Geology, Alteration and Fluid Escape in The Antamina Cu-Zn Skarn Deposit, Peru

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Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Geology, alteration and fluid escape in the Antamina

Cu-Zn skarn deposit, Peru

The Antamina Deposit is the largest Cu-Zn skarn in the world, and because of its sheer size
and the topographic relief in the area, it provides an excellent site to document the vertical extent
of mineralization and fluid flow escape features. Fluid flow structures were examined adjacent to
and above the skarn system to characterize the nature of the fluid escape, to identify the widest
and most pervasive alteration halos, and to compare alteration styles with other deposits that
might represent shallower continuation of the system. Trace elements, oxygen and carbon
isotopes, and ultraviolet fluorescence are the main tracers to the hydrothermal solutions. Three
main fluid flow conduits are recognized: massive skarn, quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes, and pre-
existing thrust faults. In order to characterize alteration halos, these fluid conduits and enclosing
limestone and marbles were examined extensively in different locations and at all elevations.

Deposit Geology
The Antamina copper-zinc skarn deposit is located in the eastern flank of the western
Peruvian Andes, at 9°32’S and 77°03’W, and at average altitude of 4300 metres (Fig. 1). This
deposit, 270km northeast of Lima, consists of several high-grade copper and zinc skarn ore
bodies developed in the cupola of a low-grade copper – molybdenum quartz monzonite
porphyry. The skarn system is located within a subtle deflection zone of the NW trending, Incaic
Marañon thrust and fold belt (Petersen, 1965) that apparently allowed the emplacement of
several phases of intrusions in the Antamina valley. This structural discontinuity was named the
Querococha arch by Love et al. (2001). The skarn forms a NE-SW elliptical area of 4.5 x 2 km
surrounding a series of quartz feldspar porphyry intrusive bodies emplaced in the center of the
Antamina valley. The porphryritic stocks intruded into the transition zone between the Jumasha
and Celendín Formations. Regionally, Jumasha Formation consists of several hundred metres of
massive, pale gray cliff-forming limestone whereas Celendín Formation is composed of an
interbedded sequence of thin bedded marls, limestone and calcareous siltstones (Cobbing et al.,
1996, Redwood, 2004). The contact between these Formations has not been mapped in the study
area because of the extensive development of the skarn zoning and the structural complexity of
the area.
The complete spectrum of mineral and alteration zoning related to copper skarn deposits
(Einaudi et al, 1981) is displayed at Antamina, from a mineralized porphyry intrusion center with
a calc-silicate skarn envelope, surrounded by progressively less altered rocks that range from
marble and hornfels, to visibly unaltered limestone (Fig. 2). Alteration is controlled by
sedimentary layering, dike emplacement, and pre-existing fold and thrust geometry. Four visible
alteration zones are recognized around the central quartz-monzonite porphyry: a pink to brown
skarn altered intrusion (endoskarn), a brown to green garnet skarn (exoskarn), a white and gray
marble zone (Figs. 3 and 4), and a zone of brown and gray hornfels. Outside the hornfels zone
fossiliferous gray limestone predominates.
Syn-mineralization vein morphology and mineral content vary systematically with elevation.
Base metal sulfide and quartz - sulfide veins are strictly associated with the quartz feldspar stock
and dikes that emerge from the stock. Dense networks of calc-silicate – calcite +/- sulfide veins
appear throughout the skarn, marble and hornfels zones. Quartz – fluorite +/- calcite and sulfide

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

veins are associated with quartz feldspar porphyry dikes peripheral to skarn. At the shallowest
exposed levels, these same dikes contain light gray calcite +/- quartz, garnet, sulfide veins.

Four zones were selected for detailed study: Antamina West, Quarry Bench, Fortuna and
Fortuna East (Fig. 2). Mineral content; major, trace and rare earth element geochemistry;
ultraviolet fluorescence signature of veins; and oxygen and carbon isotopes were used to trace
hydrothermal fluid migration. A complete description of these tracers is presented below. A
compilation of all samples and analytical protocols is contained in appendices to the report.
Other zones around Antamina such as Peak Nine, Ridge Road, Usu Pallares and Condorcocha

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

(Fig. 1), are briefly described in the study because they formed part of our initial reconnaissance
of the area.

Figure 2A. Geologic map of the Antamina District. Gray line inset shows location of Fig. 2B.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 2B. Detailed geologic map of Antamina West, Taco Pit, Fortuna and Fortuna East.
Legend as in Fig. 2A. Section A-A’ shown in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. Schematic cross section through the Antamina District. View to the northeast. Inset
indicates location of Figure 4.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Variations within host limestone exert a fundamental control on the rock types developed
during metamorphism and mineralization. The upper marly limestone sequence that outcrops in
the Fortuna area and the hornfels zoning developed at the Ridge Road and Oscarina area
corresponds to the Celendín Formation whereas the lower, extensive marble aureole that
outcrops in the western part of the pit were formed from a relatively pure and massive limestone
unit of the Jumasha Formation.

Figure 4. Detailed schematic cross section of Antamina West.

Intrusive Igneous Rocks

Miocene intrusive activity spans approximately one million years. The Condorcocha stock to
the north of Antamina (Fig. 2) is poorly mineralized and predates the main intrusive phases at
Antamina which were emplaced at approximately 10.5 Ma (Table 1). The Usu Pallares quartz
monzonite to the southwest of Antamina was intruded as mineralization waned and has coeval
intrusions within the centre of the Antamina stock. Distal alteration above and to the north of the
Antamina pit is concentrated along quartz feldspar porphyry dikes that connect the Antamina
stock to Condorcocha. Our studies have focused on these dikes and their relationship to the
Condorcocha and Antamina stocks.
A summary of available Ar-Ar geochronology that includes the data of Love et al. (2002) as
well as the data collected in this study are presented in table 1. Analytical procedures are
discussed in the methods chapter and details of the analyses, including plateau (spectrum) and
inverse correlation plots, are presented in appendices. There is a systematic discrepancy of about
0.6 Ma in the Ar-Ar age data collected by Love et al. (2002) and the Ar-Ar and U-Pb data
collected during this study. This discrepancy makes detailed comparison of ages between the two
datasets problematic - the minimum chronological resolution of the combined dataset is about
0.7 Ma. We are working to resolve this discrepancy and will communicate our resolution,
including corrected Ar-Ar dates if necessary, as soon as the discrepancy has been rectified.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Table 1: Summary of Geochronology Data

Sample Number Location Collar North Collar East Collar North Collar East Depth (m) Section rock type Mineral Age (Ma) Sample taken
UTM UTM Mine grid Mine grid by
ANT-198 Condorcocha 273000 8947000 0 Dike biotite 11.02±0.09 D. Love
Quartz feldspar
4PAA230 Fat dike 273819 8946100 0 porphyry dike biotite 11.40±0.15 A. Escalante
Silicified dacite
4PAA125 Fortuna dike 273323 8946332 0 porphyry dike biotite 11.07±0.09 A. Escalante
2PAT-18 Late dike 273621 8945324 Late dike zircon 10.71±0.02 R. Tosdal
2PAT-06 Oscarina dike 274744 8945202 0 porphyry biotite 10.76±0.16 R. Tosdal
2PAT-06 Oscarina dike 274744 8945202 0 porphyry hornblende 10.6±1.1 R. Tosdal
DDH- CMA 009 Taco Pit 274050 8945310 20705.1 10611.6 82.2 20700N Porphyry biotite 10.09±0.07 D. Love
DDH- CMA 009 Taco Pit 274050 8945310 20705.1 10611.6 82.2 20700N Porphyry sericite 9.81±0.06 D. Love
DDH - CMA 179 Taco Pit 274040 8945310 20697.94 10611.02 338 20700N Porphyry biotite 10.30±0.07 D. Love
DDH - CMA 179 Taco Pit 274043 8945306 20697.94 10611.02 338 20700N Porphyry plg 9.98±0.09 D. Love
DDH - CMA 190 Taco Pit 274048 8945310 20700.11 10613.87 303 20700N Porphyry biotite 10.39±0.08 D. Love
DDH - CMA 190 Taco Pit 274047 8945308 20700.11 10613.87 303 20700N Porphyry Ksp 9.87±0.07 D. Love
Late white
DDH CMA 206 Taco Pit 273464 8944898 19999.9 10495.6 147.2 20000N endoskarn ser,plg 10.00±0.16 D. Love
Late white
DDH CMA 206 Taco Pit 273464 8944898 19999.9 10495.6 45.5 20000N endoskarn ser,plg 9.8±0.1 D. Love
Coarse grained
DDH CMA 226 Taco Pit 274100 8945180 20648.9 10739.1 459.6 20650N porphyry biotite 10.18±0.07 D. Love
DDH - CMA 238 Taco Pit 273670 8945480 20555.5 10224.4 311 20550N Porphyry biotite 10.12±0.07 D. Love

DDH - CMA 238 Taco Pit 273670 8945482 20555.5 10224.4 311 20550N Porphyry sericite 9.9±0.1 D. Love
DDH CMA 335 Taco Pit 273862 8945425 20650 10400 76.8 20650N Porphyry sericite 9.75±0.07 D. Love
DDH CMA 335 Taco Pit 273862 8945425 20650 10400 76.8 20650N Porphyry biotite 10.18±0.07 D. Love
2PAT-02 Taco Pit 273553 8945299 0 endoskarn hornblende 10.29±0.36 R. Tosdal
Biotite-plagioclase 10.73±0.10
2PAT-11 Taco Pit 273755 8945467 porphyry zircon 10.72±0.03 R. Tosdal
ANT-183 Usu Pallares 272830 8943982 18900 10700 0 I-2-C porphyry Ksp 10.1±0.1 D. Love
2PAT-08 Usu Pallares 273564 8945101 megacryst pophyry zircon 10.68±0.06 R. Tosdal

The Condorcocha stock is a medium grained quartz feldspar porphyry with 1% primary
biotite, 0.5% hornblende and 1% quartz phenocrysts supported in a fine grained microcrystalline
silicified and chloritized matrix. Plagioclase is more abundant than K-feldspar and both are
weakly sericitized. Biotite and hornblende are partially replaced by shredded hydrothermal or
late magmatic biotite. K-feldspar also appears as fine veinlets within the core of the stock. The
intrusion is strongly fractured especially close to enclosing skarn. Quartz veinlets (6 veinlets per
metre in average) of 0.2-1.5cm width form isolated incipient stockwork textures. The endoskarn
zone of this intrusive contains fine-grained, brown garnet, diopside, epidote, chlorite and pyrite,
with local lenses of magnetite and traces of chalcopyrite. The stock was emplaced at 11 to 11.5
Ma (Table 1).
Quartz-feldspar porphyry (QFP) dikes connect the Condorcocha system to the Antamina
porphyry and outcrop in the vicinity of Fortuna – Fortuna East. They are dacitic in composition.
They consist of 60 to 75% microcrystalline quartz + feldspar matrix altering to kaolinite ±
sericite, 15% plagioclase phenocrysts, 5% K-feldspar phenocrysts weakly altered to kaolinite +
sericite or epidote; 3-12% sub-rounded quartz eyes, 1-10% biotite locally altering to chlorite, 1-
4% sulfides and 1% carbonates. Metre-scale hornfels alteration aureoles enclose the dikes.
Hornfels is cut by multiple generations of centimetre-scale calcite ± base metal sulfide veinlets
and quartz + fluorite ± calcite ± sulfide veinlets. The former are closely related to the distal parts
of the system and the latter to the marble-hornfels aureole to the Antamina skarn. These features
suggest that the dikes are fluid conduits.
Well-defined Ar plateau ages of biotite (11.07 ± 0.09 Ma and 11.40 ± 0.15 Ma) indicate that
the Fortuna and Fortuna East dikes belong to a single magmatic event similar in the age to dikes
at Condorcocha (Table 1). Therefore, all the dike systems that appear between Antamina and
Condorcocha can be assumed to belong to a single magmatic event. This suggests an older

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

period of formation for the skarn at Condorcocha. However, base metal mineralization observed
along these dikes especially at Fortuna area probably are younger in age because these vein-type
mineralization appears crosscutting the marble and hornfels that surround the Antamina skarn
deposit, which is 10.5 to 10 Ma (Table 1).
The Antamina stock is a multi-phase quartz monzonite porphyry (CMA 2003). Geologists
from Antamina have classified the igneous rocks in the deposit based on their texture and
mineral composition:
1. Plagioclase-rich porphyry,
2. Plagioclase and k-feldspar rich porphyry,
3. Plagioclase-rich porphyry with k-feldspar megacrysts; and
4. K-feldspar porphyry with low plagioclase content.
Contact relationships between these units are sometimes obscured, but the plagioclase-rich
porphyry is considered the initial magmatic phase whereas the K-feldspar porphyry with low-
plagioclase is the youngest phase in the area (CMA, 2003). The former unit has been potassic
altered but apparently not skarn altered and contains local mineralization of molybdenite and
chalcopyrite especially in veinlets. Syn-mineralization intrusive activity culminates in late dikes,
including the Oscarina dike, which contain xenoliths of garnet skarn (CMA, 2003). The
plagioclase poor porphyry is generally unmineralized and may be related to the K-feldspar
megacryst porphyry at Usu Pallares, emplaced at approximately 10 Ma.

Host Rocks and Alteration

Lithologic units identified and mapped in the field (Fig. 2) were classified using the manual
for core logging and codification prepared by the Antamina Geology Department (2000). These
units are named based on the predominance of one lithology or the co-existence of two rock
types with similar proportions. Lithological units were taken from the geological map used in the
mine (Hathaway and Pacheco, 1997). Individual lithological types found between Antamina and
Condorcocha are described below starting in the relatively unaltered rocks (limestone) and
finishing with the description of the skarn and veins. Mineral content was determined by
petrographic microscope, Portable Infrared Mineral Analyzer (PIMA), powder X-ray diffraction
(XRD) and the scanning electron microscope (SEM). A summary of mineral content of all
samples is given in the appendices as are X-ray diffractograms.

Limestone is the predominant rock type in the Jumasha and Celendín Formations and can be
divided into two types. Gray massive limestone contains fine to medium-grained calcite, with
trace to 0.5% disseminated pyrite and local pyrrhotite, which also appears as parallel and planar
veins sometimes with thin white marble halos. Gray limestone outcrops in thick layers with a
rough surface (lapiaz texture) developed by weathering. These rocks have a high fossiliferous
content, especially foraminifera and radiolaria (5-60%), supported in a micritic, brown calcite
groundmass showing also the presence of trace amounts of quartz, plagioclase, biotite and
chlorite. Graphite/organic carbon is present in minor amounts lending the gray colouration to this
rock type.

Marly limestone is distinguished by laminations and pencil texture that develops during
weathering. These rocks occur interbedded with gray massive limestone forming beds up to 2
metres thick. Marly limestone is more abundant than gray massive limestone between Antamina,

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Fortuna and Condorcocha and exhibit relicts of stromatolite similar to those observed in the
Celendin Formation (Cobbing, et al., 1996). There is no discernable significant petrographic
difference between massive and marly limestone other than the presence of ooids in the latter.
Gray and marly limestone outcrop with the similar characteristics outside the Antamina and
Condorcocha skarn systems at Yanacancha. These characteristics are quite similar to the
Jumasha III and IV members defined by Angeles (2002) in Uchucchacua.

Hornfels forms the outer alteration halo to the Antamina and Condorcocha skarn systems and
also occurs adjacent to QFP dikes. Hornfels is more abundant in the eastern and southern margin
of the deposit (Fig. 4) where it consists of alternating gray and greenish gray thin layers. At the
northwestern margin of the deposit, brownish gray hornfels occurs as thicker layers interbedded
with white, gray and brown marble horizons. Hornfels dominate the aureole at Condorcocha
(Fig. 2A).
Four different hornfels units are recognized in the Antamina District based on color: brown,
gray, greenish gray, and pale green to white. All hornfels are fine-grained. Representative
samples were examined by petrographic microscope and powder XRD.

Brown hornfels outcrops west of the Antamina open pit and sparsely within the Ridge Road,
Oscarina and Peak Nine zones (Fig. 2). The contacts between brown, white and green hornfels
crosscut sedimentary layering at Quarry Bench and Peak Nine (Fig. 5). Brown hornfels have not
been identified around the barren Condorcocha skarn system. Brown hornfels contains fine-
grained plagioclase, k-feldspar, diopside, garnet, biotite, calcite, sphalerite, pyrite and
chalcopyrite. Biotite is more abundant in brown hornfels than in other hornfels and probably
imparts the brown colour to this unit.

Gray hornfels occurs at Quarry Bench as thin beds inter-layered with brown marble and
limestone, at Fortuna and Fortuna East as metre-scale halos to QFP dikes, at as an alteration halo
to Condorcocha as an outer alteration halo to the skarn system (Fig. 2A), and at Ridge Road and
Peak Nine as interlayers with brown and greenish gray hornfels. Hornfels contains calcite,
plagioclase, K-felspar, quartz, clinopyroxene, garnet, amphibole, biotite and chlorite, with trace
amounts of pyrite, chalcopyrite and sphalerite, typically commonly associated with calcite +
pyrite veinlets.

Greenish gray hornfels is interbedded with gray hornfels and brown marble at Quarry Bench,
Ridge Road, Oscarina and Peak Nine (Fig. 5). It also forms the transition between garnet skarn
and gray hornfels at Condorcocha (Fig. 2). Greenish gray hornfels is typically intermingled with
green calc-silicate + calcite + sulfides lenses and veinlets with cm-scale bleaching halos (Fig. 5).
It contains calcite, quartz, garnet, clinopyroxene, plagioclase, K-feldspar, amphibole, epidote,
biotite, chlorite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite. Traces of microfossils are discernable within the

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 5A. Gray and white marble in contact with green garnet exoskarn at the 4210 bench –
Antamina West. B. Transition from white to green hornfels, Quarry Bench transect 2. C. Brown
marble crosscut with green calcsilicate vein halo, Quarry Bench transect 2. D. Millimetre-scale
calcite + sulfide veinlets crosscutting brown marble. E. Calcite + calc-silicate + sulfide veinlet
stockwork texture in white marble, Antamina West. F. Orange-brown carbonate veins at

Pale green to white hornfels appears as an envelope to gray and greenish gray hornfels in
proximity to mineralized quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes at the Quarry Bench, Ridge Road and
Oscarina areas (Fig. 5). It is also a mappable unit at Condorcocha where it is intermingled with
lenses of fine-grained green garnet skarn. This hornfels contains calcite, garnet, clinopyroxene,
quartz, amphibole, K-feldspar, plagioclase, vesuvianite, and scapolite which are partially
replaced by chlorite and illite.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Marble forms the closest alteration halo to the Antamina skarn, and is especially prevalent in
the lower southwestern part of the deposit within the Jumasha Formation (Figs. 2 and 4). Marble
is best developed in the Antamina West area, where it is zoned from white marble near skarn to
gray marble distal to skarn (Figs. 4 and 5). Marble zonation is oblique to sedimentary layering
and defines a flame structure adjacent to garnet skarn (Fig. 4). Color variation within marble is
related to the presence or absence of calc-silicate + sulfides and graphite.

White marble occurs in massive zones that cross-cut sedimentary bedding near the Antamina
skarn (Fig. 5), and as bedding-controlled units up to 100 m from skarn. Massive white marble
and bedded white marble both contain irregular calc-silicate veins and lenses that impart a
greenish tint to the rock (Fig. 5). White marble contains > 90% of coarse-grained calcite with
garnet, K-feldpsar, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, amphibole, vesuvianite, chlorite, and traces of
pyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite. Sharp boundaries between gray and white marble
correspond to changes in graphite/organic carbon abundance. Organic carbon is lacking in white
marble and disseminated in gray marble. Gray to white marble zonation is often parallel to
sedimentary bedding, but in some instances clearly cross-cuts sedimentary layering. The
development of white marble appears to be related to fluid flow whereby infiltration-driven
oxidation of organic carbon to CO2 fluid causes bleaching. Bleached marble decorates fluid flow
pathways that are more pervasive near skarn and are thinner and controlled by sedimentary
layering distal to skarn. The ubiquity of green calc-silicate veins and lenses in white marble
suggests that in both massive and bedded white marble, permeability was fracture controlled.
These veins are sparse to absent in gray marble.

Gray marble is the dominant rock-type at Antamina West and forms an irregular zone 30 to 150
metres thick that lies immediately outboard of white marble. Gray marble typically contains
fewer sulfide and calc-silicate veins than white marble. It consists of fine-grained calcite with
quartz, plagioclase, K-feldspar, amphibole, +/- scapolite with minor amounts of garnet,
clinopyroxene, pyrite and sphalerite. Trace amounts of disseminated graphite/organic carbon
impart a gray colour to these rocks. Areas mapped as gray marble commonly contain white
marble as cm-scale halos to sulfide veins and as individual metre-scale sedimentary beds. The
former occurrence of white marble is interpreted to reflect carbon destruction by fluid leakage
and/or diffusion from veins. Bleached marble beds reflect bedding control of fluid flow as
described above.

Brown (tan) marble is interbedded with brown and gray hornfels at Quarry Bench, Ridge Road,
and Peak Nine. These rocks have not been identified at Condorcocha. Brown marble contains up
to 15% microfossils and consists of fine to medium grained calcite with quartz, biotite, K-
feldspar, plagioclase, clinopyroxene, garnet, amphibole, vesuvianite, and chlorite with pyrite,
pyrrhotite and sphalerite. Sulfides are more abundant in the vicinity of calc-silicate veinlets (Fig.

Greenish gray marble forms at the transition between brown marble and white marble at Quarry
Bench, Ridge Road and Peak Nine. Green marble is fossil-rich and contains fine-grained brown
calcite with minor K-feldspar, clinopyroxene, garnet, biotite and chlorite and trace amounts of
disseminated pyrite.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Skarn comprises a broad spectrum of mainly garnet–bearing rocks at Antamina that surround
the quartz – feldspar porphyry stock in the Antamina valley cirque. It has been classified based
on color and its inferred protolith. Brown garnet endoskarn grades outwards to undetermined
skarn, mixed green and brown garnet exoskarn, and finally into green garnet exoskarn (Fig. 6).
Endoskarn is highly fractured and irregular, metre-scale breccia bodies can be recognized within
it. CMA geologists (2000) have differentiated 3 types of breccias based on the texture, rock-
fragment and mineralogical composition in crackle, heterolithic and mosaic breccias.
Additionally, a local wollastonite-bornite exoskarn has also been recognized in the southwestern
margin of the deposit. Because the focus of this project is the study of the distal alteration around
the skarn and not the skarn itself, we have grouped the skarn into the following two main units.

Exoskarn forms the external front of the massive calc-silicate + sulfide replacement found in
Antamina and it is in sharp but irregular contact with white marble at Antamina West, and with
greenish gray hornfels near the Ridge road, Oscarina and Peak Nine areas. This variation likely
reflects differences in host-rock (Jumasha versus Celendin). Exoskarn consists of a coarse-
grained, green garnetite with local pods and veins of calcite + sphalerite with subordinate
amounts of chalcopyrite and galena. The massive green garnet skarn has an average thickness of
60 metres but ranges up to 100 metres. Thin layers do not have economic mineralization and are
mainly controlled by the bedding. This units grades towards the intrusion into a mixed brown
and green exoskarn characterized by a mixed aphanitic green garnet matrix crosscut by brown
garnet + pyrite + chalcopyrite veins.
Petrographic examination of these rocks indicates the presence of fifty to eighty-five percent
of coarse-grained, zoned garnet, most of them broken and partially replaced by a mixture of
quartz, diopside, calcite or illite, and traces amounts of chlorite. Sulfides forms up to 30% of the
sample and they consist of pyrite, sphalerite and chalcopyrite that usually fill voids and fractures
within garnet.

Endoskarn varies from a poorly metasomatized and mineralized quartz feldspar porphyry
(plagioclase endoskarn), moderate mineralized pink garnet ± epidote endoskarn with some relicts
of white plagioclase; to a copper-rich, coarse grained brown garnet endoskarn.
The former consists of cm-scale pink and brown garnet crystals supported in a plagioclase-
rich porphyritic matrix with trace amounts of sulfides, whereas the latter usually hosts the
crackle heterolithic breccia. Endoskarn is Mo mineralized; Cu is present in veinlets related to the
retrograde alteration of the deposit (CMA, 2003). The transition between endo- and exoskarn is
marked by a medium grained brown indeterminate skarn, which appear as isolated patches
between the coarse-grained brown endoskarn and the mixed brown and green aphanitic
Petrographic characterization of the brown garnet endoskarn indicate the presence of garnet,
quartz and sulfides supported in a calcite + sericite matrix, with subordinate amounts of chlorite.
Andradite garnet is the main component of these rocks but quartz, calcite, K-feldspar,
clinopyroxene, biotite and vesuvianite are locally present. Sulfides are mainly composed of
pyrite, sphalerite with minor amounts of chalcopyrite. Pinkish brown garnet skarn has similar
mineral content. The colour difference may reflect a higher grossular content to garnet in pink
garnet skarn.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 6. Simplified bench wall sketch, 4193 level of Antamina Pit west wall.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Cross-cutting relations indicate at three-stage chronology of veining at Antamina. Pre- to
syn-tectonic calcite veins predate mineralization. They occur as white ptygmatic, centimetre-
scale, discontinuous and sometimes fibrous veins associated with low angle faults. Syn-
mineralization veins comprise quartz, quartz + fluorite, calc-silicate and calcite + sulfide veins
that appear in the vicinity of the mine as well as those associated with the QFP dikes that extend
up to 1km away from the mine. Brown to orange red millimetre- to centimetre- scale carbonate
veinlets, centimetre-scale, dark brown, Mn-oxide rich calcite veins, and orange to yellow white,
coarse-grained dolomite stringers and patches are also included in this group.
Syn-mineralization veins display a systematic vertical zonation, which varies from the
bottom of the Antamina pit to Fortuna area as follows:
• Quartz + sulfides (pyrite + chalcopyrite + molybdenite ± bornite, sphalerite, magnetite,
tennantite, tetrahedrite), and sulfide veins (base metal sulfides ± pyrite) strictly associated
with the quartz feldspar porphyry stock and dikes that emerge from the deposit.
• Calc-silicate + calcite ± sulfides, and calcite + sphalerite + galena ± chalcopyrite +
realgar veins appear throughout the skarn-marble-hornfels zone (Fig, 5). These veins
normally form dense networks close to the skarn front and decrease in number outward
from the deposit. They usually form centimetre-scale bleaching halos. Calc-silicates +
sulfide veins perpendicular and parallel to the bedding are more abundant in the white
marble aureole. The interface between gray and white marble is characterized by a
moderate density of calcite + pyrite ± sphalerite veinlets, which are sub parallel and
slightly oblique to the bedding. Calc-silicate + calcite veinlets are not common in this
• Quartz + fluorite ± calcite ± base metal sulfide veins associated to the QFP dikes (dacite)
in the periphery of the skarn
• Light gray calcite ± quartz, garnet, sulfides (mainly pyrite) veins closely related to the
QFP (dacite) dikes. These planar, centimetre-scale veins form local small orebodies
mainly of galena, sphalerite and pyrite and may be an extension of the calcite + base
metal sulfides that occur within the skarn-marble-hornfels zone. Weathering of calcite ±
sulfide veins yields orange brown Fe-oxide coatings that mix with minor amounts of Mn-
oxide (Fig, 5). The presence of garnet in some veins at Fortuna suggests circulation of
high temperature fluids and may indicate a connection with the Antamina skarn system.
Syn-mineral veins in limestone are uncommon with the exception of the Fortuna area, where
they reach a density of 18 veins per metre with an average thickness of 0.5 centimetres. Planar
light gray to white millimetre-scale calcite veins predominates in the area and they usually
appear perpendicular to the host rock bedding. Sporadic and discontinuous, white calcite veins, 5
to 20 centimetre wide appear associated with the low-angle faults. These veins are also
recognized around the Condorcocha area and usually contain trace amounts of Cu-oxide, pyrite
and chalcopyrite.
Late calcite veins consist of white to light gray planar, millimetre wide veinlets sometimes
associated with trace amounts of sulfides mainly pyrite, that clearly crosscut mineralization at

Summary of main points

• Gray hornfels and gray marble units reflect thermal metamorphism of marly and gray
limestone, generally corresponding to Jumasha and Celendin Formations.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

• Brown hornfels and brown marble derive their colour from high biotite contents. Some
brown hornfels and marble are stratigraphcially controlled layers and may represent thermal
metamorphism of marly limestone. In some instances brown hornfels marks an alteration
halo that clearly crosscuts sedimentary layering.
• Greenish gray hornfels is a local variation of gray and brown hornfels associated with
abundant calc-silicate + calcite + sulfide veins and lenses.
• White hornfels and white marble reflect bleaching of gray hornfels and marble. The colour
change in marble corresponds to a loss of organic carbon. A similar origin for white hornfels
is inferred.
• Three scales of bleaching are recognized: decametre-scale pervasive massive bleaching,
metre-scale bedding-controlled bleaching and centimetre-scale bleaching halos to veins.
• Pervasive massive bleaching only appears in the first 40 metres from the skarn-marble
• Bedding-controlled bleaching within gray marble persists for another ~50 metres at
Antamina West.
• Bedding-controlled bleaching of hornfels extends to approximately 200 metres, and locally
up to 500 metres, from the pluton and ore zone, and represents fluid escape paths.
• Most of the bleached layering prevalent around Antamina is bleached hornfels layers not
bleached marble. The predominance of hornfels over marble reflects Celendin protolith.
• A slight greenish tint to white hornfels and marble is due to the presence of diopside and
grossular veinlets. The veinlets probably represent the fracture permeability of these units.
• Massive bleaching resulted from restricted fluid circulation through fracture permeability
controlled by bedding.
• Massive and bedding-controlled bleached marble was probably produced at the same time.
The extension of both units was controlled by the proximity to the pluton and the fracture-
permeability of the rocks.
• Centimetre-scale diffusional bleaching represents limited leakage from planar hairline pyrite
± chalcopyrite ± sphalerite veins.
• Quartz-fluorite-sulfide veins associated with QFP dikes postdate skarn formation and create
halos especially within bleached marble and hornfels horizons.
• Calcite ± sulfide veins within and adjacent to QFP dikes persist for more than 1km from the
mine and may represent the distal equivalent to quartz-fluorite-sulfide veins.
• The presence of garnet in Fortuna veins suggest the circulation of high temperature fluids and
may be indicative of a connection with the Antamina skarn system.
• QFP dike-related sulphide vein systems crosscut and postdate hornfels development and
bleaching and delineate a second (later) major fluid escape system.
• Fluid escape conduits to the intrusion and mineralization were controlled by the geometry of
dike emplacement, thrust-fault tectonism and sedimentary layering.

Bulk Chemical Composition

Major and rare earth element analyses were undertaken to distinguish a thermal from
chemical alteration origin for the major map units at Antamina. Two samples of unaltered
limestone from the Jumasha (4PAA236) and Celendin (4PAA238) Formations taken at
Yanacancha (3 km south of the mine; Fig. 1) were also analyzed to assess background values for
the District. Results of major, rare earth and trace element analysis are included in the

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

appendices, as are cross plots of major elements that include the data of Redwood (2004) for
unaltered limestone around Antamina.

Major elements
Limestone: The following oxides are present at levels in excess of detection in limestone: CaO,
MgO, SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, CO2, SO3, P2O5, K2O and Na2O. Cr2O3 and BaO are generally present
below detection limits. Major elements were plotted versus silica content to observe variability in
relation to the different types of lithologies found in the mine. Representative plots are shown in
figure 7. Also plotted are the values of lanthanum against SiO2 to illustrate the relationship
between major and rare earth element concentrations. The rare earth element data are discussed
in the next section.
Samples from Yanacancha have higher contents of SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, K2O, Na2O,
TiO2 and La in Celendin limestone than in Jumasha. Silica content correlates with aluminum,
iron, potassium and lanthanum, which together is taken to reflect the siliciclastic component of
these rocks. Manganese and strontium contents are low and relatively constant.
The variation in major element abundance in limestone reflects the presence of a mixed
sequence of dirty and relatively pure limestone between Antamina and Fortuna. Our data are
similar to those of Redwood (2004) for the Celendin Formation. Jumasha limestone from
Yanacancha contains less siliciclastic component than any analyzed limestone from the
Antamina-Fortuna area. This likely reflects predominance of Celendin Formation in this area.

Marble: Marble has a higher CaO and lower siliciclastic content than limestone. This probably
reflects derivation from Jumasha limestone which is underrepresented in limestone outcroppings
in the Antamina cirque. The potassium content of white marble is slightly lower than that of gray
marble but in general, there is not a notable chemical distinction between them (Fig. 7). Brown
marble siliciclastic content is at the high end of range for silica, alumina, iron, magnesium, and
lanthanum in gray marble (Fig. 7). Brown marble contains abundant calc-silicate + sulfide veins.
The distinct chemical composition of these rocks may reflect alteration during hydrothermal
circulation, consistent with the preferential development of biotite in these rocks.
At Antamina West Si2O, K2O, Na2O, P2O5 and SrO decrease in abundance towards the
marble-skarn contact. This feature is most obvious in the first 50 m of the aureole (Fig. 8).
Because the sampling transect crosses sedimentary layering and does not correlate with marble
colour, this trend may reflect carbonate-rich protolith near the pluton.

Hornfels: Three of four samples of gray hornfels have major element abundances similar to those
of limestone. One sample has much higher SiO2 content that may reflect chemical alteration. A
single sample of green hornfels is slightly enriched in SiO2 over limestone. This limited data set
suggests a thermal origin for most gray hornfels and limited metasomatism during the formation
of green hornfels and some gray hornfels.

Skarn: A single sample of green garnet exoskarn from the Taco Pit was analyzed. This sample is
in close proximity to, and along strike with, white marble layers. It is significantly richer in SiO2
and Fe2O3 than marble (Fig. 9). This likely reflects the predominance of andradite garnet in skarn
and indicates SiO2 and Fe2O3 addition during skarn formation. Al2O3 content is within the range
observed in marble and may have been immobile during alteration. K2O content is significantly
depleted during alteration.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

A single analysis of brown garnet endoskarn is compared to intrusive whole rock major
element data in Figure 9. Endoskarn formation appears to have resulted from Al2O3, SiO2 and
K2O depletion and Fe2O3 addition.

Summary of Main Points

• Marble and hornfels span a greater range in major element content than limestone at
• The silica-poor, carbonate rich extremes in marble composition reflect isochemical
derivation from Jumasha limestone.
• The lack of overlap with mine area limestone and marble reflects predominance of Celendin
Formation at Antamina. A single sample of Jumasha limestone from Yanacancha is similar in
composition to marble and is broadly representative of protolith marble.
• Brown marble siliciclastic content is at the high end of the range defined by other marble
samples. This may reflect chemical alteration during hydrothermal circulation or derivation
from less pure marble.
• One of four gray hornfels and a single sample of green hornfels contain SiO2 in excess of that
observed in Celendin limestone. Gray hornfels likely represents thermal, isochemical
metamorphism of Celendin Formation, and in some instances silicification by hydrothermal
fluid circulation. The limited data are consistent with green hornfels resulting from alteration
and hydrothermal circulation. These interpretations are also consistent with field and
mineralogical data.
• Limited data from skarn samples highlights chemical alteration associated with skarn

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 7. Major element composition of limestone, marble and hornfels.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 8. Major element composition of marble at Antamina West.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 9. Major element composition of skarn.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Rare Earth Elements

Rare earth element (REE) concentrations and chondrite normalized abundances (Mcdonough
and Sun, 1995) are presented in the appendices. Normalized values were plotted according to
petrographic characteristics to assess REE variations within and between the different alteration
zones around Antamina.

Limestone: Rare earth element content of limestone defines a broad range of values that appears
related to the siliciclastic component of these rocks. Lanthanum (Fig. 76) and other REE contents
correlate positively with SiO2 content. The range of REE content in limestone defines relatively
impure protoliths to marble and hornfels. Positive and negative Eu anomalies may reflect input
from different clastic sources. Note that limestone samples from around the mine have more
abundant REEs than Jumasha sample from Yanacancha (similar to major element trends). The
REE content of Jumasha limestone from Yanacancha is used to define the lower limit of REE
content in limestone (Fig. 10) because of the lack of Jumasha limestone outcrops in the
Antamina cirque.

Marble: Marble REE contents are generally similar across all marble types (Fig. 10). They span
the lower end of limestone REE contents, consistent with immobility and inheritance from clean
limestone (Fig. 10). Brown marble REE contents are at the high end of the marble range.
Considering the general immobility of heavy REEs, we conclude that siliciclastic signature of
brown marble does not reflect alteration, but rather, their derivation from limestone with above
average siliciclastic content.

Hornfels: REE contents of hornfels span the high end of the range defined by limestone,
consistent with REE immobility and derivation of hornfels by thermal metamorphism of dirty

Exoskarn: REE content of green garnet exoskarn is compared to limestone in figure 11. Light to
heavy REE abundance presents a steeper REE profile than generally observed in limestone. This
trend likely reflects heavy REE immobility and light REE addition to skarn during hydrothermal
fluid flow. HREE contents at the low end of the limestone range suggest skarn formation
occurred at roughly constant mass (Gresens, 1967; Grant, 1986).

Endoskarn: Brown garnet endoskarn is compared to intrusive rocks in figure 11. The trend in
REE abundances in the two rock types is similar, but skarn is consistently depleted in REE
relative to intrusive. This is consistent with an overall mass increase during skarn formation. A
slightly greater depletion of light REE is consistent with leaching of LREE and transport to

Summary of main points

• The range of REE content of marble and hornfels reflect siliciclastic content of protolith
Jumasha and Celendin limestone. Positive and negative Eu anomalies may reflect input from
different clastic sources.
• Brown marble was derived from limestone with above average siliciclastic content.
• REE content of hornfels indicate an origin of thermal metamorphism of dirty limestone

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

• REE content of green garnet skarn reflects heavy REE immobility and light REE addition to
skarn during hydrothermal fluid flow, as well as a roughly constant mass alteration during
the skarn formation.
• An overall mass increase characterizes endoskarn formation.

Figure 10. Rare earth element content of limestone, marble and hornfels.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 11. Rare earth element content of skarn.

Trace elements
In contrast to major and REE data, trace element abundances very substantially within
outcrops and consistently with proximity to major fluid conduits. Our analysis of trace element
data therefore focuses on alteration halos within transects and sampling localities. In general,
trace element concentration in mine area limestone, hornfels and marble located distal to dike
and major vein systems have similar trace element concentrations to Yanacancha limestone. We
therefore consider these samples together to define background values of elemental

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

concentration. Alteration halos are generally defined by trace element abundances significantly
in excess of background values.
Following Rose et al. (1979) we have used the following suite of elements to define halos
around hydrothermal ore bodies: Ag, As, Ba, Bi, Cd, Cu, Hg, In, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sb, Tl, W and Zn.
Gold is generally present at levels below detection. The threshold value for each trace element
was defined graphically using semi logarithm graphs of metal concentration versus distance from
fluid conduit. Table 2 lists threshold values for halo definition.

Table 2: Threshold values for defining trace element alteration halos

Element Threshold (ppm) Element Threshold (ppm) Element Threshold (ppm)
Au 0.01 Ag 0.1 As 10
Ba 100 Bi 0.1 Cd 1
Cu 10 Hg 0.01 In 0.03
Mn 800 Mo 1 Pb 25
Sb 1 Tl 1 W 1
Zn 100

Not all analyzed elements define geochemical halos around fluid conduits. Size and vertical
distribution of alteration halos were used to define four groups of elements:
Group 1 - Cu, Bi, Mo, W, Zn
Group 2 - Ag, As, Pb, Sb (erratic)
Group 3 - Mn, Tl, Hg
Group 4 – Ba, Cd, In
Data for underlined elements are plotted in figure 12. Plots of all elements are contained in
the appendices. Figure 13 is a schematic sketch illustrating halo width versus depth for all 15
Group one elements define strong halos at depth ranging from 75 to 100 metres in thickness,
and sporadic minor halos at shallow levels. Group two elements have striking halos that persist
from deep to shallow levels. This group can be subdivided in two sub-groups: Ag and Pb have
wide halos at depth (150 metres) that decrease to 50 metres outside the marble-hornfels zone;
and As and Sb with halos throughout the section ranging from 25 to 50 metres in thickness.
Group three elements define strong halos at shallow levels but not at depth. Group four elements
do not have alteration halos, although they show minor anomalies at the Fortuna vein.
Trace element alteration matches the known temperature dependence of indicator elements.
High temperature indicator elements (e.g., Cu, Bi and Mo) display large geochemical halos close
to the skarn deposit, whereas moderate to low temperature elements (Mn, Hg and Tl) define the
halos at higher levels especially at Fortuna. Halos of approximately constant width for As and Sb
match the dominant sulfide minerals (galena, sphalerite) found in the veins associated with the
QFP dikes.

Correlation Coefficients
Statistical correlation among 49 elements was evaluated for Antamina West, Fortuna, and
Fortuna East. Table 3 shows the range of values and correlations for 15 elements typically used
in the exploration for base metal deposits.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 12. Definition of trace element alteration halos with depth.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 12 cont’d. Definition of trace element alteration halos with depth.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 12 cont’d. Definition of trace element alteration halos with depth.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 12 cont’d. Definition of trace element alteration halos with depth.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 13. Summary of trace element halos with depth.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Silver has good correlation (>0.7) with As, Bi, Cu, Mo, Pb and Sb and moderate correlation
(0.5 – 0.7) with Cd, In, W, and Zn. No correlation with Hg and Tl has been observed because of
their low abundance. Low correlation values found for Tl, Hg, Se and Te are likely related to the
depth of the system because these elements are mainly associated with the suite of epithermal
mineral deposits.
At Fortuna (e.g., transect 5), most of the base metal element suite correlate with each other
(Table 3B), especially Ag, As, Mn, Pb, Sb and Tl. Bismuth and Cu show a strong affinity
because they correlate with the same group of elements (Ag, As, Mn, Mo, Pb, Sb and Tl) but do
not correlate with Cd, Hg and Zn. Molybdenum correlates only with Bi and Cu. These metal
relationships are consistent with low to medium temperature for mineral deposition at Fortuna.
Statistical correlation values between trace elements suggest that Ag is associated with Pb
and Cu minerals rather than Zn minerals. Silver association with Hg, Tl and Mo is a good
indicator of the relative depth of the mineralization in the District.

Summary of main points

• Trace metal haloes, in some cases greater than 100 metres in thickness, surround all major
fluid conduits.
• Four groups of elements are recognized in the mine based on the anomalous geochemical
halos they define:
Group 1 - Cu, Bi, Mo, W, Zn
Group 2 - Ag, As, Pb, Sb
Group 3 - Mn, Tl, Hg
Group 4 – Ba, Cd, In
• High temperature indicator elements (Cu, Bi and Mo) form large geochemical halos close to
the skarn deposit, whereas moderate to low temperature indicator elements (Mn, Hg and Tl)
define halos at higher levels.
• Trace element correlations are consistent with low to intermediate temperature for the
mineralization and alteration at Fortuna, and high temperature for the alteration at the marble
–hornfels front to the Antamina skarn deposit.

Table 3A: Antamina West trace element correlation

Element Range Background High correlation Moderate correlation
ppm ppm >0.7 0.5 - 0.7
Ag 0.05 - 2.15 0.05 - 0.06 Ag, Bi, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sb Cd, In, Mn, W, Zn
As 2.5 - 50 2.5 - 5 Ag, Pb, Sb Bi, Cu, Mn, Mo
Ba 10 - 100 10 - 50 k, Na, Rb Sr
Bi 0.04 - 9.4 0.02 - 0.08 Ag, Cd, In, Mo, Pb, Zn As, Cu, Sb
Cd 0.02 - 1.6 0.02 - 0.67 Bi, In, Mo, Zn Ag
Cu 6.6 - 185 2.6 - 10 Ag, Pb As, Bi, Mo, Sb
Hg 0.005 - 0.01 negative and very low correlation
0.1 - 0.5 values
In 0.005 - 0.116 0.0025 - 0.025 Bi, Cd, Mo, Zn Ag
Mn 99 - 1280 172 - 278 Al, Be, Ce, Fe, Ga, Hf, La, Mg, Ag, As, Co, Cr, Ge, Ni
Nb, Pb, Sb, Sn, Ta, Th, Ti, V, W,
Y, Zr
Mo 0.21 - 3.5 0.13 - 0.47 Ag, Bi, Cd, In, Zn As, Cu, Pb, Sb
Pb 2.9 - 201 1.1 - 7.2 Ag, As, Bi, Cu, Mn, Sb, W Bi, Cu, Mo
Sb 0.1 - 5.97 0.23 - 0.25 Ag, As, Mn, Pb, W Bi, Cu, Mo
Te 0.08 - 0.38 0.11 - 0.14 Zn
Tl 0.03 - 0.48 0.05 - 0.55 Rb K, Na
0.1 - 9 0.1 - 0.5 Ce, Fe, Ga, Hf, La, Mg, Mn, Pb,
W Sb, Sn, Ta, Th, Ti, V Co, Cr, Nb, Ni, Y, Zr
Zn 5 - 5.58 55 - 95 Mo, In, Cd, Bi Te, Ag

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Table 3B: Fortuna trace element correlation

Element Range Background High correlation Moderate correlation
ppm ppm >0.7 0.5 - 0.7
Ag 0.04 - 2.25 0.05 - 0.06 Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hf, Hg, In, K, Cd, Ge, Y
La, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti,
Tl, U, V, W, Zn, Zr
As 2 - 151 2.5 - 5 Ag, Al, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, K, Cd, Hg, Zn
La, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti,
Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zr
Ba 20 - 210 10 - 50 Ag, Al, As, Be, Bi, Ce, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, K, La, Mn, Co, Fe, Mo, Ni, Sb, U, V
Nb, Rb, Re, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y, Zr
Bi 0.04 - 0.3 0.02 - 0.08 Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Ce, Cr, Cu, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, K, La, Mn, Cd, Co, Fe, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, U, V
Nb, Rb, Re, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y, Zr
Cd 0.14 - 1.89 0.02 - 0.67 Na, Zn Ag, As, Bi, Cr, Ga, In, Mn, Pb, Sb,
Sn, Tl, V, W
Cu 3.3 - 34.6 2.6 - 10 Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Cr, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, K, La, Mn, Co, Fe, Mo, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, U, V
Nb, Rb, Re, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y, Zr
Hg 0.005 - 0.06 0.1 - 0.5 Ag, Pb, Sb, W, Zn As, Be, Co, Cs, Fe, Hf, In, Mg, Mn,
P, S, Tl, U, V
In 0.011 - 0.073 0.0025 - 0.025 Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, K, Cd, Hg, S, Zn
La, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl,
U, V, W, Y, Zr
Mn 192 - 2960 172 - 278 Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, Cd, Hg
K, La, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, S, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl,
U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr
Mo 0.36 - 1.13 0.13 - 0.47 Ag, Bi, Cd, In, Zn Ba, Bi, Cu, Re, Te
Pb 3.9 - 180.5 1.1 - 7.2 Ag, Al, As, Be, Co, Fe, Ga, Hf, Hg, In, K, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Ba, Bi, Cd, Ce, Cr, Cs, Cu, Ge, La,
Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sn, Ta, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Zn, Zr Mg, Re, Te, Th, Y
Sb 0.14 - 3.56 0.23 - 0.25 Ag, Al, As, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, Hf, Hg, In, K, La, Ba, Cd, Cu, Ge, Re
Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W,
Y, Zn, Zr
Tl 0.23 - 3.45 0.05 - 0.55 Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, In, Cd, Hg, S, Zn
K, La, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, Re, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te, Th, Ti,
Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zr
W 0.2 - 2.4 0.1 - 0.5 Ag, Al, As, Ba, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Ge, Hf, Cd, Cs, Re
Hg, In, K, La, Mn, Nb, Ni, P, Pb, Rb, S, Sb, Sn, Ta, Te,
Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W, Y, Zn, Zr
Zn 15 - 436 55 - 95 Ag,Cd, Hg, Mn, Pb, Sb, V, W Al, As, Be, Co, Cr, Cs, Fe, Hf, In,
Mg, Ni, P, S, Ti, Tl, U

Table 3C: Fortuna East trace element correlation

Element Range Background High correlation Moderate correlation
ppm ppm >0.7 0.5 - 0.7
Ag 0.005 - 0.82 0.05 - 0.06 Pb Cs
As 2.5 - 143 2.5 - 5 Au Sb
Ba 70 - 260 10 - 50 Be, Co, Na Al, Ce, Cr, Fe, Ga, Ge, La, Li, Nb, Ni, P, Sn,
Ta, Th, Ti, Tl W, Y
Bi 0.03 - 0.74 0.02 - 0.08 Cu, Fe, In Al, Be, Ce, Co, Cr, Ga, Ge, Hf, La, Mo, Nb,
Ni, P, Pb, Ta, Th, Ti, W, Y
Cd 0.05 - 1.19 0.02 - 0.67 Zn Mg, Pb, V
Cu 4.9 - 31.8 2.6 - 10 Bi Fe, Hf, In, Mg, Mo, Ni, Pb, U, Zn, Zr
Hg 0.005 - 0.03 0.1 - 0.5 no correlation no correlation
In 0.015 - 0.071 0.0025 - 0.025 Al, Be, Bi, Ce, Co, Cr, Ga, Ge, Hf, La, Cu, K, Li, Na, Tl, Zr
Nb, P, Rb, Sn, Ta, Ti, Fe, W, Y
Mn 289 - 719 172 - 278 no correlation no correlation
Mo 0.47 - 3.17 0.13 - 0.47 no correlation Bi, Cs, Cu
Pb 5.4 - 71.6 1.1 - 7.2 Ag Bi, Cd, Cu, Zn
Sb 0.19 - 3.33 0.23 - 0.25 no correlation As
Tl 0.24 - 1.04 0.05 - 0.55 Al, Be, Co, Ge, K, Rb, W Ba, Ce, Cr, Fe, Ga, Hf, In, La, Li, Nb, P, Sn,
Ta, Th, Ti, Y, Zr
0.2 - 2 0.1 - 0.5 Al, Be, Ce, Co, Cr, Fe, Ga, Ge, In, La, Ba, Bi, Hf, K
Li, Na, Nb, P, Rb, Sn, Ta, Th, Ti, Tl, Y
Zn 22 - 219 55 - 95 Cd Cu, Mg, Pb, U, V

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Ultraviolet Fluorescence
The ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) of all major vein and rock types was assessed in hand
sample. There is a general correspondence between orange-red UVF in calcite and veins or
alteration features associated with mineralization. Orange-red UVF in calcite has been linked to
high manganese contents (White, 1975). Fluorescence is generally lacking within unaltered and
unveined limestone and hornfels. Likewise, pre-mineralization ptygmatic veins do not fluoresce,
nor do post-mineralization planar gray calcite veins.
Feldspar and groundmass of hydrothermally altered quartz monzonite porphyry stock from
the Taco Pit fluoresce weak to moderate purple-red (Fig. 14). Quartz + pyrite + chalcopyrite +
molybdenite veins that cut the porphyry, however, do not fluoresce. Garnet skarn does not
fluoresce, but some calcite + sulfide veins and patches within the green exoskarn show moderate
to strong orange-red fluorescence. A UVF halo extends approximately 100m into marble in the
Taco Pit. Strong red-orange fluorescence is common on fresh irregular fractures within marble,
and occasionally within the matrix of marble. Calc-silicate + calcite + sulfide veins within
marble also fluoresce strong orange-red (Fig. 14).
Outside of the Taco Pit, UVF is limited to syn-mineralization veins that define a halo around
QFP dike fluid conduits. All three syn-mineral vein types associated with QFP dikes in the
hornfels aureole fluoresce. Quartz + fluorite ± calcite ± sulfide veins (Fig. 14) and calc-silicate +
calcite + sulfide veins consistently fluoresce moderate to strong orange-red. Some calcite +
pyrite veins fluoresce, but many do not. In transect 2 the UVF halo surrounding the QFP dike is
102 metres wide (Fig. 15). At Fortuna, UVF is restricted to calcite veins associated with
dolomite patches and calcite ± Mn-oxide veins within about one metre of the main mineralized
structure. Orange brown calcite veins at Fortuna do not fluoresce.
Ultraviolet fluorescence is limited to zones of visible alteration (white- brown marble, and
white- brown hornfels) and syn-mineralization veins, and appears to track fluid circulation. UVF
defines two zones of fluid circulation: the marble aureole and the porphyry dike-vein zones. The
moderate to strong orange-red fluorescence in calcite veins and in fractures within the marble
aureole indicates fracture-controlled fluid circulation. Fractures controlling fluid circulation are
parallel and perpendicular to the bedding. At shallow levels, mineralizing fluids were restricted
to the calcite + sulfide and calcite - Mn-oxide veins in the vicinity of QFP dikes.

Summary of main points

• Orange-red ultraviolet fluorescence in calcite is restricted to zones of visible hydrothermal
alteration and to syn-mineralization veins.
• Fluorescence defines two zone of fluid flow and fracture permeability: the bleached marble
halo adjacent to exoskarn and fracture permeability system centered on QFP dikes above and
distal to the Antamina pit.

Oxygen and Carbon Isotopes in Carbonate Minerals

Two hundred and ninety six samples were analyzed for oxygen and carbon isotope
abundance to trace hydrothermal fluid circulation outside the Antamina copper-zinc skarn
deposit. All data are given in appendix A11; the data have been grouped in transects that identify
zones progressively farther away horizontally and vertically from the skarn system. These zones
are: Antamina West (transects 16 and 17), Quarry Bench (transects 1 and 2), Fortuna East
(transects 13, 14, 11, 12, 10, 9 and 15), and Fortuna (transects 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 18).

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 14 A. Orange-red ultraviolet fluorescence in endoskarn, Taco Pit. B. Orange-red

fluorescence along sulfide vein in white marble. C. Orange-red fluorescence of calcite + fluorite
+ sulfide vein in quartz-felspar-porphyry dike, Quarry Bench.

During the first year a reconnaissance sampling survey was conducted around Antamina and
we observed that isotopic compositions of gray marble and limestone cluster near normal marine
carbonate compositions in δ18O and δ13C. We defined a range of 21 to 25 δ18O per mil VSMOW
and 1 to 3 per mil δ13C VPDB for most gray marbles within 800m of the plutonic system at
Antamina. This range is interpreted as the isotopic composition of the protolith limestone, and
was confirmed with the values obtained from unaltered limestones at Yanacancha (3 km south of
the mine). On this basis we consider limestone, marble, and hornfels with δ18O values less than
20 per mil to be depleted.

Gray and white marble compositions generally fall in the range 20.4 to 25.2 δ18O per mil and 1.7
to 2.9 per mil δ13C, defining, small oxygen depletion halos (1 to 2 metres wide) close to pluton
and always within white marble (Fig. 16). The lack of pervasive 18O alteration beyond a few
metres confirms that fluid escape via percolation through marble was not vigorous. Any fluid
escape through marble was fracture-controlled. Isolated 18O depletions within white and gray
marble far from pluton are enigmatic and may record cryptic fracture-controlled fluid escape
structures. Brown marble, however, shows wider depletion halos (~100m) than white marble
(e.g., transect 2 in Fig. 17).

Hornfels: Hornfels isotope data are presented in figure 17 which plots δ18O versus distance in
transects adjacent to fluid conduits. Gray hornfels are depleted in δ18O only when proximal to
fluid conduits. All five analyzed green, white, and brown hornfels have δ18O less than 20 per mil.
Green and brown hornfels define 18O depletion halos up to 100 metres from QFP dikes at
Fortuna East and Quarry Bench.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 15. Calcite ultraviolet fluorescence halos around fluid conduits. ORF: orange-red

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Limestone: Oxygen isotope halos can be traced in limestone up to 1000 metres horizontal and
500 metres vertically away from the marble aureole of the Antamina Cu-Zn skarn deposit.
Limestone isotope data are also presented in transect format in figure 17. At Quarry Bench and
Fortuna East 18O depletion halos around QFP dikes are widest at depth (>100 m) and narrow to <
50 metres at shallow levels. The δ18O halos in limestone extend far beyond visible alteration. At
Fortuna 18O depletion haloes extend 70 to 80 metres. The QFP dikes from Fortuna and Fortuna
East when traversed northwards to Condorcocha lack 18O depletion halos. The lack of halos at
Condorcoccha support the interpretation that the dikes were escape conduits for fluids from the
Antamina system.

Veins: The isotopic composition of carbonate veins is presented in figure 18. Pre- to syn-tectonic
veins that predate mineralization generally have δ13C and δ18O values near pristine sedimentary
values. Syn-mineral veins, including calcite + sulfide, calcite + dolomite, and calcite + oxide
veins, have low δ18O values, and cluster near values of 13 to 14 per mil VSMOW.
Late clear or white, millimetre-scale calcite veins that clearly crosscut mineralization at
Antamina are the only samples with isotopic depletions that can be unambiguously linked to
surface fluids. They have δ18O values as low as 6 per mil, and likely reflect late incursion of
meteoric fluids as the hydrothermal system waned.
The temporal and hydrologic relationship between the zones of massive bleaching and brown
carbonate veins is not known. However, δ13C values of these veins are unusually light, as low as
–10 per mil VPDB. Large negative δ13C is often attributed to organic C sources or to microbial
activity. One potential source of organic carbon is the graphite oxidized and volatilized during
bleaching of marble. If this is the source of the isotopically light carbon, then the δ13C values of
the veins may provide a link between the bleached marble fluid flow pathways and the fracture
controlled vein systems.

Summary of Main Points

• Oxygen isotope depletions mark major fluid escape paths.
• At depth in the marble and hornfels aureoles δ18O depletion halos are small and lie within the
zone of visible alteration (bleached and brown marble and hornfels).
• The lack of δ18O depletion halos in the white marble zone indicates the effectiveness of
marble as a seal to the mineralizing fluids. Any fluid escape was fracture controlled.
• Oxygen isotope depletion halos can be traced up to 1000 metres horizontal and 500 metres
vertically away from the Taco Pit.
• At shallow levels 18O depletion halos lie outboard of visible alteration.
• Pre-mineralization veins have sedimentary isotope compositions.
• Syn-mineral veins are depleted in 18O relative to unaltered host limestone.
• Post-mineralization vein δ18O records influx of surface meteoric fluids.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 16. Oxygen isotope values in the marble aureole of Antamina West.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 17. Oxygen isotope depletion halos around fluid conduits: Antamina to Fortuna and
Antamina to Condorcocha.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 17 cont’d . Oxygen isotope depletion halos around fluid conduits: Fortuna East and
Quarry Bench.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 18. Isotope composition of calcite veins by vein type.

Oxygen Isotopes in Silicates

Eleven samples of quartz phenocrysts, quartz veins and skarn garnet were analyzed for
oxygen isotope analysis. The analytical data are tabulated in the appendices. Quartz phenocrysts
from Antamina porphyrys are relatively constant, spanning the range 10.1 to 11.8 δ18O VSMOW
(four samples). This range of δ18O is in equilibrium with magmatic volatiles of 9.1 to 11.2 per
mil at temperatures of 700 to 800 C (Matsuhisa et al., 1979). One quartz phenocryst from biotite-
plagioclase porphyry at Taco Pit has δ18O of 2.5 per mil and has clearly interacted with meteoric
fluids. Two samples of quartz phenocryst in dikes span 9.7 to 12.7 per mil. Quartz veins within
the Antamina stock have δ18O 11.1 to 11.5 per mil. The quartz veins are in isotopic equilibrium
with magmatic volatiles at high temperature. Garnet from endoskarn and exoskarn have δ18O
values in the range 7.8 to 8.2 per mil VSMOW and are in equilibrium with magmatic volatiles at
temperatures of about 600 C (Zheng, 1993).
The temperature dependence of δ18O calcite in equilibrium with magmatic fluids in the range
9.1 to 11.2 per mil is plotted in figure 19 (O’Neil et al., 1969). Syn-mineralization calcite +
sulfide veins with δ18O in the range of 13 to 14 per mil (Fig. 18) are in equilibrium with
magmatic fluid at temperatures of 400 to 500 C. Oxygen depletion in white marble to values as
low as 12 per mil could reflect isotopic equilibrium of calcite with magmatic fluid at
temperatures as high as 600 C.

Summary of Main Points

• Quartz phenocrysts record δ18O of magmatic fluid in the range 9 to 11 per mil δ18O.
• Endoskarn and exoskarn garnet are in oxygen isotope equilibrium with magmatic fluid at
temperatures of about 600 C.
• Calcite +/- sulfide and oxide veins hosted in limestone at Fortuna and Fortuna East are in
oxygen isotope equilibrium with magmatic fluid at temperatures of about 400 C.
• Oxygen isotope depletions in limestone, hornfels and marble reflect exchange with magmatic
fluids at temperatures from 600 to 400 C.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Figure 19. Temperature dependence of calcite δ18O in

equilibrium with magmatic volatiles from the Antamina stock.

Summary and Synthesis

The Antamina Deposit is zoned from a Cu-Zn skarn core through marble-hornfels aureole to
limestone. There are numerous visible and cryptic geochemical criteria by which fluid escape
paths are identified. The dominant fluid escape structures are sedimentary layering and early-
stage quartz feldspar porphyry dikes. Fracture permeability dominates in all major fluid conduits
from deepest to shallowest levels.
The distribution of alteration features is summarized in figure 20. At depth, the largest halos
extend for ~ 200m and are visible bleaching of marble and hornfels. At moderate to shallow
depths, the widest halos extend for 100 to 150 metres and are not visible. Oxygen isotope
depletion defines the widest halos at moderate to shallow depths.
Colour change within marble and hornfels marks the deepest visible alteration. Thermal
metamorphism of Jumasha and Celendin Formations produces gray marble and gray hornfels.
This is confirmed with major element and rare earth element geochemistry. White marble and
hornfels reflect bleaching by loss of organic carbon and define the widest visible halos (~ 200
metres). The widest parts of the halos are defined by bleached sedimentary layering hosted in
gray marble-hornfels. Pervasive massive bleaching is restricted to within 40 metres of the skarn
body. Green marble and hornfels contain calc-silicate (diopside-grossular garnet) veins and
alteration. Brown marble and hornfels contain biotite. Brown and green marble-hornfels are
associated with bleaching but define smaller halos.
Quartz-fluorite-sulfide veins are associated with quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes 100 to 300
metres above the skarn deposit. The veins form a narrow (<10 metre wide) halo to the dikes and
overprint bleached hornfels. At the shallowest levels ~ 500 metres above the skarn, calcite-
sulfide veins are associated with quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes. The veins define a narrow (< 10
metre wide) halo to the dikes at Fortuna East. Calcite-sulfide veins are developed over a much
wider region (~100 m) at Fortuna, where fluid percolation was more diffuse and controlled by
both quartz-feldspar porphyry dikes and thrust faults.
Cryptic geochemical halos are defined by trace element abundance, ultraviolet fluorescence
and oxygen isotope composition. Trace element halos, in some cases greater than 100 metres in
thickness, surround all major fluid conduits. Four groups of elements are recognized in the mine
based on the anomalous geochemical halos they define:
Group 1 - Cu, Bi, Mo, W, Zn
Group 2 - Ag, As, Pb, Sb

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

Group 3 - Mn, Tl, Hg

Group 4 – Ba, Cd, In
High temperature indicator elements (Cu, Bi and Mo) form large geochemical halos close to the
skarn deposit, whereas moderate to low temperature indicator elements (Mn, Hg and Tl) define
halos at higher levels.
Orange-red ultraviolet fluorescence in calcite is due to high Mn contents and is restricted to
zones of visible hydrothermal alteration and to syn-mineralization veins. Fluorescence defines
two zones of fluid flow and fracture permeability: the bleached marble halo adjacent to exoskarn
and fracture permeability system centered on QFP dikes above and distal to the Antamina pit.
Oxygen isotope depletions mark major fluid escape paths. At depth in the marble-hornfels
aureole δ18O depletion halos are small and lie within the zone of visible alteration (bleached
marble and hornfels). The lack of δ18O depletion halos in the white marble zone indicates the
effectiveness of marble as a seal to the mineralizing fluids. Any fluid escape was fracture
controlled. Oxygen isotope depletion halos can be traced up to 1000 metres horizontal and 500
metres vertically away from the Taco Pit. At shallow levels 18O depletion halos lie outboard of
visible alteration.
Quartz phenocrysts from the Antamina stock record δ18O of magmatic fluid. Endoskarn and
exoskarn garnet are in oxygen isotope equilibrium with magmatic fluid at temperatures of about
600 C. Oxygen isotope depletions in limestone, hornfels and marble reflect exchange with
magmatic fluids at temperatures from 400 to 600 C. Pre-mineralization veins have sedimentary
isotope compositions. Syn-mineral veins are depleted in 18O relative to unaltered host limestone
and are in oxygen isotope equilibrium with magmatic fluid at temperatures of about 400 C. Post-
mineralization vein δ18O records influx of surface meteoric fluids.

Figure 20. Antamina distal alteration synthesis.

Final report: Sources and Exhausts in Polymetallic Carbonate Rock-hosted Ore Deposits

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