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Group Members:
 Luqman Hassan (200596)
 Sameer Ahmed Siddiqui (200597)
 Mohsin Ali Ahmad (200606)
 Abdul Muqaddim (200608)
 Muhammad Sohail (200618)
 Usman Afzal (200628)
Class: BSIT-F-20-A-638
Submitted to: Ma’am Gul Ayesha

S.No Topic Pg.









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Since Israel’s establishment in May 1948, Pakistan, being a Muslim country has refused
to establish diplomatic relations with it. However, Israel and Pakistani officials maintained
clandestine contacts over the years. The main reasons for Pakistan’s policy toward Israel
(1) Religious solidarity with the Arab Muslim countries
(2) Fear of an adverse response by radical Islamism groups throughout the Muslim
(3) Concern that establishing diplomatic relation with Israel may cause instability
within Pakistan
All successful foreign policies are aimed at maintaining good relations with other
Foreign policies should be adaptive and dynamic in nature, capable of achieving both
short and long term national aims and interests.
Pakistan and Israel never have relations with Israel. Pakistan’s political and military
leaders have always remain committed to the country’s Muslim identity, and only
significant progress in relations between Israel and the Arab states could lead to a change
in Pakistan’s position.
Israel had grave concerns about Pakistan’s “Islamic bomb” and monitored events closely.
It was also believed that Iraq had acquired nuclear know-how from Pakistan, and Israel
was worried that Iran and perhaps Saudi Arabia would acquire this know-how as well.

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Historical Development of Relations
In history when we read about the Jews, we usually get a tragic story of slaughter and exile. The
Jewish community across the ages has been persecuted by other more powerful kingdom, empires
and religions. Starting from the time of the Assyrian empire in 740 BCE till the mid of 1940 till the end
of Holocaust period almost 2700+ years of persecution and exile. By the end of World War 2 the Jewish
people wanted a country to call their own and to safe guard their rights and sovereignty. The British
divided the former Ottoman Empire and created a small country where the Jews could form their
country. Hence by the efforts of the British and the Jewish people the country of Israel was born in the
name of religion and became the second country to be formed on the base of religion. This location
where Israel was formed is known as the holy land and is an important religious site for all 3 Abrahamic
religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Muslim population was not happy with this decision.
The disagreement among the population regarding the formation of Israel at such a holy place
and handing them the entire region and other affairs lead to the Arab-Israel wars. In 1967-1973 Arab
Israel war Pakistan supported the Arab nations by sending soldiers and equipment to the Arab nations
to fight against Israel. Pakistan did not officially get involve with this conflict as the Americans were
adding the Israelis but allowed the soldiers of Pakistan to go to the Arab nations and become a part of
their armed forces. Pakistan is the only country to have destroyed 3 Israeli jets without losing a single
one. During the 8 Arab-Israel wars the Americans were the greatest ally to Israel. Americans supplied
the Israelis with the weapons and technology they needed to win the war and become a strong and
powerful country.
After Israel was strong enough it started to encroach the land owned by the Arabs and started
to gain their dominance in the region of Palestine which fought back against the Israelis but were not
successful against them and are now oppressing the people of the region. Israel also in support of the
Indians launched a mission to destroy the nuclear capability of Pakistan but failed to do so. Pakistan
has made its point clear to the world that if Israel does not stop its hostilities towards the Palestinians
and other Muslim nations across the World Pakistan will not accept Israel as a real state. 1

Current Shift in Foreign Policy

Currently the Middle Eastern countries are Recognizing Israel as they want strategic ties with
them. UAE has accepted Israel as a nation and Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is thinking about accepting
Israel to obtain a business partnership for their own benefit. But Kingdom of Saudi Arabia cannot be an
ally of a nation who is an enemy of the Muslims so Kingdom of Saudi Arabia wants Pakistan to accept
Israel first so that when they do accept Israel they are not under criticism from other Muslim nations.
But Pakistan is not willing to accept Israel that is why Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is making its best efforts
to make Pakistan accept Israel by using its soft power.

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Benefits of Recognizing Israel
There are very few benefits of Accepting Israel which are Mentioned below
 Pakistan will become a neutral nation in the eyes of the west as Pakistan will not have any hostilities
against any other country except India. But Pakistan has officially accepted a cease fire with India
and has maintained a fragile peace in the region. So, Pakistan will be a totally neutral nation and will
have the ability to trade with the western and the eastern nations.
 Pakistan will be on the same page as the Middle Eastern nations and the western nations Pakistan
can obtain more strong ties with them. Pakistan will be able to take benefit of the situation and gain
more aid and support from these nations.
 Pakistan will have the ability to share Israeli technology and weapons for self-defense. Pakistan will
also find a strong trade partner in Israel as Pakistan will now be able to share their technology and
equipment with Pakistan.

Problems of Recognizing Israel

There are many problems for Pakistan if Pakistan choses to recognize Israel some of the Problems
are mentioned below
 Pakistan supports the claims of the Palestinian people and is helping them by providing AID for the
Palestinians for them to keep resistance against the Israelis. If Pakistan accepts Israel as a nation
Pakistan would automatically deny the Palestinian claims and the Palestinians would be left to fend
for themselves and will not survive the Israelis aggression toward the Palestinian people.
 Pakistan will lose its credibility in the eyes of other smaller neutral nations as Pakistan would not
have been true in its claims against Israel.
 Pakistan will lose support for its neighboring Muslim countries like Iran and Turkey and would have
to depend on the same western countries that placed sanctions against them thus Pakistan’s
economic sovereignty would be lost.

Other options for Pakistan

Pakistan has very few options that Pakistan can utilize in this situation as Pakistan is not a developed
country with a strong economy. Pakistan can only be in a position to do more than its current situation
if Pakistan was to become a strong and stable country. Currently Pakistan can only deny Israel as
the benefits of accepting it are very less as compared to its Problems. So Pakistan can approach the
UN for help and again request them for a peaceful solution to the matter and bring peace to the

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Summing up all the discussion in paragraph to made an effective conclusion, keeping eye on the
historical background of Israel how it came into being from the collision of great Muslim empire
Called the Ottoman Empire. Muslims leaders were always stayed in the opposite side of Israel, whether
it was trade or recognizing Israel as a state. There were no corner in the past years for Israel in the
foreign policy of Pakistan and still the policy of Pakistan with the state of Israel is crystal clear.
As we are observing that the neighbors and the surrounding Muslims states of Israel are begin to accept
the Israel as a state like the United Arab Emirates done so far. The eye of weak Muslims state now are
on Pakistan, that what will be the Pakistan`s decision in this matter. Pakistan will not be going to
recognize the Jews’ country as state because the one-main thing is that Pakistan follows his ancestors’
path: let’s take a Quaid e Azam view about Israel.

“We cannot ever accept Israel as long as Palestinians are not given their rights and there is no
just settlement.”
-Quaid e Azam
Another main thing is Israel Pakistan will not adopt a neutral attitude towards the Israel,
As the old Arab Israel wars had showed another side of page completely. beside all, Israel have their
motive behind that is to let down all the Muslims and their states one by one but Pakistan always
remains opposite in nature and rearrange its foreign policy according to the need of time with the Israel,
but not be on same page with Israel as the big powers like us are trying to
Get Pakistan under pressure that Pakistan should accept Israel as a state and starts their terms with
this country but Pakistan will favor the need of time and its foreign policy. 2

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