Ob 2

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Organizational behavoir

Chapter 2

1) Describe the two major forms of workplace diversity.

A. surface-level diversity: Differences in easily perceived characteristics, such
as gender, race, ethnicity, age, or disability, that do not necessarily reflect the
ways people think or feel but that may activate certain stereotypes.
B. deep-level diversity: Differences in values, personality, and work preferences
that become progressively more important for determining similarity as people
get to know one another better.
2) Define discrimination?
An: discrimination Noting of a difference between things; often we refer to unfair
discrimination, which means making judgments about individuals based on
stereotypes regarding their demographic group.
3) Biological characteristics: Are personal characteristics that are objective and easily
obtained from personal.
4) List biological characteristics.
• Age
• Sex
• Race and Ethnicity
• Disability
• Hidden Disabilities
5) Define Ability?
An: Ability is an individual’s current capacity to perform various tasks in a job.
6) What are the types of ability.
• Intellectual ability: Are abilities needed to perform mental activities –
thinking, reasoning and problem solving.
• Physical Abilities: The capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, strength and
similar characteristics.
7) General mental ability: Is an overall factors of intelligence as suggested by the
positive correlations among specific intellectual ability dimensions.
8) Describe diversity management?
An: Diversity management is the process and programs by which managers make
everyone more aware of an sensitive to the needs and difference of others.
9) When diversity is more successful?

Organizational behavoir
Chapter 2

An: Diversity is more successful when it is everyone’s business, not just for certain
groups of employees.
10) Forms of discrimination.
Types of Definition Examples from organizations
Discriminatory Actions taken by representatives of the Order workers may be targeted
policies organization that deny equal for layoffs because they are
opportunity to perform or unequal highly paid and have lucrative
rewards for performance benefits.

Sexual harassment Unwanted sexual advances and other Sales people at one company
verbal or physical conduct of a sexual want on company paid visits to
nature that create a hostile or offensive trip clubs, brought strippers
work environment. into the office to celebrate
promotions, and fostered
pervasive sexual rumors.

Intimidation Overt threats or bullying directed at African – American employees

members of specific groups of at some companies have found
employees. nooses hanging over their
work stations.

Mockery and insults Jokes or negative stereotypes; Arab – Americans have been
sometimes the result of jokes taken too asked at work wether they
far. were carrying bombs or were
members of terrorist
Exclusion Exclusion if certain people from job Many women in finance claim
opportunities , social events, they are assigned to marginal
discussions, or informal mentoring can job roles or are given light
occur unintentionally. workloads that do not lead to
Incivility Disrespectful treatment, including Female lawyers note that male
behaving in an aggressive manner, attorneys frequently cut them
interrupting the person, or ignoring his off or do not adequately
or her opinions. address their comments.

Organizational behavoir
Chapter 2

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