might watch TV.” She said she might watch TV.
Jane says “ I must watch TV.” She said she had to watch TV.
Jane says “ I have to watch TV.” She said she had to watch TV.

RULE 1- Bu şekilde kullanılan Say ve Tell’ den sonra tense değişimi yapılamaz. Gerekli zamir değişiklikleri yapılabilir.
Jane: I am not interested in horror films.
Jane says that she is not interested in horror films.
Jane has told us that she is not interested in horror films.
Jane will tell you that she is not interested in horror films.

“ I shall visit my aunt tomorrow.” = Jack told me that he would visit his auny the following day.
“ I shall visit my aunt tomorrow.” = I told my mother that I should/ would visit my aunt the following day.

“I would rather drink coffee than tea.” = He said that he would rather drink coffee than tea.
“I would like to take you to cinema.” = I told my friend that I would like to take you to cinema.

RULE 4- IF CLAUSE TYPE 1: Bir derece past yapılarak aktarılır. IF clause type 2 ve 3 ise aynen aktarılır.
“We will go to picnic if it is sunny tomorrow.” = He said that they would go to picnic if it was sunny the day after.
“I wouldn’t drive fast if I were you.” = She told me that she wouldn’t drive fast if she were me.
“ I wouldn’t have reacted like that if I had been in your position.”
He said that She wouldn’t have reacted like that if she had been in your position.”

RULE 5- MUST ve HAVE TO: Present anlam taşırsa HAD TO’ya dönüşür.
“We must/have to sleep early on weekdays.” = She said that they had to sleep early on weekdays.

MUST, HAVE TO, WILL HAVE TO: Future anlam taşıyorsa: WOULD HAVE TO’ya dönüşür.
“I must/have to/will have to study regularly next term.”
She said that she must/would have to study regularly the following term.

MUST, HAVE TO, WILL HAVE TO: Future anlam taşıyorsa fakat sözün aktarıldığı sırada direct cümledeki gelecek zaman
kavramı artık geçmiş ise WOULD HAVE TO yerine HAD TO kullanılabilir.

“We must/have to/will have to get up early tomorrow.”

Last Saturday, Jane left the birthday party early because she said that she must/had to/would have to get up early the
following day.


“He must be glad to hear the good news.” = She said that He must be glad to hear the good news.

RULE 6- Doğa kanunları,sürekli geçerliliği olan genel doğrular ve kurallar: TENSE’ler DÖNÜŞMEZ.
“Water boils at 100 centigrad degree.” = He told us that water boils at 100 centigrad degree.

RULE 7: ZAMAN BAĞLAÇLARI: Past tense ve past continuous tense dönüştürülmez.

“I was doing homework when my father arrived.”
She said that he was doing homework when his father arrived.

Ancak, PAST TENSE = Past perfect tense’e dönüştürülebilir.

“My father arrived while I was doing my homework.”
She said that his father arrived/ had arrived while he was doing his homework.”
Aşağıdaki cümleleri dolaylı anlatım kullanarak yeniden yazınız. Lütfen küçük/büyük harflere dikkat ediniz

EXERCISE 1-Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” paying attention to the tense of the Reporting Verbs as
in the example below.
Direct : Olgun says I said, “I will go to Mersin tomorrow.”
Reported : a. Olgun says that he will go to Mersin tomorrow.
b. Olgun said that he would go to Mersin the next day.
1-Sonay says I said, “I always get up at seven o’clock in the morning”.
Sonay says
Sonay said
2-The children say I said, “We will go to the picnic tomorrow”.
The children say
The children said
3-Jenny says I said, “I bought a present to my mother yesterday”.
Jenny says
Jenny said
4-They say I said, “We didn’t do our homeworks last night”.
They say
They said
5-mary says I said, “I was watching cartoon at nine o’clock this morning”.
Mary says
Mary said
6-Mark says I said, “There were a lot of teenagers at the concert last night”.
Mark says
Mark said
7-Sandy says I said, “I am listening to music in my room now”.
Sandy says .
Sandy said
8-Charlotte says I said, “I have a lot of friends at university in İstanbul”.
Charlotte says
Charlotte said
9-Donald says I said, “I am going to meet the Director General of Lifelong Learning next week”.
Donald says
Donald said
10-The students says I said, “We will be visiting the Ethnography museum tomorrow afternoon”.
The students says
The students said
11-Larry says / said, “I was very much worried about my grandfather’s health”.
Larry says
Larry said
12-My daughter says I said, “I am not in good mood today”.
My daughter says
My daughter said

EXERCISE 2- Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” paying attention to the tense of the “Reporting Verbs”
as in the example below.
Direct : Jane says I said to me, “I don’t like my history teacher.”
Reported : a. Jane tells me that she doesn’t like her history teacher.
b. Jane told me that she didn’t like her history teacher.
1-Tom says I said to Tim, “I saw your wife on the way to work yesterday”.
Tom tells
Tom told
2-Geoerge says I said to me, “I was at the theatre with your sister yesterday”.
Geoerge tells
Geoerge told
3-Lizy says I said to Tony, “You are rude and unreliable”.
Lizy tells
Lizy told
4-Bill says I said to me, “You didn’t keep your promise”.
Bill tells
Bill told
5-Tommy says I said to Sue, “My father will go to Spain for business next month”.
Tommy tells
Tommy told
6-Carl says I said to Adam, “The repairman was mending your car yesterday”.
Carl tells
Carl told
7-Nancy says / said to Danny, “Your father is going to punish you for your lying”.
Nancy tells
Nancy told
8-Rose says I said to Philip, “I am doing the cleaning instead of you now”.
Rose tells
Rose told
9-Sam says I said to Sally, “I have already seen this film at least two times”.
Sam tells
Sam told
10-The judge says / said to the robber, “The jury has found you guilty”.
The judge tells
The judge told
11-Abby says I said to us, “Mary has been studying engineering for six years”.
Abby tells
Abby told
12-Arnold says I said to his mother, “I don’t drink alcoholic drinks”.
Arnold tells
Arnold told

EXERCISE 3- Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” paying attention to the tense of the “Reporting
1) “We are living in Adana”. Sam said
2) “My husband’s health isn't very well”. Sandy said
3) “Sue and Pam are going to visit Urfa next month”. Helen said
4) “My brother had a traffic accident”. George said
5) “I haven't met with Danny last night”. She said
6) “James and John were waiting for the bus”. Adam said
7) “I don't smoke anymore”. Henry said
8) “We will go to Ann's graduation prom”. My parents said
9) “Kathren took my English dictionary”. Tim said
10) “My mother has just finished reading a very interesting adventure book”. She said
11) “Sam didn’t buy the birthday cake for Terry’s party”. She said
12) “I am bored”. Sude said
13) “They live in Ankara”. He said
14) “I am going to call you this evening”. James said
15) “We have received a parcel from my uncle from Germany”. Ellen said
16) “I have been learning English for two years”. Henry said
17) “My wife goes to work at 8”. He said
18) “I clean the house every week”. My daughter said
19) “My parents drink tea everyday”. Mark said
20) “You walk very slowly”. My mother said
21) “We are waiting for you”. They said
22) “I am still learning to play the piano”. Nancy said
23) “You are eating too much dessert”. She said
24) “My son hasn't finished his breakfast yet”. She said
25) “I don't like very talkative people”. George said
26) “I am not rich enough to buy this expensive house”. Sue said
27) “I haven't been feeling very well lately”. Andy said
28) “We don't understand you”. They said
29) “I like all kinds of fruit”. John said
30) “Our plane will be an hour late”. Emma said
31) “We went to visit our grandparents last week”. Anna said
32) “It's getting late”. My mother said
33) “I am very tired”. Maya said
34) “We're leaving İzmir in July”. Allan said
35) “We had a great time with you”. Ryan said
36) “I don’t want to eat okra ”. John said
37) “I have met you before”. Elizabeth said
38) “I didn't swindle anybody”. The defendant said
39) “I'll fix the TV tomorrow”. The man said
40) “I want to talk to your mother”. The teacher told the student
41) “Bill doesn'tbrush his teeth regularly”. Tom said
42) “Two policemen are questioning thief”. Helga said
43) “I haven't repaired your car yet”. The mechanic told me
44) “I work in a firm as a lawyer”. I told my girlfriend’s parents
45) “Your son’s success in courses is improving”. The teacher told the mother
46) “I have been working here for five years”. The boy said

47) “We are moving to Antalya next summer”. He said
48) “The train you are waiting for hasn't arrived yet”. The man told us
49) “I lost my passport yesterday”. I told the officer

EXERCISE 3- Change the following complex sentences into “Reported Speech” as in the example below.
Direct : Tom said, “I was watching TV when Henry came”.
Tom said that he had been watching TV when Henry came.
Direct : Tom said, “I was watching TV while Henry was dancing”.
Tom said that he had been watching TV while Henry was dancing.
Direct : Tom said, “I did my homework while they were playing in the garden”.
Sue said that she had done my homework while they were playing in the garden .
1) Dan said, “I was living in Van when the earthquake started”.
2) Ellen said, “We were sunbathing on the beach when it began to rain”.
3) Melinda said, “My mother was cooking the dinner when my father came home”.
4) Tom said, “My wife was working as a teacher when we got married”.
5) Judy said, “The students were fighting when the teacher entered the classroom”.
6) Angela said, “My sister was drinking tea while I was drinking milk”.
7) Patrick said, “I was studying my lessons while Julia was doing her homework”.
8) Sude said, “I was playing table tennis with Mary while my friends were playing basketball in the garden”.
9) Ramsy said, “I was surfing in the net when my father was watching the news on TV”.
10) Candy said, “I was making a cake in the kitchen while my mother was washing the dishes”.
11) Karen said, “I left the meeting while my colleagues were discussing the important issue on the agenda ”.
12) Tonny said, “the girl jumped off the car while it was moving”.
13) Tim said, “My mother laid the table while the children were discussing the matter”.
14) Zeynep said, “Our neighbours came to visit us while My father was watering the flowers ”.
15) Mark said, “The accident happened while I was looking out of the window”.

EXERCISE 4- Change the following complex sentences into “Reported Speech” as in the example below.
Direct : My father said, “I will play tennis when I finish my work”.
Reported : My father said that he would play tennis when he finished his work.
1) Sally said to me, “I will help you if I have time”.
2) They said, “The buses to Antalya were so crowded that we couldn’t find an empty seat”.
3) Danny said, “the sound system is broken while everybody was dancing at the wedding”.
4) Angela said, “I like people who tell me the truth”.
5) Bob said, “I entered my account from mobile banking to see how much money there was”.
6) Sue said, “It is not so freeze cold today as it was yesterday”.
7) Henry said, “I don’t like classical music as much as my husband does”.
8) The lady said, “This old man doesn’t know what he is talking about”.
9) Rose said, “The driver hit the bus to the barriers because it was going too fast”.
10) Cathy said, “The band will begin as soon as the bride and groom arrive”.
11) Julia said, “I can not touch the cat because I am afraid of animals”.
12) Ezgi said, “I go to the library whenever I want to borrow a book”.


Birinci olarak cümle soru kalıbından kurtarılır, ikinci olarak da bir zaman geri gidilir. Cümleyi soru kalıbından kurtarıp, düz
cümle haline getirmenin mantığı şudur;

He said to us, 'Are you ready for the test?'

Aux S V O

Bu cümleyi dolaylı soru olarak aktarmak için ASK, WANT TO KNOW, WANT TO LEARN, WONDER veya INQUIRE gibi fiiller
kullanılır, fakat en çok kullanılan ASK fiilidir.

He asked us if we were ready for the test

S Aux V O


Evet/hayır sorularında cümlenin başında bir yardımcı fiil vardır ve sorulan sorunun cevabı mutlaka evet veya hayır ile
başlar.Yes/no question’larda ASK fiilinden sonra cümleye IF veya WHETTER eklenir.Önce cümle DÜZ cümle haline getirilir,
sonra da bir ZAMAN geri çekilir.

She said to me, “Do you stay at a hotel when you come to visit the fair?”
Aux S V1 O S V1 O
She asked me WHETTER I stayed at a hotel when I came to visit the fair.
S V2 O S V2 O

- “Were you ill?” he said.

- He wondered if I had been ill.
- “Did anybody solve the problem?” she said.
- She asked whether anybody had solved the problem.
- "Will you remind it to me tonight?" he said.
- He asked if I would remind it to him that night.

RULE 1-Yes veya no ile CEVAP verilmesi gereken durumlarda, sorunun zamanına göre uygun auxiliary kullanılır.
- My mother said ‘Did you buy it?' I said no.
- My mother asked me if I had bought it. I said I hadn't.
My friend, “Can you swim?”, I said “Yes”
My friend asked me if I could swim. I said I could.

EXERCISE 5-Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” paying attention to the tense of the “Reporting Verb”
as in the example below.
Direct : Mary says I said to me, “Do you believe in God?”
Reported : a. Mary asks me if / whether I believe in God (or not).
b. Mary asked me if / whether I believed in God (or not).
1-Sude say / said to Kathren, “Does your husband work for the Police Department?”
Sude ask
Sude asked
2-Rose says I said to me, “Did your mother really have an operation yesterday?”
Rose asks
Rose asked
3- Michelle says / said to Pamela, “Do you have to study so hard?”
Michelle asks
Michelle asked
4-Lale says / said to him, “Were you ill last week?”
Lale asks
Lale asked
5-My father says I said to us, “Are you going to wash our car today?”
My father asks
My father asked
6-Tom says I said to Richard, “Don't you visit your grandparents regularly?”
Tom asks
Tom asked
7-My husband say / said to me, “Will you go to the theatre with your friends tomorrow?”
My husband ask
My husband asked
8-Nancy says I said to Sonny, “Do you like tea?”
Nancy asks
Nancy asked
9-Ali says I said to her, “Is it snowing in Ankara now?”
Ali asks
Ali asked
10-Banu says I said to him, “Have you ever ridden a horse?”
Banu asks
Banu asked
11-Tonny says /said to me, “Have you ever met a famous person?”
Tonny asks
Tonny asked
12-Mark says I said to the man, “Are there any good restaurants around here?”
Mark asks

Mark asked
13-Tom says I said to Tony, “Were you in Bodrum last summer?”
Tom asks
Tom asked
14-Helen says / said to me, “Have you been swimming since you got up?”
Helen asks
Helen asked
15-The man says I said to the woman, “Can't you work quietly?”
The man asks
The man asked
16-The manager says / said to him, “Did you manage to find the documents I wanted?”
The manager asks
The manager asked
17-My mother says I said to me, “Were the questions easy in the exam?”
My mother asks
My mother asked


WH-Sorularında eğer aktarılan cümlenin başında bir soru kelimesi varsa, önce cümle DÜZ CÜMLE haline getirilir, sonra da
bir ZAMAN geri çekilir.

He said to us,”'How many English books have you read this year?”
Wh-Q Aux S V3 O
' He asked us how many English books we had read that year.
Wh- Q S Aux V3 O
The teacher said to me, “Where did you meet your friend?”
Wh-Q Aux S V1 O
The teacher asked me where I had met my friend.
Wh-Q S Aux V3 O

- “Where have you been to, Jack?” Jane asked.

- Jane asked Jack where he had been to.
- Tom said, “Why are you sad?”
- Tom inquired why I was sad.
- Sam said, "How are you?
- Sam asked how I was.

EXERCISE 6-Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” paying attention to the tense of the “Reporting Verb”
as in the example below.
Direct : Janet says I said to me, “How often do you go to the cinema?”
Reported : a. Janet asks me how often I go to the cinema.
b. Janet asked me how often I went to the cinema.
1-Jane say I said to Linda, “What time do you have lunch in the afternoon?”
Jane ask
Jane asked
2-James says I said to me, “When will the meeting start?”
James asks
James asked
3-Pam says / said to Henry, “How many brothers and sisters have you got?”
Pam asks
Pam asked
4-The blind man says / said to Mary, “What color are your eyes?”
The blind man asks
The blind man asked
5-The police officer says / said to the man, “What do you know about the bank robbery?”
The police officer asks
The police officer asked
6-I say / said to Lale, “Whom did you meet at the party?”
I ask
I asked

7-Ali says I said to me, “What kind of film did you watch with your friends last night?”
Ali asks
Ali asked
8-Tim says I said to Tony, “Why were you following the girl two hours ago?”
Tim asks
Tim asked
9-George says I said to her, “How much money will you spend on your summer holiday?”
George asks
George asked
10-The man says I said to her, “How long have you been driving?”
The man asks
The man asked
11-The salesgirl says I said to me, “Which of these dresses do you want to buy?”
The salesgirl asks
The salesgirl asked
12-The teacher says I said to John, “Why didn’t you come to school yesterday?”
The teacher asks
The teacher asked
13-The husband says I said to me, “Who is coming to dinner this evening?”
The husband asks
The husband asked
14-Emma says I said to Bob, “Whose car did you borrow yesterday?”
Emma asks
Emma asked
15-Mark says I said, “What happened here this afternoon, Henry?”
Mark asks
Mark asked
16-Jenny says / said to her mother, “When are you going to take us to the zoo?”
Jenny asks
Jenny asked


RULE 1- Olumlu emir ve rica cümlelerinin dolaylı anlatımında çoğunlukla TELL ve hemen peşinden hitap edilen KİŞİ getirilir
ve TO' INFINITIVE kullanılır.
He said to me, 'go out'
He told me to go out.
- He said, “Open the door.”
- He told me to open the door.
- They said, “Close the window, Jim”
- They told Jim to close the window
The old man said to him, 'Please, help me cross the street.'
The old man told him to help him cross the street.

RULE 2- Olumsuz emir ve rica cümlelerinin dolaylı anlatımında 'NOT TO” INFINITIVE kullanılır.
He said to us, 'don't forget to bring your course books to the lesson.'
He warned us not to forget to bring our course books to the lesson.
She said to them, ' don't shout in the classroom.'
She ordered them not to shout in the classroom.
- He said, “Don't open the door.”
- He told me not to open the door.
- They said, “Don't close the window, Mary.”
- They told Mary not to close the window.

NOT: Emir, tavsiye, rica ve teklif cümleleri aşağıdaki filler kullanılarak aktarılır.

- advise (tavsiye etmek)

- ask (rica etmek)
- command (emretmek)
- order (emretmek)

- forbid (yasaklamak)
- remind (hatırlatmak)
- warn (uyarmak)

- If I were you, I would buy a new one”, he said.

- He advised me to buy a new one.
“Would you wait a little for me? ” I said.
- I asked him to wait a little for me.
- She said “Would you like to come to my party, Pam?”
- She invited Pam to her party.
- The general said, “Keep off the new tank.”
- The general ordered them to keep of the new tank.

EXERCISE 7-Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” using the “Reporting Verbs”
Direct : Peter says I said to me, “Show me the pictures”.
Reported : a. Peter tells me to show him the pictures.
b. Peter told me to show him the pictures.
Direct : Angela says / said to me, “Don’t go near the barking dog”.
Reported : a. Angela orders me not to go near the barking dog.
b. Angela ordered me not to go near the barking dog.
1) My crime partner ordered me, “Don’t tell anybody about this event”.
2) Simon requested me “Please help me”.
3) The doctor advised me, “Don't drink cold water when you are thirsty”.
4) Mr. Simon told us “Don't run in the classroom”.
5) My secretary told me, “Wait in the rest room until I call you”.
6) My mother ordered me "Make your bed everyday."
7) The teacher warnedthe students, “Don’t forget about your appointment”.
8) The manager requested me "Shut the door after you, please."
9) My father ordered us, “Lock the door before you go out”.
10) Our class teacher always tells us "Keep quiet".
11) My mother warned me, “Don’t forget to thank to the person when they help you”.
12) The doctor told the girl, “Put out your tongue”.
13) My mother warned me"Don't wear my shoes."
14) The man ordered us, “Don’t touch anything before the police come”.
15) I told my brother "Don't tease the cat!"
16) The woman advised her, “Do what you are told or you will get into trouble”.
17) My father asked him "Please, wash your hands".
18) Carlos recommended Pam, “Try to finish your homework before you go to bed”.
19) My doctor advised me "Eat less and exercise a lot!"
20) John requested Maria, “Don’t disturb me. I am busy writing my essay”.
21) The police warned us "Don't pass through the barricades!"
22) Mandy told Henry, “Don’t tell me that you know the film that I am watching”.
23) My dentist told me "Brush your teeth after every meal!"
24) My parents told me "Get home before midnight!"
25) The librarian requested me "Please return the book to the right shelf!"


USE 1-"SHALL" IN REPORTED SPEECH (SHALL I - SHALL WE): Future Tense'de, will yerine kullanılan shall olduğu zaman ve
birisinden bilgi ricasında bulunulduğu zaman, cümle aktarılırken shall yerine would kullanılır.
- “When shall I see my child again?” she wondered.
- She wondered when she would see her child again.
- “Where shall we go after school today?” the students asked.
- The students asked where they would go after school that day.

USE 2- Birisinden talimat ve tavsiye isteğinde bulunulduğu zaman should ya da was / were to kullanılır.
- The assistant said, “Shall we open the shop on Sunday, sir?”
- The assistant asked the manager if they should / were to open the shop on Sunday.
- The girl asked, “Which shoe shall I wear for the party, Hilary?”
- The girl asked asked Suzie which shoe she should / was to wear for the party.

USE 3- Birisine bir iyilik yapma teklifinde bulunma durumlarında yine shall kullanılır.
- “Shall I paint your room?” I said to my friend.
- I offered my friend to paint his room.
- “Shall we go to the zoo after school? ” I said.
- I suggested going to the zoo after school.


A- "Will" yardımcı fiil olarak gelecek zaman (future tense) ile kullanılıyorsa, normal kurallara göre "WOULD" olarak değişir.
- They asked “Will Jack come to the party next week?”
- They asked if Jack would come to their party to following week.

B- RİCA CÜMLELERİNDE: WILL, WOULD veya COULD aşağıdaki şekilde değiştirilir.

- “Will you help me, please?” he said.
- He asked me to help her.
- “Would you drink another glass of tea?”
- He offered me another glass of tea.
- “Could you write an answer to this letter for me?”
- She asked me to write an answer to that letter for him.

USE 5- "LET'S" in reported speech: LET'S ile başlayan cümleler SUGGEST + V ING şeklinde veya SHOULD kullanılarak
- He said “Let's change the bed in the bedroom.”
- He suggested changing the bed in the bedroom.
- He suggested that they should change the bed in the bedroom.


A- Eğer "must" kelimesi, sonuç çıkarmak için kullanılıyorsa, dolaylı cümlede aynen kalır.
- They said, “That girl helps everybody. She must be kind-hearted.”
- They said that the girl helped everybody and added that she must be kind-hearted.

B- Kalıcı ve sürekliliğini muhafaza eden emir cümlelerinde de "must" değişmez.

- The teacher said, “Everybody must be obediend to the school rules.”
- The teacher said that everybody must be obediend to the school rules.

C- Tavsiye ve niyet bildiren durumlarda "must" aynen kalır.

- My friend said “You must do your homeworks regularly.”
- My friend told me that I must do my homeworks regularly.

D- Geleceğe yönelik mecburiyet bildiren “must” eğer o işi hala tamamlanmamışsa "would have to" ile anlatılır. Eğer
tamamlanmışsa "had to" kullanılır.
- My father “Your brother lost his job at that company. You must find him another job.” (mecburiyet geleceğe dönüktür)
- My father told me that my brother had lost his job in the company and added that I would have to find him another job.
(Eğer bu cümle söylendiği sırada, hala iş bulma zorunluluğu devam ediyorsa, "would have to" kullanılır.)

My father told me that my brother had lost his job and anned that I had to find another job.( eğer iş bulunmuşsa, had to

E- MUSTN'T değişmez.
- Jimmy said “You mustn't smoke. ”
- Jimmy said I mustn't smoke.

USE 7- NEEDN’T çoğunlukla değişmez.

- Mary, “You needn't sleep early tonight.”
- Mary said I needn't sleep early that night.

EXERCISE 8-Chance the following sentences into “Reported Speech” using the “Reporting Verbs”
Direct : I said to him, “open the door, please”.
Reported : I asked him politely to open the door.
Direct : Selda said, “No, I don’t have any hatered to anyone else”.
Reported : Selda denied that she had any hatered to anyone else.
1) Henry said to me, “Please, don’t say anything to my father”.(plead with)
2) The teacher said to his students, “Please, be punctual at all my lectures”.( request)
3) Jane said to the man, “Will you please listen to me without interrupting?”( ask (politely)
4) Carl said to the teacher, “Would you mind opening me the window?”( request)
5) The student said to the teacher “Could you please explain this subject once more?”.(suggest)
6) The stranger said to me, “Can you describe me the way to the Ulus square, please?”(beg)
7) The librarian said to the student, “Please keep quite inside the library”.(remind)
8) The old lady said to me, “Would you be helpful to cross the road?”(ask (politely)
9) The child said “Let me stay up a little longer tonight, mother,”.(offer)
10) Bob said, “No, I didn’t punch anybody at school”.(deny)
11) Sandy said to George, “You had better make your complaints to the manager”.(advise)
12) Paul said, “I am awfully sorry that I have made a big mistake”.(apologize)
13) The manager said to me, “I think that you will be in charge of the whole company”.(predict)
14) Mark said to me, “ I will never lie to you again”.(promise)
15) Tom said, “Yes,of course, I can live near you, Mike”.(admit)
16) Tina said, “Don’t forget to turn off the furnace,Tony!” (remind)
17) Selçuk said, “Let me carry your suitcase, Rosemary”. Selçuk
18) The police inspector said, “You stumbled into that villa for robbery, didn’t you, Bob!”( accuse)
19) Robin told me “I don’t know but they may come this evening”. (doubt)
20) Rob told me “I won't be able to join the meeting tomorrow”. (apologize)

EXERCISE 9-Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” using the “Reporting Verbs” in brackets.
Direct : “Why not paint the walls yellow?” said Eileen, (recommend)
Reported : Eileen recommended that we (should) paint the walls yellow.
1) Jenny said to us “Let’s study for the history exam in my house tomorrow!”, (suggest) Jenny
2) Rob said to Hilda, “That dictionary you are using belongs to me”, (claim) Rob
3) My son said, “Yes, I have stolen some money from my father’s pocket”, (admit) My son
4) Jane said “I have never copied on the exam”, (deny) Jane
5) Sam said “I will never cheat anyone again”, (promise) Sam
6) Mandy said to me “You should solve this problem with another way”, (suggest) Mandy
7) Ramsy said, “I phoned at nine o’clock, but nobody answered it”, (explain) Ramsy
8) Tim said to me, “You are completely right in your thoughts ”, (accept)Tim
9) Nancy said, “I can speak French fluently”, (boast) Nancy
10) The witness said, “This is the woman who swindle me ”, (affirm) The witness
11) George said to me, “You really must come and join the board meeting”, (insist) George
12) The weatherman said, “Central Anatolia will not get any rain tomorrow”, (predict) The weatherman
13) Andy said, “I know where the homeless man is”, (claim) Andy
14) My mother said, “Yes, your punishment is a little bit heavy”, (agree)My mother
15) My mother said to me “You never make your bed”, (complain) My mother

EXERCISE 10- Change the following sentences into “Reported speech” using the “Reporting Verbs” in brackets.
Direct : Rose said to me, “You broke the window of the class”, (accuse of)
Reported: Rose accused me of breaking the window of the class .
1) Patrick said “No, I didn’t broke the window of the class”, (deny). Patrick
2) Melinda said “Yes, I did not attend classes”, (admit to). Melinda
3) Tonny said to me, “I am sorry that I lied to you”, (apologize to).Tonny
4) Our father said “Let’s go out for dinner tonight!”,(suggest). My father
5) My mother said to me “You must wear coat before going out today”,(insist on)My mother
6) Ramsy said to me “I am better than you in chess”, (boast about) Ramsy
7) Tom said, “It is true, I crashed with my father's car”, (confess to)Tom
8) Lizy said to her friend“I am sorry I didn’t meet you when you landed at the airport”,(apologize to) Lizy
9) The doctor said, “You had better stay in bed for a week”, (advise) The doctor
10) Sonya said, “No, I don’t object to working with him here”, (mind) Sonya
11) My parents said to me, “No, we won’t raise any objection if you want to study medical at university”, (object to)
My parents
EXERCISE 10- Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” using the “Reporting Verbs” in brackets.
Direct : My father said to me, “Do your homeworks”(advise)
Reported : My father advised me to do my homeworks.
1) Bob said to me, “Could you answer my question?” (ask) Bob
2) The doctor said to the children "Don’teat fast-food, it is harmfull”, (warn)
3) Nancy said to Nora, “You had better see the dentist right away”, (advise)Nancy
4) My teacher said to me “Get out of my class right now”,(order) My teacher
5) Jenny said to Mark, “Please, help me to carry these parcels”, (beg) Jenny
6) My father said to me, “Try more to pass your exams”, (encourage) My father
7) The man said to me “enter your password and wait for page to open”, (instruct) The man
8) Tony said to the child “Don’t piss the dog; it can bite you “. (warn) Tony
9) Rose said to me. “You can ride my bicycle”, (allow) Rose
10) Sue said to me “I would like to eat chocolate”,(want) Sue
11) Our father said to us “You mustn’t stay out late at nights”, (forbid) Our father
12) Ann said to me “Would you like to come to my birthday party on Sunday?”. (invite) Ann
13) Rose said “Don’t forget to lock the windows and door,July”,(remind) Rose
14) Henry said to me, “The picnic will be a great fun. You must come”, (persuade)Henry


Her bir ifadeyi kendine uygun fillerle aktarabiliriz.
DÜZ CÜMLELER İÇİN: say, tell, explain, remark, …
SORU CÜMLELERİ İÇİN: ask, want to know, wonder, inquire, ….
EMİR CÜMLELERİ İÇİN: ask, tell, order, …

A-STATEMENT + STATEMENT: Bir tane aktarma sözü yeterlidir ve iki cümle arasında “ and that” kullanılır. İki cümle arasında
“ but, so, because, or, as, ..” bağlaçlar varsa değişmezler.
“The teacher’s meeting hasn’t started yet.The teachers have to wait until the headmaster comes.”
She said/told me that The teacher’s meeting hadn’t started yet and that the teachers had to wait until the headmaster
“ I have to study but I am too tired.”
He said/told me that he had to study but he was too tired.

B-QUESTION + QUESTION: Yes- No question ve wh- questionların kuralları aynen geçerlidir. Bir tane aktarma sözü yeterlidir.
“Why are you crying? Do you have too much pain?
My father asked me why I was crying and ıf/whetter I had too much pain.

C- QUESTION + IMPERATIVE OR IMPERATIVE + QUESTION: Question ve imperative’lere uygun aktarma sözleri geçerlidir.
“What are you doing in your room? Start clearing your room.”
My mother asked what I was doing in the room and told me to start clearing my room.
“Don’t speak during the lesson. Do you have any problem?
Our teacher told us not to speak during the lesson and asked if/whetter I had some problem.

D-STATEMENT + QUESTION OR QUESTION + STATEMENT: Question ve statement’lere uygun aktarma sözleri geçerlidir.
“It is too cold inside. Can I close the Windows?”
She said that it was too cold inside and asked if she could close the window.
“How wil the weather be tomorrow? We want to go to picnic.”
He wanted to know how the weather would be the following day and said that they wanted to g oto picnic.

E-STATEMENT + IMPERATIVE OR IMPERATIVE + STATEMENT: Imperative ve statement’lere uygun aktarma sözleri

“Don’t sit on my bed. I don’t like it.”
She told me not to sit on her bed and said that she didn’t like it.
“ I want to go out today. Don’t overwhelm me.”
He told me that he wanted to go out that day and ordered me not to overwhelm him.

EXERCISE 11- Change the following sentences into “Reported Speech” using the “Reporting Verbs” in brackets.
1) “Have you decided which university you are going to enter?”
2) "My problem is similar to yours,"
3) "I have committed a crime," (confessed)
4) “We used to play together.”
5) "I will shot you with my gun," (threaten)
6) "I must tell you a secret about your boss," (whispered)
7) "I myself am responsible for all my firm's money," he said
8) "My husband and I are going to get a divorce,"
9) "There may be a third World war in the near future,"

10) “If I had enough money, I would buy a new house”.
11) "We'll wait for you until 6:00,"
12) "You can't play with a ball in the house,"(forbid)
13) "My wife and I were havingdinner out at eight."
14) "You must speak up. We can't hear what you are saying." (request)
15) "I was having a shower when I heard the crash outside."
16) "My father drives faster than me."
17) "I haven't stolen anything from the house." (denied)
18) "I would like to invite you to my party."
19) “I am going to clean the house when I get up tomorrow”.
20) "You are the best housemaid I've ever met."
21) "I am going to look for another flat for my family."
22) "I can't find your keys anywhere."
23) "I won't be able to come to the meeting tomorrow."
24) I have been washing my car for two hours."
25) “You will win the match if you play more carefully”.
26) “The driver braked just in time.”
27) "I had a lot of trouble with my car lately."
28) “I haven’t seen you for ages. What have you been doing since I last saw you?”
29) "I'll meet you at the reception."
30) "The Moon goes around the Earth."
31) "Don't talk loudly in the classroom."(order)
32) "The children have had a nice time at the birthday party."Grandfather said
33) "Let's play chess tonight." (suggested)
34) "I simply can't imagine what Our father is going to do when he retired?"
35) "Let's have a drink outside." (offered)
36) "Don't come to school without your books."(warn)
37) "I have been living in Ankara for fifteen years."
38) "The Sun is the source of life on Earth."People say
39) "Don't eat these chocolates as they are for our guests."(forbade)
40) "Don't jump into the pool."
41) “You may pass your exam if you study.”(encourage)
42) “I don't understand why you are behaving so foolishly.” (complain)
43) "I have received a parcel from abroad."
44) “I’ll have a lot of free time because the summer holiday began”.
45) “I need $350 deposit.”
46) “You'll make up your mind soon.”
47) “Pay particular attention when you are doing your work”.
48) “Do you smoke a lot?”
49) “I've been cleaning all the windows since ten.”
50) “Save money for buying a new house.” (advise)
51) “Somebody hit my car last week.”
52) “Shall I open the window?” (asked)
53) “There was a fire yesterday evening.”
54) “They were talking about her when she came in.”
55) “I'll be there on time.”
56) “Let’s go for a walk now. It is not raining any more”.
57) “Sit down by the window.”
58) “You used to win every match you played.”
59) “My son had his first tooth on 10 december.”
60) “I haven't told them anything about it yet.”
61) “June would like to work for 'Boss'.” (explained)
62) “You mustn't put out your tongue.”
63) “Don’t make a lot of noise when you are playing in your room”.
64) “My firm dismissed me last week.”
65) “Physics is a very difficult lesson.”
66) “We aren't going to stay at the Hilton in summer.”
67) “Don't pick up those mushrooms. They're poisonous.”(warn)
68) “I've been learning Russian for two years.” (explained)
69) “Is Sam coming tomorrow?”
70) “She wouldn't help you if she could.”
71) “There are a lot of problems in my country”.
72) “Why don’t we have a picnic next Saturday?”
73) “When I was driving home, I saw Sue”.
74) “They will go swimming tomorrow.”
75) “They reserved a table for dinner yesterday.”


A-Indirect (Reported) Speech
1-This story tells us ……………. and try to be optimistic. A
A) not to worry B) don't worry
C) that not to worry D) to not worry
E) you didn't worry
2- ……………. remains a mystery to all of us. E
A)Which car did they buy B)Does he have an excuse
C)Does anyone know D)That he got elected to the committee
E)Why he resigned from work
3-"If I were you, I would send the e-mail at once." Tom said to Sally. D
A) Tom asked Sally to send the e-mail at once. B) Tom told Sally that she would send the e-mail at once.
C) Tom ordered Sally to send the e-mail at once. D) Tom advised Sally to send the e-mail at once.
E) Tom forced Sally to send the e-mail at once.
4-The female worker claimed that they ……………. by his employers. C
A) had gender discrimination B) had had gender discrimination
C) had been having gender discrimination D) was have gender discrimination
E) had been have gender discrimination
5- It was Pastor ……………. the rabies vaccine. C
A)to be invented B)inventing
C)that invented D)he was inventing
E)his having been invented
6-Nancy’s parents said that their visit to their grandparents ……………. C
A)had to postpone B)had postponed
C)had been postponed D)would postpone
7- The factory owner asked the firemen …………….the cause of the fire yet. B
A)why they are trying to find B)if they had found
C)if they are able to find D)that they had found
E)not to try to find
8-The police ……………. the man not to swear if he ………………… in trouble. E
A) said to/ did want to be B) have told/ did not wanted to be
C) asked/ did not want to be D) tell/ did want to be
E) advised/ did not want to be
9-Tina was on the way to her school when she realized ……………. D
A)if she had left her project homework at home. B)how could she have made such a mistake.
C)whether she will lock the door or not. D)that she had left her project homework at home .
E)the fact that she won't work that day.
10-"We wish we didn’t have to sleep so early," said the girls. The girls said they wished ……………. B
A)we hadn't had to sleep so early. B)they didn't have to sleep so early.
C)we didn't have to sleep so early. D)they had to sleep so early.
E)they haven't had to sleep so early.
11- It.............. that there has been a worker action in İstanbul. B
A) reports B) is reported
C) was reported D) reported
E) would report
12-The thief admitted that ……………. picture of Picasso from the museum . C
A)it was stealing B)he was being stolen
C)he had stolen D)it had to steal
E)he was stolen
13-Her husband ………….. his wife to …………………….their credit card so much. A
A)forbade/ use B) said/ used
C)has begged/ used D) encourages/ uses
E) wanted to know/ use
14- My father wondered ……………., D
A)how long will I stay there. B)that I was interested inhistory.
C)what I usually do on holidays. D)why I stopped studying.
E)if we are busy with our work.
15- I need a job. Could you tell me where ……………. for it? B
A) should I apply B) to apply
C) I am applying D) to be applied
E) did I have to apply
16-"No, I won't go anywhere without you again," said Mary to John. B
A)Mary agreed to go anywhere without John again. B)Mary refused to go anywhere without John again.
C)Mary told John not to see her again. D)John refused to go anywhere without Mary again.
E)Mary promised not to go anywhere without John again.
17-Henry has said they ……………. the machine problem until midnight. A
A) will have solved B) solved
C) have solved D) had to solve
E) are solved
18- The special operations police doesn’t know whether.……………. A
A)he killed the terrorist or not B)he was killed the terrorist or not
C)he had been killing the terrorist D)he have killed the terrorist or not
E)he should have been killed the terrorist
19- The beautiful, charming girl requested me , ……………. A
A)to carry her heavy suitcase. B) not to stop looking at her.
C)that I didn't have to lift the heavy suitcase for him. D)why I should help her.
E)how I managed to lift the heavy suitcase.
20-The children asked their parents ……………. It would take to reach the hotel. D
A)what B)that
C)if D)how long
E) whether
21-Jane didn't think that the exam ……………. B
A)so difficult B)would be so difficult
C)is going to be so difficult D)be so difficult
E)are so difficult
22-Can you prove that ……………. ? E
A)did he deceive with someone else B)if he will deceive with someone else
C) deceive with someone else D)was deceived with someone else
E)he deceived with someone else
23-Jenny wasn't confident that she ……………. any better at arrow shooting. D
A)will have done B)must have been doing
C)had been done D)could do
E)was done
24-The doctor’s problem is ……………. the blood pressure of the patient now. B
A)how will he lower B)how he can lower
C)how do he have to lower D)how he are lowering
E)how he have been lowered
25-My friend ................ why I was in a hurry the previous day. B
A) said B) wanted to know
C) will tell me D) ordered me
E)don't want to know
26-The teacher told the students ……………. the chemical experiment as he had told them and ……………. them to call if they
needed extra help. E
A) they did / said B) to do / ordered them
C)not to do / told themD) he had done / ask
E)to do / asked
27-His doctor recommended that Henry ……………. his medicine for ten days. A
A)should take B)took
C) takes D) was taking
E)has taken
28-She said she ……………. because she was unhappy with her long working hours. D
A) had resign B) was resigned
C) had been resigned D) was going to resign
E) should resign
29-George asked me when the pedestrian crossing priority ……………. compulsory in Turkey. B
A) become B) had become
C) would be becoming D) were becoming
E) had to become
30-What you did is often more important than the way ……………. it. E
A)has been did B)having did
C)to have been doing D)is being did
E)you do
31-"Why don't we write an article on environmental polution?" he said to me. He suggested ……………. D
A)that he should write an article on environmental polution .
B)to write an article on environmental polution.
C)having written an article on environmental polution.
D)writing an article on environmental polution.
E)that I shall write an article on environmental polution.
32-"What about travelling by plane?" I said to her, "There is one at 9 p.m." C
I ……………. our travelling by plane ……………. that there was one at 9 p.m.
A) offered / adding B) suggested / to add
C) suggested / adding D) offered / and added
E) offered / explaining
33-Certainly, Tom won't deny ……………. D
A)why he lied to all of us . B)what had he stolen at the party.
C)that has to be sent to the prison. D)that he lied to all of us.
E)which party is he going to support.
34-The parents said they . …………….... during my healing period. B
A)would have hardly left B)could never leave
C)weren’t left D)aren't going to leave
E)hadn't been left
35- We ……………. if Tina …………… feel happy after his husband's betrayal. A
A) wondered/ could B) exclaimed/ could
C) mentioned/ could D) promised/ could
E) ordered/ could
36-Tom wasn't at home when Mary arrived, she suppose he might have forgotten that ……………. B
A)she'd have come B)she was coming
C)she have been coming D)she had to come
E)she came

37-"I'm sorry I wasn't able to come theatre on time," Alice said. "My car broke down." E
Alice ……………. for not coming on time and ……………. that her car had broken down.
A)admitted / explained B)pointed out / offered
C)apologized / agreed D)complained / promised
E)apologized / explained
38-"Would you mind not eating anything in library?" said the librarian. A
The nurse asked us ……………. in hospital.
A)not to eat anything B)if we should eat anything
C)whether we should eat anything or not D)to eat anything
E)why we shouldn't eat anything
39- What I hated most about my ex-husband was……………. B
A) the fact that was rude. B)that he was very selfish.
C)that to be rude. D)the fact that was selfish.
E)not his apology.
40-Jim said that a home security system...……………..... their house against robbers when they ……………. away. C
A)guarded / would be B)will have guarded / were
C)would guard / were D)guard / have been
E)might have been guarded / had been
41-The prison authorities announced that the convicts ….…. special permission in the case of the death of close relatives. E
A) were taken B) should be taken
C) will have taken D) have to take
E) were to take
42-Generally nobody ……………. when the fire was invented. D
A) was knowing B) had been known
C) will be knowing D) knew
E) had to be known
48-"Be careful. The benches have just been painted." said the painter. E
The painter……………. us to be careful about the corridor.
A)requested B)apologized for
C)insisted on D)blamed for
E) warned
49-"I'm afraid I've lost your valuable bracelet." said my friend. C
My friend ……………. my valuable bracelet.
A)blamed me for losing B)warned me to lose
C)admitted losing D)objected to lose
E)asked me if I lost
50-“You ought to answer the questions in detail,” said Tonny.
Tonny ……………. me to answer the questions in detail. E
A)requested B)said
C)didn’t warn D)explained
51-The experts defined that export........... in order to reduce the present rate of inflation. C
A) had to increaseB) would be increasing
C) had to be increased D) has been increasing
E) was increasing
52-The company security officer ……………. that the personnel …………….. their identity cards. E
A) was begging/ were to carry B) has been pleading/ are to carry
C) being regarded/ are to carry D) having confessed/ were to carry
E) has announced/ are to carry
53-If you add up monthly expenditure to the chart, you will know exactly ……………. C
A)why it was spent B)who could have spent
C)how much you have spent D)how much have you spent
E)what do you spend
54-Karen wanted to know ……………. a pretty dress for her daughter for graduation prom or not. C
A)if I have bought B)whether I have to buy
C)whether I had bought D)what I had been bought
E)if I have to buy
55-"Would you like to have dinner at my house?said Bob to Jane. A
Bob……………. Jane to have dinner at…………..
A)invited / his house B) asked / her house
C)refused / his house D) invited / her house
E)told / her house
56-I agreed and bought my son the sound system, advising him not to play loudly. E
"All right. Here is the sound system ……………. " I said to him.
A)you should play loudly. B)I had better not play loudly.
C)you can't play loudly. D)I never play loudly.
E)you had better not play loudly.
57-The teacher said that he ……………. the project homeworks the following lesson. A
A)was going to control B)had been controlled
C)would have controlling D)will have controlled
E)should have controlling
58-It is undoubtedly true that Edremit earthquake……………. natural disaster of recent years . A
A)was the worst B)has to be the worst
C)should be the worse D)was being the worse
E)had been worse
59-The girl’s parents told her fiancé that they ……………. right away if they ……………. enough money. A
A)could get married/ had B)wanted marrying/ had
C)were marrying/ had D)have to be married/ had
E)will have get married/ had
70- Whether anyone ……………. him about the robbery or not ………….. doubtful. C
A) tell/ was B) had been telling/ was
C) told/ was D) is telling/ was
E) was telling/ was


RELATIVE CLAUSES: Bir ismi tanımlayan, tanımladığı isimden yani detay ek bilgi vereceğimiz kelimenin hemen arkasından
gelen ve tek başına kullanılamayan cümledir. İki cümleyi birleştirmek için ve genellikle anlatımda akıcılığı sağlamak için
kullanılır.İkinci cümle, birinci cümledeki insan, hayvan, cansız varlıkla ilgili bilgi veriyordur.

- A women opened the door. She was wearing a white dress. (Kapıyı bir kadın açtı. Kadın beyaz bir elbise giyiyordu.)
- The woman who was wearing a white dress opened the door. (Kapıyı, beyaz elbise giyen bir kadın açtı.)
En önemli konu, hangi kelimeyle ilgili bilgi verildiğini tespit edip, uygun relative kelimesini o kelimenin önüne koymaktır.
İlgili kelimeden sonra kullanmazsak cümlenin anlamı bozulur.
- The woman opened the door who was wearing a white dress. (Kadın, beyaz elbise giyen kapıyı açtı.)

RELATIVE CLAUSE:1- DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE ( TANIMLAYAN):Bir ismi tanımlar ve diğerlerinden ayırt etmemizi sağlar.
The man : Kimden söz ettiğimiz anlaşılmaz
The man who is wearing red shoes:Kimden söz ettiğimiz anlaşılır.
2-NON- DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSE (TANIMLAMAYAN):Zaten tanımlanmış bir ismi tekrar tanımladığımızda
Non-defining yapmış oluruz. Yani ikinci bir ek bilgi vermiş oluruz.
Mrs. Smith: Kimden söz ettiğimiz anlaşılır.
Mrs. Smith who attended your school: Fazladan ek bilgi vermektedir.

The man who attended your school wants to meet with you. (Defining)
Mrs.Smith ,who attended your school, wants to meet with you. (Non-defining)


A-RELATIVE PRONOUNS AS SUBJECT OF THE CLAUSE: Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlenin öznesi ise
WHO:İnsanlar için kullanılır.Birinci cümlede vurgulanan kişi ile ikinci cümlede vurgulanan kişi aynı ise
WHICH: Hayvan ve Cansız varlıklar için kullanılır.
THAT: Hepsi için kullanılır.

We rewarded the student. She wrote the best poem.

We rewarded the student. who wrote the best poem.
We rewarded the student. that wrote the best poem.

I can mend the clock. IT is on the wall.

I can mend the clock. which is on the wall.
I can mend the clock. that is on the wall.


GRUP İSİMLERİ: kurumu oluşturan bireyleri kasteden; WHO + ÇOĞUL AUXILIARY
A student is always unsuccessfull. He is not well-motivated.
A student which/that is not well-motivated is always unsuccessfull.
The students are complaining from the school. They are not pleased with the course schedules.
The students who are not pleased with the course schedules are complaining from the school.

USE 2-Tanımlayacağımız isim: Temel cümlenin öznesi ise; ÖZNE + RELATIVE + VERB
The girl is very happy. She won the gold madal at the tournament.
The girl who won the gold madal at the tournament is very happy.
The clock is broken. It is on the wall of the living room.
The clock which is on the wall of the living room is broken.
The clock that is on the wall of the living room is broken.

USE 3-Tanımladığımız isme ait başka sözcükler olduğunda: Relative Clause bu sözcüklerden sonra gelir.
There is someone on the phone. He wants to talk to you.
There is someone on the phone who wants to talk to you.


The boy who stays upstairs, is a doctor.
The boys who stay upstairs, are doctors
The pen which is on the shelf, is expensive.
The pens which are on the two shelves, are expensive.
The coffee which is in the cup is for your father.

USE 5- Temel cümle ile relative clause’un tense’leri farklı zamanlarda kurulabilir.
The woman who had a car crash two hours ago is at hospital now.
The car which was broken at a crash can not be repaired.

B-RELATIVE PRONOUNS AS THE OBJECT OF A VERB: Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlenin nesnesi ise
WHO/WHOM/THAT: İnsanlar için kullanılır.
WHICH/THAT: Hayvan, Cansız varlıklar ve grup isimleri için kullanılır.
The man is a good doctor. We met him yesterday.
The man who we met yesterday is a good doctor.
The man whom we met yesterday is a good doctor.
The man that we met yesterday is a good doctor.
The man, we met yesterday, is a good doctor. (Relative pronoun kullanılmadan da aynı anlamı verebiliriz.)

The film is very exciting. I watched it last sunday.

The film which I watched last sunday is very exciting.
The film that I watched last Sunday is very exciting.
The film, I watched last Sunday, is very exciting. (Relative pronoun kullanılmadan da aynı anlamı verebiliriz.)

C-RELATIVE PRONOUNS AS THE OBJECT OF A PREPOSITION: Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede bir
preposition’un nesnesi ise, bu preposition Relative clause’da kullanılır.
WHO/WHOM/THAT: İnsanlar için kullanılır.
WHICH/THAT: Hayvan, Cansız varlıklar ve grup isimleri için kullanılır.
The girl wasn’t happy with the result.I gave low oral note to her.
The girl who I gave low oral note to wasn’t happy with the result.
The girl whom I gave low oral note to wasn’t happy with the result.
The girl that I gave low oral note to wasn’t happy with the result.
The girl, I gave low oral note to wasn’t happy with the result.

The project is very important. I have informed you about it.

The project which I informed you about is very important.
The project that I informed you about is very important.
The Project, I informed you about is very important.

PREPOSITION + WHOM: İnsanlar için

The girl wasn’t happy with the result.I gave low oral note to her.
The girl to whom I gave low oral note wasn’t happy with the result.

The women were pickpocketers. The police looked for them.

The women who the police looked for were pickpocketers.
The women whom the police looked for were pickpocketers.
The women that the police looked for were pickpocketers.
The women, the police looked for were pickpocketers.
The women for whom the police looked were pickpocketers.

PREPOSITION + WHICH: Nesneler için

The Project is very important. I have informed you about it.
The Project about which I informed you is very important.

The sofa doesn’t look comfortable. You are sitting on it.

The sofa which you are sitting on doesn’t look comfortable.
The sofa that you are sitting on doesn’t look comfortable.
The sofa, you are sitting on doesn’t look comfortable.
The sofa on which you are sitting doesn’t look comfortable.

D- USING “WHOSE” AND “OF WHICH”: onun, onların anlamındadır.Sınavlarda en çok sorulan ilgi zamiridir
USE 1-WHOSE: Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede iyelik bildiriyor ise (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their,
Jack’s, …. ) insan , hayvan, nesneler için whose kullanılır.
This is the woman. Her mother died last week.
This is the woman whose mother died last week.
The woman is a teacher. Her mother died last week.
The woman whose mother died last week is a teacher.
The woman is my relative. I want to buy her house.
The woman whose house I want to buy is my relative.

The cup is my friend’s. Its handle was broken.

The cup is my friend’s whose handle was broken.
The cup whose handle was broken is my friend’s.

The cup was my friend’s. I broke Its handle.

The cup whose handle I broke was my friend’s.

USE 2-OF WHICH: Defining relative clause’da kullanımı çok azdır.

This is the house. I decorated its furnitures.
This is the house whose furnitures I decorated.
This is the house the furnitures of which I decorated.

USE 3-Tanımladığımız iyelik bildiren ismin bir preposition’u varsa:

This is the man. Tom is marrying with his daughter.
This is the man whose daughter Tom is marrying with. (relative clause + preposition)
This is the man with whose daughter Tom is marrying. (preposition + whose)

Do you remember the woman? I talked you about her project.

Do you remember the woman whose project I talked you about?
Do you remember the woman about whose project I talked you?


Mount Ağrı is the highest mountain in Turkey. You can see snow on its top.
Mount Ağrı on top of whıch/ on whose top you can see snow is the highest mountain in Turkey.

E- WHERE: Tanımlayacağımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede yer ( Dolaylı tümleç) bildiriyor ise relative sözcüğü olarak 'where'
kullanılır. Birinci cümlede(place, river, lake, mountain……) gibi yer bildiren kelimeler olur.2. cümlenin sonunda there
kelimesi kullanılırsa WHERE kullanılır.
I liked the village. I spent my childhood there.
I liked the village where I spent my childhood.
She visited the Etnography museum. She spent all her day there.
She visited Etnography museum where she spent all her day.

USE 1- YER bildiren ismi tanımlarken WHICH ve THAT kullanabiliriz. Aynı zamanda hiç bir relative sözcüğü kullanmadan
relative clause kullanabiliriz. İsme ait preposition mutlaka kullanılmalıdır.
I liked the luxury hotel. We stayed in that hotel last summer.
I liked the luxury hotel which we stayed in last summer
I liked the luxury hotel that we stayed in last summer
I liked the luxury hotel we stayed in last summer
I liked the luxury hotel in which we stayed last summer

This is the hospital. I usually take medical care there (at that hospital).
This is the hospital where I usually take medical care.
This is the hospital which I usually take medical care at.
This is the hospital that I usually take medical care at.
This is the hospital I usually take medical care at.
This is the hospital at which I usually take medical care.

USE 2- WHERE kullanabilmemiz için ismin tanımlayan cümlede “ at the theatre, on the table, in the room, in the city, …”
gibi yer bildirmesi gerekir. Yani yer ismi, tanımlayan cümlede özne ya da nesne durumunda olmamalıdır.
I like the house. It has big and large windows. (it = subject) where kullanılamaz.
I like the house which has big and large windows.
I like the house that has big and large windows.

I liked the house. You decorated it last week. (it = subject) where kullanılamaz.
I liked the house which you decorated last week.
I liked the house that you decorated last week.
I liked the house you decorated last week.

I liked the house. I spend my childhood there. (in that house- adverbs of place)
I liked the house where I spend my childhood.
I liked the house which I spend my childhood in.
I liked the house that I spend my childhood in.
I liked the house I spend my childhood in.
I liked the house in which I spend my childhood.

F- WHEN: Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede “time, on that day, in that year, at that month, ..” zaman bildiriyorsa,
relative sözcüğü olarak “WHEN, PREPOSITION (ON, AT,..) + WHICH, THAT” kullanılabilir. Relative sözcüğü kullanılmadan
Relative Clause’da kullanılabilir. 2. cümlenin sonunda then kelimesi kullanılabilir
1934 is the year. The right to vote was given to Turkish women then.
1934 is the year when the right to vote was given to Turkish women.
1934 is the year that the right to vote was given to Turkish women.
1934 is the year the right to vote was given to Turkish women.
1934 is the year in which the right to vote was given to Turkish women.

16 March is the time. I was born on that day.

16 March is the time when I was born.
16 March is the time that I was born.
16 March is the time I was born.
16 March is the time on which I was born.

G-WHY:“REASON” sözcüğünden sonra neden ifade eden bir cümle geliyorsa WHY, THAT, FOR WHICH kullanırız. Relative
sözcüğü kullanılmadan Relative Clause’da kullanılabilir.
The reason why we are holding teachers’ meeting is to find solution to student absenteeism.
The reason that we are holding teachers’ meeting is to find solution to student absenteeism.
The reason we are holding teachers’ meeting is to find solution to student absenteeism.

The reason FOR which we are holding teachers’ meeting is to find solution to student absenteeism.

“REASON, EXPLANATION”: “… ileri sürdüğü neden, … yaptığı açıklama” gibi ifadelerde “WHY yada FOR WHICH”
kullanamayız. Bunların yerine cansız varlıklar için kullandığımız “ WHICH ve THAT “ kullanabiliriz. Hatta, her ikisinide

The reason that he told us for his failure disappointed us.

The reason which he told us for his failure disappointed us.
The reason he told us for his failure disappointed us.

The explanation that the man made about the project confused them.
The explanation which the man made about the project confused them.
The explanation the man made about the project confused them.


WHO/THAT: Everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, anyone, anybody gibi belgisiz zamirleri tanımlayabilir. İnsanlar
için kullanılır. Tanımladığımız zamir, tanımlayan cümlede özne durumunda ise kullanılır.
Everybody who came to the tour was cheerful people.
Everybody that came to the tour was cheerful people.

WHO/WHOM/THAT: Tanımladığımız zamir, tanımlayan cümlede nesne durumunda ise kullanılır.Ama relative sözcüğü
genellikle kullanılmaz.
Someone who you all know is coming to dinner tonight.
Someone whom you all know is coming to dinner tonight.
Someone that you all know is coming to dinner tonight.
Someone you all know is coming to dinner tonight.

There is someone whom we want to get information.

There is someone who we want to get information.
There is someone that we want to get information.
There is someone we want to get information.

THAT: Something, anything, nothing gibi belgisiz zamirleri tanımlayabilir. Nesneler için kullanılır. Which çok nadir kullanılır.
That tercih edilir. Tanımladığımız zamir, tanımlayan cümlede nesne durumunda ise genellikle Relative sözcüğü tercihen
Everything that was told at the rally area was a lie.
Everything that the politician told at the rally area was a lie.
Everything the politician told at the rally area was a lie.

Anything that has been taught in maths will be useful at the test.
Anything that you have taught in maths will be useful at the test.
Anything you have taught in maths will be useful at the test.

A-WHO/THAT: İnsanlar için kullanılır.
Ten people applied for the job. Only one of them was suitable.
Only ten people who/that applied for the job was suitable.
Only those who/that applied for the job was suitable.

B-WHICH/THAT: Nesneler için kullanılır

-Do want me to bring all the pens?
-No, I want only those which/that are in the pencil box.

EXERCISE 1 -Combine the following pairs of sentences using the Relative Pronouns “WHO”, “WHICH” or “THAT”.
Example : The man will be very rich. The man won the first prize last week.
The man who won the first prize last week will be very rich.
Example : I know the girls. The girls went to Paris last week.
I know the girls who went to Paris last week.

1) The article was about disarmament in the world. It was criticized by the world press.
2) "Turkish March" is a great piece of music. It was composed by Beethoven.
3) The girl is very smart and beautiful. She is sitting next to me.
4) The books are lined up on my library shelves . They are very interesting.
5) The red car doesn't belong to my uncle. It is parked in front of the house.
6) The boy is my father’s assistant. He had an accident yesterday.
7) “The Improbable” book had a great influence on me. It was written by Adam Fawer.
8) The boxes are at the living room. They have just arrived.
9) The girl is in love with my brother. She has been living in our neighborhood for a long time.
10) The flat is the most expensive in the building. It faces the Bosphorus.
11) The restaurant hired a new cashier. It was opened two years ago.
12) The man rushed into the jewelry store . He was wearing a stocking over his face.
13) The air conditioner is really very expensive. It has just been installed in my new cottage.
14) The roads will be blocked with snow soon. They lead to Erzurum.
15) The man has had a heart attack . He is sitting in my side apartment.
16) Haydarpaşa train station will be rebuilt. It was damaged by the great fire a few years ago.
17) The doctor is at the operating room now. He usually examines my mother.
18) The Greens live in a large mansion in Belek. It has a large garden.
19) The men have been put in prison. They shot the seals last week.
20) Karum business center is an example of modern architecture. It is the symbol of Ankara.
21) The fire started on the ground floor . It destroyed the whole building.
22) I saw the girl. The girl dropped her purse on the bus yesterday.
23) They are going to pull down the building. It was constructed before I was born.
24) I greeted with the student on the road. The student used to live with my family years ago.
25) I have never seen a photocopy machine. It can make 6000 copies an hour.
26) The technicians are trying to design a new car. It can run on hybrid energy.
27) Radiotherapy was used to cure the patients. They were canser.
28) The children are playing with the toys. They were inside the basket.
29) They are going to shopping at the "Atakule Tower." It is the tallest building in Ankara.
30) I have a cousin. He has been running a hardware shop in Newyork for a long time.
31) Where can I catch the bus? It goes to Kızılay.
32) They put the blame on the woman. She was seen getting on a train two days ago..
33) Tom’s neigbour saw the thief. The thief was wearing black t-shirt and blue jeans.
34) My friend lives in a house. The house is on the river.
35) The teacher gets impatient with the students. They are unmotivated and inattentive.

EXERCISE 2-Combine the following pairs of sentences using the Relative Pronouns “WHO”, “WHOM”, “WHICH” or “THAT”.
Example : The man is rolling in money. You see the man over there.
The man (who / whom) you see over there is rolling in money.
Example : I love the teacher. You saw the teacher in the park the other day.
I love the teacher (who / whom) you saw in the park the other day.

1) The neckle has been stolen by a thief. The jeweler had designed it for her wedding .
2) I never sponsion to the people. I don't trust them.
3) The police is my sister. You have just talked her about the accident
4) A teenager boy found the wallet. The retired man thanked him.
5) The earring was not diamond. James bought the earring for his wife.
6) Is the house service staff back? We sent him to the bank.
7) The woman was a translator. I introduced the woman to my boss the other day.
8) Selina is riding on the bicycle. Her father bought it last week.
9) The pretty girl was a sales representative. I talked to her in the shop a few days ago.
10) Someone has taken the pencil. I put it in my pebcil box a few minutes ago.
11) The man has been given the job. They interviewed the man yesterday.
12) The drugs just put me to sleep. The psychiatrist gave the drugs to me yesterday.
13) The little girl was very miserable. The polices found her on the street at late hours the other day.
14) The Shakespeare’s novels are very difficult to read. He wrote his novels at old English period.
15) The cars are scrap but expensive. My sister wanted to buy them last week.
16) I am in love with the charming man. I saw the charming man at the conference last week.
17) I will sell the antiques. I found them in my grandmother’s attic.
18) The teacher is from Ankara. Everybody adores him.
19) Helen didn’t like the dress. John gave it to her yesterday.
20) The boy is terribly wounded. The car hit him at the pedestrian crossing.

EXERCISE 3- Combine the following pairs of sentences using the Relative Pronouns“WHO”, “WHOM”, “WHICH” or “THAT”.
Example : The girl lives in Paris. I am in love with the girl.
The girl (who / whom) I am in love with lives in Paris.
The girl with whom I am in love lives in Paris.

1-The “Spoonmaker’s Diamond”had been stolen from Topkapı Palace. The professional robbers got away in it.
2-The lady is ill today. I usually walk to work with her.
3-The doctor gave me different information about my operation. I spoke to her this morning.
4-It was Henry. George borrowed the money from him.
5-The private school enjoys a good reputation. I am imployed in the school as a director.
6-The shopping mall had just caught fire. The people ran out of it.
7-My brother is driving a car. I am not familiar with it.
8-The house is in need of considerable repair. We live in it.
9-The sofa is not comfortable. My two chidren are sleeping on it.
10-The long vehicle was involved in a road accident. The materials were being transported in it.
11-I want to watch the film. Everybody is talking about it.
12-The subway train was very crowded. We were travelling on/in it at overtime yesterday.
13-The restaurant is very expensive. Many master chefs work to it.
14-All the apologises were useless. He was very ashamed of them.
15-The camel was brought from Arabia. The tourists were riding on it for fee .
16-The disarmament treaty was signed yesterday. All the world nations have been talking about it for days.
17-Nevşehir has a lot of interesting places. We are now flying over the city by an air balloon.
18-The e-mail address was wrong. Our boss sent the dismissal mail to the address.
19-The beautiful girl is my daughter. The old women gossiped about her as soon as she left.
20-Can you show me the house? Mehmet Akif Ersoy was born and brought up in it.
21-The woman is a philosopher. We often go to her for advice.

WHOSE:Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede iyelik (sahiplik) bildiriyorsa, hem insanlar hemde nesneler için 'whose'
EXERCISE 4-Combine the following pairs of sentences using the Relative Pronouns “WHOSE” (POSSESSIVE CASE)
Example : The girl is my daughter. You heard her beautiful voice yesterday.
The girl whose beautiful voice you heard yesterday is my daughter.
We have a new neighbour. His car is very expensive.
We have a neighbour whose car is very expensive.
Jerry spends much money. His father is a bussinessman.
Jerry whose father is a bussinessman spends much money.

1) The little boy couldn’t go to school. His arm was broken last week.
2) That is the girl. Her mother wears deaf-aid.
3) The lady moved to İzmir. Her villa was sold at a high price two weeks ago.
4) I don't like the villas. Their gardens don't have a swimming pool.
5) The man is so sad. His father died last week.
6) The historical restaurant will not open for a while. Its restoration is still in progress
7) The old woman was living alone. Her house was broken into last week.
8) The houses are still being repaired now. Their frameworks were damaged at the storm last week.
9) The crampon shoes will be sold at a high price. Its owner is a famous footballer.
10) These are the Anatolian leopards. Their progeny are in danger of extinction.
11) The girl speaks French like a native speaker. Her family stayed in France for five years.
12) The man is good at his job. His salary is very high.
13) The house was burned down. Its insurance had expired a short time ago.
14) Sertap Erener won the big prize in Euovision song contest. Her song was”Every way that I can”.
15) The man seems to be very happy. His house is full of children.
16) The firm is going to bankrupt.Its factory was arsoned last month.
17) That's the man. His wife is cancer.
18) Those are the people. Their child was kidnapped on their way home last week.
19) The woman is an animal lover . Her farm is full of different kinds of animals.
20) That's the student. His father was injured in a car crash yesterday.
21) The couple divorced.Their daughter was killed in an accident.
22) I'm from İstanbul. Its historical places are marvellous.
23) She can't open the classroom door. Its handle is broken.
24) The woman called the police. Her wallet was stolen.
25) He is the teacher. His students are very successful.
26) The lady has just adopted a dog. I am staying at her house.
27) I have read an inspiring book. I have completely forgotten its name.
28) The man has gone to Kars. I visited his house the other day.
29) I apologised the woman. I stood on her foot.
30) I have seen the car. They had tored down its hatch.

WHERE:Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede yer bildiriyorsa, relative sözcüğü olarak 'where' kullanılır. 1.cümlede
(place,river,lake,mountain……) gibi yer bildiren kelimeler olur. 2. cümlenin sonunda THERE kelimesi kullanılırsa WHERE

EXERCISE 5-Combine the following pairs of sentences using the Relative Pronouns “WHERE”.
I liked the village. I spent my childhood there.
I liked the village where I spent my childhood.
The hotel is very expensive. Sally is staying there.
The hotel where Sally is staying is very expensive.

1) She visited the Museum Louver. She spent all her day there.
2) I am happy to visit the house. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was born there.
3) People want to spend their holiday in a place. There aren't many people there.
4) The shop was full of tourists yesterday. We bought the ornaments there.
5) They visited Anıtkabir. Atatürk,the founder of the Turkish nation, buried there.
6) The restaurant will be sold at a very high price. We used to eat there.
7) They painted the cellar last week. They stored old stuffs there.
8) I and my children are fond of amusement center . We had such a good time there.
9) I like Mediterranean region. You can see a lot of beautiful beachesand nature landscape there.
10) We went to the mountains. We camped there for a couple of weeks last year.
11) A dam is a structure. We store water in it.
12) We had tree house in our garden. My children used to play there
13) Sandy is back to her hometown. She lived there twenty years.
14) Could you tell me the nearest place? They sell hardware there.
15) They arrived to Africa. A lot of wild animals live there.
16) The hospital is a very good one. My mother was treated there last year.
17) The market has bankrupted. We used to do shopping there.
18) I cannot remember the address. I sent the package there.
19) Antarctica is a very large continent. There are a lot of pollar bears there.
20) We went to the kitchen. My mother was busy cooking the dinner there.
21) My friend wants to see the house. Atatürk was born and grown up there.
22) The goverment converted the house into a museum. Mehmet Akif Ersoy lived there.
23) Is that the photo of the hotel? You had your holiday there.
24) Their children are selling the cottage. Their parents murdered there.
25) Don't water the grass in the garden today. The children are having a picnic here.
26) This is the historic Ottoman restaurant. We usually eat dinner there.
27) Rize is in the north coast of Turkey. People grow tea there.
28) The girl eat her lunch at a ground table in a room. Most people were sitting on the floor there.
29) I'd like to show you the horse farm. The winner horses at Presidential races were raised there.
30) They slept in a very cold room. There was no heating system in it.

WHEN: Tanımladığımız isim, tanımlayan cümlede “on that day, in that year, at that” zaman bildiriyorsa, relative sözcüğü
olarak 'when, on which' kullanılabilir.
EXERCISE 6-Combine the following pairs of sentences using the Relative Pronouns “WHEN”
1934 is the year. The right to vote was given to Turkish women then.
1934 is the year when the right to vote was given to Turkish women.
July is the month. The weather is usually the hottest then.
July is the month when (in which) the weather is usually the hottest.

1) I remember the morning. The occupation forces left İstanbul then.

2) 31st December is the day. People celebrate the New Year's Eve then.
3) Sunday is the day. I get up late then.
4) 1914 is the year. The first World War started in that year.
5) 2002was the year. Our wedding took place then (in that year).
6) 9:05 is the time. Ataturk died in that hour.
7) She has been having problems since the day. Her friend committed suicide then.
8) September is the month. The schools opens then.
9) That was the day. I got my first job then.
10) Monday is the day.Weekly working day starts that day.
11) Can you suggest a time? He will be convenient to walk without any help then.
12) I'd like to book a restaurant on 17 july. I will celebrate my birthday on that day.
13) I will never forget the time. I and my wife met with each other then.
14) Tonny studied about the period. The project was started then.
15) Last summer was the time. My child learnt how to swim then.
16) 2000 is the year. A new century will begin in that day.
17) This is the season. I like fishing in that season.
18) We go to the montains in spring. All trees blossom then.


Zaten tanimlanmış, bilinen bir ismi niteleyen cümleye non-defining relative clause denir. Who, whom, which, whose,
where, when relative sözcükleri kullanılır. THAT asla kullanılmaz.
Non-defining relative clause;
Arada ise iki virgule ayrılır:
Mrs. Jones, who works at the same school like me, is a very tolerant teacher to the students.
Cümle sonunda ise bir virgülle ayrılır:
I get on well with Mrs. Jones, who works at the same school like me.


The man who lives at our next door is an engineer. ( defining)
Mr. Smith, who lives at our next door, is an engineer. ( non-defining)
A city which is by the sea will have big contribution to tourism. ( defining)
Antalya, which is on the south cost of Turkey, has a big contribution to tourism. ( non-defining)

RULE 2- NOUNS WITH PRECEDING MODIFIERS (Başka niteleme sözcükleriyle tanımlanmış isimler)
A teacher who is very authoritarian to students does not provide good education.(defining)
Mr Smith, who enters our English lesson, is moderately authoritarian to us. ( non-defining)
The bag which is on the teachers table belongs to our teacher. (defining)
That Brown bag, which is on the teachers table, belongs to our teacher. ( non-defining)
İsimler kendilerinden sonra gelen sözcülerle de tanımlanabilir.
The child who was playing at the park was very sweet. (defining)
The child at the park, who played with my son, was very sweet. ( non-defining)
The chair which is in my study room needs repairing. (defining)
The chair, which I sit on, needs repairing. (non-defining)

RULE 3- Genel anlamda kullanıldığı zaman, herkes tarafında bilinen isim olduklarında: Coal, flower, milk, rice, orange, egg,
… gibi
The fruit which we buy from the peasant market is very healhty. (Specific- defining)
Fruits which everybody likes should be grown without chemical spraying. (General- non-defining)

USE 1- SUBJECT POSITION: Özne durumunda

WHO: İnsanlar için
My mother lives in a village. She is retired.
My mother, who is retired, lives in a village.
WHICH: Nesneler için
Our car has broken down. It was bought twenty years ago.
Our car, which was bought twenty years ago, has broken down.

USE 2- OBJECT POSITION: Who/whom/which sözcüklerini cümleden atamayız.

WHO/WHOM: İnsanlar için nesne durumunda
My brother is a student at university. You met him at the party.
My brother, whom you met at the party, is a student at university.
My brother, who you met at the party, is a student at university.

WHICH : Hayvanlar ve cansız varlıklar için nesne durumunda

Our car has broken down. We bought it twenty years ago.
Our car, which we bought twenty years ago, has broken down.

WHO/WHOM: Preposition Relative clause’un sonunda yer alırsa
WHOM: Preposition Relative clause’un başında yer alırsa
Mrs. Black is a bossy person. We have been working for him for two years.
Mrs. Black, who we have been working for for two years, is a bossy person.
Mrs. Black, whom we have been working for for two years, is a bossy person.
Mrs. Black, for whom we have been working for two years, is a bossy person.

WHICH : Nesne durumunda

My phone is not working properly. I had saved up for it for three years.
My phone, which I had saved up for for three years, is not working properly.
My phone, for which I had saved up for three years, is not working properly.

WHOSE: My, your, his, her, its, our, their gibi bütün isimler için kullanılabilir.
My friend Jane doesn’t want to come to your party. Her children are ill.
My friend Jane, whose children are ill, doesn’t want to come to your party.

OF WHICH: Cansız varlıklar için

Our house fatigue us too much. We painted its walls white.
Our house, whose walls we painted white, fatigue us too much.
Our house, the walls of which we painted White, fatigue us too much.

Mr. White is leaving the police station. The policeman had doubts about his testify.
Mr. White, whose testify the policeman had doubts about, is leaving the police station.
Mr. White, about whose testify the policeman had doubts, is leaving the police station.

Mount Ağrı is a very high mountain. You can see snow on its top whole year.
Mount Ağrı, whose top you can see snow on whole year, is a very high mountain.
Mount Ağrı, on whose top you can see snow whole year, is a very high mountain.
Mount Ağrı, on top of which you can see snow whole year, is a very high mountain.

USE 4- WHERE: YER bildiren sözcükler için kullanılır.

Ankara has traffic problems. More than four thousand cars registered there.
Ankara, where more than four thousand cars registered, has traffic problems.
Ankara, which more than four thousand cars registered to, has traffic problems.
Ankara, to which more than four thousand cars registered, has traffic problems.

YER İSMİ: tanımlayan cümlede özne ya da nesne durumunda ise where kullanılamaz. Which kullanılır.
Çankırı is located in middle Anatolia. It is my hometown. ( IT- Subject)
Çankırı, which is my hometown, is located in middle Anatolia.
Çankırı is located in middle Anatolia. I love it very much. ( IT- Object)
Çankırı, which I love very much, is located in middle Anatolia.
Çankırı is located in middle Anatolia. I passed my childhood there. (in Çankırı- adverb of place)
Çankırı, where I passed my childhood, is located in middle Anatolia.
Çankırı, which I passed my childhood in, is located in middle Anatolia.
Çankırı, in which I passed my childhood, is located in middle Anatolia.

WHEREBY= by/through/with which
WHEREUPON= after which; as a result of which
WHEREIN=in which; during which

USE 5- WHEN: ZAMAN bildiren sözcükler için kullanılır. PREPOSITION + WHICH’ de kullanılır.
The most important date in my life is 18 may 2002 .I married then. ( on that date)
The most important date in my life is 18 may 2002 when/ on which I married.
July is the month. The school closes then. (in that month)
July is the month when/in which the school closes.

PREPOSITION + WHICH TIME: WHEN kullanamayız çünkü süreç bildirir.

My friends arrived at 6 a.m. I had cleaned the whole house by then.
My friends arrived at 6 a.m, by which time I had cleaned the whole house

USE 6- WHICH: TO MODIFY A WHOLE SENTENCE: Tanımladığımız bir isim değilde bir cümle olursa sadece which kullanırız.
Tanımlayan kelimeler genellikle this ve that’dir ve Tanımlayan cümlenin başında ya da ortasında yer alırlar. Which temel
cümlenin sonunda virgül ile ayrılır.
She won the university exam. That made me really happy. (THAT birinci cümlenin yerine kullanılmıştır.)
She won the university exam, which made me really happy.
It is too hard for me to get high mark from maths. This is so depressing.
It is too hard for me to get high mark from maths, which is so depressing.
She invited me to her graduation party. I honored that very much.
She invited me to her graduation party, which I honored very much.
He helped me to wash the dishes.That was very kind of him.
He helped me to wash the dishes, which was very kind of him.


İNSANLAR İÇİN: One of whom, some of whom, most of whom,…
I have got twelve teachers at school. I love all of them very much.
I have got twelve teachers at school, both of whom I love very much.

NESNELER İÇİN:One of which, some of which, most of which,…

There are many books at the library. I am interested in reading all of them.
There are many books at the library, all of which I am interested in reading.

POSSESSIVE İÇİN:One of whose, some of whose,…

I watched a movie at the cinema last Sunday. some of its scenes were frightening.
I watched a movie at the cinema last Sunday, some of whose scenes were frightening.

EXERCISE 7-Combine the following pairs of sentences making the second one a “Relative Clause”.
Example : Istanbul is a big city. Istanbul was the capital of the Ottoman Empire.
Istanbul, which was the capital of the Ottoman Empire, is a big city.

1) Mr Forbs was a dentist. His dead body was found in the bedroom last week.
2) The “Keban Dam” between Elazığ and Malatya didn’t solve the energy problem. It was built many years ago.
3) Edison was not a brilliant student at school. He invented the light bulb.
4) My sister is a student at Hacettepe University. It is in the Central Anatolia region of Turkey.
5) Dr. Black has come to visit an old patient. Her car is outside the building.
6) My parents moved to Çankırı. They lived there for many years.
7) “Sled of Notre Dame” is a tragedy. It is a famous novel by Victor Hugo.
8) Ataturk was a real genius. He is very well-known leader all over the world.
9) Ahmet Necdet Sezre was the President of Turkey. He had once been President of the Constitutional Court.
10) Toros mountain range is covered with forest. It separates the Mediterranean from Central Anatolia region.
11) My boss wants to speak to you. You met her at the meeting yesterday.
12) Did you like the jevellary? My husband bought them on your wedding anniversary.
13) My grandmother is loved by everybody. She was born when the First World War broke out.
14) I am familiar with Mrs Balcı.I worked with her at the same school for six months ten years ago.
15) The Blue Mosque is famous for its tiles. It has six minarets.


RELATIVE CLAUSE: İsimlerden sonra kullanılır.
NOUNCLAUSE YA DA ADVERBIAL CLAUSE: Fiilden sonra kullanılır.
He died on a day when I was on holiday. ( Relative clause)
He died when I was on holiday. ( Adverbial clause)
I don’t remember the day WHEN he died. ( Noun clause)
Noun clause
I don’t understant what he is talking about. ( Noun clause)
I don’t understant the thing that he is talking about. ( Relative clause)

EXERCISE 8- Complete the following sentences with the “Relative Pronouns” or “Relative Adverbs” on the list

1) This is the town………………… parents grown up.

2) The heart transplant operation …………………. was carried out yesterday was a great success.
3) The teacher ……………….. taught you that subject must be specialized in her job.
4) The woman ………………… I loved so much, swindle me without thinking.
5) The writer …………………. books I always enjoy reading is Jean Christophe Grange.
6) This is the most delicious pizza ………………… I have ever eaten.
7) I will never forget the days ………………….. I went to Middle-Eastern countries with my friends.
8) I am sorry we have nothing ……………………. fits on you.
9) Mr and Mrs Arıccı have a small adopted daughter ………………. name is Sude.
10) The day ………………… he left Ankara for Antalya was Sunday.
11) The taxi by ……………………… I came is waiting in the street.
12) The reason …………………. they moved here is not clear enough.
13) It was him ……………….. started the argument in the class last night.
14) I can not understand anything ………………….. he said.
15) Do you know the girl with …………………… my son dated last night?
16) Is that the address to …………………. you sent the parcels?
17) She was the first woman …………………. was elected to Parliament.
18) I am trying to find a bag ………………….. match this dress.
19) I met a man ………………… brother is a film star.
20) I remember the place ………………… I first fell in love with my wife.
21) The child to ……………… Nuray gave the money is very poor.
22) The novel for ……………….. you have been looking is very interesting.
23) The artist ……………….. exhibit we saw last night is a sculptor also.
24) My husband is the only man ……………………. listens and understands me.
25) There is hardly a moment …………………… I don’t think of you,Nuray.

TANIMLANAN CÜMLE: The man is a doctor.
TANIMLAYAN CÜMLE: He is driving very fast.
The man who is driving very fast is a doctor.
The man driving very fast is a doctor.
TANIMLANAN CÜMLE: The phone has been broken.
TANIMLAYAN CÜMLE: It was bought from the shop two years ago.
The phone which was bought from the shop two years ago has been broken.
The phone bought from the shop two years ago has been broken.

The girl who he talked is my daughter.

The girl whom he talked is my daughter.
The girl that he talked is my daughter.
The girl he talked is my daughter.

The book which I bought last week is very boring.

The book that I bought last week is very boring.

Reduction of Relative Clauses

1) Present participle (V-1 - ing)
2) Past participle (V3)
3) Be + adjective phrase
4) Be + prepositional phrase
5) To + infinitive (to + V-1 , to be + V3)
6) Appositive phrase (e.g football, my favourite sport,..)
7) Perfect participle phrase (having + V3, having been + V3)

RELATIVE CLAUSE’UN TENSE’i: Present continuous, past continuous, simple present, simple past tense olmalı ve VERB’ü
Active olmalıdır.
The girl who stays near me is very lazy.
The girl who staying near me is very lazy.
The man who is sleeping in the lesson is my close friend.
The man sleeping in the lesson is my close friend.
The staff who wanted to talk to the manager looked very tired.
The staff wanting to talk to the manager looked very tired.
The students who were playing in the school garden looked very happy.
The students playing in the school garden looked very happy.
It’s a firm which employs talented people at maths.
It’s a firm employing talented people at maths.

Jane, who wanted to be a doctor, studied very hard.
Jane, wanting to be a doctor, studied very hard.
My daughter who is sleeping in the bed, is in depression.
My daughter, sleeping in the bed, is in depression.

RELATIVE CLAUSE’UN VERB’Ü:Passıve ise past participle kullanılır.
The man who was caught by the police was staying jail.
The man caught by the police was staying jail.
I like to read books which are translated good into Turkish.
I like to read books translated good into Turkish.

Anyone who is interested in books can join this club.
Anyone interested in books can join this club.
I want a bag which is big enough to fill all my clothes inside it.
I want a bag big enough to fill all my clothes inside.
The girl who is anxious about meeting is smiling.

The girl anxious about meeting is smiling.
My house, which is more expensive than yours, has caused me a lot of trouble.
My house, more expensive than yours, has caused me a lot of trouble.

The plates which are on the top of the shelf are difficult to take.
The plates on the top of the shelf are difficult to take.
The children who are in the park must play more carefully.
The children in the park must play more carefully.

1-“TO DO”:The first, the second, the last, the only, .. gibi ifadelerde ve bazen de superlative’ler den sonra
Yesterday, I was the first student who came to school.
Yesterday, I was the first student to come to school.
I am the last student who leaves the class.
I am the last student to leave the class.

2- “TO BE DONE”: Relative clause’un verb’ü passive ise

The only man that was caught at the crime scene was Mr. Jones.
The only man to be caught at the crime scene was Mr. Jones.

3- TO + INFINITIVE:Zorunluluk,gereklilik ifade eden modal’ların yerine

Something, anything, nothing, someone,.. gibi sözcüklerden sonra
Would you like something that you can drink?
Would you like something to drink?
There is nothing that we could cook in the fridge.
There is nothing to cook in the fridge.
I need a bigger bag that I can fill in all my clothes.
I need a bigger bag to fill in all my clothes.
We have a lot of homeworks that we must do.
We have a lot of homeworks to do.

4-TO + INFINITIVE + PREPOSITION: Whom ve which ile kullanılır.

They should buy a bigger bookshelf in which to put these books.
They should buy a bigger bookshelf to put these books in.
I want another teacher with whom to solve these hard questions.
I want another teacher to solve with these hard questions.


“BEING DONE”: Normalde being kullanılmaz. Passive eylemlerde eylemin sürerliliğine dikkat çekmek için
Everybody was motivated by the interestingnes of the subject which was being taught effectively by the teacher.
Everybody was motivated by the interestingnes of the subject being taught effectively by the teacher.

İsimden sonra kullanılan isim ya da zamir grubu: Açıklık kazandırmak için fazladan bilgi verir ve virgülle ayrılır
Mr. Smith, who is the chef of the workshop teachers, is a knowledgeable person.
Mr. Smith, the chef of the workshop teachers, is a knowledgeable person.
Atatürk, who is the founder of Turkish Republic, was a very brave man.
Atatürk, the founder of Turkish Republic, was a very brave man.


Özellikle I, he, she, they tanımlıyorsa: bu zamirlerin önünde ya da cümlenin sonunda kullanılır.
Nowadays students who aren’t thinking of their future career, are not developing themselves mentally and psychological.
Nowadays student, not thinking of their future career, are not developing themselves mentally and psychological.
NOT thinking of their future career, nowadays student are not developing themselves mentally and psychological.
Nowadays student are not developing themselves mentally and psychological, not thinking of their future career.

EXERCISE 9- Rewrite the following sentences using “WITH”. Do not use the “Relative Pronouns”.
Example : The girl who had long hair answered the door.
The girl with the long hair answered the door.
1) The men who have no appropriate qualifications applied for the job.
2) The boy who has a bicycle is very naughty.
3) I don’t respect people who have no responsibility awareness .
4) We feel sorry for people who have no places to stay in.
5) The house which has various fruit treesin its garden is on sale.
6) I saw the child who had an artificial leg.
7) The woman who has baggage was sitting in front of my door.
8) My father bought a car which had a sun roof.
9) The clown who has a big red nose and big smile made all the children laugh.
10) My parents live in a house which has a swimming pool in its garden

EXERCISE 10- Combine and reduce the following pairs of sentences using a “Past Participle”.
Example : The student will win the reward. The student is selected by the jury
The student who is selected by the jury will win the reward.
The student selected by the jury will win the reward.
1) The book was very nicely edited . It was recommended by my mother.
2) The houses are warm. They are heated by central heating system.
3) The passangers were taken to hospital. They were injured in the accident.
4) Tarkan fans were very nervous. They had been waiting for the concert to begin for 2 hours.
5) The glioma operation was a great success. It was carried out by a humanoid robot yesterday.
6) The wallet belongs to me. It was found in the canteen.
7) The student is in the manager's room. He has been caught cheating in the examination.
8) We feel sorry for our colleague. He was sacked last week.
9) The company refuted three main points. They were made for the benefits of the contractor .
10) The boy is going to bed early. He was punished by his parents for smoking.

EXERCISE 11- Shorten the relative clauses in the following sentences without using a “Relative Pronoun” and the verb “BE”.
Example : The picture which is on the wall is very expensive.
The picture on the wall is very expensive.

1) The boy who is in the against apartment is very handsome.

2) The ink which is in my board pen is blue.
3) The man who is at the against bench is my grandfather.
4) All the students that were at the graduation prom enjoyed themselves very much.
5) The boxes which are at the balcony will be thrown to the garbage.
6) The students who are at the graduation ceremony are wearing gown and hat.
7) The dove which is in your balcony seems to be hungry and thirsty .
8) The passangers who are on the platform will go to İzmir an hour later.
9) The shoes which are in my son’s feet doesn’t belong to him.
10) The Nightingales which are in that tree are singing beautifully.

EXERCISE 12-Rewrite the following sentences using a “Full Infinitive”. Do not use a “Relative Pronoun”.
Example : The first man who sailed around the world was Joshua Slocum.
The first man to sail around the world was Joshua Slocum.

1) Sabiha Gökçen was the first Turkish woman who flew a plane.
2) The best thing that you can do is to calm and relax.
3) Fatih Sultan Mehmet was the Turkish Sultan who conquered istanbul.
4) Turkey was the only defeated country in the world which fought against six countries at the same time.
5) Mert will be the last student who will take oral English exam.
6) The best time when you should do the cleaning is on Sunday afternoon.
7) Jack was the only person that remembered my appointment time.
8) Could you advise me a few books which I can read on my summer holiday ?
9) My mother has a lot of clean clothes that she must iron.
10) James is the only person that you can believe and trust.


Basit ya da düz bir cümlenin bir bölümünü ya da bir öğesini vurgulamak için, cümleyi “clause” şeklinde yeniden ifage


Pasteur invented the penicilin.( Simple statement)
It was Pasteur who/that invented the penicilin.
Pasteur is the person who/that invented the penicilin.
The person who/that invented the penicilin was Pasteur.

She bought his son a car on his eighteenth birthday. ( Simple statement)
It was a car that she bought his son on his eighteenth birthday.

Grand National Assembly of Turkey's has made Ankara the capital city of Turkey on 13 october 1923
Ankara was the city that Grand National Assembly of Turkey's has made the capital city of Turkey on 13 october 1923.
Ankara was what Grand National Assembly of Turkey's has made the capital city of Turkey on 13 october 1923.
The city that Grand National Assembly of Turkey's has made the capital city of Turkey on 13 october 1923 was Ankara.
What Grand National Assembly of Turkey's has made the capital city of Turkey on 13 october 1923 was Ankara.
It was Ankara that Grand National Assembly of Turkey has made the capital city of Turkey on 13 october 1923.

Independence War began in Anatolia, when Alliance countries invaded Turkey on 19 may 1919.
Anatolia was the place where Independence War began, when Alliance countries invaded Turkey on 19 may 1919.
The place where Independence War began was Anatolia, when Alliance countries invaded Turkey on 19 may 1919.
Independence War began on 19 may 1919, when Alliance countries invaded Turkey.
19 may 1919 was ( the day) when/the day that Independence War began, when Alliance countries invaded Turkey.
The day when/the day that Independence War began, when Alliance countries invaded Turkey.

3- FİİLLERİ vurgulayabiliriz.
Roosters crow.
What roosters do is (to) crow.
We have recently finished the outlining to my novel.
What we have done recently is (to) finish the outlining to my novel.

4-Bütün bir cümleyi vurgulayabiliriz.

He started a fight with his agressive behaviour.
What happened is that he started a fight with his agressive behaviour.
Your mum will give you a gift if you higher your grades.
What will happen is (that) your mum will give you a gift if you higher your grades.

5- I, WE, THEY, .. gibi zamirler vurgulanabilir.

It was I who first solve the problem in class.
It was I that first solve the problem in class.
It is they who want to give a party.
It is they that want to give a party.


It is/was only after he won/had won the lottery that Mr.Black was noticed to be cancer.


It is/was only when Jane arrived home that she controlled her exam answers.


It is/was not until/until after days had passed that the teacher announced the exam results to the students.

All (that) he has told was a lie.
All (that) I want is some Money to put my life in order.


The only thing (that) I understand is that he fooled everyone.
The only thing (that) I remember is that I done everything wrong all my life.

EXERCISE 13-Make sentences with ALL OF / MOST OF. ETC. + WHOM / WHICH.
Example: Aileen has three brothers. All of them are married.
Aileen has three brothers, all of whom are married.
1) At university, they gave us a lot of information. Most of it was useless at teaching profession.
2) There were a lot of athlete at the tournament. I had met only a few of them before.
3) The humanitarians have sent four parcels of clothing aid to my students. None of them has arrived.
4) George won 20 milliar TL from the lottery. He donated half of it to LÖSEV.
5) A hundred people applied for the job. Only five of them was suitable and employed.
6) The teachers made a number of suggestions to the problems in Education. Most of them were very interesting.
7) There were six Tae-kwon-do sportmen on the team. None of them had an extra Duboka.
8) I made six international calls with my parents in Kaaba last week. Each of them cost me more than £15.
9) There were a lot of cars at the car market. I was interested in four of them.
10) There are three main routes to Antalya. You can use either of them.

EXERCISE 14-Cümlelerde verilen boşlukları aşağıdaki Relative Clauses kelimeleri ile doldurunuz. Eğer hiçbir şey gelmemesi
gerektiğini düşünüyorsanız "x" koyunuz. which - who - that - where - what - why - whose - whom
11) Please call the winner...................composition got the first prize.
12) We often visit our aunt in Mardin……………………… is in South-East Anatolia.
13) She doesn't like the building................................she works.
14) The man……………………..father is a professor, committed a crime.
15) The Roses...................I cut this morning are still fresh.
16) Where is the picture......................was hanging on the wall?
17) The children,…………………… broket he Windows in the canteen, are not from our school.
18) The spoke to in the street is my English teacher.
19) What did you buy with the money………………….. the bank credited you?
20) Will you give me the name of the person................................I should get in touch with?
21) The robber stole the bag………………………….the lady hanged on the edge of the chair.
22) I promised to take the children to the park...................................there are some swings.
23) This is the man……………………….house’s roof flied at last week's storm.
24) The meat................................. my mother had for dinner wasn't tasty.
25) My husband likes soups……………………………are hot.
26) The child..............................broke the window escaped.
27) Sonay ,………………………….. was our English teacher last year, has only one daughter.
28) The boy..................................Tonny fought last night is my boss’ son.
29) Sude,……………………… father is a public prosecutor , wants to be a judge too.
30) They don't have to be very close to their relatives...........................they don't like very much.
31) That picture………………………is on the table is not for sale.
32) The old man......................................suitcase I carried gave me £10.
33) What's the name of the river........................flows through the town?
34) He's the concierge ……………………….delivers the milk and bread every morning.
35) The library.............................he spends most of his time, is always full of students.
36) My mother ……………………………. is a teacher, always goes to school on foot.
37) Tom is the only man.............................she has ever loved.
38) Do you know anybody...................wants to buy a car?
39) The Turkish restaurant……………………….. is in Atatürk street is high qualified.
40) The Lady to...................I am sending these parcels is a the partner of my wife's.
41) The Chef…………… is a native Indian, is a marvellous cook.
42) Julia, son is going to marry is very sweet.
43) Who is this man…………………………….son is looking so ill?
44) The last time ............................... I saw him was on Monday.
45) Do you see the dog,………………………… is chained to a tree over there?
46) The longest swim.....................I ever did was over 5 miles.
47) All the bags…………………… are heavier than twenty kg can't go on the plane.
48) The first thing ……………………... you must do is to have a meal.
49) It was Mark…………………….informed us that the meeting had been cancelled.
50) all know very well is coming to dinner tonight.
51) Have you got any friend…………………….parents have a village near seaside we can stay?
52) People want to visit natural parks ................................... have a lot of wild life.
53) Did you read the manual………………………. I told you, before using the handsaw?
54) This is the mine....................................... many miners killed at the firedamp.
55) There are plenty of parasites near water edges …………………..can cause serious diseases.
56) The day............................. I could retire finally arrived.
57) You can’t go out without finishing the toast………………………. I left for you on the table.
58) The patient to........................ I gave my novel to read needed glasses.
59) The widows ……………………… monthly incomes are low, are sometimes helped by assistance associations .

60) The book .............................. I wanted was not in the library.
61) My son, can you decribe me the ones……………………….tried to hurt you and we'll try and find them.
62) Why do women wear shoes............................... have very high heels?
63) The sofa set ,……………………. I'd ordered over the internet, took nearly a month to arrive.
64) Is this the person………………………broke into your house last night?
65) My parents,…………………….were working in Ankara, moved to Antalya because of my school ……………… I won.
66) John Lennon,…………………….. was shot in New York in 1980, was one of the member of Beatles.
67) The naughty child ……………………. lives upstairs is always playing ball in the house at night.
68) He told me everything……………………….was necessary.
69) The building………………………. I live in was built in the 1990s.
70) This is the woman to……………………………. he gave the money.
71) The employee to………………………………you refer is no longer working for this company.
72) This is the town…………………. I was born.
73) Have you any idea…………………………they were arguing about?
74) The teacher,…………………………….. every student respects, is really a very nice person.
75) I ate all the ice cream…………………………you bought yesterday.
76) This test is for Syrian students………………………… native language is not Turkish.
77) Children……………………… a lot of candy often have decayed teeth.
78) The student……………………..father is cancer does not come to school today.
79) It is a park ............................ has many natural wonders.
80) The neighbor ……………………. vacuum cleaner you borrowed needs it now.

EXERCISE 15- Combine the following pairs of sentences making the second one a “Relative Clause”.
1) The state opera and ballet building opened in 1950. It is on Sıhhıye Street.
2) Did you interrogate the woman? Her bag has stolen.
3) This ancient gold coin is worth thousands of pounds. It was minted in 1400's.
4) The man is my neighbour. The doctor retrieve her from death yesterday.
5) The man has moved abroad. His properties were sold last week.
6) We left the house at seven o’clock. They were still sleeping then.
7) Anıtkabir is the most famous construction in Ankara. It is the symbol of Ankara.
8) Sassy is a shop. You can find everything you want at a discount there.
9) The river is the Kızılırmak. It flows through Middle Anatolia.
10) I helped an old man to cross the road. He was walking with a cane.
11) Ankara is the capital city of Turkey. My parents have lived there for fifteen years.
12) The old teacher has retired. All the students were complaining about him.
13) Composers are under paid. They write jinglings for TV advertisements.
14) The women were pickpocketers. The police looked for them.
15) Nalan borrowed my book. She was a friend of mine.
16) I love handball. It is a very interesting sport.
17) He bought farm house. It was very old and large.
18) He is the same handsome and attractive boy. We saw him on the beach yesterday.
19) The “Ayla” film won a lot of domestic and foreign prize. He produced it last year.
20) Anyone can easily find a job. He knows three languages in Turkey.
21) Jenny is my close friend. She broke her left arm last night.
22) The man is looking for you. We helped him an hour ago.
23) This meat smells horrible. It has gone off.
24) Is this the right subway? You are going to go to Çayyolu from it.
25) I like Turkish coffee. It is very strong and healthy.
26) The woman is a new doctor. The nurse is talking to her.
27) My father lost her ring. It was his wedding ring.
28) A seat belt is a band. We fix it to a seat in a car or plane.
29) The robotics coding course is going to start on Monday. We're going to attend it.
30) The luxurious restaurant hired a newTurkish master chef. It was opened last month.
31) People are selfish. They don't like helping others.
32) The construction engineers are designing new houses. It can generate water and heat using natural resources.
33) The apple helped Newton set his famous law. It fell off the tree.
34) This street is always very busy . It leads to Kızılay Square.
35) My mother picked up the socks. They were under the bed.
36) A penguin is a bird. It can't fly.
37) Thunder is an Arabic horse. Its owner is Miss Hakim.
38) Mrs. Curie was well-known woman scientist. She studied on many things.
39) Dynamite is a substance. It causes explosions.
40) My father bought a scarf. My mother didn't like it.
41) What do you call a person? He looks after a sick people.
42) Can you buy me a few books? I can read them in my spare time.
43) The police arrested some people. They were acting suspiciously.
44) What was the name of the horse? The horse won the last race.
45) My story is about a poor girl. She runs away from home.

EXERCISE 16- Answer these questions by combining the sentences with a relative pronoun.
Example: Isn't he the mechanic? Didn't he repair your car? Yes, he is the man who repaired my car.
1) Aren't they the arsonists? Didn't the police catch them?
2) Isn't that the house? Didn't you sell it last month?
3) Aren't they the students? Don't they live next door?
4) Aren't those the porters? Didn't they carry your furnitures?
5) Aren't they the glass cups? Didn't the children break them?
6) Isn't that the sneakers? Didn't you buy it last month?
7) Isn't she the old lady? Didn't you drive her to the airport?
8) Aren't these the books? Didn't you buy them yesterday?
9) Aren't they the people? Didn't you invite them to your wedding?
10) Didn't you watch the movie? Wasn't it interesting?
11) Didn't the police officers find the child? Wasn't she missed two days ago?


Relative pronouns: that, who, whom, whose, which Relative adverbs: where, when, why
1-I think deciding ……………. to choose the best singer was extremely difficult. D
A) where B) whose
C) that D) whom
E) which
2-1923 is the year …………. the Turkish Republic was founded. E
A) which C) who
B) that D) whom
E) when
3-January is a month ……………. many people take trips to Ilgaz ski resort from Ankara. B
A) where B) in which
C) which D) what
E) of which
4- Atatürk was one of the greatest leaders of the world ............ life was devoted to his nation's independence. E
A) — B) that
C) whom D) where
E) whose
5-.........we go in the world, we always try the local food. A
A) Wherever B) Whenever
C) Whichever D) However
E) Whatever
6-The students who have solved more than 200 tests per day should relax. A
The students ……………. more than 200 tests should relax.
A)having solved B)to solve
C)solved D)having been solved
E)to have solved
7-This is Mrs.Balcı ……………. book the questions were prepared and edited perfectly. C
A)in which B) whom
C)in whose D) whose
E) from whose
8-He only give me an apple, ……………. I must share with my sister. C
A) some of that B) all of whom
C) half of which D)
E) at which
9-There are various tests, such as KPDS, …………….teacher candidates must pass if they want to be teachers. C
A) when B) where
C) that D) why
E) how
10-This is the richest man in our family………………. jewelry store the jewellery was stolen last night. E
A)whom B) whose
C)in which D) in whose
E)from whose
11-In order to be healthy and fit, people need a balanced diet ……………. containing protein, carbonhydrate, vitamins and
minerals. D
A) whose B) which
C) to whom D)….
E) that
12-……………… you speak, you should think twice before speaking. C
A) What B) That
C)Whatever D) Which do
E) To
13-The best solution that can be applied is this for me. A
The best solution ……………. is this for me.
A)to be applied B)to apply
C)applying D)apply
E)to have been applied
14-Turkey, ______ is located between Asia and Europe, is a bridge between the West and the Middle East. A
A)which B) in which
C)of which D) who
E) why
15-My grandmother, ……………. was examined by the doctor, was told to lose weight. A
A)who B) whom
C)that D) when
E) whose
16-It may have been Jack ……………. photo was taken taken from behind by a friend. D
A) that B) who
C)of which D) whose
17-The furnitures ……………. I ordered two weeks ago haven't arrived yet. B
A) whose B) which
C) whom D) why
E) who
18-Growth criteria of a country can be determined by various criteria ……………. is related to economical poverty, justice ,
unemployment. D
A) what B) who
C) whom D) which
E) whose
19- " are and keep your hands above your head," said the policeman. C
A) whom B) that
C) where D) what
E) which
20-Ömer Seyfettin's stories, which were first published years ago, are still read with pleasure by children now. C
Ömer Seyfettin's stories, ……………. years ago, are still read with pleasure by children.
A)to be first published B)to have been published
C)first published D)first publishing
E)to have first published
21-The girl ……………. I borrowed the bicycle asked me to ride carefully. D
A)whose B) from whose
C)whom D) from whom
E) of which
22-The football fans ……………. team has just won the match, shake hands gently. E
A) when B) which
C) who D) that
E) whose
23-Would you like something that you can drink? B
Would you like something ……………. ?
A) drink B) to drink
C) drinking D) that to drink
E) to have drunk
24-It is really hard to understand ……………. some people can be so insensitive to environmental problems. A
A) why B) what
C) when D) whom
E) how
25-The products in that supermarket is very bad because I bough two kilos of oranges, half ……………. were very sour. E
A) of whom B) whose
C) where D) of that
E) of which
26-All of the educators have started to worry about television …………. effect is negative on a child's creative imagination. D
A) that C) who
B) why D) whose
E) which
27-She has just read a poem ………………. I know very well, the title of……………. I can't recall at the moment. D
A) that/ that B) whom/ that
C) that /whose D) that /which
E) which / that
28-The middle-class youth have to think of a way ………………. they can earn more money. E
A)which B) with which
C)that D) from which
E) by which
29-The science of biogenetic ……………. progress has been very rapid, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences. B
A)what B)whose
C)… D)that
E)in which
30-Jenny had never had any economic problems until last summer, ……………. she lost her job. B
A) which B) when
C) who D) whose
E) that
31-The school play ……………. was performed this afternoon will be repeated tomorrow. B
A) in which B) that
C) of whose D) on which
E) of which
32-She will never forget the day ……………… she lost her baby. D
A) where B) who
C) whose D) when
E)in which
33-The actions ……………. people make without having to think about are called reflex actions. B
A) whose B) that
C) who D) why
E) whom
34-She is going to the dance course …………… she intends to put in some practice. E
A) for which B) who
C) on which D) that
E) where
35-Zoos are places ………………. people can go to see animals from many parts of the world. C
A) what B) whose
C) where D) from which
E) who
36-My parents have planned to decorate our summer house next autumn, ……………. we have had the most time. B
A) whom C) when
B) where D) that
37-The doctors say that mediterranean fever, ……………. Mosquitoes causes, is difficult to be treated with antibiotics. A
A) which B) what
C) that D) who
E) why
38-The mountain on the top of ………….. we see fog is called Uludağ. B
A) that B) whose
C) which D) where
E) whom
39-My new house is near enough ……………… I newly assigned. C
A)where B) of where
C)to where D) on which
E) in which
40-The doctor showed the room ……………. mentally ill persons had been rehabilitated. D
A) on which B)of which
C) at which D)in which
E) whose
41-We are grateful to Mrs.Brown, ……………. solved a lot of our problems. A
A) who B) whose
C) of whose D) whom
E) that
42-Ten archaeologist, most ………. are from Europe, have been studying the remains of the ancient Hittite city for months. E
A) of which B) who
C) whom D) of that
E) of whom
43-According to some economists, the year 2023 will be the time ……………. we will have increase in economy. C
A) which B) in which
C) when D) whose
E) that
44- ……………… not Hale but Jale ……………… Money from moneylenders. B
A)He is/which borrows B) It is/who borrows
C) They are/who borrow D) They are/who borrows
E)It is/who have borrowed
45-The Dörtmevsim was the theatre at ……………. most of famous plays were originally performed, C
A) where B) that
C) which D) whose
E) what
46-The matter…………….. educators have been studying is about violance in schools. C
A)to where B) by which
C)on which D) whose
E) for which
47-It is the 13th October, ……………. we celebrate that Ankara became the capital city of Turkey. B
A) which of B) that
C)when D)where
E) whom
48-I didn't dare to ask Sue ……………. she left the party without telling anyone. E
A) whose B) where
C) on which D) whom
E) why
49-The government have to import the things ……………. our farmers don’t produce in our own country. E
A) whose B) whom
C) where D) who
50-I will read the User guide carefully before I really understand........this machine works. D
A) what B) that
C) where D) how
E) when
51-The man …………. you have an appointment hasn't come yet. C
A) with whom B) to whom
C) whom D) when
E) that
52-Ali is the ……………….. is collecting project assignments . D
A)who B) which
C) of whom D) one who
E) where
53-Parents need this qualified special education, ……………. they build their children's future. A
A) on which B) that
C) on whom D) when
E) whose
54-It is pleasant to go to KKTC, ……………. we reached by boat. B
A) that B) where
C) which D) whose
E) who
55-The nine satellites ……………. revolve round the sun are called planets. B
A) in which B) that
C) on which D) where
E) of which
56-This is the time of the day ……………. most people go home from work, so the traffic is very crowded. E
A) why B) where
C) whom D) of which
E) when
57-Human beings, three quarters ……………. is water,should drink at least two litres of water everyday. B
A) that B) of whom
C) of which D) whose
E) of it
58-Tom and Nancy, who had danced more than two hours at the party, had to leave early. E
Tom and Nancy, ……………. danced more than two hours at the party, had to leave early.
A)having been danced B) to dance
C)danced D) to have danced
E) having danced
59-That was the reason …………………….. everybody hated her. A
A)for which B) by which
C)whose D) on which
E)with whom
60-It was Jack,………… I danced with at the party last night. E
A) where B) whose
C) when D) which
E) whom
61-The university students who are in the cafe are talking about the effects of global warming. C
The university students ……………. are talking about the effects of global warming .
A)to be in the café B)being in the cafe
C)in the café D)having been in the cafe
E)be in the café
62- At the night club there were several boys, ______were under eighteen. D
A) some of which B) all of which
C)with whom D) many of whom
E)one of whom
63-Do you know the woman ……………. you are arguing? A
A) with whom B) which
C) who D) where
E) whom
64-She hadn't expected these books, two ………….. were written by Grange to be best seller. C
A) of whom B)of that
C) of which D)who
E) which
65-You can read ....……………. novel you find the most interesting. C
A) whose B) to whom
C) whichever D) of which
E) whatever
66-I am surprised that you know......... to use chopsticks. D
A) when B) where
C) whom D) how
E) that
67-AFAD, …………….helps people in disasters , has a lot of members in Turkey. C
A) who B) whose
C) which D) whom
E) that
68-We don’t know the holiday resort hotel ……………. we are going to take seminar training next wednesday. A
A) where B) whose
C) who D) whom
E) which
69-The indigent ……………. I gave the sacrificial meat was really inneed. C
A) which B) of whom
C)to whom D) whose
E) where
70-The administrator gave in his resignation, ……………. the best thing he could do in this circumstances. E
A) of what is B) for which is
C) whose is D) that had been
E) which was
71-A really good car mechanic ……………. we could trust can be found by my uncle. C
A) whose B) which
C) whom D) when
E) why
72-Sude liked to discuss art ……………. Mert knew absolutely nothing. D
A) whose B) that
C) of whom D) about which
E) in which
73-The cellar, ……………. I keep all the hardware supplies, has flooded this spring. A
A) where B) when
C) that D) which
E) whose
74- Spring and summer are the seasons ............ I like best. B
A) when B) that
C) in which D) where
E) whose
75-I have just heard that the garage ……………. usually services my car is closing down. C
A) when B) that
C) where D) what
E) who
76-Sue's son,……………. Father was killed at a bank theft, has become a homicide detective. E
A)of whom B) that
C)who D) which
E) whose
77- The luxurious car ……………. is insured belongs to this firm. E
A) where C) who
B) whose D) whom
E) that
78- Gamze read all the introductory pages, ……………. she decided to buy. B
A) which of any B) none of which
C) that D) some of that
E) a bit of which
79-They swam 5 miles, ……………. the hardest part of the race. D
A) of which B) that had been
C) it has been D) which was
E) for that is
80-The old man ………….. hands were trembling tried to pass the thread through the needle. C
A) which B) who
C) whose D) why
E) that
81-The little girl who was happy with her exam results began to sing cheerfully. E
The little girl……………. with her exam results began to sing cheerfully.
A) be happy B) to be happy
C) was happy D) being happy
E) happy
82-I never understood ……………. people interfere with each other . B
A)for what B) why
C)of which D) from which
E)with whom
83-The battle, ……………. the soldiers died, was fought in eastern part of Syria. A
A) in which B) what
C) that D) on which
E) which
84-Canan, ……………. has been sitting next to Cem, hasn't come yet. C
A) why B) whom
C) who D) whose
E) that
85-Did you understand …………….. the teacher taught us today? B
A) which B) what
C) whatever D) what is
E) that is
86-Sir Isaac Newton is the philosopher ……………. laws of gravity and motion are very famous. A
A) whose C) which
B) that D) when
E) why
87-My contact lenses, ……………. I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and lost. D
A)of whose B) on which
C)that D) without which
E) in which
88-The adobe house, ……………. we used to live in, has been knocked down. B
A) where B) which
C) that D) whom
E) why
89-I generally spend a week in a village in Belek ……………. owner is one of my old friends. D
A) where B) who
C) that D) whose
E) of which
90-The girl with red hat, ……………. everybody admired, was my daughter. E
A) that B) where
C) whose D) which
E) whom
91-The adobe house, ……………. we grown up, has been knocked down. A
A) where B) which
C) that D) whom
E) why
92-Atatürk was a leader ............. devoted his life to his nation. B
A) — B)who
C) whom D) when
E) whose
93-It was almost 10 a.m …………the man started to talk about the project at the conference . A
A)when B)which
C)where D)where
94-This shop, ……………. I buy my finely ground Turkish coffee is closed after ten p.m. D
A) to whom B) of what
C) that D) at which
E) on which
95- ………………. eats Döner in the restaurant ………………… Hasan recommended enjoyed the food. D
A) Who/who B) Who/which
C) Whoever/of which D) Whoever/which
E) whenever/which
96-I went to my friend’s clinic, …………… is a dentist, to fix my teeth, ………….. were decayed. B
A)who/ what B) who/ all of which
C)which/ all of which D) who /of which
E)whom /which
97-They decided to climb to the top of Atakule, ……………. the view of Ankara was magnificent. A
A) where B) which
C) that D) of which
E) when
98-I need is a few hours' rest. C
A) who B) which
C) what D) why
E}- persuade your boss is not my problem, but I want this allowance signed by her by tomorrow morning. D
A) Whichever B) Whenever
C) Wherever D)However
E) Whatever
100-They are still looking for the car which was stolen from the car park. A
They are still looking for the car……………. from the car park.
A) stolen B) stealing
C) be stolen D) to steal
E) was stolen

GERUND: FİİL’in köküne “- ING” takısı eklenir.

Smoking is hazardous for health.
I don’t like smoking.
Scanning is a reading technique.
I hate watching horror films.


Studying hard is necessary to be successful. (gerund)
He is studying very hard. (present participle)
Swimming is our favourite sport. (gerund)
They are swimming in the sea. (present participle)

INFINITIVE: FİİL’in başına “TO” getirilir ya da fiil yalın haliyle kullanılır.

You can persuade your son to come with you, it will be great.
The captain commanded his crew to leave the ship.
She provoked her husband to quarrel with the neighbors.
Would you remind me to phone my wife?
The inspector told us nor to touch anything.
One of my new friends invited me to the dance.

81-The Gerund
Acknowledge: Onaylamak, Kabul etmek
Admit: Kabul etmek
Anticipate: Tahmin etmek, beklemek
To appreciate : takdir etmek
To avoid : kaçınmak
Celebrate: Kutlamak
Consider: Düşünmek, dikkate almak
Defer: Ertelemek, saygı göstermek
To delay : Geciktirmek
To detest : İğrenmek
To dislike: Hoşlanmamak
Dread: Dehşet, korku, ürkütücü
To enjoy : Hoşlanmak
Entail: Yol açmak, gerektirmek
To escape : Kaçmak
To excuse : Affetmek
Fancy: Süslü, fantezi
To finish : Bitirmek
To forgive : Affetmek
Imagine: Hayal etmek, düşlemek
To involve : gerektirmek
Keep: Tutmak, korumak
Loath: İsteksiz, gönülsüz
Mean: Anlamına gelmek
Mention: Bahsetmek, anmak
Mind: Aldırış etmek, önemsemek

Miss: Özlemek, kaçırmak
Pardon: Af, özür, bağışlamak
Postpone: Ertelemek, geciktirmek
Prevent: Önlemek, korumak
Propose: Teklif etmek, önermek
Recall: Hatırlama, geri çağırma
Recollect: Hatırlamak, anımsamak
Remember: Hatırlamak
Report: Bildirmek, haber vermek
Resent: Alınmak, içerlemek, gücenmek
Resist: Direnmek, karşı koymak
Risk: Risk
Save: Korumak, tutmak
Stop: Durmak
Suggest: Önermek, teklif etmek
Understand: Anlamak


A-ÖZNE TEK bir sözcükten:

Cooking is my sister’s favourite hobby.
Walking is good for our health.
Listening to music is very relaxing.
Talking too much makes people agressive.

Being interested in chess IS a good for mental development.
Giving too much homeworks to students IS compelling.
Running AND swimming ARE my favourite sports.
Smoking AND drinking alcohol ARE my worst habits.


Whispering BUT not talking loudly IS allowed at the library.
Crying OR sleeping LETS you relax when you are sad.

D- NOT + GERUND: Olumsuz yapmak için

NOT eating too much makes people healhty.
Her NOT wanting to live in a big city made us happy.


BE + GERUND: Özneyi tanımlayan bir sözcük ya da sözcük grubudur.
My favourite spare time activity is reading book.
what I hate the most is cooking all the time.
My biggest aim is being a doctor in the future.
The quality needed in this lesson is being creative.


A-VERB + GERUND: NESNE olarak işlev görür.

You should avoid walking at streets at night.
The doctor recommend walking forty minutes everyday.
She dislikes chatting at the net.

ADMIT: Kabul etmek ANTICIPATE:Beklemek, tahmin etmek APPRECIATE:Takdir etmek AVOID:Önlemek, kaçınmak
COMPLETE: Tamamlamak CONSIDER:Düşünmek, dikkate almak CONTEMPLATE: Düşünmek, tasarlamak DELAY: Gecikme
DENY:Redetmek DETEST: Nefret etmek, iğrenmek DISCUSS:Tartışmak DISLIKE: Beğenmemek ENJOY: Zevk almak
FINISH: Bitirmek IMAGINE:Hayal etmek INVOLVE: İçermek, kapsamak KEEP:Tutmak MEAN: Anlamına gelmek
MENTION:Bahsetmek, sözü geçmek MIND:Önemsemek, aldırış etmek MISS: Kaçırmak, özlemek POSTPONE:Gecikmek,

ertelemek PRACTISE:Uygukamak, pratik yapmak RECALL ( REMEMBER): Hatırlamak, geri çağırmak
RECOLLECT(REMEMBER): Hatırlamak, anımsamak RECOMMEND: Tavsiye etmek, önermek REMEMBER:Hatırlamak
RESENT:Yeniden göndermek, içerlemek RESIST:direnmek, karşı koymak RISK: Risk, tehlike STOP:durmak SUGGEST:
Önermek CAN’T HELP: Yardım edememek CAN’T HELP BUT DO’da aynı anlamı verir.
EXCUSE: Mazeret, bahane, izin UNDERSTAND: Anlamak: İYELİK sıfatı kullanılması gereklidir.

- She admitted breaking the window.

- He suggested going to the theatre.
- He dislikes going to bed late.
- I enjoy watching war films.
- They finished painting the house at 5 o'clock.
- They postponed going to Italy.
-She denied murdering the man.
-We avoided quarelling with them.
-You should practise speaking English in order to improve it.
-You don’t recall bringing you my book.


Possessıve adjective: My, your, his, her, our, their, Jack’s , my mother’s, his uncle’s, … Anlamda değişme olur.
Günlük kullanımda: me, you, him, her, Tom, Jane, my teacher, our aunt, …
Formal: I will not forgive Tom’s humiliating me in front of my family.
Informal: I will not forgive his humiliating me in front of my family.
Formal: I will not forgive Tom humiliating me in front of my family.
Informal: I will not forgive him humiliating me in front of my family.

I deny being murderer.( Katil olduğumu red ediyorum.)

I deny HER being murderer.( Onun katil olduğunu red ediyorum.)
I admit being murderer.( Katil olduğumu kabul ediyorum.)
I admit HER being murderer.( Onun katil olduğunu kabul ediyorum.)


He is interested in books. ( noun)
He is interested in reading books. ( gerund phrase)
I am looking forward to my retirement.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
She is afraid of height.
She is afraid of falling from a high place.

“TO” PREPOSITION’lu yapılar:

My mother accustomed to Turkish tea.
My mother accustomed to drinkingTurkish tea.
He is not used to spicy food.
He is not used to eating spicy food.
I look forward to your telephone.
I look forward to hearing your telephone.
I am opposed to tattoo
I am opposed to making tattoo on my body.
I have an objection to your selection.
I have an objection to selecting children based on computing ability.
I prefer chess to billard.
I prefer playing chess to playing billard.
In addition to shoes, she bought lots of clothes.
In addition to buying shoes, she bought lots of clothes.


People should not abstain from eating chocolate.
He apologized for inconveniencing us.
If you go to a Japan you should adjust to eating Japanese food.
He approved of himself riping for military command
My parents argued about her playing so much computer games.
I believe in behaving honestly to every customer make my work better.
I don’t care about wearing fashionable clothes.
I don’t want to comment on her behaving so rudely.
She always complains about working so long hours at her work.
I have to concentrate on studying my lesson more because next week is our exam week.
Being a good teacher consist of making preperation before lessons.
He has to deal with painting the whole house.
We decided against going to mountains fort he summer holiday.
Buying a house depends on your saving Money every month.
She always dreamed of being a successful scientist.
I am so tired that I feel like sleeping two days.
He is trying to forget about being deceived by her.
He insisted on getting my way.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
He is always object to her wearing short skirt.
I want to participate in achieving the new Project as a training countarpart.
We plan on going to theatre this weekend.
He refers to concentrating on unemployment.
You should take advantage of training at a Private school.
At the meeting, they are talking about discontinuing of the students.
She is thinking about giving a gap year at university to relax.
I will succeed in convincing my husband to move to Antalya this year.
We worry about her sleeping so little.


The police accused the man of murdering the old lady.
My husband apologised to my daughter for being late taking from school.
The police arrested the man for being accomplice of the murder.
The inquiry blamed the engineer for not taking precautions.
They will charge the manager with deceiving the members.
The students complained to the headmaster about paying the dues.
I congratulate my daughter on winning the gold medal.
The snow storm deterred us from going to Çankırı to visit my grandparents.
She devoted herself to finding a cure to cancer.
They discourage him from winning the gold madal.
I don’t forgive him for deceiving me.
We didn’t involve Jane in achieving the Project.
By opening the voice of TV so much, they kept me from concentrating on my lessons.
The locks don’t prevent the thiefs from entering my house.
You should punish your son for coming home late.
His rude behaviours stop me from being friend with him.
The teacher suspected Jack of copying in the exam.
I want to thank him for preparing me for the exam.
He warned me about walking on thin ice.


They are accustomed to walking beside the se aside.
I am afraid of entering to dark places.
We are angry at his telling lies all the time.
This tool is appropriate for cleaning the Windows.
what I have learnt is never to be ashamed of saying you're sorry.
They have always been aware of his cheating.
she got bored with staring out of the window
I'm quite capable of taking care of myself.
People are always concerned about keeping their children safe.
He is not content with making his families life more happy.
we're always delighted at welcoming visitors.
Living in a city is different from living in a village.
it is essential to keeping up-to-date records.
Our teacher is excellent at motivating the students.
Every member of my family are all excited about moving to a new city and begin a new life.
The scientist exposed to ionizing radiation.
He was famous for breaking countless bands and introducing new music to his listeners.
He was fed up with doing all the work.
He seems to be too fond of withholding information from the audience.
He has always been generous about spending Money to poors.
My mother is good at cooking.
I am grateful to Jim for hosting me at his house at the weekend.
I felt guilty for stealing Money from my father’s wallet.
He has been found guilty of robbing a bank.
He is incapable of communicating constructively with her daughter about the issues which affect her most.
I am not interested in listening your regrets.
I am jelious of his attending to company management.
she's keen on swimming.
The students are usually lazy about writing.
The government says it is opposed to paying ransom.
He is proud of winning a gold madal.
The schools are responsible for educating students.
He thinks that watching a book's movie is similar to reading its book
I am sorry about hearing your father's illness.
She is successful in solving difficult maths questions.
the seeds are suitable for planting.
They cannot be sure of investing Money to that firm.
We are surprised at his talking to Jack.
He was terrified of making such a big commitment.
I am tired of waking early .
She is used to/ accustomed to reading book.
I'm worried about having an accident
She is happy about getting high grades from his lessons.


We are late fort he school on account of your waking up late.
I am living in my own house but in the case of my parents’ needing any help, I would move near them.
I have difficulty in concentrating my lessons becuse my little sister is making too much noise.
In addition to working at a school, she is working as a baby sitter in the evenings.
You are in charge of welcoming the customers and arranging their rooms.
He is in danger of losing his house because of bank mortgage.
In exchange for borrowing this novel from you, I can lend you one of mine.
They don’t have any excuse for taking low mark from the exam.
I am in favour of wearing uniform at school.
I walk quietly for fear of disturbing my son at his special course.
My husband is in the habbit of going to work late every morning for fifteen years.
Will you get my clothes from dry cleaning in return for helping me?
You should read book instead of playing computer games.
I have a great interest in discovering new places in the World.
There became a big reaction in the course of the headmaster’s speaking to the parents of the students.
The bell rang and the teacher stopped teaching in the middle of giving her course.
I don’t understand the need for your spending so much Money for clothes.
The reason for his not getting high mark is that he doesn’t study regularly.
Everybody should do their best fort he sake of protecting environment.
He lives like poors in spite of earning a high salary.
If you want to develop your English, you should learn the techniques for translating the sentences.
I don’t understant the point of winning and finishing a second university.
We were on the point of leaving the school when it started to snow.


If you're going to get so upset,it’s no use talking about it.
It’s no good leaving IT in the freezer for your mum to discover.
There is no point ın giving him advice.
I figure that there is no point ın trying to persuade him.
my father taught me, if it’s something worth doing, it’s worth doing right.
It’s not worth talking about it, it's not going to change anything.
It’s a waste of time, coming all the way on foot here.
It’s a waste of Money buying so luxurious car.
You spend your time developing my abilities, and she spends her time developing her own
We seldom spend time explaining or teaching the information.
I ran out of the room without knowing what I was doing.
With a good helmet, he could survive blows to the head without suffering serious injury.
BY DOING …: YAPARAK. Temel cümledeki eylemi NASIL yaptığımızı anlatır.
Patience will come by loving and trusting.
I can get high grade by studying hard and regularly.
GO + GERUND: Sportif faaliyetler için kullanılır.
We always go shopping on Sundays.
They often go hunting.
I was too busy building the doghouse.
He was busy planning a tour.
They were busy with their fishing business.
You're always busy with your study group.
My children had fun playing in the playground.
They are having a good time cooking in the kitchen with the children.
The olds sit in the park watching the children playing.
I stood in front of the window looking outside with empty eyes.
On friday nights, I lay in bed chatting with my friends.


DENY fiilleri en çok kullanılanlarıdır.
The student admitted that he had copied in the exam.
The student admitted copying/having copied in the exam.
The student denied copying/having copied in the exam.
I appreciated your supporting/having supported me in my hard times.


There' s a patient here who insist on being seen by you
I want to go out in the street, naked, barefoot... to run without being stopped.
I can’t stand being lectured to by some irate elders.
I studied very hard for fear of being scolded by my teacher.
I resented being treated like a helpless invalid!

EXERCISE 1 GERUNDS :Answer the following questions using the structures below.
Example : A: Do you write with your left hand?
B: No, I don’t. I am not used to writing with your left hand.
No, I don’t. I am not accustomed to writing with your left hand.
A: Does the cold weather chill you?
B: No, it doesn’t. I am used to the cold weather.
No, it doesn’t. I am accustomed to the cold weather.
1-A: Do your grandmother always walk slowly?
B: No,
2-A: Does your brother always have a cold shower in the morning?
B: Yes,
3-A: Does your brother always shave in the morning?
B: No,
4-A: Do you like this kind of junky food?
B: No,
5-A: Can you live in the Polar region?

B: Yes,
6-A: Do the insults of poor people bother you?
B: Yes,
7-A: Can you live at monsoon climate like this?
B: No,
8-A: Are you fond of reading book at the seaside?
B: Yes,
9-A: Do you like eating spicy food?
B: No,
10-A: Does your father always go to bed so late?
B: No,

EXERCISE 2 GERUNDS :Perfect gerund (active / passive) Rewrite the following sentences using a “Perfect Gerund”.
Example : Can denied that she had lost the key. (ACTIVE)
Can denied having lost the key.
Mark denied that she was beaten by a small child. (PASSIVE)
Mark denied having been beaten by a small child .

1-I remember that I had met that girl at the cinema.

I remember
2-They accused me that I had gossipped behind them.
They accused me of
3-Helen complains that she wasn’t given enough freedom in chosing her.
Helen complains of
4-My mother forgot that she had put sugar in her tea.
My father forgot
5-Sude feels sorry that she wasn’t gotten permission to go to the cinema by her father.
Sheila feels sorry
6-The teacher apologized that he was late for class.
The teacher apologized for
7-The manager admits that she has been criticized severely by senior management.
The manager admits (to)
8-She is glad that she had married with her husband.
She is glad of
9-Do you regret that you didn’t go to university?
Do you regret not ?
10-Emine doesn’t enjoy that she has been make fun of her short length by her friends.
Emily doesn’t enjoy
11-My son is depressed that he had a row with his wife last night.
I am depressed about
12- I avoid that I was in the habit of smoking hubble buble
I avoid

EXERCISE 3 GERUNDS :Use your own thoughts to complete the following sentences using the -ing form.
Example: I suggested going to the seaside in July.
1) Lisa gave up ………………………………………………………………………………………………
2) The burglar admitted ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3) Jane didn't risk ………………………………………………………………………………………………
4) The teacher couldn't stop Tom from ………………………………………………………………………………………………
5) Would you mind ………………………………………………………………………………………………
6) I imagine ………………………………………………………………………………………………
7) He is afraid of ………………………………………………………………………………………………
8) I am tired of ………………………………………………………………………………………………
9) I am fond of ………………………………………………………………………………………………
10) The children are interested ………………………………………………………………………………………………
11) I enjoy ………………………………………………………………………………………………
12) I don't feel like ………………………………………………………………………………………………
13) I'm not good at.......................................................................................................

14) It is a lovely day.............................................................................................
15) I'm good at....................................................................................................
16) I'm very interested in..........................................................................................
17) I'm looking forward to.....................................................................................
18) I'm thinking of..........................................................................................................
19) Thank you for........................................................................................................
20) The manager was angry and he left the room without......................................
EXERCISE 4 GERUNDS :Use your own thoughts to complete the sentences below.
Example: Working as a pilot is well paid.
1) Meeting new people................................................................
2) Studying history...............................................................................
3) Flying a plane........................................................................
4) Travelling through Europe ...............................................
5) Working in a foreign country ................................................................
6) Proving a new theorem ...................................................................
7) Windsurfing in Kemer ..............................................................
8) Living in Istanbul............................................................
9) Growing animals in villages .......................................................................
10) Making a decision about a difficult subject .............................

INFINITIVE: FİİL’in başına “TO” getirilir ya da FİİL YALIN haliyle kullanılır.
SIMPLE INFINITIVE: Tek bir sözcükten oluşur: to rest, to agree, to send, etc.
INFINITIVE PHRASE: Bir sözcük grubundan oluşur: to talk about… ,to study … at.. ,etc.
He appeared to be a rich man years later.
Liz decided to marry George.
We will plan to go to the seaside in July.


It's difficult not to drink cold water in the summer.
I decided not to smoke anymore.
The teacher asked me not to cheat.
You had better not park here.

RULE 2- We use the "zero-infinitives" after the question word WHY.

Why work until 8 o'clock?
Why not go there?
Why not walk after the meal?
Why not buy a new car after the graduation?

RULE 3- We use the "to-infinitives" after some question words:

You should explain to me how to open it.
I have not planned where to go on holiday.
I can't decide whether to buy a new car or not.

RULE 4- We use the "to-infinitives" in certain forms such as the Passive Infinitive, the Continuous Infinitive, the Perfect
Infinitive, the Perfect Continuous Infinitive:

1. We use the Passive Infinitive by forming to be + past participle structure.

He is waiting to be taken by a taxi.
These windows must be painted.
This car should be cleaned.

2. We use the Continuous Infinitive by forming to be + present participle.
The boy wants to be skiing on the mountain soon.
He must be kidding.
She would like to be waiting for her boyfriend for some time.

3. We use the Perfect Infinitive by forming to have + past participle.

The baby pretended to have slept.

4. We use the Perfect Continuous Infinitive by forming to have been + present participle.
He appears to have been studying for 3 hours.
She pretends to have been doing homework for 2 hours.


A- TO + VERB + SUBJECT: Pek yaygın değildir. “IT” anlamda bir değişiklik yapmaz.
To buy a car is too hard these days.
To talk a friend is very relaxing.
To listen slow music makes you feel happy.


IT is hard to buy a car these days.
IT is relaxing to talk a friend.
IT makes you feel happy to listen slow music.

B-GERUND: ÖZNE genel bir durum ifade ederse

Cooking is my favourite hobby.
Reading is a very important for our mental development.
INFINITIVE: ÖZNE özel bir durum ifade ederse
To swim in that fast flowing river isn’t safe.
To read this long passage in two minutes will be too difficult.

It isn’t safe to swim in that fast flowing river.
It is too difficult to read this long passage in two minutes.

ÖZNE GERUND OLUR: Cümleye POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVE (my, your, his, her, our, their) ile başlarsa
His driving fast scared us.
Her not joining our party upset us.

C- FOR + NOUN/PRONOUN + INFINITIVE: Eylemin KİMİN için kolay, zor, şaşırtıcı, üzücü, vs. olduğunu belirtmek için
To cook is easy for me/us/them.
It is easy for me/us/them to cook.
To paint the whole house in a day isn’t diffult for a fast painter.
It isn’t difficult for a fast painter to paint the whole house in a day.

D- OF + NOUN/PRONOUN + INFINITIVE: Polite, kind, rude, smart, clever, careful, honesty, etc. gibi SIFATLAR, eylem yerine
eylemi yapan KİŞİYİ tanımlar. Özne olarak “IT” ile başlanır.
It’s kınd of him to buy me a flower.
It’s irresponsibility of her not to do her homework.
It’s honesty of him to tell all the event without any lie.


BE + INFINITIVE: Özneyi tanımlar ve açıklar.
My dream is to become a doctor.
Our plan is to go to picnic at the weekend.
What I want is to walk and listen to music near the seashore.

GERUND: (GENERAL) Our favourite sport is playing football.

INFINITIVE: (SPECIFIC) Our plan is after school is to play football.


I'd be able afford tolive in such a luxurious house.
You agreed to spend the night with me.
she appeared not to know what was happening.
We've arranged to pay you the £ 500 insurance in cash.
You don't care to accompany me.
People can choose to start loving, but can't choose to stop.
Tom prefers to take a shower in the morning
No one can claim to know the whole truth.
I need the old lady's consent to do some treatment.
if you decide to fight, you also have to decide to win.
As the writer, I demand to express my opinion.
Humanbeings do not deserve to live in this beautiful World.
I shall endeavor to work adequately.
You failed to respond to the letters I wrote to you.
The postman happen to lose all those letters.
If you have any problem, don't hesitate to ask for help from somebody else.
I just hoped to get more information to get a better understanding of the situation.
If I could learn to listen carefully, surely I could learn to use a computer.
They did manage to sell that old house.
Everyone should resort to work harder means to make his condition better
He has offered to lend us the extra money to meet Mr. White's offer.
Tom plans to come to our party.
I'm prepared to learn, if you're prepared to teach me.
I had to pretend to go to work just to get away from her.
He proceeds to offer me some more money.
I promise to protect you if you promise to protect me.
He proved to be honest to anyone who doubted him.
He proved himself to to be honest to anyone who doubted him. (Reflexive pronoun)
The machinary proved disfunctional. ( adjective)
I tried to contact her, but she refused to talk to me.
Everyone seemed to be very busy and everyone seemed to be in a hurry.
Humans have always struggled to find the outer edge of what's possible.
Do you swear to tell the truth?
People in Turkey tend to prefer bigger cars.
They threatened to throw me off the team.
Now I need a couple of volunteers to help me
I'm going to wait to commit to a decision.


I advised them to call their child' s school for more information
I do not allow her to give out her number to anyone.
We're talking about if we should appoint him to that position.
That punch caused him to stop breathing.
I must go to him and caution him to keep my secret from everyone.
we challenged him to step forth and express his thoughts.
He commanded me to meet him at the airport.
Something in him compelled him to fight for goodness and justice.
We need you to talk to him, convince him to tell the truth.
The manager directed him to write a report about the accident.
His high salary enabled him to live in comfort.
When the child learns to read, encourage him to read the book to you as well as to himself.
I forbid you to see him anymore.
So I forced him to make a decision.
I've hired him to be the training counterpart on the project.
She implored him to come back.
It is cold outside. I will instruct him to put these on.
I invited him to stay for a week, but he didn't accepted my offer.
So how do we motivate him to study more and regularly.
His work obliges him to travel too much.
She ordered him to clean up his room.
The policeman permitted him to park.
I persuaded him to go to the party.
Tom asked Mary to remind him to call John in the morning.
They requested him to finish the Project as soon as possible.
His job requires him to wear a uniform at work.
Tom wanted Mary to show him how to make pizza.
I'll teach students to read and write.
If you speak to him, tell him to contact me.
Nothing would tempt me to deceive other people.
She urged him to study harder.
I warned him to stay away from you.

A psychiatrist asks you to lie down on the couch. (VERB + NOUN/PRONOUN + INFINITIVE)
You're being asked to lie down on the floor. (VERB + INFINITIVE)
My child begs us to return as soon as we can.
My child begs to return back as soon as we can.
Why did you choose to work with your partner?
Why did they choose you to work with them?
How you dare to insult these innocent people?
How dare you to insult these innocent people?
When a child goes to school, he is expected to pay attention to the teacher.
When a child goes to school, the teacher expected the child to pay attention to the lesson.
She needs me to help him.
She needs to be helped.
We prefer to go to the beach.
They preferred me to live with.
I promise to protect you.
You promise me to protect.
You don t́ want to talk about my career no more.
You don t́ want me to talk about your career no more.
She doesn't wish to marry with me.
He wished me to marry with him.
I would like to see his chart.
I would like him to examine my husband.

4-CERTAIN VERBS + NOUN/PRONOUN + INFINITIVE: Genellikle bu fiillerden sonra “THAT – CLAUSE” kullanılır. “That –
clause”un yerine VERB + NOUN/PRONOUN + INFINITIVE kalıbı ile de kullanılırlar. Infınıtıve olarak ise “ TO BE” ve “TO
HAVE” “ know, like, love, etc” gibi non-progressive fiillerle kullanılır.
We have to acknowledge that we have no control over physical growth.
He is now acknowledged to be one of the foremost artists of all time
We have to assume that he's still alive.
Don't you ever assume to know anything about me.
If you really believe that you're in danger, call the police.
People believe what they need to believe to justify their actions.

She calculated that she had earned 1,500 dollars.
Everything that I have done has been calculated to be successful..
Have you ever considered that we may be on the wrong side?
She's considered to be armed and dangerous.
They declared that they were innocent.
In spite of such failure, I declare to have serious doubts about the testimonies.
Scientist discovered that chimpanzees could use tools.
Chimpanzees discovered to be the animals using tools.
He estimates that in the next 20 years, 70 million people will die from AIDS.
It is estimated that in the next 20 years, 70 million people will die from AIDS.
70 million people are estimated to be died from AIDS in the next 20 years.
Over 210 million people across the globe are estimated to be unemployed.
I fancy that at different condition, we might have been friends.
I have a fancy to see them together.
Why do I feel that you feel embarrass about me.
For the first time I've understood how it feels to be back home.
We find that he has health problems.
I find the question to be extremely difficult.
I guess that this result proves our theory.
I guessed her to be 40 years old.
She imagines that she invents a device for the machine.
And if you judge that I' m not fit to be a teacher, you are thinking wrong!
I did what I judged to be right.
I know that you have searched this issue so long.
I know him to be honest, hardworking.
Do you still maintain that my brother tried to swindle you?
I can assure you, our rooms are maintained to be the highest standards of all .
I reckon that the secret passageway is very hard to find.
He was reckoned to be the best teacher among his workmates.
Scientists proclaim that scorpions are the oldest species on earth.
Turkish youth proclaim themselves to be the followers of Atatürk.
That little bone proved that particular dinosaur had wings but didn't fly.
It wouldn’t be realistic to reject something that has been fully proved to be a scientific fact
I wanted to warn you that you are in danger but I see that you already know that.
You are seen to be having some serious problems.
It shows that you care and want to do something about it.
You showed yourself to be a man of honour.
Well, I supposed that you met someone you loved.
You' re supposed to be watching him
They think that their new workmate is very polite.
It is thought that their new workmate is very polite.
Their new workmate is thought to be very polite.
The police presumed that she drowned.
It is presumed that she drowned.
She is presumed to be drowned.
I understand that you don't want to see me anymore.
Republicanism is understood to be a kind of best management mode.


Some people has the ability to foreknow the future, but they do not use it all the time.
His ambition to become a leading politician made him successful.
Her anxiety to meet with my children surprised me.
His attempt to help them was rejected.
His decision to quit his old job and start his own business really brave.
His demands to prepare his new Project were accepted in order to keep him here.
His desire to fly has cost him a lot of money.
My determination to win the gold madal prouded my family.
Her eagerness to enter the team impressed the jury.
All of my efforts to protect and provide comfort for my family have been appreciated.
My failure to solve the case left me desolate.
My offer to let them stay in my house at their hard time made them garefull.
His plan to study abroad really surprised us.
His promise to correct the situation comforted us.
Her refusal to take responsibility for firm leadership, not only endangered herself, But everyone around him.
His request to have the children for Labor Day weekend was denied.
Women right to vote attempted to be prevented by ignorant people.
Tom schemed to destroy the project.
His willingness to listen to other opinions and ideas admired by the personnel.
His wish to pass his summer holiday with us made us really happy.

The worst time to go to holiday is winter.
The best place to live in my retirement is the seaside town.
My favourite time to read book is before sleeping.
Today, I will have a little time to make you a cake.

My husband is always the last person to leave the house.
The last student to leave the class should turn off the lights.
The first man to take the first step to the moon was him.



I was afraid to go outside alone
she's anxious to get to the hospital.
They were amazed to see the beauty of the flowers she had planted.
He is ashamed to ask you for more Money to meet the needs of the family.
I was astonished to hear that he failed.
I am careful to give my address to a stranger.
They are certain to do business together.
I am content to stay near you.
Sally is very disappointed to hear you lost all your Money.
My wife is delighted to see how much I have changed.
I am determined to enter into a course of serious study.
I' m disgusted to live here all alone.
The teachers are disturbed to hear that some students at school were threatened by these “troublemakers.”
Fathers are eager to respond to the needs of his children.
Not everybody is fortunate to have their dreams come true.
I'm just so glad to be able to help in any way I can.
She'd be happy to go to the dance with you.
Larger companies are often hesitant to sell goods to some countries.
Children of broken homes were “50 per cent more likely to run away from home.
You're so lucky to get paid to do what you love.
He's motivated to meet with you today and show you his own music.
My father was proud to open a little street corner restaurant.
They are pleased to know the treatment was successful.
You' re not prepared to cook the meal for the guests.
I' m ready to talk if you' re ready to listen.
Why is she so reluctant to tell the truth?
She is relieved to know that no one is injured.
I was very sad to hear about your wife is cancer..
I am really sorry to wake you at midnight, but we need to talk.
I'm a bit surprised to see you've managed to enter the university..
He was shocked to hear that his daughter had shoplifted.
I was just too stunned to respond.
I' m a little upset to learn that two of my former students had a traffic accident.
If she's willing to help us, I'm willing to accept her offer.

I'm proud to be a part of this project. (INFINITIVE + VERB)
I'm proud OF BEING a part of this project. (ADJECTIVE + PREPOSITION + GERUND)
I'm so ashamed to lie to you.
I'm so ashamed of lying to you.


I was disappointed when you didn't see you at the memorial service.
I was disappointed not to see you at the memorial service.
I'm just happy that I get to play such a big part.
I'm just happy to play such a big part.

EXERCISE 1- INFINITIVES: Complete the following sentences with the “Plain Infinitive” or “Full Infinitive” forms
of the verbs in brackets.
Example : Alicemade me ……………………. miserable, (feel)
Alice made me feel miserable. (Plain Infinitive)
Would you like ……………………. to the circus with me? (go)
Would you like to go to the circus with me? (Full Infinitive)

1) I didn’t dare …………………. the teacher that she solved the question wrong, (tell)
2) I would prefer you ……………………… me up at seven o’clock, (pick)
3) It was foolish of you …………………. so fast at intercity roads, (drive)
4) They would rather ……………………… Chinese food than French food, (taste)
5) Lilly is not well enough ………………. the race, (win)
6) Thank you for your condolences wishes , it was very thoughtful of you ……………… me. (phone)
7) Their parents didn’t allow Jenny ……………… out after ten at nights, (go)
8) Janet is too scared …………….. the tent. There are some bears outside, (leave)
9) How old were you when you learnt …………………… ? (walk)
10) Elder people do nothing but …………………. all the time, (complain)
11) We are not sure how does he make this machine ………………..? (work)
12) Tom likes ………………….. carefully before making a decision, (think)
13) It was wrong of you …………………… your elders like that, (talk)
14) Rather than ………………….. it to a pet shop he decided to claim wounded cat, (take)
15) The robber made everyone in the bank …………………. down on the floor, (lie)
16) I would rather …………….. tennis than …………………… golf. (play / play)
17) She seems …………………….. nothing but ………………….. (do / sleep)
18) Sandy would prefer ……………………. out rather than …………………. at home, (go I stay)
19) My parents didn’t let me ……………….. drum in the living room, (play)
20) You had better ……………….. me the truth before the police arrive, (tell)

EXERCISE 2- INFINITIVES: Make a new sentence using the verbs.

Example: She has not slept for twenty hours, (seem)
1) She seems not to have slept for twenty hours.
2) Rob has paid my money back, (claim). He .........................................................................
3) Yorgo has put on weight, (appear). It ............................................................................
4) Sue did not know the truth, (pretend). She …………………………………………………….……………….
5) The wind is always gusty in this particular season, (tend) ……………………………………………………………………
6) You are enjoying yourself, (seem) …………………………………………………………………….
7) The flight is cancelled, (appear) ……………………………………………………………………….
8) George has a habit of talking too much. (tend) ……………………………………………………………………
9) I expect to see my son at university soon. I hope................................................................
10) We think Tony's stressed about something. He seems.......................................................................

11) "If I were you, I would start studying right now," her father said to Henry. His father advised ...................................
12) "Bring my pills, please," my grandfather said to me. He asked .......................................................................
13) I was sure James would arrive on Saturday night. I expected ...................................................................................
14) Do you feel like playing fottball? Would you like......................................................................................
15) She told me that she would take me to the fun fair. She promised..................................................................
16) "Why don't you come and visit us in Bodrum this summer?" my friends said to me. My friends invited ..................
17) It was snowing heavily but we got to the meeting in time. We managed........................................................
18) I told them that I would not let them sell my new car. I did not agree ............................................................
19) "You may stay at your friend's house tomorrow night," dad said to the boys. He allowed the boys ......................
20) The traffic police told me, "You must pay a 170 TL fine." The traffic police ordered me .................................
21) I agree that Danny has to apologize from me. I want................................................................
22) I heard that you had won the race, (happy) I was happy to hear that …………………………………………………
23) I heard that John had failed the exam, (sorry) . I ………………………………………………………..……………………...
24) I wanted to arrive before my dad came, (anxious). I …………………………………….…………………………………………....
25) Sally didn't inform about the case, (ashamed). I …………………………………………………………………………………........
26) Galatasaray lost to Beşiktaş, (disappointed). …………………………………………………………………………………………
27) I have won $1 million from the lottery, (surprised). I …………………………………………………………………………………...
28) I went to İstanbul last summer, (happy) . I………………………………................................

1- Advise, allow, encourage, forbid, permit, recommend + indirect object = INFINITIVE kullanılır.
Advise, allow, encourage, forbid, permit, recommend= GERUND kullanılır.
ADVISE: TAVSİYE ETMEK, BİLDİRMEK. İlgili şahıslardan bahsedilmezse gerund kullanılır.
- They advised giving up the work.
- They advised us to give up the work.
-Hotel owners have been advised to lower prices.
- The rules don't allow the workers to sleep during the working hours.
-The rules don’t allow sleeping during the working hours.
I encourage people to defend their rights
I encourage defending their rights.
Turkish law forbids fishing from may to september.
Turkish law forbids the fishers to fish from may to september.
The school regulation doesn’t permit copying at the exams.
The school regulation doesn’t permit the students to copy at the exams.
RECOMMEND: Tavsiye etmek, önermek
Authorities do not recommend eating in all-inclusive hotels.
Authorities do not recommend people to eat in all-inclusive hotels.
I'll attempt to finish my project homework today.
I’ll attempt to finishing my project homework today.
INTEND: NİYET. Hem gerund ve hem de infinitive ile kullanılabilirler.
I intend to finish my project homework today.
I intend to finishing my project homework today.

2- BEGIN, START, CONTINUE, CEASE: Hem gerund ve hem de to infinitive ile kulanılabilirler.
I began to study at noon.
I started studying at noon.
The workers continued to work.
The workers continued to working.
People never cease to worry about themselves.
People never cease to worrying about themselves.

3-LOVE, LIKE, HATE, PREFER: Tek başlarına kullanıldıkları zaman gerund takip eder.
The students love joking with each other.
Do you like eating chocolate?
I hate waiting so long.
Girls prefer playing with baby toys.

WOULD ile kullanıldıklarında infinitive kullanılır. ( would / like / love /prefer / hate )
The students would love / like to joke with each other.
I would hate to wait so long.
I would prefer to sleep in that bed.

LIKE: “DOĞRU BULMAK” manasında kullanıldığı zaman” to infinitive” ile, “HOŞLANMAK, SEVMEK “ manalarında kullanıldığı
zaman gerund ile kullanılır.
My husband likes to see the dentist every six month.
I don't like to climb trees.
AFRAID: Sadece korkma duygusunu ifade etme durumlarında of ve gerund gelir.
He was afraid of riding horses when he was a child. (ata binmediği bilinmiyor)
Korkudan dolayı bir şey yapılamıyorsa bu durumlar infinitive ile anlatılır.
He was afraid to ride horses when he was a child. (binmezdi.)
AGREE: Birisinin bir şey yapmasına rıza göstermek manasında olunca gerund gelir. Bu daha çok agree to yapısıdır.
The teacher agreed to my entering to his lesson.
Bir şey yapmayı kabul etmek manasında kullanılınca kendisinden sonra to infinitive gelir.
I think he will agree to teach me English tomorrow.
CARE: Umursamak, kafasına takmak, endişe etmek gibi manalarda kullanıldığı zaman gerund ile kullanılır.
If you promise to help me, I don't care working long hours.
Meyli olmak, pek sevmek, özel ilgi duymak manalarında olunca infinitive ile kullanılır.
Children don't care to play chess. They would care to play outside.
I can’t bear listening to the children when they cry for food.”
I can’t bear to listen to the children when they cry for food.”
We can’t stand to eat this meal anymore.
We can’t stand eating this meal anymore.
He dislikes to be ordered what to do.
He dislikes being ordered what to do.
He dreads to learn the results.
He dreads learning the results.
GO ON:(YARIM KALAN ) birşeyi yapmaya devam etmek manasında kullanılınca peşinden gelen fiil gerund olur.
They went on reading about mamals.
They went on to read about mamals.
I need to polish my shoes. ( need+ infinitive)
My shoes needs to be polished. (passive+infinitive)
My shoes needs polishing. (passive+infinitive)
I need to water my flowers.
My flowers needs to be polished.
My flowers needs/wants/requires watering.

PASSIVE + INFINITIVE: cümlenin öznesi insan ise

You need to listen me.
I need to be listened.
The new doctor neglects to change gloves between patients.
The new doctor neglects changing gloves between patients.
PROPOSE: ÖNERMEK manasında kullanılınca gerund kullanılır.
The naughty boy proposed playing computer games till midnight.
Niyetinde olmak, niyet taşımak manasında olunca to infinitive kullanılır.
The children proposed to play computer games till midnight.


FORGET: UNUTMAK: Yapılmış olan bir şey unutulduğu zaman gerund kullanılır.
I have forgotten bringing you your books.

Yapılacak olan birşey unutulduğu zaman to'lu infinitive gelir.
I have forgetten to bring you your books.

REMEMBER: HATIRLAMAK manasında kullanılınca gerund gelir.

I remember working in this school ten years ago.
AKILDA TUTMAK, AKLA GELMEK manasında kullanılınca "to'lu fiil" gelir.
If remembered to tell him about the case when he phoned me.

MEAN (INTEND): ANLAMINA GELMEK , DEMEK manasında kullanılınca gerund kullanılır. ( Cümlenin öznesi insan olamaz.)
The police officer is determined to stop the sale of drugs. Perhaps it will mean getting exhausted or getting killed by
KASTETMEK, DEMEK İSTEMEK, ANLAMINA GELMEK, NİYETİNDE OLMAK manalarında kullanılıncaa to'lu infinitive kullanılır.
He means to earn and save as much money as he could to buy a good car.

REGRET: PİŞMANLIK, ÜZÜLMEK PİŞMAN OLMAK manasında kullanılınca kendisini gerund takip eder.
I regret not helping to the old lady while she was crossing the road.
Teessüf etmek, üzüntü duymak, eseflenmek manalarında kullanılınca peşinden infinitive gelir.
We regret to inform you that you have not qualified.
STOP: DURMAK, BIRAKMAK, VAZGEÇMEK, KESMEK manalarında olduğu zaman gerund gelir.
My brother is a heavy smoker.
He can't stop smoking.
Stop smoking.
DURMAK manasında kullanılınca to infinitive gelir.
We stopped to have something to drink and eat.
TRY (MAKE AN EFFORD): DENEMEK manasında olunca kendisinden sonra gerund gelir .
You can't start this car like this. - Why don't you try pushing?
UĞRAŞMAK, ÇABALAMAK manasında olunca peşinden to'lu fiil gelir.
They are trying to push the car to start.

A-IN ORDER TO DO/ TO DO: Bir insanın bir eylemi yapmaktaki AMACINI bildirirler. FİİL kullanılır.
I went to an institute for the blind because I want to learn to read and write Braille.
I went to an institute for the blind to learn/ in order to learn to read and write Braille.
We studied too hard because we don’t want to get low mark from the exam.
We studied too hard not to/ın order not to get low mark from the exam.
TO DO( SPECIFIC): Bellirli bir OLAYDA bir nesnenin ne amaçla kullanıldığını belirtmek için kullanılır.
Paint is used to paint/for painting dirty things.
A lot of paint was used to paint the whole building.
Dish sponge is used to clean/for cleaning the dishes.
Two dish sponge was used to clean the dishes after the party.

Bu cümlelerde için anlamını vermek için sadece TO yerine IN ORDER TO veya SO AS TO da kullanılabilir.
He left his job in order to look after his mother.
He left his job so as to look after his mother.

B-BE USED TO DO/IN ORDER TO DO/ BE USED FOR DOING: Bir nesnenin, alet veya makine gibi araçların ne işe
yaradığı, ne amaçla kullanıldığını anlatmak için kullanılırlar.
FOR DOING: BE USED kullanılmadan bir nesnenin ne işe yaradığını anlatmak için kullanılır.
You have to use a scissors to cut/in order to cut fabric.
A scissor is used for cutting/ to cut fabric.
A scissor is a tool for cutting fabric.
You have to use a beater to mix materials.
A beater is used for mixing/to mix materials.
A beater is a tool for mixing materials.

C- FOR + NOUN: Bir insanın bir eylemi yapmaktaki AMACINI bildirirken İSİM kullanılır.
I went to library because to borrow a book.
I went to library for a book.
She will go to Crown Hotel to enter a meeting.
She will go to Crown Hotel for a meeting.

EXERCISE 3- INFINITIVES: (EXPRESSING PURPOSE) Answer the following questions using the words in brackets.
You can use the prompts on the list if you like.
1- A: Why does your sister do exercises every morning? (to) (lose weight)
2-A: What for did your mother stop at the petrol station? (to) (buy some petrol)
3-A: Why did your father go to the bank? (in order to) (cash a cheque)
4-A: Why did your sister put the kettle on the electric heater? (to) (make some tea)
5-A: Why is Lisa taking credit from the bank ? (in order to) (buy a new car)
6-A: Why does Mary usually take a pill? (to) (be able to go to sleep)
7-A: Why is Tom wearing his suit? (to) ( get at job interview)
8-A: Why is Mark going to study these books on business? (in order to) (be more successful)
9-A: Why did you buy so much food? (so as not to) (get hungry on the far- east travel)
10-A: Why do you have to be well dressed? (so as to) (make a good impression on people)

EXERCISE 4- INFINITIVES: (EXPRESSING PURPOSE) Answer the following questions using the words in bracket.
You can use the prompts on the list if you like.
buy some milk * buy some food for her goldfish
waste time * complete the project on time
make new friends * break your heart
operate the machine * investigate the case
bring her round * disturb his room-mate
take interest * give you a wrong impression
reduce crime * buy a pair of glasses
1-A: Why did your mother go to the supermarket? (in order to) (buy the needs in the kitchen)
2-A: For what reason do people put their money in a bank? (so as to) (take interest)
3-A: For what purpose did your daughter go to London? (in order to) (get graduate education)
4-A: Why is your son working at weekends? (so as to) (complete the term project on time)
5-A: Why didn’t you say anthing to me? (in order not to) (break your heart)
6-A: Why did Mary go to the dentist’s? (in order to) (have dental caries treated)
7-A: Why did you turn the music down? (so as not to) (disturb my neighbours)
8-A: Why did your daughter join this club? (so as to) (make new friends)
9-A: Why did Sam go to the farm? (in order to) (buy organic vegetables and fruits)
10-A: Why did they throw water over your son’s face? (to)( wake him up)


A-TOO + ADJECTIVE/ADVERB: Cümle yapısı passive değildir fakat anlam passive’dir.
Cümle yapısı olumludur fakat anlam olumsuz’dur.

This mountain is too steep. Nobody can climb it.
This mountain is too steep to climb.
The shelf is too high. Nobody can reach the book.
The shelf is too high to reach the book.
TOO + ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + FOR + NOUN/PRONOUN: Bu cümlelerde eylemin kimin için nasıl /ne kadar zor, kolay,
olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılır.
This mountain is too steep. I can’t climb it.
This mountain is too steep for me to climb.
The shelf is too high. We can’t reach the book.
The shelf is too high for us reach the book.

B-ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + ENOUGH: Olumlu cümlelerde eylemin yapabileceğimiz ölçüde olduğunu belirtmek için
This suitcase is light. Anyone can carry it.
This suitcase is light enough to carry.
This pepper is sweet. I can eat it.
This pepper is sweet enough to eat.
The teacher did not explain the subject well. We didn’t understand it.
The teacher did not explain the subject well enough to understand.

ADJECTIVE/ADVERB + ENOUGH+ FOR + NOUN/PRONOUN: Bu cümlelerde eylemin kimin için nasıl /ne kadar zor, kolay,
olduğunu belirtmek için kullanılır.
This suitcase is light. I can carry it.
This suitcase is light enough for me to carry.
This pepper is sweet. I can eat it.
This pepper is sweet enough for me to eat.
The teacher did not explain the subject well. We didn’t understand it.
The teacher did not explain the subject well enough for us to understand.

ENOUGH + NOUN: Pek yaygın değildir.

She is honest enough to admit her lie.
She has enough honesty to admit her lie.
He is talented enough t oto this work.
He has enough talent to do this work.

C-TOO VEYA ENOUGH: TOO ile verdiğimiz adjective yada adverb’ün ZIT şeklini ENOUGH ile verebiliriz. Ya da olumsuz
cümlede enough ile verebiliriz.
This box is too heavy to carry.
This bag is light enough to carry.
This bag is not light enough to carry.
He is too young to go out alone at night.
He is not old enough to go out alone at night.
This car is too expensive to buy.
This car is not cheap enough to buy.

SEE, HEAR, WATCH, FEEL, SMELL, FIND, CATCH, OBSERVE fiillerden sonra bir nesne geldiği zaman daha sonra gelen fiil ise
yalın halde hiçbir ek almadan gelir veya -ing eki alır. Eğer bir işin, fiilin tamamını duyar, seyreder, hisseder, farkeder veya
görürsek gelen fiil yalın halde hiçbir ek almadan gelir.
I saw him open the door and enter the room.
I watched the children play.
I heard him start the car and drive away.
Eğer bir işin, fiilin tamamını değil de bir kısmını gelen fiil duyar, seyreder, hisseder, farkeder veya görürsek gelen fiil -ing
eki alır.
They saw me playing football.
I felt someone following us.
I heard them talking about me.

SMELL, FIND, CATCH + GERUND: Sadece gerund kullanılır.

When I entered the garden, I could smell the roses smelling wonderful.
When I arrived home, I found the baby crying.
When I had woken up at midnight, I caught the thief entering the window.
Make ve let fiilleri ise kendilerinden sonra gelen fiillere ne “-ing” ne de “to” aldırırlar. Gelen fiil yalın halde bulunur.
The kitty made us laugh.
I can't make my children eat vegetables.
The mother made her brother wash the dishes.
The man didn't let his children go out at night.
Please let me stay here.
They never let me speak.


Will you help me clean/to clean the house?
I helped my father mend/to mend the car.
A stranger helped me find/to find my wallet.

EXERCISE 5- INFINITIVES: (ENOUGH) Combine the following pairs of sentences using the structure below. Change the
adjectives if necessary.
Example : Maria is very rich. She can buy a villa by the sea.
Maria is rich enough to buy a villa by the sea.
1) Tina is very tall. She can take the plates from the top shelf .
2) The mobile phones are very small. It can go into a pocket.
3) Naim Süleymanoğlu is very strong. He can lift 200 kg’s.
4) The new stadium is very big. It can hold ten thousand people.
5) I do not have money. I can’t take a tour of the Black sea region.
6) My sister is not very hardworking. She can’t solve that math’s problem.
7) Karen is very poor. She can’t buy a winter coat.
8) Tim was very old. She could not apply for the civil service .
9) You are not old. You cannot watch this film on the television.
10) The cheetah is very fast. It can catch most of its prey.
11) Sandy was very hungry. He ate five hamburgers.
12) That wooden chair is not very strong. It cannot support that heavy woman.

EXERCISE 6- INFINITIVES: (ENOUGH) Combine the following pairs of sentences with “ENOUGH” using the structure below.
Example : There are a lot of tomatoes. They will last for a week.
There is enough tomatoes to last for a week.
There are tomatoes enough to last for a week.
1-They haven’t got much money. They can’t buy expensive clothes.
2-Mark hasn’t got much time. He can’t visit his parents this week.
3-There is a great deal of Ayran at the dinner table. It can refresh everyone at this hot summer day .
4-There isn’t much flour at home. Lizy can’t make a pancake.
5-My husband has a lot of strength. He can carry this heavy parcel without any help.
6-There wasn’t much sofa in the villa. We couldn’t all find place to sleep.
7-They didn’t have many chairs at the dinner table. All the people couldn’t sit on.
8-George hasn’t got much experience. He can’t apply for this job.

9-There were not many coffee cups. Sandy couldn’t make Turkish coffee for all the guests.
10-Sue didn’t have much courage. She couldn’t divorce her husband.

EXERCISE 7- INFINITIVES: (TOO) Rewrite the following sentences using “TOO” using the structure below.
Example : Pam was so anxious that she couldn’t concentrate on the exam.
Pam was too anxious to concentrate on her exam.
1) Henry was so aggressive that he couldn’t tolerate the little children.
2) Baklava sweet was so sherbet that I couldn’t eat it.
3) The Raw meatball was so raw meatballs that we couldn’t eat it.
4) This Saw film is so violent that my son can’t watch it.
5) Mark was so poor that he couldn’t buy milk to his baby.
6) I was so busy that I couldn’t go to picnic with my friends.
7) They were so tired that they couldn’t go to cinema with my friends.
8) It is such a heavy box that I cannot lift it.
9) His course was so boring that I couldn’t listen any more.
10) The woman was so fat that she couldn’t walk fifty metres.
11) The weather was so foggy that the driver couldn’t see the way.
12) The room was so dark that she couldn’t see anything.
13) The question is so difficult that I cannot solve it.

EXERCISE 8- INFINITIVES: (TOO) Combine the following pairs of sentences with “TOO” using the structure below.
Example : The sea is very cold. We can’t swim.
The sea is too cold (for us) to swim.
1) This novel is very boring. I cannot read it in two weeks.
2) The tea was very cold. I couldn’t drink it.
3) Life is very short. We cannot worry about every little thing.
4) The sky was very cloudy. We couldn’t see the moon and stars.
5) That flat is very expensive. I cannot afford to buy it.
6) These green plums are very sour. I cannot eat them.
7) The weather is very hot. We cannot sleep at night.
8) The hill was very steep. We couldn’t climp up.
9) It is very far. He cannot walk to the river.
10) Turkish is very difficult. Foreiners cannot learn it within two years.
11) This poem is very literary. Helen cannot translate in four hours.
12) This coffee is very bitter. I cannot drink it without sugar.
13) The shoe's heels were very high.My mother can’t wear it.
14) The jean is very tight. Sandra cannot wear it.

EXERCISE 9- INFINITIVES: (TOO) Combine the following pairs of sentences with “TOO” using the structure below.
Example : I am very old. I cannot remember everything clearly.
I am too old to remember everything clearly.
1) These children are very afraid. They cannot express their thoughts freely .
2) My daughter is very young. She cannot vote at the elections.
3) The girl was very shy. I couldn’t make a presentation in front of the class.
4) My mother was very tired. I couldn’t cook dinner.
5) My son is very nervous. She cannot answer all the questions.
6) They were very proud. They couldn’t accept the help.
7) My wife is very conceited. She cannot accept that ring.
8) Lily’s new house is very large. She cannot clean easily.
9) Tom is very uninformed. He cannot understand that article.
10) Liz is very cautious. She cannot risk her money.
11) Tina is very drunk. She doesn’t know what she is talking about.
EXERCISE 10- INFINITIVES: (ENOUGH/TOO) Rewrite the following sentences using “ENOUGH”. Change the adjectives if
Example : This skirt is too short for an old lady to wear.
This shirt is not long enough for an old lady to wear.

1) The weather is too hot for them to play in the garden.

2) Nuray is too careless to drive a motorcycle.
3) This grapefruit is too sour for me to eat.
4) The girl under sixteen is too young to get married.
5) The Sudoku was too difficult for us to solve.
6) Tom is too young to travel alone.
7) Sam is too short to reach (to) that high shelf.
8) We were too far to be able to see their faces.
9) My eighty years old grandfather was too old to walk without help.
10) Jack is too poor to hire that flat.
11) The sea was too wavy for anyone to swim.
12) The jevellary is too expensive for me to buy.
13) Our cellar is too dark for me to find the canned foods.
14) The children are too stupid to answer the maths question.

EXERCISE 11- INFINITIVES: (LET/ALLOW) Answer the following questions using the structures below.
Example : Can you use your cell phone at school?
No, the teachers don’t let us use cell phones at school.
No, the teachers don’t allow us to use cell phones at school.
No, we are not allowed to use cell phones at school.

1-Can you eat something in the library?

No, the librarian
No, the librarian
No, we
2-Can the students copy in the exams?
No, they
No, they
No, they
3-Did your sister go to the disco last saturday?
Yes, my father
Yes, my father
Yes, she
4-Could your brother drink alcohol five years ago?
No, my parents
No, my parents
No, he .
5-Can you jump out with parachute from this mountain?
No, the police
No, the police
No, we

EXERCISE 12- INFINITIVES: (PREFERENCES) Rewrite the following sentences using the structures below.
Example : I prefer going to swimming to going to the cinema.
I would prefer to go to swimming than go to the cinema.
I would rather go to swimming than go to the cinema.

1-Rose prefers reading book to watching television.

2-I prefer playing backgammonto playing chess.

3-My father prefers writing his essays on computer to writing them by hand.
4-Many people prefer swimming to skiing.
5-My mother prefers flying to going by train.
6-Most teenagers prefer travelling by train to eastanatolia to flying.
7-My daughter prefers dusting the furniture to washing the dishes .
8-My father prefers watching the news on TV to watching political debate programmes.
9-Julia prefers playing the piano to playing the flute.
10-My brother prefers wearing sneakers to wearing high heeled shoes.

USE 1- Perfect infinitive: En yaygın kullanımı modal auxiliary denilen yardımcı fiillerle kullanımıdır.
USE 2- Perfect infinitive: Ayrıca başına TO alarak bazı kalıplarda kullanılır. Bunlardan birincisi was / were ile geçmişte
yapılması gerekip yapılmayan işleri anlatmakta kullanılır.
They were to have been here yesterday.
He was to have repaired the car last week.

USE 3- Perfect infinitive: Yine buna benzer bir anlama would ( should ) like'tan sonra kullanıldığında gelir.
I should like to have seen that film.
He would like to have visited the museum.

USE 4- Perfect infinitive: appear, seem, happen, pretend fiillerinden sonra kullanıldığında perfect infinitivede geçen fiilin,
asıl fiilden daha önce meydana geldiğini gösterir.
He seems to have studied a lot.
She appears to have forgetten the party.
He pretended to have done his homework.
USE 5- Perfect infinitive: believe, know, say, suppose gibi fiillerle passive cümlelerde işin daha önce olduğunu göstermek
için kullanılır.

EXERCISE 13- GERUNDS/INFINITIVES: Rewrite the following sentences using a “Gerund Phrase”.
Example : It is boring to spend the whole day at home.
Spending the whole day at home is boring.

1) It is a excellent thing to grow trees.

2) It is entertaining to watch documentary .
3) It is essential to take security measures.
4) It is not very difficult to learn to ride a bicycle.
5) It requires so much patience to grow a child.
6) It was a waste of time to argue with ignorant people.

7) It was not easy to find a high salary job .
8) It is foolish to drop out the school.
9) It is relaxing to bath in Turkish bath .
10) It is difficult to learn a foreign language within a year.
11) It was a marvellous idea to go hiking at the weekend .
12) It requires considerable skill to make race cars.
13) It is dangerous to swim wavy sea.

EXERCISE 14- GERUNDS/INFINITIVES: Rewrite the following sentences using a “Full Infinitive Phrase”.
Example : Inserting fingers into electrical outlet sis dangerous.
It is dangerous to insert fingers into electrical outlets .

1-Staying alone for a few days is a good idea.

2-Being away from your family was not easy.
3-Interruptting others while talking is wrong.
4-Solving too much questions before the exams is important.
5-Looking up words in Google translation takes a short time.
6-Living on a jungle is really hard.
7-Giving birth at the age of forty must be extremely difficult.
8-Playing a musical instrument requires a good sense of rhythmn.
9-Making elderly people pleased is very difficult.
10-Living in Çinçin in Ankara is very dangerous.
11-Protecting nature and other endangered species is very important.
12-Taking help to innocent people in war zones became more difficult.

EXERCISE 15- GERUNDS/INFINITIVES: Complete the following sentences with the “Gerund” or “Full Infinitive” forms of the
“verbs” in brackets.
Example :At school times, I really miss …………………… in the net. (surf)
At school times, I really miss surfing in the net. (gerund)
I and my friends are expecting …………………… abroad for training this summer, (go)
I and my friends are expecting to go abroad for training this summer, (full infinitive)

1) The students aired the classroom by ……………….. the windows, (open)

2) I would like ………………… you on behalf of your hospitality, (thank)
3) Children mostly forgot ………………………… the lights when they went out of toilet. (turn off)
4) I must remember ………………… some yogurt before going home, (buy)
5) If you have got too much luggage, I suggest ……………… a taxi, (take)
6) It was very careless of my son ………………………. the mirror. (break)
7) I am considering ………………………… to Antalya next summer, (designation)
8) I recommend my students …………………… the time wisely in the exam, (use)
9) The painters didn’t finish ……………………… the livingroom because I changed my mind, (paint)
10) I didn’t tell the truth to avoid ……………… my husband’s feelings, (hurt)
11) Teenagrs don’t like ………….. early, but they like ………………when they are on holiday, (get up / get up)
12) I can’t help ………………….. someone who fells down . (laugh at)
13) Tom’ll help you, I'm sure you aren't strong enough……………… on your own (lift)
14) I regret …………………. you that you are fired. (inform)
15) My parents are very strict. They wouldn't let me…………………out late in the evenings (stay)
16) Elder people need ………………………. (look after)
17) I am fed up with my father’s …………………. news on the television, (watch)

18) Banu is very good at ……………………. poems, (memorize)
19) Tom persuaded me ……………………… in his firm, (work)
20) It is no use ………………………with ignorant people, (debate)
21) I cannot seem ……………….. rid of this cold. (get)
22) Don’t bother …………………… an instrument you don’t love, (learn)
23) I cannot stand ………………. early in the morning, (get up)
24) She found it difficult ……………………. to the local culture, (adjust)
25) It was very kind of you ………………… all the way to get me, (come)
26) My children are too young ……………………. themselves, (look after)
27) The next time I don’t feel like ………………… my parents, what will I do?, (talk)
28) I don’t think it is worth ……………………… money on clothes, (spend)
29) It is impossible ………………….. to my parents about my problems, , (talk)
30) If adults give up …………………. , they will live longer, (smoke)
31) One of my main ambitions is …………………… around the world, (travel)
32) I cannot afford ………………… the bills I have. (pay)
33) If you want to stop ……………………. , try ………………… gum instead, (smoke I chew)
34) The weight lifter tried ………………………. the world record but he failed, (break)
35) Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ was very excited about ………………………. the Altın Portakal Award, (receive)
36) After ……………………. the agenda, we went on discuss finance, (approve)
37) Our boss is always the first …………………and the last ………………… (arrive / leave)
38) I don’t fancy ……………………. Barbecue on the snow, (have)
39) The teacher doesn’t permit ……………………. during the exam, (talk)
40) I like ………………….. every day, it keeps me fit. (exercise)
41) I' m delighted …………… the famous A- Team involved in this mission, (have)
42) It was very thoughtless of Tim………………… you alone.. (leave)
43) I chose ………….. back because I realized I belong here with you, (come)
44) Jack was busy ………………….. the letter when I came, (type)
45) This is a very beautiful village but there's nowhere……………….. in the evening (GO)
46) The captain ordered the passengers ……………….. the ship, (abandon)
47) Müge is very fond of ………………. Old songs, (sing)
48) This seems …………………….a serious matter, (be)
49) Tom's parents allow him …………… a lot of things that my parents don't allow me………..., (do/do)
50) You should always remember ……………….. the door before you go out. (lock)
51) Are you planning ………………….. a vacation this year? (take)
52) When you finish …………………. your homeworks, could you please help me? (study)
53) If you invest in this business, you risk ……………….. everything you have. (lose)
54) Sally hasn’t decided what ……………….. to the party, (wear)
55) Tom was made ……………….. for an hour for an appointment, (wait)
56) She keeps …………………. that she doesn't have time, (complain)
57) Mary’s cat is so sweet that I really don’t mind him ………….. in my lap, (curl up)
58) The Anatolian Civilizations museum is worth …………………. I think, (visit)
59) The manager of t he shoeshop refused …………………… the shoes I bought yesterday, (change)
60) It is silly of me…………………. made the same mistake twice, (have)
61) It is no good ……………….. him; he is deaf, (shout at)
62) Don’t forget ………………. me as soon as you arrive home, (phone)
63) Amy asked me ………………….. to the cinema with her. (go)
64) I cannot bear you ………………….. at me like that, (look)
65) We are thinking of ………………….. to Bodrum for our summer holiday, (go)
66) Do you want ………………….. bowling this afternoon? (play)
67) Pam agreed ………………… the rules again, (not, break)
68) It's true that………………..English can be fun. (learn)
69) Tom told me he was not at all interested in ………………… the museum with us, (go)
70) …………………. a foreign language is very interesting thing to do. (learn)
71) ……………… is forbidden in closed areas, (smoke)
72) Bob carried on …………………. when his friends went to their homes, (work)
73) You had better stop ………………. so much alcohol, (drink)
74) I wonder if you'd be kind enough………………… (help)
75) Please leave off …………………….. the carpet; Tony is sleeping, (hoover)
76) Did you have any trouble ……………… the bank I described? (find)
77) Have you ever encouraged someone ……………… on a diet?, (go)
78) Getting to work on time means ……………….. very early in the morning, (get up)
79) She has abstained from ………………… drugs for a long time, (use)
80) It took two weeks …………………. her illness, (get over)
81) Many youngsters when completing school still have difficulty in ……………. and ……………. correctly and in
………………. even the simplest arithmetic, (write/speak/do)
82) I cannot put up with his constant ………………………. (snorr)
83) I have never imagined the valley……………………. so beautiful, (be)
84) I study hard, this means ………………….. sleepless nights, (have)
85) The soldiers are supposed …………………….. your commanders without …………………… why. (obey / ask)
86) There is nothing …………………. us from …………………….. married, (prevent / get)
87) I don’t pretend ……………………… the Universe —it’s a great deal bigger than I am, (understand)
88) Sometimes……………….the truth can be difficult. (tell)
89) I hate ………………….. any kind of sports on television, (watch)
90) I quit …………………. Cartoons when I was fourteen years old. (watch)
91) I got the students ………………………… the sentence three times, (repeat)
92) Why don’t you forbid your daughter …………………make-up? (do)
93) What further question faces those who claim ……………… faith in God?, (have)
94) How did you come ……………….. Henry? (know)
95) Should I include ……………….. a diploma on my application form? (have)
96) I happened ……………………. John at the cinema the other day. (see)
97) Pam is not well enough …………………. to the picnic tomorrow, (come)
98) It is boring ……………………. In front of the examination room doing nothing, (sit)
99) It is useless ……………………. the matter any further. , (discuss)
100) Nakagawa was on the point of ………………….. out when I called on him, (go)
101) Will you excuse my ………………… early? (leave)
102) Stop ……………………. of the window and listen to me. (look out)
103) The tyraffic policeman warned me …………………. fast, (not, drive)
104) everybody know Alice ……………………. honest, (be)
105) Jack doesn’t understand your …………………. angry with him. (get)
106) My father promised me that he would give up ………………. (smoke)
107) Sally had a good time ……………………. at the party, (dance)
108) The baby appears …………………….thirsty, (be)
109) What you do is ……………….. the eggs with flour, (mix)
110) My remote control doesn't work. Try……………….the batteries. (change)


REDUCTIONS (kısaltmalar): 3 kısıma ayrılır.
1-Noun Clause
2-Relative Clause
3-Adverbial Clause
Bu 3 cümle türünde kısaltmalar present participle (-ing) ve past participle(-ed) şeklinde yapılır. Bazen present participle ile
gerund karıştırılıyor.

A-PARTICIPLE AND GERUND: Participle ile Gerund arasındaki farklar

Fiilere -ing veya -ed takısı getirilerek oluşturulan yeni kelime grubuna verilen ada PARTICIPLE VEYA GERUND denir.
PARTICIPLE: Kelime anlamı olarak sıfat-fiil manasına gelmektedir. Türkçe dilbilgisi kurallarına göre fiilden türetilen 3 kelime
grubu vardır. Yani Türkçede fiile getirilen eklerle bir fiilden;
İsim-fiil (ad-fiil): Gerund
Sıfat-fiil(ortaç): Participle
Zarf-fiil(Ulaç) : Gerund (Ulaç) (Gerund ile karıştırılmamalıdır.) (Türkçede net tanımı yoktur.)
Bunların hepsine birden fiilimsi denir.Yani bunlar fiil gibi davranmazlar bunlar artık yeni birer kelime grubudur.
Örnekler :
1-The writings between the two firm is going on. writing = yazma (yazış anlamında bir İSİM)
2-The writing woman is dictating the letters. writing = yazan ( birşeyi yazan olarak bir SIFAT) (written yazılan anlamında
By writing a wonderful poem he became world famous. writing = yazarak (yazma işinin durumsalı olarak bir ZARF- by

Her gerund her zaman bir participle veya gerund-ulaç olmaz.

1)REDUCTION OF RELATIVE CLAUSE: Relative Clauses kısaltmaları PARTICIPLE ile yapılır.Çünkü Relative clause
bir sıfat cümleciğidir ve kısalatmalar Participle(sıfat-fiil) şeklinde yapılır. Bu yüzden cümle Defining Relative Clause olmalı ve
buna ait relative pronouns(ilgi zamiri)(who,which,whom,that) cümlede özne konumunda olmalıdır yani kısaltmalarımız bir
isimi nitelemelidir .Cümleden relative pronouns (who,which that..) kelimelerinin atılması ve fiile ing veya ed takısı gelmesi

ile yapılır.Dikkat edilirse participle ile yapılan kısaltma bir sıfat haline dönüşerek kendisinden önce gelen kelime grubunu
niteler ve bizim bildiğimiz sıfat görevini görür. İki şekilde kısaltma yapılır :

A)Defining Relative Clause : NESNE durumunda ise kısaltma yapılmaz fakat yinede bu durumda cümleden sadece
relative pronouns atılması bile kısaltma yapmak anlamına gelir.(who,whom,which,that)
The man (who) Andy was talking to is very handsome.

B)Defining Relative Clause: ÖZNE ise bu durumda present participle, past participle veya perfect participle ile
kısaltmalar yapılır şöyleki:

RULE 1- ING :Cümle aktif ise relative pronouns atılır ve fiile -ing gelir . Cümle; Simple present, Present Continuous, Past
Continuous olabilir.
Simple present:It is my grandfather who wakes up the earliest in the family.
It is my grandfather waking up the earliest in the family.
Present Continuous:The boy who is helping us now is a kind child.
The boy helping us now is a kind child.
Past Continuous: The truck which was carrying furnitures crashed into a wall.
The truck was carrying furnitures crashed into a wall.
Past Simple: The children who went out last night got sick.
The children going out last night got sick.
Future Simple:There are four customers who will leave the hotel tomorrow.
There are four customers leaving the hotel tomorrow.
RULE 2- ED :Cümle pasif ise relative pronouns atılır ve fiile -ed gelir. Cümle; Simple Present, Present Perfect, Past Tense,
Past Perfect Tense olabilir.
Simple Present in Passive Voice:The meat which is cooked by my grandmother is increadibly tasty.
The meat cooked by my grandmother is increadibly tasty.
Present Perfect in Passive Voice:The man who has just been seen escaping from the police is a bank robber.
The man having just been seen escaping from the police is a bank robber.
Past Tense in Passive Voice:The painting that was made by Picasso was sold for Six million dolars.
The painting made by Picasso was sold for Six million dolars.

RULE 3- BEING ED : Cümle eğer Present Continuous veya Past Continuous ise pasif için being +ed gelir.
Present Continuous in Passive Voice: Do you know the new student who is being introduced by the teacher.
Do you know the new student being introduced by the teacher.
Past Continuous in Passive Voice:The house which was being cleaned looks nice.
The house being cleaned looks nice.

RULE 4-Having done veya Having been done : Eğer relative clause'ın tense’i present veya past perfect ve past tense ise
kısaltma aktif için having done pasif için having been done olur.
Past perfect: The waitress who had just finished her shift left the restaurant immediately.
The waitress having just finished her shift left the restaurant immediately.

RULE 5-Be+ Adjective Phrase Kısaltması: İsmi niteleyen relative pronouns’dan sonra yardımcı fiiller ( am, is, are, was, were,
has / have been ) ile ilgi zamir atılabilir.
The child who is happy with the present begin to sheer.
The child happy with the present begin to sheer.

RULE 6- Be+ Noun Phrase Kısaltması: İsmi niteleyen noun phrase’dan sonra yardımcı fiiller ( am, is, are, was, were, has /
have been ) ile ilgi zamir atılabilir.
Bodrum, which is a popular turist center, is a very beautiful place.
Bodrum, a popular turist center, is a very beautiful place.

RULE 7- Be+ Preposition Phrase Kısaltması:

The woman who was in the car looked at Sandy carefully.
The woman in the car looked at Sandy carefully.
The mountain in which my new house build is very green.
The mountain which my new house build in is very green.
The mountain,my new house build in is very green.

C)Non-Defining Clause :
RULE 1- Relative pronouns NESNE durumunda ise cümleden atılamaz.
The course, Which I took in 2014, is no longer taught. ATILAMAZ. NESNEDİR.
RULE 2-Relative Pronouns ÖZNE ise cümleden atılabilir.
The women, (Who is) wearing high-heeled shoes , managed to run away. ATILIR.ÖZNEDİR
NOT: Eğer özne durumunda ise ve cümlenin fiilinde have/has varsa veya be+preposition phrase'den oluşuyorsa kısaltma
John, who has a farm in Kars, has decided to go.
Jill, who was in the jewellary shop at the time of robbery, saw everything.

D)Cognetive Relative Clause : Sadece relative pronouns’lardan WHICH kullanılır ve ne bir ismi nede cümleciği niteler.
Kendinden önceki cümlenin tamamı yerine kullanılır ve önünde de mutlaka virgül vardır.
Ayşe failled at the university exam again, which dissappointed the whole family.
Ayşe failed at the university exam again, dissappointing the whole family.


RULE 1- ING, ED, BEING ED, HAVING ED, HAVING BEEN ED kısaltmaları gelecek zamana ait bir anlam yüklemiyorlar ve
genelde cümleye -AN, -EN anlamı katıyorlar. -ECEK -ACAK eki için aktif cümle için to infinitive, pasif cümle için to be done
ile yaparız.
The teacher who will take us to the museum is ill.
The teacher to take us to the museum is ill.
RULE 2- Eğer kelimeden önce the first/last/only....veya superlative (most..) varsa -ecek,-acak ekleri -en, -an haline gelir.
The only people who ever live in this island are long dead.
The only people to ever live in this island are long dead.

RULE 3- Sıra sayısı varsa: The first, the second,the third....the last,the next,the only...
It was the tallest building which was built last year.
It was the tallest building to be built last year.
Aslında to be kullanılmasada olabilir.
RULE 4- Superlative varsa : the most beautiful, the best information, the biggest house...
RULE 5- Something,someone,anything,anyone,nothing,noone...
Have you brought something that you eat?
Have you brought something to eat ?
RULE 6- Modal yapılar varsa : can,may,must,should.....
I have a lot of work which I must/should do.
I have a lot of work to do.

The man killing : Öldüren adam. (Present veya Past Cont, Simple Present,Past tense aktif)
The man killed : Öldürülen adam (present tense yada past tense için pasif)
The man being killed: Öldürülen adam (Present veya Past Continuous tense için pasif)
The man to kill : Öldürecek adam (Gelecek zaman için akti)
The man to be killed : Öldürülecek adam (Gelecek zaman için pasif)

EXERCISE 16- PRESENT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS): Rewrite the following sentences using a “Present Participle” for the
“Adverbial Clause of Time”. Use “BEFORE” or “AFTER”.
Example : After my son finished his homework, he went out.
After finishing his homework, he went out.
1) After she got married, she moved to Ankara.
2) They went to the seashore after they had dinner.
3) She brushed her teeth before she washed her face.
4) Before he became a teacher, he worked as a waiter.
5) After I watched “Troya” film, I decided to go Çanakkale for my summer holidays.
6) Before I had breakfast, I got dressed.
7) Before my little sister went to bed, she drank a glass of milk.
8) After he won Hacettepe university, he moved to Ankara.
9) My parents read book before they go to bed.
10) I feel very sleepy after I stay awake late at night.
11) After I swim, I usually have a sunbath near the shore.

12) He will learn Russian before he go to Russia .
13) I took some money near me before I went there.
14) I felt relaxed after I slept a few hours.
15) My mother turned the lights off before she left the room.

EXERCISE 17- PRESENT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS):Rewrite the following sentences using a “Present Participle Phrase”
for the “Adverbial Clauses of Time”.
Examples :
1- When my mother washes the dishes, she talks to herself.
(When) washing the dishes, my mother talks to herself.
My mother talks to herself (when) washing the dishes.
2- While my grandfather is watching news he falls asleep.
(While) watching news, my grandfather falls asleep.
My grandfather falls asleep (while) watching news.
3- Pam fell down the tree while he was picking up apples.
(While) picking up apples, Pam fell down the tree.
Pam fell down the tree (while) picking up apples.
4- After Mert realised his rudeness, he decided to apologise.
(After) realizing his rudeness, Mert decided to apologise.
Melissa decided to apologise his rudeness (after) realizing it.
1) When I leave home, I always check the lights.
2) After I get dressed, I comb my hair.
3) Before I leave home, I always check the doors.
4) My sister always has shower after she plays tennis.
5) While I was chopping the vegetables, I cut my finger.
6) After Pam finished the cleaning, she drank a cup of Turkish coffee.
7) After my mother worked hard all day, she found it rather difficult to ready dinner.
8) As I was sitting in the park, I saw a child crying.
9) When Tarık graduated from university successfully, he was awarded by a car.
10) My son hurt his knee while he was playing football.
11) He crashed to a car while he was talking on the phone.
12) As/while I was walking on the road, I came across a very old friend of mine.
13) Carl was listening to music while he was doing his homeworks.
14) When Marry heard the gun shot, she looked out of the window.
15) As I when the robber entered the shop, he saw the policeman.
16) When I am sitting at the table, I do my homework.
17) As I when Carl was walking down the street, he bumped into a friend of his.
18) While you are chewing something, you should not talk.
19) Since they moved toAntalya, they have been very busy.
20) Before my mother learnt her illness, she was very happy.

EXERCISE 18- PRESENT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS): Rewrite the following sentences using a “Present Participle Phrase”
for the “Adverbial Clauses of Reason”.
Example : Henry didn’t go to school because he felt / was feeling ill.
Henry didn’t go to school feeling ill. Feeling ill, Henry didn’t go to work.
As / because I didn’t hear your question, I couldn’t reply.
Not hearing your question, I couldn’t reply.
1) As / because I felt nervous, I took a walk near the seashore .
2) Because he swallowed a piece of toast because he was starving.
3) Since I because they finished their work early, they were free to go home.
4) Because Mary slept well last night, she began to feel more motivated.
5) As Lizy was smart, she found simple solutions quickly.
6) As we didn’t know how to go there, we asked for directions.
7) As I because Tony was ill, he stayed at home for five days.
8) As I because I was not able to afford to stay in a flat, I stayed in a dormitory.
9) As we were tired of waiting for her , we decided to enter the movie.
10) Because Tim is unemployed, he hasn’t got much money.
11) Since / because I was the only English teacher in the village, I was in a fortunate position.
12) Since / because Maria saw a light at the empty apartment, she called the police.

EXERCISE 19- PRESENT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS):Combine or rewrite the following sentences using a “Present
Participle Phrase”
Example : A time-bomb exploded. It killed ten students.
A time-bomb exploded killing ten students.
1) The Moon goes round the earth. The Moon rotates on its axis.
2) John is sitting under the tree. He is writing a love poem.
3) Nancy is in the garden. She is playing with the toy.
4) There is a homeless woman with a baby in the street. She is begging for some money.
5) Pam’s mother died. She left all her fortune to her.
6) My children came back from swimming. They felt refreshed.
7) Lizy is sitting beside me. She is reading book
8) The boy turned the corner with his bicycle and hit a tree.
9) The factory burned down and caused many property damage .
10) He spent his holiday in Mardin. He visited all the historical monuments.
11) Sally phoned and told me what she had done on her holiday.
12) I burnt my hand while I was taking the pot from the stove.

EXERCISE 20- PRESENT PARTICIPLES (DIFFERENT SUBJECTS): Combine the following sentences using a “Present
Participle Phrase”.
Example : The Physical education teacher watched the students. The students were playing basketball.
The Physical education teacher watched the students playing basketball
The observer teacher is looking at the student. The student is cheating in the exam.
The observer teacher is looking at the student cheating in the exam.
1) I caught my son. He was stealing money from my wallet.
2) I heard my neighbor. He was arguing with his wife.
3) She noticed a man. He was trying to enter through my neighbor's balcony window.
4) I listened Sam. He was playing a wonderful folk music.
5) I felt someone. She was touching my purse.
6) My mother saw my brother. He was playing chess with his friend.
7) I met Betty. She was swimming at the poll.
8) We saw the children. They were making water battle .
9) I watched the girls. They were playing beach volleyball.
10) The cat noticed the mouse. It was entering the kitchen.
11) The man heard someone. He was shouting at him.
12) The children watched the farmer. He was walking the dog in the park.


Complete the following sentences with the correct participles in brackets.
Example : I am reading an …………………. Novel about crime, (interesting / interested)
I am reading an interesting article about love. (Present Participle)
Olga is very much …………………. in history, (interesting / interested)
Olga is very much interested in history. (Past Participle)
1) I am a little bit ………………… about my success in the exams, (worrying I worried)
2) My father was very ………………… when he arrived home, (tiring / tired)
3) It is the most ………………… film I have ever seen, (exciting / excited)
4) His speech was very …………………… , so a lot of people left, (boring / bored)
5) When I entered the dance club, there was a ………………… noise, (terrifying / terrified)
6) It has been an awfully ………………… day. I must lay down for a while, (tiring / tired)
7) My boss was quite ………………… with my progress, (satisfying / satisfied)
8) What is the …………………. point of this system? (breaking I broken)
9) Rose was very ……………… at her marriage. (boring / bored)
10) The lifting capacity of this crane is ………………. (amazing / amazed)
11) The …………………. old lady didn’t know what to do. (terrifying / terrified)
12) I was …………………. when I saw a man walking on the fire, (amazing / amazed)
13) My sister was repairing the ……………….. vase in the living room, (breaking / broken)
14) Koray looked ………………….. rather than pleased, (embarrassing / embarrassed)
15) Tina has heard some ………………. news about her. (worrying / worried)
16) When I feel ……………… , I always talk too much, (depressing / depressed)
17) Dog attack was a very ………………….. experience for a small child, (frightening / frightened)
18) My parents are very …………………… with my exam results, (pleasing / pleased)
19) Cancer is spreading at an ……………… rate. (alarming / alarmed)
20) Thank you very much for your ……………….. presentation, (interesting / interested)
21) We are ………………….. to hear about this new project, (exciting / excited)
22) We were all ……………….. by your surprise at the graduation party, (amusing / amused)
23) It was an ………………… performance by a young dancer, (astonishing / astonished)
EXERCISE 21-PERFECT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS): Rewrite the following sentences using a “Perfect Participle
Phrase” for the “Adverbial Clauses of Reason”.
Examples :
1-As/because Jack studied hard for hours, he got tired.
Having studied hard for hours, Jack got tired.
2-Because Jane was not told to come at seven, she arrived late.
Not having been told to come at seven , she arrived late.
3-As/because Tina had never studied German before, she failed in the exam.
Never having studied German before, I failed in the exam.
1) As/because I had forgotten my wallet at home, I couldn’t pay the bill.
2) Since/because Tom has lost his job, he is unemployed now.
3) Because I had taught my son to ride bicycle, I let him go riding with his friends.
4) As/because I and my high school friend had not met each other for two years, we had a chat for hours.
5) Since/because we had never been to İstanbul before, we hired a guide.
6) I didn’t see the complaint petition. I didn’t know what it was about.
7) As/because my grandmother had eatentoo much at dinner, she had a terrible stomackache.
8) As/because I was badly cheated, I made up my mind not to see her again.
9) June forgot to pay her taxes. She is very anxious now.
10) Tom had broken his leg. He didn’t take part in the tennis tournament.
11) My father had broken my mother’s heart. He apologized from her.
12) As/because I didn’t leave home early, I missed the bus.

EXERCISE 22-PERFECT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS): Combine or rewrite the following sentences using a “Perfect
Participle Phrase” for the “Adverbial Clauses of Time and Reason”.
Examples : After I have confessed my lie to my father, I feel relaxed.
(After) having confessed my lie to my father, I feel relaxed .
When Bella saw the snake, she got frightened.
Having seen the snake, Bella got frightened.
I didn’t watch the film. I didn’t know what it was about.
Not having watch the film, I didn’t know what it was about.
1) After Janny had done her shopping, she went for a swim.
2) Tim had broken his arm. He didn’t take part in the tournament.
3) When I found the front door open, I became suspicious.
4) Mark saw his scammed man. He became terrified.
5) Once when Mary had said good bye to George, she packed her bags.
6) When Daniel has finished his homework, he will go to the cinema.
7) Tonny gave Melanie her pet dog and then watched her play with it.
8) As I spent the whole morning watching morning programs onTV I didn’t collect breakfast table .
9) After I had eaten lunch, I drank coffee.
10) When I had spent all my money, I requested from my mother to lend me some.
11) The policeman was out of breath after he had run so much after the burglar.
12) As I drank so much alcohol last night, I couldn’t wake up until twelve in the morning.
13) After the judge heard both sides, he gave his verdict
14) When Daniel has finished his homework, he will go to the cinema.
15) As Tim has lived in İstanbul for ten years, he has a wide knowledge of Turkey.
16) After I had won a reasonable amount of money from lottery, I didn’t need to work any more.
17) When he passed the ball to David Beckham, he ran towards the penalty area.
18) Shela finished vacuming the floors and then she started dusting.
19) Because he had made no profit that year, he closed his shoe shop.
20) When she found a good job, she began to look for a flat.
21) After I had finished decorating, I felt completely exhausted.

EXERCISE 23- PRESENT / PERFECT PARTICIPLES (SAME SUBJECTS):Rewrite the following sentences using either a
“Present Participle Phrase” or a “Perfect Participle Phrase”
1-Present Participle:
Tom was going to school. He met an old friend.
Going to school, Tom met an old friend.
2-Perfect Participle or Present Participle:
Nancy cleaned the windows. She went to shopping.
Having cleaned the windows, she went to shopping..
Cleaning the windows, she went to shopping..
1) I watched the documentary about butchery on TV I made up my mind not to be butcher.
2) He stole thediamond ring. He looked for a place to sell.
3) I knew that Sandy was poor. I found her a high salary job.
4) I heard that that restaurant’s food were unsavory . I didn’t want to eat there any further.
5) I knew that my grandfather was hard of hearing. I shouted to him at the top of my voice.
6) Shela believed that she could trust him. She told him her secret.
7) Lilly was very tired. She went straight to bed.
8) Rose complained loudly. She asked the man to wait until she came back.
9) I saw him sick. I took him to hospital immediately.
10) I spent five years with him in the same house. I knew what he was interested in.
11) We sat down in the kitchen. We drank tea.
12) James came back from swimming. He felt freshed.

EXERCISE 24- PRESENT/PERFECT PARTICIPLES (DIFFERENT SUBJECTS):Combine or rewrite the following sentences
using a “Present or Past Participle Phrase”. Notice that the subjects of the two clauses and sentences are different, so we
cannot omit the subjects in the Participle Clauses.
1-Present Participle:
As the chained dog was barking inside the garden, threw a stone at it.
The chained dog barking inside the garden, the child threw a stone at it.
2-Perfect Participle:
After her father left I had left the room, I told her the bad news.
Her father having left the room, I told her the bad news.
1) The market was closed, so we had to find another one.
2) The bus had gone. I offered her a lift.
3) The children were not tired, so we decided to stay a little longer near the seashore.
4) The bus drivers were on strike, so we decided to call a taxi.
5) Our feet were wet and cold, so we decided to sit by the fire.
6) Blood was running down her head. Her mother screamed more loudly.
7) The installation had been done. We left the office.
8) My son had taken the car. We were forced to travel by public transport.
9) The fans cheered. The rock group drove to the concert area.
10) Since I because the student had broken her arm, the teachers sent her to hospital.
11) After the fire had been extinguished, the firemen departed.

EXERCISE 25- GERUNDS / INFINITIVES / PARTICIPLES: Complete with the gerund, the present participle or infinitive
form of the verb given in brackets.

1) The receptionist greeted the visitors with a warm ………………………......gesture, (welcome)

2) Many children take part in plays ……………… by their school, (organise)
3) If you found a wallet ...............................on the pavement, what would you do? (lie)
4) Turkish people think that ...........the glass with warm water before putting tea keeps it warmer, (heat)
5) Rich people live in …………………… close to Lara shore, (charm)
6) What Mark said was very ………………. (touch)
7) If you smell something ......................................, you should go to the kitchen and check it. (burn)
8) Hasan is wanting......................................... in Izmir again, (be)
9) Hoping..............................his ex-wife, Morgan waited at the door for many hours, (talk)
10) Anyone ………………… by a dog should see the doctor, (bite)
11) ……………………...... from university is harder than it looks, (graduate)
12) The boss threatened............................. him if he didn't come to work on time, (fire)
13) All the people danced at the wedding except .....................ones, (age)
14) If you saw the students ……………......, what would you do as a teacher? (quarrel)
15) Alice’s................................. answer did not solve the problem, (confuse)
16) The student ………………… to the hospital is very naughty, (take)
17) The scientist's attention tends ................................... on the other project, (focus)
18) The biggest problem today in economy is...................................inflation rates, (rise)
19) The children made a game of..........................of the bikes on the street, (smash)
20) If you saw a person ............... what would you do? (drown)
21) Alice enjoys.................. at everyone who fells in the snow, (laugh)
22) It is a temporary delay ………………. by the weather, (cause)
23) .........the delays on their teacher , the students failed to finish their term project, (blame)
24) The visitors were surprised by the the theater, (light)
25) The human rights defenders insists that...........the captives like that is against the human rights, (treat)
26) The coaches were expected to do all of once, (drive)
27) The boy resented the his father, (question)
28) Jack’s girlfriend avoids................him whenever she can. (meet)
29) My friends and I are going out to the restaurant tonight. Would you like .............. us? (join)
30) When I'm sad, I enjoy..............cartoons, (watch)
31) Ramsy was sitting there ………………. the teacher in admiration, (stare at)
32) How nice the weather is today! Do you fancy.................for a walk in the park? (go)
33) The patients demanded...........the surgeon general , (see)
34) Sude cannot resist...............hamburger whenever he goes out for shopping, (eat)
35) It is unusual for my grandmother brother........... the washing up. (ask / do)
36) Nancy decided to................ drinking tea with sygar last month, (give up)
37) The protestors marched down the street ……………… banners, (wave)
38) My husband doesn't fancy................the house during the rainy days, (leave)
39) I do not understand why he refused........................... up early on Saturdays, (get)
40) The eager students keep..................the same questions, (ask)
41) The concert ………………… by the Orchestra was a great success, (conduct)
42) The nurse injection for the old man. (have)
43) The policeman decided................into the house..............the door, (get/ break)
44) You had better think about............. enough money.......................the flat. (save/buy)
45) The garbagemen dislike...............even though they need to earn money, (work)
46) I am looking forward soon, (see)
47) We are thinking of..................... holiday to Bodrum this summer, (go)
48) …………………. a teacher, you are used to this kind of exercise, (be)
49) I like..............the comics on Sundays because it is........... (watch / relax)
50) As a teacher , Lily mustn't mind ...............trouble at school, (takeing)
51) ..............fruits is better for you than.................... acitic drinks, (eat / drink)
52) The meeting is scheduled..................after ten, (start)
53) I meant.................a car before................ İstanbul because car prices are cheap there, (buy / leave)
54) Her ex-husband still plans on.............her even after she refused........... him again. (invite / see)
55) Are you thinking of..................for the job? (apply)
56) Not having ………………… her for many years, I cried with joy. (see)
57) The teacher told the children..................making so much noise, (stop)
58) I never a babysitter, (work)
59) Sheila suggested..................a cafe, (go)
60) You should not forget............ off the lights before...............the house, (turn / leave)
61) The overweight people cannot stop themselves, (eat)
62) The repairman ………………….. to repair the water tap was useless, (send)
63) Teenagers the nightclubs and ...........alcohol there, (go / drink)
64) The engineer doesn't want to............ working in the minefield, (delay)
65) The robber was accused of................the jewels in the store, (steal)
66) From time to time, most students have trouble..............their lessons, (understand)
67) She can't think of.................a good salary job after her graduation, (find)
68) The city…………………. for the next tournament was one nobody had expected, (choose)

69) The workers were asked.............the house in six months, (construct)
70) The Turkish students find maths lesson hard............... (understand)
71) It is worth .......... for that company if you want ......................a lot of money. (work / earn)
72) Although we got up late in the morning, we managed.............. to the airport in time, (get)
73) If you can't get to sleep, try..............., (count)
74) The two people …………….. in the accident are still in a critical condition, (injure)


1-Gerund as subject of a sentence
e.g. Reading a poem can give you relaxation.
2-Gerund as subject complement
e.g. My favourite sport is swimming.
3-Gerund as direct object
e.g. She enjoys being with her friends.
4-The perfect gerund (having + V3)
e.g. The young man admitted having robbed the bank.
5-The passive gerund (being + V3 / having been + V3)
e.g. Jack is proud of being promoted to the manager.
6-expressions + gerund
e.g. There's no point in watching nonsense series on T.V.
7-Gerund as the object of the preposition
e.g. Jane is capable of speaking five languages.
1-Infinitive as subject of a sentence
e.g. To learn a foreign language will help you to find a good job.
2-Infinitive as subject complement
e.g. What she needs is to have some more free time.
3-Infinitive as direct object
e.g. They managed to win the match last Sunday.
4-Infinitive after certain nouns and adjectives
e.g. Her ambition to be the best model made her nervous.
5-The passive infinitive (to be + V3 / to have been + V3)
e.g. She didn't expect to be called by the famous writer yesterday afternoon.
6-Infinitive after question words.
e.g. I don't know how to install this radiator.
7-The perfect infinitive (to have + V3)
e.g. The beautiful lady was reported to have killed her lover.
1-The present participle (V1 - ing)
e.g crossing the street, he met his old friend.
I wrote her a letter, thanking her for her kindness.
2-The past participle (V3)
e.g broken heart
Weakened by the earthquake, the bridge wasn't safe.
3-The perfect participle (having + V3 / having been + V3)
e.g Having completed their task, they went to bed Having been warned by her mother, she cleaned her room.

1- Why does Alice deny ……………. you before? B

A) to see C) having been seen
B) having seen D) to be seen
E) seen
2-I think Andy would like ……………. where he is. C
A) living B) to be lived
C) to live D) to have lived
E) having lived
3-Totaly ……………. by the choices, I couldn't find the best answer. C
A)confusing B)to have confused
C)confused D)to have been confused
4-There was a burn smell in the kitchen last night. We've tried ……………. the windows and ……………. an air-fresher but
neither method has worked C
A)open / spray B)having opened / sprayed
C)opening / spraying D)to have opened / being sprayed
E)to open / to spray
5-It is no good ................ to me about the problem. Your boss is the one who insisted ……………. the event. E
A)having complained / to hold B)to complaining / for holding
C)o complaining / to be holding D)to have complained / having held
E)complaining / on holding
6-I'm sorry ……………. your word earlier. Clearly you were right and I was wrong, D
A)to be doubted B)by doubting
C)at being doubted D)for having doubted
E)to have been doubted
7-The old woman is suspected of …………….the teenager robber in her flat. A
A) having hidden B) to be hidden
C) having been hidden D) hidden
E) to hide
8-If any of you have any questions in your mind, please feel free ……………. me. B
A)asking C)having asked
B)to ask D)to be asked
9- ……………. the essay , James relaxed . D
A)Finished B)Having been finished
C)To have finished D)Having finished
E)To finish
10-Why did you attend that wedding ceremony without ………….. ? D
A) inviting C) to invite
B)having invited D)being invited
E) to be invited
11-I'm afraid ……………. that things haven't been going well. I didn't manage ……………. that job as I was a bit late. C
A)saying/to get B)to have said / to get
C)to say / to get D)to have been said / to have got
E)saying / getting
12-Years later, the weak boy……………. captain of the team. C
A)to become B)becoming
C)was to become D)were supposed to become
E)to have become
13-My brother Bob ……………. all the money to the charities he won on lottery. D
A)is known that he gave B)is known to have been given
C)knew to have given D)is known to have given
E)is known to give
14-The famous poet Halikarnas Balıkçısı is said ……………. in a small village by the sea now. B
A)that he is living B)to be living
C)living D)lived
E)to have been living
15-This mistake has occured because Alice neglected ............. me that you wished ……………. earlier. A
A)to inform /to depart B)to be informing / departing
C)informing / depart D)being informed/to have departed
E)having informed / having departed
16-I dread ……………. how angry she's going to be when she finds out what has happened. B
A)having thought B)to think
C)think D)to have thought
E)being thought
17- The police intend ……………. her for ……………. evidence during the trial. A
A)to prosecute / withholding B)having prosecuted / having withheld
C)being prosecuted / withhold D)prosecuting / being withheld
E)to be prosecuted / be withholding
18- Because of the manager, ……………. a traffic accident, the business trip had to be cancelled. B
A) to have B) had
C)having D)was having
E)being had
19-It's no use ……………. frustrated because everybody is trying to help you. E
A) felt B) to have felt
C) to feel D) being felt
E) feeling
20- The headmaster forbade the students ……………. the laboratory during the breaks in order to keep it tidy. E
A) entering C) to have entered
B) to be entered D) being entered
E) to enter
21-In addition to ……………. to resign, he wasn’t given permission to get his compensation. C
A) force B) be forced
C) being forced D) having forced
E) forcing
22- ……………. exhausted, he found a seat to relax. C
A) To be B) To have been
C) Having been D)been
E) Having
23-If someone intend to have his house ……………. , he should start ……………. some advice on paints in advance. E
A)to paint / to take B)painting / to be taking
C)to have painted / being taken D)to be painting / to take
E)painted / taking
24-The prom was organized on June 13rd, as ……………. D
A) they planned B) having planned
C) they had planned D) planned
E)to have planned
25-I'm delighted ……………. the chance ……………. you at last. B
A)having / meet B)to have had / to meet
C)to have / meeting D)to be having / met
E)having had /to be met
26-Sue, ……………. by her boyfriend Tim, has never trusted any of the boys anymore. C
A) having left B) to be leaving
C) having been left D) to have left
E) to be left
27- ……………. firmly by the soldiers, the castle was the safest place for the refugees. E
A) to protect B) to have protected
C) as to protect D) to be protecting
E) protected
28-The meeting was held, ……………. the teachers about the new changes at the education system. A
A)enlightening B)that enlightened
C)and enlightening D)enlightened
29- Adam’s mother was disappointed …………….his house in such a mess. D
A)seeing B)having seen
C)to be seen D)to have seen
30-June really appreciates ……………. so much support by her friends when she fought against cancer. A
A) having been given B) having given
C) giving D) to have been give
E) to be given
31- ……………. to go out, he promised himself to come back home early. B
A)Allow B)Allowed
C)To be allowed D)To have allowed
E)Be allowed
32-Why don't you accept your cousin’s apology …………….your birthday party without …………….good - bye? A
A)for having left / saying B)to be leaving / saying
C)having left/to say D)to have left / say
E)for being left / saying
33-Sometimes I can’t help .……………... that a holiday may be good for me. A
A) thinking B) to have thought
C) to think D) being thought
E) having thought
34-I am sorry for ……………. you ……………. so long, but I was stuck in traffic. D
A)keep / waiting B) to keep / waiting
C)being kept / to wait D) keeping / waiting
E) keeping / to have waited
35-I'm sorry ……………. my darling a great deal of trouble. E
A) to giving B) being given
C) having given D) to be given
E) to have given
36- ……………. all his wealth after the company went bankrupt, Mr. Brown became homeless. D
A) being lost B) to have lost
C) to lose D) having lost
E) to be losing
37-We didn't expect ……………. at five o'clock in the morning so we got anxious. A
A)to be called C)to call
B)calling D)to have called
E) being called
38-I wonder if her best friend resented ……………. to her prom or not. B
A)being invited B) not being invited
C)to have been invited D) not to be invited
E) inviting
39- ……………. guilty of behaviour contrary to Hypocratic Oath, the doctor lost his licence. D
A)To be found B)Having found
C)Finding D)Having been found
E)To have been found
40-I wonder if Sam knows Chinese well enough …………….this book. C
A) translating B) to have translated
C) to translate D) to be translated
E) translate
41-It seems impossible to be successful without ……………. very hard. D
A) being worked B) to work
C)worked D) working
E)not working
42- They were able to talk the homeless boy, …………….the children. B
A)threatened B)threatening
C)that she was threatening D)was threatening
E)being threatened
43- I got lost when ……………. around the neighborhood and found it difficult ……… where I went through. E
A)walked / to remember B)he walked / remembering
C)walking / to have remembered D)walking / remembering
E)walking / to remember
44-There was a small fire at the wood. Luckily, villagers managed ……………. with squeezing water. B
A)putting it out B)to put it out
C)having put it out D)to be put it out
E)to have put it out
45-After the heavy rain, the road needs ……………. . You had better be careful when ……………. A
A)repairing / driving B)to be repaired / to drive
C)to repair / driving D)repairing / being driven
E)repairing / to be driving
46-My workmates accused me of irresponsibility and I was never given a chance……………. myself against it. C
A) to have defended B) defending
C) to defend D) to be defended
E) being defended
47-The purpose of imposing speed limits is ……………. the number of fatal road accidents. D
A) reduced B) reduce
C) being reduced D) to reduce
E) to be reduced
48-June has been putting off …………. a decision about university because she doesn't know exactly what I want C
A)o make / studying B)to have made / studied
C)making / to study D)to make / to study
E) making / studying
49- ……………. cancer, Most people are courageous and never abandon themselves to despair for the future. E
A)to have been overcome B)overcoming to be
C)having overcome D)to be overcome
E)to overcome
50-The documentary film ……………. we decided not to watch it. E
A)to be long and boring B)long and boring
C)be long and boring D)to have been boring and long
E)being long and boring
51-I doubt that his parents will let him ……………. out to disco with you, because they think he isn't old enough …………….
with his friends at nights. C
A)to go / to be B)going/being
C)go / to be D)having gone/to be
E)to be going / be
52-For fear of……………. , nobody carries a lot of money with them. C
A) robbed B) to be robbed
0) being robbed D) robbing
E) having been robbed
53- A list ……………. carefully will help you to do shopping in a short time. E
A)preparing B)to prepare
C)which prepares D)which is preparing
54-it is not very interesting ………in a small village since you miss the opportunity ………. the glittering lifeof the city. A
A)to live / of experiencing B)having lived / to experience
C)to be living / having experienced D)living / to be experienced
E)in living / experienced
55-People who have never been lucky enough ……………. Turkish Döner simply don't know what they are missing. B
A)having eaten B)to eat
C)eating D)to be eating
E) to be eaten
56-I keep ………. into the same gossipy people, so I'm seriously contemplating ……. to a more respectful neighborhood. A
A)running / moving B)having run / moved
C)to have run / move D)to be running / be moved
E) to run /to move
57- Can you tell me what ……………. with all these documents? E
A)to be doing C)to have done
B)should I do D)having done
E)to do
58-I can't help ……………. his homework. A
A) doing B) being done
C) to do D) having done
E) to have done
59-Mr. Black earns his living, ……………. C
A) repaired the bicycles. B)was repairing the bicycles.
C)repairing the bicycles. D)the bicycles are repaired.
E)forced him to repair the bicycles.
60-The Mayan pyramids in Yucatan are thought by some scholars……………. by the Egyptian pyramids. B
A)to have influenced B)to have been influenced
C)having influenced D)to be influencing
E)having been influenced
61-I remember ……………. the grammar rules in school but I can't remember what they are now. E
A) to teach B) teaching
C)to be taught D) having taught
E)having been taught
62-We are lucky not …………….the bank robbery yesterday. Apparently it was very distressing A
A)to have witnessed B)to witness
C)being witnessed D)having been witnessed
63- ……………. too many forests, wood industry changed the balance of nature terribly. B
A) to destroy B) having destroyed
C) being destroyed D) to be destroying
E) destroyed
64-My life coach wanted me to think well before ……………. the proposal. D
A) to accepting B) having been accepted
C) being accepted D) accepting
E) accepted
65- I heard the front door ……………. by someone just as I was cooking. C
A) to be knocking B) being knocked
C) having knocked D) to have knocked
E) knocking
66- No one is opposed ……………. inflation for the time being. C
A) having reducing B) to be reducing
C) to reducing D) being reduced
E) to have reducing
67- Hawks and eagles are believed ……………. the strongest sight of all birds. C
A) having B) to be had
C) to have D) being had
E) having been had
68- ……………. Black Tunder was sold as a race horse. A
A)Having strong muscles B)Have strong muscles
C)To have strong muscles D)Not having strong muscles
E)With strong muscles
69- The intestinal infection from which a lot of people are suffering is said ……………. by the drinking water. B
A)to be caused B)to have been caused
C)to have caused D)caused
E)having been caused
70-The Smith Family are looking forward to …………….to their barbeque party. C
A)participate B)having participated
C)participating D)having been participated
E)being participated
71-Henry, ……………. by his parents, didn't know what to do. B
A)having punished B) punished
C)who punished D) was punished
E) to be punished
72-I sent my son to his room and told him ……………. out until he'd finished his homework. C
A) by not coming B) to have come
C) not to come D) having come
E) without coming
73-We don't think Andy'd mind us ……………. in the house if it weren't too cold .…………….. the window. B
A)to smoke / to have opened B)smoking/to open
C)to have smoked / opening D)having smoked / having opened
E)smoke /to be opened
74-My darling was very pleased ……………. to all my family members last week. E
A) introducing B) to introduce
C) to have introduced D) having introduced
E) to be introduced
75- ……………. wherever you go must be the worst thing about ……………. famous singer. C
A)To be recognized / be B)Recognizing / to have been
C)Being recognized / being D)Having been recognized/to be
E) To recognize / having been
76- Angela’s determination ……………. in contact with the manager about the matter is admirable. D
A) being C) to have been
B) have been D) to be
E) been
77-Do you think she stopped ……………. Depression medicines? A
A) taking C) to take
B) taken D) having been taken
E) being taken
78-When ……………. you must take its price and location into account. C
A)to book in at a hotel B)to have booked in at a hotel
C)booking in at a hotel D)booked in at a hotel
E)was booked in at a hotel
79-It will take us a long time ……………. the directorate of population because the streets aren't clearly marked. B
A)to have found B) to find
C)to be found D) finding
E) having found
80-I would be willing ……………. a higher price if you could guarantee delivery by the end of this week. B
A) pay C) paid
B)to pay D)paying
E)having paid
81- ……………. a living can be difficult in a society where the minimum wages are so low that people find it necessary
……………. in two jobs. A
A)Earning/to work B)Having earned / to work
C)To be earned / work D)Earn / to be working
E)To earn/working
82-Although his friends advised him……………. up, he was unable to stop ……………. and in the end, his wife left him after he
lost all his money. D
A)having given / to gamble B)giving / to have gambled
C)to have given / being / gambled D)to give /gambling
E)having been given / to gamble
83- I don't think he is accustomed to ……………. in such a small city. D
A) live B) have lived
C) being lived D) living
E) having lived
84-The barbeque party will be held next Sunday, as …………….before.C
A) to be said C) said
B)saying D)they had said
E)to have said
85-Could you stop ……………….. for a few minutes. She is trying ……………. the business letter into German. B
A)to chat / to translate B)chatting / to translate
C)chatting/translating D)being talked / to translate
E)to chat / translating
86- …………. stamps is one of the world's most popular hobbies, but some people prefer ……………. something more active. E
A)To have collected / to do B)Collect / having done
C)To be collecting / to be doing D)Having collected / to have done
E)Collecting / doing
87-I would like …………….my mother a more expensive ring, but I only had enough money……………. this. E
A)have bought / to be getting B)to buy / to have got
C)having bought / getting D)to be buying / for getting
E)to have bought / to get
88-The lost continent of Atlantis is supposed ……………. beneath the Atlantic Ocean, ……………. not a trace behind B
A)to be sinking / left B)to have sunk / having left
C)sinking / to have left D)to sink / to be leaving
E)having sunk / to leave
89- ……………. deceived by her husband for the second time, she divorced . E
A) To have B) To be
C) Having D) To being
E) Having been
90-It is unwise for parents ……………. a school by their own children's examination results. C
A) being judged B) to be judged
C) to judge D) to judging
E) having been judged
91-I don't like ……………. late at night, so please abstain from ……………. me after twelve o'clock. E
A)to have disturbed/to have called B)to disturb / having called
C)disturbing / to call D)having disturbed / being called
E) being disturbed / calling
92-There was no hope ……………. any survivors from the crash. B
A)to find B) finding
C)of finding D) found
E)having found
93-It's no use ……………. with my husband. He has no intention of ……………. me. B
A)arguing / understand B)arguing / understanding
C)to argue / to understand D)arguing / being understood
E)having argued / being understood
94-Although ……………. two sisters, they were as different as day and night. D
A)to be B) be
C)having been D) being
95-Why do you think he is so reluctant ……………. this painting? A
A)to finish B) being finished
C)finishing D)to have finished
96-I really appreciate ……………. by my mother and father when I became one of the most popular artists. B
A)encouraging B)having been encouraged
C)to have encouraged D)having encouraged
E)to encourage

97-People who are fed up ……………. their cars in traffic jams choose ……………. by public transport because it is less
frustrating. D
A)to drive / travelling B)driving / to be travelling
C)from driving /travel D)with driving / to travel
E)to be driving / having travelled
98-My sister's teeth are so healthy because she has them……………. regularly every six months. A
A) checked C) being checked
B) to be checked D) to check
E) check
99- I am not quite sure that this laptop will make me ……………. any better, but I will take it anyway! C
A) to feel C) feel
B) feeling D) felt
E) to be feeling
100-Not deciding where to go, ……………. A
A)she was disappointed B)it made her angry
C)confused her D)it was once considered
E)that it was viewed
101 As Mark charged me too much, I wouldn't get him …………….my car. C
A)repair B)repairing
C)to repair D)to have repaired
E)having repaired
102- ……………. Sally wouldn't have been recognized even by her parents. D
A)To have been so changed B)Be changed
C)Changing D)So changed
E)Having changed
103-Are you sure you can get your brother …………….these clothes for you when she goes ……………... today? B
A)dried/to shop B)to dry/ shopping
C)dry/ to be shopping D)drying/to have shopped
E)to be drying / shop
104-My child never does anything correctly without……………. clearly how ……………. it. A
A)being told/to do B)to tell/to be doing
C)having told / to have done D)to be told/doing
E)telling/to be done

Bir işin bir kişi tarafında başka bir kişi veya şeye yaptırılmasını anlattığımız ettirgen cümlelerdir. Türkçede yaptırmak,
ettirmek, çalıştırmak, götürtmek, getirtmek vs. şeklinde geçer. Her türlü geçişli veya geçişsiz fiilde ettirgen yapı ile
Have, get, let, make, allow, permit, require, motivate, convince, hire, assist, encourage, employ, force ,… fiilleri kullanilir.
Esas olarak üç fiili vardır. Bunlar “HAVE, GET, MAKE” fiillerdir. Ettirgen olarak kullanıldığı zaman bu fiillerin anlamları
birbirine yakındır ama aynı değildir. Buna dördüncü olarak, LET fiili de genellikle eklenir. Ettirgenler farklı derecelerde de
olsa, CAUSE AND EFFECT (NEDEN-SONUÇ) ilişkisi anlatır.

USE 1- HAVE: İşi yapan belli değildir. Sadece yapılan iş anlatılır.

A- SUBJECT = ÖZNE + HAVE (had) + SOMETHING(=bir iş, hareket) + DONE (fiilin üçüncü hali)
I had my nails cut.
S something done
He will have his teeth examined.
We had our sheep's wool trimmed.
I had my pen tips sharpened.
She got her violin tuned.
We should have this text translated into German.
Let us have this tree cut down.

B- Bir işin başkası vasıtasıyla yapıldığını, başarıldığını anlatır.Birisine doğal görevi veya iş yapma sorumluluğunu
yüklediğimizde kullanılır.
SUBJECT = ÖZNE + HAVE (had) + SOMEBODY (birisi, bir kimse) + DO + (fiilin mastar hali) + SOMETHING
I will have the mechanic fix the car. (Tamirciye (özne = subject) arabamı (something = konu = theme) tamir ettireceğim.)
S somebody do something
He had everybody in the office work hard.
The teacher had all the students study regularly.
Have your son e-mail me his project homework.

C- Baskısız Önerileri anlatır.

- Why don't you have your hair painted black.
- Have your house medicated against insects
- You should have your money saved for unexpected conditions.

D- Kaza ve doğal afetlerde have kullanılır.

- He had his housecollapsed by the eartquake.
- I had my car crashed into the wall.
- He had his leg injured in an accident.

E- İnsanlarla ilgili sorumluluk ifade eder.

- He had his friend snitched to the administration.
- I'm having her trained in sport schools.
- I wil have all my organs donated.

F- Başarı ifadelerinde, öğretme, ikna etme veya cesaretlendirmede

- He had me cooking in a year.
- They had the students in the class singing.
- The coach had the children swimming in a month.

G- Kararlılık gösterirken
- I won't have this garden used as a wedding place.
- You won't have me do the same mistake again.
- From now on, I won't have anybody behave me this way.

H- Bir olayı yaşamak, deneyimlemek anlamında kullanılır.Genellikle tatsız bir olaydır.

- I had my house burglared.
- They had their bags examined at the entrance.
- They had their illnesses cured by the doctor.

I- Soru cümleleri
- When do they have their clothes cleaned?
- Did he has his trausers ironed?
- Where shall I have my carpets washed?

2- MAKE: Birisine bir işi ZORLAYARAK yaptırmak. Eş anlamlı fiiller = force / compell / oblige = zorlamak, mecbur etmek
I made my teachers enter class in time.
S somebody do something
- He made me arrive home on time.
- He always makes me laugh.
- We make our children behave gently.
- If you don't follow my orders, your father'll make you follow it.
- Noone can make me obey the rules if I don't want to.
- He made her apologise for her mistake.
- The police made the burglar confess the crime.

3- GET: Have ile make arasında bir yerdedir. “GET” daha sınırlayıcı ve güçlüdür. Bir işi başkasına onu ikna yolu ile
yaptırdığımızda kullanırız. Bazen başarı halini de gösterir.
A-SUBJECT=ÖZNE + GET + SOMEBODY + TO DO SOMETHING + V1 = fiilin birinci hali
- I got her to tell me the truth.
S somebody to do somethıng
- They got the youngs to respect the olds.
- He always gets his son to wash the dishes.
- I got my sister to write a poem for me.

B- İşi yapanın önemsiz olduğu durumlarda Bu tür kullanımda, HAVE ile bir farkı yoktur. İkisi de birbiri yerine geçebilir.
- I will get my car maintained.
- My father will get market surveys done for his products.
-We will get our house painted this year.

C- Birisini, aldatarak bir iş yaptırdığımızda da "get" kullanılabilir.

- I got my children to take the drug inside the soup.
- He is trying to get me to believe his lias.

4- LET: İzin vermek, müsaade ettirmek, salmak anlamına gelir. Birisine bir şey yapması için izin vermeyi anlatır.
- The police let noone enter the crime area.
- I won't let anybody sleep in my bedroom.
- Her father didn't let them go out at night.


Aktif cümlelerde özne önemliyken, pasif cümlelerde yapılan iş ön plana çıkar.
Dikkat : Ettirgenlerde soru cümlesi; "do, does, did" gibi “do” yardımcı fiiliyle yapılır.
Dikkat : Çok kez pasif yapıda let yerine allow = izin vermek, müsaade etmek kullanılır.


Aktif : I have the shoe polisher polish my shoes every week.
Pasif : I have my shoes polished by the shoe polisher every week.
Aktif : I get my students to study my lessons regularly.
Pasif : I get my lessons studied regularly by my students.
Aktif : He always makes me laugh .
Pasif : I am always made laughed.
Aktif : The politician lets the voters ask him questions about the new law.
Pasif : The voters are let to ask questions about the new law.
Aktif Soru : Do you make your children obey your rules?
Pasif Soru : Is she made to behave politely?
Soru : Would you please let me explain why I behaved in such a way?


Aktif : My mother is not letting me in her bedroom.
Pasif : I'm not let in her bedroom.
Aktif : The manager is not letting the students play with cell phones during school hours
Pasif : The students are not being allowed to play with cell phones during school hours.


Aktif : I've had my children clean all the house.
Pasif : I've had all the house cleaned by my children.
Aktif : He has got us to respect him.
Pasif : We've been got (gotten) to respect him.
Aktif : She has made them to trust his ideas.
Pasif : They've been made to trust his ideas.
Aktif : We haven't let the youngsters to be disrespectfull to elderly.
Pasif : The youngsters haven't been allowed to be disrespectfull to elderly.
Aktif Soru : Why have you made them to confess their guilt?
Pasif Soru : Where has she been made to stay in?
Aktif Soru : Have they let you to borrow books from the library

Aktif : I had the students memorise Independence Anthem.
Pasif : I had Independence Anthem memorized by the students.
Aktif : I got my workmate to write the report.
Pasif : I got the report written by my workmate.
Aktif : They made me feel upset.
Pasif : I was made tofeel upset.
Aktif : Their parents didn't let the children drink alcohol at the graduation party.
Pasif : The children were not allowed to drink alcohol at the graduation party.
Aktif Soru : Who made you dyed your hair in that strange color?
Aktif Soru : Did you get her to sing in front of the audience?
Pasif Soru : Was he made to sing in front of the audience?
Aktif Soru : Did she let her neighbores give a barbecue party yesterday?
Aktif : I'll have the painter paint my house.
Pasif : I'll have my house painted by the painter.
Aktif : She will get the furnisher to make her an armchair.
Pasif : He will get an armchair made by the furnisher.
Aktif : She will make John do her project homework.
Pasif : John will be made to do her project homework.
Aktif : He is going to make you happy.
Pasif : You are going to be made happy.
Aktif :They won't let you do whatever you like.
Pasif : You won't be allowed to do whatever you like.
Aktif Soru : Will you make the students answer all the questions in front of the inspector.
Pasif Soru : Will the students be made to answer all the questions in front of the inspector.
Soru : Will they be let (allowed) to work on their own way.


The English teacher made the native speakers make the students motivated to learn English.
I had my son make his father apologize.
The coach had his athletes let their match fight with others

- The bossy director made his assistant make all his staff have their new works checked.
- The administrator made the assistant directors make the teachers make the students wear school uniforms.


- Eating too much usually brings about fatness.
-Studying regularly brings about success.
- Loud music can cause headache.
- Having a credit card causes my father to spend more money.
- Watching too much TV results in eye problems.
-Smoking too much results in lung problems.
- Laziness leads to poverty.


Put the following “Active Causative” sentences into the other Tenses as in the example below.

1-The Present Simple: I make Andy write the business letter in German.
I have Carl sing Folk music.
I get Ramsy to correct my mistake.

2-The Present Continuous : I am making Andy write the business letter in German .
I am having Carl sing Folk music.
I am getting Ramsy to correct my mistake.

3-The Past Simple : I made Andy write the business letter in German .
I had Carl sing Folk music.
I got Ramsy to correct my mistake .

4-The Past Continuous : I was making Andy write the business letter in German .
I was having Carl sing Folk music.
I was getting Ramsy to correct my mistake .

5-The Future Simple: I will make Andy write the business letter in German.
I will have Carl sing Folk music.
I will get Ramsy to correct my mistake.

6-Be going to (Future Form) : I am going to make Andy write the business letter in German .
I am going to have Carl sing Folk music .
I am going to get Ramsy to correct my mistake.

7-The Future Continuous : I will be making Andy write the business letter in German.
I will be having Carl sing Folk music.
I will be getting Ramsy to correct my mistake .

8-The Present Perfect Simple : I have made Andy write the business letter in German .
I have had Carl sing Folk music.
I have got Ramsy to correct my mistake.

9-The Past Perfect Simple : I had made Andy write the business letter in German.
I had had Carl sing Folk music .
I had got Ramsy to correct my mistake .

10-The Future Perfect Simple : I will have made Andy write the business letter in German.
I will have had Carl sing Folk music.
I will have got Ramsy to correct my mistake.

1) My mother has me carry the plates to the dinner table.

2) My father makes my brother clean the car.
3) The doctor has the child take this horrible syrup.
4) My friend makes me angry during the course.
5) My father lets me surf in the net.
6) They get the teacher to solve their maths problems.

EXERCISES 2- ACTIVE CAUSATIVES:Make “Causative Sentences” using the following structures. Use “the words” and the
“tenses” in brackets.
Example : (Sonay I write an essay ) (The Past Simple)
I made Sonay write an essay .
I had Sonay write an essay .
I got Sonay to write an essay.

1-(always I Bella / clean the house ) (The Present Simple)

My mother
My mother
My mother
2-(the students I stand respect stance for Atatürk) (The Present Continuous)
The teacher
The teacher
The teacher
3-(my brother /paint the whole house walls) (The Past Simple)
My father
My father
My father
4-(Anna / iron the clothes) (The Past Continuous)
My brother
My brother
My brother
5-(my brother I memorise the national athem by heart) (The Future Simple)
6-(Ali I wash the dishes) (be going to)
7-(the mechanic I repair the car) (The Present Perfect Simple)
That lady
That lady
That lady

EXERCISES 3- PASSIVE CAUSATIVES (ALL TENSES): Put the following “Passive Causative Sentences” into the other tenses as in
the examples below.
Examples :
1-The Present Simple : Mark gets his teeth controlled.
: Karan has her bicycle repaired.
2-The Present Continuous : Mark is getting his teeth controlled .
: Karan is having her bicycle repaired.
3-The Past Simple : Mark got his teeth controlled.
: Karan had her bicycle repaired.
4-The Past Continuous : Mark was getting his teeth controlled.
: Karan was having her bicycle repaired.
5-The Future Simple : Mark will get his teeth controlled .
: Karan will have her bicycle repaired.
6-Be going to (Future Form) : Mark is going to get his teeth controlled .
: Karan is going to have her bicycle repaired.
7-The future Continuous : Mark will he getting his teeth controlled.
: Karan will be having her bicycle repaired.
8-The Present Perfect Simple : Mark has got his teeth controlled .
: Karan has had her bicycle repaired.
9-The Past perfect Simple : Mark had got his teeth controlled.
: Karan had had her bicycle repaired.
10-The Future Perfect Simple : Mark will have got his teeth controlled.
: Karan will have had her bicycle repaired.
11-The Present Conditional : Mark would his teeth controlled .
: Karan would have her bicycle repaired.
12-The Perfect Conditional : Mark would have got his teeth controlled.
: Karan would have had her bicycle repaired.
1) I have my shoes polished.
2) My mother gets the clothes ironed.
3) The sister does not get her skirt shortened.
4) My mother has her hair dyed.
5) His father gets his nails cut.

EXERCISES 4- PASSIVE CAUSATIVES: Answer the following questions using the “Passive Causative” structure below and
the “words” in brackets.
Example : A: Why are you going to the dentist? (tooth / pull out)
B: I had/got my tooth pulled out (by the dentist).
1-A: What do you do when there is something wrong with your car? (car / repair)
2-A: What does your father do with his car before you go on holiday? (car / service)
3-A: What did you do when your trousers got dirty? (trousers / dry-clean)
4-A: What will you do if your livingroom wall in your house needs painting? (the wall / paint)
5-A: What did you do when your hair needed cutting? (hair / cut)
6-A: What will you do if there are mistakes in your test answers? (mistakes / correct)
7-A: What did you do if the knife you used was dull? (knife / sharpen)
8-A: What do you do if your shoes need shining? (shoes / polish)
9-A: What will you do if you have a flat tire? ( tire / repair)
10-A: What do you do with your clothes when you gain weight? (clothes / narrow)

EXERCISES 5- PASSIVE CAUSATIVES:Rewrite the following sentences using the Passive Causative structure below.
Example : a. I always shine my shoes. (Active Causative)
I always have my shoes shined. (Passive Causative)
I always get my shoes shined. (Passive Causative)

1-a. The doctor checks my hearth every six months.

2-a. My mother ironed my suit yesterday.
My father
My father
3-a. The teacher has just controlled our exam papers.
4-a. The mechanic is going to repair Henry’s car tomorrow.
5-a. The wife dyes her hair every two months.
My wife
My wife
6-a. The eye doctor tested my eyes last week.
7-a. Some builders are constructing the White’s’ house.
The White’s
The White’s
8-a. The traffic policeman controlled my license this morning.
9-a. A pickpocket stole my brother’s wallet yesterday.
My friend
My friend
10-a. An electrician will test our house’s electrical system tomorrow.

EXERCISES 6- PASSIVE CAUSATIVES:Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the “verbs” in brackets.
Example : I (have) …………………… my house (paint) ………………… last week.
I had my house painted last week.

1) Henry must be rich. He always (get) ……………… his suits specially (sew) ………………..
2) Rich people (get) ……………… their portrait (paint) ……………….. by famous artists nowadays.
3) Tina (have) …………... her watch (adjust) ……………. by the watchmaker last week but it still doesn’t work properly.
4) My wife is ill. I (have) ………………. Her (examine) ……………… by the doctor tomorrow.
5) Now I must (get) ……………… these questions (explain) ………………. by the teacher.
6) The wealthy people (have) ……………… their house works (do) …………….. for them.
7) Tonny couldn’t mend the chair himself, so he (have) …………….. it (do) ……………… by the carpenter.
8) People who are very ill (have) ……………….. everything (do) ………………. for them by others.
9) The button has come off and only yeterday I (get) …………….. it (sew) ……………. on by my sister.
10) I saw him sitting in the barber’s chair. He (have) …… three things (do) …………… at the same time.
11) My grandfather(have) ………….. his hair (cut) …………….. , he (have) ………….. his shoes (clean) ………….. and he (get)
……………… his fingernails (manicure) ……………… by a private caregiver.
12) She (have) ………….. her essay (publish) ……………… at a business magazine now.
13) The farmers (get) …………….. their animals (feed) …………….. twice a day.
14) My father (have) ………………….. the milk-pails (sterilise) …………… next week.
15) Jenny (get) ………………. her wedding dress (make) ………………… by a fashion shop last week.
16) Tim wishes he (have) ……………… the roof (repair) …………… last year.
17) We (get) …………….. these floors (water) …………….. at least once a week.

EXERCISES 7- Cümlelerde verilen boşlukları "LET - MAKE - HAVE - GET" fiillerinin uygun şeklini getirerek doldurunuz.
1) Sude really wanted a cat, but her parents wouldn't……………..her have a pet.
2) I can't believe she…………….you look at her pictures again last night. We have looked them many times.
3) I couldn't……………….my daughter to clean up her room.
4) The teacher ……………….each of her students write a composition describing their future goals in life.
5) The English teacher ……………….his students use a dictionary while they were taking the test.
6) After days of nagging, my parents finally…………him to go holiday withhis friends alone.
7) Turkish people…………….you take off your shoes before you went into her house.
8) My boss requested a copy of that expense report, so I……………..the courier take one over to her yesterday.
9) Tim thinks surfing in the net is a waste of time, so he won't……………….his children surf in the net.
10) My mother…………….. George take out the trash before he went out for shopping.
11) My close friend Mark………………….me drive his new Ferrari. I couldn't believe how quickly it picked up speed.
12) My parents………………me get them tea, set the table and collect the food table.
13) Tommy didn't want to wear a tie, but his mom…………………him do.
14) I can't believe your parents……………………you hold your new born sister. That was so cool!
15) If you ask me nicely, I'll………………you lick the bowl after I make the cookies.


a) Active: Get somebody to do something
Have somebody do something
Make somebody do something
Let somebody do something
b) Passive: Get something done
Have something done
Make something done
Let something be done

1-What should a mother do to get a stubborn baby ……………. his syrup ? B

A)have B) to have
3) had D) having

E) in order to have
2-Since we ………... be at the airport at 6 o'clock we had better take a taxi. Otherwise we …………. be there on time. B
A)must / will B) have to / won't
B)had to / won't D) have to / mustn't
E) had to / won't
3-How cruel he is! His daughter was made ……………. six hours everyday no matter how tired was she. C
A) studying C) to study
B)study D)to have study
4-I don’t care what the other parents let their children ……………. , I want you to come home ten. D
A) to do B) doing
C) did D)do E) have done
5-it is an unpleasant experience to have a tooth ……………. C
A) pull out B) to pull out
C) pulled out D) to have pulled out
E) pulling out
6-A: ……………. I have the menu, please? E
B: Here, you are.
A)Must C) Should
B)Mustn't D)Shall
E) Could
7-Tonny ……………. with his friends, but he had to finish his term project. A
A)would have played B)could play
C)might play D)would play
E)needn't have played
8-Mandy ……………. a carpenter ……………. the table whose leg was broken last week. E
A) had/repaired B) got /repairing
C) had / repaired D) want / to repair
E) got/to repair
9-Why don’t you get your house rooms……………. a bright colour? I think you will feel full of life. D
A)paint B) to have painted
B)to paint D) painted
E) painting
10- My friends have been waiting for me for nearly half an hour in front of the cinema. They ……………. be furious. D
A) can B) might
C) may D) must
E) can't
11- A: I wonder how the accident happened. D
B: I thinf the driver ……………. driven too fast or it ……………. been a mechanical failure.
A)must have / may have B)needn't have / might have
C)could have / needn't have D)may have / might have
E)were to have / may have
12-My uncle is known to be unreliable, because he's used to making nonsence excuses for never getting things ……………. B
A) to do C) being done
B)done D)to be doing
E) do
13- Playing with mood made children ……………. better and they are looking much healthier now. E
A) felt C) feeling
B)to feel D)having felt
14-The exhibition ……………. be missed, as it gives the opportunity of comparing so many different models. E
A) can B) couldn't
C) ought to D) didn't have to
E) shouldn't
15-If you don't have any homework to do you ……………. play computer games as long as you want. D
A) could B) have to
C) would D)can
E) will
16-Tears ……………. the eye surface wet in order to provide lubrication under normal circumstances. D
A) are got B) will have been got
C) had to be got D) make
E) has to get
17-As she is losing weight day by day, she will have to take all her clothes to a tailor to have them ……………. A
A) altered B) alter
B)to alter D) altering
E) be altered
18- ……………. Ann decide to join us, she can give Mary a call. B
A) Would B) Should
C) Can D) Will
19-She ……………. you as she is absent-minded, but I'm sure that she wasn't ignoring you. B
A)shouldn't have recognized B)might not have recognized
C)idn't use to recognize D)needn't have recognized
E)had not to be recognized
20-My wife will have her tonsils ……………. next month. C
A) be removing B) removing
C) removed D) was removed
E) remove
21-Unfortunately, the students weren’t able to get the school administration ………. the common exams next week. B
A)postpone B)to postpone
C)Postponed D)to have postponed
E)being postponed
22-Unless I am given a scholarship, I ……………. attend this private school. D
A) will C) would
B) wouldn't D) won't be able to
E) couldn't
23-I will let you watch the film at 8.00 on condition that I ……………. the football match. B
A)may be watching B)can watch
C)could have watched D)should have watched
E)must have watched
24-George had the blood ……………. from the blood bank for his mother. A
A) brought B) bringing
C) had been brought D) bring
E) was brought
25-Why don't you let me ……………. when your parents arrive to the airport? I'll be glad to give them a lift, C
A) to know B) knowing
C)know D) known
E)be known
26-I'm afraid Bob ……………. say anything as he has no opinion on the project. B
A) has to B) won’t be able to
C) didn't have to D) ought not to
E) doesn't have to
27-I'm afraid no one is available to work with you, so you ……………. your own way there. A
A) will have to make B) had to made
C)must have made D) would rather make
E)should have made
28-The detectives managed to have one of the gangs ……………. the truth. E
A) to tell C) telling
B)told D)to have told
E) tell
29-Tom was dissappointed because he had all the strawberries ……………. before he had a chance to eat them. B
A) rottened C) to rotten
B) rotten D) having rotten
E) rottening
30-My son has got a really nasty cough. I think he ……………. go to the doctor. The doctor ……………. give him something
which stops it. C
A)must / may be B)can / is able to
C)ought to / can D)should / was able to
E) has to / needn't
31-Now that he's had enough past experiences to fill a three-volume autobiography, the author ……………. a very interesting
life. A
A)must have led C)can lead
B)Will have led D) Ought to lead
E) had to led
32-The patient ……………. the nurse to take his temperature. A
A)got B) had
C)has had D) had been got
E) getting
33- Sude was talking about having her garden ……………. , but she wasn't able to have it ……………. C
A)arrange/done B)to arrange / done
C)arranged / done D)having arranged / to do
E) arranging / doing
34-A: What made you so crazy?
B: You ……………. phoned me to say that the exam was postponed, but you didn't. D
A) may have C) must have
B)needn't have D)should have
E) might have
35-Since the garden was covered with long grass, she hired someone to get the long grass ……………. D
A) cutting B) to cut
C) to have cut D) cut
E) to be cut
36- Mrs. Balcı had two new locks ……………. both the front and balcony doors. C
A) puts C) put
B) putting D) to be put
E) to put
37- She had better have her telephone number ……………. to unidentified calls. E
A) to close B) closing
C) to have closed D) close
E) closed
38-A: I wonder why your father got so angry with you. D
B: I think he ……………. learnt that I got low mark from my exams.
A)must have B)was to have
C)would have D)may have
E) can't have
39-Mr. Brown ……………. someone in the workshop ……………. his knife. E
A)would have to sharpen B)has had / to sharpen
C)got / sharpened D)is getting / sharpen
E)will get / to sharpen
40-Shela ……………. the doctor vaccine her new born baby. B
A) has got B) had
C) must have got D) will have
E) was being had

41-I wish I got the dentist ……………. my decayed tooth. It is getting worse now. B
A) fill C) filling
B) to fill D) filled
E) be filled
42-You ……………. made reservations in advance. The hotels aren't busy at this time of the year. C
A)can't have B) may have
C)needn't have D) might have
E)ought to have
43-My parents ……………. till midnight because some of my grades were low. B
A) let me study B) made me study
C) allow me study D) insist on studying
E) get me study
44-My mother ……………. Carrier men……………. the new furnitures into the living room. B
A) has got/more B) made/move
C) had / to be moved D) will get / move
E) got / to be moved
45- After much thought, she agreed reluctantly let her daughter ……………. great interest in taekwondo. E
A) took C) to take
B) be taken D) taking
E) take
46-A: Great! She won the contest. B
B:How lucky she is. I think she ……………. been given the opportunity to join a professional orchestra.
A)must have C)was to have
B)may have D)ought to have
E) would be
47-Sally ……………. Someone ……………. her bags when she arrived at the hotel. A
A)had / carry B)had to get / carry
C)had to make / to carry D)got/carrying
E)would have / carried
48- Why hasn't the municipality had the garbage on ……………. B
A) to collect B) collected
D) being collected D) collecting
E) to get collecting
49-Although the speech of lecturer was so boring, the students were made ………. to it by the teachers until it ended. A
A) to listen C) listen
B) listening D) listened
E) to have listened
50-Having published in 2012, he …………………. the book ……………. into different languages. B
A) could have /translate B) could have /translated
C) could have /to translate D) could have /translating
E) could have /be translated
51-My sister ............... a servant ……………. the windows of the house tomorrow. C
A)must have / cleaning B)has / cleaned
C)should get/to clean D)must be getting / clean
E)is to get/cleaning
52- The members of the political party must work hard if they want ……………. the people to vote for their candidate. E
A) having got C) to be getting
B)get D)to have been got
E) to get
53-Hot air accompanied by high relative humidity made people ……………. warmer than it actually was. D
A) felt C) feeling
B)have felt D)feel
E)to feel
54-While my parents make me …………. to bed late, other parents let their children ………… up early. How lucky I am. A
A)go / stay B) go / to stay
B)to go / to stay D) to go / stay
E) gone / stayed
55-The local TV ……………. us aware of what has been happening in the world. C
A) gets B) allows
C) makes D)got E) made
56-Had I know your new instagram user name , I would have got my brother …………….Tracking request . E
A) send C) sending
B) be sent D)having sent
E)to send
57-Never before have I let my diary ……………. by my mother. E
A) read C) reading
B)to read D)to have read
E) be read
58-When my son Bob was four, he used to get me ……………. him fairy tales before sleeping. B
A) reading C)having read
B) to read D) to be reading

I wonder why ......... Acaba niye ........

question WH-
want to learn IF

Whether (or not) +S+V+O… +V+O
The fact that


What you have told me doesn’t interest me.
Whether he comes to the party will be clear tomorrow.
The fact that /That he has stolen the car has been proved by the police.
whether (or not)
S+V+ if (or not) +S+V+O…
the fact that

I don’t understand why he couldn't come to theatre last night.

He didn’t tell me if / whether they had watched the movie before or not.
He told me that / the fact that he would enter the next meeting.

…….preposition + whether (or not) + S + V + O …
the fact that
I’m not interested in what you have seen or heard.
Parents are always worried about the fact that the children wake up late.

which S + V + O……
that V + O …..
S+ where S + V + O…… + V + O ……….
The boy who is sitting next to Ahmet will go holiday to Bodrum next week.
The dog which has got two babies came to our garden last week.
The man who/whom you talked to yesterday is our doctor.
The restaurant where we had breakfast yesterday morning is not far away from here.
The date when they will be married is not certain yet.

who V + O …..
S + V + O…… whom
which S + V + O……
where S+V+O

We talked to the woman who/whom/that you had quarrelled last week.

I’ll call the cleaning woman who will do the housework tomorrow.
Have you caught the dog which /that run after you in the garden yesterday?
I will tell you the time when we will have our graduation party.

Noun clause bir cümlede isim gibi işlev gören cümleciktir. Yani cümlede özne ya da nesne görevinde bulunabilir.
I don’t know the answer, (object)
I don’t know what the answer is. (object)
noun clause
I don’t know her address, (object)
I don’t know where she lives, (object)

noun clause
Our discussion was private, (subject)
What we talked about was private, (subject)
noun clause
Her address is unknown, (subject)
Where she lives is unknown, (subject)
noun clause
Noun clause’ları ÜÇ ayrı grupta inceleyebiliriz:
1-Noun clauses beginning with a question word (what, why, who, when, etc.)
2-Noun clauses beginning with whether or not/if... or not
3-Noun clauses beginning with that


a) Ingilizce’deki soru sözcükleri şunlardır:
Who: Özne yada Nesne durumundaki insanı sorar (kim, kimi/kime).
Whom: Sadece Nesne durumundaki insanı sorar (kimi/kime).
Whose: insanlar ve hayvanlar için kullanılır. (kimin)
What: nesneler için kullanılır. insanlar için kullanımı çok azdır. (ne)
Which: Hem nesneler hem de insanlar için kullanılır.Bir grup içinden hangisi oldugunu sorar. (hangisi)
Where: yer sorar (nerede)
When: zaman sorar (ne zaman)
Why: sebep, neden sorar (neden)
How: durum, hal sorar (nasıl)
How long: süreç sorar (ne kadar sureyle/ne zamandan beri)
How often: sıklık sorar (ne kadar sıklıkla)
How far: uzaklık ,mesafe sorar (ne kadar uzaklıkta/ne kadar mesafede)
How much: fiyat , miktar sorar. (kaç para), ya da sayılamaz isimler için miktar sorar (ne kadar).
How many: miktar sorar. Sayılabilir isimler icin miktar sorar (kaç tane).


Soru cümlelerini noun clause’ a dönüştürebilmek için soruları düz cümle kalıbına dönüştürmemiz gerekir.

Question: What time does she go to school?

Noun clause: I don’t know what time he goes to school.
Question: Why did he leave the meeting?
Noun clause: Why he left the meeting is a secret.
Question: When are they going on holiday?
Noun clause: When they are going on holiday isn’t certain yet.
Question: What is he going to buy for her for their wedding anniversery?
Noun clause: He hasn’t decided yet what he is going to buy for her for their wedding anniversery.
Question: When did you buy that car?
Noun clause: I can’t remember when I bought this car.

RULE 2- Eğer soruda subject ( özne) yok ise soruyu düz cümle kalıbına dönüştürmemize gerek yoktur. Bu nedenle, soru
cümlesi ile noun clause’un sözcük dizimi aynı olur.
Question: Who is phoning?
Noun Clause: I don’t know who is phoning.
Question: What is happening at the street?
Noun Clause: What is happening at the street doesn’t concern me.
Question: Whose son has won the university?
Noun Clause: I haven’t heard whose son has won the university.

Simple Present Tense ve Simple Past Tense ile özneyi sorarken, "do, does" ya da "did' yardımcı fillleri kullanılmaz.
Question: Who studies regulary in the class?
Noun clause: I don’t know who studies regulary in the class.
Question: Who went to picnic at the weekend?
Noun clause: I don’t know who went to picnic at the weekend.
Question: What happens at this park at the weekend?
Noun clause: Please tell me what happens at this park at the weekend.
Question: What happened at this park yesterday?
Noun clause: Please tell me what happened at this park yesterday.

Simple Present Tense ve Simple Past Tense ile nesneyi sorarken, "do, does" ya da "did' yardımcı fillleri kullanılır.

Who visits him every day? ("Who" özneyi soruyor.)

Wh-Q verb Object
I don’t know who visits him every day.
Wh-Q V O
Who/whom does he visit every day? (“ Who/whom" nesneyi soruyor.)
Wh- Q Aux S V
I don’t know who/whom he visits every day.
Wh-Q S V
Who visited him yesterday? ("Who" özneyi soruyor.)
Wh-Q V2 O
I don’t know who visited him yesterday.
Wh-Q V2 O
Who/whom did he visit yesterday? ("Who/whom" nesneyi soruyor.)
Wh-Q Aux S V1
I don’t know who/whom he visited yesterday.
Wh-Q S V2
“WHO, WHAT, WHOSE" ve diğer bütün soru tipleri
Who are these boys?
Aux subject
I don’t know who these boys are.
Subject Aux
I don’t know who that woman is.
Subject Aux
Whose is that car?
Aux subject
Do you know whose that car is?
subject Aux
Whose car is this? (OR Whose is this car?)
Aux subject Aux subject
I don’t know whose car this is. OR I don’t know whose this car is.
S Aux S Aux
What is this tool? I don’t know what this tool is .
Aux S S Aux

EXERCISE 1: NOUN CLAUSES (AS THE SUBJECT OF A SENTENCE): Change the following questions into “Noun Clauses” as the
“Subject of the sentence”, making all the necessary changes. “Noun Clauses” start with a “Question Word”.
Noun Clause
Question Word + Statement + Verb + Complement
Example : A: Where did Bob go yesterday afternoon? Do you know?
B: I am sorry, I don’t know. Where Bob went yesterday afternoon is a secret.

1-A: When will your mother come back home from shopping? Do you know?
B: is not certain.
2-A: Why didn’t the students do all theirhomeworks? Do you know?
B: is not obvious.
3-A: Where did your friends go? Do you know?
B: doesn’t interest me.
4-A: How has Carl become poor? Have you got any idea?
B: is not very important.
5-A: What does Tonny’s father say? Do you know?
B: has nothing to do with me.
6-A: What does Tim’s sister read in her spare time? Do you know?
B: is none of your business.
7-A: What does Pam hate most? Have you got any idea?
B: is Heavy metal music.
8-A: What does your son really need? Do you know?

B: is a new bicycle.
8-A: Where is the money coming from? Do you know?
B: is a top secret.
10-A: When will your parents visit you? Have you got any idea?
B: doesn’t matter.
11-A: Where does your plane to İzmir departure? Do you know?
B: is not known.
12-A: What do you hate most? Do you know?
B: is rainy weather.
13-A: Why did Mark get married to that awful woman? Have you got any idea?
B: is a mystery.
14-A: What did Alice really want to study? Could you tell me?
B: was engineering.
15-A: Whoever caused the accident? Will you please tell me?
B: was very careless.

EXERCISE 2: NOUN CLAUSES (AS THE OBJECT OF A SENTENCE): Change the following Direct Questions into “Noun Clauses”
as the “Object of the sentence”, making all the necessary changes. “Noun Clauses” start with a “Question Word”.
Noun Clause
I wonder + Question Word + Statement.
I would like to know + Question Word + Statement.
Do you know + Question Word + Statement?
Examples : Where does your sister stay in Ankara?
I wonder where your sister stays in Ankara.
I would like to know where your sister stays in Ankara.
Do you know where your sister stays in Ankara?

1-Why does your mother get annoyed with your friend?

c ?
2-How often does your daugther brush her teeth?
c ?
3-How many rooms are there in your house?
c ?
4-What time did your father get up this morning?
c ?
5-How much money does Ann have in her pocket?
c ?
6-When will your sister move to Antalya?
c ?
7-What was Rob doing when the accident happened?
c ?
8-Why does your father want to sell his car?
c ?
9-What is your son going to be in the future?
c ?
10-What kinds of things make Sude sad?
c ?
11-Why aren’t the students listening the lecture?
c ?
12-How long will it take the cleaning woman to clean the windows?
13-How many books were there in your private library last year?
c ?
14-What advice does the doctor give to your child with flu?
c ?
15-How long has Tim been studying Chinese?
c ?

EXERCISE 3: Change the question in parentheses to a noun clause.

1) What is the purpose of the company owner’s visit? Nobody knows …………………..
2) Where did I leave my eyeglasses? My grandfather has forgotten……………………………
3) How long have you been learning boxing? Can you tell me ……………………….. ?
4) How does she know my facefook user name? I have no idea …………………..
5) Why did they choose Andy as the new chairman? .................................................... is open to debate.
6) What can be done in this situation? I don’t know …………………………….
7) What can the policeman do to solve this problem? Can you tell me ………………………………………?
8) How many people have visited the exhibition so far? Have you counted ……………………………….. ?
9) Who helped the gangs to escape from jail? …………………………is still a mystery.
10) Who did Sue go on holiday with? I’m really curious to find out ………………………………..
11) When will we be able to deliver the parcels? I’d like to know ………………………………
12) Whose umbrella is this? Does anyone recognize ………………………………………..?
13) How does the teachers cope with so many children in the class? I can’t understand …………………………..
14) When will they move into their new house? ………………………………….. depends on the sale of their old one.
15) Whose Jacket are you wearing? Why won’t you tell me ……………………………….. ?

EXERCISE 4: Make a question using the given sentence. The words in parentheses should be the answer to the question you
make. Then change the question to a noun clause.
Shela bought (a gold ring) yesterday.
Question: What did Shela buy yesterday?
Noun clause: I wonder what Shela bought yesterday.
1) Pam require (a five hundred dollar) deposit from the bank.
Q: ?
NC: Can you ask them ?
2) Outdoor air pressure is measured with (a barometer).
Q- ?
NC: It isn’t mentioned in the text
3) Alice comes to the eye checkup to the hospital (every six months).
Q: ?
NC: Do you know ?

4) I got our History teacher’s phone number (by asking my classmate Peter).
Q: ?
NC: I want to know
5) The car suddenly broke down (run out of petrol).
Q- ?
NC: I wonder
6) The girl sitting in front of Mary is (her cousin).
Q: ?
NC: I wonder
7) The man talking to Bob’s mother is (John's) father.
Q: ?
NC: Do you know ?
8) Adam went to the party with (Angela).
Q: ?
NC: We’re all dying to know
9) Their wedding party is (on May 19th, at 7p.m.)
Q- ?
NC: They have already informed everybody about
10) Sally has to look after (two) bedridden old person apart from her son.
Q: ?
NC: Do you know ?
11) That mountain is (6720 metres) tall.
Q: ?
NC: Can you guess ?
12) "My fight" was written by (Hitler).
Q- ?
NC: I wish I had known before the test
13) It was (Sam’s) fault that the term project wasn’t prepared in time.
Q: ?
NC: I don't think it matters now


Soru cümlelerini noun clause’ a dönüştürebilmek için sorulari düz cümle kalıbına dönüştürmemiz gerekir. Bir soruyu noun
clause’a dönüştürürken, noun clause’un başına whether" ya da "if’ getirilir.
WHETTER ……………….. OR NOT:
IF ……………………………..OR NOT:
Is she going to cinema?
I wonder whether she is going to cinema or not.
whether or not she is going to cinema . OR whether she is going to cinema.
if she is going to cinema or not. OR if she is going to cinema.
(Onun sinemaya gidip gitmeyeceğini merak ediyorum.)

RULE 2- “IF” cümle başında yada preposition’dan sonra kullanılmaz.

“WHETTER’ cümle başında yada preposition’dan sonra kullanılır.
Whether she is going to cinema or not isn’t certain yet.
Whether or not she is going to cinema isn’t certain yet.
Whether she is going to cinema isn’t certain yet.
Do we have to join the meeting on friday?
I don’t know whether/if we have to join the meeting on friday .
Can I open the window?
I’d like to learn whether/if I can open the window.
Did she win the gold madal?
I’m curious about whether (or not) she won the gold madal .
EXERCISE 5: NOUN CLAUSES (AS THE OBJECT OF A SENTENCE): Change the following Direct Questions into “Noun Clauses”
as the “Object of the sentence”, making all the necessary changes. “Noun Clauses” start with the conjunctions “IF” or
Noun Clause
a-I wonder + If / whether + Statement
b-I would like to know + If / whether + Statement
c-Do you know + If / whether + Statement?
Examples : Does the old lady speak Arabic?
a-I wonder if / whether the old lady speaks Arabic .
b-I would like to know if / whether the old lady speaks Arabic .
c-Do you know if / whether the old lady speaks Arabic?

1-Does your little son like cartoon?

c ?
2-Are men and women equal rights in all over the world?
c ?
3-Are the teenagers playing basketball at the parks?
c ?
4-Do Turkish people stand up when they hear their national anthem?
c ?
5-Have the patients been examined by the doctor this morning?
6-Did Carl take the children to the funfair last night?
7-Was the wounded man taken to hospital in the morning?
c ?
8-Do people want wild animals to be kept in zoos?
c ?
9-Did your daughter win any gold madal?
c ?
10-Will Terry have any chance to practise his German in Berlin?
c ?
11-Was your mother cooking the dinner when the guests arrived?
c ?
12-Will the Members of Parliament discuss the prevention of violence against women next month?
c ?

EXERCISE 5: NOUN CLAUSES (AS THE OBJECT OF A SENTENCE): Change the following “Direct Questions” in brackets into
“Noun Clauses” as the Object of the sentence”, making all the necessary changes. “Noun Clauses” start with a “Question
Noun Clause
Subject + Verb + Question Word + Statement
Example : A: What do you remember? (What did Tom teach you last week?)
B: I remember what Tom taught me last week.

1-A: What do you admit? (What does Mary write in her essay?)
2-A: What did you hear? (What did Müge say about women rights in Turkey?)
3-A: What did your neighbor tell you? (How did the police catch the thief?)
4-A: What does your boss want to know? (Why haven’t they finished the report yet?)
5-A: What did the professor teach you? (How does the engine of a car work?)
6-A: What did the girl at the reception ask you? (Which room do you want?)
7-A: What don’t you know? (Where is the treasure?)
8-A: What did your mother ask you? (What did you do this afternoon ?)
9-A: What did the tourist want to know? (Where is Anıtkabir?)
10-A: What do you know? (When will there be a general election in Turkey?)

EXERCISE 6: Change the question to a noun clause.

1) Can the scientists explore the oceans someday? ……………………… is something that everybody wonders about.
2) What were they doing in the warehouse? Did the manager find out ……………………………….. ?
3) Is Ann enjoying her new job? She hasn’t told me anything about……………………..
4) Have the Invitations been sent out yet? Does anyone know …………………………………. ?
5) Can the firm deliver the furnitures by Monday? We need to know ……………………
6) How many children does the Primary school have in each class? …………………………. is an important point to know.
7) Does it get very hot in Adana in summer? You can ask your cousin ………………………..
8) How many children does the Primary school have in each class? …………………………. is an important point to know.
9) Are your parents going to accept the offer on the village? …………………………… isn’t certain yet.
10) Why did he quit from his job? …………………………… remains a mystery to all of us.
11) Was he given enough time to complete the second seri of the novel? I don’t know …………………….
12) Will the film version of the book be successful? The critics aren’t certain ……………………………
13) Did Tonny get the promotion? ……………………………hasn’t been announced yet.
14) How much money has Danny made with his new business? …………………………….is not known.
15) Should the organic creams apply a long time in advance? They need to find out ……………………
16) Which flat did they buy in the end? I haven’t asked them …………………….
17) Is he going to request a designation to another department? He hasn’t made up his mind yet about ……………………
18) Did she speak to the teacher about her exam paper today? ………………………….. doesn’t concern me at all.
19) Was Sandy at work today? I’m not sure ………………………


THAT: Düz cümlelerde noun clause’un başında “ that” kullanılır.
THAT: Düz cümlelerde noun clause nesne durumundaysa “ that” kullanılmayabilir.

Statement: She doesn’t like classical music.

Noun clause: We know that she doesn’t like classical music .
We know she doesn’t like classical music .
Statement: He is the best at football.
Noun clause: I’m sure that he is the best at football.
I’m sure he is the best at football.

RULE 2- THAT CLAUSE: Düz cümlelerde noun clause’un cümle başında özne olarak pek fazla kullanılmaz."It" ile
başlayıp noun clause’u ortada kullanmak daha yaygındır.
Statement: He won the race.
Noun clause: That he won the race is obvious.
Statement: He can’t win the race.
Noun clause: That he can’t win the race is known.

It is obvious that he won the race .

It is obvious he won the race.
It is known that he can’t win the race.
It is known he can’t win the race.

RULE 3- That clause'un genel kullanın alanları:

a) "That clauses" after certain adjectives (Bazı sıfatlardan sonra): Sorry, glad, happy, afraid, surprised,
disappointed, pleased, sure, etc. gibi duygu ya da tavır bildiren sıfatlardan sonra "that clause" kullanabiliriz.
Statement: You got high mark from the exam.
Noun clause: I’m glad (that) you got high mark from the exam.
Statement: She couldn’t get the job.
Noun clause: I’m surprised (that) she couldn’t get the job.
SONU -ING VE -ED ile biten bazı sıfatlardan sonra "that clause" yaygın olarak kullanılır.
SONU -ED ILE BITENLER: Surprised, amazed, pleased gibi bir canlının duygularını ifade ettikleri için "I, You, We,
They, Peter, My mother” gibi öznelerle kullanılırlar.
I’m very surprised (that) she was devorced from her husband.
I’m pleased (that) you got the job.
SONU -ING ILE BITENLER: Surprising, amazing, pleasing gibi olayların durumunu ifade ettikleri için "IT" özne
olarak kullanılır.
It is very surprising (that) she was devorced from her husband .
It’s pleasing (that) you got the job.

USE 1-
A)"That clauses":True, strange, fair, unfair, unfortunate, obvious, apparent, too bad, likely, unlikely gibi
sıfatlarla yaygın olarak kullanılır.
It’s too bad (that) there will be another increase at interest rates.
It’s apparent/obvious (that) he couldn’t win the elections.
It’s unfair (that) women still don’t have the right to vote as men.
It’s true (that) people are the cause of the environmental pollution

B) "That clauses" after certain nouns (Bazı isimlerden sonra) :Miracle, pity, shame, wonder, relief, a good
thing, fact, belief, theory, impression gibi isimlerden sonra "that clause" kullanabiliriz.
It’s a wonder (that) she survived from the earthquake.
It’s a miracle (that) the child didn’t injured from the car arash.
It’s a great shame (that) women don’t have right to vote in some countries.
It’s a good thing (that) your teachers are being so tolerant at you.

c) "That clauses" after certain verbs (Bazı fiillerden sonra):
Bazi fiiller, kendilerinden sonra noun clause alabilirler. Bu cümlelerde noun clause, yüklemin nesnesi
Noun:I will prove their guilt.
Noun clause:I will prove that they are guilty.
Yaygın olarak "that clause" alan fiiller şunlardır: Yanında (wh) bulunan fiiller, bir soru sözcüğüyle ya da whether
ile başlayan bir noun clause da alabilirler.
acknowledge fear realize (wh)
add feel reckon (wh)
admit find out (wh) recognize
advise forget (wh) recommend
allege guess (wh) remark
announce (wh) grumble remember (wh)
answer guarantee remind
appear happen reply
argue hear (wh) report
arrange (wh) * hope request
assume imagine(wh) resolve
assure imply reveal (wh)
beg indicate say (wh)
believe (wh) inform see (wh)
claim insist seem
command know (wh) sense (be aware of)
complain learn (wh) show (wh)
confess mean state (wh)
confirm notice (wh) stipulate
consider (wh) object suggest (wh)
declare observe suppose
decide (wh) occur to + object suspect
demand order teach
demonstrate (wh) perceive tell (wh)
deny point out think (wh)
determine (wh) predict (wh) threaten
discover (wh) presume turn out
doubt (wh) pretend understand (wh)
estimate (wh) promise urge
expect propose warn
explain (wh) prove (wh) wish
wonder (wh)

The teacher has no doubt (that) most of the students copied during the exam.
I insist (that) the meeting should be held as soon as possible.
I believe (that) every student will be successful if they listen their teacher carefully.
My father never admits (that) he has never listened our ideas.
Our mother warn us (that) we must be respectful to elder people.

Appear, seem, happen, occur ve turn out fiillerinde özne olarak "IT" kullanılmalıdır..
It appears (that) we will have economical problems at our wedding.
It seems to me (that) my daughter will be a surgeon when she grows up.

It occurs to me (that) his speech was boring.

Noun clause’da future tense kullanmak gerekir:

"promise": Yapacağımız bir şey için söz vermek
"predict": Bir şeyin olacağını önceden tahmin etmek
She promises that she will come home before 10 p.m next time.
The teachers predict that most of the students will be good this season.

Temel cümlenin yüklemi PAST TENSE ise noun clause’da "would" kullanılır.
She promised that she she would come home before 10 p.m next time.
The teachers predicted that most of the students would be good this season.

d) Noun clauses with "the fact that" and Similar Expressions ("The fact" ve benzer ifadeler) ile kullanabiliriz:
“Noun + that + clause” yapılarda THAT cümleden atılamaz.
Bu grupta sık kullanılan kalıplar:the fact that; the allegation that; the announcement that; the belief that; the
discovery that;the fear that; the hope that; the knowledge that; the news that; the promise that; the
proposal that; the report that; the rumour that; the suggestion that; the suspicion that
Statement: She couldn’t pass the exam. That disappointed us.
Noun clause: The fact that she couldn’t pass the exam disappointed us.
Statement: She lied yesterday. That made my parents angry.
Noun clause:The fact that she lied made my parents angry.

"the fact that” cümlenin öznesi durumundaysa, "the fact that” yerine sadece "that" de kullanabiliriz.
That she cheated in the exam made the teacher furious.
Eğer "that clause", bir preposition’un nesnesi durumunda ise bu noun clause yalnizca "that" ile başlamaz. Noun
clause" da "the fact that" kullanmak gerekir.
We are not worried about the fact that he comes home late from school.
I’m not responsible for the fact that our project wasn’t approved .

EXERCISE 7: NOUN CLAUSES (AS THE OBJECT OF A SENTENCE): Change the “Statements” in brackets into “Noun Clauses” as
the “Object of the sentence”, making all the necessary changes. “Noun Clauses” start with the Conjunction “That”.
Noun Clause
Subject + Verb + That + Statement
Example : A: What do you think? (Sude has to study hard to win the LGS exam.)
B: I think that Sude has to study hard to win the LGS exam .

1-A: What do you know? (The Moon travels round the Sun and the earth.)
2-A: What do you remember? (Angela was very sad last night.)
3-A: What are you afraid about? (I am going to be late to work.)
4-A: What do your parents think about you? (I am very determined and patient.)
5-A: What are you anxious about? (My son is not going to be awarded.)
6-A: What do you think? (You will have to move to another flat.)
7-A: What do you worry about? (I can’t find a good job.)
8-A: What did your father say? (I am not allowed to go out until my course grades are corrected.)
9-A: What are you happy about? (I can go to school trip.)
10-A: What was the teacher disappointed about? (Most of his students failed in the exam.)

11-A: What were you pleased about? (All the people I love came to my graduation ceremony.)
12-A: What did Parker confess? (He cheated his wife with another woman.)
13-A: What did Henry tell you? (He wanted to go to the graduation prom with Angela.)


RULE 1-Subjunctive: bütün öznelerle fiilin yalın halinin kullanılmasıdır. Bazi fiil, sifat ve isimlerle bu kullanım,
özellikle American English’te yaygındır fakat British Ingilizce’sinde çok yaygın değildir .
“BE”: öznelerle “be” bitiminde kullanılır.
It’s important that we be honest.
The teacher insists that everybody be present at the exam.
I demand that men be more polite to ladies.

RULE 2- Subjunctive’de olumsuzluk “NOT + YALIN FiiL” biçiminde ifade edilir.

It’s important that we not be fraudulent.
I demand that your son not be so disobedient at school.

RULE 3-Temel cümledeki eylem PAST olduğunda: subjunctive’de fiilin yalın hali kullanılır.
I suggested that he go to a dentist.
The headmaster demanded that my son not be so disobedient at school.
It was important that everybody not be absent at the exam.
British English’te subjunctive yerine, temel cümledeki eylem present ise noun clause’da Simple Present ya da
“should”, temel cümledeki eylem past ise noun clause'da Simple Past ya da “should” kullanımı daha yaygındır.
(Present): I suggest that he goes to a dentist.
I suggest that he should go to a dentist.
(Past): I suggested that he went to a dentist.
I suggested that he should go to a dentist.
(Present): It’s important that we aren’t late for the exam.
It’s important that we shouldn’t be late for the exam.
(Past) It was important that we weren’t late for the exam .
It was important that we shouldn’t be late for the exam.
Türkçeleri aynıdır.
My parents ordered that I be at home before 10 p.m.
My parents ordered that I was at home before 10 p.m.
My parents ordered that I should be at home before 10 p.m.

RULE 4- Deyimleşmiş subjunctive içeren kalıplar:

(May) God be with you.
(May) (God) bless you.
Long live the Queen!
Comewhat may ... (= Whatever happens)
If need be ... (=If it is necessary) (Eğer gerekirse ...) As it were (=in a way/so to speak) (Bir bakıma/gibi bir

RULE 5- Words of Urgency

Subjunctive yapıda kullanılan ya da noun clause’da “should” gerektiren sözcükler genellikle, gereklilik, ivedilik
ya da önem (urgency) ifade eden sözcüklerdir.
Yaygın olarak kullanılanlar aşağıda verilmistir.
advise decide insist request
ask demand order resolve
beg determine propose suggest
command implore recommend urge
2- Adjectives
advisable essential necessary significant
crucial imperative obligatory urgent
desirable important ridiculous vital
3- Nouns
advice insistence order requirement
demand necessity proposal suggestion
desire obligation recommendation wish

RULE 6- TO + INFINITIVE veya GERUND: Subjunctive yapıda kullanılan ya da noun clause’da “should” gerektiren
sözcüklerle genellikle aynı anlamı verirler.
It is important that women have/should have the right to vote at the elections.
It is important for women to have the right to vote at the elections.
I insisted that he give up/gave up/should give up smoking.
I insisted on him giving up smoking.
It was my biggest desire that I be left/was left/should be left on my own.
It was my biggest desire to be left on my own.
RULE 7- “Should” in Noun Clauses after Certain Adjectives
“Should”:Olaylar karşısında duygulanmızı, kişisel düşünce ya da tutumumuzu ifade eden sifatlardan sonra noun
clause’da kullanılır. Ancak bu tür cümlelerde “should” yerine subjunctive kullanılmaz. Simple Present ya da
Simple Past tense’ler kullanılabilir.
It’s unbelievable that such a young child should be given (is given) permission to smoke.
I was surprised that such a young child should be given (was given) permission to smoke.
It was a shame that he should show (shown) his wife violance. Isn’t it a shame that he should show
(shows/shown) his wife violance?


Bir preposition’dan sonra noun clause gelebilir.
She pays no attention to my-warnings.
She pays no attention to what I say.
noun clause
Your answer isn’t related to this problem.
Your answer isn’t related to what we are discussing now,
noun clause
She hasn’t told me anything about her decision.
She hasn’t told me anything about whether she will join or not

“Preposition + what is (now)” kalıbı, bazi cümlelerde “preposition + the place/the thing/etc. that is (now)...”
anlamında kullanılabilmektedir.
The Mesopotamia civilization was located to what is now south-east Anatolia ( the place that is now south-
east Anatolia...)

"That clause” bir preposition’dan sonra "the feet that" biçiminde kullanılır.
Statement: He was depressed by the economic crisis.
Noun clause: At the weekend we talked about the fact that he was depressed by the economic crisis .
Statement: She is the healer of an important disease.
Noun clause: I’m interested to the fact that she is the healer of an important disease.
Statement: The teacher will award some students with honor certificate .
Noun clause: She is very excited about the fact that the teacher will award some students with honor
certificate .


Bir noun clause, özne tamamlayıcısı olarak kullanılabilir. Bu kullanımda bazen hem öznenin, hem de
tamamlayıcısının noun clause olduguna dikkat ediniz.
This is where a perfect performance was put on stage.
What made me feel disappointed was that he was still drinking alcohol.
What I’m curious about is how the students cheated in the exam.

Noun clause’un tense’i ile temel cümlenin tense’i arasındaki ilişkiyi iki bölümde inceleyebiliriz.
a)Temel cumlenin yuklemi Present Tense ise,
b)Temel cumlenin yuklemi Past Tense ise.
A) Noun clause as the object of a verb in Present Tense
RULE 1-Noun clause’un tense’i present, past ya da future olabilir.
Temel cümlenin yüklemi: "I think, I have thought' gibi bir present tense ise
"I will say, I’m going to say" gibi bir future tense ise
Yüklemin kısıtlayıcı bazı özellikleri yoksa: örneğin suggest, recommend, promise, predict gibi
Statement: She goes shopping very often.
Noun clause: I think (that) he goes shopping very often.
Statement: She is going/is going to go/will go shopping.
Noun clause: I think (that) he is going/is going to go/will go shopping.
Statement: She has just gone shopping.
Noun clause: I think (that) he has Just gone shopping.
Statement: He went shopping last week.
Noun clause: I think (that) he went shopping last week.

RULE 2- Temel cümlenin yüklemi present olduğu zaman noun clause’da Past Perfect kullanımı, "after, before,
by the time, etc." gibi zaman bağlaçları kullanarak zamanı netleştirdiğimiz takdirde mümkündür.
Statement: He had just left the firm when I got there.
Noun clause: I think (that) he had just left when I got there.

RULE 3-Yüklem present iken noun clause’da "will" in past biçimi "would" kullanılmaz.
Ancak, anlamı present ya da future olan yapılar: "would like, would prefer, would rather" gibi
2. ve 3. type "if clause" ile kullanılan: "would" ve "would have done" kullanılabilir.
I think (that) she would be successful if she studied harder.
I think (that) she would have been successful if she had studied harder.
I think (that) she would rather drink milk than coffee.
I think (that) she would like to be chosen as the head of class.
I think (that) they had Just prepared when we went to get them.

Bu tense kuralları, soru sözcüğüyle ya da whether/if ile başlayan noun clause’lar için de geçerlidir.

I don’t know when she willgo abroad,
I don’t know why shelied to me,
I don’t know if she wants to go to concert.
I don’t know whether she heard the good news,
I don’t know who got the highest mark yesterday.
I have discovered why she lied to us.,
I have discovered when she willheld the meeting,
I have discovered how she managed to win the tender.
She will find out whom he was writing to.
She will find out why he wants to move to İstanbul.
She will find out how long he has been cheating her,
She will find out which shoes he would rather likes to wear.
They haven’t announced yet when the graduation party will be held.
They haven’t announced yet who took over the firm,
They haven’t announced yet who/whom they are going to award the prize.
B) Noun Clause as the object of a verb in Past Tense
Temel cümlenin yüklemi "thought, had thought' gibi Simple Past ya da Past Perfect ise: Noun clause’un
tense’i eylemin oluş zamanını ifade eden tense’in bir derece past biçimidir.
Statement: They have finished doing their project.
Noun clause: I noticed (that) they had finished doing their project.
Question: When will she arrive at the airport?
Noun clause: He wondered when she would arrive at the airport .
Question: Is she going to join our party?
Noun clause: He wanted to know whether/if she was going to join our party.
I know (that) he can win the university exam with regular study.
I knew (that) he could win the university exam with regular study.
I’ve just learnt (that) she is going to holiday to Bodrum.
I had just learnt (that) she was going to holiday to Bodrum .

Noun clause: genel bir doğruyu ya da doğa kanununu ifade ediyorsa, temel cümlenin yüklemi past olduğunda
da noun clause’un tense’i present olabilir.
Scientists found out that different fluids have different boiling points.
Temel cümledeki fiil past oldugunda:
Should, had better, ought to, would rather, would prefer ve would like, aynı kalır.
May = might biçiminde değiştirilir.
have to ve must = had to (present anlamda ise) biçiminde değiştirilir.
have to ve must = had to/would have to (future anlamda ise) biçiminde değiştirilir.
I think she would rather go to cinema.
I thought she would rather go to cinema.
I suggest that he should concentrate more at her job.
I suggested that he should concentrate more at her job.
She knows (that) she must/has to read book more to develop her understanding.
She knew (that) she had to read book more to develop her understanding.
I must remind you (that) we have to get up early on Sunday.
I reminded them (that) we had to/would have to get up early on Sunday.


Her fiil 3 tip noun clause alamayabilir.Temel cümlenin yüklemi ile noun clause’daki anlam arasında mantıksal
bütünlük sağlamalıyız.
Think: sadece THAT clause alabilir.
I can’t think: soru sözcüğüyle başlayan noun clause alabilir.
Ask, want to know: That clause almazlar. Soru sözcüğü yada whether/if ile başlayan Noun clause’la kullanılır.
Tell, understand, explain, know, etc: 3 tip noun clause ile kullanılabilir.
I think (that) she will get appreciation certificate.
I don’t think (that) she will go to work in this bad weather.
I thought (that) she would join our party.
I didn’t think (that) she would accept our invitation.
I can’t think why she refused our offer.
I can’t think why she won’t join our party.
I will ask him how he will react to his boss for his rudeness.
She’s asking where we are going to meet to study our exam together.
I asked him whether he liked the present .
She wants to learn if I will join them.


Soru sözcüğüyle ya da "whether" ile bağlayan noun clause'ları, belli kurallar dahilinde kısaltarak,
Question word + to infinitive biçiminde ifade edebiliriz.
RULE 1- Kısaltma yapabilmemiz için öncelikle, temel cümlenin öznesi ile noun clause’un öznesi aynı olmalıdır.
I don’t know what I should do in this case.
I don’t know what to do in this case.
Özneler farklı ise kısaltma yapamayız.
I don’t know what you should do in this case, (no change)
RULE 2- Temel cümledeki yüklemin nesnesi ile (indirect object) noun clause’un öznesi aynı kişi ise yine kısaltma
I can tell you how you can get to the station.
I can tell you how to get to the station.
Can you show me how I can start this car?
Can you show me how to start this car?
RULE 3- "Whether" ile bağlayan noun clause’ları da aynı kurallara göre kısaltabiliriz. ("if' bu şekilde kısaltma için
I can’t decide whether I should go to cinema or go shopping.
I can’t decide whether to go cinema or go shopping.
They wondered whether they should go skiing or swimming.
They wondered whether to go skiing or swimming.


Ünlem cümleleri (exclamations), what, how, so ve such kullanılarak kurulur. Aynı ya da yakın anlamlı cümleler
üretirler. Ancak, “what” ve “how” cümlelerinin sözcük dizimi farklıdır. Comparative adjective ya da adverb
yapıları sadece “how much” ile kullanılırlar.


what + uncountable noun/countable plural noun
What bravery! / What nonsense!
What idiots! / What geniuses!
what + a/an + countable noun
What a surprise! / What an ego!

what + adjective + uncountable noun/plural countable noun
What fantastic weather! / What horrible news!
What strange people! / What noisy children!
what + a/an + adjective + singular countable noun
What a beautiful dress!/What an outstanding song!
what + (a/an) + (adjective) + countable/uncountable noun + (subject + verb)
What fantastic weather we’re having!
What a beautiful dress you’ve got on!
What clever daughters they have!
what + a/an + (adjective) + singular countable noun + (for someone) + (to infinitive)
What a kindly thing to do! / What a nice thing (for him) to say!
What a hard decision to take! / What a grief for her to suffer!


how + adjective
We’re going to Bodrum for our holiday this summer.
How nice! / How wonderful!

how + adjective + (subject + verb)

How gorgeous she looks today!
How upset she got upon hearing the news!
how + adverb + subject + verb
How beautifully he plays the piano!
how much + comparative adjective/adverb + subject + verb
How much fatter you’ve become!
How much faster he’s running now that he’s lost weight!
how + subject + verb
How he’s slimmer since I last saw him!
How my nephew has grown! I can hardly believe it!

3. EXCLAMATIONS with "SO" and “SUCH”

so + adjective
Your niece is so cute!/They were so nice to me!
such + (adjective) + uncountable/plural noun
The hurricane blew with such strength!/They are such understanding people!
such + a/an (adjective) + singular countable noun
She is such a beautiful girl!/Their son is such a nuisance!


ON EARTH/IN THE WORLD: Soru sözcüklerinde öfke, sabırsızlık, şaşkınlık, itiraz gibi olumsuz duygularda
vurguyu artırmak için kullanılırlar.
ON EARTH/IN THE WORLD: what, who, where, why, etc. gibi tek sözcükten oluşan soru sözcükleriyle
kullanılırlar. How much, what time, what kind of gibi, birden fazla sözcük içeren yapılarla kullanılmazlar.
What on earth are you doing?
Who in the world is Aziz Sancar?
Why on earth would you want to eatraw fish?
How in the world did you ever manage to leam to fly an aeroplane?
When on earth did he go to Paris?
Where in the world are you running off to, young man?

Where on earth have you been?
Why the hell can’t the bus arrive on time?

EXERCISE 8: Complete the sentences with what, how or how much (exclamations), or a question word + on earth/in the
1) …………………………….nervous I was about giving a lecture in front of so many people!
2) …………………………….. attractive you’re looking today!
3) ………………………….did you behave so terrible to Ann? I just don’t understand what the matter was.
4) …………………………….more polluted the nature seems to have become in the last twenty years or so!
5) …………………………….is Nancy doing here? I thought she was in London
6) …………………………….are my keys? Can you help me find them?
7) …………………………….excited I am about going to Paris on Saturday!
8) …………………………….frosty weather we’ve been having lately!
9) …………………………….did you climb at the top of that tree?It is very dangerous.
10) …………………………….happier she looks now that she divorced!
11) …………………………….an idiotic thing to do! Weren’t you embarrassed?
12) ……………………………. a beautiful girl your daughter has become!
13) …………………………….did you climb the roof? You can install the satellite on the balcony.


WHOEVER = mean any person WHICHEVER = mean any thing
WHOMEVER = mean any person WHATEVER = mean any thing
WHEREVER = means any place WHENEVER = means any time
HOWEVER = means any way (manner)

Whoever ve whomever, "kim olursa olsun, her kim isterse" anlamına gelir.
whoever :Noun clause’un öznesi durumundaysa
whoever ya da whomever: nesnesi durumundaysa kullanabiliriz.
-Who should I give this help box to?
-It doesn’t matter to me. You can give it to whoever needs it. ( noun clause’un öznesidir)
- Who should I give help box to?
-You can give it to whoever/whomever you wish. (noun clause’un nesnesi, “you” noun clause’un öznesidir)
Whoever/whomever I spoke to said they didn’t find the speech motivating.
Whoever wear my shoes should return it right away.
Whoever wants to join the tour should write his/her name on the list..

Wherever, "neresi olursa olsun, canin nereye isterse..." anlamına gelir.

-Where should I put this sofa?
-You can put it wherever you think is suitable.
-Where shall we go on holiday this summer?
-I haven’t a special place in my mind. We can go wherever you want.

However, "istediğin gibi yap, nasıl istersen öyle yap" anlamına gelir.
Muslim women must cover their heads before entering the mosque, but in Europe there is no such rule. They
may dress however they please.
How would you like your coffee?
-However you cook the coffee is all right with me.

"However'' in bu kullanımı ile "but" anlamındaki kullanımı arasındaki farklılık vardır.

You can paint the house however (any way) you like.
I don’t want to interfere in your choice about the paint; however (but), I prefer ice blue.
Whatever ve whichever, "ne istersen, hangisini istersen" anlamını verir.
"Which": sınırlı bir grup içinde tercih yaparken "hangisi" anlamını verir.
"What": sınır yoktur.
What languages can you speak? ( bütün dilleri göz önünde bulundururuz)
Which European languages can you speak? (Avrupa dilleri ile sınırlandırıyoruz.)
What should I wear to the party?
Which of my outfits should I wear to the party?

Aynı kural whatever ve whichever için de geçerlidir.

We shall try to do whatever is needed to become a director at the firm.
There are only two type of chandelier left in the shop. You can choose whichever you want.
Here is a wardrobe of dresses. You can take whichever one suits your job interview.
Before talking think over your words. Don’t just say whatever comes into your mind.

Whenever, "ne zaman istersen, istediğin zaman" anlamını verir.

Shall we go out tonight?
It’s up to you. We can go whenever you want.
You don’t have to stay till the end of the party. You may leave whenever you wish.

EXERCISE 9: Complete the sentences by using "-ever/' words.

1) I’m mature enough to choose my husband myself. I want to marry with someone ………………….. shares the same
interests as me.
2) I don’t think it is a good idea to establish business partnership ……………. you talk to just because you find him
smart and trustable.
3) Both dresses are very beautiful, so I'll choose the one …………………. suits my physical structure
4) We have no doubt that she’ll be a successful doctor. She will do..……is necessary to achieve her goals.
5) ………………… Tom has taken this decision has nothing to do with us!
6) I don’t mind ……….. of you make the interior design of the house , but I want it finished in two months
7) Mary doesn’t allow anyone to interfere in her life. She leads her life …………………. she likes.
8) Shela doesn’t like to be forced to read book at an exact time. She wants to read ……………… she wants.
9) Don’t forget to send us photos from ……………….. you go and visit.
10) There must be something wrong with the phone lines because ……………… I call Jack, I get a busy signal.

EXERCISE 10- NOUN CLAUSES (COMPLEX SUBJECT):Rewrite the following sentences beginning with “IT” or “THAT”.
Example : It was amazing that she eventually resigned from work.
That she resigned from work was amazing.
1) It is absolutely essential that your family should see the headmaster in advance. That ……………………………..
2) That you are lying at the court can easily be proved. It ……………………………..
3) It is quite natural that you find this maths problem confusing and hard. That ……………………………..
4) That the drunk woman driver couldn’t control her car was obvious. It ……………………………..
5) It is rather strange that your mother cannot remember my face. That ……………………………..
6) It is doubtful whether Terry will get to the airport in time. That ……………………………..
7) That my father will become a parliamentarian is probable. It ……………………………..
8) It appeared odd that no one saw anything about the robbery. That ……………………………..
9) That my son should do his homeworks by himself is important. It ……………………………..
10) It is necessary that your sister should show the event scene. That ……………………………..
11) It is essential that students should be punished by their teachers for wrong behavior. That ……………………..
12) That you should not speak loudly in the library is imperative. It ……………………………..
13) That English should be learnt in advance level is desirable. It ……………………………..
14) It is vital that you should undergo nasal operation soon. That ……………………………..


1-The committee suggested that everything …………… prepared in advance. E
A)must be B)must have to be
C)should have to be D)may be
2-That the bank interest rates ........ is only a dream. A
A) will come down B) was falling
C) had come down D) would reduce
E) had been reduced
3-I had understood that his son ........ really clever when he was introduced to me.E
A) has been B) would be
C) is D) is being
E) was
4-It is important that each job applicant…………… out a registration form. D
A)fills B)must fill
C)have to fill D)fill
E)is going to fill
5- Can you please tell me where you ........ to clean without cleaning materials in the house for hours? E
A) are trying B) would be trying
C) had been trying D) were trying
E) have been trying
6-I …………… whether or not Sandy ........ John’s offer. B
A) know / would accept B) don't know / will accept
C) know / will accept D) will know / will not accept
E) knew / will accept
7-It is essential that you…………… your dentist at once. B
A)are going to see B)see
C)must see D)can see
E)will see
8-I ........ deeply sad to learn that my cousin ........ in an accident. E
A) had been / was injured B) will be / has injured
C) am / is injuring D) had been / will be injured
E) was / had been injured
9-It is necessary that a student …………… a notebook to class with him every day. C
A)may bring B)have to
C)bring D)are going to bring
E)ought to bring
10-How his jewellery shop........ is still being inspected by the theft office . A
A) was broken into B) will be broken into
C) being broken into D) will have been broken into
E) is breaking into
11- It is best that you …………… your trip. A
A)should cancel B)ought to cancel
C)will cancel D)cancelled
E)may cancel
12- Henry wanted to know how ........ Russian so fluently. B
A) did I learn B) I'd learned
C) would I learn D) I learn
E) I am learning
13-How a person without any qualifications ........ his living ........ the gossip topic of the office yesterday. B
A) earned / was B) earns / was
C) earned / is D) earns / is
E) earn / has been
14-I asked him whether ........ at the funfair the night before. D
A) had he been B) he did
C) was he D) he had been
E) did he come
15- No one knows how ................ people from alcoholic driving. C
A) is stopping B) will stop
C) to stop D) have stopped
E) stopped
16- Terry asked me how ........ the night. C
A) did you spend B) did I spend
C) I spent D) was I spend
E) you spend
17- The teacher told us that we ........................ the questions one by one from the beginning. E
A) answering B) to be answered
C) to be answering D) have answered
E) had to answer
18- It is imperative that you …………… while you are at thepetrol stations. E
A)mustn't smoke B)can't smoke
C)dare to smoke D)need to smoke
E)not smoke
19-The President........ the Turkish people that the inflation ........ as soon as possible. E
A) has assured / will overcome B) assured / will be overcome
C) has assured / would overcome D) assures / overcame
E) assured / would be overcome
20- Helga asked Angela how much ........ . C
A) does her car cost B) is her car
C) her car cost D) will her car cost
E) cost her car
21-Tom regretted that he ........ any flour when he looked there wasn't any in the kitchen. D
A) hasn't bought B) had bought
C) has never bought D) hadn't bought
E) wouldn't have bought
22- You should pay attention to .............. I say during the lesson in order to understand the subject well. A
A) what B) that
C) when D) where
E) whether
23-Thousands of people have lost their jobs .............the economic crisis began. B
A) how B) since
C) when D) why
E) until
24-Don't you realize .................. important it is to be polite in your relations with other people? D
A) what B) that
C) which D) how
E) when
25-There are good films on the internet . Let's watch .............. you prefer. C
A) however B) whenever
C) whichever D) whoever
E) wherever
26-Both my friends Amy and Nancy let me use their car for my trip, but I found it difficult to decide ......... car to choose. A
A) whose B) what
C) when D) that
E) whom
27-You needn't decide yet .................... to study medicine or engineering at university. B
A) when B) whether
C) what D) which
E) how
28-By the time Tim become aware of ............... happened, it will be too late. E
A) where B) how
C) the fact that D) whether
E) what
29- My mother didn't like vegetarian pizza at first but now she enjoys it …………… she has it. B
A)whoever B)whenever
C)whatever D)however
30-When I saw the budget deficit , I became aware of ................. I would have to dismiss some of my employees soon. C
A) when B) whom
C) the fact that D) if
E) what
31-When Alice explained the details of the accident to us, we understood ................. she got so frightened.B
A) who B) why
C) when D) whether
E ) if
32-Try not to lose track of Sally. Follow her ....... she goes.B
A) whenever B) wherever
C) however D) whatever
E) forever
33-MIT is still trying to find out ................. had planned the terrorist attack. C
A) whom B) where
C) who D) what
E) how
34-Tonny didn't tell us .................. it had taken him to write the novel. D
A) how many B) what
C) how D) how long
E) how much
35-Will you please find out ................... time Sheila spent on preparing the drafts? B
A) how long B) how much
C) how many D) what
E) when
36-Bob is very well-known in the neighborhood. You can ask .................. you meet in the street about him. B
A) wherever B) whoever
C) whichever D) whenever
E) however
37-I don't remember .................. times I've warned my son about his ignorance, but he has never taken any notice. C
A) what B) how long
C) how many D) how much
E) how often
38-I don't know .................... this umbrella belongs to. A
A) whom B) whose
C) where D) what
E) when
39- I don't know ................. my umbrella is. Can I take yours, if you don't mind? C
A) whom B)whose
C) where D) what
E) which
40- Do you know .............. has taken my umbrella? I've been looking everywhere for it. E
A) whom B) whose
C) where D) what
E) who
41- Haven't you ever been taught about ........ to write a CV? C
A) where B) when
C) how D) who
E) what
42-.…………… annoys me most is that some drivers insist on disobeying the traffic rules. A
A)What B)That
C)Whatever D)It
E) Whenever
43- ........ my mother wants most about me is my marriage and then being happy. E
A) When B) That
C) Which D) How
E) What
44-I don't understand ........ women are being so jealous of their husbands. A
A) why B) when
C) which D) who
E) what
45- I don't know ........ that handsome man is. l have never seen him around here ....... . C
A) where / until B) how / since
C) who / before D) whose / while
E) whom / soon
46- ...... breaks the law will be punished. A
A) Whoever B) Whomever
C) However D) Whichever
E) Wherever
47- It is hard to imagine........anyone would want to take harmful illegal drugs. E
A) which B) what
C) whom D) whether

E) why
48- The reason for the traffic accident was …………… one of the drivers had slept. E
A)while B)which
C)when D)how
E) that
49- I looked through the telescope and …………… I saw amazed me. A
A)what B)when
C)why D)which
50-I'm not is best for improving overall fitness. C
A) how B) who
C) which D) when
51-Sam is unlikely to accept the job …………… position he is offered. C
A)which B)however
C)whatever D)whoever
E) what
52-I'm not sure........ the Restaurant abroad accepts Turkish credit cards, so we'd better have some cash with us. C
A) whom B)where
C) whether D)which
E) when
53-Excuse me. Can you tell me ……I can ask to sign my passport application? A
A) whom B) what
C) how D) when
E) why
54- My husband is mad about diving and goes to the sea........he has any spare time. C
A) whoever B) however
C) whenever D) whichever
E) whatever
55- I will wear my boots …………… C
A)whether it rains or whether shows B)whether rain or snow
C)whether it rains or not D)whether it rained or not
E) whether it will rain or will snow
56-Hasan has always resented…………… him what to do. B
A)his father telling B)his father's telling
C)his father’s to tell D)his father told
E)his father to tell
57-I don't know ........ . B
A) what is he reading B) why he's been so late
C) that he had gone to Istanbul D) where were they going to
E) why did he go
58-She is showing the children …………… A
A)how to draw a tree B)what to draw a tree
C)why to draw a tree D)at where to draw a tree
E)when to draw a tree
59-.......... that it will take Mary quite a long time to get over this shock C
A) We are wondering B) She was extremely worried
C) It appears to me D) we didn't expect
E) It wasn't much surprising
60-I don't know …………… C
A)where did he get the Money B)when does he get the money
C)how he will get the Money D)how will he get the money
E)why do get the money
61-Nobody knows .....……. their holiday weekends. D
A) how must they spend B) where do they have to spend
C) how they do spend D) how to spend
E) how do they spend
62-…………… doesn't concern me. A
A)Whether he gets the money B)If he get the money
C)Unless he got the Money D)When does he get the money
E)Why does he get the money
63- Nobody seemed to tell ........ then. E
A) where is she living B) the truth is
C) how could it be stolen D) why was she leaving
E) where they had been
64-.…………… by anyone hurts his feelings. A
A)Being criticised B)That she was criticised
C)Why she criticised D) How to criticise
E)It was criticised
65- I couldn't hear ........ because of the uproar where I was standing. D
A) what are you saying B) what has been told
C) what have been said D) what he had said
E) he has been telling
66- I had better tell her ........ now. C
A) when was the meeting B) what is the date today
C) who the boss is D) what time is it
E) what the time was the meeting


BAĞLAÇLAR (CONJUNCTIONS): Aynı gramer yapısına sahip ( iki isim, iki zarf, iki sıfat gibi) iki cümleciği birbirine bağlarlar.
Bağlaçlar iki kelimeyi veya bir kelimeyle bir cümleyi değil, iki cümleciği bağlarlar.
Bağlaçlar 3 gruba ayrılır:


USE 1- AND, BUT, OR, SO, FOR, NOR, YET: İki cümlecik arasındaki bağlantıyı sağlarlar ve mutlaka iki cümlecik arasında
Ayrıca, Coordinating Conjunction bağlaçlarından önce mutlaka bir virgül (,) vardır.

AND (VE, DAHI) : Paralel anlama sahip yani her ikiside olumlu ya da her ikiside olumsuz sözcükleri birleştirir. Gerçek
Türkçe'de bu bağlaç yoktur. Özne ortak olduğu için genellikle özne tekrar yazılmaz. Ayrıca, bu kısaltmalarda virgül
Snowy and cold, crowded and noisy, handsome and charming
He is an old man. He lives alone.
He is an old man, and he lives alone.
He is an old man and he lives alone.
He is an old man. And he lives alone.

BUT (AMA, ANCAK, FAKAT): Zıtlık ifade eden, çelişen sözcükleri birleştirir. Özne ortak olduğu için genellikle özne tekrar
yazılmaz. Ayrıca, bu kısaltmalarda virgül kullanılmaz.
Expensive but/yet secure, short but/yet beautiful, warm but/yet windy
- He ran as fast as he could but he couldn't win the race.
-He is rich, but he is not happy.
- The commander was tired but confident.

OR (VEYA, YAHUT, YA DA): Alternatifleri ya da seçenekleri gösterir.

Blue dress or red dress, white or light blue walls, apple or orange
- You must love family life or never get married.
- I can go to a movie or stay at home.
-We can go swimming, or we could play tennis.

NOR (NE DE): OR'un OLUMSUZU olup iki alternatiften hiç biri anlamındadır. Cümleye veya cümleciğe negatif bir anlam
verir. NOR’u izleyen cümle DEVRİK bir yapıdadır.Birinci cümle OLUMSUZ olur ya da REFUSE, DENY gibi olumsuz anlamlı
kelimeler kullanılır.
- He didn't contact his doctor nor did he call his family.
- I don't want to visit anybody nor do I want anybody to come to me.

SO (BU YÜZDEN, BUNDAN DOLAYI, BÖYLECE) : Sonuca götüren bağlaçtır. Özne ortak olduğu için genellikle özne tekrar
yazılmaz. Ayrıca, bu kısaltmalarda virgül kullanılmaz.
- It was snowing heavily so we cancelled the match.
-She is ill, so she has to stay in bed.
-She is unemployed, so she is looking for a job.


He didn’t do his homework, for he didn’t feel well.
She didn’t wake up early, for she didn’t have any work to do.

YET (FAKAT, HALBUKI): Zıtlık bildirir. “YET” daha ziyade yazılı İngilizce'ye aittir.
- I was expecting him to be a great man, yet he amounted to nothing.
-She is funny, yet you can't help liking her.
- He hasn't phoned yet.
- He said he would pay, yet he didn't.

USE 2-
The goat, but not the camel, is accepted to be stubborn.
Men and women argue since the beginning of humanity.
A flower or a golden ring useful for a wedding anniversary.


He did his homework regularly and carefully.
She cleaned the house slowly but/yet clean.
He is hungry or thirsty.

C-VERB + AND/BUT/YET/OR + VERB: Bir Özne + birden fazla eylem. Auxiliary aynı ise ikinci Auxiliary’ye gerek yoktur.
Auxiliary farklı ise ikinci Auxiliary’ye gerek vardır.
She raised her finger and answered the question correctly.
I lost my key but couldn’t find it.
They will stay in a hotel or rent a villa.


I want to start to swimming and playing piano courses at the weekend.
She likes reading book but not playing computer games.
Would you like to play football or (to) play computer games?

EXERCISE 1- CONJUNCTIONS (and, so, but, or, because):Aşağıdaki cümlelerde bırakılan boşlukları "and, so, but, or,
because" bağlaçlarından bir tanesi ile doldurunuz.
1) My parents are going shopping on Saturday………………they want to buy some new clothes.
2) He has two bikes…………………. he has only one car.
3) It was very snowy…………………. they couldn't go out at night.
4) Why don't you ring Sude……………….find out what time her plane is landing to the airport?
5) Don't tell Ann about her pension party………………'ll spoil the surprise.
6) My daughter had a bad cold…………………... we had to take her to hospital
7) Nurse to Patient : Do you want anything else…………….can I go back to my work now?
8) Carl has two houses……………………he has a lot of debts to the bank
9) My mother is really tired……………….she has been cleaning the house since the whole afternoon.
10) Tonny was very tired…………………….. he took a rest after the work.
11) My parents like living in the country…………………I prefer living in the city.
12) Sheila had a lot of homework………………….she couldn't go out with her friends.
13) I was engaged in the new project………………. I couldn't make time for you.
14) Bob couldn't buy the jean………………..he had forgotten his wallet at home.
15) Sude wanted to be successful at LGS exam………………… she took extra courses.
16) I really don’t want to sell my car…………….I need the money.
17) My friend fell down at the street………………..she didn’t´ look where he walked.
18) She wants to lose some weight………………… she runs every morning…
19) I go to bed late…………………. I get up early.
20) Are you busy this weekend………………….do you have some free time. I need some help moving my new furnitures..
21) My mother has been dieting…………………..she is not losing any weight.
22) Your student called a few hours ago…………………..she wanted to ask you something about the exam.
23) We stayed at home…………………..the weather was awful.
24) He rode dangerously…………………….. he fell off the bike twice.
25) He is rich…………………….. he is not happy.
26) Henry didn’t want to go to the cinema…………….he had already seen that film.
27) She is good at arts…………………….. She is not good at Chemistry.
28) Henry coughs terribly…………………… he takes some medicines
29) Is Anıtkabir in Ankara………………..İstanbul?

USE 3- INDEPENDENT CLAUSES ( Bağımsız cümlecikler):

Cordinating Conjunctions ile bağlanan cümleciklere İngilizce'de “independent clause” yani bağımsız cümlecik denir.
İngilizce'de çok önemli olan tense = zaman kipi uyumu bu cümleciklerde aranmaz. Her cümleciğin zaman kipi bir bağlaçla
bağlandığı diğer cümleciğin kipinden farklı olabilir.

- I have seen her several times, but I can't recognize him now.
- I did my best and I am tired.

USE 4- CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS (Korelatif Bağlaçlar, İlişki Sağlayan Bağlaçlar)

A-Korelatif bağlaçlar: ikili sözcüklerden oluşurlar ve her iki cümlecikte de bulunurlar.
He is both multi-skilled and dedicated.
She is not only sad but also depressed.
They both studied and listened to classical music.
They neither excepted nor denied their crime.
He is both a doctor and a musician.
She is neither policeman nor a lawyer. He is a liar.
She bought both a skirt and a trouser.
He buys neither this house nor that house.
Both John and Jack will carry my bags.

Either Ali or Veli will join the meeting.

Both my aunt and my uncles are coming our wedding.
Not only my aunt but also my uncles are coming our wedding.
Not only my uncles but also my aunt is coming our wedding.
Neither the teacher nor the students have heard the bell.
Neither the students nor the teacher has heard the bell.
Either my son or his friends have accepted their mistake.
Either his friends or my son has accepted their mistake.

- NOT ONLY .......... BUT ALSO (Sadece değil ..........aynı zamanda): OLUMLU cümlelerde kullanılır. “not only” kısmı vurgu
yapmak amacıyla cümlenin başına alınarak da yazılabilir.
ALSO: DE, DA, AYRICA anlamına gelir. “AS WELL” sözcüğü de aynı anlamdadır fakat daima cümle sonuna konulur.
-We bought a new TV set and also a VCR.
- I not only want to make money, but also earn respect.
- Not only do I want to make money, but also earn respect.
- He is not only a successful manager but also a good father.
-Not only the students but also the teacher came to school late.

- BOTH .......... AND ( HEM..........HEM DE): İki ÖZNE’yi bağladığı için AUXILIARY hep ÇOĞULDUR. OLUMLU cümlelerde
- She has both studied her lessons and met with her friends.
-Both the doctors and nurses try to cure people.
-Both my parents and teachers punished me.

- EITHER .......... OR ( YA ..........YA DA): Alternatif,tercih bildirir.Genellikle OLUMLU cümlelerde kullanılır. Nadiren, OLUMSUZ
cümlelerde NEITHER… NOR ile aynı anlamda kullanılır.OLUMSUZ cümlelerde yaygın olarak “OR” TEK kullanılır.
- While shopping, you either need cash or a credit card.
-You either tell us where he is or die.
-I will order either a hamburger or a pizza.
-My baby is nine months old. She can’t (either) talk or walk.
-My baby is nine months old. She can neither talk nor walk.

- NEITHER .......... NOR ( NE ..........NE DE): OLUMLU cümlelerle kullanılır fakat anlamı OLUMSUZDUR.
- I love neither flowers nor trees.
-He neither telephoned nor sent a message.
-I saw neither your socks nor your tie, honey.

“NOR” sözcüğü ikiden fazla eylemi bağlarsa, her eylemden sonra kullanılır.
-I was ill last week. I want neither eat, nor drink, nor talk.
-My baby want neither sleep, nor play with toys, nor watch cartoon on TV.

“NEITHER” yerine olumsuz auxılıary kullanılabilir.

-She visited neither previous week nor this week. = She DIDN’T visit previous week nor this week.
-They neither want to watch TV nor play computer game. = They DIDN’T want to watch TV nor play computer game.

- WHETTER .......... OR ( GEREK ..........GEREKSE, OLSUN ..........OLSUN)

- I love my family whether they love me or not. (Ailemi, onlar beni sevse de sevmese de severim.)
- I don't care whether you go or stay. (Gitsen de kalsan da aldırmam.)

EXERCISE 2- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PROPORTION:Rewrite the following sentences using the following sentence structure.
Example : As people have more money, people want I will want more.
The more money people have, the more people want / will want.

1) As my daughter got older, so she took more responsibility.
2) As they became richer, so they had more properties.
3) As you speak Russian more, you have / will have more practice.
4) As you earn more, so you spend / will spend more.
5) As he studies more, so he makes I will make more career.
6) As you ate more, so you became fatter.
7) As you solve more questions, so you make / will make fewer mistakes.
8) As you ate less, so you became fit.
9) As the goverments control pollution more, so the environment is / will be cleaner.
10) As you work more, so you have less free time.
11) They start cleaning the house sooner, so they will finish the work more quickly.

EXERCISE 3- EXPRESSING SIMILARITIES (SO/NEITHER):Write a short response using “SO” or “NEITHER” to agree with each
of the following statements. Use the words in brackets and the necessary “Auxiliary Verbs”.
Examples : My mother speaks German fluently. (I)…………………. =My mother speaks German fluently. So do I.
I go to the theatre every Friday, (my father)……………… = I go to the theatre every Friday. So does my father.
Mark solved the hard question. (Kathe)……………. = Mark solved the hard question. So did Kathe.
My brother doesn’t smoke. (I)…………………. = My brother doesn’t smoke. Neither do I.
My mother didn’t have breakfast this morning, (my father)………………….=
My mother didn’t have breakfast this morning. Neither did my father.
1) My English teacher is very intelligent, (my father)
2) I and my friends will spend our holidays in Bodrum, (my parents)
3) I cannot understand maths easily, (Tom)
4) My father was a commander in the Turkish Army, (my son)
5) I wasn’t a good boy when I was a child, (my son)
6) I have been abroad many times, (my sister)
7) I and my husband don’t read books, (my children)
8) I couldn’t understand the History course yesterday. (all my friends)
9) Tonny’s parents are easy-going persons. (mine)
10) I am not going to swimming this afternoon, (my friends)
11) I have a terrible headache. (Sude)
12) My father doesn’t like drinking cold tea. (my mother)
13) James has just graduated from universityl. (Andy and Mandy)
14) I have an appointment with the dentist, (my mother)
15) James didn’t enjoy the movie at the cinema yesterday afternoon. (Nancy)
16) Sheila doesn’t have any time to watch TV, (you)
17) I was looking for the unknown words in the dictionary, (my classmates)
18) I didn’t have a good time at John’s birthday party. (Bob)

EXERCISE 4- EXPRESSING SIMILARITIES (EITHER / NEITHER): Complete the following sentences using “EITHER” or
“NEITHER” and the necessary “Auxiliary Verbs”.
Example : A: My daughter doesn’t like swimming at wavy sea.
B: I don’t, either. Neither do I.
A: I am not watching TV.
B: My mother isn’t, either. Neither is my mother.

1-A: My grandfather doesn’t know using computer.

B: Bill’s grandfather
2-A: My neighbours didn’t see the thief.
B: We
3-A: I can’t walk very fast.
B: My husband
4-A: They will not go to the concert next Sunday.
B: I
5-A: My parents aren’t fond of Rock music.
B: My brother
6-A: I can’t see the long distances.
B: Mary
7-A: I have never been to Japan in my life.
8-A: Carl wasn’t sleeping when I got home.
B: Candy
9-A: Angela hadn’t drunk her milk before she went to bed.
B: Tom
10-A: You shouldn’t cross the street without looking both sides.
B:Your children
11-A: My husband didn’t get up early this Sunday morning.
B: My children
12-A: Their parents are not riding their bicycles carefully.
B: The children

EXERCISE 5- CHOICE OR ALTERNATIVE (EITHER ... OR): Answer the following questions using the “EITHER ... OR” in order to
express a Choice or Alternative.
Examples : A: Are you going to watch documentary or news?
B: I don’t know. I am going to watch either documentary or news.
A: Will you go swimming or ride a bicycle?
B: I am not sure. I will either go swimming orride a bicycle.
A: Where will you stay, at a hotel or a pansion?
B: I am not certain. I will stay Either at a hotel or a pansion.

1-A: Can I have Soda or Ayran?

2-A: Must Ali come to Guitar course on Sunday or Saturday?
3-A: Shall they go to İzmir by plane or by bus?
4-A: Can I play tennis or volleyball?
5-A: Are the students at the canteen or at the library?
6-A: Is Sandra speaking English or Russian better?
7-A: Which one will visit you, Mark or June?
8-A: Are you going to buy a flat or a cottage?
9-A: What do you think that I should do, surf in the net or read book?
10-A: Which of your daughters’ will go abroad, Mandy or Sandy?
11-A: Are you going to get married to Tim or Tom?
12-A: Will you go swimming or study for your exam?

EXERCISE 6- NEITHER ... NOR: Combine or rewrite the following sentences using “NEITHER ... NOR“.
Example : Tina is not a good wife. She is not a good mother, either.
Tina is neither a good wife nor a good mother.
Lara doesn’t like hamburger. Her brother doesn’t like fish, either.
Neither Lara nor her brother likes fish.
I don’t like alcoholic drinks and I don’t smoke, either.
I neither like alcoholic drinks, nor do I smoke.
1) Arya didn’t get high mark. Sam didn’t get high mark, either.
2) I don’t like bacon and sausages for breakfast. My children doesn’t, either.
3) I cannot speak French well. My friend cannot speak French well, either.
4) I haven’t read “the Lord of the Rings”book. I haven’t seen its movie, either.
5) July hasn’t eaten anything and she hasn’t drunk anything, either.
6) He parents didn’t allow Ann to go out at nights. They didn’t allow her to meet friends at nights, either.
7) The teacher doesn’t play tennis. The children don’t play tennis, either.
8) Tonny hasn’t got a car. Sam hasn’t got a car, either.
9) Olga was not hungry. She was not thirsty, either.
10) Sude cannot make a cake. She cannot make an omelette, either.
11) My mother doesn’t like horror films. My father doesn’t, either.
12) My daughter doesn’t like banana. My son doesn’t, either
EXERCISE 7- NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO: Answer the following questions using “NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO ”.
Example : A: You speak Russian. Do you also speak Spanish?
B: Yes, I speak not only Russian but also Spanish.
A: You locked the door. Did you turn off the lights as well?
B: Not only did I lock the door, but I also turn off the lights .
1-A: Turkish people are very hospitable. Are they friendly, too?
B: Yes,
2-A: Your father likes fishing. Does he like hunting, too?
B: Yes,
3-A: Mike lost his bag. Did you lose his keys, too?
B: Yes,
4-A: Olga failed in chemistry. Did she also fail in literature?
B: Yes,
5-A: Marry is very beautiful. Is she very smart, too?
B: Yes,
6-A: They visited the Anıtkabir. Did you visit the Ankara castle, too?
B: Yes,
7-A: Your sister made her bed. Did she also do her homework?
B: Yes,
8-A: Tim’s sister plays tennis very well. Does she play volleyball very well, too?
B: Yes,
9-A: Mehmet graduated from high school. Did he win the university exam, too?
B: Yes,
10-A: You speak German very well. Do you speak Italian very well, too?
B: Yes,
11-A: Our father is angry with us. Is he angry with our mother, too?
B: Yes,
12-A: Tonny is very rich. Is he very generous, too?
B: Yes,

EXERCISE 8- NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO: Combine or rewrite the following sentences using “NOT ONLY ... BUT ALSO”.
Example : Mark has won the gold madal. Linda has won the gold madal, too.
Not only Mark but also Linda has won the gold madal.
Bella is lazy. She is dishonest, too.
Not only is Bella lazy but she is also dishonest.

1) Jane visited her parents. She visited her friends, too.

2) Pam was a good teacher. She became a successful writer, too.
3) Roger is a doctor. He is a good fighter, too.
4) Carol is retiring this month. Pam is retiring this month, too.
5) This restaurant is dirty. The food is awful.
6) This hotel is very expensive and the waiters are rude.
7) Andy has helped a lot of homeless people. He has donated a lot of money to charity, too.
8) Tarkan sings and dances.
9) Therry’s car is fast. It is economical, too.
10) My father washed the clothes. He ironed the clothes, too.
11) This computer is cheap. Its processor is fast, too.
12) You are short. You are fat, too.

EXERCISE 9- CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS: Combine the following pairs of sentences by means of correlative conjunctions,
(either...........or, neither...........nor, not only...........but also, both...................and)
1) Tim will study. He will take a vacation.
2) This car is not fast. It is not comportable .
3) Sue is a lecturer at the university. She is a student in the master program.
4) You failed in Geography. Did you fail in history, too?
5) They'll go to Bodrum. They'll go to Marmaris.
6) Olga has not returned her term project paper. She has not taken make up exam.
7) Cotton is grown in Adana. Melon is grown in Adana.
8) Sam generally studies at home. Does he sometimes study at library, too?
9) You can have tea. You can have coffee.

10) My husband doesn't cook. My brother doesn't cook.
11) I swim in the swimming pool. I jog in the forest.
12) Tonny can repair the watch.Bob can repair the watch.
13) The audience couldn't hear the actors. They couldn't see the stage.
14) The wind makes energy. The wind clears air.
15) Our teacher motivates us. She praises us.
16) George may be ill. He may be tired.
17) Carl will admit. He will complain.
18) She may be a doctor. She may be a nurse.
19) The US is a developed country. Turkey is a developed country.
20) I know you ride a bike. Do you ride a motorbike?
21) Helga wants to drive my car. Sam wants to drive my car.
22) Henry is studying maths. He is studying history
23) The money was missing. The jewelry was missing.
24) Sude likes listening to Duman. Does she like listening to Tarkan, too?
25) Mark has fever. He has headache, too.
26) Tina had lunch alone. She had dinner alone.
27) My sister walks 3 km. She runs 2 km before breakfast.
28) Hans traveled to Taiwan. Did he travel to Vietnam, too?
29) The car doesn't have ABS brake system. It doesn't have airbags.
30) Amy will meet you at the airport. Helen will meet you at the airport.
31) David failed Chemistry. He also failed Physics.
32) Henry buys a boat. He buys a van.
33) He was good at literature. Was he good at Chemistry, too?
34) They expected devaluation. They expected revaluation.


Bir zarf sözcüğünün yaptığı işi bir cümlecik de yapabilir. Bu durumda iki cümlecik olur ve birbirine bağlamak için de bir
bağlaca ihtiyacımız vardır. Bu bağlaç “adverbial conjunction” olur.

- I saw him last year. (Onu geçen sene gördüm.)

Burada “last year” zarfının yaptığı işi bir cümlecik de yapabilir.
- I saw him when I was at university. (Üniversitedeyken, onu gördüm.)

A- TIME CONJUNCTION (ZAMAN BAĞLAÇLARI):Eylemin ne zaman yapıldığını belirlerler.

RULE 1- FUTURE TENSE(BE GOING TO,WILL) kullanılmaz. Gelecekte yapılacak eylemler için SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE
(do,does), eylemin gelecekte yapılmış olacagını belirtmek için PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (have,has done) kullanılır.

RULE 2- HARDLY/SCARCELY/BARELY/… WHEN/NO SOONER … THAN: DEVRİK CÜMLE yapısıyla kullanılır. İki eylem arasında
geçen süre kısadır.
AS SOON AS: ( ..........IR, ..........IMEZ)
I lied down as soon as I got home.
I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
I will let you know as soon as I find out.
She can stay as long as she obeys the rules.
I want to make you as happy as I can as long as I live.
HARDLY / SCARCELY (.......... TAM ............MIŞTI KI ...........OLDU)
When we got to our destination, she could hardly recognize me because my face and hair were covered with dust.
Hardly spoke a word to me when I first met him.
You're a natural talent, while we've all studied for years and can hardly keep up.
WHEN: (..........DIĞI ZAMAN)
Don't forget to turn the light off when you leave.

When you left, you were barely a man.
We'll discuss it when I get back.
When I was nine years old, other kids had bikes.
AFTER: (..........DEN SONRA)
After I take her home, I'll tend to my problems.
After I left Toronto, I traveled the Midwest.
Sally joined dance course after you and Amy broke up.
BEFORE: (..........DEN ÖNCE)
Before she died, she told me something about the treasure.
He must fix the wheel before he can leave.
I just wanted to make sure you had everything you need before I left.
AS: (..........IKEN)
-As I was walking alone in the street, the policeman stopped me.
-As it was getting too late, we decided to leave right away, (because)
-As I was waiting for the manager, I had the opportunity to have a look at some of his reports.
WHILE: (..........IKEN)
- I witnessed a traffic accident while I was looking out of the window
Actually, can we not talk while you do that?
Did he say anything while it was happening?
Tom went into the bank while Mary waited patiently in the car.
JUST AS: (..........TAM IKEN): Genellikle past continuous zaman kipinde kullanılır. Bir hareketin olmak üzere bulunduğunu
- Just as I was entering the house, the baby started to cry.
The boss blew in just as I was leaving.
It has happened just as Luna predicted.
I remembered just after I dropped you home.
You found it on your bed just when you left the party.
Just before you do, can I just say something?
This photo was taken just before they left.
They will wait until you leave the house.
Our metabolic rate slows until our body can heal itself.
We didn't want to tell you until we were sure.
BY THE TIME: (..........CEYE KADAR): “By the time” past tense ve future perfect tense ile kullanılır. “TILL”, “UNTIL”
bağlacının kısaltılmış halidir yani ikisi aynı anlama gelir.
a) By the time + simple present _______ future perfect
By the time my husband comes home, I will have readied the dinner.
b) By the time + simple past ________ past perfect
By the time I got home, the visitors had left.
The fire had already gone out by the time the firemen arrived.
The train had already left by the time I got to the station.
ONCE: (...........CE / CA)
It's very hard to change the dates once they are set.
Once they start, they can't stop.
Once it installed, you have no control of it.
NO SOONER: ..........THAN: .....MESI ILE .....MESI BIR OLDU) Bu bağlaçla kurulan cümleler “HARDLY…..WHEN” ile de aynı
anlama gelecek şekilde kurulabilir.
No sooner had Helen come home than she fell sick.
No sooner had I hung up the phone than there came another call.
No sooner had the dog seen me than it ran up to me.
No sooner had she found him than she burst into tears.
Not: “no sooner..........than” ve “hardly............when” bağlaçları vurgu için cümle başına alınabilir. Bu durumda, cümle
devrik yapıda olur.
I've gotten three job offers since posted these letters.
-Since it was dark in the cave, he lit a torch.
-He has been studying on this subject since the beginning of the year.
It is ten years since I came to Ankara.
I immediately knew what it was for.
He was caught stealing and immediately incarcerated.
The moment, you saved me at the accident, was the moment I fell in love with you.
The moment, the baby burst into its first cry, was the most beautiful and most amazing.
The moment, the price is set, there are no options to oppose it.
NOW(THAT): Past tense’lerle kullanılmaz. Simple present ya da present perfect kullanılır.
Now that I know more about my job, I should focus on my career.
Now that he get well, it'll all be okay now.
Now that we've cured his illness, we can move on to yours.
Some toilets waste a lot of water every time they are flushed
Tom always pays for dinner whenever we go out together.
it was not until the early 20th century that transfusion technology had advanced to the point where it was routinely used.
Now it is time to put it behind you and begin your new training.
It is about the time to give medicine to your sister.
It is high time to give medicine to your sister.
Bu yapılarda eğer kişi belirtilecekse time kelimesinden sonra for ile bu kişi eklenebilir:
It is time for Jack to buy a new car.
Bu yapının arkasından bir cümle de gelebilir. Cümle, simple past ile kurulur ama “geçmiş” değil “şimdi” anlatılmış olur:

It is time Jack bought a new car.


Do you know where we might find him?
I'd like to go where I'm needed.
We're going right back to where we started
He is with me wherever I travel.
Wherever they take the dog,it finds a way to get back here.
You open yourself up and go with the flow wherever the universe takes you.
As far as I know, they will pull down the old theater building.
As far as I'm concerned, nothing's changed.
As far as he knew, he would never see his home again.


He lives in the world of cause and effect, as we all do.
He acts as if he were my father, (unreal / impossible)
That guy talks as if he is the manager, (might be real)
She speaks to us as if she knows us.
Samantha felt as though she might cry.
You don't look as though you were about to leave.

He talks to the deaf patient as though she could hear him.
She has no idea how hard it is to cook.
we need to talk about how you're gonna handle it.
It's awesome how close you all are.

cümle SONUCU ifade eder. BAĞLAÇLAR ise NEDENİ ifade eder. Adverbial Clause Temel cümleden Önce yada Sonra gelebilir.
Beklenilen bir SONUÇ ortaya çıkar.
As/So long as + a clause , main clause
In as much as
Seeing that,Seeing as

Because of
On account of
Thanks to + noun/pronoun/gerund , main clause
Owing to
Due to

Mankind pollutes the nature so much therefore, it is about to disappear.
as a result,
as a result of this,
as a consequence of this,
because of this

Mankind pollutes the nature so much that, it is about to disappear.

Because Mankind pollutes the nature so much, it is about to disappear.

Due to the fact that
Owing to the fact that

Because of Mankind’s polluting the nature so much, it is about to disappear.

On account of
Thanks to
Due to
Owing to
As a result of
As a consequence of

Mankind’s polluting the nature so much causes the danger of its disappearing.
results in
is the reason for
is responsible for

leads to
Natures’ about to disappearing is a result of Mankind’s polluting it so much
is a consequence of
result from
is due to

Given that the circumstances are convenient, we have to start implementing the project.
I find that difficult to believe, given that that sample came from you.
That might just work out for the best given that he's been compromised.
FACT THAT, IN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT: ( ..........DEN DOLAYI) Bu cümlede “due to the fact that” ile aynı anlama gelmek
üzere “owing to the fact that” kullanılabilir.
Owing to the fact that the economy was in recession, the company cut down its production.
In view of the fact that administrator has flu, he won't be attending the morning meeting.
Due to the fact that when people believe they are sick, they will actually make themselves sick.
On account of the fact that Lgs preferred results explained, we can relax.
This is of key importance because of the fact that success of any of these states is observed as the success of the region as a
I have failed the exam because I didn't study enough.
Only reason he risked himself because he trusted me.
Smoking should be banned in all public places because it harms non-smokers.
As it was a fine day, everybody went out.
Since you are a rich man, you can spend much money.
Some animals will be in hiding, since it's still daylight.
Seeing that the weather was bad, we decided to stay at home.
Now that you’re grown up, you must stop this childish behaviour.
We don't want to be late to the class for the teacher written us absent last time.
I'm sorry for what I've said to you.
Your aunt punishing me for deceiving everyone.
-As long as you stick to the instructions, you never face any problems.
-So long as your remarks are carefully chosen, nobody will be hurt.
Inasmuch as they couldn’t reach an agreement, the possibilities for peace are still remote.
cümle değil, isim, zamir ya da -ing gelir. Mesela, because of ile because bağlacını karşılaştıralım:
Because of her illness, Mary couldn’t go to work.
Because Mary was ill, she couldn’t go to work.
The little baby almost died due to lack of oxygen.
The dam burst owing to the heavy rain.
Owing to the tragic event, the Carnival concert is canceled.
The train was thirty minutes late on account of the heavy snow.
The city became popular thanks to the amusement park constructed last year.
Thanks to, ayrıca “–in sayesinde” anlamına da gelir:
Thanks to his treatment, Andy’s condition has improved.
TRANSITION WORDS:Bir düşünceden başka bir düşünceye geçişi sağlayan sözcük yada sözcük grubudur. Sonuç cümlesinin
yani ikinci cümlenin başına gelir ve ikinci cümle yer değiştiremez.
TRANSITION WORDS: Cümlede 3 yerde bulunabilirler:
Cümlenin başında: I felt ill.Therefore, I came home early.
Özneden sonra (yardımcı fiil varsa: yardımcı fiil ile verb arasında): I felt ill. I,therefore, came home early.
Cümlenin sonunda: I felt ill. I came home early, therefore.
It is snowing heavily. THEREFORE, CONSEQUENTLY, AS A RESULT we can’t go to work by car.
Any change in the color of a person’s skin as a result of sun exposure is a sign of damage.
The crop suffered serious damage as a consequence of the early frost.


Main clause Subordinate clause
Am/is/are doing + so that/in order that + do/does
Do/does am/is/are
Be going to do can
Will do will
Have/has done will be able to /may

Did + so that/in order that + would/could/would be able to/might
Had done would/could/would be able to/might
Please stand up so that I can see how tall you are.
I wanted to squeeze in this meeting so that we can come to some conclusions.
Your parents send you to school so that you learn to read and write.
Sandy works at a part-time job every Saturday so that she can save some money.
In order that I could watch the football match on TV, I kicked everybody out of the room.
They left early in order that they should arrive in time.
I didn't tell you the truth in order that you could fight in the competition.
Listen to counsel and accept discipline, in order that you may become wise in your future.
2-IN ORDER TO/ SO AS TO/TO: ( …-MEK,-MAK İÇİN): Bu bağlaçlardan sonra fiilin yalın hâli gelir
I had to tell her, in order to get her to come here in the first place.
We need to undertake many reforms in order to adapt to European legislation.
You have to turn right in order to get to the Eiffel Tower.
I have spared much money in order to afford a car.
In order to avoid problems, we have taken strict measures.
Not: “in order to” yerine sadece “to” da kullanılabilir.
We all went out for a picnic to get some fresh air.
We have arranged everything for the party so as to please all the guests.
I am leaving the house immediately so as not to miss the airplane.
They made the meeting at a quiet place so as not to hear the noise of the traffic.
I will be in hospital all night in case you need me.
IN CASE OF:... DURUMUNDA, ... HÂLINDE: kendisinden sonra isim gelir:
In case of fire, use the emergency doors.

It is rush hour so be careful when you are driving.
I have shown you tolerance, for the purpose that you may keep your word.
Do some delay their decision for fear that they may fail to live up to it?
She is on a diet for fear that she will put on weight.
He's miserable, but he doesn't dare say it for fear that you would leave him.
7-LEST: -MEMEK IÇIN, -MESIN DIYE: Az kullanılan bir bağlaçtır. Üst düzey İngilizcedir.
You must do all you can lest you should regret later.
He wrote down the number lest he should forget it.
You work quietly lest you disturb others.
The children obey their parents lest they cut down their pocket money.
The technician control everything carefully lest no problem arises during the operation.

EXERCISE 10- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE:Put the following sentences into “The Past Simple” and make the necessary
Example : He will turn down the voice of the TV so that he will not disturb his neighbours.
He turned down the voice of the TV so that he would not disturb his neighbours.
She always wears a coat so that she doesn’t get cold.
She always wore a coat so that she would not get cold.
1) My grandmother will write down my phone number so that she will not forget it.
2) He will beat his opponent so that he may win the madal.
3) I will take you to (the) dentist so that your teeth can be examined.
4) My son comes home early so that he can buy eggs.
5) Danny covers his mouth when he sneezes so that he doesn’t spread germs.
6) I am saving some money so that I can buy a car next winter.
7) We will go to İzmir by plane so that we will save time.
8) Jack is studying very hard so that he may pass his maths exam.
9) I am speaking silently at the conference so that I will not disturb other audiences.
10) The teacher will take the students to Anıtkabir so that they may see the mausoleum of Atatürk.
11) Sam is opening the bedroom door quietly so that he will not wake his mother.
12) She wears a false blonde hair so that she will not be recognized by other people.

EXERCISE 11- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE:Combine the following pairs of sentences with “SO THAT” or “IN ORDER THAT” to
express a purpose.
Example : Pam will study hard. She wants to be able to study medicine at university.
Pam will study hard so that she will be able to study medicine at university.
Pam studied hard. She wanted to be able to study medicine at university .
Pam studied hard in order that she would be able to study medicine at university .
I am teaching detailed. I want my students to be able to understand my course.
I am teaching detailed so that my students can understand my course.
I taught detailed so that my students could / might understand my course.
1) Janet wiped all the surfaces. She didn’t want to leave any dust.
2) Mary hurried towork. She didn’t want to be late.
3) Sally will go on a diet. She wants to lose weight.
4) I will give him e-mail address. I want them to send me the reports.
5) Bob came to Istanbul. He wanted to see the Dolmabahçe palace.
6) My mother turned off the light. She wanted to sleep.
7) We attended the courses. We wanted to improve our German.
8) I have bought a bigger house. I want the children to have their own rooms.
9) We are moving to a flat at the city centre. We want the children to get to school easily.
10) I will take a taxi. We want to be able to arrive to the airport in time.

EXERCISE 12- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE: Put the following sentences into “The Past Simple”.
Example : I will take an umbrella in case it rains.
I took an umbrella in case it rained.
1) She will wear her raincoat in case the weather rains in the afternoon.
2) Tim will chain up the dog in case he bites.
3) Jennifer will handle the historical tile vase with care in case it gets broken.
4) I will remind my mother of her loan payment in case she forgets.
5) I will stay at hospital room all night long in case my friend needs me.
6) Tom always insure his car in case there is an accident.
7) The soldiers are evacuating people from the area in case the volcano erupts.
8) He is very worried in case anything happens to his car during the storm.
9) I always carry backpack bag in case I forget it.
10) She is afraid to eat the mushroom in case it is poisonous.

EXERCISE 13- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF PURPOSE: Rewrite the following sentences using “LEST” instead of “SO THAT”
making the necessary changes as in the examples.
Example : Andy is going to the airport by taxi so that he should not miss the plane.
Andy is going to the airport lest he (should) miss the plane.
1) I am studying hard so that I should not fail in the exam.
2) The doctor told my mother to take her medicine so that she should not get flu again.
3) The burglar wore gloves so that he should not leave any fingerprints.
4) I locked the garden door so that the dog should not go out to the street.
5) You had better write all your passwords down so that you should not forget it.
6) Henry will be kind to Maria so that she should not leave him.
7) Lara spoke politely so that she should not be offended.
8) The thief ran away so that he should not be sent to prison.
9) I am speaking quietly on the phone so that our father should not hear us.
10) Leave the lights on when you go out so that burglars should not break in.


SONUÇ ortaya çıkar. Tense uyuşması gerektirmez.

cümle gelir. Cümlenin Başında yada ortasında yani Temel cümleden önce yada sonra gelir.
In spite of the fact that they are very rich, they are very unhappy.
He got high grades despite the fact that he doesn’t work hard.
Although he felt exhausted, he tried to stay awake some more.
He is active although he is very old.
Although I was sad and disappointed, I maintained a professional attitude.
Tennis is fun, though it is also tiring.
Though he is old, he has a youthful spirit.
Though he didn't talk a lot, it was still okay.
2-DESPITE, IN SPITE OF: -E RAGMEN:Bu bağlaçlardan sonra ise cümle değil, isim, zamir ya da –ing gelir.
Henry got the job despite his inexperience.
Despite applying for many universities for master's degree , he still still not received a positive answer
Despite being wounded, the soldiers returned fire and killed the terorist.
In spite of her age, my grandma still leads an active life.
Even if you take a taxi, you’ll still miss your train.
I'll buy you the house, even if I don't know where we'll get the money.
Even though you ruined my life and you stole my youth, you're the only man I can ever count on.
Tom is still wearing his wedding ring, even though he's not married anymore.
While he was fishing by the river, he fell into the water.
While your friend is starving here, you can't eat that sandwich alone.
He says that he paid me, whereas I have not received money from him.
In the mountain, he sleeps in the dry whereas you sleep up above under a torrential rain!
Nobody gave him a hand when he was in difficulty, whereas (=while) he had been helpful to everybody in past.
Much as my cousin would like to stay, he really must go home.
Much as you want to hide from the past, we have to talk about it eventually.
We don't negotiate for hostages. Much as we want to and our soldiers deserve it.

However hard he tries, he can't get anything from his work.
I advise you to burn all correspondence, however harmless, you may have put aside.
However careful you are, you may make mistakes.
We have to get the car fixed, no matter how much it costs.
No matter what happens, I will stand by you.
No matter what he promises you, you've got to stay away from him.
no matter how much data I collect, my theory will never be accepted.
Whatever he does, he can't please his wife.
Whatever your ideas are, you have to explain them.
Whatever your problem is, you have to tackle it.

TRANSITION WORDS:Bir düşünceden başka bir düşünceye geçişi sağlayan sözcük yada sözcük grubudur. Sonuç cümlesinin
yani ikinci cümlenin başına gelir ve ikinci cümle yer değiştiremez.
He was sure to succeed however , he failed,
even so,
all the same,
11-BUT … ANYWAY, BUT … STILL, YET … STILL, STILL: AMA YİNE DE:İki tam cümleyi birleştirirler.İkinci cümlenin başında
It was rainy, but she went swimming anyway.
It was rainy, but she still went swimming.
It was rainy, yet she still went swimming.
It was rainy, still she went swimming.
ON THE OTHER HAND: OYSA, İSE:İkinci cümlenin Öznesinden sonra kullanılır.
He is kind to everyone.He, on the other hand, never behaves with too much familiarity.
Some students are hardworking.Others, on the other hand, are lazy.
On the one hand, the place is cheap. On the other hand, it's too hot.
On the one hand, you are wrong, but on the other hand, I can't blame you for that.
IN CONTRAST: TERSİNE:İki NESNEYI karşılaştırırken kullanılır.
Black Sea region has rugged and woodland. The region of Central Anatolia, in contrast, has flat and steppe vegetation.
IN CONTRAST TO/WITH:Prepositional phrasedir ve kendinden sonra İSİM gelir.
In contrast to her mother, Sude is a little messy and filthy.
ON THE CONTRARY:Söylenen ifadenin doğru olmadığını,tam zıddı/tersi bir durum olduğunu ifade eder.
It isn't true that Jack is no good at music; on the contrary, he plays the piano well.
I thought he was busy, but on the contrary he was idle.
On the contrary what you said the other day, I congratulate you on your perceptiveness.
a) Olumlu yada olumsuz bir ifade ile kesinlikle HEMFIKIR OLDUĞUNU
b) Olumlu yada olumsuz bir ifade ile kesinlikle HEMFIKIR OLMADIĞINI
-He is quite insensitive.
Oh! Quite the contrary, he is much more logical.
-She isn’t friendly.
Oh! Quite the contrary, she is much more honest.

EXERCISE 14- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONCESSION:Rewrite or combine the following sentences using the Conjunctions on the list

Example : Michael is very happy. He is homeless.
Though Michael is homeless, he is very happy.
Despite the fact that Michael is homeless, he is very happy .
1) The weather was very hot. She swam for hours.
2) Antalya is a touristic place. There are a lot of modern hotels.
3) Helga slept very well. The street was very noisy.
4) The tour started very badly.I had a fantastic trip.
5) Jack didn’t have any money, but he lived in luxury.
6) They were late, but they entered the meeting in time.
7) Bob had good qualifications, but he had trouble finding a job.
8) Lucy seems to be kind. She is not to be trusted.
9) Sude was wet to the skin, but she didn’t feel the cold.
10) It was a good birthday party. Mendy didn’t enjoy herself.
11) The car was latest model, but it caused a lot of problems.
12) Sude is very intelligent. She failed in the exam.
13) Jane has no education, but she has got a profitable company.

EXERCISE 15- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF CONCESSION:Rewrite the following sentences using the following words below.
Example : We arrived in time although we missed the bus.
We arrived in time in spite of missing the bus.
Although it snowed a lot, we had a picnic.
Despite the much snow, we had a picnic.
1) She cleaned all the house although she was very ill.
2) Sude won the match despite the fact that she was the inexperienced competitor.
3) She failed in the examination in spite of the fact that she solved so much questions.
4) She refused to swim although the weather was unbearably hot.
5) Angel remained very calm in spite of the fact that he was very frightened.
6) I hope my best friend Amy will comemy wedding although she is living abroad.
7) Although she was a talented actress, she couldn’t get part in the film.
8) Despite the fact that Henry was strong, he was not able to lift the box.
9) Although it cost a lot of money, we bought the latest model of the luxury car.
10) Despite the fact that she is very kind, she is sometimes bossy.
11) She managed to smile in spite of the fact that she was very sad.
12) Although they made a lot of efforts, they couldn't save the ship from sinking

If your sons are smart, they'll take care of themselves.
If you want to succeed, you must study regularly and harder.
If you drive in this condition, you are going to kill yourself.
You're not going anywhere unless you tell us.
I can't let anyone in unless she's a relative.
You wouldn't have brought us in unless something bigger was about to happen.
You can only visit during visiting hours, only if the person wants to see you.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you, only if you want the same.
We can think about the solution only if we know what it was.
If only my girlfriend was/were here.
You' re all to remain at your posts until notified, whether or not your duty shifts are over.
Nobody asks me whether or not I'm engaged.
Whether or not the defendant intended to avoid prosecution, he violated his bail agreement.
Even if you aren't seen coming late, you should see the director and frankly report it.
I can' t lie, even if they think I' m wrong.

You must work hard, even if it will exhaust you.
What if Sally didn’t come to work tomorrow?
some experts still advise students to go to a regular school for secondary education, providing that additional learning
support is available.
Providing that a kind of guidance for a kid is exactly the kind of rehabilitating activity that your kind needs.
The end of the global economic crisis for Turkey is in sight, provided that the government begins essential structural
You have to take an umbrella with you in case it rains.
I will punish you in case you disobey the rules.
Just in case a fire breaks out, we should have several fire distinguishers.
As long as you' re with me I' m holding you.
The economy is good, as long as there are high profits.
I supposed that you met someone you loved.
Supposing that there is nothing going on between you two, correct?
Supposing that happened, what about the other issues that were on the table?
You're still assuming that he's alive.
Assuming that pressure remains constant, a rise or drop in absolute temperature in a gas will result in a proportional rise or
drop in its volume.
We've been trying to find him, assuming that he was the end user.
Jack would have been in real trouble but for his mother’s timely warning.
In the event (that) the bus arrived late, they would miss all our appointments.
IN THE EVENT OF : Aynı anlama gelir. Ancak kendisinden sonra cümle değil, isim gelir:
The children and their mother will inherit everything in the event of their father’s death.
Nancy won’t forgive Sophia whether she apologizes to her or not.


SO + ADJECTIVE/ADVERB THAT: ÖYLE … KI: Eğer fiil linking verb ise (be, become, feel, look, seem, appear, taste, smell …)
sıfat gelmeli, linking verb dışındaki fiillerden biri ise zarf gelmelidir.
I was so embarrassed that I wanted to die.
She is so beautiful that everyman in the town fell in love with her.
SUCH (A/AN) + ADJECTIVE + NOUN + THAT: ÖYLE … KI: eğer bir isim bir sıfatla birlikte kullanılacaksa, o zaman so … that
yerine such … that kullanılır
He is such an idiot that he may make every foolishness.
It is such an interesting film that I’ve watched it twice.
They are such hospitable people that I haven’t had any problems since I started to live with them.
Everything has changed so much that I can scarcely recognize the town.
There were so many that we didn’t know where to put them all.

EXERCISE 16- ADVERBIAL CLAUSES OF RESULT: Combine the following pairs of sentences using the structures below.
Example : Jenny was tired. She fell asleep during the lesson.
Jenny was so tired that she fell asleep during the lesson.
1) The film was very impressive. I wanted to watch it again.

2) My son was very angry. He broke the glass vase into little pieces.
3) The boy was very intelligent. He made degree at LGS exam.
4) We were very busy. We cancelled our trip to Alanya for a month.
5) Eric was very hungry. He decided to have five hamburgers for lunch.
6) Tom’s lecture was very boring. Everybody started yawning.
7) “Kite hunter” was very sad. It made all of us cry.
8) My boss was very bossy. I couldn’t keep my temper under control.
9) My naughty student’s excuse was very ridiculous. I took no notice of it.
10) He was very wet after the storm. He went upstairs to change his clothes.
11) Allan is a terrible liar. No one ever believes him.
12) The maths problem was very difficult. I could not solve it.
13) I was very shy. I could not express my feelings.

EXERCISE 17- Combine the following pairs of sentences using the structure below.
Example : It was a lovely spring day. They played games at the park.
It was such a lovely spring day that they played games at the park.
1) It was a very popular concert. We had to queue for tickets for hours.
2) Rob was a very burly and strong man. Everybody was frightened of him.
3) It was a very cold day. We decided to stay at home.
4) Ann is a very careful driver. She has never had any traffic penalty.
5) Tarkan is an excellent singer. People applaud him for hours.
6) It was a very gripping novel. I couldn’t put it down.
7) She made an improvement. She was put into another class.
8) He was a very enchanting man. He was elected the member of the Parliament.
9) My friend is an imaginative person. He can create all kinds of machines.
10) Sude is a very charming girl. Everybody looks at her in admiration.
11) The manager had a very strange accent. I couldn’t understand him.
12) Tom talks nonsense. Nobody listens to him anymore.

EXERCISE 18- Combine the following pairs of sentences using the structure below.
Example : Sandra played the violin very beautifully. Everybody listened to her in admiration.
Sandra played the violin so beautifully that everybody listened to her in admiration.

1) The weather was raining very heavily. Many people ran into enclosed spaces .
2) The father shouted at the children very loudly. They began to cry.
3) The woman was talking very fast. I could hardly understand her.
4) The child spoke very softly. I could hardly hear what she said.
5) My brother was telling the fight very funnily. I couldn’t help laughing.
6) My children were eating their food very greedily. I decided to order another portion.
7) They were singing the songs very romantically. All couples wanted to dance .
8) The patient was breathing very strangely. The nurse called the doctor.
9) My child was running very fast. His friends couldn’t catch him.
10) My neighbors were quarelling very much. We had to call the police.
11) The public bus stopped so frequently. We were not able to get to the exam in time.
12) The criminal behaved very rudely. The policeman couldn’t keep his temper under control.

EXERCISE 19-Rewrite the following pairs of sentences using “SO ... THAT”, “SUCH ... THAT” or SUCH A ... THAT”.
Example : Aleyna is very smart. As a result, everybody admires her.
Aleyna is so smart that everybody admires her.
It was a very high Plane tree. As a result, we couldn’t climb it.
It was such a high Plane tree that we couldn’t climb it.
1) Pam plays the violin very well. As a result, she was offered a place with the orchestra.
2) My father was very jealous of my mother. As a result, he felt quite guilty.
3) Mine is very funny. As a result, she makes all the students laugh in class.
4) My daughter is a very popular scientist. As a result, I feel proud of her.
5) The weather was very bad. As a result, they cancelled the mountain hiking.
6) Sude is very compatible. As a result, everybody wants to be her friend.
7) Ann was very angry with her darling. As a result, she shouted at him.
8) Sandy rode her bike very fast. As a result, she was out of breath.
9) It was a very expensive car. As a result, I couldn’t afford to buy it.
10) It was a very sunny day. As a result, They all went to swimming.
EXERCISE 20-Complete the following sentences using “SO”, “SUCH” or “SUCH AI AN”.
1) The novel was ……………… interesting that I read it again.
2) It was …………….. hot weather that I sat under the air conditioner all day.
3) It was ……………… lovely night that we decided to walk near the seashore.
4) The genius children are …………………. Intelligent students that they hardly need a teacher.
5) The hostel owners were ……… pleasant people that we have decided to stay there again next summer.
6) “Brave heart” was ……………. Successful that it ran for more than fifty weeks.
7) The music was ……………. Relaxing that I listened to it over and over.
8) The accident was …………….. frightening that I will never forget it.
9) She plays tennis………………. well that she is always chosen for the school team.
10) Sue is ……………….. charming that everybody falls in love with her at first sight.
11) He is ………………. fantastic fighter that everybody watches him when he fights.
12) Tina and Tom are ……………… good lovers that they are inseparable.
13) He told his life story……………….. pathetic that several audience began to weep.
14) Aksu ran with ………………. effortless speed at the marathon that the others were left far behind.
15) Henry had ……………. lot of questions that I didn’t have enough time to answer them.
16) The teacher was…………… amazed by what he heard about the student that he stood there speechless.
17) It was …………….. difficult exam that Sam couldn’t finish it.
18) The students were having ………………… nice time at the prom party that they didn’t want to leave.
19) There were ……………… many people in the queue for tickets that John missed the train.
20) Tonny talks ………………… nonsense that no one listens to him any more.
21) Bob was ……………… pleased with her that he invited her to dinner.
22) It was ……………… cold night that I covered two blankets on the bed.
23) My grandmother has …………….. many friends that she never feels lonely.


Cümleler arasında bağlantı kurarlar, bağlaç tanımına uymazlar. Bu yüzden bunlara bağlaç değil de “cümle birleştiricileri”
Bu yapılarda iki cümle vardır. Birinci cümle bitmiş, noktalanmıştır. Ama ikinci cümle birinci cümleyle ilişkilidir. Cümle
bağlayıcıları ikinci cümlenin başında, ortasında veya sonunda olabilirler.
Çeşitli türleri vardır:
FURTHERMORE: İlaveten, üstelik, ayrıca, ek olarak, dahası, hatta
We have welcomed our guests. Furthermore, we sent them back their home at our expenses.
I am not sure about my love. Furthermore, I'm not yet prepared for marriage.
I work longer hours than you. Furthermore, my job is harder than yours.
MOREOVER:İlaveten, üstelik, ayrıca, ek olarak, dahası, hatta
He has written a perfect report and got A+. Moreover, his report is now kept in the school library.
As a drug addict she acts as if she is ill. Moreover, she began taking pills prescribed for other members of her family.
WHAT’S MORE: İlaveten, üstelik, ayrıca, ek olarak, dahası, hatta
States issue new laws for environmental pollution.What's more, we humans can work out together in order to prevent
environmental pollution.
We've got a fun place to eat and what's more important is, we can spend some time with the people we love.
IN ADDITION: İlaveten, üstelik, ayrıca, ek olarak, dahası, hatta
My father died in 2003.In addition, in December 2005, I received news that my mother was seriously ill with cancer.
In addition, anti-oxidants in the honey possess an anti-inflammatory action that helps “reduce swelling, improve circulation
and keep the wound from ‘weeping.”
He was the manager of the company. In addition, he was in charge of media information.
ALSO: İlaveten, üstelik, ayrıca, ek olarak, dahası, hatta
He is praised by his friends for the good results he got from the finals. Also, he is expecting to be rewarded by the school
The hurricane left our home and possessions in ruins, and it also left us disheartened.
Her manager, who's also her mother, wants her to invest in the real estate sector.


HOWEVER: Buna rağmen, bununla birlikte, buna karşın, ancak
- Last Sunday, we were ready to receive company. However, noone showed up.
Experts say there will be a huge earthquake in Istanbul. Some experts, however, doubt that this will ever happen.
NEVERTHELESS: Buna rağmen, bununla birlikte, buna karşın, ancak
I like Brazil, but nevertheless I'm going to the Ukraine.
Granted, they were naughty and irresponsible, but nevertheless, they were my students.
He lost the trial. Nonetheless, he is a highly competent jurist.
Nonetheless, we need to handle our present problems before we start digging into past ones.
ON THE CONTRARY: Aksine, bilakis, buna karşın, ancak
Those who are accusing the courts of not being independent are, on the contrary, trying to influence the judges ' decisions.
War doesn't bring on peace; on the contrary, it brings pains and grief on both sides.
We are still not satisfied with those numbers, nor are we satisfied with the essence.
You're nothing but trouble but I still love you.
The President's still in a coma, but there are definite signs he's improving.


THEREFORE: ikinci cümlede çeşitli yerlerde bulunabilir. Her üçünde de anlam aynıdır.
There is a hospital in our neighbourhood. Therefore, we refrain from making noise.
Cümle başında
The players were very tired after the match. Therefore, they needed some rest
Cümle ortasında (Daha iyi bir İngilizce'yi ifade eder.)
The professor tried to be fair to his students. He, therefore, made an oral exam in addition to the three written exams.
Cümle sonunda (seyrek olarak kullanılır)
He was mistreated by his manager. He submitted his resignation, therefore.
THUS: Bunun için, bu nedenle
Longer keys have more combinations and are thus harder to crack.
She divorced thus faced the challenge of entering the work force and providing materially for her children.
HENCE: bunun için, bu nedenle, bu sebepten.
Jane won the university in our city. Hence, she comes to stay with us, sometimes for weeks at a time.
Hence, when making an important decision, rely on your own wisdom.
He heard someone else being assigned to the position he thought he deserved. Hence, he wanted to resign.
AS A RESULT: Sonuç olarak, bu yüzden, dolayısıyla
A sound wave is created as a result of a vibrating object.
I became a rock star as a result of winning a music quiz show.
CONSEQUENTLY: Sonuç olarak, bu yüzden, dolayısıyla
“Social ethics education” lesson in schools removed. Consequently, crime rates in the community increased.
The number of fragmented families increased in the society. Consequently, number of unhappy and troubled young
generation increased.


OR ELSE: Aksi takdirde, yoksa, olmazsa
You have to attend the class. Or else, you will fail in the exam.
He must take care of himself and became a productive person. Or else he will be returned to jail.
Your things are supposed to be edged or else the orderly will throw everything out.
OTHERWISE: Aksi takdirde, yoksa, olmazsa
Watch your mouth. Otherwise, you will suffer.
I must be obedient, otherwise mom will be angry.
The animals has to eat each other, otherwise they will die.


ABOVE ALL: Above all, we must save more money this year.
ACCORDING TO: According to school regulation, you must wear school uniform.
ACTUALLY: Actually, that student needs to study regularly and more to pass the exams.

ADDITIONALLY: My parents are planning to save more money to buy a house. Additionally, a new car is needed to be
bought this year.
AFTER ALL : He should do well at university exam; after all, he is a very smart boy.
AFTERWARDS: First, increase your course grades . We will talk about your award afterwards.
ALL IN ALL: It snowed for a while, but all in all we had eaten a wonderful barbecue at the picnic.
ANYWAY: Anyway, I really liked you, but you never called me back.
APART FROM: Well, apart from being pretty salty, I think it might actually be quite good.
AS A CONSEQUENCE: Some scientists think that the child sees it as a consequence of destructive behavior, not as
AS A MATTER OF FACT: As a matter of fact, this car is not so costly as you have considered.
AS A RESULT: As a result, I was simply turned down despite all my efforts to prove myself.
ASIDE FROM: Aside from the chilly weather, our vacation was a fun.
AS THOUGH: He looked at me as though he hasn't understood.
AS TO: As to your demand, I will consider it later.
AS WELL AS: As well as being extremely cautious, we will have to make an enormous effort to succeed.
AT FIRST: At first, we thought that it was a joke. She took it as a joke at first.
AT LAST: At last, they managed to get to the jungle.
AT LEAST: You may be an irate person, but you can try to smile at people at leastwhen there is no cause to sulk your face.
At least, you can keep your mouth shut at certain times. Because I called you in my office because I thought it would be
better to discuss the matter face to face.
BESIDES: It's too late to go for a walk now; besides, it's beginning to rain.
BY ALL MEANS: Her manner was by all means rude.
By all means, her performance was above average.
BY AND BY: Don't worry; it will certainly take some time, but you will get accustomed by and by.
BY AND LARGE: He made a few mistakes, but by and large, he did a good job.
BY COINCIDENCE:By coincidence, he came across an old photo in the album which was taken with friends years ago.
DESPITE: Despite what was told to him, he went on in the direction of his nose.
DUE TO: Due to the severe economic conditions, we decided to take up austerity easures.
EVEN SO: It has many omissions; even so, it is quite a useful reference book.
EVEN THOUGH: She won't leave the TV set even though her supper is on the table.
EXCEPT FOR: He played wonderfully throughout the match except for that penalty position.
EXCEPT THAT: She knew nothing about the downsizing project except that some employees will be sacked.
FOR INSTANCE: There are many things I want to learn; for instance, how to play chess.
FOR THIS REASON: He was dismissed from the company; for this reason, he was penniless.
FROM NOW ON: From now on, I will keep a closer eye on you, watching every step you make.
FURTHERMORE: You have arrived very late to the office this week; furthermore, your work has been quite unsatisfactory.
GENERALLY SPEAKING:Generally speaking, a sudden temperature change is not so unusual here at this time of the year
HENCE: It is raining outside; hence, I will wear my raincoat, (therefore)
Two weeks hence we are meeting at the club, (from now, later)
HOWEVER: He will listen to you until the end; however, he will again do as he likes.
IN ACCORDANCE WITH: The teams played the game in accordance with the rules.
IN ADDITION:He was suffering from asthma for several years. In addition, he had coronary thrombosis.
IN CASE:He took a few magazines into his briefcase, in case he should get bored in the long train-ride.
IN CONCLUSION:In conclusion, the show was utterly disgusting.
IN CONNECTION WITH: The meeting was in connection with a proposal to construct a new swimming-pool.
IN CONTRAST TO:His white hair was in contrast to his dark skin.
In contrast to his calm attitude, his wife was far too violent.
IN FACT:In fact, I really didn't mean that; but he probably misunderstood
IN MY OPINION:In my opinion, living in the countryside is comforting and peaceful
IN OTHER WORDS: I am sorry but I completely forgot what you had requested from me. In other words, I didn't bring the
book you needed.
IN SHORT: You are eating quite much. This is not considered good by medical authorities. In short, you must curb your
eating immediately.
IN SPITE OF: In spite of the warnings, he went on doing as he wanted.
IN SUMMARY: In summary, he has smooth relations with his classmates.
JUST AS: Just as I was leaving the office, the telephone rang.
MOREOVER: She is rich; moreover, she is beautiful and generous
OF COURSE: I, of course, warned them about the danger in playing with the wires
OR: You can borrow the book, or get the related pages photocopied.
OWING TO: Owing to our unpaid debts, the bank has cut off all the credits.
SO THAT: I went to bed early so that I could get up early in the morning.
THAT IS TO SAY: You have never met the organizational standards; that is to say, you are laid off.
THUS: He does not like watching television. Thus, he does not own a television
UNLIKE: Unlike his father, he is so clever and hardworking
UP TO NOW: Up to now, we haven't come across any wild animals.
WHEREAS: He says that he paid me, whereas I have not received money from him.
1. While he was fishing by the river, he fell into the water.
2. While your friend is starving here, you can't eat that sandwich alone.
3. The mail may yet to arrive before we leave

EXERCISE 20-CONJUCTIONS: Complete the following sentences with the “Conjunctions” on the list below.
unless because as though as if in case when until although while so that as soon as
that for as the way eventhough now that where after whenever as long as whether/if
whether or not on condition that immediately wherever
1) I will take a torch with me ………………..the cave wil be dark. INCASE
2) You should wear your seat belt ………………… you are driving your car. WHILE
3) Helga looks ………………….. she hasn’t slept for twenty-four hours. AS IF
4) ………………… Allan goes on holiday this year depends on many things. WHETHER OR NOT
5) James continued painting the walls ……………. he felt tired. ALTHOUGH
6) The farmer stored wood…………….. he would have enough firewood for the winter. SO THAT
7) The child cheered ……………….he saw his mother . AS SOON AS
8) The children waited under the tree ……………….. it stopped raining. UNTIL
9) He threatened to tell the newspapers ………………….. he got a thousand pounds. UNLESS
10) Take your credit card near ………………. you run out of cash. IN CASE
11) Nobody is allowed to smoke ……………….. the plane lands. UNTIL
12) Our electricity was cut off ………………… my father forgot to pay the electric bill. BECAUSE
13) The lawyer claimed ………………. his client was not guilty of committing the crime. THAT
14) I will lend you the money ………………….. you give it back on Saturday. ON CONDITION THAT
15) ……………… two teacher come together, they often discuss students or education system. WHEN
16) Maria behaves and speaks ………………. she were a Turkish citizen. AS IF
17) Those flowers will be in bloom ……………….. spring comes. IMMEDIATELY
18) I didn’t invite John to my birthday party ……………….. I didn’t like him. FOR
19) ………………….. Jason is not interested in Heavy metal music, he didn’t go to the concert. AS BECAUSE
20) …………………. I had visited Saint Sophia before, I didn’t want to see it again. SINCE AS
21) ……………. she had a backache, she carried on cleaning the house. ALTHOUGH
22) He deleted the files on purpose …………….. no one would find any proof . SO THAT
23) Lale talks ……………….she were the manager of the factory. AS THOUGH
24) Could you look after the children ………………. I get home? UNTIL
25) ……………….. you have a ticket, you cannot get into the concert. UNLESS
26) I don’t care what people think about ……………….. I dress. THE WAY
27) …………………… you have your driving licence, you can buy your own car. NOW THAT
28) They landed ………………… the surface was smooth. WHERE
29) Sandy has gained a lot of weight ……………….. I last saw her. SINCE
30) ………………. it was very late, they decided to go home at once. AS
31) We are not going to stop digging ………………… we find the ancient ruins. UNTIL
32) I have to be well-dressed at the job interview…………………. I make a good impression. SO THAT
33) We took some food …………………… we got hungry on the journey. IN CASE
34) …………………. my grandmother drinks coffee, she cannot sleep at night. WHENEVER
35) Yasemin can borrow the adze…………………. she brings it back. AS LONG AS
36) …………………. Sally had entered the room, she took off her coat. AFTER
37) Please do not open your eyes ……………… I tell you to open. UNTIL
38) The children are to do everything exactly …………………. I say. AS
39) Christina has got the highest mark ………………. she was not hardworking. ALTHOUGH
40) I will not go to their graduation ceremony ……………….. you come with me. UNLESS
41) I don’t know ………………. Patric will be able to come to Antalya this summer. WHETHER/IF
42) They discovered ……………….. many of the old beliefs are lies. THAT
43) ……………. the child was crossing the road, she was nearly knocked down by a car. AS
44) ………………. My mother has her own car, she can go everywhere she wants. THAT NOW
45) My father didn’t complain …………………. he was in great pain. EVENTHOUGH
46) ………………….. Jason got home, he put on his tracksuit and started watching TV. AS SOON AS
47) Don’t disturb me …………………… it is something urgent. UNLESS
48) ………………. the child hides, his mother will find him. WHEREVER
49) ………………… Jane plays on Sunday depends on what her coach says. WHETHER
50) ……………….her age, she is a very active person. despite

EXERCISE 21-CONJUCTIONS: Complete the sentences with the following connectors and conjunctions.
although because of despite as despite in spite of apart whereas however in order to
in case So as as a result Besides such as if unless whenever as if until
1) Rescue attempts were temporarily halted ............................ the bad weather. Despite
2) Sometimes new drivers are careful………………….experienced drivers are not. whereas
3) The restaurant was crowded ,………………. they found a free table. however
4) ................................... his enormous popularity as a singer, he is not happy at all. in spite of
5) We always keep candles at home………………..there is a power cut. in case
6) We were not able to get earlier……………….the snow storm. because of
7) She sings ..................her mother does. As
8) It was raining heavily…………….. the football match was cancelled. as a result
9) It’s morv comfortable to travel by car than by train or bus……………. It’s usually faster too. Besides
10) Fruits,…………… lemons and oranges, provide us with vitamin C. such as
11) .................................................... he exercises vigorously, he can't lose weight. although
12) He can't lift the box ....................................................... his strength. despite
13) ................................................ from his nose, he is quite good-looking apart
14) His project will never be realized................someone provides the necessary money. unless
15) They continued to wave..............................they were too apart to see one another. until
16) ...........he comes to Ankara to visit us, he brings his girlfriend with him. whenever
17) ……………….. the suit was expensive, he bought it. although
18) Tim's sister went to the library……………….get some books. in order to
19) Sheila phoned us………………….she got to İstanbul. as soon as
20) They hadn’t trained hard………………. they won easily. however
21) He chained his dog……………….not to frighten the children. So as
22) Henry arrived on time………………….getting up late. in spite of
23) He put up his umbrella..............he wouldn't get wet. so that
24) Surely she won't be punished.........................she isn't guilty. if
25) He behaved................................he owned the place. as if

I-Coordinating conjunctions and, or, but, nor, so, for, yet
II-Correlative conjunctions
both and
neither nor
either or
not only but also / as well
III-Subordinating conjunctions
1-Result: so + adj. + that/such (a/an)+adj+noun+that
so + adv. + that/such (a/an)+adj+noun+that
so many that, so much that
few little
2-Time: after, before, by the time, as soon as, as once, when, while, once, since as long as, until, till
3-Manner: how, as though, as if, as
4- Couse: as, since, because, seeing that, seeing as, for, so long as

5-Place: where, wherever, as far as
6-Purpose: for the purpose that, for fear that, so that,in order that, in case
7-Concession: While, whereas, much as, although.
and though, however+adj/adv, no matter
contrast + Q.W
8-Condition: if, only if, even if, unless, whether.... not providing that, in case, as long as, suppose that, supposing that
9-Comparison: as as, er than, more than, est, the most....
10-Degree: the er, the er,
the more , the more

1-He is not certain yet ............... to take a flight ................ drive his own car to his holiday hotel in Antalya. E
A) either/or B) neither/nor
C) not only/but also D) both/and
E) whether/or
2- .........the fire was quite serious, all the products in the factory were saved. C
A) As B) However
C) Although D) Provided that
E) As though
3- ……………. the team players ……………… the supporters were very nervous before the match . E
A) whether B) both
C)Neither ……………. nor D)Not only ……….. but also
E) Either …….. or
4-Bob is going to work two jobs a day to earn a lot of money; ……………. he can buy the car of his dreams. E
A) since C) as
B) but D) until
E) so that
5- The government worked very hard ……………. they could reduce the unemployment rate. C
A) even though B) as if
C) so that D) since
E) as far as
6-Sude didn't get an opportunity to learn to dance, …………….she would have been very famous. A
A)or else B) in case
C)so D) for
E) seeing that
7-The doctor defended himself that the operation was essential........... the patient would die. D
A) while B) whereas
C) so that D) otherwise
E) Even though
8-Bald İbis birds are very rare and ............ protected by law in Turkey. B
A) because of B) therefore
C) so that D) in case
E) however
9-Ann went to the library with John ……….. she came home without him ……….. he had a lot more work to do.E
A) because / but B) because / so
C) so / but D) so / because
E) but / because

10-……….. Sally ………..Mary are going to the dance party tonight. C

A) both / nor B) either / or
C) neither / nor D) both / or
E) if / and
10-Hidayet Türkoğlu, the famous Turkish NBA basketballer, didn't feel well, ……………. he went on playing basketball
………………. was very successful at the match. A
A) yet/and B) so /but
C)yet /or D) yet/but
E)so / and
11-Jack decided to attend a course, ……………. he could pass the master's exam. A
A)for the purpose that B) as far as
C)for fear that D) as if
E) as soon as
12- It was …………….fast mouse that we could hardly catch it. A
A) such a B) very
C) so D) such
E) too
13-Tom is aware of the fact that he is in danger of losing his jobs, ……………. he wouldn't be so anxious. B
A)so that B)otherwise
C) so D) in case
14-The government agencies in Turkey wouldn’t have employed the men ..….they had completed their military service. A
A) unless B) as a result
C) if D) so that
E) in order that
15-My grand father smokes in the family, ……………. none of the other family members smoke. C
A) otherwise B) only if
C) whereas D) no sooner
E) if only
16-The camping trip at Uludağ mountain was not good. We had a terrible time ……… was cold ………. windy ……….. damp
that weekend A
A)because / and / as well as B)so / but / as well as
C)as well as / and / and D) because / but / and
E)however / with / and
17-Students ………..these make teaching worthwhile. B
A) besides B) such as
C) along with D) among
E) over
18-Life expectancy has improved steadily over the years, largely ............ a decline in deaths during childhood. C
A) since B) because
C) owing to D) therefore
E) results in
19-The Minister of Interior has introduced a very strict new traffic law; ......., there will be more police on the roads to
apprehend the offenders. A
A) furthermore B) for fear that
C) on the contrary D) despite
E) otherwise
20- …………….. was the film boring, …………………. it was long. D
A) whether B) both
C)Neither ……… nor D)Not only ……….. but also
E) Either …….. or
21-You should go to bed early ……………. you won't miss the early morning plane the other day. D
A) by the time B) for
C) seeing that D) in order that
E) once
22-The police had to use pressure water.…………….. they were able to disperse the crowd. B
A)so B)so that
C)for fear that D)as if
E)seeing that
23- ……………. Bob takes good care of my lawn mower, I may lend it to him. D
A) As if B) Once
C) So D) So long as
E) While
24-Sheila hadn't studied at all, ............ she passed the exam. B
A) therefore B) yet
C)so as to D) since
25-The director ……………. refused .............. accepted your application form. E
A) either / or B) not only / but also
C)no matter / how D) also / and
E)neither / nor
26-I disagree with the ideas he defends in his article……….. I'll continue to help him with his studies. C
A) further B) consequently
C) nevertheless D) other wise
E) moreover
27-Ray decided that he should finish his homeworks ……….. watch TV. E

A) due to B) as a result
C) whereas D) before
E) rather than
28-............. you have worked hard enough for today, let's finish now and start again early tomorrow morning. C
A) As for B) Because of
C) Seeing as D) Moreover
E) Although
29- As a teacher, my mother gets on very well with students......the huge age gap between them. E
A) no matter B)however
C) even though D) whereas
E) in spite of
30-The football players ………. make too much faul with each other ………. objected to the referee. D
A) either/or B) not only / but also
C) both /and D) neither/nor
E) not only / but as well
31-The parents preferred not to turn on the lights, ……………. their baby might wake up in the middle of the night. A
A)for fear that B) although
C)as if D) by the time
32-Thery can use my car on................ Saturday. ...............Sunday but not on both days. B
A) both/and B) either/or
C) neither / nor D) not only / as well
E) whether / not
33- ……………… you succeed as well in the exam as you do in school studies, you will be accepted for this job. D
A)Although B)Whereas
C)Even if D)Provided that
E)Only if
34-The President was going to go abroad for the United Nations conference, ……………. he had to change his plan
…………….the collapse in soma coal mine . D
A)hence/due to B)besides / since
C)as a result / so as D)however / because of
E)moreover / though
35-Ecologists are concerned with the renewable sources of energy; ……………. , they want future natural sources that will not
harm the environment. E
A) despite of C) otherwise
B) whereas D) even though
E) furthermore
36-……….. my father had become very old, his memory was still very good. E
A) however B) on the other hand
C) otherwise D) therefore
E) although
37-I don't like Bob ……….. he is the kindest boy in our class and everyone else likes him. B
A) as a result B) even if
C) furthermore D) if not
E) despite

38- …………………. electric devices ………………. lotions are effective against insects. C
A) either/or B) not only / but also
C) both /and D) neither/nor
E) not only / but as well
39- ……………. the salary she was offered was very low, she accepted the company's job offer . C
A)So long as B)So that
C)Even though D)For fear that
E) As
40-My husband keeps complaining that he is bored with the city life and I'm................ E
A) as well C) also
B) either D) neither
E) too
41-……………… this song is sang, it will never be forgotten. B
A) As if B) Once
C) So D) So long as

E) While
42- …………….. she did her job well she was offered chairmanship. C
A) Whereas B) Consequently
C) Seeing that D) Besides
E) Moreover
43- ……………. Ann apologized several times, Bob didn't forgive her. E
A) Therefore B) Hardly
C) Moreover D) Nevertheless
E) Even though
44-His mother asked Tim to continue his Master studies ……….. the fact that she was able to support his studies for a while.
………. to this, she felt that there was nothing else that she could do to him for his future. C
A) for / otherwise B) instead of / yet
C) due to / in addition D) however / but
E) still / and
45-The forecast stated that strong snowstorm expected this evening. ……….. it would be a good idea to fire the stove …….
stay at home. C
A) so I besides B) in addition I but
C)for this reason / and D) furthermore / yet
E) moreover / still
46-..............photographs of politicians with children are meant to attract votes, many people find them insincere. A
A) Even though B) However
C) Thanks to D) In order that
E) In addition to
47-.......... you found a wallet full of money in the street, would you keep it? B
A) Unless B) Suppose that
C) Before D) Where
E) However
48-Lili was …………… clever ……………. hardworking, ……………. the boss didn't want to lose her. A
A) both /and / so B) both /but / and
C) both /also /so D) both /or/and
E) both /and / but
49- ……………. Jim practises everyday, he is still making a lot of mistakes A
A) Although B) Even though
C) though D) Despite
E) As
50-It seems very difficult for the site owners to decide ........... the swimming pool is really necessary. C
A) so that B) although
C)whether D)in order that
E) since
51-When his girl friend telephoned, John felt ……………. excited ……………. he didn't know what to say. C
A) that / as B) so / that
C) such / that D) as / as
E) more /than
52- ……………. the other students in her school, Amy has decided not to enter the university exam ……………. she has
preferred to regístrate the Sport Academy. A
A)In contrast to / in conclusion B)Besides / unlike
C)Whereas / as a result of D)No matter / yet
E)Because of / then
53-Someone broke into the post office and damaged everywhere ……………. it will remain closed ……………. the police have
investigate everything in detail. E
A) moreover / during B) however / as soon as
C)despite / then D) therefore / when
E)as a consequence / until
54-I don't believe him and you shouldn't ……….. D
A) so B) too
C) neither D) either
E) still
55-Don't worry, I'll come with you ……….. it is late. E
A) beside B) but
C) and D) so

E) even if
56-Someone broke into the library last night and damaged several of the books; will remain closed ............ the
police have completed their investigations. D
A) therefore/while B) even though/after
C) however/as soon as D) as a consequence/until
E) moreover/during
57- .............protect the monument and its surrounding area, tourists are only allowed to view it from a distance. D
A) So that B) Much as
C) Because of D) In order to
E) Due to
58- We should try to reserve our places in the next day or so, ............there may not be any left this time next week. B
A) therefore B) for
C) but D) yet
E) and
59-I recommend this novel to you, because it is ……………. interesting ……………. educative. C
A) either/or B) neither/nor
C) both/and D) whether/or
E) not only / as well
60- ……………….having strange sense of humour he is loved by his friends. D
A) Although B) Even though
C) In spite of D) Despite
E) As
61-................there are a lot of runners who dream of winning the gold madal, there are very few who are able to do so. C
A)As B)For the purpose that
C)Though D)As long as
E)Seeing that
62-Sandy decided to phone her parents ……………. they were worried about her health. B
A)as B)in case
C) if D) seeing that
E) although
63-Mr. Black gives the ransom to kidnappers ……………. they should kill his pretty girl B
A) because B) lest
C) in order to D) in case
E) although
64- ……………. her teacher's encouragement ……………... her parents’ emotional support affected Arya’s success at university
entrance exam. D
A) hardly/when B) either/or
C) No matter / how D) Not only / but also
E) In addition to / and
65-I had slept rather late last night. ……….. , I slept so late that I missed the bus to work. B
A) therefore B) in fact
C) although D) despite
E) thus
66……… macaroni this evening why don’t you try meatballs? A
A) Instead of B) In addition
C) Although D) Still
E) If not
67-Victor Hugo wrote some of the greatest novels;........, he also wrote highly respected poems. A
A) moreover B) therefore
C) in spite of D) since
E) so that
68-Andy's teeth became very decayed ………..he wasn't allowed to eat sweets. A
A) even though B) despite
C) even so D) nevertheless
E) as if
69-................where you go, you can't escape from yourself. A
A) No matter B) However
C) Although D) Even if
E) Regardless
70-Both Jenny ……………. John ……………. teachers. E
A)also / are B) and / is
B)and /was D) or/are
E) and / are
71- The healthier we are, ……………. we are. A
A)the more energetic B)very energetic
C)more energetic D)the most energetic
E) the less energetic
72-The students were suspenseful ................ the LGS examination results were officially announced. D
A)as B) in case
C)so that D) until
E) whereas
73-Luckily we called him to check the proper operating of the operating system; ……………. we wouldn't have been able to
see the error. D
A) whereas C) although
B)however D)otherwise
E) in case
74- ……………. there is no objection we shall hold the wedding ceremony in my town. E
A) Even though B) Whereas
C) Nonetheless D) However
E) Providing that
75-Most of the people of Van stayed in tents for weeks ……………. they might face earthquake again. B
A) as if C) otherwise
B) for fear that D) seeing that
E) thus
76- ……………. the high speed train, my journey From Ankara to İstanbul takes less than five hours. D
A) Once C) In order that
B) However D) Thanks to
E) Unlike
77-I wonder ………..or not he will be with us tonight. D
A)if B) in addition
C)along with D) whether
E) in fact
78-"Which one is John?". "I'm not sure, but he is ……….. the one in the blue suit……….. the one standing in front of the
window. C
A)either / nor B) neither / nor
C)either / or D) neither / or
E)that / or
79-...........the movie star Julia Roberts was not very young any more, she dressed very well and had a beautiful figure.
.........she still looked good. B
A) Because/Nevertheless B) Though/Consequently
C) However/Yet D) Despite/so
E) The fact that/therefore
80-Sheila seemed.............when we met............ I tried hard to comfort her. D
A) too depressing/so B) as depressing/as
C) very depressing/that D) so depressed/that
E) rather depressed/that

81-The news was...........for her,...............we decided not to mention it just before the exam. D
A) so depressed/that B) as depressing/as
C) too depressing/that D) rather depressing/so
E) very depressed/therefore
82-…………….. does the house have a large swimming pool ……………… has a wonderful sea view ……………. B
A) Not only / but /too B) Not only / but /as well
C) Not only / but /also D) Not only / but /either
E) Not only / but /well
83-I think Jenny is ……………. honest than her best friend is. E
A) much B) the more
C) the less D) the most
84-We are not sure, ............... from the way he talked, we understood that he was experienced enough in teaching. C
A) and B) for
C) but D) so

E) nor
E) much more
85- ……………. you won a fortune on the lottery, how would you spend it? E
A)Owing to B) In order that
C)Where D) As
E) Suppose that
86-There is a sharp decline in the death rate for babies ……………. medical science has been developing fast. D
A)but for B) such as
C)on the contrary D) for
E) yet
87-Trade Unions’ claims may be justified. …………….. they shouldn't have gone on strike. D
A) So that B) Because
C) Besides D) Nevertheless
E) for
88-Sandra'll have to be examined to doctor Brown this afternoon ……….. she won't be able to see him for several weeks
………..he is going on holiday. C
A) so I otherwise B) so / because
C) otherwise / because D) because / so
E) otherwise / so
89-You should always keep a well-stocked first aid kit in the house........minor accidents. D
A) even if B) by the time
C) no matter D) in case of
E) as long as
90-The audiences should turn off their mobile phones........distract the others. A
A) in order not to B) nevertheless
C) on account of D) in contrast to
E) however much
91-........the time change in Turkey, it will now be getting dark an hour earlier. E
A) Despite B) When
C) Just as D) Instead of
E) Owing to
92-Henry is a famous singer. ……….. , his attitude towards his fans is poor, ……….. many people are beginning to ignore his
new songs ……….. records. E
a)but / that / as b)and / whereas / as well as
c)along with / in fact / moreover d)what is more / so / as well
e)however / so / and
93-Cosmetics are rather expensive, ……………. women insist on buying them. B
A) for B) yet
C)and D) or
94- ……………. I am feeling in holiday psychology , I can't work efficiently. E
A) Just as B) Whereas
C) Despite D) While
E) Even though
E) as
95-Blue Mosque was built nearly six hundred years ago, is still in good condition. C
A) although B) so
C)but D) or
96- ……………. eagerly they seem to have attended the course, they are rather bored. D
A) Although C) Even
B) So D) However
E) Since
97-Gasoline prices has become a major problem for many Turkish drivers; ……………. many people have sold their large cars
and have bought smaller ones. B
A) in case B) therefore
C)on condition that D)so that
98-It is worth encouraging students to be more ambitious in their use of modifiers ……………. they should be given more
opportunities. A
A) therefore C) nevertheless
B) even if D) whereas
E) though
99-…… we will not be able to get to the cinema if we walk, ………… we decided to call a taxi. D
a)as a result /so b)along /so
c)thus /so d) seeing that/so
100-Their house is too small and ……………, they are going to look for a larger one. A
A)consequently B)otherwise
C)as D)because
E)due to the fact that
101-........ Mary got married, she knew she had made a mistake. D
A) No sooner B) As long as
C) In spite of D) As soon as
E) Regardless university, Allon Musk impressed everyone as a genious scientist . E
A) During B) Before
C) After D) Until
E) While the Turkish tradition observed as keenly as it is in Çankırı. C
A) Only if B) No matter
C) Nowhere D) Whenever
E) Only when
104- The furnitures were very heavy ……………. the girls decided to call someone to move them. D
A) and B) but
C) yet D) so
E) or
105- My mother decided to take some books on holiday, ……………. she felt like reading. B
A) even if B) in case
C) though D) as long as
E) while
106-The lion family was ……………. far away …………….we couldn't film their newborn babies. B
A)neither....nor B)so that
C)such that D)not only...but also
107-The bomb disposal team kept the crowd away from the danger zone, ……………. they could reduce the risk. C
A) yet B) unless
C) so that D) although
E) for fear that
108- ……………. her mildness she was tremendously enthusiastic about her new school. C
A) Despite of B) In case of
C) In spite of D) Even if
E) As
109- ……………. some members' objections, we think they must go ahead with the plan. C
A) When B) While
C) Notwithstanding D) Since
E) Provided that
110-The firm fell behind with the completion date of the building , and …………… they had to work overtime. C
A)as a result of B)provided that
C)as a result D)after all
E)due to the fact that
111-……….. Jason arrives quickly, he'll miss the opportunity to meet the woman who charmed him. B
A) whenever B) unless
C) whereas D) and also
E) as a result of
112-I think Mark is intelligent ……………. lazy. B
A) so B) but
C) and D) or
E) either
113- ……………. Jonny was walking past the park, he ran into his workmate. D
A) Though B) Wherever
C) As soon as D) While
E) As long as
114-The old woman kept a stove in the house, ……………. the heating system may malfunction.A
A) in case B) unless
C) for fear that D) supposing that
115-Luckily Tonny remembered to fill up with petrol, ……………. he didn't run out. E
A) yet B) seeing that
C) even if D) but
E) so
116-You can go wherever you like ……………. you get back before dark, B
A) provide B) so long as
C) regardless D) furthermore
E) despite
117-They may as well go to the circus, ……………. they've already paid for the tickets. E
A) as if B) as far as
C) however hard D) hardly when
E) now that
118- ……….. I see people spitting in the street, I get very angry. C
A) By the time B) Once
C) Whenever D) Before
E) Until
119-……….. how often I practise this song on the violin, I cannot get it right. A
A) No matter B) Providing
C) Even though D) Whereas
E) Much as
120- Karen looked very pale ……………. she hadn’t slept for over twenty hours. A
A) for B) yet
C) but D) so
E) nevertheless
121- ……………. the box is fragile, it must be handled with great care. E
A) But C) Although
B) So that D) As if
E) As
122-Mary would always take the spare key …………….. she needed. A
A) in case B) unless
C) for fear that D) supposing that
123-There were ……………. a lot of candidates in the hall ……………. human resources recruitment commission weren't able to
interview with all of them. B
A) so ……… that B) such …………. that
C) neither …………. nor D) as …………….. as
E) not only ………… but also
124-Ann has drawn a diagram ……………. her presentation will be clearer. D
A) such that C)except that
B) in order to D) so that
E) though
125-If the labor Unions are determined to strike, they will do so ……………. what the law says. D
A) matter B) regardless
C) in case D) regardless of
E) before
126-.............. terrible conditions in which they work, all the staff seem quite happy with the hotel management. B
A) However B) Despite
C) On account of D) Although
E) Because
127-The whole event was .............. badly organised ……….. several people walked out in disgust. E
A) neither/nor B) as/as
C)but/still D)even/if
E) so/that
128- ………………..the students …………………..the teachers want the joint exams to be cancelled. D
A) either/or B) not only / but also
C) both /and D) neither/nor
E) not only / but
129-The woman decided to divorce, because her husband treated her……………. she were his slave. B
A) in case B) as if
C) for fear that D) since
E) as
130-The boy must be very clever, ……………. he wouldn't solve these difficult problems. B
A)or B) since
C)and D) for
E)as long as
131- ……………. Ali learned about the earthquake disaster , he decided to turn back to his hometown. A
A) As soon as C) Providing that
B)By the time D)Although
E) Even if
132- ……………. you understand the user guide, you will have no further difficulty. A
A) As far as B) Even if
C) But D) Even though
E) Once
133- They had ……………. begun their hiking ……………. it began to rain. C
A) hardly /then B) hardly/than
C) hardly / when D) hard / any
E) hardly / if
134-A female polar bear has to take great care of her cubs; ............ , they may be eaten by a hungry male. E
A) provided B) on the contrary
C) it D) unless
E) otherwise
135-............. Tonny comes with us at the weekend .......... he stays with his grandparents! A
A) Either/or B) Both/and
C) Such/that D) Neither/nor
E) Hardly/when
136-........ Mary didn't have enough money, she wasn't able to go out with her friends for the day. A
A) Since B) Though
C) whereas D) Lest
E) However
137- ………………..her parents …………….her best friend was able to convince Sude last night. E
A) either/or B) not only / but also
C) both /and D) neither/nor
E) not only / but
138-We are not sure ……………. their firm will make any profit in six months' time. C
A) since B) so that
C) whether D) when
E) as
139- ……………. the prices are very reasonable, most customers aren't willing to do shopping from that market. C
A) If B) Even if
C)So D)Supposing that
E)As if
140-The acoustics was ………….. bad ……………….. the singers were scarcely heard. D
A) so ……… that B) such …………. that
C) neither …………. nor D) as …………….. as
E) not only ………… but also
141-It seems impossible to send you the invitation card now, …………. I will send you one ……………. it is printed. C
A)and / when B)so / since
C)but / as soon as D)and / while
142-All the young men were drafted ……………. that the country was at war. B
A)as B)on account of the fact
C)when D)though
E)despite of the fact
143-Tim was disappointed with the decision of the directors, …………….he gave in his resignation. E

A) however C) yet
B)Since D)In case
E) so
144- ……………. you have not replied our questions we are ……………. withdrawing our offer. A
A) Since / therefore B) Despite / however
C) Unless/thus D) Because/as
E) Though / nevertheless
145-I've never seen my mother complaining ..........the situation would seem to be beyond the endurance of most people. C
A) as though B) moreover
C) even when D) providing
E) as if
146-The students're not allowed to ask anything during the exam............ there is something illegible on your exam
papers. A
A) unless B) in case
C) by the time D) besides
E) thus
147- My room must have been cleaned ……………. my sister ……………. my mother. D
A) either/nor B) not only /but
C) neither/and D) either/or
E) neither / or
148- ……………. their tender offer arrived rather late, it wasn't accepted by the tender commission. A
A) Since B) In case
C) As if D) Due to
E) Although
149- ……………. reasonable was the price of the shoes that they decided to buy three pairs. B
A) Such B) So
C) As D) Very
E) Although
150- ……………. I drove towards my cottage to Belek, I breathed deep and felt very happy. B
A)Although B)Even though
C) As D) Even if
151-You must always have a good breakfast every morning ……….. late you are. B
A) no matter B) however
C) although D) whatever
E) even if
152-……….. Mark was ready to leave the office it was already snowing heavily. E
A) at the same time B) until
C) during D) afterwards
E) by the time
153-................being popular with her students, Sandy is a very capable and conscientious teacher. A
A) Besides B) Meanwhile
C) Provided that D) Furthermore
E) Regardless

154-.........was the dissent poet back in his homeland.........he was arrested again. A
A) No sooner/than B) Whether/or
C) As long as/so D) The sooner/the more
E) During/when
155-John is afraid of water.He can't ……………. swim ……………. travel by sea. C
A) not only / but also B) neither/nor
C) either/or D) both/and
E) not only / but as well
156-Mark won't be able to study efficiently ……………. he is free from interference. D
A) where as B) for fear that
C) so that D) unless
E) as if
157-My mother hadn't said anything, but it seemed ……………. she would help us about cooking. A
A)as if C)whether
B) only if D) as
E)in case

158-The climb was compelling and dangerous…………….they didn't give up and so they reached the top of the Everest
mountain. B
A)on the other hand B) nevertheless
C)much as D) despite
E) furthermore
159-The second applicant for the post was both fast ……….. carefull, ……….. we hired her immediately. E
a)also / so b) but / and
c)so / but d) or / and
e)and / so
160-……….. the chil’s temperature is so high she will have to stay in bed for a few days. C
A) unless B) until
C) as D) whether
E) however
161-Several houses were damaged........ the strength of the earthquake. A
A) due to B) in order to
C) for fear that D) seeing that
E) unless
162-That suit is far too expensive for me to buy for you;............, it is completely unsuitable for someone of your age. B
A) on the contrary B) moreover
C) however D) whereas
E) on the other hand
163- ……………. my husband fix the tap by himself, ……………. we call a plumber to do it. D
A) neither/nor B) both/and
C) not only / but also D) either/or
E) not only / but as well
164- ……………. Jane followed the implementations with great care, they made a lot of mistakes. E
A)Despite B)For the purpose that
C)As if D)Owing to
E) Even though
165-Why do you think herry described his cottage ……………. it were a luxurious villa? A
A)as if B) as
C)even if D) in case
E) whether
166- ……………. prevent erosion we must plant trees and keep the existing ones. D
A) in spite of B) Moreover
C)Nevertheless D)In order to
E) In addition to
167-Henry still remembers his childhood very well ……….. he is nearly eighty. D
A) just as B) besides
C) after D) even though
E) on the other hand
167-……….. her meeting was over, she met with us for lunch. B
A) unless B) as soon as
C) until D) however
E) in case
168-........had the car slided on the road.......... one of its tire flated. C
A) Neither/nor B) Either/or
C) Scarcely/when D) Whether/or
E) Both/and
169-She has no experience............... qualifications for the job............I have a feeling that she could handle the job. B
A) but/as B) or/yet
C) also/so D) and/or
E) nor/for
170- It has been raining for months in Antalya, ……………. there won't have any water problems this summer. E
A)yet B) and
C)but D) for
E) so
171- ……………. his tendency is specialization in medicine, he is still a general practitioner. D
A) As C) Since
B) For fear that D) Although
E) As if
172- ……………. you feel ……………. progress you can make. E
A)The worse / the more considerable B)Better / considerable
C)The best / the most considerable D)The worse / the considerable
E)The better / the more considerable
173-Some animals such as cames do not need much water ……………. they can live in deserts. E
A) Yet B) Besides
C)However D)Consequently
174-Lisa can forgive him ……………. he is sorry for deceiving her. D
A) since B) besides
C) thus D) only if
E) as soon as
175- ……………. you have decided to move to Antalya, why didn’t you tell me? C
A) Though B) Besides
C) Now that D) Furthermore
E) Due to the fact that


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