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REPORT 7 : TYPES, ⚬ Chronic (long lasting,

CHARACTERISTICS, AND permanent condition)

MOVING limited duration but
nevertheless could
I. Learners with Difficulty Walking and produce severe
Moving debilitating
Handicapping Words and What to Use symptoms)
■ Asthma
■ Diabetes
■ Epilepsy
■ Heart
Instead condition
• Difficulties that have to do with impairment
physical functioning MOBILITY IMPAIRMENTS
• A continuum wherein one end • Any difficulty which limits
includes children with minor functions of moving in any
motor problems, and at the other of the limbs or in fine
end, are children with very little motor abilities.
control over their physical
functioning. (Fox, 2003) • Can stem from a wide
range of causes and be
• Orthopedic impairments caused permanent, intermittent, or
by disease such as bone temporary.
tuberculosis, and impairments
from other causes such as • Example:
cerebral palsy, amputations,
⚬ Musculoskeletal
fractures or burns (Heward,
• Conditions of having limited
strength, vitality, or alertness, ⚬ Amputation
which could limit one’s
⚬ Spinal injury
participation in education.
⚬ Arthritis
⚬ Muscular dystrophy Disability, and Neurological
⚬ Multiple sclerosis

⚬ Cerebral palsy
⚬ Traumatic brain  Seizure disorders occur due to
injury abnormal electrical discharges in
the brain. These discharges
⚬ Additionally, cause a disturbance of
conditions such as movement, sensation, behavior,
respiratory and or consciousness.
cardiac diseases  It can occur at any stage of life
can impair mobility but is most likely to be developed
due to fatigue and during childhood.
reduced stamina.
II. Typical and Atypical
Development of Gross Motor  Cerebral Palsy
Skills  Infections in the brain and
Central Nervous System
 Metabolic disorders
Typical development  Lesion due to scar tissue from
a head injury
 Generic progress of the child  High fever
compared to peers of the
 Interruption in the blood
same age.
supply to the brain
Atypical development  Shaken-baby Syndrome
 Occurs when the child Triggers:
appears to lag behind or is
 Fatigue
way ahead of same-age peers
in any of the different skills  Excitement
 Anger
Atypical development  Surprise
 Physical Development  Hyperventilation
 Social Development  Hormonal Changes
 Cognitive Development  Withdrawal from alcohol and
 Adaptive Life Skills drugs
Development  Exposure to certain patterns
of light, sound, or touch
Kinds of Epilepsy
III. Types and Causes of Health
Impairments, Physical  Generalized tonic-clonic
seizure or Grand Mal Seizure
- Most common seizure.  Anger
Muscles become stiff, one  Surprise
would lose consciousness  Hyperventilation
and fall to the floor. Involves
violent shaking of the body 3. CEREBRAL PALSY
while the muscles contract  A permanent disorder of
and relax alternately. movement and posture
 Absence Seizure or Petit Mal  Symptoms are
- Less severe but happens disturbances in voluntary
more frequently. Involves motor functions such as
brief loss of consciousness, paralysis, extreme
lasting from a few seconds to weakness, and lack of
half a minute or longer. Some coordination, involuntary
may stare blankly, flutter, convulsions, and other
blink, grow pale, and drop motor disorders.
whatever one is holding, as if
daydreaming or not listening. Causes:
 Complex Partial Seizure or  Usually, it is a result of having a
Psychomotor Seizure - lesion in the brain or abnormality
Shows brief periods of in brain growth, as well as brain
purposeless activity such as diseases.
smacking lips, walking
aimlessly, or shouting. Triggers:
 Losing control over one’s legs,
2. ASTHMA arms, or speech
 A chronic lung disease.
 Paralyzed limbs and muscles of
 Symptoms include wheezing,
the body.
coughing, and difficulty in
breathing. Types:
 During an attack, the airways are
 Monoplegia - Affects one limb,
narrow, and the resistance in the
usually an arm
airflow in and out of the lungs
 Hemiplegia - Affects one side of
the body, including arm, leg, and
Causes: trunk
 Diplegia - Affects symmetrical of
 Usually caused by allergens such the body, legs or arms
as pollen or foods, irritants such  Triplegia - Three limbs are
as cigarette smoke, exercise, or affected
emotional stress.  Quadriplegia - Affects all four
Triggers: limbs
 Paraplegia - Only legs are
 Fatigue impaired
 Excitement
 Double Hemiplegia - Involves the the vertebral column, fracture of
arms with less severe the vertebrae, or compression of
involvement of the legs. the spinal cord
 Causes might be motor vehicle
4. SPINA BIFIDA accidents, falls, acts of violence,
 A neural tube defect which and sports
refers to congenital  Injured students or people usually
malformations of the brain, use wheelchairs for mobility.
spinal cord, or vertebrae.
 The vertebrae do not enclose
the spinal cord, making a IV. Classifications of Physical
portion of the spinal cord and Disabilities
nerves that are responsible
with controlling muscles and A. Progressive Conditions that
feeling in the lower part of the Get Worse Over Time but
body fail to develop normally. Can Fluctuate
B. Non-Progressive Conditions
5. MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY that Remain Stable
 A group of inherited diseases C. Disabilities that Are Non-
marked by progressive Progressive but Can
wasting away of the body’s Fluctuate
 Duchenne Muscular Physical Disability
Dystrophy - most common  Physical disabilities that could
and severe type which affects limit a person’s ability to walk and
only boys and one-third of the move could include physiological,
cases are due to genetic functional, and/or mobility
mutation in families that have impairments.
no history of the disease.  These can be categorized
 Symptoms are muscular according to whether they are
weaknesses which manifests fluctuating or intermittent, chronic,
difficulty in running or climbing progressive or stable, visible or
the stairs; walking in unusual invisible.
gait; protruding stomach and  In terms of pain experienced,
hollow back; and having calf some involve extreme pain, some
muscles that appear unusually less, while some do not involve
large because of fatty tissues pain at all.
replacing degenerated
muscles A. Progressive Conditions that
Get Worse Over Time but Can
 Usually caused by lesions due to
penetrating injuries, stretching of
1) MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS –  Duchenne muscular dystrophy is
NEUROLOGICAL the most common type;
DETERIORATION symptoms normally start before a
 “scar tissue in multiple areas.” child’s third birthday; they are
 It occurs when the myelin sheath generally wheelchair-bound by 12
– protective tissue around nerve years and die of respiratory
fibers in the body – becomes failure by their early-to-mid-
damaged, causing random twenties.
patches or scars. The scars can  Problems with walking,
interfere with messages sent swallowing, and muscle
through the central nervous coordination.
system, affecting the brain, optic  Most individuals with muscular
nerves, and spinal cord. dystrophy do lose the ability to
 Myelin sheaths are sleeves of walk and eventually require a
fatty tissue that protect your wheelchair.
nerve cells.  There’s no known cure for
 The symptoms of MS are very muscular dystrophy, but certain
varied but can include fatigue, treatments may help.
loss of motor control, tingling,
numbness, visual disturbances, 3) CHRONIC ARTHRITIS –
memory loss, depression, and INFLAMMATION OF THE JOINT
cognitive difficulties.  Arthritis is a general term for
 In general, MS becomes more inflammation (redness, warmth,
severe over time. Some people swelling, and pain) in joints.
with MS won’t notice any  Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of
progression of symptoms. For chronic (ongoing) arthritis that
others, symptoms may become occurs in joints on both sides of
severe. the body (for instance, both
hands, wrists, and/or knees),
2) MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY – which helps distinguish it from
MUSCULAR DISORDER other types of arthritis.
 Muscular dystrophy is a group of  Autoimmune disorder; attacks the
inherited diseases that damage lining of the joints (synovium).
and weaken your muscles over  It can also affect the
time. MD is caused by mutations cardiovascular or respiratory
(alterations) in the genes systems.
responsible for healthy muscle  The pain and stiffness of
structure and function. rheumatoid arthritis can develop
 This damage and weakness is and worsen over several weeks
due to the lack of a protein called or a few months.
dystrophin, which is necessary for  RA is a chronic condition for
normal muscle function. which there is currently no cure.
 However, treatment can slow abnormal movements in the
down the progression of the arms, legs, and hands.
disease. It can also help reduce 3. Hypotonic Cerebral Palsy –
pain, make symptoms Hypotonic CP causes
manageable, and prevent joint diminished muscle tone and
damage overly relaxed muscles. The
arms and legs move very
easily and appear floppy, like
B. Non-Progressive Conditions a rag doll. Babies with this
that Remain Stable type of CP have little control
1. CEREBRAL PALSY – over their head and may have
 a group of disorders that
affect movement and muscle
tone or posture. It's caused 2. SPINA BIFIDA – CONGENITAL
by damage that occurs to the MALFORMATION OF THE
immature, developing brain, SPINAL CORD
most often before birth.  Spina bifida is a relatively
 “cerebral” means having to common birth defect. The words
do with the brain. The word literally mean "split spine" in
“palsy” means weakness or Latin.
problems with body  It occurs when the spine and
movement. spinal cord don't form properly.
 Abnormal brain development It's a type of neural tube defect.
or injury to the developing  the neural tube is a group of cells
brain can cause CP. that form the brain and the spinal
 Premature birth, low birth cord of a baby.
weight, being a twin or triplet,  It is a failure of the spinal cord to
breech birth (which occurs close.
when your baby’s buttocks or
Types of Spina Bifida:
feet come out first)
1. Myelomeningocele - the
Types of Cerebral Palsy:
most serious type of spina
1. Spastic cerebral palsy - The bifida. With this condition, a
most common type of CP. It sac of fluid comes through an
causes stiff muscles and opening in the baby’s back.
exaggerated reflexes, making Part of the spinal cord and
it difficult to walk. nerves are in this sac and are
2. Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy - damaged.
People with dyskinetic CP 2. Meningocele - With
have trouble controlling their meningocele a sac of fluid
body movements. The comes through an opening in
disorder causes involuntary, the baby’s back. But, the
spinal cord is not in this sac.  Fibromyalgia causes widespread
There is usually little or no pain, fatigue, and other types of
nerve damage. This type of discomfort.
spina bifida can cause minor  pain in the muscles and bones
disabilities. (musculoskeletal pain)
3. Spina Bifida Occulta - the  Symptoms resemble those of
mildest type of spina bifida. It arthritis, but fibromyalgia affects
is sometimes called “hidden” the soft tissue, not the joints.
spina bifida. With it, there is a  In people with fibromyalgia, the
small gap in the spine, but no brain and nerves may
opening or sac on the back. misinterpret or overreact to
The spinal cord and the normal pain signals; dorsal root
nerves usually are normal. gangalion
 There is no cure, but
3. SPINAL CORD INJURY – medications, exercise,
NEUROLOGICAL DAMAGE acupuncture, and behavioral
RESULTING FROM TRAUMA therapy can help relieve
 an insult to the spinal cord symptoms and improve sleep
resulting in a change, either quality.
temporary or permanent, in the
cord’s normal motor, sensory, or 2. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME-
 have permanent and often  Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS)
devastating neurologic deficits is a complicated disorder
and disability. characterized by extreme fatigue
 Symptoms of spinal cord injury that lasts for at least six months
depend on the severity of injury and that can't be fully explained
and its location on the spinal by an underlying medical
cord. condition. The fatigue worsens
 Symptoms may include partial or with physical or mental activity,
complete loss of sensory function but doesn't improve with rest.
or motor control of arms, legs  Some theories include viral
and/or body. infection, psychological stress, or
 It causes permanent changes in a combination of factors.
strength, sensation and other  It can affect anyone.
body functions below the site of
the injury.
C. Disabilities that Are Non- IMPAIRMENT
Progressive but Can Fluctuate
1. FIBROMYALGIA – CHRONIC PAIN  cause or set of causes of a
CONDITION disease or health condition.
CAUSES OF MOBILITY • Motor dysfunctions
 Conditions present at birth ⚬ Include walking,
 Illness or physical injury lack of muscle
 Limitations in stamina to paralysis coordination,
spasms, as well as
difficulty with
• Spinal cord damage • Neuromuscular disorders
• Amputation ⚬ Refer to a wide
range of cognitions,
⚬ One or more limbs
including muscular
are removed
because of trauma,
sclerosis, and
malignancies other
ataxia that lead to
degeneration and
• Arthritis atrophy of muscular
nerve tissues
⚬ There is an
inflammation of • Fibromyalgia
body’s joints, which
⚬ Condition of
causes pain,
rheumatism in “soft
swelling and
tissues” of muscles
difficulty with
that cause constant
muscular and
• Back disorder ligament pain

⚬ Difficulty on the
student to perform VI. CHARACTERISTICS OF
bending or carrying
objects, due to
degenerative disk
disease, scoliosis,
herniated disks
• Celebral palsy
• Have damage to the brain
that occurs before or
shortly after birth

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