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LISTENING 2-3- 2022

Part 1. Complete the form below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A
NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the space provided
Example Clear Point Telephone company
Customer Order Form
Order taken by: Ms. Jones
Name: Harold (1)_____________
Address: 58 Fulton Avenue, apartment 12
Type of service: (2)__________
Employer: Wrightsville Medical Group
Occupation: (3)______________
Work phone: 6375559014
Time at current job: 9 years
Special services: (4)___________________and (5)_______________
Installation scheduled for: Day: Friday
Time of day: Morning
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Part 2:Listen to a message that a boy named Brad left to his parents. Listen carefully and
choose the correct answer A, B or C for each question. Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes.
6. What does Brad have to do before he eats breakfast?
A. clean his sleeping quarters
B. go down to the stream to get some water
C. feed the rooster and the other animals
7. What happened to Brad when he went fishing?
A. A tree branch fell on him.
B. He lost his fishing pole.
C. He slipped and lost one of his shoes.
8. What did he eat for dinner?
A. steak B. hot dogs C. beans
9. What was Brad doing when he got lost in the forest?
A. He was running away from a bear.
B. He was searching for wood.
C. He was wondering around looking for the cabin.
10.How did Brad like summer camp?
A. He had a great time. B. It was okay. C. He didn't have fun.
Your answers:
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Part 3. Listen to a customer speaking to telephone support. For questions 11-15, decide
whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Write your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes provided
11. Jackie was surprised that David had problems placing his order.
12. David needs to order the software for his office.
13. Jackie gives him the 25% discount even though he's not ordering online.
14. Jackie tells David that the free microphones are usually not very good quality.
15. David buys both versions of the software.
Your answers:
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Part 4: You will hear part of a talk about dolls.Complete the sentences by writing NO MORE
THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Write your answers in the
space provided.
The first known dolls were found in (1)________________________in ancient Egypt.
The earliest dolls in the museum date from the (2)______________________________
Early European dolls were dressed like (3)____________________________________
On the 17th century dolls, you can see details like the (4)_________________________
17th century dolls may cost as much as (5)____________________________ each.
Collectors look for examples in perfect condition, with their (6)____________________
19th century dolls had (7)_______________________and real hair.
If you can take off the doll’s hair, you may see the (8)____________________underneath
Before the 20th century, all dolls were (9)__________________________ not babies.
From the 1930s, dolls were made of (10)_________________________________

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