Individual Family Survey - Camid

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Republic of the Philippines Windanno State University College of Health Sciences oe Marawi City COMMUNITY HEALTH SURVEY FORM |. FAMILY STRUCTURE, CHARACTERISTICS, AND DYNAMICS, A. Type of family #0 Nuclear JD extended others, specify: B. Family Structure Patriarchal © Matriarchal Family size O Small (1-4) A Medium (5-6) 1 Large (7 up) Dominant family member in terms of decision-making, especially in matters ‘of health care O Father JA Mother D other, specify: E. Demographics Family Member Position inthe Family [ Age | Sex | civil Status Nabil Torahngan Father 32 [M | Marnied Hedjora Tara hngan Mother 28 | E [Married Zinab_ Baredi [Maternal Grandmother! “76 | F [widowed Mahdi Tarahngan Eldest Son 2 ™ Single [abdul Hakim Tar atng an Young s+ Son 1 M | Singte i 1 L t Il, SOCIOECONOMIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTIC A. _EmploymentStatus Family Member Unemployed, Employed or Self- Type of employed Occupation Nabil Tarahngan Caf~ employed Busine gs man Hedjara_Tarahngan unemployed Zinab_ Barods unempley eal Maha Torabngan unemployed Hodul Hakim) Torahngon un employed B. Monthly Income per Household 1 500-999 J 3000-3999 O 1000-1999 i 4000-4999 1 2000-2999 1 5000-above Republic of the Philippines Windanao State Zfniversity College of Health Sciences = Marawi City C. Monthly Expenses per Household D 500-999 D 1000-1999 2000-2999 3000-3999 OD 4000-4999 CO s000-above D. Adequacy to meet basic needs (food, shelter, dothing) 1 Morethan adequate 7 Adequate O Not adequate E. Who makes decision about money and how itis ‘spent? O Father & Mother OF Other, specify F. Ethnicity: Maranao G. Religious affiliation:__\s } Am H. Relationship of the family in community activities 1. Attendance in social activities (weddings, funerals, etc) Dyes 0 No 2. Participation in political activites Dyes 0 No 3. Participation in healthcare activities dives UO No |. Educational Attainment (No formal education, Elementary level, Elementary Graduate, High _School level, High School graduate, College level, College graduate) College Graduak 9° Colege Greluak _Linab Taratingan Elementary Level _Mahai Torakn gor Ne formal Educahow Abdul [aks No Formal gaucahon HOME AND ENVIRONMENT A. Residency (Length of Stay) Less than 6 months ED More than 6 months B. Home ownership 1 Owned O Rented 0 Rent-Free Land ownership O owned O Rented EY Rent-Free D. Type of House 1D Concrete D Wood EX concretepwood 0. Makeshift E, Types of housing structure 1D Single-attached 1 Single-detached 2° Two-Storey 1 3-storey-up F._ Electricity availability Withelectricity 0 Without electricity G. Means of Cooking DD Electricity stove 1 Wood/charcoal Kerosene I LPG C1 others, specify: H. Food Storage CO With refrigerator 2 1. Water Source 1 Deep welt 1D communal O Distribution @ Rainwater DF take; \out refrigerator O others, specify: Republic of the Philippines Windanao Stare Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences = Marawi City J. Storage of drinking water (with cover O Withoutcover Others, specify: K. Garbage disposal OF Compost pit "Burning O Collected TF Open dumping L. Type of toilet O PitLatrine 1D Pail systern 228 Septic tank/stush M. Drainage system D Open system 2” Closed system N. Recreational Activities: (Please specify) nfo ©. Health Facilities: Ritu, pi gn/ct Hospilal (please specify) P. Communication Facilities OW Cellphone O Collected 1 others, specify: Q. Transportation facilities D Jeepney tricycle Private car O Others, specify: IV. KNOWLEDGE OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CONCEPTS r ‘Agree | Disagree | No Knowledge Common illness such as TB can be avoided Food rich in protein such as meat, fish & egg are needed for growth and development Headache, dizziness & edema are common signs of Pregnancy | Breast fed infants are healthier than bottle fed ones _ llesses such as measles, poliomyelitis, diphtheria & tetanus can be avoided through vaccination ‘OReSolis given to babies who have diarrhea | Family planning is good for maternal health | Herbal medicine is safe & causes no side effects even When taken in excessive amounts Blood-streaked sputum from coughing isa symptom of TB Small cuts & contusions may be cleaned using soap and tap water ~*~ NINE NUAINEN ISDN V. HEALTH CARE A. Person to consult when family members are sick 51 Doctor C1 Nurse/Midwife 1 Faith Healer 21 sett medication B. Type of Birth Attendants 2 Doctor 11 Midwife 0 Trained Hilot Place of Delivery O Private Hospital 21 Distt Hospital C1 Health center C1 House D. Infant Feeding Practices Gi Breastfeeding 1] Bottle Feeding Mixed Feeding E. Use of Herbal Medicines ET Lagundi 1 Acapulo AP Sambung Bawang Luya AT Bayabas Drtsaang-Gubat_ 1 ampalaya 1 Others, specify: Republic of the Philippines Windanao State Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences ene Marawi City Height and Weight Name of Children | Age | Helght | Weight | BMI Remarks Mahdi Torahngan 2 [Ae [105 Abdul Hakim ToraHngan 1 [16.0] 8.0 G._Immunization of the Children ‘Name of Children. ‘Agein | Complete | Incomplete Fully | : Months | immunized Mahdi Tarabngan 29 z= Abdul Hakivn Terahng an hoa VI. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD: A. Family Planning 2 Practicing FP 1 Not Practicing FP 8. Method used in Family Planning OG wo AY Pills 1D condoms O en OF Rhythm Withdrawal C2 Injection/oOMPA 1 Others, specify: Vil. HEALTH AND MEDICAL RECORDS ‘A. Major Illnesses (Past and Present) © Hypertension © DM O Cardiac Disease O pre 0 Pre-eclampsia O Anemia 1D Rheumatism C1 Others, specify: B. Common Minor illness Fever Oi colds 1 Headache CO Toothache OC Cough CO Others, specify:, G Cause of Death XE Hypertension © DM Cl Cardiac Disease O pre CO Pre-eclampsia 0 cya Df Cancer 1 UverDisease Accident OF others, specify: Republic of the Philippines. Mindanao State Zfniversitg College of Health Sciences — Marawi City ‘D. Hetero-Familial Diseases 22 Hypertension Oo Ci Cardiac Disease AX cancer O Epilepsy FE asthma © Rheumatism — Mentaliliness Others, specify: ‘Vlll. ISSUES ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Health Problems of the Community Gemmon _cohas , Cogn B. Ca & Possible Solutior . . wold weafer ts the mish idénhfied cause. Timely iMalke of mid cahon is Fe ommended Dahon Other Needs of the Community Water lines directy wnnicked fo exth hore hoy tay auese oF warty ). Solution to the Needs of the Community . ° The atreny rete Is presently wbdir process of congathion Republic of the Philippines Windanno State Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences —— ‘Marawi City Name of Family: TAR ATW G MV Date: November 14, 2021 FIRST LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT b Presence of Health Threats {Conditions that is conductive to disease and accident that may result in failure to maintain wellness) A. Presence or Family history of: Diabetes Mellitus [Zi cancer; specity: Hypertension (LJ cardiovascutar Disease; specify: ee CO other, specify: B._ Presence of family members with communicable disease Yes No . specify communicable disease: cs c sesources can adequately provide YES No No. of family members: _ Estimated total family income: D. Presence of accident hazards Broken chairs [1 Pointea/sharp objects Poisons and medicines improperly kept Fire Hazards [2 Fall Hazards Residence near river/lake LJ others, specify £. Faulty/unhealthy nutritional or eating habits or feeding techniques or practices [inadequate food intake both in quality and quantity [Excessive intake of certain nutrients, (specify family member) Faulty eating habits e. eating late, skipping meal and others Ineffective breast feeding/faulty feeding techniques Stress provoking factors Strained marital relationship (1 strained parent-sibling relationship L] interpersonal conflicts between family members Care giver burden G. Poor home/environment condition or sanitation Inadequate living space Tack of food storage facilities Polluted water supply Presence of breeding or resting sights of vectors of diseases ieee garbage disposal Poor lighting [_] Poor ventilation [5 noise pottution Air pollution Republic of the Philippines Windanno State Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences q | Se Marawi City H._Unsanitary Food handling and preparation Ces ‘EI No 1. Unhealthy lifestyle and personal habits/practices Alcohol drinking 7] Cigarette/Tobacco smoking (J walking barefoot Eating raw meat or fish (Poor personal hygiene Substance abuse (O Sexual promiscuity Engaging in dangerous sports Inadequate rest or sleep Lack of inadequate exercise/physical activity Lack of retaxation activ 2 Non-use of self-protection measures (mosquito nets) Other, spe Inherent personal characteristics (e.g. short temper, poor impulse, control etc.) YES NO family members: K: Inappropriate role assumption (e.g. child assuming mother’s roe/father not assuming his role) Cvs Gi Lack of immunization/inadequate immunization status of children Cvs [0 Yomty meres Presence of family disunity ves NO family members: Other health threats: Ue PRESENCE OF HEALTH DEFICITS (instance of failure in health maintenance) A. Presence of illness (diagnosed or not) [7{ ves NO lines ee ennanae Members of the family Abdul takin Tamtingan 8. Failure to thrive/develop according to normal process YES No Type of failure Member of the family Presence of disability (e.g. blindness, amputation, lameness from polio) Yes No Type of failure ‘Member of the family —__ — Marawi City Republic of the Philippines Windanno State Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences Wl PRESENCE OF STRESS POINTS/FORESEEABLE CRISIS SITUATIONS. (Anticipated periods of unusual demand on the in adjustment/family resources} [Marriage Pregnancy, labor, puerperium farenthood |Additional member (e.g. newborn, lodger) I Ee) oO oO Entrance at school |Adolescent Divorce/separation [menopause Loss of job Hospitalization of a family Death of family member Resettlement in new community idual or family in terms of Republic of the Philippines Mindanao Stare Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences Mara COMMUNITY HEALTH SURVEY FORM A. Type of family Wee B. Family Structure 1 Extended FAMILY STRUCTURE, CHARACTERISTICS, AND DYNAMICS, 1 others, specify: JY Patriarchal i Matriarchal Family Size 1 small (1-4) O Medium (5-6) JA Large (7 up) D. Dominant family member in ‘terms. of decision-making, especially in matters of health care O Father XE Mother O other, specify: E. Demographics Family Member Position in the Family Age Sex | Civil Status [Moktin “Abdulhamid Mother 47 | FT] Mawied Laratoc Romero Father An [wm _| Manveq [Raihan Romero Son 14 | M_[ Singke [Romayah Romero Poughier Le] singe [Rai hama Romeyd Danghie iv F | Single (Abdulrahman Reynero Son (Go| mM | cingle | Rajhe Komero Jin 12 [MT single | Abalul Rate Romero on q M | Single L nh ‘SOCIOECONOMIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTIC A. Employment Status Family Member ‘Unemployed, Employed or Self- Type of employed Occupation Mokiin sodathamia Employe a [ght Teacher frabc Komery Unem ployed Rarhan Romer Unemployed Raihama Romero Unemplayed Romayah Romevo Unemployed Aodulrahman Romev> Un-eimploy ed Rayhe Romero Unemployed adul Rafe Renew Unemployed B. Monthly income per Household 1D 500-999 O 1000-1999 CO 2000-2999 1 3000-3999 O 4000-4999 FF 8000-above Republic of the Philippines. Windanao State Zfoivorsity College of Health Sciences Marawi city Monthly Exper ‘per Household O 500-999 D 1000-1999 0 2000-2399 1 3000-3999 76 4000-4999 1 s000-above D. Adequacy to meet basic needs (food, ‘shelter, clothing) More than adequate Adequate Oi Not adequate E._ Who makes decision about. ‘Money and how it is spent? O Father JA Mother 1 Other, specit F. Ethnieity:_-Maranas G. Religious affiliation: Islam H. Relationship of the: ‘family in community activities 1. Attendance in social activities (weddings, funerals, etc) Byes O No 2. Participation in political activities Yes 0 No 3._ Participation in healthcare activities ves O No |. Educational Attainment (No formal education, Elementary level, Elementary Graduate, High Schoo! level, High School graduate, College level, College graduate) Family Member Educational Attainment Mokiin #bdulhamid College Love], Braloc Romevo High school graduale Kevan Ronrevo ighschoo| level Raihana Romerd College tenet Romay ah Remnevy igh voauo! Tore Abodultahman Roméd Fgh School level Rayhe Komen EUmen boy wel odul Rafe Romero Elementary Wel Ml. HOME AND ENVIRONMENT A. Residency (Length of Stay) G1 Less than 6 months A More than 6 months B. Home ownership Owned O Rented O Rent-Free C. Land ownership ed 1 Rented O Rent-Free D. ‘Type of House Concrete O Wood O Concrete/Wood O Makeshift E, Types of housing structure I Single-sttached Ef Single-detached C1 Two-Storey 1D s-storey- up F. Electricity availability ZT with electricity Without electricity G. Means of Cooking Gi Electricity stove 2 Wood/charcoal 1 Kerosene PG others, specify: H. Food Storage EPWith refrigerator 1 Without refrigerator 1 others, specify: 1. Water Source CO Deep well O Communal Ci Distribution Ol Rainwater Lake/River Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State Zfoive College of Health Sciences niet Marawi City J. Storage of drinking water With cover O Without cover Others, specify: K. Garbage disposal G Compost pit 2 Burning D collected D1 Open dumping L._ Type ofttoilet O Pit tatrine OF Pailsystem = _ET Septic tank/Flush M. Drainage system 1D Open system Closed system N. Recreational Activities: aja (please specify) ©. Health Facilities: RYU, Dishaeh Topi aT ptease specity) P. Communication Facilities WwW Zi cellphone 1 Collected O others, specify: Q. Transportation facilities G1 Jeepney S2tricycle Private Car (2 Others, specify: IV. KNOWLEDGE OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CONCEPTS Agree | Disagree | No Knowledge Common iliness such as TB can be avoided Food rich in protein such as meat, fish & egg are needed for growth and development Headache, dizziness & edema are common signs of Pregnancy Breast fed infants are healthier than bottle fed ones | Illnesses such as measles, Poliomyelitis, diphtheria & tetanus can be avoided through vaccination OReSol is given to babies who have diarrhea Family planning is good for maternal health Herbal medicine is safe & causes no side effects even |_when taken in excessive amounts Blood-streaked sputum from coughing is a symptom of TB ‘Small cuts & contusions may be cleaned using soap and tap water Se EN NEN \ V. HEALTH CARE A. Person to consult when family members are sick Doctor 1 Nurse/Midwife C1 Faith Healer self-medication B. Type of Birth Attendants GF Doctor Ol Midwife 2f Trained Hilot C. Place of Delivery © Private Hospital 1 District Hospital () HealthCenter 21 House D. Infant Feeding Practices O Breast Feeding 1 Bottle Feeding AD Mixed Feeding =. Use of Herbal Medicines ZY Laguna 1 Acapulo 1 sambung JY Bawang wya AX Bayabas DrTsaang-Gubat_ 0 Ampalaya CO Others, specify: Pm Republic of the Philippines Windanao State Zfviversity College of Health Sciences Marawi City F._Helght and Weight Name of Children Age | Height | Weight | BMI | Remarks | Raihan Romero 17 [108 [G3 12237 pomal Raihama Romero Ig [ies [ET fa-s TN omal Rawayah Romero HT [100 | 4B lis-0] undemieight feodulrol in Romero Wee TSS Tope Nonna | he Rivne \2 ge Te te mal Hbaul Rafe Romi 4 [67 [30 Ty “oma | G. Immunization of the Children Name of Children Agein | Complete | Incomplete Fully Months immunized Raihan Romero 205 ae Rathama Romer 225 Romayah Romero 207 Aodulrahnan Removes [g4 Rajhe Romer 1ed | Abdul Rasie Romer Hi2 Vi. RESPONSIBLE PARENTHOOD A. Family Planning OF Practicing FP 21” Not Practicing FP B. Method used in Family Planning oO wo O Pills O Condoms O en O Rhythm =) Withdrawal Ci injection/OMPA (Others, specify ‘Vil. HEALTH AND MEDICAL RECORDS A. Major Illnesses (Past and Present) Ef Hypertension =. DM O pp 1 Pre-eclampsia I Rheumatism C1 others, specify: B. Common Minor Illness © Fever OF colds 42 Toothache cough © Cause of Death AZ Hypertension (1 OM 0 prs © Pre-eclampsia B Cancer 1 Liver Disease 1 Others, specify: O Cardiac Disease 1 Anemia ef Headache O others, specify: C7 Cardiac Disease O ca DF Accident > Republic of the Philippines Windanao State Zfniversity College of Health Sciences @ Marawi City D. Hetero-Familial Diseases EV Hypertension —_.-DM. AY Cardiac Disease O Cancer O Epilepsy Er Asthma TRheumatism C1 Mentaliliness Others, specify: VIII. ISSUES ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Health Problems of the Community toh common _wldls 8. Causes & Possible Solutions : Gold weather is the my Tdewh'fred cause 5 Timely intake of tdi cation Ts Recomm dl © Other Needs of the Community Direct walter qupply to edth hous an needed D. Solution to the Needs of the Community an Leu. is ree wtp Working om providing direct wate yupphy bh treny Wveyne reg “pipe Line) Republic of the Philippines WMjindanno State Zfniversity College of Health Sciences . Marawi City Name of Family: ROMERD Date: November 14) 2021 FIRST LEVEL OF ASSESSMENT 1+ Presence of Health Threats {Conditions that is conductive to disease and accident that may result in failure to maintain wellness) ‘A. Presence or Family history of: [27 Diabetes Mellitus EI cancer; speci Hypertension Et cardiovascular Disease; specify: _ stoke Other, specify: B. Presence of family members with communicable disease ves ‘No specify communicable disease: C._ Family size beyond what family resources can adequately provide YES No No. of family members: _° Estimated total family incomé Presence of accident hazards roken chairs Co Pointed/sharp objects Poisons and medicines improperly kept Fire Hazards Fall Hazards Residence near river/lake Li others, specify E. Faulty/unhealthy nutritional or eating habits or feeding techniques or practices (1 Inadequate food intake both in quality and quantity [excessive intake of certain nutrients, (specify family member) (Faulty eating habits e.g. eating late, skipping meal and others inetfective breast feading/faulty feeding techniques provoking factors trained marital relationship Strained parent-sibling relationship EfFinterpersonal conflicts between family members Care giver burden Poor home/environment condition or sanitation =, goo 1 Inadequate living space Lack of food storage facilities Polluted water supply resence of breeding or resting sights of vectors of diseases Improper garbage disposal ‘oor lighting Poor ventilation Noise pollution Air pollution Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State Zfniversity College of Health Sciences “ie Marawi City Unsanitary Food handling and preparation (1 ves NO. |. Unhealthy lifestyle and personel habits/practices Alcohol drinking Cigarette/Tobacco smoking Walking barefodt Eating raw meat or fish Le} 00r personal hygiene C substance abuse sexual promiscuity Engaging in dangerous sports [2 inadequate rest or sleep Tack of inadequate exercise/physical activity Lack of relaxation activities C2. Non-use of sel protection measures (mosquito nets) CL other, specify: 4. Inherent personal characteristics (e.g. short temper, poor impulse, control etc.) Oves NO family members: K. Inappropriate rote assumption (e.g. chil mother’s roe/father not assuming his role) Oves NO family members: L_ Lack of immunization/inadequate immunization status of children ves NO family members: M. Presence of family disunity O ves NO family members: Other health threats: PRESENCE OF HEALTH DEFICITS (instance of failure in health maintenance) A. Presence of iliness (diagnosed or not) [_] vES NO tines Members of the family B. Failure to thrive/develop according to normal process ves No Type of failure Member of the family Presence of disability (e.g. blindness, amputation, lameness from polio) O ves No Type of failure Member of the family Republic of the Philippines Windanno State Zfoiversity College of Health Sciences al ‘Marawi City PRESENCE OF STRESS POINTS/FORESEEABLE CRISIS SITUATIONS (Anticipated periods of unusual demand on the individual or family in terms of adjustment/family resources) [Marriage [Pregnancy, labor, puerperium {Parenthood /Additional member (e.g. newborn, lodger) Entrance at school [Aadolescent Lbivorce/separation LJ) Menopause Loss of job [Lo Mospitatization of a family [_]Death of family member (Resettiementin new community Republic of the Philippines Windanao State Zfniversity College of Health Sciences Marawi City COMMUNITY HEALTH SURVEY FORM |, FAMILY STRUCTURE, CHARACTERISTICS, AND DYNAMICS, A. Type of family A Nuclear 1 Extended CO Others, specify: B. Family Structure Pr Patriarchal CO Matriarchal Family Size (Small (1-4) Medium (5-6) © Large (7 up) D. Dominant famity member in terms of decision-making, especially in matters of health care O Father 2X Mother other, specify: E._Demographics { Family Member Position in the Family Age Sex | Civil Status Coira Mata Mo ther 35 | F [Married wemali Maha Father 3S | Mm | Mamed Forhan Acmali sow 7 m_| Gngle Apdul Karim Bemali en A mo.| mi | Sagile Il, SOCIOECONOMIC AND CULTURAL CHARACTERISTIC A._Employment Status i Family Member Unemployed, Employed or Self- Tyne of | employed Occupation Sora Mata selfs employta Dwiintswoman Acmali Matua_ el F - €mployeot Former B. Monthly Income per Household D 500-999 71000-1999 1 3000-3999 (4000-4999 1 2000-2999 1 5000-above A i, Republic of the Philippines Windanao State Zfnivorsity College of Health Sciences = Marawi City Monthly Expenses per Household O s00-999 -€T 1000-1999 OD 2000-2999, O 3000-3999 4000-4999 O 5000-above P._ Adequacy to meet basic needs (food, shelter, clothing) More than adequate Adequate OD Not adequate E._ Who makes decision about money and how it Is spent? O Father _¥ Mother O other, specify: F. Ethnicity: Moranao G. Religious affiliation: [slam H. Relationship of the family in community activities a Attendance in social activities (weddings, funerals, etc) ves O No 2. Participation in political activities ves O No 3. Participation in healthcare activities Eres No |; Educational Attainment (No formal education, Elementary level, Elementary Graduate, High School level, High School graduate, College level, College graduate) [ Family Member Educational Attainment [ Femair_Mamq Elementary Level Sairoh Matua College Level [V Ferhan Bema Elementary Level Svdul Karim Acmali No formal education ia HOME AND ENVIRONMENT A. Residency (Length of Stay) Less than 6 months 8. Home ownership 0 Owned CO Rented ©. Land ownership O Owned O Rented D. Type of House Oi Concrete 1B Wood E. Types of housing structure 1 Single-sttached F. Electricity availability With electricity 1 Without electricity G. Means of Cooking D1 Electricity stove 1 Wood/charcoal Lec 1 others, specify: H. Food Storage C1 With refigerstor Without verigerator Water Source C1 Deep well 1 Communal Rainwater BP ake/River ZX Concrete/Wood D Single-detached AT two-storey More than 6 months A Rent-Free GRent-Free O Makeshift D1 s-storey-up CO Kerosene 1 others, specity: C1 Distribution Republic of the Philippines Mindanao State Zfniversity College of Health Sciences Eatin Marawi City J. Storage of drinking water With cover D Withoutcover 1 Others, specify: K. Garbage disposal 1 Compost pit Burning O collected 1 Open dumping L._ Type oftoilet 1 PitLatrine 1 Pail system 2X septic tank/Flush M. Drainage system Ol Opensystem EY Closed system N._ Recreational Activities: (please specify) ©. Health Facilities: (lease specify) P. Communication Facilities OW GCeliphone Collected 1 others, specify: Q. Transportation vases Jeepney Tricycle C1 Private Car 11 Others, specify: IV, KNOWLEDGE OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE CONCEPTS ‘Agree | Disagraa | No Knowledge [Common illness such as TB can be avoided a Food rich in protein such as meat, fish & egg are needed for growth and development wa Headache, dizziness & edema are common signs of | prenany Z| | Breast fed infants are healthier than bottle fed ones ae | nesses such as measles, poliomyelitis, diphtheria & | tetanus can be avoided through vaccination | OReSol is given to babies who have diarrhea Be - Family planning is good for maternal health ae | Herbal medicine is safe & causes no side effects even 4 | when taken in excessive amounts Blood-streaked sputum from coughing is asymptom of 18 |_7~ ‘mall cuts & contusions may be leaned using soap and | | tap water V. HEALTH CARE ‘A. Person to consult when family members are sick GF Doctor 2 Nurse/Midwife Faith Healer 1 Self-medication B. Type of Birth Attendants Sr boctor 1 Midwife 1 Trained Hilot C. Place of Delivery C1 Private Hospital 21 District Hospital (Health Center House D. Infant Feeding Practices AX Breast Feeding 0 BottleFeeding 1 Mixed Feeding E. Use of Herbal Medicines EX tagundi © Acapulo £1 Sambung ®t Bawang Tuya DF Bayabas EF Tsaang-Gubat 1 Ampalaya C1 Others, specify:

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