Frequently Asked Questions - Compliance Workshop - 4.1.2020

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Frequently Asked Questions: Compliance Workshop

April 2020

Frequently Asked Questions: Compliance Workshop

Why did the funding for Compliance Workshop drop to $0.00?

Will I get paid on eligible and committed engagements?

Who has access to the information identified by Compliance Check?

Will partner consultants have access to the customer's tenant and /or Compliance Check findings?
Does Microsoft have access to the results and findings of Compliance Check?
Will Compliance Check change any content stored in the customer's tenant?
Does the automated discovery process require offloading data from the tenant to another location?
Does Compliance Check require additional (third party) tools or services to be installed on the customers tenant?
Can we remove the compliance check configuration upon completion?
Will adding the Compliance Check trial license to the customer's tenant affect the services running in the customer's
production environment?
Will the removal or expiration of the Compliance Check trial license affect the services running in the
customer's production environment?
Are the Compliance Check findings anonymized?
Will the user experience change when Compliance Check is configured?
Can Compliance Workshop and Compliance Check run in parallel with the Security workshop and Threat Check?

Why did the funding for the Compliance Workshop drop to $0.00?
Due to high demand of the Compliance Workshop we have reached our budget capacity and will not be able to fund
engagements through the remainder of FY20. However, we want to continue to provide partners with the tools to
deliver the Compliance Check and continue engagements to support our customers. For the remainder of Microsoft’s
FY20, eligible partners can submit nominations and receive access to the Compliance Check Trial SKU for eligible

Will I get paid on my current Compliance Workshop engagements?

All engagements that are currently approved will be paid upon receipt of required POE. Due to the high demand of the
Compliance Workshop we have reached budget capacity. Any eligible engagements that are not yet approved for FY20
will not receive funding support.

Who has access to the information identified by Compliance Check?

The Compliance Check auto discover process will examine content across Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and
OneDrive for business. The data that the automated discovery process will scan, by nature is sensitive and at times
(company) confidential or secret.  By default, users from the customer or partner organization have no access to the
findings and results of Compliance Check. In order to extend the value of the check, adding trusted users can enable
maintenance and reporting access. The delivery guide describes a customer activity to identify users that the customers
trusts to configure the automated discovery service and analyze the results and findings. Refer to paragraph 4.4.1 -
Assign Compliance Check team members required permissions for in-detail instructions on how to assign the required

Will partner consultants have access to the customer’s tenant and /or Compliance Check findings?
By default, partner consultants do not have access to the customer’s tenant or to the results and findings of the
automated discovery process. If the customer desires to enable that access in order for the Partner to assist the
customer, the customer’s tenant administrator needs to explicitly grant the permissions to the partner resource(s).
Refer to paragraph 4.4.1 - Assign Compliance Check team members required permissions for in-detail instructions on
how to assign the required permissions.

Does Microsoft have access to the results and findings of Compliance Check?
No, Microsoft does not have access to the findings and or results of Compliance Check as this data is protected in the
same manner as any other of the customer data according to Microsoft’s relevant privacy commitments.

Does the automated discovery process require offloading data from the tenant to another location?
The Compliance Check automated discovery process does not require offloading the data from the customers tenant, all
data will be searched in-place in its original location.

Does Compliance Check require additional (third party) tools or services to be installed on the
customers tenant?
Compliance check is built on services provided by Office365 and does not require any additional (third party) tools or

Can we remove the Compliance Check configuration upon completion?

All configuration and setup required for Compliance Check can be removed from the customer’s tenant. Refer to
paragraph 4.8, Step 6 – Decommission for in-detail instructions on how to decommission the services and tools used
during the engagement and remove the time constraint Compliance Check licenses from the customer’s production

Will adding the Compliance Check trial license to the customer’s tenant affect the services running in
the customer’s production environment?
The Compliance Check trial license will only enable the background infrastructure services required for the automated
discovery process (if they are not yet enabled on the customer’s tenant). There will be no changes to the content,
structures, or templates of the existing production environment

Will the removal or expiration of the Compliance Check trial license affect the services running in the
customer’s production environment?
Removing the Compliance Check trial license, or the expiration of the license, will only disable the underlying services
that were not running prior to the start of compliance check. The production environment will not be affected and all
previously running services will remain unmodified, and in their accessible state.

Are the Compliance Check findings anonymized?

By default, the compliance check findings are not anonymized. With appropriate modification to the compliance check
process, it is however possible to remove all information that could identify users within the organization.

Will the user experience change when Compliance Check is configured?

The user experience will not change or in any way be affected by Compliance Check. There will be no change in
functionality or behavior.
Can Compliance Workshop and Compliance Check run in parallel with the Security workshop
and Threat Check?
Yes, these accelerators can run simultaneously, in parallel. The Threat Check license and the Compliance Check license
can be deployed at the same time and will not conflict.

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