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Name: Cyrah Pinnock

Candidate #: 1001292720

Name of School: Wolmer’s Trust High School for Girls

School Centre #: 100129

Subject: Additional Mathematics

Teacher’s name: Ms. Evans

Territory: Jamaica

Year of Exam: 2022


This project's completion was made possible by the efforts of many individuals. I'd want to begin

by thanking the Lord above for guiding myself and others along this process. Miss Evans, thank

you for your patience and assistance with your constructive criticism. Finally, I'd like to express

my gratitude to my parents for giving me with the required equipment and for their constant

support during this entire process.


Table of Contents

Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................... 2
PURPOSE OF PROJECT/PROBLEM STATEMENT.......................................................5
Identifying variables and constants each for the storage room and the arched door along
with their symbols...........................................................................................................6
MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION...............................................................................7
Total Cost of Materials..................................................................................................12
PROBLEM SOLUTION...................................................................................................12
Application of Solution..................................................................................................27
Using the Area derived from the Tabular and Graphical approach for Area of the
Arched Door:................................................................................................................28


An Investigation to Determine the Cheapest Sized Room for a Storage Room of Fixed Volume

and the Maximum Area of an Arched Door of Fixed Perimeter.


Mrs. Keta Jones has recently acquired a plot of land to start building her large rectangular

storage room which needs to have a volume of 72m3. The length of its base is twice the width.

Material to cover the base of the floor costs $80 per square meter. Material for the side’s costs

$60 per square meter. Material to decorate the roof costs $100 per square meter. Mrs. Keta

Jones would like to know the total cost she will pay for materials for the cheapest-sized room.

This will be profitable to her as she will reduce the expenses to herself in taking on this project.

Mrs. Keta Jones would also like one of her side walls to contain a Norman-Window-like

arched Door as illustrated below. The door should have a perimeter of 15m. The door is

designed by adjoining a semicircle to the top of an ordinary rectangular door. She would like to

know what the specific dimensions of the door will be to obtain the maximum area. She desires

to have the maximum-sized door possible for that Perimeter to have the largest entryway

possible to carry in her large storage supplies.

Diagram of Storage Room

e B
i L r
g e e
h n a
t g d
t t
h h

Identifying variables and constants each for the storage
room and the arched door along with their symbols

Arched Door Storage Room

Variables Constants Variables Constants

Area (A) Pi (𝝅) Length (l ) Volume (V)

Length (l ) Perimeter (P) Width (w) Material Cost per square

metre for Base floor

Width (w) Height (h) Material Cost per square

metre for Roof

Radius (r) Surface Area (S.A.) Material Cost per square

metre for Sides

Diameter (d)


Volume is the amount of space occupied by an object.

Area is the measure of the region occupied by a flat shape.

Surface Area is the total area of a surface of a three-dimensional figure.

Perimeter is the distance around the outside of an object.

Length is the distance from one end to the other end of an object.

Width is the measurement of the distance of a side of an object, usually the shorter side.

Height is the vertical distance of an object from top to base.

Radius is a line segment extending from the center of a circle or sphere to the circumference.

Diameter is a straight line that passes through the center of a circle and divides the circle into

two sections.

Pi is a constant that has a numerical value of approximately 3.142.

Cost is an amount of money that must be paid or spent to buy or obtain something.

A Rectangle is a two-dimensional shape, having four sides and four corners.

A Semicircle is half of a circle, made by diameter and the connecting arc.

A Cuboid is a box-shaped object. It has six flat faces; all angles are right angles, and all its faces

are rectangles. It is also a prism because it has the same cross-section along a length.

1) Perimeter of a Rectangle: 2(l + w) or 2l + 2w


w w

2) Area of a Rectangle: l x w


3) Perimeter of a Semicircle: ½𝝅d


4) Area of a Semicircle: ½𝝅r 2

r= ½ d

Arched Door (Compound Shape)

1. Perimeter of Arched Door: 2l+w + ½𝝅d
Since the diameter of the semicircle = the width of the rectangle, d= w
Perimeter of Arched Door: 2l+w + ½𝝅w


l l

2. Total Area of Arched Door: (l x w) + ( ½𝝅r2 )


The Volume of a Cuboid is the total space occupied by the cuboid in a three-dimensional space.

A cuboid is a three-dimensional structure having six rectangular faces. The volume is a measure

based on the dimensions of these faces, the length, width, and height.

The volume of Cuboid = Length x Width x Height (Cubic Unit)

Surface Area of Cuboid:

To calculate the total surface area of a cuboid, add the areas of all six (6) faces. You can also

label the length (l), width (w), and height (h) of the prism and use the formula, SA= 2lw+ 2lh+

2hw, to find the surface area.

Total Cost of Materials
Total Cost: Quantity * Cost per unit

Total Material Cost of the Base floor: Area of Base floor(m2) * 80

Total Material Cost of each Side Wall: Area of Side Wall(m2) * 60

Total Material Cost of the Roof: Area of Roof(m2) * 100

Total Material Costs of the entire Storage Room:

Area of Base floor(m2) * 80 + Area of all Side Walls(m2) * 60 + Area of Roof(m2)* 100

However, since one side wall contains an arched Door:

Total Material Costs of the entire Storage Room becomes:

[Area of Base floor(m2) * 80 + Area of all Side Walls(m2) * 60 + Area of Roof(m2)* 100 ] -

[Area of Arched Door(m2) * 60]

Arched Door

The solution to the Arched Door Problem will be approached in the following two ways:

5) Tabular & Quadratic Curve Graphical Approach

6) Differentiation Approach

Tabular & Graphical Approach

If randomly selected dimensions were made for the arched door of Fixed Perimeter, the

Maximum area could be obtained. If random rectangular widths (or diameters) were, for

example, selected, then the corresponding rectangular lengths of the arched door could be

determined for the fixed Perimeter. These dimensions (length, width, and diameter) can then be

used to calculate a possible area of the arched door. By using various widths, the Maximum

possible area can be determined.

For example, to find the length of the rectangular part of the arched door when the width = 5m,

the following mathematical processes can be done:

Earlier the formula of the Perimeter of the arched door was found to be:

Perimeter of Arched Door: 2l+w + ½𝝅w

Since Mrs. Keta-Jones would like the arched door to have a fixed Perimeter of
15m, then
2l+w + ½𝝅w = 15
This formula can therefore be transposed for ‘l’, to obtain the length for a given
15−w− πw
l= 2

Thus, for a randomly chosen width of 5m, the length, l, =




l = 1.073m

Thus for the random width or diameter chosen of 5m, the length is 1.073m.

Now, the Total Area of Arched Door = (l x w) + ( ½𝝅r2 )

Area of rectangle = l x w

A = 1.073m x 5m

A = 5.365m²

Area of semicircle = ½𝝅r2

= ½(3.142)(2.5)2 NB. r=d/2 = 5/2 = 2.5m

= 9.819 m2

Total Area of Arched Door = 5.365m² + 9.819 m2 = 15.184 m2

Similar calculations were done for other randomly chosen widths from 1m to 5m

as shown in Table 1 below. It was noted through calculations that random widths

approximately exceeding 5.8m could not be chosen as anything higher would

result in the length being negative which is impossible.

Table 1: Area Calculations for the Arched Door with Various Widths

Width or Length Area of Area of Total Area Perimeter
Diameter (m) (m) Rectangle (m2) Semicircle of Arched of Arched
(m2) Door (m2) Door (m)
1 6.215 6.215 0.393 6.608 15
1.5 5.571 8.357 0.884 9.241 15
2 4.929 9.858 1.571 11.429 15
2.5 4.286 10.715 2.454 13.169 15
3 3.644 10.932 3.535 14.467 15
3.5 3.001 10.504 4.811 15.315 15
4 2.358 9.432 6.284 15.716 15
4.5 1.715 7.718 7.953 15.671 15
5 1.073 5.365 9.819 15.184 15

These table values can be used to draw a graph of Area of Arched Door against Width. See graph

in Fig.1 below.

Fig.1 Quadratic Graph of Arched Door Area against Width

From the graph drawn it can be clearly seen that the graph produced is a Quadratic Curve and its
Maximum turning point is: (4 ,15.73).

Thus the Tabular & Graph approach shows that the Maximum possible Area of the

Arched Door would be 15.716m2 and is achieved when the width or diameter = 4m.

Fig.2 shows an Excel drawn Graph of the information above.

Differentiation Approach
In the differentiation approach, we will first take the Area of Arched Door formula and write it in

terms of one variable only, that is, width.

Area of Arched Door, A = lw + ½𝝅r2

15−w− πw
Now Recall, l= 2 and r =w /2

15−w− πw 2
Thus A = ( 2 w
) w +½ π ( )
2 2

15−w− πw π w 2
A=( 2 ( )
)w + 2 2

(15−w− πw)w π w2
A= 2 + 2( )

1 2 2

15 w−w − π w πw
A= 2 +

15 1 2 π 2 π 2
A= 2 w - 2 w - 4 w + 8 w

15 1 2 π 2
A = 2 w - 2w - 8 w

dA 15 π
= 2
- w - 4

Stationary Point

15 π
- w - 4w = 0

π 15
- w - 4w = - 2

π 15
-w (1 + 4 ) = - 2

15 π
-w = - 2 ÷ (1 + 4 )

-w = 2 ÷ 1.785

-w = -4.2

w= 4.2m

15 1 2 π 2
A = 2 (4.2) - 2 ( 4.2) - 8 ( 4.2)

A = 31.5 - 8.82 - 6.93

A =15.75 m2

Generalizing for any given Perimeter

1 1 2 π 2
A= 2 Pw− 2 w − 8 w

dA 1 π
= 2
P−w− w


1 π
P−w− =0
2 4

1 π
P=w+ w
2 4

2 ( )
P=w 1+

2 ( ) ( )( )
π π
÷ 1+ =w 1+ ÷ 1+
4 4

2 ( )π
÷ 1+ =w

p 1
× =w
2 π

( )
2 1+

Cuboid Storage Room

The solution to the Cuboid Storage Room Problem will be approached in the

following two ways:

1) Tabular & Quadratic Curve Graphical Approach

2) Differentiation Approach

Tabular and Graphical Approach

If randomly selected dimensions were made for the Storage Room of Fixed Volume, 72m3, the

Minimum Surface Area could be obtained. For example, if random rectangular widths were

selected, then the corresponding rectangular lengths and height of the storage room could be

determined for the fixed Volume. These dimensions (length, width, and height) can then be used

to calculate a possible Surface area of the Storage Room. By using various widths and

calculating total costs we can find the cheapest amount that Ms. Keta Jones will pay to complete

her storage room.

For example, to find the height of the storage room when the width = 5m, the following

mathematical processes can be done:

Earlier the formula of the Volume of the storage room was found to be:

Volume of Storage Room: l 𝑥 w 𝑥 h

Since Mrs. Keta-Jones would like the storage room to have a fixed Volume of 72m3, then

l 𝑥 w 𝑥 h = 72m3

The length was said to be twice the width which could be written as

2w 𝑥 w 𝑥 h = 72m3

2w2 𝑥 h = 72m3

This formula can therefore be transposed for “h”, to obtain the height for a given width.

h= 2 w2

= 2

Thus for a randomly chosen width of 5m, the height, h, =

h= 2

72 m3
h= 2(25)

h= 50

h = 1.44 m

Thus, for the random width or diameter chosen of 5m, the height is 1.44 m.

Now, the Total Surface Area of Storage Room = 2lw + 2lh + 2hw

h = 1.44m


l = 2w

= 2(5)

= 10m

Therefore, Total Surface Area of Storage Room = 2lw + 2lh + 2hw

= 2(10)(5) + 2(10) (1.44) + 2(1.44) (5)

= 100 + 28.8 + 14.4

= 143.2m2

Similar calculations were done for other randomly chosen widths from 1m to 5m
as shown in Table 2 below.

Table 2: Surface Area Calculations for the Storage Room with Multiple

Width (w) Length (l) Height (h) Surface Area (m2) Volume (m3)
1.0 2.0 36 220 72.0
1.5 3.0 16 153 72.0
2.0 4.0 9 124 72.0
2.5 5.0 5.76 111.4 72.0
3.0 6.0 4 108 72.0
3.5 7.0 2.94 110.74 72.0
4.0 8.0 2.25 118 72.0
4.5 9.0 1.78 129.06 72.0
5.0 10.0 1.44 143.2 72.0

These table values can be used to draw a graph of the Surface Area of the Storage
Room against Width. See graph in Fig. 3 below.
Fig 3. Quadratic Graph of Storage Room Surface Area against Width

From the graph drawn it can be clearly seen that the graph produced is a Quadratic Curve and its

Minimum turning point is: (3 ,108).

Thus, the Tabular & Graph approach shows that the Minimum possible Surface Area of

the Storage Room would be 108 m2 and is achieved when the width is 3m.

Fig.4 shows an Excel drawn Graph of the information above.

Differentiation Approach

In the differentiation approach, we will first take the Surface Area of the Storage Room formula

and write it in terms of one variable only, that is, width.

Surface Area= 2lw + 2lh + 2hw

Now Recall, l= 2w and h = 2

36 36
Thus, Surface Area = 2(2w) w + 2(2w) ( 2 )+ 2( 2 )(w)
w w

36 36
SA= 4w2 + 4w ( 2 ) + 2w ( 2 )
w w

144 w 72 w
SA = 4w2+ 2 + 2
w w

144 72
SA = 4w2 + w + 2
SA= 4w2 + 144w-1 +72w-1
8w - 144w-2 -72w-2
dSA 144 72
= 8w - 2 - 2❑
dw w w

Stationary Point

144 72
8w - - =0
w2 w2❑

8w - 144w-2 - 72w-2 = 0

8w - 216w-2 = 0
8w - 2 = 0
8 w −216
2 =0

8w3 - 216 = 0

8w3 = 216
w3 = 27
w = √3 27
w = 3m

Generalizing for any given Volume

V =l × w ×h

= 2 w × w ×h

V = 2 w2 h

Therefore h = 2

S.A. = 2 lw+2 wh+2 lh

= 2 ( 2 w ) w+2 w ( 2Vw )+2(2 w)( 2Vw )

2 2

2 V 2V
= 4w +w+ w

S.A. = 4 w2 +V w−1 +2V w−1

dS . A .
= 8 w=V w−2−2 V w−2

dS . A . 8 w− V − 2V
= 2 2
w w

dS . A .

V 2V
8 w− − =0
w2 w 2

8 w3 −V −2 V

8 w −3 v
2 =0

8 w −3 V =0
8w 3V
8 8

3 3V
w =


3 3V

Thus, Minimum Surface Area = 108 m2

Length, l = 6 m

Height, h = 4 m

Volume, V = 72 m3

Thus, a width of 3m for the storage room will give the minimum surface area of 108 m2

with a length of 6 m and height 4 m and a fixed Volume of 72m3.

Application of Solution
A storage room of minimum surface area for the required volume of 72m3 will

result in Minimum Cost to Mrs. Keta Jones. That Minimum cost to Mrs. Keta

Jones will now be determined.

Cost Equation =

(Base Floor Cost + Roof Cost + Total Cost of the Sides) - Arched Door Area Cost

Base Floor Cost = l x w x $80

= 2w2 x $80 since l = 2w

= $160w2

Roof Cost = l x w x $100

= 2w2 x $100 since l = 2w

= $200w2

Sides Cost [Left and Right Sides] = 2 x l x h x $60

= 2 x 2wh x $60

= 4wh x $60

= $240wh

Sides Cost[Front and Back Sides] = 2 x w x h x $60

= $120wh

Using the Area derived from the Tabular and Graphical approach for Area of the
Arched Door:
Arched Door Area Cost = 15.716m2 x $60
= $942.96
Cost Function = (Base Floor Cost + Roof Cost + Sides Cost) - Arched Door
= ($160w2 + $200w2 + $240wh + $120wh) - $942.96

= ($160w2 + $200w2 + $360wh)- $942.96

= ($360w2 + $360wh)- $942.96

= $360w2 + $360wh - $942.96

Since h = 2
The Cost Function in terms of width only is:
c(w) = $360w2 + $360w ( 2 ) - $942.96
c(w) = $360w2 + $360 ( w ) - $942.96

$ 12,960
c(w) = $360w2 + w
- $942.96

$ 12,960 23,574
c(w) = $360w2 + w - 25

$ 12,960 23,574
Cost Function, c(w) = $360w2 + w - 25

c(w) = $360w2 + $12,960w-1 -
dc $ 12,960
= $720w -
dw w2

Stationary Point
720w - 2 =0

720 w3−12960
720w3 - 12960 = 0
720w3 = 12960
w3 = 18
w= √3 18
w = 2.6
w = 3m

$ 12,960 23,574
Thus the Minimum Cost = 360w2 + w
- 25

12,960 23,574
= 360(3)2 + -
3 25

= $6,617.04

Table 3: Showing the Total Costs for five widths

Width (w) Total Cost ($)

1.0 $12,377.04
2.0 $6,977.04
3.0 $6,617.04
4.0 $8,057.04
5.0 $10,649.04

According to the table above, Miss Keta Jones’ storage room’s widths would have to be
3m for her storage room to be built at the lowest potential cost. The cost would be higher
if the breadth was greater than 3 meters.


To obtain the most cost-effective storage space with a set volume of 72m3 and an arched door

with a perimeter of 15m, the surface area of the room must first be determined. In this situation,

the width was 3m, resulting in a minimum surface area of 108m2 with a length of 6cm, a height

of 4m, and a set volume of 72cm3 to achieve the lowest cost while still providing the needed

space. In the case of the arched door, the breadth diameter required to be 4m to acquire the

greatest area available, which is 15.75m2. Upon determining the most appropriate measures, the

cost functions may be used to calculate the overall cost that the individual would incur.

As shown in the previous calculations and analyses, both the graphical and differentiation

techniques were utilized to estimate the entire cost for Mrs. Keta Jones's cheap room. The

Maximum Area of the Arched Door was calculated using a fixed volume and perimeter of 72m3

and 15 m, respectively. According to table 1, it has been observed that the width of 4m was

closest to the maximum area, 15.716m2. The graphical method was more precise because it

corresponded to the results (15.73m2), as opposed to the differentiation method, which yielded

(15.75m2). The percentage difference between the two readings was found to be 0.1 percent. The

width range of 1.0 to 5.0 connects the tables. Both quadratic curves were created using points

from their respective tables. In table 2, to get the least surface area for the storage space, random

values were acquired, resulting in a width of 3m corresponding with the minimum surface area

of 108m2. The graph of Surface Area against Width for the Storage Room produced a Minimum

Quadratic Curve, with the minimum turning point being (3,108). In table 3, the width of 3m

provided the smallest total cost of $6,617.04.


To calculate the smallest sized space with a specified volume and the greatest area of an

arched door with a fixed perimeter. For future comparisons, the general perimeter formula:

( )
2 1+
, may be used to determine the width for an arched door, given the perimeter,

15 1 2 π 2
to give the maximum area. Ms. Keta Jones used the equation, A = w - w - w , to
2 2 8

calculate the maximum area of the arched door because her perimeter was 15 meters, hence why

she utilized this equation. The maximum area may be calculated by following these calculations:

1. w=
√3 3V
- Given the volume of the cuboid room, this equation can be used to find the

width that produces the smallest surface area for a cuboid room.

144 72
2. SA = 4w2 + + 2 - Ms. Keta Jones used this equation to determine the minimum
w w

surface area of the storage room because her volume was 72m3.

144 72
Furthermore, using the equation, SA = 4w2 + + 2 , the lowest amount of material
w w

required to finish the storage space may be calculated, eliminating material waste, and saving

money that would otherwise be spent on unnecessary resources. Hence, in the end, Ms. Keta

Jones would be able to have her storage space at a reasonable price without having to purchase

unnecessary supplies.

$ 12,960 23,574
Lastly, the equation, c(w) =$360w2 + - 25 , was used to calculate the cost of
the cheapest storage room for Ms. Keta Jones.


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