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Para. No.















SIA Requirements
Functional Requirements
Standard Features
The following features are to be presented in the eCourseware. Vendors can suggest additional features, which will add value to the training programme. T
can be in the form of an activity conducted using the Communities Forum in Singapore Airlines’ Learning Management System.

All the features should work regardless of whether the learner is accessing the ecourseware from office network or from home via desktop, tablets or smart
Lesson Banner
The learner will be able to navigate through the courseware by clicking the mouse on the appropriate icons on the screen. At all times, the Le
Banner with features listed below must be positioned consistently and be available for the learner’s preference:
Title Display the title of the current module

Sub-Title Display the title of the current unit/topic within the module

Menu Display all titles and their sub-titles. Allows the learner to jump to any of the modules/units of choice

Audio Replay Replay the audio for the current page

Audio On/Off Audio to be switch on or off throughout courseware

Volume Control Audio volume to be controlled

Progress Indicator Displays current page number out of total page in present topic. E.g. 10/15

Glossary Display a list of terms and definitions. Allows for print out

Exit Leave the courseware at anytime during the courseware

Help Provide assistance regarding user interface

To avoid
Single learners
Course closingMethod
Closing the course using the Windows close button, vendor is to ensure the course opens full screen without the Window
browser. This will ensure that all learners close the course using the close icon within the course, where tracking data is initiated. Else, vendo
need to provide a prompt to learners about the possible loss of tracking data when learner clicks on the Windows close button.

Minimum Bandwidth

Developed courses are to be deployed through a maximum bandwidth of 64 kbps. Hence, audio/video should be kept to a minimum.

Resolution, Colours and Font Size Setup

The eCourseware content should be developed for delivery at normal office PCs and kiosk PCs with display resolution set up as 1366 x 768
1600 x 900 with full colour. Content should also take into account Small and Large Fonts set on individual PCs.

Newly developed courses should be accessible and properly rendered both from desktop, tablets and smart phones.

Bookmark and Completions

The course should be able to bookmark the learner’s last page visited in the course. When the learner closes a module and restarts at a late
the learner is prompted with the option of returning to the last page previously visited or start from scratch.
There must be tracking mechanisms to check on the learner’s progress and register completion. The module should administer tests during o
independent of the course. The results of completion and tests should be sent back and successfully interpreted by SIA’s learning managem
system SABA.

Time-Out Session
As part of SIA’s security policy, there is 15-minute session time-out applicable to all staff logged on the SIA intranet. There must be a mechan
in the courseware to keep this session alive at all times

Successful Transmission of Test Results

Upon completion of assessment and successful storage of results in the tracking system, a Confirmation Page or Message should be shown

The learning materials must be presented in a logical or sequential manner for ease of navigation by learner. The learner must be able to sel
sections of the courseware at random from a menu bar or page.

Instructional Design Requirements

The content for courses will be gathered from existing training materials and notes. Internal trainers/facilitators will be assigned as subject ma
For the purpose
Instructional of evaluating
Design Approachthe proposed instructional design treatment, vendor will be required to create a high level storyboard/design
document for the whole course incorporating appropriate instructional design strategies for teaching the respective content types and the
assessment approach in order to achieve the learning outcomes.
Where appropriate, the vendor to recommend the use and integration of existing synchronous and/or asynchronous tools. Where the design
incorporates the use of such tools, the course should not be dependent on the use of these tools. This allows SIA’s course administrators the
flexibility of adopting such tools when resources permit.

In the design, consideration must also be given for course administrators to maintain the dynamic contents within the courseware (refer to
Maintenance Module under Deliverables), with minimal technical knowledge.

Technical Requirements
Client Tier
Refer to Annex 9.1 (Infrastructure and Architecture Standards)

Learning Management System

· The SABA Learning Management System (LMS) on cloud will be the core application, from which all content will be launched. The eLearnin
courseware must be able to run seamlessly with the SABA LMS.

· SIA currently runs SABA Cloud Version with plans to follow along with SABA on update release upgrades. Vendor shall provide a
service required to ensure that the courseware developed will continue to function after upgrades are applied at no additional cost to SIA.

If SIA moves to a new LMS, vendor shall provide services to ensure that the courseware developed will run in the n
environment as well at no additional cost to SIA.

Compliance to Standards
· The eCourseware must compliant to RWD, Responsive Web Design standards to provide an optimal viewing and interaction experience, su
eLearning courseware
and navigation with a must
minimum be ofAICC2.2, AICC3.5,
resizing, panning, andSCORM2.1 and
scrolling with no SCORM2004
configuration compliant.
changes across a wide range of device
must be able to launch properly and fits on personal computers, mobile, tablets and other portable devices without requiring any setting chan
on iOS, Android or Windows Mobile devices (from desktop computer monitors to mobile phones)Content must be delivered through 64kbps

· Tracking must be enabled for cross-domain environment. Vendor shall test the tracking capabilities as soon as possible to avoid rework at t
later stage.
· Content developed must be mobile compatible thus flash should be avoided.

· The ecourseware should work seamlessly within office network or outside office network, including Mobile Data Management (MDM) when
accessing via mobile devices.

eCourseware Development Tool

The vendor shall develop the eCourseware using Articulate Storyline 2. It is recommended for the vendor to have their own copy of the softw
for development. If not, please approach your respective SIA’s project manager for assistance on getting a copy of the software.

eCcourseware Deliverables
At the end of this project, the following must be delivered to SIA:

§ An e-learning version of the course must be installed in SIA’s production server, tested and successfully tracks with SIA’s LMS, and

§ a CD-ROM version (with auto-run functionality) of the course must also be delivered and properly labelled.

All media elements (graphics, video clips etc.) including editable versions and source codes must also be provided to SIA (the copyright own
these elements). These elements and codes are to be provided to SIA in a CD-ROM.
Compliance (Y/N) Airnguru Remarks

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