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Year 35 No.

48 Ash Wednesday (C) — Violet March 2, 2022

Let the Ashes catch

Your Eyes
by Fr. Oliver Vergel O. Par, SSP

It is always a shattered yet

humble heart that pleases
God’s mercy for he will
always relent to a broken
heart that seeks his healing
(First Reading).
Ash Wednesday is a day
of healing—an initiative of
a merciful God who sees in
secret, in the heart (Gospel).
In order to be filled with
this gift of healing, we need
to recognize our need for
it. We have to lay bare our
weaknesses and strip our
hearts of pride. Arrogance
“Y ou are dust, and to dust
you shall return” (cf.
Gn 3:19). The dust reminds
presence, Jesus left us his
Spirit who rests in our hearts
will never limit God’s mercy,
but it can worsen the wounds
that our sins inflict on us.
us that we are the fruit of
God’s mercy. We were once From dust into wonderful As the priest imposes or
nothing but dust, but God human beings?! How can sprinkles the ashes on our
transformed us into human we not love such a merciful heads, let us allow them to
beings, gifted with freedom God? How can we not regret catch the eyes of our minds,
and destined to eternal life. sinning against such a faithful so that as we close our eyes,
But that same gift of freedom God? Indeed, only a stone- God may speak to us heart
gave us the option to not hearted person can never to heart. Standing before a
follow God. God respected feel guilty in offending him. Father who knows all our
our choice, but that did This is what our readings sins, let us allow ourselves
not stop his being merciful are warning us about—a to be embraced and feel his
toward us. He then sent his stone heart before God. Our tenderness. Let the Father
only Son Jesus to bring us sins can shatter our hearts feel our shattered hearts.
back to him and to save us to pieces. When it happens, Without our saying a word,
from our unfaithfulness. Jesus we have only two options: God knows our betrayals,
Christ suffered and died, but to cover them up with stones denials, and wretchedness.
rose from the dead, thus or to surrender our shattered Let us make God heal our
bringing us back to the right hearts to God. To do the shattered hearts, and we will
path to eternal life. To assure former is hypocrisy before surely come out amazed and
us of his abiding merciful God; the latter is humility. transformed by divine mercy.
1. Have mercy on me, O God, in
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES Liturgy of the word your goodness;/ in the greatness
Entrance Antiphon of your compassion wipe out
First Reading (Jl 2:12–18) (Sit) my offense./ Thoroughly wash
(Cf. Wis 11:24, 25, 27)
(Recited when there is no opening song.) The words of the prophet Joel are me from my guilt/ and of my
both an urgent exhortation and a sin cleanse me. (R)
You are merciful to all, O comforting revelation. We should
Lord, and despise nothing that return to the Lord because he is 2. For I acknowledge my
you have made. You overlook gracious and merciful. The Lord offense,/ and my sin is before
people’s sins, to bring them to forgives us our transgressions and me always:/ “Against you only
repentance, and you spare them, gives us healing. have I sinned,/ and done what
for you are the Lord our God. is evil in your sight.” (R)
A reading from the Book of
the Prophet Joel 3. A clean heart create for me,
(The sign of the cross is made here.) EVEN now, says the Lord, return O God,/ and a steadfast spirit
to me with your whole heart, renew within me./ Cast me
P—The grace of our Lord Jesus with fasting, and weeping, and not out from your presence,/
Christ, and the love of God, and mourning; rend your hearts, not and your Holy Spirit take not
the communion of the Holy your garments, and return to the from me. (R)
Spirit be with you all. Lord, your God. For gracious 4. Give me back the joy of your
All—And with your spirit. and merciful is he, slow to anger, salvation,/ and a willing spirit
Introduction rich in kindness, and relenting sustain in me./ O Lord, open
(These [or similar words] may be used in punishment. Perhaps he will my lips,/ and my mouth shall
to address the assembly.) again relent and leave behind proclaim your praise. (R)
him a blessing, offerings and Second Reading
P—Ash Wednesday opens the libations for the Lord, your God.
season of Lent which prepares (2 Cor 5:20—6:2)
Blow the trumpet in Zion!
us for the celebration of the Proclaim a fast, call an assembly. The grace of God manifests in Jesus
Paschal Mystery—the passion, Gather the people, notify the who delivers us from sin. Lent is an
death, and resurrection of congregation. Assemble the acceptable time to stay close to Jesus
Jesus. The beginning of Lent elders, gather the children and in his work of salvation.
is marked by the giving of the infants at the breast. Let the
ashes to signify our mourning A reading from the second
bridegroom quit his room, and Letter of Saint Paul to the
or contrition for our sins. This the bride her chamber. Between Corinthians
sign of penance, however, the porch and the altar let the
should be accompanied by priests, the ministers of the Lord, BROTHERS AND SISTERS: We
inner conversion, by metanoia weep, and say, “Spare, O Lord, are ambassadors for Christ, as
or change of heart. We rend our your people, and make not if God were appealing through
hearts, not our garments, and your heritage a reproach, with us. We implore you on behalf
return to the Lord. Our Lenten the nations ruling over them! of Christ, be reconciled to God.
practices—prayer, fasting, Why should they say among the For our sake he made him to
almsgiving—are rightly done peoples, ‘Where is their God?’” be sin who did not know sin,
before God’s eyes. Then the Lord was stirred to so that we might become the
concern for his land and took righteousness of God in him.
(The Penitential Act is omitted and the Working together, then, we
pity on his people.
Gloria is not sung.) appeal to you not to receive
—The word of the Lord. the grace of God in vain. For
Collect All—Thanks be to God.
he says: In an acceptable time
P—Let us pray. (Pause) Responsorial Psalm (Ps 51) I heard you, and on the day of
Grant, O Lord, that we may R—Be merciful, O Lord, for salvation I helped you. Behold,
begin with holy fasting this now is a very acceptable time;
we have sinned.
campaign of Christian service, behold, now is the day of
so that, as we take up battle Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP salvation.
against spiritual evils, we may

     
Fm C7 B♭ C7
 
—The word of the Lord.
be armed with weapons of self-     All —Thanks be to God.
restraint. Be mer ci ful, Lord, for
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Verse before the Gospel
your Son, who lives and reigns (Cf. Ps 95:8) (Stand)

   


with you in the unity of the Holy  

Spirit, God, for ever and ever. we have sinned. All—If today you hear his
All—Amen. voice, harden not your hearts.
Gospel (Mt 6:1–6, 16–18) we will put on our heads in C—Father, help us build bridges
penitence.(Pause) of faith, hope, love, and mercy
P—A reading from the holy O God, who are moved by between enemies. May we be free
Gospel according to Matthew to let go our grudges and strive
acts of humility and respond
All—Glory to you, O Lord. for reconciliation. We pray: (R)
with forgiveness to works of
JESUS said to his disciples: “Take penance, lend your merciful C—Father, through the power
care not to perform righteous of Jesus’ cross may our beloved
ear to our prayers and in your dead enter the eternal life. We
deeds in order that people may kindness pour out the grace
see them; otherwise, you will pray: (R)
of your (†) blessing on your
have no recompense from your C—Let us pray for the urgent
heavenly Father. When you give servants who are marked with concerns of our community
alms, do not blow a trumpet these ashes, that, as they follow and our personal intentions
before you, as the hypocrites the Lenten observances, they (pause). We pray: (R)
do in the synagogues and in may be worthy to come with
P—God, our Father, our help
the streets to win the praise of minds made pure to celebrate and strength, by the grace of
others. Amen, I say to you, they the Paschal Mystery of your Son. your Spirit enable us to live in
have received their reward. But Through Christ our Lord. greater fidelity to the gospel of
when you give alms, do not let All—Amen. reconciliation and rejoice in the
your left hand know what your peace it offers. Grant this through
right hand is doing, so that your (The priest sprinkles the ashes
Christ your Son, and our Lord.
almsgiving may be secret. And with holy water in silence.)
your Father who sees in secret Distribution of Ashes
will repay you. Liturgy of
“When you pray, do not be (The priest places the ashes on the eucharist
like the hypocrites, who love to those who come to him, saying
to each one: Repent, and believe Presentation of the Gifts (Stand)
stand and pray in synagogues in the Gospel. Or: Remember
and on street corners so that that you are dust, and to dust P—Pray, brethren…
others may see them. Amen, I you shall return. Meanwhile, All—May the Lord accept the
say to you, they have received appropriate songs may be sung.) sacrifice at your hands for the
their reward. But when you pray, praise and glory of his name,
go to your inner room, close the Prayer of the Faithful for our good and the good of
door, and pray to your Father all his holy Church.
P—Having begun our Lenten
in secret. And your Father who Prayer over the Offerings
journey, we beg you, O heavenly
sees in secret will repay you.
Father, for the grace of genuine P—As we solemnly offer the
“When you fast, do not look
repentance and compassion annual sacrifice for the beginning
gloomy like the hypocrites. They
towards each other. With firm of Lent, we entreat you, O Lord,
neglect their appearance, so that
faith we pray: that, through works of penance
they may appear to others to
be fasting. Amen, I say to you, R—Renew your life in us, O and charity, we may turn away
they have received their reward. Lord. from harmful pleasures and,
But when you fast, anoint your C—Father, help us to discard cleansed from our sins, may
head and wash your face, so any religious displays that are become worthy to celebrate
that you may not appear to be insincere. May we strive to devoutly the Passion of your Son.
fasting, except to your Father cultivate a richer prayer life Who lives and reigns for ever
who is hidden. And your Father centered in your Word. We and ever.
who sees what is hidden will pray: (R) All—Amen.
repay you.” C—Father, help us to be more Preface III of Lent
keen to the voice of Christ
—The Gospel of the Lord. appealing to us through the P—The Lord be with you.
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus cries of the poor, the hungry, All—And with your spirit.
Christ. the despised, and the lost. We P—Lift up your hearts.
Homily (Sit) pray: (R) All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
C—Father, help us to fast from
Blessing of Ashes (Stand) Lord our God.
the harshness and arrogance
in our actions. May we follow All—It is right and just.
P—Dear brethren (brothers and faithfully the health measures P—It is truly right and just,
sisters), let us humbly ask God set for us so that we may be our duty and our salvation,
our Father that he be pleased spared from the discomfort and always and everywhere to give
to bless with the abundance of sickness caused by Covid-19 you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
his grace these ashes, which virus. We pray: (R) almighty and eternal God.
For you will that our self- Invitation to Peace THE CONCLUDING RITES
denial should give you thanks,
humble our sinful pride, Invitation to Communion
P—The Lord be with you.
contribute to the feeding of (Kneel)
All—And with your spirit.
the poor, and so help us imitate P—Behold the Lamb of God, Prayer over the People
you in your kindness. behold him who takes away
And so, we glorify you with the sins of the world. Blessed P—Bow down for the blessing.
countless Angels, as with one are those called to the supper (Pause)
voice of praise we acclaim: of the Lamb.
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God All—Lord, I am not worthy Pour out a spirit of com-
of hosts. Heaven and earth are that you should enter under punction, O God, on those
full of your glory. Hosanna in my roof, but only say the word who bow before your majesty,
the highest. Blessed is he who and my soul shall be healed. and by your mercy may they
comes in the name of the Lord. Communion Antiphon merit the rewards you promise
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) (Cf. Ps 1:2–3) to those who do penance.
Through Christ our Lord.
Acclamation (Stand) He who ponders the law of
the Lord day and night will P—And may the blessing of
All—Save us, Savior of the yield fruit in due season. almighty God, the Father, and
world, for by your Cross and the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
Resurrection you have set us free. Prayer after Communion
(Stand) come down on you and remain
with you for ever.
THE COMMUNION RITE P—Let us pray. (Pause) All—Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer May the Sacrament we have
received sustain us, O Lord, Dismissal
All—Our Father… that our Lenten fast may be
P—Deliver us, Lord… pleasing to you and be for us P— The Mass has been offered.
All—For the kingdom, the a healing remedy. Go in peace, glorifying the Lord
power and the glory are yours Through Christ our Lord. by your life.
now and forever. All—Amen. All—Thanks be to God.

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