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National Electrical Code Changes in 2014 for Photovoltaics:

Processes, Critical Industry Consensus Topics and Impacts

Ward Bower

Ward Bower Innovations LLC; Albuquerque, NM 87111, USA

ABSTRACT — Most technical challenges that have emerged the testing and analysis associated with commercializing the
for safe photovoltaic (PV) systems are addressed with new products. Almost every component, assembly, wire, and
installation requirements in the 2014 National Electrical housing that is used in electrical installations subject to the
Code® (NEC®). The recent cycle for updates to the NEC NEC has been tested, analyzed and approved by another
has been completed. Collaborative efforts among industry organization.
experts and focused groups including the US DOE Other electrical standards and building codes that influence
industry forum, Solar Energy Industry Association PV installations compliance with the NEC include:
(SEIA), and Solar ABCs resulted in consensus, and • IEEE and ANSI standards for batteries and installations
extensive technically-responsible updates for the 2014NEC • ANSI and American Society for Testing and Materials
for PV Systems. New firefighter safety and fault detection • IEEE and ANSI standards for the numerous components
language was added as was updated system • American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Std C2
interconnection requirements. Details of those changes • International Electrotechnical Commission,
and new efforts to write proposals for 2017NEC are • National Electrical Safety Code,
presented. Impacts of major changes and needs for
• International and local Building Codes
further changes to the 2017NEC are presented.
A commonly-used suite of standards that provide operational
Index Terms — Safe PV Installations, PV System Installation, requirements for PV systems is the IEEE1547 series of
Fault Detection, Fire Safety, System Interconnection, Grounding, standards, recommended practices and guides. Table 1 lists
Wiring, Rapid Shutdown the relevant documents and the titles.


IEEE # Title
Recent work associated with the National Electrical Code® IEEE1547- IEEE Standard for Interconnecting Distributed
(NEC®) has taken on both proactive and reactive roles. The 2003 Resources with Electric Power Sources
2014NEC Articles 690 and 705 proposals for updates came IEEE1547.1 Standard for Conformance Test Procedures for
primarily from: the Solar Energy Industries Association, the & Equipment Interconnecting Distributed
DOE PV Industry Forum in collaboration with Solar ABCs, IEEE P1547.1a Resources with Electric Power Systems
Standards Groups including Nationally Recognized Test (P1547.1a- Amendment 1 is in process)
Laboratories (NRTL), Institute of Electrical and Electronic IEEE 1547.2 Application Guide for IEEE 1547 Standard for
Interconnecting Distributed Resources with
Engineers (IEEE) standards working groups, National Fire
Electric Power Systems
Protection Association (NFPA) Firefighters Task Group, 1547.4-2011 Guide for Design, Operation, and Integration of
Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ), PV manufacturers, PV Distributed Resource Islanded Systems with
installers and individuals. Electric Power Systems
The NEC is a consensus document that encourages input IEEE 1547.7 Guide to Conducting Distribution Impact Studies
from all sectors of technology and trades communities.[1] It is for Distributed Resource Interconnection
revised every three years. Article 690 for Solar Photovoltaic IEEE1547a Standard for Interconnecting Distributed
Systems was introduced to the NEC in 1984. The National Resources with Electric Power Sources –
Electrical Code (NEC) is adopted by all 50 states. It is Amendment 1 (limited to address three topics for
adopted as each state, or in some cases local jurisdictions, change 1) voltage regulation, 2) voltage ride-
through and 3) frequency ride-through.)
legislate it into law.[2]
Published May 2014
1547 Rev. PAR Dec 2013; (Working group first meeting

The NEC is written as a guide for the SAFE installation of

electrical components, wiring and systems. It relies on a Underwriters Laboratories develops and issues standards for
multitude of related standards, listings and certifications and listing PV-specific components used for PV installations

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through its Standards Technical Panels. Some of the most- as a health care facility, mobile home, trailer park, theater,
used, PV-specific safety and performance based certification agricultural building, and other occupancies.
documents issued by UL standards include personnel and fire Chapter 6, Special Equipment, covers PV systems, fuel cells,
safety, fire ratings and fault processes, and utility wind systems, integrated power systems, outdoor lighting etc.
interconnection compatibility. A list of the most-used UL Chapter 7, Special Conditions, low-voltage systems (<50
standards for PV-related equipment is shown in Table 2. volts), power-limited circuits, interconnected power systems,
optional/required standby power systems and instrumentation
TABLE 2. MOST USED UL STANDARDS FOR PV EQUIPMENT It now contains the grid-interconnection requirements for PV.
UL1699B Photovoltaic (PV) dc arc-fault circuit protection Chapter 8, Communications Systems, has requirements that
UL1703 Flat Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels may apply to PV when used to power these types of systems.
UL1741 Inverters, Converters, Controllers, and Chapter 9 has tables on conduit fill capacities and conductor
Interconnection System Equipment For Use properties that are used in the design of nearly all PV systems.
With Distributed Energy Resources
UL2703 Rack Mounting Systems and Clamping Devices IV. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES FOR PV IN THE 2014 NEC
for Flat-Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels
Changes for PV and interconnections were extensive and
III. THE 2014 NEC DEVELOPMENT CYCLE inclusive of most topics. One major change for the 2014NEC
originated in Article 490 where the threshold voltage for
The National Electrical Code was first developed and higher voltage equipment and requirements was revised from
published in 1897 by only 23 people. In 1903 the National 600V to 1000V. That change propagates throughout the NEC
Fire Protection Association (NFPA) assumed leadership. In and impacts materials, hardware, systems, including PV. This
recent times this consensus code has been updated every three was a welcome change for larger PV systems that enables
years by thousands of volunteers. improved system efficiency and reduced costs of copper
The NEC is the most comprehensive electrical code in the wiring. Table 4 shows a high level overview of other 2014
world, is the most widely adopted code in the United States, changes for Article 690, Solar Photovoltaic Systems.
and its use has resulted in generally safe and hazard-free
electrical systems in the United States for more than 100 years. TABLE 4 OVERVIEW SHOWING EXTENTS OF CHANGES IN 690
690.(Number) Description Actions Taken
Article 690 was added to the Code in 1984 by only 4 people
Part I (1-6) General and Definitions Reorg and New
assigned to a task group with 2 proposals to deal specifically
Part II (7-12) Circuit Requirements Reorg/New 1000V
with PV systems. PV installations come under the Part III (13-18) Disconnecting Means Major Reorg/New
requirements of the code because PV power systems are Part IV (31-35) Wiring Methods Major Reorg/New
electrical power production systems and are interconnected to Part V (41-50) Grounding New, Revised
the electrical power production and distribution network. Part VI (51-56) Marking New, Revised
The first four chapters of the NEC provide general Part VII (57-64) Connection to Other Revised
requirements for electrical installations that apply to all Sources
electrical systems and electrical contractors and installers are Part VIII(71-74) Storage Batteries Revised
expected to be knowledgeable of the contents. Chapters that Part IX (80-85) Over 600 Volts (listing) New and Revised
apply to PV include the basics of all electrical systems shown Part X (90 -91) EV Charging All New
in Table 3 as well as other sections.
One technology-advancement addition to Article 690 was the
TABLE 3 – GENERAL SECTIONS OF THE NEC addition of DC-DC converters and DC-current combiners in
Chapter Title 690.1 that aligned the NEC with new technology. The
1 General: Definitions; General Requirements definition of multimode inverter was added and covers
2 Wiring & Protection; Identification of Conductors, opportunities for systems to be both stand-alone and utility
Circuits, Overcurrent Protection, Grounding/ Bonding interactive.
3 Wiring Methods and Materials; Numerous Wiring Article 690 was reorganized in several areas and changes to
Methods in Detail, Ampacity Tables for Conductors Article 690.4 were extensive with most of the installation
4 Equipment for General Use; Flexible Cables, requirements moved to 690.31 Most of the installation
Switches, Switchboards and Panel Boards, Generators,
requirements were combined with methods already residing in
Transformers, Energy Storage Batteries
Article 690.31 (Wiring Methods). Many changes were
editorial, but minor technical changes were also included.
The remaining five chapters of the NEC deal with special The rewrite of 690.5 (Ground-fault Detection and
types of electrical equipment. Interruption) had several contentious proposals to “Determine
Chapter 5: Parts of Chapter 5, Special Occupancies pertain the PV input circuit has isolation prior to export of current”
to PV systems if installed on or near one of occupancies such that the PV industry determined was extremely difficult to

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meet considering the variability of system designs (particularly (4)The rapid shutdown initiation methods shall be labeled in
grounded systems). That proposal was rejected and the final accordance with 690.56(B).
language focused on a requirement to detect ground faults in (5)Equipment that performs the rapid shutdown shall be listed
all dc current carrying conductors. That requirement was and identified.”
added to eliminate the blind spot that is undetectable if only
faults in the ungrounded conductors are to be detected.[3][4]
The area within the 10’ boundary of the array is NOT reduced voltage
The adopted language reads “The device or system shall:
“Conductors more than 5 feet in length inside a building, or more than
(1) Be capable of detecting a ground-fault in the PV array “dc 10 feet) from a PV array ARE COVERED by 690.12”
current carrying conductors” and components including any
intentionally grounded conductors,
(2) Interrupt the flow of fault current,
(3) Provide an indication of the fault, and
(4) Be listed for providing PV ground fault protection.”

Fire prevention was a very important but contentious topic

for 2014. The requirements for arc-fault protection were
changed in 690.11 to include detection of series arc faults in
either or both of the dc source circuits, or the dc output
circuits. The remainder of 690.11 was changed and simplified
to read:
“(1) The system shall detect and interrupt arcing faults Figure 1. Illustration of PV array boundaries for reduced
resulting from a failure in the intended continuity of a voltage after rapid shutdown
conductor, connection, module, or other system component in
dc PV source and output circuits. A careful examination of the new 690.12 reveals that there is
(2) The system shall require that the disabled or disconnected a need for further development for the 2017NEC. Figure 1
equipment be manually restarted. depicts the PV array exclusion area for reduced voltage during
(3) The system shall have an annunciator that provides a visual and after rapid shutdown.
indication that the circuit interrupter has operated. This Improved and clarified rules for the disconnection of PV
indication shall not reset automatically.” equipment are covered in 690.15. Disconnects are now better
Recent fires on large buildings have emphasized the need for described in 690.17 with an extensive list of allowable types of
first responder firefighter safety. There were several different manually operated disconnects. This article also now provides
versions of proposals including a requirement of PV module- the requirements for simultaneous opening of poles, externally
level disconnects actuated with a single “Rapid Shutdown” operable and indicating devices, disconnection of grounded
switch accessible to firefighters. Extensive discussions could conductors and interrupting ratings on devices.
not conclude that today’s technology is reliable enough nor Wiring methods for PV systems are now wrapped up into
have the necessary lifetime and mean-time-between-failures to 690.31. What was formerly part of other sections are now
instill confidence that module-level devices would work over bundled into “Methods Permitted”. Marking and labeling is
the lifetime of the PV system. The resulting language is; an important part of this article with requirements spelled out.
The requirements for Ground-Fault Protection in ungrounded
“690.12 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems on Buildings PV systems in 690.35 were strengthened and clarified to say
PV system circuits installed on or in buildings shall include a ground-fault protection device shall detect ground fault(s) in
rapid shutdown function that controls specific conductors in the PV array current-carrying conductors and components and
accordance with 690.12(1) through (5). that the GFDI device must be listed for providing PV ground-
(1)Requirements for controlled conductors apply only to PV fault protection.
system conductors of more than 1.5 meters (5 feet) in length System grounding requirements were combined, clarified and
inside a building, or more than 3 meters (10 feet) from a PV reorganized in 690.46 and 690.47. The PV array grounding
array. section saw the most extensive number of changes. A
(2)Controlled conductors shall be limited to no more than 30 requirement for an Auxiliary Electrode that was added impacts
volts and 240VA within 10 seconds of rapid shutdown residential installations more than commercial installations
initiation. since other codes already require an auxiliary electrode.
(3)Voltage and power shall be measured between any two Section 690 IX provides the necessary reference to Article
conductors & between any conductor and ground. The voltage 490 and other sections of the code for PV systems at voltages
and power shall be measured between any conductors and over 1000V. This provides a pathway for higher voltage PV

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systems with a resultant effect of lower losses in wiring and meetings of the two groups was the formation of eight task
higher efficiency of PV inverters. groups. Those task groups are addressing options and forming
Electric vehicle charging was added as a new section as 690 consensus proposals that will then be presented to all
X that enables the opportunities for PV to engage in new participants in both groups before submittal to the NFPA.[6]
electric vehicle applications as well as applications that will The topics and primary code articles being addressed are listed
include connections to the smart grid of the future and in Table 5.
microgrid applications.
Topic Addressed Primary Article(s) Affected
Public input of electronic proposals for changes to the NFPA Rapid Shutdown 690.12 First responder safety
for the 2017NEC is due November 5, 2014. The option of Disconnecting Means 690.13, 690.15, 690.17
submitting paper copies of proposals is still available for this Ground-Fault Protection 690.5 and all Grounding sections
cycle but the due date for those submittals is October 3, 2014. Modules with Integrated 690.5, 690.8 and sections using
This every-three-year process requires that public input for Electronics PV characteristic for Overcurrent
proposed changes be entered by the dates as applicable, and
Energy Storage 690.71 Energy Storage
further stipulates that no new proposals can be submitted
Arc Fault Protection 690.11 & 705.12 Series arc
during the remainder of the cycle. Only edits and clarifications
faults & PV technology
of public input proposals are allowed.
Article 47(A-D) 690.47 Grounding Electrode
A. The Code Making Processes
The 2017NEC will use a new electronic proposal process for
the public input period. The process will enable electronic Utility Scale Much of 690 and 705
processing of the proposals that will be entered into a first SUMMARY
draft report and a first draft version of the NEC if the proposal The 2014NEC cycle provided many critical and positive
is accepted in both the public input the public comment stages. clarifications. Fire safety, fault protection, dc and ac
This will provide a more convenient method to determine how interconnect, and grounding requirements were a focus but
the proposed edition will read. The comment period will also reorganization and other changes were overarching and
produce a draft copy of the resulting 2017NEC. extensive. The 2014NEC is likely an entry into many more
application advances for PV. As PV and other technology
B. Organized Public Input from Stakeholders changes emerge, efforts are underway to provide proactive
The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) Standards proposals for changes in Articles 690 and 705 to the
and Codes Working Group (SEIA S&C WG) is collaborating 2017NEC.
with the Solar ABCs industry forum to engage members of the
PV industry to determine needed changes for the 2017NEC. REFERENCES
The industry is working proactively to prioritize and propose [1] NFPA70, 2014 National Electrical Code, , Published by
needed changes for 2017NEC to keep pace with new PV the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA,
system advances such as dc-dc converter integrations, new PV approved Aug 21, 2013.
module level electronics, and advancing technologies such as [2] Adoption of the National Electrical Code® by State or Local
arc-fault detection and mitigation. The groups are Jurisdiction, National Electrical Manufacturers Association,
collaborating, as well to determine the requirements for future
technology advances, more complex utility interconnections Electrical-Code.aspx, Jan, 2014.
and the applicable safety needs. [3] Ball, G., Brooks, W., et al, “Inverter Ground-Fault Detection
Examples of technology needs that are extremely difficult to - Blind Spot and Mitigation Methods”, available at
predict for the 2017NEC include advanced microgrids and the, Jun 2013.
associated interconnects with two-way power flow.[5] [4] Early, M., Coache, C., Cloutier, M, Moniz, G., NFPA70, 2014
Dispatched PV with interconnected energy storage and with National Electrical Code Handbook, 13th Edition, International
smart grid functionalities such as low voltage ride through, Electrical Code Series, Published by the National Fire Protection
Association, 2013.
VAR support for voltage stabilization or new functionalities
[5] Bower, W. et al; “The Advanced Microgrid – Integration and
such as dispatched energy delivery from PV systems for Interoperability,” SAND 2014-1535, Sandia Report, Sandia National
improved resilience of a distribution line is being analyzed. Laboratories, Albuquerque, NM, Mar 2014.
[6] Summary of Preliminary Proposals from Industry for the 2017
C. Proposed Changes for 2017NEC NEC,
Initial proposed changes were first submitted to the SEIA rv0_T7IVEl3UW8tM2xzN1E&usp=sharing , Solar ABCs Google
S&CWG and the Solar ABCs Industry Forum for discussion Drive for Proposed Changes to the 2017 NEC.
and prioritizations for proposed changes. The result of

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