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Tribology International 34 (2001) 389–395

A review of zinc dialkyldithiophosphates (ZDDPS):

characterisation and role in the lubricating oil
Allyson M. Barnes *, Keith D. Bartle, Vincent R.A. Thibon
School of Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK

Received 4 August 2000; received in revised form 26 February 2001; accepted 5 March 2001


This is a review of the additive, zinc dialkyldithiophosphate (ZDDP), which is found commonly in lubricating oil where it plays
a role as both an antioxidant and an antiwear additive. This zinc complex is highly effective but its mechanisms of action have
not been definitively reported. This review covers work pertaining to the characterisation and mechanisms of action of ZDDP and
includes studies carried out by sophisticated instrumentation as well as laboratory studies. There are some references to the nature
of the antiwear films generated by ZDDP and the usefulness of its derivatives.  2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Additive; Antioxidant; Antiwear; Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate

1. Introduction work has been published concerning the role of ZDDP

in preventing antiwear and some of the references high-
Zinc dialkyldithiophosphates are lubricating oil addi- light the sophisticated techniques currently being used
tives. Much use is made in modern industry of lubricat- in the characterisation of both ZDDP products and the
ing oils. The main functions of such oils are fourfold: nature of the antiwear films generated by them.

1. to prevent wear between surfaces of an engine;

2. to serve as coolants or heat transfer mediums; 2. ZDDP as an antioxidant
3. to help seal at compression rings; and
4. to suspend matter, thus helping to keep engines clean. Antioxidants act to retard oxidation of the lubricating
oil, thus preventing the formation of corrosive products.
Additives are necessary to enhance aspects of an oils Gilks [1] and Mahoney [2] have described the different
performance and replace compounds which may have types of antioxidants available. Antioxidants act in two
been lost in the refining of an oil. Additive packages are different ways, by inhibition of peroxides or by radical
typically present at around 10% w/w of the final blend, scavenging. ZDDPs exhibit both types of antioxidant
although this can vary depending on the final appli- behaviour. Radical scavengers react with peroxy radicals
cation. ZDDPs are used mainly for their antioxidant thus preventing further propagation of the free radical
properties and their ability to prevent wear. The ZDDP chain. Peroxide inhibitors react with hydroperoxide mol-
complexes are manufactured by reaction of alcohols, ecules preventing formation of the peroxy radicals. Bai-
phosphorus pentasulphide and zinc salts. The resulting ley [3] has discussed different modes of antioxidant
complexes are not completely pure and it has been com- action and different classes of antioxidant. The degra-
mented that the lack of purity in a sample can lead to dation of ZDDP is very complex and much work has
difficulty in its analysis [12]. The following review been dedicated to understanding the mechanisms of its
covers different aspects of ZDDP behaviour and includes degradation and its interactions with other additives. One
references of analysis as well as applications. Much approach has been to chemically model an oxidation by
oxidising ZDDP in the laboratory and monitoring the
reaction by analytical methods. Advantages of this
* Corresponding author. method are that known parameters can be set and

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390 A.M. Barnes et al. / Tribology International 34 (2001) 389–395

unwanted complications by other additives or base oil [14] followed the degradation of ZDDP in a fully formu-
can be avoided. However, the disadvantage is that this lated engine oil by 31P-NMR. It was concluded that the
is an artificial situation and does not necessarily correlate degradation process was complicated but several gener-
with the engine or emulate processes occurring within alisations were made. The degradation process was seen
it. Burn et al. [4] used this approach to study the to be temperature dependent, which affected the degra-
decomposition of cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) in the dation products, ZDDP was seen to complex with suc-
presence of ZDDP. Although a definitive mechanism of cinimide dispersants in the fresh oil, but interestingly the
degradation of ZDDP could not be produced, the three ZDDP was released during operation of the engine.
stages of breakdown were postulated. The authors
observed an initial fast stage, in which the disulphide
was identified as an initial degradation product, followed 4. Analysis of ZDDPs
by a slow induction stage and lastly, a final fast stage.
It appeared that the reaction was catalytic in nature but ZDDPs have been analysed in the laboratory by use
ZDDP was not thought to be the catalyst. A zinc sulphate of thin layer chromatography (TLC). Coates [15]
was identified as a final product. Paddy et al. [5,6] used developed a method whereby TLC plates were
a similar reaction to study the oxidation of ZDDP by developed in ninhydrin and good separation was seen.
CHP. The group used HLPC and 31P-NMR to follow the Lewkowitsch [16] titrated the copper salt of a ZDDP
reactions. Products were identified and first-order kin- which had been formed in a pre-reaction. Capillary
etics proposed. The usefulness of 31P-NMR in elucidat- supercritical fluid chromatography (cSFC) was used by
ing detail in degradation of ZDDP was demonstrated. Ashraf [17] to analyse lubricating oil additives, including
Burn et al. [7,8] have also used 31P-NMR to follow the ZDDP. Thermal analysis was performed by El Naga and
hydrolysis of ZDDP. Major intermediates and products Salem [18] to look at the stability of oils. The authors
were identified and individual reaction rates were deduced some breakdown mechanisms for ZDDP which
determined. A comprehensive mechanistic pathway was concurred with other work published in the literature.
proposed. Burn also found that in organic solvents, the Harrison and Kikabhai [19] have investigated the effect
basic form of ZDDP dissociates to form zinc oxide of nitrogen donor molecules on the thermal stability of
which inhibits hydrolysis of normal ZDDP and has to ZDDPs. The nitrogen donor molecules were seen to bind
be consumed before hydrolysis can take place. Harrison to the zinc atom and the resulting complexes showed
and Kikabhai [9] have also studied the behaviour of synergistic and antagonistic effects on the thermal stab-
ZDDPs in solution and noted the dissociation of ZDDP ility of ZDDP. In the review by Schumacher [20] on
to ZnO. applications of thermal methods in tribology, the syner-
The activity of ZDDP when mixed with used oil was gistic effect between copper oleate and ZDDP was dem-
investigated by Johnson et al. [10,11]. Interactions onstrated. Various parameters including atmosphere,
between ZDDP and oxidation products were thought to temperature, pressure, sample mass, pan type and anti-
have led to the observed decrease in activity. oxidant were discussed. Harrison and Brown [21]
Brazier and Elliot [12] investigated the thermal reported the thermal decomposition of ZDDPs on a
decomposition of ZDDPs and reported that most ZDDPs stainless steel metal surface by the use of external
decompose in two stages. The thermal stabilities of reflection Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spec-
ZDDPs derived from straight chain primary alcohols troscopy, 31P-MAS NMR and scanning electron
were seen to increase with increasing carbon number. microscopy (SEM). No films were seen on the metal sur-
The authors reiterated the lack of definitive mechanistic face at temperatures less than or equal to 150°C but
information and suggested that this could be due in part brown or black deposits were seen at 200 and 260°C.
to a lack of availability of pure compound. The films seen at 200°C seemed to be weakly adsorbed
but uniform in composition whilst those at the higher
temperature were inhomogeneous and seemed to contain
3. ZDDP in the engine mixtures of zinc alkylmonothiopyrophosphates and zinc
polyphosphates. Cardwell et al. [22] developed a
Some workers have tried to follow the reactions of method, using electrospray mass spectrometry (ESMS),
ZDDP in an engine environment. Korcek et al. [13] car- for the qualitative analysis of engine oil inhibitor and
ried out a study of ZDDP decay. ZDDPs were added to antiwear additives. Although neutral Zn(DTP)2 com-
used oil and subjected to engine testing. The authors pounds cannot be studied by ESMS, ionic products for-
noted the formation of an antioxidant species capable of med by reaction with dimethyl sulphoxide or excess
much higher activity than that of the original antioxidant. dithiophosphate ions can be analysed. The authors went
The authors did not elucidate a detailed mechanism of on to analyse commercial engine oil additives and were
ZDDP reactions due to the difficulty of the task and the able to detect differences between ZDDPs which had
complex nature of the engine environment. Peng et al. been manufactured with different alcohols. Willermet et
A.M. Barnes et al. / Tribology International 34 (2001) 389–395 391

al. [23] used reflection–absorption infrared (IR), X-ray encountered when using reversed-phase HPLC before
photon spectroscopy (XPS) and auger spectroscopy to going on to describe the conditions for successful nor-
study tribochemical films formed from fully- formulated mal-phase HPLC. Conditions were optimised for a
engine oils which contained ZDDPs. The authors dem- ZDDP synthesised using isopropyl alcohol, where the
onstrated by the spectra of the films that the decompo- mobile phase consisted of isopropylamine:acetic acid:-
sition route of the ZDDP was probably thermo-oxidative methanol in chloroform. Eleven ZDDPs synthesised
and that the products formed were amorphous orthopho- from 11 different alcohols were separated using a hep-
sphates and pyrophosphates. Rhodes and Stair [24] stud- tane-based eluant and showed consistent data with thin-
ied the effects of ZDDPs on hydrocarbon films adsorbed layer chromatography results. The authors showed that
on iron substrates. XPS was used to study various bases- the ZDDPs eluted intact and concluded that normal
tocks and three different ZDDPs. The authors com- phase HPLC could be used, without gradient elution, for
mented on the effect of the base oil on oxide film the analysis of ZDDPs. Windahl and Cardwell [30]
reduction and the role of the ZDDP. showed by electroscopic mass spectrometry (ES) and
An investigation of the hydrolysis of commercially cyclic voltammetry (CV) that ZDDPs were not eluted as
available ZDDPs has been carried out by Burn et al. intact chelates under reversed-phase HPLC conditions.
[25]. An excess of water was added to ZDDPs which Reversed-phase chromatography of ZDDPs was difficult
were heated to 85°C. Aliquots were removed period- due to the low solubility of ZDDPs in an aqueous solvent
ically and analysed by 31P-NMR. Hydrolysis products and the high back pressures of the column.
were identified and seemed fairly consistent with pre-
vious work done by the authors. The kinetics of hydroly-
sis were discussed, taking into account the nature of the 5. ZDDP as an antiwear/extreme pressure (EP)
substituent alkyl groups. additive
The work carried out by Yamaguchi and Ryason [26]
looked at the initial adsorption of ZDDPs onto an alu- Whenever two metal surfaces are forced together with
minium oxide surface. The molecular composition of the insufficient lubrication, the potential for wear occurs to
initial film was studied by inelastic action tunnelling the detriment of the metal surfaces. ZDDP is widely used
spectroscopy (IETS). Distinct differences were seen for its antiwear properties. Coy and Jones [31] heated
between primary, secondary and aryl ZDDPs. The spec- samples of ZDDP in mineral oil to thermally degrade
tra recorded for commercial primary and secondary the ZDDP. NMR was used to identify the decomposition
ZDDPs suggested that the P–O–C group was retained products, which were then synthesised and tested for
during adsorption. The authors also commented on the extreme pressure performance in the four-ball wear test
differences noted between the spectra of commercial apparatus (the four-ball apparatus is an industry-recog-
ZDDPs (mixture of neutral and basic ZDDPs) and pure nised wear test, whereby a moving ball is rotated against
neutral ZDDPs. The authors suggested that the degree three fixed balls under specified conditions). ZDDPs
of P=S bonding to the surface is a key factor in the effec- were heated to 180°C and aliquots analysed after 1, 4,
tiveness of antiwear performance and that IETS is a suit- 8 and 16 h. 31P-NMR and 1H-NMR were used to provide
able means of screening wear inhibitors. details of the structures of the decomposition products.
Armstrong et al. [27] gave a short summary of the The nature of the products indicated that intermolecular
classified molecular structures of ZDDPs. Computational transfers of alkyl groups had occurred as well as
methods were used to study the geometries, charge dis- migration of alkyl groups and intermolecular transfer of
tributions and relative energies of the various forms of sulphur. X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy was used to
ZDDP. The authors go on to discuss in detail the bond analyse precipitates generated in the heat experiments.
lengths and angles for monomeric, neutral and basic The four-ball tests indicated that, even when most of the
forms of ZDDP. From their studies the authors con- ZDDP additive had decomposed, little effect was seen
cluded that the basic ZDDP formed the most stable struc- on the EP performance, suggesting that the products
ture. themselves had high EP activity.
Thibon et al. [28] have shown an application of capil- Willermet and co-workers [32–35] have published
lary electrochromatography (CEC) in the analysis of extensively concerning the role of ZDDPs as antiwear
ZDDP. The separation electrolytes were optimised agents. The work included studying the degradation pro-
specifically to ZDDP. A brief description of CE theory ducts of ZDDP to assess the antiwear properties of these
was given and the authors explained that due to long products; the products were found to be less effective as
migration times the use of reversed polarity was neces- antiwear agents than ZDDP. One of the principal degra-
sary. Four commercial ZDDPs were analysed and it was dation products was found to be the disulphide, which
noted that the peak related to the structures of the ligands on subsequent synthesis and wear testing was shown to
[(RO)(RO)PS2]⫺ and not the ZDDP itself. be inferior to the ZDDP.
Lambropoulos et al. [29] established the problems Work by Spedding and Watkins [36,37] suggested that
392 A.M. Barnes et al. / Tribology International 34 (2001) 389–395

products formed by hydrolytic decomposition of ZDDP on to discuss the effect of type of ZDDP, surface charac-
in oil solution, namely alkyl sulphides and zinc polypho- teristics and temperature.
sphates, have a role to play in the protection of the Work has been done by Yin et al. [43] using XANES
engine. Kawamura [38] related the chemical reactivity to study the antiwear films generated by primary and
of ZDDPs to wear by use of thermal analysis. The height secondary ZDDPs. P and S L-edge XANES spec-
of a differential thermal analysis (DTA) peak was related troscopy was used. By comparison with model com-
to the wear scar diameter; differences were observed in pounds the appearance of metaphosphate (isopropyl-
the DTA between primary and secondary ZDDPs. ZDDP film) and pyrophosphate (butyl-ZDDP) was
Film thickness and properties of both neutral and basic shown.
diisobutyl zinc dithiophosphates were studied by Fuller et al. [44] have carried out a spectroscopic
Georges et al. [39]. A sliding force apparatus (SFA) was study using XANES to identify S and P containing spec-
used to carry out the investigations. Neither the neutral ies, originating from ZDDPs, generated in thermal and
or basic ZDDP formed films which could be displaced tribochemical films. Tribochemical films were generated
by sliding, unlike those films generated by dodecane. using a Cameron–Plint wear tester and thermo-oxidative
The films were characterised by measurement of the films were generated by suspending coupons into heated
elastic and shear moduli. Dynamic light scattering had oil solutions. The additives themselves were decom-
been used to detail the molecular dimensions of ZDDPs posed by heating in an oven. Spectra of the thermally
and this information was then related to the film thick- decomposed additive samples showed the formation of
nesses measured. In the work by Taylor et al. [40] both phosphates and aryl ZDDP was shown to be more ther-
the kinetics of film formation and the morphology of the mally stable than both primary and secondary ZDDPs.
film have been studied. The work details the nature of The thermally-generated and tribological films were also
the film generated by ZDDP additive in specific areas analysed. A comparison was made between the basic and
and the consequences on wear protection and friction. neutral forms of the ZDDPs. It was commented that in
The authors give a brief discussion to previous means aryl tribo-films, long chain polyphosphates were present
of analysing ZDDP films and studies which have aided throughout whereas in alkyl tribo-films the long chain
the understanding of how ZDDPs function. The work polyphosphates were present in the topmost surface with
carried out was performed using a rolling/sliding contact short chain polyphosphates found in the bulk.
to simulate field conditions. Film thicknesses were meas- The same group [45] have used XANES spectroscopy
ured by a spacer layer imaging method (SLIM). ZDDP to investigate the effect of decomposition of ZDDP on
was shown to form a thick film in the region of the rub- antiwear and thermal film formation. 31P-NMR was used
bing surfaces which reached a limiting thickness which to characterise solutions of the ZDDP after various heat-
could be seen to increase with increases of temperature. ing protocols. Increased heating times caused increased
The authors also discuss the observation that ZDDP can film thickness and increased levels of wear.
cause an increase in friction during the mixed lubrication A correlation between film thickness and levels of
regime. The roughening of surfaces by ZDDP is shown wear was not seen. Films which had been heated to tem-
and the subsequent effect on friction between surfaces. peratures of 200°C gave way to catastrophic wear. Com-
The wear capacities of different oil blends were tested position of the films was related to temperature and
on the four-ball wear tester by Sheasby et al. [41]. mechanisms of formation were proposed. Belin et al.
Materials tested were steel, silicon nitride and zirconia. [46] have studied the nature of antiwear films using
A solution which contained ZDDP was tested on all extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS).
three materials. Glassy films were generated for the steel Experiments investigated the cam follower wear of two
ball which provided wear protection. The silicon nitride engines. The results detect short-range order in the anti-
ball was also protected by the formation of discrete wear film, but long-range order was not seen indicating
‘pods’ of antiwear material. Wear protection was not that the films are highly amorphous. The presence of
evident for the zirconian ball until the viscosity of the Zn–O bonds was seen and the results from the laboratory
base oil was increased. were shown to compare well with results recorded on
So and Lin [42] established a model to study the actual wear debris.
decomposition of ZDDP and the growth of the chemical The study by Wan et al. [47] investigated antiwear
film generated on a surface. Rather than focusing on the action of ZDDP on an aluminium alloy. Experiments
chemical reactions which occur prior to the generation were performed using an SRV (industry) test rig, steel
of the film, the predictive models focus on the nature of balls and aluminium alloy blocks. Several ZDDPs were
the contact surfaces and the diffusion which controls the used together with other metal alkyldithiophosphate salts
rate of film formation. The conditions employed main- of general formula [(RO)2PS2]nMxOy. A liquid paraffin
tain boundary lubrication throughout. Work was carried base stock was used. In comparison to the base stock
out on a gel-like material which was generated when alone it was seen that a commercial ZDDP actually pro-
temperatures exceeded 120°C and the authors then went duced a larger wear volume, had a rougher wear surface
A.M. Barnes et al. / Tribology International 34 (2001) 389–395 393

and was ineffective at reducing the friction coefficient. test. The interactions between diesel soot and decompo-
In conclusion, the authors did not recommend ZDDP for sition products of ZDDP were investigated by Hosonuma
lubricating aluminium alloy. et al. [54]. Used oils from a Japanese valve train wear
Sheasby et al. [48] devised a means to simulate a reci- engine test were mixed with soot particles and tech-
procating wear regime to test the efficacy of ZDDP as niques such as thin layer chromatography and IR spec-
an antiwear agent. A ball was spun upon the point of troscopy carried out. The four-ball antiwear test was also
contact on a rotating countersurface. Both sapphire and carried out, the oils seemed to retain some antiwear per-
steel were used as counter contact surfaces and blends formance and the authors attributed this to the phos-
were tested with and without the presence of a second phorus-containing decomposition compounds. The soot
additive. A matrix of blends was tested, with and without appeared to adsorb the zinc-containing decomposition
spin of the ball. In general, if a blend gave good wear products but not those which contained phosphorus. Bar-
protection, this was enhanced by spin when a sapphire tha et al. [55] carried out a study of the interaction
surface was used but worsened when the surface was between PIB-succinimides and engine oil additives. Dif-
steel. The presence of a second additive was seen to be ferent types of succinimides were studied with a range
deleterious to the performance of the anti-wear films. of concentrations of ZDDP. The strength of interaction
SEM was used to study the nature of the films generated. was measured as was the effect of the interaction on the
Ferrari et al. [49,50] have used multi-edge X-ray efficiency of the dispersant.
absorption spectroscopy to investigate the nature of tri- Wu and Dacre [56] have carried out an investigation
bological interfaces. The technique was developed by of the action of ZDDP onto SKF-3 steel. Fundamental
use of model compounds and was then applied to in situ work was carried out using just ZDDP in a hydrocarbon
studies of steel/oil interfaces. The ZDDP was presumed base stock. A radioactive ZDDP solution was used to
to have influenced the surface structure of the metal and determine the amount of adsorption occurring. It was
at high temperatures the presence of a Zn–O bond was proposed that two different types of adsorption occur and
seen. The authors present a model of structural changes the method of adsorption is temperature dependant, phy-
occurring at the steel interface and postulate the theory sisorption at low temperatures and chemical adsorption
of the mechanisms occurring. at high temperatures. The effect of co-additives were
also determined: both mono- and bis-succinimides were
observed to suppress adsorption maxima of ZDDP which
6. ZDDP and interactions with other engine oil had been recorded in the absence of any co-additive.
components This was also true when phenate was added. The authors
offered explanations of adsorption behaviour of ZDDP
Several groups have carried out research into the way in the presence of co-additives.
that ZDDP interacts with other components in the Work done by Yin et al. [57,58] has included the
engine oil. study of effects of physical parameters and effects of
Inoue and Watanabe [51] addressed the possibility of detergents and dispersants on the antiwear films gener-
interactions between other additives and ZDDPs. Inter- ated by ZDDP.
actions can be synergistic or antagonistic. Reactions The complexity of behaviour of ZDDP is apparent
were seen to occur between succinimides and ZDDPs. from the range of papers contained in this review as is
Hsu and Lin [52] studied effects between ZDDPs with the importance of its role as an engine protector.
succinimides and calcium sulphonates. Individually,
synergistic effects were seen with both succinimides and
calcium sulphonates but this was not seen to be the case Acknowledgements
in a three component system. Barcroft and Park [53]
used a ‘hot-wire’ technique, whereby a stainless steel A.M. Barnes would like to thank DERA for financial
wire was heated by electrical current, to evaluate ZDDPs support of this project and V.R.A. Thibon thanks Esso
alone and in conjunction with other additives; a polyme- International for a grant.
thacrylate viscosity improver, a succinimide dispersant,
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