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Hell India Lighting (HIL) Ltd

Decision Sheet
Submitted by: Sanket Andhare
Sanket Andhare MBA21191

What HIL should Follow to beat the competition & to be in top 10 GPTW:-
 Existing Policies- (Improvements)
o The HR of HIL should continue to practice the policies which they
have implemented like Awards and recognition, employee’s welfare
fund, joggers park and diet lunch, Mann Ki Baat
o These policies could be improved if there’s room for improvement
like, in employee’s welfare fund the company should also contribute
per year from their profits. They should give expertise to this fund for
its right investment and utilization
o They could also recognize the “Women” of the organization by giving
them special awards for their contribution in company
o They should hire nutritionist so that they can prepare food plan for
whole organization according to particular employee needs and also
could guide them about their after-office hours eating habits
o More monetary coupons benefit and special mentions should be
given to encourage employees to do jogging
 New Policies- Apart from the mentioned policies in the case itself, Mr.
Kumar should also look into other as follows,
o Plant Visit- Family of employees should be allowed to visit the plant
and see it live so that they can relate to their family member working
in the company and this can boost confidence among employees
o Gifts- Gifts on special festivals or holidays like Diwali, Christmas etc.
should be given to all the employees so that they can share the joy
with their closed ones
o Scholarships to students- Students of all the employees who are
good in studies should be given financial help via scholarships
o Special purpose Loans- Loans can be given to employees at very
low/no interest rate for special purpose like, weeding’s, supporting
higher education of child, etc.
o Bonuses- If companies make profit during any year, they should give
a portion of their profits to its employees as bonuses, this will make
them more encouraged to work

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