Share Market

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with current system It's difficult to provide accurate stock market rese
arch information, but we have gone through the rigor of
putting together as much live share market information related informati
on as possible.
Option Tips are a company solely dedicated for the motive of creating aw
areness among the investors for better investments
in terms of safety and growth.
AJAX are not used in current working system in our system AJAX are used
to decrease amount of data usage and time to reload it
means it reloads particular part of web page insted of hole page.
Share is nothing but the Ownership of the company divided into small par
ts and each part is called as Share or
A person carrying a share of a company holds that part of ownership in t
hatcompany.A person holding maximum shares
has maximum ownership like directors,chairman etc.
Share Market
A Share market is the place where buying and selling of shares takes pla
ce.Now days due to internet and advanced
technology there is no need to bephysical present in exchanges like NSE
and BSE but the buying and selling of
shares takes place from anywhere in India and also from foreign country.
Oneshould need the demat account, computer
and internet connection and he/shecan start trading.
Share market and its analysis
Financial markets like NSE (National Stock Exchange) and BSE (Bombay Sto
ckExchange) are countries economic
barometer (a guide to economic growth).
Stock markets like NSE and BSE are the stock exchanges where the trading
of acompany's stock takes place.
First let us understand the Working of a share (stock) market
To learn about how you can earn on the stock market, one has to understa
nd how it works.
When a person want to buy/sell shares in the share market then he has to
firstplace the order with a broker or can
do themselves using online trading systems(this will be discussed later)
When you place the buy order, the message is transferred to the exchange
[either NSE {National Stock Exchange} or
BSE {Bombay Stock Exchange}] andthe order stays in the queue of exchange
's other orders and gets executed if
the price of that share comes to that value. Once you get the confirmati
on of thistranscation,the shares purchased,
will be sent to your demat account.The shareswill be in electronic form
at in demat account.
Rolling Settlement Cycle: (RSC)
RSC means when you will get your shares in your demat account.In a rolli
ng settlement, each trading day(T) is
considered as a trading period andtrades executed during the trading day
(T) are settled on a T+2 basis i.e.
tradingday plus two working days. So on forth working day you can see th
e shares inyour demat account
What is Demat account and why it is required?
Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is a board (corporate body
)appointed by the Government of India
in 1992 with its head office at Mumbai.
Itsone of the function is helping the business in stock exchanges and an
y other securities markets.
In another word it is the regulator for stock exchanges.# Demat (short f
orm of Dematerialization) is the process
by which an investor can get shares (also called as physical certificate
s) converted into electronic formmaintained
in an account with the Depository Participant (DP)
The present study was carried out with the objective to know Scope of sh
aremarket and its various catchments areas of
current securities company.
So as to know strength and weakness of share schemes of securities compa
ny,So that strengths can be increased and
weaknesses can be made the best insecurities Industry.
To study the
invester perceptions
about various securities company.
To know the level of awareness among consumers about
Share Market.
To make people know
about the various products
offered by securitiescompany.
To know the
interest level of the consumers
to get associated withshare market.
To collect various
suggestions from the consumers
to make sharemarket better one.
Research is a systemic and objective process of gathering recording anda
nalyzing data for aid of making decision
regarding a particular problem.
The research design is a master plan specifying the methods and
proceduresfor collecting and analyzing the needed
information the research design of mydissertation is
Descriptive research includes surveys and facts findings inquiri
es of differentkinds.
primary data is gathered through a survey with the help of quest
ionnaire.SECONDARY DATA secondary data sources
various websites.

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