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Year 35 No.

49 First Sunday of Lent (C) — Violet March 6, 2022

National Migrants’ Sunday


by Fr. Ogie Magbanua, SSP


a simple instruction from our
teachers during our elementary
and re-examine our priorities.
Even the Son of God made his
retreat in the desert, and though
It makes no sense to love God
and neglect our neighbor. It
comes as no surprise that prayer
days. Before crossing the street, he was hungry, he did not give is intertwined with almsgiving
stop and look for oncoming cars in to the temptation of the devil. and fasting to constitute the
and listen for possible ones on Jesus said to the tempter, “One three pillars of Lent. The season
blind curves. A straightforward does not live on bread alone.” of Lent is a time to assess the
d i r e c t ive t o avo i d s t r e e t LISTEN. The World Health depth of our love and to discern
accidents. Organization has projected the growth of our love for God
The Lenten season opens that by 2050, nearly 2.5 billion and others. For this we need to
for us a corresponding attitude people will suffer from some STOP and LISTEN. Lent is not
of discernment to make it a degree of hearing loss due to a season of “appearances,” of
meaningful journey so that we unsafe listening practices. This being charitable during Lent
might avoid “falling out of grace” can also apply to us who we just to be “in.” It is not a parade
along the way. STOP. LISTEN. are “spiritually deaf.” We can to display our goodness, after
PRAY. be so attuned to the clink of which we may return to our old
money that we fail to notice self of pride and selfishness. Lent
STOP. We can be so busy with is about growth or how far we
office and family concerns, the groaning of humanity. Our
hearing loss may be due to selfish have matured in serving God.
from paying the bills to finishing “You shall worship the Lord,
workloads, that we bring our concerns resulting from a very
narrow listening practice. Jesus your God, and him alone shall
work home on Sundays and you serve.”
forget the need for Sabbath rest. listened attentively to the Spirit,
It makes sense to pause and not to the voice of the devil. STOP. LISTEN. PRAY. This is a
replenish our spirits, not just our Who we listen to will spell the simple road map of crossing over
bank accounts. Otherwise, we difference between falling from from here to eternity in order
may miss the gentle prodding grace and being with the Lord. to avoid falling along the way.
of God to guide us in the right PRAY. Prayer is not just being May our Lenten journey truly
direction to happiness and on our knees with God but is be a meaningful discernment of
success. Let us leave room for also an expression of faith. The our spiritual growth to success
God in the “desert of our hearts” other face of prayer is charity. every day.
P—Christ, have mercy. the products of the soil which
THE INTRODUCTORY RITES All—Christ, have mercy. you, O Lord, have given me.’
Entrance Antiphon P—Lord, have mercy. And having set them before
(Cf. Ps 91(90):15–16) All—Lord, have mercy. the Lord, your God, you shall
(Recited when there is no opening song.) bow down in his presence.”
(During Lent, the Gloria is omitted.)
When he calls on me, I will Collect —The word of the Lord.
answer him; I will deliver him All—Thanks be to God.
and give him glory, I will grant P—Let us pray. (Pause)
him length of days. Grant, almighty God, through Responsorial Psalm (Ps 91)
the yearly observances of holy R—Be with me, Lord, when I
Greeting Lent, that we may grow in
(The sign of the cross is made here.) am in trouble.
understanding of the riches
P—The Lord be with you. hidden in Christ and by worthy E. C. Marfori
All—And with your spirit. conduct pursue their effects.

 Em Am
Through our Lord Jesus        
(These [or similar words] may be used Christ, your Son, who lives and Be with me, Lord, when

to address the assembly.) reigns with you in the unity of

P—The temptation of Jesus in
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever 3

 G Am
and ever.      
the desert is a great reminder All—Amen. I am in trou ble.
that temptations in our lives
can be overcome if we go to
Jesus and choose to remain Liturgy of the word
1. You who dwell in the shelter
with him.
First Reading (Dt 26:4–10) (Sit) of the Most High,/ who abide
Today, the first Sunday of in the shadow of the Almighty,/
Lent, is National Migrants’ Day. Offering to God the fruits of the say to the Lord, “My refuge and
Jesus’ cross portrays very well land in thanksgiving, the Israelites fortress,/ my God in whom I
the sacrifices and fortitude of profess publicly the saving acts God trust.” (R)
migrants for the sake of their has done on their behalf. Lent is
families. Let us pray for the the time to recall the Lord Jesus’ 2. No evil shall befall you,/ nor
suffering on our behalf. shall affliction come near your
millions of overseas Filipino
workers, migrants, and their A reading from the Book of tent,/ for to his angels he has
families, that they may remain Deuteronomy given command about you,/
faithful and become instruments MOSES spoke to the people that they guard you in all your
of the Good News. saying: “The priest shall receive ways. (R)
Penitential Act the basket from you and shall 3. Upon their hands they shall
set it in front of the altar of bear you up,/ lest you dash your
P—Brethren (brothers and the Lord, your God. Then you
sisters), let us acknowledge our foot against a stone./ You shall
shall declare before the Lord, tread upon the asp and the
sins, and so prepare ourselves to
your God, ‘My father was a viper;/ you shall trample down
celebrate the sacred mysteries.
wandering Aramean who went the lion and the dragon. (R)
down to Egypt with a small
All—I confess to almighty God
household and lived there as 4. Because he clings to me,/
and to you, my brothers and
sisters, that I have greatly sinned an alien. But there he became I will deliver him;/ I will set
in my thoughts and in my words, a nation great, strong, and him on high because he
in what I have done and in numerous. When the Egyptians acknowledges my name./ He
what I have failed to do, (Strike maltreated and oppressed us, shall call upon me,/ and I will
your breast) through my fault, imposing hard labor upon us, answer him;/ I will be with him
through my fault, through my we cried to the Lord, the God in distress;/ I will deliver him
most grievous fault; therefore I of our fathers, and he heard our and glorify him. (R)
ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all cry and saw our affliction, our
the Angels and Saints, and you, toil and our oppression. “He Second Reading (Rom 10:8–13)
my brothers and sisters, to pray brought us out of Egypt with his
for me to the Lord our God. The apostle Paul exhorts us to place
strong hand and outstretched our faith and confidence in the Lord
P—May almighty God have arm, with terrifying power, with
mercy on us, forgive us our sins, Jesus who suffered and died and
signs and wonders; and bringing was raised from the dead for our
and bring us to everlasting life. us into this country, he gave us
All—Amen. salvation.
this land flowing with milk and
P—Lord, have mercy. honey. Therefore, I have now A reading from the Letter of
All—Lord, have mercy. brought you the firstfruits of Saint Paul to the Romans
BROTHERS AND SISTERS: What Lord your God, and him alone and apostolic Church. I confess
does Scripture say? The word shall you serve.” Then he led one Baptism for the forgiveness
is near you, in your mouth and him to Jerusalem, made him of sins and I look forward to the
in your heart—that is, the word stand on the parapet of the resurrection of the dead and the
of faith that we preach—for, if temple, and said to him, “If life of the world to come. Amen.
you confess with your mouth you are the Son of God, throw Prayer of the Faithful
that Jesus is Lord and believe yourself down from here, for it
in your heart that God raised is written, He will command P—Heavenly Father, renew us
him from the dead, you will be his angels concerning you, to in your covenant of mercy that
saved. For one believes with the guard you, and: With their leads us to everlasting life. With
heart and so is justified, and one hands they will support you, humble hearts we pray:
confesses with the mouth and lest you dash your foot against R—Lord, graciously hear us.
so is saved. For the Scripture a stone.” Jesus said to him in
C—May the church leaders
says, No one who believes in reply, “It also says, You shall
find strength in the “Christ in
him will be put to shame. For not put the Lord, your God, to
the desert” whenever they are
there is no distinction between the test.” When the devil had
tempted to live a life against the
Jew and Greek; the same Lord finished every temptation, he
gospel. We pray: (R)
is Lord of all, enriching all who departed from him for a time.
call upon him. For “everyone C—May the civil leaders be
—The Gospel of the Lord. empowered by your love, O
who calls on the name of the All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus
Lord will be saved.” Lord, so that they may use
material and spiritual gifts for
—The word of the Lord.
Homily (Sit) common good. We pray: (R)
All —Thanks be to God.
C—May Filipino migrants be
Verse before the Gospel Profession of Faith (Stand) living witnesses of the Jesus’
(Mt 4:4b) (Stand) salvific love so that the reign of
All—I believe in one God,
All—One does not live on the Father almighty, maker of God may spread throughout the
bread alone, but on every heaven and earth, of all things world through them. We pray: (R)
word that comes forth from visible and invisible. C—As we go through this
the mouth of God. I believe in one Lord Jesus p a n d e m i c , m ay w e c o u -
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of rageously witness to Jesus
Gospel (Lk 4:1–13) God, born of the Father before
all ages. God from God, Light Christ through faith-inspired
P—A reading from the holy from Light, true God from works of peace, justice, love,
Gospel according to Luke true God, begotten, not made, and compassion. We pray: (R)
All—Glory to you, O Lord. consubstantial with the Father; C—May those who are preparing
FILLED with the Holy Spirit, through him all things were for baptism and reception
made. For us men and for our
Jesus returned from the Jordan salvation he came down from into the Catholic Church be
and was led by the Spirit into heaven, (at the words that follow, up guided by the Spirit of wisdom
the desert for forty days, to be to and including and became man, and peace. We pray: (R)
tempted by the devil. He ate all bow) and by the Holy Spirit C—May those who called
nothing during those days, and was incarnate of the Virgin upon your name in faith, O
when they were over he was Mary and became man.
For our sake he was crucified Father, during their earthly
hungry. The devil said to him,
under Pontius Pilate, he suffered journey hear the voice of
“If you are the Son of God,
death and was buried, and Christ welcoming them into
command this stone to become
rose again on the third day in the joy of heaven. We pray: (R)
bread.” Jesus answered him, accordance with the Scriptures.
“It is written, One does not C—Let us pray for the urgent
He ascended into heaven and concerns of our community
live on bread alone.” Then he is seated at the right hand of
took him up and showed him and our personal intentions
the Father. He will come again
all the kingdoms of the world (pause). We pray: (R)
in glory to judge the living and
in a single instant. The devil the dead and his kingdom will P—Father, through the Spirit,
said to him, “I shall give to have no end. you led Jesus into the desert to
you all this power and glory; I believe in the Holy Spirit, prepare him for his mission of
for it has been handed over the Lord, the giver of life, who mercy. Lead us by the same Spirit
proceeds from the Father and
to me, and I may give it to the Son, who with the Father during this Lenten journey that
whomever I wish. All this will and the Son is adored and we may be spiritually prepared
be yours, if you worship me.” glorified, who has spoken to celebrate the resurrection. We
Jesus said to him in reply, “It is through the prophets. ask this through Christ our Lord.
written: You shall worship the I believe in one, holy, catholic, All—Amen.
Liturgy of
the eucharist
Presentation of the Gifts

P—Pray, brethren…
All—May the Lord accept the
sacrifice at your hands for the
praise and glory of his name,
for our good and the good of
all his holy Church.
Prayer over the Offerings
P—Give us the right disposi-
tions, O Lord, we pray, to make
these offerings, for with them
we celebrate the beginning of
this venerable and sacred time.
Through Christ our Lord.
Preface: The Temptation of
the Lord
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit. and living Bread, and strive
P—Lift up your hearts. THE COMMUNION RITE to live by every word which
All—We lift them up to the Lord. The Lord’s Prayer proceeds from your mouth.
P—Let us give thanks to the Through Christ our Lord.
Lord our God. All—Our Father… All—Amen.
All—It is right and just. P—Deliver us, Lord…
P—It is truly right and just, All—For the kingdom, the THE CONCLUDING RITES
power and the glory are yours
our duty and our salvation, now and forever. P—The Lord be with you.
always and everywhere to give All—And with your spirit.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father, Invitation to Peace
Prayer over the People
almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord. Invitation to Communion P—Bow down for the blessing.
By abstaining forty long days (Kneel)
from earthly food, he consecrated P—Behold the Lamb of God, May bountiful blessing, O
through his fast the pattern of behold him who takes away Lord, we pray, come down upon
our Lenten observance and, by the sins of the world. Blessed
overturning all the snares of the your people, that hope may
are those called to the supper grow in tribulation, virtue be
ancient serpent, taught us to of the Lamb.
cast out the leaven of malice, All—Lord, I am not worthy strengthened in temptation, and
so that, celebrating worthily that you should enter under eternal redemption be assured.
the Paschal Mystery, we might my roof, but only say the word Through Christ our Lord.
pass over at last to the eternal and my soul shall be healed. All—Amen.
paschal feast.
And so, with the company of Communion Antiphon P—And may the blessing of
Angels and Saints, we sing the (Cf. Mt 4:4) almighty God, the Father, and
hymn of your praise, as without the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit
One does not live by bread come down on you and remain
end we acclaim: alone, but by every word that
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God with you forever.
comes forth from the mouth
of hosts. Heaven and earth are of God. All—Amen.
full of your glory. Hosanna in Dismissal
the highest. Blessed is he who Prayer after Communion
comes in the name of the Lord. (Stand) P— The Mass has been offered.
Hosanna in the highest.(Kneel) P—Let us pray. (Pause) Go and announce the Gospel
Renewed now with heavenly of the Lord.
Acclamation (Stand) All—Thanks be to God.
bread, by which faith is
All—When we eat this Bread nourished, hope increased, DOING ALL FOR THE
and drink this Cup, we proclaim
your Death, O Lord, until you
and charity strengthened, we
pray, O Lord, that we may learn Gospel!
come again. to hunger for Christ, the true

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